#Karmic debt
shweetshmoney · 3 months
I feel like having the same NN-SN with someone is great, but from what I've observed, I think it's best to meet these people within a certain timeline when you're finally accepting the energies of your NN sign and house, a.k.a if you've known someone from your past which happened to have the same NN-SN sign/house placement as you, and they have yet to outgrow their old patterns, it becomes difficult for you to get out of it again because you've worked so hard to embrace your new energy and have shed the old skin. So like I bet we don't want to live our old karmic patterns again right? I felt this personally and it's super annoying lol (*also imagine having 8H and 12H synastry altogether with that person LOLLLLL BRUH😩🤡)
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moonbiit-arts · 10 months
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novy2sirius · 4 months
ur soul collects karmic debt for the actions u take in this life time, past ones, and also different timelines as well. that’s y it takes so long to become a life path 33. they worked hard to get there
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karmaismyfriend · 6 months
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Karma never misses 💜
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connectingwithsoul · 6 months
Sometimes people act from their pain body, from their trauma. And then something really bad happens and they wake up, come online. Once someone is awake and aware, you can really see it. It's like you're interacting with a different person. The mask if off. They hear you. They see you. You can see that they see you. No one's acting out roles anymore. It's a completely different thing. A new dynamic.
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visionsofvenus333 · 4 months
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Karmic relationships are rarely easy. We often learn our lessons by repeating the same toxic patterns over and over, sometimes over the course of multiple lifetimes, and these patterns are often triggered by our karmic relationships. In navigating these types of situations, gaining insight on what these patterns are and where they come from can be essential.
This spread is designed to enlighten you to the past life karma that exists between you and your partner. It will show you both where the karma is coming from in your past incarnations together and how it is manifesting today. Using this information, you can begin to break toxic patterns that hold you back from your full spiritual potential. 💜
Karmic Relationship Tarot Spread
1. The nature of your relationship during your most relevant past life together - this shows the general theme and tone of the relationship and gives clues to how you knew each other.
2. Person #1’s role in the past life relationship - this shows Person #1’s general role in the relationship (for example, mother, employer, friend, etc.), important actions taken by Person 1 or their approach to the relationship.
3. Person #2’s role in the relationship - see above.
4,5,6. Main events of the relationship (chronological order) - each card will represent a different event that occurred between you that had a large impact on your past life relationship and karma with each other. The cards are in chronological order and will show the natural progression of the relationship (beginning, middle, end).
7. The nature of your relationship in this life - see #1
8. Person #1’s role in the current relationship - see #2
9. Person #2’s role in the current relationship - see #3
10. Karmic patterns repeating themselves between you - This will show the karmic patterns and issues that are being brought up between you stemming from past lives together and how they are manifesting in this life.
11. Your soul contract together overall - Shows the general theme of your soul contract, what you have set out to learn and how.
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joanwolfie · 11 months
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Not everyone knows that I also offer Numerology, Akashic Records and Tarot readings… if you’re interested, here’s my price list and short description:
Price list below:
1. Akashic Records reading - we’re entering your energetic log, a sacred space, connecting with the soul. It’s deeply personal, private and that spans all the lifetimes of a particular soul. We’ll not only look into your past, but also heal it and break family patterns. I’ll also heal your past lives and family roots. Lastly, you’ll also discover your soul source and its color (and what it means). It’s a deep, transformative session. The cost is €75.
2. Numerology Portrait - You have 2 options: text file sent to your email (offline session), or voice message explaining your portrait (online session).
I’ll help you analyze your Life Path, what you should pay attention to, and what challenges it. We’ll also take a full overview of your life and relationships, and a deep dive into cycles of life and how to navigate through them.
Cost for offline session is €50, and online €65.
3. Karmic numerology reading - You have 2 options: text file sent to your email (offline session), or voice message explaining your portrait (online session).
With this reading, I’ll help you discover, and understand, your karmic responsibility and lessons you’re carrying in this life. We’ll also deep dive in your Life Path number and what it means.
Cost for offline session is €50, and online €65.
4. Horoscope Numerology - you’ll learn about your master number, what year you’re currently in and how to navigate through it. It’s an offline session only. Cost €30.
5. Tarot/Oracle + pendulum readings:
- 1 question or YES/NO question: €5 (voice message),
- Tarot reading: €20 (voice message)
- Yearly Tarot reading: €25 (voice message).
I’m not judging anyone, and I’m always creating a safe space for you and your query. I have masters in psychology so the way I explain things is also based on my education, which makes the reading even more interesting.
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astroa3h · 1 year
Astrology 411: The 19th Degree
19 Degrees in astrology, a Libra and Karmic Debt Degree that shows karmic lessons in finding independence and avoiding abuse of power. For example, Kourtney Kardashian's 19-degree Uranus, it's seen in her finding balance between private life and public fame. 
She pushes independence, departing reality TV to establish her lifestyle brand, Poosh. Yet, power dynamics arise as she feels a pull from her past and present life. A feeling of royalty.
This degree is a consistent lesson for her, navigating independence within the network of family fame and codependency. An ongoing journey of personal empowerment without abusing the power her and her family wield.
