#Kat can’t escape her best friend’s shenanigans
katswritingcorner · 1 year
Ranpo: Why does Chuuya call you babygirl?
Kat, flustered: Let’s stop talking for a while…
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constantlyirksome · 5 years
This Week Euphoria Walks the Line Between Reality and Fantasy (1x07 Review.)
The episode is named “The trials and tribulations of trying to pee while depressed,” which sounds funny until the reality behind it is revealed. Rue is almost catatonic during a depressive episode, so emotionally fatigued that she can’t even get up to pee. That’s the theme at the core of this episode, peeling back peoples perceptions of illness, romance, and sexuality.
I don’t suffer from bipolar, but a combination of depression and anxiety, and the portrayals by Zendaya of her lows and manic highs were spot on. Rue was largely bedbound, consuming copious amounts of television and avoiding looking after basic human activities like eating or hygiene. She doesn’t find joy in things that usually interest her as they start to become emotionally taxing. She starts watching Love Island marathons because reality TV doesn’t take a lot of energy to consume and can be quite comforting.
She tries to draw energy from her memories but finds it more and more difficult to remember what actually brings her joy. “Eventually all you think about is how life has always been this way, and will only continue to be this way….”
These scenes, for me at least, were some of the most relatable and comforting than I’ve seen on TV in a while. Zendaya approaches these topics with care not to overdo it, with a knowing humor that comes from being a Gen Z kid who knows her audience, because almost everything lands or has an impact. The scene where Rue experiences a bout of mania was brilliant, likening her heightened mental state to one of an overworked, paranoid detective, was genius. Detectives Bennett and Lexi Howard actually manage to piece together what happened with Jules, Nate, and Tyler. You have to wonder what Rue’s actual physical state was when you take away the magical realism and suspenders.
I think it’s important to separate Rue’s mental state from her relationship with Jules, both because it’s not fair to put that much pressure on someone, and because I don’t actually think they’re related. Rue may have tried to sober up but anything that happened after that was biological. No one could/should blame Jules, who has been put in a difficult position despite how much she genuinely loves Rue. It’s not fair to hold someone on a pedestal, just like it wouldn’t be fair to make someone feel like a burden or “boring”. (Jules said this last week but couldn’t possibly mean it.) In this was Euphoria sends an important message about looking after yourself, boundaries, and dependency. Hopefully Jules and Rue can find a middle ground where they can support and uplift one another without relying on each other for happiness and health.
Jule’s Journey leans more toward fantasy, as she heads into the city to escape the situation she’s found herself in, confiding and hanging out with some old friends. Her insight into why she has casual sex, to achieve new heights of femininity, and to then shatter that concept entirely, answered a big question as to her motives. And it humanized her, which is something the show needs to do more of. The reactions I’ve seen saying if she leaves Rue she’s heartless is an attitude that reflects the shows focus on Rue when Jules has motivations and feelings of her own. In maintaining this manic pixie dream girl thing the audience becomes more alienated towards a character that could be really important to the LGBT and trans communities. She’s not perfect, ghosting her best friend just to send her a guilty “I miss you” text was a dick move, but not nearly bad enough to vilify her.
Her final scenes, in the club (overlayed with scenes of Rue passing out from a kidney infection) admittedly confused me. Was Nate actually there? Who was she actually having sex with?
The other characters only got slivers of progress. This week’s flashback is for Cassey, and while we get a sad look at her history with her father it does little to add to her character and zero impact on her current problem, an unwanted pregnancy. Her and McKay deal with the issue with a lot of maturity actually. While Cassey dreams of starting a family, that maybe it’s what she’s “meant to do with her life,” but ultimately she was just daydreaming as McKay lays down some hard truths about what being unwed teen parents would be like. The storyline wasn’t given the time or emotional weight needed and was tossed aside again to deal with Rue and Jules.
Kat was given two scenes, one was a fight with Maddy and another was a cam session gone awry. Because Kat has had more screen time and a fuller narrative so even these had more of an impact. She’s starting to realize while her new persona and philosophy towards sex is liberating, it comes with some drawbacks. The creepy video chat she has could be foreshadowing to her final transformation in the season finale that I’m excited to see.
