#Karma’s not a puppy she’s almost 3 actually
octoooo · 10 months
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!💖
I remember doing something similar but I’ll choose 5 different things <3
1.) Friends on campus Uayayay. Anxiety sticks to me like the hair on my head, LIKE THE SPAGHETTI STAINS IN THAT ONE BOWL. Lmao I think it’s funny they first reached out because of the,,interesting stickers on my laptop + my Sailor Moon wallpaper/phonecase. We work on projects a lot in our librarby’s study rooms which is fun & chaotic <3
2.) My HAIR. I look SO delicious the frohawk is really workin for me (I feel like Genya,,,,,only bc of Mohawk this is so cool). Though I didn’t shave the sides of my head, I can’t bring myself to do it, maybe one day
3.) My dog, my pupperoni KARMAAAA!! I loaf her very much she’s so squish & looks like this
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Isn’t she the greatest :)?
4.) Oatmeal raisin cookies. Delicious, scrumptious & yummy. I think im addicted. I don’t get why ppl feel “betrayed” I guess when what look like chocolate chip cookies turn out to be oatmeal raisin, I’ll fuck them up any day. If you don’t want your oatmeal raisin cookies send them to me
5.) Sea slugs!!! Loaf them a lot they’re so squishy & squiggly & I need them all in my house Now <3
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 2 months
FOOLS IN LOVE - Chapter 3 - Part 1
BOOK THREE: 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
Samuel Moretti
I watched as Noah grabbed a girl's hand and led them away.
She was pretty, really pretty.
She had nice, long legs underneath her short leather skirt.
I met her a couple times, her name was... something with a C, maybe an S?
I wanted to throw up but I also didn't want Noah to see how much that bothered me.
It hurt to hear him be so cruel to me and see him with someone else.
Not that I didn't deserve it, I knew I hurt him way worse.
Didn't he know how much I regretted that?
If I could go back in time and not hook up with Noah's friend, I would but life didn't work that way and karma had a sick way of getting back to remind you of what you've done.
I stood there, my heart squeezing in pain as Noah walked right past me as if I didn't exist and out the front door.
To watch someone who meant so much to me, not wanting to even acknowledge me, was a hard pill to swallow.
I made a mistake, coming here was a mistake.
I could be living in an apartment with my boyfriend right now.
My boyfriend who I really really liked.
I texted Kai that I was leaving but before I did, I went to the kitchen, poured myself a shot of tequila and downed it.
Outside the house, I called Benjamin.
"Hey, sweetheart," he answered.
"You settled into your dorm?"
"Almost. I got invited to this First Saturday party at some frat house. I guess it's like a ritual to..."
"Don't you start School on Monday? You're already partying? Don't get involved in those crowds. It's bad news."
Sometimes I hated how good Ben was.
Good in the sense of staying out of trouble. all work, no play.
"It's Saturday night. It's not like I'm gonna get fucked up," I said defensively with a harsh tone but I didn't mean to lash out at him.
I was just upset at seeing Noah.
"Are you okay?"
I sighed.
Benjamin seemed to always know when something deeper was bothering me.
Something I forgot to mention to Benjamin?
I was attending the same college my ex-boyfriend was.
"I'm fine. I'm sorry I was harsh."
"You're not okay. Tell me what happened, babe."
'Babe?' I didn't know how I felt about that.
Kicking a rock as I walked down the dark pavement towards the apartment building, I said a little nervously...
"I have to tell you something."
"Huh? Okay. What's up?"
Rip the Band-Aid off.
Rip the Band-Aid off but I couldn't, so instead I said...
"I just really miss you."
Benjamin chuckled softly.
"You just saw me a few hours ago."
"Yeah, maybe I should've taken you up on the apartment offer," I jested which was a mistake.
"Please don't joke about that, not unless you're serious. I don't want to get my hopes up."
Benjamin's tone was delicate but with pain.
Like a wounded puppy.
Guilt washed over me.
"You're right, I'm sorry. That wasn't fair of me to say."
I made my way into my building.
"It's okay."
There was a moment of silence and I didn't know what else to say. but I didn't have to because after twenty or so seconds, Benjamin said...
"I miss you too."
I smiled to myself as I entered the elevator, pressing the 'ten' button.
"So, I actually wanted to take you to a restaurant tomorrow night," my stomach felt woozy.
"You don't have school Tuesday, right?"
"Right," I confirmed.
"Perfect, so I can pick you up at seven."
And if Benjamin said seven, he meant exactly seven.
He had never been late to any occasion.
I knew he secretly hated it when I took longer to get ready,but he waited patiently and still offered me his opinion on my outfits when I would ask.
"We'll go to this restaurant, you'll love it, it's Italian. authentic Italian," he pressed excitedly which made me chuckle but I was glad he wasn't here in person, otherwise he'd know something was off.
He was doing this on purpose, taking me to a restaurant that serves my favorite foods and for what?
Did he think that was going to make me magical fall in love with food and *bam* my relationship with food was restored but I knew Benjamin wasn't doing this to be cruel, he was trying to help, so I said...
"Sounds good and then you can spend the night in my dorm?" I suggested with a hint of lust in my tone and also to change the subject.
"That was my plan," he chirped.
I pulled my dorm room key that was attached to my lanyard 'Gay Crisis' written in black lettering all around it and unlocked my door before entering.
"So... what have you eaten today?"
I wanted to groan but I refrained as I set all my stuff down, kicking off my shoes.
That was the topic I was trying to avoid.
"I had Tropical Smoothie Cafe. Their flatbread sandwich is really good," he told me.
"What about you?"
"Um, I had a yogurt which you saw me eat this morning, some of those cashews, you bought at the gas station."
'Fuck, I swore I ate more that day.'
"Hmm and then?" he questioned when I didn't continue.
"And then at the party there was some food."
That wasn't a lie. I just didn't eat any of it.
"What kind?"
That time I did groan.
"Do you want me to send you videos of me eating?" I questioned, my mood shifting from annoyance to anger but I knew I had no right to feel either of those emotions, Benjamin was only looking out for me.
"Baby, I just want to know you're taking care of yourself and eating. Promise me you'll eat something tonight."
"I..." sighing, I said...
"I promise," it wasn't like I didn't know what I was doing was bad but when you tell yourself food will only make you gain weight and when people say things like...
'Wow, you've lost some weight in your face, no more chubby cheeks' from my grandma, you build this mindset and condition your brain to think... 'Do you see how many calories that is?' and you tend to not wanting to eat.
And for me, the nauseous, shameful feeling I got every time I ate something over 300 calories, I could do without but still I knew it was wrong.
"I'm sorry," I murmured.
"You don't have to apologize. I just, I need you to be okay," Benjamin's voice cracked and I knew he was upset.
I hated making him upset.
"I am," I assured.
"I'm going to eat, right now. I actually saw this on Tik-Tok, it's a rice cake with peanut butter, which is protein," I added as if he didn't know.
"And I cut up bananas and then top it off with raw honey. It's so good," I said passionately.
"And it fills me up. I'm so full afterwards."
"That does sound good."
I smiled, hearing his tone lighten up.
"I'm going to make that but I'll text you?"
"Okay, have a good night, Baby."
"Have a good night," I told him then hung up.
After getting into some comfy clothes, jogger sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, I made the peanut buttery delicious snack I told Benjamin about.
I placed it on a paper plate and settled into my bed with my food at my side and laptop in front of me.
Pressing 'play' on The Vampire Diaries, I stared at the rice cake for a minute, contemplating.
'This is healthy, Sam. Eat it. This is good for you.'
I picked it up and took a bite.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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love in their own way || albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli
masterlist characters: albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: in which their s/o's aren't as forward about their emotions, but still manage to have their little tells that express their love. notes: i hope this meets the request! i had a lot of fun writing this! i just want the boys to be happy :)
albedo -
i like to think albedo is secretly clingy but doesn't allow himself to show it to anyone.
naturally, it's just because he's always holed up with his work.
when he consciously does it... it's because he's nervous.
remember the end of his quest when he's talking to himself at dragonspine?
that's why he's nervous.
he's not too bothered by the fact that you're more reserved.
he has a lot of work so he can't really dwell on the idea for too long.
just you being there when he's working is good enough for him :D
as we all know, this boy is very into experimentation and learning.
so trying to decipher your minuscule facial changes is actually really interesting to him!
he has a bunch of notes just on the little details he can find about you.
and since he's so observant, it doesn't take him long to realize that there are certain signs that only appear around him.
he'll notice them when he's painting you.
whenever he's waiting for results, he'll use the time to draw you <3
because he's done this, he practically has you memorized.
so imagine his surprise when he sees your expression change whenever he leaves your sight.
it takes him a while to actually be able to see this, but i'm sure it's because of timaeus and sucrose.
after all, they're around you a lot whenever albedo is busy.
they probably take a picture to show him something they did while he was gone and that's when he notices.
he doesn't even have to look at a different picture of you.
he can just tell you look different.
the little crinkle next to your eyes was gone.
your lips were more pursed than usual.
you now had a crease in between your brows you didn't have before.
the next time he sees you, he'll hold up the picture next to your face to confirm they're different.
he wants to ask why there's a "clear" difference in your appearance but he already knows why.
he'll ask you just to be sure, though--
your cheeks get a tiny tiny bit darker when you answer wholeheartedly.
it does make him chuckle when he hears that you're so smitten for him in your monotonous voice.
the picture sucrose and timaeus took isn't his favorite of you, so he ends up taking a new one when you two are both exploring dragonspine.
it's a reminder of how much you really love him <3
childe -
out of the four boys here, he's definitely (in my opinion) the most affectionate.
like, this boy will take whatever he can get to just hold you for a second.
especially if you're also from snezhnaya but came all the way to liyue to keep him company.
he's very family-oriented as we've seen, so he treasures these relationships.
now, with an unaffectionate s/o?
honestly, i don't think he'd be too upset about it.
like i said, he really treasures these familial relationships.
because of this, it's his top priority to make sure you feel comfortable in the relationship.
he won't necessarily keep his distance, but he won't be too clingy either.
he'll stand right beside you, enough to where you can almost feel his skin touching yours.
as for your expressionlessness...
it'll take him a bit to really understand how you're feeling.
it's a lot of communication because he doesn't want to mess anything up.
near the beginning of the relationship, he'd ask how you're feeling and if there's anything bothering you.
but once he finally notices the subtle differences in your face, such as a slight eyebrow raise or a tilt of the head, he'll be able to read you easier.
nothing too complex, but just enough for him to tell your emotions.
there is one subtle change that he always looks for, however.
he's realized, with the help of zhongli of course, that there is a specific characteristic that only happens when he's in your line of sight.
your lips are normally pressed in a fine line.
however, around him, the corners lift up ever-so-slightly.
the only reason he's able to see it is that he'll catch himself staring at your lips because he wants a kiss :)
once he sees that, he starts noticing your little quirks whenever you're around him.
you'll lean closer to him as you're walking through liyue harbor.
your eyes start to soften as he talks on and on about his day (and complains about scaramouche--).
he loves the idea that all of these little details about you only happen around him,
it makes him feel... important.
and loved.
even if he holds back from touching you, he'll settle for seeing your cold exterior melt around him.
xiao -
he's not too well versed in affection...
i mean, he's the vigilant yaksha that is known for being stoic just like you are.
you two are basically carbon copies of each other.
no affection and no clear expressions of love.
people (who know both you and xiao) often forget that you two are actually together.
like, they just think you two sit in silence when you're both tired of dealing with people.
they... aren't necessarily wrong.
the two of you are often found sitting at the balcony looking over liyue.
sometimes you bring him almond tofu to share :)
it's very rare for the two of you to actively show your love for each other, mainly because you both know your feelings.
