#King!Steve Rogers X Queen!Reader
holylulusworld · 2 years
Two Kings (Arc 1)masterlist
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Summary: You have fallen in love with the king of Brooklyn. When your wedding day arrives, there is much more to discover about the man you fell in love with than you thought...
Pairing: King!Steven Grant Rogers x Princess!Reader (later on Queen!Reader) ??? x Princess!Reader (later on Queen!Reader)
Warnings: angst, language, falling in love, mutual pining, royal au, innocent reader, fluff, lies, betrayal, smut, more to be added in later chapters
This series takes place in the Of Kings and Queens Arcs universe.
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Two kings prologue
Two kings (1)
Two kings (2)
Two kings (3)
Two kings (4)
Two kings (5)
Two kings 6)
Two kings (7)
Two kings (7.5)
Two kings (8)
Two kings (9)
Two kings (10) FIN
Read more here: Arc 2
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Divider by me *for my blog use only*
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother. Part 29/?
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<Part 28< >Series Masterlist>
Warnings: 18+ readers only, swearing, SMUT, oral (m-receiving)
Something shifted behind you slowly teasing you from your peaceful slumber. Then you felt something warm and wet press against your shoulder, lightly moving across your skin, sending shivers down your spine as you remembered, Steve. He pulled you closer to him until your back was flush against his firm chest.
"G'mornin', Princess." Steve murmured against your ear in a husky tone.
"Morning," You whispered and looked back to him over your shoulder with a tired smile.
"How do you feel, My love?" Steve asked as he pressed another kiss to your shoulder.
You hummed, "Happy." You smiled as you felt Steve smile against your neck where he was kissing you. "What time is it?" You asked turning over in his arms so you were facing him.
He smiled, "Don't worry about that, My love." He said as he gently cupped your face with his left hand and pressed his lips against yours.
You moaned softly against his lips as you felt his hardening cock press against your thigh. You gave a small roll of your hips, desperate to feel more of him as memories of your escapades from last night flooded your mind.
You pushed Steve back by his chest and caught your breath as an idea came to you. "Hmm, Steven... may I... Use my mouth on you, again?" You asked feeling your cheeks flush.
Steve's smile grew, "You're getting bolder, My love." He teased making you roll your eyes.
"I don't have too, Steven." You pouted.
"No, no," Steve pushed himself up in bed so he was sat up against the head board and spread his legs, holding the bed covers up. He nodded, "Please your king." He winked at you.
You rolled your eyes and giggled, "Really, Steven." You eagerly moved between his legs and came face to face with Steve's glorious cock. You licked your lips as you took him in your hand, glancing up at Steve as he let out a soft moan. His head falling back against the pillows as you did.
You may be inexperienced, but watching Steve fall apart because of you in such an intimate way was just so beautiful to you and it was becoming one of your favorite sights. Although, you were getting tired of Steve being able to make you blush so easily. How you wished you could see his cheeks tinted with a blush as he looked away from you shyly, like he had done the previous night when the two of you-
You began grinning to yourself as an idea filled your head. "My gods," You hummed and gently began to teased his cock with your fingers, "You are so beautiful, My darling husband."
Steve gulped, his throat dry as he met your gaze. "Not as beautiful as-" His words died on his tongue and were replaced with a breathy gasp as you placed a kiss to the tip of his cock. "My love," His eyes fell shut and his mouth dropped open as you lightly ran your tongue over him.
You let out a soft moan as the taste of him began to drive you wild. You ran your tongue up and down his length, circling around his bulbous head before sliding it back down.
Steve groaned, "Please, My love."
You used the hand that held his cock to lightly stroke him as you pulled away from him. "Look at your queen," You ordered with a new found confidence.
Steve gulped as he looked at you. Once your eyes met, you gave him a playful grin and wrapped your lips around the tip of him.
"Fuck," He watched as your head bobbed up and down, your lips and tongue sliding up and down his cock, "Feels s'good. Don't fuckin' stop." Steve's head fell back against the pillows as a deep moan fell from his lips.
You moaned around Steve's cock as you looked up at him, the dishevelled look he had as he ran his fingers through his hair turning you into a mess.
"Fuck," Steve panted, "My love..." Steve groaned loudly as you did something he never thought you would, you pulled your mouth of his cock and began to suck lightly on his balls. Steve threw his head back with a loud moan as you continued to move your hand up and down his cock and suck his balls. "Fuck!"
