#northern dahlia
lucky-ai · 1 month
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Cooking with Fire, Jamie's lookbook
hair | earrings | top | bottom | shoes
+Skin Details+
skin overlay | eyelashes | freckles | hairline | eyes | eyelids | abs shadow | misc face details | nose bridge | nose mask | skintone overlay
eyebrows | eyeshine remover | remove ea lashes | teeth
Find Jamie in the gallery at Marryssa18!
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bagelbucket · 2 years
violently sobbing at the fact that the star Avior is a binary star where every 2-ish years, it and another star are gravitationally bound to each other in orbit
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sunfish-exotics · 1 year
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Dahlia is starting her first shed cycle out of brumation! My male (Snapdragon) is about finished with his shed so I’m hoping to get some good locks once they’ve both shed out. She was a lil grumpy today but still very sweet and easy to handle.
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frost-queen · 3 months
My mortal flaw // part 4 (Reader x Zuko)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee, @cherrysxuya, @zhochikennugget,
@ficsmoothie, @reallysparklychaos, @deafeningartisancandy, @multifandom-lover01, @smilefortae, @bravelittlebastard, @mysticwitchcraftco, @roseazura, @katie-tibo, @savannah0111, @defnotriri, @darkened-writer, @avrilh, @anea08, @mymoonempress, @tcey0, @romantic-reader, @lionheart178, @pink-www, @aloe-7, @tomblythslut, @camilo-uwu, @lunalixya, @karmaswitch, @vewnyy, @h33seungs-babe, @junieshohoho, @buggs-1, @elakari
Summary: Returning to a massive city in the earthkingdom. The three of you are rather greeted with brutal force... from fire benders. What might cause them to lash out to the fire prince and what will this mean for the future. [ part 1  & part 2 & part 3 & part 5 ]
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The ship neared land. You stood at the railing, still feeling a bit out of sense. You weren’t your full self yet. Still recovering from the Northern water tribe battle. Turning your head you caught Zuko arriving on deck. His fire nation clothing set aside. Settling for something plain. More natural to the earth kingdom colours. It made you look at your own clothing for a moment. Stating it so obvious you were from the water tribes. The brightest blue and silver.
Zuko went over to the other side, watching a small boat be lowered into the waters to head for land. Not a moment later came Iroh in sight. No sign of his fire nations colours as well. It made you wonder for a moment if you needed to change as well. One of the soldiers approached you. – “Princess.” – he greeted with a bow. He then gestured at Zuko and Iroh, who were waiting to get on the boat.
You gave him a respective nod before following him to the boat. Iroh took you by the arm, moving you forwards. – “Are you sure you are up for it?” – Iroh asked. – “Yes.” – you told him, not wanting them to be on their own. Also you didn’t want to look weak in front of them.
You got helped down in the boat. Iroh already sitting down with you. Looking up, you saw Zuko speak to his closest soldier. Slipping him something as it made you wonder what it was. Zuko then made his way down. You decided not to ask about it. Iroh handed an oar over to Zuko. They wanted to set it in the water as you got up, undoing yourself from your cloak.
With a deep sigh you sometimes wondered if they were truly dumb or just pretending to be. – “Put the oars down boys.” – you told them. Zuko and Iroh gave each other a glance. – “Princess you are not fully healed yet… let us row.” – Iroh suggested. You didn’t want to hear it. You could easily bring them to shore in a few minutes, while their rowing might take you hours.
“I’m not made of glass.” – you commented taking a stand in the centre of the boat. – “Y/n sit down!” – Zuko ordered bothered. You puffed loud, swaying your hands. The boat got pushed through the water, making Zuko fall back. Annoyed he grabbed onto the railing.
The water rippled smoothly around the boat as you steered it to land. Iroh enjoying the breeze. Zuko sitting with his arms crossed, moping grumpily. In a matter of minutes, you arrived at land. Iroh and Zuko pushed the boat further onto land to hide. You left your coat in the boat as it wasn’t cold anymore. – “Where are we going?” – you asked joining Zuko and Iroh.
“Anywhere!” – Zuko responded bitsy. Rolling with your eyes, you followed them further into the earth kingdom. After a while of wandering the forests, you started to recognized bits and pieces of previous travels. You had been here before not so long ago. Once you found a pathway, you knew enough.
Seeing the mountain of a city up head. Omashu. Frowning you wondered where all the people were. People used to line up to the gates to try and enter. Now it was deserted. You didn’t appear to be the only one confused, as Iroh was as equally confused yet didn’t commented on it. Zuko was leading the way.
Bushes ruffled as it made Zuko and Iroh take a stand. You turned around taking a stand for yourself to protect them from behind. There was more rustling till some men appeared from behind it. Zuko and Iroh lowered their firm hands with a soft sigh. They were fire nation soldiers. – “It’s the prince!” – one of them called out loud. Something about their tone alerted you.
Two or three men joined as they performed a sequence to conjure fire. Iroh and Zuko stumbled confused back. You tensed your jaw pushing between them as their fire unleashed. Moving your hands across, you caught the fire with a stream of water. They were shocked for a moment. Your expression turned serious, staring coldly at them.
“What is going on?” – Iroh called out confused why some of their own would attack. – “This is Prince Zuko!” – he told them. The soldiers ignored Iroh’s talk, pushing their fists forwards to blast fire at them. You held your hands in front of you, blocking the fire with a wave of water. Zuko grunted loud with a shout, letting his hands blaze fire.
Zuko threw fire at them with loud grunts of anger. Iroh joined keeping himself composed while he bended. Two of them turned their attention to you. Chuckling thinking this would be an easy win. You smiled witty back at them before letting water swish around you. Swiping your hands below while you spun, sweeping them off their feet with water.
A little change of your hand posture made the water go cold and turn into ice. You caught Zuko stumbling back, arms up as he blocked a wave of fire. You rushed over to him as Zuko lowered his hands. Doing a little jump, you moved your leg from up to down as you had seen Zuko do numerous times. A stream of water slashing the soldier like a whip.
The soldier got whipped to the ground. Zuko stared with wide eyes at you, recognizing the fire bending move. Zuko’s attention fell on a soldier coming from the side. He grabbed your wrist, pulling at it. Stumbling over your feet, you got moved behind him as he blocked the fire coming your way.
Another one came in view as you turned your posture towards him. Fighting back to back with Zuko against the soldiers. Water droplets nearing fire flickers. Iroh came closer as the three of you stood up right, panting as you looked at the soldiers out bested. Zuko puffed angered walking up the them. – “Who send you!” – he called out.
The soldiers were too worn out to reply, barely finding the strength to get up. You joined Zuko’s side, grabbing one by the collar. – Don’t mess with the prince again!” – you told them coldly. You then punched him in the jaw, sending him back down. Zuko turned towards you, touching your elbow.
“I’m good.” – you told him before he could ask it. He nodded firm in return. – “We cannot stay here.” – Iroh spoke urging Zuko and you to leave with him. The three of you went on, trailing up to the great city of Omashu. – “The fire nation so close to Omashu… they never dared before.” – Iroh mumbled to himself.
The city peaked up. Eyes widening as your mouth fell open. The flags of the fire nation waving gracefully in the wind against the sturdy walls of Omashu. - “How?” – you questioned. – “The water tribe was a distraction.” – Iroh commented firm. – “Who could’ve done this?” – was your next question as your eyes fell on something. You walked past Zuko closer to the walls. It first seemed little, but when you came closer it was a thousand papers sticking to the wall.
You gasped tearing one off the wall. – “What do you have?” – Zuko asked in a loud tone. His question made you move it behind your back. Not that it was many use as it was plastered a thousand times more behind you. Zuko approached you, keeping his gaze at you.
Coming to stand in front of you. – “Y/n!” – he simply said to demand you to give him what you were keeping hidden from him. Shaking your head, you didn’t want him to see. Zuko moved his arm around you, snatching the paper from your hands. It was a bit wrinkled so he smoothed it over till his eyes widened as well.
The shock in his eyes when he saw his own face on a wanted poster. He then looked up seeing a thousand more of them sticking to the wall. The poster crumbled in his hands as it flared up in flames. Turning to ashes. Zuko grunted turning sharp on his heel. Iroh neared looking at the posters for himself. – “Is it the fire lord?” – you asked him.
Iroh exhaled deep. – “Perhaps…” – he muttered. Iroh took you by the arm, leading you away from the walls of Omashu. The city wasn’t save anymore. – “Those soldiers… is that why they?” – you questioned. – “I fear so.” – Iroh commented, eyeing Zuko up ahead. Pacing like a mad man.
The three of you moved back towards the waters. Iroh keeping a close eye on every bush. They might be the first, but they won’t be the last. Not now when Zuko is being seen as an enemy of the nation. A shadow fell over the ground as it caught your attention. It made you look up, blocking the sun out to get a better look. High up in the sky, you saw the sky bison soar over the woods.
Knowing it was the Avatar. He probably knew about the fall of Omashu as well. Having been falling a bit behind, you jogged over to join Iroh. Iroh caught up with Zuko catching him by his shoulder. Zuko pushed his hand off with aggression. – “Three years I fought to restore my honour and now! I am seen as a traitor to the fire nation!” – he yelled, losing his temper.
Iroh wanted to reach out to his nephew but Zuko just pushed him away. – “I don’t need your sympathy old man!” – he cursed out. – “Zuko!” – you yelled for his temper. – “I certainly don’t need yours!” – he made clear with an angry point.
