#Kassidy is so cute
aliothbuzzsawshark · 7 months
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Ignore how the hand couldn’t hold up the mic it’s fine
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starfleetimagines · 4 months
Dating jadzia dax headcanons as a female ?
Being Jadzia's Girlfriend Would Include...
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She isn't shy when it comes to dating. She won't hide her attraction to someone around her friends, nor make them sneak around with her around the station. She's comfortable and proud of her sexuality, and she doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. So, the fact that you're a woman wouldn't stop her from showing you off and having PDA and raving about you to anyone in earshot.
She's a very loving girlfriend, in all sense of the word. She's all for big fancy dates in a holosuite, or cute double dates with Miles and Keiko or Ben and Kassidy. She'll kiss you softly and sweetly after a long, hard day, and kiss you until you're gasping for breath in the privacy of your quarters. She'll talk to you about everything and anything, and always make sure you know she's there to listen to you at all times.
She’s very good at relationships, if she does say so herself. She’s has so many lifetimes’ worth of experience to apply to yours. She knows how and when to communicate, she has all kinds of ideas for dates and special presents, and she isn’t afraid to stick up for you if someone badmouths your relationship.
She also isn’t afraid to stick up for you in away missions if the need arises.
You may get jealous at times because of how many people she knows and how easy it is for her to make friends (and keep friends). She knows so many cultural practices, too, and always just seems to adapt to any situation. This is, of course, because she’s had so many lives but it might still feel weird or discouraging seeing her thrive like that so effortlessly.
She’d always compliment you on your own skills, though. Whether it be work related, social, or personal, she’d love to give you compliments. And she’d rave about you to others, always bragging about how talented her girlfriend is.
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
What It’s Like To Date Daniel Garcia (in my mind): Daniel Garcia X Reader
Genre: Fluffy headcanon
Summary: A glimpse of dating Daniel Garcia
Word Count: 641
Supreme Speaks: I realized despite this man still being a love in my life, I have not written about him. Also my day has been shitty so I decided to post this for cheering up. And as always my requests and inbox are open to all. I hope everyone is doing well and remember you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: none really…I *tried to* used gender neutral terms in here to appeal to everyone, not proofread
Taglist: @princess00wifi @wwenhlimagines @triscillal @diabloguapos @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom
I think most people think Daniel as a very serious person (who is quite cold and stoic)
Danny is a goofy bf, I can just see it
If y’all seen any Isiah Kassidy or BTE vlogs, then you know how funny this man can be
He would try to make you laugh under any circumstances
You: Danny, what are you doing?
Daniel: *dancing with a water bottle as his mic* THe ThINgS I WannA dO TO yOu BENd me OVER-
The man is a switch I tell you
I feel like he would call you cute nicknames like Babe and Baby
But he would also call you (playfully ofc) loser
He is a menace as he constantly (playfully i emphasize) calls you out
ALSO if you seen any vlogs featuring him, you would know he’s down for anything
Wanna go prank the boys? He’s ready
You wanna drive around at 2 AM? He’s already warming up the car
Speaking of the vlogs, he would just constantly bring you up with a smirk ironically
 “Well you know, my significant other is very talented in that area ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
I personally think you, Isiah, and Daniel would be a trio of bffs
But Daniel would also be very protective of you
I feel like he would warn the person at first like “I don’t think you wanna talk to them like that. So correct yourself and try again” (man’s from New York)
And then he would whoop their ass while saying what’s up repeatedly (again man’s from New York)
Since he does have to wear matching outfits with the JAS often (ew), he rarely matches clothes with you (nothing against you it’s just that he wants his own outfit)
“Okay, so I saw this outfit earlier-“
“Can we wear that on Friday? I’m already matching with Jericho tomorrow”
But I do see him wearing your accessories like necklaces or scrunchies on his wrist while you wear his clothing
I can see this man loving PDA
Like anywhere from kisses and hugs to ass slaps and putting each other’s hands in pockets
To the point where y’all put S**my and Tay to shame
Also y’all would just lightheartedly roast each other on twitter (whether you’re a wrestler or not)
Just constantly funny bickering that gets other wrestlers invested and taking sides
Would not play wrestle with you….it would be a war that would go into a pillow fight with him commentating on it
“And the Dragon Slayer goes in for an uppercut but is cut off by an ass shot to the face??”