You pulled off his sack with a giggle, "Did you like that, Your Majesty?" You asked as you reached up and used your hand to fondle his balls.
Steve panted heavily as he nodded. "Please, don't stop, My love." He whimpered.
You took Steve into your mouth once more and started to suck a little harder and faster.
A deep moan left Steve's mouth as you started to twist your hand around his shaft, "Fuck! Oh fuck. Don't stop!" Steve groaned and began to raise his hips to meet your mouth. "Fuck! Princess... My love, I'm going to-" Steve cried out as he came.
Pride filled your chest as you watched your king, your husband, the man you loved, fall apart by your touch.
You pulled off him carefully and wiped your mouth as you sat up, pushing the covers off you. "How was that, My darling husband?" You smirked at him.
Steve lifted his head from where it rested and looked up at you, "You know damn well how that was." He smirked back at you as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into his lap. "Now it's-" A knock on the chamber doors interrupted Steve making him growl in frustration. "Go away!" He yelled back before pressing hia face into your chest.
"Steven," You scolded him playfully, "We should see whom it is." You cupped his face in your hands.
Steve groaned, "I'd rather we didn't." He said and kissed down between your breasts making your breath hitch. Another knock made him groan against you. "Bastards." He muttered and moved you beside him. "COME!" He yelled out in frustration as he covered the two of you.
The door opened slowly and in walked Jarvis, the Steward, followed by a couple of servants carrying trays of food and drink.
"Good morning, Your Majesty, Your Highness." Jarvis bowed to the two of you as the servants placed the trays down on the table before bowing themselves and leaving. "I thought you'd like breakfast in your room this morning before I sent in your Lords and Ladies to help you get dressed for the day." He smiled.
"Thank you, Lord Jarvis... But, actually," Steve cleared his throat, "If it's okay with you, My love," Steve smiled at you, "I'd rather we dressed ourselves this morning."
You raised your eyebrow at him, "But I'll need help putting my dress on."
"I know, but I can help with it." He said as he began grinning and leaned in, "After I've had you naked and writhing beneath me for as long as possible this morning." He whispered in your ear making you gasp.
You nodded, "It's, fine with me." You looked back over to Jarvis trying not to blush too much as you gave a shy smile. "Hmm... Perhaps, you could have someone draw a bath and inform our Lords and Ladies to take the morning off."
Jarvis nodded. "Of course, Your Highness. I'll leave you to your breakfast." He said as he bowed to you before leaving.
You grabbed the pillow from behind you and smacked Steve in the chest with it taking him by surprise. "Don't say stuff like that when we're not alone, Steven." You playfully scolded him as you repeatedly hit him.
Steve laughed as you did, eventually grabbing the pillow out of your hands and throwing it haphazardly to the end of the bed as he took hold of right wrist. "And why not, My love?" He said as slowly laid you backwards, holding your arm above your head as he laid over you. "Can you not control yourself?" He smirked at you and leaned down to kiss your throat, "Can you not think of anything else other than the way my cock feels as it fills your sweet little cunt, Princess?" Steve ran his nose up your troat, smiling to himaelf as your breath hitched and you tried to roll your hips against him. Before you could lean up to press your lips against his, Steve pulled back and sat up. "We should eat."
Your mouth hung open in disbelief as you watched him in all his naked glory move over to where your breakfast was waiting.
He looked back at you with a smug grin, "You think I didn't notice you teasing me earlier?" He winked and dropped down into a chair. "Two can play that game, My love." He gave you a mischievous smile as he popped a couple of berries into his mouth.
Yes they can, you thought to yourself as you gave Steve your own mischievous smile.
"I want you to promise me something, Little Princess." You smiled at Morgana kneeling in front of her.
The time had come for you to leave York New and make the long journey to your new home. It was a time you had always feared but now you were beyond excited to start the new chapter of your life.
Morgana sniffled, having spent the last five minutes crying in your arms. "What is it?" She asked.
You looked over at an equally teary eyed Peter with a smile. "I need you to listen to, Peter, okay?" You smiled as she nodded. "He's promised me, he's going to teach you all our ways and all the tricks we know to annoy your father." You smiled up at him. "Isn't that right, Peter."