“Good because you don’t deserve it!” – you answered loudly. Zuko crossed his arms, turning away from you like a grumpy defeated child. – “You have two choices here Zuko. You can either complain about it or do something about it!” – you explained having enough of his whining. Zuko kept his clenched posture for a moment, till he exhaled deep, loosening his muscles.
He slowly turned his head back to you, ashamed that he got scolded by you. – “Now I assume we can’t go back to the ship?” – you asked Iroh who nodded. – “So we live on as fugitives until we get to the bottom of this.” – you took the lead as it seemed he wasn’t capable of taking decisions that were of ration. Zuko looked over at his uncle who only shrugged his shoulders, agreeing in silent with you.
Zuko puffed loud going right, heading away from the ship. Iroh gave you an approving nod. You were getting better at tempering him. Proudly you smiled in return. The three of you arrived at a stream. Zuko sighed soft as he came kneeling before the stream. Iroh on his right as you came kneeling on his left. Zuko took out a knife as you wondered what he might do.
He brought it up to his ponytail. With a bit of hesitation he cut it off. He then handed the knife over to Iroh, who cut the little bun on his head off. You looked down, closing your eyes for a moment. Opening them, you brought your hands to your neck. Unclipping the necklace of your tribe from your neck. You brought it forwards in your hand. Zuko and Iroh threw their cut off hair into the stream.
Staring at your necklace, you knew the sacrifice you had to do. Moving your hand forwards you wanted to toss your necklace into the water with them. A sudden grip around your wrist withheld you from doing it. Surprised you looked at Zuko. His hand tight around your wrist, his gaze focused on the water.
“It’s my sacrifice.” – you explained. Wanting to show them you were with them till the end. – “No.” – Zuko simply said. He took the necklace out of your hand, bringing it away from the water, closer to him. His hand disappeared under his shirt, where he tugged your necklace away. Your heart warmth by this, you touched his cheek, leaving a quick kiss on his cheek. Still wanting to give something up of yours, you ripped a piece of your dress. Tossing it into the stream.
Glancing to your side, you saw Zuko stare in silence in front of him. Caught off guard by your kiss. Taking a deep breath, you accepted your new faith. Not sure who portrayed Zuko and Iroh as traitors to the fire nation.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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greenwitchcrafts · 4 months
Achillea millefolium
Known as: Allheal, angel flower, arrowroot, bloodwort, cammok, carpenter's weed, death flower, devil's mustard, Devil's nettle, eerie, field hops, gearwe, green arrow, herbe militaris, hundred leaved grass, knight's milfoil, noble yarrow, nosebleed plant, plumajilo, seven year's love, snake's grass, soldiers thousand seal., squirrel tail, stanch grass, tansy, thousand-leaf, thousand weed, woundwort, yarrowway & yerw
Related plants: Is a member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold, mugwort & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat and Cultivation: This hardy plant is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe & North America
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-9
Harvest: Harvest yarrow when the blooms only when they have fully opened. It should be cut right above the leaf node to encourage the plant to potentially flower again. Many choose to harvest the flowers in the late morning when the dew has dried before so that the plant is not stressed by the extreme heat. Hot, dry spells right before bloom seems to be ideal for producing the most fragrant leaves.
Growing tips: Plant in an area that receives full sun to encourage compact growth and many flowers about 1-2 feet apart. In partial sun or shade, yarrow tends to grow leggy. Yarrow performs best in well-drained soil. It thrives in hot, dry conditions; it will not tolerate constantly wet soil. Loamy soil is recommended, but yarrow can also be grown in clay soil as long as it does not always stay saturated with water. While this plant is technically considered invasive only in noncultivated settings, common yarrow still needs to be planted in an area where you don't mind proliferation. 
Medicinal information: Yarrow has a history of being used for fever, common cold, hay fever, absence of menstruation, dysentery, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal (GI) tract discomfort, and to induce sweating. Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache. Yarrow is applied to the skin to stop bleeding from hemorrhoids; for wounds; and as a sitz bath for painful, lower pelvic, cramp-like conditions in women. Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache.
Cautions: Yarrow is commonly consumed in foods, but yarrow products that contain a chemical called thujone might not be safe because it is poisonous in large doses. Yarrow is not recommended for use during pregnancy or chestfeeding as it causes risks of miscarriage. Yarrow might slow blood clotting. In theory, taking yarrow might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders. In some people, it also might cause skin irritation & is toxic to cats & dogs.
Magickal properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Air & Water
Deities: Achilles, Aphrodite, Cernunnos, Faeries, Oshun & Yemaya
Magickal uses:
• Add the flowers to a satchet or dream pillow to encourage prophetic dreams
• Hang a bundle above your bed on your honeymoon night to ensure lasting love for 7 years
• Place across your thresholds or plant near doorwaysto prevent negative energies & influences from entering your home
• Burn as an incense before or during divination to increase psychic abilities
• Wear as an amulet to attract love, friendships & give courage
• Place yarrow under your pillow & if you dreamt of your love, it was a positive omen. If you had a bad dream, or dreamt of other people, it wasn’t
• Combine with mugwort as tea to drink before divination to increase psychic powers
• Put near yourself while practicing divination to increase your psychic abilities
• In spells, use to re-establish contact with long-lost friends or relatives & attract their attention
• Braid into your hair to tap into inner wisdom
• The I-Ching divination was originally performed with dried yarrow stems
• Wash crystals& crystal balls with a yarrow rinse to bring about clarity of vision
• Drink yarrow tea & a cinnamon stick to  release hidden truths
• Place on a coffin or grave to help the spirit cross over/ let go
•For powerful protection, pick yarrow flowers and charge them in the sun. Once charged, take the flowers and sprinkle them outside your home to prevent negative influences and energies away from entering your home
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Dark Desire - Modern AU! | Chapter 8
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader
Summary: Aemond doesn't know how he feels every time he sees you. Neither do you when you look at him. Your father Aegon has always been absent from your upbringing ever since he divorced your mother. That role has been filled by Aemond until last summer, when everything changed.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Emotional Hurt/ Comfort/ Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: This fic includes manipulation, violence, death, and inc3st, at some points. Reader has purple eyes and her mother is from Dayne House, the rest is complete free :D
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know): @thedamewithabook @afro-hispwriter @chainsawsangel @thetrueblackheart @atherverybest @itsabby15 @boundlessfantasy @partypoison00 @glame @tempo-rary-fix @tssf-imagines @aaaaaamond @imaloserbby @youngcomputerpuppy @aemondsfavouritebastard @cloudroomblog @queenofshinigamis @bluevxnus @wooya1224 @serving-targaryen-realness @darkenchantress @padfooteyes @mariannnavao @moonlightfoxx @jennifer0305 @ammo23 @iloveallmyboys @tempt-ress @bellameshipper @okfashionista @shelbyteller @dahlias-and-marigolds
Author´s note: Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Word Count: 4.8K
The following week passed without any further shock in the office. Aemond had ordered a desk slightly smaller than Alys's to be placed next to hers. They sent you for coffee and water. You had lunch alone and left at your own time, bored all day with tedious little tasks that no one else wanted to do, like crossing the street to buy the newspaper. Although Elia was happier than ever now that she didn't have to. At best, Aemond ignored you, when you didn't get the temperature of the coffee wrong. On one more occasion, Cregan invited you to dinner. The next day, a bouquet of roses was brought to your office and you smiled when you read the card. You didn't see it, but Aemond's face had darkened as he watched you pick those flowers. He intended to destroy Cregan. You were only his.
"Alys, before you go" Aemond spoke to her without looking at her, after he had been ordering an endless list of tasks. He saw him turn to look out the huge picture window of her office. Alys knew him better than anyone. She knew he was screwed that Cregan had dared to send flowers to the office right under his nose. “I want you to take out various forms, whatever they are, and give them to (Y/N). Tell her I want them on my desk tomorrow” he ordered authoritatively.
"Aemond, (Y/N) would need to have a degree to know how to fill in any of the forms we have..." She try to explain, as if she knew what all that order to send you things you didn't know how to do was about.
"Better then" he said without looking at her again, with his only eye closed, while he basked in the sun coming through the window, who had believed that stupid northerner? He continued to ruminate silently when Alys spoke again…
"Know? She's cute when she's jealous, but you… you're an asshole” Alys told him ready to leave and then Aemond turned to look at her again. His eye looked like it was going to pop out of his socket, like he didn't believe what Alys just called him.
"What are you implying?" he said, leaning back in his chair, inviting her to speak, but this time, his secretary didn't keep quiet.
"You know very well what I'm hinting at, and what's happening to you" Alys replied in a cold and distant tone. She had already lived a story in a similar way. She had suffered it in a much more painful way. "You try to distance yourself, but when you see her receive a bouquet of flowers from another guy, you get like that... Aemond, you just want to fuck her because it could be someone else's and not yours... you're jealous..." She explained as if that wasn't with her, because it really didn't go with her, but it made her shudder and worry. She saw Aemond's face darken further and saw him frown, not daring to look at her. "You only love her because she can't be yours, because now she belongs to someone else"
“You take out the 505 form and give it to them. Tomorrow I want it on my desk” he repeated again. He didn't want to argue with Alys. She was his confidant, not his enemy, but he…he couldn't stand it when she told the truth to his face. And Alys was only correct in her assumptions. He hated himself for feeling this way, but he couldn't let you go so easily with a man who wasn't him.
