#Kashimo love of my life
roys-our-boy · 4 months
I knew I’d like Kashimo. But I had no idea I’d LOVE HIM THIS MUCH???? I’m actually going insane
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lavenderjewels · 1 year
I’m too busy rn to write a whole thing on my thoughts on this jjk chapter (now it’s officially translated and out) but it’ll be good to have more time to sit on it
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bliss-in-the-void · 1 year
No bc Satoru has this whole hallucination-dream-limbo sequence where he’s talking to Suguru about how he wanted to give Sukuna his all to get through to him and show him how he understood his loneliness only to have Suguru go “…you’re making me jealous.”
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As an author, what Gege did here is genius because that is such a loaded statement to make in response to Satoru processing his fight with Sukuna. It can mean so many different things and we, the audience, are free to interpret exactly how Suguru meant it.
On one hand, you can say he said he was jealous because he wanted to be the one Satoru fought with all his might. He wanted to be as strong as Satoru, to match him in prowess, and hearing that Sukuna was the one to do it instead made him jealous.
On the other hand, you can say that he said he was jealous because Satoru recognized that Sukuna was lonely and wanted to get through to him, something that he was too late to recognize in Suguru when he was descending into madness, and that in turn made Suguru jealous because it was as if Satoru was saying “I recognized the loneliness in him and wanted to do something about it” when he failed to do that same thing with Suguru.
I personally interpret it the second way more (the first one is very valid, but I just see things the second way), because of the next lines.
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He made Suguru cry. While laughing. Once again, holy shit is that such a loaded scene. What did Suguru’s tears mean? We have never seen him cry before. Not when Riko died, not at any point when he was losing his mind, not even when he died by Satoru’s hand. So why, when Satoru said he wished Suguru was there to wish him luck before he fought, did he finally get brought to such strong emotion that he cried?
Was it because he was happy to hear that Satoru still thought of him, even in his final moments?
Was it because after all these years, Satoru never thought ill of him and pictured him there beside him, and he was relieved?
Was it because he regretted making the choices he did that led to him not being there by Satoru’s side?
Or, in a very indirect way, was it an admission of love from Satoru that made Suguru happy?
I wonder that, because of these panels from Chapter 238:
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Kashimo asked Sukuna, “if you’re so satisfied being alone, why did you refuse to die and turn yourself into cursed fingers?”
Sukuna’s response is, “Love is worthless. I’ve never needed anyone to satisfy me.”
Which is a directly opposing statement to the one that Satoru had just made to Suguru.
Sukuna: I only have to worry about myself and I get to do as I please. I am satisfied by myself. I don’t need love.
Satoru: I worried about everyone else my entire life and I was controlled by the society. I was not satisfied, but I would have been if you had been there with me, Suguru.
That. Is. Powerful. Those panels imply that love is what made Satoru weak. He did not feel complete because he didn’t have Suguru. He had all of the power in the world, he had status, he had students that depended on him, other friends even, and he still was not satisfied because Suguru wasn’t there.
Sukuna on the other hand recognized how detrimental love was because of what it did to people, how it made them weak, and he decided he didn’t need it.
Those panels were such an indirect-direct conversation between Satoru and Suguru.
Essentially, they were saying:
Suguru: You fought with all of your might and I wish that you recognized my loneliness so that I could have been there with you
Satoru: I was at the peak of my power and I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, and I was allowed to go all-out to fight yet I just wanted you to be there with me
It’s just. Ugh. They’re saying they want each other in the most infuriatingly roundabout way.
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buckrecs · 1 year
HELLO so i was wondering if you have some winter soldier x reader fics?? ive been trying to find some but theyre all so short (still amazing stories tho) tysm, i really appreciate you making recs
Winter Soldier!Bucky
masterlist | req masterlist
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Into Cursed Pixie Dust by @buckets-and-trees
“He's credited over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years…” but you don’t know that. You run into him once, then again, again, again. Destiny draws you together, and neither of you can deny the pull. And yet though he never ages, you do.
Stalker by @you-are-my-sanctuary
In which Bucky has a crush on the new PR manager and is being an adorable stalker.
sleepwalking by @lanadelreyscokewhor3
when your boyfriend bucky wakes up with the winter soldier mindest, you do the only thing you know how to do- comfort him. he does the only thing he knows how to thank you- possessive sex. 
Colors in the Dark by @buckychrist
The world is without color, and that’s never bothered the Winter Soldier. The Fist of HYDRA didn’t have time for love and soulmates. At almost a century old, what are the odds that his soulmate was even still living?
ephemeral by @earlgreydream
the winter soldier shows up wounded at your door during a storm.
Purgatory by @wkemeup
While on a mission, Bucky becomes dissociated into the Winter Soldier. But instead of becoming a threat, his instinct is to protect.
a soldier gone rouge by @kinanabinks
the winter soldier has been sent to kill you. why, then, are you so wet?
Reverse Psychology by @waiting4inspiration
Bucky’s Winter Soldier mode is triggered. But you have something up your sleeves that will bring him back.
Comply by @gogolucky13
With Hydra, everyone is a prisoner.
Don’t Fear the Reaper by @gogolucky13
One night, the Winter Soldier appears at your place of work to eliminate a target. He leaves you alive, only to return a few months later.
Fatal Mistake by @rookthorne
A rogue agent amidst their ranks, it was the perfect plan, a perfect escape. It was their fatal mistake. 
Wolf, Partner, Gloves… by @revengingbarnes
HYDRA’s words make Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode. Then he meets you, and you make for him words that will bring him back to normal.
the dragon and her shadow by @kashimos-hajime
You fall in love with the Winter Soldier, and they punish you for it. Sentiment is weakness, but what can they do? After all, they cannot kill the Fist of H.Y.D.R.A. and mortal men cannot even begin to comprehend slaying a dragon.
take it easy, romeo by @sunmoonandeddie
The Soldat remembers one person through it all.
You Found Me by @samthemarvelfan
Bucky Barnes always came home to you. What happens when he doesn't? Worse than that...what happens when he forgets you existed?
