#Kayla’s 1K!
raplinenthusiasts · 1 year
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BTS x The Office
for @cordiallyfuturedwight 🫂
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coffeebanana · 2 years
i just remembered i wrote a bunch of little snippets for myself a few months back when i was stuck on my WIPs, and since i've been posting ficlets on here lately maybe i should share some of those too...
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botnasty · 1 year
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Pairing: Alpha!Ari Levinson X Omega!Reader  
Summary: Have you seen the movie “She’s the Man”? This is a story inspire by it.
Words: 1k
Warning: Pretty much nothing tbh, it’s a prologue just to start the story, but the next chapter will be better I promise.
Please DNI if you are under 18! This is an 18+ blog!
Also, please don’t steal my work, on any other platform, unless you have my authorisation
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Your mouth was watering at the delicacy sitting right in front of you. With all the perfect curve and its warmest you couldn't wait to take a bite out of it. “I have missed you so much, my precious.” You grab the chocolate muffin, but before you could take a bite of the thing you considered as “the most important thing in the world”, someone opened your friend’s Kayla door and sneaked out of it. 
It’s her Alpha of the week: blond hair, blue eyes, muscles built like mountains. He had a sheet wrapped around his waist, blocking your view of his groin, which you were thankful for because you didn’t want to see a dick first thing in the morning, especially not during your cheat day. The massive Alpha turned around and almost jumped in place when he saw you. “Jesus f-ing christ, I didn’t know she had a roommate.”
You shrugged, pulling at the paper around the muffin. “Surprise I guess. Do you want something? Water? Breakfast? The kitchen is all yours.” You said before taking a bite of your muffin, closing your eyes as you finally tasted chocolate for the first time in months.
You heard shuffling, thinking the guy was heading toward the kitchen, but when you started to smell your best friend's scent closer and closer and the sound of a chair moving, you opened your eyes to see that he had instead decided to sit right next to you, his hand pulling the sheet even more closer. 
“You don’t seem surprised to see me.” He started. “Like you are used to it.” He observed. A sense of pity washed over you as you saw his confused face. You looked at him and sent him a small smile and the guy most likely understood you because his face fell.
He slid a hand in his blond hair, pulling a few strands away from his hair. “She does that a lot, doesn’t she?” 
“Yes, but don’t you fucking dare shame her. She’s having fun and that’s all it matters.” You pointed at him aggressively. 
He lift both of his hands in surrender. “I wasn’t shaming, I just thought we would get to something serious. I wanted her to be my omega…” He looked down at his lap and played with the blue sheets. 
You almost whined. He looked like a kicked puppy. He really did like Kayla, but you can’t force them both to be with each other if it’s not what Kayla wants. You placed a hand on his shoulder, and squeezed. “I know I barely know you…”
“Yeah, you met me ten minutes ago.”
You smiled. “But, you seem like a respectful Alpha and you will make an Omega happy one day.”
He sent you a small smile. “Thanks, but what about you? I don’t see a mark on your neck. You don’t have an Alpha?”
You almost wanted to laugh. The idea of having an Alpha was never something that crossed your mind. You loved your independence too much to start relying on someone and, anyway you wanted to focus on something more important to you. “No, I don’t want an Alpha”
“So you would like a Beta more?”
You shrugged. “Maybe, but what I’m saying is I want to focus on me instead of finding someone. I want to focus on my career, you know.”
The guy looked at you with his blue eyes.. “Which is?”
You smiled and took a bite of the muffin. “Soccer.”
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You were seething by what you were learning right now. Every day, for years on end, you’ve been practicing your favorite sport to get a chance to get where you are right now only for your dream to get snatched right under your nose. All for something you have no control over.
“What do you mean I can’t join the team? This college literally accepted me because I was good at soccer.” Something inside of you was snapping. You wanted to rip this man’s eye out. Your Omega was angry and so were you. 
“Things have changed. The board changed things. We now don't have an omega soccer team anymore.” Said the coach. He was an old Alpha, who looked like he had never kicked a ball in his life. 
“Thats fucking bullshit.” The coach growled and you almost whimpered. The omega in you wanting to submit, but you wouldn’t let yourself do. You wouldn’t let that Alpha stop you from doing something you loved, something you had for, for years. 
“Watch it, omega.” The man growled. “ It is a good decision. You all can’t stop yourself from doing commands, what would happen if an alpha commanded you on the field. You would be rendered useless.” You knew this college was known to have conservative ideas, but their soccer team was one of the best along with another school in the region. You had thought they would’ve let go of those sexist thoughts when they accepted you for your soccer abilities. 
“We can still fight that urge to obey.”
The man slapped his hand on his desk.  “Well I have yet to be convinced of this. This discussion is useless. You won't be part of the team and that is final.”
You growled. “I’ll fucking show you.”
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Always Him : Prologue
Word Count : 1k
Warnings : swearing, food mention, mentions of sex, mentions of being tied up, mention of arson, kinda angsty, kinda crackheadassery
A/N : Just a brief introduction to some of the characters! Hope you enjoy the mess that is about to come.
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          She woke up wrapped in his arms for the third time that week. He always seemed to hold her closer when he’s sleeping, their bodies contorting into one mess of limbs, but she loved it. Loved how peaceful he looked, loved seeing how perfect they fit together. Like two puzzle pieces specifically made for one another.
            She would allow herself to imagine what life would be like if they were more than friends. If he loved her outside of his bedroom. And then she would slowly remove herself from his hold and sneak back into her room, laying in her own bed, dreaming of the day Hongjoong would let her in.
            “Wake the fuck up, we’re going to be late again.” Mae said as she jumped on top of Y/n. “Whatever, or whoever, it is you’re doing at night, you need to stop or you’ll fail out of uni.” Y/n groaned as she wrapped her arms around Mae, rolling both of them over, and pretended to keep sleeping. “This works too. Goodnight.”
            “Fuck sake Mae, you were supposed to be waking her up, not falling asleep with her.” Kayla said as she walked into the room, yanking the covers off both of them, causing both of them to groan and beg for 5 more minutes. “Yunho is here with coffee and breakfast. Get dressed and be downstairs in 10 minutes. Both of you.”
            “Yes mom.” Mae groaned, sliding out of bed, and walking over to Y/n’s closet. She looked through her clothes, picking out an outfit for her, and throwing it towards the bed Y/n was still laying in. “Put that on. It’ll drive whoever you’re fucking crazy when they see you.”