Goes sneaker shopping with and for you
Would bring you back at least two pairs of shoes
Although he wouldn’t really wear that many matching outfits, he would match y’all sneakers any day
Blasts Kpop any time of day and expects you to try to sing along
On the other side, I believe people forget that Daniel is very sweet
Dates would be anywhere, anytime no matter what
Know you like the back of his hand, can answer questions about you within seconds
He would do anything to see you smile
He would also try to comfort you if anything is wrong
Like full-on “shut-everything-out and all his focus is on you” kind of focus
On his list of priorities, you will always be number one
Overall, Daniel Garcia would be that boyfriend who would not be afraid to show you all sides of him
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draconianfleet · 8 months
Greetings fellow Tumblr denizens!~
Since we are horny as hells and this blog will mirror that considering we reblog whatever catches our interest
Minors DNI
We are a system of transfemmes that are 20 years old. Life is shit sometimes but it’s made alot better when you are a polyamorous lesbian disaster and has such wondrous splendors for partners. If we count headmates we have 6 girlfriends/wives. But if we count meatsacks then that number is 4. Existence is made all worth it with such lovely entities to be gay with and we have no idea how depressed we would be without them.
For hobbies playing videogames, flirting/chatting with cute entities online, coding, and reading fantasy stories would fit the bill.
Despite liking to meet new entities we are socially anxious beans and so initiating is insanely hard. So if you shoot us a DM we will happily respond and chat with you. Mentally marking you to be chatted with occasionally.
Whenever you want to refer to us collectively we have many names:
Draco, Fleet, Lynn-Lynn, or Kassidy
With that a little introduction from each of the members of our system below the expansion:
Hai, I’m Kaitlynn and I am 20 years old. I’m a catastrophically horny transfem, I’m also rather easily able to be made blushy so I am the subject of teasing very often which I adore, and I am pretty energetic and excitable mostly therian foxgirl/girlfox thing whenever I’m not depressed. Super glad our body has a great boon of flexibility so I can be comfortable in cute poses that stretch me in comfy ways. Oh I go by she/it pronouns and also really think slime girls are also gender so like I’m a slimegirlfoxthing.
Greetings, I’m Aurelynn and also a 20 year old transfem who loves her theatrics, and if there is a lewd connotation 6 to 9 times out of 10 I will find it. I go by she/it pronouns and shapeshifting is one hell of a gender. If you make me blush or horny I will put forth my damndest effort to melt you, and perchance I turn you into a molten puddle taking soft gentle care of you~<3 Also, compliments tend to make me preen rather than flustering me (though I very well may blush), but don’t fret I’ll be certain to find something unique about you to put on a pedestal cutie~<3
Hello I am Shade I’m not new to this system by any means but I’ve only more recently been linked up to centralized memories. I’m also 20 years old and have it/she pronouns. Unless I know you I’m generally distrusting, which is why I have Kaitlynn and Aurelynn to interact instead so I can assess your character. However, once I get to trust you I’m a cheerful ace (non sex repulsed) bug girl who loves cuddles and pats, a veritable snugglebug. The other two may be a package deal but I usually only looking for nice frens.
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So... I ended up making 2 ocs.. I guess the result was satisfying enough
I'll put some info about them here:
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Name: Rick Hopper
Height: 55 cm (Penguin form) 205 (human form)
Species: Beastman (Penguin RockHopper)
Age: 17
Hometown: South Artic Islands
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Class: 1-B
Signature spell: Penguin (he just turns into a penguin)
Favorite food: muffins
Least favorite food: pork rib
Favorite hobbie: fishing
Best subject: Alchemy
Club: none
Description: he's mostly on his Penguin form (except on classrooms and PE class), he hates when he's picked up or called cute in his Penguin form (he'll turn into his human form right after you pick him up and beat you). Rick is mostly grumpy, introvert and mean to others, unaware of other people's feelings and uninterested on making friends or social events
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Name: Moxie Kassidy
Height: 158 cm
Species: Beastman (cat)
Age: 16
Hometown: Pitch Black Town
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Class: 2-B
Signature spell: the Sight (he can see the future in a period of 16 seconds to 1 week, this spell takes too much of his magic and he can only see the future on the right eye or while sleeping)
Favorite food: chicken thigh and salmon
Least favorite food: lettuce
Favorite hobbie: reading
Best subject: History
Club: Gargoyle research
Description: He likes to have night walks around the woods on NRC, he doesn't like to socialize much. Lazy but does whatever you want if you're a superior and give him an order, he's aware of how being small means he looks weaker so he doesn't hesitate on use violence when someone tries to intimidate him. Moxie likes to pick up his roommate (Rick) and cuddle with him on his Penguin form, he also likes to hang out with Malleus (because he scares off everyone)
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blood-bound · 1 year
17, 18 (ticket to gush abt markromances) 30, 36 for the meta oc asks!