Gone Again by @tokoyamisstuff
The Winter Soldier is lost and confused, unable to remember a single thing - except for the place where he’d find the woman that had become his safe space.
I’ll Come Back for You by @milliedazzledust
something where he is in winter soldier mode and protecting the scientist (y/n) where she is the only one who can sort of calm him down after a mission.
Void by @theeleggymeggy
Working as a nurse at HYDRA, you find yourself intervening when you catch Alexander Pierce striking The Asset. You don’t even know this man, but you can’t just stand and watch him be beat down.
Sweet Memory by @
One’s Promised by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Living a double life was not a choice when one was the daughter of Alexander Pierce. Y/N was the youngest agents of SHIELD and one of the most respected threats within Hydra’s empire. No matter her allegiance, she was feared by both. Y/N Pierce would’ve tried to escape it all… if it hadn’t been for The Winter Soldier.
Soldat by @the-fallen-nightmare
Captain America and Reader have worked together at SHIELD for over a year. What happens when they have a run in with The Winter Solider and Steve finds out the secret Reader had been hiding from him all this time? And what happens when reader is captured by Hydra and The Winter Soldier, again. Can she make Soldat remember her or is her life with Steve just a slow fading memory now?
Breach by @darkmasterlistyouneveraskedfor (dark)
The reader finds herself in the Winter Soldier’s cross hairs during a lock down.
Reset by @lunarbuck
The government has fallen, Hydra has taken over. You were an agent of SHIELD long before the reign of terror began, and became a member of the resistance when they needed you most. Everything changes when the Winter Soldier captures you from your safe house.
Devil’s Backbone by @trashmenofmarvel
With your team dead and your mission failed, you’ve been taken by the assassin to an unknown location and are at the mercy of your cruel tormentors.
Krasavchik by @after-avenging-hours
While under orders from Karpov to test the Soldat’s loyalties to Hydra, you find yourself questioning your own loyalties.
Welcome Home… Soldat? by @winterarmyy
Y/N had make a habit of greeting Bucky a warm 'welcome home' everytime he came back from his missions, but there was one particular day when she unknowingly greeted someone else.
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yuujiheart · 2 months
To think that it's yuuji who wanted to show sukuna the humanity of others who he sees of no value , in this case yuuji's. But why ? What made him think that sukuna needs to see it...... Maybe he knows about sukuna and his loneliness and thinks sharing his memories, childhood with him will help him realize that a person's worth is not decided by set standards..
This is my personal opinion which may be wrong but maybe yuuji is doing this because sukuna doesn't see the value in life in general, in his own life too. The only time he feels joy is when he fights, when it's about jujutsu.. He sees humans as nothing but timepass until he dies. And i don't think this is something a person who sees his life valuable would say..
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He sees value in strength and those who don't possess that aren't of any value. He told kashimo that they are loved because they are strong and without strength he himself would be of no value... yuuji possibly realizes that and offers to share his memories because as per him its the memories that make a person's life valuable.
Thing is sukuna was unwanted since birth and gege mentioned that he was always known as king of curses and humans had always regarded him as calamity. They must have avoided him initially because of him being cursed later because of his status as KOC.. Meaning that he was always alone since he was a child and must have neen ostracized, neglected by others. ..
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This panel here kinda suggests that this is what he did till he became strong enough to crush those who made him suffer. Him not knowing if he was strong from birth or not tells us even if he was strong , it wasn't appreciated at all.. He was exposed to the ugly side of humanity very early and might have based his perspective on that.. He was first feared, detested loathed by others then was admired for his strength but was never acknowledged as a person...gojo, kashimo and yorozu whoever wanted to fight him had already decided that sukuna's loneliness can only be fulfilled through strength/ fighting him defeating him and he doesn't know of weakness which I believe might not be the case..
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But yuji sees something else and decides to talk it out . He is trying to provide sukuna with different perspectives because sukuna in my opinion has a very limited perspective on life. he has become numb to things that don't matter to him....one of the reason he dislikes yuuji is because yuuji is like a strange, uncertain phenomenon that sukuna has no answer for. It's like he prepared for gojo ,kashimo, yorozu but yuuji came out of the syllabus and he's figuring out what to do with that.
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jarimaa · 4 months
Gojo Satoru
I once said that he doesn't prioritise personal connection, but it's more nuanced than that, so very badly worded from my part.
Gojo very much understood personal connections and relationships.
Gojo however loves being the strongest, he loves his strength, revels in it infact and wouldn't give up on it for anything, even if it caused him loneliness and that's why his dehumanisation comes from HIMSELF too. He is fine being a tool and being lonely if it means he can have his strength. Yes, his mindset is fucked up, that's the point.
That's why I never subscribed to all the "bring back nerfed" theories because chapter 236 made it ever clear.
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Sukuna calls him (and kashimo) greedy, because unlike sukuna who thinks "love" is worthless, gojo very much wants both connections AND strength.
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It wasn't that people were not reaching out to him, it's just that, he wouldn't stoop to their level, he wanted them to become stronger so that they can become as strong as him, so no one is lonely, so that strength doesn't isolate them like it did with him.
He pushes away people while at the same time craves attachment and understanding, but since he would NEVER give up on his strength, that results into largening the gap/distance even more. He causes his own misery and is ready to live with it.
The recent chapter was pretty much very consistent with his portrayal, he fully committed to his role by becoming the monster he was stopping himself from being all these year, for his students. Even in this chapter yuta very much reached out to him, in a way gojo couldn't to geto during that kfc meet, but it's gojo who again decided that it's his burden to bear alone. His was being reached out, it's HIM who didn't close the gap.
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People are not ok with him just being treated like a tool and just being seen for his strength, but my point is, when has he ever had any identity beyond being "The strongest," not to imply he doesn’t have any other identity at all, but everyone always prioritized his identity as the strongest, EVEN he himself.