although... xiao does have those moments.
it's not like he's completely oblivious to the whispers about you two.
and on the days where his karma acts up, he gets insecure.
he's... really scared that one day you'll leave just like the others.
it doesn't matter if you're a mortal or an adeptus, he's scared that one day he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
and if that ever comes, he's scared you'll pass on either doubting your feelings or his.
it doesn't help when he notices the difference in your attitude and appearance when he's around.
his first instinct is that he's doing something bad.
either you're angry or upset at his mere existence...
verr goldet's the one who has to explain why you seem different.
she's quite observant on her own, especially because you're the first person that xiao actively enjoys being around.
she'll be the one to tell him that it isn't because you're mad at him.
you have minuscule changes because that's how xiao makes you feel.
you're so soft around him and she can tell just from the small interactions she's seen of you.
for example, when you're talking to the chef downstairs, you have the same expression that xiao has when he's talking to people.
you're annoyed but you know how to handle it.
but when you're around xiao, it's like everything that bothers you disappears.
it's like you're in your own domain whenever he's around.
nothing else matters except for him.
and even if she's relying on small observations and pure intuition, she can tell that the changes are good.
your eyes that seem to look anywhere besides the person you are talking to are completely different from the ones that seem to only focus on xiao.
your normally stiff body relaxes every time you summon xiao at the balcony.
the tiny smile that graces your lips when you disappear to the top of the inn for hours on end.
verr goldet's explanation calms his heart.
his worries seem to disappear and the next time he sees you...
this is the one thing his karma can't take away. he'll be sure of it.
zhongli -
zhongli is also another person who isn't well versed in relationships.
although he isn't as inexperienced as xiao, it'll take some time for him to figure it out.
he's not someone who craves affection like it's the only thing keeping him alive.
he definitely would appreciate it but he completely understands that it isn't something you tend to give.
so instead, he'll show his love in the smaller things.
such as telling you stories, sharing tea, going out on walks, etc.
he's another person who is very observant, especially in people close to him.
his storytelling friends often ask him about your relationship with one another.
they try to bring it to his attention that you may not be as interested as he thinks you are.
of course, he'll simply laugh them off and tell them that they should listen to the person who knows you best.
he'll turn those questions into a big story and explain how they're mistaken about you.
he's never actively told anyone this, save for hu tao who tries to bug him into telling her, but he'll tell them about all of the tiny details that tell him your feelings.
when you're feeling upset, you puff out your cheeks a small bit.
when you're angry, your glare hardens at whatever is making you mad.
when you're happy, your lips part slightly.
when you're in love... well, that's a detail he'll keep for himself.
he's quick to say goodbye to his peers, practically rushing back to your shared home.
he's greeted by you as soon as he opens the door.
your stoic expressions... would be exactly the same to anyone else.
but to him, it's like you've lit up like a small puppy seeing their human parents come home after years.
you don't run up to him, but you turn to look at him and away from the book on the table.
he'll greet you with a quiet nod, pulling out the chair and sitting next to you.
he'll take the book from you, taking in your appearance for a moment.
your shoulders relax by a hair and you move your chair an inch closer to his.
you don't lean your head on his shoulder but you lean towards him as if you were about to.
it's these moments that make everything worth it to zhongli.
here, in your home and in your life, he's simply zhongli.
the man you fell in love with and allowed your reserved self to open up to.
and he would trade anything just to have these moments with you.
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sweetness47 · 4 years
Karma is a Bitch
Theme: smutty filth, criminal activity, virgin reader, etc… MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY!!!!
Pairing Criminal!Steve Rogers x Nurse!Reader
This is for @sherrybaby14​ and her Reader-insert smut prompt challenge - Steve Rogers Prompt #16
A/N: I hope you like this @sherrybaby14 (hugs)
Final word count: 3898
Summary: After finally getting her freedom from mob life and putting her brother, James “Bucky” Barnes, behind bars with her testimony, a chance encounter with a wounded man puts everything she’s built for herself in jeopardy.
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Steve’s POV
This just wasn’t my day. I’d just pulled off a brilliant jewelry heist, only to get noticed by a passing patrol car while exiting the store.
Fuck my life.
It wasn’t always bad, at least not while I worked for Bucky. He was one hell of a crime boss and was more than fair to his employees, myself included. But now? He was in prison for 25 to life, because of a whack load of evidence and some pretty hefty testimonies. What was left of the empire he’d built was trying to survive.
That being said, fast forward to tonight. I make a beeline for the alley, my escape car parked two streets over, two-minute sprint through the back lanes. The cops started firing at me, I fired back. I managed to make it to the car and unlock the door before they rounded the final corner, weapons still drawn, bullets still flying everywhere.
Adrenaline was pumping wildly through my veins as I took off down the street, my unmarked Firebird screeching over the pavement. Taking back alleys and dark roads as much as possible, I finally managed to pull into a dark lot and ditch the car. I grabbed the jewels and ran for the underground sanctuary I had for emergencies.
I never made it there.
Reader’s POV
There are pros and cons to being a nurse. I get to help people, save lives, but the hours are shit. The only reason I stay is to help the patients. Well, that and money helps. Not that I need it. But I don’t like to use the other funds I have at my disposal, except in a dire emergency. They remind me too much of my brother and the life he had before my testimony put him away for life.
I was able to get into the witness protection program and have my name scrubbed from the testimony. I loved my brother, don’t get me wrong, but it was too much danger. My life almost ended a few times, but the last time was what made me turn. Not only did a rival family kidnap me, one of them almost raped me, and threatened to execute me. NOT FUN!
My brother killed them and rescued me, but I’d had enough. All I wanted was to live peacefully and without constant fear of being targeted by someone else. I changed my hair, my clothing, my looks, and my name, got a place in a different area of town, and was finally at a place in my life where I could just be me.
Well I was.
I went for a walk late, my German shepherd decided to fancy a stroll, and of course, how could I say no to that beautiful puppy face. I wasn’t worried about being attacked or anything, mostly because one look at Bowser (yes I named him Bowser), and most people crossed the street to avoid me. It was a nice feeling.
It was Bowser who noticed him first. I was completely in my own little world, enjoying the evening air, the stars. Bowser barked, whining as he strained against his leash, desperate to get to whatever was in the parking lot. I frowned. Bowser never behaved like this. It was unnerving to say the least. I followed my dog’s lead, and my jaw dropped at the sight of the man on the ground, unconscious, blood pooling from a wound in his side. I knelt down and check his pulse, and breathed a sigh of relief upon finding he wasn’t dead.
I went to call 9-1-1 and get an ambulance, but a hand reached out to stop me. “No cops. Please.” He croaked before passing out once more.
I frowned. I didn’t like the road this evening was heading down, and I certainly didn’t need to draw attention to myself. But I couldn’t walk away either. This man needed help, and I was the only person around who could get him the help he needed.
I checked around for security cameras around the lot, finding none close by, then checked the street. It was almost a god send that the streets were empty at the moment, and that my home was close by. I grabbed him by the arms, and dragged him back to my house, Bowser sticking close by, in case something bad happened.
Steve’s POV
I winced at the sunlight pouring in, it’s brightness blinding me something fierce. I had a massive headache, and on top of that, every movement shot burning pain through my abdomen. I gingerly moved my hand over the area and felt a bandage. Then I remembered seeing the blood seeping through my clothing right before I collapsed.
I’d been shot.
But I wasn’t in a hospital, nor was I in a prison medical facility. I was in a house. Whose house, I couldn’t say, but it looked feminine. The room I currently occupied had sunshine yellow walls, with decorative floral art pieces hanging from them. The furnishings were dark mahogany to contrast the yellow, and the bedding was a mix of pink and grey, with a quilted floral bedspread. It was actually quite breathtaking.
I tried to move, desperate to take a leak, only to realize three things.
1.       I was naked.
2.       It hurt to move.
3.       There was a massive German shepherd sitting at the foot of the bed watching my every move.
The dog whined and barked, drawing in a woman, no an angel. Her (H/C) hair flowed about her with fluid grace, in time with her body movements. Her skin was radiant, almost glowing in the sunshine lit room. Her (E/C) eyes were magnets, drawing me in like a ship to a siren.
My body certainly had no problems with her looks either, I could feel myself growing hard, and had to shift the covers to hide my obvious attraction.
“Going somewhere?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.
“I need to use the washroom.” I managed to speak with a somewhat normal tone. My other brain was screaming for me to take her and do wicked things to that delectable body of hers.
She cocked her head to one side, as if studying me. “Hmm. Ok. Here,” she tossed me a robe. “Put this on and I’ll help you to the bathroom.”
I nodded and slipped the white terry bath robe over my broad shoulders. It was actually quite roomy and comfortable. She blushed and turned away while I awkwardly stood and wrapped the plush material around my torso to cover my hard-on.
Once I was ready I cleared my throat and she turned back to me, then came to put my arm around her shoulders to support me while we journeyed to the washroom. Once there, she released my arm. “I’ll be here when you’re done. There’s a new toothbrush in there, and shaving products should you want to use them.”
I nodded and closed the door. After relieving myself, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I didn’t shave, but made sure my beard was trimmed and clean. Once I was done, I ran my fingers through my hair, using a small amount of water to smooth down the stray hairs.
Satisfied with my appearance, I opened the door and, true to her word, the woman was leaning against the wall, waiting for me. She positioned herself on my sore side, taking my arm and wrapping it around her shoulders once more, and walked me back to the room.
My body reacted to her close proximity, her scent was intoxicating. Citrus and floral, a hint of vanilla and sandalwood. I fought the urge to take her against the wall, fuck her senseless, pound into her so hard that she wouldn’t walk straight for a god damned week.
Only the pain from the gunshot stopped me from my current fantasy. Carefully I sat on the bed and she helped me swing my legs up so I could lay back on the pillows she’d placed behind me.
“Stay.” She ordered, before disappearing from the room. Minutes later she returned with a tray containing a sandwich, some soup, and what smelled like coffee, along with a glass of water and what I perceived to be pain meds. “Do you take cream or sugar, and do you have any allergies?”
When I shook my head, she continued. “Here’s some T 3’s. They’ll help take the edge off the pain. After you’ve eaten, we’ll get you set up for a shower, then I’ll check and redress the wound. You’re lucky, you know. It was a through and through shot, and didn’t hit any major organs.”
I arched a brow. “How did you know it was a gunshot?”
“I’m a nurse.” She said simply. “Besides, I’ve seen enough of those kinds of wounds to last a lifetime. It’s not my first rodeo with this shit.”
I wanted to ask what she meant but decided against it. It wasn’t any of my business. But I could see a hint of what looked like regret in her gaze, along with sorrow, like she missed someone, family perhaps. She turned away and strode out of the room, leaving me to dig in to the feast before me. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until now, the homemade broccoli and cheddar soup invading my senses, and the turkey bacon club sandwich that accompanied the hot liquid was divine. I took the analgesics and then quickly polished off the food before me, my stomach rejoicing as it received the tantalizing offerings.
My mind wondered briefly to the other things she’d said. Mostly, setting me up for a shower. I could barely stand on my own right now, maybe I could lean against the shower tiles for most of it, but getting in and out would be a challenge. What I wouldn’t give to have her in there with me, her hands sliding over my skin as she lathers soap over my body, caressing my shoulders, my abs, my aching cock. It was a wet dream right now, but damn, what I wouldn’t give to make it reality. To take her and make her mine. Permanently.
Reader’s POV
I pride myself on my self-control, and my ability to do my job. Mr. Hunk wasn’t making my life or my job easy, that’s for sure. He’d been unconscious for two damn days, and I can’t even begin to count how many times I’d imagined what he’d feel like. I’m embarrassed to admit I’d masturbated a few times with him in my thoughts. It took every ounce of will power I possessed to clean and bandage his wound without running my fingers over his firm torso or those rock solid abs.
