#Kas and the Assassin
ftb-writes · 1 year
Here it is!!!
It's been a few years since I wrote the original post (it is tagged now, for easy finding). The next prompt is a fun idea:
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"I've considered your offer."
Zevhel glances up from the map table where points of interest -- and potential marks -- are inventoried with various-shaped wooden totems. Two of his men flank Kas, and the bedraggled serf has a determined fire in his eyes.
Zevhel turns back to the map. "Leave us," he orders, feigning indifference, and his men nod and duck out of the small alcove. Giants most of the local men, Kas included.
Kas himself approaches the table, stooping slightly to fit. He's cautious, no doubt nervous of being left alone with the head of an assassin ring he'd tried to kill not even a fortnight ago. Kas stands almost a head-and-a-half taller than Zevhel, but it is obvious to any who might see that the smaller man is in charge.
Zevhel motions to the map. "Where are you from, Kas?"
Kas eyes the map spread across the thick oak table and swallows before pointing to an unmarked spot south of a group of totems. The map shows a road there, but nothing else. "The village is called Mudpakt."
Zevhel barely avoids pulling a face. "How quaint," he mutters. "Anything interesting in Mudpakt?"
Kas shrugs. "A few people. A few farms. More dirt and pests than anything else. There's the tax-collector's office, but it's usually locked up tight. He's by for the crops we give for taxes once a moon or so."
Zevhel selects a totem and sets it in place. It is of a little money-bag. "I take it he was the one you got the orders through?"
"No," Kas explains. "Since I was the last of my family, I was moved to the lord's main holding at Ovchark, so the hovel could be used for a new family. Lord Brond apparently saw me working the land from his manor and was impressed with my strength for being a half-starved serf."
Zevhel hums. He remembers the fight Kas put up when he'd been caught, and the feeling of those hands grabbing at him. Kas hadn't been at full health then, but with a little care and training, Zevhel could turn this man into a formidable opponent. And a wonderful opportunity for Zevhel's group.
"Lord Brond was the one who sold your sister to the knight?" Zevhel remembers.
"Yes. Or, really, she was 'payment' for the knight clearing out a few bears." Kas looks forlorn at the mention of his sister. Since his arrival, Zevhel had learned from him that the girl's name had been Ava, and that she had been two years his senior. Kas is only just barely a man now. To lose his only family, and while still just a child…
"Did you ever find out what city the knight was from," Zevhel asks, and curses quietly when Kas shakes his head. "That will put a bit of a strain on the plan."
"Do you have paper and pigments around," Kas asks.
"Yes," Zevhel admits, poking his head out to call for some to be brought. "What were his colors?"
"Blue and yellow," Kas replies, "but I can do better than just heraldry. I saw his crest when he came to take Ava." He points to the road, following it east with his finger. "He took the highway this direction from town."
Zevhel considers the map for a moment before nodding. "This information will do a lot of good in our search for him. However -- and I mean this in the nicest way -- you must have been really poor if you think that's a highway."
"Fifth generation serfdom," Kas grunts. "We were about as poor as serfs can get before outright slavery." He is tracing the lettering on the map, frowning over Zevhel's chicken-scrawl.
Zevhel chuckles at the young man's curiosity. "I doubt a serf would have been taught letters, but I prefer my people to be literate. I'll have you taught reading and writing so you will be able to help properly on this mission of yours. After all, you should be able to tell the difference between a letter telling you where someone will be and a letter to a far-off mistress." The assassin casts about for a bit of charcoal and scribbles three letters onto the edge of the map. "There we are. You can start with that. Everyone should know the shape of their name, wouldn't you agree?"
"Oh, I'm not important enough --" Kas starts to argue, but frowns when Zevhel snorts. "What?"
"I think you're just scared you'll be shit at it," Zevhel sniffs, and turns away to receive the pigments and paper. Kas can't see the smirk Zevhel has when he hears the charcoal start scratching.
"Gilalen and her boys found him in Estwich," the messenger is explaining as a knight is brought before Zevhel, forced to his knees and de-helmeted. Kas stands proud by Zevhel's side, an imposing figure now after several months of eating well.
"And he just… let you take him hostage?" Kas and Zevhel share a confused glance.
"He's supposedly turned to drink, according to the locals."
