#Kiara mules
goldvenuslvrs · 1 year
Mission: Get Kiara a Girlfriend
Summary: Kiara Carrera and Y/N Y/L/N are in love, but they seem to be the only ones that aren't aware of that fact. thankfully, Sarah Cameron is a woman on a mission - get Kiara a girlfriend
Pairing: Kiara Carrera x fem!plus sized!reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: jealous!kie, the pogues in their scheming era
Author's Note: my old writing was legit ass so i decided to rewrite this and just fyi all reader characters are plus sized, might rewrite a few more of my early imagines bc i reckon i can improve them a bunch <3
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GIF by obxfix
Sarah Cameron loved her friends.
She especially loved Kiara Carrera. 
During their time apart, Sarah had forgotten what it felt like to have Kiara Carrera as a friend. She was fierce and determined and, most of all, stubborn as a mule, which is why the current status of your and Kiara’s relationship didn’t come as a shock to her. 
If there was one thing she knew about Kiara, it was that she never wanted to risk a friendship for the possibility of romance. It was the reason she enforced the ‘no pogue on pogue macking’ rule so heavily. 
Sarah hopped off her bike and made her way to the deck of John B’s. She rolled her eyes affectionately at the pair of girls on the couch. They were completely wrapped up in each other and it didn’t seem like you noticed the boys sitting around you, let alone Sarah’s entrance. It was only John B’s happy exclaim of “Sarah!” that brought the two of you out of your little bubble.
You pulled yourself out of Kiara’s arms and moved to sit next to her instead to give Sarah room to sit, although neither of you seemed happy with it. 
John B had been more than happy to fill her in on the kiara-and-y/n situation as soon as they had started dating; according to him, the two of you had been lowkey flirting and tiptoeing around each for as long as he could remember.
After she had been subjected to watching the longing looks and quick glances when you thought the other wasn’t looking, Sarah had officially had enough.
Sarah decided that something needed to be done. It was tiring and, frankly, sad to watch you and Kiara pretend you didn’t have feelings for each other. 
An idea came to her as she watched the pair of you attempt to keep yourself from holding onto each other.
“I’m getting a drink,” Sarah announced out of nowhere, standing up and pointedly ignoring the doubtful look her boyfriend was giving her. She caught JJ’s gaze and tilted her head towards the door, “Give me a hand.” It wasn’t a request.
“Yes, ma’am,” He muttered.
“You’re hot Sarah but I can’t do that to my boy,” He said as soon as they entered the kitchen. He jumped up onto the countertop and picked up a day-old piece of pizza, wolfing it down. “Has he pissed you off or something? Is it your birthday present? I told him not to get you that-”
“There’s nothing wrong with John B!” She scolded and crossed her arms. 
“Debatable but continue.”
“JJ!” She shook her head and sighed. “We need to do something about those two.” She pointed towards the door. They could see through the window that you had returned to your place in Kiara’s arms and you both looked content with the arrangement.
He huffed in response. “You think we haven’t thoughts of that already? I’ve tried, Pope’s tried, even John B has but nothing gets through to them. It’s better to just leave them to it, they’ll figure it out eventually.”
“Not good enough,” She insisted. “If we don’t do anything about it, they’ll be in their thirties and still pining over each other. Besides, when you tried before, you were missing one very important piece.”
“Yeah? And what’s that?”
“Me,” She said, a strong undercurrent of ‘duh!’ in her tone. “I’ve played matchmaker for tons of people and I have a 100% success rate. Don’t you want them to be happy?”
JJ jumped off the counter and swung the door to the fridge open, pulling out a small bottle of water. “Obviously I do but I’m telling you that it’s not gonna work.”
“What did you guys try last time?”
“We basically did what we did to you and Kie but that didn’t do anything really, they just hung out. John B suggested that we set them up on blind dates with each other but when they saw it was just them, they invited us along and we couldn’t exactly say no. I tried the whole ‘hitting on Kie in front of Y/N’ thing but she just got all quiet and didn’t talk to me for like a week,” He pouted. “Longest week of my life, by the way.”
Sarah nodded, pursing her lips in thought. “Alright then, so we’ll try that last one again. We’ll just have to switch it up.”
He tilted his head to the side, “Huh?”
She pushed herself up onto the kitchen counter, opposite where JJ was sitting, and continued to detail the plan, “Last time, you tried flirting with Kie, right? That’s where you went wrong, Y/N got jealous and insecure but she’s not the confrontational type but Kie is so this time, flirt with Y/N instead but make it more believable, no corny pickup lines.”
“Corny?” He was indignant. “I never say corny-”
“Just,” Sarah said, clearly impatient. “Make a few flirty comments here and there. The rest of us will work on Kie.”
“What are we working on?” John B, Pope and Cleo were in the entrance to the kitchen, looking particularly perplexed. 
John B narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend and raised his eyebrows, looking unimpressed, “Are you scheming again?”
“Yes, she is,” JJ huffed and jumped down from the counter, “Control your woman!”
Sarah couldn’t bring herself to sit still, instead choosing to swing her legs and tap her fingers on the tops of her thighs, “We were just-”
“She! She was just!” JJ interrupted frantically, pointing at her and crossing his arms over his chest, “ I want no part of this, I’d rather not face Kie’s wrath again.”
“We,” Sarah maintained whilst sending JJ a loaded stare. “Are planning what we’re going to do about the two love birds in there. It’s going to work, I promise, I’ve done this plenty of times.”
“Oh, really?” Pope asked sarcastically. “You’ve set up one of the most stubborn people on the island with one of the most oblivious people on the island before, have you? What makes you think this time is going to be any different? It’s just going to end up with them being pissed off at us again, the only difference is that you’ll have to suffer through their moping as well.”
Cleo shook her head at her boyfriend’s dramatics, pulling a beer can out of the fridge, “The man’s got a point.”
John B nodded, “They don’t like people meddling in their weird relationship, especially Kie.”
“I know what I’m doing,” She turned to face JJ, “I need you to up the flirting with Y/N, not just when Kie’s around, make sure you do it all the time so she doesn’t catch on.”
The others exchanged a series of sceptical looks. Sarah’s plan seemed pretty solid in theory but none of them had the desire to risk the anger of either of the girls. Even Cleo, who hadn’t been around for the previous plans, could tell that there would be pretty dire consequences if they failed. 
