#but Rook is a nerd and I love him
ritcchamadayo · 2 years
Carnivorous [Jade Leech]
It isn’t rare for Jade to bring home uncommon plants and rocks from his excursions out in the mountains. This time, it’s not so different.
[note; i found this prompt on Twitter, and i thought, Jade with carnivorous plants are hot. /j // on another note, i've posted this on both Ao3 and Twitter, so if you've seen my works on either platforms, it's here too now!]
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The botanical garden is a magical place. It keeps a majority of plants useable in any type of potions, endangered plants, even plants only local to Sage Island. And here is where Octavinelle’s Vice-Housewarden spends his time, apart from being constantly beside Azul and Floyd. He hummed a soft tune as he tends to a small corner of the botanical garden, spraying water where needed and adding fertilizer when necessary.
“My my, Monsieur Prémédité! Such a lovely collection you have grown!” Jade gave a silent smile, standing up to meet the eyes of Rook and his companion, Trey.
“Oh dear. I don’t suppose the Science club needed the garden for their activities today? My apologies.” Jade gave a small bow, putting away his garden equipment. “No need to fret, you can stay and tend to your plants as long as you want. Besides, you’re part of the Mountain Lovers’ club. It’ll be rude of us to stop you from doing your work.” Trey replied, in which Rook added with a barely audible “Oui, oui.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen these plants around though, Jade. Usually you’re here tending to the mushrooms instead of potted plants. Did you find them?” Trey peered over to the plants sitting prettily on the small table he had set up, all properly planted and potted beautifully. Rook leaned over to a plant on the corner, reaching his gloved hand out to touch a leaf. “Ah, I would exercise caution with those. These are carnivorous plants, after all.” Jade gave a small smirk, enough to show his sharp teeth to his two companions. Trey jumped from shock, taking a small step back. “Carnivorous plants-?!”
“No need to worry though. They will not hurt us, because their only prey would be insects.”
Rook looked unfazed with the warning, and still held a finger out. A sticky substance stuck onto his finger, as he exclaimed rather dramatically. “Ooh la la! What is this intéressante plant, may I ask? I of course recognize the beauty that is Venus Flytrap right on your table, but this? I’ve never laid my eyes on such beauty!”
Trey shook off his prior shock, and leaned closer for a look. “Now that I’m seeing it up close, it has all these water beads stuck on it.” Jade nods, proudly picking up the potted plant and presenting it to his fellow vice-housewardens. “You’re correct, these are Droseras, or more known as Sundew. I’m sure Professor Crewel had used its sticky substance for a potion or two in class.” He said, admiring the plant. It was a lush green with streaks of red, the droplets of liquid sticking on it were twinkling underneath the botanical garden’s natural lighting. The live mosses surround the carnivorous plant in its pot, the green contrasted beautifully with its red streaks.
“As you can see, I’ve captured quite a few prey with it.” Jade gave a low chuckle, putting the plant back in its place. “But the flowers it produces are simply beautiful. You must come back and see once they have bloomed.” The merman smiled widely, beaming from excitement.
“La vache! First corpse-eating mushrooms, and now carnivorous plants. You truly are one of a kind, Monseiur Prémédité.”
Jade is known to have made and cared for countless terrariums. Some were for himself, some as gifts and presents that he gave away to others, and some were placed as decoration in Mostro Lounge. And it’s no surprise that he might try (and succeed) to sneak a few carnivorous ones in.
“Another terrarium, Jade?” Azul raised his eyebrow. The eel-mer put down the small glass bowl he had in hand, its size small enough to fit within his cupped hands. “Why, this one is quite the special one, Azul.” He said, staring at the housewarden and Jade’s own twin brother hanging by his side.
“And pray tell why you just put a Butterwort out of all plants in the middle of the lounge?” “Eew, It’s all sticky and slimy. Ugh, it’s worse than your mushroom addiction.” Floyd said, wiping his finger on his shirt after touching the plant.
“The Pinguicula are very beautiful plants, Azul. Look, i even managed to procure one whose color scheme matches the Lounge’s.” Jade wasn’t wrong, the slightly purplish color of the Pinguicula Aphrodite on the table was almost specifically chosen for the Lounge. “And it will keep pesky bugs away from customers’ food, so I’d say it’s a win-win situation.” Jade smiled eerily, making the octo-mer sigh exasperatedly and stomp away. “Fine, do whatever you want. Just make sure that none of the customers get driven away by it.”
Jade beamed once again, continuing his duties on getting the place ready before opening. “I wonder what plants I should decorate with next.. Maybe a small Sarracenia would look nice near the doorway?”
“ENOUGH PLANTS, JADE!” Azul screamed from the other side of the room. Jade faked a dejected sigh, but quickly got back to work. He artfully placed napkins and cutleries on the table surrounding the plant, making sure every spoon, fork, and knife are gleaming and without any specks. He stared at his reflection on the knife, grinning. “I think we are ready.”
“Jade, Floyd. It’s time to make some money!”
“Yes, sir. / Yessir~”
The next person to find the plants, unfortunately, is Ramshackle Prefect, Yuu.
“Ooh, these plants looks scrumptious!” ”Grim, since when do you eat vegetables?” ”I eat them when I want!”
Yuu knew. Yuu knew what plant that was. And yet, Yuu wants Grim to feel the pains of his own stupidity.
“Mm~ Let’s see how this tastes… YEOW!!” “Aand there it is.” Yuu sighs. “Why would you come up to a Venus Flytrap, and say that It looks scrumptious?!”
Grim pried his paw out of the plant’s jaws with Yuu’s help, licking the bitten part to lessen the pain. “Mryaah, the question is who put this thing in the middle of a classroom?!”
“That would be me, of course.” The two snapped their heads backwards, seeing Jade in his full lab clothes. He has a wagon chock full of plants behind him, entering the classroom nonchalantly and unloading the wagon’s insides. “The question would be, what were you two doing in here?”
Yuu huffed, shaking their head. “Apparently Grim left his favorite can of tuna in class because he had snuck them in to eat in class, only to fall asleep in the middle of Professor Trein’s lecture and completely forget about the can.” Grim’s eyes widen as he exclaimed a quick ‘Oh yeah, my tuna!’ before scurrying off. “Were you using the room for club activities?”
“Yes I am, but I wouldn’t mind a little company you know, Prefect.” Yuu and Grim’s hairs stand on edge as the eel-mer flashed them a sharp-toothed smile, but he quickly came back to his suave, gentlemanly persona. “I would love if someone were to learn more about the mountain’s plants from me.”
“Sheesh, he gives me the creeps…” Grim commented, but Yuu was somehow convinced they could stay for a while. Just a while.
“O-okay, I’ll hear you out for a while! I’ve only ever seen the Venus Flytrap in my original world, but I never knew it exists here too.” Jade smiled- rather genuinely- and walked up to Yuu with a few pots in his hands. “Fufu. Then I hope this small session will let you learn and love the mountains in your world as well, Prefect~”
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pinacoladamatata · 3 months
I am once again thinking about Solas and how his potential arc this game could go regarding the Veil being up or down and I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure [spoilers obviously] I don't like being intelligent/thoughtful on here I prefer to be stupid but here we go
In [yet another] article that came out, idk? today? Mark Darrah says the story "allows us to, hopefully, give a good conclusion to all the varied attitudes toward Solas that are going to be coming from people who love Solas, who agree with Solas, who hate Solas, people who want to kick Solas off of a building – I think that we give you the opportunity to bring that to a close, but then tell a greater story about The Veilguard and about the world as a whole."
and I don't know what to fucking think about this? They obviously know people's opinions are varied and I think it should be obvious that this is not a case where 'one ending fits all'
Because like, he is such a tragic character and I know there's gonna be an option to kill him, calm down, before you start in my inbox with "I WANT TO KILL HIM" like, you will be able to, that's kind of...almost a certainty. Especially for low approval Inquisitor/swore to stop him at all costs. Because if he Won't agree to stop trying to tear down the veil and causing mass destruction, (even after dealing with Elgarnan and Ghilly) then you'll have to kill him. Even trapping him forever isn't really an option because he created the fucking veil, man's crafty, he'd eventually find a way out. Like, If he will not and cannot see reason, then you, the protagonist, will have to end him.
