richardmurrayhumblr · 2 years
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Movies that Move We Review US/Kat Blaque review Nope/Thistle and Verse discuss Black science fiction side esteemed guest. All videos free to view at the link https://aalbc.com/tc/profile/6477-richardmurray/?status=2116&type=status #rmaalbc #thistleandverse #moviesthatmovewe #katblaque   #blacksffathon
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afrobdsm · 4 months
"Ah c'est vrai que j'n'y avais pas pensé..."
Je suis une femme noire, qui a majoritairement grandi dans la banlieue parisienne et enfant de parents immigrés ; lorsque je me suis motivée et timidement lancée dans le milieu BDSM à travers le Shibari, jamais je n'aurais pensé que les problèmes rencontrés dans la vie vanille pourraient également croiser mon chemin dans la vie… kinky… Vous vous en doutez, ce qui me détermine socialement peut facilement et négativement impacter mon évolution dans les différentes sphères de ma vie sous forme de racisme, sexisme, classisme ; sans oublier les personnes qui peuvent en plus, subir le validisme, l'âgisme et autres -isme.
Dans la vie vanille que je construis, j'ai pris pour habitude de sélectionner (et de me laisser sélectionner, ça va dans les deux sens) mon entourage quand il ne m'était pas imposé faisant que toutes les personnes non liées à moi par la famille ou le boulot devaient avoir fait un travail de déconstruction social, avoir un discours plus ou moins similaire au mien autour de luttes communes, avoir plus ou moins vécu les mêmes expériences… m'enfin fin bref, toute une grille de bingo qui m'aiderait à me soutenir (Au moins émotionnellement et psychologiquement parce que sheeeesh! être au milieu de plusieurs intersections est beaucoup à porter à ce niveau et je sais que tu le sais.) et mieux naviguer dans un monde pensé et construit par et pour des hommes blanc cisgenre. Et je suis certaine qu'avoir créé, nourris et grossit ces liens avec mon entourage choisi m'a aidé pour construire un cocon de paix où, je ne me retrouve plus à monodialioguer sur des sujets qui me touchent, où le décalage est presque inexistant et où je peux être moi-même dans toute mon identité et parles de mes expériences sans avoir peur d'être jugée et questionnée. J'ai cru qu'en choisissant d'entrer dans le BDSM, j'aurais le même résultat que lorsque que je choisis mon entourage. Lol. Non. À vrai dire, j'ai un ami qui est dans le milieu BDSM et candide que je suis, j'ai naïvement pensé que sa présence dans le milieu plus le fait qu'il s'y investissait en donnant de son temps, énergie et argent me confortait dans le fait que ce devait être un milieu fort fort safe, mais j'oubliais que parmi les personnes qui pratiquent le BDSM, je pouvais en rencontrer qui se placeraient aux antipodes de ce que je suis, de ce que je défends et de ce qui me fait enrager.
Comme la fois où j'ai choisi de m'ouvrir à une collègue que je considérais en acceptant d'échanger nos contacts persos, de cheminer ensemble vers une petite amitié et qu'un jour au hasard, je découvre que ses idées politiques penchaient plus du coté extrême-droite que du mien… La delulu fût immense oui.
Curieuse de savoir comment les oppressions de la vie vanille pouvaient évoluer dans la vie kinky, c'est tout naturellement que je me suis mise en quête de sources abordant le sujet.
Cet épisode du podcast True Tea animé par Kat Blaque et l'une des premières sources que j'ai trouvé en plus d'être la plus motivante à la création de ce tumblr tant j'avais à dire.
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True Tea est un podcast de Kat Blaque, une femme qui se situe aux intersections de la transsexualité, de la blackness (?), du kink, de la positivité sexuelle et du polyamour. Dans ce podcast, elle répond aux questions qui lui sont posées sur les nuances de sa vie et pose également des questions à son public avec le désir d'apprendre. Parfois elle a raison, parfois elle a tort, mais dans tous les cas elle est honnête et c'est ça le True Tea.
Avant de lire mes réflexions, je t'invite à écouter le podcast (totalement en anglais) ici :
Bonne écoute !
