#Katsuyuki Sumizawa
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tinyozlion · 6 months
“And Its Name is επυον”: Where Did Epyon Come From, Literally and Figuratively?
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On the pillars before the Oracle of Delphi, the navel of the ancient world, an inscription carved read: “know thyself”. 
Inside the Oracle’s inner sanctum sat the Pythia, bent over smoking fissures in the temple floor, breathing the sacred poison that would let Apollo in. It is a dreadful ecstasy– dangerous, body-wracking; gaining knowledge of the future shortens hers. 
Far in the future, a man exiled to a gilded oubliette speculates his own worth and relevance to history, surrounded by ghosts, becoming a ghost himself. Alone with his doubt, he looks for the god in the machine, seeking answers: “Why do we fight? For what should I fight?”
But the god he built is silent.
The world of automated warfare becomes increasingly bleak and devoid of reason. He is terrified that the pilots who so inspired him will lose their purpose just as he has, and join him in miserable freefall. 
Out of this wild abyss Treize builds the Epyon. Not for himself–  he will never pilot it. There is almost nothing of Treize in this suit, not that we can recognize from its exterior. It is not the heroic Tallgeese with its Attic crest– it is something clawed, stygian, one of the bat-winged Erinyes with a torch and whip. 
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Epyon is not a weapon; it is a punishment. It is retribution for a world that has forgotten its humanity, its rites, its propriety. For its pilot, it is a scourge– the cracking whips of the Furies in their brain, driving them into a frenzy. Madness. Holy poison, to let the future in. 
Its name, επυον, is meant to mean "Next", or “After”. 
To guide the future, you must shorten yours. 
You must not be a victor, when you pilot this suit. 
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Where did Epyon come from, in the mind of its creator? Everything we see of Treize forms a cohesive aesthetic: Roses, swords, romanticized old-world decadence, heroic motifs, gold, blue, white, red. Where did this thorny, tyrian-purple chimera live in him? Shouldn’t we have seen it lurking somewhere? Or does it seem to come out of nowhere precisely because he designed it to be his antithesis? 
Whether or not “Frozen Teardrop”, the novelized sequel to Gundam Wing, can be considered canon is a source of contention amongst many fans, but looking at it purely as a way to judge script-writer Katsuyuki Sumizawa’s intentions when he wrote the series, I find many parts of it to be informative. 
To paraphrase the fan-translation, it states that Treize found blue and white to be emblematic of heroism, colors associated with victory, and so their complementary opposites, black and red, could be seen as the colors of the defeated, associated with loss. For Treize, defeat and loss are tied inexorably to his vision of the future: “it was the defeated who changed the era and began the next”, as it says in the novel. 
Epyon is meant to negate the ideal of the conquering hero, the counter for a world beset by victorious cowards who command legions of dolls to do their killing and dying for them. As Treize designed it, Epyon has no projectile weapons; it is a suit purely for one-on-one combat, a suit that demands you risk everything when you fight.
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No surprise then, that he gives it to the first Gundam pilot he meets– remarkably, the one whose self detonation caused everyone in his orbit to question their involvement in the war-- though one gets the feeling that any of the pilots would do. Treize hopes that Heero will use the Epyon to navigate the chaos to find the true purpose he is fighting for, and determine what course the future will take. 
But Heero has never been concerned with this sort of navel-gazing, and has no interest in discovering whether or not battle itself has a grander purpose or ultimate meaning. He fights the enemy in front of him and will continue to do so until either his life, or the supply of enemies, runs out. Heero does not overthink the future; he does not dwell on consequences. Treize does nothing BUT overthink the future and consider the fractal spread of consequences. They are mutually incomprehensible to each other, but perhaps not at cross purposes. 
Heero enters the cockpit convinced that he is expendable and redundant, that his only goal is to survive. When he returns from his test flight in Epyon, he can barely stand or speak. From that point on, he thinks about the future, about who and what will be important for what comes after the fighting has ended.
Eventually, the Epyon passes to the only person more disillusioned and estranged from his sense of purpose than Treize is– to Zechs, where it seems it was always meant to go.
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• How And When Was Epyon Built?
Whew! Now that the metaphysical stuff is out of the way, let’s talk about the physical development of Epyon, and how that must have come about.
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As we know, after his confinement by Romefeller, Treize, lurking around with the lights out and questioning his place in the universe, uses his now copious free time to build this gundanium dominatrix using only his laptop and the power of depression.
Now, even if we are to accept that Treize is a programming and engineering savant on top of all his other accomplishments, it would still be beyond even His Excellency’s considerable talents to pull an entire Gundam out of a hat in the basement of an abandoned Disney castle. 
Where did he get the gundanium? The crew? The construction equipment? Isn’t he under house arrest? Why would Romefeller leave him unsupervised to build a demon robot that predicts the future? 
These questions have been annoying the fandom since 1995. But, if you look carefully (VERY carefully, one might even say obsessively), it's possible to find the connective threads that make Epyon’s construction less of a magic trick. 
--Let’s go through the list of these unclarified canonical whoopsie-daisies in order of most to least glaring!:
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If Treize is being kept in confinement in the Romefeller headquarters, why is he allowed to design and build a mobile suit?