It's the OTHER option that has me spinning because, you could, maybe, potentially, hopefully, talk him out of it. And if you did that, either as a romanced or friendly Inquisitor, or apparenty? Rook? based on this new info that Solas and Rook are going to have a lot of interaction, then he doesn't NEED to die. If he stops wanting to tear down the veil, he could potentially just disappear and do whatever he wants, like nerd out over magic.
And honestly, having him die on both paths is such a slap in the face for "your choices matter" because like clearly they do not if that happens; like what was the point of making me choose at the end of trespasser? If the only difference is 'stop Solas at all costs' leads to a boss fight where you kill him and 'redeem Solas' leads to ? him dying anyway somehow? Like I'm sorry but that is lazy and boring. His redemption should not end in death, he should have to live and deal with the consequences, because that could be so much more interesting.
[because I'll be real, I don't think they're going to let us have the option to tear down the veil/side with him AND have the option to keep the veil up. I think it will be one or the other no matter your choices; Simply because there is too much of a massive difference between world states of 'killed Solas to prevent him taking down the veil Thedas remains status quo' VS 'let Solas take down the veil, Thedas is now fundamentally different in an almost inconceivable way'. Like the setting for any future games depend on this; you would have to create 2 very different games. There has to be some uniformness to the world state, like; the veil remains, but it's thinned or whatever and the people of Thedas are living life more or less as usual if they ever want to make DA5. Would be wild of them do go the route of no matter what you do the veil comes down anyway. Which would be annoying if you swore to stop Solas at all costs and he just... succeeds anyway, even if he dies? Of course, there is Sandals prophecy, which I think is about the events of DA4. And devs have said in the past they had 'something' planned since Origins. "One day the magic will come back - all of it. Everyone will be just like they were" - The veil coming down and everyone gaining magic? Not just elves but humans, dwarves and qunari too? "The shadows will part and the skies will open wide" - Talking about the veil coming down?? Do shadows represent the abyss? "When he rises, everyone will see" - I'm actually convinced this is about Elgar'nan, or, something even worse; like the 'thing' that Mythal locked away, that the "evanuris in their greed could unleash" that "would destroy us all". So I think the end of DA:TV will be either the veil stays in place no matter what, or the veil comes down no matter what, which is, idk, interesting? Because again, they can't have both- that just gets too messy for the setting for the next game. They could have the veil come down no matter what, but, you would need to have a "better option" as Varric and Solas put it. Which, let's say for narrative purposes, this option exists and we tell it to Solas and he goes "Okay let's do that instead" and it results in a world state where the veil is 'down' but not in a catastrophic mega-calamity way. Even then though, some players are just not going to pick that and also if the veil comes down; what the fuck are we guarding it for???? I think it might come down temporarily. Maybe we have to make a new one? a better one? we have our fade tamagotchi fen'harel who happens to be the only fucker who knows how to make a veil too. Could this 'better veil' alleviate some of the problems Solas had with the old one? If there was like a set door way that allowed people and spirits to pass safely? One that didn't cause so much discord between spirits/people? Is our Veilguard a Fade TSA? I can dream. But who knows. Either way, I think we're only getting one endgame worldstate regarding the veil.
So; OK, back to Solas and how the fuck that could end. Harking back to that Varric/Solas conversation about the old man living alone. Solas is clearly speaking as though he is the old man, and he can't fathom just living a quiet life when there are literal world ending gods waiting for a weak moment to bust free. He Will not, Cannot stand by and do nothing while he knows his prison is failing. He HAS to at least deal with the 2 evanuris before tearing down the veil bc he doesn't want them to cause harm. He didn't want that before (hence locking them away) and he doesn't want it now, even for modern day Thedas (hence him helping Rook). He's got such a fucking heart under all that armor. He cares about people, he demonstrates it again and again. But my god what if, he finally *sees* that the veil may not have been a mistake, it doesn't need to be torn down, (maybe it has to be remade, better?or just altered?) and then us the protag, no longer has to kill him to stop him from tearing it down?
Like, I am very partial to the "what if love changes everything" trope especially for such a tragic character. Bc he's got death flags left and right; "I walk the dinanshiral" "there is only death on this journey" "this does not end in my downfall" his "dying alone" fear tombstone, and he's lonely he's miserable he's afraid. I'm so worried they'll kill him off anyway bc 'he was always doomed' trope and it would be easier to write, but motherfuck it would just, be SO so satisfying if, instead, there was a path where he wasn't doomed; whether it's bc of Rook or the Inquisitor or a combo of both. I feel like what if, either platonic or romantic; if there was just at least one path where love changes everything.
ofc this is massive amounts of copium and I don't expect bioware to give me anything so cool as "the veil starts to come down anyway and you, Rook, have to rebuild it with Solas' and the Inquisitor's help and at the end you can either kill him or convince him that this world is worth living in"
but hey, i can dream ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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scarletst0ries · 2 months
My Yuu’s opinion on every Twisted Wonderland character
Spoilers for the Story (books 1-6)
Most of these are platonic
Ace: He’s annoying from time to time, but he’s my closest friend. He is weirdly flirtatious though…
Deuce: I help him with studying. I admire how hard he’s trying to be an honor’s student. I have to be the mediator between Ace’s and his arguments.
Cater: He keeps trying to get me on his Magicam…he’s pretty nice though.
Trey: He’s easy to talk to. I always ask to help him whenever I get invited to an Unbirthday party, but Trey always turns me down.
Riddle: Housewarden Rosehearts has been incredibly nice to me. I practically feel like a member of his dorm. Any questions I have about Twisted Wonderland, he knows the answer.
Leona: He terrifies me. We don’t talk at all.
Ruggie; Ruggie and I occasionally work together in the Mystery Shop. I’ve learned to leave my wallet at home because I don’t know if he’ll slip thumarks in or out of it. However, he has some fun stories.
Jack: We hang out a lot despite not being in the same class. It’s nice being around a first year who isn’t insane. He asks if I want to work out with him, but his workouts are too intense for me.
Azul: I don’t mind him, but Azul always tries to convince me to make a deal with him. I trust him about as far as I can throw him, and I couldn’t even pick him up.
Jade: He’s worse than Azul. I can’t tell what he’s thinking.
Floyd: Floyd’s harmless…I think. He does almost squeeze me to death whenever I see him which is annoying.
Kalim: I don’t think he really fits with NRC’s vibe, but he is the most genuine out of everybody. It’s surprising how little he thinks about spending money
Jamil: I feel bad about what happened during winter break. It isn’t easy to live in someone’s shadow. I forgave him during the SDC. He’s pretty interesting if he actually talks to you.
Epel: I don’t understand his obsession with “manliness”, but we hang out a lot out of class. He turns into a different person when he gets competitive…it’s kinda scary…
Rook:… he’s kind of creepy…
Vil: He always gets on my case about my habits, but I think it’s because he cares? Not sure how I feel about being called potato..
Ortho: He’s the first sentient A.I I’ve met. I’m glad he joined the other first years.
Idia: I don’t know him that well, but we sometimes talk about nerd culture. He’s so shy that he seems like a creep to other people unfortunately.
Sebek: He’s so loud. And rude. He keeps saying that he’s above our company, yet he if often the first to show up at our hangouts. I think he’s just embarrassed about being half human.
Silver: Honestly, I don’t see him around that often. He keeps to himself. However, he must be a good person if Sebek speaks so highly about him.
Lilia: He’s odd. I think he’s only here to cause chaos which can be entertaining. Don’t like the jump scares though.