Peter nodded with a laugh as your poor brother groaned. "That’s right, Your Highness." He winked at Morgana making her laugh.
"It won't be an enemy or old age that kills me, it will be one of you three. I swear!" Tony huffed dramatically making you all laugh.
"I'm going to miss you." Morgana threw her tiny arms around your neck and squeezed you as hard as she could.
"I'll miss you too, Little Princess." You whispered and let her go. You looked up at your brother with a teary smile. "I'll miss you too brother."
Tony took a hold of your hands and helped you up wearing his own teary smile. "Don't. I for one can't wait to get rid of you." He chuckled, pulling you into a hug. "You'll always be 'Little Princess' to me." He whispered against your ear before kissing your forehead. He looked over at Steve as he stepped back. "Make sure you look after her, Steven. Or we'll have trouble." He warned.
Steve nodded as he came to your side. He'd stayed back to give you time to say your goodbyes to your family. "Don't worry, Tony," Steve smiled lovingly at you as he slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side. "My mother's already given me a tongue lashing on your behalf." He rolled his eyes making you giggle.
"I always said she was a smart woman." Tony smiled. "Now, go. You've got a new life to start together." Tony picked Morgana up and placed her on his hip.
You nodded taking a deep breath. "Okay..." You turned to Steve. "I'm ready." You smiled at him.
Steve nodded and took. "Then let's go, My love." He said and lead you over to the royal carriage.
With one last look at your family and the castle that had been your home, you bid them goodbye and climbed into the royal carriage with Steve. As the door was closed behind him, Steve turned to you and took your hand in his. "I know you're sad, My love. But this is a good thing." He pressed a kiss to your knuckles and reached across to wipe your fallen tears.
You nodded with a sniffle, "I know it is..." You smiled at him. "And I am so unbelievably excited for our future together... But it's the thought of not having Morgana running around causing chaos." You smiled, "Or hearing Tony's terrible jokes... And not having Peter," You wiped away more of your tears. "Not having Peter there to tell me I'm being stupid every day is... It's scary." You laughed to yourself.
He nodded as he reached out to cup your cheek. "I know it is, My love. But try to remember that, although you weren't born there, Brook is your home and you have a new family... And, with Sam running around I'm sure there's going to be equally as much chaos and Bucky will be more than happy to call you stupid... He tells me all the time." Be teased making you laugh. "That's better." Steve winked at you before pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "So, my beautiful wife and soon-to-be Queen of Brook, ready to go home?" Steve asked playfully, giving you a wink as you grinned at him.
You nodded, "Let's go home, Steven."
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braveclementine · 11 days
Chapter 25
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
ELIZABETH SLUMPED AGAINST THE BATHROOM door, turning the hot water on in the bathtub and waited for it to fill up completely.
Her entire right shoulder ached from the impact. She hadn't thought she would hit so hard, otherwise she wouldn't have attempted to knock Y/N off to share her fate. Lucky thing Bucky caught her. She'd forgotten for a moment they were above tile and not the soft grass of the farm.
The farm. . . God she wanted to go back so much. Just two more days, that was all she had to get through. Not that Asgard was that bad. In fact, it seemed almost closer to home than New York was.
She knew tonight was the ball. Tomorrow, her and Hogun would go horseback riding and he would show her his secret spot behind the waterfall.
Loki had tried asking her if she hurt anywhere, but she had stubbornly said no. She didn't want Y/N to feel bad about knocking her off. And though part of her knew Bucky wouldn't actually care, she also didn't want there to be a chance that he felt guilty about not catching her either.
"Oh well." She said aloud to herself, shutting off the tap to the bathroom tub. "It's your fault anyways for not landing on your bloody feet."
She winced again as she stood. It would have been better to land on her left side, then she wouldn't have hurt her good side. Not that it mattered to much, as being on the farm had taught her to be more ambidextrous and could technically use her left hand for much of what she needed her right hand for, except her writing wasn't the best.
She slid into the warm water and sunk down, ignoring the steam that was rising as it clashed with her cold skin. Wanda had told her that once she got a control on her powers, her body temperature would sink back to its normal heat. But for now, it was going to be colder than normal.
Now, her cold skin didn't really bother her. She couldn't feel it and went about her day like it was normal. But when others touched her, they jumped back like they'd been shocked. Hogun had explained that it was so cold it was like touching sudden snow. Except they weren't expecting it.
