#7 rewrite
aliothbuzzsawshark · 11 months
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Ignore how the hand couldn’t hold up the mic it’s fine
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hiddensneker · 23 days
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What could have been…
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rexecutioner · 3 months
Spoilers for all of Mystreet and a small bit of Mcd
So ur telling me. That in ms and pdh. In six seasons and like three prequel seasons. Vylad Ro’Meave. Gets 10 episodes that he appears in. TEN. Over 314 fifteen to thirty minutes episodes (including the side series, pdh and fcu, the spin offs, and the mini series, not including the mini games), Vylad get approximately 85 minutes of screentime in total, with around 40 of those minutes being in pdh, and 45 in Mystreet.
My poor guy got the Laurance treatment, with both of them being very important characters in Diaries, but being pretty much tossed to the side in Mystreet. At least Laurance shows up in more than one season of the main series, because Vylad only gets four episodes in Mystreet, (with three of them being solely Ro’meave centered episodes that he takes a smaller role in) and in those four Big Vylad Return Episodes, he doesn’t show up much without his brothers and ends up taking the back seat again as the main plot is taken up by Aphmau and Zane fake dating to please Zianna.
You’ll never guess what he does in Pheonix Drop High. He gets introduced to us, befriends Travis and Aphmau, and is then never seen without one of his brothers again until Mystreet, in which he gets like, 8 minutes of screen time away from them over the course of two episodes until the main arc plot.
Yes, I did infact watch all of the episodes Vylad is in and roughly calculated the amount of time that he was in each episode, even if he wasn’t talking. I would move mountains for this man.
When I watched Mcd for the first time, I had high hopes for him (and by that extension, poor Laurance) in Mystreet during my rewatch, because I hadn’t watched it in years, unless you count dubbing over s4 with my friends. Yay! Vylad finally shows up! Aaand now he’s gone. With no mention of where he went. And we are left to assume he’s traveling the world again. The next time he is ever mentioned is s4, by Garroth, once. And then radio static once more. I’m pretty sure at some point in s5 Zianna brings him up while talking to Zane but I can’t remember.
Vylad had so much goddamn potential in Mystreet. Affair baby? Canonically Pansexual? Tense relationship with his family? Usually keeps off the radar? Acts completely different from his Mcd counterpart? “Child Prodigy”?
They could have done so much more with him and it makes me so sad that he’s basically just a cameo character to please old Mcd fans and make them say “oh my god! Vylad! From Mcd!”. Yes, it did infact please me, but we get so little of him until he’s gone.
They could have removed him from the plot of Mystreet entirely and it wouldn’t change much. The whole Zanemau fake dating story never really goes anywhere, and thats all we see of him other than Pdh, where he is also neglected as a character, though not as much.
It’s not even the fact that they brought him back from Pdh and then did nothing with him. Thats what they did with Ein, and it worked flawlessly. Its the fact that they brought him back just to show us that “hey guys look it’s Vylad that guy from Mcd and like 5 episodes of Pdh!!”
You know what they could have done instead. Removed Kim from the plot and inserted Vylad instead. She showed up just as a plot point to get possessed. It also would have made Emmalyn a bit less weird in her re-introduction, because if Vylad was obsessing over Zane it would have been weird as hell and they wouldn’t have written that.
I would have watched tf out of an Emerald Secret where Vylad was in town visiting his parents and gets dragged by Garroth to help renovate a new property his parents bought, only for him to
A) get possessed and start acting strange, probably suspiciously glaring at Zane and Aphmau,
B) watch as Zane also starts acting weird, and doesn’t remember himself OR Garroth,
C) Witness as everything goes downhill, probably getting locked in the other jail cell with Garroth (LIKE IN THE BLOOPER REEL) and fleeing back to the cabin to try and get help from literally anyone while Garroth tries to save Aaron and the others, and
D) getting invited to Starlight by the Lycans, where we learn more and more about both Vylad AND Emmalyn, as she starts to recover her memories and tells Vylad about a man quite like him in looks from the past.
We could have gotten more of his relationships with the other characters, like him and Lucinda both gladly breaking into the place where Travis is staying, Not Alone Buddies interactions, his interactions with his brothers now that they’ve all been through A Lot, reacting to Aphmau’s engagement, him watching the other guys as they all fail to pull in amusement, commenting on just how much Travis has changed since high school, his reaction to Garroth getting zapped into a werewolf, an awkward interaction with Garte, the GF invasion, getting used to passing out all the time, missing his old travels and regretting ever going to the lodge, Garroth getting mind controlled, Aphmau’s sudden death, and the burden of both contributing to the possession of Travis, and the responsibility of helping to kill his father.
plz bring Vylad back s7 🙏🙏🙏
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ok555ficideas · 19 days
Rewrite of the coming out scene
Eddie closed the door to Buck’s loft and immediately regretted everything he said. He didn’t want Buck to call Tommy. He had no idea why. He had no problem with Buck liking guys and he liked Tommy. 
Tommy was a great guy. Tommy was his friend who would probably be a great boyfriend. He went above and beyond to ensure Eddie always had a great time with him so he probably would have done even more for a guy he was dating. 
Yet Eddie still felt the ache in his chest. He felt it all those times before. 
Abby, Taylor, Natalia. They all made him feel like this, but he could explain it in the way that they weren’t good for Buck. 
This he couldn't explain. 
All he knew was that he lied. Buck coming out changed things. Eddie didn’t know how or why, but it did. The last thing he wanted was for Buck to call Tommy right now. 
He turned back to the door and knocked. Buck opened it with a surprised expresion. 
“Did you forget something?” The blonde asked. 
“Don’t call him.” Eddie blurted out. “Don’t call Tommy.”
“Yhm,” Buck replied while rubbing the back of his neck. “Why?” He asked, confusion written all over his face. 
“I don’t know.” Eddie replied. 
Buck tilted his head to the side and looked at Eddie, clearly puzzled. 
“Okay.” He said slowly after a moment. “I won’t.” 
Eddie was taken aback by that. He thought he would have to explain. He would have no idea how to, but he thought Buck wouldn’t agree just like that.
“Just like that?” He asked with wonder in his voice.
“Yeah,” Buck replied quietly. “I don’t know what’s going through your head and honestly I don’t like that, but,” he paused and took a small breath, “if you don’t want me to call Tommy, I won’t.” 
Eddie was relieved. He was also panicking a little, because he had no idea what was going on and Buck being his sweet, unapologetic self was not helping the matter. 
“Just,” Buck said after a minute of silence, “let me know when you figure out the why, okay?” He asked, looking pleadingly at Eddie. 
“I will.” Eddie replied through the lump in his throat.
IDK if I should finish this and post it on ao3
Edit: I did wrote it, you can find it here
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himejoshiangels · 6 months
unfortunately thinking hard abt how Bruce meets duke at three vastly different times in his life and how he watched the innocence and cheer leave him as he got older and more jaded only for his spirit to blaze with hope when he matures into the signal
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mydairpercabeth · 2 months
hotd writers are being so real bc i too ignore that last season of got. yes daenerys is the princess that was promised. yes she sits the iron throne in the end. nothing else happens but that.
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annymation · 9 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 2- Asha's Big Day
Please read Chapter 1 before this one.
Asha wakes up with the first rays of sunshine coming out of the window hitting her eyes, she blinks a few times as things start coming into focus.
The room she’s in is not the same we saw her in the opening with Sabino, it’s a rustic bedroom with a more detailed built to it, with wood carvings that resemble animals on the walls and furniture, including on a bed next to Asha’s with the name “Dahlia” carved on it.
Also there’s way less of Asha’s drawing hanging on the walls, just a few of her favorite ones. One in particular it’s a drawing of her and Dahlia together, although, Asha’s face doesn’t look exactly how she really is in real life, she still needs more practice with self portraits.
Asha stretches her arms and yawns, waking up a little someone on a little bed next to hers.
And from the tiny bedsheets comes out a baby goat that quickly jumps to her lap excitedly bleating and licking her cheeks.
“Heheheh good morning to you too, Valentino” she says as she hugs him.
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"Did you sleep well?" she asks as if the goat could answer, and sure enough, he does
"Maaaa! Maaa!" the baby goat bleats shaking his head positively
"That's good, I slept well too... Although, I had the weirdest dream"
"Maa?" not to brag but I'm writing peak dialogue here the goat raises one eyebrow
"I can't remember much but... I think I saw a boy made of light, and he was trying to tell me something, I couldn't understand what it was… but I feel like he was asking me to not give away something, something important… Weird huh?" She asks her baby goat, who's too busy munching her blanket to pay attention, since ya know, baby's short attention span.
"Yeah, I guess it's just as weird as the fact I ask for advice from a goat hihih" She giggles to herself as she takes the blanket off his mouth, Valentino hops out of the bed jumping around and falling over like:
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(Baby goats are so cute, like, how did Disney manage to make a baby goat NOT cute?)
Asha looks at her pet fondly and chuckles a little with his little jumps. But then her smile lessens a bit and she looks out her window, from there she can see the castle, imposing and radiant in the distance.
"Today really is the day, huh?..." She says softly, with a hint of both anxiousness but also hopefulness in her voice
Asha hears something approaching her door, the distinct sound of footsteps, as in, MANY footsteps, and a few whispers like "shhh she might still be sleeping" "be careful with that cake, will ya? It took me all night " "ouch! Simon, that's my foot!" "SHHHH"
Asha smiles, knowing full well who's coming, she waits eagerly for the door to open.
The door opens revealing her friends, all together trying to fit through the door, with Dahlia on the front, and she says:
"Is she awa- OH SHE IS! SHES AWAKE OKAY LETS GO- Happy birthday to-"
They all sing happy birthday as they get in, some more gracefully than others since Gabo just tripped over Valentino and fell on the floor, he's clearly very angry about that.
Hal rushes over to Asha holding a purple birthday cake with one candle, she's smiling widely and singing louder and more beautifully than everyone else. (She did have the best singing voice of the 7, in my opinion)
Meanwhile Dario is struggling to balance a tower of 7 presents, all of different colors and sizes, he manages to catch some with his feet before they fell on the floor, he’s pretty much performing a balancing act.