            “Who said I was fucking anyone?” Y/n pouted back, quickly slipping on the outfit that Mae chose for her.
            “The hickeys on your tits. And the one on your neck. Might want to put some concealer on babes. I’ll meet you downstairs.” With a kiss to her cheek, Mae left Y/n’s room, who was now standing in front of her mirror, curing Hongjoong in her mind while trying to cover up all 5 hickeys he left.
            “Thanks Yunho.” Y/n said as she ran down the stairs and into his arms. “You always know how to make mornings better.” He gave her an extra squeeze before letting her go.
            “I should go check on the others. When I left the apartment, Jongho was making his way inside, so I’m sure Wooyoung is there by now. Gotta make sure they didn’t let Mingi near the kitchen.”
            “Is he back to setting things on fire again?” Kayla asked from the comfort of Seonghwa’s lap. He had his arms wrapped tightly around her so she wouldn’t go anywhere, leaving her to have to feed him his breakfast. It was a routine at this point, a sight everyone was so used to seeing that they’d be more confused if they sat separately.
            “You’re talking as if he ever stopped. Introducing him to Mae was the worst idea.”
            “That’s my baby!” Y/n laughed, high-fiving Mae, and then San who wanted to be included.
            “I did nothing but show him his true potential.” Mae replied matter-of-factly. “Besides, it’s only arson if you get caught.” Kayla reached into her purse for the tiny spray bottle she started carrying around once she became a mom to the group of idiots, and sprayed Mae in the face.
            “Bad Mae. We don’t do crime.”
            “Be gay. Do crime.” Y/n chimed in, earning herself a spray from the spray bottle.
            The 6 of them walked to school together as they do everyday. Seonghwa and Kayla were holding hands, swinging their arms back and forth, as she continued her conversation with Mae and Y/n, who were walking with linked arms. San was on the other side, his arm draped across Mae, every once in a while giving his own opinion on whatever the conversation was. Hongjoong walked slightly ahead of everyone else, every once in a while glancing back to see Y/n already looking at him.
            He had hoped she wouldn’t cover the marks he left. Hoped she would show them off proudly, but he should have known she would cover them. They were just friends, nothing more than friends that live under one roof. Friends that keep ending up in each other’s beds. Like an undeniable force bringing them together over and over again.
            He couldn’t stop looking at her. Glancing back every few seconds to look at her again, hoping no one else would notice. Every time he saw her, it was like the songs wrong themselves. Lyrics floated around in his mind. But friends write songs about friends all the time.
            Maybe his songs verge on love songs with the way he describes the feelings he has. How beautiful he finds her, how drawn to her he is. It’s like she understands him in way no one else does, and he could spend the rest of his life with just her, and he would be happy. But it’s all platonic, mixed with some physical attraction. How could he not want to fuck her when she looks at him with a pout on her face but dirty words dripping from her lips?
            She made it impossible to be around her without thinking of all the dirty things she’s begged him to do to her. He looks at her and can’t help but to picture her all tied up and helpless with his head in between her legs. That happens between friends sometimes, right?
            He wasn’t in love with her. He couldn’t be. She was just a friend he enjoyed fucking into submission most nights. Friends with benefits if you will.
            But maybe if he could take just one second to see the hearts in her eyes when she looks at him, he would see things differently. If he could get out of his head long enough to see that she allows him to use her because in those moments she can pretend he loves her, maybe he could see that friends don’t look at friends that way.  
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@mxnsxngie @maeleelee @lethallyprotected @choisoorin @berryblog @anyamaris @nebulousbookshelf @junebug032
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
tsamsiyu ta'em - prologue
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Masterlist - part one
Summary: Corporal Makayla Sully believed she was the last of her family. Her parents were long gone, her brother Tom was killed for his wallet, and his twin Jake abandoned her in exchange for the sunny paradise Pandora. Kayla is informed of Jake's passing and so she decides to take a job opportunity with General Frances Ardmore. She hitches a ride to Pandora with the intent of recovering her brother's remains, twenty years since the last time she's seen him. Instead of a box of bones or ash, however, she's given something she thought she lost a long time ago.
Pairing: Ronal/Tonowari/Original Female Character
Tag: #tsamsiyu ta'em fic
Word Count: 1k+
posted on ao3
Taglist: @mooniequeen
Warnings: canon-compliant, canon-typical violence, mature language, adult content, slow burn, polyamory, found family, cool aunt agenda, alien/human (technically avatar), jake sully sister agenda, time skips, I'm trying to hurry up and get to the good parts so bear with me, fluff, angst, adopted spider, tags to be added
A/N: The title loosely translates from "warrior from above" in Na'vi
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It's like a switch turned off in his head.
One minute he's drinking and actually enjoying life for once, the next he's thrown out of the bar and had been told his twin brother was dead. Seeing Tommy's body numbed everything, sobering Jake up before he even had a chance to puke the stuff out. It's one thing for his legs to stop working, it's another for his emotions to stop as well. The man barely said a word or even composed a proper emotion during the whole funeral process. After watching his brother's body being cremated, he hadn't been angry or even devastated by the loss. There wasn't a single tear shed on Jake's behalf during the service, his mind droning out the words exchanged and the condolences given.
Now, he sat in his wheelchair, staring out the window of his sister's crammed two-room apartment, not far down the road from his own living space. His hair was long and unkept with the idea of shaving it all off tomorrow, the dress jacket he had worn for the service now tossed to the couch behind him. The shaggy, old apartment didn't have much for lights, least of all a view, the only green to be seen being the lights of signs indicating a restaurant or a dollar store right outside. The familiar sound of ice clinking softly together in a glass could be heard behind him, along with a woman's voice.
"Jake? Jake."
The woman's voice drew closer as she crossed the room to him, "I found a job opening down the street. 'Pay is good. Thought we might check it out together?"
Looking up, Jake is met with a small glass with about a couple gulps worth of whiskey in it, and two ice cubes to make up for the shitty water content. He glances up at his sister as she offers the glass to him and he eventually takes the drink but doesn't acknowledge her words. Kayla's head tilts to the side, studying his reaction before speaking again, "What is it?"