Course, that hadn't kept Hogun from kissing her. She smiled now, as she sank lower in the bathtub. Hogun and Tony. Stephen had slowly emerged as well, spending more time in the lab though he still spent most of his time reading. She was slowly warming up to them- pun not intended.
She attempted now to rotate her shoulder and cried out in pain, biting down on her bottom lip and squeezing her eyes shut. There was supposed to be a ball tonight. How was she supposed to dance if she could not move her right arm?
There was a sudden knock at the door and Elizabeth smiled ironically as though there was a cure behind it. "Who is it?"
"It's me dear." Frigga's voice said from behind the door. "Can I come in?"
"Yes, of course." Elizabeth replied, checking to see that the slight bubbles covered most of her, and that Frigga was a woman either way and almost like a mother figure to her.
Frigga stepped into the bathroom and Elizabeth admired the sky blue colour. She'd always wished that she could wear it, but her mother said that the colour didn't look good on her. She'd just taken her mothers' advice because she knew she had no fashion sense of her own. She had also been told she looked horrible in yellow and white and most greens unless they were olive green.
"Loki said you took quite the fall in the training room." Frigga said, sitting on the edge of the bathtub and Elizabeth saw no reason to lie to her.
"Yes, I fell on my right shoulder. It hurts, but I don't think it's broken."
"Can you sit up just a little?" Frigga asked and Elizabeth complied.
Frigga reached out and her touch seemed to electrify Elizabeth. She also noticed the Queen did not pull away when she touched her, as though she could not feel the difference in the temperature of her skin.
Frigga's hand was suddenly disguised in a swirl of purple-pink glow, not unlike the green glow of Loki. She could feel a warmth traveling up her arm and closed her eyes. She was startled when Frigga said. "You forget one of my sons is Jotun. I'm used to touching colder than normal skin. Your friend Wanda is correct however. Mastering your skills will help your body return to normal. If you would like, I can spend the next two days helping you. After you return from the lake with Hogun of course."
Elizabeth felt her eyes brim with tears, trying to remember the last time her mother had asked if she'd wanted her help. "Thank you." She whispered. "But the last time someone tried to help me. . . I hurt Hogun. I hurt the only soulmate who ever cared about me. I-"
Frigga unplugged the bathtub, grabbing a large fluffy towel, wrapping it around Elizabeth's shoulders, pulling her into a hug like she was a baby. Elizabeth sobbed quietly into her shoulder, overcome with to many emotions to know what she was feeling.
There was a hopelessness to her, the feeling that she was never going to get control of her powers. That she was doomed to live a cursed life. That she would never be able to touch plants again because they'd freeze, shrivel, and die. Animals would evade her touch. There was pain, both physical and emotional. She had told herself over and over to be ready for their rejection, but it was more twisted than she'd thought. She had thought they'd simply go in a circle and say 'I reject you. I reject you. I reject you'. But no, they were drawing it out. Not accepting, but not rejecting.
There was hope because she knew she had Hogun solidly. She knew that her father loved her. And she knew that Frigga loved her too. She knew she had Wanda, Natasha, Sam, Tony, Rhodey, Loki, and possibly Stephen by her side to help her through everything. And she knew she had an amazing sister that everyone looked up to.
There was longing. Longing for a mother figure that would love her the same way there her mother loved Y/N. Frigga was providing that and she latched onto it, burying her head closer to Frigga's warmth in a way that reminded Frigga of how her youngest son had clutched to her earlier. They both had a sensitive, innocent, and soft nature.
And then, deep deep down, there was envy. Envy that Bucky hadn't caught her. Envy that Bucky and Steve preferred Y/N over her. A rage that Bucky, who was strong and had a metal arm even, hadn't tried catching both of them. Envy that Y/N was more beautiful than her. Envy that she didn't have all of her soulmates wrapped around her finger like Y/N. Envious that for all Y/N hated the farm, she was going to inherit it. And then she would sell it.
And lastly, there was a struggling feeling. A feeling that was trying to fight. Fight the envious thoughts and tell herself that what she had was good enough. That she didn't need six soulmates to be happy. That she only needed Hogun and Sam and maybe Tony and that was it. No, she didn't even need Sam or Tony. Not if it was going to make their own soulmates unhappy. She only needed Hogun, her dad, and the farm. If Y/N sold it, she would just try and buy it back. That was all she had to do.