For Personal Readings Visit: astroash.net TikTok - astroa3h
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minotaurmerkaba · 4 months
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elfingladespsychic · 8 months
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urmomsgay4mee · 2 years
Xiao karmic dept pt.1
i never posted a story before so please don’t judge me
Tw: mild-angst?
Xiao opened his eyes.Realising he’s paying of his karmic dept again.At first he didn’t really seem to care,since it was nothing new to him.But when he saw you. Strangled by the same black ropes as him,passed out he was shocked.he had brought you her.It was his fault.He felt guilty.He had „shared“ his karmic dept with you and now you had to suffer from his karma.Suddenly you winced making xiao look at you in guilt.you opened your eyes as you woke up from the pain that was corrupting your body.You we’re sweating and grunting from the pain.But the only thing xiao could do was watch tears stream down your face as you were getting tortured and listen to your pained screams.After hours of pure torture it finally stopped.Xiao ran towards you as you were laying weakly on the ground,blood dropping on the floor.He dropped onto his knees In front of you.Hold on! Please.. just hang on a while longer..please.!Don’t close your eyes..! He said with a shaky voice.You we’re holding onto him tightly as he teleported you to somewhere you couldn’t see anymore as your vision turned black.
(AN:sorry that this is so short I accidentally deleted my first story so i didn’t really have much motivation anymore I’m sorry.I will post pt.2 soon tho!)
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2wn · 1 year
like and subscribe if you think i have been adequately spiritually/psychically punished. ignore if i should suffer longer to pay for what i did
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pallavivyas · 1 month
Understanding Karmic Debt and How to Free Oneself from It
Karmic Debt: An Introduction Karma is fundamental in many spiritual and philosophical traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It refers to the idea that every action, thought, or intention generates energy that returns to us, shaping our current and future experiences. In this context, Karmic debt is the accumulation of negative actions or intentions from past lives or earlier in…
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sabrinaboglund · 2 months
The Law of Money - 5 Things You Should Know About the Universal Law of Money.
As the first Guide after the summer break, and especially the first “Universal Law” Guide, I thought the Law of Money would be the PERFECT Universal Law to start with! Who hasn’t ended up spending juuuuust a little too much money over the summer? 🙋🏼‍♀️ If you’re one of those people who believe it’s unspiritual or wrong to earn money from Spiritual Services, and that Spiritual Abilities, such as…
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changesmadeeasy · 2 months
Feeling persistently stuck in a negative cycle of some kind? Burdened by what feels like repetitive bad luck, hard times, or difficult relationships? Karmic debt might be playing a role.
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theogmissg · 2 months
<<< Karmic Debt >>>
Ever found yourself wondering why certain patterns keep repeating in your life? Perhaps it’s a string of challenging relationships or a recurring problem at work. This might be due to what many cultures and spiritual traditions call ‘karmic debt’. Karmic debt refers to a set of unresolved issues from your past actions, either in this life or previous ones, which continue to influence your current life’s circumstances.
The concept of karmic debt springs from the belief in karma — a principle that suggests every action has a corresponding reaction. If you’ve caused pain or suffering, whether knowingly or unknowingly, karma suggests that you will face equivalent challenges as a result.
Karmic debt isn’t just about punishment; it’s about learning and evolving through experiences.
What Triggers Bad Karma?
Bad karma is generally triggered by actions that cause harm or distress to others, whether intentional or unintentional. This can include dishonesty, selfishness, or any behaviour that negatively impacts individuals or the broader community. Reflecting on personal behaviour and its effects on others can help identify what might be triggering bad karma in your life.
How Do I Know if I Have Karmic Debt?
Common signs of karmic debt include recurring negative patterns that seem out of your control, intense or heavy relationships that feel fated, and persistent challenges that come out of nowhere.
Clearing Karmic Debt
Luckily, karmic debt can be cleared, simply by following the five steps below:
1. Acknowledge and Understanding Your Karma
To start clearing your karmic debt, first acknowledge the presence of these patterns. Understanding what triggers your bad karma or recognising the lessons behind them can empower you to make changes.
2. Actively Make Amends
If your actions have hurt others, actively seeking forgiveness and making amends is a powerful step towards resolving your karmic debt. This might involve reaching out to those affected or offering support in other ways to balance out the negative impacts of your previous actions.
3. Engage in Good Karma Actions
Engaging in acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity can help balance your scales. Volunteering, helping others without expecting anything in return, and showing empathy are all ways to create positive karma that can counteract the negative.
4. Meditate
Many find that spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or prayer can facilitate deep personal insights and offer strength to deal with past karma. Techniques specifically designed for karma cleansing, like certain mantras or meditations, can be particularly effective.
5. Learn Through New Experiences
Facing your karmic challenges rather than avoiding them can lead to powerful personal growth and karmic resolution. This could mean tackling difficult situations head-on or stepping out of your comfort zone to learn new lessons that your karma is pushing you towards.
When Does Karma Resolve?
Karmic cycles can vary greatly in length; some are resolved within a lifetime, while others might span several. The key is continuous personal growth and a conscious effort to improve how you interact with the world. Karma is not just about retribution but also about learning and evolving spiritually.
Is There an End to Bad Karma?
The cycle of bad karma can indeed be broken. By consciously making choices that align with positive actions and responses, you can gradually diminish the weight of your karmic debt and potentially free yourself from these cycles.
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