#Kate was it who you thought? ;)
being-of-rain · 6 months
Fourteen: It's called bigeneration, because one of us is gay and one of us is straight.
Fifteen: Yeah. Sorry for you, honey.
Fourteen: That's a little homophobic.
Fifteen: ...Wait, I'm the gay one.
Fourteen: Wait
Kate: I don't think that's why it's called bigeneration.
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beyondthislifetime · 21 days
People who truly dislike Edwina Sharma are wild. Heaven forbid an 18 year old be charmed after being almost relentlessly pursued by an older man. Three married women, including her mother, are for the match. THE QUEEN is for the match. The only person saying he isn't right for her is her sister and like I'm sorry but my sister could swear that a man wasn't that into me and I would not listen if he BOUGHT ME A HORSE!???!!?!!
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wisebeth · 2 months
kathani sharma and katniss everdeen have the same energy ngl
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thychesters · 9 months
"i don’t care if you want to act happy-go-lucky, but if you, the man who is above me, ever shows weakness, next time, the one leaving the crew will be me!" — "if the first words coming from usopp are a sincere apology, then we’re all good. otherwise, there’s no place here for him to come back to.”
i am ill, i am diseased; zoro shouldering the role of being the voice of reason, pulling rank as the first mate and reminding the rest of the crew that luffy, as easy going as he may be, is still their captain, is one to be respected, because a crew without respect and a leader who doesn't demand it is destined to fail. and you know it's serious when sanji agrees with zoro. they can't just welcome usopp back with open arms because he challenged the captain, lost, and left and “we’re not little kids playing pirates.”
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brachiocephalics · 5 days
sorry but rust cohle is not ethel cain or lana del rey -coded. he kind of does not know who those women are
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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We have to go back, Kate.
#lost#lostedit#tvedit#lost spoilers#kate austen#jack shephard#nikolatexla#hi anon this is for you and all jate shippers <3#there are so many scenes of them but unfortunately i don't have all the eps#especially the scenes where they kissing and the first time they met :')#so i want to talk about that last gif a bit 😩😭#i don't want to talk about charlie's death i don't think i can handle this#oh my god i thought sarah was coming out of the car and WHO CAME INSTEAD#when i first saw bearded jack i kinda thought it's probably after the island but i wasn't sure#so i saw kate and my heart skipped a beat#i literally cried when jack said i want every single plane to crash#now who is waiting for kate and whose funeral was that...#i can't describe how i felt during that scene so i'm moving to the next issues#so i met daniel miles and charlotte today aghhhh#and the man who gave them order is the man with hurley in hospital... interesting#i'm having a hard time understanding locke rn because he absolutely didn't have to shoot naomi#i mean he's acting like ben. ben shot him and now he does the same thing to sbd else#and hurley saw jacob. and i couldn't figure out who's sitting on that chair... thought maybe jack's father but no#and hurley said oceanic six??? only six people survived huh...#and the best part is... ben was sayid's boss#I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS#my heart didn't just skip a beat. it stopped right there#this show's the best thing that's ever happened to me#people say its finale was garbage you know what i really don't care
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prosocialbehavior · 5 months
UNIT, self-preservation, and the Doctor
so UNIT is sus, right, we know this, they're getting too powerful for their own good and I feel like everyone is expecting them to get infiltrated or corrupted or something for a season finale plot twist in the near future. but lately I've been thinking about the weird and impossible position they're in.
so! you're in charge of the planet's main (only? idk what torchwood is up to these days) line of defense against alien attack, and your species has been adopted by a sort of alien trickster god.
this eccentric, erratic alien with apparently godlike power has decided to attach themself to you. The Doctor is benevolent and willing to sacrifice almost anything up to and including their own life for the good of the human race, but they're also unpredictable, unreliable, egotistical. you know what happened the last time a human authority crossed a moral line they decided was unforgivable:
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so your organization is technically independent, but there are certain decisions you can't make, otherwise the Doctor might decide the weeds need trimming. you're in theory the highest military authority when it comes to alien conflicts, but if you decide to shoot those guys attacking you with your giant ray gun, there's every chance this guy could crawl out of the woodwork to burn your house down. you can't take any action without also taking the Doctor into consideration.
so what do you do?