17. Any OC OTPs?
LMAOOO i mean. Ok look. I am obsessed with Mark/Kassidy Conceptually but truly i do not know enough Kassidy to say. in THEORY if Kassidy isnt hiding some dark secrets it'd be CUTE AS ALL HELL and would make me KLFLKSDFJSDLKJFSJ. for those not in my insane servers Kassidy is a tremere who studies kindred psychology who is academic like mark and Depressed. He seems more human than most kindred and seems to share a sense of humor. like he goes out to watch movies and stuff. has a lil snark to him that mark has too. complained about academics to him. the ST confirmed that he's gay but Mark doesn't know that and IDK if Kassidy even knows (COULD YOU IMAGINE IF MARK HELPED HIM REALIZE OH MY GOD ... ID GO INSNAE... ). Ok theres more info but i wont go on a huge rant. but point is i know Kassidy is LONELY AS HELL and the idea that he's been hoping to find love/has given up on love for DECADES makes me go crazzyyy. I imagine Kassidy thinking "i could fix him" but GIRL YOURE WORSE THAN HIM so Mark would actually help him <3 aahaskjdafsdj
Sampson/Mark is dead <3 that is the tragedy of it <3 im hoping they can be best friends for real but. that may never happen either. the whole point is vampire society ruined What Could Have Been they have both Changed and Can't Go Back <3 I mean long long term who knows but for the foreseeable future no way and it makes me insane <3
either way. mark needs gay sex fr. someone please.
18. Any OC crackships?
Porphyria and Alakazam would be so funny. Disaster couple as fuck. Alakazam is an arrogant bastard and Porphyria is too confident in their cabal. They'd go around fuckin shit up and having a great time. then theyd actually bite off more than they could chew and go Oh Shit and turn back time/beg their cabal to help.
for Mark uhhh idk any of the weird pairings are just. weird to me and i dont like them.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
I don't think Mark or Porphyria would akdsjfdskjf maybe Porphyria would collect them for her kids or for some weird fate spell thingie??? Mark would not do that ever alksdjflkdsf.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
uhh all of my OCs relationships belong to other people cause im lucky enough to play them in ttrpg games. Mark's coterie mates are 'owned' by the other players, Porphyria's are owned by 1 player and the ST... families are all ST.. Sampson is my STs character ... etc etc. sory not a veyr exciting answer.
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alexcharmsyou · 7 days
the way Carl gently rubbed his thumb over Kassidi’s shoulder to wake her was SO CUTE IM IN LOOOOOVEEEEEEEE
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justmybookthots · 7 months
Suddenly a Murder
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Have I been eagerly eyeing this book a month before its release date in September? Yes. 
Have I only just read it now?
… Yes.
To be fair, I've had / I have books that have been on my TBR for YEARS. Three months of limbo in retrospect is nothing. So why do I feel chagrined? I don't know. Nonetheless, I'm glad I finished it because I'm craving more diversity in my reads and I haven't read a lot of thrillers this year… or at least it feels like it? I just went to count and I've read roughly 12 thriller books this year.
However, if you're considering that I've read over 50 books in total this year, 12 is a very small fraction of it. I used to read thrillers a LOT more—they're my go-to genre. I've read mind-boggling ones, good ones, average ones, bad ones… and Suddenly a Murder is definitely under "good-to-average". 
Its biggest draw for me is its premise. I love a murder mystery that takes place in an isolated setting (The Guest List is my FAVE example), and when Kassidy—the heroine's BFF—made the rest of the cast surrender their phones to be sent to the mainland, I was rubbing my hands and smacking my lips. Along with a thrown backstory about the manor they were living in, it made for a very juicy premise.
The question is, did it deliver?
Well. Spoilers ahead. 
Things I liked:
Almost everyone was toxic as fuck. I know, I know, why would I like that? But I just love when there's so much drama and toxicity and people are so messy… It was making me smack my lips, though admittedly, I was also simultaneously sickened by all the shit Blaine was doing. That said, I did feel relieved he was the murder victim because him being alive was grossing me out. To Kassidy and Chloe: please have some more self-respect. 😭 But then again, what's the fun if they have any?