"Where do you think you are going?" Aemond asked as he watched you pick up your bag and get up from the small table that had been set for you next to Alys's. He was with his business briefcase. He was also willing to leave for the day. You looked at him confused.
“To dinner with Cregan. My day is over" you told him sincerely, but he only approached with determination and a frown. Alys looked at the two of you in confusion, as if she had never seen Aemond so angry over one of your replies this week before.
"No, definitely not" he hissed between his teeth, ending up by pursing his lips and looming like a threatening shadow over you. “You have work to do. I want those reports tomorrow Saturday on my desk. That is what I want and what I have commanded you” he spoke with authority.
"I don't know how to do them" you blurted out quite angrily, crossing your arms and daring him to continue talking, but he spoke. Your uncle was not going to remain silent.
"You have all night to do them, to learn" he ordered you without any love, without any affection... he wasn't going to let Cregan touch you that night. He wasn't even going to see you. He was the boss and you had to obey. Alys froze as she watched the scene. That domain… That power… That obsession... it reminded her of Daemon with Rhaenyra... she saw how Aemond left through the door victorious and you sat down to finish the reports or at least to try. That made her alarm bells go off. It was one thing to pretend that she knew what was between you two. Another was to let Aemond go mad as his uncle had done almost twenty years before. She had to defend Aemond. If he went down, she and her privileges would go down with him. She didn't see you as a rival. She had never done it, but she had to take you out of the competition. Aemond was such an achiever, because she was the one who had created him.
She came up to you and spoke to you with sincerity and concern, once she left Aemond there. He couldn't know. He couldn't know what she was about to do: “I'll help you. I know how those reports are filled out perfectly” she told you as she sat down next to you. You looked at her strangely and she kept talking: “I too have been young. You can't miss a Friday night because of work,” she lied. All she wanted was to protect Aemond from what he just beheld. Aemond was becoming a Daemon, and that could only lead to trouble.
Twenty minutes later you were walking out the front door, laughing with Alys. She was finally not a woman as terrible as you had imagined. She was pretty cute when she wanted to. Even though you knew she was like this because she needed something. At that time, you preferred not to think about it. The truth is that in that week that you had been working there, she had been the friendliest of all your colleagues. "Where is he going to take you to dinner?" she asked you, prolonging your conversation a little more. You smiled kindly, thanks to her you were going to be able to get out of it at a decent hour from there.
"I don't know" you answered shrugging your shoulders, and she laughed amused and looked at you complicitly.
"If... he doesn't spend more than 300 dragons on dinner, believe me, you don't deserve to sleep with him today" she laughed at her occurrence and you laughed, with a slight blush on your cheeks. You could feel them burning and she just winked at you. "You won't be worth it if he doesn't." She took out a cigarette and placed it between her lips.
“Well, he sent me flowers today…” you said sheepishly, as if that suggestion had knocked you out, and Alys laughed heartily.
"And a girl as young and pretty as you is going to sell herself just for some flowers?" she answered herself in a suggestive way. You realized that Alys liked you, in the sense that she saw you more as someone to mentor rather than destroy. She was not a bad woman, she only had the man you wanted. She protected Aemond, but because she did so she also protected herself. "Show him who's boss"
Just as you were about to respond, you saw Cregan get out of his car and you quickly said goodbye to Alys only to reach Cregan's arms. He took you with a smile and... he kissed you on the lips... it was a brief contact that made you smile in bewilderment. You blushed again and he caressed your chin...
"Perhaps... have I overdone it?" he asked you charming and you laughed without knowing very well what to say. “Did you like the flowers?”
"A lot" you whispered. His fingers entwined with yours and you felt slightly uncomfortable, as if Cregan felt that giving you that bouquet of flowers had allowed him to move to another state in your relationship. Maybe what he was doing was normal. It was just…you wished Aemond was the one to do those things…
Cregan drove cool, made you laugh, and then took you to a rather expensive restaurant. You saw the count: 350 dragons… and you remembered Alys's words, but the problem was that Cregan wasn't Aemond…
"I've had a great time" Cregan broke the silence that had existed until then in the car. He had finally stopped in front of the Targaryen mansion in King's Landing itself. One of his hands grabbed the steering wheel and looked at you, waiting for you to also answer that you had a good time, that the plan that he had been thinking for you for a couple of days had finally resulted in a pleasant moment for both of you. You smiled sweetly at him and cocked your head. Your stomach ached and tears were poised right in your eyes. Why couldn't Aemond be like this with you? However, you answered him, swallowing the true feelings that then surfaced on your skin.
"Me too" you replied. You really had a good time, even though you hadn't felt for Cregan anything that you felt for Aemond. You'd be lying if you said you didn't have a good time, but… Cregan wasn't the person you wanted to have a good time with. “Well…” you started saying and Cregan quickly cut you off with a nervous smile and those alert brown eyes and always sincere and pleasant.
"I was thinking that maybe... tonight you want to... sleep with me at the hotel..." he confessed visibly nervous and happy as he told you. And your whole stomach ached at that nervous and happy confession from the northerner. Your entire stomach dropped to the floor as you looked away from him and locked on your heels. Sure, he…he saw you as aspiring for more than just a friend to invite to dinner. You started to feel bad. Why didn't He do the same thing? Why? “It's not like the room someone in your family could afford, but… it would give us privacy. And… I know that the age difference could throw you back, but… I like you, just like I haven't liked anyone for a long time” he confessed smiling and nervous. He knew he was making a fool of himself in front of you, but he didn't care. He just wanted to establish how he felt about you. Putting the cards on the table. Explaining to you that he was seeing you, that he wanted to bet on you... and you couldn't feel more pangs in your stomach. It looked like the pit of your stomach was bleeding. You didn't want him to tell you how much he liked you, you just wanted…you didn't know what you wanted. "I feel like a kid confessing himself in front of the girl he likes" he said, looking at his hands and you couldn't take it anymore. You opened the car door and quickly left towards the gate of the family mansion. Why was this happening to you? Another jab in the pit of the stomach. You felt tears well up in your eyes and Cregan shot out of the car. He couldn't let you go like that, had he done something wrong? "(Y / N), wait" he told you desperately and grabbed one of your arms. You turned to see him. Why couldn't he be Aemond? "Forgive me. I have exceeded. I just like you and…” you interrupted him by kissing him. You didn't kiss him because you loved him. It was just a whim. It was just a way to show you that you could do whatever you wanted with men. Cregan was proof of that. Bryden too…you were powerful. You were a dragon who took what you wanted, except what you really wanted. It was a way to get back at Aemond.
Aemond had been waiting for you. He was concerned that he had sent you reports that were too complicated for your knowledge. He had waited for you all night. He had wanted you to walk through the door near tears, unable to do what he told you to do. And he would help you, of course. That had kept you from going on that date with Cregan and ending up spending the night with him. However, it had not been so. You hadn't shown up, and it was late. How were you going to get home? He looked at the clock in the living room. It was almost one in the morning. No one else missed you there, but he did. He finished the whiskey he had poured himself while he waited for you in one gulp and put on his coat. He had to go find you. That was what he had to do. He took the car keys and opened the door of the house. At that very moment, his heart froze. His gaze detected you right at the entrance gate. Your arms encircled Cregan's neck as he gripped your hips with his mangy northern hands. Your lips joined his in a passionate kiss... your lips were painted with his lipstick... the same one he had given you... the same one he had imagined spoiling... his soul sank. His heart seemed to scream at how stupid he had been. He had been a fucking asshole. Now that northerner who didn't deserve you was enjoying you as if you were his. And the worst thing was that you returned the kiss with the same intensity. Alys's words echoed in his mind: ‘You only love her because she can't be yours, because she now belongs to someone else.’ Maybe she was right, but he wasn't going to let Cregan touch what was his. You were the property of Aemond Targaryen. He had decided it when he saw how you were making out with another man. He was going to stop being an asshole. He was going to give you what you wanted. He was going to bow down to you. He didn't care. He didn't care at all. He just wanted to be the recipient of those kisses. He approached you two and cleared his throat, opening the main gate that gave access to the house.
You gave a start, but you didn't blush. You were only surprised to see him there, standing in front of you, undone like a betrayed lover, like a beaten puppy... the night wind slightly rocked his hair. The shadows of the night made him look harder than he already had. “You had me worried…” Aemond spoke it in a whisper, and you just looked at Cregan with a smile. The old wolf tried to smile at you in the same way, although he seemed annoyed by that intrusion.
"Now we talk, okay?" you said with a smile and Cregan just nodded with a sincere smile. You said goodbye with another kiss on his lips and entered the gates of the family home. You didn't spare Aemond a glance. Nothing. Not even good night. You just lifted your chin and walked in full of pride. You were showing him what he was missing.
However, Aemond was not looking at you now. You were back in his comfort zone. He just looked at Cregan. The only violet eye of his gave her a warning: 'Don't touch my things'. They both stared at each other for a few simple moments, as if their gazes could solve something of the dispute they were having over you. Aemond was challenging a candidate to win you over. Cregan, sorely mistaken, he was believed to be challenging your protector. He couldn't suspect the slightest thing that Aemond wanted you. He got into his car and drove off. Aemond thought that he would never do business with that wolf again. His things were not touching and Cregan had dared to kiss you.