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maybe when they show up, you take them under your power. they're humanity's strongest asset and you need to make sure you have at least some measure of control over their actions.
but now that you've got them, how do you keep them from wandering off on a whim? how do you keep them inclined to work with you?
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you formally grant them the power that is de facto already theirs. you rely on them, blatantly and obviously, making it clear that you need their help and their presence to have any hope of survival. you flatter their ego and encourage their attachment to you.
but in the end, it's been proven that nothing will keep the Doctor anywhere they don't want to be, and nothing will stay their hand when they've decided something needs to be destroyed for the greater good. so how do you make sure your organization stays on the safe side of that line? how do you sway the Doctor's judgment?
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you employ their weak spot.
the people the your alien protector trusts, loves, has chosen, you bring them into the fold, and so you bring yourself into their fold. the Doctor can't attack you without attacking them, and their trust will rub off on you and your organization. you find what they value most in the world and keep it close.
so you end up with this defense organization which is semi-independent, but also built up totally around this one individual.
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the Doctor is the most passionate defender you could hope for, but they also cut off your own ability to defend yourself. a good amount of your defense protocols center around hoping this guy happens to turn up. you HAVE to rely on their support, and you also have to fawn, flatter, and appease them if you want your organization to go on existing. if you want to get away with anything they might seriously disapprove of, your only option is to dazzle and flatter them, collect their friends, and hope they won't look close enough to find your secrets.
I'm not saying Kate Lethbridge-Stewart is some kind of Machiavelli spending all her time finding ways to manipulate the Doctor. but I am saying that UNIT probably has a protocol somewhere saying that in times of absolute crisis, if the Doctor shows up, the first thing you should do is dangle candy in front of their face by means of having someone they like give them a great big hug.
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
you guys i have so many thoughts about tdr. i have so much to say. like i don't want to be super mean but dude that comic fucking sucks and i can't lie i think it made me kind of homophobic actually
#my stance up to now has been that i don't really care about tim/ber but now that i have read this. dude...#it sucks that they gave a canon queer tim narrative to someone who uses homophobia as shock value and virtue signaling points#and who actively tears down characters who don't like her special little uwu flawless oc (kate im so fucking sorry)#there's no substance to this relationship i don't see why they even like each other#bc she keeps just stating oh they're perfect they make each other so happy but she doesn't like. show that at all#and i HATE the shock value homophobia like i cannot overstate how much i hate it#oh these random cops are homophobic (that's how you know they're BAD!)#oh bernard's parents are homophobic (that's how you know THEY'RE bad too!)#it's so hamfisted and it reads like such. cheap storytelling#especially bc tim as narrator doesn't even get to have ANY thoughts on his own queerness or seeing this homophobia in the world around him#and then she can't go more than two pages without being like BTW BERNARD IS THE BEST EVER AND TIM CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM#while against this ugly backdrop of shock value homophobia#there's no substance to this relationship. why do they even like each other. it just falls apart if you examine it at all#because she just is fundamentally incapable of writing either of them as people with character flaws#for fucks sake she can't even be consistent with tim's BASIC character tenets. ''i always dreamed of being batman'' false lmao#but then to follow it up with ''i never wanted to be batman i always wanted to be my dad''#and then on TOP OF THAT to make the Only mention of Jack drake and his impact on tim's life ABOUT BERNARD AGAIN.#yeah sorry im a hater now. this was shit tier#rimi talks
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nottherealmax · 21 days
I finished the new ep of doctor who and man, seriously, what the actual fuck (affectionate)
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fratboykate · 1 year
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The FBAU visuals are hereeeeee.
