#Every single time i see you in my inbox i am filled with joy
queenimmadolla · 7 months
VIVIIIIIIIII!!!!! i just watched lisa frankenstein and I ABSOLUTELY LUUUVD IT!! i did not know carla gugino was in this and that was such a nice surprise?!?! also i hope to see kathryn newton in almost every horror comedy from now on. she was amazing in freaky as well!!! ahhh now i can finally read ur series im sooo excited omfg <33
I’M SO EXCITED YOU WATCHED IT, EMMY!! Carla lowkey kinda steals the show, i dont know how she nails every. single. thing. she’s in but it makes me so happy that she still does these “small” (compared to big budget blockbusters) films, the quality she brings to them is just chef’s kiss. Couldn’t have asked to hate a better woman for this movie. And i wasn’t the biggest fan of Kathryn newton before this, but NOW I AM.
I’m literally a ball of energy, eagerly awaiting your opinion on Freak Like Me, it’s such a little crack series but i love hearing the opinions from people who both haven’t watched the movie and have, so far they’re relatively the same kind of reviews which just solidifies the fact that everyone would enjoy the hell out of the film.
Oh, damn, you got me monologuing, LOVE YOU!!! MWUAH 💋
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Walter Deville teaser
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As she tightly gripped the entrance door, her heart skipped a beat as the melodious sound of her mobile ringtone echoed in her ear. With a sense of intrigue, she glanced at the screen to find an unfamiliar number glowing brightly. Without hesitation, she swiftly answered the call, her voice filled with a hint of curiosity. "Miss Stoker speaking," she uttered, her hands instinctively seeking warmth within the comforting embrace of her coat. “good evening, Miss Stoker. I am calling on behalf of my employee Lord Deville. The Lord has taken quite a liking to your recent paintings and would request to purchase every single one of them.” As she received the quick and emotionless request, a chill ran down her spine, sending shivers of anticipation through her entire being. It was a request that held the power to ignite her creative soul. Each and every painting from her recent collection flashed before her eyes, their gothic designs and dark colours dancing in her mind's eye. The numbers representing their worth swirled around in her head, filling her with a sense of exhilaration and joy. “Sir apologize for the silence. But I you sure you have the right artist. My pieces aren’t exactly the most popular pieces on the market.” She stuttered finally having the strength to enter the gallery and head to her office.
“ I am very sure mam. Lord Deville has been captivated by the pieces for some time now and has sent over a contract to your public email address.” (Y/N) eagerly unlocked her laptop and dove into her overflowing inbox, her heart pounding with anticipation. And there it was, like a beacon of hope, the subject line that caught her attention, illuminating the screen with its splendour. As her eyes met the dazzling digits of the price, a surge of excitement coursed through her veins, causing her sparkling eyes to widen in sheer delight. “this all seems too good to be true sir. I will have a read through the email and get back to the lord as soon as I'm done.”
“very well mam. We hope to hear from you soon.” As the old butler hung up the old-fashioned phone he looked back at his master with a poised nod. “it is done, my lord. Miss Stoker will read over the contract now.” In the dimly lit confines of Carfax Abbey's office, a solitary candle cast eerie shadows upon the vintage desks. The lord of the manor, an enigmatic figure, sat upright and impassive, poring over the printouts of (Y/N)'s website. “is it really here sir? Has our lady finally returned to us?” the butler spoke still keeping his emotions locked away. “it would seem so Mr. Fields.” the lord muttered. Finally, his old laptop flashed with a new email from the woman he had longed to see for centuries. “dear lord Deville. I am very pleased with the proposal sent to me. Unfortunately, the pieces have one more day in my personal gallery, but I can assure you after tonight’s event, I will have them sent of to your manor as soon as possible. I will send you over delivery reports once sent over. Warm regards Miss Stoker.” As Lord Deville's eyes scanned the message, a sly smile crept across his face. His heart, once as cold as ice, began to thaw with excitement. However, he knew better than to reveal his emotions just yet. He would keep his composure until he had his beloved back in his arms, where she belonged. As he sat in the dark, his fingers gracefully twirled the golden ring, its presence on his long finger a testament to his patience. With each rotation, the jewel embedded in the ring shimmered, mirroring the sparkle that once danced in her eyes, a memory etched in his heart.
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denny-artsss · 5 months
TW: serious vent post, some personal info. updates on stuff
(Mention of SH and suicide please don't read if you're senstivie to these subjects.)
I wanna start by thanking everyone who keeps sending me asks/requests and supporting what I do. Writting and drawing are two things I always used to express myself and make others happy with.
I can't begin to explain how much my heart gets filled with joy seeing all the people enjoying the stuff I do because I have always been told I am not good enough. My drawings were always called bad just as my writing even if I gave my all into them.
Due to a lot of issues, mentally and physically, i have been SH for a long time. I tried to take my own life several times in ways I can't even describe.
When TADC came out, I had something to hold on to. Yeah, it's a silly little show, and it's stupid to hold on to, is what people tell me. That I should have other reasons to hold on to. But currently, this is all there is. This and the amazing people who like what I do and support me. Every day, when I wake up and see my inbox filled with asks, requests, and my comments filled with people commenting, sweet, and funny stuff, it makes me smile, and it takes a lot to make me smile because I am so deeply buried in tears most of the time that I can't even see the world around me. So thank you, everyone, for the love and support. You guys have no idea how much one single comment makes my day. Just to know that there is someone who found me important enough to interact with me means the world to me.
I will be gone soon for a bit, I'm not sure how long, but I will be back. I am currently working on some art and fanfics that got requested, which I will post before I leave.
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lestappenforever · 1 year
My dear Mona, my favourite girl in the world. The wedding sequel??? Babe, you had me in tears. The whole thing was so romantic that made me want to marry, are you free this weekend? 🫣 the wedding I wanted the most and you gifted it to us, you’re so awesome!!!! I don’t know how to describe how much I appreciate you and your dedication to write the most earth shaking experience, how can I not love everything you write and do??? Mona, I’d worship every centimetre of your body, including your brain. I’m happy to see you write again, it’s my will to live. Meet me at the altar, I’ll be the one with a black dress. Have a nice day babe, you’re the very best 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Evie, my love, my light, my shining star, my universe.
I'm so happy you liked it, babe! I did my very best to make it romantic and suitable for a Lestappen wedding, and I sincerely hope I got the vibe right. And as it turns out, my darling, I am free this weekend! As long as we can squeeze in some F1 watching, I'm yours all weekend.
Thank you so, so much for your always beautiful words. Honestly, Evie, the joy every single message from you brings me and the happiness and pride that fills me every time I see your name in my inbox is indescribable. Having you enjoy my writing to such an extent is the biggest honor I could have ever received.
I'll meet you at any altar, chéri, you just name the time and place and I'll show up in my best white dress or I'll rent a stunning tuxedo, whichever you prefer.
Have the best day, my lovely, because you deserve nothing less. I love you. 💕
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me: (sees one post of you answering an ask) me, rolling up my sleeves: time to send Knox love and appreciation again hi yes you have literally lit up my life in such a good way, like theres no way id have written as much as i have this year if it wasn't for your constant enthusiasm keeping me going- simply knowing you and interacting with you got me like a whole list of new friends to talk to and interact with, which has been overall amazing since i havent been able to see my real life best friend in over a year. but you and your content and enthusiasm and creativity and just. sheer joy has managed to fill some of the hole that i'd been feeling. you're literally such an amazingly good person, im constantly impressed with every single piece of content you post, and how you seem to just be able to make people lives better just by existing your content is always such a joy to see, like its the highest tier of content. you're always so nice and positive about things, you come around and you just drop everything just to spread love and its incredible, i have no idea how you manage to do it. everytime you send me a message or mention me in a post or something im just filled with the highest level of serotonin, your friendship means so much to me, especially since when i was first joining this fandom becoming friends with you felt literally impossible. you're a light to this earth/fandom and just. i hope you maintain that energy and light wherever you go, and that only the Goodest Of Things happen to you, because you fully and truly deserve them.
WELL FIRST OF ALL how dare you come into my inbox and be this kind and incredible and wonderful and gh;GH;LASIJEOFWMEF ;A;
Knowing that something I wrote inspired someone as creative, incredible and enormously talented as you actually makes me wanna cry.
You just exploded into this fandom with a somehow constant stream of ideas and fics and I am amazed by EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Each of them are so original and incredible and SO MUCH FUN TO THINK ABOUT, whether it be angsty or SO FREAKING FUNNY AND JUST HGAKSFMOHGWE
Seeing you post stuff and recognizing you for the first time was like seeing someone from across a really popular cafe interacting with some people I know and I literally saw you and was like oh gosh, dunno how I missed this person because they are so freaking cool and are literally one of my favourite creators and it's been three seconds--
FROM LIKE, DAY ONE, I saw you and DESPERATELY wanted to interact with you and be your friend but HECK MAN, how much you created was so intimidating and so freaking cool and I just accepted yeah, we can just interact from a distance, i can be cool with that
AND THEN YOU FREAKING DM'D ME AND I FLIPPED A MOTHERFREAKING TABLE (not literally, but I did stim for an unreasonably long amount of time)
Having you here, having you around is just... sometimes I get really discouraged when I create. Sometimes I don't know if I want to post things because I suddenly get extremely self conscious, but then you're there like a fiery ball of hype and I get excited to share stuff. Even on days when I feel like I have no energy left, I see OH LUPIN DROPPED NEW AU HECK TIREDNESS I HAVE TO SEE THIS--
Every time I go to write a new longer fic I get so excited because gosh the last one got LUPIN into the fandom. DUDE, IT MAKES ME FEEL FAMOUS AND LIKE I CAN DO ANYTHING, TO KNOW I INSPIRED SOMEONE AS INCREDIBLE AS YOURSELF
I am rambling now and that is A-OK. HGAOWEHF
I love you a lot dude, and I'm glad you exist and it means so much to me that you share that you care, and I'm so happy that I was able to give you a little bit of good amongst all the crazy. You deserve hype, you deserve friends and care and love and *hugs* gosh darn it if I ain't gonna be one of the people smart enough to give it to you
I am simply very glad you exist, and for real <3 thanks for coming into my inbox and attacking me with affection. It really does encourage me to keep doing what I'm doing when I know it affects others in a good way, so thank you so much, dude <3
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iridescentides · 4 years
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hi friends! what a fucking year am i right??? not to sound cheesy but tumblr was genuinely such a safe and warm space for me this past year. there is no way for me to adequately explain how important the friends ive made on this site have been for my emotional wellbeing in a time when ive been largely isolated from my irl friends/activities. throughout 2020 this has been a place i could turn to confidently for encouragement, support, and good conversations. thank you all so much.
i wanna first give a special shoutout to the two amazing discord groups im a part of: Creatorhub and the GCWCA. through Creatorhub ive met so many incredible gifmakers, learned so many cool new things, and received so much love and support. in the GCWCA i get to gush about disney channel with people who really Get It™ and we all make each other laugh and smile. two amazing groups who have filled my year with so much joy.
so here it is!!! a friend appreciation post!!! to clarify: this is NOT just a laundry list of every single one of my mutuals (even though i do appreciate all of my mutuals) because i feel like that would be lacking authenticity and missing a personal touch. this is an appreciation post for a select group of people who, through their presence on my dash, kind messages, or just general support and enthusiasm, have noticeably positively impacted me in 2020. the people who i log onto this site for. people who i love to check on to see how theyre doing even if we dont talk that much, people who make my day by sliding into my inbox or DMs or tagging me in posts, and people who inspire me heavily with their creativity and passion. TLDR; if youre on this list you should feel special because you are!!!
a few extra special bud shoutouts before we get to the main list:
miranda @lizzie-mcguires​ for being a super supportive, very fun friend to me this year. you are so funny and kind and i dont know if you know exactly how much our friendship means to me. thanks for being one of my biggest cheerleaders and validating my niche disney opinions and introducing me to big time rush 😂
sima @filthyjanuary for being literally the funniest and most relatable person alive and just generally being so easy to talk to. you deserve nothing but good things in life 💙
saint @dindjharin for spreading unconditional love, support, and kindness. i cherish every single message you send me and each gift you have made me. im so glad we met this year.
emma @candicepatton​ BESTIE for being the sweetest nicest bestest person on this whole site, and for making my entire day with your tags and messages!!!
hiria @hiriahb for being my longest standing friend on this site. for showing so much enthusiasm in our conversations and talking to me so in depth about music. youre seriously the best and i cant even imagine tumblr without you.
other friends i appreciate so so much:
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sonybees · 4 years
mutuals appreciation post!