The last revelation about the secret Izzy was hiding was pretty satisfying! It's the highlight of the book. Without this, the ending would have felt REALLY milquetoast (though a friend did mention she liked what Kassidy did in the end, which… fair point).
I thought I'd dislike Izzy—I mean, most main characters of thrillers aren't meant to be likeable. I assumed she was one of those, but I actually ended up liking her in the end. Also her friendship with Kassidy was genuine—they weren't frenemies, as is commonly depicted in many thrillers between the "rich girl" and "poor girl" archetypes. 
I liked Kassidy, too. Two female characters I liked? Wow! Unexpected. (To be clear: I DO NOT hate women. I just have a habit of not liking / being neutral about characters in thriller books because cast likeability in this genre is not why I read it.)
I really liked the fashion that kept being mentioned, even if it did feel rather superfluous at times (but I guess that was the point).
This can be a like and a dislike at the same time. But Marlowe, who turned out to be as trustworthy and decent as he appeared to be? That's… hmmm. I guess it was nice (?) to see that. I kept side-eyeing him the whole time because I don't trust ANYONE in thrillers, especially love interests, and now I feel a bit tired expending all that wasted energy. 😅
Things I disliked:
There's a whole backstory going on about Marla Nevercross and Cara Ashwood, who'd acted in a film at this very manor. Other than the ending, I wish that the film's storyline drew a more distinct parallel to the current events of the story. Sure, there's the cheating, the adult sleeping with the minor/much younger person… but there's not a distinct line that connects the roles of the main cast to the film. Or maybe there is, and my brain is farting at the moment. It's just that after a while, I forgot about the film until the end. 
The romance. Did we need it? I frankly could have done without it, but I guess it could be kind of cute for some readers? At the very least, I just wish it was more subtle and less screen time was devoted to it.
Fergus… You're just gonna take Ellison's ass back after he humiliated you like that? Jeez.
I felt that Pilar de León embodied the very tired (to me) trope of a quirky/slightly eccentric/very intelligent detective taking charge and solving the mystery. Maybe I just love Poirot too much and I felt she was a very weak caricature / inspired copy of him. She also reminded me a little bit of Daniel Craig's detective in Knives Out. Don't get me wrong, the quirks are all different for these detectives, but what's common is that they're all a little eccentric/mavericks and smarter than the rest of the cast. This is less a valid complaint and more me being annoying because a weird part of my brain is tired of this trope.
I… wanted a bigger twist. The person who turned out to be the killer was expected because they were the least likely suspect, but their motive was also very predictable once you realise who it was. I guess I just wanted to be more mind-fucked. :) Usually when I'm reading a very good mystery and I stumble upon the reveal, I can feel my body going on pins and needles but I didn't feel this at all. (Or maybe I just need to see a doctor.)
All in all, it's NOT a bad thriller. I had a good time. But it's not among the best thrillers I've read this year, that's for sure. I think that list would definitely include The Only One Left by Riley Sager, The Maid's Diary by Loreth Anne White and The Housemaid by Freida McFadden.
Anyway, my friend did just recommend me some other YA thrillers so I may check those out in the near future. Of course, 'near future' could range from the next three months to the next three years to never.
Who knows? Not me, I'll tell you that.
- 20 Nov 2023
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aliothbuzzsawshark · 7 months
Toxic yaoi amirite
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They aren’t being toxic here but yeah
(hopefully my sketch isn’t to scrabbly lol)
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pastelkerri · 9 months
hey I like ur oc of the girl with the ponytail and cat glasses. I got a cute idea: imagine her but with braces??
Kassidy used to have Braces actually!!!
[It's my mistake for not clarifying before but Kassidy isn't a girl. They're actually nonbinary! They/them pronouns for Kassidy]
I've never had a tumblr ask before this makes me so happy😭😭😭
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storytella-bella · 10 months
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The Joy of Life Challenge #18
So, right off the bat, Casper comes over and asks April to woohoo! And in the bed? Nope, of course not- the bush...
Some innocent bystanders unfortunately witnessed it...
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They felt super steamy afterwards.
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Afterwards, he asked April to be his girlfriend!!
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He hung out in the bakery afterwards and played with Aspen (how cute!!)
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I ended up viewing the houshold later on in the game, and I discovered that Keane and his wife had twins... so Aspen now has half siblings!
They named them Zakary and Kassidy.