Lastly, the peoples champion Fezco. I’m always cautiously praising this guy because, despite the good he does, he’s still a drug dealer who deals to kids. His refusal to sell to Rue didn’t feel like a big enough step, but throughout the season he’s had enough conversations with Rue for us to realize he does actually give a shit. Last week they had a touching moment at the Halloween party, and this week he sat patiently and listened to Rue rambling while he tended to his sick grandma. He looks on at Rue like a wilful little sister; even their dialogue seems like sibling rivalry (“sit yo manic ass down and shut the fuck up,”) while he’s trying to protect her from the gnarly drug dealer he works under. There’s a peek into what his work life is like, the pressure to sell enough to make the higher ups happy. With only one episode left I would love to see a flashback episode for how he got to where he did.
His showdown with Nate was a triumph. After telling Rue that threatening Nate was crazy, Fez can’t help himself when the lanky son of a bitch wanders into his den spouting off. Fez rightly reminds Nate that he is actually a gangster and will end his sad existence. I don’t know how Euphoria has managed to make a character like Fez so popular or likable, but I hope we get more of him next episode and next season, and while I hope Nate gets what’s coming to him I hope it doesn’t come at Fezco’s expense. (But really Nate signed his own death warrant as soon as he called the cops, Fez’s bosses will NOT be happy.)
I honestly don’t know where Euphoria will take its finale as Rue and Jule’s relationship, as well as Nate’s shenanigans, come to a head, and so far it’s been pretty hit and miss with story progression/ending things, but I still have hope it will be satisfying.
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squiddybeifong · 5 years
Meeting the Sirens
Harley could honestly admit to never paying attention to how amazing plants were at camouflage. It made sense to a certain extent with the natural world, but when one mixed Raven’s darkness with Pam’s powers, it gave the impression that Hell could be nothing more than a jungle on fire.
Sapphire eyes watched as cacti scuttled closer and vines slithered along the walls, hidden by the usual shadows. Their leaves curled in on themselves before they aimed towards Raven and the shadows darted away, forcing the plants to scramble into better hiding as Pam tried to keep the upper hand.
Harley ran a tongue over her teeth and forced out a laugh, sliding in between her kinda-girlfriend and her kinda-niece and tossing an arm around them both. “Come on, you two!” She pulled them close until their cheeks touched, spinning to beam at Talia and Kitty, “We can all get along, can’t we?”
Three glares and one look of pure apathy greeted her suggestion. “It’s bad enough you brought her--” Selina started, not taking her glare off of the assassin.
Ivy continued her sentence, all but sneering at the teen, “But why the fuck would we ever trust a hero?” The botanist’s glare deepened, the vines shifting in preparation again.
Emerald eyes widened half an inch as Raven forced to vines to stay in place, the darkness freezing the walls around them. The two superpowered women stared at each other for a long moment, uncaring to how Harley sheepishly squeezed their shoulders.  
After an impossibly long minute, the clown started to squirm and the Titan shrugged, “Your grudges are fair enough.”
She lifted her hand and made sure that Poison Ivy saw the magic fall away from her palm. Raven silently lowered herself until she stood on the floor and crossed her arms over her chest, rolling her jaw once before offering an olive branch, “But from what Harley’s told me we both despise Zatanna.”
The redhead raised a brow, a humorless laugh escaping, “That’s it?”
“I’m also an empath.” Pam straightened her back at that information. Raven glanced at Catwoman out of the corner of her eye, addressing the green-skinned woman in front of her, “And I’d imagine that while I’m not as fond of her as you seem to be, we all don’t mind Harley dragging us away with her shenanigans.”
A pale hand raised from underneath her cloak, “That’s at least two things we have in common.”
Talia finally spoke up, “Three if you count having powers.”
Selina snorted at her interjection and Harley turned to them, her eyes brightening up as she tried to get her two friend groups to get along. Pam and Raven didn’t seem that close to killing each other, so she focused on getting Kitty and Talia from trying to glare each other out of existence, “And I bet you two have stuff in common too!”
Almost immediately after the words left her Harley sucked her teeth, wincing as she remembered the last time they had met. Raven shifted at the emotions in the room, letting out a silent hum as her shadows drifted closer to her.
Amethyst eyes flicked to Ivy as she let out a huff, “Not this again.”
The teen didn’t ask, but her question was loud in the air. Talia kept Selina in her line of sight as she shifted to explain, “We’ve had the same lover.”
