#Kathryn is literally amazing
lorenlily · 2 years
🪄 🪄 🪄
ahhh ty I'm giving you three <3
🪄 and all of my friends thought you'd stick around, you sounded so great but you're just a boy with a biblical name (mortals by tommy lefroy)
🪄 i've been drowning in the shower tryna wash out the stain i want to be clean when you say my name (cupid by xana)
🪄 take back all your compliments your kindness has a consequence, don't think I live by common sense, these silent nights have violent ends (loved out loud by eve christina)
send me a 🪄 to get a song lyric I am not normal about
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Abigail Thoughts (No Spoilers)
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Literally just got home from seeing Abigail. First off, I'm not the biggest horror fan but it looked really good, and I wanted to support Melissa Barrera. I knew it was directed by the guys who did Scream 5 & 6 but didn't realize until recently they directed Ready or Not (which I loved) as well.
Some quick thoughts, I really enjoyed it, definitely got some Ready or Not vibes at times, it was really fun, and really bloody. The movie uses mostly practical effects which is always a win in my book, practical effects just general looks better to me and more realistic.
The cast was fantastic. I was only familiar with Melissa (obviously), Dan Stevens, and Kathryn Newton, who were all amazing. The rest of the cast was amazing as well, especially Alisha Weir, I was truly impressed by her.
Final thoughts, I thought it was a lot of fun. The criticism I really have is they should have played into the mystery more. If you've seen the trailer, you know certain things and I think the movie would be more fun not knowing that. I think it would be better going in blind, not knowing what's going to happen, and learning things as the characters are learning them.
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leoleolovesdc · 5 months
Been reading a lot of those SIX reunites with their kids fics and hinestly I just can’t see Anne suddenly being a mother for Elizabeth. We have to remember that this is Musical!Anne, she doesn’t act very mature (wether you consider that to be an act or not is on you) and doesn’t seem to mind her daughter a lot. Lina talks about Mary and how she was one of the most important people in her life (so much so she treats not seeing her as one of the lowest points of her life [even if a bit comedically]) and half of Jane’s song is just talking about Edward, but Anne mentions Elizabeth once and just doesn’t convey much emotion except for “yeah, I kind of just died because she was girl [insert beheaded joke]”, and while, yes, Anne did choose to die so Elizabeth could rule one day I think Musical!Anne would maybe be kind if bitter about that? The amount of times she mentions dying cannot be healthy, she’s certainly not dealing well with it and she only did it for her daughter who, in this version, she doesn’t seem to really think much of.
I’d personally write a Anne-Elizabeth relationship as really strained. Eliza grew up with this idea of her mother from very biased sources, but from things like the letter, necklaces and the ring we can assume that she never listened to those people and was somewhat fond of this woman she barely remembered, but the thing with being fond of people you don’t know is that you usually end up idolizing them, and Anne, she died for her daughter’s right to the throne and absolutely regretted it. She was still moved around from the line of succession multiple times and was granted this right because of Catherine Parr and Henry, her efforts meant nothing, and now she’s meeting this kid who has incredibly high standards of who she’s suppsoed to be and she just doesn’t want to live up to them. Anne doesn’t want to be an amazing, kind, smart and perfect woman, she wants to be normal and not be reminded of Henry every second of her life because of a kid. She doesn’t need or want that responsibility because she knows that she’ll fuck it up.
At the end of the day literally all of the next wives also raised Eliza to some level. Jane when Anne had just died, Anna ended up becoming an important role model for her and Edward, Kathryn and her seemed to get along mildly well and Catherine Parr literally took her in (despite having a gross husband), so even with a rocky relationship with Anne Elizabeth would still have meaningful mother figures to take care of her in those AUs.
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toomuchlovereviews · 1 year
Freaky (2020)
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Fuck, I loved this movie. Yes, it was a bit bloody, but it was cheesy enough that I could withstand it. For that I am grateful because I am so happy I sat through the amazing performance Vince Vaughn and his foil, Kathryn Newton, gave.
I have been on a horror movie kick recently, but I know my limits. I can watch a movie that is scary and has some gore (or campy gore), but I wouldn’t be able to watch a lot of post-9/11, trauma-porn esque films. Freaky was literally the perfect mix of scare, camp, irony, blood, cliches, homages, and high school.
They don’t make movies like this anymore.
You should watch this if:
You like campy horror movies, but can handle a little blood
Love searching for homages to previous horror films
Want to see an older man act as a teenage girl and vice versa, it is so so so perfectly done
Titles similar to this:
The Babysitter (2017) and The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020) (similar vibes, these ones are more Satanic, but still a slay)
Freaky Friday (2003) (This film was originally going to be called Freaky Friday the 13th, slay)
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
Magic Flute Thoughts
i liked nathalie stutzmann's conducting a lot more in this than i did for don giovanni. granted i am much less familiar with zauberflote than i am with don g so i'm not like hyper picky about tempi or whatever yet but anyway i liked her
flute soloist! glockenspiel soloist! FLUTE SOLOIST!!!
i just like lawrence brownlee man idk what to tell you. i think he's neat. i think he's singing something here in the winter and i'll definitely try to get tickets to that if so
i really liked erin morley as pamina! actually i thought all the main cast did a good job no one stuck out to me as being particularly Amazing or Bad. kathryn lewek got a HUGE applause (and standing o) tho and i mean kudos it was her fiftieth performance like damn.
interesting choice to play the queen as physically frail as she did; i think it works and the performance is very good, although the heavy age makeup sticks out a bit on hd cameras lol
the queen's three bitches. i'm free on friday (twirling hair)
also i hope those three kids who played the old men get to borrow their outfits again come october because they have the funniest possible halloween costume opportunity in the world now
VERY funny to me that papageno's costume makes him look like he's drenched in bird shit
okay speaking of costumes. do i 100% Get It with the like suits and colors and everything....not really but i don't think i can say that i Get a lot about this opera tbh. what i did get was the very obvious dark/light symbolism going on with pamina and tamino wearing white and the queen and her cronies wearing all black. and i think zauberflote does benefit from some heavy handed symbolism bc what else is this show about actually without that....then again the fact that sarastro and his priests or whatever are all in dark colors too kind of undermines that a little so 🤷‍♀️
same thing with the whole reason vs superstition thing too like...sure you can claim Truth And Reason as good all you want sarastro but the constant invocation of isis/osiris and Mysterious Rituals kind of undermine what you're going for there lol. i think my point is that i don't feel like i really Get what zauberflote is like...going for, thematically. i mean i get the Themes but not a clear Point. maybe if i was an enlightenment era freemason i'd get it lol but alas i am not
that said......i didn't go into this one expecting a rock solid plot and honestly who does....it's zauberflote....it is very obviously not designed to work or be interpreted on a literal level and i appreciate that it never tries to ground itself in reality. that its plot and characters exist in a completely fantastic realm works and it works with the weird plot and its vague theming.