I've mentioned in the story/in our conversations quite a few times that Derek basically spit out clones of himself when it came to Kate and her siblings and thanks to AI...I could just...do it??? It's a whole thing that they all look alike. Now you can see what I see in my head :)
The three kids are AI combinations of Kate & Yelena. Well, except for Maks. Maks kept the Bishop Gene Juice™️ cloning power alive and well.
Will I do this for all eleven (so far 😮‍💨) of the AUs we've got going on right now? I can't promise that I will. But I at least started a tag for visuals so it's not out of the realm of possibility that it could happen at some point. We'll see.
[NOTE: Click on the images to see the full res versions. Tumblr makes them look shitty and small if you don't.]
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magentagalaxies · 6 months
very curious if our society (youtube) has evolved to producing twenty-four-hour length video essays yet. bc ik on average the video essays i watch tend to be around an hour, some shorter some longer but this is my preferred length, 2-3 hours is on the longer side for me but if it's a topic i'm into or a creator i like i'm down for it, longest i've personally watched is 5-ish hours (tho that one was broken up into a lot of smaller segments and not meant to be consumed in one sitting) but i know for a fact there are much longer video essays out there. the longest i've seen in my recommended is eleven hours but i know there must be more out there. what is the video essay event horizon? have we reached "videos of nerds (complimentary) infodumping about niche topics which would take an entire day nonstop to consume"
#yes i am a video essay enjoyer if you couldn't tell#longest video on my ''favorite video essays'' playlist is ''understanding snapewives'' by biz barclay which is just under 3 hours#(10/10 recommend even outside of the fandom history there's a lot of fascinating stuff about religion and how we connect to media)#(and it's very well researched)#i think the longest i've watched is babbity kate's deep dive into the american girl doll ''kirsten''#which covered every piece of kirsten media ever created and analyzed the historical accuracy#kate's planning on doing a series like this for every american girl doll in release order which i'm excited for#i didn't even like kirsten as a kid but the video was very well done and engaging even if you're not as big of a doll fan as she is#longest i've had recommended to me is ''a brief retrospective of the simpsons' golden age'' which is ELEVEN HOURS#but i'm very tempted to watch it bc i am a simpsons nerd and it seems to be divided into smaller essays season by season#i think i saw a tumblr post about a fnaf lore video essay that was ridiculously long but idk if that was longer than 11 hours#i should also make a poll about preferred video essay length bc idk if my opinion is the majority#most of my favorites are 45 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes. if it's too short (like less than 20 minutes) i'll skip it#(unless it's a creator i like who wanted to put out something short between big projects)#and if it's too long (over 3 hours) i have to be in the right mood even tho it'll probably be multiple sittings to finish it#(again unless it's a creator and topic i like and it's something i've been waiting to hear their thoughts on)
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mashpotatoequeen · 11 months
soulmate au
I am thinking about The Mysterious Benedict Society as Soulmates.
I am thinking about a world where when you find your chosen few, they leave colour on your skin. A kind of permanent tattoo, a sign that sings, hey, hey, don't you know? We belong together.
There's something so lovely about it, in my mind. These characters who are all alone, and the way they find each other. 
I am thinking about Reynie Muldoon, who is this kid who grows up picked on and outcasted. This kid who fears being alone more than anything in the world. A soulmate is a promise of the opposite, right? It means that somebody out there is going to love you. I think Reynie thinks a lot about it, late at night before he meets the rest of the society. Hoping that he'll somehow mean enough to someone to leave a mark.
I'm thinking about Kate, with the palm of her left hand painted a faded grey. Once upon a time, it shone turquoise. Soulmates are just people, in the end. They can fall out of love just as easily as they fall into it, and Kate plays it blithe but it hurts. Of course it does. The colourless mark is just one more sign that her father left her behind.