While your anger was more of the silent-whilst-plotting-a-murder type, Kiara was more likely to drown them and/or restrict their joint and alcohol consumption, which in JJ’s eyes was just as bad, if not worse.
“Just, I don’t know,” She sighed, exasperated. “Follow my lead or stay out of the way and JJ, do your thing,” She clapped and rubbed her hands together devilishly before walking past them into the living room.
The sight she was greeted with when she entered made her heart melt.
The two girls were no longer where they had been left, they had migrated from the floor in front of the couch to the couch itself but they were still too wrapped up in one another to notice that the others had left to begin with, let alone that they had returned. 
“Are we watching this or not?” You asked, nodding towards the TV which had the menu screen of ‘The Black Phone’ loaded up. 
“Depends,” JJ launched himself onto the couch next to you with a grin on his face and threw his arms around your shoulder, “Can I hold you if I get scared?”
Kiara pursed her lips in annoyance and narrowed her eyes at him. “I don’t think that’s going to be necessary, JJ, just cuddle Pope instead.”
“Um, dude,” John B announced, “Go get them, you might want to take Y/N with you.”
Sarah inwardly groaned, they needed to work on his lying abilities because this was just painful.
Kiara’s head shot up from where it was tucked into your neck, and her arms wrapped around your waist and gripped you tighter. Her eyes were set in a glare that landed on John B, making him fight back a flinch. “Why can’t you or Pope go with him? We’re comfy.”
“I’ve, um,” John B. stuttered and looked to Pope for help, which ended up being futile since his fellow pogue decided that staring at his phone was a better use of his time. “I’ve got to set up the TV, it’s gotta be done a specific way, and Pope is waiting for a phone call or something, I don’t know.”
“Real convincing,” JJ scoffed under his breath. He stood up and pulled you to your feet, ripping you out of Kiara’s grip. “Come on, Angel, let’s go.”
“Angel?” You and Kiara chorused. Your facial expression was one of pure confusion whilst Kiara’s was one of pure disgust. 
“I don’t know, I’m trying something,” He shrugged. “Come on, I need a beer if you’re planning on making me watch this.”
As soon as you and JJ were out of sight, Kiara turned to face the remaining pogues that were left looking out the door after them. “I thought you were getting snacks, John B,” She laughed sarcastically and raised an eyebrow. “What are you trying to do with those two anyway? She’s not interested.”
Pope tilted his head in faux confusion and shrugged at her. “What do you mean? We just figured that maybe it was time for JJ to, you know, have a relationship that lasted more than one night before he ended up with an STD and who better than Y/N?”
Kiara pressed her lips together and clenched her jaw. “Why Y/N, though? Doesn’t she deserve better than just being someone to stop JJ from sleeping around, besides doesn’t he have a date tonight? He was bragging about it all day yesterday.”
Kiara was the only one he had mentioned the impending date to which briefly threw them for a loop. John B met Sarah’s gaze with an imploring stare, practically begging her to come up with someone as quickly as possible. Pope and Cleo had become extremely interested in Pope’s phone, actively ignoring the rest of the people in the room. 
“Well,” Sarah began, settling into your previous place next to Kiara and she made a point to keep her gaze on anything but the other girl in an attempt to seem more nonchalant, “JJ was just telling us that things have changed between them lately, I guess? You should have heard him last night. Apparently, they went surfing the other day and got pretty close, he reckons she’s gonna say yes if he asks her out and he’s asking her out now.”
Kiara’s gaze whipped towards the door of the Chateau, a sour expression taking over her features, “It’s like she gonna say ‘yes’,” She scoffed and shook her head, “She’s never brought him up like that once and he’s not her type anyway.”
“Well,” Pope remarked, looking up from his phone to meet her gaze. “You are pretty intense about the whole no-pogue-on-pogue-macking thing, maybe she was scared you’d be mad if she mentioned it.”
“I mean,” Cleo said, clearly catching on to Pope’s thin of thinking, “Rudeboy isn’t my type but I’m not blind.”
Kiara folded her arms across her chest and tucked her legs underneath her body, taking turns to glare at each of the remaining pogues, “She wouldn’t, he’s too… JJ for her.
Speak of the devil and he shall arrive.
As she muttered those words, JJ walked through the door, carrying two cases of beer, “What’s that supposed to mean?” He chuckled, dropping the cases onto the coffee table. 
“Nothing,” The others murmured. JJ looked suspiciously at the annoyed look on Kiara’s face and the almost identical deer-caught-in-the-headlights look that the rest were sporting.
John B clapped his hands after worryingly glancing around the room, “Okay so the movie’s all set up and snacks are ready. There’s no more need to talk about anything. JJ, get the curtains and Pope, get the lights, and we’ll get started then.”
Kiara nudged Sarah in her side to move further away from her in order to make room for you, who quickly and quite happily turned to your position in her arms.
Sarah and John B made themselves comfortable on the old, worn-out armchair beside them. Pope claimed the last space on the edge of the couch, with Cleo lounging on the floor between his legs. JJ, once again, launched himself onto the couch beside you, which was quite a tight fit given that the aforementioned couch was certainly not made for four people.
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It took Kiara roughly ten and a half minutes before she was completely fed up and called it quits. JJ had somehow found plenty of opportunities to flirt with you, more than Kiara would consider appropriate.
“I’ve changed my mind,” She declared, her tone was harsh and her lips pressed into a thin line, and untangled herself from you to angrily storm out the door, trying and clearly failing to keep her anger at bay. 
You glanced around in confusion, trying to meet your friends' gazes to determine the reason for Kiara’s sudden departure but came up empty. You weren’t completely oblivious, you saw the stoney glares that she had been sending to JJ but you figured that was just typical jj-being-an-idiot glares rather than anything else. You frowned, glancing between the TV screen and the door a few times before making up your mind; jumping up from the couch, you walked outside with clear purpose in your strides.
The pogues shared a triumphant look and ran towards the window, pulling the curtains open and preparing to watch their work come to fruition. JJ was relieved when they watched you join Kiara on a hammock, he’d had enough flirting with his best friends for a lifetime.