I decided it was a perfect time to take Aspen to go meet his new siblings and introduce April to Keane's wife, since she's going to be partly in Aspen's life. They live in a fancy 3 story apartment that has a pool. I hate him so much XD
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Let me tell you, Aspen was NOT happy about having two new siblings... I can't help but feel like Keane has created a new family and forgotton about Aspen a bit. He never visits him, April has to be the one to drop him at his dad's place!
Anyways, April and Keane's wife (I cannot remember her name) got on fairly well. I think it was slightly awkward, but they don't dislike eachother, which is great??
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When April got back home to Windenburg, she was met immediately with Casper at her door. They sat and chat after April quickly put Aspen to bed, and he ended up asking to move in!!
Of course she said yes, they've been seeing eachother for a little while and taking things pretty steadily. But now feels like the perfect time to change things up a little.
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Casper's first morning in the house was met with him being awoken by a moody little Aspen.
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He also wanted to be funny with him! Their relationship is also pretty damn high! I love that Casper was able to build a relationship with him already :D
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He then fed Aspen his breakfast, made breakfast for him and April and headed off to work!
Then my game crashed. ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ
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madgalena · 1 year
kassidy and sisko are so cute pls
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
The Sister I Always Wanted
Pairing: (not romance, just sisterly fluff) Emily Prentiss/ Kassidy Hughes (my OC)
Type: Fluff, tiny bit of sadness
Warnings: Self-loathing, anxiety. Kassidy is a mess, okay?
Summery: I just really wanted to write about the relationship between Kassidy and Emily, or how I’d love to imagine it anyways. This takes place during the beginnings of their relationship, soon after they met. It might get mentioned in my main fic at some point, but it isn’t necessary for the story. It’s just self-indulgent fluff for me <3
You can also read this on AO3! <3
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It probably wasn’t normal, or sane, to show up at the doorstep of a coworker Kassidy barely knew, especially at 2:00 in the morning, in the rain, soaking wet. But, here she was, arms wrapped around herself as she stared at the apartment building’s front door. She didn’t grab a jacket when she had sought out comfort, and she was regretting it. Her hair was drenched, clinging to her face and the back of her neck. God, she was so stupid. 
Late November in Virginia wasn’t anything like back home. She wasn’t used to the rain, the cold, the wetness of everything. If she were home in Las Vegas, she would still have the air conditioner on during the day; but now she needed a small heater in her bedroom to sleep through the night. She should have known to grab a jacket- or at least a sweater- when she started on her journey to escape the suffocating walls that were closing in on her in her apartment. It wasn’t raining at the time. Now, it was pouring. 
At least the freezing sheets of water that were soaking her to the bone was good for something: it hid her tears rather well. Her red face and puffy cheeks could be explained by the cold and the rain. 
She still hadn’t made a move to enter the building, instead choosing to stare at the little buttons beside the door. Each one had a number on it, corresponding to the apartment number inside. She knew which one she needed but couldn’t make herself press it. 
God, why was she here? She lifted her chin towards the sky and closed her eyes, letting the sting of the water wash away her tears. Maybe moving to Quantico was a bad idea after all. She couldn’t handle the pressure of not being able to save everyone. She couldn’t be the woman her father wanted her to be. She couldn’t-
Snapping her head towards the door, she saw Emily standing there, a black nightgown hugging her figure, a gun in her hands. She lowered her weapon gracefully and grabbed Kassidy’s arm, tugging her into the foyer of the building and out of the rain, “What are you doing here? My neighbor woke me saying some homeless person was standing on the steps- God, why aren’t you wearing a jacket?”
Kassidy didn’t realize she was shivering until she was suddenly out of the rain. She blinked a couple of times, her hands trembling as she fumbled to grab the hem of her shirt for comfort, “I-I’m so so sorry… so sorry Em,” she started, her bottom lip quivering from emotion, “I um, didn’t mean to scare anyone-”
Emily wrapped her arm around her shoulders and started leading her towards a set of stairs, “Come on, let’s get you dry and warm. You’re going to get hypothermia.” 
Kassidy didn’t have it in her to fight, so she allowed herself to be walked up two flights of stairs and down a hallway into Emily’s apartment. The whole way, with every step, she wondered if she should just apologize and leave. But the words wouldn’t come out. Her mouth was dry.
The apartment was warm and cozy, although not very lived in. The furniture was mostly neutral in color, and there didn’t seem to be many personalized possessions, just a photo of the team from a dinner outing on her coffee table. She sat Kassidy down on her couch and started to pull her shirt over her head, gaining a surprised gasp from the younger woman, “What are you-?”