Frigga rubbed her shoulders warmly, motherly, until the poor girl stopped crying. Elizabeth sniffled, leaning back and wiping her face pathetically. "Sorry."
"My dear, don't be sorry for crying. You try to hold to much in so not to cause problems for everyone else. But you're hurting yourself when you do that." Frigga said. "You don't have to relay everything down on one person, but I know Hogun would want you to tell him if you were hurting. Even if all he could do was hold you as you cried, he would do it for you. Elizabeth, that man would die for you. Telling him you're hurting will not deter him away from you or make him think you are weak. Woman and men are both stereotyped that they are weak if they cry. Never believe that. To cry means you have feelings. To cry means you have empathy. To cry means that you are human."
"Do you. . . do you cry?" Elizabeth asked the Queen softly.
The Queen smiled and kissed Elizabeth's forehead, nearly making her cry again. "I cried when Thor was born. I cried when Loki was brought to me. I cried when my husband banned Thor to Earth, even though I knew it was the best thing for him. I cried when I found that my son had been put under Thanos' control and made to destroy Midgard. I cried for Loki when he was jailed. Yes, Elizabeth. Even Queens cry. You should remember that little fact."
Frigga gave her a secret smile and then said, "Now then, let's get you ready for the ball, shall we? As much as I love the bright of yellow and white, I do have to agree that your skin tone will only look the paler with those colours. Perhaps if it was midsummer and you had tanned up. And the same goes for sky blue. However, I think your mother was wrong about one of those colours." Frigga smiled wider, "I think you'll look lovely in green."
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
WHEN YOU HAD HEARD BALL GOWN, you had thought of something Victorian style in dark colours and old fashioned 1800s ruffs and lace. But the dress that was brought in by the handmaids was very modern. It had a tight bodice to hold up your large breasts, and the sleeves rested mid-shoulder. The skirt had looked to poufy and cumbersome to be easy to walk in, but once it was on, you realized there was a hoop on the inside that kept it from preventing you from walking. [The colour should be gold to represent Thor, however you can choose any colour you want]
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They gave you a large necklace that Thor had provided for you, along with matching earrings, rings, and bracelets. The heels that they provided were golden as well, around five inches tall and would still put your shorter than Thor.
They did your makeup and hair as well, leaving your hair down and straight as they didn't have to much to work with. The makeup was exotic with golden sparkles and when you looked in the mirror, you thought you looked gorgeous.
The handmaids complimented you on your looks and then you were free to go. They bowed to Thor who was waiting for you outside of your cambers, wearing a dashing outfit that was part suit and part armor, all in a golden and black style.
"You look beautiful my Queen." Thor said with a smile, bending down to kiss you on the cheek. "Shall we?" He proffered his arm and you took it.
"We shall."
The two of you walked through the castle and as you got closer to where the ballroom was going to be, you saw more and more people dressed like Thor and you. Men wore clothes part suit, part armor, usually in either colours of silver or bronze. But no gold. Underneath, the suits were mostly made of dark colours in reds, yellows, blues, sometimes even purples. There were also blacks, greys, and whites.
"No one is wearing green." You finally noticed.
"That's Loki's colour." Was Thor's simple answer. "You'll find none wearing the gold that you yourself is wearing either. That is ours."
Ours. You blushed again.
The ballroom was larger than you had imagined. It stretched further than you thought possible, only glimpsing vague shapes of people at the farthest ends. There was a large staircase that people were walking down, being greeted by their partner at the foot of the stairs. You saw Natasha coming the stairs at that moment, her red hair flaming, the black dress looking strange on her since she'd never worn anything that wasn't tight.
Bruce accepted her hand at the bottom of the stairs, wearing a suit of brown and strange armor of bronze.
You looked around for your sister, but did not see her. Hogun however was standing to the side, wearing a dark blue and silver armor. Volstagg was wearing red and bronze. Fandral was wearing white and bronze. Sif was wearing a more cream sort of white, but with silver armor. Her dark hair pulled back with a silver circlet.
Looking around more now, you saw Tony standing to the side with Stephen. Stephen was trying to get Tony to stop fidgeting with the armor. Tony clearly didn't like the weight of it. Stephen finally slapped his hands away from the metal and grasped his wrists tightly in his grasp. You smiled and looked over to the super soldiers.