Malleus: Oh you mean Hornton? He’s really cool. We walk together almost every night. I love hearing him talk about anything, and his magic is so beautiful
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stankhole · 3 months
predictions for veilguard romances under the cut. would love to hear what you guys think will happen with the characters
confident and seems like the type that would immediately flirt back
would use assan playing cute as a way to pick up dates
later you find out the sad reasoning behind why he left his clan & joined the wardens
her wearing armor reminiscent of the shokra-taar/antaam-saar makes me think she’s a qunari still following the qun
she’s initially only interested in a physical relationship and has to work through her upbringing under the qun to become comfortable with a romantic relationship
wants to ride rook’s bones to dust after they take down a dragon the first time
she feels like she has an obligation to the inquisition/rook/varric/whatever organization she’s a part of so she’s initially hesistant to enter into a relationship. she’s been a forward scout for so long she’s used to being all work and no play so when you flirt with her she enjoys it but doesn’t take it too seriously, she’s been traveling with varric recently so she’s used to it after all
she’s also confused because of the magical powers she gains and is afraid of hurting rook since she can’t control them
you help her get control of her magic/figure out where it’s from and you bone
been raised to be a perfect assassin so he doesn’t know what to do when someone shows genuine interest in him
since he was raised to take over as the next talon, he’s used to having his life planned out for him so when he gets the freedom of making his own choices he doesn’t really know what to do
final romance flag is either after he tells his grandmother he doesn’t want to be the new talon or after his cousin finds out he’s not dead
please let him mention zevran, even if just in passing
sunny and goofball personality, likes to make their lover laugh
very intelligent, a big history nerd and would love to take you to romantic places in arlathan and give romantic ancient gifts
thrill seeker, first kiss scene happens after doing something reckless, be that a veil jump or boss fight
grandpa thinks he’s too old for you and you deserve someone younger, but when you don’t back down you realize that peepaw absolutely ~ f u c k s ~
married to his job for the past 30 years, his only friends are his skeletal assistants
manfred will absolutely walk in on you two getting busy at some point
i hope desire demons make a comeback and show up in his story
somehow knows cassandra; is like her 5th uncle 3 times removed
knows what she wants and isn’t going to hesitate if you show interest in her
but will not be fully invested in the relationship aspect at first because of her cynicism. eventually comes around when she realizes how devoted you are to making minrathous/the world a better place
has worked with dorian/ dorian is an informant for her
god bioware please give her a dwarven strap that matches her prosthetic. she’d be unstoppable 🙏🏻
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snailsrneat · 10 months
Yandere Epel Felmier Headcanons
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Ooooh boy
If he becomes your yandere I feel sorry for you
Epel doesn't really understand his feelings for you fully
All he really understands is that around you his body gets weak and his heart beat rises a lot
In short you make him feel inferior, and he doesn't like that one bit
He despises the way you make him feel.
And he definitely shows his distate for it constantly
He finds that bullying you makes him feel better. Makes him feel superior.
He always makes sure to point out any sort of flaw on your body or clothing, and laughs when you give him a dirty look
He always makes sure to seek you out. Even when you started avoiding him, he kept on actively trying to find you.
He especially loves you give him angry reaction, it adds fuel to his flame.
"Hey nerd! Why do you keep running from me? You scared? Think I'm soo terrifying that you can't even come face me?"
For awhile he thought he hated you, despised you, that was until he saw how close you and Jack were.
You and Jack decided to have lunch alone together outside instead of inside.
Epel had been looking for you, as he always was. The moment he saw you and the wolf-boy sitting so close, your faces less than an inch apart, his body filled with the most intense rage he's ever felt.
Rage so intense he started to physically shake.
Epel stomped all the way back to his dorm room, slammed the door shut, and started to throw the biggest fit in history.
Epel knew that Vil was going to yell at him but he couldn't care less right now, he needed to get all his anger out.
Once he's done with his temper tantrum he sits in the middle of his room, thinking.
Mostly thoughts about you, he could never stop thinking about you.
You with that dumb smile, you with your stupid pretty eyes, you and your shiny hair..
He can't deal with all the emotions going on in his head, but he can realize one thing.
He wants you to be his and he'll do anything to have you.
From that moment forward Epel becomes a lot less rude, he still makes snide remarks from time to time but he's way nicer to you than before.
He still constantly seeks you out too, but it's welcome this time around.
"Hey nerd! You wanna go eat at the monstro lounge after school? Just you and me."
Eventually when you guys get close enough to eachother and you start to open up to him he makes sure to keep notes of everything in a secret dairy he has.
Honestly he takes a lot after Rook.
He keeps notes of your deepest darkest secrets, fears, trauma, literally anything he deems useful blackmail.
Once you guys get close that's when all of your other friends start to get distant.
You don't understand what happened or what you did to make them not like you all of a sudden but you get lonely pretty quick.
Good thing Epel is there to keep you company.
"They did what!? Oh no, don't cry. They never deserved you anyways. I'm still here, remember? I'd never leave you."
He's so extremely possessive he can't let anyone be close to you but him.
He'll even make sure you get a schedule change and everything.
Now you're with him in every class, he couldn't be happier.
If you start failing some classes? Oh don't worry about it Epel can give you his notes.
Even if you start to oppose him and want to get away, you can't.
Well cause if you do then he'll get upset, and once he gets upset that's when he brings out his pen.
He doesn't want to do this but if you keep threatening that you're going to leave, what else can he do?
Now look at what you did to yourself, all bruised and beaten.
We were so happy then you tried to leave and now look.
"It's better for you to stay here with me. Without me you're too weak to fight even the smallest amount of magic."
"You need me."
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more screaming about twst anni iii stuff
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Lilia, Cater, and Rook are really livin’ it up!! I’m shocked that Leona doesn’t look like he wants to murder Rook, he’s tolerating Rook’s presence pretty well, all things considered.
asdbhIYboyfobifs VIL TREATING THIS LIKE A PHOTO SHOOT, HE’S SO FUCKING EXTRA........ .. . .... . .. . . . .. Trey’s pose is modest as expected, and Malleus is still looking as cool-headed and regal as ever (Sebek will want a copy of this image).
ADBILADSBILILBHAHAHAHAHAH THEY PUT IDIA DROP DEAD IN THE CENTER AND HE’S HATING EVERY SECOND OF IT (It’s okay, at least he’s trying to pose, it’s the effort that counts). I like how they included Ortho in this Groovy (since he was recognized as a “real boy” far after the year 1 Groovy with the first years was released). He’s making use of his floating abilities to join Grim on top to pull off a cute pose~
SABBLIBABIDAIYDASB The anniversary card Groovies have consistently been some of my favorites, so I’m glad that this year’s didn’t disappoint ^^
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I couldn’t capture it well in still image only, but Trey and Rook try out the food on each other’s plates in the rhythmic!! It’s really cute, I always love seeing the Science Club members being bros to each other 🥰 
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IDIA YOU’RE SO RELATABLE, KING 🤡 ABKHASBYOFADBIFADBL Look at the nerd panicking when a fucking FAIRY PRINCE and an A LIST MODEL AND CELEBRITY come over to casually chat with him...Man must be dying on the inside, I JUST KNOW IT. 
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Cay-kun coming in clutch with his selfie stick... Gotta capture this happy memory before they leave on their internships and before they go back to being at each other’s throats the next day-- 
P.S. It’s really awkward to think of this as a happy time if it’s happening as a “dream” resulting from the events of episode 7 😅 BUT IT’S OKAY, LET’S NOT THINK ABOUT THE ANGST LET’S JUST KICK BACK AND PARTY HARD
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rolandtowen · 1 month
what's up nerds, new fanfiction for yall!
I went on hiatus for three years and came back with Cherik brain rot. Read it on ao3 or under the cut. Chapter two will be up shortly.
It started innocently enough. A chess game, two glasses of scotch, what could go wrong?
The topic of conversation this night was the hypotheticals of their powers.
“Do you think you could control the iron in a person’s blood?” Charles moved one of his knights forward.
Erik hummed noncommittally, moving a pawn forward one space. “I think it’s possible. I haven’t truly had the opportunity to try it.”
“But, could you sense people by their blood perhaps? Not manipulate it, but recognize it the way I recognize minds?”
Erik smirked. “That seems like something I could try without a certain someone getting mad at me.”
Charles put up his hands in mock surrender. “Not saying I want you to mess with people’s veins, but it’d be good to know in case we run into anyone else with your mutation.”
Erik knocked a rook off the board with one of his bishops. “I’ve always wondered, do people have to be alive for you to get into their minds? Hank was telling me the other day that scientists think there can be electrical activity in the brain for a few minutes after death.”
Charles scoffed. “I don’t really make a habit of trying to commune with the dead, darling.” He moved his queen. “Check.”
“Well, what if you could tell those scientists for sure? Connect with someone before they die, and see what all that activity afterwards is about?” Erik moved his king.
Charles stiffened. “I find that highly unethical.” Charles slid his rook to protect his own king.
