#I love Emily so much too
figscigfigs · 3 months
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emily offering fig’s cursed bardics whenever she can is truly peak comedy for me
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nixthelapin · 3 days
The irony of Émilie leaving her rich, restrictive family to explore the world only to also restrict her kid to the house and a social group that’s just an extension of her own
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waffleslashermaster · 2 months
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Here’s my version/redesign of Lefty. She’s the most modern out of all the animatronics. I also added a ghostly Charlie
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spittyfishy · 3 months
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Alexa play ‘Babs Seed’ by the Cutie Mark Crusaders
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agir1ukn0w · 9 months
Taz: lemme just put this t shirt in my coat pocket✨
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(like same girl😂)
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presiding · 7 months
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dishonored 2 rewrite: the monster in the hull updated this week 🍷
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skyblueartt · 20 days
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I saw this and had to draw these two
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 1 year
i love how they’re all mourning kug so consistently. rowan sings auld lang syne in times square and sofia pours out a drink and a bacon and egg sandwich for her hangover buddy goodbye old friend and wherever you are kug, eat and they take care of his sons and they carry on his work and they found whole organisations in his honour and kingston names his dog after him and then pete buys them all keychains to commemorate kug’s “graduation” and sofia went on another long bender because she couldn’t handle the loss and things go to shit because nobody’s keeping an eye on the sewers anymore and ricky reassures the homeless man that he wasn’t seeing things, there really was a rat once that went around helping the homeless but he’s gone now and -
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sunstainedpages · 5 months
I'm so fucking excited!!!
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^ actually me
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dallina17 · 3 months
okay but first time Em took Vel on a flying date, Vel was probably terrified yes, but just imagine her after they finally land on some high tower and Velvette's hair are so messy it's crazy, and she's like "fuckin hell" but as she looks at Em she calms down because yes, it was fun thing to do, so she doesnt mind.. that much (and as long as nobody would see her)
(also, Em would probably just later take care of Vel's hair <3)
Flying together (Emilette/Angelic Vogue)
“I am not fucking sure about this, Em.”
“Common Vris! It will be so much fun!”
Velvette looked at the sky. How would be flying up there? Seeing hell from so above? The idea kind of made her sick, not having control of what would happen up there, her feet not touching the ground. What if she fell? What if, once up there, she got dizzy and threw up? But it would be a lie if she said that, part of her, didn’t think that the idea was exciting. Be above everything else, would she feel the freedom that flying demons said they felt when flying? Experiencing that was intriguing, but still…
“Let's make a deal!” Emily clasped her hands, giving excited jumps “Give it a try. Just once. Let me try to convince you that flying is one of the best things both in Heaven and Hell!”
Since Emily got her wings back a week ago, she had been so happy. But that meant she wanted to share that happiness with Velvette by showing her how awesome was to fly. And it seemed like this day Emily had made her goal to finally convince her.
“What if you can’t carry me?”
“Nah, I have carried babies heavier than you” Emily chuckled “And, if you don’t like it, you will get to choose our activities for the next month. But! If you like it, you must fly with me at least one day per week for the next… two months!” she outstretched her hand “Do we have a deal?”
Velvette laughed.
“Look at you. Making deals like a professional”
“I have had the best teacher” Emily winked at her with a smile “And the prettiest, too.”
Shit- having her wings back had given the ex-seraphim an extra boost of confidence. And sometimes she said compliments like that suddenly. She should have gotten used to it by now, but it still took her off guard and made her blush like a fucking teenager. And this time wasn’t the exception.
She looked at Emily’s hand, with their deal. She still wasn’t sure about this, but she hadn’t seen her that happy in a long time. When Emily was happy, even hell looked like a beautiful place. Her smile made everything brighter, lovely even. And clearly what would make her happier right now was to fly with her. How could she say no when the fallen angel smiled at her like that?
Plus! She was no pussy! She wouldn’t back off just because flying looked scary! Who knew, maybe it was funnier than it looked like.
“Fine” she took Emily’s hand “We have a deal.”
Emily squeaked and hugged her. Velvette wrapped her arms around her, pulling her close to and sighed. One of these days, Emily was going to be her fucking doom. But she was smiling more, and that was all that mattered.
“So… how do we do it?”
“Well, I think it will be safer for you if I carry you on my back this time”
“Are you sure?”
“Trust me! It will be amazing!”