which itself is of course accomplished through good design and holy SHIT. this is truly the shining strength of this production. the design is INCREDIBLE.
the orchestra isn't totally onstage but they are raised up in the pit to the point where they are fully visible the whole show. i love an onstage orchestra so this made me very happy. and it allowed for actor/orchestra interaction which i also love!! like tamino coming down into the pit to hand the eponymous magic flute to the flute soloist and bring him onstage with him (i was wondering during the overture why the flutes and oboes were swapped places seating wise -- it's so the flutist can easily get onstage! delight!!), or when papageno brings his glockenspiel to the percussion soloist to play (the player being 'missing' at his last solo, making papageno play by himself, and he enters late with a cup of coffee...lmaoo). also stutzmann giving a big ol grin and thumbs up to papageno during his duet with papagena at the end. so sweet
also blocking around the orchestra seating of the audience and up the aisles! so much fun we love immersive theater
the set itself had this big flat platform in the center hoisted at each corner by a cord so it could raise/lower/tilt in any direction. made for some very neat staging with levels and slants and i enjoyed that, especially since the production forgoes any kind of traditional set pieces
papageno's birds were done in such a beautiful way omg...they have an ensemble in black wandering around stage and following him about when he's doing stuff and they each have a 'bird' made of a folded in half piece of paper that they flutter about stylistically (some of the orchestra members have some too that they flutter during his entrance aria). description does not do it justice, this was a beautiful way to stage it...so simple and evocative.
the designer was saying in the interview between acts that this production was meant to combine the high and low tech aspects of theater to connect present performance practice with the opera as it was originally done (hence the visible orchestra) and i looove that philosophy. and it worked here really well i think
they get to be onstage (albeit off to the sides) the whole show too and i love it. i love that the cameras on the broadcast kept cutting to them periodically to show off their work.
the use of live projection art was really well done -- he managed to make Writing On A Chalkboard captivating!!
and the foley. the FOLEY!!! i've done sound design and a bit of live foley before so i have a soft spot but wooow she did an amazing job and it was SO much fun to see all the props she played with to make the scenes come alive sonically. plus her little interactions with papageno were very funny. give her a tony award
i do think there were a couple of small moments here and there that didn't entirely work for me or a scene or two that dragged out longer than necessary but overall it was a joy to watch. the beautiful and whimsical design of the whole thing totally makes it worthwhile even if the plot itself is a bit lacking.
easily THE coolest production design i've seen the met do yet, and the best lighting and projections from them for sure. when it comes on demand i am forcing anyone i can to watch it with me bc that SET! the LIGHTING! the SOUND! the STAGING! it ticks all my boxes it hits all my buttons it was MADE for ME SPECIFICALLY
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luminouslywriting · 24 days
just want to thank you for the emotional roller coaster that was timeless…it had me kicking my feet, twirling my hair one sentences then crying the next. i demolished it in 2 days…i think it rewired my brain a bit. but yeah thanks a lot it was absolutely superbly amazing!
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Ahh Nonny, you've literally made my day! I'm so glad that you enjoyed Timeless! And also amazed that you read it that fast! Writing Timeless definitely rewired my brain so I definitely get it haha! Literally, you're so sweet and I adore you! If you ever wanna talk Kathryn and Gale, let me know! And if you liked Timeless so much, go check out my other two MOTA Fics! Cruel Summer finished last week and I'm working on Mastermind! I actually just posted the third chapter of that one today :)
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ooihcnoiwlerh · 1 year
Watching Glass Onion
My thoughts below as I watch (I was spoilered in advance and knew what would happen.  Still enjoyed it.)
-Lionel, the smartest of the Disruptors who stabbed Andi in the back, seems to think Miles is a genius when he’s clearly not from early on.  Also, Miles definitely faxes snippets he hears from other conversations and none of them are original.  Or they’re just weird brain farts that succeed only because Lionel’s able to make something salvageable out of them.
-I bet Kate Hudson had a lot of fun playing Birdie.  Her character/dynamic with Peg is like something straight out of BoJack Horseman.  (”No, they’re all in my pod, it’s fine.” and her being so deliberately obtuse/ignorant/immature.)
- Dave Bautista playing an Andrew Tate type is kind of funny in a meta sense because as far as I’ve seen, he (thankfully) doesn’t hold any of those views in real life and is just the opposite.
- Claire’s an ultimately unlikable/irredeemable character but I do like seeing Kathryn Hahn getting snarky.  Cute surprise Yo Yo Ma cameo.  I worked with a guy who cooked for him at a restaurant in DC who said that he’s really nice.
- Love the hard cut from the Disruptors getting really excited for “Miles’s” puzzles and working to solve them together to Helen looking at the puzzle, deciding “Nope.  This man and this puzzle are not worth my time and I’m not going to give him the satisfaction” and proceeding to smash the shit out of it with a hammer.
-I haven’t seen Knives Out yet (although I definitely will after this, and it had been on my list for a while) so Benoit Blanc’s accent is new and hilarious to me.  It’s the Southern equivalent to the French accents from Monty Python and the Holy Grail; ridiculous and over-the-top and funny.  More cameos
-”You’re not in the bath again, are you?” “....No.”
- The movie says so much with the different characters by how they approach wearing masks.  Blanc correctly wears a cloth mask that coordinates with his outfit.  Lionel the scientist wears a medical grade mask, also correctly.  Claire the politician wears a mask out of courtesy/image but not correctly.  Peg’s masked up and doesn’t want to hug anyone but also doesn’t say anything about how her boss Birdie is wearing a useless decorative mesh mask.  Duke and Whiskey don’t bother wearing masks at all and both they and Birdie refuse to respect social distancing.  “Andi” is holding a mask as she gets out of the cab, implying she wore it during the ride, but takes the mask off so that the other Disruptors can truly see her full image and whoever the potential murderer is doesn’t get any doubt as to who this is and, let’s be honest, other than perhaps Helen, Blanc, Peg, and Lionel, they don’t seem concerned with the pandemic.
- Either Miles Bron has and is hoarding some kind of covid cure that can be used as a throat spray or the more likely answer: it’s a placebo because he wants to get away with being careless during lockdown even more than he and the Disruptors already are and is just trying to appear like he cares about other people’s health.  It’s interesting that Blanc questions the spray and its effectiveness more than the literal scientist.  Also, another fun cameo.