Simon stops in the middle of the song to give a big yawn.
Safi sneezes because of the smoke from the candle.
Bazeema is singing veeeeery quietly and clapping her hands softly.
Asha is overjoyed by the surprise "Awww guys! Thank you so much! Dahlia, this cake looks amazing!" She says looking at a beautifully decorated cake
If you wanna picture it lets say it’s just like the unbirthday cake from Alice in Wonderland, but purple.
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"You're welcome!" Dahlia replied, very proud of herself "I guess when your little sis is an assistant at the royal kitchen you get some perks, am I right? hihi" Obviously they're not actually sisters but since Asha has been living with Dahlia and her parents they treat each other as if they were.
"We are soooo happy for you Asha!" Hal exclaims "You'll finally get a wish! this is so exciting!" She starts jumping up and down with the cake, Gabo quickly takes it off of her hands, annoyed by her recklessness.
Bazeema shyly and quietly remarks "yes, you deserve it more than anyone Asha, after all the kindness you spread to others" she has a big smile on her lips.
Asha puts her hand behind her neck smiling awkwardly "I mean, it's not really that big a deal, I think I'll just wish for something small"
Gabo, who is placing the cake on the table next to Asha's bed, turns his head abruptly after hearing that "Uuuh haha, excuse me? After 18 years of waiting you just gonna ask for something small? Are you crazy? A wish can change your life for the better, ya know? I ,for example, am gonna wish for a bunch of diamonds and gold" he claims smugly
Simon doesn't seem like he's fully paying attention, but even then he realizes Gabo had an oversight "… Wait, but now that you told us, it won't come true, remember? that's one of the king's rule-"
"THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME SIMON! THAT TOOOTALY DIDN'T JUST RUIN MY DAY" Gabo screams, frustrated by his slip up, because yeah, you CAN'T wish for something that other people know you want, it has to be a secret.
Safi is itching his nose as he claims "I think we all know what Asha is gonna wish for tho"
he glances at Asha's sketchbook that is laying next to her bed
Asha gives him a smug smile "Ooh-ho you think I'll wish to become a better artist? Hehehe nope!"
Dahlia of all people looks the most shocked "What?! Really? Aww that was my bet too, all I see you doing is drawing on that sketchbook everyday"
"And you often complain that you don't feel like they're good enough" Simon adds
"Heheh well yeah, I just don't feel they're quite the same level as my mom's drawings, that's all"
Hal raises her eyebrow as she smiles "Now that's just silly, I've seen you draw Asha, your drawings are AMAAAAZING! Just look!"
Hal grabs Asha's sketch book and starts showing to the others
"H-heey wait! those aren't finished!" Asha stutters, concerned they might see some of her rough and less than perfect drawings
(side note, never look at an artists sketchbook without permission, that's like reading someone's diary)
Asha grabs the notebook back, but sees all her friends staring at her expectedly (except Gabo cause he's still frustrated he'll have to think about a whole new wish) , so she breathes in and shows them.
She goes through the pages showing animals, landscapes, rooms, people, and if this was in the movie maybe some pages could have concept arts, both from wish and from previous Disney movies, as a subtle homage to the artists.
All of them sit next to Asha on the bed as she turns the pages, they're amazed.
"Wooow you've improved so much, Asha" Bazeema says, while giving some excited little claps
"You call that unfinished? then they'll look even better when you're done" Safi commented.
"They look really pretty" Dario communicates using sign language.
"See? I told ya'll" Hal says victorious.
Gabo and Simon look slightly unimpressed. Dahlia has already seen most of those so she has no comments, Asha knows how much she loves her drawings, she even glued some of them on their room.
"Thank you, that means a lot actually... " Asha says while staring at one particular drawing of her grandfather and her on a tree branch, looking up at the stars.
"… Most people say I'm just wasting my time but I really feel like I'm getting better everyday… Although." she flips the pages to show a drawing she made of herself, but the face doesn't fully resembles Asha's (could be a concept art) "I still can't figure out how to draw myself properly."
Gabo seems to try holding his tongue but he let's out anyway "I mean… to be frank, it kinda is waste of time when you think about it"
"Gabo!" Dahlia scolded him
"Hey I'm just saying, why take so much time practicing to be as great of an artist as your mom when you can just wish TODAY to be the best artist ever?" Gabo says frankly.
Asha doesn't really mind Gabo's previous comment, she's used to it, so she just shrugs and explains "Well for one, like Simon said, a wish that other people know about cannot be granted"
"Ugh don't remind me" Gabo facepalms, still angry by his own mistake.
"And second" Asha continues "I just feel more satisfied like this, working hard to improve everyday, even if I don't think my art is perfect just yet, I feel proud of myself every time I improve, and that drives me to keep trying to get better and better."
Simon chuckles at that "Hehe you're an amazing person Asha, but that's one thing I'll never understand, all of that sounds so hard, sometimes it's easier, and smarter, to just...*yaaaawn* take the easy route, ya know?..." As he rambles, Simon starts laying down on Asha's bed without noticing and almost immediately falls asleep.
That doesn't phase the group at all, they're used to it.
Asha closes her sketchbook and starts getting ready for the day "Well not for me, and another thing, if I wished to become a better artist I would forget that wish and my passion about drawing for a little while, and I REALLY don't want that, no, I'm gonna wish for something else." She says while taking off her braids scarf (Like this one, she wears it to sleep)
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Hal claps her hands, smiling ear to ear "You go Asha! make a wish that counts! Now... BOYS! OUT! Shoo shoo! Get out of here, this is a girls only zone" She says pushing Dario, Gabo and Safi out the door
(Yes Hal, please get them OUT, I can't keep writing dialogue for 8 different people!)
"You too sleepy head, wait with the others downstairs" Dahlia shakes Simon a couple of times to wake him up.
"Uh what- why?" Simon wakes up confused
"Cause' we gotta get the birthday princess ready for her big day" Hal says, while sitting Asha in front of a mirror.
"Princess? Haha what?" Asha asks, holding her laughter
"Why, yes. You're a princess for today! Whatever you say goes, now, let's get your birthday hair done!" Hal says excited, while Asha grabs from a drawer some silver beads to decorate her braids.
"I can help you pick up a dress" Bazeema says quietly
"Heheh you all are too much" Asha says with a smile
(I just realized while writing this that Valentino kinda just vanished, didn't he?... Okay let's say he went downstairs after Gabo tripped on him, there, crisis averted)
Dahlia walks holding something behind her back and coughs a little as if to clear her throat, but really it's just to get their attention "If you think this is too much, wait till you see EVERYTHING else we've planned for today"
Asha gives Dahlia a knowing look with a smile "You made a list, didn't you?"
"You bet!" Dahlia reveals a long list that hits the floor with a step by step plan of all the activities they'll do the whole day.
"First! We gonna eat my cake for breakfast, yay! Then! We'll visit the royal garden, Bazeema has spent months preparing a small garden of Purple Hyacinths just for you"
Asha gasps "Those are my favorite flowers!"
"hihihi I know" Bazeema says giggling bashfully
Dahlia continues "Of course, Safi won't go with us to that because of-"
They hear from downstairs.
"... That, so to make it up to him, the next event is at his house where we gonna play our instruments the whooole morning"
"But I don't play any instruments" Asha says, her hair fully ready while she takes a dress Bazeema picked up for her.
"No problem, you can just dance and sing." Dahlia says "And then after that we have lunch and finally when it's sunset we go to the wish ceremony! So, what do you think?"
"That all sound's amazing" Asha says coming from behind a room divider (ya know those wood curtain like things that people use to dress up behind them?) now dressed in a purple dress, with a few star details embroidered on the base.
"Great!" Dahlia says "Because that's just the first part of the list, we got a filled day ahead-"
"You do indeed" Dahlia is interrupted by a new voice coming from behind the door "Good morning girls, may I come in?"
"Oh! Sure thing mom" Dahlia says opening the door
We see a woman that looks a lot like Dahlia but, of course, older, and wearing a dress that is composed only of muted shades of blue from top to bottom.
"Morning ms. Hayashi" Asha waves to her cheerfully.
"Good morning Asha, happy birthday" the woman says with a smile then redirects her attention to her daughter "Dahlia, I need your help, the King and Queen's wedding anniversary is in 2 days and the queen didn't like the cake recipe I came up with, I need to test a new recipe as soon as possible, so go to the market and buy me these ingredients." she hands Dahlia a grocery list.
"Wh- but mom I told you I'd be dizzy- I-I mean busy today” Dahlia replaces words when she’s nervous the same way Doc did constantly in Snow White “it's Asha's birthday, and this list is huge, it'll take me too long and mess up our whole schedule"
"I can help you" Asha chimed in
"whAT- OH NO YOU WON'T YOUNG LADY!" Dahlia exclaims pointing a finger at her
Hal and Bazeema are just in the background watching now
"Young lady? I'm officially older than you, remember? hehehe" Asha jokes
"Don't get funny with me you little ray of sunshine! You're turning 18 today, I won't have you spend your birthday in a carpet- I MEAN market!"
"Umm we can help too" Bazeema says meekly.
"Yeah, and the boys too, so we can get it done faster" Hal adds
"Huh? but-but our plan though" Dahlia points to the list
"Anywhere I spend with you guys it's special, then, after we're done buying what your mom needs, we can go to the royal garden, and then to Safi's house" Asha reassures her friend
".... *sigh* fiiiiiine, we'll help you, mom" Dahlia bemoaned, very frustrated with the change in plans.
"Thank you girls, please be back before sunset" She starts walking down the hallway
Then, Dahlia remembers something
"oh OH WAIT- Bazeema, grab a book that is under my bed please!" she asks her friend, since it's more difficult for her to bend down with her crutch and overall her mobility disabilities.
"Um alright" Bazeema grabs an old book that is almost falling apart, it has "family recipes" on the cover "This one?"
"That's the one. mom! mom!!" Dahlia walks up to her mom and shows her the book "Look what I found under the food cabinet last week~"
Her mom looks surprised "Huh... I haven't seen this in years"
"You said you wanted to test a new recipe, weeeell this book has a lot of cool recipes I've never heard about before! And I'm sure King Magnifico and Queen Amable would think so too!" She opens the book, it has hand written recipes in both English, Spanish and Japanese "By the way, how come you never told me about this?"