The knight, black hair and grungy, raises his head to solemnly regard the pair. "Assassin Zevhel. I have heard rumors of you. Many of my countrymen have found their ends on your blade. I wondered when we would meet. You… I know you." The knight fixes his hazel eyes on Kas. "You were Ava's brother."
"Before you killed her," Kas spits.
The knight flinches like Kas had struck a physical blow. "I hadn't meant for her to die," he whimpers. "Please, sir, if you believe nothing else, believe that. I meant Ava no harm. I wanted her to at least grow to accept me, even if she could not outright love me. Marrying me would have gotten both of you away from that life, and she had at least seemed interested in that. She'd been the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen when I rode through your little village, and I knew right then I had to save her from that squalor. That is why I offered Brond my services."
Zevhel leans closer, drops his voice low so only Kas would hear. "Up to you if you'll accept that version of things, but I've trained to see through lies. He believes himself to be telling the truth. And if she had given the knight a child, it would have elevated her standing as well as any family's standing with her. That much is fact."
Kas at least gives pause, turning the information over in his mind. "How did my sister die?"
The knight begins silently weeping. "She got sick. I don't know -- When I sent for the doctor, he didn't think a lowly serf was worth his time, even one who was to marry a knight. It was my fault. I should have pressed him harder, offered more. I --"
"From what I understand," the messenger cuts in, "Sir Rodrik's family had fallen on hard times. His father squandered the fortune over a gambling table. The little money he had left after taxes would have likely only barely paid for himself and your sister to eat, and maybe room at Estwich's lowest-rated tavern."
"I would have sold my armor to pay," the knight cries.
"I… I need to think about this," Kas murmurs to Zevhel. "Is there somewhere you can stick him for now? Get all the information you want from him."
"I'll have my best interrogators talk with him," Zevhel agrees. "We'll talk later."
Later ends up being well after dusk. "Are you alright?" Zevhel steps into Kas's room and eases the door shut behind him. "We've worked toward this for months now for you, but--"
"And I'm grateful," Kas interjects. "You've taught me so much, skills I can use to make a decent living for myself, when you could have just killed me and been done with it. But now that I've met him face-to-face, Sir Rodrik… isn't what I'd imagined him to be."
"We are multifaceted beings," Zevhel murmurs sagely as he leans against the desk. "Rarely is every conflict black-and-white. Ultimately, he is your prisoner, Kas, and his fate rests in your hands."
"And what about you, Zevhel," Kas challenges. "When I've made my decision, what will you want from me? Just to keep me here as an assassin? Or am I free to leave after all is said and done?"
The questions are valid ones, and Zevhel respects Kas enough to be honest. "I'd be sad to see you go, but I will not stop you if you leave. Brond may have you thrown in prison for failing to kill me, and you should know that before you decide, but your path is your own to choose. If you do stay, I would see you become a proper assassin worthy of the title, and I'd like it if you were a friend and confidant. I've enjoyed getting your input these past few months. Your personality is… calming, to me. This profession tends to attract a certain type, and you've been a welcome change from the norm. I've… grown fond of you, while you've been here."
Kas is quiet for a time, mulling this all over. "You've given me even more to think about," he finally says. "But I appreciate the honesty, and everything you've done for me, Zevhel. But what of Sir Rodrik?"
"Disgraced, from what we can gather. He turned to drinking away his sorrows when your sister passed, apparently, and is a laughing stock among the other knights around the area for going and falling in love with a serf. Why do you ask?"
"He's realized he's just as much a victim of the system as the serfs, now," Kas whispers, almost as if he's afraid that if he voices the thought, the knight locked up on the other side of the hideout will vanish. "If… I decide not to take his life, he would be a valuable asset."
Zevhel looks at Kas for a long moment before chuckling softly. "In a few short months you've learned what it takes some of us years to."
"What is that?"
Zevhel thinks back to when he first became an assassin. This lesson was one he'd taken longer to learn than he is proud of.
Zevhel sets a hand on Kas's shoulder and squeezes slightly. "The best assassins are measured by their kills. But the truly great ones know when to stay their blades. If you forget everything else you've learned here, never forget that."
The head assassin steps out into the hall and leaves Kas to think.