*:・゚✧ Our princess is in another castle! *:・゚✧
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The mansion that Treize goes into during episode 27 is NOT the castle that we see him in during episode 34. This switcheroo would probably have happened sometime in the MIDDLE of episode 27– which I guess might as well be the case, since episode 27 is a dreamlike, nonlinear stroll through Treize’s spiraling existential crisis.
Between Treize being confined in the Romefeller headquarters and developing the Epyon, Treize is in fact liberated by the Treize Faction and moved to the blue-roofed castle in the middle of the forest near the Luxembourg Base, which is where the faction has made their headquarters.
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Presumably the crew and equipment needed to actually manufacture a new mobile suit were available at the base.
Treize’s confinement at this point is largely self-imposed; he could rally the factions loyal to him and make a move on Romefeller (as he does later), but he doesn’t believe he has the ability or the right to do so. Instead, he builds Epyon, and just kind of winds it up and lets it loose on the world to see if anything interesting happens.
And it does! The interesting very much happens.
Where did Treize get the gundanium alloy to build a Gundam?
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The shipment of gundanium that Heero destroys in episode 4 was being transported on an OZ carrier, and it had to have been going somewhere. This gundanium was ordered WAY before Zechs’s gundam rebuilding project, so its purpose is left unidentified– someone in OZ clearly wanted to experiment with this new material for developing mobile suits. 
Adding to that, the gundanium that Zechs had access to when he was rebuilding the Wing Gundam had to come from somewhere, and that somewhere was probably the very deep pockets of a guy who likes to keep his best friends happy.
Regardless if any given shipment of gundanium made it home in one piece, what it means is that OZ has a way of obtaining gundanium, and if OZ has it, then Treize has it.
How would Treize know how to build a Gundam?
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During the process of rebuilding the Wing Gundam from the ground up, Zechs and his engineers would probably have kept extensive records and made new Gundam blueprints that Treize would know about. Also by this point in the series, several Gundams and their pilots have been captured, and the Gundam’s engineers forced to build Vayeate and Mercurius for Lady Une. OZ would therefore have all the data they need to build a fresh Gundam, and once again: if OZ has it, then Treize has it.
Okay, but how would Treize know enough about the ZERO system to be able to reverse engineer it?
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As mentioned in the entry about the ZERO system, the AI of the Taurus mobile suits eventually becomes the Mobile Doll AI. This is a predictive battle algorithm OZ already had in the works long before the Wing ZERO was discovered. 
Additionally, Treize is likely to have had access to the data being recorded by Trant while his team was researching the ZERO system, even if he was getting it covertly via a Treize Faction infiltrator, or a member of OZ who was still loyal to him. 
How does Treize know so much about designing mobile suits and their cockpit systems?
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One has to remember that Treize was the instructor at Lake Victoria Base (the same position Noin holds when we first meet her in the series), responsible for training OZ’s elite pilots, and (according to “Frozen Teardrop”) involved with crucial tactical developments and improvements to OZ’s lineup. 
Yes, he’s a fancy-pants aristocrat, but you can’t say he doesn’t know his way around a mobile suit. He’s best friends with Zechs, after all– nerds of a feather flock together.
But how would he know to program the security system to accept Heero Yuy?
Well, ever since he was captured and hospitalized Heero’s biometric data would have been on file with the Alliance military, and therefore available to OZ, and therefore (again) available to Treize– so by now His Excellency will have certainly been made aware that Heero’s bones run on a third-party Adobe Photoshop plug-in.
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But who cares about that crusty old data? All of the Gundam pilots have been accounted for and fingerprinted and scanned and microchipped up in Fortress Barge! They could probably 3D print Heero Yuy out of PLA and sell action figures if they wanted.
As to why Treize picked Heero specifically, I have two theories:
The first is that he simply programmed the computer to accept any and all Gundam pilots that might want to drop in for tea and assassination (and probably Zechs too, just in case he was in town).
The second is that Dorothy’s presence in the Sanc Kingdom means that Treize has a little bird keeping him informed about everything happening there, including that both Heero and Quatre are attending the Peacecraft’s School for Wayward Radical Pacifists. 
True, Dorothy is technically there to be her grandfather Duke Dremail’s little bird informant, but Dorothy’s loyalties are her own, and she very much likes and respects her cousin Treize. She’s probably beaming news of the Gundam pilots directly to him on their shared eyebrow-frequency the whole time she’s there.
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Eyebrow-to-eyebrow communication.
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As one final note– I’m aware that the more recent manga adaptation, “Glory of Losers”, contains its own version of events that attempts to reconcile the building of Epyon with other events in the series. However, while I appreciate that they made an attempt to resolve the big, lingering Epyon Questions, I find that like most of their retconned material involving Treize, I… 
I don’t like it. 
Or to put it less personally, I think it creates an even more dubious timeline of events that is somehow less credible than the original. In this version, Treize begins the planning and construction of both Epyon and Tallgeese at the beginning of the series, before the original Tallgeese has even been brought into play and LONG before the ZERO system is introduced– somehow with the foreknowledge that these suits will be vital for the development of the new era. 
I think this is a contrived way of making Treize into an omniscient puppet master who was retroactively steering everything in the correct direction from the very beginning, and was therefore always right and always assured of his role in the future– and I think that does his character an incredible disservice. In a story about the deep significance of changing people’s hearts and minds, the fact that Treize is retroactively scrubbed of his flaws and morally questionable decisions runs counter to the central thesis of Gundam Wing, and what has made it such a memorable story. 