Asha and the other two look at them talking and Asha notices how Dahlia's mom looks... Indifferent to this book that is apparently a family relic, with recipes from her native culture, surely she'd at least feel nostalgic by it, would't she?
"That's nice sweetie, but that's not the type of food your majesties would like, I only make meals for them, remember?" she says in a very detached way, almost robotic.
Dahlia looks disappointed "Oh... Okay... Then maybe you can teach me later?" Dahlia asks, hopeful.
"... I don't think I'll have the time dear, I have way too much work already at the castle, besides, there's nothing interesting in that book anyway" she explains, clearly not caring at all.
Her mother leaves, Dahlia hugs the book tightly.
... Well that was weird wasn't it? I'm sure it's not foreshadowing anything...
Anywaaaay that's enough of a scene on Asha's bedroom, let's move this along.
We cut to the gang splitting up at the plaza, each one going to a different sales stall.
It's our first look in the actual kingdom, and it is... Exactly like it was in the actual Wish movie, only notable difference is that the sculptures and paintings on the walls and floors are no longer only of king Magnifico, there are images of the king AND queen all over the place.
And most people are dressed head to toe with muted shades of blue, white and yellow. Younger people like kids, teenagers and Asha and her friends stand out because they dress up with more varied and bright colors... Except for Simon, whose clothes are more of a muted bluish green and white... I'm sure that doesn't mean anything tho.
Asha and Dahlia are picking some fruits together, and Asha notices how Dahlia looks upset and deep in her thoughts.
"I'm sorry your mom is too busy, if you want we can try making those recipes together later" Asha says trying to comfort her best friend
"Huh what?" She snaps out of her train of thoughts "Oh that? pffft That was fine, I'm used to it, she and my dad... Always prioritize working for the king" she looks clearly frustrated.
Asha places a hand on her shoulder, concerned.
Dahlia glances at her friend and takes some deep breaths
"But yeah... I'd like to try making them with you, that'd be nice" She smiles at her friend and holds her hand "But hey enough about me, this is YOUR day! So, excited to have your wish granted? humm? hmm?" Dahlia is back to her bubbly self, trying to lighten the mood
"Honestly? I'm excited because after today I won't have the expectation of MAKING a wish at all" Asha says sounding almost relieved just thinking about it.
Dahlia looks confused "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't you feel it? Like everyone expects you to have this--like-- GREAT goal you want to reach more than anything, that something you can't wait to wish for King Magnifico, and if you don't have it everyone thinks you have no ambition? Well, I don't have that something, I just want a simple life." Asha explains like this is something she has been holding inside for a while.
"... Sis, you lost me" Dahlia chuckles a little "You can wish for anything, doesn't have to be grand at all, and that won't CHANGE your life, if anything it'll just make it better." she says trying to reassure her friend even though she doesn't understand her struggle
Asha is smiling but there's a hint of sadness in her eyes, knowing her best friend doesn't understand how she feels, so she tries changing the subject "Yeah... It sure didn't make Simon happy, did it?"
"What do you mean?" Dahlia asks while buying some apples
"The droopy eyes, the constant yawning, the fact we gotta cary a pillow for him everywhere we go because he might literally collapse from exhaustion out of nowhere" Asha lists it like it's obvious (because it kinda is)
"Ah he explained that to us before, remember? Since the day he turned 18 his dad has been more strict with their training, so he can be the next captain of the royal guard. Sometimes Simon just doesn't get enough sleep"
"I know… I guess that makes sense, kinda" Asha looks down, thinking about how Simon reminds her a lot of her grandfather... But Simon is literally 21, he should NOT be acting and feeling like a man that died when he was 100, that's not right, regardless of how terrible his dad is.
"Okay I gotta ask" Dahlia interrupts her thoughts "Do you even know what you'll be wishing for, because I somehow got a feeling you don't know yet" her best friend looks at her suspiciously.
"Oh ya know, just something simple. Something that won't change my life at all-"
That comment caught the attention of a nearby juggling performer who was entertaining some children near the market, he stops what he's doing and rushes over towards the two girls while doing some cartwheels.
"After all the only one who can change my life is m-"
"MAGNIFICO GRANTS NO "SIMPLE WISH", CHILD" the jester exclaims interrupting Asha as he points his finger to her face.
"Oh- Hello there" Asha looks surprised but she can kinda already tell where this is going
Because now, it's song time!
This is a concept lyric still, with no specific instrumentals nor established rhythm yet, just inspired by "Keep your friends close" From Epic: The Musical. But in the future the song may have it's own instrumentals, with the help of @annamations03
But for now, just read these lyrics like a poem and try to imagine the vibes.
I Made A Wish
Lyrics in bold white are sang by background characters
(Jester) Child, are you not in the know? How can one not dream to have anything they wish for? Why, you’d end up hopeless and alone! But! if you’re in need of assistance Perhaps a jester with no persistence Can show just how wondrous is this kingdom we call home!
Ha ha ha I made a wish! Yes, I was as young as you! Then your majesty made me into something new Back then I was shy— You? I know, right? But now I bring joy to all of those around!  See, it’s that simple, no need to think so much! Just look within and a wish can be found And our dear king will bring in his magic touch! Yes yes, I know how this works I’ve been living here since birth But the thing is that I don’t see any perks… Sounds like you lack self-worth What? Ha ha ha I made a wish! And my light shone brighter! Whatever you want is what you’ll get! Show some gratitude, kid, don’t you wanna be wiser? Just forget with no regret! Ummm 'Cause why would ya take the hardest route? When dreams coming true here is more than allowed So make a wish too, for your life to turn around! Whatever you want is what you’ll get! (Whatever you want is what you’ll get) (Asha Talking)  Thank you for the advice, but… I still think I can make my dreams come true on my own, I'll just  give him a simple wish because it's tradition. (Jester, still singing) *sigh*  Alrighty then, but don't forget That's something you might regret. (Dahlia Talking) Okaaaay now that THATS over,  let's go meet up with the others … Hey, this is the day for you to make YOUR wish. Doesn't matter what anyone else says that wish should be like, okay? … *Breathes in* *breathes out* Okay! Let's go!
(Asha and her friends are on their way to Safi's house to play instruments together, Asha looks around listening to background characters singing as they walk)
(Random Citizens)  I made a wish, and the king made it all better! Whatever you want is what you'll get (Whatever you want is what you'll get) Here in Rosas we got no worries, no pressure Just forget with no regret (Just forget with no regret) 'Cause in a world so cruel and unjust We can trust our dreams won't get crushed, so I made a wish, and I don't regret it! Just forget with no regret (Just forget with no regret)
(They get to Safi's house and start playing instruments together, Asha dances but internally she's very conflicted, and we get a glimpse of what's going on inside her head as she sings to herself while still listening to her friend's voices faintly. She recollects about her grandfather, and how he never remembered what his wish was.)
(Asha) It's my day, so they say  Make a wish that you won't regret Well, I know it may not go this way Cause' when you made a wish, all you got was to forget (7 teens) Today 's your day! Will the same happen to me once I wish away? To celebrate you! And what even is this wish I wanna pursue? Now it's your time Time step up those stairs and do what's expected Now it's your time You all are the only ones who I truly feel connected Now it's your time Can't I just stay here Please, let me stay here Now it's your time (????) Now it's your time
(Asha looks confused, a voice she doesn't recognize echoed in her head. But she has no time to question it, because Gabo just realized... The sun is setting.)
(Gabo) It's time… GUYS! It's time! It's wish ceremony time! (Everyone) LET' S GO! (7 Teens): We gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go (Asha): I know, I know, I know, I know
(Citizens sing the main chorus as they run to the castle, we cut to the wish ceremony, and we see Asha and her friends getting there, just in time for the king's entrance, with a huge puff of green smoke covering the stage, and lighting effects to dazzle the public, we hear the voice of the king of Rosas echo like a thunder, as he jumps out of the smoke.)
HA HA HA Come on! Come all! It's that time again! Don't be shy now! All you'll do is gain! Just fall in line now! Here's where dreams start! Cause' if I'm your ring master then you are all my stars!
(The king dances around the stage, full of energy as he hypes up the already excited crowd. Meanwhile, queen Amable walks in gracefully and begins to sing melodically as if she's singing a lullaby. Asha is already in the line to give her wish, she's the last in line.)
Ooooh This, my flowers, is our reason for living To see all your wanting be turned into wishing So just come now ,my darlings, and welcome to Rosas Where your yearning comes true, no what-ifs and no wonders
(People in line) We forget with no regret All he got was to forget What we want is what you'll get I'll finally get my wish I'll make a simple wish With just a magic swish
Oh I can't wait for it! Oh I can't wait to end this! Oh I can't wait to grant it!- ...
This last part is like the end of "We Don't Talk About Bruno" where characters sing all at the same time, and we see Asha slowly approaching the king and queen more and more as the line keeps getting smaller and smaller the more people give away their wishes, Asha's turn is approaching, and then...
She's right in front of Magnifico, he stands his hand to get her wish, she takes a deep breath and... she thinks on her wish.
Nothing happens.
The song ends abruptly.
Asha opens her eyes expecting to see a wish bubble.
All she sees is Magnifico's hand.
The whole crowd goes quiet. Magnifico and Amable exchange a quick confused glance to one another.
"... Is anything wrong, little one?" The king asks, staring at her expectingly but still with a very calm smile.
Asha get's nervous, she can feel everyone's eyes on her.
"I- I'm sorry your highness, I might not be focusing on it hard enough... Is it supposed to be hard?" She looks up to them both looking for some guidance.
The queen notices the girl's anxiety and gives her a soothing caress on her shoulder "Do not fret my flower, it's different for everyone, you can take aaall the time you need" She says in a motherly tone.
That does help Asha calm down a little bit, but she still can't manifest her wish no matter how hard she tries.
"Hmmm" Magnifico ponders for a moment "Say, how about you just whisper what you wish for to me?"