Last night I’d been so bold as to masturbate while watching him sleep. I imagined his fingers parting my folds, his tongue fucking me, his hard cock driving into me with wild abandon. I’d never reacted to any man like this. It was new and a bit frightening.
I’d kissed a few men in my 22 years, but I’d never actually done anything beyond that. James was very protective, and very intimidating. Any guy who met him usually took me on a very polite date, then I never heard from them again. After my brother’s incarceration I’d been so engrossed in work and changing my identity and address, I hadn’t really put any thought into dating
But now, with my overbearing sibling in prison, and this gorgeous man in my bedroom, the thoughts were most definitely there.
I walked back to the room after about half an hour, smiling when I see the empty tray. He was famished, as I’d guessed, and polished off the entire meal. “How was the food? Satisfactory, I hope?”
He grinned. “Beyond satisfactory. It was spectacular. Thank you. For all of this.” He gestured to his bandage and the tray.
I blushed and nodded, my eyes raking over his bare chest. “Your welcome. Now, we should get you showered and cleaned up so I can check that wound.”
He glanced at me, and I quickly averted my eyes. Had he seen me ogling him? Fuck.
“You should tell me your name. I want to know the name of my savior.”
My cheeks were crimson now. “YN.” I managed, my voice shy now.
He looked me over. “YN. It’s a beautiful name. I’m Steve.”
He held his hand out to me, and I took it. Instantly, sparks flew between us. He studied my reaction, and I couldn’t tear myself away from his blue eyes, sparkling like sapphires in the gleam of the afternoon sun.
I cleared my throat. “We should get you to the shower now.”
He nodded and I helped him stand. He turned to face me for a moment, and his head bent toward me, his lips brushing lightly across mine. He quickly straightened and apologized. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
I frowned and helped him to the washroom. Had I done something wrong? Was I supposed to react differently? My hormones were screaming at me to kiss him, to inform him he hadn’t been out of line at all. I was simply surprised by the gesture. I wanted him to kiss me again actually.
My panties were wet with the thought.
I started the shower then blushed furiously as I turned to him, only to find that he’d removed the robe and stood in front of me in all his naked glory. Fuck! My panties, if they weren’t ruined before, certainly were now. I was gushing. I’m pretty sure I orgasmed from the sight of him.
As if sensing my lustful thoughts, he stepped closer to me, and gently wrapped his hand around the back of my head, tilting it up to meet his lips once again. The second our mouths connected I melted, and any resolve I’d been having went straight out the window. He lifted my shirt and tossed it behind him with his good side, then went to remove my bra. I worked swiftly at removing my jeans and my ruined undergarments, then I put my hand in his and led him to the shower. The steamy liquid washed down over us, and Steve winced as his wound made contact with the water.
“Careful. Just turn slightly away from the water. Partial contact will be easier to endure.” I whispered.
Steve shrugged. “I’ve got something to distract me from the pain.” He pulled me into his arms again as his lips crashed into mine. There was no gentleness there, just raw, savage need. I could feel the thick bulge of his arousal pressed against my belly as I pressed closer to him. God this man was fucking incredible, well endowed, and at this moment…mine.
Steve’s POV
Pain was about the furthest thing from my mind. I was pretty sure this was heaven as I watched YN take some soap and lather it over my body, taking extra care around the bullet wound. Her hands caressed my back, my front, then she moved lower, giving my hard cock some much wanted attention. Her tongue flicked over my length, then dipped into the tip, swirling around the large head, causing it to jerk. I almost came right there.
“Careful sweetheart. You might make me come too soon.”
She stood and grinned while blushing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
I stopped her right there. “I wasn’t stopping you because I wasn’t enjoying your attention. Quite the opposite, actually. I was very happy with what you were doing. But I was hoping to finish in a different way.”
Her lips formed an ‘Oh’ while she turned a bright crimson. Could she really be that innocent? I was beginning to think she’d never done anything like this before.
We rinsed off and exited the shower, YN bending down to retrieve the robe from the floor. She wrapped it around me, then grabbed a towel for herself. Taking my hand, she walked with me back to the bedroom, where she had me lay down, minus the robe, while she put a fresh bandage on my wound. Once that was taken care of, she removed her towel and came to join me on the bed.
“How do you want to do this?” she asked.
I thought for a moment. I was in good enough shape to support myself with my good side, but I didn’t know if I could get all the momentum needed. The best option would be her on top.
“Straddle my hips.” I motioned with my hands, then I reached between us and felt her tight heat. She was so wet. Fuck! I slid my fingers along her slit, and she gasped when I slipped two of my thick digits inside her. Tight was in fact an understatement. I cursed then she moaned. My control was all but gone now, I wanted nothing more than to dive in.
So I did.
I lined up my cock with her entrance and after looking into her eyes, thrust inside. Her tight walls contracted as she struggled to adjust to my size. There was a brief flicker of pain in her eyes, but her smile told me all I needed. Then I was thrusting, slowly at first, making sure she was still ok, then I picked up speed.
She chanted my name over and over as she felt the first orgasm hit, throwing her head back as it washed over her. Her cries filled the room as my thrusts became more urgent, giving her more aftershocks.
“Steve…Oh God!”
Her words sent me into a frenzy as I hit my own climax, spilling inside her as her walls clenched around my cock.
Panting, she collapsed on top of me, then scurried to the side when I groaned. “Oh my god, sorry.” She immediately felt horrible for the faux pas.
“No worries.” I reassured her. I pulled her close to me our bodies relaxed from the mind-blowing sex we’d just participated in.
“Ok.” She said quietly as her eyelids closed, along with mine, our bodies resting together.
Reader’s POV
I woke first, glancing beside me, my cheeks flushed as I recalled what I’d done with this man. Carefully maneuvering out of his arms, not that I really wanted to, I got off the bed and went to check his wound. The vigorous sex we’d had last night hadn’t opened the stitches thankfully, nor had it caused any weeping. I breathed a sigh of relief and tugged on some sweats and a t-shirt. Padding to the kitchen, I set about making some breakfast, quickly deciding on pancakes and bacon.
Maybe it’s my inner consciousness chiding me, but I realize I know nothing about the man in my bed. I don’t know who he is or why he was shot. I don’t know fuck all really, apart from his first name. There’s a small part of me that thinks he looks familiar, but for the life of me I can’t place him. I shake the thought from my brain as I mix the batter and start frying the bacon.
I have coffee going and most of the food made when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and I’m greeted with soft lips on mine. “Morning.” His voice is husky and I feel myself growing damp once again. I never knew one man could have such a profound effect on me.
I smile and hand him a mug of coffee. “Morning yourself, sleepyhead. How do you feel today?”
He sat down at the table. “Not bad, better than yesterday for sure. Considering the activities of last night, I feel pretty damn good.”
I nodded as I put out the food. “That’s good.” I pause as I sit down across from him. “We should probably talk.”
He seems to think on that idea. “Yeah, probably. I’m sure you’ve got a shitload of questions about everything.”
“I do, though I probably don’t want to know the answers to them.” I answer truthfully. And I really don’t, for numerous reasons. What I don’t know can’t hurt me, well not directly. Or at least, that’s what I told myself.
He nodded. “I was seen by a patrol car leaving the scene of a jewelry heist. I was seconds away from a clean getaway. I ran, they chased, they shot at me, I shot at them…blah blah blah. You get the idea. Anyways, I got to my car and drove off, only to get out, make it about 20 feet, and collapse behind the dumpsters. You know the rest.”
I pursed my lips. “How did you get into this life? You’re smart, strong, and you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. You don’t seem like the type to just choose crime as a life goal.”
He looked down at his plate. “I was a street kid, orphaned when I was 11. This guy found me and took me in, gave me a place to stay and food to eat. I guess it was kind of like adopting, but he was only two years older than me. He had a family.”
My eyes widened. “Wow. So you stayed with his family?”
He shook his head. “No. He hid me at their family guest house for some years. No one ever used it, it was kind of like a prop on their land. So I had heat, running water, and shelter. The boy who’d helped me brought me some of his clothes and always visited me. My life would probably have ended years ago if he hadn’t found me.”
That uneasy feeling popped into the back of my mind again. I really hoped I was wrong with that thought. I remembered my brother spending a lot of time in our guest cottage. He never let me tag along, mostly cuz I was 4 and completely annoying at that age. But, he’d also warned me to never go near the cottage, else he’d beat me. Not that he ever laid a hand on me. It was just a warning, but one I took seriously at the time. He’d also warned me to never tell mom or dad about his frequent visits to the guest house. And I hadn’t.
I held my breath, debating whether or not I should ask the next question, the one that burned on the tip of my tongue. I would hate myself for asking, but I would hate myself more for not asking.
“What was the boy’s name?”
My blood froze when he answered, and not just from the answer, but from the tone of his voice. “You probably know him, since I saw a picture of him on your dresser this morning YN. His name was James, but everyone always called him Bucky.”
@sherrybaby14​ @legion1993​
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This thing happened to me a few months ago. I ve 3 best friends, i ll call them money, JD and RD. D stands for darling and J and R are their initials while money is her actual nickname. Money has changed cities while RD has gone to another state and is studying in college rn whereas me and JD are preparing for NEET( it's the medical entrance exam in my country).
I m scared of stray animals particularly dogs. I mean as long as the dog isn't mine or is barking, biting or going to fight another dog, I am fine with them around me.
So JD has this German shepherd at her home. This one time I went to drop her at her house at night and I don't know from where Bruno got out and immediately pounced on me. This was the first time happening to me and he was bigger than me and he was aiming his licking at my face( I didn't know at that time he was trying to lick), I just felt threatened like he was huge than me, a 5'6" on the fat side, I screamed at the top of my lungs. They tried to control it but it still kept pouncing on me, I was on the verge of tears, so when they controlled it a bit I flew away and sat in my car(I saw him running after me after breaking from their hold). I ve never ran so fast in my heels. The next day I asked her if the neighbor's windows were broken and man she was genuinely confused so I told her bitch I never knew I could scream that hard. I remember that when I started screaming all the neighbors dogs and stray dogs started barking all together and it was all chaos.
Another time it happened on her birthday. So when I went at her house I was relatively ready for it and Bruno didn't disappointed me, I just kept my face safe with a stance of girl being protecting herself from molestation and the neighbors were all laughing. Inside her house too Bruno kept playing and snuggling with me. She told me he's never like this other than the family members and it felt nice but I am still a little fearful.
So RD is more of a scaredy cat than me so I decided to be a little evil. I ve planned it out with JD that I ll get RD at her house after the lockdown ends and she didn't need to specifically bind Bruno. I m gonna stand by the side seeing RD getting harassed by a now more huge Bruno( she's just a little shorter than me but more on the skinny side). JD was all in it so I told RD that we ll visit JD before she goes back to college. She specifically asked about the dog and me with the most innocent face I could ever muster told her that JD will bind it while cackling all the while inside. You know she was scared of it as a puppy too. Bruno has never bitten anyone, is very scared of fireworks and is just very scared from anything remotely weird.
So today! I was going on a walk with RD and we saw this giant fat German shepherd in the way without it's leash or it's owner and i almost went weak in the knees because of the trauma. My face must have really looked horrified because she started giggling saying that it's the most harmless dog and even she ain't scared of it. I particularly remember that dog barking like crazy at me whenever I passed by when I was little. She said don't be a pussy , U literally called all the puppies cute u see on ur way. I was way distracted at her smug expression and then remembered our plan and smirked. Bwahahaha karma's a bitch of course. Soon the day will arrive when me becomes the one laughing at u and just sniggered the whole way imagining her traumatic expression. I know I m evil.