That's the reason why he loved his youth so much and considered it the best time of his life, because then, he had BOTH, strength and a equal buddy (geto), that's why that friendship lasted such huge impact on him. (Also imma just say here, people both underestimate and overestimate his relationship with geto, it's very funny to watch)
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People were complaining about characters seeing him as a tool, but they were quite unironically doing the very same thing. Putting him on pedestal, using him to continue being in series for their own happiness and enjoyment of the series, not respecting his wishes from chapter 236, and treating him the same way characters within the story do with him.
Also, you can dislike the way he was treated, that's precisely the point, but don't go around claiming the gege assassinated his own writing because your dislike ≠ bad writing. People are using morality of their real life within a story where everything is being questioned, the so called "good guys" of the story keep repeating that they are not heros, most of them are murderers themselves.
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The curses are showing humanity, everything related to normal human morality is being questioned.
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So the "he would be happy powerless" doesn't work because thats what YOUR morality tells you (its fine to feel that way), but he most likely wouldn't be happy with it, he isn't a real person either lol. Dude has nasty aspects to him, it’s one of them, they add more to his character, he is selfish (and selfless too), and let him be like that.
In the very end, Gojo very much managed to raise a bunch of students who will carry his will, he is alive in them.
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Peace out ✌️
Pretty much my rant after this chapter because of the discourse going around is creating wayyy too many misinterpretations. Also I don't care what you think of the series as long as you just stop forcing your beliefs on others and saying its bad writing, when it's not. I don't think a character can exist outside of the narrative or story he was created in, gojo is amazing because of jujutsu kaisen story, outside of it, who is he?
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cruyuu · 26 days
*opening my 3rd bottle while crying* and then sukuna told kashimo people who are strong respond to love by staring right in someone's eyes and slaughtering them!!! he believed this is love and that's EXACTLY what yuuji did!!! even if his interpretation of love is fucked up and doesn't align with yuuji’s beliefs he still did it he loved and understood him!!! but yuuji didn't love sukuna for his strength FUCK NO *hiccups* he genuinely cared about the human buried inside him and wanted them to truly live TOGETHER!!! but this is the first time in his 1000 year of living that anyone saw sukuna as human not as the strongest sorcerer or evil curse he didn't know how to comprehend this!!! ryomen sukuna said "i'm a mess" and itadori yuuji replied "you're the mess i accept and want" but sukuna didn't believe him because no one EVER showed him kindness and patience before and unfortunately yuuji was 1000 years late!!! *lay on the floor*
my cat: damn girl that's crazy
Anon, you and me both!
me: he would accept him no matter what. he doesn't mind even if he is weak because he doesn't care he just loves him
the walls:
me: i bet that in another life he'd still be out there looking for him just like how he looked for him and swallowed that finger in the first place. despite the danger, despite everything. the one to bring him back and the one to unwillingly take him out but still ask if he'll want to survive with him if they could start everything again still letting him know that whatever is between them could happen because he is the only one who touched his soul after all... right? there's no one else who had seen ryoumen sukuna this weak because everyone adored him for his strength yet yuuji saw him weak and loved him. accepted him. i
the walls:
me: oh my god i can't do this
the walls:
me: like no matter if he's a curse. yuuji's a curse too. if he's human then yuuji's human too. no matter that they cannot coexist, yuuji will find a way around it he'll find a way to kill this difference between them and make them equals make them coexist make them deserving of one another and sukuna can be the meanest worst vile being that ever existed or the strongest or the most pathetic and nothing is going to stop itadori fucking yuuji from loving him i am going to be sick
the walls:
me: and meanwhile sukuna believes that despite everything despite neary wiping out the entire ass city despite taking everyone away he's not worthy of being loved because by his definition love is admiring someone's strength and he's probably so angry over yuuji because in yuuji's eyes he's just an insignificant thing not strong enough of his respect never to stand as an equal and therefore unloveable
me: because yuuji is strong. in his eyes he's big he's everything he wanted to be and meanwhile sukuna is everything yuuji wanted to be and the lines between them blur all the goddamn time they're mirrors then contrasts then mirrors again i hate them so much what the actual fuck
the birds: chirp chirp it's six in the morning go to work
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cursedvibes · 13 days
I’m still in shock of that chapter. Gege … why how and why did you think this was a good idea? Also why have one of the last chapters be about some random lore that nobody knew or cared about and be explained by the fandom’s two least favorite characters
I still have some petty hate for Yuuta, which is not helping my feelings of this chapter
I'm still baffled over Gege's time management. The Sukuna fight was already stretched in places were it didn't need to be, using up space with the gauntlet of people throwing themselves at him that could've been used to develop Yuuji, Megumi and Sukuna more, but this is just...so we rushed through Sukuna's end, skipped Hakari's and Uraume's fight and skipped Megumi regaining his body and the entire immediate aftermath of the Shinjuku fight just to spend 2/3 of the next chapter entirely with inconsequential bickering that sounds like Gege is beefing with reddit critics?
Remember the end of Shibuya? The hopelessness, the gravity, people mourned the ones who died, were devastated by the destruction of the city and the many civilians who died and they knew it wasn't even over. Their lives were fundamentally changed and it showed. Here everyone walked this fight off just fine. Megumi tanking 5 Unlimited Voids and having his brain leak out of his eyes merely results in him feeling a bit dizzy now. They do blame themselves at times, lament over what they could've done differently, but it doesn't feel serious, like they really struggle with it. It's just a set-up for a joke. Ui Ui and Kirara carried the corpses and gravely injured bodies of their comrades off the battlefield, being unsure who would survive all this and being powerless to do anything else, but now they make snarky remarks over who was the real MVP...where is this energy coming from? Gojo and Choso are still dead (Kashimo too, but obviously they weren't close), Megumi should be still reeling from his trauma of seeing his sister die and loved ones injured by his hands, and mind you they didn't fight in just some rubble out in the mountains, they destroyed Shinjuku, a district were many of them used to live and were also many other civilians used to live. They destroyed so many people's homes. Sukuna might be gone, but Japan is still fucked because Sukuna has never the real problem. Killing him won't fix up Tokyo again or soothe the international tensions created by the knowledge of sorcerers existing. But all that doesn't seem to matter.