"... But isn't that against the rules?" Asha asks
The king can't help but chuckle at that "Well, I'll know what your wish is either way so of course the "Keep your wish a secret" rule doesn't apply to me. Come now, I promise I won't judge." He speaks in a soothing tone and a welcoming smile.
Asha hesitates for a moment, but she steps closer to the king, who's now leaning down to be on the same level as her so she can whisper in his ear.
She whispers something and...
Magnifico's face contorts from a gentle smile to a dumbfounded frown with his eyebrows raised all the way up.
The queen is staring at them puzzled, what could she wish for that threw him out of the loop so quickly?
As they slowwwwly distance themselves, the king and Asha are now staring at each other, the king still leaning down to her eye level... He whispers to her:
"... Why on earth would you wish for high grass to grow on your backyard?" the king questions like she's insane.
Asha whispers back
"... Because my pet goat likes to eat high grass... A lot... Your majesty" she adds that last part like she almost forgot to address him formally.
The king stares at her for a few seconds, that to Asha felt like it were minutes.
His smile returns to his face though, so that's good right?
But the smile turns into quiet snickering, as if the king is trying really hard to hold in a huge uncontrollable laughter, but he has to hold it in, can't lose his composure like that in front of his subjects.
Asha did have a wish in that moment, she wished the floor would eat her up so she could escape this embarassment.
Everyone in the crowd, and the queen as well, looks shocked at the king's reaction.
Magnifico takes some deep breaths and calms down.
"Oh my... hahah that's a good one, thank you, I needed a laugh today... oof okay okay I'm good, *cough* now come on, what's your actual wish?" He asks her again cheerfully
"... It wasn't a joke my king, I just have a simple wish, really." she explains with her voice sounding meek
The king realizes his mistake...
"Wait... Has no one ever told you?" The king asks her, raising one eyebrow.
"Told me what?"
"Well eh- now how can I put this... I believe you might misunderstand what I actually DO, my dear" The king starts explaining
"... Misunderstood what?" Asha is very concerned with what the answer may be
The king starts walking around Asha, circling her while he explains, similar to a teacher lecturing a child "You see... People who come here don't wish for simple mundane things, although yes, I have gotten a few who, like you, thought they could just wish to "Dance on beat" or "Have hair that touch down on their feet"... Which was very odd may I add- But the point is that my magic is not made to grant those wishes."
Asha can already feel her heart sink, she's starting to understand where the king is going with this, but she holds some hope it's not what she think's it is
"So umm..." Asha shyly asks "What kind of wishes DO you grant?"
The king looks at her with a big radiant smile as he answers her qauestion
"The ones that matter, of course! The wish that comes from deeeep inside that big heart of yours, your main goal in life! To put it simply, my child, what you must give me is the wish that makes you... well... YOU!" The king claims passionately, his demeanor full of enthusiasm like he's describing the most beautiful thing in the world.
That's it... That's exactly what Asha was afraid he'd say.
She CAN'T give him this wish because she doesn't know WHAT THAT WISH IS!
And even if she did know for sure... She doesn't want to hand it to him... That wish... whatever it is, it's HERS.
Her father used to write about how important it is to chase after what you wish for, how is she gonna chase after something Magnifico is just gonna hand to her, where's the fun in that?
Also, is this common knowledge?? How come no one ever told her she had to give to the king the most essential part of herself???People are just okay with that???? Do all those 18 year olds that came before her already have that figured out?????
(Technically the Jester did tell her, but she didn't think he was for real, the lesson is, take clowns seriously)
"Hey! Are you listening? Helloooo?" Asha is snapped out of her own thoughts by the king literally snapping his fingers in front of her face.
"I- I'm sorry I dozed off for a second... What were you saying, your majesty?"
"We were saying that a wish is what makes you who YOU are." The queen says patiently "Which begs the question, my dear...
Who are you?"
Chapter 3
Final Thoughts
"Asha's Big Day" indeed, this took me the whole day to write lmao
Okay so let me just say, the reason I focused a on Dahlia's mom for bit was because I wanted to introduce how Magnifico's magic is affecting the people of Rosas, besides just Simon who is affected because his wish hasn't been granted yet, unlike him Dahlia's mom DID get her wish granted...
You might know where I'm going with this if you read my blog explaining how I'd rewrite the villains, but if you're new, hi, welcome to the madness, you don't have to read how'd rewrite them if you'd rather be surprised by the twist.
Oh, and you surely don't have to worry about what's the symbolism behind a purple hyacinths, Asha's favorite flower, there sure is no meaning to that.
Also I legit laughed to myself for several minutes thinking about how I builded up Asha's wish the whoooooole chapter
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She must be protected at all cost.
Alrighty, hope you’ve enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, see you guys on the next chapter!
Thank you for reading!
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
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Vaggie line art re-re-re-redesign! (Or however many times I've redesigned her I don't remember) Her name is Valerie in my rewrite AU. And GOD. The lord and savior granted me patience because THIS TOOK ME HOURS TO FIGURE OUT AND I ALMOST BURNT THE HOUSE DOWN BECAUSE OF IT. I had like a clear idea of what i wanted and it just didn't pan out right so I redesigned the outfit AGAIN. Then that didn't work out like I wanted so. I had to redesign it AGAIN. I'm still not that satisfied with it but like it's better than nothing ☹️
The hair moves weird btw. It has like a mind of its own. It's kind of flowy and moves based on her mood. (Mad/surprised = hair like unfolds like wings but not wings. Sad = straight hair. Etc) they are supposed to be like moth wings, you'll see it with color eventually. But for now it's jst lineart until I get this shit DONE
Anyway any Vaggie simps here? Let's manifest in simping together 😍
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too-antigonish · 2 months
The Great S7 Rewrite: 7 July 2024 Update...
Posted this yesterday as a reblog update to the Great S7 Rewrite but now posting separately...
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Here's a summary of where we are in the Great S7 Rewrite and some ideas moving forward:
Bone of Contention #1: Opera Rules
@astridcontramundum is in favor of keeping Opera Rules (voiceovers, framing scenes, etc.) as well as featuring more of the bespoke opera written for S7. I love her suggestion that Morse and Violetta have their own leitmotif! 
@oeuvrinarydurian suggested the possibility of leaning into Opera Rules—going a little crazy with tropes and techniques and being fanciful. 
I *love* the idea of leaning into Opera Rules and it’s actually what I’ve thought R.L. should have done all along. Now though, when I think of doing it within the context of the existing storylines we’re working with, I run into difficulties imagining it. The stories don’t fit into a “playful” world. That may simply be my own limitations. I’d love to see it done somewhere, sometime—especially somewhat whimsically and especially in the Morse universe.
One possibility I’ve considered is still having Opera Rules (voiceovers, framing scenes, etc. as well as opera tropes and themes), but actually taking them seriously instead of making them OTT. I’m heavily paraphrasing, but Astrid, in one of her stories has Bix say something like, “Real life isn’t like one of your operas,” to Morse. And it’s always struck me that for Morse, his real life *is* like one of his operas. His childhood? Being essentially orphaned. Evil stepmothers. Oxford? Almost marrying the princess so to speak. Being cast aside and cast out. What he sees at his job? Murder. Betrayal. Greed. Jealousy. Grief.
Basically, instead of making Morse’s life suddenly work according to Opera Rules, you could show how Morse has been living an opera all along by suddenly making all of the parallels visible.
Another thought that builds on Astrid’s idea about both Opera Rules and her later thoughts on the Towpath Case is to center the story on the opera that Morse attends at the beginning, "La Sposa del Demonio" (or "La Cura Per L'amore").  What if the story of that opera is reflected in the story arc of the Morse, Ludo, Violetta—whatever that ends up being? 
Bone of Contention #2: Ludo and Violetta?
Astrid likes the idea of having Violetta genuinely in love with Morse. 
@librawritesstuff brings up Violetta as “Unattainable Fantasy Woman” and points out that part of Morse’s attraction to her can be explained by the fact that by the end of S6, he’s been screwed over in just about every way possible. He’s ready to just say fuck it and go after something just because it’s there and he wants it for a change.
She then points out that the bigger problem with Ludo and Violetta lies in the implausibility of their storyline. What was the plan with Morse? Was there a plan? What’s the deal with the “pet policeman”?
Durian: Hates Ludo and Violetta as characters, but her big issue is with lack of logic in the whole opera storyline and too many implausibilities. Did Morse and Violetta meet at the opera by chance or design? Did Ludo know about them the whole time? What was the “pet policeman” about? Was Violetta actually involved in the nuts and bolts of engineering the accidents?
@fanficrocks Looks at making Morse’s relationship with Ludo more believable: less OTT as a character, maybe journalist friend of Dorothea, this gives a believable reason for him to be in all of the towns where the accidents happen and believable way for Morse to trace the accidents to him. Suggests possibly lose “pet policeman” concept and just have Ludo and Morse friendship poisoned by affair
Astrid again: Loves idea of Ludo as journalist; She notes with Violetta: Morse attaching to her out of recklessness seems reasonable but they didn’t make her attachment to him believable in any way. Also, while there was a reconciliation at the end of S6, Morse would have still been carrying resentment about having been pushed aside
I love the idea of Ludo as a journalist. I’m also intrigued by the possibility that he could be a music journalist. This would provide a plausible explanation for so many things—Dorothea introducing him to Morse, Morse actually wanting to become friends, his frequent travels, etc. 
It also gives me an idea re: the big opera La Sposa. What if it were a newly discovered opera? Morse goes to Venice for the premier. Ludo is there covering the premier but for some reason does not attend with Violetta. The plot of this opera could somehow also form a backdrop for the overall Morse, Ludo, Violetta story arc (story within a story).
I completely agree with Libra about the “Unattainable Fantasy Woman” thing for the initial two week affair. Where that starts to break down for me is with the extended affair and her cooking meals for them in their love nest at Beirut dancer’s apartment. There just seems to be no basis for their connection besides sex. Certainly not enough that he would be expecting her to leave Ludo and start a life together.
If we keep Ludo and Violetta as characters, which seems to be the way things are leaning, I do think they both more or less need personality transplants to justify Morse’s continued interest in them. I’m also with Astrid on having Violetta genuinely in love with Morse. I think they left it ambiguous in the show because they were playing on the whole idea of “If it's beautiful, does it matter if it’s real?” (“treason of images” ) thing, but it never really worked.