Just for the sake of it I m clearing that I live in green zone of my city and we are cut some slack and are allowed to go to walk with masks and some precautions.
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It's Bruno sleeping on her textbook. He likes doing that
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sleepingspacedragon · 4 years
Multiples of 3
Thank you Sarge 😁
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
"my curiosity. The yeomanry are precisely the order of people"
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Definitely with, I do not enjoy being naked
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Not that I know of but maybe someone wrote a calaverita about me at some point 🤷🏼‍♀️
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
Yes but only to stop a nosebleed
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Behind, infinitely
18: Do you believe in karma?
I want to, I really really do
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
Oof, the big one is definitely Kate Beckinsale, I've been in love with that woman since I was a kid 😍
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Makeup, mugs and blazers. I guess nail polish too
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
I hate the sound of the earthquake alert with the fire of a thousand suns, and I adore the sound of Floor Jansen's voice
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
Yarn to the right, empty air to the left
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
If this means in the US neither, thank you very much. In my own country... I'd probably go with East
36: Define Art.
The result of humanity's need to create things that make them feel something
39: What time is it?
7:57 pm
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
No, I can feel it killing my braincells and I really like my braincells
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
A dog bit off half an inch of my top lip when I was 4
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Not actively, it's a waste of energy. But I don't really forgive, I'm a petty bastard
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
If I'm not mistaken almost a whole wardrobe of summer clothes 😅
57: How many relationships have you had?
Well fuck me. A lot of... silly puppy love, I guess we can say? But long term, serious ones just 3
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Yes, some books
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Honestly? I have no clue why people like me 😅
66: What is your heritage?
Uh... Mexican? Truth be told I haven't the slightest fucking idea 😂 I know there's some indigenous ancestry going on on my mum's side, and definitely quite a bit of white European, most likely Spanish, but that goes back over a century and almost certainly over two. Rumour says there's some French from around the turn of the last century and that that's why great-great-granny had grey eyes and why me and so many of my cousins are paler than our parents, but I call serious bullshit on that. I gotta do that ancestry genetic test thingy one day cause I'm actually rather curious
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
This setting is already terribly flawed in that I would never be found in a doctor’s office 😂 anyway, I would tell everyone cause I can't keep my mouth shut, I'd travel to as many beautiful places as I could and I would be afraid, yes, but also I made peace with death a long time ago so I'd be mostly ok
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
Depends on the context. It can, but it can also make creation impossible
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
I'd like my body to be disposed of in the most ecological way available, so no tombstone. But I guess "She did just fine" would do the job
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
It is what it is
87: What is your current desktop picture?
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90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
I’d watch them for a bit, just to see if they did anything, then go back to sleep
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
I wouldn’t get my heart broken
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
Not that I’m aware but honestly who knows
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Stay the fuck inside, and if you just gotta go out wear your fucking mask
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ciestessde · 4 years
Chapter 1
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When Ciestess arrives in our new world, her first thought is something completely pointless.
< Cold… I’m cold again… < … I HATE the cold. >
Tess knew she’d be cold. She starts off cold almost every time she arrives in a new world. And yet she always acts surprised by it each time.
She’s lying down. I can feel grass and dirt underneath our new body. So she’s outside, then.
There’s something poking her side, maybe a twig or rock. It hurts, but not enough to make her move yet, apparently. Always so careless about her health, I swear…
She opens her eyes. There’s a tree trunk in front of her. A forest, then? Ah, there we go -- she sits up. Not just a forest. She’s on a mountain.
She gives a long-suffering sigh. < Why can’t my body ever form with clothes on? No matter how many times it happens, it never gets any less annoying. < Noctu isn’t bugging me yet, at least. > Oh yeah? Looks like it’s time for Xihrae’s present!
I send the information our newest companion’s gathered into her brain, and her head throbs all the way to the eye sockets. < Jeez! C’mon, man, really?! I get making sure I’m prepared, but this is too much information! Now I’m cold AND I have a headache! It’s like I studied for over a hundred tests in five minutes!!! > One hand goes up to her head, the other to the ground to help keep her steady. She’s swaying, the world spins… < Ooooh, my head! I’m gonna be sick! I need a distraction -- anything but the pounding in my skull! >
She looks outward for a distraction, while inside her new brain synthesizes the rush of information and experiences about this world. She starts at her toes. This new body seems to be humanoid, as Tess prefers. Similar, in its basic form, to her original body, and the kind of form she’s been in for the past few worlds. Working to stand, she gets her feet under her, wobbling in the unfamiliar gravity, nervous system, and bodily proportions. < I’m… maybe average size for its age? Still smaller than I’d like. > < What were you expecting, > I interrupt her thoughts, < when starting out at prepubescence? > As her gaze moves up, I notice several differences about this body. It has fangs, I can feel a strength like iron in every muscle, and, although it’s night, she can see for miles in every direction.
< Greeeaaat. And just when my head finally stops pounding, I’m interrupted by yet another annoyance; as usual, I’ve arrived hungry. Be-a-utiful. > < Well, yeah. A new body doesn’t come with a full stomach any more than it does with clothes. > < Although… Wait, I’m hungry for-? > < -Yep! And on that note, Xihrae knew you’d be interested in this the moment he heard about it. > I point out a specific set of information in her head. < The world’s last vampire. Until you showed up, anyway. > She’s started grinning without even realizing it. < Aww, you two! Always spoiling me~! You really know how to brighten a girl’s mood! >
Now used to her newest flesh prison, she stretches her new prizmal body a bit. It seems that, while Prizmal itself is far from connected to the material aspects of this world, her own prizmal body can interact with any matter it touches. < Well. Having to drink blood isn’t exactly ideal, but, hey!- > The ground underneath her turns to shadow, then spreads up and envelopes her. < -at least I can make my own clothes, for once! >
She just makes a simple black dress. No need for anything fancy.
And no time, either. She hears something approaching -- a LOT of somethings.
She stretches her eyesight. < In the bushes. Is that…? -No way! > < Oh, no. >
She lets out a little scream of delight, “Ah! Wolfies!” She doesn’t love wolves NEARLY as much as vespers, but they are definitely up there on her “favorite animals” list. …Which means I’m gonna be stuck listening to her blather on about them the whole time we’re in this world.
Tess thanks her new body for its instincts as she transforms into a flock of bats, each only about two inches long, to get a closer look. She dodges through tree limbs and around foliage, and if I had a face, I’d cringe at the handful of times she crashes. We find a surprise when she reaches the nearest one. < JEEZ, it’s huge! I’d almost forgotten how big wolves are! > < Actually… > I do a quick calculation, relating the size of the wolf to the nearby elements, < It’s bigger than average by approximately- >
< -Yeah, whatever -Don’t care -CUTE! > But karma must exist here, because the wolf notices her, snapping at the air with enormous, drooling, teeth-filled jaws- < -Bigwolf,lotsofdrool,bigjaws,MANYTEETH! > She had also, apparently, forgotten how freaking high they can jump, because she only barely dodges in time. < Hey! That’s no way to treat a new guest! > < … Was that meant to be out lou-? > < I know, I know. I’m currently still ba- > < -Because bats can’t talk, y’kno-! > < -Shut up! I’m doing well for only, like… 5 minutes in! > < Haha! ~Whatever makes you feel better, sweetie~! >
She finds a nice-sized branch above the creature and transforms back to her humanoid fleshiness- and pauses to listen. < … Rustling? -Oh. It’s packmates! 1, 2, 3… > They stalk out of the trees slowly. There’s maybe ten of them, all growling and barking at her, their eyes reflecting the moonlight. She purses her lips. < … No. No, this just won’t do. They are all far too cute to have angry at me. < I want to pet them, dammit!
< Alright… Deep breath. > Oh! She’s about to start a hypnotizing song. I always love watching this part! I tune in more deeply to the senses of her body, trying to feel what she feels. The wind gusts, filling our nose with the scent of autumn- -When one of them starts howling.
The others all join in -- it’s SO LOUD!
We cover our ears, cringing in pain and realizing, belatedly, that of course Tess’s hearing is more sensitive than Xihrae’s! All of her senses are more sensitive than his! But still… Listening past the pain, it’s a rather beautiful noise… Almost a shame to interrupt.
But, in the shadows of the trees on the other side of the small clearing -- a new audience member is watching. So it’s time to put on a show. We take another breath. The wind slows. And Tess sings.
It takes a couple minutes to have an effect. But slowly, the howling stops. Once every wolf is silently staring at her, she jumps down -- a fall that would have broken both of Xihrae’s legs, yet she barely feels it. < Well well. You finally get a body that isn’t as fragile as PAPER for once! > I jab at her. It’s an exaggeration… But, more to my own annoyance than her’s, only barely.
The wolves approach her, blocking any escape. They’re large enough, and Tess small enough, that they can look her in the eyes. They sniff her -- then start licking her and pounding the ground with their paws. Tess grins widely, uncontrollably. < Aaaww! A group of giant predators, acting like I’m their leader?!
< So cute! > She scratches behind the nearest wolf’s ears. “Who’s a dangerous predator! Who’s a good giant puppy!?”
“...” As she’s having the time of her short-lived life, her mysterious audience member decides to show himself. He steps out from beneath a nearby pine, the shadows clinging to him -- then dispersing as he pulls away from them, evidently having only been held in place by his presence. An old man, almost twice Tess’s height. Wrinkled face, white hair reaching past his shoulders. Matching long white mustache and goatee. Dressed in a clearly expensive suit. Eyes the color of blood.
… And fangs poking out of his smile. He’s clapping with skeleton-like hands -- and chuckling.
The last vampire.
The name Xihrae had saved for her surfaces in her mind. < This must be “Dracula.” > Along with the name comes one of Xihrae’s master plans, solidifying itself step-by-step inside her head. Having watched him form it, I vouch for it; in this case, it (probably) isn’t a setup for some kind of chaos.
Still, it’s not impossible for him to hide information from me. And yet, despite my doubts, despite the number of times he’s tricked us, Ciestess insists upon trusting him! I just don’t understand… But. Even if I don’t agree, I… Well. Tess has decided to trust him.
So, I’ll let it slide. For now.
Having reviewed her course of action, Tess braces herself to play the long-game. < Well, then. Time to put on my best innocent act. > Aaah! A show I love even more than her singing: Watching the effects of her aura on brand new souls! Fumbling, she extracts herself from the mountain of paws, tongues, and wagging tails. < Time to make a good impression. >
She twists and fidgets her hands in front of her, makes her eyes go wide, eyebrows tilted up and in, the corners of her mouth tilted down -- and many other microexpressions, adding up to an overall fearful and guilty appearance. She squeaks out, “I’m s- I’m so sorry for trespassing! -” -But he interrupts her apologies, “I’ve never seen my wolves take so well to an outsider.” His voice is deep, but not as deep as I had expected.
He stops clapping, folding his hands behind him as he walks towards her. The wolves move out of his way quickly, sitting at attention on either side of his path like soldiers. Even the ones near her stop playing to stand and watch him, their ears and eyes trained on him, tails low and unmoving. Dracula only stops once he’s within arms reach of Tess, staring down with a calm, intrigued expression.
And that’s all he does, for a few moments. His eyes bore into hers. Then-
“How did you learn such an ability?” Still feigning nervous energy -- hands fidgeting, feet shifting -- she replies, holding eye contact, “I was… born with it. I think?” “You think?” Nothing has changed, yet the tension coming from him is palpable. Pursing her lips, Tess breaks the eye contact and rubs her arm.
“What is your name?” She looks back up at him. His expression still hasn’t changed.
She breaks eye contact yet again, looking to the right of him. < Innocence. Ignorance. > Trying to appear as though she’s struggling to remember -- eyebrows furrowed, mouth tense -- Tess replies slowly, “Ci… Cies…?” Then, as she looks back at him, she says her name with confidence. “Ciestess.”