His jaw tightens, taking the time to stare down at his drink while he finds the words, "... I'm taking Tommy's job. I'm gonna be shipped out on a shuttle tomorrow afternoon. In about... six years, I'll be landing on Pandora."
"... Really."
"Money's good," he tries offering the bright side, despite his brooding behavior. He gulps back his entire drink with one tip back of his head, tolerating the burn of alcohol before setting the empty glass on the window sill, "And they need someone with Tommy's face and DNA in order to sync up with the avatar they designed for him. I'll be saving them millions of dollars."
He doesn't need to see her face to know that Kayla was trying to refrain from scowling, "You don't know a single thing about science. You're a war dog."
"Not anymore, clearly," Jake muttered while his hands touched the wheels of his chair.
"You know what I mean. I mean you barely passed high school--"
"'And Tommy passed with flying colors', yeah I know," he responds flatly, a bad taste starting to form in his mouth, "I've heard that plenty of times, trust me."
"Jake-- why are you telling me all this the night before you're meant to leave?"
He finally looks up at her. Plain-faced and pale, Kayla still had a shadow of youth in her eyes, with plenty of life ahead of her. She may not be a twin like Jake and Tommy, but she still bore the resemblance of a Sully. Narrow nose, thin lips, dull blue eyes, and a pointed chin, Jake's younger sister could easily be misinterpreted as his twin now that Tom was no longer around. The thought made his stomach clench and the taste in his mouth got worse.
"So you wouldn't be able to stop me."
She huffs, unimpressed as she took a long sip of her own beverage, "Well, at least you're honest when you're drunk."
"I'm not drunk."
"When are you not drunk these days?" She hissed, "Do you think those scientists will take on a drunk in the RDA or whatever-the-fuck it's called?"
"I'll sober up in my cryotube. I'll be clean in six years and it'll only feel like six hours for me. It's a win-win."
"You mean a win-win-lose because that still means leaving behind your only living family member. Whatever happened to 'Sullys stick together?'"
Jake scoffs while taking a hand to rub his tired face, "You're not a kid anymore. You can make your own living, and start your own family. You don't need me and you definitely don't need this lifestyle. You could do anything with your life without your crippled brother holding you back--"
"Who died and made you the sole decision-maker of what I do with my life?"
"You're clearly leaving an opening for me to say 'everyone died.'"
She pointedly slammed her drink down on the window sill before she turned to walk away, "Fuck you."
"Kayla..." With his sister still exiting, Jake grabbed his wheelchair and made the motion to go after her, his arrogance and pent-up emotions now starting to boil over, "Hey! Kayla! What the hell do you want from me?!"
"I want to be the first choice!" She screams, whipping back around to point an accusing finger down at him, "For once! I have never been put first over anything else ever! Not with Mom or Dad. Not with Tommy. And now not even with you!"
The snarl he lets out startled even him, bitter coldness dripping from his words, "Grow up, Kayla."
"What, is it childish to feel wanted?"
"Yes! That's not how you survive out here!" He emphasizes this by swinging an arm in the direction of the window.
"Stomping down feelings and a need for your family will ensure your survival?"
"'A need for your family?'" He grins up at her, incredulous and in disbelief, "Do you even hear yourself? It's not like I'm your first choice for a caring older brother!"
"No, you're not. You're always drunk, mean, and miserable these days."
"Hence why you don't need me holding you back--"
"Shut the fuck up!" She roars back, "Only you can hold you back. So stop trying to sell me this bullshit excuse that you're not worth keeping around only so you can ditch me! Because that's what you really want, isn't it? To ditch your sister?"
The room is silent apart from both siblings trying to regain their breath and posture. Jake had a hard time admitting that his voice had cracked when he managed to tone down the volume, "... No matter how I answer that... it won't be an answer you like."
Pain flashed in her eyes, a visual that would continue to haunt Jake from that day forward. Kayla's dirty-colored hair spills over one shoulder as she straightens herself up, towering over Jake, the hurt quickly being replaced by a wall of cement that quickly hardened behind her blue eyes. Her face relaxed into an expression that slowly bubbled with anger instead of pain, her voice dripping with venom, "You're right. Because you're either leaving me here because you don't want me to watch you die, or you're leaving to start a new life without any reminders of me. Either way, you're a sick son of a bitch and I wish you died instead of Tommy! Go to Hell!"
For added measure, she takes her foot and kicks at his wheelchair, pushing Jake back as he rounds back with more hateful words, quick to defend and pity himself, "I'm already in Hell! Living here, breathing this air, looking like this! This whole place is fucking Hell and I'm sick of it! You can love life as much as you want and make the most of it, but it's still a dying dream! I hate it here! I'd rather blow my brains out on Pandora than here! At least there's something nice to look at when that happens!"
The silence is nearly deafening the apartment, Jake's ragged breaths of anger pounding in his ears as he glares up at Kayla. Spontaneous tears spilled out of her eyes the second Jake found the time to blink, her breaths shaking as she tried to control herself from letting out any pathetic noise resembling a sob. It was a struggle, to be sure, as Jake watched her entire composure slowly crumble and shake, trying to grasp whatever dignity she had left.
"I hate you..." the words sound forced out, but they stab Jake straight in the chest, nonetheless. Kayla's voice croaked as she continued the verbal lashing, "I hate you..." She furiously wipes away her tears with the collar of her dress shirt that she had worn for her big brother's funeral, "When I wake up tomorrow, you better be gone by then."
The pent-up rage had been released in a cold laugh under his breath as Jake tightly gripped his wheels, "How about I do us both a favor and leave now!"
He rolls past her and makes it to the door, letting it slide open for him with a bit of a struggle due to the little power left in the mechanics of it. He doesn't turn back as he aggressively wheels forward, calling over his shoulder, "Have a good life, kid."
"Fuck you, Jake."
Then the door slides shut once more.
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A/N: If you didn't see up top, I already have a masterlist starting since I have three chapters of this fic already published on ao3. Please check it out and leave kudos and uplifting comments if you enjoy, thank you!
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sekaedy · 2 years
2023: The Year of Expression
Hey there, person. Someway or another, you’ve found yourself at the personal blog of me, Kayla or Sekaedy, and I welcome you. I hope your 2023 is off to a good start.