Stephen was wearing blue with silver armor.
Bucky was wearing a black suit with silver armor, looking nervous about it. Like Tony, he was fidgeting with the contraption. Steve on the other hand looking dashing in his blue suit, the silver really accenting his eyes. Sam was wearing a light grey suit with bronze armor.
Vision on the other hand was sticking out like a sore thumb. He was wearing neither a suit nor any armor- probably cause they wouldn't be able to detach any of the metal from his body- but Wanda looked happy enough by his side, wearing a poufy red ballgown that matched her fiery hair.
Pietro stood next to them, grinning. He was clearly trying to live up to his superhero name by wearing a horrendous silver suit with matching silver armor that clashed terribly instead of going together. But he seemed unperturbed.
Rhodey, to your surprise, looked almost dashing. He was wearing a fitted red tuxedo- once again to your surprise- with bronze armor.
You couldn't find Clint at the moment, but you suspected he'd be wearing purple. Most likely with silver armor.
You looked over at Thor who was smiling happily, still holding your hand, but seemed reserved from joining in with any festivities just yet.
"Do you know where my sister is?" You asked.
He looked over at you. "Do not worry, but I've heard she took quite the fall in the training room and injured her shoulder. My mother is attending to her at the moment to heal her. She will be fine though, my mother is an excellent healer. Ah! There she is now, your sister will be coming along soon then."
You looked up to see that Queen Frigga was indeed in the ball room now, striding through the place. Many turned and bowed slightly, but she always waved that away, encouraging them not to bow to her. She made her way to where two thrones sat, that you hadn't seen through the mass of people.
Sitting upon one of the thrones was King Odin. He was dressed just as extravagantly as the others with a almost black kind of metal for his armor, inlaid with a dark yellow that was neither bronze nor gold. Underneath, his suit was black as well. Upon his head was a helmet of sorts, gold indeed but not clashing with the other yellow of his armor.
Now you understood where Loki's need for a large helmet came from.
Suddenly, whispers nearly exploded through the room, the dim of conversation lowering drastically, making you look around.
It didn't take you long to see that they were muttering about the young woman standing on the steps. At the moment, she was the only one coming down the steps, wearing a beautiful ball gown of green. Her dark brown hair- which almost reminded you of Elizabeth- had been pulled up in some parts with what looked like pearl clips. The hair had been curled in loose ringlets to capture the curves to her face and the makeup brought out her eyes and lips from across the room.
She was small and petite, the green making her glow. Around her neck there was a cape that covered her shoulders as she walked, seeming not to care about the people talking about her. And from the conversation whipping through the air, it was clear that despite her beauty, she was not from Asgard.
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You leaned over to ask Thor if she was an ambassador or princess from another planet, when you realized it was Elizabeth.
Your mouth dropped.
You had never seen Elizabeth wear green in her entire life. Nor had you ever seen her wear a dress or look so beautiful.
Scanning the room, Tony looked star struck and Stephen looked appreciative. Sam looked very much how he'd looked the first day he'd met her- like a puppy dog begging for treats. Steve's face was neutral but Bucky's mouth had dropped, staring at her like he'd never seen her before. Bucky glanced over at Steve and shut his mouth immediately.
You looked up at Thor who, to your surprise, was not looking at Elizabeth at all, but beaming down at you. "Your sister is beautiful Y/N." He said. "But you are gorgeous. You shine like a star here and I love you."
You felt the warmth of his words and he added, "Besides, she is only the third most beautiful girl in this room."
"If I'm first, whose second?" You asked teasingly.
He chuckled. "Sif, of course. Well, tied, Sif would kill me if she actually thought I thought she was second."
You nodded and watched as your little sister reached the bottom of the stairs. Hogun, you noticed, did not move forward to greet her, though he winked at her.
Instead, it was Loki, striding out in matching green with golden armor to hold his hand out. Elizabeth blinked in surprise for a moment, but took it, and allowed for him to lead her over to where Hogun, Volstagg, Sif, and Fandral were waiting.
The entire encounter had taken about twenty seconds.
You pondered the meaning of Elizabeth and Loki. The green was now clear. But did it mean that Loki had decided to go to Elizabeth without waiting for an answer from you? But Elizabeth would not do that, you knew she wouldn't. So why had she chosen green instead of blue?