His eyes narrow slightly -- but his head tilts just a little. < Good, good… Come on… > “Your accent. You are from… far from here, yes?” She regains her uncertain, “thinking” pose and doesn’t answer. He waits patiently for a bit, then asks, “Where are you from, miss Ciestess?” She transitions to feigning slight anxiety -- eyes wide, eyebrows tilted back up. Looking back at him, she replies, “I… I don’t…”
He doesn’t miss a beat. “How did you get here?”
< Yes! He’s falling for it. Time to seal the deal! > She looks down at the ground, wraps her arms around herself and starts shaking -- which isn’t hard, since she’s still cold. “I don’t know. I- … How did I…? Wh-” Tess looks back up at him, eyes even wider. “Where… am I?”
He considers Tess for a few moments, eyes narrowed even further. Yet, he almost seems to be grinning, slightly. < If he thinks he’s playing me -- EVEN BETTER! > “Do you have anywhere to stay? Anyone you’re travelling with?” She looks back at the ground, shoulders hunching slightly, and, after a couple of beats, shakes her head.
It only takes a couple more moments before it happens: “Why not come inside? You can stay with me. Until we find where you belong.”
His hand enters her line-of-sight -- he’s holding it out for Tess to take. She looks back up at him. With power in his voice, he says, “I insist.”
Outwardly, Tess hesitantly takes his hand -- still shaking and wide-eyed. Inwardly -- she’s struggling not to grin.
< Hook, line, and sinker! >
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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diyunho · 6 years
The Joker x Reader -“The Golden Boxers”
The Joker stumbled on the gold boxers by accident and didn't even care for them until he realized they have some kind of strange power over Y/N. What is a man supposed to do with such intoxicating ability? He's going to use it, of course. 
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1.  First contact
Gotham’s royal couple is choosing some new clothes for their wardrobe at “Sauvage Coeur”, a very chic boutique belonging to one of The Joker’s business partners. The venue is closed to the public for the night, this way Y/N and her boyfriend can roam around and enjoy the shopping spree.
“What about this shirt, Pumpkin? Do you think this purple shade is too light for my skin tone? Should I get it?” J asks for your opinion, not sure he wants it yet.
“…U-hum…” you reply, completely absent minded.
“OK then, I’ll take it,” he adds the item to the pile in the cart and gazes your way just to see you staring at a mannequin wearing a pair of golden boxers next to the “Intimate Apparel” male section.
You seem totally smitten, almost in a trance.
Y/N grabs some socks from a nearby display table and rolls them in a hurry, stuffing them inside the underwear afterwards.
“Pretty close,” you grin to yourself and The Joker is confused.
“What are you doing, Princess?!”
“This…” you point out towards the plastic model, “…this would look great on you!” the excited girlfriend shouts.
“Hmm…” he huffs, analyzing the skimpy, tight boxers. He takes more socks from the table and shoves them inside the garment, finally pleased on how the crotch appears. “That’s more like it,” J grins, full of confidence. “Size matters, Pumpkin!”
“Oh!” you enthusiastically exclaim because it is actually closer to the truth. Your eyes are so big and you seem so captivated he reads the tag out of pure curiosity:
“One of the kind, made out of 24 karat gold thread. Exclusive for our boutique. Price: 10,000 dollars.”
“I guess I’ll take them,” J lifts his shoulders up because why not?
He loves gold anyway.
2. Discovering the Hidden Powers 
The Joker crawls in bed next to you, resting his chin on your arm.
“What are you reading, Doll?” he pretends to be interested in your magazine.
“Meh, boring things,” you sigh and glare his way, ignoring the fact that he’s naked. Y/N goes back to turning pages while J sulks, not happy about your reaction.
He pulls down on the strap of your lacy nightgown and you pull it back up, kissing his forehead in the process.
“Not tonight, baby. I have a terrible headache.”
“Do ya’?” he squints his eyes, suspicious on the reason. “I must point out that shopping for new clothes tonight got me quite aroused, especially after you tried on those pretty dresses,” he lifts your already short nightgown higher, softly pecking your thigh.  
“Maybe tomorrow, hm? I really do have a terrible headache,” you explain and go back to reading.
The King of Gotham pouts more, his pride hurt after the obvious rejection.  
“Fine!” he growls and rolls out of bed, grabbing the freshly washed boxers waiting on his side of the bed, getting ready to sleep since it’s clear he won’t do anything else this evening. One leg goes in, then the other. The soft fabric hugs his hips and…
“Oh!” you gasp and ogle J as he adjusts his pillows, suddenly paying attention. You scoot over, biting your lip so hard it hurts. “You look really sexy in this,” you walk your fingers on his abs, seductively battering your eyelashes.
“Do I?” he sneers, in a bad mood because you told him no moments ago.
“Yeah…” you gulp and slide on top of him, starting to kiss him in a frenzy.
“I thought you have a headache,” The Joker points out and you don’t even remember uttering the words.
“It’s gone now!” you scream with such determination there is no doubt about it.
Interesting…, your boyfriend has time to think before his Queen goes crazy on him.
Not bad for a woman that just miraculously got rid of a migraine in a few seconds. A true mystery!
3. More Powers
The next morning J is roaming around in his gold boxers, searching for one of his guns. You keep on following him like a lost puppy.
“You need something, Pumpkin?” he frowns, not understanding why you’re acting weird.
“Nope,” you fastly reply, pinching his butt when he bends over to peek under the sofa in the living room.
The Joker kind of jumps, rubbing the sore spot.
In the two hours since he’s been up, his butt wrapped in the golden fabric got slapped, pinched and groped more than humanly possible. Not that he doesn’t enjoy the extra attention.  
“Stop it, Y/N! What got into you?” he scoffs, groping you back.
“Nothing,” you innocently answer, playing with your hair.
“I’m going to go take a shower, wanna join me?” he takes the underwear off and you have a change of heart.
“I already took a shower before you woke up, plus my headache returned. I’ll go make coffee, OK?” the Queen loses interest and heads towards the kitchen.
The Joker wants to test a theory building up in his mind and slips into the enchanted underwear again.
“Are you sure, Princess?”
You turn around to say “yes” but your brain can’t focus when you see The Clown Prince of Crime with the glorious flimsy garment.
“Oh!” escapes your mouth and you get rid of your nightgown and bikini so quickly he almost missed it.
You rush in his arms, dragging him towards the master bathroom.
“Come on baby, hurry up. I wanna have some fun too,” you impatiently cling to him and J sarcastically chuckles:
“I thought your headache returned!”
“It’s gone,” you nonchalantly conclude and push him through the opened door, not being able to control the urge of making him yours.
I might be onto something here, J debates before Y/N makes him forget about the newly discovered feature of the magical golden boxers.
4. Booby trap
Frost is waiting for his boss to get ready and The Joker wants a guy’s opinion regarding his hypothesis, that’s why he decides to ask the clueless bodyguard a few questions.
J emerges from the walk-in closet in his underwear, halting a few steps away from Jonny.
“So what do you think Frost?” he grouchily sucks on his silver teeth. 
“About what, sir?” the henchman is not sure what’s going on.
The Joker gestures towards his mid-section and Jonny panics.
Oh my God, a booby trap! What do I say?!  flickers in his brain because when The King of Gotham asks trick questions you better give him the correct answer, otherwise you’re a goner.
“Looks very…e-hem… nice on you, boss!” Frost confidently blurs out.
“How nice?”
Shit! This is a Mega Booby Trap! Jonny thinks and starts sweating. Slightly, but he’s starting to. Why?
The Joker’s Mega Booby Traps or MBT’s (as the crew named them) are very dangerous to get out of and lethal to a fault.
“Very nice, sir! Gold suits you.”
“Hmmm…” J sneers, not particularly thrilled with his bodyguard’s reply. “If you were a woman, for example Y/N, would you go ballistic at the sight of these boxers?”
Fuck! An Extra Mega Booby Trap !!! I’m screwed ! Frost loses the track of his thoughts, seeing the imminent end galloping his way. Why?
The Joker’s Extra Mega Booby Traps or EMBT’s (as the team named them) are the hardest to escape with your life: if the boss doesn’t like the first letter of the first word coming out of your mouth, you can kiss your existence goodbye.
Jonny takes a deep breath, already picturing his funeral:
“Only a sophisticated and refined woman like Y/N would know, sir!”
J puckers his lips, deeming the response to be acceptable for his wacky standards.
“I supposed she would…” the green haired plague announces before walking back into the closet.
Frost feels the need to sit down, entirely drained after the experience.
He has no idea yet, but after today he will become a legend among his peers: the first one to ever survive The Joker’s horrific EMBT. They will even open a blog in his honor, entitled: “Jonny Frost, The Unsung Champion of EMBT’s and Other Crap He Survived.”
5.  Karma
The King and Queen returned to “Sauvage Coeur” boutique because they both want to choose something special for their date night.
You didn’t find a dress yet.
“What about this red one, baby?” you inquire, maybe he can help out with a decision.
“…Yeah…,” J’s flat opinion reaches your ears.
“Alright, I’ll take it,” you conclude and gaze his way just to see him standing in front of a mannequin dressed with a gold bra plus matching thong next to the women’s “Intimate Apparel” section.
The Joker seems hypnotized, almost in a daze.
He finally snaps out of it and grabs a few socks from the display table nearby, rolling and stuffing them in the bra.
“Close enough,” J smiles, incapable of taking his eyes off the golden top and bottom.
“What are you doing?!” you skeptically interrogate.
“This would look awesome on you!” he purrs, already imagining you wearing the two-piece he would love to take off your body as soon as possible.
“I don’t know…” Y/N hesitates but rolls more socks that she places in the bra, backing out to see the results. “That’s more like it. Size matters, J !”  
“Daddy loves,” The Joker purrs louder and he’s so excited it makes you read the tag although you don’t care for the outfit:
“One of the kind, made out of 24 karat gold thread. Exclusive for our boutique. Price: 12,000 dollars.”
“I suppose it won’t hurt to add this to my wardrobe,” you accept to get it because why not?
You like gold anyway.
6. Flip side of the coin
The Joker didn’t pay attention to you after the date last night. He locked himself in the office all day and ordered not to be disturbed since he’s planning an important heist. You sure missed him and you realized how much the second he showed up to go to sleep; your boyfriend seems pissed and that makes him more delicious.
“Hi baby,” you shove yourself into him and kiss his neck, cuddling under the covers.
“Not tonight, Y/N! I’m tired!” he growls and pushes your hand away.
He hears you whimper, the spoiled Princess kind of fake cry.
“But you didn’t pay attention to me since this morning,” you complain and slide your fingers in his sweatpants.
“I’m tired, woman! Are you deaf?!” he snaps, ready to give you the speech about his manhood and how the crown jewelry works on his terms, not yours. He will definitely underline that there’s nothing you can do: when the King says no, it’s no. “I told you before, Y/N…” he initiates the rant and you try to avoid it.
“Fine, fine, I get it! OK? Fine!” you get annoyed also and dart out of bed. “If you must know, I went through the trouble of washing the stupid gold bra and panties for you. Almost broke a nail when I started the washing machine. A nail !!! Can you imagine the scare?!” the irritated Y/N mumbles, letting the silky robe she’s wearing fall on the floor. “My heart skipped a beat, J! It was terrible and you were in your office, not given a damn!” you continue to admonish, unaware The Joker’s heart skipped a beat also since now he can see the revealing gold two-piece acquired from the boutique yesterday.
“Which nail?” J suddenly pretends to be interested since he pretty much distinguished only that part; the rest went blank.
You lean over to show him your pinky, sulking.
“This one.”