“Glory of Losers” is a beautiful manga and I do think it does an incredible job of presenting the rather garbled narrative of the series in a new light, with some truly masterful tweaks that add depth to the characters and story. But it’s also guilty of some egregious changes to canon that serve no purpose other than to reconcile the main series with the events of “Frozen Teardrop”, and as an excuse to redesign all the mobile suits to be cooler and sell more model kits.
…On the other hand, in this version of the story, Treize was already familiar with Tallgeese from his earliest days in OZ. 
This is obviously another very unnecessary and suspiciously convenient retcon that I feel is in dubious taste– HOWEVER: it does mean that Howard gets to meet young whippersnapper Treize Khushrenada, who just so happened to be the one to ask him to paint it white because he thinks one day he’d like to pilot a Big Damn Hero Machine himself, and he wants it to be a more "elegant color." 
And that is the funniest shit I can possibly imagine. So I’ll give it that.
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I'd like it to be at least 20% more elegant
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lunargoddess40 · 1 year
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Good morning to my fellow Gundam Pilots & Happy Sunday!!!! I know it’s 4 days late, but been dying to post this one too (Crazy rough week, long story lol), but Special huge Happy Belated 26th Anniversary to “Gundam Wing Endless Waltz” this 2023 with my NEW “G Team” 2023 11x17” in Glass Painting from the “Endless Waltz” movie!!!!
OMG, this is literally my 1st ever large Glass Painting made for the “Gundam Wing” brand and it was A LOT OF WORK!!!! This glass painting features the 5 main Gundam Pilots of “Gundam Wing”, The G Team, together side by side inspired by the original artwork of Endless Waltz as it’s made in really nice High-Quality Blu-Ray Color Styles from the anime movie complete with my customized outer space color silhouette background image inspired by EP 44 of the GW anime series!!!!! I had so much fun with Trowa & Heavyarms Glass Paintings last time, I really want to go big for Endless Waltz and I LOVE HOW THEY CAME OUT AWESOME!!!!! It was a lot of work getting everyone’s details down (Especially Duo most of all again), but I really enjoyed painting their colors in and making them look so good!!!! The background image still needs to be fixed up as my image may be off, but I’ll work on fixing it up so it can fit each pilot with their respective colors (I really want to post this painting so much, I couldn’t wait any longer!!!!), stay tuned for updates!!!! Overall, I’m very proud of this masterpiece- Endless Waltz, thank you for always being the greatest #1 Gundam movie of Gundam Wing to us with your power of awesomeness & badass Gundam supremacy!!!! May you forever & always be legendary across the universe- HAPPY BELATED 26TH ANNIVERSARY!!!!
Hope you guys love them, please follow me on @lunargoddess40 for more Gundam Wing, and other anime FanArt!!!
Gundam Pilots Forever & Always United- Suit Up!!!!
P.S. This is a FanArt Glass Painting made by me!!!!
The Gundam Pilots (The G Team) rightly belong to Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Hajime Yatate & Yoshiyuki Tomino
“Gundam Wing Endless Waltz” & characters rightly belong to Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Hajime Yatate & Yoshiyuki Tomino with Bandai & Sunrise as well!!!!
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Gensemaden Saiyuki Series (2000) 幻想魔伝 最遊記
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Directors: Yuto Date / Masahiko Murata / Tomomi Kyota / Hitoyuki Matsui / Takashi Yamazaki / Rino Kujo / Kesuke Onishi / Shintaro Inokawa
Screenwriter: Katsuyuki Sumizawa / Akatsuki Yamatoya / Michiko Yokote / Satoru Nishizono / Daisuke Yajima / Kazuya Minekura
Starring: Toshihiko Seki / Soichiro Hoshi / Akira Ishida / Hiroaki Hirata / Takeshi Kusao / more...
Genre: Drama / Animation
Official site: www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/saiyuki/
Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan
Language: Japanese
Date: 2000-04-04 (Japan) / 2003-10-02 (Season 2) / 2004-04-01 (Season 3) /  2007-04-27 / 2007-09-28 / 2008-03-28 (Season 4) / 2022-01-06 (Season 5) Number of Seasons: 5
Episodes: 126
Single episode length: 23 minutes Number of Movies: 7
Also known as: Saiyuki Part 1 / Gensmaden Saiyuki /  幻想魔传 最游记  /  最游记 第一部  / Saiyuki Reload /  最游记 RELOAD  / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock /  最游记 RELOAD GUNLOCK  / Saiyuki Reload Blast /  最游记 RELOAD 埋葬篇  / Saiyuki Reload: Zeroin /  最游记 RELOAD ZEROIN 
IMDb: tt3255572
Type: Reimagining
In the chaotic age of heaven and earth--there is a land where people and monsters coexist, which is the source of civilization and faith - Taoyuan Township. Sudden mutation and terror struck the land, and the yokai who used to live peacefully lost themselves and began to run amok. The culprit of the mutation was the incident of "resurrecting the former big monster, the Bull Demon King". Due to the taboo of mixing science and sorcery in this world, the resurrection of the Bull Demon King is about to be completed, and negative fluctuations cover the earth. The Heavenly Realm, who valued this situation, issued an order to ask Tang Sanzang to stop the Bull Demon King's recovery experiment. Together with the three people who are not afraid of negative fluctuations, Sun Wukong, Sha Wujing, and Zhu Bajie, the journey to the distant West Tianzhu began.