For her, maybe. Velvette still had doubts, but she had made a deal and wasn’t going to break it now. Emily turned around, so the Overlord hugged Emily's back, wrapping her arms around her neck, and holding on tightly. The ex-seraphim held Velvette’s ankles carefully and slowly spread her wings. Velvette was careful not to touch them or hurt her.
“Are you ready?” she said looking at the sky
“Yes,” she hugged Emily a little more. She was warm, as always “Only if you are.”
Velvette was not, in fact, ready.
Emily was careful not to take off too quickly, but Velvette felt her stomach sink anyway and hugged Emily tighter, closing her eyes as she felt the wind hit her face. Soon, she felt Emily's hands gently on hers, followed by her voice.
"Open your eyes.”
Slowly, Velvette opened her eyes. At first, everything was spinning, but then...
The view from so high up was wonderful. She could see the divisions of the pentagram, and visualize her district, and Carmilla's, and Charlie's hotel. The lights were bright, but the red color of the sky gave it a unique touch that couldn't be seen from the ground. Emily smiled at her and left a soft caress on the back of her hand.
“Where do you want to go?”
Without being able to say a word, Velvette pointed to the sector where one of the rivers that crossed the pentagram should be. Emily nodded and held her again.
"There we go"
The descent was worse. Velvette forced herself to bite her lip hard as she felt how the air was trapped in her chest and how the wind whipped hard against her skin. She was sure Emily was going as slow as she could, but she had to maintain some speed if she wanted to carry them both.
Suddenly, she felt how the speed decreased so she dared to open one eye. They were flying above the river, and she could see the reflection of the two of them there.
She could not help but smile. Velvette looked terrified as she hugged Emily, but she the fallen angel had a big smile on her lips. She liked the image that the water showed her. Simply the two together in the middle of a flying session.
Then, Emily ascended again. This time Velvette just held on tight, but she tried to keep her eyes open and watch as Pentagram City grew smaller and smaller. The air tickled her skin, but the sensation of it was beginning to become refreshing. Smaller and smaller, it was fun to get to the top, and how everything you knew became just a point.
They passed through the entire of Pentagram City. Going up and down, Rosie's district was organizing a party, they admired the territory fights from above, they flew over the Hazbin Hotel and of course, when passing through Carmilla's district and seeing the damn old woman, she asked Emily to go there. So Emily went down at full speed, they passed by her (a moment that Velvette took advantage of to give her the middle finger) and then they went back up. Emily scolded her, but ha! It had been worth it. She had no idea if Carmilla had managed to see her, but it didn't matter.
When they finished the tour, Emily went up again, only this time higher, straight into the clouds, so the city disappeared. Velvette closed her eyes, expecting the hell clouds to cause her some kind of pain but... no, they simply passed through them, and collided with her skin. They were fuzzy.
She couldn't help it, she let out a laugh. Emily laughed too, and the two of them went through different clouds, making holes in the middle. Finally, they stopped, and the fallen angel began to descend directly towards the Vees district, landing directly on the balcony in Velvette's room.
She climbed off Emily's back and clung to the railing, trying to catch her breath. That had been... terrifying, she felt like at any moment she was going to fly away or that her stomach was going to come out. They hadn't done as many pirouettes or somersaults, but she still felt her heart pounding against her chest and slowly... whatever was inside her... returning to her body. That had been crazy, she could have…
Emily giggled, to which Velvette returned to look at her.
"Your hair"
That set off all the alarms within the young Overlord.
“What's wrong with my hair?”
And without waiting another second, she opened her cell phone in selfie mode and saw herself. She froze. What the fuck?
This was a disaster. A real disaster. Because of all the wind, her hair was disheveled in all directions. There were strands all over her face, and her hairstyle had become undone. Fucking shit. If she had known this, she would have put on gel or a protective cap or some shit like that. It was horrible. A disaster. If someone saw her like that...
“You look adorable,” Emily whispered, placing a hand on her cheek, making Velvette look at her “I love all the hairstyles you have, but there's something I love about your hair after flying.”
Velvette looked at the ex-seraphim. Her hair had also become disheveled, but it looked beautiful on her. Wild. Free. Her eyes seemed to shine with intensity, the kind that warms your heart. And then she started laughing as she placed her hand on top of Emily's. Fuck her hair, anyway, they were alone in the tower.
“That was terrible.”
Emily gave her one of her smiles.
“Would you do it again?”
