#full report
elfingladespsychic · 4 months
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sm1l3b0t · 4 months
watching mob psycho 100 right now and the funniest part of this show to me is that mobs status as an esper is well known at his school and no one gives a shit. and that would lead you to think that espers are common enough its no big deal to go to school with one but no theyre so rare one of his school friends thought he was the only one. and yeah they still dont really care. imagine how fucking wild it would be to transfer to that school and everyones like 'yeah thats mob hes kind of lame. also psychic or whatever' and when you reasonably respond with 'HES PSYCHIC????' everyones like 'yeah and kind of lame. anyway-' i would go insane. i would go insane!
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todd-queen · 7 months
hi! I have slowly been watching behind-the-scenes/bonus features of all the Saw movies and I realize they are a bit hard to find! so I thought I would compile a list of the links I've used :) please enjoy!!
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Saw 0.5 (2003)
A hospital orderly tells a police officer that he was kidnapped and forced to commit a horrific act to survive.
This is the short Leigh and James made before showing their script to American film producers :D
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Making of Saw (2004)
A 30 minute behind-the-scenes of the Making of Saw
(I have watched this one so many times.... I think I will again after this list)
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Saw: Full Disclosure Report (2005)
A pseudo-documentary taking place between the events of Saw and Saw II, included in the bonus material of the DVD of the first movie.
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The Scott Tibbs Documentary (2006)
A pseudo-documentary taking place during and shortly after the events of Saw II. The documentary focuses on Scott Tibbs, who decides to film a documentary about the Jigsaw Killer.
(My other favorite. I love Scott so much he's my worstie <3)
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Saw III Deleted Scenes (2006)
Lynn's Escape Attempt and 'Rockstar'
-Lynn attempts to escape and fights with Amanda
-Amanda interacts with Adam before kidnapping him
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Amanda's Dream
-Amanda has a dream of Adam haunting her
(never forget what they took from us)
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The Writing of Saw III (2006)
A 6-minute featurette for behind-the-scenes of Saw III
(if you're like me and eat up literally any bts content you can find then this is for you)
edit: I found a full BTS video that includes the Writing Of! now linked :)
these are all I have so far! so please, do enjoy, and I'd love to talk about whatever your favorites are so please don't be shy, and thanks for checking this out :))
edit: @pendulumxx has a great addition with more videos here :)
and a big thank you to everyone who originally uploaded all these videos, truly doing god's work 🙏
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
the way i see it, colin has three options for handling the repercussions of kissing michael on the pitch in front of everyone:
gatekeep: by some miracle no one caught the kiss on camera so colin's sexuality is kept between him and any fans who happened to be on the pitch near him. the safest option.
girlboss: keeley gets the pr challenge of a lifetime handling the story of the first active premier league player to come out as gay. rebecca is tall and powerful and intimidating in the press room making it clear that richmond stands behind colin one thousand percent. the most realistic option.
gaslight: straight-up blatantly lying. not because he's ashamed or because he thinks he can actually convince anyone that the kiss didn't happen, but just because he refuses to let it be a big deal. acts like he has no idea what anyone is talking about if asked anything related to his sexuality. he doesn't claim to be straight, mind you, he just pretends to be extremely confused about why they're asking because he never kissed anyone in the middle of a football pitch at the end of an internationally-televised game? when presented with photo and video proof of the kiss he says that was some other richmond player named hughes who wears a number 12 jersey. you don't know him, he goes to another school. the funniest option.
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ttsquid · 1 month
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 months
ive been getting more sugar daddy scammers lately trying to court me which i THINK is a good sign because that means i might be getting closer to getting an offer from a LEGIT sugar daddy, who i would use to purchase more pre-9/11 technology.
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hotvampireadjacent · 2 months
CNN says fda approves an app for depression. One you need prescription for.