I don't mind the focus on Mei Mei and I think the New Shadow Style school thing is actually very interesting, I love jujutsu politics, we got far too little about it, but this should've been something that was brought up during the Culling Games or shortly before they started preparing for Sukuna's battle. Y'know, then when it actually happened in the timeline. Not 3 chapters before the end, where you establish this massive power house that was never even hinted at and resolve it 2 pages later. Like okay? Why does that matter? Should I be worried? I'm not because I know far too little about this and Mei Mei handled it easily anyway. Should I be relieved? I'm not because I never even know there was a problem to begin with. Yes, we knew you can only teach Simple Domain to specific people, but that could've been resolved way easier than making up this whole issue and it was never treated with such gravity a secret society that drains their students life would deserve.
So this whole chapter was just pointless and a waste of precious space that could've been used for so many more important story threads.
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frost-felon · 9 months
Musing on Kashimo. I didn't originally find his character interesting, but 238 made me want to look into what Gege was going for with him. After some review, my conclusion is that he's constantly dissatisfied. Not because he's just a Fight Junkie™, but rather because if what Sukuna is saying is true (and Kashimo doesn't deny it), then Kashimo wants to treat others with care, but doesn't know how.
Fundamentally, violence can excite him (as much as it can be boring, like he implies many of his fights before Hakari were), but it can't bring him peace. Sukuna, to Kashimo, is "perfection". Why? Is it because Sukuna is unbothered? Or because Sukuna doesn't feel ill at-ease alone? Maybe it's just wanting a perfect body and a perfect soul, but given how Kashimo is looking away when Sukuna says he's greedy for being troubled by solitude when slaughtering others, I think it's deeper than that. Kashimo keeps his eyes closed, but makes what looks to be a grimace/smirk combo when Sukuna explains his own philosophy.
Using his Cursed Technique meant dying, and Kashimo used it to try and find an answer for his issues with connecting to others, and the pursuit of power. But I don't think Sukuna's answer satisfied him.
When Kashimo lived 400 years ago, he chose a path of bloodshed that left him as a small, dying man amidst carnage, with Kenjaku's words as a final temptation. In the Culling Games, Kashimo once again chose slaughter, forgoing connection, until he met Hakari and found someone he could find surprise and satisfaction (delight, even) in. In the times Hakari seemed to be perishing, Kashimo deflates, first expressing boredom, then resignation (and perhaps loss). After giving Hakari a chance to do unto Kashimo as he had done to others, Hakari chooses to make a deal with him.
The expressions Kashimo makes throughout and after the fight are quite interesting. He's drawn as if he doesn't know what to do with himself, and clings to the goal he made in the last moments we saw of his first life. He's confused at Hakari's claim of getting another to obey by being his senpai (Yuji), which he mistakes for being Sukuna's senpai. But he doesn't voice this.
Ultimately, in his third chance at discovering himself, he chooses his goal of fighting Sukuna to the death, foregoing any future chances, and leaving the connections he could have made behind. In those moments where he converses with Sukuna, my interpretation is that he regrets it. In his final death, he realizes that he'd traded away his remaining chances to connect with others, so as to allay his fears of the unknown with the familiarity of battle and imagined purpose.
It's a negative character arc, where Kashimo chooses a lie (the thrall of battle) at the expense of growth and self-fulfillment (finding companionship and learning how to care for others). I don't think it's a perfect fit, and obviously there is a silly air to it, but the theme song for "Private Pure Love Train" does describe Kashimo's mentality and character arc destination:
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I didn't care much for him before, but I'd have liked to see how Kashimo fared during the timeskip. Did he stick close to Hakari, or did he coop himself up and away from others? Did he get to know Kirara or Maki? What did he think of Sukuna's former vessel, and what might interacting with Yuji have revealed about both of their characters? In the end, that possible development or regression was skipped. All I know is that Kashimo exited life's station, alone.
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zuzu-draws · 2 months
I was thinking about how much Gege emphasizes Yuuji's death from the beginning of the manga.
First with Wasuke's words when he asks his grandson not to die alone like him. Then there's that obsession of Yuuji's to have a dignified death and not die in vain. It's also very curious how just before Sukuna takes over Megumi's body, Yuuji is thinking about how he is ready to die alongside Sukuna when they are executed. Not to mention the words Yuuki tells Choso, about how he should live for Yuuji, because if he dies, Yuuji would be left all alone... And well, Choso is already dead and Yuuji has no one left.
I think it's very likely that he will decide to die together with Sukuna, because you have to remember that despite everything, Yuuji still feels guilty for what happened in Shibuya and maybe he's looking to redeem himself with his sacrifice.
And Gege also overemphasizes that for Sukuna love has no value and that he has always been very lonely. Neither Kashimo, nor Yorozu nor Uraume and neither Gojo have been able to teach him what love is, perhaps it is because the person destined to do so is... Yuuji?
oml reading this made me emotional again, i agree so much!! And yeah, at this point, there really is no one left to answer Sukuna's love confusion but Yuuji ;_; I still wonder how Yuuji's going to do that though.
For Yuuji to truly grasp the situation at hand, for him to "save" Sukuna, he'll have to understand him first. To do that, he'll need to know his past.
The fact that Gege made his domain related to touching the soul and spirit itself,,, is just so wonderful to me. Because this links Yuuji to Sukuna in a very delicate, somewhat sensitive manner, in a manner Sukuna has no defence against. In trying to save Megumi, could Yuuji accidentally sync himself to Sukuna's soul? would that propel him into the memories stored deep within Sukuna's soul, thrown completely off guard? Is Sukuna going to let his memories be read? Or would he even care? Will he use his experiences as a justification for upholding his current ideology against Yuuji? and How would Yuuji react to them being related to each other? Would this solidify Yuuji's belief that in putting down Sukuna, he'll have to perish along with him?
So that they both could get a new start, in another life? Where perhaps the inclusion of one other person could prevent Sukuna's downward spiral into utter destruction?
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That perhaps the love of that person, could save him from the his Loneliness?
This just has too many possibilities and i'm just clutching at my heart at the moment, i sincerely HOPE Gege doesn't fumble this wonderful opportunity to help develop Sukuna as a character further.