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manganimetradnow · 11 months
14 Best Manga Like The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World
This article is about the best manga like Another World’s The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist. As everyone knows, the main character of the series The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World is reborn in a different universe. Summary – 10 Best Manga Like The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World Fuyu Fenrir no Itoshigo to Natta Watashi ga, Zetsubou…
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headfkknempty · 2 years
i have more ezio doing dance clips but i’m lazy to post em all so have this last one of him doing the new emote <3
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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“From the dark striations on the claw, I’d say this rancor was...male.”
Hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second-
I will never be over the opportunity for your Consular and Qyzen to bond over nerding out about Rancor hunting/a little bit about Rancor biology. This here. This is why Aria and Qyzen are besties <3 Qyzen’s one of the few of the JC companions that I feel like would have “stuck by” Aria after the big “surprise I’ve been a Sith this whole time!” reveal because honestly, aside from him not agreeing with her on the whole Yuon (or in Subterfugeverse, Qanarr) thing...I feel like Qyzen could get past it due to having seen Aria as Aria, more than “a Jedi” like Zenith and a lot of the other companions did.
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ellestrix · 2 years
Jacob Frye would 100% become obsessed with the Dropkick Murphys but it’d be Evie who tells him they’re not from Ireland, they’re from Massachusetts
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eclecticpjf · 1 day
Now watching:
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eternalidealist · 2 years
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@mistress-of-muses said:
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Merlin hummed as he walked along the forest path, wondering what new surprise or adventure he'd find today. He technically didn't need to worry about getting into trouble after all since his real body was in Avalon.
From @higitus-x-figitus
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"...Emrys?" Lloyd hesitantly called out. A tone of hesitant familiarity. "You look...different..."
He had just encountered the man wandering the forest just a while ago.
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Every writer needs to go and read some fairly decent scifi with inconsistencies and plot holes in it and calm down. Nothing takes the stress out of writing like watching KA Applegate completely forget major plot threads mid-series, of Andy Weir have someone detach the gloves of the space suit that he specified doesn't have detachable gloves last chapter, or CJ Cherryh change the laws of the Assassin's Guild once every three books, and go "these guys rule I loved those books so much." Instant stress relief, every writer should do it.
Also if you're having trouble with character names then you need to read Snow Crash and have your brain remolded by two characters named Hiro Protagonist and Yours Truly, and stop taking names so seriously.
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reddy-reads · 2 years
The Perfect Assassin, KA Doore
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I'm enjoying this book, but the part where the protagonist meets a mysterious stranger and then can't stop thinking about him??? Delicous. I keep cooing and reading bits aloud to my partner.
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shem-fatale · 3 months
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Dragon Age Inquisition: "Canon" Choices Survey Results!
Tell us about your personal "canon" Inquisitor who will make an appearance in The Veilguard? What were their choices? Answers to this short survey were collected via a tumblr post between June 11th and June 22nd 2024. I have since found out which of the choices mentioned will and will not affect DA:TV but I will include all questions anyway. Text version and tags under the cut!
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1. Who is your "canon" Inquisitor and are/were they in a relationship with another DAI character? Female Adaar/Blackwall - 1% Female Lavellan/Blackwall - 1% Male Lavellan/Josephine- 1% Male Lavellan/The Iron Bull- 1% Male Trevelyan/Cassandra - 1%
Female Lavellan/Josephine - 2% Female Trevelyan/Josephine- 2% Male Lavellan - no romance - 2%
Female Adaar/The Iron Bull - 3% Male Adaar/Dorian - 3%
Female Trevelyan/Blackwall - 4%
Female Adaar/Josephine - 6% Male Trevelyan/Dorian - 6%
Female Lavellan/Cullen - 7%
Male Lavellan/Dorian - 12%
Female Trevelyan/Cullen - 13%
Female Lavellan/Solas - 33% Added headcanon comment from @spiders-scribbles: Male Adaar/The Iron Bull "Kas is played with the female model cause I hate how bulky the male Qunari body is and also trans reasons" <3 And another one from @doves-wing: Female Cadash/Josephine "i think they have an open relationship and so my quizzy has dated iron bull though that relationship ends before trespasser. she is still with josie though." <3 2. What combat class and specialisation apply to your "canon" Inquisitor?