“My Poor Pumpkin,” The Clown Prince of Crime whispers, carefully squeezing it like it’s about to explode. “Does it hurt?” he displays a seductive smirk as he pulls you on top of him.
“Not anymore…I thought you were tired,” you wiggle to escape when his arms go up and down your back, certainly wishing to initiate something.
“Me?! Tired?! When did I say that?” he grinds his teeth, forcefully holding the feisty pain in the ass.
“Just did!” you squirm harder, breaking free and distancing yourself from him.
“You must be hallucinating, Y/N,” The Joker gets on his elbow, intrigued.
You’re intrigued too: all the wrestling made his sweatpants glide lower on his hips, exposing the top part of the golden boxers.
“Oh!” you gasp and your reaction makes J remember he’s wearing the secret weapon. With a swift move he removes the pants and he’s not even finished when you basically attack him.
I think I possess a weapon of mass destruction, The Joker contemplates before not being able to concentrate anymore.
I think I found a weapon for total annihilation, Y/N reflects since her vigilance noticed the switch in her boyfriend’s mood as soon as he saw her in the golden minimal attire. Further testing will be required.
7. Another booby trap
You summoned Frost to the Penthouse, probably in regards to the heist J is planning. A fool’s expectations…Not even close!
Jonny steps out of the elevator and freezes: Y/N is waiting for him, wearing nothing more than the golden two piece. Frost immediately feels he’s about to faint, his eyes tensely searching around for the deadly threat.
“J is not here,” you correctly guess the reason for his anxiety.  
Jonny leans on the coffee table closest to him, avoiding looking at you but it’s hard not to.
“Frost!” you sulk. “As a man, what do you think about this outfit, hm?”
OH. MY. GOD! Another Booby Trap!!! Why me??? the bodyguard is on the verge of a nervous  breakdown, imagining how cute he’s going to look in his silver casket. Already picked the color. Why?
Y/N’s Booby Traps are by far the most atrocious you can come across besides The Joker’s.
“Ummm… It looks stunning on you, Y/N!” Jonny stiffens and his luck has left him.
“How stunning?” you lift your left eyebrow in contempt, displeased with the short reply.
Fuck me, a Colossal Booby Trap!!! runs through his mind, believing the cemetery on Gimmer Street has the best tombs available. Why?
Y/N’s Colossal Booby Traps or CBT’s (as the team named them) are plain and simple death sentences: one single sound that comes out of you wrong and you’re history.
“Impressively stunning, gold is your color for sure!” Jonny affirms with the utmost flair.
The Queen sniffles, meditating on his answer.
“So Frost, if you were J, would you immediately want me no matter what right in the moment you see this skimpy lingerie?”
Lord have mercy, a Gigantic Booby Trap!!! and the room starts spinning as he hopes somebody will bring flowers to his grave. Why?
Y/N’s Gigantic Booby Traps or GBT’s (as the gang named them) offer no possibility of an escape: if you make it to round three like he did, you’re literally dead.
“Only a person with amazing swag and class like Mister Joker would know,” Jonny babbles a bunch of nonsense since he reached the end of the line.
You roll your eyes and arrogantly push him out of your way, scoffing:
“Hmm… I suppose he would!”
Frost watches you walk upstairs, his heart racing like crazy.
He has no idea yet, but after today he will become more than a legend among his peers: a living and breathing myth! The first one to ever survive Y/N’s horrific GBT! They will even open a second blog in his honor, entitled: “Jonny Frost, The Ultimate Victor of GBT’s and Other Shit He Survived.”
Gotham’s true hero! Batsy has nothing on him. 
And that’s a verified fact.
Also read: Masterlist 
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Tutoring Part 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Here it is guys! Sorry it took so long, but life has literally gotten in the way. I want to give a huge thanks to @super-powerful-queen-slayyna for taking the time to beta it. I appreciate you so much <3
When Dean reaches the living room, Cas is by the fireplace, staring at all the pictures on the mantle.
Dean walks towards him and stands besides him. “Hey,” He says softly.
Cas glances at Dean and points at the family picture of them at the beach. “Is that your brother?” Cas asks.
Dean nods and smiles. The picture is of him, Sam, mom, dad and Bobby. Sam has Dean in a headlock and Bobby has Sam in a headlock. Meanwhile, mom and dad are standing there staring at each other like lovesick puppies.
“Yeah, that’s Sammy.” Dean tells him.
Cas studies the picture. “And the guy who has Sam in a headlock is your uncle?” He asks.
“Yup. Good ol’ Uncle Bobby.” He grins.
Cas walks to the end of the mantel and studies the pictures on the walls. Every picture on the wall is of him and Sam. An occasional family photo here and there, but mostly of them.
“Your mom seems nice. So does your dad,” he says staring at their recent family photo.
Dean walks over and looks at the photo. It’s of them gathered around Sam for his thirteenth birthday party. “Mom-mom is the best. Dad on the other hand, not so great,” He admits.
Cas turns towards Dean and places his hand on his shoulder and squeezes. “I’m sorry.”
Dean shrugs and Cas lets his hand fall. “It’s okay. What about you?”
Cas walks around the living room, studying everything. “Well I have two older brothers, Gabriel and Balthazar, and a little sister, Anna,” He tells dean.
“Wow, you have a big family,” He says.
Cas nods. “Yeah, dad died a few weeks after Anna was born. Then my mom became depressed and was put on antidepressants, anxiety medication, and a few others that I can’t even remember.,” he says sitting down on the couch.
Dean takes a seat on the other end of the couch. “I’m sorry, Cas,” He says sympathetically.
“That’s not even the worst part,” he starts off, “One day when I can home from school, Gabe and Balthazar were working, Anna was wailing her head off in her crib, so I put my backpack down and went to her nursery. I calmed her down and went to find my mom, because it was unusual for her to just let Anna cry like that. So, I walked into her room and she’s on the floor, unconscious. I shook her, trying to wake her up but  there’s no response. Then I noticed a few feet away from her were her pill bottles, empty. She took every single pill. She killed herself. And I was the one to find her.”
Dean sits there taking in everything Cas just told him. His heart literally breaks for the dark haired, blue eyed,  tanned skinned boy sitting on the other end of the couch. “Cas, I am- I’m so, so sorry,” He tells him.
Cas sniffs and wipes his nose. “It’s not your fault, Dean.”
Dean scoots closer. “I know. But, that is awful. No child should ever have to go through all that.,” he says placing his hand on Cas’s knee and squeezes to tell him, I’m here for you.
Cas looks down at Deans hand on his knee places his hand on top of Dean’s. “Thank you,” he whispers.
Dean doesn’t say anything. He just lets Cas have his moment and silently tells him it’s going to be okay. I’m here for you.
Cas traces his finger lightly up Dean’s arm. Dean flinches when he touches his scar and goes to retract his arm, but Cas grips it and stares at the scar.
“Dean, what happened?” he asks softly.
Tears prick Dean's eyes and he shakes his head.
“Hey, Dean. It’s okay. It’s okay,” he says softly. Rubbing his arm, soothing him.
Dean calms down and takes a deep breath. “My d-dad, he did this.”
Cas tilts his head and nods for Dean to go on.
“One day, I was watching that Dr. Sexy show and my dad walked in and asked me what I was watching. I tried to shut it off, but my dad caught a glimpse of it and started freaking out. He dragged me out of bed and start screaming and hitting me, telling me he won’t have a faggot living under his roof.” He pauses.
“So, I pushed him and it caused him to grab me by the back of my neck and drag me out of the room. He started beating on me, my mom was screaming and crying for him to stop, and Sammy, god I’m glad Sammy wasn’t there. He kept swinging and I tried blocking him as best as I could. Then, he threw me against the stairs railing and hand his hands around my throat. My vision started going black. If it wasn’t for my mother, I’m sure he would of killed me. He released me and pushed me down the stairs.”
Cas has a mortified look on his face and goes to say something, but Dean holds his hand up. Cas clamps his mouth shut and let’s Dean finish.
“When I hit the ground, I couldn’t move. I thought I broke every bone in my body. I could feel blood pooling underneath me and I, for sure, thought I was going to die. My dad ran down the steps, called an ambulance and left. My mother was down the steps shortly after, hovering over me. I blacked out and woke up three days later in the hospital. I had eight broken ribs, a badly sprained ankle, and I had to get eighty four stitches in my arm, because I busted my arm open in the fall, all the way from my elbow, down the my wrist,” he says tracing the scar.
Cas clams Dean’s arm. “Dean, I’m extremely sorry,” he says with tears in his eyes.
Dean nods. “Thanks. It’s been a long and hard recovery, but I’m finally getting there,” he tells him.
“That’s great. You look good. How long ago did this happen?” He asks.
“A couple months ago. I just got off crutches the beginning of the school year, and I just got the stitches out about a month ago. It was so bad, they needed to keep them in for longer than normal,” he explains.
Cas nods. “And where is your father now?” he spits out venomly.
“He’s actually in the hospital, dying,” he says softly.
Cas gasps. “Dean, that’s awful. I’m so sorry.”
Dean laughs. “That’s karma.”
“Dean, that’s still your father.”
Dean pulls his arm out is Cas’s grip and stands up. “What? Are you my mom now?! She says the same damn thing every day! Even tries to get me to go see him. Yeah, I get it. That’s my father, but he almost killed me! Am I supposed to just forgive him?” he shouts.
Cas stands up and holds his hands up. “Dean, I didn’t mean it like that. What he did to you was uncalled for. Especially over your sexuality. Parents should be accepting of their children. And I understand that he almost killed you. I’m not saying you need to forgive him. But you should at least go and see him. Even if it’s just for two minutes,” he tells him softly.
Dean thinks about what Cas said. “I don’t think I can,” he admits.
Cas takes a step closer to Dean and grabs his hand. He intertwines their fingers and he stares into those big beautiful, green eyes. “I could go with you, if you want. For support,” he says.
“I’d have to think about it. But thank you,” Dean says softly.
Cas nods. Dean stares back into Cas’s blue eyes and sees nothing but promises. I promise to be here for you. I promise to go with you if you decide to go see your dad. I promise to always be your friend.
“Dean?” Cas whispers.
“Yeah?” he whispers back.
“Can I, uh, can I do something?” he asks, searching his face for an answer.
Dean swallows and nods.
Cas takes his free hand and cups Dean’s cheek. Dean closes his eyes and leans into the touch.
Cas closes his eyes and inches towards Dean’s face.
Dean can feel Cas’s warm breath on his face and it causes his breath to hitch.
Then Cas lightly plants his lips on Dean’s soft, plump ones.
Dean doesn’t kiss him back at first and Cas doesn’t press to go on, they stand there for a few seconds and then Dean kisses Cas back.
Cas sighs into Dean’s mouth when Dean winds his fingers into Cas’s hair and tugs.
Dean runs his tongue along Cas’s bottom lip and Cas pulls back, putting their foreheads together.
“I’m sorry,” Dean says.
“Don’t be. I just, I want to take things slow. Get to know you better,” Cas answers.
“Alright. We can do that. Can I tell you something?” he asks.
Cas nods. “Yeah.”
“You were the first guy I’ve ever kissed. And I hope you’ll be the last.”
Cas chuckles, “Smooth Dean. Real smooth.”
Dean laughs. “I try. Let’s study.”
Cas sighs and kisses Dean’s cheek. “Alright, let's study.”
Dean grabs Cas’s hand and drags him into the dining room.