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i seriously CANNOT at all process this
literally i do not know how this even happened but i am so inexplicably grateful for every single one of you! i love all of you so so much!
i was maybe thinking about making a sleepover but school has been kicking my ass lately so i just decided on making a little mutuals appreciation post! to all my other mutuals, i love all of you so much and i literally want to smother all of you with hugs and kisses. i am so grateful for all of you. thank you.
this might be a little long so it’s under the cut! there might be a lot of mistakes snsjd
@lunaleonorah leo!!! you are an absolute blessing. i love your kindness and the amount of affection you give me literally makes me wanna break down and scream. in a good way of course sjjs. i love our conversations where we just talk about our days and all that. i wish we could always be friends and you can tell me anything you’d like. i love our friendship because we can talk to each other whenever we’d like and will always bring comfort to each other. i always look forward to having conversations with you everyday. ilysm and you deserve the world <3 all the love, pluto.
@gredmforge rory, my wife! i love talking to you about nonsense, it always makes my day and your fun and carefree personality always makes me smile. no doubt that we will be great friends in real life. the little asks you send in my inbox always make me laugh and i’m very excited for whatever future works you have. you always seemed so nice and sweet ever since i first interacted with you and i am so happy that i asked you where you got your memes because look what that got us to! shsjdjd. no but seriously, i love talking to you about our obsessions and just saying hello to each other. ilysm and i hope you always remember that! :) <3
@crookedhag my lovely eliz, i’m too lazy to make another one of those fancy scrolls that i did earlier but that doesn’t stop me from showin gmy appreciation for you. you are such a sweet and amazing person. you are also so talented and i am always so happy to see your name pop up on my notifications. you were always the first one to send me an ask for ask games and you always check in on me and i love you for that. i wish the very best in everything you do. you have great taste in music and i’m starting to think that you’re in every single fandom i don’t know jsjsj. but i love talking to you and ily! mwah! ◡̈
@oldschoolkiddo hero! the first time you ever interacted with me, i already knew that i would love having you around. you are such a fun person and all the tag games that you make and tag me in are always so fun! you are an independent person and i love that so much. you speak your mind and that is so powerful. you are so very sweet and your personality is so fun. i hope that you have many great days in the future and you can always talk to me whenever you need to. let me know if you want a distraction from anything or if you just want to rant, i will be here. ily!
@krasivayadarling my lovely ant! i am so very glad that i built up the courage to say hi to you when you made that post saying you wanted to be friends with new people. you are one of the best people i’ve ever met and you are so sweet, kind, talented, funny, and supportive. i am also so grateful for your support in my fics. you were my first ever supporter and i was really nervous for someone to read my works but you were so nice about it and i love that. i wish you all the best. ily, ant! sincerely, soap.
@whatthefuckimbisexual the loveliest persephone, you are such a bad bitch. JSJS NO BUT SRSLY ILYSM. you are such a fun person and i love how we can relate to each other a lot. i mean, staying up til 3 am and fuck aral pan yk? ejekdj. i really wish you the best in everything and i hope that we can interact more! you are truly one of the most fun and energetic people i’ve ever met and you are so very sweet and funny. thank you for being a great person! all the love <3
@falconxbarnes maddie! you add such a sweet and great person and when you reblog and like my posts, my heart fills with joy! your blog brings me so much comfort and i love our short little conversations. you remind me of going out at 5 am when the sun is almost out. the joy is always evident when that happens just like how i feel when i talk to you! i wish to eat pancit canton with you one day! i really wish you the best in everything and you deserve so many good things. mwah!
@amourtentiaa liane! you are literally so talented and it amazes me every time i read your works. you are so fun and chill and seeing your name always makes me happy! your blog page is filled with so much comfort in my opinion and our first conversation ever was so fun and you are so polite. you also really remind me of the night. i can’t explain why but like i said, you are chill and brings me a lot of comfort! i really love the way you interact with others as you are so kind. i hope you are doing well and always will feel well. ily, yannie!
@puntuations oh my gosh, ysa! you followed me first and i didn’t exactly understand why because you seemed too cool and mature for me djdj. but i am so glad you did and i am so grateful that you’re my friend. thank you for tagging me in dps related things! i really love that and it brings me so much joy. you were always so kind to me no matter what and you are so respectful. i appreciate you and your blog always makes me smile. thank you for being an amazing friend. ilysm, ysa. mwah!
@tofeeltaller joy! you bring me so much joy! sjdndjdn sorry, i had to. you are so so sweet and kind. i was always so scared to interact with dps blogs because they seemed intimidating but so nice at the same time (idk why i’m sorrydhjd), i thought y’all were too cool for me and i didn’t know how to approach you guys but after i got the courage to talk to you, i felt a lot more comfortable. you are so sweet and kind and you deserve so much more blessings. you truly are an amazing person and i hope that your days will get better and better. giving you so many warm hugs and kisses, mwah!
@lolremuslupin dkndkx omg you are so sweet! i don’t interact with you much but we do talk sometimes. i am also very glad that i decided to pm you to try and make new friends and you were so kind about it. you are such an amazing person and i love staying up at 3 am talking to you about random crap. i wish that your life will go well and that you are always safe! warm hugs!
@punkrific soaf, my twin! i really love talking to you and your energy is always so great. you are an amazing and fun person and having a twin like you always makes me feel like the luckiest ever. i am so so grateful to have you as a friend and your dashing personality always gets me. ilysm and i wish you the best! love, the ugly sofia <3
@freddieweasleyswife sweets! i’ve never met someone as sweet and kind as you are. you’re an amazing person and you deserve so much and you are so talented. i wish to write like you one day. my day is always better when I see your name in my notifications being friends with someone as amazing as you are is so great and i wosh to interact with you more. i miss talking to you and you’re always so kind and ready to comfort anyone. ilysm and you deserve the world. sincerely, sweetpea. <3
@sam-winchester-is-my-bitch rae! i love talking to you and seeing your pets! you are so kind, sweet and understanding and you really know how to make me smile. whenever i talk to you, it’s always so wholesome and nice and you give off so much good vibes. you really are like the color yellow to me, sunny, nice, but can be serious at times. but is always ready to cheer someone up. i wish you the best in everything and i hope that we can talk more! all the love <3
@daltonacademia kendi! i know you’re on a short hiatus at the moment but i just had to add you in here. i really hope that you are doing well and i hope you know that your writing is literally one of the best that i’ve ever read. you are so sweet and kind and you always have that little fun and sunny personality and i love talking to you so much. you are so respectful and you deserve so much. i’m sending you all the love and comfort. you are amazing and i hope you know that. stay safe, kendi! i really love that nicknamejsjs
@thatswhywilliamagedlikesourmilk dear! i am so glad that you followed my page and i am so so grateful that i’m friends with you. you are one of the best people ever and you are so so sweet. the most adorable person ever! talking to you feels like hugging a teddy bear and i am aware that that doesn’t make much sense but it just feels so comfy and brings me joy. i really hope that you’re doing well because you also deserve everything! sending you so many hugs <3 mwah!
@fredweasleyismyloverman alex, my dear! you are so kind and nice! i’m really glad i followed you. just a little fun fact, i actually found you through ant or @krasivayadarling . i was reading through some people who she gave ships to and i saw yours and i was like “oh my gosh, this person and i are literally the same.” and i went crazy because it looked almost exactly the same as my description hdjdjd. i’m actually not that sure if it went like that but that’s how i recalled it so i just always remember thatsbns. i literally relate to you so much and your shitposts give me life. you are so wise and amazing and i would love to talk to you more! ily, dear! mwah <3
@daisyyy2516 daze, dear! i am so happy that sab led ke to your page! literally, you are so damn talented and i just cannot i am always so amazed every time you show your works. you are so kind and sweet and such an icon. you bring me so much joy and everything you’ve ever said to me has always been something sweet and funny. ilysm and you deserve the world. i’d like if you dm’ed me once you’ve gotten your work displayed at some huge art exhibition. you are so amazing and i want you to know that. everything will be better. i appreciate you and i am so glad that you are in this world. i love you sm, daze. frd weasley loves you too. all the love and joy, soaf.
@sirlorelai lorie!! you are so nice and kind and sweet. i’m very glad that you weren’t angry at me spam reblogging your postsjsjd. i love our conversations and i wish we could talk more! you are such a kind and funny person and everything you’ve ever done has put a smile to my face. you are so fun and energetic and i love that. i hope that life is going well over there and that everything will be better if it isn’t at the moment. you deserve so much and ilysm, mwah!
@quadrupledeckertaco lorelei, dear! i miss talking to you! i really love our conversations and your soft but fierce personality is so great and it brings me so much joy. your writing is literally so amazing and like i said, i aspire to write like you one day. i miss you so much and i really hope that everything’s well. i wish you the best and sending you so much love, sofia. <3
and to all my other mutuals! thank you! i love all of you so much and interacting with all of you brings me so much joy. thank you for everything. have a great day everyone!
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bopbopstyles · 4 years
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ROSE COLORED GLASSES: By Your Side (an extra)
SERIES RATING: R (cursing, smoking, alcohol use, violence, PTSD, and sex)
CATEGORIES: boxer!Harry, gang/mob!Harry, 1920s!Harry, Peaky Blinders!Harry (?)
As the daughter of the most powerful man in Birmingham, there were expectations of Cicely King: an advantageous marriage to save her father’s business, for one. But Cicely had never been one to follow orders. So when she woke up after an accident in the home of Harry Styles, the illusive boxer, she took it as an opportunity to escape her life. What she didn’t intend on was falling in love with him.
a/n: hello i am back with more RCG, my children, my loves, my everythings. i got a request for a wedding blurb and these two immediately came to mind. enjoy peak softness, some smut, and just general big RCG energy. this is an extra, set months after the end of part two. enjoy some Hicely and come talk to me in my inbox about them!
pls reblog and share with your friends 💕✨
Harry could hardly hold it together.
The church pews in front of him were full with their neighbors and a few people from Cicely’s life before they had met, but by and large it was the people they had met since she had found him. Wide-brimmed hats and plenty of color, everyone in their Sunday best for a wedding between the infamous Harry Styles and his beloved Cicely. But it wasn’t the people that had Harry’s heart pounding.
It was the fact that he was about to marry the love of his life.
Harry had never really believed in fate—not after he had lost so many people, after he had been dealt bout after bout of pain. But then he found Cicely on a road in the middle of a thunderstorm and fell in love, and suddenly fate was the only thing that could’ve possibly explained it. How he had fallen in love in a matter of days, how he had let her in as he had never let anyone in before, how she matched his every trait and complemented him perfectly. Soothed him in his darkest moments, challenged him when he deserved it, pushed him when he needed it, and loved him every second of every day. Walking out of the ring and into her arms was a kind of peace he had never known; waking up to her body curved against his quieted his mind in the ways he never knew he needed.
And now she was about to be his for the rest of time.
He shifted from foot to foot, wiping his sweaty palms on the heavy material of his black suit jacket. Josiah had bought it for him—claimed it was his wedding gift to the couple, making sure Harry had a nice suit. It was the nicest piece of clothing he owned, tailored to perfectly fit the cut of his body and one look at it showed how expensive it was.
Frankly, he felt uncomfortable in it.
“Harry.” He turned his head to where Jack stood, his best man, flanked by Josiah and Tommy. “Stop worrying, you look like you don’t want to be here.”
“I just hate fuckin’ waiting,” Harry said under his breath. “Didn’t think I’d have to stand up here with all these people starin’ at me.”
Jack gave him a look of sympathy and understanding. “She’ll be here soon.”
As if right on cue, the music started up, the church organist playing from their corner as they did every Sunday. Except this time, it was for Harry and Cicely. Then, the doors to the room pushed open, and Harry felt his breath catch, the rays of the Saturday afternoon light streaming in the stained glass windows as Pippa stepped into the chapel, tossing rose petals onto the aisle way. It had been one of Cicely’s few requests for the wedding—that Pippa be their flower girl and Clarence their ring bearer, her affection for the neighbor children evident.