At the same time, in the city of Vedenga in Tianzhu, Zhang himself, the planner of the Bull Demon King's recovery experiment, and Princess Yumian, the lover of the Bull Demon King, issued an obliteration order to Red Boy to get rid of Sanzang and his party. Red Boy is the son of the Bull Demon King. In order to save his mother who was sealed by the curse of Princess Yumian, Red Boy launched a challenge with his confidant. Can Sanzang and the others stop the Bull Demon King's recovery experiment, and restore peace to the ruined Taoyuan Township?
Xuanzang Sanzang was an abandoned child floating in the river. He was brought up by Master Guangming Sanzang of Jinshan Temple, and because of this, he was discriminated against by the monks in the temple. The murder of his master dealt a huge blow to his mind, and thus he developed a withdrawn and rebellious character. Sanzang is arrogant and uninhibited, pursues freedom, and does not want to be bound by anything. He wants to find absolute strength and strength to protect his important things. The weapon he uses is the Ascension Spear, and his unique skill is "Lord of the Rings".
Sun Wukong, who always follows Sanzang closely, is a strange life form born from a stone 500 years ago. He uses a wishful stick that matches his agility as a weapon. His personality is extremely simple, his way of thinking is simple and direct, naughty and gluttonous, but when he removes the demon power control device on his forehead, he will completely lose his mind, full of desire to destroy and kill, and become an extremely dangerous person. The only person he is defenseless and deeply dependent on is Sanzang, because that is the "sunshine" that soothes his century-old loneliness.
Zhu Bajie is a master at using stomatal techniques, with a gentle and kind personality, easy and approachable. With a smile on his face all the time, he is thoughtful, considers issues meticulously and comprehensively, and can always see through other people's thoughts. But in fact, Bajie is also a human being same as Sanzang. Because his lover was destroyed by monsters, he crazily retaliated and turned himself into a monster. The crime and punishment that can never be eliminated is an irreparable wound in his heart, and under that gentle smile is the sadness that longs to be healed.
The red-haired Sha Wujing is the child of monsters and humans, so he is hated by his stepmother. His elder brother killed his own mother in order to protect him, which made him think that he was the real murderer and deeply blamed himself. From then on, Wujing realized the pure and unrestrained form of the waves, a lustful and outspoken prodigal, but he was still a bold man who loved to fight against injustice. The weapon he uses is a crescent shovel with a chain. Although he often bickers with Wukong, he is actually very considerate of his companions.
This group of characters with full of personality quoted the names of the characters in the Chinese classic "Journey to the West", but completely subverted the original image. Although the background of the story is set in ancient times, their language and behavior are no different from modern people. Make the film full of post-modern colors. The four people who are mixed with humans and demons each have their own inner wounds, and the delicate portrayal of their psychological processes brings the audience into a world that is sentimental and yet warm.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gensomaden_Saiyuki_(TV_series)
Link: https://reelgood.com/show/gensomaden-saiyuki-2000 https://kissanime.com.ru/Anime/Saiyuki-Reload.54169/ https://kissanime.com.ru/Anime/saiyuki-gunlock-sub.22100/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O76ZO1_NOFQ&ab_channel=RareSubAnime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHnI21cWsC0&ab_channel=RareSubAnime
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anm-blog · 5 months
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sohel68 · 2 years
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Dragon Ball Z Double Feature: The History of Trunks / Bardock [Blu-ray]
Click Here: https://amzn.to/3P4P41b
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List Price:$34.98$34.98 DetailsWith Deal:$17.49$17.49You Save:$17.49$17.49 (50%)
$106.15 Shipping & Import Fees Deposit to Bangladesh Details 
DVD from $29.84 
Multi-Format $17.49 
Additional Multi-Format optionsEditionDiscs
PriceNew fromUsed fromMulti-Format July 15, 2008—
$17.49$17.49—GenreAnime & MangaFormatMultiple Formats, Blu-ray, NTSC, Widescreen, Color, WidescreenContributorMayumi Tanaka, Daisuke Gôri, Ryô Horikawa, Daisuke Nishio, Naoki Tatsuta, Akira Toriyama, Hiroshi Toda, Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Masako Nozawa, Hiromi Tsuru, Kôhei Miyauchi, Takeshi Kusao, Miki Itô, Yoshihiro Ueda, Naoko Watanabe, Neil Bligh, Shinobu Satouchi, Takao Koyama, Shigeru Nakahara, Mitsuo HashimotoMayumi Tanaka, Daisuke Gôri, Ryô Horikawa, Daisuke Nishio, Naoki Tatsuta, Akira Toriyama, Hiroshi Toda, Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Masako Nozawa, Hiromi Tsuru, Kôhei Miyauchi, Takeshi Kusao, Miki Itô, Yoshihiro Ueda, Naoko Watanabe, Neil Bligh, Shinobu Satouchi, Takao Koy… See moreLanguageEnglish, JapaneseNumber Of Discs1
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chaosandstardust · 2 years
yo that ask talking about Kyoani was weird. Pretty sure the surviving family members would be thinking about other things than reused animation.
Anyway, I don’t blame the animators at all, they’ve gotta deal with ridiculously tight deadlines and possibly lots of overtime. And it’s Japan so I guess it would be possible overtime x 10. It’s not like they’re the ones who set the schedule and making directing decisions.