As for the overall implausibility of overall opera storyline: Yes!!!! It’s a mess. Every point raised by Libra and Durian is valid. Whatever happens with the storyline, those holes need fixing!
Bone of Contention #3: Towpath Storyline
Astrid: Universe within universe for towpath killings. Make it opera related. Gives more scope for Thursday/Morse conflict. Deranged fan? Thwarted performer? Also, while there was a reconciliation at the end of S6, Morse would have still been carrying resentment about having been pushed aside.
Durian: Eliminate clutter in Towpath mystery: get down to “is it or is it not Carl?” Leaves room to carefully craft the conflict between Morse and Thursday
I definitely agree that the clutter in the Towpath mystery needs to be eliminated. There was no clear throughline and the story pulled in too many directions. The specifics, though, depend on a lot of other decisions that need to be made first.
The conflict between Morse and Thursday definitely needs to be more carefully established. How do we get from the seeming reconciliation of Degüello to sniping at each other in Oracle? I completely agree with Astrid that Morse would have still been carrying resentment, but there needs to be something more to explain how it would erupt in such a public and painful manner.
Bone of Contention #4: The Episodic Storylines
Astrid: “I’d definitely keep those gay wrestlers!  I might feature them more! They could be another nod to it all. Thursday said wrestling was a lot like opera. Heroes and Villains. Faces and Heels.”
I love this comment! And I loved the gay wrestlers. They were just so unexpected and their presence was so understated in a way that I found hilarious. 
But it also gets at one of the themes of S7 that I did actually find interesting: How chance puts us on one side or the other, makes us winners or losers in the great game. Raga is the most blatant about it with politics, immigration, race, gambling, etc. but also with the Faces and the Heels in wrestling or the fate of  the firstborn son vs. the second born.
Ludo sums it up—while also perhaps referring to his crimes—by saying to Morse, “Life, death, rich, poor. It's all a roll of the dice, Morse. There's no reason to any of it. You're not responsible. Some people are just unlucky.” It's eerily reminiscent of Charlie and Conrad Greel in Ride.
OK, I think that's it for now. Please let me know if I misrepresented your comments in any way or missed something that was said! I assure you it was accidental.
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-Jealousy || Leon S. Kennedy || *Rewrite*
Summary: Leon Scott Kennedy was not the type of man to get jealous, it’s not like he had something to get jealous all. Until Chris Redfield started to show his face around you. That nasty feeling building up in his chest though it only made matters worse when Claire let it slip that her brother may have feelings for you too. Now Leon hopes that he didn’t miss his chances with you.
A/n: flashback is Italicized, female reader, rewrite of this fic
Warnings: Blood, bit of gore { Broken bone.}
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Leon did not get jealous, at least that is what he kept telling himself to help him sleep at night. Though of course the very thing that he claimed he didn’t get jealous about was sitting across from him. You were talking about some case, some woman named Mia Winters.
Not that he cared, why should he care about some bio terrorist. No he cared about why Chris suddenly seemed to hanging around you more.
“What?” Blinking a few times he adverted his gaze frowning for a moment as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“I was just trying to…are you okay…you look exhausted Leon.” You frowned leaning forward to get a good look at the man, you could see dark circles forming under his eyes.
Scoffing, Leon adverted his gaze. “I’m find Doc, you don’t gotta worry about me alright.” He did his best to not let his feelings show through but you were always concerned for him.
Placing your hand on top of Leon’s you gave it a small squeeze. “You know you can tell me anything right.”
Shaking his head, Leon did his best to give you a weak smile. The warmth of your hand brought a flood of memories back. The shared kisses, the nights where neither of you had gotten much sleep and of course he had to blow it, end whatever you both shared.
Self sabotage at its finest.And even after all of that, you still stayed by his side.
“So what’s with the get up.” Leon did his best to divert the conversation to something else, something that wouldn’t make him realize his feelings for you.
Snorting, you lent back into the chair giving him a slight smile. “Well that was what I was talking about for the last ten minutes.” You teased. “I got asked…recommended actually, I’m heading out to Louisiana.”
Shaking his head, Leon’s eyes narrowed taking in the blue Umbrella logo on your shirt. “What do you mean you’re heading out to Louisiana? Who recommend you to go?”
Sighing, you frowned as your phone chimed. Pushing away from the table you then stood up. “Chris did…look I have to go alright. I’m not going to argue about this, it’s a long flight and I don’t want this to be on my mind.”
Leon tried not to wince from the sound of the chair scraping, though he did feel a slight weight lift off his shoulders feeling you press his lips to his forehead, he wanted it grab you. He wanted to tell you how he felt. “Hey! Stay safe for me will ya.”
Giving him a small wink you lingered by the door, your fingers clutching the handle. “Only if you get a proper nights rest for me Kennedy.”
Opening his mouth, he sighed giving you a small wave as you slipped out the door and into Jeep, though it didn’t take long for him to finally notice Redfield watching him.
When you get back, when you get back he’ll tell you how he felt. He just hoped that he didn’t fuck up his chances with you.
The flight to Louisiana was long, you normally were able to enjoy these types of flights. You were able to talk to the team, talk to Chris but now. Right now you had way to much on your mind.
“Something on your mind?”
Turning to Chris you let out a forced laugh. “A little…it’s just. Leon and I were talking and before I left, he just looked like he had something to say.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Chris peered out the window. “Maybe he wanted to confess his feelings to you.”
Barking out a laugh, you narrowed your eyes. “Leon confessing his feelings to me. Are we talking about the same man? Besides we ended that, pretty sure he’s still hung up on Ada.” You muttered.
“I wouldn’t be so sure on that.”Sighing, Chris patted you knee. “Get some rest alright. I’ll wake you of something happens.” He joked.
Shaking your head, you let out a small scoff though it didn’t stop you from falling asleep but once you felt the jolt from the helicopter your eyes snapped opened.
“Sleeping beauty finally wake?”
Turing your attention to Chris you were about to reply until you noticed a woman laying unconscious. “Is this.”unbuckling your seatbelt you rushed over to the unconscious woman.
“This is Zoe Baker, she’s stable and luckily for us she’s not infected. Can’t say same to Mia Winters, don’t even have a body to bag.”
Frowning you opened your med beg still examining the woman, she may have been stable but it didn’t look good for her. “She has a high fever, I need to get her the proper-.”
Your voice getting cut off from Chris’s shout, you didn’t even realize the helicopter starting to take off, your body tumbling out of the side hitting the ground hard as you rolled hitting a man. “Shit. Ethan Winters I presumed.”
“Ya…who the hell are yo-Shit watch out!” The man shoving you out of the way of getting swiped by something, though with your gaze glued to the B.O.W in front of you, you barley had a chance to dodge a large crate falling towards you.”
The container to take out the B.O.W falling on your leg, a cry tearing from your lips as Ethan rushed to your side moving the object off your leg. “Of fuck…is that your bone.”
Gritting your teeth you had to bite back another scream. Blood pouring out your wound, the broken bone poking through the flesh. “Shut the fuck up and take that bitch out.” You growled placing the gun in his hand. You tried to stay conscious, but the pain was overwhelming. You listened to voices shouting around you, a horrified scream before everything went black.
You were used to hospitals, you worked in them, you weren’t used to being a patient in one though. Letting your body slump in the bed you did your best to remember everything that happened. The man Ethan Winters, he stayed by your side until he knew you were okay.
Zoe Baker, she was alive thanks to Ethan too. You remember seeing her briefly. You heard Chris talking about Mia, you weren’t sure how to feel about her death but at least the man can move on with his life and Leon. You remembered seeing Leon when you got administrated into the hospital, you weren’t sure you ever seen the man look so concerned.
So scared.
Gritting your teeth you did your best to sit up only to feel a hand on your shoulder pushing you back down on the bed.
“Where do you think you’re going.”
Chuckling the man sat back down in his own chair, he looked so drained. “The one and only.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I can leave if you want.”
Wincing you shook your head adjusting you body as you reached out to grasp his hand. “No…stay…please.”
“I was joking y/n....I wasn’t going to leave you…I mean not unless you kicked my as out but shit I gotta say...seeing you like that scared the crap out of me.”
“No…I have to say this. I’m sick of being a coward. I care about you. I care about you and I know you can do better than me.”
Rolling your eyes you let go of his hand to instead you placed your hand on his cheek. “I love you too.”
Shrugging your shoulders you dropped your hand relaxing into the bed. “Chris may have mentioned something like that.”
“I’m going to kill him.”
Opening on of your eyes, you gave him a teasing smile. “You know what would be better, you kissing me.”
“I..” sighing. Leon shook his head giving you a slight smile bending down as he captured your lips in for a kiss. “Get some sleep for me, will you.”
Returning the kiss, you let your fingers dig into his arm. “No promises.”
Checking his gun Leon jumped up from his seat as medics rushed by, he barley registered your leg in a make shift cast, narrowing his eyes he watched Chris walk by but before he could get any further he could help but grab his arm.
“What the hell! You were supposed to watch her not have her get rushed off to the fucking hospital!”
Turning to face him Chris was alway worried enough but hearing Leon remind him of his mistake only pissed him off even more.
“Don’t you think I know that!” Shaking his head he rubbed his neck. “You should see her?” As much as he didn’t want to admit it Chris knew how the man felt and he was positive of your own feelings.
“Why?”Leon frowned eyeing him.
“She called out your name before she blacked out...try not to blow it Kennedy because I will be their to pick up the pieces if you fuck shit up.”
Watching him walk off Leon squared his shoulders waiting for the okay to see you and taking his advice Leon knew what he had to do.
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miss0atae · 2 months
The classic fairy tale rewriting with San and Vee’s love story in Century of Love (Ep 7 – 8) :
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[gif by benzatthanim] @benzatthanin
I have to admit I was inspired by this post from @mikuni14 post about the classic fairy tale rewriting idea (thanks again for the inspiration!). Quick disclaimer before starting: I know that the screenwriters and the original writer of the book were not really inspired by classic fairy tale. I just feel like the series has so many characteristics that you can find in classic fairy tale and I’ll show it to you here.