The little girl walked down the aisle grinning ear to ear as she dropped petals on a slow interval, soft coos from the audience at the sight of her pale purple dress that Josiah had purchased for her, wanting her to have a nice new dress for the wedding of his close friend. Behind her entered Clarence in a suit that was slightly too big on him, but held room to be grown into, also a gift from Josiah. His eyes were on the floor in front of him, as if he was nervous that he was going to trip on the tile.
Finally, the love of Harry’s life entered the room in a cloud of white and sunshine.
Her white satin dress glinted under the mid-afternoon rays, the floor-length material gathered at her side, a dip at the neckline that hinted at the cleavage Harry had run his fingers along the outline of only the previous day. A white cap sat on her head, the perfectly curled curves of her blond hair peeking out from underneath, and a long white see-through and embroidered train falling to the ground as she moved towards her. Long sleeves gathered at her wrists, where her dainty hands held a large bouquet of flowers, ones picked out by her mother, who stood at Cicely’s side.
In the months since Cicely had returned to Harry, she and her father hadn’t reconciled, but she had faithfully sent letters to her mother to keep her updated on her life. She had sent her an announcement for the wedding and her mother had replied saying she would attend, and asked to help plan. Through the process, she had demonstrated how much she loved her daughter, and when Cicely asked her to walk her down the aisle in the place of William, her mother cried. Now, she stood next to her daughter in a deep purple dress, a smile of joy and pride on her face as she guided Cicely down the aisle towards Harry.
Harry didn’t know if he had every seen someone more breath-taking than Cicely in this moment.
Well, she always took his breath away, but her she was in her wedding dress walking towards him with that wide smile that was reserved only for him, her brown eyes glowing with joy under the bright light of the room. His eyes trailed down her figure, taking in the sight of her and memorizing every curve of the material and the sight in front of him because he never wanted to forget what she looked like on the day she married him.
To even have a woman as magnificent as she was marrying him felt like his life’s work accomplished. He could never be more proud than he was to be her husband, because there was not a single title that meant more to him. No matter how many matches he won, nothing could ever top marrying her. Despite the fact that a year ago he hadn’t even known her, it felt as if he had been waiting for this moment for his entire life.
And now that it was here Harry couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have Cicely King walking up an aisle to become his for the rest of time.
Distantly, he heard the organ playing in the background as she reached the front of the chapel, her mother helping her adjust her veil around her. Her hands were covered in silk white gloves that when up her forearms, and then she finally stood within arm’s reach, he couldn’t resist immediately grabbing hold of them, desperate to touch her even if it was through fabric. She was beaming at him, and when her thumb brushed over his knuckles, his heart clenched. He couldn’t find the words to describe this moment, the sight of her in front of him, about to marry him.
But then he did. He found the words when he repeated his vows, his gaze never breaking hers. “I, Harry Styles, take thee, Cicely King, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold,” the word wife falling off his tongue like butter, a term meant to be there. “From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge myself to you.”
He saw the tears at the corner of her eyes and admittedly, there were a few in his as well. He wondered if she could feel the way his hands shook ever so slightly as he said the words, his voice cracking a bit as he said “I pledge myself to you.” They had been able to choose between pledging their faiths to one another and pledging themselves to one another, and for Harry it was an easy choice.
She was his life. There was nothing else in the world he was loyal too besides her. The church, the country, the King, not even Josiah—none of them were more worthy of his life than she was.
The chapel was quiet when Cicely began to speak, the sound of her soft and loving tone filling his body as she recited her vows. “I, Cicely King, take thee, Harry Styles, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge myself to you.”
Her blog hair curled into her face and Harry resisted the urge to reach up and push it behind her ear, the light blush on her cheeks making him break into an even wider smile. He didn’t think he had ever smiled this much—he didn’t smile very much before Cicely. But she made him laugh when she woke him up in the morning with kisses on his cheeks, smile when she walked up behind him and hugged him tight, grin when he saw her walking towards him with books she’d bought and wanted to share with him. Just simply being around her made him want to constantly be smiling.
Next to him, he heard the priest introduce the ring exchange, and Clarence moved towards where he and Cicely stood, presenting the simple wedding bands they had picked out. Cicely had been the one who insisted on their simplicity, telling Harry as they laid in bed one morning that it didn’t matter how expensive the rings were, it was what they represented that mattered to her. Told him that she had spent her life caring about people’s perceptions of herself and she didn’t care anymore—she wanted a ring that was hers and was from him, and that was all.
And that was how she had ended up with the engagement ring she wore now, and the thin band he now held in his palm as he recited the words to the ring exchange. “With this ring,” he said, taking in the sight of her looking at him with nothing but love in her eyes, “I thee wed.” He slipped the ring over the silk glove on her hand, the metal nestling between the folds of the silk, fitting her just as well as the glove she wore.
Then, Cicely picked up Harry’s ring and he saw it for the first time—a wide silver band, and when she turned it slightly he saw an inscription glint on the inside. She had gotten an inscription on it, he thought to himself as she held it in her palm. For some reason, that thought made his chest tighten, and it only got tighter when she began to speak. “With this ring,” she said, rotating his hand so it was aligned with the ring, “I thee wed.”
It felt no heavier in weight than the other rings he wore, but the meaning behind it made it more precious than the other metals he wore. The fact that it was what represented his bond to her made him vow immediately to never take it off unless he was fighting, to wear it with pride for the rest of his life.
With their hands clasped, the priest pronounced them husband and wife, and Harry’s love chuckled softly when the words You may now kiss the bride were spoken. Harry had never moved fasted in his life, not caring who surrounded him—he slipped his hand to her waist and tugged her into his chest, desperate to feel her body against him. His home, his love, his life, everything in the world that mattered existed in the body of a single person: her.
The sound of her giggle when his lips met hers made it all the more perfect. The taste of her lipstick and her mid-day tea, the scent of her perfume that had imprinted itself in his mind. When he kissed her, nothing else mattered—she was his, finally.
As they pulled away, just an innocent and chaste kiss unlike the ones they usually shared, Cicely pressed her fingertips to his cheekbones, brushing softly against his skin. She was all he could see, her features filling his faze, and he had never seen a more stunning sight. The joy in her expression overwhelmed him—how could he make another person feel that way? How could he make her feel that level of happiness? How could he be the reason for the smile that was so wide it blinded him?
It boggled his mind, but when she kissed his lips softly, one more time, a chuckle rising from his best man, he knew why: because she loved him just as much as he loved her. There wasn’t a soul on the earth who could illicit an emotion that would surpass the feeling that rested in both of their chest as they stood in the chapel. They were meant for one another, crafted and sculpted to fit each other’s nooks and crannies, designed to match.
A cheer rose up from the crowd—one he knew originated from Josiah’s men who were too rowdy to keep themselves together any longer than they had to, but he didn’t mind. It made Cicely laugh, and that sound was one Harry would’ve fought in another war just to hear one more time.
“Did we just get married?” Cicely asked him, just loud enough so he could hear it, her fingers intertwining with his as they turned to face the crowd.
“I think so,” he answered, squeezing her palm in his. “How do ya feel, Mrs. Styles?”
The corners of her lips turned up and she pressed her arm closer to his. “Happier than ever before.”
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After the ceremony, there was at the pub, the first one Josiah ever bought and where the beer was always free for Harry, and by extension, Cicely. They closed the place down for the night and the barkeep was constantly carrying pints around the place, the barmaid laughing and handing drunken men and women their beers from across the bar. In the corner of the room, sat Harry and Cicely in the booth, his arm slung around her shoulders and a rare grin on his face.
They had decided to leave on their honeymoon the following morning—they wanted to celebrate with their friends. Friends who had become their family, who had protected and fought for them every step of the way. They would have plenty of honeymoons if Harry had it his way, the memory of their time along the sea one of the brightest days of his life. It paled only in comparison to this day, the day when he married his love.
Cicely still wore her wedding dress, mainly because Harry refused to let her change, and her fingers crawled up the material of his pants stretched tight across his thighs. “Our friends are menaces,” she said under her breath and Harry snorted in response.
It was a sound she rarely heard outside of the comfort of their home. This Harry was the one she had pulled from his shell, the one who laughed and smiled and tickled her until she swatted at him to stop. To experience him like this out in public meant something, even if only Cicely knew it. It meant he didn’t feel like he had to hide anymore or pretend. That he could simply live for the first time in a very long time.
“I want another pint,” she told him, pressing the pads of her index and middle finger into the inside of his thigh, earning her a wide-eyed glance from Harry.
“Do ya now?” He replied, rotating his upper body ever so slightly, just enough so that he could face her full-on. “When I met you, you’d never even had one before, and now you’re askin’ me for another.”
He shook his head and Cicely leaned in slightly, the drunken haze of her mind letting the barrier she usually kept up between them in public falling. “I was corrupted, I suppose.”
His eyebrows lifted at her words, surprised to hear his normally innocent girl say such a thing. “Were ya now? And who by?”
“A man,” she answered, running her fingertips along the seam of his pants. “A man with bloody knuckles and a soft touch.”
Even though she meant it to be tantalizing, Harry couldn’t help the tug the words had on his heart. He had always feared what he did for a living would scare away the most precious thing in the world, but she managed to find his humanity amidst all of the pain he caused. “That man must be quite lucky,” he told her with measured breath, his hand heavy on her shoulder, “to have the honor of touching you.”
Cicely’s eyes didn’t leave his as her hand crept to his knee, running her finger in a circle along the inside. Harry gulped at the pressure and watched her closely as she leaned in, closing the space between them. “He is,” she said, “but he’s not doing it nearly enough right now.”
Just as he was about to respond, a glass slammed down onto the table and he looked up to see Tommy standing there, grinning ear to ear. “The newlyweds!” He said, spreading one arm out. “To Mr. and Mrs. Styles!” He raised his pint and the entire pub cheered, echoing his words as they took a drink.
Cicely had the wherewithal to smile and wave, but Harry was too distracted by what she had said. Suddenly, it felt like his purpose in life was to touch her, to feel her skin against his. And she was wearing too much fabric—the long sleeves, the gloves, the long skirt. He couldn’t see her in the way he needed, and the need was something carnal inside of him. The desire to touch his wife.
His wife.
“You’re my wife,” he said out of the blue, drawing her attention back to him.
“Pardon?” Perhaps she couldn’t hear him over the boisterous singing that had taken over the pub, but Harry couldn’t hear anything bu her.
“You’re my wife.” When he said the words he ran his thumb across her cheek, from the apple of it to her ear, before sweeping his digit down to the hinge of her jaw and the slope of her neck. “My wife.” He said in a whisper, as if in awe with the concept, the reality of it settling in for the first time.
Reflexively, she leaned into his palm, resting her head in his touch. “My husband,” she answered. “I can’t quite believe it.”
The smile he gave her was soft, the edges of his mouth curving upwards only barely, but the real smile was in his eyes. The sea of green that she swam in every moment of her life, the edges of his irises that she bathed in in her dreams. “Will it feel more real in the mornin’?”
“I don’t know,” she told him, because she didn’t. She didn’t know what the morning would hold for them, other than a train ride to a cottage where they were staying for a fortnight. “Perhaps.”
Gently, he rested his forehead against hers. “I don’t think it’ll ever feel real,” he whispered. “I can barely even process that you’re real sometimes, much less that you’re mine.”
This was something they battled constantly—the fact that Harry constantly feared losing her. It had happened once and neither of them wanted it to happen again, but for Harry it was his darkest nightmare, the one that rattled him to his core. Sometimes, they bled into the daytime and he struggled with the concept that she was truly there with him, that she wasn’t a figment of his imagination or an angel come to take him away.
Cicely had grown used to it, though, as much as it hurt her. She was used to his requests to remind him and she did so gladly, reciting their story in the darkness and the light, no matter what time of day he needed it. Sometimes he would call her on the telephone he had gotten installed so she could speak to her mother, and he would beg her in a broken tone to remind him, to remind him of reality. He’d call from the boxing ring, breathless and mind whirling, struggling to piece it all together and she’d help him. She didn’t mind. She only wished that one day he would understand that she felt just as lucky to have him as he did her. That he was just as precious to her, that she would fight for him for the rest of her days, that he was worthy of every second of joy they experienced. It broke her to see him in pain, and sometimes he struggled to understand that—that she loved him just as deeply as he loved her.