Erik glanced up at him, gauging his emotions as he moved his last knight. “Just speaking hypotheticals, liebling. Check, by the way.”
Charles made a wasteful move with another pawn, clearly uncomfortable with Erik’s line of thought. “I wouldn’t advise any telepath to stay connected with someone during their death. I did it only once, and never again.”
“What do you mean?” Erik thought that perhaps Charles had reached out to Raven before she died, perhaps to give her some comfort.
Charles’ eyes grew hard. “When you killed Shaw.”
Erik’s hand froze in the middle of moving his rook. Charles saw his confusion immediately.
“What, did you think I was able to keep him frozen and not be connected to him telepathically?”
Erik began to feel a sinking feeling in his gut. “I guess, I thought—I thought you let go when I..”
“When you started driving a coin through his head?” Charles forcefully moved his queen forward. “Had I done that, he could have killed you.”
“So you tied yourself to a dying man?!”
“It’s not my fault you were killing him! Fucking slowly, might I add.”
“You felt him die? Why didn’t you tell me?” The chess game was forgotten.
“When would I have had the time? You shot me and left with my sister.”
Charles regretted his words instantly as Erik lowered his eyes. “To be honest, Erik, I wasn’t entirely sure what happened. It took me weeks to come to terms with the fact that I felt Shaw die. No other telepath has felt another’s death, at least to my knowledge.”
Erik was quiet for a long moment, before speaking in a whisper. “Show it to me.”
“What? No!” Charles sputtered. Erik still wasn’t meeting his eye, so Charles grabbed his chin and forced him to look at him. “Erik, I am not about to force the worst pain I’ve ever felt into your mind.”
“You aren’t forcing me,” Erik countered. “I’m asking you to show me.”
“Why? So you can make some demented penance? This is new level of masochism, even for you.” Erik’s jaw clenched, but his eyes betrayed his emotion. Charles softened his grip on Erik’s chin, scraping a thumb over his cheek. It was wet. “My love, I’ve already forgiven you, for all of it.” He wanted to run his fingers through Erik’s hair, talk him down from this ledge, and forget this whole conversation.
Erik caught Charles’ hand, holding onto it like an anchor. “How am I supposed to forgive myself, Charles? When I never even knew what I did?” Erik brought Charles’ fingers up to his temple. “Show me. You carry so much of my pain, let me carry some of yours for once.”
Charles’ hand was shaking, but Erik sent a mental message, inviting him in, begging—
Charles’ answer was agony.
Immediately, Erik was flooded with voices.
“Now, Charles!”
“Are you okay?”
“Moira, be quiet—I can only control this man for so long.”
Erik was in Charles’ head, in his memory, yet at the same time he was in his own head, as well as Shaw’s. He could see his past self, picking up his helmet.  
“Sorry, Charles.” His own voice, haunting him.
“Erik, please—be the better man—Erik, there will be no turning back!” And just like that, the connection between them was severed as his past self donned his helmet. This was where Erik’s own memory had previously ended their conversation, but now Erik could hear every word that Charles had screamed at him, willing him not kill Shaw.
He felt Charles’ fear when his past self revealed the coin. It was like the floor dropped out from underneath Charles. Chills ran down his spine. He wanted to run, to fight, but Charles knew that if he let go, Erik could die.
For the first time, Erik could also hear Shaw. For a man who presented himself as so superior, his final thoughts were frantic and pleading.
Xavier, please, unfreeze me. Please, I can help you. I have resources, anything you want—you can have it. Please don’t let me die like this—
But overriding Shaw’s babbling was Charles, still focused on Erik, still pleading with him, despite their severed connection.
“No, please, Erik, no.” Charles’ voice was quavering but his power remained strong. Erik could see through Shaw’s eyes as the coin approached, could feel Shaw screaming, but most of all could feel Charles begging to be heard by him. “Please, Erik.”
Erik finally understood the fear. It wasn’t that Charles was so afraid of Erik killing Shaw—Charles was afraid the Erik was going to kill him.
Charles thought he was about to die, but held onto Shaw anyway.
As the coin drew nearer and nearer to Shaw, Erik could hear Charles whimper one last “please”. And then the pain started. Charles could only scream, but even in his agony, Erik could still hear him mentally calling out for him.
Erik, Erik, please, it hurts. Erik could feel Shaw’s skin splitting and his skull cracking, could feel the shards of bone impaling nerves and skin. When Erik killed Shaw, it felt like no time at all passed between the moment the coin entered his head and passed out the other side, but to Charles—this was an eternity. Erik could pinpoint the exact time Shaw’s screams finally cut out, but Shaw was still feeling, which meant Charles was too. After what felt like years, Charles’ connection to Shaw cut out, and Charles’ mind went black.
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Initial thoughts after first Romulus viewing
Somehow Big Chap returned
Andy is my son and I love him
The CGI on Rook was pretty bad, but Ash was always kind of uncanny so it could have been worse. I'd probably have just used Lance and de-aged him
Plot was basically Don't Breathe in space
Was surprisingly tame for Fede Alvarez
Zero gravity scene was fucking sublime
The hybrid might be the worst thing I've ever seen (complimentary)
So does this confirm that David made it back to Wey-Yu with the black goo
Andy's reading of "get away from her you bitch" sounded like some nerd who just watched aliens for the first time
Best running joke of the movie was the Isolation save point showing up every time things were about to get worse
Set design was on point, very Isolation inspired
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beadyeyes · 10 days
Alien Romulus review so spoilers because I'm so so disappointed after being told by every one how good it was and how great the effects were (you all lied to me) so so so long so so so so I don't know if it's worth reading
👍 Loved that they kept up the tradition of killing the people who smoke on screen first
👍 Technology design choices were so fun and did what Prometheus failed to do as a PREQUEL. Also failed to do what the movie itself should've done as a SEQUEL and kept notably similar design choices BUT STILL ADVANCE THE TECHNOLOGY?
👎 They made a group of people so unlikable or undeveloped that I didn't care if they lived or died.
👎 The cousins blatant bigotry against Andy came off mostly as racist AND ableist with no good reason whatsoever. Especially since it clearly wasn't justified by his mother's death because the synthetic in question that "caused her death" was justified in saving more lives over the few. His choice to leave his own family behind despite being so torn up about his mom too? And finally his weird breathing and hovering scene with the pregnant sister right after his girlfriend died was lowkey creepy and I hope it wasn't trying to imply he was the one who got her pregnant? Bottom line he deserved it and his death was the only entertaining one. Was that supposed to be on purpose?
👎 The boyfriend was a bland unlikeable character who failed to even be good enough for meat fodder + deserved to die for wasting screen time AND for letting his cousin be a racist dick to Andy despite them needing the for the whole fucking trip to happen. Worthless character.
👎 First facehugger impregnation being a woman. What a spit in the face.
👎 The fact that it was also a woman I didn't even know the name of! But had 1 more second of development than the rest and seemed like she could've been a cool character if the screen time wasn't logged by unlikeable men. Her alien birth scene was so tone deaf to the original horror of the series idk. I get not wanting to repeat the same thing but the worthless guys survived those facehuggers too easily for her to be the gratuitous birth fodder.
👎 Pregnant sister. I don't know how that could've been done differently but yea. Her boob slime was so. 🙄
👎 Her alien wannabe engineer baby thing sucked. It was so corny I laughed outloud I don't know how it could've been done better but making the aliens more humanoid but not in an uncanny way, like a weird trying too hard to be scary way, felt like a disservice to the viewers intelligence? The fact that it was a full sized thing in like 3 seconds too? No offense but wouldn't it be scarier to fight something small and newborn baby like instead of Grown Ass White Man #72
👎 Rooks facetracking shit was so gagworthy and bringing him back wasn't the tribute to the og movie like they wanted it to be. Remember how the big bang theory would make references by just naming randome nerd shit in succession? That's what he was. Just because you have a character come back doesn't mean it fits the theme of the movie you're developing.
👎 Rook's non-ambiguous characterization as evil. Just lame and defeats the complexity of the original character as well as how the synthetics have been developed.
👎 Her name is Rain and that's my name she wishes she was me so bad.