You and Kiara were far enough away that they couldn’t quite catch what you were saying but they figured that it was positive based on your and Kiara’s matching smiles. They cheered amongst themselves when they saw you lean over to pull her closer and watched as she laid her head in the crook of your neck. 
Sarah turned around with a smug look on her face, “Told you.”
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Kiara couldn’t but smile into your neck and run her fingers up and down your side, playing with the hem of your shirt, “Did JJ ask you anything when you guys went to get the beer?” She wondered out loud.
You paused, pulling your fingers from where they had been in Kiara’s hair, untangling some of the strands, “Kind of, we talked about his tonight and he wanted fashion advice.”
“Yeah,” You chuckled, shaking your head, “He’s really excited, it’s adorable.”
Kiara’s tilted her head up and pouted at you, “Not as adorable as your girlfriend, though, right?”
You gave her an unimpressed look and pressed your lips to her forehead, “As adorable as JJ is, he doesn’t compare to you. I wouldn’t want anyone else.”
“No one else could deal with listening to your stupid ass conspiracy theories all day,” She joked, wrapping her arms around your waist and burying her face in your neck again.
“Well, that’s rude.”
“Still love me?”
“You know, they’ve been trying to get us together all day,” Kiara noted, staring up at the clouds through the tree branches.
“I know, they’re not exactly subtle about it, are they?”
“Should we have told them?”
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an: i'm terrible at endings but what do you think? let me know in the replies/reblogs and send me any requests you have <3
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dearggntlereader · 28 days
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DRUNK WITH DRABBLES stage 2. :☆。゚. ─
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REQUEST EVENT ───────────────────────────────
Today is my self-care day and I have made it my mission to write as much as possible with each cocktail I drink :)) This is stage two aka the second cocktail (a bit bitter but we proceed) aka the angsty stage
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PROMPTS . :☆。゚. ────────────────────────────────
PINK PALOMA💒"Since when did you ever care about me?!"
THE BRONX 🏩"I wish I loved you less"
RHUBARB AND CUSTARD COCKTAIL🩱You don't have a moment of peace where he doesn't cross your mind, but does he ever think of you?
GREYHOUND COCKTAIL👚"I'm not good for you"
ROSITA👛"There’s nothing about you I’ve ever found interesting."
CLOVER CLUB🎀He's too jealous to be friends but not crazy enough to confess
PINK LEMONADE💗"can you please come get me?"
RHUBARB GIN🩰Dancing with someone else after he died
PASSION FRUIT MULE💌"Don't wear that, it makes you look weird"
PINK LADY👡custom prompt
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CHARACTER LIST . :☆。゚. ───────────────────────────
゚☆ marauders *:・゚ James Potter *:・゚ Remus Lupin *:・゚ Peter Pettigrew *:・゚ Lily Evans *:・゚ Dorcas Meadowes *:・゚ Pandora Lovegood
゚☆ slytherin boys *:・゚ Mattheo Riddle *:・゚ Blaise Zabini
───── OBX
゚☆ pogues *:・゚ JJ Maybank *:・゚ Kiara
゚☆ kooks None yet
゚☆ gilmore girls *:・゚ Jess *:・゚ Tristan
゚☆ book *:・゚ Percy Jackson *:・゚ Annabeth Chase
゚☆ show *:・゚ Luke Castellan
゚☆ tasm *:・゚ Peter Parker
゚☆ ATSV/ ITSV *:・゚ Hobie Brown *:・゚ Miguel O'hara
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If you wanna be added to the taglist for this event, comment or send a request!!
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einsteinsugly · 11 months
Fictober 15. That 70s Show. July 1999. Lots of Worries.
A curious nine year old and her grandfather, an aging lion, have just finished watching a movie. The Lion King 2.
Leah seems disappointed, and she pointedly sighs. "The Lion King is just like our family."
In turn, Red sits in stunned silence, refusing to say a word. Until Leah loudly clears her throat, and glances at him with doe eyes.
He buckles under the pressure, and reluctantly relents. "Fine, explain it to me."
Leah grins from ear to ear, and is excitedly eager. "Okay, Scar is Mufasa's evil brother, kinda like Aunt Laurie is Daddy's evil sister."
Years ago, Red would've amply defended his daughter, but after abandoning her son and leaving the familial fold, he simply nods. "Uh huh."
"Mufasa is you, except you're not dead. Daddy went off to find himself and stuff. Then, Timon and Pumbaa are Daddy's stupid friends. And Nala is Mom, and she always kicks his butt. He came back to her."
"And then, they had me and Kate. Kiara. The end." She glares at the closing credits, with particular ire. "But we're brave, strong, and smart. Stupid movie."
But there's a missing piece to the puzzle, and Red is quick to bring it up. "Is Steven one of Daddy's stupid friends?"
"Kind of," Leah explains, "But he and Aunt Jackie came from the dark side, and could've stayed there forever and ever, but they ended up here. On the good side."
Another stunned silence emerges, akin to a strangely haunting episode of "Kids Say the Darndest Things." "You've been thinking about this a lot, haven't you, kiddo?"
"Yeah." Leah attempts to lighten the load, with a jovial laugh. "Uncle Kelso is Pumbaa, because he's fat."
Red can't help but chuckle. "Uh huh."
And with another laugh, Leah sprinkles in a happy little bombshell. "...And Jamie's Kovu."
Red groans. "You both are cousins."
Leah shakes her head, as stubborn as a mule. "Uh uh. Not really."
She bounces up, like a happy little pogo stick at its apex, and takes Red by the hand. "Can we play Sorry now?"
Red happily obliges, as his granddaughter wholly expected. "Of course, kiddo."
@kissandships, Eric and Donna are "married with a daughter who visits her grandparents in the summer." But Leah's a lot younger (and so is Kate), and she has a different name. :)
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evermoresversion · 1 year
hello, could you please please please write a JJ Maybank one shot where he had always liked John B's girlfriend (not Sarah, the reader) and he always thought that he was really good hidding it it was pretty obvious. So when John B and the reader break up in good terms cause they don't feel like before, John B is like "bro you should totally tell her that you like her"
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A/N It's been a while since I haven't written for this gorgeous boy.
PAIRING JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader, John B x Fem!Reader (Girlfriend at first)
TW/TAGS Mentions of breaking up, slight jealousy, love confessions.