I guess I’ll introduce myself a little bit. I’m 24 years old, I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and I’m in school for web development. It’s not exactly my dream career but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying it so far. And as far as job prospects go, I mean, everyone needs a website nowadays, right?
What I really want to be is a writer. I want to tell stories. To communicate the weird, unique ideas I have in a way that people can actually start to understand and even enjoy them. Mind you, it's not that I'm just beginning writing for the first time at the ripe age of 24, having never touched a keyboard before. I have stacks of notebooks of half-baked concepts, heaps of unfinished fanfiction and plenty more ideas kicking around my head. I even had a short story published in a university anthology!
But I still feel like I haven't earned the right to call myself a 'writer' yet. Mostly because I don't actually write that often. I'd like to think the act of writing this article and posting it is enough to change that, but I don't. Not really. I fell off completely the last few months for all sorts of reasons, but even for a while before that I was barely writing a few paragraphs a day. The mental act of formulating sentences and paragraphs, and the physical act of typing them out feels almost foreign now, because I've been out of the game for so long.
But no longer! Enough is enough!
Why we're here
Starting with this post, my writing funk is over. Throughout 2023, I intend on writing one article a week, for the purpose of reacquainting myself with writing stuff and, equally importantly, posting it. One of my problems is placing way too much importance on the things I write, to the point I get psyched out and paralyzed.
This project is designed to be as low pressure as possible, so every week I can just have fun with it. Maybe one week I'll do a review of something I read or watched, and the next I'll do a writing prompt. Maybe I'll have a thought I want to explore, or god forbid some opinions on current events. The possibilities are endless. The only rule is they have to be at least a thousand words long, so I have to actually write something of substance. As of the end of this paragraph I should be about halfway to 1k, so I'd like to talk about my plans for the new year :)
New year new me
That was one of my favorite videos by one of my favorite YouTubers, CGP Grey. If you didn't watch it, it's about an alternative to New Years Resolutions: themed years. Normally, people set goals for themselves for the new year that, ideally, feel attainable within that year. But then life gets in the way, you set aside your goal, and by the time December rolls around again, your goal is no longer attainable and you've failed. This video instead proposes that you choose a broad theme for your year to strive toward, that you can adapt to your needs as your circumstances change while still moving in the right direction.
I think it's an amazing concept. CGP Grey didn't invent it, I'm sure, but that video has over four million views. I'm probably not the only one who found out from him. A few years ago (I want to say 2020) I did the Year of Creation, and I actually wrote more that year than I ever had previously. For various reasons I didn't do any themes since then, but I'm revisiting it now because I know which direction I want to grow this year.
My theme
All my life, in all sorts of ways, I've been pushed away from being my true self. I'm not going to spend this article recounting my ~tragic backstory~ or anything like that, except what I have to to make sense. I was always a weird kid. Some people were curious or mystified, but most were annoyed or weirded out by me. I'm almost definitely some flavor of undiagnosed neurodivergent, and I was bullied a lot no matter where I went.
The lesson I learned from that is to push my personality deep down and be agreeable and unobtrusive wherever I went. I definitely had annoying tendencies and bad habits that I needed to improve on, but I think instead of refining my personality to something unique that people could appreciate, I just pushed it all down. And I realized that it was killing me.
Nowadays I actually do have friends who genuinely care about me, but I feel like they don't know the 'real' me. I never really let them know the ‘real’ me, because I don't know the 'real' me. In 2023 I want to be more true to myself, and become more comfortable putting myself - whoever that may be - out into the world. I don't want to live in fear anymore.
I recently realized (or maybe accepted) that I'm trans. I'm at the beginning of a very long journey with respect to transitioning, and I'm sure I'll talk about that experience here. Either way though, I don't think I'll ever get results if I'm not honest with myself about who I am and who I want to be.
I'm also in the middle of a more-or-less mutual breakup of a 3.5 year relationship. I respect my ex and care for her, but I needed to be able to find myself independently of another person. I also want to expand on this experience through articles in the future, because man if that’s not a catalyst for self-reflection and growth I don’t know what is.
So this year, I'm focused on getting to know myself. Understanding myself. Figuring out how I fit in this hellworld by actually putting myself out there in my writing, my actions, and my choices. It's really daunting, and I'm scared of being on my own again, and I'm afraid of alienating people, but I'm also excited. I've suffered from depression for so long but I'm hopeful that there's a light to the end of that tunnel. Sometimes that hope takes more effort than it feels like it's worth, but it's not like I have anything better to do than to strive for it. So my purpose for this year is clear.
2023 is the Year of Expression.
Thanks for reading.
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I was tagged by @raplinenthusiasts @leesjieuns and @dinnerthing to answer these q's (thanks julia, sher, & lu <33 sorry i'm late but i love you)
name: kayla! star sign(s): taurus sun, aquarius moon, cancer rising height: 5′1" time right now: 1:20 pm birthday: april 24th favorite band/artist: the national, bts, fleet foxes, taylor swift last movie watched: NOPE last show watched: the circle lmao my guilty pleasure when i created this blog: 2010....... LOL i'll die here what i post: lately a lot of bts, but also just whatever i want. this is a personal blog first so there's no curation or theme sorry <3 other blogs: i have a shit post blog but i haven't updated it in years. i bet a lot of my followers wish i had created a kpop side blog lmaooooooo do i get asks? not many at all but my dms are are a fun place if you ever want to chat :) followers: 1k but i think it's simply because i've been on this hellsite for 12 years and 2/3 of these followers are bots or deactivated (my biggest fans) average amount of sleep: 7 hours but i function best with 9 but i haven't gotten that much sleep in years lol instruments: piano (badly), guitar (retired) - my hands are simply too small for either what i am wearing: leggings, a hoodie, and slippers dream job: my dream job is to scan book pages from book donations for the Internet Archive to upload books online to lend out freely; i'm a librarian so i'm close but have given myself a position with too many responsibilities and i have to WRITE???? dream trip: italy with my mom, south korea and japan with my friends. favorite songs: (forever faves): heaven by the walkmen, terrible love by the national, cruel summer by taylor swift, dimple by bts. (lately): lavender haze by taylor swift, anxious by carly rae jepsen, in the whale by onew.