Tagging: @casafrass @ohparis @bellatheskeleton @bslove17 @super-powerful-queen-slayyna @alwaysbringabananatoapartyrose @vixyrules @bookish711 @supernaturally-obsessive @samismybae @kearzdhyn @rae0899 @starnatural0667 @supernaturaltakeover @daniebr97 @thelibrarianjesser @olvidaminombrebye @severelypsychotic @krazyperson @freedomcraziness @destielsangel @babyinthetrench @darkwitchrunaway @i-ship-destiel67 @forfandom-andforglory @unicorns-and-metal @starbentone @twistandtom @destielwinchester09 @fangirlingislife30 @seventeenandlost @pimentogirl @winchesterwanderings
I think I got everyone, if not please let me know :) If you wish to be added to the taglist just let me know by commenting or inboxing me :)
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Consider this: FFXV x Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney. Noctis inheriting Caelum and Co. from Regis, advised by long-time family friend Cor. Cor being adoptive dad to Prompto, and the whole first case where you meet Maya. Ignis and Gladiolus being Edgeworth and Gumshoe. Caligo as Prosecutor Payne. Weskham as Godot. Umbra as Missile. Just imagine that~
Dude, yes so hard!!
Defense attorney Noctis! I mean, he already has the black spiky-on-the-back hair and the blue thematic! Besides the non-impressed sort of attitude at times, where the bouncy sidekick is all “HEY HEY LOOK AT THIS FUNNY THING :D” and he’s just “…eh.” BUT without being a too-serious too-dead-inside person. It fits so ridiculously good, dammit!
Veteran defense attorney Cor, I just- *fangasms* HNNNNNNNGGGGGG, YES! Dear Cor being a mentor to dear Noct, aah. Imagine that; the two standing at the defense’s side, Cor being quiet and just going with hinting Noct at what to do. “Did you hear that, Noct? The witness thinks he’s so smart that he didn’t notice he just let out some vital bit of info. You should press him, but be careful with how you word it.”
BUT IT FITS SO GOOD!? The happy cinnamon roll that’s too pure for this world and is always such a happy presence. Always smiling, being a hyperactive little ball of adorableness, enjoying of kids’ TV shows, and being the most loyal of companions to Noct. :’) The very loyal and happy sidekick, that remains badass in his own way. THIS IS A MIGHTY NECESSITY THAT I HAVE FOR THIS AU WITH THESE ROLES GODDAMMIT *punches through wall*
Everything fits so nicely, but Maya!Prompto is definitely the most accurate. Even when they’re sad it fits! You can just imagine the one frame where Maya has the head slightly down, eyes on Phoenix, and tears on the corner of her eyes, and see Prompto like that instead almost like he was made to take the role aaaaaah!
Ignis as Edgeworth and Gladio as Gumshoe COULDN’T HAVE EVER GOTTEN ANY BETTER.
Prosecutor Ignis, though, CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT. UNGH. To start with, Ignis in fancy suits is already fantastic enough and I need it. Now imagine him going “Objection!” and being all smug and confident about his stuff. I just…love this.
And it also fits really nicely, considering the entire “childhood friends” with Noct! :O   AAAAAH
Gumshoe reminded me of Gladio in some ways, but there were two or three parts where I was like “this is ABSOLUTELY some sort of Gladio”. I mean, Gumshoe likes puppies (he’s super fond of Missile, it seems!), he’s this big and tough looking guy but he’s really just a giant teddy bear, always laughing, and even a little naïve at times, he likes flirting with girls at times, but he’s not rude or bad with them, he has this absolute devotion to Ignis/Edgeworth…and not to forget about that time when Gumshoe arrived to Phoenix’s office asking for a job, saying he could be useful and cook, and said his speciality is “Instant noodles”. Hahahahaha!! And later on he says something about his salary being so poor that he’s been living on instant noodles for who knows how long. ABSOLUTELY GLADIO!
Caligo would work great as Payne just for the fact that they’re both annoying AND I HATE BOTH OF THEM.
B   U   T
Just imagine….it’s Caligo but he takes the role of one..
Prosecutor Manfred Von Karma.
I mean, it would be SOOOOOOOO cool considering Edgeworth Ignis! Manfred and Caligo both are men older than Miles/Ignis, both killed a figure that was senior to Miles/Ignis, both hold a huge grudge against Miles/Ignis because Miles/Ignis did something better than them or ruined them in some way and both Miles and Ignis actually physically INJURED them, which is the reason both want revenge on the younger ones and want to ruin their lives, and both are always all “lmao I am so perfect”.
Imagine Caligo taking Ignis under his wing pretending to be an ally but really he’s just waiting for the moment to ruin him…D:
I mean, grey-haired dominatrix with a whip that goes around smacking Noctis and everyone but who’s just doing her job and is actually amazing at it B|
(Omg, Gladio being scared of Aranea, ahahaha)
Weskham as Godot.
OhmygOD….Weskahm as Godot….hnHNGHNGNFGNH-
The fancy guy in a fancy vest who talks fancily. I NEED THAT.
Imagine Weskham at the prosecutor’s side. He already has the clothes. And now he has a mug of coffee (or perhaps a cup of Altissian wine), and he has that smug smile and shakes the head.
Oh boi, did you see what you just did with Godot!Weskham?
You just shipped Weskham/Cor and made it very much canon, oh my~ ewe
Hnhfgnhnfgmhfg, I know in some way Mia lives even if just through Maya and Pearly and in random flashes Phoenix has, but…it’s…not…the same hgnhgfngf
I mean, it would make quite a story! Your second case as an attorney, where they killed one of your dad’s best friends and who was a dear friend to you, and your mentor, and the defendant is no other but COR’S SON HIMSELF what the fahk ohmyfgidkjgfmfd, THE SCANDAL! AAAAH!
…I just- *deep breath* I don’t have the heart to kill Cor… ;w;   Even less to make Prommy walk into his corpse…. ;w;    and be BLAMED for it… ;w;
When I first read “Umbra as Missile”, and partly because I was waking up and half asleep as I read it, I was like “Missile, who the hell is Missile. OhnO, surely Missile is a dog that appears later on in Apollo Justice or DD or SoJ and I haVEN’T PLAYED ANY OF THEM, YOU’RE SPOILING MEEEEEEEEEEEE oh wait no Missi- *gaASPS* MISSILE IS THE- AHAHAHA of coooooourse! HOW CUTE! C:”
Just- imagine that. B|
It’s Final Gyakuten Saiban Fantasy XV. Also known as Final Ace Attorney Fantasy XV. It sounds- weird now that I read it, BUT IT’S THE MOST EPIC GAME/STORY YOU WILL EVER ENCOUNTER.
Noctis Wright Caelum, rookie defense attorney in the job. He likes blue and black suits and has a spiky black hair, and usually comes up with ideas as he’s on the go. He’s usually “wright” ;D
Meet his mentor! Cor Leonis, a more experienced defense attorney and friend to Noctis’ dad, an attorney retired due to health problems (now worries, he’s fine now that he gets to rest). Cor Leonis, usually coming off as rather serious and cold, but is actually a very caring and friendly ally during trial.
His son, Prompto, a rather bouncy and slightly hyperactive young boy, Noctis’ age, passionate for photography, and with rather poor comprehension of the law, BUT incredibly useful when it comes to seeing people’s lies and contradictions.
And on the prosecution’s side, we have one Ignis Scientia! With a mysterious background, Ignis is smart, calculating, sly, dark, and he’s tagged as a genius, having started at age 19/20 and not having lost one single case up until now. And his mentor, oh, yes, the man that took him under his wing when Ignis lost his father under mysterious circumstances…
And he grows up next to one grey haired and slightly aggressive, super sassy Aranea, who started prosecution at age THIRTEEN because she’s a bloody genius. And cheats sometimes. Because she’s still a mercenary as a lawyer but HEY I DIDN’T MAKE THE RULES.
And let’s not forget the friendly and adorable detective Gladiolus Amicitia, a guy that may come off as tough looking at first, but is really just a noodle-obsessed pet-lover flirty adorable precious angel that just wants justice and for everyone to be happy and for those he cares about to be safe. He has absolute devotion to and admires prosecutor Ignis Scientia a lot and would do ANYTHING for him… :’3
Detective Gladio likes to hang with the dog-in-training at the police department Umbra! A NICE FLUFFEEH ADORABLE LITTLE BOY THAT WILL EAT ALL THE SAMURAI HOT DOGS IN ONE GO!
And I would talk about the mysterious prosecutor Armaugh, and maybe also about Cor’s former and apparently now dead boyfriend defense attorney Weskham, but that’s- quite a long story and I’m not sure I should write it all XD
Twins Stella & Lunafreya…
Yes. Simply…simply YES to this AU… ;A;
[[There’s no more under the cut other than my own thoughts. It’s not a long answer but I’ll add a keep reading here, buddy c:]]
I recently beat the Ace Attorney trilogy for the first time just a few weeks ago and I’m still absolutely enamored and in love with it. I didn’t think it would be more than just funny criminal cases, didn’t know there was an entire plot and character building and development in there, and I had of course close to not a single idea I would fall for this series SO DEEP AND SO HARD.
And now, thinking about it mixed with the GLORIOUS FFXV that is sorta special to me…
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. As I was playing I was trying to think of some way to mix it with FFXV but didn’t put much brain in it. But YOU, my friend, you landed it PERFECTLY and so exquisitely. URGH. Your ask was so glorious to receive and to read through because YES to everything!!!
I was so happy to receive something AA too, ahaha. I don’t talk much about it because 99% of the people follow me due to FFXV but I’d do it gladly anytime, so I’m SUPER HAPPY that you talked about it with me. BOTH GAMES FILL ME SO MUCH OF SO MANY AND SO INTENSE FEELS HFNJGNF
Now I desperately need art for this. Godot!Weskham, Prosecutor!Ignis, Detective!Gladio…URGH. IT’S ALL TOO GOOD AND THE MENTAL IMAGES IN MY HEAD ARE BRILLIANT (ノД`)
GODS, thank you so much for reacing out to me with this LOVELY and wonderful ask. I’M SO INTO THIS HELL AND AU AND I’D GLADLY TALK ABOUT IT ANY DAMN TIME AGAIN KALSDJKLDSFJD
Now I’m gonna be thinking about this FOREVER
(; ω ; )
I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL day or night, buddy! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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Baby. (Mikey Way x Reader)
“’Sup, bitch?” Pete exclaimed loudly as he entered your home through the front door.
The sudden appearance of your friend caused you to jump slightly in your seat on the sofa, the novel you were previously stuck in falling to the floor as you frowned.
“A little warning would’ve been nice,” you mumbled, swinging your legs off of the sofa before bending down to retrieve your book.
Pete scoffed. “Since when do I need to warn you before I come over?” his voice came out slightly muffled seeing as his head was stuck in your fridge, searching for some kind of alcohol.
“Uh, since I got married and moved into an actual house as opposed to a fucking terrible apartment,” you said while making your way over to Pete in the kitchen.
“Hey! Don’t hate on the apartment! We had some really good times there. All those impromptu parties were the best part of everyone’s lives.”
“Yeah, that’s my point. We can’t trash this place with your ‘impromptu parties’, Petey.”
“You’re no fun. What happened to my crazy party-girl best friend?” he asked, letting out a triumphant cheer when he stumbled upon a couple of bottles of beer at the back of your fridge. “Man, you really need to stock up on booze. You’d think Mikey would at least have more than this,” he held up the bottles for emphasis.
“You know that Mikey doesn’t drink that much,” you shrugged.
“Yeah, but you used to,” Pete chuckled.
“Yeah, but I grew up,” you grabbed a bunch of grapes from the fridge before hoisting yourself onto the island. “Unlike some people.”
“Hey, you chose to get married and I chose to live my 20s to the max.”
“You’re turning 30 in a couple of months.”
“Like I said, the max,” he repeated, earning an eye-roll from you, “Want one?” he questioned, holding out one of the bottles.
“No thanks, I’m not drinking.”