SUMMARY You were his best friend's girlfriend, even though he was so in love with you he kept it all to himself because after all he wanted to see you and John B happy. But one day you and John B break up, and that ends in a confession from JJ and you.
Before you and John B started a relationship, you were best friends.
It was like, you told each other everything, absolutely everything, so you agreed if both ever break up, it would end well.
But that was still not the case.
"Yes! That's it, baby." John B congratulated you, bumping your hand with his and then hugging you by the shoulders and placing a kiss on your lips.
JJ witnessed it all, tried his best to hide his disgusted face that his best friend kissed his girl.
It sounded stupid, because she was his best friend's girlfriend, so he decided to keep hiding what he felt.
He thought he was doing an excellent job, but John B could see through him like glass. So he decided to play dumb to see how far JJ could go.
That same afternoon John B carried out his plan to find out if his assumption was correct. So he was more affectionate with you all day. Paying full attention to how the blond responded.
"Okay, now it's my turn on y/n's team." JJ interfered seeing that the kiss that you and John B were sharing became more intense.
"Alright." You chuckled letting go of John B who moved to Kiara's side.
JJ tossed the ping pong ball, causing it to go into one of the red plastic cups, you jumped for the achievement and he faced you, picking you up and spinning you in the air making you laugh.
And as soon as he put you down and looked at you in such a… different way, John B realized that JJ did indeed have feelings for you.
"Drink, drink, drink." you and JJ chanted in unison watching Kiara take one of the shots from the table.
"Shitt, I'm already dizzy." the brunnete announced walking towards the couch to sit down.
"That means we won." you declared with a victorious smile looking at JJ and then at your boyfriend.
"Who? You and him?" you nodded when John B pointed at you and JJ. "That's not fair, I was on your team before, love."
"But JJ made the final shot, honey." you challenged your boyfriend and he raised his eyebrows in surprise and amusement.
"Oh yeah?"
"She's right, man." JJ added putting his arm around your shoulders.
"Thanks, J."
"It still doesn't seem fair to me, but I know that I will never beat you both together, you are stubborn as mules."
"Fuck off." you laughed removing JJ's arm from your shoulders to walk towards John B who received you in his arms.
"Okay guys, we're leaving, rest."
"Good night, guys."
"Good night." Kiara said goodbye with her eyes closed on the couch.
JJ sat next to her thinking about that afternoon y'all spent together.
"Hey, you should hide your jealousy better." Kiara commented, making JJ look at her immediately.
"I don't know what are you talking about."
"We all know you like y/n, except for her apparently." He tapped JJ's knee twice to get up and lie down better on the couch.
Maybe he wasn't hiding his feelings as well as he thought.
A couple of weeks passed and things between you and John B started to cool down.
You felt like just best friends again, not a couple.
So you both decided to break up but on good terms, still being best friends.
JJ was at the chateau fixing his motorcycle when John B showed up to break the news.
"Hey man, uh y/n and I broke up." that sentence made JJ's heart stop. He looked at his best friend looking for him to feel sad or having a bad time but he looked completely fine, he was even smiling.
Still he wanted to make sure that everything was completely fine. "Are you okay? Do you want to talk or something?"
He approached his best friend while cleaning his hands with an old rag.
"Yes I think so." John B scratched the back of his neck and gave him an amused smile. JJ fell silent for him to continue talking. "Bro, you should totally tell her that you like her."
Well, that had taken JJ off guard, he thought that only Kiara had realized what he felt for the other girl in the group, since she is the smartest of all, besides Pope, even so he was surprised that John B noticed.
"What?" he tried to play dumb but John B let out a laugh.
"You're not very good at hiding what you feel."
"And she knows...?" John B immediately denied the blonde's question.
"Oh no, she has a little trouble taking hints, it took her months to figure out that I liked her." he explained and JJ nodded. That sounded like y/n, his y/n. The girl he was madly in love with.
"So what are you waiting for? Go tell her." John B hurried him on and he nodded frantically tossing the rag into the toolbox and John B tossing him the twinkie keys.
"Thanks dude."
"I know you're the one for her and she for you." John B said and JJ smiled walking out of the house.
He drove up to your house where you were already sitting on the steps of the house porch and you frowned when you saw the twinkie. You thought John B was back or something but you were surprised to see JJ get out of the van.
You put the divider of your book between the page you were reading and got up to go to JJ.
"J, what are you doing here?"
"I like you." he snapped and your eyes widened in surprise.
"I've always liked you but I kept quiet about it because you were my best friend's girlfriend but now I can shout it out for everyone to know, I like you, I love you, I always have." He spoke quickly and you took him by the collar of the shirt to stamp your lips with his.
He was surprised but didn't complain and he followed the kiss taking you by the waist to get closer to him.
When you parted you were finally able to confess what you felt.
"I like you too, I told John B and we decided it was better to end, besides it wasn't the same anymore." JJ chuckled softly in denial knowing that John B had practically brought the two of you together.
His two best friends.
"Then we owe it to John B." He said joining his forehead with yours and you nodded with a smile.
"I guess so."
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2023.
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I have the most weirdest, slightly want to stay, dream. Blame the Philippines' heat wave, especially at 3pm.
Okay so I somehow live in a bahay kubo on a tree, you know those guys in the resorts my fellow Pinoys, with a hammock inside... And beneath is one of the smallest toyota, blue colored.
I have a kitchen, a hammock for bed and the bathroom is the most snazzy modern one... And besides my irl two dogs, I own a monkey and a small dwarf mule.
One of the weird parts of my dream is that fate servants are real. Like they exist. BUT there are few masters like chosen of the chosen type so there is like a 3 limit per chosen rather than Fate Requiem one per person.
I got Karna and Ashwatthama.
Karna looks like Zac Efron and Ashwatthama looks like David Bowie....
So I went down my nipa hut cause I was worried my monkey is hungry and enter my small car. My servants get inside their capsule.
And drove to the pet shop.
Along the way I saw my best friend, @zephycluster , with her servants.
She owns Edmond, Ozy and...Fionn, he emptied her funds... And Fionn looks like Nicholas Cage.
My friend from hs is also a master, he is being bullied by Kiara and Gilgamesh.