(I am thinking about Milligan, who loved his baby girl so much. I am thinking about the first time they touched, with her small pudgy fist wrapped around his finger, and the colour that blossomed between them. I am thinking about Milligan looking at this one faded mark, and when Reynie asks him what keeps him going in the face of hopelessness, he still says duty, but he also says them, whoever left this-)
(When you are brainswept, you lose yourself, and you lose the people that help make you whole. Do you understand? All the helpers are swathed in grey.)
I am thinking of Sticky curling over himself to look at his back in the mirror in his childhood home, and realising with a slack sort of dread that his parent's marks are paling. I am thinking of Sticky staring too long in the courtyard at Kate's charcoal grey hand, and refusing to look at his back anymore because he doesn't want to see his own marks reflecting hers. He doesn’t want to face the fact that his parents fell out of love with him.
I am thinking about Constance, who bears no marks on her small frame and then collects a half dozen of them. I am thinking about the twins, about Nicholas Benedict, who is positively painted in soulmarks, and Curtain, who wears gloves and has only one singular mark that he hides and keeps secret.  I'm thinking about love and how vulnerable it is, to have it written on your skin.
(Not sure when or how, but I want Mr. Benedict to tell each of the children that soulmates are a choice. Always and always and always. You can always choose to hold onto someone and love them. Of course you can. Love is defined by what you make of it.)
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distraughtlesbian · 3 months
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i (DESERVEDLY‼️) heckle pb for a lot of their narrative choices but even all these years later this plot twist………masters in cuntology double major in slaysian studies and slutistical analysis minor in motherlogical studies graduated with honours from the university of servington. sorry. they chewed. i love the way it feels to be a hater but they can have their flowers just this 1 time
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starthelostboys · 1 year
i have a real issue with the idea of people hcing dwayne as indigenous. i know that whether or not billy wirth is native has been disputed (i tried to do a little research into it and couldn’t find anything concrete from reputable sources), but if he is then you can’t hc dwayne as indigenous because he just IS indigenous. that’s not an aspect of the character or actor that you, as a fan, get to decide.
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whimsicalcotton · 4 months
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thinking about rachel&kate some more
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cantsayidont · 2 months
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March–April 2024. A very strange, frequently tasteless, mostly inexplicable black comedy political satire from the creator of SUCCESSION — though more strongly reminiscent, presumably on purpose, of the 2017 THE DEATH OF STALIN — THE REGIME is a six-part miniseries starring a self-consciously frumpy-looking, outrageously hammy Kate Winslet as Elena Vernham, the egomaniacal authoritarian chancellor of an unnamed Ruritanian state somewhere in Central Europe.
As her hapless husband (Guillaume Gallienne) and self-dealing underlings tiptoe around her growing list of neuroses and increasingly erratic mood swings, a soldier named Herbert Zubak (Matthias Schoenaerts), notorious for his role in a brutal massacre of striking mine workers, is recruited to play a hard-to-define, ever-shifting supporting role in Elena's ongoing psychological breakdown and various political confrontations.
Winslet seems to have been having fun, although she overacts shamelessly, and what accent she thinks she's doing seems to vary from moment to moment; the median could best be described as "Margaret Thatcher, very tipsy, trying to pretend she's not sucking on an Everlasting Gobstopper." Schoenaerts, for reasons that are never clear, plays Zubak like a punch-drunk boxer trying to walk off a life-threatening concussion, leaving his character a perplexing cipher throughout.
Like THE DEATH OF STALIN (which I thought wildly overrated), THE REGIME is more often crass and uncomfortable than actually funny, and its smug misogyny would be offensive if taken seriously (which is admittedly very difficult). Also, given the current state of the UK, watching the largely British cast mock the political instability of a fictitious "Middle European" autocracy causes some seasickness. (Whistling past the graveyard, perhaps, but still.) CONTAINS LESBIANS? No! VERDICT: Much more "funny strange" than "funny ha-ha," and because it's basically a one-note joke, it becomes like one of those terrible SNL skits that just won't end.
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