-It’s subtle enough that it won’t be distracting for the audience but will amuse people who do notice that Blanc clearly doesn’t have a gag reflex, and in fairness it did make me chuckle.
- “Is that a Banksy?”  “Piece of shit.”
- That’s either not Paul McCartney’s guitar because it’s a right-handed guitar and Miles is lying about it to sound impressive or he had it re-stringed just so he could brag about owning the guitar on which Paul McCartney recorded Blackbird.  And then he unceremoniously drops it like it’s worthless after making a point to gloat about how priceless it is to Birdie.  Amazing character intro, I hate him already.
- Of course it’s the MRA meathead guy who looks the other way in regards to his girlfriend very obviously cheating on him with Miles/pimps her out to Miles so she can secure better job opportunities for him.
- Knowing the ending already I love how Ed Norton played Miles’s shock and horror and complete incomprehension at seeing “Andi.”  You see him having absolutely no idea how to process what’s going on and how despite the fact that he and Andi had known each other for ten years and he had to have known Andi had a twin sister, he clearly doesn’t think that could have anything to do with it and just thinks, “I guess I didn’t kill Andi hard enough and need to do it again?”  
- Janelle Monae looks so regal and beautiful in that dress with that “dressed to kill” poise Helen’s trying so hard to keep up despite how scared and uncomfortable she is.
-Peg and I have the same reaction to hearing Miles say “inbreathiate”
- Blanc being bewildered that everyone’s just leaving their luggage on the beach until he realizes the Disruptors just take it for granted that “the help” will do everything for them.  Not sure if that’s part of the act but still a nice touch.
- Miles Bron, barefoot, calling his fifty-person staff-estate a “commune for creativity” as a robot butler collects everyone’s luggage is probably a hard reality but it’s hilarious; also him giving people rooms “based on chakras” and Birdie being into that
-Am a little fascinated with Miles telling “Andi” that he’s glad she’s there and her reacting coldly.  Is he trying to act contrite for her “attempted” murder or trying to seem like he’s innocent and realizes that Andi isn’t falling for it?  Like, I want to know the conversation Ed Norton and Janelle Monae had before filming that interaction and ask what they felt their respective characters are thinking in that moment.
- I like how Benoit Blanc is a renowned detective but the moment he starts playing “dumb” and pretending to be naïve, Miles, who knows that Blanc’s a renowned detective, immediately falls for it.  
-For such a closely-knit friend-group, these people really don’t like each other.  The only Disruptors who seem like they’re still actually friends are Claire and Lionel.  
-HOLY SHITBALLS BLANC’S SWIM OUTFIT.  A FUCKING FULL-BODY STRIPED SWIMSUIT WITH AN ASCOT?  FUCKING FASHION ICON.  Oh, and him just standing chest-deep in the pool while holding a drink?  What an icon.  Love this guy.
-I can’t wait until Miles’s condescending speech gets used against him, especially since he throws Andi under the bus as he makes his redpill speech.  I will relish it.  
- Birdie, how many times do you need to get the hint that Blanc’s not interested and you’re making him uncomfortable?  (And he’s canonically gay but he doesn’t owe her that explanation.)
- Peg looks at “Andi” with open admiration/potentially lust and honestly, same.  Also enjoy Peg’s reaction shots.  She clearly loathes these people, including Birdie.  Really wish she’d cut her losses and quit.   
- Birdie, Blanc isn’t calling you dangerous.  He’s calling you shallow, insensitive, and careless.
- This movie, while it has some dark/dramatic moments, really is funny.  The asscheek statue, the hourly dong, Blanc panicking and throwing his cigar into the water.  
- The movie does say a lot without getting too much into it the contempt everyone has for anyone considered working class or “the help.”  Peg’s been Birdie’s loyal assistant for about a decade, has been to these get-togethers, and knows Miles and yet not only does she not even get to drink out of a glass (even if it’s not a personalized glass) he makes her drink out of a plastic cup like she’s at a frat party instead of a multi-billionaire’s estate, and has never bothered to learn her name.  And Birdie sees this, is aware of this, and doesn’t see the problem or treat Peg as a human being, either.  After a decade of putting out all of her many fires and baby-sitting her.  Lionel and Claire both have a brief blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment earlier in the movie in which they acknowledge/are nice to her but see how badly Birdie and Miles treat Peg and don’t challenge it.
-Maybe it’s because I watched Mrs. Fletcher, in which Kathryn Hahn’s character’s alcoholic beverage of choice is white wine with ice and maybe it’s because I wait on/bartend a fair amount of reasonably affluent/wealthy women who have specific instructions on how they like their white wine, but was a little amused at how Claire specifically likes “room temperature Pinot Grigio.”
- Just realized Miles probably poisoned “Andi’s” drink and it’s only because Helen is a teetotaler and also wants to keep a clear head for the evening that she survives.
-While Miles is not a mirror of every nepotism baby who has no true friends and no original ideas, it has to mean that he comes from money in that his mother took him the Louvre at the age of six when he’s an American?  I’m an American myself born in ‘93 and both of my parents worked full time but there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that they could’ve afforded a family vacation to any location in Europe let alone Paris. Miles was likely born in the late 60s, early 70s and still would’ve had to have to have been born to fairly well-off parents.  Two of my best friends who are former roommates and international military brats were both born in ‘69 lived, briefly in Europe, and never saw the Louvre.  Also the audacity to override the Louvre’s security measures so he “doesn’t have to look at the Mona Lisa behind glass.”
- Lionel and Claire are horrified by Klear but still sign off on it for money because they’re too deep in and they keep acting like they’re the voice of reason but they  still agreed to this and even though I know the ending I keeping hoping they’ll be better than their greed.
-I could feed off of Miles’s pouting resentment and sulking both times so far Blanc has “accidentally” insulted his intellect first by calling the first-scene puzzle  “a child’s game” and for solving Miles’s murder mystery within two minutes of hearing about it and with no clues whatsoever.  It’s especially funny since everyone’s praising Miles’s intellect when it’s made explicitly clear that he didn’t design the puzzle nor did he write out the murder mystery and yet still is so entitled he acts as though his intellect, which is nonexistent and he didn’t lend to either of these things, has been undermined.  And that Blanc, still playing the naïve and socially inept goof, is well aware of the fact that his comments and intellect bruise Miles’s narcissistic and yet fragile ego and is probably having a lot of fun doing it.
- Janelle Monae having a couple of moments where you hear a little bit of Helen’s natural Southern accent when she’s really upset as she’s masquerading as Andi is *chef’s kiss* and Andi probably also had a little bit of a hidden Southern accent that probably came out in small doses during emotional or vulnerable moments so it’s not surprising that it wouldn’t be a tell.
