#Kenny Moore
blackmensuited · 1 year
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kenttsterling · 1 year
Michael Pittman should be extended! For Stewart, Moore, and Taylor, the answers are different! IU Baseball should be PISSED at NCAA!
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h50europe · 3 months
Shemar Moore and Lou Ferrigno Jr. flexing BTS of SWAT - 2020
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(This time it’s all The Office because I know Simon would appreciate that)
Part 1 Part 2
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pascalishere · 1 year
I still don’t know which member of King Gizzard is which btw
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axelwolf8109 · 5 months
Swat so full of attractive people shit ain't fair
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The Boy From Bomont
pairing: willard hewitt x fem!reader
warning: sexual harassment/assault, fighting
A/N: basically footloose 2011 in a different way.
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I don’t what it is about Bomont, it’s odd to me, we’re not allowed to listen to music including dancing. I’ve never been to a place like this or live in a place like this. My aunt, uncle, my cousins and I have to go to church, I’m not really a religious person but I’ll try to respect the church if I can.
I go to Bomont High School which their traditions at this school is nothing what my last school had. No school dances and no music allowed anywhere at this school.
I meet Ariel and Rusty in my ELA 3 class and Ariel reminds me of a girl who I went to school with, really rebellious, not a goody-goody I can tell, and has a boyfriend who looks like a college kid. Rusty is like me, not what Ariel is.
Rusty took me to the drive-in and everyone was really nice and really dirty minded, like my friends back home. I met Willard, he reminds me of a boy from my last high school. Really southern and really kinda has a good heart.
“What do want from the menu?” Woody told me.
I look at him about to speak but his girlfriend interrupted me.
“Leave that girl alone, so there’s a lot of good food on the menu, I suggest the hot dog.” She says.
I chuckle, “I think I’d like the hot dog with nothing on it.” I said to Claude.
Claude gives me the hot dog and says to Woody, “Now, I don’t want a fine, and you don’t want to get another ticket.”
“Wait, you got a ticket for dancing?” I asked Woody.
“He got two tickets for dancing, one more then you’re off the team!” Woody’s girlfriend said.
I get my stuff and go outside to see what’s going on, I hear music from the speakers.
“Holy.” I go to where Rusty and the rest of her friends are at.
Everyone continues to dance and I’m amazed by this, everyone hates the fact that dancing is against the law.
“Y/N, come on let’s dance.” Woody’s girlfriend says to me, leading me to the middle of the huge crowd of people dancing.
I start to dance and I get into it and I hear people cheering, I don’t know why for me or for another person. I continue dancing and noticing no one is dancing, just me. I got kinda nervous but I continue to dance. Ren starts dancing with me, I follow his lead, until I notice Ariel so I stop and faked a reason why I’m going to Rusty and the rest of her friends.
“Attention. Attention. Ariel Moore, will you please come to the front of the diner? Your daddy is here for you.” Claude says in a speaker.
Ariel leaves with her dad. “Daddy’s gon’ take her out to the woodshed.” Willard says.
“What does that mean?” I said looking at him.
“It means she’s in deep shit.”
What is wrong with the county?
I got to know Rusty friends a lot better, especially Willard, he told me about his personal life and what even happens at this county. I can’t stop looking in his eyes but I can’t help it. He seems like a sweet guy to me.
Ren gets in an invite to go to the speedway and Woody, Willard, Rusty, Woody’s girlfriend and I go to support Ren and I notice the gang, they are creepy to me. I get uncomfortable by approaching them and Willard notices me get uncomfortable so he holds my hand. The words I’m even hearing right now get me uncomfortable. I don’t want to be here.
“I love that lil dance you were doing last night. Noticed that you can swing your hips like, what are they called, a stripper.” Chuck says to me.
He’s friends giggle.
“Thank you, didn’t notice a maggot was looking at me being a pervert.” I said back.
He wants to kill by the way he’s looking at me.
“Now, how about you start dancing with this.” Chuck says to Ren getting in a tractor.
I hate this.
The race starts and I get nervous because some of Chuck’s gang get in three buses. I hope Ren survives this. My friends and I get up to where the flags are at.
“Go Ren!” We all say.
Ren is winning but we saw the most terrifying things I’ve ever seen. The buses tipped over and destroyed. Ren tries to stop and Woody and Willard goes out there to save him. Ren jumps out with Willard and Woody.
“Holy shit!” I say. Rusty laughs at my comment.
I get to the library to study for some things in some of my classes and I notice someone in the corner of my eye and it’s one of the guys from yesterday.
“Can I talk to ya.” He says.
I ignore him.
“Listen, yesterday was cool wasn’t?”
I stay silent.
“You’re actually kinda cute. Wanna somewhere more private?” He says.
“I don’t want to.” I said to him.
“Come on, a girl like you, might get a baby in her belly.” He says with a disgusting smirk on his face.
“I gotta go.” I get my things and try to leave but he stops me and tries to touch me.
“Let go of me you creep!” I struggle and kick his dick.
“Excuse me?” A librarian says.
I look at him and he takes me to the principal’s office.