Warrior/Two-Handed/Templar - 0% Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Templar - 0%
Rogue/Daggers/Artificer - 1% Warrior/Two-Handed/Champion - 1% Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Reaver - 1%
Warrior/Two-Handed/Reaver - 3% Rogue/Archer/Tempest - 3% Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Champion - 3%
Mage/Necromancer - 4%
Rogue/Archer/Artificer - 5% Rogue/Archer/Assassin - 5% Rogue/Daggers/Tempest - 5%
Rogue/Daggers/Assassin - 8%
Mage/Rift Mage - 30%
Mage/Knight-Enchanter - 32% 3. Did the Inquisition form an alliance with the Mages or with the Templars?
Mages - 86%
Templars - 14% 4. Who was left behind in the Fade?
Alistair - 5%
Loghain - 9%
Hawke - 29%
Stroud - 57% 5. Did the Inquisition give the Wardens a second chance?
Yes - 89%
No - 11% 6. Who rules Orlais?
Gaspard - 1%
Celene - 10%
Gaspard as Briala's puppet - 14%
Truce between all parties - 32%
Celene and Briala - 43% 7. Who drank from the Well of Sorrows?
Morrigan - 48%
The Inquisitor - 52% 8. Who becomes Divine Victoria at the end of DA:I?
Vivienne - 7%
Cassandra - 18%
Leliana - 75% 9. What happened to the Inquisition at the end of Trespasser?
The Inquisition continues in the service of Divine Victoria - 17%
The Inquisition was disbanded - 83%
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A big thank you to:
@precious-gem-of-a-cat @onlypartiallystars
@spiders-scribbles @titanwolfackerman @nervousparsnip @sowrongbutsowrite @argonian-at-heart @too-caught-up-in-moves @yjannu @lilywasx and also to everyone who didn't want to be tagged, plus everyone who spelled their user names wrong! I figured out some of the typos but some of you left me some crazy riddles hehe. <3
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
My thoughts on Spy x Family: EYES ONLY Guidebook (English ver) - part 1
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I finished reading through my copy of the English version of the SxF manga guidebook "EYES ONLY." There's tons of fantastic information about the series, but I wanted to share my thoughts/commentary on parts that were the most interesting to me. Since there's so much content to cover, I'll be dividing it into a few different posts. Also, rather than go in the order of the book's sections, I decided to group the content based on topic. This first post will cover Endo's comments about the characters individually, as well as information about Garden.
Endo's Q&As and comments about the characters
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I like that Endo provides a reason for why Loid wears a WISE logo pin as it's something more than one fan of the series has questioned! And I totally agree with Lin about his "lack of distinctive features." Compared to so many other anime characters, especially shonen main characters, Loid's design is so plain, particularly in his hair and clothes. At least in his spy outfit he has a gun to make him a little flashier, but when he's in his casual clothes, he literally just looks like "some guy," haha. But that also makes sense for his character.
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I love how Endo gave specific numbers for comparing Loid and Yor's strength (Yor: 10, Loid: 6-7)
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I did notice what Endo is talking about how Anya's design changed over time. But that can be said for all the characters really, and it's definitely not uncommon for manga-ka's styles to evolve as they get a better feel for their characters and world.
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He mentions the classical language thing that was also brought up in chapter 42. Definitely makes me think that will somehow tie into her backstory.
Speaking of Anya's backstory, there was this little excerpt about the researchers at the lab. So one thing we can say for sure about her past is that she was not treated well there at all (which has been hinted at in the series).
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Endo also discussed the origin of Anya's pink hair (namely, there really isn't any origin, lol).
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Interesting that he spent the most time designing Yor, and also about the origin of her stilettoes. And his apology to the cosplayers for that bonus feature about Yor's hair, haha.
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I had to chuckle when he said they can't measure her strength because she keeps breaking the instruments! Also the fact that she hasn't learned how to make a single successful meal since the stew…Endo is such a savage sometimes, lol. But keep in mind that this book was originally published over a year ago, and obviously we know from recent chapters that her cooking is improving. I also like that he mentions that she has left witnesses to her work, like in Extra Mission 2. I wonder if that will be a bigger plot point somewhere down the line.
Like Anya having pink hair, Endo expresses some regret about making Yor an assassin (but his laugh makes it clear he's not terribly hung up about it!)
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I know some people are bothered by the fact that Yor is Bond's least favorite. But I think Bond's (initial) dislike for her originated from the chapter where he assumes he would have died from her cooking. Also the fact that Anya put the idea in his head that she would "murder" him if he did something she didn't like, like shun her food (which is obviously heavily exaggerated). But again, this book was published over a year ago, and the most recent chapter revealed that he definitely doesn't dislike her even if she's not his favorite. It's perfectly normal for pets to have family members they prefer over others for whatever reason.