Rain was just so? Such an underdeveloped character who kicked ass and I appreciated her like? Waiting till Andy had seizure to help him out? I don't know. She just had no backstory or substance and Andy's whole character being there to protect her was fucking lame. Seeing her change that at the last bit was like yay development but then Andy gets killed so then it was just whatever.
Andy's character again, being there to protect Rain and not develop on his own. His disabilities being "cured" for most of the movie. Why the accent? Anyways I'm glad he was there because he was the shining star of the whole thing and even that felt a bit too on the nose as if they knew every one else was worthless.
The movie had a few jumpscares and the gore was nothing compared to ANY of the previous movies. Ultimately I felt nothing for the entire hour and half except for when the cousin got slimed, which I laughed. The mix of CGI was strange. 1 out of 10 as fuck! Do you think they're gonna make a sequel?
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ryuichirou · 19 days
Hi hi long time listener first time caller: I was interested to hear you talk about Vil and Rook in your wholesome hc post. I’m curious about what other thoughts and feelings you have for them, if you feel like sharing!
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for being a long time listener and for your ask~
I do indeed have a lot of thoughts and feelings about these two. I always have this feeling that we don’t post about them all that much, but then it always turns out that I just can’t shut up about Rook/Vil lol I think we’ve had at least 3 hc posts about them, and a couple of them were on a darker side, so I guess it’s time to give these boys more wholesomeness.
As always, I am physically incapable of coming up with sweet stuff, but I did my best! I hope you enjoy reading these.
Over these almost three years Rook has taken thousands of Vil pics, but ironically, Vil only has a couple of Rook pics. Rook doesn’t like having pictures of him taken all that much; it’s not like he’s against it or uncomfortable with it, he just prefers to have it the other way around. But these rare instances where Vil manages to take a selfie with him are always precious. Vil’s favourite ones are the one taken in the NRC’s courtyard (he finds it sentimental), the one taken in an auditorium of a theatre (they really enjoyed that opera), and the very private sleepy lazy nude one. Naturally, there is no way he’d share those on Magicam.
Being big movie/theatre nerds, they quote a lot of obscure stuff that both of them love. It’s like their secret code that no one else would ever get because they are the only people their age who watched that weird old but very quotable movie about some lady becoming a witch and killing her husband. Sometimes Rook quotes it just to cheer up Vil when he is in a bad mood.
They also sing together sometimes, but not very often. Rook would love to do it more often, he would prefer to live his entire life like he is in a musical, but Vil doesn’t think that singing randomly all the time is a good idea. For starters, it could strain your vocal cords. But also, real life doesn’t really feel like a musical to him… He indulges Rook every once in a while though.
I’ve mentioned it in another post, but I’ll reiterate and add to it a little bit: they are very likely to stay together even after graduating from NRC. To be honest, I think they are very likely to spend their entire lives together, even though a lot of it would end up being LDR: both of them would travel the world doing their own thing, being very busy and working a lot, but they would always facetime or just call each other to talk for at least an hour or so. Rook would always send Vil flowers and gifts, and always anonymously, but Vil doesn’t need a card to identify Rook’s gift in a huge pile of others.
They would own a house together that Epel would spend a lot of time in because they are rarely home and someone has to babysit their dogs and their garden, so technically it’s Epel’s house 70% of the year lol But whenever they could, they would come back to it and spend their lovely 30% of the year together! The house was technically built to be able to host parties in and invite people over (their home cinema room has 30 seats…), but whenever they get home, they spend pretty much all the time alone.
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pomefioredove · 28 days
plot twist a cater (kalim, even) level extrovert gets put in ignihyde. chat they are cooked
SEE but I think most extroverts could adapt to ignihyde. kalim especially, he wouldn't even let it stop him. he could find a way to party in any universe. get him really into DND or something and he'd do fine. same with rook, I've said it before but I think he could adapt to any dorm given the right motivation. cater might be harder because he relies so heavily on attention but I think he'd be into the weird tech stuff they have going on. would love to hear those STEM nerd's takes on algorithm and AI
you know which extrovert absolutely would never adapt to ignihyde though? vil. vil would strangle idia to death day two. he'd be like damn bitch you live like this????? no sunlight, no fresh food, no socializing, everyone is a STEM freak on 3 days no sleep and 12 cups of black coffee trying to get a robotic arm to move 12.5% smoother to the right? he would go crazy
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brainlessrot · 1 year
Ranking NRC dorms on how much I would trust and like their cooking -
fair warning: I've skipped like most culinary croucible events and forgot 90% of the ones i played, so this is all based on my subjective reading of their vibes and the limited canon knowledge i could gather in my brain
Contents: As the title says +individual characters ranked
Characters: All dorms + students and teachers
1. Scarabia
do i even need to explain this one??
One of the first episodes in their chapter was literally cooking with jamil
I LOVE middle eastern food. give me hummus and some pita bread and im set for life.
Pre scarabia arc jamil would be a dangerous choice, but post chapter? im gonna be knocking on his door with bribes so that he gives me any extra food he made 🙏
not kalim tho, yall stay safe
(also wrote this while at Agrabah's cafe in disney land, so my opinion might be skewed)
Continues under this cut!!
2. Octavinelle
Mans whole bussiness is food
if im paying for it i better be getting something good
but would NEVER try to ask any of them to cook for me (for free obv) bc i dont think that would end well (for me)
Jade?? mixing mushrooms he found somewhere
Floyd? forgets and goes somewhere, now the kitchen is burnt
Azul? nuh huh 💀 i aint seeling my soul for some toast
theyre like, Norwegian/italian i think?? and idk much about Norwegian cuisine but like italian is soooo good 🤞
3. Heartslabyul
Only for the sweets (i might not trust trey but i have a sweet tooth)
I dont mind tea, but they better not bring out their British cuisine out
If i see any fish n chips im evaporating from that table (lies, free food is free food)
i wanna go to an unbirthday party 😔
riddle would cook something too healthy and would count my calorie intake 💀
ace or deuce? id better be getting ready to get intoxication
cater... i just dont see him cooking
4. Pomefiore
listen... theyre mostly rich pampered boys, so would they even be cooking?
i dont trust the source of Rook's food
epel would only give me apple based foods (tasty, but gets boring after a while)
Vil would probably give me those weird natural green smoothies AND I DONT WANT THAT 🤬
+ i dont like french people (jk)
5. Ighnihyde
ik theyre all nerds and all they eat is instant ramen
all for that greek yogurt 😩
idia doesn't know how to cook except for instant foods which i dont mind (he gets favourite character treatment)
ortho,,, questionable. He has access to the internet (aka infinite recipes) but would it taste good? hes like 10
6. Savanaclaw
sweaty men.
i should just leave it at that ngl
leona? rich ahh man (a GROWN man at that!! 20 whole years of age!!!) and he probably doesn't even know how to fry an egg
ruggie? no way he gives me anything good for free 😭
Jack is the only one i would trust, but man probably also drinks protein shakes and those sad chicken breast and rice meals.
7. Diasomnia
no thank you
i like my soul staying where it is.
i dont trust their magical food
lillia is not even my last choice if im ever hungry, he aint a choice AT ALL
Malleus... he probably doesn't know how to physically cook?? sure he can bibidi babidi boop me some food like the giant fairy godmother he is, but i want something real man 😔
Sebek... protein shake man...
Silver MUST know how to cook (living with lillia would be imposible if not) so if i HAD to, I would go to him, but i dont want him to fall asleep and faceplant on my food 😭
+ Characters Ranked in tiers! (students and teachers)
The best, five star Michelin food:
Jamil, Trey, Trein
You could be happy eating:
Vil, Epel, Floyd, Silver, Azul, Ruggie, Crewel
Its food:
Jack, Cater, idia (if making instant ramen) Ortho, Sam
its... food?:
Rook (seriously, where did he get that?), Jade, Ace, Deuce, Malleus (the food is uncorporeal), Sebek, Vargas
dubious taste, would rather not:
Riddle, Kalim, Leona (its just a slab of uncooked meat), Idia (if trying to cook real food)
call 911 BEFORE eating please:
Lillia, Grim, Crowley
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sinofthesloth · 1 year
𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕞𝕠𝕜𝕖
“This is was just a game to me, and you were just the gasoline.” 
Cw: Angst. (I’m bad at gauging how heavy it is so just read with that in mind.) 