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wordsearchwhatever · 9 months
Your New Favorite YouTubers Playlist: by hbomberguy & lolkat
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AlexanderAvila MattBaume LadyEmily verilybitchie RickiHirsch Shanspeare KhadijaMbowe hazel HerbyRevolus MaggieMaeFish KazRowe KatBlaque LilyAlexandre maxteeth drapetomania Kamenoo LolaSebastian PrincessWeekes CJTheX JennyGeist MiaMulder NickDiRamio SarahZ MavenoftheEventide KhadijaMbowe HerbyRevolus LolaSebastian
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sqbr · 10 months
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pyrody22 · 1 year
Watch this video by @katblaque on YouTube.
Tw: violence, harrassment, attack, brick attack (just generally very triggering so a fair warning)
I just watched this video by Kat Blaque on YouTube that was so triggering for me...
The fact that so many black (trans/cis) women face violence to the point where they aren't even surprised when people don't defend them, protect them, and those same people even going as far as justifying the violence they faced, saying that they "deserved it"....
I can't.
No one deserves violence. There is no such thing as the "perfect victim" and no one deserves to be physically attacked for how they behave. Everyone deserves protection, ESPECIALLY black women and trans feminine presenting people!
I can't respect anyone who tolerates violence like this, you guys are the reason I don't want to leave my house! Its disgusting to not only be a bystander but perpetuate more hate on the individual already a victim to this unwarented violence!!
I just really hope Rho Bashe gets better and that she doesn't face anymore hate for an already traumatizing situation. And that other women who have or are currently facing something similar find communities or surround themselves with people who can make them feel protected and safe again.
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evildilf2 · 1 year
would you be ok to share the kink/sex resource list? id love to have a look!
Sure! It’s not super comprehensive, but here’s a handful of things I’ve been able to find online for free. (the links should work if copy pasted, let me know if you have any issues). Keep in mind that I am not a professional sex educator or a specialist in this subject, so some of these resources may be outdated or imperfect.
Cruising: trans guys guide to the gay sex scene https://jirosworld.com/transgender/TransGuys-cliniq-safers.pdf
Fucking Trans Women https://transreads.org/fucking-trans-women/
Queer Sex Ed zine archive https://www.queersexedcc.com/zine-archive
The New Bottoming Book (has incorrect cover for some reason) https://anarchistbooks.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/dossie-easton-and-janet-w-hardy-e28093-the-new-topping-book.pdf
The New Topping Book https://archive.org/details/newtoppingbook0000east/page/n6/mode/1up?view=theater
SM 101 https://archive.org/details/sm101realisticin0000wise
Leatherfolk https://archive.org/details/isbn_9781555831875
The Erotic Mind https://archive.org/details/eroticmindunlock00mori
Folsom Forever https://link.tubi.tv/AdErL6ZCryb
Kink Crusaders https://link.tubi.tv/v6i3Vy9Eryb
https://youtube.com/@ sexplanations
https://youtube.com/@ hannahwitton
https://ohiv.org/free-condoms/ <= not an educational resource, but a resource where you can get free contraception if you live in Ohio.
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mirandamckenni1 · 3 months
I Was Scammed By Taylor Swift’s Boyfriend I thought I was about to be on Travis Kelce's podcast, but instead, I fell into a scam that was one of the clearest examples of the dead internet theory. Become a Patreon member ╰https://ift.tt/aENljsz My Writing ╰ https://ift.tt/k0D764R Merch! ╰https://ift.tt/4o7kUY3 Social Media Links ╰https://ift.tt/Z28w0Ea Invite me to your college campus! ╰ [email protected] Sponsorships and collaborations ╰ [email protected] 00:00 Introduction 02:20 My experience with Facebook 06:05 Getting away from the internet 08:16 Travis Kelce's Podcast Scam 17:08 What hackers did with my page 21:21 Facebook and the Dead Internet Theory 23:17 Meta's impossible Support 27:20 My Twitter getting hacked 28:21 Returning to my roots 31:25 Signout/Where to find me via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSjua2gWZGc
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straightedgecrf · 9 months
I didn't leave the left.The left left me.I watch people like Arielle Scarcella,Gothix,Jericho Green,Liberal Hivemind,Officer Tatum,Ruined Leon,and many others. Once you open your eyes and learn the truth that has been hidden from you,you will no longer look at the world the same again.Everything CNN & MSDNC is telling you Trump will do is actually their plans.They say Biden is for Democracy,but yet Democrats in some states are taking his opponents' names off the primary ballot just like how Bernie Sanders was screwed not once,but twice due to the DNC rigging the primary for their chosen one would win.Biden winning was the last straw and made me wish I voted for Trump.One day,you'll learn like I did
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fightbee · 1 year
My biggest tumblr flex is that i used to be mutuals with katblaque
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richardmurrayhumblr · 1 month
The 32nd edition of the 2024 Richard Murray Newsletter
1) The sixty-fourth of the Cento series. A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem.