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I love that Franky does charity work. I hope we'll see that in a future chapter.
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It's interesting that he ranks Fiona's combat ability so low, especially when you consider what she did to Wheeler in the recent arc. But to me, that wasn't so much a display of combat prowess as it was totally raw, uninhibited willpower.
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I love his blunt answer about whether Yuri has other interests besides Yor. Also intriguing that he mentions Nightfall when discussing Yuri's combat ability…maybe those two will meet eventually?
Information about Garden
Since Garden is still such a mysterious entity in the SxF universe, I tried to gather everything about them that the book mentions.
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It's interesting that Yor sees Shopkeeper as her mentor since he taught her survival skills in her youth. The book also raises the question about how Yor found Garden in the first place…maybe something Endo will expand on in the future?
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So the information Franky gives us about Garden is exaggerated? Gah, that just makes them even more mysterious!
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The above was a cool bit of trivia...so it seems like the secret police might know more about Garden than WISE. Perhaps Yuri will find out about Yor's real identity before Twilight?
Continue to Part 2 ->
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tepkunset · 1 year
Representation vs. Appropriation
When I made a tumblr blog post pointing out that the character creator in Baldur’s Gate 3 included culturally appropriative face tattoos, lot of people decided to bend over backwards to defend this. Excuses I have found while giving my blocking finger a routine work-out thus far have ranged from “Larian Studios is European so they don’t know any better”, to a classic “it’s just a fantasy game, stop being so oversensitive”. But by far the most common poor reaction was, “what if it’s representation?”
Now, two Māori people were quick to jump into this post and say themselves, clear as day, that this is not representation, it is appropriation. That should be enough right there—settlers do not get to decide what is and isn’t representation for us Indigenous folks. But white people not listening to Indigenous voices is nothing new. I’ve been forced to learn that if you want to be taken seriously by settlers, your best chance is to coddle and appease their poor little delicate feelings. So, let’s pretend for a second that these “what if it’s representation?” questions are actually asked in good, albeit ignorant faith, and not just a pathetic gut-reaction to avoid having to critically think about a beloved game. (Which, by the way, I still overall adore myself, mind you.) Let’s pretend they actually want an answer, and give it to them.
It’s very easy to list the examples of positive Indigenous representation I’ve personally experienced in video games, not made by Indigenous folks ourselves, because there’s only one game that comes to mind: Assassin’s Creed 3. The protagonist of AC3 is Ratonhnhaké:ton of the Kanienʼkehá꞉ka people. Ubisoft is a terrible company for other reasons, but they did one thing right in the development of this game: They hired a cultural consultant, Thomas Deer. Deer was able to guide them through avoiding offensiveness and stereotypes, and include proper cultural touchstones that Indigenous players, especially Mohawk players, would want to see. For example, Ubisoft originally wanted to include sacred ceremonial masks in the game, but Deer told them that depictions of these masks would be taboo. He also helped them choose what clothing and jewellery was authentic to the Nation. This, among much more, helped create a truly representative experience. What makes it representation is that it features an Indigenous character in a positive way, without crossing lines into what should not be touched by outsiders. But had Ubisoft decided to ignore Deer’s consultation and go ahead with using those sacred masks… that would have been cultural appropriation.
Cultural appropriation is taking a closed cultural practice and using it yourself, despite not belonging to the culture it comes from. The key word there is closed, as in, something not for outsiders to touch. Eating frybread is not cultural appropriation, because it’s something freely shared by Natives to others. But wearing a fake headdress to your local musical festival is cultural appropriation, because headdresses are sacred regalia not freely shared by Natives to others. It really is that simple: just listen to boundaries set by the People.
“But my fake headdress is just clothing.” “But a fake kakiniit is just ink.” “But my fake totem pole is just decoration.” Except not, and the very fact that you have no respect for the history and meaning behind these things is the perfect example as to why they are not for you. But being told something isn’t for them has always been a hard a pill for settlers to swallow.