Frigga suddenly caught your eye and you remembered what Thor had said about his mother helping Elizabeth get ready for the ball. Elizabeth had not chosen the green. Elizabeth had not chosen Loki.
His mother had.
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stuckysbike · 1 year
Will there be more The Queen Who Married Two Kings? I’ve been so busy with work I haven’t been on here much and may have missed any announcements you’ve made.
Hi Nonnie, thank you for asking 💗
I have 2 chapters of Q2K planned out and that will wrap up the first part. I plan to create a bunch of themed drabbles and one shots after that whilst they get to know each other.
And I have a second multi chapter story in the works with a lot more angst in store for these three.
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buckets-and-trees · 2 months
I’m so happy to see you back on my feed 😍 An ask for your sleepover! Do Cedar Trees!Steve and his Queen have any ::ahem:: spring rituals*? 👀
*Make it dirty lollll.
Title: Love That's Laid Beside Me
Collection: CEDAR TREES Characters/Pairings: King!Steve Rogers x Queen!Reader Word Count: 5k
Summary: With the first spring equinox, Steve shares a tradition from his past before he was royal. You broach something that's been on your mind for your future.
Content & Warnings: royal au, discussion of children, explicit smut - NATURE/OUTDOOR SEX (bahaha YAY), nipple play, cock stroking, brief cock warming, vaginal fingering, unprotected vaginal intercourse, slight dirty talk (it's still royal Steve, so...), breeding kink, potential pregnancy
Logistical Notes: I knew the second you dropped this in my askbox that I wanted outdoor sex for the spring equinox, and when I started it, it was timely, but I have worked on this installment of their story now for six or seven weeks. I've rewritten it a couple of times, wrestled with parts of the emotional journey. Steve surprised me in the middle portion by opening up with a lot more nostalgia than I knew was going to insert itself into the story. And then with the rest of their conversation for the final third of the story, I went back to the drawing board a few times. Thank you @biteofcherry and @stargazingfangirl18 for being instrumental in talking through what I was working on with Steve and his queen at vital points when I needed it!
Narrative Notes: Steve and his queen were married in June, and this takes place during their first spring together. To read previous pieces chronologically, refer to the masterlist of this collection's pieces.
↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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You look up sharply at the sound of your name. “Mmm?”
“You seem distracted, my love,” Steve says, his brow furrowed in concern.
You shake your head slightly. “I am sorry, it was perhaps a longer day than I anticipated it would be.”
“We can dispense with the dessert course if you are too weary,” Steve suggests.
You scoff. “Dare not speak of such a thing!”
He chuckles, and you smile broadly at him. “I withdraw the proposition,” he says, his eyes sparkling with mirth for a moment.
But as you both savor the exquisite chocolate mousse presented a few minutes later, you notice his frequent gaze on you is more scrutinizing. You do your best to engage again in the conversation.
Truthfully, you have been distracted, but you did not wish to draw his concern. In part it is because you do not want him to worry about you, but more so you yourself do not want to dwell on the issue that has begun to encroach on the edges your thoughts these past weeks. But the exquisite taste of chocolate and his striking blue eyes do serve to draw you back into the moment.
You do your best to gracefully scrape every last bit of mousse from the small crystal goblet, and once the service is cleared away, Steve stands and extends his hand toward you. You stand and go to him. This is familiar now.
He draws your hand to his lips, presses a kiss to the backs of your fingers, then tucks your hand in the crook of his arm. “May I escort you to your chambers to retire for the evening?”
“Yes, of course, my king,” you respond warmly and fall into step with him, leaving the dining room behind.
You have fallen into certain routines after dinner, and while the two of you do not do the very same thing each night, you do spend nearly all your evenings together, the only exception if he must be away on royal business. This evening you read while he sketches before darkness seeps through the windows and you two begin to get ready for bed.
Once you’re both fully freed from the entrapments of your elaborate day wardrobes, you catch Steve studying you again through the reflection of the mirror as you stand in front of your vanity.
“What is that look?” you ask, frowning at him.
“You are very quiet tonight.”
“Again, I am sorry, I must be tired.”
You can see in his eyes that part of him wants to press you further, but he chooses not to. At least not about that.