You came out of the shower wrapped in that soft towel. Your lips still burned from the very pleasure that Cregan kissed you had produced. They tingled and made you feel special, much more special than any kiss with Aemond had ever made you feel. The answer to why was clear: Cregan was controlled by you, Aemond not. It was simple. The northerner made you remember what you were, a woman for whom men would bow down. Aemond made you feel helpless, little... in need of his protection. In that kiss with Cregan you were the one who had marked the time, the one who was needed and revered was you, Cregan looked at you as everything he could not achieve and praised you as a goddess because you offered him an opportunity. Aemond looked at you exactly the same, like what he couldn't get, but he made you feel bad with each of his actions... the answer of who you should stay with was obvious, and yet your heart kept screaming that it was what you wanted At that moment, you looked up from the ground and found that Aemond was standing in the bathroom doorway, leaning and admiring your wet body. You didn't even look at it. You weren't the least bit interested in what he had to tell you, but he was still at the door, in complete silence.
Just at that moment, he walked up to you and grabbed your arm in a gentle but commanding manner. All his skin stood on end and the towel fell to the floor due to his grip. He wrapped you in a slow spin in his arms and then he kissed you. It was a slow kiss, but eager. Nothing like Cregan's full of sincerity. No. This kiss hid much more, it hid everything that you could become, everything what he coveted you, what he desired you... His lips continued without separating from yours while at that moment, his tongue caressed your palate, sending a pleasant sensation that ran through your entire spine. Did you enjoy the kiss? Of course, but at that moment, when Aemond's hands were now running up and down your back, grasping the flesh of your buttocks and kneading it, you realized how small you were every time he kissed you, and you didn't want that. You couldn't want it. You were destined to be powerful, not a little girl in the arms of a master, but someone who was an equal in that relationship... but, still you followed the kiss... that Aemond Targaryen taught you how he liked to be kissed. You would learn and you would kiss him the same, but in that eternal moment. Aemond pulled back with a smirk on his lips.
"I'm sure you haven't felt the same way with that asshole" he said arrogantly, drawing you into his body, and you just blinked at him with feigned innocence.
"No, of course not... He invited me to his hotel room, you know?" You said trying to make him jealous and Aemond just swallowed and ended up outlining a superior smile.
"I can afford a better room" he whispered between his teeth as he kneaded the meat of your buttocks hard. He rested his forehead on yours and closed his one eye. You thought you could die of happiness and he kissed you again, although this time it was much faster. "Kneel down..." He whispered. You felt how his left hand was lost in your hair and his right hand managed to unbuckle his belt. You felt your heart beating fast, running wild like a racehorse. He looked at you with superiority and you felt ready to give up... "I'm going to teach you how that asshole couldn't do it" he said giving you a tug of hair, leaving your neck exposed to him. He kept smiling powerfully over you... And you, at that moment, understood that Aemond was suffering a jealous attack caused by not being able to have you. He didn't love you because he had realized that he loved you, but rather that he needed you because someone else seemed to be going to keep the prize. It was a jealous rage. Similar to the one he had had in the bathroom of that nightclub, but much less violent. At that moment you separated from him and his face petrified when he saw your grimace. You wanted Aemond to love you because he really wanted to, not because others were going to take what he considered theirs. You dumped him and walked away, leaving him with just his erection and a terrible frustration all over again. Why the hell were you telling him no now? That was all Aemond couldn't stop thinking. At that moment, he realized that there was no way you could have finished the reports on your own to go to that date with Cregan. Someone had to have helped you. Fruit of the frustration at your refusal, Aemond told himself that the one who had helped you was going to pay the consequences for having done so. Only one person suspected of having helped you came to mind: Alys...
Aemond came through the door of the family home carrying the birthday cake for your party. For that party that they would begin to celebrate in your honor every time you went to visit them in the summer. It had been Aemond's idea. They weren't going to go all the way to Starfall to celebrate with your mother's family, they were going to celebrate something even bigger there. They weren't going to stoop to give your mother that satisfaction. Although if it were up to your father, they would all be dragged there. "Aemond!" you yelled at him as he came through the door and he reached down to grab you. Still with the cake loaded in the other hand. He turned you around as you laughed and removed his eyepatch. He could only smile at your audacity and he kissed you several times while you laughed and laughed. At that moment, Alicent appeared with a fake smile up to you. You were only five years old then. This was going to be your first summer surrounded by dragons.
"Mother, keep the cake" he said to his mother as he gave it to her and she took it in her hands. He would have preferred to buy you a dragon cake, but your mother had insisted that you liked unicorns, so that was what he had bought. He hoped you'd like it when you served it after dinner that night. “Did you draw a lot today?” he asked you happily while he lifted you up exhilarated and you smiled at him with that broken smile in which the  tusks were missing.
"Yes, a lot" you smiled at him, but at that moment when you smiled and laughed, Alicent whispered to her son.
“Have you seen the news? Those photos… are front pages in the national press…” she told him in a somber whisper. Aemond scolded her with a look.
"Not now. It's (Y/N)'s birthday and I've been hearing about the damn photos all day.” Aemond spoke with a cold tone and turned his attention back to you. “How about we go find Vhagar?”
"Yeah!!!" you exclaimed happily and he gladly took you to the living room, where the old cat he put on your lap was dozing. Daeron was watching TV as was Helaena, neither of them could take their eyes off what they were watching, almost horrified that they were Targaryens. “Can we see the cartoons?” you asked Aemond and he just picked up the remote and changed it, much to Daeron's annoyance. He gave you some Cartoons that he didn't know if they were for your age, but they seemed to entertain you.
"Fuck, Aemond, I was watching," Daeron told him, and Helaena smacked him.
“Moderate your language, which is here (Y/N). Aemond those cartoons are not for her age” Helaena replied as Aemond sat next to you to watch the drawings with you.
"Little Dragon, do you like these cartoons?" Aemond asked pointing to the TV and you smiled again.
"A lot, but mom won't let me watch them" you laughed complicitly with your uncle, who smiled back at you.
“See, Aemond? They are not for her” Helaena said, ready to take the controller from her, but then Aemond took it from her hand again.
“If the Dornishwoman doesn't like them, all the more reason for us to watch them,” he said, turning up the volume, and Daeron looked at Helaena. They both went to watch TV in the basement and Aemond stayed watching the cartoons with you, never once looking at his phone. The world around him was falling apart, but he didn't care. He just wanted to be with you. He had done all of that to give you a better life, to give himself the place he deserved within the company.
Then you all had dinner together. Everyone except Aegon. Your father hadn't shown any signs of life since you'd almost arrived. He was not capable of looking at you without remembering your mother and that only reminded him of his failure. Aemond had narrowed his eye in annoyance at your father's ineptitude. But, it didn't matter. He was there to take care of you. You had dinner with your grandmother, with your uncles Daeron and Helaena and with Aemond, even at the end of dinner, Cole also ate cake with you. They gave you several gifts, but the one you liked the most was a huge stuffed unicorn that Aemond had bought for you. He neighed and had shiny hair. It was the best mount in the world, after the back of a dragon of course. You put it in your room next to Mr. Wings, the old dragon that Aemond had also given you on your first birthday, before your parents' divorce. They were the two best mounts in the world for your five year old self. Later, almost at dawn, Aemond had let you stay without him watching TV, and at that moment when you closed your eyes from pure sleep, your uncle changed the channel.
'I'm just saying it's repulsive' said one of the commentators on that midnight show.
'He's fucking his niece, but since when? Because perhaps this is even murkier than we think,' another of them commented.
Aemond continued to watch that show while you fell asleep on his lap. He kissed your hair while you slept, never taking his eyes off the screen. That same morning some compromising photos of Daemon and Rhaenyra had come to light, fucking in a pool of a hotel in the summer islands. Everyone thought that what happened there stayed there, but that was not the case. The scandal had jumped. All the media were involved in that informative maelstrom, more morbid than true. Only illuminated by the light of the television, Aemond continued watching the program. His entire family was shaken by what had happened. Everyone at the company had talked about it all day…his mom was shocked, his brothers disgusted, Cole was thankful that their dad had died before he saw that…everyone was upset except Aemond. He had only been interested in celebrating your birthday and giving you the best possible day. And he had not been surprised, because Aemond Targaryen was the one who had been in charge of hiring that photographer who took those photos and ordering Alys to send them to the main newspapers with a national circulation. Aemond had been the one who had ratted out his uncle, CEO of Targaryen Inc, and no one else knew it, only Alys, who had tipped him off about what was happening between his uncle and his sister... now he would be the one who would occupy the throne that always had searched. He was businesslike, serious, determined… all those things the investors had told him at that emergency meeting. He had taught that part of the family, that he had protected the one who had gouged out his eye, who was on charge. All who had rejected him would now fall at his feet. The battered boy was now a winner. It wasn't just that throne, it was so much more… Aemond was now the new master of King's Landing. And he couldn't be happier about it.
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year
Lughnasadh Masterpost - Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Lughnasadh, this holiday typically lands on August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere (February 1st in the Southern Hemisphere). 
Lughnasadh celebrates the arrival of the late summer season and the abundance of the first harvest.
Usually it a harvest of grain and corn, but in other areas it’s a fruit and vegetables for harvest. You’ll see the days begin to shorten from here.
This is a holiday that is more easy to feel disconnect from as most aren’t out there Stardew Valley style on their grandfathers farm. We either have a small garden of our own or everything is store bought. Or those who are gluten intolerant they also may find it harder to connect.