To remind him on this occasion, she lifted her hands to cup his face, and pressed a soft, chaste kiss to his lips. “Just as you are mine, my love.” Her fingers combed through his hair, the locks that she kept cropped to his preferred length. “And I will love you for the rest of my days.”
The pub around them continued to celebrate their union as the happy couple existed in their bubble, impenetrable from the love and adoration flowing between them. Cheers and song lasted well into the night, until the beer nearly ran out and Jack finally forced everyone out, the sounds of joy spilling into the narrow streets of Balsall Heath. The place where two people fell in love, despite who they were and the barriers that stood in their way.
The place where Harry and Cicely fell in love.
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Josiah demanded that Harry and Cicely let one of his men drive them home, saying that newlyweds didn’t walk home after the pub. So instead they ended up getting dropped off at Harry’s home, the black car pulling away from the curb and leaving them alone in the dark, quiet night. They still lived in the same home, the same green-wallpaper and small kitchen, but Cicely had made a few updates.
“C’mere,” Harry said, wrapping his arm around her waist and tugging her body into his.
“What are you doing?” She said in a harsh whisper when he picked her up, her legs draped over one arm and the other tightly gripping her upper body.
“What does it look like?” He asked, unlocking the door and pushing it open. “‘M carryin’ my wife across the threshold.”
Cicely giggled as he stepped inside, crossing the threshold that they had each crossed an innumerable amount of times, but for some reason it felt different. It felt different between Cicely’s white wedding dress hung from her body as he set her on her feet, and she held the her veil in her hands so it didn’t drag along the floor. It felt different because when Harry’s hand pressed into her back, there was a new ring present on his fingers—one that she had placed there.
Inside, the home was still Harry’s, but by this point it was Cicely’s as well. Photographs sat on the hall table, ones of the two of them—one from a horserace they’d gone to, Cicely laughing into Harry’s chest as he held her, another of them at the sea. She’d even put up one of her and her mother in the living room next to the one of Harry and his family—who hadn’t been present at the wedding, as much as she had tried to force him to invite them. The bookshelf was littered with Cicely’s favorite books and her many bookmarks laid on various surfaces in the house, random scraps of paper that she would tuck between pages. On the floors were rugs that she had picked out at the markets, warming up the house that was now her home.
In the kitchen was new cutlery and plates and glasses, ones without nicks at the sides. The pantry stayed stocked because suddenly it wasn’t just Harry who ate dinner at the small dining table every night, it was Harry and Cicely. Her favorite tea was tucked in next to his in the drawer, and she’d sewn napkins from their old curtains which she had replaced, claiming they needed more color in their home.
Upstairs, she’d replaced the sheets with a pristine white and the duvet cover was now a dark blue, a soft material she had searched high and low for. In the armoire were her clothes lying next to his, her dresses hung up in the wardrobe and her shoes right alongside his. On the bedside table was Cicely’s favorite photograph: one she had had Pippa take on their front steps when they’d gotten back from the sea, a rare smile on Harry’s face as he looked at Cicely, their eyes both filled with love.
Now, Cicely leaned against the banister and looked at her husband, her eyes drawing down his body as he locked the front door behind them. “Why are ya starin' at me?” He asked, stepping towards her, the whiskey and beer making his accent more prominent and his words clipped at the end.
“Hmm,” she murmured, sliding her palms up his suit jacket. “I was looking at my husband.”
“Were ya now?” Harry’s voice was rough as he said the words, his body closing in to hers and pressing her flush against the banister, her back digging into the spindles. “And?”
“And,” she replied, her hands slipping down, fingertips brushing over where she knew the barbells sat under his clothing, taking joy in the hollow groan that fell from his lips. “I think I’d like to undress him.”
The sounds that slid from Harry’s mouth were sinful, a combination of curses that she would never allow him to say in front of their children, her name, and wordless, broken, moans. “Would you like to do that here or upstairs?” He asked, leaning in and brushing his lips to her jawline, nipping at the thin skin that covered her bone, reveling in the gasp that left her. “Your choice, love.”
She pushed back his jacket, not so far that it fell off his shoulders, but enough that she could run her hands up his dress shirt. Then, with a steady gaze that left him gasping for air, she hooked her fingers in each of the buttons of his shirt, popping each one with precision. “Partly here,” she answered once she had access to his chest, her fingertips pressing into his warm skin, his mind going haywire no matter how many times she had touched his bare chest. Then, she leaned in and her soft lips met his sternum, leaving a trail of kisses and pulls on his skin, the pop of her lips when she drew away the only sound other than the light exhales of her name in the air. “And partly there.”
Harry would let her do anything. That had been established long ago. He was a mere mortal to her holy aura, just a scrap of paper in a book of poems that were all her compositions. He was hers to do as she wished, and he never desired to be anything else. “As you wish,” he rasped, eyes darkening when her leg hooked around his calf and tugged him closer.
It was as if a gun had been shot off, one of the ones that were tucked into the jackets of Josiah’s men—suddenly they were hands and lips, a flurry of touch. Cicely couldn’t get enough, her desire to touch him having built up all day and was bursting at the seams. All she wanted was his bare skin under hers, to touch him and feel every rise and fall of his body. So when she hooked her hands under his shirt and tugged, neither of them cared that the remaining buttons were still clasped and that they were pulled free from the thread. Neither of them minded when they fell to the floor along with his suit jacket and his shirt, the fabric long forgotten in favor of Cicely touching every inch of his chest.
“Ci,” he whispered when she licked across his collarbones, drawing a path and humming his name under her breath. “Ci, Ci, Ci,” he chanted, her name the only thought he could process at the sensation of her so close yet so far away.
Her tongue dipped into the hollow above where his bone jutted out, and then down, nibbling at the skin absentmindedly before dipping her head and sucking harshly on the swallows on his chest. She had a mission—she wanted to lick and pull on her favorite part of him, the piercings adorning his nipples, the very things that had so intrigued her the first time she had seen them. And when she did, Harry did the same thing he always did, gripped her hips in his wide palms and clenched his jaw, barely holding himself together.
Warmth spread across his skin as she licked up, down, and in a circle over his right nipple, a rumble from her throat making goosebumps rise on the area surrounding it. Her thumbs brushed up her sides, the feeling of her touch overwhelming his senses—he could smell nothing but her perfume, the smoke in her hair and the lingering beer on her breath. She was sweetness and Balsall Heath all rolled into one—she was home, the only home he had ever truly known, the only one that ever mattered. She was his, to have and to hold, for the rest of his days.
And he would never let her go.
Cicely could’ve stayed there for hours, neck bent as she licked and pulled at his nipples, the cold metal beneath her tongue and pressed against her lips, exploring the sounds he made and the way he touched her body. But Harry’s fingers curled into her hair and pulled her face up to look at his, their eyes meeting as their chests rose and fell.
“Love,” he murmured, irises blown out as he looked at her, thumbs brushing up her neck gently. “I need ya.”
She didn’t even need to reply, she just pulled on his neck and connected their mouths finally, the press of Harry’s lips to hers pushing every other thought in her head to the side. He consumed her, the imprint of his body against hers as he held her close, the pull of his teeth on her bottom lip, the soft chuckles leaving his mouth when she squirmed in his grasp. “Harry,” she said, words caught in her throat when he drew a line down her neck of searing kisses. “Upstairs.”
His head bounced up at that. “Yeah?”
“Mhm,” she answered, raising her ankle that was around his calf higher so it was hitched around his knees. “Want my husband.” Her sentences were incomplete, but they always were when they were like this. When their minds went blank, devoid of anything other than one another, their souls intertwined.
Harry’s eyes softened at her last word, hands falling from her ribcage to her hips. “Can I carry you?” He asked, knowing sometimes she liked to walk herself, but other times she didn’t mind it when placing all of her trust in him. Sometimes it made her feel powerless, the feeling reminding her of that dreaded day in the streets with her father and the police. When that happened, Harry let her lead the way, let her hold all the power in the moment so she didn’t slip into the depths of her mind as she sometimes did.
Tonight, Cicely said yes, the word light in the near-darkness of their entry hall. They’d turned on no other lights when they had entered, but they didn’t need them. They could describe one another perfectly without light, having memorized each other’s bodies long ago. But more than that, they could sense one another’s moods—Cicely knew what Harry wanted and needed, and vice versa.
They could survive in the dark.
They had before.
Harry carried her up the stairs of their home, Cicely’s lips sweeping across his shoulders like wildfire, hands curled around his shoulders as he held her in his arms. When they reached what used to be his room, and now belonged to the both of them, he set her down on the floor, knowing he would need her standing to undress her.
First, he bent to his knees and removed her heels, the white satin ruined from the mud in the streets, but he knew she didn’t mind. He placed them next to where she stood, balanced on the kitten heels, and then stood back up. “Turn ‘round for me,” he said in the quiet of their room.
She followed his directions immediately, turning so the back of her wedding dress was revealed, her veil forgotten somewhere downstairs. Harry’s fingers swept down her back, Cicely’s breath constricting at the sensation, and then popped each of the tiny buttons on her dress, revealing bit by bit of her skin.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, perhaps to no one but himself, but Cicely heard it. He said it every time he saw her like this, even if it was just the sliver of skin above her stockings, it was beauty to him. To see her bare skin was a sight he would never forget, and he always reminded her of how to him, she was the most stunning creature on Earth.
Then, his lips met her spine, and Cicely sighed, heavy and wet in the room, her hands reaching behind her to hold onto something—she caught the top of his trousers and curled her forefingers into them. “H,” she rasped.
“I’m tryin’ to savor you,” he said, humming against her skin. “Let me, please, love.”
She couldn’t refuse him, not when it was a request such as this. So she let him continue on his adventure, murmuring praises into her as he popped each button, imprinting his love on her skin so it would never leave her. It was like a tattoo, like the black ink on his body, except instead of ink it was the wet heat of his tongue and a trail of searing kisses.
Harry couldn’t tear his eyes away. He knew he was torturing her, but he knew she enjoyed the words he spoke and the way he touched her body. How he pushed the material off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground, the light weight of the silk hitting their wooden floors in a whoosh of air. And in front of him stood his love in nothing but delicate white lace. “Ci,” he whispered, fingers crawling down her exposed back, brushing over the back of her brassiere and down her spine to where the tops of her underwear laid.
Slowly, she turned, her body just a hair’s distance away, and he saw the rest of her body—the rise and fall of her breasts, the softness of her stomach, the angles of her hips and the length of her legs. The flush of her cheeks and the glow in her eyes meant only for him. “Your turn,” she said, and popped the button on his trousers, which were all that remained of his wedding attire.
“Wait—“ he said, grabbing her hands. “My shoes, forgot my shoes.”
She giggled and the sound pulled them out of the heat of the moment for just long enough for Harry to poke her side and fall to his knees, untying the laces of his boots and pulling them off, letting them fall to the side next to her heels. “Done?” She asked when he rose back to standing.
“Impatient,” he mumbled, pushing the hair back from her forehead and behind her ear.
She laughed softly, air from her lips hitting his chest. “Perhaps a bit.”
“Oh?” It had taken them so long to get to his point—where Cicely felt comfortable asking for what she wanted, feeling confident in situations such as this. What had changed was the realization that their time had no end date, no expiration, that they had forever together. There was a sense of calm and comfort in that discovery, and it had allowed her to open up a part of herself she never had before, the part of her that toyed with him and prodded and taunted him just as much as he did her.
Cicely returned to the task at hand, her hand brushing against his cock and smiling when Harry jerked under her touch. Then, she pulled down the zipper on his trousers, and let them fall to the ground. He was wearing boxers, a rarity for him, if she was being honest, but she decided to leave them for the time being.
For a breath, they stood and stared at each other, eyes searching one another’s and taking in the moment. And then, Cicely sat down on the edge of their bed and scooted backwards, her underwear riding down on her hips slightly as she moved, and laid back.
Harry couldn’t breathe for a moment. Despite sleeping with her every night, his body curled up against hers, he never tired of the sight of her spread out in front of him, of how she reached out for him with one hand, waiting for him to join her. He took her hand and his knees hit the duvet, inching towards her, his knees on either side of her body as he made his way up.