Raven arched a brow, her mild amusement obvious even despite her hood shadowing half her face. She tilted her chin towards Ivy, “Batman seems to just attract criminals, doesn’t he?”
“Yes,” Talia hummed, displeasure rolling off her in waves. “He surrounds himself with more and more incompetence after every switch.”
Harley emphatically nodded her head at the statement behind her words. She patted the assassin’s arm, “Oh, so Batman ditched you? That’s rough, buddy.”
Selina narrowed her eyes despite the haughty smirk on her face, her hands curling into fists as she shot out to the goth, “He ditched her for me.”
“Wait, so you were the rebound? That’s rough too, Kitty.” Harley seemed to catch herself, her head snapping back to Talia. “I, uh, I mean…”
The blonde glanced at Raven, looking for some emphatic help. When nothing came she rushed out, “That sucks, my gals who can hopefully be pals?”
Raven crossed her arms over her chest, “This is an awful conversation.” Violet eyes turned to the botanist and she inched closer, “I’m sensing at least four deaths that have taken place here in the past two months. Care to show me around?”
Her request was met with a curious stare. After a contemplative moment the vines seemed to relax around them, a tangle of flowered stems curling to make a sort of hallway near their feet. A lazy grin curled black-lipsticked lips.
“Sure,” Ivy waved at the mystic to follow and away they went. Green shoulders shrugged, “If Robin--no, he’s a different bird now, right?”
“Yeah. If he asks, they were all eco-terrorists that went missing.”
Raven snorted, her face curious as Pam added, a lilt to her voice, “There’s also a bunch of mushroom patches over their graves. They’re just full of poison; you’ll love them.”
The demoness perked up at that, “Any death caps?” Pine eyes flicked to her and Raven amended, “You’re Poison Ivy. I’d expect you to have at least a few of this planet’s best.”
“I’ve got better than that. Look up there,” Raven followed her pointed finger, her eyes lighting up as she spotted a white patch clumped along the rusty rivets. Pam watched as she floated up a few inches until they were practically the same height. A rare smile curled the stoic’s face, “I didn’t know Gotham was humid enough to support destroying angels…”
“You don’t know a lot about Gotham just yet.” The redhead nudged her elbow, starting to walk again. She bit her lip and decided to give this hero one allowance; if Harley loved her and she seemed morally gray enough to mingle with Batman’s enemies, then Raven was not yet trustworthy but slightly okay in her book. “And you can call me Pam, by the way.”
Raven tilted her head, giving the siren a thin but genuine smile, “Pam, then. Shall we go?” She motioned to where the vines were laid out for them to follow, “Those spirits aren’t going to be put to rest otherwise.”
Her words got an ‘Aha!’ and a snap as recognition filled the redhead’s aura, “Is that why all of our stuff has been moving around when we aren’t here? I told Harley no one alive was stupid enough to keep breaking into our place…”
Harley watched them go out the doors with a pout, turning back to see Talia had a hand on her sword’s hilt and Cat was tense, poised for a fight with her claws unretracted, if curled into fists.  
Quickly skipping in between them, the blonde tried to stall.
Her hands clasped in front of her chest as she wiggled her shoulders, thinking of something, anything, to prevent the fighting before it really began. Not that she couldn’t take care of any brawls, of course, but her friends were supposed to be getting along, dammit!
When nothing came to mind, she thought of how she’d distract the Joker whenever he got in his funks. And while neither of the two villainesses in front of her seemed opposed to potentially joining her in bed (though that was more up Pam’s alley, honestly), the answer came to her: both Kitty and Tally Marks were awful when it came to withstanding annoyances.
Her eyes bright, the blonde spoke a single word.
“Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo--,” Harley held it for a few seconds, paused to take a breath, and continued on as long as she could, “--oooooooooooooooooo…”
A clawed finger jerked out to press against her lips, “Shut up.”
Talia tensed at the move and Harley twisted away to speak up again, “Right, right. Cool, cool, cool, this is so cool that we’re all meeting again like this.” Harley rubbed at the back of her neck as her eyes darted around the room, considering asking the cactus where Ivy and Birdie went off to.
But she was the bridge and she had to stall the inevitable fight (again). The clown clicked her tongue and spoke freely and impulsively, “So, you two both fucked Batsy then?”
Neither women moved but two green glares landed on her. Deciding that she had to out-tension them both, Harley flipped one of her pigtails over her shoulder, “Hey, at least y’all got something in common, amirite?”