“Why? You pregnant or something?” he teased before twisting open the bottle and taking a swig.
You didn’t reply. Instead, you just stared at your friend as you popped more grapes into your mouth.
Noticing your lack of denial about being pregnant, Pete spit out the liquid he had in his mouth.
“Ew,” you scrunched your nose up in disgust before pointing around at all the beer spatter. “You’re cleaning that up.”
“You’re fucking pregnant?!”
You nodded before giggling at the look of utter shock on Pete’s face. “You’re gonna be an uncle! Are you excited?”
“Am I ex- OF COURSE I’M FUCKING EXCITED! OH MY GOD, (Y/N)!” Pete practically threw himself on top of you, nearly knocking you over in the process.
“Well, if this is your reaction, then I can’t wait to see Mikey’s.”
“Wait,” Pete pulled away so that he was looking at you. “You haven’t told Mikey yet?”
“Told me what?”
You and Pete turned to see Mikey standing at the front door, shrugging off his jacket with a confused look on his face.
“Babe, I have some news,” you said while hopping down from the kitchen island and walking over to Mikey.
“Yeah, I figured that much. What’s going on?”
“I’m pregnant.”
Before you could comprehend it, Mikey had scooped you up into his arms and ran into the backyard, laughing happily all the while.
“How long have you known?” he questioned as he hugged you closer.
“A few days,” you smiled, overjoyed by his happiness.
“Why didn’t you tell me as soon as you saw the positive test?!” Mikey set you down onto your feet.
“Because it was 4am and I was scared because knowing you, you would’ve literally screamed it from the rooftops and wow, look what you’re doing – GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!”
But it was no use. Mikey was climbing the ladder that was mounted against the side of the house from renovations three steps at a time and before you knew it, he was standing on the roof, his hands cupping his mouth so that his voice could be heard more clearly.
~Week 4~
Sighing as you tried once again to fasten your bra behind your back, you beamed widely at yourself in the mirror when your fifth try proved successful.
Being careful not to move too much for fear of the bra coming undone again, you walked over to the bed and grabbed the shirt you had laid out. Mikey entered the room before you could slip on the shirt and immediately made his way over to you, eyes clearly fixed on your boobs.
“Oh, wow.” he said in awe, groping both breasts.
“Ow, you idiot!” you exclaimed in a mixture of pain and discomfort, swatting Mikey’s hands away rather harshly before crossing your arms over your very tender bust in order to protect it from your extremely handsy husband. “They hurt,” you pouted, looking down at your chest only to see that Mikey’s actions had caused your boobs to once again escape your bra.
Groaning in annoyance, you struck Mikey on his right arm, causing him to let out a tiny whimper. “Now look what you did!”
“I’m sorry,” he said, still rubbing the area where you’d hit him in an effort to soothe it.
“It took me forever to get them to fit and now-“ You burst into tears before you could finish your words and Mikey’s eyes widened at the sudden change in emotion, although his husbandly instincts soon took over and he engulfed you into his embrace.
“Shh, it’s okay, baby. Here, I’ll help you get back into it and then we can go shopping for some new ones, alright?”
You nodded into his chest, still crying.
“Good. Maybe then you’ll stop hitting me,” he whispered to himself.
 ~Week 5~
“Baby, I’m just wondering,” Mikey started as he entered your bedroom. “Is there any particular reason you left the tumble dryer on a repeat cycle with nothing inside?”
“Pregnancy brain,” you mumbled as you climbed into bed, the bathroom tap still running behind you.
 ~Week 7~
“Pleaseeeee, Mikey,” you whined, snuggling closer to him while putting on your best puppy dog eyes.
“(Y/N), it’s 3am. I have no desire to leave the warmth of my bed to go down to McDonald’s just because you’re craving a McFlurry.”
“But you didn’t buy me more ice-cream, so it’s kinda your fault.”
“I bought 3 tubs 4 days ago!”
“And I ate them! Now I want more.”
“For fuck’s sake, (Y/N),” Mikey groaned as he begrudgingly dragged himself out of bed, grabbing his wallet, phone and jacket before making his way downstairs, leaving a trail of cuss words behind him.
“I love you!”
 ~Week 8~
You gasped slightly as the doctor squirted the cool jelly onto your stomach, placing the transducer over it shortly after.
“You hear that?” she questioned with a smile. “It’s the heartbeat.”
“Oh my God,” you whispered, laughing deliriously as the realisation of what you were hearing set in. “Mikey, that-that’s our baby,” you gushed, tears welling up in your eyes.
Mikey was at a loss for words, completely dumbstruck by the incredible nature of what was happening inside of you.
“That’s our baby,” he repeated, laughing too before placing a kiss on your temple.
 ~Week 11~
“(Y/N), I’m telling you,” Pete started, leaning in across the red booth of the diner. “After you have this baby, I’ll order you a cherry pie with a hamburger patty and maple syrup and I guarantee you won’t like it.”
“Well, it tastes like heaven right now, so… MMM,” you closed your eyes as you savoured the delicious taste, while Pete just shook his head at you, a look of pure disgust on his face.
 ~Week 19~
“Are you sure about this, (Y/N)?” Mikey asked uncertainly, his fingers hesitantly undoing his belt buckle.
“Yes, Mikey,” you confirmed for what seemed like the fiftieth time in the last 10 minutes. “This is one of the last chances we have before I can’t have sex for who knows how long.” You removed your own shirt.
“I just don’t wanna hurt the baby,” he said, slowly crawling over you.
You rolled your eyes at your husband but couldn’t help but feel a wave of affection at how concerned he was. “You’re not gonna hurt the baby. The doctor said it’s perfectly safe, okay?”  
He nodded.
“Good. Now shut up and do me.”
 ~Week 23~
“So, what are you hoping for?” the doctor asks as she moves the transducer over your swollen belly.
“Honestly, it doesn’t really matter to me as long as he or she is healthy. But I’d be lying if I said that I wouldn’t love a little dress shopping buddy.”
You and the doctor shared a giggle before she turned to Mikey.
“What about you, dad?”
“Taking into account that they say that having a girl is karma for all the things you did when you were younger, I think a boy would be the better option.”
You clicked your tongue and shot a glare at Mikey, earning a chuckle from him as well as from the doctor.
“Well, look’s like you’re out of luck,” she said, looking from the screen to the two of you. “Congratulations, mom. It's a girl.”
 ~Week 29~
Lounging lazily on the couch and flicking through channels, you stifled a yawn as Mikey sat himself next to you.
Positioning himself comfortably, he brought his head down to your stomach, placing a smooch on the right side. Right when his lips made contact with your body, however, the baby let out a huge and unexpected kick, startling Mikey a little and causing you to laugh uncontrollably.
“That little shit just kicked me in the mouth!” he exclaimed in disbelief, joining in with your laughter.
“That’s my girl,” you cooed, rubbing your belly.
 ~Week 32~
“Anndd this one is from-“
“Lemme guess, (Y/B/F)?” you chuckled, noticing the wrapping paper which matched the giant pile of torn fragments to your right, next to around 20 gifts, all from (Y/B/F). “You didn’t need to get me anything else, hon. Really.” You gestured to her other gifts.
“Yes, I did. I’m gonna be the best damned godmother the world has ever seen,” she stated proudly.
“I just hope you’re gonna be this enthusiastic about babysitting, too.”
“Oh, you know I will be, my love. After all, with you and Mikey as parents, the angel is gonna need someone responsible to look up to.”
Laughter filled the room as you shot a glare at (Y/B/F).
“I kid, I kid,” she defended. “Not really.”
 ~Week 34~
“Okay, okay, we’re almost there. No peeking. Mind the step. YOU’RE PEEKING! I SAID NO PEEKING!”
“Alright, alright. Jeez. Such a control freak. I’m glad I chose to marry the other brother.”
“Haha,” Gerard laughed sarcastically. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
You did, and your heart leapt into your throat immediately.
Gerard had done an exquisite job at decorating your daughter’s nursery. The walls were painted all white, except for the one on the right side of the room, where her crib stood. This one was adorned with his drawings of your family along with messages from loved ones, and in the middle was her name.
(Y/D/N) Way.
“Gee… This is… it’s perfect.”
Gerard smiled from ear-to-ear. “That’s good to hear,” he said, pulling you into a side hug while gently rubbing your belly. “Hey, sweetheart. It’s your uncle here. I just wanted to let you know that I love you. Very much. And I can’t wait to meet you.”
 ~Week 37~
“I changed my mind. I’m not going,” Mikey stated, tossing his suitcase onto the couch.
“Yes, you are! I’m not due for another three weeks, Mikey. I’m sure I can handle not having you around for one weekend, especially since you’re only gonna be a half hour away. Besides,” you walked over to Pete and (Y/B/F) and linked your arms in theirs. “If anything goes wrong – which it won’t – I have these two.”
“Yeah, but-“
“No buts, Mikey. You have thousands of fans who are dying to see you and who paid actual money for your stupid band so.. You. Are. Going,” you said, poking him hard into the chest with every word.
“This is a very abusive relationship, you know that?” he pouted.
“Now that everything’s settled,” you said, ignoring his previous comment and standing on your tiptoes to kiss him. “Bye, baby. See you in 3 days.”
 ~2 Days Later ~
“You’re a demon,” Pete said to (Y/B/F), trying to fend her off with a crucifix made from forks.
“I don’t give a shit about what you think, Wentz. I. LOVE. PINEAPPLE. ON. PIZZA,” (Y/B/F) retorted, moaning as she took a bite of pizza that she made sure had a particularly large piece of pineapple on it.
“(Y/N), just tell this crazy person that pineapple does not belong on pizza!”
“Eh, I don’t mind it,” you shrugged.
“WHAT? What drugs are you both on?”
(Y/B/F) and Pete then proceeded to get into a heated argument about pizza toppings.
“Uh… guys?” you squeaked.
They didn’t hear you.
“What?” they asked in unison.
“Can we have this conversation later? I’m going into labour.”
 ~About 30 Minutes Later~
Thanks solely to (Y/B/F) and her natural maternal instinct, you were able to make your way to the hospital and into the maternity wing where you were currently residing all before your third contraction hit. (Y/B/N) had managed to grab your already-packed hospital bag, drive you to the emergency room, fill in the necessary paperwork, call Mikey and keep you relatively calm all on her own.
Pete started freaking out from the moment the word ‘labour’ left your lips and didn’t stop until you were lying on a hospital bed. You couldn’t say that he wasn’t any help, though. Seeing him panic so much had a weird calming effect on you.
Another contraction hit and the doctor let you know that you were fully dilated and the baby was ready to be born.
“AHHH! WHERE THE HELL IS MIKEY?!” you screamed.
“I’m here, I’m here, baby!”
A sweaty, disarrayed Mikey practically dived into the room, looking like he’d just run a marathon; the rest of the band followed closely behind, all wearing looks of concern.
“I’m here,” Mikey rushed to your side and placed a quick kiss to your forehead. “Now, push, baby.”
You screamed out in agony as you continuously pushed, wanting to get your daughter out of you as soon as possible.
Just when you thought you might pass out from pain and exhaustion, you heard Mikey exclaim in pure joy.
“Oh, my God. There she is!”
“She looks so much like you, it’s unbelievable,” Mikey whispered while cuddling closer to you and softly caressing your daughter’s tiny hand, gazing lovingly at the small human.
“She’s got Gerard’s nose, though,” you pointed out, ‘booping’ her nose gently.
“You’re right, she does,” he giggled in amazement.
“We’re parents, Mikey,” you said, turning to smile at him.
“Yeah, we are. You did amazing, baby,” he complimented, placing a soft yet loving kiss onto your lips. “I do have one question, though.”
“The ladder is still mounted to the side of the house, right?”
Thank you for reading x
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