----- (and these extra questions also tagged from lu <3)
First Ship Ever: probably ron and hermione for me too lolol Last Movie: NOPE Last Song: ditto by newjeans (obsessed) Currently Reading: tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow by gabrielle zevin Currently Watching: seinfeld for mindless watching/companionship, better call saul, and i'm in need of a new kdrama (just finished the fabulous) Currently Consuming: iced coffee Currently Craving: FRIES always FRIES
now who should I tag? no obligations of course and here's a notif to send you a lil hug: @clutterbugs @fireworksgalaxy
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corrodedcorpses · 2 years
Congrats on 1K!! It’s been a pleasure following you so far 🥳 so for the ship game. My name is Kayla. I’m 25, goth and my favorite color is black or dark red. Currently a front desk hotel clerk formerly a gas station manager. I love horror movies and one of my fave ones is Scream, I’m self taught in SFX makeup and am learning guitar on my own rn. Love metal music and I have 2 cats. I know the obvious one I’m putting here on this list is Eddie but Imma throw in Steve and Robin as well lol
Aw thank you!
Dude you are literally so cool!!! Yes 100% Eddie but I think Steve and Robin would love you too. Robin is a lil alternate and seeing as how much Steve liked Eddie he would definitely love you!
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
KAYLAAAA!! I’ve been mia from tumble but when I log on the first thing I c is u hit 1k and oml!! I’m so proud n happy for u 😭🤩🥺😍🥳🤧✨💖💖😗😗😙😙🥰🥰😌 u deserve that and MOR fam i always love ur presence n vibe n I’m glad 1k ppl can appreciate u too 🥺 and u out here repping Aran n giving him the recognition he DESERVES so GO OFF SIS 😤 again v proud of u n glad to call u my long standing moot <3 always here for u sis and congrats again! Take care luv and ty for all the support 💖💖💖💖
Us in my mind right now:
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Thank youuuuu fam omg😭😭😭 yes I was literally YOUR silent talkative reader before I even started posting any of my own writing!!! Love your works so much!! Like you’re a staple on here for me. I hope you are taking care of yourself in the real world cause it’s been a joy to be your moot💗
Okay YES YOU ALREADY KNOWWW MY LOVE FOR ARAN RUNS DEEP AS HELL, tyty I will be hosting a bday event for him in March hahah
But again tysm. My smile was so big when I saw you in my inbox🧡🧡🧡🧡
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
queen elizadeath
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letterboxded · 5 years
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sebastian + floral shirts
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moonlightperseus · 4 years
okay OKAY I want to know your thoughts on post movie Nile settling in witth the new gang
okay okay okay so the older immortals try their best to help her settle in and she’s definitely... more comfortable with them? the act of fighting and dying together definitely brings people closer together lmao. but theres still a lot of adjustment, and i think it’s not just adjustment for nile, but for the older immortals as well, andy, joe & nicky have known each other for almost a millennia, and while, yes, booker did join them two centuries ago, he strikes me to have been... very passive fitting in. making as little ripples in the group as possible. but nile is bold and stands strong in what she believes in and shes not afraid to tell the older immortals that “i understand you are all very old but you really have got to stop saying things like “I remember when it was believed that there were evil spirits inside brussel sprouts” out loud, in the middle of the produce isle. people can hear you.” and also advocating for some safe houses that were actually built in the 21st century, “would it kill you guys to stay at a place with built in air conditioning and heating.” 
(this got long so im gonna save those who don’t wish to see my 1k of rambling about this found family with a read more)
so yeah, there’s a lot of adjusting. and it’s not always easy. nile learns that, despite how willing they are to expressing feelings of love and joy with one another, when it really comes down to feelings of grief and sadness, andy tends to shut everyone out, joe and nicky are a little better in that they seclude to just each other. and while the other immortals may have centuries of grief, nile is no stranger to it herself. nile knows what grief can do, and even more so, she knows what grief can do to those who keep it bottled up inside. so she respects their boundaries and gives them space when they need it but she is always firm in showing her support. 
and in turn they are always there for her when it comes to her nightmares. they learn that as a child her mother would always make her and her brother hot chocolate after nightmares. joe and nicky will take turns comforting her when she wakes from a nightmare while the other makes hot chocolate. nicky will tell her stories of their immortal lives, he lets her ask any questions she has and answers them with honesty. joe shares his art with her, and the stories behind each drawing and painting and piece of poetry he has. and on particularly rough nights, when she gives up on sleep altogether, she can find a still steaming cup of hot chocolate waiting for her on the counter, and she can find andy sitting in the most living room esque room in their safehouse, the television on, quietly playing one of those channels that only plays reruns of old shows. they sit together in silence until one or both of them fall asleep. (it’s almost always nile who falls asleep first, andy will gently take the empty mug out of her hands if she’s still clasping it, and if it’s cold she’ll pull a blanket over nile as gently as possible. she doesn’t risk waking nile in trying to move her to a proper bed.)
it’s not always easy, but they teach each other.
the older immortals teach nile different languages and fighting styles and what’s the best soap to use to clean up blood. nicky and joe take turns, or sometimes together, teaching her how to fight with a sword. andy teaches her how to use an axe. it’s an unspoken knowledge that andy is teaching nile how to use her axe. 
and nile teaches them the wonders of the modern world. she insists on them all using phones and texting for mundane communication since they have copley to make it safe. the others had always left the use of technology to booker. they aren’t completely clueless to the modern world, but it’s through nile’s eyes that they learn to love it as she does. 
Joe takes to texting the best and uses it the most out of the the older immortals. His texts will either be very poetic or absolute chaos. And he loves emojis. His favorite emoji is hands down the heart eyes emoji. All of his texts to Nicky have the heart eye emoji somewhere in them. Usually at the end. But Andy and Nile are not exempt from his use of heart eyes emojis. He has a lot of love and he is not afraid to express it via emoji. 
Nicky texts in a way that i truly can only describe as reminiscent of my grandmother, which is a mix of long messages, perfect grammar, and also sometimes replacing words with emojis. once she used “W b” instead of “will be” and to this day i do not know if it was intentional or not. that’s the energy nicky has when texting. 
Andy... Andy is absolutely and completely unpredictable in her texting. There’s no real way to describe it. she texts the briefest possible messages. and it’s almost always hit or miss on if she’ll actually text back. Nile’s not sure if she doesn’t understand emojis or just simply refuses to use them.  
They have a groupchat thats predominately used for when one of them runs errands, however half of the time the messages are just Joe being poetic about Nicky. 
