#Keyboard smash of emotions
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khickuwa · 1 year
My thoughts on “A Dream of Benji” - Luke’s Fluffy Fuzzy Time Card
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so I had the privilege (or the misfortune, depends on how you’d view it lmao /lh) of getting and reading Luke’s new FFT card. I haven't seen anyone talking about it yet, and I have many thoughts about it so.... To anyone who hasn’t read it yet, beware I’ll be discussing spoilers (come back when you’ve read it please I promise you you won’t regret it) and as everyone else probably mention it’s probably best to read this after the FFT event (or at least after completing Benji’s route) 
BUT I MUST SAY, this card has surprisingly became one of my favorite Luke cards (in  terms of the art as well I mean look at THEM(tm) LAYING DOWN IN A MEADOW OF FLOWER... MISS ROSA LOOKS SO ESPECIALLY PRETTY HERE LIKE) right up there with Luke’s 1st anniversary card “Under the Milky Way” and Luke’s “Shape of You” card. I know everyone is probably saving up for the second anniversary (I really need to save up to I haven’t been playing as much last month) but if you do have the s-chips to get the card like... *grabs you in a chokehold* it’s so good. I promise you it’s really worth it.
Though disclaimer!  These are just my thoughts (I’ve been up all night thinking about a virtual dog... Please I Am Not Okay) feel free to disagree! I’ll be discussing about character death and Luke’s illness, so if you ain’t good with that feel free to skip this!
Okay, moving on.
Hoyoverse. What the actual fuck. (YOU THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE A CUTE CARD? CUTE EVENT? TAKING CARE OF VIRTUAL ANIMALS?  A FLUFFY FUZZY FUN TIME!?!? WRONG. ABSOLUTELY WRONG.) This whole card was so incredibly devastating and yet it’s so hopeful at the same time. They really hammered in the idea of “inevitability” and “hopeful anticipation”  irt actualbird's journal of NXX Investigation Team Behavioral Studies. To me at least, this card is like everything that makes Luke... Luke... condensed into a card.
About Benji  (you sweet sweet boy):
Immediately right in the first story, Benji is admitted into hospital and it’s very much obvious that... Benji, a retired 9-year old military dog, doesn’t have much time left.
Benji, obviously, is very much a parallel to Luke Pearce... As I was reading the card, Benji’s situation almost feels like a peek into of what could be Luke’s Future... what could become of Luke. Once great and majestic dog plowing through a vast field of snow, saving hostages along side other agent... now so frail, the wear and tear of old injuries, old age and illness is finally getting to Benji. 
...and in Luke’s own words: “Is he still the same Benji from my memories.”
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Luke and Rosa decides to take Benji into a dog park, where they hope to give Benji some sort of “freedom”... for Benji to finally some semblance of living life as a normal dog. It still had to be catered in a way that was familiar to Benji... and this is sort of scattered around through out between the event stories and the card. eg. making custom training dumbbells, planning training regiments, recreating a hostage situation. Even when Benji is retired, he's still yearning to go back... eg looking back to the direction of military base. Because in the end of the day, that’s all Benji Knows. His Whole Life has Always Been a Mission to Benji.
Then Mr. Henderson, a man in the dog park who's also grieving about his late dog, who's also a retired military dog. And while Luke was able to open up to this man, as both have/are going through the same grief. But MAN did that interaction cause Luke to spiral downwards.
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Even in what I would say Benji’s last moments with Luke and Rosa, the way that Luke had to dismiss Benji of his “duty” this way. (I’m not okay, I’m not okay, THIS DIALOGUE WRECKED ME)
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About Luke (ah here we go again):
After being subsequently punched multiple times in the face by “LOOK BENJI/LUKE PARALLELS, LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT IT!!!”
As I’m going “NO BENJI UWAH QAQ” every second through this card... I also can’t help but fear for Luke. It really made me think that... let’s say even if NSB drops Luke the moment he was diagnosed with the illness and three years left to live, I really do wonder if he would’ve been able to cope with it... or otherwise live with himself? 
Luke as we know it, has this whole self deprecating deal of avoiding and hesitating happiness. The way I see it, he often times try to make himself seem "small" in a way, that he prioritizes other people's needs first before his own. And I would imagine the last thing he'd want for himself is to become a burden/useless. If one day Luke does retire from NSB, one would think that he'd be free... but not really either. I can imagine him being sort of like "what now?" (i can sort imagine luke entering this phase of adjusting back to normal life when he's back in Stellis. this brings me to the headcanon of luke's... questionable lifestyle is a product of Luke having to readjust to normal life /i’m sorry i made fun of your kitchen and my boy, you probably had to make do what with what you had.)