“Now Ms. Y/L/N, why did you kick Rich?” Principal Roger says to me with the librarian and a cop in the room.
“Rich tried to touch me! And he, he wanted to rape me.” I said.
“Now Y/N, tell us the truth, what did he do to you to make you hit him.” Principal Roger says.
“What I just said.” I say looking in his eyes.
“Well he said that he was trying to help you with your homework.” He says to me.
“He’s lying!” I kinda yells.
“Now Y/N-“
“He told me that a girl like me can get pregnant!” I interrupt him.
“Then why did you kick him?” The librarian says.
I make a big sigh and say, “He sexually harassed me!”
“I know Rich won’t do that.” The cop says.
“Are you kidding me? Does anyone in this town understand about sexual harassment or assault?” I question.
“We do Y/N.” Principal Roger says.
“Y/N, here’s your ISS slip and have a good day.” He says.
I take the slip out of his hand and look at it and look at him.
“You guys really don’t know what’s going on with women today don’t you?” I says and walk out of the office and went outside to get out of this hell hole.
“Y/N/N!” Ariel says to me but I ignore her.
“Y/N, what’s the matter?” She comes close to me.
I look at her, “Had the worst god damn day of my life.” I say.
“You wanna talk about it?” She says.
“I prefer not to, you won’t believe me.” I walk away.
“What happened?” She yells at my direction.
“You won’t even care!” I yell back.
I get in my car to drive at some abandoned warehouse. I get out of my car and start to get out and then start to think on what just happened at school.
I start to cry and I sit on the floor and bawled my eyes out. Why do people don’t take women seriously? I curl up in a ball and cry to myself. I hear some footsteps, I look where the noises are at and it’s Willard.
I whimper a bit.
“What’s wrong?” Willard said walking up to me.
“I got in school suspension.” I wipe my tears off my face.
“What happened?” He sits next to me.
“That guy yesterday, Rich, he tried to touch me and he, he told me I would look good pregnant, and when he was trying to touch me, I kicked him in the ball sack.” I look at him.
“And you got suspended?” He questions.
I nod.
“Y/N/N, I’m sorry that happened to you.” Willard says and hugs me, I hug him back, I cry again.
“Those guys are assholes.” Willard whispers in my ear.
I giggle. “They really are. Does this town even care about women’s rights at all?” I stop hugging him and look at him.
“Apparently not.” He says.
I look down at the ground and Willard makes me look at him. I look at him with teary eyes, he kisses me. I kiss him back. He’s the only guy I can trust to be around me including Ren and Woody.
We stop kissing and he gets my hair away from my face.
“I wanna go home.” I said.
“I’ll take you home Y/N/N.” He says.
“Really? I mean I can drive myself.” I said.
“No, I insisted Y/N/N.” He holds his hand out for me so he can help me back up on my feet.
He helps me up and I give him my car keys. I get in the passenger seat and Willard gets in the driver’s seat.
“You ready?” He says looking at me.
“Yeah.” I look at him.
He drives away from the abandoned warehouse, I can’t believe what happened today. He pulls up to my driveway but we stayed in my car for a few minutes.
“I have a question Willard.” I look at him.
“Yes Y/N/N?” He looks at me.
“Why aren’t we allowed to dance or play music whatsoever?” I ask.
“Um, Ariel’s brother, Bobby and some of his friends went partying, they were drinking and driving, and they got in a car accident on a bridge.” Willard told me.
“Is that why Ariel is the way she is now?” I ask.
“Yeah, she used to be a goody two shoes back when we were freshman and sophomore and now she’s a rebellious girl who goes to church.”
“I met that type of person and she’s my friend since elementary school and she reminds me of Ariel.” I said to him.
“And she’s the preacher’s daughter.” He says.
I can’t believe that I just heard that, I never knew about that but I remember seeing her at church but never got to meet her.
“And she hangs out with those creeps and the one who tried touching me?” I said.
“Yep.” He says.
“Willard, do you want me to drive you home?” I said.
“My house is three houses down, you know that Y/N/N.”
I never noticed whatsoever.
“Oh I forgot about that Willard.” I said.
“It’s okay.”
Willard and I get out of my car and I walk up to him, he gives me my car keys.
“Again thank you for driving me home Will.” I said looking up at him.
“You’re wel- Will?” He questions.
“Am I allowed to call you that? You can tell me if you don’t want me to call you that.” I say.
“It’s fine. It’s cute that you just said that Y/N.” He gets closer to me.
“I-I love you.” I said.
“I love you to.” He smirks.
We kiss again. I hear giggling and it’s my cousins watching us. I look at them kinda embarrassed. Willard laughs at them.
“Again thank you for driving me home Will.” I said to him.
“Once again, you’re welcome.” He smiles.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at school?”
“Hopefully all because of your stupid in school suspension dates.” He says.
“Don’t remind me.” I said walking to my car to get my book bag and the slip.
“See you tomorrow Y/N/N.” He says about to walk away.
“Hopefully Will.” I said back.
I show my aunt and uncle the slip and obviously they get angry but I tell them the full story and they agree with me but they want me to do the suspension days. I’ll do it but I don’t deserve to go to detention for what that asshole did to me.