Celebrating and honoring the harvest is important. Even if we are not personally gardening we are offering thanks for natures prosperity in keeping us fed and healthy with each bountiful harvest.
But after this correspondence list I will give you a list of ideas of how everyone can celebrate.
Light Brown
Dark Purple
Apple tree
(Anything within season)
Wheat, grains, bread
Squash & zucchini
Lamb/ Sheep
Tiger’s Eye
The Sun
Wine & mead
Spiritual meanings & intentions
Gathering, harvesting
Giving, donating, sharing, charity
Thankful & grateful
Ancestors & heritage
The folk
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Demeter – (Greek)
Ceres – (Roman)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Luna – (Roman)
Dana – (Celtic)
Tailtiu – (Celtic) 
Cerridwen – (Celtic)
Parvati (Hindu)
Pomona (Roman)
Lugh – (Celtic)
Taranis – (Celtic)
Adonis (Assyrian/Greek)
Attis (Phrygian)
Mercury (Roman)
Osiris (Egyptian)
And many other harvest Gods/Goddesses
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations
Abundance rituals
Visit a harvest festival
Harvest your garden
Bake bread
Baking pastries
Make jam or preserves 
Visit a farmer’s market
Create a large meal for the folk
Deity offerings
Create a money bowl (try rice in it just trust me)
Low energy celebrations
Healing bath ritual
Light a candle in honor
Prayer to Gods/Goddesses
Eat some fresh vegetables 
No spoons celebrations
Create a digital manifestation board (Try Pinterest) 
Eating fall themed pastries
Drinking apple juice or cider
Thank the harvest when you are able to fuel your body for taking care of you
Remember that it’s okay if you cant do much while you are unwell. That you come first and you simply existing is a blessing.
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
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kimmiessimmies · 4 months
OC Questionnaire
Since I got tagged four times, I'm doing four of these! #3!
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Name: Rachel Adina Murray
Nickname: Rach
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 168,4 cm
Orientation: Heterosexual
Favourite Fruit: Mango
Favourite Season: Autumn
Favourite Flower: Dahlia
Favourite Scent: Fresh Cotton
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Tea
Average Hours of Sleep: 8
Dogs or Cats: Oh, either! Both!
Dream Trip: To see the Northern Light
Number of Blankets: A woollen duvet
Random Fact: Due to slight hypermobility, Rachel is very flexible. She's very good at yoga, and when she was younger, she did ballet for a while, which she was also quite good at. Who knows, she might pick it up again.
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Not tagging anyone to do this, because everyone already has.
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achaotichuman · 3 days
WIP Game
Thanks for tagging me @unanswered-stars <3
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
1- A Court of Song and Desolation
2- A Witch A Warrior And A Reckoning
3- How Nesta Archeron Learned To Trap A Beast
4- A Field Of Dahlias
5- The One True High Lord
6- A Court of Deceit and Decay
7- Naked Poetry
8- Prequel (A Court of Song and Desolation)
9- Aryan
10- The day I saw an Autumn leaf in a Spring Woods
11- Azris oneshot
Tags- @shi-daisy, @praetorqueenreyna, @sadisticdevile
@sonics-atelier, @hieragalbatorixdottir, @yaralulu
@readychilledwine, @foxcort, @goforth-ladymidnight
@arson-09, @fourteentrout, @mathiwrites
@positivelyruined, @northern-polaris, @nocasdatsgay
@talibunny30, @booksnwriting, @secret-third-thing
@fragmentedink, @kateprincessofbluewhales, and anyone else who wants to join in!!!
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Black Dahlia for Florrick?
thank you for the prompt and opportunity to drop Florrick Lore TM!
Florrick (& Shadowheart & Nocturne & ?Viconia?), Black Dahlia - a lie
A half-elf with black hair and a long scar across her cheek. A tiefling with purple hair and short horns. Both fifteen or so, similar in height and build, clean and tidy, dressed in similar nondescript clothing—so nondescript that it could only be deliberate. Manip Florrick doesn't deviate from her assigned post at the southern gate of Bloomridge Park, but she watches carefully from afar, cataloging the information she'll need to fill out the report form. She needn't look up the law reference; she knows the Baldurian Penal Code nearly by heart. Article Eight, Crimes Against Persons, Section Twenty-One, Petty Theft and/or Pickpocketing, Sub-section Four, Offenses by Minors With or Without Prior Offenses. But the pair—furtive, anxious—pass by the picknickers, the passed-out drunks, and the hawkers, seemingly relieved just to stroll the sunny walkways and dip their feet in the pond, if only for a short while before they disappear, again, through the gap in the northern fence. No harm done, and so Florrick pays them no further mind until an hour or so later, when a woman approaches and asks if she'd seen a young half-elf with black hair and a long scar, and a tiefling with purple hair and short horns. There's something off about her—something in her eyes, dark and empty, as if sucking the light out of the very sky above them. And then there's something nagging at the corner of Florrick's mind, needling, prodding, seeking. "My apologies, ma'am," Florrick replies evenly, slamming the iron of her mind shut, washing over in relief as the invading sensation withers and dies. "I'm afraid I've seen no such children today."
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That new Disney movie "Wish" seemingly based on the Iberian Peninsula has dropped the trailer. Turns out Amaya is the queen's name, not the main character - whose name is Asha. Asha's grandfather is named... Sabino, and her mom Akina. It doesn't seem to be based on a single thing, as some characters also have names like Bazeema and Safi - An-Andalus influence? - and others like Simon and Dahlia. So a mix of sorts like Disney likes to do.
Kaixo anon!
I didn't know the trailer was out until I read your message, just watched it.
I've read online that Disney has said the kingdom of Rosas is located on an island between Southern Spain and Northern Africa - Northern Morocco? - and still no name is in Spanish? Sabino comes from a pre-Roman Italic people, Amaya is Basque, Valentino is Italian. Just Magnifico, which isn't a name itself but an adjective that is almost a copy of the English version.
And my guess is there are no Spanish names because Disney guesses that US audiences would consider it another movie set in a Latam universe (like Coco and Encanto). Call me crazy.
I don't see the mix you mention, I can't see anything referencing Morocco, Spain or Portugal or any minoritized nations over here. Just the Basque name Amaya and the queen's hairdo echoing the Lady of Elx, all in the same character, btw. Just like a side note and that's it.
Personally, I see more references to Iberia in the latest Pokemon games than in this movie.
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noirapocalypto · 6 months
ᴏᴄ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴠɪᴇᴡ
I'm very late, but tagged by @katsigian and @kharonion to fill out this OC questionnaire. Thank you both so much! 🖤
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ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Isiah Hale
ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇ: SVLEM or Salem--being his stagename. His father called him 'Zay, and his other father calls him 'Lil Boy'
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: Cis Male - He/Him
ꜱᴛᴀʀ ꜱɪɢɴ: Aquarius Sun - Sagittarius Moon - Leo Rising
ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 6'2" (188cm)
ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Gay
ɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ/ᴇᴛʜɴɪᴄɪᴛʏ: American with a English, Swedish, Russian, and Cajun background
ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜰʀᴜɪᴛ: Mango--he misses the fruit cups he used to get back home in Houston. It was always his go-to treat whenever he went into the city.
ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ: Autumn, he likes seeing the leaves change colors when he visits his coven's family estate. He also likes the cold, crisp air--and everyone knows Autumn is spooky season.
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ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ: Black Dahlias--Black Narcissus Dahlias to be exact.
ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴛ: Cannabis--not just because he's a very frequent user, but because it reminds him of home. Casey and Baz were cannabis farmers. He remembers the way they used to smell when they would come back inside from tending to their crops, or the way the greenhouse smelled when he was a bit older and began to help them tend to their plants. It's a comforting smell to him. He associates it with happy memories.
ᴄᴏꜰꜰᴇᴇ, ᴛᴇᴀ, ᴏʀ ʜᴄ: Salem's very much a coffee guy--preferably iced coffee. But he enjoys a good hot chocolate too, he won't say no to one. He's not the biggest fan of tea and likely avoids hot tea as much as he can. Though, he'll still drink it if a ritual or spell calls for it. If he were to drink tea, it's gotta be iced. Salem's an iced drink type of guy.
ᴀᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏᴜʀꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ: It depends what's going on. Most of the time, he gets his full eight hours--though it's usually during the day. The times when he's most restless is when he's upset about something or if old memories are keeping him awake. Although, when he's on tour, he doesn't get much sleep at all. Maybe he'll be able to squeeze in about three hours, four if he's lucky--but otherwise, he's mostly running on caffiene. This is around the time when he starts wanting to wrap it up and go home.
ᴅᴏɢ ᴏʀ ᴄᴀᴛ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ: He seems more of a cat person. Which is funny, considering his friend group consists of mainly werewolves.
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴛʀɪᴘ: Salem really wants to see the Northern Lights in person. He hasn't found the opportunity to, but he'd like to travel to wherever the best view of those is. The Southern Lights are also on his bucket list.
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ꜰᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ: Not a specific character, but Salem tends to like slashers from various horror flicks. No particular reason why, of course. Definitely doesn’t wear the masks or have his partner wear the mask while with him. Certainly not.
ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ʙʟᴀɴᴋᴇᴛꜱ ᴛʜᴇʏ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ: During the summer, Salem sleeps with a lightweight comforter and the flat sheet beneath that. If he’s having a particularly warm night, he’ll ditch the comforter all together. During the winter, however, he'll swap the comforter for something much more thick. He'll layer up if he has to: flat sheet, comforter, and another blanket over that. Salem gets cold pretty easily, so he'll roll himself up into a burrito until all you see are tuffs of dark hair sticking out. As per Salem’s usual aesthetic, he prefers darker colored sheets.