So I went to the pet shop, it is at a corner, you have to go through a maze of holes... Passed by a ten story tall Monster truck and enter it.
Was inquiring about monkey food when I accidentally put Ashu in the servant vending machine.. in my weird ass dream, servants are seen as pets by the population, thus they are sold in pet shops as vending machines.
Ofc I panicked and felt guilty, got him back and also got a bonus Duryo.
And then I woke up.... The weirdest thing though is...
There is no traffic in the Philippines in my dream.
Edit: Oh yeah forgot about it, the cashier say "See you soon!" A second later I woke up.
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catchingfeels · 4 years
Just Friends
summary: jj and the reader have been friends forever, but recently they’ve drifted apart. when y/n tries to reconnect, she finds out what jj’s been avoiding.
the sun burned overhead as y/n walked out of Mike’s Market, the place of her summer job. her skin felt sticky and she was dying to trade her work uniform for a bikini and cutoff shorts. 
“bye, Mike!” she called to the grey haired man as she walked towards the street. Mike’s was just a few miles from Figure Eight, smack dab in the middle of the Kooks and the Pogues. with rare treats like mexican style icecream and chocolate imported from Belgium, the Market saw customers from all sides of the island. 
y/n grew up on the cut, sort of a misfit as she didn’t like to surf and parties weren’t her favorite. but on the first day of seventh grade, she found a band of misfits like herself: john b, kiara, pope, and jj. the pogues were goofy, mischievous, and welcoming. with them, y/n could chill on the beach all day and go raise hell all night. it was the best of both worlds. 
as she walked out of the Market, she thought about what her and the pogues would do with the rest of the day. the options were endless, really, with the marsh full of summertime fish and parties planned for the next few weeks. summer was the best time to be a pogue, the best time to be on the island, in fact. no school, no rules, just fun. 
her walk to the chateau, john b’s house, was sweltering. by the time she got to the porch, her brow was beaded with sweat and her cheeks were flushed a cherry red. she opened the screen door, and though she wasn’t welcomed by an air conditioned room (nobody on the Cut had AC), she was thankful to be out of the beating sun. 
kicking her shoes off, y/n looked up to see jj’s blonde hair peeking over the arm of the couch. the boy was sprawled out, arms dangling, gaze focused at the ceiling fan. 
“you know, staring at it won’t make it go faster, jj” y/n teased. 
“ughhh why’s it gotta be so damn hot” jj groaned, not moving from his position. 
“i dont know, maybe its because its august?” y/n ventured, hearing a mumbled “smartass” from jj. “hey, maybe after i get changed, we could go down to the dock, take a swim?” y’n asked.
again, jj didn’t move, dully replying, “yeah, maybe.”
sighing, y/n walked to the guest room to change. her and jj had always been best friends, inseparable since the day they met. though y/n seemed quiet and square, she had a wild side, and jj nurtured that. they were always getting into trouble together, often resulting in both of them running from the cops then laughing until they couldn’t breathe. life was... exhilarating when y/n was with jj, and she loved that she had jj as her ride or die. 
lately, however, jj seemed distant. at all the parties they went to, he’d disappear within an hour with some random girl, which wasn’t unusual, but he never bragged about it the next day like he usually did. with a kegger at the boneyard tonight, y/n was sure the routine wouldn’t change. still, she was worried about him, about his decisions to skip out on fishing, about his need to lay on the couch all day. something was up, and y/n wanted to get jj out of the funk he was in.  
finally free of her full length khakis and tweed shirt (”khakis are classy” Mike insisted) y/n joined jj in the living room. 
“ready?” she asked the blonde, who now had his eyes closed. 
“nah, i’m not really feeling up for a swim today,” jj countered.
y/n paused as jj rolled over, not meeting her gaze. 
“jj, come on, it’s hot in here, the water’s cool, just get off the stupid couch and swim with me,” y/n reasoned, walking towards jj, “if i have to drag you off this couch, i will.”
a low groan came from jj as he rolled over, meeting her gaze for the first time that afternoon. 
“look, i said i’m not feeling it. just go without me, ok?” his eyes held an unreadable emotion, and y/n didn’t miss it. 
“i’m not going swimming by myself, jj,” y/n crossed her arms, ready to live up to her mom’s claims that she was as stubborn as a mule.
jj rolled his eyes, “well then i guess you’re not going at all.”
“not happening. i’m not your chaperone, ok, newsflash--it’s ok to do stuff without me” jj spit, returning his gaze to the ceiling. 
“what the hell does that mean jj?” y/n could feel anger and hurt rising like bile in her stomach.
“it means--” jj sputtered, “it means what i said it means! now just go swim, or go somewhere, i don’t really care as long as its not here.” glancing over as y/n, seeing the hurt in her eyes, jj half-heartedly added, “i want to sleep before everyone else comes.”
tears stung the corners of her eyes as y/n growled, “you know what, fine. i don’t want to hang out an asshole anyways. so just go to sleep, stay on the couch, rest up for the next rando you’ll be hooking up with tonight, i’m sure you need the energy. oh, and newsflash for you: you can’t just bury your problems by being a dick and fucking every girl on this island.”
y/n spun around, storming out of the room, fighting back her tears. 
“i’m not burying my problems, dammit!” jj shouted, sitting up on the couch. 
y/n whirled around again, “then what are you doing, huh? proving your masculinity, earning a reputation?”
“god, y/n, cut the bitchiness! i can hook up with who i want, when i want.”
“and you sure do,” y/n replied, voice shaking. a tear slipped down y/n’s cheek and she wiped it away furiously. “i hope you have fun tonight.”
“yeah, well, i won’t.” jj’s voice was a bit softer, but still sharp. y/n just looked at him, shaking her head. “i won’t, because every girl i take, everything i do, i just wish--”
“wish what, jj?’ y/n hadn’t wanted to continue the conversation, but something in jj’s voice begged her to stay. 
“I wish it was with you.” he admitted, hanging his head. 
y/n could feel her stomach drop at his confession. he sank back down onto the couch, and y/n stepped back into the living room, still processing what he just said. 
“hold on, are you saying you want to have sex with me, maybank?” she looked him dead in the eyes, which sparked at her reply.