The phrase “nothing about us without us” is often used when advocating for rights and respect of minorities. It was first brought into English vocabulary by South Africa’s disability activism in the 1990’s, and has since been adapted across the world as a slogan to mean uplifting voices of the people you claim to want to help, instead of speaking over them. I personally first heard it through EDIRA work (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Reconciliation and Accessibility) at my job, and I feel like it can be applied in many different ways, this being one of them. The best representation comes from listening to the people you want to represent. Had Larian done that, they would have known that imitating those tattoos was off limits. But since they didn’t, they took what wasn’t theirs to take. And that’s appropriation.
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niqhtlord01 · 8 months
Humans are weird: When there is no honor to be had
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
The Vindi War had been the first intergalactic war humanity had faced while fighting alongside alien allies. Up until then humanity had chosen that while it had made several defensive pacts and alliances over the last several decades with other great powers they would not allow their military forces to be placed under the command of foreign powers. Yet the conflict with the Vindi had escalated to such an extent that human military might was no longer capable of winning the war alone.
So one by one several treaties were called up and the allies humanity had cultivated added their own forces to the progressing war. Things finally seemed to be turning around when the Vindi carried out an assassination against the Cargav leader Tul. The assassin had stowed aboard a Cargav transport as it docked with the flagship of the Cargav contingent and slit Tul’s throat while he was sleeping in his quarters. No one realized the commander was dead until long after the act had been carried out and the assassin had snuck back off the ship.
In the human mindset while the assassination of a leader could cripple a war there were procedures in place to limit the extent of the damage. The chain of command existed so that responsibilities would pass on to the next in command ensure that the human military was never without a leader. Tactics and strategies were taught to all commanders instead of being shared with only the top leaders. Even the diversifying of military branches made it so no one single leader was in command of all forces to allow for flexible reactions to situations.
The Cargav did not have any of this.
In their culture when a war leader was chosen they would be the sole voice of the war until the conflict ended. Their authority was unquestionable and every Cargavan who joined the campaign under their leader swore a blood oath to follow them into the jaws of hell itself if needed.
They had no concept of betrayal or power grabs; no dreams of launching violent coups or misusing military might for personal gain. To the Cargavan’s war was a sacred passage that one would follow for the betterment of all their people. So when Tul died every Cargavan, from lowest orderly to fleet captain felt an overwhelming sense of shame and failure. The death of their leader was seen as the darkest mark of shame their people could obtain and the only way they could undo it was by mass ritual suicide. In that way they would indeed follow their commander into the depths of hell were they could command them once more.
When the human commander Jarvis Lee heard of this he at first did not believe it was a real tradition. He had not done extensive background research on his allies aside from military tactics and could not believe that of the 300,000 Cargavan’s deployed to the campaign all of them would kill themselves.
This reality was finally accepted however when Lee was informed that all Cargavan forces had withdrawn from frontline activities and began donning ceremonial robes. A coalition broadcast soon went out not long after with the Cargavan second in command beginning a death chant of his people.
Realizing that the sudden loss of three hundred thousand allied combatants would cripple the war effort; Lee got on the fastest shuttle and flew directly to the Cargavan flagship after every transmission he sent was blocked.
With every Cargavan in the process of the death ritual Lee met no resistance with boarding the flagship. It took several minutes for Lee to orient himself with the ship’s layout and find the hold the death rite was being carried out in. He sprinted down the winding corridors hoping he would reach there before it was too late. ------------------------------
“Zem zull na, brea ka lu mo. Dea fra muz tah, sen bou nei ru.”
The rhythmic chanting was getting louder as Lee pounded through the alien corridors. His breathing was beyond labored and with each frantic sprint the grey shrouds circling his vision grew thicker; but he could not stop.
He did not care what significance a death ritual held for the Cargavan’s; only that with the sudden loss of the entire Cargavan contingent would mean for the campaign.
After what felt like an eternity Lee stumbled upon the central chamber the rite was being broadcast from. He swiped his access key across the nearby panel but the device merely blinked red and denied him entry. Through the thick metal doors Lee could hear the chanting growing louder and knew he had mere minutes to stop the ceremony but was powerless to get through the doors.
Just as he was about to give up hope he heard the sound of terran boots on deck plates and turned to see his honor guard finally catching up to him.
“Breaching charge, now!” Lee shouted at them.
“Sir?” the leader spoke as he caught his breath, but nonetheless reached down and pulled a small circular device from his belt before handing it to Lee.