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ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ꜰᴀᴄᴛ: Salem has a bit of an online presence with his fanbase, which begins to pick up after he successfully completes rehab. Sometimes he interacts with fans, answering questions they send him either honestly or with a not very serious answer--depending on his mood and what the question is. Other times, he'll stream his music making process, giving others a peek into what it is he does and how his creative process works. It's one of the rare moments Salem lets others take a glance into his personal life. He won't really admit it, but there was a brief period when he was getting himself together where he went through a bout of loneliness--after having cut his former toxic entourage loose. Not having anyone to spend time with--he began to stream and sought company through his supporters. It's not something he does too often, maybe once every other week or so. But it's a big of a sign of growth--Salem allowing himself to open up and allow himself, as a person, to be known.
I'm just catching up so I'm not going to tag anyone as I'm sure most have already done this or have been tagged. But if you see this and would like to fill it out for your OC, consider yourself tagged!
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frost-queen · 3 months
My mortal flaw // part 3 (Reader x Zuko)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee, @cherrysxuya, @zhochikennugget,  @ficsmoothie, @reallysparklychaos, @deafeningartisancandy, @multifandom-lover01, @smilefortae, @bravelittlebastard, @mysticwitchcraftco, @roseazura, @katie-tibo, @savannah0111, @defnotriri, @darkened-writer, @avrilh, @anea08, @mymoonempress, @tcey0
Summary: Clinging to life, you have a fever dream of how it all started. How you came to meet your intended. Meanwhile Zuko's temper resurfaces when not knowing for sure if you'd make it out alive. [ part 1  & part 2 & part 4 & part 5 ]
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An ancient roaring filled the skies. It made Zuko pause for a moment. Looking upon the ancient spirit of the sea. The avatar amidst, with bright lighted eyes and tattoos. – “Nephew.” – Iroh called out seeing him linger. Zuko tore his gaze away, following his uncle back to the ship. They left the northern water tribe to their fate, running away. One would call them cowards. Others caring, for it was with a purpose they were running.
Two to be precise. One it was too dangerous for the prince to be involved. Zhao’s doing infuriating Iroh. Two they had to bring you to safety. The moon’s disappearing made you vulnerable. Unable to bend. Leading to Zhao’s men to fight you. Assuming you were with the water tribe from your attire.
Zuko having left you to fend for your own while he searched for the Avatar. The one thing that would restore his honour. Honour which meant a great deal to the fire prince. Banished by his father with the claim to only return with the avatar.
They got hoisted up on the ship. Zuko rushed with you to the quarters. Iroh following close by. Zuko kicked the door open with his foot, rushing inside. Pantingly, he laid you down on the bed. He turned away from you as Iroh came nearer, kneeling beside you. Holding a hand above your head to see the state of you.
One of prince Zuko’s men entered. – “Get us out of these waters!” – Zuko ordered loudly. The soldier bowed his head and took his leave. Iroh brought your hand up, checking your pulse. – “Is... is she?”  - Zuko asked unable to look. – “No… it is faint, but still there.” – Iroh answered. Iroh looked up surprised when he heard the door slam.
His nephew nowhere to be found. Iroh tended back to you. – “Pray the moon spirit returns.” – he said with a worried face. He exhaled deep. If only he had stopped Zhao better, he could’ve prevented him from killing the spirit. If only he had stopped Zhao sooner. By the moment he wanted to end the prince.
Zuko appeared on deck, shouting orders. His men working to the bone to get them out of these waters. Away from the Northern water tribe. Zuko walked forwards looking up as he saw the moon once more. The grim world back in balance. The ship steered through the waters and ice. Breaking it apart. The ice platforms dispersing into smaller bits.
Zuko shouted some more orders, pointing firmly at everyone he thought was slouching. Standing still in the middle of the deck with his hands behind his back. He inhaled deep, exhaling long with a hot breath. A bit of fog forming before him. His head turned slightly, looking a bit over his shoulder. He blinked numbly. Letting his shoulders hang a bit, knowing you were back there, fighting for your life.
Iroh had placed wet cloths on your bruises. A special crème made from herbs plastered on your wound. He knew you needed a healer, but they had none. You were the only one capable of. Now he could only watch you. From behind the table, he kept an eye out, pouring himself some tea. Slightly shaking his head, he wasn’t sure if you’d recover. If Zuko would recover.
Knowing how rough your path had started out. An agreement of marriage between two nations. Knowing very well his brother only accepted just to unleash more dishonour on his nephew. Yet what Ozai didn’t seem to see, was that prince Zuko might draw strength from this agreement. Iroh took his tea and came sitting by your bed. Humming a soft song that reminded him of his own son.
Ladies came and went. Taking you from room to room. Where you had first bathed. Then sat down for your hair to be done. Then you got led into a room where they dressed you. Two girls walked around you in opposite ways to wrap a band around your waist. They pulled hard at it making you gasp soft. They bound it, coming to the front to bow in your presence. – “You’ll bring peace to us all.” – they said opening their arms with long sleeves that covered up their hands.
You got pushed off the small stool. – “You are ready.” – Another woman said. Much older than the girls had helped you. She had entered the room without you noticing it. You looked at yourself in the mirror, not sure what to feel. – “Not yet.” – another voice came through, a male’s voice. Looking to your side, you saw your father, the chief enter. – “Our pendant for balance.” – he said revealing the necklace with the circle pendant on it. He moved his arms over your head to hold the necklace against your neck. – “You must proudly show it.” – he said as you touched the pendant.
He kissed your cheek as it made you smile. – “You’ll bring peace to us all.” – he said as well, making your smile falter. A heavy burden being bestowed upon you. Feeling as if the whole world was looking at you. Your father took you by the arm, guiding you outside. The doors opened as you were blinded by the bright sunlight at first. The entire courtyard filled with people from your town. They bowed in unison making you swallow nervously. Your father let go of you.
You took a few steps forwards, down the steps. Pausing midway to look back at your father, who remained stationed. He gave you a proud nod. Taking a deep breath, you turned back to the people. Going down the steps further till you reached the courtyard. The people moving aside to create a pathway for you to walk. As you kept walking, they all bowed their heads when you passed.
“Please bring peace to us.” – a woman said when you passed her. A man followed somewhere behind her. – “Please bring peace.” – he spoke with a bow. Soon you heard from all sides, people asking, begging for peace. Depending on you and this agreement to bring peace back to the world. That with this unison the fire nation would seize their torment.
Keeping your head high, you didn’t want them to see the worry you were carrying. Having the entire town and the nations depend on you. To make it right. To bring back balance to the nations. They couldn’t depend on the avatar anymore. There hasn’t been an avatar in a hundred years. People grew hopeless. Now they had been given hope once more. The people closed the pathway behind you, coming back together to say see you off with well wishes.
You neared the edge as the crowed feeling sunk into nothingness. Complete solitude as you descended alone. You accepted the hand that assisted you on the boat. To start your journey to the fire nation. Doors opened as it revealed a long corridor. Alone you had to walk up to accept your end of the agreement. The corridor felt cold, despite being light up by fire.
Hands over each other inside your sleeves, your gaze shifted doubtfully down. Taking a soft breath to ease your nerves. – “Ancestors. Hear my plea.” – you said softly. – “Help me to make this work. To not uproot my tribe. Keep my father standing tall.” – you finished your prayer before you reached the end of the corridor.
The hearing of you winching in pain made Iroh get up. At that same moment entered Zuko the room once more. Iroh’s hand on your forehead. – “She is burning up.” – he let his nephew know. Zuko clenched his jaw, balding his hands into fists. – “Then cool her down!” – he shouted at his uncle. Iroh stared baffled at his nephew. – “How?” – he said with open hands.
He was no use as a fire bender for this. Zuko groaned angrily, slamming the door shut behind him. Iroh sighed soft. – “Forgive my nephew…” – he spoke to you. – “We feel helpless Y/n.” – he lowered his head. He placed the blanket better over you. Iroh dapped some sweat off your forehead with a dry cloth. You were winching in your unconsciousness, fighting of dreams that only meant to torment you. Iroh got startled when the door opened once more.
Zuko entering with a bucket of water. – “Do what must!” – he ordered. Zuko set the bucket rather forcefully on the ground. A bit of it splashing over the side to wet the flooring. Iroh scooped his hand inside, pulling away at the ice coldness from it. – “Where did you get such ice-cold water?” – he questioned. The water they had on board wasn’t nearly as cold as this. – “The ocean.” – Zuko responded with a grunt. – “Now do as  you are told!” – he insisted, taking his leave once more.
Iroh glared briefly at the door. – “That temper.” – he sighed out, not liking that it was showing itself once more. Even against him. Iroh wetted the cloth with ice cold water, wringing it before laying it on your forehead. It made you shiver in a breath, shuddering at the cold touch. Then your body eased as your expression seemed to calm.
“One last thing.” – Ozai spoke making Zuko pause before boarding the ship. His lip still trembling a bit. Ozai stepped aside revealing you. – “Don’t forget your bride.” – he said with a sneer. The young prince widened his eye at you. You went down, kneeling on the ground, head low to bow to the fire prince. Lifting your head up, you addressed him. – “Prince Zuko.” – getting back up afterwards. Zuko couldn’t comprehend what was happening.