As someone who’s been in the industry, would it be fair to side-eye the upper management? I mean, I do question the people who okayed certain parts of the script. *cough* Rion/Rin comparison, comparing harassment to phone addiction, etc. *cough*
This is a layered issue. Because I do understand where people are coming from when they critique a show, and I understand why people use the term "lazy". I've used it. Because there are parts of Yashahime that do feel lazy. It feels like it was only thrown in there to fill time or because they had no better ideas.
But, on the flip side, if they were given no time to come up with better ideas, are they lazy, or are they just not given the time or money?
I'm going to use Naruto as an example here because Naruto would hit my list of top 10 series I would vanquish off the face of this earth if given a chance. Mostly due to how much time I've wasted thinking about it. It's extremely badly written. There are too many characters, multiple bloated arcs, the themes are a mess, and has less and less focus the longer the series goes on. But is Kishi really to blame for all of these aspects, or was it his boss who demanded a new chapter a week for the fifteen years and overworked him to the point where the man couldn't even go on his honeymoon until it was over also to blame here?
Now, it's totally fair to critique Kishi for the writing decisions that he made. Especially ones that he didn't seem to care that much about fixing, like his "I can't write female characters" BS and how he seems to be determined that Naruto be right all the damn time. But I also think the guys over at Weekly Shounen Jump are just as much if not more to blame for how the series went. If he had been given more time to develop his ideas, some of which I to this day find very intriguing and have borrowed them for my own work, it may have gone a lot differently. He's outright admitted that he was making stuff up as he went because his bosses demanded more chapters. I don't like him, and I think he has the tendency to take the easy way out when it comes to his arcs, but he's working on such a ridiculous timeline that I can't really blame him for taking the easier route, you know?
I get disliking Sumisawa. I have my issues with the man. He wrote a good chunk of the original Sailor Moon anime and I'm very bitter about how that show handled certain aspects from the manga, like the Usagi/Mamoru relationship. Like, I get it.
He still made the bad decisions, like putting Inukag away for 14 years, making his favouritism of Sesshomaru blatantly obvious, and worst of all, putting SessRin together without considering the broader implications or how fans of the original would feel. He didn't even have the decency to build up to it, and as far as I'm aware, hasn't made any real statement about it. He didn't hire any female writers to write the "girl power" show (after the 'sexism is bad' arc, I've decided my take on if you want to write about women and the patriarchy is you need to hire women to help you). These are all things he did and he should be called out for that.
But that doesn't mean that he hasn't been overworked and that doesn't mean he wasn't given a very small amount of time to write the show. The show was announced in March of 2020, his last credited show before that was in August of 2019. I don't know how fast the production rate is in Japan or how involved he was in that show (it just says he was a 'screenwriter' and that could've mean a variety of things), but he could've been on it right until it aired. He may have been given the green light by then, he may not have. My personal theory is that he probably only found out he was making Yashahime a few months before we found out; I literally said that in my video. Then there's all the pre-production, getting a writing team together, making sure actors are available, hiring new actors, etc, etc. This can take months or even years to do.
Or maybe that's not what happened. Maybe he was given all the resources in the world and told to go wild and he pissed it away by being prideful (D&D are my mortal enemies for doing exactly this). But I sincerely doubt that it was just that. Yashahime is a show that feels extremely low budget and like it wasn't given a lot of time to be written or the care that it needed to flourish. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that a lot of the writers and the animators on this show see it as a simple paycheque for them. Like do you guys think the people who write hallmark movies do it because they're super passionate about Christmas? No, it's a job. And yeah, you can critique them for doing his job badly, but if they're just looking to bring home some money and they're only given a few months to do it, it's probably not going to be great. All but two episodes of season 2 were written by Sumisama. This is absolutely insane to me, depending on how much control he had over the rest of the production. If there is one thing that all people need to realize about writing is that good writing (and good art!) takes time and care. And all evidence points to that they didn't have the luxury for that.
If I had to point to a person to blame for how bad the show is, I would say it's most likely combined effort. There are way too many factors to consider when making a TV show or movie, it's rarely the actions of just one person that makes something not work. There's producer meddling, prideful writers, editors and animators going off script, advertisers wanting their say, how healthy vs unhealthy the work environment was, it's nearly impossible to put the blame on one singular person. Everything about it screams low budget, though, from the blatant plot holes to the bad animation, and low-budget and fast turnaround rarely lead to good filmmaking.
I do side-eye the high-ups at Sunrise. Just like I side-eye any studio who are currently greenlighting reboot after sequel after reboot after sequel (cough cough, Netflix, Disney, cough, cough) for quick cash by sacrificing the original series and movies because they don't have big fandoms to generate the money that a reboot would. It creates an environment where studios feel like they don't have to try because the "dumb fans" will keep watching because it's more of whatever it was they loved. Just look at how many people are still watching Yashahime because they're grateful that it's more Inuyasha, while still complaining about how bad it is. More and more producers are choosing what projects to greenlight based on marketing and IP, rather than good ideas, and it sucks. Why would studios try when they can make money off of shows that are cheaper to make and take less effort and it doesn't matter if it's bad anyway?