“I love you,” he murmured, resting his forehead to her cheek, head bent and eyes shut. He did this sometimes hen he was simply overwhelmed with his emotions, unable to even put them into words. His eyelashes fluttered softly against her skin, and her hands swept up his back, nails lightly scraping across his skin to calm him. “I don’t—I—“
“Me too,” she answered, knowing what he meant without even needing to hear the words.
He lifted his head, took one look at her face, and closed the narrow space between them, lips slotting between hers. Gently, he lowered himself, needing to be closer to her, wanting his skin pressed to hers, and placed his knees between her legs. He laid flush against her and Cicely loved it, adored how he let his weight drop to her, how he let himself go in her arms. Her knees moved upwards and her ankles hooked around his lower back, and when she did so, they both groaned, the feeling of their centers brushing lighting a fire in both of their bellies.
She needed more. Anything he could give her, she needed. She wanted it all, every part of him, forever. “For the rest of my life,” she murmured when his lips met her jaw, then her neck, and down to her chest. “I’m going to love you for the rest of my life.”
Harry pulled back ever so slightly, just enough to be able to see her fully. “Rest of my life,” he agreed. “Only you, Ci.”
With that, they were clamoring for one another, Harry unclasping her brassiere and pulling it away, her hands tugging down his boxers, desperate for him. It was as if it was their first time all over again, even thought it was anything but—they’d had one another so many times they couldn’t remember a night without each other since Cicely had returned to him. They didn’t know how to sleep apart, in fact.
When Harry pulled down her underwear and bent to lick into her, Cicely pulled on his hair softly, making him meet her gaze. “No,” she said gently, “need you.”
He looked at her, at the desire in her eyes, and moved back up her body so he was hovering over her. Then, he pulled her leg up so it slotted around his hips, and ground his pelvis into hers ever so slightly, just enough for his length to rub against her folds, her fingernails digging into the skin of his chest where he was bound to have marks tomorrow, but he didn’t mind. She would be the only person he would be seeing for days, anyways.
“Please,” she begged, voice breaking, fingers tugging on the skin at the back of his neck to pull him closer. “Harry.”
The way she said his name had him unraveling for her. “Okay, love, okay,” his forehead fell to hers, pants of air leaving both of their mouths, and they could hear nothing but each other. He reached between them, pumping his length roughly, desperation seeping through his body.
Her hand met his all of a sudden, palm enclosing around his, and she built a harsher pace, one that had him bucking against her hips and hissing through his teeth. When his eyes found hers again, she licked her lips slowly, and then she shifted, brushing his tip against her entrance.
She was wet, like she always was for him, and it made Harry’s hands curl in the duvet, trying to anchor himself as she slipped him inside of her. Every time she was warm, wet, and tight, accepting him willingly, her body arching into his and sighing in relief. “Ci,” he groaned, eyes fluttering shut as he pushed fully into her, feeling her walls constrict around him. “Fuck, love.”
And then he began to move, knowing she didn’t need much time anymore—from the way her fingernails dragged down his shoulder blades, he knew she was wound up as tightly as he was. He wondered if she had been thinking of this all day as he had, of having her alone, of having her to himself finally.
Now that he did, he never wanted it to end. The sound of her breathy moans in his ears, how she panted as he pushed slowly in and out of her, building a gentle rhythm because the emotions taking hold of his body wouldn’t allow for anything more. He wanted to show her with each press of his body how much he adored her, how she was his everything, how nothing could ever compare to her. She was chanting his name, mixed in with I love you and it broke him, a stray tear slipping from his eye that she kissed away, littering his eyelids with gentle caresses of her lips.
Cicely couldn’t think, much less find the words for how she felt in that moment. She had loved Harry from the beginning, had known he would be hers for just as long, and yet this felt new. This feeling of permanence; that no one could take him away, that he would always be hers and no one else’s. As he thrust into her, his face slotted against hers, their cheeks brushing every time he moved, not a centimeter of space between them, she didn’t know how it was possible to love someone this much. For it to overtake her every sense, for it to permeate every bone in her body, every part of her soul. He was everything to her.
“I love you,” he echoed in her ear, repeating it over and over again as his hips met hers. “Love you so much.” He was unabashed in his confession, needing her to know, and she did.
Her fingers found his hand, parting his digits so she could nestled hers between them, and he gripped her hand. She tucked her head, pressing searing kisses to every part of his face and neck she could reach, and Harry’s mind was short circuiting. He knew he wasn’t going to last long, but she was making it impossible for him.
How she was holding him inside of her, how she curled her body into his, how she held onto him like she was sinking and he was her life raft. Her bare skin on his, the brush of her breasts against the barbells tucked into his nipples, making his entire body even more sensitive. How she sucked harshly on his jaw, most definitely leaving a mark that she would giggle at in the morning when they woke up.
“Closer,” she begged suddenly, her request reminding him so vividly of one of their first times together. “I need you closer, Harry.”
He would give her anything she requested, and that one was first on his list. So he picked her up, just as he had many times before, arms curling under her back, and sat back on his heels. With her situated on his lap, her legs draped around his waist and her arms around his neck, there was nowhere either of them could escape to, their entire worlds caught up in that one moment. “Better?” He asked, pressing her hips down onto him more.
Her head tipped backwards and he took advantage of the exposed skin, nipping and sucking on her pulse point. “Perfect,” she rasped when he thrust up into her. Then she cursed and he smiled, loving when she let completely go and her posh self disappeared, replaced with the real Cicely who had no walls. Not for him—they’d broken them down long ago.
“Not going to last much longer,” he murmured, face nestled into the crook of her neck, buried deep into her hair. “Sorry, love.”
“Shh,” she said, squeezing at his hips as he pushed deeply into her. “Me either.” He was keeping the pace slow and it was killing her, but also making everything more intense, her boy craving each and every time their hips met. It was as if she couldn’t get enough, clawing at his back when he drove harshly into her than before, a mumbled apology leaving his lips.
“Ci,” he begged, not even sure what he was begging for, just her. Her. Something more, some more shred that she could give him.
She knew immediately, carding her fingers through his locks of hair and scratching at his scalp, a murmur of his name in his ear, and then she tightened around him. Her climax was rushing towards her in a storm, the sweat between their bodies and the press of their skin heightening everything about the moment, the hushed tones of love and desperation in their throats. “Stay inside me,” she whispered, lips brushing over his cheek.
“Wha’?” He asked, eyelids fluttering. He was so close that she felt it, his long eyelashes on her skin.
“Want it inside,” she repeated, not even really knowing the words for what she wanted, but hoping he understood.
“I—love, that means—“ A baby, he thought to himself, his hands tightening around her waist. They’d spoken about it, both knowing they wanted it, but they had said after the wedding. And now, he supposed, it was after the wedding.
“I know,” she said softly. “Please, H.”
His forehead rested against her clavicle, utterly overwhelmed. “Okay,” he said, voice hoarse from the prospect of their child mixed in with the love already rushing through him. It was too much—he could feel himself rapidly nearing his end, the buck of his hips speeding up. “I’m—“
“I’ve got you.” Cicely’s hands swept across his back and peppered his hairline with kisses, her legs tight around his waist. “I’ve got you, darling.”
Darling. That word was one she used rarely and only in private, but that made it even more meaningful. It made his heart clench, and when he lifted his head to let his eyes meet her, he was done for. She was crying, light tears streaking down her cheeks, but her eyes were filled with nothing but love, not a trace of heartbreak. No, she was crying for joy. From the knowledge that this love, it was unending.
That was what did him in. It was what had him stuttering in her grasp, body shaking slightly as he came inside of her, ropes brushing her walls, his thrusts slowing. He brushed her bud, not wanting to leave her behind, and their names mixed, one from each of them. Promises of love, echoes of adoration, reminders of what they meant to one another filled the room.
Cicely’s body was shivering in his hold, her high leaving her body mush. She could feel him inside of her, and she quite liked it, if she was being honest—liked having a piece of him left behind.
Her hands cradled his head and she gently said, “I love you, Harry.”
He didn’t even need to say it back, she could see the words written in his every feature, but he did anyways. “I love you, Ci. Always.” Then, he kissed her, letting their lips tell their story again and again.
Later, they laid in bed and whispered about their future together. He couldn’t help but sweep his palms over her belly where one day their child would rest. Before Cicely, Harry didn’t know if he would ever be a father. But now, it was the only path that was certain. A path with her, their child, their family, that was all he wanted. The rest of the world was meaningless without them.
Cicely’s fingers intertwined with his as they lay there, the clink of the metal of their rings softly sounding in the room. “Thank you,” she said.
He looked at her, curious. “For what?”
“Everything.” She didn’t have words for all of the individual things he had given her, and she hoped he would know what she meant.
And he did. He knew it all, every part of her, and adored each piece. He pressed a light kiss to her knuckles, and tucked her in closer to his chest, a silent answer that there was nothing to thank him for. That he would do it all over again with every reincarnation, that they would find each other again every time. After all, they were meant for one another, two halves to a whole.
Harry and Cicely, Cicely and Harry.
Until the end of time.
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series taglist: @autumn-sunflowers @afire-hes @harrydobedirectioning​ @harryinsweatersandbandanas @vapingisntmything @frindgeyy @froggystyles @magical-mischief-makers @heslilac @ursogoldenshan @hhh33-3l​ @grace-ful-gold​ @tbslenthusiast @smirkingstyles @taeboonie @samjo1986
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
(1/2) This one is pretty dark, lets take Crowley's incompetence to the logical conclusion, also the fact that despite what everybody says I think the player is meant to be a girl disguising as a boy. Beastmen (aka the Savannaclaw students) have a very keen sense of smell and despite reader's efforts, they find out shes in fact a female. Now leaving a sole female in a place filled with aggressive, horny dudes is never a good idea. This is where the angst/tragedy kicks in (continue in second ask)
Anonymous asked :
(3/3)-→ in a pool of her own blood, her skin laden with bruises and other unmentionable things. The ‘Claw students learnt about her secret and offered to leave her alone if she had sex with them, when she she refused they took her by force, but got carried away and she died in the process. What follows is complete chaos, students screaming in the halls, the dorm heads demanding the culprit to show themselves, Grim crying and screaming as other students enter the bathroom...
Since this scenario request wasn’t specified for any character, why not write for everyone? ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ For that reason alone, I’m going to title requests like these as “Imagine a dream with Yume” for easy distinction! (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
Also, was this request supposed to be split into three parts? I checked my inbox over and over again but I only received two though? Hm, weird.
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Such an unfortunate thing to happen to someone so loved...
It hurts.
Everything hurts.
Your vision was getting clouded over, dark spots slowly appearing one by one as unfamiliar hands travelled everywhere in your bare body. Who they belong to, you didn’t know and you didn’t care, you wanted nothing more right now but to throw them off you. Tears cascaded down your cheeks, struggling as someone’s grip on your throat tightened, forcing broken sobs to escape you. You tried to claw your freedom out, you tried moving your legs but each of your limbs were being held against your will. Even with the ringing that was slowly pulsating through your ears, you could still hear their awful snarls and comments, cruel laughter echoed throughout the bathroom walls.
“Hey, dude! Aren’t you being too rough? Little girly’s turning a bit blue, don’t you think?”
“Nah, she’ll be fine! God, she just feels so good, I can’t help but to lose myself!”
Bruises had begun forming on your body, anywhere your skin could expose itself to. Your usually healthy skin tone was now dirtied by these disgusting purplish marks and wounds, some still had been bleeding for a concerning amount of time now. You gasped desperately as the lack of air was seriously becoming a big problem for you, but they wouldn’t know that. No matter how much you struggle, they didn’t care, they didn’t even notice how much you wanted to voice out your complaints, but just have no way to do so. Instead, their voices got louder, more excited as the pain in your bottom region increased.
You knew there were risks of attending an all-boys magical school as a cross-dressing girl. You knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but where else can you go? It’s not like you wanted to be in Twisted Wonderland in the first place, you needed somewhere to stay. Besides, seeing your monster companion, Grimm getting so worked up after finally getting accepted, even as a half-student brought you unimaginable amount of joy. Until you could find a way to get back to your world, you’ll just stick around for as long as you can because you personally thought it was fun.
...Or at least, it was supposed to be fun even with all the risks.