I think on a mix of: Nile being new to immortality, the events that went down with Merrick and also on the account of Andy’s newfound mortality, they all remain living together for the forseeable future. however after andy all but physically removes nicky and joe from the current safehouse for “being too gross” nicky and joe will occasional take vacations out on their own. during these vacations andy will swing from giving nile a break from training to turning her training up to 200%. Joe and Nicky never gone long, usually just a few days, sometimes a whole week. it’s no secret that andy’s mortality scares them. andy will grumble about “missing the days when they would go off on their own for years at a time” but they all know that she wants them close just as much. 
it’s not always easy, but together, they learn. 
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deadangelos · 5 years
Is Nico back yet?
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School of Mysteries : Chapter 4
Word Count : 1k
Warnings : murder, sex, food mention, swearing, mention of cheating
A/N : I just want to thank everyone for all the birthday love and for understanding why I couldn't post yesterday! I had an amazing birthday and I feel so lucky I got to celebrate with so many lovely people. Anyway, please enjoy chapter 4 of this murder mystery!
            It felt like déjà vu. Sitting in the same room across from the same detectives, her mouth just as dry as last time. Her stomach was twisted in knots. She bit her lip as she tried not to cry, staring at the pictures in front of her. “Do you know why he would be at the pool so early in the morning?” She shook her head, still unable to look away from the pictures.
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            “Can you tell us where you were at the time of the murder?”
            “Where are you going?” She asked, sitting up in bed, looking at her phone for the time. Just passed 3 in the morning. Felix gave her a quick kiss.
            “Go back to sleep angel. I just have something to take care of. I love you.” And he was gone. She stared at the bedroom door for a few minutes before falling back asleep, waking up a few hours later, the bed still empty.
            “He’s cheating on me.” She whispered to herself. “Some people really are too good to be true.” She flung the blanket off herself and headed into the kitchen where Mae was already cooking breakfast.
            “Felix still sleeping?” Kayla asked. “He’s going to be late.”
            “He left early this morning. Don’t worry about it.” Y/n answered as nonchalantly as she could, trying her best to seem unbothered. But Mae and Kayla knew her better than that. They could see right through her, see the hurt she was hiding. But they left it alone, allowing her to continue to pretend like things were okay.
            “I was sleeping. Felix left just after 3 in the morning. He texted me around 4 to meet him at the beach for lunch.”
            “Was it normal for him to leave so early in the morning?” The younger detective asked. Y/n shook her head. She thought of all the mornings he would wake her up by peppering kisses all over her face. Or the mornings he would lay on top of her, giggling, staring at her, telling her she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
            “Though this wasn’t the first time.” It was gone. The mornings laying in bed with him. Watching him play video games and trying to distract him. It hasn’t fully set in for her that Felix was gone. He wasn’t coming back.
            “Could you elaborate?”
            “The last few days he’s been leaving early in the morning. I haven’t really seen him much.” She tried to remember the last time they had gone on a date or even spent the day together. But everything was before. Before Hyunjin’s murder. The detectives exchanged glances before telling her she could go. “Could I wait for my friends?”
            “Of course. You can sit at that desk over there. I’ll have someone bring you more water, okay?” The younger detective explained with a caring look in his eyes. She nodded, thanking him, and walking over to where he pointed.
            “So you, along with your girlfriend who’s being interviewed by my partner, were at the pool at the time of the murder. Care to explain?” The younger detective asked Kayla. Kayla sat back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.
            “We like to have sex in the showers at the pool. Last I checked that’s not a crime.”
            “No, but murder is.” Kayla scoffed.
            “Listen, we heard arguing, but that really wasn’t any of our business. Besides, how were we supposed to know that the arguing would result in murder?” He slowly nodded. “Also, why would we kill our best friend’s boyfriend?”
            “Do you have any proof?” Kayla smirked as she handed over her phone.
            “We like to film ourselves. Go on. Look. You know you want to.” The detective visibly gulped, taking the phone from her and pressing play. He was trying to pay attention to background sounds and not the two girls on the screen. He could hear the arguing and then a splash, which was enough proof for him. He handed the phone back. “You enjoy it?”
            “You’re free to go.” Was all he said before getting up and leaving the room.
            “Pervert.” She giggled to herself.
            “You know I bet your girlfriend is in the other room spilling the beans about everything, throwing you under the bus.” The older detective said.
            “We didn’t kill Felix.” Mae replied with an eye roll. She was sat back in the chair, one leg crossed over the other, and her arms crossed over her chest. “Y/n loves him and he made her happy. All we want is for her to be happy. Why would we take that away?”
            “Then explain why you were at the pool at the time of the murder.” Mae smirked as she leaned in closer.
            “We were fucking in the showers.” The detective scoffed. “Awe are you just a perverted old man that wants to see two girls fucking in the shower? Well you’re in luck, we filmed it.” She handed him her phone and he pressed play. Again, the arguing could be heard in the background, along with a splash. “See. Not us.” He handed the phone back while grumbling to himself.
            “You’re free to go.” She smiled at him as she left the room, seeing Kayla with Y/n wrapped up in her arms. Her heart melted at the sight.
            “Shall we go babies?” Mae asked softly, reaching for Y/n’s hand. Y/n nodded and her and Kayla stood up. As they walked out of the station, the younger detective called after Y/n.
            “This was found with Felix’s body. I think he’d want you to have it.” He handed her a small velvet box with a diamond ring inside. She looked between Mae and Kayla, wondering if they had any idea about this, but they seemed just as surprised.
            “He was going to propose?” She whispered, tears welling up in her eyes again. “I thought he was cheating but he was actually going to propose?”
            “Thank you detective. But we’ll be going now.” Kayla said, wrapping an arm around Y/n and leading her towards her car.
            “Do you still think Felix killed Hyunjin?” The younger detective asked his partner.
            “I’m not sure. We might have a serial on our hands. And those girls are at the center of it.”
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say-al0e · 3 years
No whiskey fic today but I’m making good progress. Question is: it’s gonna clock in at at least 20k. Do you guys want me to post it whole or split it into two parts?