Synopsis: You thought they liked you back. How stupid can you truly be?
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 𝙁𝙩. 𝘼𝙯𝙪𝙡, 𝙍𝙤𝙤𝙠, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄𝙙𝙞𝙖 ♥ 
.*•.¸♡ ä̤z̤̈ṳ̈l̤̈ ä̤s̤̈ḧ̤ë̤n̤̈g̤̈r̤̈ö̤ẗ̤ẗ̤ö̤ ♡¸.•*.
“Are you really that blind?”
Azul had a future plan and refused to let anything get in the way of that. You just weren’t something he saw himself needing
You had confessed to him in the privacy of the VIP room. Floyd and Jade were thankfully keeping their nose out of Azul’s business for once. The confession had you picking at your shirt as you stared into his grey eyes. 
The first hint that he didn’t share the feelings should have been the fact he wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying. He’d ask you to repeat yourself multiple times as he searched for something in his desk. 
The next should have been sighs he kept pushing out of his throat. You told yourself they were from his inability to find what he was looking for. 
The third and final nail in the coffin was when he finally looked into your eyes. They held boredom. He was bored while you were confessing your feelings.
Maybe he was just having a bad day?
“Are you really that blind? I am busy and you keep talking. And what makes you think I’d like someone like you? You bring nothing to the table. And you clearly can’t read a room. Why would I want anything to do with you?”
Maybe Ace and Deuce shouldn’t have been the two you asked for romantic advice.
.*•.¸♡ r̤̈ö̤ö̤k̤̈ ḧ̤ṳ̈n̤̈ẗ̤ ♡¸.•*.
“Mon ami means my friend, and you, mon démon bruyant are nothing more.”
Rook found beauty in everything, but that doesn’t mean he loved them.
He called you french names of endearment. You knew that. He called everyone a name of endearment. You just didn’t know what word meant.
French is called the language of love because how intricate and delicate it can sound. Every word sounds like a lullaby if spoken soft enough. 
He’d call you “démon bruyant”, a name you had no way of knowing the meaning of. Well, you do now. Loud fiend. Not friend. Fiend. 
He saw you as nothing more than a loud extra. Someone who didn’t fall into the background only because they were louder than everyone around them.
You had planned to ask Vil if he had any idea of a good way to confess, but Rook beat you to it. 
He stopped you before you made your way to the Pomefiore housewarden. His hand laid on your chest to physically stop you. The same hand traveled up to your chin before you locked eyes. He seemed to be glaring down at you as your face heated.  
“Mon ami means my friend, and you, mon démon bruyant are nothing more. So I suggest you remember your place fiend. Don’t think about wasting Roi de Poison time.” 
He pulled his hand away and fixed your hair before smiling and walking away. 
French is such a heart breaking language.
.*•.¸♡ ï̤d̤̈ï̤ä̤ s̤̈ḧ̤r̤̈ö̤ṳ̈d̤̈ ♡¸.•*.
“Dating them would be like grinding the first levels of a game when trying to get ready for its final boss. Pointless and a waste of time.”
Falling for the schools biggest gaming nerd wasn’t as hard, His brother talked none stop about him and how amazing he was once you looked past his anti-social behaviors. 
You learned about his favorite shows and games. Ortho even talked Idia into meeting you in person. You thought were must have been a connection.
He invited you to his dorm room and the two of you would watch shows and complain about their endings, or you’d watch him game. You once asked if you could try a level, and he helped make an entire account for you to use. 
Both you and Ortho explained that you don’t have any way of playing it outside of coming to his dorm to play and he bought you a complete computer set up as well as a laptop. Just so the two of you could enjoy a game that you just learned about. 
So yeah, you fell, and you fell far. Hitting the floor pretty hard.
You overheard Ortho talking to Idia about how you had asked him if Idia liked you, or if there was a good way of asking Idia out. He blew up due to the information. Ranting about how he would never fall in love with someone like you. How he was only your friend because Ortho was the one to invite you over. He refused to let his little brother lose a friend because of him.
“Ortho, you don’t understand. Dating them would be like grinding the first levels of a game when trying to get ready for its final boss. Pointless and a waste of time.”
You continued to visit to boys. Acting any different would make Ortho worry, and you don’t think you can handle anymore of Idia faux concern.
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Hi! Do you have any TWST friendship headcanons about the dormheads? They are definetely a chaotic friend group!
Also love your art! It's so pretty!!
OH ABSOLUTELY. First of all, Thank you so much!! THat makes me so happy to hear ;;v;; ONTO SHENANIGANS: A LOT if not pretty much all of this falls into non-canon-compliant territory, and I'm only partway through Book 5 so I could either totally guess soimething or completely mess something up, but here are my braincells
Vil and Leona: I LOVE these two. I think they have some of the most fantastic worstie to bestie potential. And in a weird way??? I think Vil is the kind of person Leona needs? Like, Vil can be a little too harsh, and in my personal opinion too much of a perfectionist (Not for the character tho, just if he was a real person xD As a character trait its 10/10 good writing) but the fact that he refuses to stop seeing the potential in Leona??? Thats something that I really think Leona NEEDS. People who are like "What are you talking about? You have the possibility to be so much if you just tried." Like that last part is harsh yeah, but I think Vil really has this... he has this Rook-like ability to believe in the potential of other people in a way that isn't actually as cynical as it comes across. If he learned to work more with Leona than against him, I actually think the two of them would have such a strong power duo potential.
Leona needs to see Vil for the Roses rather than the Thorns. He needs to see more of what Vil is SAYING, where he's coming from rather than just the words themselves. I think if Leona really comprehended how much Vil believed in him, like, ACTUALLY believed in him, i think he would be genuinely moved, genuinely shook and full of wonder that somebody saw so much potential in him, as so much more than being a failure or a freak.
However I think if they actually became friends Epel might have to take a week off for mourning because he could no longer go to Leona to escape the wrath of Vil xD
Idia and Malleus: Okay so starsending started me on this one, I think they would actually really vibe. Idia is an introverted Loner, he has a hard time with high energy people who make a lot of noise. Mallues CAN be a lot, but honestly he tends to... not be. Its more like the A Lot follows him. ei when he interacts with Yuu and essentially just ends up being a nerd. The specific image i've had in my head, is i feel like Idia could play animal crossing with Malleus watching him, and the two of them could vibe for H O U R S. Malleus would make the occasional comment or go on the occasional tangent, but he seems less like he needs people to engage with him sometimes, and sometimes just like he needs people to listen. And Idia isn't actually that bad at engaging with people!! He's got internet friends (lilia lol) which means he does know something about sustaining relationships and talking to people I also think that Malleus would probably find Idia's way of talking fascinating SLDFKJSDLGJSLDJG. As long as he wasn't mocked for not understanding, he'd probably find it downright interesting to listen to Idia explain internet memes from 2010 and talk about the history of Loss. I also think that Idia could really be a safe and quiet spot for malleus when things are hard. I feel like part of Malleus's frustrations, and why we see him run away from Sebek and Silver, despite both of them being family he obviously loves, is that, with the exception of Lilia, Both of them make a BIG DEAL out of things. Silver tends to be quieter and less explosive, but they both do. Sometimes I think Malleus just wants to be alone to process, or not be pestered or questioned. I think Idia could potentially be that safe and quiet spot where he's ready to listen, but not necessarily interested in making a big deal about it. If they became better friends he might not even ask, just offer quiet empathy.