(I'm not blaming fans for this, I've long made my peace with this aspect of fandom. But in all honesty, I'm confused watching how people will be so connected to a piece of media that they'll keep going to it even while they think it's bad. I can honestly say I've never been so attached to a piece of media that I would continue to consume it if I wasn't enjoying it anymore, no matter how much I loved the world or the characters.)
There's also just the fact that a lot of reboots and sequels often turn to the fandom for ideas. A lot of remakes of popular shows/movies (like Cinderella, for example) are going out of their way to "fix" pieces of the original media through reboots, whether it's fixing plot holes or adding more diversity. They're looking to please the masses, first and foremost. A lot of Yashahime was probably written from the perspective of "well, they liked it last time, and look how much they're still talking about this thing, they'll like it here".
So, yes, it's totally fair to criticize and side-eye the guys in charge. Just be fair about it, that's all I ask. Calling them lazy for doing a very common thing that happens in the industry because you don't like them just isn't very fair, in my opinion. Most people who watched the show probably didn't notice the re-used animation. I sure didn't.
The asks about the animation and how "lazy" it was did trigger me a bit, TBH. This culture of saying "lol, fuck the people making it" is very uncool and rampant among a lot of fandom spaces, and it especially sucks when it's coming from people who have no idea how it works. I've seen it time and time again, often over the littlest things like a scene being changed slightly in adapting a movie or a ship not becoming canon or even just things that a writer has absolutely no control over (for example, writers will rarely have much to do with marketing and yet I've seen fans of a certain ship harass a writing team over a marketing decision that "baited them" when again, the writers may not even have been aware of what the marketing team were doing).
My best friend who also works in the industry told me about how in a fandom she's in, the showrunners decided to change a scene from the books that was the beginning of the relationship between a pairing. They provided a pretty logical explanation for why it was changed (one actor wasn't available and they couldn't budget for a different day and it wouldn't have made sense story-wise for it to happen in a different location). She's had to explain time and time again to the people who also ship the pairing why that's a perfectly reasonable explanation. But because they were "too stupid to budget for it", obviously the showrunners hate the pairing and hate the original works and were just too prideful and arrogant with their spending. I've seen the screenshots of fans being like "FUCK THESE WRITERS, THEY SUCK" over ONE SCENE. It's extremely tiring.
Right now, there is a big push for film industry workers to get better pay and shorter hours across North America, and it’s slowly growing. Crew members are starting to wake up to the fact that it shouldn’t be like this. We shouldn’t have to work back breaking hours and never see our families and be told that we only get to have a life a few months out of the year. 
While most of the fandom spaces are in support of this, there was a significant section which are like "you should be grateful! you're working in an industry that you love! does this mean that my favourite show is going to be pushed back a few months? HOW DARE YOU!" And it's very hard for me, as a person who is both a fan and loves fandom while also loving filmmaking and writing and having friends in this back-breaking industry who I want to support to see comments like that. It feels very personal. I love working as a filmmaker. I love acting, I love writing, I love being on set. 
It just brought me back there a bit.
this turned out much longer than expected, LOL. Sorry.
Dunno why I keep apologizing for that because I tell y'all to expect a long answer.
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lobocomicsandtoys · 6 years
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Written by Katsuyuki Sumizawa Art by Tomofumi Ogasawara and Yoshiyuki Tomino
One of the biggest anime/manga properties of all time returns with the release of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. The Glory of Losersretells the original WING story by incorporating elements of the anime and its recent light novel adaptations. Following the actions of five fighters and their mobile suits (large robots made for destruction), Gundam Wing is a heavily political, dramatic action work that is centered around a war between Earth and its nearby colonies in space.
Available at Lobo Comics & Toys this coming Wednesday, 09/12/2018
visit us on facebook, google+, blogspot, our eBay store, and our website
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deathsycthe192-blog · 7 years
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Gundam Wing is what introduced me to anime
The series directed by Masashi Ikeda and written by Katsuyuki Sumizawa. It is the sixth installment in the Gundam franchise,
got info from wiki
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Nozomi Entertainment Announces Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Release
Nozomi Entertainment Announces Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Release
Nozomi Entertainment has announced via their official twitter page that they will be releasing Mobile Suit Gundam Wing on Blu-ray and DVD.  Although no pricing or release date details have been announced at this time it is great to see this series finally get a Blu-ray release in North America.  Stay tuned for updates as soon as they become available.
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ljaesch · 6 years
Anime Boston Announces Hideyuki Tomioka and Katsuyuki Sumizawa as Guests
Anime Boston has announced that Sunrise senior managing director Hideyuki Tomioka and screenwriter Katsuyuki Sumizawa will be guests at their upcoming convention. Tomioka joined Sunrise as a part-timer on Taiyou no Kiba Dougram, and he later became a full-time producer. His production credits include Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, Inuyasha, After War Gundam X, Turn A Gundam, Yakitate!! Japan, and…
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lunargoddess40 · 1 year
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Gundam Wing FanArt Glass Paintings: All NEW “Trowa & Heavyarms Kai- The Clown of No Laughs (Rhythm Emotion)” 2023 Clip-On Glass Paintings Complete Set from “Gundam Wing” (January 2023 Birthday Edition)
Good evening, fellow Anime fans!!!! Sorry for the long wait!!!! Fellow Gundam Pilots, Happy New Year 2023 & Happy Birthday to Trowa Barton from “Gundam Wing” with NEW “Trowa & Heavyarms Kai- The Clown of No Laughs (Rhythm Emotion)” 2023 Clip-On Paintings Complete Set to start the new year from the “GW FanArt Glass Paintings” Collection Series!!!