“no--no, that’s not what i meant, y/n. well, i mean, i’m not saying no, but no” he babbled.
“then what did you mean?” y/n sat on the floor, looking at the blonde boy before her. his golden hair flopping into his eyes, which sparkled a gorgeous crystal blue in the sunlight. his jaw muscles tensed and his brow furrowed as he thought about his reply.
“i meant, i want more, with you. i want to be with you and do everything with you and i want you to mine,” he sighed, “but that’s so fucked up because we’re just friends, and you clearly don’t want --”
“kiss me, jj,” y/n interrupted jj before he could get too in his head. 
“what?” he looked at her, shocked. 
“you heard me,” she whispered, leaning closer. she could see his eyes spark at her request, and he began closing the distance between them. 
his lips met hers delicately, hesitantly. y/n moved her hands to jj’s golden locks, pulling him closer. his hands cupped her face and he deepened the kiss, sighing into her touch. she tugged at his hair, allowing him to slip his tongue in her mouth. his arms trailed up and down her arms, his hands soft and strong. his kiss was needy, passionate, yet gentle. 
she pulled away, both breathing hard. resting her forehead against his, she smiled, “now i don’t know about you, but “just friends” don’t kiss each other like that.” 
jj placed a soft kiss against her forehead, eyes bright, hands still holding onto y/n waist. 
“c’mon, let’s go for that swim,” he smirked, pulling her towards him. 
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juststeve95 · 4 years
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Mule Monday kicking it high in
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Kiara Shoes Sexy Brown Leather Mules. From Amazon. #Commission #AffiliateLink View Source.
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iloveladiesfeet · 6 years
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#Repost @uk_foot_goddess
New shoes and a new pedi !! 🖤
I’m always overwhelmed and grateful at the generosity of my followers ... How god dam cute are these !!! 💋❤️🖤👠🖤❤️💋
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scgdoeswhat · 7 years
Pairing: Liam x MC (Reina), Drake x MC if you squint
Summary: After the attempts on her and Liam’s lives, Reina visits the man who took a bullet for her.
Rating: T
Words: 1233
Author’s Notes: This takes place in the hours immediately after the end of Book 2. No beta used. All characters belong to Pixelberry; this story to me. Thanks for reading!
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Everything was a complete blur. 
Last night was supposed to be a celebration – of Liam, of her, of Liam and her. Instead, here she was standing in a hospital hallway, outside a room where one of her closest friends lay. He was hanging on for dear life after a lengthy operation to remove a bullet from an assassin’s gun. A bullet that was meant for her.
The newly appointed Duchess Reina Puro furrowed her brow, biting down on her bottom lip. Her eyes were red and swollen from the hours of crying. How did everything get so messed up?
She took another shaky breath as she looked down her golden ballgown. Her ballgown that was now splattered with blood. Drake’s blood. She leaned her head back, willing the tears to stay within. Looking down the hall, she saw Bastien and two guards, with three more guards on the other end of the hall leaving her equidistant from both sets of security.
The door to Drake’s room quietly opened, as Liam stepped out with a stricken, forlorn expression on his face. He too was covered in blood, his blue suit stained with the blood of his best friend. Liam and Reina locked eyes, before she threw herself into his open arms. Sobs wracked her petite frame as he held her tight, stroking her back and nuzzling her hair. He held her until her breathing evened and she pulled back to look up at him.
“Is he going to be okay?” she asked apprehensively.
“The doctors said they were able to get the bullet out but he’s in critical condition. He lost a lot of blood. The next 24-48 hours are going to be absolutely vital and he will be closely monitored to make sure there is no sign of infection or anything out of the ordinary.”
“He’s going to pull through this, right?”
“You know how Drake is. He’s as stubborn as a mule. It will take more than this to bring him down.”
Reina looked down, taking deep breaths to steady herself.
“I think you should go in to see him. He’d appreciate it to know you’re here.” She nodded as she stepped out of her fiancé’s arms and towards the door. Gingerly opening it, the stark white of the room and the machinery beeping almost overwhelmed her senses.
Her eyes trailed to the bed and fell on the man who currently lay unconscious. Here he was; the man who took a bullet for her; the man who saved her life. She looked at all the tubes that were attached to him, from the IV drip, to the ventilator, and other things she did not recognize.
Blip. Blip.
His heart rate was steady.
She took a seat in the chair next to the bed, silently gathering her thoughts. Strangely, sitting here in his presence, she no longer felt the urge to cry. She briefly thought about how much shit Drake would have given her if he knew how many tears she had shed. He looked peaceful lying there. It was such an unfamiliar sight to see.
Drake had been through so much his entire life, needing to grow up faster than necessary. He had given up on his dreams and his own life after the previous assassination attempt on Liam’s life when he was in college. How he had dealt with court life despite not being one of “them,” she would never know. Right at that moment, she made up her mind. Drake was going to pull through this.
Reina drew in a breath.
“Hey Drake? It’s me, Puro. I hope you know I expect you to make a full recovery. In fact, I expect you to be even better than before.” She forced a smile. 
Looking down at his face after a prolonged silence, she started in a lowered voice, “I can’t believe you did that. Why?” She sighed. “Why did you risk your life for me?”
She looked at his hand, tentatively touching his fingers before lightly holding it, as if he was a fragile piece of porcelain. She gently squeezed, taking some comfort that his hand was still warm.
Reina thought about everything she had been through since that chance meeting in New York, which had proceeded to completely flip her life upside down. She thought about how she never believed in soulmates until she met Liam. How, despite the ridiculousness of the social season and having to win Liam, they both knew they were it for each other. Even through the engagement tour and having to deal with Madeleine, she had faith the truth would come out and that it would be worth it in the end.
Then she thought about Drake. How, despite his suspicions of her in the beginning, she would regard him as her rock. Whether it was a directive from Liam or not, she found that Drake was always there. A drinking buddy, sounding board, or shoulder to cry on when her frustrations would bubble over, he was always there.
Her gaze moved from his hand to his face, a questioning look overtaking her expression.
She recalled all the times he asked her if she wanted to join him in the “real world” after events, away from the prying eyes of the court. She always said no, knowing she had to be at the top of her game when it came to the harpies and vultures that were waiting for her to fall. Her mind wandered to the barn building event, where she teased him mercilessly about Kiara, thoroughly enjoying that the stoic Drake Walker was blushing with all the unwarranted attention.