- “I want the truth!”
-Miles did in fact hand Duke the drink that killed him.  Also, a bit fitting that a man with a deathly food allergy to a common food item insists on keeping a gun on him even when swimming but never bothers to carry at least one epi pen.
-Miles literally murdered a man and is shocked that a detective thinks to call the cops this is incredible.
- I appreciate how, except for his girlfriend who didn’t even like him very much, all of Duke’s friends are more concerned for how it will look for their reputations to be associated with his death even as an innocent standby than the fact that he died.  And once again, the moment anything doesn’t go exactly his way, Miles panics and goes on impulse instead of thinking anything through and only kind of stumbles onto something afterwards.  Also, him scampering off the moment anyone other than Benoit approaches Duke’s corpse.  He’s so bad at hiding anything!  It’s incredible he gets away with so much
- I was prepared for this but it really is delightful that Blanc has a posh English husband played by Hugh Grant who spends quarantine making sourdough starter.  Also a cute little costuming detail that Blanc gets fully dressed, complete with a necktie to meet with Helen, but still wears a bathrobe over his clothes.
- Janelle Monae’s consistent, realistic Southern accent as Helen that does sound like it’s from one specific region from the South vs Daniel Craig’s hilarious, all-over-the-place Foghorn Leghorn Southern accent.  Let’s discuss.
- “Heavens.  The dog ate the caviar again.”
- Helen is so goddamn brave and I love her. 
- The fact that Miles is such an inept and clueless murderer who only gets by on privilege and luck that Blanc doesn’t suspect Miles as Andi’s killer because it would be too inept and dumb of a murder, though
- It does kind of make me wonder--did Lionel and Claire want to be a positive force in the world once?  Were they better people before easy money from Miles made them take ethical shortcuts or were they always weak and corruptible people who just wanted a meal ticket?  They’re clearly more conflicted about Miles’s actions than Duke and Birdie and feel more guilty about betraying Andi, but they still chose money and convenience over ethics.  I mean, that’s a big message of this movie; these morally questionable/bankrupt people at times wanted to do the right thing, but chose greed and corruption over their conscience.  But I guess I liked Leslie Odom  Jr’s and Kathryn Hahn’s performances so much that I was curious as to their approaches to the roles and how they took their respective characters’ corruption.
- Helen being  terrified because of the high risks as well as getting seasick as well as accidentally getting tipsy because she didn’t realize the kombucha she was drinking had alcohol in it and still managing to mostly confuse everyone is amazing and shows not just her intellect and quick thinking but the love and commitment she has for her twin no matter how uncomfortable the situation gets.  Blanc says himself that she has a natural talent for sleuthing.
- “That is hahd kamboocha!  That is Jared Letos’ hahd kamboocha!”
- Oh heavens, the foreshadowing.
- the detail that Serena Williams is one of the world’s greatest living athletes and Miles still hires her to do nothing except do personal training if someone is there did get a chuckle out of me
- “If I ever meet Jared Leto, I’m gonna whoop his kombucha-brewing ass”-Helen realizing she accidentally got tipsy off of his kombucha and also I would watch Helen beat the living shit out of Jared Leto
- I know the only redeemable characters in this movie, realistically, are Helen, Andi, and Blanc but I do feel bad for Peg.
-”Birdie...please tell me you did not think sweatshops are where they make...sweatpants.”  *Annoyed, unapologetic shrug.*  “Oh my Go-o-od.”
- Andi’s notebook indirectly saving Helen is apparently a parallel to Knives Out, in which a prop shows the heroine surviving killing odds because of someone who loved them.  Again, I need to watch Knives Out.
- “Miles Bron is an idiot.” “No one tried to kill you, you vainglorious buffoon.” 
- A bit depressing that Peg and Whiskey, who didn’t actively stab Andi in the back, are still imbued enough with the Disruptors that they also ignore any kind of conscience they have for greater opportunities, but not surprising.
- Miles looking at Helen, again, undoubtedly knowing that Andi had a twin sister, and clearly thinking, “What the fuck, is Andi a terminator?  How many times do I have to kill her??”
- Miles is so reckless, egotistical, and fucking dumb.  He specifically asked for people’s food allergies and killed Duke in front of their friends with  his own food allergy and only succeeded because Duke was too proud to carry a couple of epi pens in case of an emergency.  This is on top of the fact that he murdered his high-profile former friend and business partner all because he just assumed it would be covered up because he’s a multi-billionaire and he thinks everyone is as much of an idiot as he is.  “No!  It’s just dumb!” indeed.  It doesn’t even occur to him that it’s Helen who’s alive in front of him until Blanc spells it out and you can tell from his reactions.
- Speaking of which, Ed Norton eats in this movie.  He’s amazing as a sleazy, smug, greedy, narcissistic scumbag.  I love to hate him every moment he’s on screen and he’s always great as a villain but especially in this.
- “Heavens to...you dimwitted, brainless jackass!  Your one murder with any panache at all, and you stole the whole idea from me!”  
-  Miles doesn’t even get the idea to burn the napkin on his own.  Lionel, completely and justifiably mystified, goes, “You didn’t just...burn it?”
- Oh, but how cowardly the Disruptors are when they think Miles will win everything even though they know he’s a monster and are horrified by what he did.
-”Totally circumspective evidence”--Benoit rolling his eyes.  Same.  Also, apparently Miles Bron is not based on Elon Musk and their similarities are coincidental but Elon Musk stans saw this dumb fucking loser and went, “This talentless, unoriginal, evil person is definitely my precious boy” and that is amazing.
-Oh, but how incredible it is, that moment in Helen’s eyes that go from heartbreak and grief and anger, knowing she’ll never get proper justice for Andi to that moment of, “But fuck it.  Revenge is also a viable solution.”  I could live in it.  That switch in which she’s like, “He’ll never be held accountable for literal murder.  Time to burn it all down” and in fact does.  
-Also turns out I was wrong about the poisoned whiskey soda theory--she drinks it and then raises hell.  Miles is just so dumb, impulsive, and reckless I didn’t put it past him.
-I also like that Blanc realizes that proper legal justice is futile but also that Miles deserves every negative thing coming his way and knows when to let Helen take the reigns.
- “You would lie for a lie but you wouldn’t lie for the truth?”
- No, Whiskey.  You don’t get to try to kill Helen and screw her over and act like you’re friends and comrades.  Same goes for the rest of you shitheads.  And yet the fact that these people never truly liked Miles shines through makes them all feel empowered up to a certain point until they realize that their cowardice and greed and association with him will cost them personally and then they become cowards again.