So what is a fairy tale? If I had to summarize, I would say it’s a short story where the main characters (San and Vee) must face ordeals and fights against their enemies (Evil Uncle, Rich Man who wants to live and Doppelganger of Vad / Wat). To be able to reach their goal, they will have the help of sidekicks (Tao, Tee and San’s family). Heroes from fairy tales are usually inexperienced at the beginning of the story (San is stuck in the past and full of nostalgia). They must find their way to understand the meaning of their life (In Century of Love I would say it's "what is true love?"). The classic fairy tale follows a narrative outline:
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[gif by pharawee] @pharawee
1. The initial situation:
San fell in love with Vad / Watt, but she was killed by her fiancé, so he used the help of the five-colored stone of the goddess Nuwa to be able to stay alive and young until he finds the reincarnation of his love.
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[gif by sanvees] @sanvees
2. The disruptive element that modifies the initial situation:
Vad / Watt wasn't reincarnated as a woman, but could be a young man named Vee whose personality is quite different from Vad / Watt. San has trouble accepting the situation even if everything seems to prove Vee is the one he was looking for.
3. Adventures that advance the action and the ordeals that the hero must go through:
San and Vee get to know each other and slowly fall in love. San is starting to accept Vee could be his new love. He also has to stop living in his past. Vee has a criminal past and a sick grandma that he wants to take care of. Several people came in between the two lovers: a childhood friend (possible reincarnation of Vad / Watt previous fiancé), villains who wants to steal the stone, jealousy and loss of self-confidence.
4. The element of resolution
5. The final situation.
Still waiting for these events to happen.
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[gif by jimmysea] @jimmysea
Century of Love also presents some recurring characteristics of fairy tales. Fairy tales belong to the world of wonder and imagination. If Century of Love is happening in a world that looks like ours, it still contained fantastic elements such as supernatural characters and magical artifacts. In the story, San is near immortal so he can be the same as what he was when he first met Vad / Wat, so her reincarnation can recognize him. It’s possible because he got the power of the five-colored stone, a powerful and magical artifact given by a goddess. Usually fairy tales were written for various reasons: examining the human condition or talking about modern issues. In Century of Love, San was stuck for a long time in the past and felt out of place with the modern time. I think he took “waiting for his lover” literally. Many other people made a really good take on why San was acting this way before meeting Vee and I can just advise you to read them. The story is more complex than what it seemed at first. To name but a few, you could read this post, this post or this post. It may feels like it’s just to work well with the character, but in fact, any of us can risk being stuck in the past for various reasons: tragic events, holding on to things or people, mental health issues, fear of change, blaming ourselves… Just like fairy tale, Century of Love has an educational value and is trying to provide the viewers some kind of life advice.
I would even say that after watching the last episode, I felt like Century of Love could be compared to a rewriting story of the famous fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”.
So in Beauty and the Beast the story is more or less about a young girl called "the beauty" who sacrifices herself to save her father, sentenced to death for picking a rose in the domain of a terrible monster. Against all expectations, the Beast spares Beauty and allows her to live in his castle. She realizes that, behind the features of the animal, a man is suffering as he is the victim of a spell. He is a generous being who only asks to love and be loved in return.
So now, let’s see how Century of Love changed the story to… a young man called “Vee” agrees to marry a cranky meanie grandpa with a young face, San, to save his grandma. His goal at first is to find the powerful artifact San possessed to cure her. Against all expectations, San is nicer than what he seems to be and allows Vee to live in his house with his family. Vee realizes that behind the sternness of San, a man is suffering, victim of the power of the five-colored stone. He is a generous being who only asks to love and be loved in return.
Doesn't it work well?! Put new Vad / Watt or Suchat as the villain Gaston (only present in Disney version of the Beauty and the Beast) and San family as the supporting characters living in the house of the “beast” and you'll get the story wrapped with all its important characters.
Beauty and The Beast is a tale that teaches people to distinguish moral ugliness from physical ugliness. The true foundation of a solid love is kindness. Compassion and esteem can create love and you shouldn't judge someone by his look only or his past. Those are also the “life advice” that Century of Love is teaching us through the love story of Vee and San. It is more powerful than just thinking you need to be with the reincarnation of your past lover. San loves Vee for Vee. Now, I just hope Vee will see that he also deserves to be loved. His acts of true love is what made San overcome his habits of staying in the past.
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aliothbuzzsawshark · 1 year
why do you think Luke would be a better protagonist? I’m curious. Tbh I’m much the same but I wanna hear your take
Luke is like. An amazing idea for a Yugioh protagonist, or at least the more *dumb* Protags. (Judai, Yuma, Yuya) From his personality, goals, cards, and what he means to the themes of Sevens
     Luke has the personality of a typical shounen anime protagonist. He’s kind, energetic, optimistic, brave, and has a very clear goal. However he has flaws that make him not too perfect or too annoying (both in being to great or too bad) Yuga never really seems like he cares about stuff. He does, but he’s not expressive or puts lots of effort into what he does. Luke meanwhile, puts 1,000% perfect of his everything into what he does. You can tell Wehen he cares, what he’s doing, and most importantly, wouldn’t hide his plans from the audience like Yuga. Both aren’t extremely optimistic, but Luke is a a lot more than Yuga 50% of the time. Luke thinks either everything will work or nothing at all, creating comedy for the audience and a certain surprise to what he’ll do. Meanwhile Yuga will look at a situation, go “oh I know what’s gonna happen here and I’ll fix it” for so many episodes it hurts.
    Furthermore, Yuga’s goal is trying to stop something (Rush Duels getting deleted), not gain. Having a goal of stopping something can cause the audience to get bored. Of course there is exceptions (Yuma and Zexal are pretty good examples of that) but Sevens isn’t one. All but 2 out of 7 antagonists aren’t against Yuga because of Rush Duels (thank you Roa and Swirly) and that is so, so repetitive. Meanwhile, Luke’s goal is gaining the King Of Duels Title, and likely also trying to stop rush duels. This creates a balance between stopping and gaining.
     Luke’s deck is very yugioh. I don’t know how else to describe it. Dragias are really cool dragons and that’s like 35% of all yugioh cards. They even change throughout the series, like how Utopia has various versions to show time and characters. “Yuga’s deck also is very yugioh” Not really. Besides the Sevens Roads he just has spellcasters, and they call back to Yugi/Atem. Luke has dragons, which are as Yugioh as you can get. The most known card is BEWD, not Dark Magician. (Not trying to hate on Dark Magician btw, bewd is just more recognizable)
     Sevens is about going against tradition. Tell me, dear reader, what Yuga does to show this past the first episode. Luke, Tatsuhisa Kamijo, is still somehow better at showing this than Yuga. He stands up with breaking tradition about every time, (every time I can find of, but it’s Sevens so probably not every single time) even with his own family. When he ran the school, he broke the rules and created it how he thought people would like. Whenever he gets ANY position of power, he changes it so people would like it. It’s just that he’s Luke, and he “assumes” people would like him. His entire relationship with his family is about breaking the family tradition and then not supporting him. Comparing to Yuga Ohdo, Luke does everything Yuga could’ve done, but didn’t. Yuga creates the Make Your Own Duel Thingy, but that’s more a plot device than an actual action of breaking the mold for people. Even then, it’s way to late to do it right at the last arc to be anything more than a plot device.
     So uh. Yeah. Is that good? Do you want more? I can keep going
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avonsnumberonefan · 3 days
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10 - draping a blanket when the other is sleeping
continuing this thing!! but it'll be a bit different in style since I've decided to use it to pick how I'm going to draw the future fancomic. lineart allows for a quick color filling, I'm going to see if I can go straight to it from a rough sketch!
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altocat · 6 months
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More cringe memes. Lucrecia Edition.
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piper mclean is def the type of person to specifically go to taylor sheesh instad of taylor swift
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rascalentertainments · 3 months
Wish Granted 🌟👩🏾🎶 (Wish Reimagined)
Chapter 5: Welcome to Rosas
Chapter 4
We transition some time later as the trio run through the forest...
Asha had finally made it. Back to the place she never thought she would fight to return to: The Kingdom of Rosas.
"All right, there's no time to waste. Think you can speed up, Star?" she asked her now aquatic friend.
"I'm on it!" Star chirped. He quickly gained speed as they headed straight for Rosas, with a duo of fellow dolphins by each side. The sun slowly rised as shined on the magnificent kingdom.
We cut back to the cliffside where some of the guards that got knocked over by Turtle!Star earlier on finally caught up. One of them struggled to take his tightened helmet off, but finally managed to do so. "I'm sorry your Highness!" He replied. "The girl got away from us. We were ambushed by, um....."
Amaya raised an eyebrow. "By what?" Her tone was flat.
"....a flying turtle." The other guard finished, nearly embarrassed even saying that.
This was highly unexpected. The star Magnifico waa searching for wasn't just a simple ball of light. It could change its form, it could think for itself. And the girl it was with wasn't a fool either. They outsmarted her. Was that girl the one that brought the star down? Her husband probably wasn't going to be happy someone beat him at his own game.
"Clearly you've been outsmarted by a mere reptile." She replied as she approached the two guards on her horse. "You're a team of skilled soldiers and you couldn't even catch a mere teen and a small animal?" her voiced was raised.
The guards were too nervous to even defend themselves. The king held their wishes in his hands and he could take them away with a snap of his fingers.
Amaya sighed. "It doesn't matter this point. We just need to return to Rosas at once and I'll warn the king, who knows what that thing can do with a power like that? We must protect our kingdom!"
The guards agreed in unison. Amaya called for Sabor and he finally caught up with the rest of the group. He quickly tossed the ball of yarn in the ocean to avoid further embarrassment and joined his beloved owner on the horse.
The scene shows Amaya and her soldiers running back to Rosas' as the sun began to rise over trees.
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We then go to the main port of Rosas where Star stopped swimming. Asha grabbed Valentino and gingerly stepped onto the dock. She looked up at the towering city before her, mixed with feelings of both joy and fear. Her thoughts were interrupted by small splashes of water.