Clearly, it makes sense why the first chapter of JJK is titled as "Ryomen Sukuna", this story is about Sukuna and Yuuji, right from the very start.
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olasketches · 24 days
So the fight is really over...my glorious four armed giant spider is gone. Yuji really was foreshadowing about the slime thingy heh. I'm so happy to see the trio back and together again like you tell me this a year ago this is what was going to happen and I'd just give you a maniacal laugh. But I still don't know how to feel about Sukuna's end like we all knew he was going to die and in perspective it does feels satisfying. Sukuna being ripped apart from Megumi and his little convo with Megumi...yeah dude really is walking contradiction. Always saying he's living to die but actually doesn't want to die. Indirectly answering Kashimo's question. But his end just seems...eh? Like at first Kenjaku's end seemed like that to me too but it made sense later on. Kenjaku came in silence and went like that but Sukuna he was never like Kenjaku or Mahito so his ending being parallel to Mahito didn't really sit right with me and i actually wanted him to get anything but a glorious death but this feels...stale somehow? Idk he's still the same untrue to himself. Wish we could get more of his thought process. Or maybe this was it to show Sukuna's denial became his defeat. I just hoped for more emotionally charged defeat of his..but it's GeGe story I'm happy they're telling it like they want to.
Also Uraume and Hakari was funny too they fought all this time bonded, praised and just dipped. Makes me think if they had a binding vow with Sukuna too? Sorry for all the yap and incoherence. I'm just feeling underwhelmed? Overwhelmed? what are your thoughts regarding this chapter and Suku's end?
"my glorious four armed giant spider is gone" took me out sksksksk he's really just a bug when you think about it lol.
anyway thank you for sending me your ask. I really liked reading your thoughts and how you called suku out for being contradictory and a hypocrite till the very end AS YOU SHOULD THANK YOU!! honestly, this fact alone makes the whole chapter all the more special to me but on this in a sec cause I'm guessing the reaction to his demise is quite... well I guess ppl are not really happy with it..??? I mean some of them probably are and by "some" I mean *cough, cough* the haters *cough, cough* but well... I wouldn't know cause ONE I'm actually (and maybe surprisingly) super pleased and satisfied with this chapter and TWO, I didn't go and check others reaction to it lol I'm planning to keep it that way for now. I'm really not a big fan of twt fandoms spaces in fact I can't stand them... too much negativity and toxicity *shudders*.
so my thoughts... to put it simply, I loved it more than loved it actually. and yeah yeah sure he turned into a slimy lil bug which probably put many people off but hey let's not forget sukuna was basically like a parasite possessing megumi's body, so it makes sense that once peeled off only curse-like residues would remain... but I can understand why some stans didn't like that part. I personally found funny but that's just me lol.
and yeah the final seemed quite underwhelming, but I think that's what makes it so good. I didn't want sukuna's death to be the most interesting thing about his character and well it's not. rather than having a big an "after life" moment like jogo, gojo or kashimo, he spent his last moments with the only person who cared about the human sukuna so stubbornly tried to burry inside him.
I actually found his conclusion to be quite beautiful and moving, cause instead of being looked down upon by yuuji as many stans thought would be the case, he was offered something else entirely. something no one ever gave him - kindness and love. yes, I'm using the "L" word here cause in the end that's what it was... yuuji showed sukuna the true value of love. he accepted him and ask him to live with him despite everything sukuna has put him through. despite all the chaos chaos and distraction he caused him, yuuji still accepted him. he not only showed sukuna genuine empathy and compassion but also recognised that sukuna is really... just like him. when yuuji looked into (blop) sukuna's eyes (my beloved) he could only see himself. he realised that under different circumstances, he could've turned out like sukuna if he didn't have his grandpa by his side. he realised that if he could have turned out like sukuna then sukuna could've turned out like him too, that if only sukuna had someone who loved him and guided him and accepted him, he most likely wouldn't have turned into a curse, which is another thing I loved and cry about in this chapter.
sukuna only saw himself as a curse :")). he acknowledged yuuji and finally called him by his full name but in the end he still only think of himself as a "curse" not as human, not even as a god or king of curses but only a curse :")).
the reason why I loved just how "underwhelming" his death felt like is because instead of framing and defining his entire character by his his final moments, gege made the rest of his moments in the manga stand out EVEN MORE. instead of having a moment of reflection and introspection in this chapter as well as in chapter 265 or 266... and oh well entire shinjiku showdown basically, his character started to trip and reveal just how contradictory he is. sukuna claimed he was satisfied with his life and doesn't care about dying, he also claimed he doesn't care about ideals and even despised them, he also claimed he doesn't feel anything and he doesn't need others to satisfy him and then you have all those small moments when you realise "wait, that is not right" and you look back and rethink everything. sukuna does feel and he NEEDS others to satisfy him, cause that's what his entire "philosophy" hinges on.
"Every human has a unique and fleeting taste... which makes devouring them a perfect way to pass time until death"
he DID get excited when maki became the first person to ever give him a role
This is a first. You're the only one who ever forced a role upon me. (while grinning like a maniac)
and then megumi lied his bs out in the open and revealed that sukuna was afraid of death too, despite believing otherwise
Even something like you fears death...
this only goes to show that sukuna convinced himself (and many other readers) that he is not human, that he is above that, that he doesn't care about the things they do... but if even "something like him" feared death, got excited to be given a role, praised and encouraged others for their talents and skills and connected to them in one way another only to "pass time" or knew about flowers and caught a crayfish then that means... he must be human too.
and even if sukuna and the rest of the world couldn't and didn't want to accept that, there was one person who did. someone sukuna hurt the most, someone who saw him at his worst and at his weakest. someone who in the end still decided to show him love, because he belived sukuna is still worthy of love, despite everyone and maybe even sukuna himself, believing that he no longer is worthy of such thing.
"Even if no one else will accept you... I'll live with you" "Itadori Yuuji... don't underestimate me. I'm... a "curse"!
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sulky-cabbage · 1 month
I once made a not so serious post about a possible parallelism between Megumi and Sukuna.