>an app you need a prescription for
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blueskittlesart · 4 months
tbh i think the transmisogyny problem on this site is so widespread at this point that nothing short of a complete overhaul of moderation protocol is going to fix it. the current system as outlined by that guy on staff whos digging his own grave rn is apparently purely based on responding to user-submitted support tickets, which relies on A) the users on this site having enough trust in the moderators to believe that submitting a support ticket might actually make some sort of difference, and B) the users on this site not WEAPONIZING that same support ticket system to unfairly target users who they dislike for personal reasons. Neither of these conditions were likely to be met even BEFORE staff had multiple scandals regarding unfair moderation of transfeminine users' content, and any trust that users may have had in that system has been completely eroded now. If staff GENUINELY wants to address this problem, they need to be proactive about it. there are plenty of tags where these people are known to gather. There is literally an entire third-party browser extension dedicated to flagging unsafe individuals. It's not like they're difficult to find. We've seen pretty clearly that staff has the ability to nuke blogs and tags entirely. The fact that they won't even HIDE tags like #radfem, #terfs please interact, etc. shows that they don't actually have any intention of making this site safer for trans women. they just want everyone to shut up about it. Even just removing the ability for terfs to find each other on this site could make a huge difference, but rather than do the bare minimum staff has decided to let one guy make whiny excuses and very loudly and publicly misgender a trans woman who they nuked for no reason. fucking embarrassing fr
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puddii-ng · 13 days
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unicorn mika 😊🤍 how whimsical
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
astro notes- libra full moon & eclipse 🌕
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MARCH 25TH- The Libra full moon shines a light on our relationships, urging us to release doubt and uncertainty. As we transition from the Equinox into Aries season, a new cycle begins, marked by the fast-approaching total eclipse on the Aries new moon. This eclipse season acts as a powerful catalyst for change, offering us the opportunity to realign and detoxify our energy.
The Aries-Libra axis highlights the dynamic interplay between individuality and partnership, self-expression and cooperation. These opposing forces challenge us to find balance within ourselves and in our connections with others. It's a time for deep introspection and transformation, as we navigate the delicate dance between independence and interdependence.
Eclipses are not to be feared but embraced as gateways to resolution and new beginnings. They offer us a chance to shed past karma and step into our higher purpose. As Carl Jung teaches, life emerges from the spark of opposites, and the Lunar Eclipse in Libra reminds us to harmonize polarities to experience a more vibrant existence.
During this eclipse cycle, observe your experiences and reflections, noting any shifts or realizations that occur. Embrace change and complexity, turning problems into powers and paradoxes into pathways to growth. As we navigate these cosmic currents, may we find balance, harmony, and a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness.
Aries Rising (Libra 7th House - Aries 1st House): This eclipse highlights the need to find balance in your relationships (7th house) while asserting your individuality (1st house). You may experience shifts in your partnerships that encourage you to take a more assertive stance in expressing your needs and desires.
Taurus Rising (Libra 6th House - Aries 12th House): The eclipse brings attention to your health and daily routines (6th house) as well as your spiritual and subconscious realms (12th house). You may feel a need to prioritize self-care and introspection, letting go of old habits that no longer serve you.
Gemini Rising (Libra 5th House - Aries 11th House): This eclipse highlights creativity, romance, and self-expression (5th house) as well as your social circles and aspirations (11th house). You may feel inspired to pursue creative projects or reassess your social connections to align them with your true desires.
Cancer Rising (Libra 4th House - Aries 10th House): Home, family, and emotional security (4th house) come into focus, along with your career and public image (10th house). You may experience changes in your professional life that require you to find a balance between your personal and public responsibilities.
Leo Rising (Libra 3rd House - Aries 9th House): Communication, learning, and short trips (3rd house) are emphasized, along with higher education and philosophical pursuits (9th house). You may feel a strong urge to expand your knowledge or share your ideas with others, leading to new opportunities for growth.
Virgo Rising (Libra 2nd House - Aries 8th House): Finances, values, and self-worth (2nd house) come into focus, along with shared resources and deep transformations (8th house). You may need to reassess your financial situation and how you share resources with others, leading to a more profound understanding of your own worth.
Libra Rising (Libra 1st House - Aries 7th House): This eclipse highlights your identity and self-expression (1st house) as well as your partnerships and relationships (7th house). You may experience a shift in how you perceive yourself in relation to others, leading to a greater sense of balance and harmony in your relationships.
Scorpio Rising (Aries 6th House - Libra 12th House): Health, work, and service to others (6th house) are emphasized, along with spirituality and subconscious patterns (12th house). You may feel a need to take better care of your physical and mental well-being, leading to a deeper understanding of your own inner workings.
Sagittarius Rising (Aries 5th House - Libra 11th House): The eclipse highlights creativity, romance, and children (5th house) as well as friendships and social connections (11th house). You may feel inspired to pursue creative projects or connect with like-minded individuals who share your aspirations.
Capricorn Rising (Aries 4th House - Libra 10th House): Home, family, and emotional foundations (4th house) come into focus, along with your career and public image (10th house). You may experience changes in your professional life that require you to find a balance between your personal and public responsibilities, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment in both areas.