- Self-fulfilling prophecy, Miles, you motherfucker.  Also the transition from him being completely unfazed (both by Helen breaking the ugly glass sculptures and the fact that everyone joins in at first and that none of his friends actually like him) to horror is deeply satisfying to watch. Everyone goes, “But you went too far” as if Miles didn’t literally murder Helen’s sister after stealing credit for her life’s work.  No, actually.  She’s the only real disruptor here
-She fucking blows up the Glass Onion!  (also Blanc just handing Klear to her like, “I won’t, but you should.”)
- Is Daryl meant to be a metaphor for Covid?  He enters the picture with a case of Coronas going, “I’m not here” and is there when Helen blows up the Glass Onion because no way is the throat coat actually going to protect any of these people from, Covid and chances are Birdie (and Peg, by association) Duke, Whiskey or Miles (or maybe Claire) infected everyone.
- His one-of-a-kind car that follows him everywhere is ruined too.  Good.
-I can’t tell you how hard I laughed when Miles realizes that he rented the Mona Lisa and it’s on fire so now he’ll forever be known as the man who destroyed one of Europe’s greatest paintings.  Also I know there’s discourse on whether or not it’s the actual Mona Lisa.  For the sake of this movie I’ll say it is; the Louvre was that impressed with Miles’s money and that the catharsis is that, in the Knives Out universe, that Miles ruined his own image by ruining the Mona Lisa.
-I know it’s a movie but Helen running on broken glass while wearing sandals freaked me out for a moment, even though it is pretty urgent.
“You’ll forever be remembered in the same breath as the Mona Lisa.”
- Oh wait Helen had to point out to him that he’ll forever be known as the guy who destroyed the Mona Lisa.  Amazing.
-This has been pointed out before but I did see what you did there: Cassandra predicted the fall of Troy despite no one believing her and Helen precipitated it.
- They’ll all burn him to save themselves now that he’s not their sugar daddy, which is obvious.  I’m kind of curious to see how they’d try to salvage their careers after this, but I’m pretty sure we won’t find out.  Benoit Blanc movies so far work like Mad Max movies, and he’ll be the ally/helper to another working class woman who exposes a corrupt and greedy wealthy group of people and any Helen/Marta fanfics will be strictly on AO3.  And here.  Also I’m here for it.
-Miles Bron you fucking idiot.  You piece of shit.  Hell’s bells you really actively planned to murder your former business partner/best friend as you sent her a puzzle invitation to celebrate a murder mystery-themed party.  I...incredible.  Not in a good way.  In a “bought the Mona Lisa on a whim and let it burn to the ground” kind of way.
- Okay, I know the look on Helen’s face is meant to be a million things, because it evokes the Mona Lisa but still.  As far as she knows, since she wasn’t there to hear that the Disruptors have agreed to burn Miles in court, she didn’t really get to clear her sister’s name and that’s probably the biggest source of pain for her.  That  said she did get to obstruct a deeply dangerous fuel source by the incompetent piece of shit that murdered her sister and ruin his public image.  It’s probably a mix of catharsis and a lack of it.  Either way, I enjoyed the movie and will watch it again as well as Knives Out.
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queenimmadolla · 3 months
VIVIIIIIIIII!!!!! i just watched lisa frankenstein and I ABSOLUTELY LUUUVD IT!! i did not know carla gugino was in this and that was such a nice surprise?!?! also i hope to see kathryn newton in almost every horror comedy from now on. she was amazing in freaky as well!!! ahhh now i can finally read ur series im sooo excited omfg <33
I’M SO EXCITED YOU WATCHED IT, EMMY!! Carla lowkey kinda steals the show, i dont know how she nails every. single. thing. she’s in but it makes me so happy that she still does these “small” (compared to big budget blockbusters) films, the quality she brings to them is just chef’s kiss. Couldn’t have asked to hate a better woman for this movie. And i wasn’t the biggest fan of Kathryn newton before this, but NOW I AM.
I’m literally a ball of energy, eagerly awaiting your opinion on Freak Like Me, it’s such a little crack series but i love hearing the opinions from people who both haven’t watched the movie and have, so far they’re relatively the same kind of reviews which just solidifies the fact that everyone would enjoy the hell out of the film.
Oh, damn, you got me monologuing, LOVE YOU!!! MWUAH 💋
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lacependragon · 2 years
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Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White and Tread of Angels by Rebecca Roanhorse were ready for me at the library today. Which I am SO VERY EXCITED about.
I also am working through Jade War by Fonda Lee, The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester by Maya McGregor, and The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World by Virginia Postrel.
All three of which are AMAZING for different reasons.
Then I've also got some other non-fiction, including:
Stiff by Mary Roach
100 Million Years of Food by Stephen Le
Wildhood by Barbara Natterson-Horowitz and Kathryn Bowers
The Age of Wood by Roland Ennos
and Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake (god I love this book so much. Please read it. Fungi are AMAZING).
Then for fiction, when I move on from these four, I've got:
Torn by Rowenna Miller
The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
Poster Girl by Veronica Roth
The Books of Earthsea, the Complete Illustrated Edition by Ursula K. Le Guin
I'm so excited for literally every single one of these. I love libraries. I love learning. I love reading new fiction by authors I know and authors I don't. I just. Man.
I love books so much.
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fanfic-chan · 11 months
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Just finished watching Legend of the Guardians of Ga'hoole for the first time again after like, almost a decade and oh my God I forgot just how amazing this movie actually is. Like. Why have more people not seen this movie it's honestly a crime. Go watch this masterpiece rn. You will not regret it.
I also highly recommend checking for the book series it's based on in your local library. The authors name is Kathryn Lasky and her worldbuilding and storytelling abilities are nothing short of amazing. I literally fell in love with her series Wolves of the Beyond as a young teen, only to later find out that she was also the author that inspired one of my favorite childhood movies. What are the odds of that happening seriously?
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moonlitgarbage · 1 year
What're your thoughts on the USA national volleyball teams?
I was lucky enough to watch them live this year and they look very good it was an honor to watch olympians’ play!!
I think Kathryn Plummer will be on the roster for Paris 2024 since both Larson and Bartch-Hackley retired and she was an alternate last time. She’s also one of my favs I love the whole Stanford team from that era.
I think Kara Bajema is kind of a dark horse pick for OH on the 2024 roster but when I saw them play she was literally lights out. I am definitely biased because I love the Pac-12 but she was legit passing nails and really unstoppable at the net. She had a really impressive college career and it was really cool to see her play again in person. Especially as she continues to play she’s just going to keep honing her skills. Super excited to see how she grows because I can tell she is nowhere near her ceiling.