She thought of the wind. And how light she felt. It was as if she left everything behind in the pentagram, and that, as long as she was in the air, there was only her. And Emily. Just the two of them existing without anything to bind them. It had been fun even, the way they spun, the feeling in her body once she'd gotten used to it.
“Maybe” Velvette gave her a small touch on her forehead and pushed her back. “We'll see.”
Emily jumped excitedly.
"Brilliant! Because I can't wait to teach you back landings, and circle spins, and V pirouettes! They are soooo cool!”
“The what?”
"This is gonna be great!"
Velvette simply looked at her, still smiling. If she said it would be great, it certainly would be.
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#1 my new phone takes WAY better pictures.
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He's already plotting murder.
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Oh I'd definitely want it for revenge.
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ruby2stardust · 8 months
I have to gush real quick it is in my very being to infodump this right now.
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So this is Crosscode, and if you haven't played it you should right now because it is one of the best RPGs ever made, heck it is one of my favorite games of all time easily.
I played it a few months ago and it really just was everything to me. I love these characters, I love the soundtrack and the gameplay is so, so much fun! The combat is fast paced, fun and difficult. I love the Zelda style dungeons that cap off each area. I love that they took the setting of a game within a game and actually made it interesting by focusing the story around how players and developers interact with the world they created! I love the just, everything! The story is a bit slow but honestly that is such a tiny little complaint in what is otherwise a sea of positive things I could say about this amazing wonderful little gem. I played it to nearly 100% completion and adored every second and I have considered a second playthrough since the moment I finished.
I don't even know how to describe it because I am genuinely welling up. Just going back and listening to the title theme I am almost crying tears of joy. I am already so nostalgic for this and I only finished it two months ago I just love it so so so much. I always thought about if I would make a video game and what it would look like. Crosscode is that game made reality. It is that dream game I considered making just so it would exist. I am so happy that it is a thing and that I got to experience it as a player.
Please, PLEASE give this game a shot if you like action RPGs. It really is one of the best out there and so much more than I could possibly ever describe.
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luminousstardust · 1 year
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devilbeez · 5 months
Okay I love hazbin hotel, I really do. I love the characters, I love the song. But I’m willing to admit that it have flaws and one of it being the pacing.
And ngl I think I found out why and it’s because numerous reason
Production. When Hazbin got confirmed for season 1 for all we could know the team only know that they get 8 episodes and that’s it. They don’t know about season 2 yet so either they got confirmed for season 2 when season 1 already out into work to the point there no fixing the script, or season 1 is don’t in production stage going to post when season 2 is confirmed. Giving benefit of the doubt there’s a certain panic to explain everything to the fandom so it’s just plot point after plot point being stuffed in one season without time to breathe.
Episode. This involved with the previous reason because if you happen to live under a rock, for some reason there seem to be a trend in shorten episodes seasons. It went from 26-25 to 12-15 and now less than 10. There’s not enough time to develop a character to the fullest. It seem rush because with the pressure from fandom and the uncertainty of confirmed seasons.
Lastly, it written like a musical but have TV show concepts. I feel like this is most confusing and might just be me so lemme explain. Hazbin hotel from ep 1 to 6 feel like a one whole musical where they kinda have to rush it a little? Cause musicals usually have 2 Maybe 3 hours and 40-50% of it are songs so you have to rush throughout the dialogue a little bit and let songs expressed the characters the most. I feel like this is what the show been doing, it rush through the dialogue and development to throw all the emotions we supposed to feel in songs and don’t get me wrong if it have one theme, one major problem like a musical it would work. However, Hazbin have all these problems, heaven forces, Lilith and Alastor sudden disappearance, the Vees, Angel’s arc, Charlie’s arc etc etc it all isn’t a minor problems like “oh these kids wanna be respected and accepted as they are” in School of rock or “this demigod lost his mojo” like in Moana. These problems are all main problem worthy and most of the time tv series have time to deal with this. Maybe one season address one of those problems, maybe one season have 2 main problems for first and later half. And so when you have musical writing with mostly songs where you need to have concise story but instead have tv series concept with multiple arcs what you get is a story that feel rush
This have been my tedtalk
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Jenny being just as strange as her brother is deeply important to me. I think she’s just better at hiding it & doesnt have ready access to ghosts and big robots. Like Henry shows up at her doorstep after not talking to her for YEARS and is like “I just murdered a cop, also did serial killer complicity for a few years back there, also ghosts are real.” and she was just kinda like “aight sounds about right”
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