Aquarius Rising (Aries 3rd House - Libra 9th House): Communication, learning, and short trips (3rd house) are emphasized, along with higher education and philosophical pursuits (9th house). You may feel a strong urge to expand your knowledge or share your ideas with others, leading to new opportunities for growth and understanding.
Pisces Rising (Aries 2nd House - Libra 8th House): Finances, values, and self-worth (2nd house) come into focus, along with shared resources and deep transformations (8th house). You may need to reassess your financial situation and how you share resources with others, leading to a deeper understanding of your own worth and values.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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vrronica-sawyer · 5 months
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I’ve got boxes full of Vash the Stampede
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crtter · 1 year
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jilyandbambi · 1 year
so a Yellowjackets AU where mari says something to get herself kicked out of the cabin, and she dies of exposure and gets eaten at the bachanalian banquet instead of Jackie, who LIVES, who's there at Shauna's side when she goes into labor, stroking her hair and letting Shauna squeeze her hand hard enough to sprain her fingers, who keeps Shauna calm enough she has a (comparatively!!!!!!) easier delivery, who is the reason the(ir) baby lives.
who finally, after months of feeling adrift and useless because she’s not a hunter or a butcher or a prophet or a captain (anymore) finds her purpose in the wilderness. who painstaking sews patchwork baby onesies and cloth diapers from the girls' spare clothes (Offerings, not donations). who makes a baby sling from animal pelts and backpack straps. who makes a rattle from sticks and pinecones and some light blue pebbles Jackie found by the lake one day and saved. who makes sure the cabin stays warm and clean for Luke Dylan (from 90210--they couldn't decide whether to go with the actor or the character).
who builds them another shelter from blankets and animal hides after the cabin burns down. who keeps shauna and their baby warm through that first terrible winter and the one that followed.
and one day in 1998, Canadian forest rangers happen upon that American high school soccer team that went missing 2 years back. they find a group of starving teens and a baby, a little over a year old, two of the girls wrapped around him--and each other
and when the rescue team tries to separate them the one with tangled, golden brown hair bears her teeth and Growls
#yellowjackets#shaunajackie#yellowjackets au#premise up for adoption bc Im too busy to do anything more with this#shauna shipman#jackie taylor#in my head: they go back and live at jackie's house#it's bigger + Jackie's family has the $$ to keep reporters off their property so the girls are safer there#when it’s discovered that jeff is the father. jeff--who was raised right--starts going to school part time#while working full time at the furniture store#soon becoming assistant manager#jackie's parents BEG her to go to rutgers. not to give up her future for a baby that's not even hers#that belongs to the bf and bff who BETRAYED her no less#(jackie stops talking to them for a month. not for bringing up the cheating thing)#(for daring to say that LD isnt hers' too)#jackie does eventually go to Rutgers though#but not bc her mom promises to stop giving shauna a hard time#she decides to go when Shauna finally tells her about applying to Brown and getting her acceptance letter days before they left#they never would've been roommates at Rutgers. she isn't leaving Shauna behind. she never has#shauna makes a joke about having a hot meal ready every day when jackie comes home#jeff saves up enough money for a dowm payment for a nice house with a lawn and a yard#for him shauna&jackie and the baby--BECAUSE HE WAS RAISED RIGHT#he and jackie build a backuard playset for Luke (Dylan's his middle name. It's also Jeffs mothers maiden name it all worked out)#yes sometimes they have threesomes#no Randy. Jeff's NOT going to talk about it w you#(he was raised right!!!!!)#a few years down the line Shauna gets pregnant again#all 3 of their parents' heads tilt to the side#but they keep it amongs themselves so they can keep seeing Luke and baby Callie#little house in the wilderness au
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 18
Ghost are the embodiment of what they represent. An example skulker is the embodiment of hunting. Without skulker no one could hunt. It just doesn’t exist anymore.
In this a dc villain captures amorpho in order to find out hero’s identities. The villain has to figure out how to utilize amorpho. He’s only managed to trap him using tech from the fentons.
Danny cannot find him amorpho in time. The villain manages to take away disguise from everyone but himself. For Danny it’s not as big of a problem as it is for every other hero.
Danny has two whole separate identities not so much a disguise. (He transforms not just throws on a mask. Same would apply to captain marvel)
This leads to a pre teen and a teenager both pretending to be mature trying to find amorpho. They both have no idea what there doing.
After a bunch of nonsense they free amorpho. Disguises now exist again.
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transmandayoung · 5 months
from the full disclosure report
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fredbydawn · 2 months
I feel bad for the people who skip the short films cuz they miss out on gems like these
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