I’m obsessed with Jenna Gray she is one of my favorite athletes of all time. It’s tough she’s behind Poulter and Wilson who are both so amazing and can run a great offense. I hope she’ll stick around the national scene for awhile since she is so fun to watch.
Jordan Thompson is so good it’s a joke. I literally can’t believe she’s two years older than me she is such a legit athlete. She is super fun to watch and I think she’ll only continue to improve as time goes on.
Everywhere else I don’t have super strong thoughts I think both Wong-Orantes and Hentz are phenomenal liberos and hold down the backline super well. I love all the middles as well especially Haleigh Washington. When I played middle I was as fired up as her so J just like appreciate her energy and intensity. Big fan of the whole national team and wish there was more opportunity to watch volleyball year round. I am so bored without college volleyball now. I am not clever enough to comment on Beach Volleyball or the Men’s National Team except that two people who I think could make the roster when to my rival high school.
This is definitely way more information than you wanted but I could talk about volleyball forever lol
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From my OTHER accounts that happened to be hacked into - hmm! i wonder who did this the 3rd time around..hmm the mind boggles... anyways
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It is heavy on my heart to finally admit my immense disappointment and dismay how the woman who brought us the incredible, uncompareable Captain Kathryn Janeway has completely neglected, surrendered and abandoned what was a hero that others fail to compare to. That woman is Kate Mulgrew- herself.
In the early 90s during the Voyager season, she would often appear on guest shows (as well as out and about) sporting a dapper pant suit,her slender figure slayed the shit out of them. She was cool as hell! .Her swag, her facial expressions. She was a black woman in a white skin. That coolness was so fitting with the Captain.
After the show drew to a close on May 23 2001, It soon become apparant to me there was a distinctive shift both in her dress sense, demeanor, confidence, comfortability and spirit. Even though it was painful to watch such an revelationary show come to an end, i lived in hopes she would view her experience - not only as an immense accomplishment, but as an inspiring journey that would go onto encourage her to continue to tap into more of her inner strength and utilise her incredible talent,when it came to her pursue of future roles . Roles that will continue to showcase her amazing energy and endurance as an actress.
I had been a follower of Kate’s work prior to Voyager, but was never a fan. When she embarked on Voyager and took it by storm , all hell broke lose.I was in owe to witness how she blew that mf’er up! - Literally with her magnificent performance in episode Year of Hell . From that point, i was singing her praises as far and wide as possible. I was never one to have posters decorated around my room , nor was i an advert convention goer. I have only been to one.
I was also never a fan of Kate -on a personal level , her lesbophobic views has always plaque her throughout her entire life. She seemed to only capitalises on the subject due to majority of her fans being lesbians. She used her fake support of the LGBT Community as a means to stay relevant for the purpose of her career. That mindset has hindered her in so many ways , both creativity and personally. But that is not neither here or there.
As Captain Janeway, she exuded an amazing physical sharpness, an undeniable flairless nature beauty with the use of little make up. She was exceptionally stunning.
In 2013, Kate starred in a show called Orange of the New Black. The very thought of the title makes me cringe. Out of curiousity i forced myself to watch the first season and my heart completely sunk. I struggled to focus on the words that came out of her mouth. All i could think of was “ What happened to that naturally strong, sharp, muscular powerhouse with a stamina that can take on 5 guys in a fight?. I was baffled.
In 2015, i created a Twitter account which celebrated such a wonderful character - that was of Captain Janeway . The account was entitled InvincibleCptJ . Consequently, it was hacked and in-turn my email address which was linked was also hacked . I can only hazard a guess onto whose team was responsible as i later learned several other fans had their dedicated pages succombed to the same demise.
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The number of people that followed my page ( at the time showed 264 people )was all removed by the hacker.
Followed by the second page created which automatically deleted by Twitter
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Then followed my Tumblr account - which was mysteriously hacked and then followed my recent account - JanewaytrulisterLatifah . I later discovered from various people happen to have pages dedicated or have some mention of this persons, page have also came to the same demise, But i digress.
Katie tried to insert some of the Captain’s traits, but it just was not working-certainly not for me. It was haggard, uncomfortable and an excruciatingly painful rendition. Orange of the new black was automatically cancelled in my head. By now my patience of her deliverance was waying thin. I then heard she was due to appear in another show . Fingers, toes and whatever else was crossed only to recieve another knock back. All that came to mind was " Oh God, She went on another bender the night before". It was so obvious to see. I did not take the time to watch the show, the publicity photos showed me all i needed to know.
Kate, has completely abandoned ship and abandoned her rank as the Captain. Throughout the lengths Jeri Ryan has gone to tear her down and dismantel her career, i had ALWAYS had her back and always had faith she will continue to come on top. She was built for the trenches right? and no one -by the likes of Ryan would frazzle an exceptional talent with a huge range, undeniable talent and creativity. I wanted her to win even more after that …woman’s lynch on her.
I wanted to believe that Kate had hidden gems locked away, ready and waiting to be unleashed and shock the system of her enemies and doubters, but time again , she has become the mercy of Ryan’s words. She has indeed retreated and lost focus, which has become apparant from the roles she has continue to accept. She appears unworthy of her own greatness ,unworthy of heroic strong roles that morally held her with high esteem for over decades-prior to Voyager. She has claimed defeat .
It should not be about forming an allegience with someone that has delibrately broken her trust and the line of secrecy. Their only motive was to destroy her career and fanbase, so theirs can grow , become relevant and in doing so - take her spot. And it is now come to flourish.
I had not watched any of her roles since the one season of Orange is the New Black and cannot say that i will ever again. For me, Captain Janeway was and always will be her staple, the pinnacle of her career and one that was honorable by Kate and Captain Janeway.
Live Long and Prosper in my memory, Captain Janeway ~Janewaytrulvlisterpeake
captain janeway#kate mulgrew#star trek voyager#livelongandprosper#sad
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capybaraonabicycle · 4 months
Iced lemon tea
Earl grey tea
Iced coffee
Thank you for the ask <3
Iced Lemon Tea : Favorite song/band?
That changes like every month 😅 The Longest Johns were my top spotify wrapped artists last year, but I continue to be very fond of Dota and cavetown as well. My longest lasting love is for Abba though, and my favourite song of theirs would probably be - oh, I really can't say. I definitely love 'The Winner Takes it All' and 'Chiquitita' and 'Mamma Mia' a lot.
I recently listened to 'Bang-A-Boomerang' for the first time, though, and it is adorable? At least the music video is? So if you happen to have missed that one until now, like me, and you generally enjoy Abba, maybe have a listen?