Sorry but how do you keep Megumi trapped inside Sukuna and when Yuji reaches the depths Megumi starts saying this stuff
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right after the chapter where Yuji was trying to reach Sukuna and show him the beauty of life without me thinking that what Megumi's saying is a hint to Sukuna's true buried (human?) feelings and maybe what he could never have?? (Or maybe not and he's just the antithesis of Megumi which is another form of parallelism)
Megumi's soul is trapped inside a curse!!!
let me rephrase that...
A "Blessing" is drowned inside the king of curses!!
A "Blessing" that he tried so hard to suppress by killing his love one(s)
This is the exact type of symbolism that sticks in my brain and I just can't ignore it.
Maybe it's a reach but I just can't brush it off!!
Yuji tried to save them both!!
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Keep in mind the Ksitigarbha is also a guardian of children and a patron deity of deceased children and aborted fetuses.
Gege did repeat the scene where Satoru meets child Megumi but with Yuji this time!!
Satoru was trying to save Megumi and reach Sukuna but he failed. (Seems like Yuta's method of becoming Satoru also failed)
I didn't take the Yuji being Satoru's parallel seriously before but I think there's some merit to it now.. (especially after that panel of him with child Megumi, Really Gege?)
Yuta was also a gojo parallel (he literally became gojo) and his character was connected to the theme of love as well. (There is also that whole Rika= Geto thing)
Maybe Gege is showing us two types of students? the one that imitates his teacher, and the other one that does it in his own way and actually succeeds??
Reminds me of these images lol
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It makes sense that Yuta is the one to carry Satoru's will and kill Kenjaku (a major villain) and maybe even get to bury geto's body and Satoru's body... maybe next to each other?👀
I imagine Shoko will be there too at the burial...
On the other hand we have Yuji dealing with the main villain (the other thing that Satoru wanted to do and failed)..
I can see Yuji having the ability to see the afterlife of others like Sukuna and Maybe he will guide Sukuna and Gojo (and the others?) to go North?
Honestly this correlation between Megumi and Sukuna is interesting I don't know what it is exactly but...
The fact that we found out that Gege planned for Sukuna to possess Megumi from the start but he was told to change it!!??
AND The cursed womb arc (which I think is the heart of the manga) where Sukuna rips Yuji's heart out and says he can live without it but the brat can't..
(Which was a very cool and symbolic way to subtly tell us the difference in their ideals)
I don't know if it still has the double meaning in Japanese... it probably does
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The shibuya stuff and everything was to get gojo out of the story so Sukuna can possess Megumi (which is what Gege wanted all along) so he can repeat what happened in the cursed womb arc again but in reverse.
Also..... there's a possible parallel between Megumi killing Tsumiki and Sukuna killing Gojo?????
Gege gave Megumi a sister that's important to him (and literally does nothing with her) makes me think she was made only so she can get killed by Megumi's hands, but not before making her possessed by a woman who's obsessed with teaching Sukuna about love. (Right before his fight with Gojo mind you) and then connecting this love thing with his fight with gojo (possibly Sukuna's important person?) Bringing up yorozu's words again and again and again during the fight!!
He killed gojo while in Megumi's Body!! (He didn't need to do that!! Don't you find it suspicious that right after killing gojo he turns into his true form??????)
He only gets into his true form when he starts fighting Kashimo (who's kinda Satoru's true form in a way) and he uses the weapon Yorozu gave him on Kashimo!!
And then more talk about love ensued !!!!
And love was never brought up again!!
Honestly this whole thing is diabolical I don't know how Gaygay managed to cook this hard !!
I still have no idea how this is gonna end though.. is Sukuna really just evil? Will we ever get his backstory? Will Yuji be able to actually reach him and make Satoru proud?
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ontgerunway · 1 year
Sukuna might clash with Kenjaku over humans
First of all unlike Gojo, Kashimo, Sukuna knows what love is. He admitted that in 238.
He called yuzuru idiot for telling he doesn't know what love is. Sukuna knows what love is but he doesn't find it worth his time. He said Yuzuru should have lectured Gojo or Kashimo about love cause they haven't found it yet.
He also called them whiny b*tch for crying about being lonely. He basically said it's not my fault y'all can't relate to humans and don't find them amusing.
Sukuna doesn't feel lonely cause he finds humans interesting despite their short life span.
To him, humans aren't boring. Each of them are unique and flavorful and he can suck the flavor off them till he dies. (So Sukuna doesn't see himself as an immortal being, he acknowledges the existence of his own death instead of claiming he was some kind of deity. Which actually makes him look better than some idiotic villains who claim godhood because they have power).
He basically sees humans as tasty food. One needs food to survive, so to him humans are vital for his existence. If the human race disappears, there's no point for him existing. And this might be the reason for him to clash with Kenjaku as Kenjaku wants to erase human race and create a new hybrid species.
I wonder if Sukuna might change teams if he finds out about Kenjaku's plan.
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cutseys0ulxx · 3 months
Hajime Kashimo, and some Bimbo.
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Gif is obviously not mine 🌝.
Kashimo is ancient, like the dude is four hundred years old. He never understood the fashion nowadays with people. It was weird and a whole lot different than the generation he grew up in. He tried to get used to seeing it since it would surround him everywhere he could go.
But then, one day, he met you. Where it all started.
To be honest here you’re a sight for any sore eyes. Standing out in society with your glittery pink aura. You were cute, but the way you dressed caught his eye even more. For the first time in over a hundred years in his life he has never seen someone so unique. Hajime always felt like he was standing out, but that day he saw you.. You stood out in a way that didn’t make you feel bad about yourself. In fact you’re very much confident, and simply just expressing yourself.
Eventually you noticed him staring- and he noticed you staring. If he hadn’t started first You actually would’ve noticed him. That being one of the other reasons you were glaring at him in his direction. Also, you weren’t looking at him because you thought he looked weird though. Actually finding him quite cute , you made your move and he quickly pretended not to notice you like he wasn’t staring at you for a good minute.