Lee snatched the charge from the guard and slapped it on the door as his honor guard slowly began backing away. He spun the activation dial for ten seconds before activating the timer and running back down the corridor. The charge went off just as he turned the corner sending a shower of broken metal, fire, and smoke back after him missing him by mere inches.
Before the smoke had cleared Lee was storming back down the ruined corridor and leaping through the wreckage of what once was the door. Inside he was greeted by the heavy glares of some thousand or so Cargavan’s who had ceased chanting.
They stood gathered in ordered rows like a funeral and at the head of them lay their fallen leader and his second in command standing watch over his corpse with holy blade still in hand.
The second shouted as he stepped down from his platform and approached Lee. It was only now that it dawned on Lee that he did not actually have a plan on how to stop the ceremony itself. He’d been so focused on just reaching here before it completed that the plan had not fully formed; and now seeing the second in command now coming towards him with eyes full of murderous intent did he push his mind to the limit to concoct a plan. He was just about to open his mouth to address the second when he realized he had never learned their name to begin with. His dealings had always been through Tul and Tul had never introduced his second in command.
Pulling himself up and dusting off his uniform, Lee calmly addressed the gathered Cargavan’s with a voice that filled the entire chamber.
“I came here today to pay my respects to a fallen hero the likes of which will not shine again for generations.” Lee began as he decided to make his gamble. “Yet I am shocked to see his funeral attended by the likes of such cowards.”
The second in command stopped his approach and Lee could see the veins beneath his skin bulging. Lee pressed on knowing he only had one chance to stop the death rite and save his own skin.
“You’re commander is slain from right under your noses, and rather than hunting down the assassin down you all put the blade to your throats.”
Lee walked forward until he was standing before the second in command and looked up at them. They snarled through clenched teeth as they spoke.
“You know nothing of our ways.”
Lee frowned and looked around at the other gathered Cargavan’s.
“I know lazy soldiers when I see them.” Lee remarked. “Has the knife of one assassin cast such fear into you all!?”
He felt hands grabbing his uniform before he saw them and was hoisted into the air like a doll. The second gave an angry roar and threw him down towards the alter where their fallen leader lay. Lee landed heavily, a loud crunching sound informing him of his now broken shoulder, but rallied to his feet quickly.
“And you believe your soldiers would do any differently?” the second challenged as he resumed his death like pace towards Lee, “That they would suffer this injustice to their honor!?”
Lee spat out a glob of blood and looked at the alien, matching his death glare with one of his own. “They would morn my passing and then they would choose a new leader to take my place.” Lee admitted, “But before they did they would scour the worlds of the universe for my killer and bring him before my grave. They would boil the flesh from his body and grind his bones to fertilize the fields of my home, and then cast what remained into the void of oblivion!”
The words stopped the second in his place. No doubt he had not imagined humans capable of such a martial code and this was confirmed by the now interested looks of the surrounding warriors.
“Your leader is dead.” Lee continued as he pointed to Tul, “Yet you would meet him in the after without avenging his death? Did he mean so little to you all?!”
“We die today because he meant everything!” a random Cargavan shouted from the crowd and was met with supportive cheers.
“Then prove it!” Lee countered. “Tul’s enemies still yet live and his killer walks free thinking he has not only slain your leader but all of you as well!”
Lee stepped up on to the platform so everyone gathered could see him. “I ask you now to continue this war until it is won. And when the blood of Tul’s enemies has finally dried upon your blades you may then seek him in the after and present to him the monument of those you have killed in his name and proven your loyalty to him now, and forever!”
Raising his clenched fist high Lee shouted “Who will be Tul’s vengeance!?”
For a death breaking moment there was not a single sound; one could hear a pin drop from across the room. Lee looked over the crowd and debated if he had overplayed his hand when he saw the second raise his hand.
“Vengeance!” they shouted.
One by one the surrounding Cargavan’s began raising their hands as well and shouting the word. Over and over they shouted until the noise deafened Lee and he breathed a sigh of relief. In his eyes the crisis had been averted and the war could continue; little knowing the bloodbath of butchery he had stirred in the hearts of every Cargavan that would push them from noble warriors to genocidal war criminals.
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headfkknempty · 2 years
have ezio dancing to never gonna give <3
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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*blows the dust off Aria’s clone* time to get to work again
*coughs* and maybe then you’ll stop being a brat and let me write the next chapter huh 😒😒
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