Early Grey Tea : The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?
Okay, so my parents are some sort of preppers? They don't have a full panic room in their house or anything, but they have food and water for ages and wood and a fireplace and a radio that works with solar energy. So, I would try to get to their place and team up (in case they aren't infacted yet). And like, sadly covid has been a good way of evaluating who among the people you know are very likely to be stupid and get bitten immediately (because they don't believe in zombies even when scientists are telling them to run), so I have a list of people I would definitely stay away from.
And then I'd probably die within a week anyway.
Not the point of the question, but may I recommend you my favourite piece of zombie apocalypse art? It's a BlackBoxTV production starring the amazing Mary Kate Wiles and Monica Joy Sherer. It is heartbreaking and morbidly funny and I had to watch it several times to grasp the little details of what exactly was going on:
So, yeah, I've learnt all my tricks there and from tgwdlm -> meaning I'm definitely screwed.
Iced Coffee : Do you like reading? If so, what’s your favorite book?
I like reading and I don't do it nearly enough. I adored Tschick (Why we took the car), and have read it like 5 times, so I usually say that's my favourite book. But I think, actually, most of my favourite books are children books? Like Something else by Kathryn Cave (illustrations by Chris Riddell). It is one of the most beautiful books out there. Just, look at that art:
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Isn't it gorgeous?
And, Idk, the little animal trying to fit in and it just doesn't work, because no matter how hard they try to imitate the other animals, it always looks just a little different? Until someone else who is different comes along and then he doesn't have to fit in? They can just be something else together? That just really resonates with kids who feel like they don't fit in either, I guess
In case you don't know it, there are several people reading it aloud on yt. Like this one is lovely, f.ex.:
Also, omg are you seeing that Something else has a stuffed animal that looks like him? That is literal perfection. (Also, like, I don't want to spoil the ending but the ending is amazing.)
(Also I just realised Tschick is basically also about a boy who doesn't fit in whose life becomes so much better when he makes friends with the other boy in class who is cast out, so, yeah, I am seeing something of a theme there.)
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zorilleerrant · 5 months
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I've been looking through my old bedroom and found a bunch of books I loved as a kid to reread.
The Song of the Lioness Quartet, by Tamora Pierce - the one that started it all. That is, I've been seeing Tammy's books everywhere this year, characters that yes, I do know, book recs, nostalgia posting, everywhere. So, yeah, I'm getting on board this train. I'm going to start with this series, because that's where I started the first time, but I'm going to read through a lot of Tortall, hopefully. Anyway, that's why I wanted to look through my old books.
Batman Forever, by Peter David - yeah, it's the official movie novelization. I was obsessed with this book as a kid. I read it over and over again. So I have to include it.
The Last Vampire series, by Christopher Pike - I picked this up as a kid because I was like, omg, like THEE Christopher Pike??? and I figured someone who would name himself after THEE Christopher Pike would write great books. And I did really enjoy the series, so it worked out. I saw at some point there was a sequel series to this or something? I was excited to learn that years ago and then never did anything with the information.
Time Cat, by Lloyd Alexander - this book was so inspiring to me as a kid. I don't remember if it's any good or even if I thought it was good at the time. But it made me write a whole bunch of terrible short stories about cats with magic powers, which largely resulting in adults in my life telling me I couldn't spell. Which was true but wasn't even the point, okay, maybe cats have their own language which is just like English except spelled bad because they can't spell because they're cats. It's fine.
Star Split, by Kathryn Lasky - I saw this on my shelf and I have no idea what it is. It gave me very warm and fuzzy vibes to look at, though, so I think I must have liked it. I guess I'll figure it out!
Replica series, by Marilyn Kaye - this is about clones or something. I don't recall details because at the time I was willing to read anything and everything that so much as hinted at clones and anyone grown in a test tube or vat. It's probably either good or bad. I don't know how many there are and I literally don't even remember the main character. She's named Amy? Okay, sounds good to me, I believe you. Why's she cloned tho
Cirque Du Freak series, by Darren Shan - I loved the conceit of this, which is that they're a true chronicle that no one would believe. Oh, but that's very common - yes, but no one actually committed to the bit by making the main character and author share a name, which I loved. I don't remember how far through this series I read, either, so there's probably a lot of story past the point where I stopped, which is going to be fun.
Twitches series, by H.B. Gilmour and Randi Reisfeld - Okay, I'll admit, I only read the first one. I tried to find the rest at the library and they didn't have them, and then I forgot completely. Finding the movies as an adult was fucking amazing? They're great, if you like campy silly fantasy, and seeing some of my favorite actors in those roles was so much fun, so I've been meaning to go back to the series (but, again, forgetting). Just. Twins. Who are witches. It's just the distilled wishes of every SFF book kid.
Rascal, by Sterling North - I double checked and nothing horrible happens to the raccoon at the end of the book, which is weirdly common in kids books? Anyway, I just remember this being my introduction to all the cool things raccoons could do with their tiny thumbs and being very impressed and enamored and yes, of course I wanted a pet raccoon, but that's not special, I still wish I could have one of those they're adorable.
I Was A Sixth Grade Alien, by Bruce Coville - someone requested this for Yuletide, and I was like. Okay, I have for sure read that book, and I remember literally nothing about it except what's written on the tin. I think I only read the first book, or the first couple? Like, this is a series, right? I have no idea! I just saw the title and went I really have to figure out what that's about before it drives me crazy! It's a great title, though, isn't it?
Julie of the Wolves series, by Jean Craighead George - I have definitely read two of these books, but not, I think, all three. Other than this one, I don't know which of the two I read. Maybe I did read all three, but just not all at the same time? You have to understand, I was a Wolf Kid. When I saw there was a book not only about wolves, but where the main character was friends with wolves? Family even? I was the most excited I've ever been to read a book, and they really delivered. Excited to hang out with Julie again, and make sure I've definitely read all of her stories this time.
Jedi Apprentice series, various authors - I might read the Young Jedi Knights or Junior Jedi Knights series too/instead, but this was the one I apparently had on my shelf. I loved it so much. I was in love with the former apprentice sith who wanted to take over the world, which is par for the course, really.
Holes, by Louis Sachar - a children's classic. Also the movie is one of the best adaptations of a book I've ever seen, and I might give that a rewatch, too. The song in this story gets stuck in my head randomly since I read it, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Diadem series, by John Peel - I only read the first three books of this, because even though I searched for more than a year, the fourth volume was out of print and not in any library I could find. The rest of the series wasn't out of print! Only the fourth one! I wanted so badly to read the rest of the series because it had everything I was looking for as a kid. Alternate worlds. Kids who grew up in entirely virtual environments. SFF old timey places with archery. Some ambiguous villain that our heroes were intent on stopping despite not knowing who he/she/it/they even were. Hopefully I can find the fourth book this time somehow or my reread will also be cut tragically short.