She rocked on her heels, “I mean, jeez. Wanting to cuddle with raspy-voiced bats. I know that feeling.”
That got Talia’s attention. Her eyes didn’t stray from Catwoman, but her temple tilted towards her friend, “Are you in love with my Beloved as well?”
“Ugh. Gods, no,” Harley’s face scrunched up at the mere thought. Shaking her head, she puffed her chest and buffed her checkerboard nails on her shirt, “I’m more-a Fidget kinda gal, myself.”
When neither reacted the blonde looked between them, her eyes comically widening, almost in slow motion. Blinking rapidly, Harley let her astonishment fill her voice, “Please say you guys remember Fidget? He’s one of Disney’s best characters in one of their best movies. Of all time.”
Selina couldn’t hold back her snort and Harley waved her thinly-veiled mockery aside, answering the look of confusion on Talia’s face, “He was the bat in ‘the Great Mouse Detective.’ Great film, by the way.”
Blue eyes smugly bored into Cat’s face, “Waaaaay better than ‘the Aristocats,’ despite the lies Kitty may believe.”
Smiling, she strolled back to face her favorite evil heiress, “Now I wouldn’t so much as ever think of fucking him --y’know Kitty’s the furry of the group-- but I can see getting to know the baby. Maybe even plan a heist or three after Rati--”
Selina drawled out, “Don’t spoil her.”
Talia watched the way Harley’s face lit up, “So you have seen it!”
“Yes. You make us watch it all the time.”
“Well I didn’t realize you were so busy thinking of a different bat the whole time. I just figured you purring about milk was a feline thing. Sorry for assuming, Kit-Kat.”
Annoyed, an irritated sigh forced its way out of Talia. She rolled her jaw, her fingers drumming against the metal of her sword’s guard, “You two tire me in the worst of ways.”
A high-pitched laugh escaped Harley as she dove into a hug, her palms hastily wrapping around Talia’s waist to prevent the assassin’s sword from being unsheathed. Giggling against the taller woman’s shoulder Harley sighed into the air, “Ray Ray was right this is just awful. We can find a different connection besides Batman, right?”
Talia and Selina didn’t stop their glare-off but the blonde paid them no mind, her words coming a beat faster than usual, “Like how we all break the law! Or how you both really appreciate having me in your lives? Oh! What about how both your names end with ‘A,’ that’s gotta be worth something!”
Her nose scrunched as she kept thinking, the idea coming to her effortlessly after a few seconds of silence, “Oh! I got it!” She held out her hands, making a square out of her fingers and closing one eye as if painting a picture in the air. Harley’s grin was loud in her declaration, “Strawberry milkshakes.”
Selina let out a huff through her nose, “Neutral ground won’t keep us from wanting to kill each other, Harls.”
“You never know. That’s what happened with Tal and Rae and me. Oh!” Blonde brows jumped an inch above sapphire eyes as a place came to mind, “How about we go to that burger diner that the Bats sometimes goes to.”
Talia tilted her head to the side, knowing the girl’s connection to the city’s protectors. “I doubt Raven will agree to that.”
“She’ll agree. But it’ll be reluctant.” Harley pitched forward and aimed a finger gun to both, her smile widening to a grin, “Just like your truce.”
Two aggravated sighs came from her words and Catwoman’s lips tightened in annoyance, “Not likely.”
Talia glowered when the blonde clasped her hands above her collar, Harley’s growing pout accompanying her dilating eyes, “No. We’re not as susceptible as the other two to your looks.”
A lazy laugh slipped out of the blonde, “Something else y’all have in common?”
The assassin’s glower deepened at her words. And while she’d never admit to the troublesome way Harley’s eyes grew and her lower lip quivered, Talia had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her resolve. Without putting too much attention on her rival, she knew Catwoman was doing the same.
Olive eyes rolled in annoyance and Talia sheathed her sword, grumbling out, “I won’t attack her tonight.”
Selina shrugged one shoulder and retracted her claws. She crossed her arms over her chest and glanced between the two, “These meetings only last the night, correct?”
“Yep!” Harley popped the ‘P,’ practically bouncing on her feet at the way the tension in the room was lessening. The clown looked like a kid in a candy store and both Bat-lovers rolled their eyes.