Kalim and Leona: -Spoilers for Leona's Union bday card, since it hasn't released in English yet- OH BOY.... THESE TWO. First of all!!! ANother relationship that I think could do a lot of good for Leona??? Kalim doesn't really need him for anything, but he's a well of low expectation positivity, somebody who I can see dragging Leona out to do things, or even just, once in a while so honestly state the worth he sees in Leona that it causes Leona to stutter and pause. Like, Leona's union bday card mentioning that he'd have Kalim with him on a deserted Island cause people would come ot rescue Kalim....... O U CH??????? There's a running Narrative that Kalim doesn't really see the value in himself, and this would be another person (like Azul) who would contradict that. Leona sees a more cynical version of his value, but its still value all the same. And Leona likes to gripe and groan, but he's adopted like, half the characters who are younger than him, I don't think he's immune to Kalim Al-Asim at ALL. It doesn't help that Leona is already a Tsunderely doting uncle, I can see Kalim triggering the Uncle-Instincts in him sometimes... or a lot. The loud and upbeat disposition Similar to Cheka's wouldn't help. Specifically, because I've thought about these two being friends before, I've always loved this idea of a post book 4 sequence where Kalim like, kind wanders into the greenhouse to find somewhere to cry privately, but he runs into leona napping. Leona doesn't really want to deal with Kalim, so while he's blubbering through his explanation he's just like "Fine you can chill here as long as you're quiet" Kalim accepts... but Leona has beastman hearing, so even what might be considered reasonably quiet is loud to him, and he eventually caves and asks whats up. Just to get Kalim to shut up eventually. I think maybe I had a conclusion or an idea for what advice leona would give kalim, but I don't remember it at the moment, but yeah just. Them :) I think their dynamic could be really interesting.
Malleus and Leona: So ya'll who saw my whumptobers already know I have some bad braincells for these two clowns. I think they are jealous of each other, because they think the other has what they want, they think that they see the other squandering the gifts they've been given, being fools and idiots who don't appreciate what they have. Leona craves being accepted, having the crown, having the power to fix what he sees that is wrong, to actually have and impact in people's lives, to matter and to fit in. Malleus craves normality, he craves to be one of the masses, just another man among many, he doesn't wish for power, and he cares little for the catastrophic effect he can have on other people, he just wants to be invited. He just wants to be included. Leona sees Malleus as having the power to do what matters. Malleus sees Leona as having the gift of Normality and camaraderie. Ultimately they're both miserable where they're at (though not entirely. Leona loves his squad, Malleus loves his family, both of them have things they'd never dare give up.) and they think if they just had what the other had, they would achieve the things they deserve and desire. I think both of them would have to sort through a LOT of emotions if it ever clicked for them just how similar they are. They're of course seeing each other through rose colored glasses. Leona is not an everyman, he's feared by his own family, Malleus is not all powerful, he cannot stop the tick of death. Leona is persecuted for being "less than" his brother, Malleus is held so far above everybody else he can't be reached. This would take some time for both of them to process, but I think once they did there would be a chance for them to become good allies, and potentially even really good friends. THose are my main braincells!! I honestly think that making any of the dorm leaders interact is fantastic food for thought and relationship building. I would love to think over what it'd be like to grow a friendship between Azul and Riddle, or Vil and Malleus. Leona and Azul would be INCREDIBLE and fascinating!!! Like man, there's so much to work with in TWST. I realized this might be a little to the left of your question ^^;; Haha, If you were asking about more like, I guess lighearted headcanons, I'm not sure I have any yet!! But I'm sure with time I totally could :) Writing or playing with TWST characters intimidated me for a bit there, since the quality of the writing of the game was SO GOOD I felt there was no way I could do it justice. Now I feel a lot less intimidated, so i feel like I'm more likely to dig my hands into shenanigans and thoughts.
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saatorubby · 2 years
i loved the series where the boys turned into a child and the mc takes care of them! could you perhaps make another part, but with Floyd, Lillia and Jamil?
Hi! Thank you for requesting. And of course I can, love this series too!
Part one with leona, azul and kalim
Part two with idia, malleus and riddle
Part three with vil, rook and silver
Request: Floyd, lilia and jamil has turned into children, now their s/o has to take care of them.
A/n: uh yeah I know I'm late and I have nothing to say for myself. Also I had very hard time writing Lilia as a toddler, I can't imagine him as a child. And for Jamil, I just can't write for him, for some reason his personality is very hard for me to grasp.
Warnings: weird children, (in my opinion, all vice dorm leaders+floyd are menace and hazard to society(affectionate)) gn!reader.
Tumblr media
Floyd leech
If you thought he was a menace before, he's a literal demon now . He's literally that child that eats the random things on the floor.
He somehow manages to eat stones, you'll never know how.
Tbh you won't find many things different now that he's a child, he still acts pretty much the same, but now he has new weapons. His cute face and baby voice.
He uses it to the maximum. He would bully other people and then put the blame on them. And when no ones looking he would grin like a little demon he is.
He doesn't eat anything except gummy bears and takoyaki. Azul better watch out.
His sleeping habits are also very bad considering his brother enables him too much.
Speaking of his brother. Jade never stops Floyd from doing shit. Partly because it amuses him and partly because he missed his menace of a brother.
Though he would take care of it if anyone decides to mess with his (now) little brother. Jade is known to be ruthless with his vicious grin.
So when jade showed up with his small copy at ramshackle you weren't sure what to do.
Floyd is still Floyd you know. But cuter (if that's possible) and probably less harmful to your health.
"Koebi-chaaan!" He would shout from a mile away from ramshackle and you would hear him. He would then make grabby hands and make you pick him up, which you gladly oblige.
Grim doesn't really like him as Floyd tends to monopolise your time.
When he sleeps you swore you saw an angle instead of the spawn of the devil he acts like during the day.
"Koebi-chan! Would you pick me up again?" He asked giggling, when he turned normal causing you to give him a deadpanned look and glace over at his 6'2 imposing figure.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Menace #2.
He...is a weird child. Like the child-you-see drawing-creepy-figures, weird.
Besides that, he okay, not normal but...fine.
He likes going into the forest with silver. He also likes to hear silver sing to the birds, it calms him down and provides a sense of familiarity.
Malleus is having time of his life. He tries to make fun of lilia but Lilia bullied malleus back so much malleus almost set him on fire.
Everyone is diasomnia is pretty chill about their vice dorm-leader being turned into child...except for sebek.
He's crying, screaming, throwing up, shouting "LILIA-SAMA!". Baby Lilia does not like sebek much.
He likes going to concert. Very much. He went to one with his club members and his eyes shined so bright!
If his pranks were bad before, they're worse now. Def uses his even cuter looks to his advantage to get out of shit.
Has no sense of consequences, once jumped in front of a bus to see what death felt like. Sebek, Silver and Malleus have not recovered from the almost death of their father guardian.
Lilia loves being around you and grim. He is fascinated by grim. How are his eyes constantly on fire? Magic? It would take too much magic, how a normal monster has this amount of magic?
He a little bit of magic nerd. Malleus took after him.
He eats his veggies very reluctantly but! Lilia likes to cook for you. You can't say no to that face (he's pouting with years pooling in his dark red eyes).
All in all, I find diasomnia very wholesome.
"Prefect! Was I even cuter that I look now? No need to blush now~"
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Jamil Viper
He's pretty chill...usually.
Not as much of a menace as the one(s) mentioned above but can be set off if provoked.
Does not like Kalim. Please keep him away from Jamil, he might set him on fire. He's not the biggest fan of Kalim.
Because of his aversion to kalim, you were left in charge of him (not that you mind).
Jamil would have had a nice peaceful childhood if he wasn't assigned as kalim's attaché, so now doesn't have that duty, he's pretty cocky about his skills.
Good at everything, is a gifted child. Another reason he is arrogant.
He and Grim get along fine, doesn't make much of a mess (around you). Don't let them be alone together, they might set your dorm on fire.
He's a quiet kid. Only muttering here and there, listening intently to you.
Not clingy but get anxious if you're away from him for a long period of time.
Eat his veggies! A good boy indeed. He eats everything you provide him with, but when a bowl of curry and rice is placed in front of him you can't help but notice a different glow in his eyes and a light blush his cheeks are light up with.
He likes to have his hair brushed by you and placed in a neat braid before he goes to sleep. He doesn't like to sleep with his hair open, they get dirty more daily that way (he doesn't like his hair greasy and dirty)
U-Uh?! Prefect you took care of me?! Where was Kalim? Wait don't answer that.
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Cooking by the Book
Part 1 (ft. Riddle and Silver) I Part 2 (ft. Trey and Kalim) I Part 3 (ft. Jade and Lilia) I Part 4 (ft. Deuce and Jamil) I Part 5 (ft. Ruggie and Malleus) I Part 6 (ft. Cater and Rook)
In which Gordon Ramsay-kun is isekai’d into Twisted Wonderland. Part Food Wars, part Hell’s Kitchen, all Master Chef—Night Raven College isn’t ready to take on this Michelin Star celebrity!!