But ending up at the mercy of a bunch of rowdy, good-for-nothing teenagers, coming from different dorms was definitely not a risk that you regretfully did not include to that list. They must be bored, to have taken the time to thoroughly confront you about exposing your true gender like this and using that secret against yours even though you were sure that you have been so careful all this time. The headmaster and Grimm were the only ones that know, probably the Dark Mirror as well, but you were careful enough that even Ace and Deuce who you spend so much time with have never even showed a single gaze of suspicion. You’ve met so much nice and kind individuals in this academy, even if some weren’t so obvious about it at first, that you forgot about the other side of the spectrum. This, you forgot about this, the dark side to every good side.
Night Raven College’s reputation would suffer if the word got out about it accepting a female without a single shred of magic within herself. Two automatically disqualified qualities from a prestigious school, that’s what Headmaster Crowley told you. You didn’t want to contribute to that, but you didn’t want to agree with what the men wanted from you. You may not be the most refined lady out there, but you have dignity like everyone else. Wanting to play with your body in exchange of your secret not getting out was definitely not a fair deal.
But it didn’t matter, it seemed.
Because before you knew it, they were all over you, dragging you one night in a bathroom unused when the moon is out. You were powerless, not just in terms of strength but in terms of magical proficiency, these were students who can pin you down with a single bat of their magical pens, you stood no chance. You screamed, you struggled, you cried, but it was all for naught, they got you where they wanted you. They took turns, filling you up in all your holes with no mercy, their hands fiddling with your flesh way too rough, biting you until you bleed, and even have the audacity to contaminate you with their disgusting seed. There was no love, no care, just brutality and vile, selfish thoughts they wanted to satisfy.
You just wanted them to get over with it already, to just leave you alone. It sickens you to wonder how these men could even walk again tomorrow, acting like nothing happened, acting like they hadn’t just ruined your life. You hated this, you wanted to go back to your dorm, to talk bedtime stories with Grimm. You wanted to walk to school again tomorrow with your fellow first years with a smile on your faces. You wanted to know more about your seniors and listen to their stories way back when they were still in their younger years.
You still wanted to do so much, much more in this unfamiliar world! But...
“Hey...Hey! Wait...! Stop! Fuck! She’s not breathing!”
...It seems like you were never going to live through those moments again.
Your lungs had given up on you, unable to pump any more oxygen to keep your heart pumping. You vision fades as the rest of your body shuts down, you stopped struggling and your limbs fall lifelessly. The hands on your throat loosened but it was far too late, the bone keeping your neck intact had been fractured from the sheer pressure. The panicked state of the perpetrators reflected themselves in your now hollow eyes, as they began to scramble, realizing what just happened. Funny, the rest of your body functions had given up, yet your hearing seemed to be the longest to stay up, at least enough to hear their voices, laced in fear.
“Idiot! I told you, you were being too rough! You straight up killed her!”
“H-How am I supposed to know that!? Don’t blame me! You were the one holding her down!”
“Aah...! W-What are we supposed to do...!?”
You would’ve had a sadistic satisfaction from the way they are acting, the regret building up in their minds. It serves them right but what was the point? Anyone could tell they were being regretful because they’re the ones who’s going to be in trouble, not because they regretted their actions towards you. In the end, they just blamed each other and went their own ways, teleporting without even bothering to fix your current state. Your major injuries were still fresh and bleeding without stop, they didn’t even try to at least clean that up? How rude.
An unfortunate ending isn’t it? No one would’ve expected a plot twist as gruesome as this one. This girl knew she was going to leave this world someday, this whole world of Twisted Wonderland. She doesn’t belong here and she certainly have people waiting for her in her own world. She knew that, she was a lot more aware than anyone after all. It’s just that this lone woman did not expect that she would be leaving both worlds at the same, the universe all throughout.
Ah...You just wished that this universe had given you more time, just enough to at least say goodbye to everyone first.
Continue the...Sweetness???
This is just sad. Yume and my Darlings needs a hug. (´;Д;`)
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narumi-gens · 3 years
ukai decides to propose. you've already talked about it, you KNOW you want to spend your lives together, he knows hopes you'll say yes.
(his heart might never recover if you don't)
so he goes about buying a ring. he steals a ring of yours when you're asleep for sizing purposes. selecting a ring wasn't as hard as he'd thought it would be — he knew his budget, he knew what you liked (he's known you your whole life). so he goes out and buys a pretty little silver band inlaid with three tiny diamonds. it's a little heavy on his wallet, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. you deserve nice things.
then came the planning of the actual proposal. this was, he realized, significantly harder than he'd thought it would be.
maybe he should keep it simple? dinner followed by a walk under the stars. he'll get down on one knee and—no. isn't that too cliché? he can do better.
an elaborate treasure hunt throughout your house? maybe he can make up clues based on all the memories you've made together: eating dinner on the floor the first night of moving in because the dining table was too hard to assemble, or learning the importance of separating whites and colours when your favourite white blouse comes out the washing machine stained a murky blue because of that damn t-shirt of his. or something to do with that time you'd had a stomach bug and he'd nursed you through it, staying by your side even after you'd thrown up on him.
no, he decides, it'd be bad if you couldn't connect the clues to these events. besides, he's no literary genius. coming up with elaborate prose for the clues is not a task he considers himself capable of.
then what?
ukai is standing in the karasuno gym, thumbing at the ring box sitting snugly inside his jacket pocket. he'd taken to carrying it around with him after you'd almost stumbled upon the ring hidden behind the plants you'd insisted on keeping in the house.
he's exhausted his creativity racking his brain for ideas. everything he could come up with seemed too cliché, or too cringey, or just downright stupid. he's suddenly brought back to reality when takeda clears his throat next to him, 'is everything okay?' falling from his lips, tone polite as ever.
fuck, he shouldn't be zoned out during practice. he really needs to put a stop to this. ukai looks at the man standing next to him. maybe he could help? takeda was a poet at heart, after all, so he should be able to come up with a romantic proposal.
ukai confides in him, accepting the congratulatory pat takeda gives him. by now, this little interaction has attracted the attention of the nut more curious of his boys. tanaka, nishinoya, hinata gather around him with kageyama creeping up behind them. he can tell that the other members are listening in too, just not as obviously.
'what's the matter, coach?'
ukai eyes his team. it wouldn't hurt to tell them, right? they don't really come into contact with you all that often, and when they do, it's for brief moments only, when you're popping in to drop off his keys or his wallet that he'd forgotten at home.
'i'm, uh, thinking of proposing. bought the ring and everything, just need to come up with a plan now.'
dead silence echoes throughout the gym before complete mayhem breaks out.
he's being congratulated simultaneously by sawamura, azumane, and ennoshita while tanaka and nishinoya are huddled together on the floor, weeping tears of happiness (at least, ukai thinks they're tears of happiness. you can never tell with these two.) tsukishima goes back to sipping at his drink, while yamaguchi's eyes light up, much like yachi's. shimizu, too, offers him a soft smile and a congratulations before tanaka pipes up.
'can we see the ring?!'
well, they already know, so ukai reckons it wouldn't do much harm to let them see it. he reaches into his pocket and takes out the box, flipping it open to reveal the silver band wedged inside. the team crowds around him, oohs and aahs falling from their mouths. tanaka nods somberly, a finger stroking his chin, as he mutters, "excellent choice, coach. she's going to say yes."
"who's going to say yes?"
fourteen pairs of eyes land on you, holding so many emotions in them, from amusement to sheer panic. you stand at the door of the gymnasium, holding ukai's lunch. he'd accidentally taken yours today, so you thought you could pop in to exchange it and see your boyfriend while doing so. but the scene you happened upon was completely unexpected.
ukai scrambled violently with something in his hands, while takeda looked like he'd seen a ghost. the kid with the goatee was panicky, his eyes flitting around for an escape. the two shortest of the bunch were fidgeting with whatever keishin was holding, apparently trying to help him with it.
keyword: trying.
all the jostling and shoving they did managed to knock the thing out of keishin's hands. you squint as it flies through the air — was that a box? — as keishin desperately tries to get to it before it lands in front of you.
he draws on every single diving receive he'd ever done in his entire life and swoops across the gymnasium, towards you.
he does not get there in time.
the box clatters to the ground in front of you, keishin landing there a second later. you're still stuck trying to process the situation, but you have enough presence of mind to lean down and pick up the box, finally being able to see its contents.
oh. oh.
keishin thumps the ground with his first before he looks up at you, eyes filled with resignation. he's quite the sight - his hair had slipped out of his hairband and his nose was bleeding. yet he drags himself to sit up on one knee.
you've already seen the ring. might as well get it over with.
keishin opens his mouth, ready to launch into an unrehearsed speech, cursing the universe with every fiber of his being for making things turn out this way. but you don't give him a chance to say anything.
his eyes widen before he's knocked to the ground by you flinging yourself on top of him. you're hugging him, face buried in his neck, whispering 'yes, yes, yes, always, a thousand times yes' and suddenly he can't bring himself to care about the awkwardness of the situation.
keishin laughs before sitting up, bringing you with him. he gently separates you from him before taking the ring tightly clutched in your palm and slipping it onto your finger. the whole scene feels a little too intimate for a high school gymnasium, but it's only fair that it happens here, he thinks. after all, this is where he'd realised he loved you, all the way back when you two had been first years.
he blinks back the tears suddenly clouding his eyes and restrains the urge to kiss you senseless right there. the two of you had created enough drama for the day. instead he settles for kissing the inside of your wrist as he laces his fingers through yours, before lifting them up in the air, as if announcing his victory.
the entire gymnasium burst into cheers once again. this time it was asahi and kinoshita in tears while hinata and nishinoya jumped around in joy. takeda was grinning ear to ear when he gave you his congratulations, followed shortly by daichi and sugawara. and you could've sworn you saw the senior manager's eyes flit to the bald-headed boy, a blush coating her cheeks. but that was something for another day.
today, right now, you would celebrate. sure, the proposal had been far from ideal, but keishin was yours and you were his and you found yourself wishing it would be this way forever.
i do not know what this is but this scenario refused to leave my mind unless i wrote it down aaaa
sorry for the long ass ask!! please feel free to ignore i just wanted to share ❄️
....anon....I am SPEECHLESS!!!! what did do to deserve such a wonderful anon who drops such amazing things in my inbox 😭😭 (and while I may be slow to reply bc...life...ugh... don't worry anon, I would never ignore something like this!!!! god, nothing gets me more than dorky, lame, grumpy ukai who's such a sweetheart and so soft and I'm just DYING over this.
everyone be jealous of my amazing anon 💕
(also don't catch me going through all my ukai wips that haven't been touched in a year+. nope, definitely not doing that... 👀)
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the-sinking-ship · 4 years
Top 5 of 2020
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged by @tackytigerfic and @sitp-recs (🤯🤯🤯) and I’m so honored!! Thank you!! I’ve seen this tag floating around and have tried to read every single one I come across because I absolutely love hearing the things authors appreciate about their work. I’m a big supporter of strong-arming friends into self-love because it is so easy to be overly critical of our creative endeavors. 
I’m pretty new around here (I’ve only been posting Drarry since October), but I managed to publish four fics, all of which I am proud of for completely different reasons.
I’m still heckin’ anxious about tagging others because I’m new/just getting to know people and worry I’ll be that annoying person where ya’ll are gonna see my tag and be like THIS BITCH AGAIN?! But I will probably retroactively tag some people if I notice they haven’t had a chance to do this. Everyone should take the time to reflect on their accomplishments, especially after this trash fire of a year. Ya done good!  
Anywho! Here we go. 
1. Criminal. I’m so proud of this fic because a) I love it b) I finished it and c) I actually published it. A tip of my hat to anyone and everyone who has ever completed a piece of writing over 50k because SURPRISE! It’s hard. But I also learned that I fucking love it. That it is what I do best. It is honestly my comfort zone, always has been and always will be. I wrote this fic in complete isolation. I hadn’t yet been introduced to all the lovely and supportive people in this fandom/on the Drarry Discord and wrote Criminal alone, without beta help or cheerleaders, which I’ve discovered is a very lonely process. I didn’t really know if anyone would accept my story or even read it, but I finished it anyway (which, for a person with a wicked case of praise kink, was honestly terrifying). I’m not at all ashamed to say that I’ve read the comments people have left on this fic dozens of times. I’ve felt that telltale lump in my throat because of them. I’ve left them in my inbox for days because just looking at them gives me hope and confidence that words I write can bring joy to others the way other people’s fics have brought me joy. 