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
Big Scary Love
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(Header made by the talented @flowers-in-your-hayr​)
For @a-mess-of-fandoms​ Kayla’s 1K Writing Challenge: Prompt #20 (prompt in bold in text below)
Characters: Ivar || Ubbe
Genre:  Romance
Warning: None
Rating: PG
Summary: A little brother seeks approval as he’s about to make the biggest decision of his life.
A/N: I was supposed to have written and submitted this one-shot for @a-mess-of-fandoms​​ months ago, but I suck! I have struggled with this thing so much. I have literally rewritten it 19 times. I don’t know why one-shots are so hard for me. The only have to be one scene, but I struggle with did I choose the right scene, how much do I want to say about it, did I find resolution? Needless to say, I was never happy with anything I wrote. It still didn’t turn out exactly as I hoped, but it’s close.
Congrats on your many followers! I’m sorry I’m so late.
Big Scary Love
Lothbrok’s Bar and Grille sat approximately two miles south off of exit 131B  between Kattegat and Hedeby. 
Established in 1990, the bar was built from the ground up by the Sigurdsson brothers, Ragnar and Rollo, as a place where the blue-collar people of both towns could get a good meal and stiff drink. It was also the place where Ragnar’s sons had grown up and naturally where they chose to carry on the childhood tradition of their monthly family game night. 
Dating back to when Bjorn first taught Ubbe and Hvitserk how to play Go Fish, when they were the ages of 6 and 4. respectively, the boys would meet at a table in the back of the restaurant to play games. It helped keep them close, especially since Bjorn lived in Hedeby with Lagertha and the other boys lived in Kattegat with Aslaug. But, the bar was in the middle, on neutral territory. It provided a place where they could all gather and remain close when distance and the common dislike between the adults threatened to tear them apart.  
Almost thirty years later the tradition continues at 7:30 pm on the third Thursday of the month. Bjorn and his wife Gunnhild, Ubbe along with his wife Torvi, Hvitserk and his girlfriend Amma, Sigurd with his boyfriend Kalf, and Ivar who vowed to start bringing his girlfriend, Cami, would gather, at the table in the back left corner, to play the game of choice according to whose name was next on the chalkboard. 
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Watching the door, Ivar’s brows raise when he recognizes his older brother cross the threshold. Slowly, he continues to organize the colorful money so that all the faces aligned in the same direction and before placing it back in the bank. A quick nod acknowledges the fact that Ubbe is headed to the bar to get a drink before he takes a seat at the large table in the back corner of the room, already set for the brothers’ monthly game. Tonight’s game is his pick, Monopoly.
Ubbe shivers slightly, trying to knock off the outside chill as he brushes the fresh snow from his black wool pea coat. As he approaches the bar, he removes his gloves and smiles at his younger brother. “Hvitserk,” he sings, clasping the younger Ragnarsson’s hand before drawing him into a manly hug, “How’s it going, brother?”
“Pretty good,” Hvitserk answers patting his brother on the back with a smile, “What are you doing here so early? We’re not supposed to meet for another,” he looks up at the clock built into the ship’s wheel on the far wall, “hour.”
“Ah,” Ubbe puts one his foot on the wooden rungs of the bar stool and balances his weight on his other leg while he plays with the coaster, “Ivar asked me to meet him here early.” He looks over his right shoulder toward the table in the back and holds up a finger to his youngest brother and then points to the bar to ask if he would like a drink. “Do you know what’s up with him?”
“He probably wants you to help him cheat,” Hvitserk explains as he takes the towel from over his shoulder and wipes down the side of the bar to Ubbe’s left. “The usual?” He prepares two drinks, when Ubbe holds up two fingers, for both of his brothers. “Oh, Angrboda just made a huge pot of Helga’s seafood stew.”
Ubbe’s eyes light up as he nods his head, “That sounds great. I’m fucking freezing. Send over a large bowl with bread, yeah?” He knocks on the bar twice, as is customary, before picking up the glasses and makes his way to the table.   
Ubbe sits the drinks on the table and smiles cheerfully, “Hey, baby boy.” He walks around and hugs his brother’s head before leaning down to kiss him on the top of his hair, “How you doing, kid? You good?” Receiving a pat on his forearm, he playfully pushes Ivar away before flopping down on a chair beside him.
“Hey,” Ivar answers watching his brother sit, holding an awkward smile on his lips, “thanks for meeting me early.” He takes a look out the window at the falling snow covering up his uneven footprints on the sidewalk, “It’s getting bad out there?”
“Nah, not really. Should have a good covering come morning, but nothing too bad.” Ubbe picks up his glass and takes a drink, stretching his lips across his teeth as the sour taste of the vodka gimlet settles on his tongue. He takes note of the way his brother is arranging the game pieces and watches for a moment before he speaks, “So…what’s going on? Why did I need to meet you here before the others?”
Ivar takes a sip of the Guinness Stout and picks up the Chance cards to arrange them all in the same direction, “Well, uh, Ubbe. I wanted to talk to you, about…about, Camille.”
“What about her?” Ubbe isn’t sure where this conversation is headed. He’s only met her a handful of times and she seems nice enough, though he’s not sure she’s the one for Ivar. There’s no reason for him to feel that way, it’s just something in his gut that says the relationship will be short-lived. 
“So,” Ivar takes in a deep breath. Having rehearsed his speech for the better part of the day, he struggles to remember to pace himself and breathe, “You know we’ve been together for a little over a year now and things are going in a really good direction with us. She’s moving in with me. We’ve even talked about looking for a small house together.” He looks up from the game box to gauge his brother’s reaction. Unable to read Ubbe’s face he continues, “I want to ask her to marry me.”
Ubbe coughs down the gimlet that gets caught in his throat as he swallows. He sits back in the chair and leans against the backrest folding his arms across his chest. He tries to keep his mouth closed to let his brother finish but the words start to spill out his mouth, “Oh, Ivar,” he chuckles, “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” 
“Why because she’s Afro-Latina and not Viking? I thought you of all people would understand that our differences don’t matter to me. Hell, I’m different, and it didn’t stop her from wanting to be with me,” Ivar defends.
“Of course not, brother. I’m not a dick,” Ubbe places his hand on his brother’s arm to calm him, “I only meant that she’s your first girlfriend. I get that you’re excited, and everything is still pretty new with you two. But, you don’t have to run out and propose to the first girl that you -” he raises his brows and ducks his head to signal Ivar what he’s talking about. “You will have lots of relationships. You will meet a ton of beautiful women that will blow your mind in bed. Hell, you might even want to marry them all. We all know Bjorn tries to,” both brothers chuckle at that, “but it’s not necessary.”