His expression twitching a bit. Trying to settle for shock or anger. – “I don’t want a bride. I don’t need a bride.” – Zuko made clear. Ozai flashed a stern stare at the young prince. Zuko lowered his head, making himself small. Ozai gave you a little push towards the prince. You stumbled forwards unsure why you were meeting the prince at a ship.
Zuko groaned frustrated getting on the ship. You looked behind you to Ozai. He pointed firmly at the ship. Two men grabbed you by each side, forcing you onto the ship to join your intended in banishment. The ship set sail as it felt like you had failed. How could you bring peace to the nations if you were banished from the fire nation.
Zuko stood by the edge of the ship, gripping the railing tight. You decided to walk over to him. – “Prince Zuko.” – you said reaching out to touch his shoulder. The moment your hand touched his shoulder, he brushed it off rudely. – “What do you want!” – he shouted at you, startling you. You stared back at him, seeing the bandage on his one eye. You didn’t know what happened, but you could see the pain in his eyes. You reached out, wanting to touch his cheek.
To show him your compassion. Before your hand could touch his cheek, he pushed it forcefully away. – “I’ll burn you!” – he yelled out letting fire blaze out of his hands. It made you stumble back, tripping as you fell down on your bottom. Fearful you looked at him. Zuko tore his gaze away from you, not wanting you to look at him. You got up, running to the other side of the ship. To be as far away as possible from him.
Zuko puffed annoyed when you got positioned beside him. – “Prince Zuko.” – you greeted him with a bow. Zuko only turned his posture more away from you. Iroh cleared his throat loud, ushering his nephew to show his manners. Zuko sighed loud, turning back to you. – “Must I really?” – he questioned. – “Yes!” – Iroh insisted upon. Zuko sighed again as it started to bother you how uncivil he was. This wasn’t something you planned on either.
It wasn’t that you choose to be the fire prince’s bride. It was chosen for you. Only knowing of the arrangement on the day you left your town. Like any good daughter of the chief would do, you simply accepted it. Knowing there was nothing to be done about it. – “It’s not that hard.” – you told Zuko, still waiting for a proper greeting. Zuko groaned loud, setting his hands on fire from frustration.
“Zuko!” – Iroh called out in fury. Zuko took a deep breath, calming down. With a bit of annoyance, he set himself over it. – “Princess…” – he started holding his knuckles against the palm of his other hand to greet you. – “Took you too long.” – you interrupted taking your leave. Zuko blinked confused before he understood he got played. He shouted angry.
“I should throw you in the ocean for disrespect!” – he yelled with a firm point. You kept ignoring him as it upset Zuko more. He moved his leg up, letting a wave of fire go to you. You spun around, moving your hands across. A stream of water scooped up from the ocean dimming his fire before it could reach you. You then bend another stream letting it wash Zuko off his feet.
He got tackled by the water, rolling over the ground, drenched. He coughed loud. He looked surprised at his hands as they had grown ice cold. Captured by ice to the ground. Lifting his head up, he saw you lower your hands, taking off. Zuko was furious. Letting his hands heat up to melt the ice around his hands.
Pissed off, he got up with a loud scream of infuriation. – “Zuko!” – Iroh shouted knowing his nephew wasn’t going to let this pass. Zuko stormed after you, braising on the inside. You wanted to grab the door but pulled your hand away when a blast of fire hit the door first.
Turning around, you saw Zuko panting. – “Is that how you show respect to your prince!” – Zuko shouted. – “It seems MY prince doesn’t respect me so why should I?” – you said tauntingly, emphasizing on the ‘my’. Zuko bald his hands into fists. – “You’ll respect me!” – Zuko said storming over. His movement, made you move back, hitting the door with your back.
“Respect goes both ways!” – you snapped back. – “My prince.” – you added mockingly with a sarcastic smile. Zuko’s gaze seemed to pierce through you. You moved from out of his cornered situation. Zuko exhaled deep, pressing his hand onto the door. Lowering his head as a tiny smile appeared. When he caught himself showing weakness, he clenched his expression once more.
Iroh lifted his head up, hearing the door open gently. Zuko entered once more. – “How…” – he only had to say for Iroh to understand. – “Her fever is coming down. You have your ice water to thank for that.” – he replied dapping your forehead some more. Iroh noticed his nephew lingering awkwardly by the door. – “Do you want to…?” – he offered gesturing at you. Zuko shook his head, taking a step back. – “No…no…” – his voice fading out. – “Zuko…” – Iroh said with sympathy, urging him to come near.
Zuko pressed his lips a bit together, shaking his head. Iroh sighed as Zuko had once again left the room. He watched your state carefully for the next hour till you finally showed him a sign of life. Your chest flinching as you were withholding a cough. The cough came out, followed by some as you felt the pain everywhere in your body. You winched at the pain, reaching for your side. Slowly your eyes opened as the first thing you saw was Iroh.
“Shh shh it is alright Y/n. Try to remain gentle.” – he said reassuring as you were trying to pull your upper chest up by your elbows. You fully came to sit up with his help. – “Where…?” – you asked looking hazily around. – “Our ship.” – Iroh answered. He also knew your next question before you could even form his name on your lips. – “He’s above deck.”
“I... I need to…” – you started wanting to get out of bed, but Iroh stopped you. – “No, you are still too weak Y/n.” – he reminded you. You pulled the blanket a bit back, seeing the bandages around your stomach. You then noticed the water bucket by Iroh. Bending water out of it, it surrounded your hand. You then brought your hand to your stomach. Exhaling satisfying healing your own wound with your bending.
Iroh looked in wonder as it never stopped amazing him. Gasping loud, you let your head fall back in the pillow. A bit worn out from your healing. It took you but a moment to recover. You weren’t going to take no for an answer. Iroh knew he couldn’t keep you bed bound so he helped you up. He assisted you out of the room up to the deck. Weakly you held your side, still feeling the bruises.
Zuko stood with his back towards the door, overlooking the sea. Something caught his attention, making him slightly turn his head. Seeing a glimpse in the corner of his eye, he turned his head more with haste. His eyes widening at the sight of you. You let go of Iroh, stumbling forwards to Zuko. Zuko got in motion, meeting you half-way. You sunk through your knees as Zuko caught you. Keeping you upright.
With shock was he staring at you. Moving his hand to your cheek. Moving some strays of hair aside as his knuckles brushed against your cheek. You smiled weakened. – “My prince.” – you said with love. Zuko let his fingers stretch against your neck, fingers brushing on your skin. Hand on your neck, he pulled you closer, pressing his lips onto yours. Kissing you deeply.
He pulled away; his attention drawn to around him. His men all bowing. You took a step back from Zuko as his hands dropped to the side. You bowed to your prince as well. A sudden movement made you glance up. Eyes widening in wonder seeing Zuko bow to you as well. It made you smile softly. Iroh hastened over, giving you support as you were still recovering. – “What do we do now?” – Iroh asked his nephew. Zuko looked out at the sea before answering. – “We head for the earth kingdom!” – he ordered as his men got to work.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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brian-in-finance · 7 months
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The actress Caitríona Balfe, center, taking her seat at the table. Photo: Rich Gilligan
In Belfast, a Celebration of Art, Community and Pizza
In October, on the second floor of a former spinning mill in east Belfast, the visual artist and author Oliver Jeffers, 46, hosted a candlelit dinner for a group of Irish and Northern Irish artists and friends. The Portview Trade Centre, as the building is called, stopped producing textiles in the 1970s and is now home to 54 artists’ studios and creative businesses, including Jeffers’s, and his neighbors made up a large portion of the guests and the organizers. The occasion was a personal one — the launch of his 20th book, “Begin Again” — but he also wanted to celebrate his wider creative community. Accordingly, the evening combined tributes to both Belfast, where the artist has a home in the Holywood area, and Brooklyn, where he lived until recently and still has a studio.
VIDEO 📹 The author and illustrator Oliver Jeffers invited friends to toast his new book at a dinner in a former textile mill.
Jeffers is perhaps best known for his philosophical, understated children’s books, including “The Book Eating Boy” (2006) and “The Heart and the Bottle” (2010). And true to his style, “Begin Again” is curious, warm and quietly profound. “Not for kids, but not not for kids,” Jeffers says, the book is a vibrantly illustrated exploration of the climate crisis that attempts to lay out a hopeful future for humanity. “It offers an idea of slowing down, of using what’s near us — of starting over,” says Jeffers, “with the realization that we cannot do anything until we start to act with a sense of unity, to tell ourselves new stories that are defined by what we want.”
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Jeffers, center (in tan jacket), sat beside the film director Lisa Barros Da’Sa, at left. Photo: Rich Gilligan (and Caitríona Balfe, at right… BIF)
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Pearson Morris, the head chef of the Belfast restaurant Noble, pan-fried wild halibut in a makeshift kitchen set up not far from the table. Photo: Rich Gilligan
While guests gathered for drinks, the sun could be seen setting over the city; on the north side of the building, hills rolled down toward the sea. The food too — a collaboration between the local bistro Noble, known for its unpretentious ingredient-led dishes, and Flout, an American-style pizzeria on the ground floor of Portview — was unmistakably rooted in Belfast. Despite a limited power supply and a lack of running water in the room, dishes were assembled and cooked in situ using three portable pizza ovens and a small stove. The table was lit with clusters of white candles and, after the sun finally went down, said Jeffers, it glowed with “the warmth of a hearth at home.”