“Then I guess we can get along for a few hours.” The Cat glanced at Talia out of the corner of her eye, a tiny smirk quirking her lips, “For Harley’s sake.”
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tarasstorybook · 6 years
Magic Mischief
"Felicia?..." Niki calls from the laundry room.
"Yes love?"
"She's opened another portal in the laundry room. I don't remember how to close them and I'm not sure where she is..." Niki responded nervously.
Felicia sighs. "I need to teach her how to control her magic. I'll be right there, just give me a minute."
"No, you don't understand, I can't find her in the house and I'm afraid she may be wandering around Hell as we speak."
Felicia sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Great, you go look in Hell I'll work on closing the portal."
"Yes dear." Niki disappeared, setting off to search Hell for his eight year old daughter.
Felicia goes to close the portal in the laundry room. "Good luck Niki. I hope you find her."
Niki groaned as he walked around where the portal had been opened, wishing Katya hasn't chosen today of all days to goof off.
Sudden giggling came from around the corner, the sound of tiny feet running away.
Niki's head turned quickly to look, a sigh of frustration escaping his lips. "Katya, come here! You can't worry us like this!"
Katya giggles again, continuing on her merry little way.
"Katya!" Niki used his powers to try and catch up to her, obviously annoyed with his daughter's shenanigans.
"Come catch me dad!"
"Don't act like I won't young lady!" He called after her, catching up to her and snatching her up. "Why do you insist on tormenting your poor papa?" He sighed.
Katya squeaks at being suddenly off the ground. "Cause mom says practicing magic is important."
"True, but opening portals without permission or supervision is a no no and you know that."
Katya crosses her arms and pouts. "Mama said she did it and great uncle Bradley defended her."
Niki chuckles. "Well your mama wasn't exactly the best behaved little girl either and he let her get away with it when he was around."
"So that means I can too?" She looks up at him hopeful.
"Speaking of your great uncle Bradley, don't you want to hang out with him today?" Niki asked as he started walking.
Katya shrugs. "I kind of want to hangout with you and mama. Why do I have to go with great uncle Bradley every Friday?"
"Because Fridays are date nights for me and your mama malyshka." Niki smiled.
"Oh, is that why Crystal leaves too?"
Katya grumbles slightly placing her head on Niki's shoulder. "Bradley's is so boring though."
"Would you rather I sent you to spend the night with uncle Law?"
"Yes." Katya suddenly perks up.
Niki thought about it a moment. "It would depend if he was free and what your mama thinks, but maybe."
"I thought mama was friends with uncle Law?" Katya tilts her head confused.
"Da, but sometimes your uncle Law partakes in less child friendly activities. He is a necromancer after all." Niki explains.
"I know that, mama told me he was."
"So, again, depends."
Katya grumbles again. "You and mama say that about a lot of things."
"A lot of things depend on other things dear." Niki set her down on the sofa, having transported them back to the house. "Felicia we're back!"
"Oh good!" Felicia walks into the living room. "Young lady you and I are going to have a long chat about opening portals. I thought I taught you better."
Niki nodded. "Running off like that frightens your mama and I little one."
"I'm sorry papa." Katya says quietly.
"Thank you malyshka, I'll ask uncle Law if he's busy tonight."
"Okay, I'm sorry mama."
"It's okay Katya, you don't want to hangout with your great uncle?" Felicia looks to Nikolai with a questioning look.
"I asked her if she'd rather stay with Law tonight." Niki shrugged, sending the text to Law.
"Ah I see now. Okay, well it's okay with me if he isn't busy. Though I think Bradley will be a little disappointed, he'll get over it."
"Yes!" Katya excitedly throws both fists in the air.
"It still depends Kat, if he is then it's to your great uncle's house with Crystal."
"I know mama."
"... he's busy..." Niki glanced up from his phone, looking a little put off.
"Ah." Katya looks disappointed.
"Bradley's it is." Felicia says.
Niki nodded, putting his phone away. "Do you have your overnight bag packed Katya?"
"You should probably go do that, yes?"
"Okay." Katya hops down from the couch to her room to go pack her bag.
"Did she tell you why she suddenly doesn't like hanging out with Bradley?" Felicia asks when Katya disappears to her room.
"No, I think she just hasn't seen Law in a bit and misses him."
"It's poss-you better not be opening anther portal Katya!"