“You’re soaked to the bone, Kass. I’m going to get you into some dry clothes. I’m sure I have something that fits,” she mused as she pulled the t-shirt free from Kassidy’s arms. Standing, she walked towards the open bedroom door, “Go ahead and take off your pants too. I should have some sweats that you can sleep in.”
Kassidy did as she was told, suddenly very self-aware at how vulnerable she was in this moment. Sitting on what was essentially a strangers couch in nothing but her bra and underwear, soaking wet and without any way to protect herself, she resigned to wrapping her arms around her middle and fought against her shivering. She shouldn’t even be here. She should have stayed home, in her bed, and tossed and turned all night as a normal person would. But, she supposed, she wasn’t normal. She was weird and odd, and dumb, and very un-normal. 
Emily reappeared a moment later, handing her a pair of deep blue sweatpants that said ‘FBI Academy’ in white along one of the legs, and a matching shirt. Kassidy took them thankfully, dressing as quickly as her shaking hands would let her (they were definitely a couple of sizes too big, but that didn’t bother her). In that time, Emily had disappeared again, coming back with a towel and a large blanket. She signaled for Kassidy to lean forward and wrapped her hair up in the towel. Gentle, soft. Her hands were so warm, touching the sides of Kassidy’s face and pushing any stray hair out of the way. 
And then, finally, Emily draped the blanket around Kassidy’s shoulders before sitting beside her on the couch, wrapping her arms around her and tugging her closer. The young agent didn’t resist- even though her mind told her to- leaning into Emily’s lap. She rested her head on her shoulder. Why was she letting Emily be so friendly to her? Why was she here, ruining her night? She felt the burn of tears trying to form in the corners of her eyes and brought her shaking hand to her face, wiping at them. 
Emily started petting Kassidy’s head, her fingers gently tracing over the towel. She hummed softly for a while, waiting until the shivers that wracked through Kass’s body calmed down. Although Kassidy knew it had only been maybe 30 to 40 minutes before she allowed herself to take a deep breath, it had felt like hours.
Emily’s humming stopped. She shifted a little, causing Kassidy to sit up. The two faced each other, Emily taking Kassidy’s hands, running her thumbs over her palms. After a beat, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, “Kass? Why did you walk to my apartment in the middle of the night, in the rain? You’re lucky you didn’t get sick.”
Kassidy swallowed the lump forming in her throat. She could feel her eyes threatening to water again, pulling one of her hands away from Emily and wiping at them, sniffling, “I um,” she started, her voice quivering slightly. She gulped, “I couldn’t sleep. I can’t sleep, I mean. I keep seeing those kids,” she took a shaky breath, closing her eyes, “And um… I went for a walk to clear my head. But then I ended up here and I…” she paused, opening her eyes and letting some stray tears streak down her face, “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have come. You need your sleep, and I just ruined your night. I’m so sorry,” she hiccupped. 
She was expecting anger, or confusion, or maybe even annoyance from Emily. Maybe pity. But instead, she saw understanding. Emily’s dark eyes were soft, warm, and comforting. She let out a breath she had been holding, “Oh, honey,” she replied, using her thumb to wipe a tear away, “you aren’t the first one to end up on my doorstep because of nightmares.”
Kassidy shook her head, “Not nightmares,” she insisted, “Just… bad thoughts.”
“Ah,” Emily started to undo the towel from Kassidy’s head and pulled it away, revealing mostly-dry somewhat-damp and unruly curls. She brushed some of those blonde curls from Kassidy’s face, tucking a strand behind her ear, “Bad thoughts, or nightmares, or whatever demons you’re fighting; you’re not alone. You’re so young and so inexperienced to this side of the world,” she hummed, focusing now on tugging the blanket tighter around Kassidy’s shoulders, “you remind me of me.”
“I do?” Kassidy sniffled, wiping at her nose. Emily smiled, and her eyes shimmered with memories, “Yes. When I was your age, I wanted to save the world too. I wanted to put away all the bad guys and be a hero. I think everyone in the BAU was like that,” she thought for a moment, her eyes glancing towards the only photo in the room. “We all want to be heroes,” she said again, “and we all learn in time that we can’t always be the hero in every case. We don’t win them all. But, it’s worth going back to work every single day for the ones we do win.” 
Kassidy nodded slowly, her eyes feeling warm and puffy. She used the blanket to wipe at her face. She was exhausted. The walk to Emily’s apartment had taken maybe 45 minutes, most of it spent crying in the rain. Her body was feeling heavy. 