Dates : astrology , astronomy , hitchcock , bunsen burner , napoleon, the seventeenth witch and "cat nights"
IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR : American Psycho , Russian fantasy cinema, - an overview , AI created and used , Real Martha and Richard Gadd , When Did I Turn Black , Lord of the rings unused footage , The Oppressed in Cinema
URL https://rmnewsletter.over-blog.com/2023/11/08/11/2024-rmnewsletter.html
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craftyandy · 3 years
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK8n-xFR13Q&list=PLUGdGCA60T9xvfA0fA41SwtyYM_lL6orO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK8n-xFR13Q&list=PLUGdGCA60T9xvfA0fA41SwtyYM_lL6orO Think one thing is worth addressing it’s not that it’s fun to share horrible things I or other things have going on in life it’s that past experience good and bad should be able to be looked back upon with humor and litehearted-ness as a way to cope with it as oppose to dwelling in it. #dramaalert #apologizeToSky #craftythoughts Oh amy The Truth Behind the Sky House (ft. Sky and ZeRo) Technicals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luQgX3zEExU CreepShow Art Has ALWAYS Been This Way... Emily Artful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3xHC4GwNrQ Getting Real About Creepshow Art... | Kat Blaque https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eJxt9rLMzA&t=123s Kinksters The New Boogeymen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG8BEXvI1DM Think one thing is worth addressing it’s not that it’s fun to share horrible things I or other things have going on in life it’s that past experience good and bad should be able to be looked back upon with humor and litehearted-ness as a way to cope with it as oppose to dwelling in it. Time is limited busy all this month, First week of july we visited family in another state. This week we are visiting friends in another state again. The following week we are helping a friend move while friends visit. It’s going to be a hello of a month. My anxiety of getting work done sucks but gotta keep relationships up.
Posted using PostyBirb
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itgetsbetterproject · 7 years
For your binging pleasure: Let us introduce our Youtube series- Coloring With Max And McKenna. Our guests so far include @katblaque, @mybelongingofficial, Ambers Closet and @ellosteph. Don’t miss out on all the colorful fun! 
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hag-lad · 2 years
I really miss frequent uploads from Contrapoints, but I also know that she has been treated like dogshit for so much longer than anyone would ever deserve. I mostly just wish her well and hope she’s healing.
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transjemder · 4 years
I'm fixing my (incredibly white) YouTube reccomends, can y'all rec me some black (preferably queer but I'm not picky) YouTubers?
I like video essays about media (TV shows, movies, etc) and nerdier stuff (Pokemon, ATLA)
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mirandamckenni1 · 3 months
The REAL Reasons Men Like Trans Women | Kat Blaque SUBSCRIBE to Kat Blaque : http://bit.ly/1D3jwSF Booking// [email protected]' Business// [email protected] Want to send me letters/art/whatever? Send to- Kat Blaque 4470 W SUNSET BLVD STE 107 # 327 LOS ANGELES, CA 90027-6309 Wishlist: amzn.to/35Qb891 Click Below for More Info vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Want to tip me? Venmo: Kathryn-wilkins Cashapp: $katblaque PayPal: [email protected] Become a Patreon Patron- https://ift.tt/fIrWa6e Buy my Merch: https://ift.tt/azfE40r Lets be Friends! Facebook // https://ift.tt/EG84x9C Twitter // http://twitter.com/kat_blaque Art Store // https://ift.tt/azfE40r Instagram // https://ift.tt/7iXIqG1 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysSVxrKVMyg
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zagenta · 5 years
God all this has made me realize that I need to find more people (particularly women) of color in the “bread tube” and film analysis/video essay niche of YouTube bc too many of the ppl I follow are way too white (which means yes I’m looking for recommendations)
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