The one time she did accompany him was in New York, to help him look for a wedding gift. That day in itself took everything she had just to get through it. Picking up the engagement ring for the woman who was betrothed to the love of Reina’s life was easily something she would rather forget. 
Looking back, she was so absorbed in her own thoughts that even her normal banter with Drake completely went over her head. It wasn’t until now – sitting next to his hospital bed – did she replay their conversation. She didn’t think much of it then, but when she teased him about who he saw himself getting married to and he didn’t reply right away….
She gasped.
“Oh. My. God.”
Closing her eyes and thinking about that moment while they were sitting on the bench, she saw it play out in her memory. The way his eyes flickered over to her, a brief moment of longing escaping his carefully constructed mask. Drake was in love with her.
Reina looked at their joined hands, unsure of her train of thought. She carefully removed her hand, placing it in her lap.
“That’s why you jumped in front of that bullet for me,” she whispered. She sat there stunned, as her pulse quickened with her realization. 
After a few minutes to gather her bearings, her gaze softened while studying his features as she stood up. A sad smile crossed her lips while her fingers reached out to brush some hair out of his face, slightly grazing his cheek.
“Maybe in another lifetime,” she quietly mused.
Taking a deep breath, she turned to leave. Grim determination settled on her face as she silently vowed that whoever was behind all of this would pay.
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ronakana · 7 years
Heavy in anxiety
Semenjak saya belajar di stase jiwa dan saya masuk beberapa grup mengenai mental health, saya jadi mikir segala sesuatu jadi mental-related-things. Yah saya pasien kejiwaan, tapi dengan profesi saya, saya juga merangkap jadi care giver. Misalnya lagu ini :
Saya ngerasanya ini lagu buat orang yang menderita GAD atau generalized anxiety disorder. Atau gangguan cemas menyeluruh kalau kamu bacanya dari pedoman diagnostik PPDGJ.
Ini lagu heavy yang dinyanyiin sama linkin park feat kiara. Begini deskripsinya kenapa lagu ini cerita tentang serangan GAD….
I don’t like my mind right now Stacking up problems that are so unnecessary Wish that I could slow things down I wanna let go but there’s comfort in the panic
I dont like my mind right now menurut saya seolah olah nunjukkin kalau dia gak suka keadaan pikirannya. Dan itu bener bener uncontrolable. Kalau emang bisa di kendaliin yah pasti kita cuma bakal fikir tentang hal yang menyenangkan, bikin nyaman. dan gitu juga pada pasien GAD. biasanya pikirannya berubah jadi tak diinginkan secara tiba tiba. 
Stacking up problems that are so unnecessary. Mikirin hal yang gak penting. Biasanya sih overthinking tentang impresi orang orang terhadap penderita, atau ngerasa sangat berdosa, atau pada kasus sociophobia tiba tiba muncul adanya pikiran ketakutan rasa paniknya muncul hingga nantinya merepotkan orang di sekitar. Pada oasien GAD atau anxiety overthinking itu kadang emang gak beralasan. Dan pastinya gak penting. Orang kebanyakan gak akan mikir kalau hal pasien pikirin itu suatu masalah.
Wish that I could slow things down. Biasanya pada pasien dengan kecemasan emang ada peningkatan di saraf simpatis. Selain karena pikirannya yang gak kalem, seluruh tubuhnya juga gak bisa diajak kalem. Orang cemas jadi suka agitasi atau ngelakuin hal yang gak ada maknanya. Kaya gerakin kaki berlebihan, tremor, berkeringat berlebih, berdebar, bahkan bisa sampe diare karena mules. Wish that I could slow things down. Wish that I could. seolah olah hal yang muncul atau not a slow things disitu bukan pilihan dia. They dont have a choice when its coming. 
I wanna let go but there is no comfort in panic. Panik itu merepotkan. semua orang yang muncul serangan paniknya pasti yakin ini akan berakhir tapi mereka mungkin berharap segera.
And I drive myself crazy Thinking everything’s about me Yeah I drive myself crazy Cause I can’t escape the gravity
Karena cemas itu jadi overthinking tentang diri sendiri biasanya. Kaya yang udah saya sebut sebelumnya. Ngomong nyeplos sedikit yang menurut orang kebanyakan biasa aja malah jadi hal yang besar buat orang yang punya gangguan cemas. Overthinking tentang gimana pandangan orang tentang dia, gimana kalau orang lain do harm things karena dia ngomong hal itu? Hal yang sama sekali gak dipikirin sama orang kebanyakan.
Cause I cant escape the gravity. Gravity mungkin mean a normal things. 
I’m holding on Why is everything so heavy Holding on To so much more than I can carry I keep dragging around what’s bringing me down
Dan yah, penderita anxiety dan mental disorder lain yang belum masuk tahap psikotik pasti nyadar kalau ini keadaan yang abnormal dalam dirinya dan memang berusaha buat bertahan. Bertahan biar keadaannya stabil. Pada orang bipolar bakal berusaha buat gak tempramen atau buar cheer up biar gak depresi yang ujungnya bisa tentamen suicide atau ngelakuin percobaan bunuh diri yang tanpa disadari. Dan gitu juga sama orang dengan anxiety. They holding on. Walaupun kerasa berat. Jadi please, jangan underestimate sama orang yang punya mental issues. Mereka bener bener struggling ngelawan apa yang terjadi di dirinya. Berusaha struggling agar tetep bertahan dengan pikiran yang normal walaupun yang sebenernya abnormal itu kadar serotonin, dopamin, dan sinapsnya yang sama sekali gak bisa di kontrol. Mereka yang punya mental issue bertahan bukan cuma buat dirinya sendiri biar masih hidup (van gogh meninggal karena bunuh diri di fase depresi karena belio bipolar dan schizophrenia) tapi juga buat societynya biar gak ngelakuin hal yang gak seharusnya kaya tindakan impulsif. Marah, mukul, atau apapun.