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The dinner table stood at the center of the 10,000-square-foot room. Photo: Rich Gilligan
The attendees: Jeffers celebrated with his wife and business manager, Suzanne Jeffers, and a group of Irish and Northern Irish artists, including the actress Caitríona Balfe, 44; the portrait artist Colin Davidson, 55; the electronic musician and composer David Holmes, 54; the husband-and-wife film director duo Glenn Leyburn, 54, and Lisa Barros Da’Sa, 49; and the writers Glenn Patterson, 61, and Jan Carson, 43. “Everybody at this dinner,” said Jeffers, “was interested in the power of narrative, the impact of what they do and how it makes other people feel.”
The table: Guests sat at two long tables — pushed together to create a more intimate arrangement — in the middle of the otherwise nearly empty 10,000-square-foot room. The events stylist Rachel Worthington McQueen, 30, sourced an Irish linen tablecloth in the same navy hue as the book cover’s background. Mismatched dishes in traditional Blue Willow patterns (originally bought from secondhand websites for Worthington McQueen’s wedding two years ago) held squat candles, and food was served on simple white plates brought over from Noble. Seasonal blooms — including deep burgundy dahlias and pale pink spray roses — echoed the rich palette of the book and were provided by the local, sustainable flower farm Sow Grateful. Each display was tied with bright pink twine, sourced by Suzanne Jeffers to match the exact Pantone color (number 812U) of the book’s title.
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New Haven-style mussels pizza by Peter Thompson, the founder of the pizzeria Flout, was served alongside Noble’s halibut. Photo: Rich Gilligan
The food: To start, Noble’s co-founder and head chef, Pearson Morris, 34, served crab and lobster from nearby Bangor Bay dressed with homemade mayonnaise and his Bloody Mary tomatoes (heritage tomatoes steeped overnight in a mix of vodka, celery and Tabasco sauce) on Flout’s blackened focaccia. “I bake things so you think they’re burned — that’s flavor for me,” said the pizzeria’s founder, Peter Thompson, 45. Next was a take on the classic New Haven-style clam pie made with steamed Galway Bay mussels, alongside which Morris served pan-fried wild halibut with a fish head sauce. Then came Flout’s Detroit-style pepperoni pizza and a salad featuring locally grown baby gem lettuces. Dessert was Noble’s chocolate delice — jaconde sponge cake topped with salted caramel, dark chocolate parfait and a chocolate mirror glaze — accompanied by a salted caramel ice cream with Flout’s sourdough chocolate cookies tumbled through.
The drinks: Noble’s front-of-house manager and co-founder, Saul McConnell, 38, oversaw the drinks, which ranged from a vibrant Blanc de Meunier champagne for arriving guests to an amber passito-style Liastos wine from Lyrarakis, Crete, for the dessert course. The Boundary Brewing Company, Belfast’s first tap room and one of Jeffers’s neighbors in the building, provided an alternative aperitif: a full-bodied English bitter called A Certain Romance, a favorite of Jeffers’s studio team.
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Jeffers illustrated the evening’s menus. Photo: Rich Gilligan
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Noble’s chocolate delice, a jaconde sponge cake with salted caramel and a chocolate mirror glaze. Photo: Rich Gilligan
The conversation: Many artists talked shop, swapping notes on the production problems they encounter in their respective industries, and conversation also turned to global events. “There’s always been a comparison between the conflict in Northern Ireland and the conflict in Israel-Palestine,” said Jeffers. “We talked about the divisive rhetoric that’s going on right now.”
The music: Jeffers enlisted the Irish producer and D.J. Marion Hawkes, who runs the record store Sound Advice in Portview, to create a playlist, which ranged from classic folk to contemporary electronic tracks.
The recipe for Noble’s mayonnaise: It’s hard to beat fresh, homemade mayonnaise, says Morris, and it’s a quick, thoughtful addition to a dinner at home. But despite its few ingredients, it’s deceptively difficult to make. He recommends starting with equal parts white wine vinegar and egg yolk (approximately 2 teaspoons of vinegar to two yolks), which prevents the eggs from splitting as you very gradually beat in 250 ml of oil, then season with 5 grams of sugar and 5 grams of salt. Morris likes to use extra-virgin rapeseed oil for its neutral flavor, and an electric mixer for ease.
The New York Times Style Magazine
Remember… there’s always been a comparison between the conflict in Northern Ireland and the conflict in Israel-Palestine. We talked about the divisive rhetoric that’s going on right now. — Oliver Jeffers
Anon: Thanks… didn’t see your message until 10 minutes after posting. 🙁
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sillyrabbit81 · 1 year
I al obsessed with your story ‘Even If You Don’t Mean It’! No shade to the many writers on here but it’s been a while for me to find a story that I can dig my teeth in - where character development, setting and story pace is great and you succeed in all of this! Thank you for this gift ha ha - hope to see more stories featuring Sy (new love unlocked lol) and all of Henry’s characters because you’re a phenomenal writer ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you very much for your lovely words. I'm so glad you enjoyed that story and that you thought it was well written.
I have written A LOT of Syverson a couple of series and a lot of one shots. Here is a link to my Syverson masterlist.
There are a lot of great Sy series out there from other writers, here are a few I can think of right now:
@just-chirpin Eyes That See Your life consists of caring for others. This is a story of you learning to care for yourself.
@thesaucynomad No Morals It’s a continuing series of episodic parts centred around Sy, after getting out of the army.  It’s gonna contain graphic spice here and there as the timeline progresses.
@mayloma Of Investments and Returns Due to global economic troubles, Sy was forced to sell most of his company's shares to investors. Much to his displeasure, the investors commissioned a business consultancy to check the company for potential savings and optimization. Dahlia Lewis is one of the unwelcome visitors. And she will soon begin to get under his skin in a different way.
@invisibleanonymousmonsters Syverson After Y/N’s job declares that employees may continue working remote for as long as they want, she wonders if this is sign from the universe to take a break from New York City. When her crazy cousin finds out, she begs Y/N to spend a year with her in Texas. For some crazy reason, Y/N agrees. A true city girl and a northerner, Y/N immediately feels like a fish out of water in the south. And her cousin’s friends enjoy teasing her for all their differences – especially a certain Ethan Syverson.
@peternoonewantsthat Shug and Sy series Masterlist An ongoing series of oneshots following the everyday life of Captain Syverson and his family.
@rmtndew Where Kindness Grows The Great Depression took its toll on a lot of people and some had to get creative to survive. Seraphina’s father decides his solution is to sell his only daughter to a much older man. But when Sy overhears a conversation about the young woman, he makes a decision that will change his life - and Seraphina’s - forever.
@angryschnauzer As Sweet As Honey Finding a new life in a new town, you stumble upon a Honey farmer at the town market. You both have pasts that have shaped the way you now live your lives, but can you find a way of putting them behind you to find happiness?
@poledancingdinos Girls Night Out
@littlefreya Lines In The Sand She is one of the best snipers serving in Iraq, but she is also suffering from an attitude problem and ironically has a hard time following orders. After an incident in her former base, she is sent to join the Special Forces unit led by Captain Syverson, who requires a talented sniper. Unlucky for her, Captain Syverson is a hard man who likes things by the book and according to order. He ain’t got the patience for troublemakers.
@winter2112rose A Captain and his Cowgirl A series of one -shot stories about how one meeting on a night out, changes the life of a young solider, Travis ‘Sy’ Syverson, forever. Giving him the one thing he’s always dreamed of, a family. The stories are in the correct chronological timeline. 
@wolvesandhoundshowltogether Kissed By Fire Petra’s small art studio takes fire and a beefy cocky soldier-turned-firefighter is among the responding fire crew members. The acquaintance wouldn’t be long-lived but Lieutenant Syverson accidentally👀 takes something that belongs to her.
@viking-raider Southern Generation After more than a decade of service, Captain Syverson as retired from the military, but now that he is retired, he still needs to find a job.
Feel free to add anymore to this list!
❤️ Rabbit
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theladyragnell · 9 months
Hi Nell!! Best recs for cozy reads?
Hello! It is starting to be autumn here in the northern hemisphere, so that does indeed make it the perfect time to read some cozy things! I will try to do a bit of a genre mix here.
To start, autumn and winter is the perfect time to read some cozy mysteries. I just finished The Three Dahlias by Katy Watson recently, and I've also liked The Appeal by Janice Hallett in the recent past.
Romances on the whole tent to be fairly cozy, of course. If you're a fan of historicals, Mary Balogh is one of my cozy authors for sure, and the frequently-recced-on-tumblr Courtney Milan really is also wonderful, try The Duke Who Didn't for some great vibes. For contemporaries, The Fiancee Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur and The Neighbor Favor by Kristina Forest are ones I enjoyed that are sweet and kind ways to spend an afternoon.
And then there's cozy SFF, my beloved! To start, I keep reccing The Tea Princess Chronicles by Casey Blair and more people should take me up on them, they are truly the coziest of vibes. T. Kingfisher's fantasy romances, particularly the paladin series, are popular in fantasy romance for a reason. The Devotion of Delflenor, by R. Cooper, is another one I wish more people would take me up on when I repeatedly rec it (if you are in the center of the Venn diagram of "loved E/R at the 2013-2014 fandom peak" and "loved Tamora Pierce growing up," I suspect you will be a fan). Becky Chambers is well known for extremely cozy sci fi.
Hopefully there's a book or two that catches your fancy in there!
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