Fearless series, by Francine Pascal - I also don't know how far I made it through this series, but I am very nostalgic for a character who just does stuff because she doesn't feel fear. Everyone wants to give me characters with tragic backstories, or who have to overcome their phobias. Nobody wants to give me someone who gets a bloody nose fistfighting a stranger because she forgot she wasn't supposed to. ADHD relatable? Okay, yes, maybe. But she's also one of those 'this person was an asshole so I bit them' characters, so I love her.
Among the Hidden series, by Margaret Peterson Haddix - a series I kept up with in real time, for a while, and I think I read to the end? Or almost to the end? Whatever, I love most of her books, they were my favorites as a kid, and despite the awkward xenophobic loading of the premise, the idea of a whole underground world of hidden children trying to find connection is an interesting subversion of the SF trope, one that actually has the scaffolding to make sense, instead of just 'yeah, we kept them in a cupboard their whole childhood but they're normal somehow'. It's heartbreaking and cool.
Goosebumps and The Nightmare Room, by R.L. Stine - I'm definitely not going to reread one whole series, let alone both. I've got to find highlights lists somewhere and go back to the popular ones, but, still, a lot of these were some of my favorites.
The House of the Scorpion, by Nancy Farmer - This has a sequel, which I never read, and I'm very much looking forward to that. The whole story had such a huge impact on me, both for what I look for in elaborate worldbuilding (this book has the best worldbuilding ever), and in how I write emotional arcs. I used to try to write plot driven things exclusively and, you know, I'm not really a plot writer. I'm all about the characters, and I feel like people try to hide that from kids. Chapter books are always plot driven! They only slowly let the character driven ones in, and then the worldbuilding ones, and how often is a MG or YA book allowed to be structurally driven? Basically never. Anyway. Huge impact on my attitude towards narrative. It was also just really emotional for me. One of my favorite books, and I really hope it holds up on rearead.
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October 2023 Subscription Guesses!
keep reading for spoilers
OwlCrate: Power Has a Price This Dark Descent - Kalyn Josephson
FairyLoot: Enchanted Forest The Forest Grimm - Kathryn Purdie
Illumicrate: Fairytale Forests After the Forest - Kell Woods
OwlCrate Adult: The Monsters Among Us Starling House - Alix E. Harrow
FairyLoot Adult: My Dear Nemesis The Hurricane Wars - Thea Guanzon
Evernight: October 2023 Last to Leave the Room - Caitlin Starling
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Apparently, the Owlcrate book has forbidden magic, illicit romance, and *checks notes*.... cut-throat horse racing?? According to Waterstones, it's perfect for fans of Six of Crows, but I'm just not seeing it. Maybe I'll be proved wrong, but actually, this sounds terrible.
The FairyLoot book sounds pretty good! It sounds super YA, and I do love a fairytale theme. The only bit that puts me off is her best friend "puts aside his longing for her" which could be just the worst romance subplot ever. I'm hoping it's not as bad as it sounds! I'm looking forward to reading this, but I hope FairyLoot come up with a good cover for it, because the standard editions are awful!
The Illumicrate book is also the OwlCrate Adult book for September, so I'm really glad I don't subscribe to OCA, I don't need two! If the plot weren't a Hansel and Gretel retelling, it would sound amazing. I'm just fed up of retellings - come up with a new idea! But I think I'm going to give it a go and see how well it's written, because the description does sound really good.
I don't subscribe to OwlCrate Adult, but I like the sound of this book from the description! Maybe if the special edition is available afterwards in the shop, I might get it. If not, I guess I can always just get the eBook. The only concern is that some of the reviews say this is more of a slow burn romance than a horror, which isn't what I'm here for at all! It looks quite horror-esque from the blurb.
I'm really glad I don't subscribe to FairyLoot Adult, from the description on Waterstones, this book sounds awful. It's literally just twenty cliché fantasy words and phrases, smushed into a few paragraphs of nonsense. Also, despite being quite similar in design, the UK and US covers make this look like completely different types of book.
Lastly, Evernight. This is Illumicrate's quarterly horror subscription, and apparently they don't bother with themes for these. This subscription is book-only, so I probably won't keep it for long - I don't think book-only subscriptions are really worth the money. But this particular book looks really good! It sounds so creepy, I can't wait to read it!
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aparticularbandit · 1 year
Replying to your comments on my ask here: https://www.tumblr.com/aparticularbandit/716913826517417984/did-you-watch-wandavision-at-all-ata-a
i’m not worked up about anything. i’m just asking questions because i’m interested. but you didn’t answer any of what i asked🫤
so i ask again: why not make your own OCs, who you can put as much of yourself into? OCs are amazing! i have OCs! you can make characters whatever the hell you want them to be. live vicariously through an OC if you want to
like I said…you could make as many OCs as you want with kathryn’s face, and stuff them full of your own personality and traits and quirks and make them whatever you want them to be.
rather than completely gutting a canon character of who they are, and changing everything about them, and writing them totally ooc? to the point they are left as just a name and a face of a canon character, but have the inner being and personality of someone completely different
i’m just asking as it seems just kinda redundant to write a canon character ooc. i know it’s a popular thing on tumblr to totally water down a canon character so they’re left as a generic palatable version, written around 2 - 3 of their quirks/lines from their show
but your versions are just total husks of the canon character. just a face and a name. nothing else in character.
also the point of AUs for canon characters is to put them in an alternate setting that they wouldn’t usually find themself in, to explore how they would behave in a different setting/being with different people/in a different plotline etc. not to completely change their entire core canon personality.
if you change a canon character’s personality and everything about them to the point of them not being themselves, then you’re literally just writing an OC with a faceclaim and name of a canon character. that’s all i’m pointing out.🤷🏾
Just because you think I'm writing a character OOC does not mean everyone else - or even anyone else - does.
You are not the sole arbitrator of what interpretations are or are not in character.
I do not particularly care if you think how I write these characters is OOC or not. I write for myself and for the people who enjoy what I write.
If what I'm writing is bothering you, then do yourself a favor and block me. If you are enjoying what I write, with the exception that you think the characters are OOC, then just pretend they're different characters with similar names.
I have OCs. I write with OCs. And you're right - writing with OCs is fun!
But just because you think my interpretation is OOC in terms of how you think a character should be written doesn't mean you should be in my inbox telling me to just write them as OCs. It's not the same thing.
Please stop telling me how to write characters. It will not change how I write them.
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