“You don’t understand, Ubbe.” Ivar interrupts, “it’s not like that.”
“You don’t understand, kid. Bjorn will never release your shares from this place before you’re 30. Especially not if he knew you would be just turning it over to some girl and knowing you it would be without a prenup. Without the interest on that trust, what will you do for money, huh? Work for Hvitserk?” He raises his brow at Ivar while ignoring the flash of anger in the younger man’s eye. “Rollo and Father put every dime and ounce of sweat they had into this restaurant to give us a legacy. You are too young to remember, but there were nights when Father would not come home because he was here laying the foundation, brick by brick. There were also many times when Mother had nothing but soup to feed us all because there was no money to buy meat; father spent it all to see his dream come true. His dream was for us to have a better life and we did. When he died, we all got a piece of this place and the money from it is for our future.”
Ubbe blinks his blue eyes thoughtfully at the younger man beside him, “Besides, baby boy, you are so impulsive – as soon as you get an idea, you jump on it. You don’t always think things through. Have you really thought about this?”
“When Bjorn decided to join the Army and go to war, we didn’t tell him he couldn’t go. We let him go live out his dreams of being one of the Avengers. And was Hvitserk being impulsive when he decided that he wanted to take this place over after Helga died? He did not know the restaurant business. Liking to eat and running a restaurant are two different things, but none of us tried to talk him out of it?” Ivar rolled his eyes and slammed the game cards onto the board, “We all rallied around him and pooled our money together to help him remodel this place how he wanted. We promised that even if he fucked up we would pitch in and help keep this place afloat. My money is here, too. I should be able to have it if I want it.”
“But, Ivar…”
“I’m not finished, Ubbe,” Ivar runs his fingers through his long, loose hair and pulls it over to one shoulder, “When you decided to marry Torvi, a woman that had three children that weren’t yours, did any of us say anything? No. We could see that you loved her and that she made you happy and that was enough. And Sigurd? He was scared as hell to tell us about Kalf, but in the end, it was fine, because he’s our brother and we support each other. But why not me?”
Ubbe takes another drink and sets his cup down silently. He regards his little brother and smiles at him softly, “Because you, my little Ivar, are my baby brother and I don’t want you to get hurt.” He squeezes Ivar’s shoulder lovingly, “I have always looked out for you. I have been your legs since you were a child. You are a part of me, brother, and I must protect you.”
“You can’t protect me from love, Ubbe. She’s my big scary love,” Ivar’s eyes drop bashfully as the blush stains his cheeks.
 “Your what?”
“That’s what we call it – big scary love. You know that love you feel all the time, but sometimes you wake up in the morning and you just say to yourself, ‘I love the fuck out of this woman?’ It’s that love that after a year I still feel fluttering in my chest when I hear her ringtone and why my world spirals out of control when I see tears in her eyes. And she loves me that way, too, Ubbe. I mean, look at me,” he opens his hands in surrender, “In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you. Well, she does. She loves me like that and so much more. My legs, crawling around, breaking bones, the pain, my temper...hell, she loves me despite those things. To her, they are just additional sides of me to love.”
Ubbe listens to his brother, trying to keep the tears that threaten to spring to his eyes at bay. He can hear it in Ivar’s voice that he is truly happy. Now, he regrets not getting to know Cami better, but he admits to himself that he did not think that their relationship would last. “I am happy that you found love, Ivar.”
 “She’s pregnant.”
Ubbe unintentionally holds his breath as he tries to think of something else to say, but no words will come out. Why can’t Ivar see what he’s doing? This is all the more reason for him not to make this mistake.
“That’s not the reason why I want to marry her, though.” Ivar smile doubles in size as he thinks about the prospect of becoming a father, “I’ll admit the idea of having a baby is like…fuck! But, I want to marry her because I want to make her my family. I want it all, Ubbe; a family of my own, with her. She’s it for me.”
 “So, what do you want from me?”
With a shrug, Ivar relaxes, “Your permission? Your blessing? Congratulations? I don’t know. You’ve always been my favorite brother – I guess I just want to know that I’ll still have you in my corner. I don’t give a fuck about the money from the restaurant. If Bjorn wants to be an ass and tie it up for years, so be it. I’ll get a real job and stop living off of the family name. The only thing I want is Mother’s ring. I want to propose the right way…and maybe you in my corner.”
Ubbe cups one hand around Ivar’s cheek and gives him a few hits, “My baby brother has finally grown up!” Leaning in, he places his other hand on Ivar’s other cheek before pulling his face toward him to kiss him on both cheeks, “You’re going to be a father and husband! I’m so proud and happy for you! Of course, I will stand up for you, brother. All I have ever wanted was for you to find your own happiness.” Ubbe can’t stop the laughter coming from him as he notices Hvitserk coming over to the table. “And it would be my honor to give you Mother’s ring.”
“Sorry, it took so long. Porunn was late for her shift again. Know any good people needing a job? I could use some help around here.” Hvitserk says, sitting the bowl of soup on the table. He looks at his brothers and smiles at them laughing like loons, “What are you idiots up to?”
Ubbe gives Ivar a knowing smile as he hugs him around the shoulders. “Nothing. Just our brother here has some wonderful news to share tonight when the others arrive.”
Nodding, Hvitserk punches Ivar’s arm and picks up Ubbe’s glass to toast, “Well, to whatever your news is, Ivar,” he clicks glasses with his youngest brother and finishes off Ubbe’s drink. “I’ll get you another, Ubbe.” As he turns to walk toward the bar, he yells over his shoulder, “And you’re not banker during Monopoly tonight, Ivar. You always cheat!”
 Tags:  @youbloodymadgenius​​​ @idea-garden @kol--mikaelson​​​ @mooniemouse​​​ @didiintheblog​​​ @waiting4inspiration​​​ @tempt-ress​ @where-beauty-goes-to-die @crazyaboutmotleycrue​​​ @oddsnendsfanfics​​​ @geekandbooknerd​​​ @ivarthebloodyking​​​ @honestsycrets​​​   @xbellaxcarolinax​​​  @zuxiezendler​​​ @inforapound​​​​  @a-mess-of-fandoms​
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