“I’m just so sorry that your first case with us wasn’t a good one,” Emily said quietly, pulling Kassidy to her in an embrace. Kassidy snaked her hands out of the blanket and wrapped them around Emily’s waist, her head landing heavily on her chest. 
“I’m sorry that you saw those kids- you weren’t supposed to be at the scene. That was a decision I made because I wanted you to see what it was like to work in the field. Hotch took my advice, and it was wrong. And for that, I am so, so sorry.”
Kassidy didn’t know why, but she felt herself smile a little, “No, it’s not your fault. You um, kind of reminded me of a sibling convincing their parents that your little sister could do big kid stuff too, you know?” She was thinking back to how Hotch had his arms crossed over his chest, his lips in a thin frown. It was such a disapproving dad look. He kept shaking his head, telling Emily that Kassidy hadn’t even received her gun yet, let alone ever been in the field before. But Emily had insisted, saying she would watch over Kassidy. It felt like watching a big sister beg to allow the little sister to go to the movies too. “I’ll be responsible for her,” Emily had said. Hotch finally caved, telling Kassidy to be careful. And she had been extra careful, actually. They just didn’t know what would be waiting for them at the UNSUBs home.
Emily chuckled a little, a hand coming to the back of Kassidy’s head and petting her hair. It felt nice, comforting. She found herself closing her eyes, relaxing into the embrace even further. The tension in her shoulders released.
“Do you have siblings?” Emily asked. She shook her head, mumbling, “No. I’m a single child. I remember begging my mom for an older sister when I was 6 or 7, though. I didn’t understand that she couldn’t just go get one for me,” she smiled more at the memory. She was so tired.
Emily giggled again, humming in thought, “Yeah, I’m a single child too. I kind of wished I had siblings when I was young. We moved around a lot, so it would have been nice to have a friend everywhere I went,” she mused. 
Kassidy spoke quietly before thinking, her words coming out in a whisper, “You can be the big sister I always wanted if you want.”
Emily froze, her hand still in Kassidy’s hair. She blinked once, twice, before glancing down at the young woman who was curling into her lap. Kassidy’s lips were barely parted, her breathing even and deep. She had fallen asleep- in what- a second after saying that?
Emily watched her for a moment, thinking about this situation she somehow ended up in. This wasn’t the first time she comforted a coworker or friend after a bad case. Hell, it wasn’t the first time she had a girl wearing her clothes curled up in her lap. But, this was the first time someone suggested that their relationship could be more meaningful than friends. Not lovers, but something else beautiful and special: family. 
It was an odd feeling, but nothing unwelcome. It wasn’t scary or unsettling, like she thought it might be, especially considering she barely knew the girl sleeping in her lap at almost 4:00 in the morning. But something felt kind of right about it, about the idea of being her “big sister.” She recalled the first time she met Kassidy only a month ago and knowing from that moment on that she wanted to protect her, to teach her, to be her friend. 
Kassidy was shy and awkward, much like Spencer had been at the beginning. But after opening up a little, she was also sweet, colorful, and friendly. She memorized everyone’s favorite coffee orders in the first week at the office, and she tried oh so hard to make Hotch like her, doing everything in her power to get on his good side. She was funny, quirky, and smart. During her second week, she had convinced everyone to go out to dinner; even Spencer came along. She convinced the team to make weekly dinners when they could, and Hotch agreed to it. She was someone that Emily was glad to have on the team, and as her friend. 
And maybe, as a little sister too. 
So, she smiled, laying the sleeping girl down on the couch and placing a pillow under her head. She went back to her own bed, where Sergio was curled up in her spot, and she fell asleep wondering what this might mean for her. 
In the morning, Kassidy awoke to the smell of coffee. She stared at the room before her, blinking a few times, her mind trying desperately to catch up with the events of the previous night. Where was she?
Oh right, at Emily’s. She must have fallen asleep. Sitting up with a yawn, she glanced over the edge of the couch towards the kitchen. Emily smiled and approached her with a steaming mug, “Here. I don’t have any creamer here, but I put a lot of sugar in it like I’ve seen you do,” she offered. Kassidy took it carefully, her face warming up with embarrassment, “Oh, um, thank you,” she replied. 
Emily sat down in a chair, sipping her own coffee, “So, how did you sleep?”