Dengan bertahan biar dalam keadaan normal, yah, it feels like too much that I can carry. Kaya di lirik itu. They  keep dragging around what’s bringing them down
If I just let go, I’d be set free
Sebenernya pada orang yang punya halusinasi aja diajarin gimana caranya buat menghalau halusinasi. Cause it just in your head. Gitu juga sama mental dirturbance lain. Bipolar, anxiety. Dengan menghalau pikiran itu, semuanya bakal kembali normal. Tapi nyatanya gak semudah keliatannya. 
You say that I’m paranoid But I’m pretty sure the world is out to get me It’s not like I make the choice To let my mind stay so fucking messy
Ya, they just cant control what is going on in their mind. They got no choice. Karena yang salah bukan perspektifnya, bukan pikirannya, bukan trauma yang hebatnya. Tapi sinaps saraf, kandungan neurotransmitter yang berkeliaran.
I know I’m not the center of the universe But you keep spinning round me just the same I know I’m not the center of the universe But you keep spinning round me just the same
Semua orang mungkin memang berharap dimengerti. Gitu juga dengan orang yang punya mental issue. Tapi orang dengan yang punya tilikan atau sight of illness yang baik pasti gak mau dunia mengerti dia. Karena dia bukan center of universe. Dia harus cari tau sendiri gimana caranya recovery. Dan pasien di kasus ini kemungkinan dengan sight of illness yang baik. 
Yah jadi sekian perspektif saya tentang makna lagu heavy dari linkin park. 
I dont think people understand how stressful it is to explain what’s going on in your head when you dont even understand it yourself. They are fighting a war inside their head every single day. Of course its exhausting. 
And, not every disability visible. Pain is real. You dont have to see it. Just help with it.
Bandung, 12 April 2017
Baby, if you get some trouble, go discover how to recover. You are strong as love. 
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footyplusau · 7 years
AFLW: All the clubs’ full lists after trade period
Tayla Harris’ move from the Brisbane Lions to Carlton was big news
ADELAIDE marquee player Kellie Gibson is a free agent after failing to come to terms with the Crows. 
Gibson, 20, is said to be interested in returning to Western Australia, and could sign with Fremantle during the free agency period starting Monday.
Here are the lists of the eight AFLW clubs at the end of the trade and signing period.
Adelaide Sarah Allan Georgia Bevan Dayna Cox Courtney Cramey Angela Foley Anne Hatchard Abbey Holmes Rachael Killian Ebony Marinoff Jenna Mccormick Rhiannon Metcalfe Justine Mules Sarah Perkins Erin Phillips Talia Radan Chelsea Randall Sally Riley Jessica Sedunary Stevie-Lee Thompson Deni Varnhagen 
AFLW best and fairest winner Erin Phillips has re-signed with the premiers. Picture: AFL Photos
Brisbane Lions Alexandra Anderson Kaitlyn Ashmore Isabella Ayre Emily Bates Shannon Campbell Nat Exon Sabrina Frederick-Traub Brittany Gibson Nicole Hildebrand Megan Hunt Leah Kaslar Breanna Koenen Kate Lutkins Kate McCarthy Tahlia Randall Jamie Stanton Samantha Virgo Sharni Webb Jessica Wuetschner Emma Zielke 
Powerhouse Sabrina Frederick Traub will hope to take the Lions one step further. Picture: AFL Photos
Carlton Lauren Arnell Laura Attard Shae Audley Lauren Brazzale Briana Davey Alison Downie Katherine Gillespie-Jones Danielle Hardiman Tayla Harris Jess Hosking Sarah Hosking Madeline Keryk Sarah Last Katie Loynes Tilly Lucas-Rodd Breann Moody Natalie Plane Gabriella Pound Kate Shierlaw Nicola Stevens Darcy Vescio
Lauren Arnell and Darcy Vescio are important players for the Blues. Picture: AFL Photos   Collingwood Amelia Barden Christina Bernardi Brittany Bonnici Sophie Case Stephanie Chiocci Sarah D’Arcy Jessica Duffin Caitlyn Edwards Jasmine Garner Emma Grant Moana Hope Meg Hutchins Emma King Melissa Kuys Jaimee Lambert Stacey Livingstone Cecilia McIntosh Tara Morgan Ruby Schleicher Lauren Tesoriero Bree White
Star forward Moana Hope will strive for a better season in 2018. Picture: AFL Photos   Fremantle Ebony Antonio Stacey Barr Kirby Bentley Kiara Bowers Tayla Bresland Melissa Caulfield Cassie Davidson Kara Donnellan Lara Filocamo Brianna Green Tiah Haynes Dana Hooker Gemma Houghton Amy Lavell Hayley Miller Gabby O’Sullivan Ashley Sharp Belinda Smith
Ebony Antonio is a local star for the Dockers. Picture: AFL Photos   GWS Giants Madeleine Boyd Alicia Eva Pepa Randall Jacinda Barclay Nicola Barr Rebecca Beeson Ellie Brush Maddy Collier Jess Dal Pos Amanda Farrugia Renee Forth Erin Mckinnon Phoebe McWilliams Alexandra Saundry Aimee Schmidt Louise Stephenson Emma Swanson Renee Tomkins Britt Tully
Jacinda Barclay will be aiming to lift the Giants in 2018. Picture: AFL Photos   Melbourne Richelle Cranston Meg Downie Laura Duryea Jasmine Grierson Ashleigh Guest Mel Hickey Emma Humphries Bianca Jakobsson Ainslie Kemp Sarah Lampard Alyssa Mifsud Lily Mithen Aliesha Newman Elise O’Dea Brooke Patterson Karen Paxman Daisy Pearce Lauren Pearce Catherine Phillips Shelley Scott Katherine Smith
The Demons will be looking to players like Alyssa Mifsud to take them higher: AFL Photos   Western Bulldogs Laura Bailey Deanna Berry Libby Birch Ellie Blackburn Katie Brennan Nicole Callinan Kimberley Ebb Tiarna Ernst Ellyse Gamble Angelica Gogos Bailey Hunt Emma Kearney Kirsty Lamb Brooke Lochland Kirsten McLeod Aasta O’Connor Hannah Scott Lauren Spark Hayley Wildes
Bulldog Katie Brennan is a star of the AFLW competition. Picture: AFL Photos
The post AFLW: All the clubs’ full lists after trade period appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2r7fiIw via http://footyplus.net
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