Star had turned into a dog and was rapidly shaking himself to dry off.
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Valentino belated in annoyance, but Asha found it pointless to complain. Star did help them get there after all.
Once Star was done, a yellow flash of light appeared and he was back to his human appearance. "Now that was fun! Aside from being chased by a crazy queen, I'd say that plan was flawless!" he said with a laugh.
Before Asha could speak, she heard some squeaks and clicks coming from the sea. "Oh, I almost forgot!" Star realized and ran towards the end of the dock. He saw the dolphins that guided them to the castle cheering for him.
He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, "Thanks for the cool water show and for guiding us here! Oh wait, I mean-" he stepped back and spoke dolphinese as he waved goodbye.
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The dolphins returned it in joy and at the same time, the whale reappeared to wave with its large fin to Star as it dove back into the water. "Oh yeah, ThAnK yoOouUuUu tOoOoO!" he said with his tone going up and down dramatically. "Almost forgot I could speak whale!" He smiled. It faded a bit when he finally noticed the sun rising.
Asha stepped up beside him. "You've never seen a sunrise before?" she asked.
"I've seen the sun hundreds of times, but...never like this." He said, nearly speechless. "Is this how humans see the sun?"
"Yep, everyday in fact." Asha replied as she watched with him. "And it never gets old."
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Asha found her gaze leading to Star's face, who's expression was still in awe, but yet relaxed. He was always incredibly happy and cheerful, but this was the first time she'd seen him so at peace. It was....a nice thing to see. Asha was sure the bright sun was making her face warm and certainly nothing else. "All right, let's get back to the mission." She said abruptly.
"Right, right. So now that we're here, what's next?" Star said as he and Valentino followed her.
"Next we need to see Flazino. He's the apprentice to Magnifico and he knows his way around this place as much as the royals themselves. He should know where the wishes are kept. Then he can help us plan to how to stop Magnifico."
Star was silent for a moment. "This Flazino guy is a friend of yours right? Is...that all he is?"
"Well, more like an acquaintance. We only see each other once a month when he brings supplies to the people. Its helped us a lot these past couple years." she answered as she looked around for an easy way in.
Star felt a bit guilty for asking. "Well, I can't wait to meet him, he sounds like a nice-" his mouth got covered by her hand.
Asha pointed over to the entrance which had a young sleeping guard leaning against the wall. Clearly he hadn't gotten much shut eye last night. "Follow me, but don't make a sound. We have to get in before there's people everywhere."
Star nodded and followed her lead. The three of them walked swiftly passed the guard whom upon a closer look was actually a teen in training to be a guard. Asha looked around for a place to start, when the large bell tower started to ring loudly, starting the day.
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"SHOOT." Asha seethed. She frantically looked around and finally saw a path that led towards the inner parts of the city. "This way!" She told him as she ran forward. Star flew behind her, and they eventually made it to an archway that was hidden from the main square.
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The trio waited a long while and people started to gather in the city. "We can't be in the city like this, especially not you. We're going to need some disguises." Asha suggested. "Oh, you mean like this?" Star asked. He then turned into a small goat looking similar to Valentino, but with a goofier face. "Now we look like twins!" He nodded Valentino. The goat looked offended by the suggestion.
Asha shook her head. "I'm pretty sure they'll notice a glowing talking goat." she let out a small laugh. "No, I'm thinking...." her voiced trailed off when she saw a young man beginning to place some laundry out. "Bingo." She finally finished. She told Star to stay where he was and return to his human looking form then she proceeded on, acting like she was a fellow Rosas' citizen, putting on a fake smile.
Once she reached the other side, she quickly grabbed two cloaks from the table while the young man wasn't looking and quickly took off. When the guy turned around, he noticed that two clothes suddenly disappeared. He looked around seeing where they could've gone, then the dust around him made him sneeze loudly. He figured the wind probably blew them away and decided to just go back to working on the rest of the clothes. Its not like they were taken away.
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It then cuts back to Star and Valentino in the middle of talking.
"So that little outfit was made from your mom's wool?" Star asked curiously. The goat bleated and nodded. "I'm sorry, buddy. I promise I'll get you a new one, somehow." He patted Valentino's head from above. The goat looked at him surprised. This glowing weirdo stranger cared about his feelings?
A green cloak suddenly covered Star's view. "What's this?" He asked as he took the clothes in his hands.
"Its your disguise. This way you can walk around town without catching everyone's attention." Asha put her own cloak on, which covered enough of her head so she wouldn't be seen as easily.
"Hmmmm. All right, but green's not really my color." Star pointed out. He then used some of his stardust on the cloak and the color changed from green to black and gold. "That's more like it!"
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(I actually found a cloak that fit perfectly for Star's disguise here! Asha's is pretty much the same as the film. I didn't mind it.)
"Yeeaaah. That reminds me, if we're going to keep a low key, you need remember three rules." Asha stated.
"Okay, shoot!" He said as put the cloak on.
"Rule 1: No flying or shapeshifting. You need to act as human as possible." Asha explained.
Star gently came to the ground. "Check!"
"Rule 2: No glowing whatsoever. As fun as it is to see you like that, we can't draw any attention to us." She continued.
Star took in some air, and gulped it down along with his glow. His yellow glow slowly faded and he put his hood up. "Check!"
"And Rule 3: Can you….do something about being yellow?" She asked honestly.
Star looked down at his own hands. "I….don't think so. Can humans change their color?"
The question caught Asha off guard. She never thought about it that way before. "Fair enough. Just keep the hood on and stick by me."
"Check! Now let's get all sneaky!" Star said enthusiastically.
The trio then proceeded onwards into the heart of city, as the camera slowly pans up from them to the one of the towers.
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We go into the inside of the castle where the king had fallen asleep hunched over his study desk. The doors slammed opened and it woke the king with a start.
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The queen had entered the room, out of breath and disheveled. Meanwhile Sabor just coolly walked in past her.
"Amaya darling, you're back!" Mags said with a smile. It faded once he saw her appearance. "What happened to you? Did the star hurt you?" His anger began to rise as he called the staff to his hand.
"No, no. Nothing like that. It hurts my pride to say that we were outrun by some peasant girl who's smarter then she looks. And the star…" her voice trailed off when her foot hit one of the many books scattered across the floor. "How long have you been up here?" she asked, concerned.
Magnifico looked at the floor and realized he had made a mess without even realizing it. "Admittedly, I may have lost track of time during my research, sooooo….perhaps a few hours?" He guessed.
"But that's not important right now. Tell me about the star! What did it look like? Could you feel its power?" He grabbed her shoulders in desperation.
Amaya sighed. She might was well tell him, he was too fixated on this. "As were chasing it, it turned into an assortment of animals. The last thing we saw was it as a dolphin." She finally admitted. "It can think for itself."
There was a moment of silence as Magnifico blinked. He slowly let go of her. "The star can transform itself? Not even we have mastered that kind of magic!" He raised his voice.
The queen looked concerned at his current state. "Darling…?"
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The man began pacing the floor frantically. "That thing has a mind of its own! Who knows what ended its capable of? It can be anything or anyone. Absolute power is right under our noses and I won't let it get away!" The king began to sound paranoid.
His ranting stopped when his wife placed her hands on both sides of his face. "Pookie! You need to calm yourself. We will get the star, and we will have that power. You just need to relax." she said in a soothing tone.
She could see the anger and fear in his blue eyes be replaced with calmness as he breathed deeply. The king took his wife's hands in his and kissed them. "You're right, my queen. What would I do without you?" He whispered.
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Sabor ran out of the room as fast as he could. He didn't want to see this. 😂
The two them opened the balcony windows. They had a perfect view of their victims citizens going about their day. "Look at them. They're in their own little world once they arrive here. They don't have magic. Even if they did, they're too stupid to know how it works." Amaya pointed out.
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The view cuts an overhead shot of the town square where people were going about their day. A few of them looked lethargic, but carried on anyway. "So one peasant girl found the star before we did? Big deal. She's bringing the star right to us. Once she arrives, its all a matter of time before we rule everything." She finished with a chuckle.
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A smile crept on the King's face. "Indeed. Its time we finally take our prize." He said with a growl. (At this segment the music starts to swell a bit.)
Amaya had stepped away. "But first take a shower, dear. You can't rule the kingdom and the world smelling like a Llama." then she went to freshen up herself.
Magnifico looked down at his attire and took a whif underneath his arm. Oof. She was right.
"Very well, I'll just put on the morning event to distract everyone." the king replied and he shot some blue magic on the nearby mirrors on the buildings, and the blue glow spread to the other mirrors all across Rosas.
We go back to the city where it was now flooded with people of all shapes and sizes. Stalls were up selling various foods, trinkets, instruments and art.
Seeing the large crowd made Asha uneasy. While these people had no idea they were being controlled by power hungry rulers and held their lives in their hands, she felt sorry for them. Meanwhile Star was losing his mind at the sight of the crowd. "So...many...people!" He exclaimed. His eyes began to sparkle and his smile grew wide.
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"I know, there's way more people than I anticipated. we're going to have stick close to-" Asha looked to her side and saw the starboy was gone. He was instead running straight forward to the crowd in broad daylight.
"BAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Valentino panicked and chased after Star.
Asha rubbed her forehead. "For crying out loud..." she had no choice but to run after them.
Star couldn't get enough of what he was seeing. The city was packed with people. Some of them looked tired, but it was still pretty early for humans to be awake so maybe they just needed time. He looked up and saw a man on stilts walking by him, towering over everyone as he proceeded to start cleaning a customer's windows. A little girl ran by flying a kite in the cool breeze. A young woman had placed carts of various flowers out to get some sun. Another woman was pushing a cart with a carriage sized pumpkin across the way. People chatting to each other about the day ahead, and other small talk.
The sounds, the laughter, the people, the smells, everything felt new to Star as he took it all in. He didn't feel alone on Earth, and he was going to enjoy every minute he was here.
The star then heard a loud noise and felt something pull on his cape/hood. He looked behind him and saw a baby goat pulling him back away from the crowd. "Hey, buddy! You want to see the cool Earth stuff too? Come on!" he happily picked up the goat in his arms and carried on.