These paintings features both Trowa & Gundam Heavyarms Kai together in their awesome battle stances from the “Rhythm Emotion” sequence of GW all painted out in nice blu-ray color schemes ready to suit up for battle!!! GOD, I MADE THEM LOOK SO AWESOME- LOVE THEM!!!! And the best part about this is that I managed to get both of them done on time on Trowa’s birthday and it makes everything super special for him as I really love him a lot from the show!!!! Again, GOD, they look so good and awesome, I can’t wait to make more of the Gundam Pilots & their Gundams as glass paintings soon!!!! Super exciting!!!! Trowa, you’re one glorified badass of coolness and awesomeness!!!! May you forever & always be legendary as “The Clown of No Laughs” across the universe!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Hope you love them, please follow me on @lunargoddess40 for more Gundam Wing & other anime FanArt!!!!
Gundam Pilots Forever & Always United- Suit Up!!!!
P.S. These are FanArt Glass Paintings made by me!!!!
”Gundam Wing” & characters rightly belong to Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Hajime Yatate & Yoshiyuki Tomino with Bandai & Sunrise!!!!
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sesshoumarusama · 4 years
answering this anon ask:
Girl come on now Rin ain't raise no weak bishes ok. I've answered question like this before but i can't help it haha i will end your whole career this once and for all. This will be a long one..here we go again.
We got sessrin VAs livestream. Why do you think they did this? Previous one was inukags which is the main ship of the og series and the parents of moroha.
Upcoming sessrin event in Oct 31th. This is definitely in our favor. again, why would they do this if kgura is the mom?
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all the sessrin merch and inuyasha cafe... from wallet (notice how they're with their respective partners), keychain, posters, this limited edition of frame of inuyasha + sessrin. (Not to mention s3sskagu got only one poster and its from her death scene)
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Plot. Bruh if they gotta introduce how kgura is revived from death they gotta start somewhere for the story to make sense bcs it wouldn't be just *poof* and she's there. But instead, in ep 4 they showed us adult!Rin. There is already this arc of Rin sealed in the tree, that i believe we will get plenty of flashbacks to elaborate it. If they add another arc of how kgura is revived it will overlap and just completely doesn't make sense + this is still the story of the three girls (even moroha backstory have yet to be told), we don't have that much room.
Also... rumiko likes kgura's death...she told us she put a lot effort into it. Stop reviving dead people guys dammit😭
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How sesshomaru identify scent and smell. Basically for Rin he uses scent (smell good) and for Kgura/naraku he used smell (smell bad).
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This rumiko's answer to the 3rd question on Shonen sunday.
This art of sachi (i heard that HnY director proposed the idea of HnY in 2015. And this art released in 2018. You connect the dots).
The audio drama. The 👏🏼 audio 👏🏼 drama!! 👏🏼 Asatte! You know the drill. The scriptwriter for that is Katsuyuki Sumizawa which now working for HnY... lol
lastly... girl trust me they won’t pull a sike on us. the hints are there. many and massive at that. If all these clues and you're still insecure bruh idk what will convince you. actually i still have few more hints in mind but decided to stop there.
if you want you can message me or join our sessrin gc here in tumblr hehe just hmu!
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ayuuria · 4 years
Yashahime Translation: Animedia November 2020 Issue
Hello Tumblr, I’m alive! I recently fell into Yashahime hell and have started doing translations regarding the series. Please do not repost this translation without my consent! @officialinuyasha​ will be making a video version of this so stay tuned!
Half Demon lineage? The girl’s exciting Feudal Quest.
Higurashi Towa (#Reuniting with my long-lost younger sister!) 14-year-old middle schooler. She is actually the daughter of Sesshomaru but she time traveled to the modern era via the tunnel of the Tree of Ages. She excels in martial arts and gets into a lot of fights.
Moroha (#Monster killing Moroha has arrived!) 14 years old. A cheerful and openhearted bounty hunter. She is Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter, but she has no memories of her parents. When she puts on rouge, she becomes “The Country Destroying Beniyasha” and goes on a rampage.
Setsuna (#All who confront me are my enemy!) 14 years old. She is Sesshomaru’s daughter and Towa’s younger twin sister, but she does not have any memories from when she was little. Calm and collected personality. She is a demon slayer working under the head of the slayers, Kohaku.
The curtains for “Yashahime” open with the episode of Inuyasha and the others’ “Since then”. Were there not a lot of people excited to see Inuyasha, Kagome, and Sesshomaru? Their 3 daughters Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha. They were all raised separately and do not know their parents nor the relationship they had with each other. Even so, whether by fate’s guidance, the 3 girls meet and they start to move together. Although each of the girls have inherited the strength of their parents, they are unpainted (honest) 14-year-old girls. As their relationship builds from here on, they may show a cuteness befitting their age. This time we ask composition writer Sumizawa Katsuyuki about the charm points of the girls and why Towa and Setsuna are twins.
Q&A We asked regarding Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha!
Q: What are the “cute points” for the 3 girls that are battling all the time?