If think about Luke lying in a hospital bed, nearing the end of his life. I'm Going To Lose It (tm). But looking at Benji all old and sickly... I really can’t help imagine that IF it were to happen, it would probably go down the same way it did for Benji. (I Am Going To Cry)
Anyways, after the conversation with Mr. Henderson, Luke spirals down into thoughts of "if I didn't left you, would things have been different?", “we could’ve been happier, if only I had made the “right” choice. (and I wanna grab him by the shoulders and then scream at him “LUKE STOP BAD >:C”)
About Rosa (YOU GO GIRL SLAY):
but more than that, this card somehow not only showcase her strengths but also how this somehow becomes a weakness as well (at least to me). 
Rosa to me, comes off someone who really looks on straight ahead and her focus on what she can do in the present, in contrast to Luke’s tendency to focus on past regrets and uncertain tomorrows. I would argue that she also has this like- perseverance/stubbornness against adversities and I would say that her solutions also come off as very head on?. (could you imagine having to argue with your lawyer girlfriend, like nah... you ain’t winning for sure.)
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(”But that’s for dogs” I’m laughing through TEARS OMG - Luke is Dog-Coded FR) But Rosa in here is really ain’t letting Luke go, forcing Luke to Actually Look into her Eyes and tell her What’s Wrong. (LukeRosa nose booping omg...this is how they comfort each other in my head from now on) Which yes, sometimes I think Luke does need someone who can hold him back before he retreats, but also at the same time... after this exchange, Rosa realizes that it’s not really quite enough to erase his worries. And I think this is also the exact moment Rosa realizes that not all problems could be solved immediately... sometimes you have to let time do its thing and just.. sit with it. 
(Rosa calling in an animal psychologist... like did she just searched on up in the internet for consultation like pls Rosa) In Story 5 (I’d put in every screenshot from this part if I could), we go on the Benji’s “rescue mission”, I kinda enjoyed how Rosa does fumble a bit here and there... though with good intentions, perhaps the overly familiar environment was over-stimulating to Benji? which caused him to attack Luke somehow... But anyways... It seems that Benji still thinks that he’s on service and it’s not when Luke “dismissed” him of his “duties does Benji stop and Luke, just so full of grief, wondering why Benji couldn’t just forget the past. And Rosa really isn’t holding back with her words when she says:
“Why does Benji have to forget the past?” “
Have you ever thought that perhaps Benji is proud of himself for being a military dog?” 
“You said before if Benji wasn’t a military dog, he could probably lead a happier life.”
“But Luke, you and I are not Benji, We can never understand Benji’s true feelings.”
“And we can’t just make wild guesses about whether Benji would have ended in a better situation if he had made a different choice...
“Because it will never happen”
Because it will never happen....
“But how are you sure a “perfect and flawless” choice exists in this world”
“Luke, are you sure that if one makes a different choice, one’s ending will be better?”
I just really love Rosa for this because she just so... incredibly focused in the present and taking one’s autonomy. And this is probably so reassuring to Luke (and to me) cause she’s basically saying “regardless of what happens, we will be fine.” 
And I don’t think Rosa has ever blamed Luke for leaving, for having a dangerous job, nor for getting diagnosed with only 3-years left to live. SHE JUST LOVES HIM SO MUCH OUEUEUEUEUOOO!!! Even. EVEN. if Luke’s condition does turn for the worse, I really do think that Luke is in very VERY capable hands. AND THAT’S SO REASSURING TO ME? As much as I Really Don’t Want Luke to Die (Please Find A Cure For Him), but just the thought that Rosa is going to be there for him (just as he will be there for her) regardless of whatever happens to the both of them, it will always be the “best ending”.
I’m just so happy that Rosa’s answer to Benji’s case is really just to ensure that Benji lives the last few days of his life... happy. and IT’S SUCH A ROSA ANSWER PLS... Even with Luke as well, even with knowing all the risks of staying with Luke, she’d rather make the most out of the remaining time they have. But even so, she’s still so full of hope! “As long as we’re not at the end of the path, there’ll be boundless possibilities” 
Luke is the Definition of Devotion, BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT ROSA? It’s so subtle, but I really can’t deny that Rosa does really really really love Luke too, in a way that she’s going to be there for him... for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. (HOLDS THEM BOTH IN THE PALM OF MY HANDS UUUUUOEOEOOEOE)
When Benji finally passes away peacefully in a quiet afternoon, with Luke and Rosa at his side, I really do think that this is the best ending for him. RIP Benji, you were the goodest boy. 