You smile and wave at him in a way of speaking without words. He finally looks at you once more and repeats after you. Your smile brightened as you caught his attention in a more proper manner. It was your intention to go up to this cute stranger later, but he made his way towards you. Slightly catching You off guard.
“Hey.. ‘Like what you’re wearing.” He said hesitantly. Kashimo was not the type to ever interact with society often, but something was telling him you were special just by looking at you. Your bright smile crossed your face again. Appreciating his compliment as your cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. “Thank you.” Trying to figure out how to get him back, your eyes darted to his hair. Liking the color and style, you grinned before bringing your eyes to look him in his own. “I like your hair.” It was cute, it brought out his pretty eyes as well. His eyes were also really pretty. So was the smile he gave you. This guy was… Beautiful.
“Thanks. My names Hajime.” Introducing himself without you even having to ask, you greeted yourself with him. You made yourself a cute friend, someone who stood out just like you. “It’s nice meeting you. Could I have your number?”
Again let mention how this dude is ancient. He knows what a phone is don’t get him wrong, but he never found the importance of having one. But now… he maybe just maybe has a reason. “I don’t have one.” You raised an eyebrow, was he serious? “..Do you not want one?” Asking out of curiosity, he answered your question without thinking twice. “Formerly, yes, but now that you asked I may just consider it.” ..Was he flirting? It was kinda cheeky, but you couldn’t deny the fact it was cute. “Well since you’re being so kind, I could buy you one.” Never in your life would you have thought you’d be so willing to help someone you’ve only known for like five minutes like this, but why not do it? And how could he possibly say no.
“As long as you want to.”
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It was from that day on you helped Kashimo with many things. Not just with technology, but training was fun with him. (yes you are both sorcerers.) The main thing he did like about you is how you made him fit in with society a little bit more. Or to put it in the better words, express himself with you. No longer feel like an outcast anymore. Every-now and then he would match clothes with you, but every time you two would he would love it. And it would at-least be every four or five times a week. Thats the main thing he loves about you. The way you express yourself And helped him express himself with you. And guess what..
It eventually leaded up to you two being together. He loved you from the kind of person you were from the start. So unique, so loving. A pretty girl with a pretty personality.
He could never get enough of his little Bimbo <33.
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prettypei · 10 months
hi i'm here to request again! may i have another drabble with gojo, choso, yuta, kashimo and kamo! could you please write about how he accidentally discovers that gender neutral s/o is a good singer and used to be in an award-winning school choir? thank you!!
some context: s/o doesn't like to brag or even care enough to behave like that, so he isn't aware of the fact that s/o is an all-rounder and has many hidden skills and talents! (it's all thanks to their hardworking, passionate nature but also having countless hobbies due to their curious personality)
oh i just remembered... regarding the previous request, gege once said that gojo is canonically good at everything so he doesn't want to be too involved or attached to things. i think it's safe to say that he's actually good at cooking hahaha
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plot: them with reader who's good at singing; fluff
reader: gn! Reader
characters: gojo, choso, yuta, kashimo, kamo
warnings: kashi’s is a bit angsty at first
a/n: HI ANON!! Your requests are so cute to write yayaya! Fun fact: I was in the school choir in elementary! also I want to believe that gojo is vulnerable in some aspects of his character so he doesn't get too cocky LOL but I'll keep that in mind so I can write more accurate reqs :3 also for those who want to request in the future: this is the last post I'll accept with five characters since this was submitted before I changed my rules!!
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Normally, Gojo doesn’t press his ear to others doors, but normally, Gojo doesn’t hear a lot of amazing singers singing live. Gojo was at your apartment, and he wanted to give you a fright since he was supposed to leave 15 minutes ago, but now, he’s entranced by your voice. At first, he was shocked by your amazing voice, because, could someone really be that perfect? Attractive and a good voice? He just won in life! "Baby?" Gojo coos while knocking on the door. There's a reluctant pause before you open the door. "Gojo? Aren't you supposed to be gone?" You try to hide your bashful face with the brush in your hand. "Not the point, where did you learn to sing like that babe?" He smiles. "Well... I used to be in xxx choir.." Gojo's eyes widen in surprise as he feigns a dramatic gasp. "You mean... like the one who won the national competition?" "Yeah that's the one." You answer nonchalantly, as if it wasn't such a big deal. Gojo then wraps his long arms around you, mumbling about how "my baby's so talented" and "I have such an amazing partner". "Stop that, weirdo." You giggle while burying your face in his chest. "What else are you hiding from me?" Gojo's eyes twinkle as he says those words.
Choso should not have came here. You had reassured him that "It's fine! Go out with your family once in a while babe" but in reality, he preferred to spend some time with you. But when he brought this up to you, you said that you had something busy tonight. Busy? What did you have to do today? Animal Shelter? No, that was on Thursday mornings. Coffee Shop? No, that was on weekdays. Cheating? Choso feels guilty for even thinking about the idea of you cheating on him, but you had just disappeared so mysteriously that he didn't even have the chance to question you. So now, he's at a bar with his brother. "Choso! Have you tried the food here? It's delicious." Itadori grins while holding up a can of coke. "...no, not yet." Choso mumbles halfheartedly. "mic check, mic check!" The whole club goes silent as the manger steps up on the stage. "Hello! Welcome to xxx club! Can I hear a big round of applause from the audience?" The crowd around him erupts in cheers and Choso covers his ears. "Welcome, all! So today, xxx club has prepared a lovely guest that has been in high demand since the start of the year! Lets welcome... (name) from xxx choir!" Choso swears that his mouth fell to the ground as you waltzed onstage with a microphone. What? You're a singer? He's still in disbelief...and he loses it when you start singing. Choso had never head such beautiful singing in his life before... okay maybe it might be the fact that you're his s/o but still! The crowd erupts in cheers as you take a bow. In that moment, Your eyes meets Choso's and you give his an almost secret wink. Choso's whole face is red as he tries to hide his face with his hands. You and him were definitely gonna have a little talk tonight.