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Asha navigated the best she could in the crowd, looking for Star, when she suddenly heard Valentino's bleating in the distance, objecting to Star taking him along. Even the goat knew this was insane.
By the time she caught up with him he already had a ton of souvenirs in his arms, with a tired looking Valentino. He seemed to be looking at a tray of desserts. "Hey, what are thooose?!" Star pointed to a plate of cookies with baked in the form of the royals faces.
(Doesn't make sense they both didn't have cookies, so I remedied that.)
An Asian girl with a crutch approached the table. "Ah, I see you have a good eye! These are freshly baked sugar cookies in form of our sweet royals!" She said with a smile. "I did my best to capture their likeness, but even I can't capture the rich smooth face of our king." She said with a blissful sigh. (I feel weird writing this. 😂)
Star took one of the cookies. "I don't know what means, but okay!" This would actually be first time time eating Earth food, or any food really.
As he took a bite, Asha finally caught up. "Would…you….stop running off like…that?" she replied, out of breath.
"ASHA, YOU NEED TO TRY THESE THINGS, THEY'RE INCREDIBLE!!" the star exclaimed. He didn't even realize he had run off and worried her.
The girl's name caught the baker's attention. "Asha…. wait, have we met before?" she asked.
Oh no.
"Uh, nope. nopenopenopewehaven't. Sorry, but we need to go, like right now!" Asha pulled Star away from the table and waved dismissively to her. "THESE ARE AMAZING, YOU'RE AMAZING!" He said as was dragged away. "You mind telling me what heck you're doing?!" Asha scolded him. "I told you to stay close to me!"
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(This isn't Stars design, but it fits for this scene. Everything is awesome to him, lol)
Star winced and put Valentino down. "Sorry, sorry. I just got so excited. Humans have the coolest things! Check this out, I found these flowers that made think of you," He gave her the flowers, surprising Asha.
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(Fun fact, these are called Blazing Stars!)
"Oh and I found this thing! It makes music when you blow into it!" He started playing a few notes to demonstrate.
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"And I got these things called cookies, and this cool hat, and this vase of some Greek guy-"
As endearing as he was, she knew had to stop him from drawing more attention. And bringing junk they couldn't carry.
"Star, I know you're really excited to see everything, but right now we have to keep a low profile and stick by me. Got it?"
After he put all his treasures on a nearby table (and the confusion of the jewelry there) Star noticed a couple walking past with linked arms behind Asha as they looked around the city. "Okay, got it!" Star suddenly linked his arm with hers, making them super close. "That way we don't lose each other. This planning stuff is really easy for me!" He chuckled.
Asha was caught off guard by the gesture, but oddly enough she didn't complain. The two of them (and Valentino of course) continued through the city. Luckily nobody was paying attention to them. "All right, now let's find Flazino. The sooner we find him-" Asha started, when a loud ringing interrupted her.
Another bell went off and this time a few blue fireworks appeared in the sky. Suddenly a bright blue flash appeared and all the mirrors in Rosas suddenly had the faces of the king and queen smiling. The giant mirror in between the statues of the royals had this image as well (and the instrumentals to "This Is The Thanks I Get" play in the background as music)
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"GOOD MORNING ROSAS!" The two of them cheerfully greeted the city in unison. "Today is going to be another beautiful day, thanks to our wonderful king!" Amaya gestured to her husband. "Oh come now, darling. I can't take all the credit! Its your brilliant brain that helps me keep our fair city going!" Magnifico praised his wife.
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Asha rolled her eyes. They can't even start the day without bragging about themselves...
"We're here to give you your daily reminder to always keep a smile on your face! All your wishes will come true, eventually!" Anaya continued.
"Trust in me, just in me! Just shut your eyes, give your wishes to us You can sleep safe and sound Knowing we are around!" Magnifico held out his hands and three wish bubbles appeared presumably safe in them.
"Don't forget to tell everyone about Rosas, for our goal is to bring as many people to safety and a loving home for anyone, anywhere!" Amaya then created a small example of little people around the castle, all in the form of blue sparkles.
Star noticed that detail. "Hey, they can make magic like me!" Asha sushed him before anyone could hear them.
"Hey, and if you mention my name to your friends, you'll get a room with a view!" Sabor then jumped on the table and blocked his view in front the camera. Mags pretend it didn't annoy him and gently patted him on the head. "Yes, yes and of course all animals and livestock are welcome!" He moved to the side so he could get back into view.
"And always remember," Amaya started as the camera pulled back a bit.
"Just keep wishing!" The two of them said in unison and all three of them gave a sharp wink. The blue swirl reappeared and it transitioned to some bright blue sparkling letters that read "JUST KEEP WISHING!" the music stops and little fireworks go off.
Asha groaned. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and no one here even knew their lives were in danger. How could these two be so fake and cheerful in front of all these people? Meanwhile Star was applauding the show. "That was fun! Can they do that again?" He asked. Asha looked confused. "Does anything bother you?" A rock was suddenly thrown at the mirror between the statues and it created a large crack in the glass. The people gasped in shock and the two teens suddenly paid attention.
"No one wants to hear you squak every morning like roosters!" the voice came from a little person dressed in red who was holding a few more rocks in his left hand ready to throw another one. "One day these people are gonna wake up and see through your lies!"
"Wow, he seems grumpy..." Star whispered to Asha. (Like this:)
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"Gabo! How many times do I have to tell you to stop damaging property?!" A male voice shouted to the left. Asha recognized that stressed voice anywhere! Flazino was already running towards the vandalizer.
"Yeah, good luck teacher's pet! You'll never catch me!" He mocked the boy and made a rather rude gesture with his hand. Gabo instantly took off before Flazino could get a hold of him. He was too out of breath.
"Its too early for this crap. Guards! Guards! Isn't there a guard anywhere?!" He looked around hoping for assistance.
"Don't worry, (yawn) I'll get him, Flaz." A large teen slowly made his way towards Gabo, took a stretch and finally picked up his pace. By the time he started running, Gabo was already far away and his laugh echoed in the distance.
"Oh great, greaaaaat. If Simon does catch him, he can snore him to death..." Flazino sighed as he rubbed his forehead.
"Flazino! Thank goodness you're here. We need your help!" She called over to him. The boy was happy at first but then his joy turned to panic. He quickly pulled the two aside and away from the crowd. "What are you doing here, are you crazy? Wait, how did you even get to Rosas?" The apprentice was about to go into panic mode.
"I know there's a lot to explain here, but it'll have to wait. Right now we need you to take us to where Magnifico keeps the wishes. I have a friend here can help free them." She gestured to Star.
"Hiiii!" The star smiled and gave him a small wave. "You're shorter than I thought you'd be!"
The boy just stared at him. "....How is this random guy going to help us? And...is your hair glowing?" he asked.
Star quickly pulled the hood down over his exposed hair. "Oh that! Its not glowing, its just, uh, freshly washed and its all shiny! Hehehe...." He laughed nervously.
Flazino stared at the star again. "And he's supposed to able to save the wishes...Where did you find this guy anyway?"
"Look, just trust me. We don't have much time. Everyone's lives are at stake here, and we need your help. We have to know where Magnifico keeps the wishes hidden and only you can guide us." Asha pleaded.
The boy was going to protest, but he just sighed in defeat. "All right, all right. But we'll need to go right now. Magnifico could come down at any-" Flazino stopped cold when he finally turned around. A large shadow seemed to cover the teens, and Star suddenly felt a chill for the first time. Valentino bleated in fear and hid behind Asha's legs as the shadow covered them.
Standing over them was King Magnifico himself. "What's the hurry, my apprentice? Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" his teased with a smug smile.
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And that wraps up another chapter! You know, recently I re-watched Enchanted for the first time in 15 years, and I nearly cried. Not only because it was an absolute masterpiece and great homage to Disney films, but it made me realize that Wish was going to be the new Enchanted. And all in 2D animation. I want to cry.
Anyways, this one took a while to do, so sorry for the delay. 😅 This chapter was originally going to be shorter, but my brain kept thinking of new things to add. Star going into Rosas in disguise is my favorite scene to read in these Wish rewrites. Him going all Ariel and being fascinated by everything is exactly what I wanted to do here. Really wanted to show how much he loves being on Earth and surrounded by people. And I did tell you we would start seeing the Teens! Originally it was going to be Star leading Asha to each teen in the city, but it was going to take TONS of time and I felt like meeting them all in one chapter would overdo it. So right now we get Gabo (who's more of a conspiracy theorist about the royals and later finds out he's right), Simon, Safi and Dahlia. The others will come in the next chapter, just need to plan out their introductions and make sure it makes sense. 😂 Also, yes I'm hinting at a couple things with Dahlia in this, but rest assured, your questions will be answered!
And Flazino…. I think I just wrote him always on the verge of a complete mental breakdown and I'm so sorry. Give him some tea. 😂 He stressed like every 2 minutes and with Magnifico looking for Star, HOO BOY. Wait till Star gets revealed, he's gonna freak and that's when the real power struggle will begin. And as for the evil duo, for those who are wondering just what their vibe really is, its this: In public they're Team Rocket. In private, they're Hades and Maleficent. Best of both worlds! I think the part I'm most proud of is the Royal Rosas commercial. Its part propaganda, part advertisement, and they both spell doom. 😂 Really wanted to emphasize how vain they are and provide more comedy as well.
One thing I'm setting up in Chapter 6 is that there's both conflict and parallels for the heroes and villains. Star's conflict with Magnifico besides the view on wishes is that the king puts into his head Asha called on him by accident, that she didn't actually need him for help.
While Asha's is her inability to trust others and make friends. Star's really the only new person she's trusted besides Flazino since coming to the Hamlet. Which will change once the Teens assemble and they work together. That conflict will be challenged by Amaya, who attempts to deceive her into think Star has ulterior motives, as well as the Teens. *Cough cough*
There will be a break for a while before I start on Chapter 6. Really want to plan things out and on the side, I'll reveal the redesigns for Valentino and Flazino and a DTIYS challenge. And I'll continue reading y'alls new chapters for your rewrites!
Thanks for reading!
@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @annymation @chillwildwave
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