A: For Towa, the scenes where she is tending to her sword and brushing her teeth are cute. For Setsuna, she was cute when she was little. In terms of now, it is when she is taking the lead and playing the violin. For Moroha, while she is cute not doing anything and just being herself, but I think especially when she puts on rouge (Sumizawa)
Q: Just as Inuyasha was to Kagome, will Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha also have a fate changing “meeting”?
A: Of course, we have that prepared. Please look forward to it. (Sumizawa)
Q: What are the trials that Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha will face? Are there any hints as to how they will overcome them?
A: I will be happy if readers are able to sense something from watching the story. If you feel that it is a trial, then it is a trial. I will not be giving any spoilers in the form of hints. My apologies but please do not misunderstand. (Sumizawa)
Where are the 3’s parents now…?!
The fight between the demon, “Root Head”, and Inuyasha shown in episode one. The familiar group avert the crisis through teamwork, making everyone think that they were visited by peace once again. However in the world that Setsuna and the others live in now, there’s no sign of them. Their whereabouts are currently the biggest mystery. For the sake of the 3 Yashahimes, we hope to see them safe!
Management Briefer Interview: Series Composition writer Sumizawa Katsuyuki
The 3 Yashahime drawn in the world of “Inuyasha”
--  Sumizawa-san, you have long managed the “Inuyasha” anime series; with what sort of feelings did you handle this work (Yashahime)?
I thought that I would spin the story of the 3 yashahimes while shouldering the heavy responsibility of writing an adventure in the same world that Takahashi Rumiko-sensei built without damaging it. In addition, there was a mysterious aspect of being unable to use normal methods.
-- Episode 1 was an episode that was drawn as a “Special Edition” in the original work. At what point were you conscious of the anime version of Inuyasha and the other’s “Since Then”?
This is a nostalgic reunion. Then from episode 2 onwards, we have been striving for a real sword fight feeling on the same level, no, above “Inuyasha” during its broadcast.
-- What makes the protagonists so entertaining as they fight in the Feudal Era because of the fact that they are “Heroines”?
I think it is that they can state their honest opinions without putting any strange effort into it. However they are characters whose opinions have a dual meaning and you can’t explain just one side of it.
-- What sort of points were you focused of when you created the characters Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha?
I wanted to make them easy to understand but on the other hand not be similar. I focused on each of the three being multifaceted and having a self-contradicting side and displaying that in their own way. (translators note: Not confident on this one)
-- Why did you make Sesshomaru’s daughters twins?
If it were an only child, they would be spoiled and if they were sisters with an age gap, they would end up having a hierarchical relationship like Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Hence, we made them twins who were equals. On top of that, we made is so that their individuality could show.
-- Please tell us what things we should take note of from here on.
We have not written any pointless portrayals so please watch without losing focus. You should take note of everything. Then the emotions you feel after you finish watching should be something you will not feel anywhere else.
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otomeray · 4 years
Hanyo no yashashime anime references to GUNDAM WING!
Hi everyone! I’ve been a big fan of Gundam wing and i have known Inuyasha since i was little! Gundam wing had made a big impact on my life since the anime had inspired me to write stories (mainly fanfiction), so when I was looking at some articles, i came across an article talking about a new sequel for Inuyasha! I was happy! Until...... I saw the writer of the story was no other than....
Katsuyuki Sumizawa.... The anime writer for Gundam wing and most of the anime’s manga and the writer of Gundam Wing’s fanfiction-like sequel “Frozen Teardrop”
At first, i thought i was reading the article wrong, but it was true. After trying to recover from the poorly-made sequel of Gundam wing, Sumizawa was now writing the Inuyasha sequel???? Like what?? I was so surprised, i was filled with all sorts of emotions! I was excited but angry, i was happy but disappointed? Idk anymoreee! After he (SUMIZAWA) ruined Gundam wing, i don’t know what to feel... When I first saw the Inuyasha sequel characters, I wasn’t shocked that they were the children’s of Inuyasha, i thought all the girls were Inuyasha’s children, till I saw the word “Sesshomaru’s twin daughters, Towa and Setsuna”...... It was surprising, but I guess that’s what I expect from something that comes out from Sumizawa....
Anyways, the real point of this post is about Towa. Her school uniform and the school she attends is all from Gundam wing. I read a Japanese article talking about the Gundam Wing references, and Sumizawa was talking in it as well.
Towa on the modern day era is attending a school called St.Gabriel which was known as the school Relena Darlian (A Gundam wing character/Main heroine) attends and she technically IS the principal of the school. I’m guessing that there’ll be some Easter eggs on the Inuyasha sequel showing the Gundam wing characters at least as background characters lol. Her uniform is also based on the classic Gundam Wing school uniform. Look at dis, the only difference is that she doesn’t have a vest inside.
And don’t ask why the main protagonist tells his heroine “I’ll kill you”. You don’t understand lololol
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I wonder.....How do non-Gundam wing fans see Heero as..... lmao
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lobocomicsandtoys · 6 years
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One of the biggest anime/manga properties of all time returns with the release of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. The Glory of Losers retells the original WING story by incorporating elements of the anime and its recent light novel adaptations. Following the actions of five fighters and their mobile suits (large robots made for destruction), Gundam Wing is a heavily political, dramatic action work that is centered around a war between Earth and its surrounding colonies in space.
Available at Lobo Comics & Toys this coming Wednesday, 07/25/2018
visit us on facebook, google+, blogspot, our eBay store, and our website
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