2. Stupid Love. This was something I wrote in an almost feverish haze while editing Criminal. Tacky, if you’re reading this, I owe you a debt of gratitude because not only are you a gift to this fandom for your skill, wisdom, and infinite kindness, you are legendary for your fic recs. You were one of the first to shout-out this fic in the Drarry discord and act as my fic-pusher, and because people trust your impeccable taste, they read it. So, thank you for taking a chance on a newcomer.  
I’ve always been insecure about my voice as a writer as it possesses almost none of the qualities I admire in other people’s work (subtlety, nuance, restraint). It’s like, whereas I enjoy a nice glass of pinot noir because it is delicate, artful, and expertly crafted, I feel like I’m over here dumping half of bottle of tequila into a mug shaped like a cat and offering to my readers like eh?????  This piece was flamboyant and ridiculous and so very me, and the fact that people liked it as much as they did felt like a hug. It was the assurance I needed that there is room for my style in this fandom. 
3. Sweet Indulgence. Yeah, I called it that because that’s what it was for me. I’m just over here trying to have a good time and this was so fucking fun to write. It has a similar vibe to Stupid Love and I’m glad it made some people smile. And TBH, this was a big deal because I was scared shitless to tell @fictional that I was writing something based on her art because if she hated it I was going to have to dig a nice deep hole and start my life as a mole-woman. But look at me! Still above ground! And Lynn still talks to me!
4. Quicksilver and Phoenix Fire. This was SO HARD. I’m forever in awe of writers who can create such flawless works with so few words. This was my first ever prompt-fill/wc limit and although I was really self-conscious about it, in retrospect, I’m really pleased with out it turned out. I could have made this 10k, but enjoyed the challenge of working within parameters and think it was a pretty darn successful fic, all things considered.   
Here’s to 2021! I look forward to reading more, writing more, and interacting more. Thanks to everyone who reads/comments/tolerates me because I’m just over here doing what I do best, which is kick down doors to rooms where I’m barely invited, shouting some stupid jokes, and praying to jesus someone laughs. ❤❤❤
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jeoseungsaja · 3 years
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WHOOP!!!!!!! THE ALEX PROTECTION & STAN SQUAD COMING IN CLUTCH! I kept thinking back on the birthday wishes you sent me here via Tumblr as well and I couldn't stop thinking about wanting to do something that was hopefully equally sweet and awesome, TRUTH IS THOUGH, that I am no graphic expert and you will soon find that while my love for you is GARGANTUAN my skills can only helplessly dream to match that, BUT THAT DOESN'T DETER ME FROM INVADING BOTH OF YOUR INBOXES, in here first to match the Goblin Aesthetic, but most definitely on theimpalpable as well because literally no one will be able to physically hold me back from launching myself at you from literally every single angle I have at my disposal to say
That I get to sit here and send you birthday wishes at all makes it feel as though it's MY birthday, because knowing you and being allowed to call you a friend is literally better than Christmas and Birthdays and I don't know what combined, so I hope that the day as it will open up to you will be filled to the brim with things worthy of your soul, smiles and feelings of ease and relaxation, thousands upon thousands of opportunities (or even just a dozen, I don't want to challenge the universe to greatly, I know IT TOO is currently busy celebrating you, so it might not get to thousands upon thousands on time, I-) for you to feel as appreciated and valued as you SHOULD feel, AND THIS IS NOT TO SAY that you MUST feel this way, there is no pressure to feel anything at all, but it is to say that those that surround you should put IN THE EFFORT to make you feel this way, so I hope you're only (or mostly because I know Life™) surrounded by people who make you glad, happy, relaxed, delighted, to be surrounded by them, and that you get to eat your favourite birthday food, if you have anything like that ;W;
I hope that this turn around the sun ;W;W;W;W;W; has filled you with good moments, happy moments, that you've done things you wanted to do and not done things you didn't want to do, that you've had moments of full achievement, gotten to experience things you've always wanted to, gotten to see and hear things that have just felt so right for your soul to be exposed to and I hope that the next year, up until the next October AND WAY BEYOND THAT will be filled with an equal amount oR EVEN MORE opportunities for you to simply feel as warm as you make the people around you feel ♥
@mythvoiced ♚ and if you look closely, there's an ocean of my tears---
There aren’t enough words in the dictionary, there aren’t enough words created throughout humankind’s existence and evolution, there aren’t enough words pressed to books or other literary pieces to express how FREAKIN’ GRATEFUL AND APPRECIATIVE I AM OF YOU, there are NO WORDS, NOT ENOUGH WORDS, to let you know how much I LOVE AND ADORE YOU---
I am here, staring at this with the biggest smile on my face, just reading every precious word and every line; taking it in and embracing it as each paragraph feeds my heart and soul with so much warmth and joy and excitement and I JUST? I’M NOT SURE WHAT I DID, TO DESERVE THIS GOODNESS, THIS KINDNESS, THIS WONDERFULNESS, BUT I’M HERE WITH MY QUOKKA HANDS, READY TO TAKE ALL OF THIS AND EMBRACE IT TIGHTLY, THANK YOU SO HECKIN’ MUCH; THANK YOU. 
FIRST OF ALL, THE!!! BANNER!!! I’M CRYING HERE, I LOVE IT; I LOVE YOU!!! That you took the time to put it together MEANS THE WORLD, it also makes me go back to the scene of Goblin and you know, where she starts crying because she didn’t exactly expect anything when getting home yet she was welcome with those three sillies congratulating her with cake and all---WELL, THAT’S EXACTLY ME, CRYING HERE OVER THIS MESSAGE; BE CAREFUL, THERE ARE RIVERS ON THE FLOOR MADE OUT OF MY WATERWORKS AND THEY WILL CONTINUE TO FLOW FOR I-DON’T-KNOW-HOW-MUCH-TIME----- 
I’M JUST!!! So eternally grateful, not only because of this LOVELY message that I shall KEEP IN MY TREASURES, TREASURES I’VE FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH LENA STUFF(TM), but because of YOU, of your amazing presence, because of having the chance to meet you and getting the opportunity to know you and have such a BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP with you. You’re one of the kindest, most creative, most respectful and considerate, most amazing, most wonderful, most understanding, most thoughtful, brightest, most enthusiastic, most encouraging, MOST+(INSERT ALL THE POSITIVE ADJECTIVES HERE) SOULS IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND BEYOND; AND TO KNOW I GET TO KNOW YOU? TO SHARE THINGS WITH YOU? IT’S AN HONOR, IT’S A DELIGHT, IT’S A BLESSING I SHALL NEVER TAKE FOR GRANTED. 
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New ask game! Tag three creator's names and tell them what you love most about their work and why you followed them then put this message in someone's inbox to pass the message.
Oh goodness only tag three??! Oh no!! Thank you though ooh!! My brain is still on a frazzled dizzy Merry-go-round from finishing and posting that pizza piece god that was so tiring- so many pro heroes in one piece....anyways sorry get ready for a paragraph each because I love you all!
@ohpleaseiwillendyou okay, so first of all, Camila I love you 🥰 your angst and writing is absolutely superb and never fails to put me in a better mood and give me motivation whenever I read it!!
I initially followed you because I saw you comment on one of my first posts that you also shipped edgejeanist and then I saw you writing about edgeshot and honestly I saw that one single headcanon post and decided that I’d follow you and that your content is amazing, and I was not disappointed at all, all of your posts fill me with pure happiness! Love you so so much my fellow angst loving edgejeanist and edgeshot appreciator ahaha ❤️
@frelmidja oh goodness me I am absolutely physically in love with your art- all of your amazing details and beautiful everything is just fantastic and aaaaaaaa!!!! I don’t have words, I just love you and your art so much ahaha...
I started following you when I first got into the bnha fandom I think, because I was just thinking about how I really liked ectoplasm and power loader as characters and started thinking about shipping them....and then I saw your art and I was completely hooked into it as a ship! Then I saw all of the rest of your amazing art and wow I just was so happy seeing it all your art just brings me great joy whenever I see it and I cannot stress how much I smile whenever I see that you posted/reblogged something and seeing it come up on my dash! Ahhh I love you and your art and your amazing content!!! 🥰
@palettepainter aaaaaaaaahhhh your fantastic art and your gorgeous and brilliantly thought out characters!!!!! It’s all amazing and beautiful and oh my goodness I love it so so much! You are fantastic and every time I see your art it makes me smile so so much!
I started following you because I saw that you shipped and drew ectoloader and I was drawn in and ever since then my dash just gets better and better every single time I see your posts. Your art is just so cute and I love love seeing these great characters in your style!!! Every single time I see one of your amazing ocs and your art and beautifully thought out backstories and family characters it just makes me so happy and aahhhh I’m so bad with words but I love you and your amazing art!!!!! ❤️
Aaaahhhhh sorry I got carried away but gosh I love you all so so much!!!! Thank you anon for giving me this opportunity to ramble about how much I love my beautiful mutuals!! (If, perhaps, I got this in my inbox again, then I can ramble about some more because just three tags in one post is definitely not enough for how many of you I want to ramble about with how much I love and appreciate you- literally all of you ahah)
I guess I’ll pop this into you guys’ inbox to pass on this lil tag game and spread some nice messages and positivity wooh!!! (If you want, you don’t have to aha it’s just a nice lil thingy to do for fun I guess and yeah!)
This eclair is very happy, and appreciates you all!! I love you! And please, if you haven’t already, please go and check these guys out they are absolutely fantastic!!!
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thisuserlovesnayeon · 4 years
hello everyone! well i dont know who i mean by “everyone” considering my blog is basically an echo chamber for my own thoughts and feelings but nevertheless hello! as you may have seen already loads on your dash, everyone’s whipping out the end of year shoutout posts thanking the people who have made this dark hellhole seem a bit brighter. im going to do the same - so to all the people tagged below thank you very much for your services to my mental wellbeing!! as an avid fanfic consumer i will say the amount i interact with said fanfic writers is quite atrocious - something I hope to improve in the new year. so without further ado, here are some people id like to say thanks and well done to!
🌟 @starrychannies - thank you for being the first skz blog i decided to follow since stanning!! your fics are so beautifully written and you just have this way of writing that fills me with what i can only describe as warmth and love. the little details you put in and how you write the characters (both skz and the reader) is what keeps me coming for more. its like i feel a genuine connection with the characters that rarely occurs in fics it seems and im very grateful for your talent - along with the memey gifsets and picures of course! i genuinely hope 2021 is a gorgeous year for you!
🌷 @akinnie75 - where on earth do i even begin!!! i remember stumbling across your blog on a sunny june afternoon and suddenly it was time for dinner, id read all of your fics multiple times and i could barely remember that the BTS members werent really princes or ghosts or even sociology majors! the way your stories cascade across the page like a giant waterfall is something i havent seen in literature for a really long time. again, im a sucker for characterisation and you absolutely nail it every single time. thank you so much for the work you produce and once again i hope 2021 brings you joy and happiness.
⛩ @chenle - if we’re talking about blogs that fed my skz addiction, it would be a crime not to mention you. i literally vivdly remember sending you an ask saying I dOn’T eVeN kNoW wHo StRaY kIdS aRe YoUr FiCs ArE nIcE tHo and look where we are now. i can sense 2020 was a tough one, as was the case with so many people and whilst a part of me is sad you are no longer writing, i am mostly very grateful for the vast expanse of fics and ideas and stories and headcanons and everything else you blessed your cult with. i sincerely hope you can take this opportunity to rest and rejuvenate and whatever path you choose to take i will support you all the way.
🎨 @ofkimtaehyung - although i mentioned my avid consumption of fanfics, i do enjoy the occasional gifset and fanart too. whilst im past my brief tryst with BTS (she says 👀👀) one would have to be blind to ignore the immeasurable talent you hold. how you manage to manipulate music videos and photoshoots into concert ticket stubs, movie posters and broadway leaflets is honestly beyond me. BTS are already 7 of the most handsome ethereal men to exist and your sublime editing means they end up looking even more heavenly. i hope 2021 brings rewards for your work because it is seriously amazing!
⛓ @anqeluv - your changing aesthetics as well as the 2020 kinktober masterlist were all that i needed to be drawn in. the way you write the filthiest things in the most simple and eloquent manner is severely understated. lots of people tend to go overboard with the ~naughty~ scenes but you keep it the perfect balance of classy and downright filthy which is much appreciated. im very excited to see that you are possibly considering writing for ateez as well - who are one of my newer fav groups! i very much look forward to all that you will bring in 2021 and hope you are safe and well.