I eventually showed and told Ariel the ISS slip and the whole story on what Rich did to me and Ariel confronted Chuck and Rich about it and Chuck beats her up. She tells her father and he slaps her because she’s not a virgin. When she came to my house, I call Rusty to come over and I patch her up. The three of us stayed up talking about my situation including Ariel’s as well but besides that, we talked for hours until we fell asleep on my bedroom floor.
Ren is teaching Willard to dance. Woody, Ren, his cousins, my cousins and I help Willard to dance and he kinda got the hang of dancing. He asks me to dance with him and I join him. Ren and Woody notice us kinda flirty.
“You guys! There’s children here.” Ren says.
“Oh we caught them kissing a while back.” Sarah, my cousin, says.
“She just exposed you two.” Ren laughing.
We kinda get embarrassed but sometimes we don’t even care what people think of us.
Ren and I keep on helping Willard to dance, he kinda got confused but then one day he danced like Ren. Ren and Willard practiced a dance a week or so and Will finally did it!
A few weeks later, the county including students from Bomont High School and parents went to the county courthouse to talk about why dancing isn’t a crime. I sit with Willard and my aunt, uncle and my cousins sit next to me. Ren talked on the bench and a few hours later, dancing isn’t against the law anymore! So the whole senior class goes to the abandoned warehouse that I went to, to cry my feeling out but this is about Bomont’s first dance. We get decorations up on anything that involves a wall.
I get my dressed for the dance I hear a knock on the door and it’s my aunt.
“You look beautiful Y/N/N.” She says tearing up.
“Thank you Y/A/N.” I hug her.
“Someone’s waiting for you.” Y/A/N smiles.
“Willard?” I smile.
“Yeah Y/N. He looks really cute.” She whispers in my ear.
I look down, I think she can tell I’m blushing.
“I’m going downstairs, don’t stay up here too long.” She says walking out of my room.
“I will.” I said.
I fix my hair and walked downstairs and see Willard. Looking like country boy. I can tell he looks so happy.
I approach him and he has a crossage in his hand, I believe that my uncle gave him that.
“You look beautiful.” Willard whispers in my ear.
“Thank you.” I say.
He puts the crossage on my wrist and it matches my dress.
“Now you two, have a fun time and if something happens, call me.” My uncle said.
“We will Y/U/N.” I said.
I hug my aunt and uncle including my cousins and Willard drives us to the warehouse.
When we got out of the car we see Chuck, Rich and this other guy approaching us.
“Look who it is, the school’s slut and the school’s cowboy.” Chuck says.
“Let’s not fight alright, Rich how’s your small dick.” Willard says.
“It’s fine. Listen, you need to pay my medical bill.” Rich says directly at me.
“Let’s go Will.” I whisper to Willard.
We try to walk away but Chuck and Rich grab me and the other guy grabs Willard and I try to fight back but they were too strong.
“Do something Willard!” I scream.
“I can’t fight Y/N!”
“Fight Will!”
Willard starts fighting the other guy and I start to fight back Chuck and Rich. Ariel, Rusty, and Ren comes out to us fighting.
“Get your damn hands off of her!” Ariel screams at Rich and Chuck.
I fight with Ariel and I notice that Willard, Ren and Rusty is fighting the other guy. When everything was over Willard approached me.
“Are you okay?” Willard says touching my cheek.
“I’m okay, are you?” I question.
“I am Y/N/N. Let’s get in that warehouse.” He says grabbing my hand and taking me to the door.
Ariel, Ren, and Rusty join us and told us if we’re okay. When we got in the warehouse, music began to play, we danced like it was the last day on earth dancing.
Bomont isn’t that bad, except me getting suspended. I made good friends with the best humans I’ve ever met and I have a boyfriend who’s the most sweetest boy I’ve ever met as well.
Ariel told me this quote one day, ‘Dance like no one’s watching.’ And that’s what I did, danced like no one’s watching.
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aidentheaverageuser · 6 months
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Happy Birthday to them
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boilingcowboy · 2 years
red i fucking love you omfg you sweet sweet soul please get a fucking therapist and your lover boy and be happy you deserve it so much im literally sobbing
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blackmensuited · 2 years
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kenttsterling · 2 years
Trayce bows out with class #iubb! #Colts LG Quenton Nelson gets paid! IU Women seek revenge!
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nofatclips · 11 months
Horology by King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, live in Asheville 2019, from the deluxe edition of Polygondwanaland
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Saw the new template floating around and i couldn’t resist.
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periontrost · 1 year
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People vultures Ngl I dislike this piece a lot ahah would love to redraw it one day though.
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nerds-yearbook · 6 months
The first episode of Dexter's Laboratory premiered on March 24, 1996 according to IMDB (people in the trivia gave the date as premiering as a special on TNT on April 27 or 28). It was actually the third episode produced. It was the first Cartoon Network original series produced by Cartoon Network Studios and the first Cartoon Cartoon original series to premiere on Cartoon Network since What a Cartoon! ("Deedeemensional", "Dial M for Monkey: Magmanamus", "Maternal Combat", Dexter's Laboratory, TV Event)
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
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