".....I'm not!"
"You have five seconds to close it!" Felicia sighs and shakes her head. "Being a parent is hard, fun but hard."
"Da." Niki nodded.
A few minutes later Katya comes out with her overnight bag. "Ready."
Niki looked to his wife. "Who is taking her today?"
"Your turn, there's still a few things I have to do yet. Besides, my uncle hasn't seen you in awhile. He asks about you."
Niki snickered. "Alright, come along Katya." He winked at Felicia. "I won't be long."
Felicia lightly swacks Niki, hugging Katya goodbye. "I love you Katya, see you later."
"Love you too mama."
Niki held out an arm to his daughter, and once she took it they transported to outside Bradley's apartment.
Almost as soon as they appear the door to the apartment opens. "Hey guys, Fel texted me that you would be here any moment." Bradley greets them smiling.
"Hello Bradley." Niki greets. "Now don't give him too much trouble tonight alright?" He looks down at Katya.
"Yes papa."
"Hey don't look so glum, I've got something planned for us to do while you're here." Bradley takes his niece's hand. "She won't be too much trouble."
"I would hope not." Niki leaned down giving his daughter a peck on the cheek. "Love you malyshka, have fun."
"I love you too papa, I will." She smiled up at him.
Niki smiled, waiting for the door to close before returning to Felicia.
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ask-femklance-blog · 7 years
I wanted a break from studying, so I whipped up this quick fic that I couldn’t get out of my head. NOTE: Sorry if the characters are OOC and the grammar is bad. I wrote it very quickly. Also, Al= Allura. Enjoy!
   Lana sat behind the counter at Voltron Café viciously flipping through her Engineering Math notes. It was around 1PM so an upside was that the cafe wasn’t as busy as it usually is in the morning hours, but the downside is that she has exactly 24 hours to learn three chapters worth of math so that she has a sliver of hope to pass one of Ms. Iversons notorious exams. Lana pressed her face into her textbook and groaned into it.
“Engineering?” a voice chirped above her. 
“No. It’s actually witchcraft mixed in with an ancient alien language. But, I mean, I guess you could call it Engineering.” Lana replied. 
“Yup, that sounds like one of Iversons tests.” Hunk laughed beside her, putting away freshly baked chocolate chip cookies in the baked goods display. Hunk hovered over her best friends shoulder, reading the problem she was working on. Lana quickly stole one of Hunks cookies. “Lana, all of your work is right. All you have left is to take the derivative and plug in the x.” Hunk mused. Lana quickly did as Hunk instructed her to, and, sure enough, she got the right answer.
Lana looked up at Hunk with her best puppy dog eyes, “Hunk. Bffl. My bestie for life. My sun and stars. The best human being I’ve ever known.”
“I can’t Lana, I have a chem test tomorrow that I have to study for.” Hunk pouted, fiddling with the burnt orange ribbon she always tied her thick black locks in.
Lana smiled, “It’s cool, dude. But don’t think I’m not gonna be texting you problems that I really don’t get.”
Hunk beamed, “Deal. But I know this other girl who’s in Iversons class this semester. She comes into the cafe at around this time, maybe you two can study together.” Lana knew exactly who Hunk was referring to. Dark hair, sparkling eyes, always wearing some form of leather.
“Why do I have a feeling that this girl always comes in on a red motorcycle, sits right behind me in math, and is the bane of my existence?” Lana frowned.
Hunk shrugged, escaping back into the kitchens, “I dunno about all of that, but I do know you made out with her for a good thirty seconds on New Years before dipping out.” she winked. Lana turned a brilliant scarlet, just as the door chimed.
“Welcome to Voltron Cafe!” Lana called out, already scooping whipped cream into a cup. The drink was already finished by the time the customer made it to the counter. Lana turned, hot drink in hand, to face none other than Kat Kogane.
“Whipped cream with a three shots of hot coffee for Kat?” Lana asked in her best customer service voice. Kats eyes widened at how fast Lana made her order. She didn’t even get a chance to watch the cute barista make her drink from afar.
“Y-you- You remembered my order?” Kat stammered out.
Lana shrugged, punching numbers in on the cash register, “It’s not that complicated. And don’t worry, I tried not to make it as foamy.” Kat internally winced at the mention of foam and her awful attempt in looking cool in front of her crush.