"I hate escape rooms..." You mumble while clutching onto yuuta's arm. "You were the one who suggested this for date night, remember?" Yuuta chuckled. “Shut up… and wipe that smirk off your face!” You hiss. “I’ll go find clues in this room and you go look for ones in another room, Kay?” Yuuta suggests. The bth of you split up, and you find a key. You rush to find your boyfriend, but… “BOO!” “AHHHHHH!” Yuuta falls to the ground, belly-laughing as he just gave you a heart-attack. “WHAT THE HELL?” You shriek. “You’re so-!” “I know, I know.” Yuuta smirks before grabbing the key from you. “Let’s head to the next room, shall we?” The both of you unlock the door as Yuuta starts flipping through the cabinets. “(name), I think-(name)?” He turns his head, confused to see no one. All of a sudden, he hears a creepy singing behind the door he came from. Its high and weird, like a little girl speaking, which does definitely not sound like your voice. Although the singing is good, he’s too creeped out to appreciate it, so he takes a chair in self-defense and opens the door, surprised to see you. “(name)?? B-but y-your voice-“ “I have many talents yuuta.” He shudders as you speak in that voice again. “Where did you learn how to sing like that though?” You shrug mysteriously. “Let’s head to the next room, shall we?” You tease before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Damn, he loves you.
Kashimo doesn’t doubt you. He really, really doesn’t but when you had signed up for the national singing competition rather than the city one first, he asked you to think twice before going onstage, the biggest performance of your life happening in 5 minutes. “Kashi I’m gonna be fine!” You reassure him. “(name), I mean this in the nicest way possible, don’t go.” It was then when he knew he struck a nerve. “Kashi, can’t you just support me for once?” You mumble. “I just…” he grits his teeth as he musters out the words. “I just don’t wanna see you get hurt. I’ve done the same thing before… rushing into battle before I’m prepared… and I paid the price. I don’t.. wanna see it happen to you.” You eyes soften instantly as you press a kiss on his cheek. “Kashi, I’ve trained for a long time… plus you’ll be here for me right?” You grin. “(name)? You’re on.” A staff member pushes you onto the stage and all Kashimo can do is pray that you won’t get hurt. But as soon as you start singing, Kashimo knows, he knows that his worrying was for nothing. You sing like a bird flapping its long and delicate wings, spinning and spiriting into the wind, as if it was really where you belonged to. He watches in amazement as you channel your voice to the highest note, the whole crowd screaming as you do. And as the judges clap and the audience cheers, a certain someone pushes the guards away and engulfs you in a tight hug, to show you how much you meant to him.
“Kamo! I bought your favorite…!” It’s pretty funny seeing your once stoic boyfriend be reduced to a sniveling mess, but you can’t help but feel pity for him. “Babe *sniffs* s’ okay, I can do it myself-“ “Say ahhhhhh…” you tease as you serve a spoon into his mouth, airplane style, earning a blush from him. “Shut up…” He hissed. “I’ll go cook some more chicken soup, Kay? Gimmie a sec.” You left his side to serve another bowl, and that’s when Kamo heard the most beautiful melody of his life. It was bittersweet and kind, a smooth mixture of love and…home. When had he ever felt at home before? Probably only with his mom or you. Sure, his eyesight was blurry and he has a raging fever, but he’s pretty sure that that wonderful melody is coming from you. “(name)?” He whispers when you come back. “Hmmm?” You sigh as you feed him another spoon. “Can you sing that melody you were humming again? It was…nice.” You nod as you start humming along to the tune, head bobbing up and down. Perhaps being sick wasn’t so bad after all.
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sayakasnonsense · 10 months
“Love again, Fall again.”
Pairing: kashimo hajime x reader
Storyline: kashimo hajime reminisces about his past love, not knowing she was reincarnated and does the same. as they meet each other unknowingly and fall back in love, they deal with crippling guilt from their past lives
Note: no pun for today! this idea suddenly hit me while I was listening to Love Again by Ashwarya! Lovely song, go check it out!
xoxo, sayaka.sy
“thought that I would never feel it now.
the things that I had left behind somehow”
Kashimo Hajime is a lonely soul. A being that has endured far more loneliness and heartache than a human should. Somehow… his eyes soften when they lay eyes on you. A faint warm feeling stretches in his stomach, a smile creeping onto his face. His mind berates him for it: how dare he let his guard down for such foolish endeavours, after all… it only ends with tragedy. But… the butterflies don’t go away, in fact… they only worsen. It had been years… centuries even… since he’d felt this enamoured with someone. A strange, strange feeling, like memories he’d tried so hard to lock away, leave behind and abandon.
“so how do I see you now?
and why do I feel you now?”
You gaze into the ocean, your feet tickled by the soft waves lapping at your toes. A long, long time ago… you had been here with… with someone you considered your light, your other half, the Romeo to your Juliet. Your heart sinks… you shouldn’t be thinking about this. You had a new life now. A soft movement startles you out of your thoughts. Kashimo Hajime sits down next to you silently, eyes never meeting yours, but when they do… sparks fly, fireworks shoot through your heart. This… should be impossible, how, just how was this happening… your heart was locked away, an ancient object never to be tampered with. And why, just why did you like Kashimo Hajime so much? You two felt like you were magically connected by the red string of fate.
“i play a song it makes me start to think
that I’m ready to start reminiscing this”
Kashimo Hajime hates this. The nagging feeling of guilt and regret. He should have been there for her, he should have loved her harder, he should have told her how much he loved her. But all those were past tense now, this was the present. He couldn’t run away from his heartbreak forever. Stop being a coward, he tells himself, man up and face it, face Her.
“all the memories are failed attempts
to try and win each other’s hearts all over again.”
You steal a glance at Kashimo Hajime, ignoring the guilt in your heart as you take his hand, stepping out of the boat. The night sky is painted a beautiful blue, the moon shining in the distance. A pang of pain shoots through your heart as your skin touches. You sigh, stepping out yourself and smiling apologetically at him. All the attempts you two made at each other were foiled every single time, all because of you.
“i don’t want to run too fast and catch myself slipping, back into it
can’t be feeling charged again, but for my name, my heart, you’re taking on me”
But like Romeo and Juliet, not every love story ends well.
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