🐈 @chaoticminhos - it was priceless that pulled me in and all the rest of your gorgeous fics that have kept me here! and boy am i not complaining. you have such a gentle (ironic for someone called chaos i suppose) way of writing in my opinion, that keeps things flowing and simple without unnecessary embellishments and i just adore it. priceless, in my humble opinion, is such a classic that i keep coming back to. i sit back in awe at the quiet progress of their relationship every goddamn time (as though im reading it for the first time) and im very grateful for the experience. i hope 2021 brings you lots of light and positivity.
there are so many other blogs that have helped me get through this year - whether it be with their creative content like fics, their personalities and jokes shared on their blogs or even advice given to their anons. im sorry i couldnt mention everyone, but do know that if i follow you you hold a very special place in my heart and im very grateful to all of you content creators. people dont appreciate what you do enough, and instead of offering feedback and compliments you get attacked by rude anons demanding more of your work, regardless of what your personal situation might be. you dont deserve this at all and i do hope people have worked on their manners during quarantine now that we have had the time! anyway, to close off, even if you havent done anything this year, im still incredibly proud of you for making it this far. whether we’ve talked before or not (we probably havent im a bit of a hermit i’ll be honest), my inbox is always open. if you need a friend to joke with, a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to - im here. have an absolutely amazing NYE and lets make 2021 our year!!!!!
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itsbuckysworld · 5 years
What’s on your back?
Pairing: BUCKY x Single Parent Reader AU
Prompt: Anon asked: #84 Drabble request please. (really old ask from when I did Short Bucky Drabbles  - pick a number from this list )
This is also my entry for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan��: Star’s multi fandom writing challenge. My prompt is Single Parent AU
(first of all, wow this is from SO FUCKING LONG AGO I haven’t been writing but I felt like writing again today, picked a random forgotten ask from my inbox and am currently praying and doing every ritual in the history of the world so that this writing impulse continues.)
Also this is just short and sweet and fluff and badly written because I’m off my game 100%, like how does one even write prose? I've been only writing scripts for a month, idk how to do this anymore
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  Bucky’s footsteps have always been very silent. Call it a curse – or a blessing – result of having night shifts most of his life and just being a rebellious teenager, getting in at late hours of the night, tip-toeing so as to not wake his mother or roommates.
Him sneaking up on you with great ease has been a staple since you first met him and it’s almost impossible to get him back. “I’m like a spy babe” he’d say “you can’t out-spy me” and it was true. No matter how hard you tried, he always knew. 
That added to his prankster self equalled many and many little jump scares. And he’d time them perfectly too. For a while you expected them and then when the anticipation died down, he’d strike again. Coming up from behind you and tickling you into his arms. 
He would do it to your daughter Ellie as well, but she loved it, so much so that now she was becoming a little prankster herself, trying to spook you left and right – although to be completely honest, 90% of the time you and Bucky both acted surprised just to see her giggle at your exaggerated scared faces. 
It always warmed your heart seeing Bucky play with her, even when the game was scheming how to scare momma. The two of them had all of your heart. 
Finding Bucky had been your second biggest blessing, right after Ellie, and seeing them get along as well as they did? Well, that was everything to you. 
It was a warm summer evening when it happened. You had spent the day finding ways to keep your daughter entertained as the last few days of summer vacation rolled around. Summer camp was over, it was just you and her – and almost always Bucky – and toys and movies. 
Bucky had taken her upstairs for a much needed bath and then she was tasked with picking up her toys for the day, while you cleaned around the mess that was a day of drawing and cooking.
The kitchen smelled like freshly baked cookies and you scooped crayons and markers from the counter and into a bag filled with tons and tons of colored pencils. Thankfully no walls had been colored in the activity this time around. You admire your little girl’s pieces of art. Cats with wings, happy trees, polka-dotted flowers outside a rainbow colored house, and one drawing of a happy family of three that made you stop in your tracks. 
Ellie’s representation of herself stood in a red dress and highlighter yellow shoes, holding hands between two drawings of a man and a woman, clearly marked Mom and Daddy Bucky.
“What’s that?” Bucky’s voice startled you, making your heart race even faster than it already was. Damn him and his silent feet. You turned around in a hop, hiding the drawing behind your back, and seeing his smug smile paint his features. 
“Hm?” you tried to act nonchalant, step around him and leave the room, but he wouldn't allow it, instead your actions making him even more curious. 
“Babe? what's on your back?”
“What are you hiding?” his tone was playful as the two of you danced around the kitchen counter, him trying to get the mysterious paper from your hands. He was into the game while your mind was busy overthinking the drawing.
It wasn’t that it was wrong of Ellie to be thinking of Bucky as her dad – for fuck’s sake it gave you chills to think about it, the good kind. But it was something that you and Bucky hadn’t really talked about. In fact, Ellie has probably only called Bucky dad by mistake a total of 2 times in the years he’s been in your life, and he had never heard it. It’s just...
What if Bucky didn’t want that?
He wasn’t only light on his feet, he was also quick, and before you knew it he had tricked you into a corner and reached over to grab the paper. He kept it out of your reach, laughing as he unfolded the corners and took a look. 
His eyes lingered as the laughter died down and your teeth found comfort in bitting down on your lip. Shit shit shit. 
Bucky gave you a long look, mouth hanging open in disbelief, and then his eyes danced back and forth between you and the small drawing.
“Wha- I” he stuttered. The silence felt heavy, almost deafening. Your chest felt a sledgehammer trying to tear down a wall of bricks – thump, thump, bang, bang – and the room grew smaller and smaller. The happy chills that ran down your whole body mere seconds before, were now little bumps of dread covering you from head to toe. 
And then Bucky’s lips turned into a small smile. Painting shaking lightly in his hold.
Bucky looked at himself in it, a bubbly teary laugh escaping his lips, as he took in his doodle figure dressed in very tall boots and a bright pink tie, and the whole look was tied together with scattered brown dots that made up his beard and spikey black hair.
“Buck?” your voice was small barely above a whisper. Bucky’s sniffles echoed around the room. “are you mad?” his head shot up to look at you. Before you could process what was happening, he had you pressed to the fridge and between his arms, kissing you madly. 
“Mad? How- Fuck, this- I’m the happiest man alive, doll” His words slurred, out of breath from kissing you. 
His forehead was pressed to yours, the tip of his cold nose caressing the tip of yours, and he didn’t dare open his eyes as tears slid down his cheeks. And he laughed, oh how he laughed, so full of joy and whole. 
“I-” he stuttered, pressing kisses to your lips before he took in a long deep breath. The breath before he bared himself to you, fingertips caressing your jaw. “Y/N, I’ve had a ring in the inner pocket of my suit jacket since you told me you loved me too last spring. You and Ellie - you’re my girls, I- Gosh I can’t imagine being without you two. You girls are my family, you’re it for me”
Under the blinking cold light of your kitchen you had never felt warmer, not from the summer heat that clothed your house, but from love for the man that stood before you. 
“You’re it for us too” you answered in a truthful sigh, melting into his figure. 
The piece of paper that crumpled between your two bodies in your embrace was just the first of the collection of family portraits that would litter your house in the days and years to come, but definitely Bucky’s favorite, for it was the fire that ignited him to ask you to marry the fool that he was. A fool who adored you and your daughter madly.  
Thanks for reading!
I haven't written anything for this blog in ages. I’m very out of the loop. I’m sorry. I hope you enjoyed this either way. 
Love, L
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neonlaynes · 5 years
fic + writer appreciation post !!
 @ritahaeworth is /everything!!!/ any time she uploads/updates? the speed at which I drop everything to read her fic is incomprehensible. her work is evocative, raw, rips out your heart and I adore every second of it. lipgallagher on ao3.
@flippyspoon //The Buddy System 
I remember reading this back when I got into Harringrove in Feb 2018, Billy and Nancy friendship combo is something I never knew I needed but they are absolutely savage and a Menace!! love that for them. flippy is fantastic at serving up that sweet sweet fluff with a dash of angst!
@tracy7307 // Take Me with U
another fluff master; they go CAMPING!! tracy captures the tentative first few steps before a relationship so well for steve and billy; that slow burn is so rewarding!! imagining them under the stars, gazing into each others’ eyes...how blissful!
@granpappy-winchester // cherry 
full disclosure I do and I Will love everything sara does ... be it art or fic. cherry brings forth such a lovely imagery of a soft billy getting in touch with who he is and who he wants to be, and as always the interactions between him and steve are delightfully bantering!!
Little Beast by retoxification // the first few chapters broke my heart with how they wrote the tenuous relationship blossoming between steve and billy after how much billy hurt steve, and how billy navigates his guilt. lots of tender, raw moments.
@twobrokenwyngs // the only thing constant
the quintessential fic of “show, don’t tell”. they weave enough of an image of what billy and steve were like -- and leave just enough holes for you to fill in the gap, to wonder about their past. it’s what keeps you on the edge of your seat and waiting with bated breath. billy’s pining is so palpable, I just want that boy to be happy!!
@yolo-contendre​ // east of eden (and going west)
childhood friends AU.......and billy forever pining.......my god. it’s unhealthy af for him to be so over the moon on steve and dependent on him that he’s self-sabotaging in order to gain a scrap of steve’s attention....but I live for it. I’m anxious as to what will happen!! 
@pretendimstraight // i haven’t forgotten you yet
looks like I have an inclination for “lost love regained” relationships......ugh!! steve admitting billy was the best thing to ever happen to him ... billy’s rightful indignation at steve’s departure, them reconciling!! the dialogue is so well written!!
 @eternalgoldfish // tides will bring me back to you
I should Not spoil anything so basically: ghost billy. the interactions between characters and the characterization of everyone is just pure joy! so excited to see this fic update in my inbox, and I’m holding onto the hope that...it’ll all work out in the end. 
Yourself or Someone Like You (aka Steve and Billy are In Love) series by halfempty // currently 700k of slow, simmering tender love. I am so amazed at their dedication and the fact that when they update it’s usually 10k+ a chapter? so it’s always a treat to get comfortable and savor their writing!! I promise this series is well worth your time.
@highon85 // Kill me with your smile
this was so so sweet!! always love the secret admirer leaving gifts trope, and v did such a lovely job with billy’s pining -- my favorite kind of billy!! also, of course if you’re more comfortable with it -- I would LOVE to see more of your art too, your work is exquisite!!
@hoppnhorn​ + @the-copperkid // if you don’t like the company, let’s just do it you and me 
🔥🔥🔥 what a combo, what a duo. billy’s gross pining + steve indulging the man - chef’s kiss. both authors also have stellar portfolios of solo works, so please check them out!! some personal favs: rachel with her motogp AU, and the-copperkid with a modern missed connections AU!
@brawlite +  @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger // Wicked Game(s)
another dynamic duo!! I LOVE it when ABO tropes are subverted!! as always, they excel in crafting such a heady and sensual air whenever billy and steve interact in any capacity beyond being just friends. some personal favs: lane with and plenty of seeds in a lemon where billy pretends to be steve’s weed dealer and cass with Under the Covers which is Basically a classic now? and also there’s nothing wrong with me (loving you, baby) , which I only NOW discovered?? coworkers steve and billy is just so good!!
come on (you stranger, you legend, you martyr) and shine by buckyjbarnnes
post-s3 tender goodness -- billy’s got some powers! you feel as if you’re a present bystander during scenes - you can feel the train of thought running through both billy and steve’s heads -- and isn’t that something!
@hexlikesramennoodles // This Jelly
super hot and heavy, mysteriously attractive man turns up and is Practically a neighbor with how often he’s there for work anyway, and gradual falling in love? sign me up!! I also have to thank hex for the imagery of billy covered in beautiful tattoos as well...what a vision!!
@ihni // we stan a multitalented star...what can moa NOT do?? fic, art(both realistic/stylized/cartoon), poetry, sewing....wowow!! check out her art here and her writing here ; you can feel the love she puts into all her work!!
truly, this fandom has been so wonderful to share in!! there’s a plethora of amazing fics and writers that I simply cannot fit all my thoughts into one post -- I appreciate every single one of you. happy fic writer appreciation day!!
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