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darysxcupcake · 2 years
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no idea how i'm supposed to look at bakugo in ch. 362 and believe this is the person who's canonically been called ugly...
i've never considered him ugly per se, but in that chapter he was so... gorgeous? ethereal? otherwordly?
in love? and the fact that it doesn't feel rushed or ooc, that you can't tell how exactly it went from Point A to Point B, but you know that the journey was there and you have no doubt that you're at the final destination... i continue to be in awe of it
call me delusional, but if my hypothetical partner wouldn't have the same blissful expression while thinking of me on the brink of death, saying my name as if that's the only thing that could bring them relief, i don't want one
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essign · 4 months
oh my holy shit
please go reads the Two Princes series on ao3 by BleakCinema
it is amazing
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eggmojis · 2 years
ur emojis make me go hfkskjrjsjdknahkducbebfinsurksjw /pos
Ty sm!!!! I did a little Keyboard smash plus some anon hearts/loving ^^
3 day streak >:D
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thatonegaybrit · 2 months
; when in joy: smash keyboard
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icycoolslushie · 10 months
So I finished FHH in one sitting, in a span of a few hours, not kidding.
AND this was after I finished the last third of FLF (cause I was rereading it before FHH) right. before. it.
Can someone tell me what I'm supposed to be doing with my life now? There is no freaking way that this is the last book of Secret Shanghai. I refuse to believe it.
If anyone, anyone is available and wants to talk about FHH with me pleaseeeeeeeeeee I am desperate. I need to get my emotions out and I don't know anyone irl who has read it.
Also that short story istg 🥺🥺
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sophsun1 · 1 year
Thinking of 1x02 where Brian has sex with that “straight” client and when he tries to kiss him, the guy says ‘I don’t kiss’ and Brian very smugly says ‘yeah, right’ and then proceeds to kiss him. Vs 2x08 when the trick of the night tries to make arrangements to see Brian again and he says he doesn’t do repeats and then when he tries to kiss him, Brian says ‘you don’t get that’. Gosh, the parallel (?) is insane and makes my brain do crazy stuff, especially because in seconds later Jen and Justin show up. Which btw i just recently watched 1x02 and the whole scene is so well done. We see Justin telling Daphne about their night and how sweet Brian was and the whole ‘i love you’ thing and then in between we see the real Brian Kinney being Brian Kinney. Anyway, sorry for randomly putting this into your inbox but like I said i watched that episode again and then it reminded me of 2x08 since that’s the first ‘no kiss’ trick and then I randomly remembered your gifsets of 2x08 and here I am.
Anon... I can't believe I never put that parallel together before... revoke my britin stan card immediately, as I pride myself on my love of parallels and seeking them out 😔
Brian calling out that client for not kissing on the mouth like that's such fake news bitch and immediately diving in and showing him how much of a lying liar he was - iconic™️. We can infer from this moment that Brian loves to kiss and he regularly and easily kisses his tricks on the mouth and probably elsewhere too ;)
Also he's inserting his dominance in 1x02 and it sets the tone for the power dynamic between Brian and his sexual encounters as Justin once said "you always have to be in charge, the one in control, the one who's on top" and to then see the switch to 2x08 where he has relinquished some of that control to be on a more equal footing with Justin and agreeing to only kiss him on the mouth is.... AHHHHH.
Plus the true and clear fact that kissing Justin is something no one else can compare to in Brian's eyes alongside the fact that he NEVER kisses anyone else whilst they were together and apart... anon you've emotionally compromised me, I need to recover.
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plasky · 1 year
I wish I could sometimes transmit my brain wave emotions to other people because like I may not act like I love a certain thing but I really love it it's just the English Language can't express it
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transmasc-wizard · 1 year
bbeusjdjshyeuxhcbbcncjhcusieuehsk i hate ticcing I hate jt
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okkalo · 9 months
HI NEW MOOTIE :33 i remember seeing you before with the bunny pfp‼️‼️ i still cant believe we’re moots i saw the notification and just stared at it jaw dropped making sure it was real you are so cool !!!!!!!
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hi chiu!!!
the pink bunny!! idky i got so excited when u said u remember my bunny theme but i did hejdjd
ahh thank you for the love <33 and just so u know i’m excited for ur rindou series!! i haven’t really seen any tokyorev series and now ur about to do one with one of my favs shidje im excited
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blankalisek · 1 year
Just watched The Owl House finale and cried 👍
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
Just went to check AO3 and found a low-key keyboard smash comment from someone in my inbox.
My heart is filled with joy.
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
When. When u get excited by a comment but see it's literally just asking for more.
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durzeh · 2 years
Oh my god IT ARRIVED TODAY! I am one VERY happy potat!
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The wonderful @noctglaive is the amazing artist and creator of this beauty 😍
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sunboki · 1 year
my child !! hehe he’s so smol
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ngl i was thinking of holding him in one of those affectionate chokehold grips but then you would see my felix sized hand sksksk
also here are leebit and han quokka holding hands as a bonus c:
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