You’ve got to do the cooking by the book! ... But with Floyd and Sebek, that’s an impossible task. Between noodle sourcing squabbles and differences in their approach, how can GR ever rein these two loose cannons in?
dbjsbskdne I was so excited to write this because I love both Sebek and Floyd 😌 They make for a fun dynamic, especially when mixed in with GR~
I was busy around the initial release of this event months ago, so I’m releasing this SUPER late (but it all ends up working out, since a character cameoing in this fic is one of the new Master Chef units for May 2023). I’ll get the Idia and Ace with GR one out in a week or two 😭 Please bear with me!!
Imagine this…
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If teaching the Master Chef course at NRC had taught Gordon Ramsay one thing, it was this: the kitchen was an active battle zone, and weapons of mass destruction laid in wait around every corner. It was all open flames and pointed tools... but the most dangerous thing of all to his health and his sanity?
The students.
He had dealt with his fair share of arrogant, ill-tempered chefs. Professionals who thought themselves too good to take advice, newbies who believed they were better than they actually were.
The NRC boys were a whole new ordeal altogether, Gordon realized.
A bloodcurdling shriek resounded in Ignihyde’s halls. It bounced off the cold polished floors and the metal beams and wires that stitched everything together.
At once, Gordon snapped to attention, pushing himself away from the wall and rushing to the scream’s source. The door snagged, refusing to open--he cursed loudly, slamming his palms against it and roaring, “WHAT’S GOIN’ ON IN THERE?!”
Behind the door, the wailing escalated. There was crashing, screeching, sobbing, begging. His worries ramped up, his pounding, harder and more frantic.
Gordon’s palms were raw now, crying out in protest--and, for a wild moment, he considered ramming his entire body against the door. Just as he was preparing to throw himself at it—
Like magic, the door suddenly swung open. Sebek’s proud face appeared, wearing a smug, triumphant expression. Not good, Gordon thought.
“Rejoice, human!!, Sebek thundered happily. “The merman and I have successfully liberated Ignihyde of its excess of flash fried noodles!! We shall have plenty to use for our cooking lessons!!”
“You did WHAT?!”
“Hmph! Witness our bountiful spoils for yourself!!”
Gordon lifted his head and stared past Sebek.
In the back of the room, Floyd was squatting by Idia’s closet, packet of instant ramen in hand. Boxes and boxes of noodles—rummaged from the deepest recesses of Idia’s mancave—laid in haphazard stacks beside him, teetering precariously atop one another.
Ignihyde’s dorm leader sprawled on the floor, humbly prostrating himself between tears.
“Oi, Firefly Squid-senpai,” Floyd said lazily, using the butt of his frying pan to poke Idia on the head. “This all you got? You’d better tell the truth or else Crocodile-chan and I will squeeze you senseless~”
“Y-Yes, yes, that’s everything!!” Idia squeaked as he cowered in terror. “Y-You’ve already cleaned me out of house and home...!! J-Just take the noodles and leave this nerd alone!!”
“Hmmm...” Floyd laid his frying pan on his shoulder and contemplated. “’Kay! I don’t feel like haulin’ more stuff back to the kitchen anyway.”
“The FUCK is happening here?!”
All eyes landed on Gordon as he stormed in looking none too pleased. Veins bulged on his forehead, and his entire face creased with rage.
A mistake made on his part; he should have known—the students of Night Raven College were the most dangerous aspect in all of cooking.
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It had been a sly suggestion from Floyd that started this whole mess. “I heard from a little octopus that Ignihyde’s loaded with noodles. We should go there to pick some up.”
And so Sebek and Floyd had been allowed to go off to collect the ingredients. When they didn’t return in a timely manner, Gordon’s suspicions had set in and he went to Ignihyde himself to investigate—only to stumble upon that shocking scene.
He left fuming, dragging his problem children of the day with him (Floyd) flailing and (Sebek) protesting.
“I said you could get ingredients, I didn’t say you should rob the man blind!!” Gordon grunted, shoving them both through the kitchen doors. “Right, we’ll make noodles by scratch then. Hope you boys remember what you’ve been taught.”
“What? But I don’t feel like it.”
“You should’ve thought of that before you pissed on my mood. To your stations,” their instructor barked, “now!!”
“Maaan... This sucks.”
They reluctantly slunk off, fetching flour, salt, and eggs along the way. Just as Sebek popped open a jar of white granules, Gordon shouted, “Make sure it’s not sugar this time, Zigvolt!!”
Sebek’s cheeks flamed. He shot a fierce glare back, bellowing, “I KNOW THAT!! I don’t need to be told twice! I’ve been expanded my culinary repertoire considerably since the start of this semester!!”
Floyd’s eyes shifted to Sebek’s station. A nasty plot bubbled to the surface of his mind, encouraged by the volatility of his junior’s attitude.
“Ehhh, you sure got guts snapping back to the teach, freshie,” Floyd grinned crookedly as he leaned forward at his counter. “How about you talk big when you can actually own up to it? At least I can cook without a recipe. You’ve been making little mistakes even with a recipe.”
“WHAT!! The only reason we’re even IN this predicament is due to YOUR lapse in judgment!! You INSISTED it would be more cost effective and time efficient to procure noodles in bulk from Ignihyde!”
“You’re the one that went along with me. If you were really smart, you’d have stopped us.”
“Alright, alright, that’s enough out of the both of you!!” Gordon interrupted. “Focus on your pastas instead of stirring the pot here.”
“Tch!! I’ll show him!!” Sebek gruffly tore into a bag of flour at his table. A cloud of fine white powder filled the air, sending him into a coughing fit.
Floyd snickered—he had already shifted his own flour and salt together, forming a well in which he had cracked an egg.
Gordon raised a brow. “… Well? Get on with it then.”
The merman’s lackadaisical smile turned sharp-toothed at the suggestion. “If you say so.”
Without hesitation, Floyd stuck his entire hand into his mound of ingredients, fingers clenching around egg and flower. The yolk burst, viscous yellow coating his hand and flour flying in all directions. A stray speck flew across the aisle and hit Sebek’s forehead.
A low grow came from his throat.
Gordon scowled at Floyd. “That’s not an acceptable mixing technique.”
“That’s right!” Sebek called haughtily. “You should know better!! You’re meant to break the yolk with a fork, then steadily incorporate it into the...”
A fistful of flour suddenly exploded across Sebek’s vision. He jerked back, now boasting a flour-covered face, appalled and mouth hanging agape.
Across the way, Floyd unabashedly smirked. He waggled his yolky fingers at his classmate, incriminating himself. “Oops, my hand slipped.”
“YOU VILE KNAVE!! THIS INJUSTICE WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED!!” Sebek shoved a hand into his own bag of flour for a counterattack. He raised his arm, and Floyd cackled, knowing his target had taken the bait.
Gordon instantly clued in on his intentions.
This was it: Floyd’s escape from the order to make noodles, to do something more fun.
“TIME OUT!!” The chef abruptly stepped between his students, forming a physical barrier between the two--but alas, too late.
The declaration of war had been made.
There was a battle cry, and then flour flying at him. Gordon fell back, grasping at his face. The world blurred into a white mess, filled with the clanging of pots and pans and erratic shouting. 
“Where are you?!” Sebek demanded between coughs (most likely preparing another projectile). “COME AND FACE ME, YOU FISHY COWARD!!”
Shuffling came from within the flour haze, metal and wooden implements rolled or tossed to the floor to attract Sebek’s attention. Wherever Floyd was in the kitchen, he was a master at avoiding detection.
All the while, Gordon swatted at the air and bellowed, “Stand down, get back to work. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME, YOU FUCKING DONKEYS?!”
The startled cries of the cafeteria ghost chefs started filtering in.
“G-Goodness, what’s happened here?!”
Gordon lurched out of the kitchen, clinging to the doorframe to keep himself upright. He spat up a breath, then dragged a hand over his face to wipe it clean of flour. The man looked simultaneously infuriated and exhausted, the lines on his face seemingly more prominent than they had been before.
“Mr. Ramsay!! Are you alright?! What’s become of the kitchen and the students?!” one of the ghost chefs asked worriedly.
“The students,” Gordon said wearily. “That’s what happened.”
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