“You’re never going to let that go, huh?” Kat frowned as Lana counted out her change.
“Tell you what, Kitty Cat,” Lana smirked, handing Kat her change. “Help me learn the last two chapters for Iversons math test from hell, and i’ll let it go. Shoot, i’ll put every bad interaction we’ve ever had behind me.”
“How generous of you.” Kat deadpanned, taking a sip of her perfectly made vienna coffee.
“I know, i’m just a wonderful human being. So will you do it or not?” Lana sighed, cocking a hip to the side.
“Throw in a couple of those chocolate chip cookies and you have a deal.” Kat smirked back.  Lana threw two cookies into a bag and practically jumped over the counter with her spiral and textbook. “Deal.” Lana will deal with Al’s lecture later, right now, she needed help.
BONUS:        After a long study session, Lana and Hunk cleaned and closed up the shop together. It was company policy that workers should throw out any leftover baked goods, so that fresh ones can be made in the mornings. That never did sit well with Lana. Hunk was an artist in the kitchen and her food tasted like it too. She wasn’t about to throw that art away, with only racoons to savor it! So she packed up her besties leftover treats in a box and closed the shop. Lana bid Hunk goodnight, and walked to her blue Prius. There was a cherry red motorcycle parked right next to her car. Lana couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her face.
“Hey.” she called out to the other girl, handing Kat the box that was in her hand. Kat cautiously looked at the box and looked at Lana. “It’s not filled with snakes or anything.” Lana rolled her eyes.
“Are you allowed to be giving me this?” Kat asked in a hushed voice.
   Lana laughed, “You don’t have to whisper. They’re cupcakes, not cocaine. But, yeah. It’s company policy that we through out all unsold baked goods. But I usually just take them home, or hand them out to other poor starving college students like myself.” Kat only nodded her head, unsure of what to say. “This was more of a thank you, for agreeing to teach me math. And giving me a sliver of hope for Iversons test tomorrow.” Lana blabbered. Kat turned to put the box of treats on her motorcycle and pulled out a pen from her pocket. Kat grabbed Lanas hand and scribbled her number onto her palm. Kat silently prayed to whatever God was listening to her that her hands weren’t sweaty. It was Lanas turn to look at the palm of her hand, then Kat, then back to her hand.
“It’s my number,” Kat explained quickly, “in case you have any more questions.” Lana stared at Kat with wide blue eyes, and they narrowed immediately. Kats face burned in embarrassment. Did Lana know that she had a massive crush on her? That Kat was dying to give the pretty brunette with crystal blue eyes her number? Shiro always told her she was a shit liar, but Kat thought she had a pretty solid alibi!  
“Oh hell no.” Lana finally spoke. A part of Kat died inside. “I will not let you beat me in the flirting department! That was smooth as hell Kitty Kat, but i’ll woo your socks off. Just you watch!” Lana called, walking to the drivers side of her car. Kat let out a breath, and chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah lover girl. How about you focus on aceing our math test tomorrow?” Kat called, mounting her bike. Lana rolled down her passenger side window to wink at Kat before bidding her goodnight. Kat couldn’t help the stupid grin that was stretched across her face the entire ride home.
((V: I AM LITERALLY SCREAMING RIGHT NOW OKAY, THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! ASDFHUJIARLEKWDSFHUGIJRKLFDMS!!! I seriously was not expecting this when i logged in today!! Dude!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 
Lana is SO ON POINT!!! Like, i couldn’t even portray her better than this!!! And it’s so funny omg, I already wanna doodle this omg I love it so much!!! Everyone is so great and aahh this is perfect!!! Thank you for this!!!!!
Y: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa THIS IS TOO CUTE OH GOSHHHHHHHH!!! Thank you for this this was just so cute and honestly made my entire day! I was screaming at Kat this whole time when you mentioned her fuck up like “GOD KAT WHAT IS YOUR DEAL???” 
This is absolutely beautiful and super cute! I loved the way you portrayed Kat as this bumbling awkwardly in love idiot! Like that’s what I’ve been trying to get her to come across as this whole time and you’ve done it so well! SO MUCH BETTER THAN I COULD HAVE OMG THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you so much for this this was just so wonderful! Thank you for putting up with us and our shenanigans and inconsistent updates (mostly me sorry about that yo school kicking my ass im sorry) 
We promise to update much more in the future!!!!))
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