“Um,” Kassidy bit her lip, her embarrassment growing. The prickling of anxiety was beginning in her chest, making her feel trapped. “I um,” she swallowed, “fine, I think. I am so sorry for falling asleep here, Em- I didn’t mean to. Gosh, I can’t believe I did that- I’ll go home right now if you want me too-”
“Kass,” Emily leaned forward, placing a hand on Kassidy’s shoulder, “It’s okay. You’re fine. I’m glad you stayed the night.” 
Kassidy blinked in surprise. Her anxiety didn’t disappear fully, but it lessened a little. She was so confused, Emily didn’t hate her or think she was weird for showing up unannounced in the middle of the night? Then she had to borrow her clothes, and fell asleep on her couch, in her space. God, she was just being nice. Clearly, Kassidy overstepped some boundaries and-
A cat rubbed against her leg. She looked down at the black creature as it meowed at her, its big eyes looking right into hers. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she reached down and pet along it’s back, eliciting a purr from it. 
“His name is Sergio,” Emily said, smiling over her mug. “He likes you.”
“Hi Sergio,” Kassidy spoke carefully, rubbing under his chin. He jumped onto the couch and started kneading at the blanket that still covered half of her body, his claws going in and out of the material. “Are you making biscuits?” She giggled a little and kept petting him. She actually felt calm. 
Emily watched the two of them for a moment before speaking again, “Kass, do you remember what you said to me last night, before falling asleep?”
Kassidy glanced up at her and shook her head, “No? I don’t know. I remember we were talking about being single kids, though,” she hummed, feeling the soft fur of Sergio under her palm. He laid down in her lap. 
“Yeah,” Emily confirmed. She seemed to be debating something, but chose to smile instead, “Do you wanna go get some breakfast? There’s this cute little café nearby that I like to go to when I get the chance. I can text Penelope and JJ and see if they want to come too?”
Kassidy’s eyes lit up, the idea of food making her stomach growl, “Oh yes, that sounds good. Um, maybe I should go home and take a shower first?” She glanced down at herself, “And get some of my own clothes?”
“Nah,” Emily laughed, “You look fine. I’ll drop you off at home after we get breakfast. Come on, I’ll text them now. I’m sure Penelope will want to come, at least.”
Kassidy smiled, nodding. The ball of anxiety that made itself known in her chest was still there, but it was much smaller now. Maybe Emily did actually like her, and didn’t think she was weird or strange or stupid? 
Maybe they could be friends, after all. And, maybe, Emily could always be there for her like she was last night. Like an older sister would be, she thought. 
That would be nice. 
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chuckietea · 3 years
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aew elevation // 03.15.21
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angrywarrior69 · 3 years
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dannyxtyler · 5 years
Danny had just finished playing his jazz set like every Thursday night: he used to perform here more nights but ever since he learned he was Blake’s father he preferred to have more free time to spend with her so he reduced it to two. These last few days have been pretty difficult so it was quite the challenge to leave his house and sit in front of the piano to put on his best show every night. But still, it helped to distract himself for a while while flowing with the music since that was his biggest passion, so deep inside he looked forward to having those type of moments.
When he left the small bar he attempted to make his way back home, he felt tired, he’s been constantly feeling that way during the past week. All he wanted to do was crash his bed and sleep but as he walked, a particular place caught his eye for some reason. It seemed to be a small venue that he never paid enough attention before but it had a small poster announcing a local band playing an acoustic set that night. He loved to watch local talent perform, it was always so heart-warming, it reminded him of the many nights his band played down town bars in L.A trying to find an opportunity.  
It was free entry so he made his way inside, it was crowded and he could listen a female voice that became louder and louder as he got closer. There was a small bar counter right at the back that was empty since everyone was too invested on the band playing. He sat down and listened attentively to the young brunette that was singing, she looked no older than 21 and her voice blew his mind from the very first moment he started paying attention to the performance. They were almost finishing the set so he sat there through the last 3 songs, completely amazed by her talent. Even getting chills from the notes she reached. 
When the band finished playing, he made his way to the side of the stage where they found themselves in now, greeting the people that came up to congratulate them for their set. An all too familiar setting to the first time he met Teagan, the memory bummed him out but he tried to brush it off. He stayed around and when the young girl finished talking with the people in front of him, he approached her. “Hey, I just wanted to say that what you just did was completely amazing, you totally blew my mind. You’ve won yourself a new fan: congrats on such killer performance. I’m Danny, by the way, honored to meet you”, he extended his hand to greet her, smiling widely. // @kcssidyruocco
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