“Too tired for a little adventure?” he asks.
You turn and fix him with a playfully scrutinizing look. “Pray tell what adventure a king thinks he can get up to in the twilight hour when he’s in his bedclothes?”
“Come with me and find out.”
His eyes are full of mischief, and there is no way you could resist him with that look on his face.
He picks up your velvet cloak and hands it to you before donning his own.
You reach for some boots.
“No,” he stops you, “no shoes.”
“Slippers should do.”
He grins and reaches for your hand. The two of you go hand in hand as you sneak out of your chambers. Steve gives the men standing guard a look that says they are not to appear to know the two of you have left or which way you have gone unless the situation is dire. As king and queen, you can only be so discreet on this adventure as you pass enough guards and servants that your movements cannot in any way be a secret. But it is still a bit of a thrill to skirt through the castle swiftly in the dark, fingers twined together, escaping out onto the grounds. You wind through the gardens as dusk turns starts to turn to darkness, beyond the stables and more gardens, past the royal orchard, and across even more ground until you ultimately reach a thicket of trees. This, you know, is the south side of the royal grounds, and if not for an eventual stone wall to secure the castle, it could have been any common forest you were ambling into.
The moonlight is just beginning to cast its silvery glow across the night, and it only adds another layer to the novelty of the moment. The two of you follow an almost-path into the trees, and it continues further than you expect it to go. It is clear Steve is familiar with this path, his steps through the trees and the brush steady and sure.
As you move along, your steps hadn’t been rushed once you’d escaped the castle proper, but Steve starts to slow significantly, and you step closer to him with the relaxed pace, able to walk with him rather than follow through this part of the landscape that is new to you. Steve brings your hand up to press a kiss to the back of it and smiles down at you.
“When I was young, my ma used to try and find ways to lift our spirits. We were so poor, but she never wanted us to want for reasons to be happy. She thought it important to make any occasions special as they came our way with our own rituals and traditions.”
Married less than a year, you are still learning much about each other in this relationship – there were so many things in the present, you had spoken of some hopes for the future, and much of the vast troves of the past lay behind you to explore. You knew his father had been killed as a soldier in a war between kingdoms when he was still a toddling child, and his mother had been lost to a plague just before he’d come of age. The few times he’d spoken of his mother, it had always been with such warmth that it made your heart swell and grew your affection for him even more.
“I don’t remember how old I was when she started this tradition, but one night instead of having me get ready for bed, she bundled me up enough to keep me from catching cold in the March evening air, put on her own cloak, and we ventured out into the night, just outside of the village, and into the forest. It was the spring equinox, and she said if we walked into the clearing, left an offering, and made a wish, then the magic that came with the awakening of spring would make that wish come true.”
He'd stopped at some point during those words, and as you look around, you see you are in a very small break in the trees – not quite big enough to be called a clearing.
There weren’t big festivities and royal duties around the equinoxes in the kingdom as there were for the solstices, but there were still rituals and traditions in the days leading up to and following, so you knew the significance of this day, and tonight was the last night where darkness held equal balance with the day, and then daylight would take the reigns for its share of the year.
“I love that you’ve kept that tradition in her remembrance,” you say, running your other hand up and down his forearm. “What sort of offerings did you leave?”
“It would depend on the year,” he responds, plaintive in thought, “sometimes whatever small token we could scrounge, others perhaps a specially baked good or honey if we could spare it. When I began to draw in earnest, sometimes I would leave a sketch for those forest sprites, or fairies, or deities, whatever you would believe ruled the trees.”
“And your wishes came true?”
His gaze lifts to the starry sky for a moment, then he looks down into your face. “Perhaps one or two, but some of the wishes were too foolish and did not need to be granted.” He laughs softly, and you grin and press closer to him. He then turns fully toward you to envelop you in his arms. “I think her wishes probably came true – she always wanted more for me, happiness, a good life. I have so much of that now.”
You reach up and gently cup his face in your hands. “I never planned on an unhappy life, but I think fortune granted us more happiness than either of us anticipated.”
“Indeed,” he says resolutely, bowing his head to capture your lips with his.
You kiss him back fervently. One of his hands moves down your spine, coming to stop at the small of your back, pressing you into him. You hum into the kiss, relishing the closeness and connection between the two of you.
Steve draws his lips away just before you’re at the point of breathlessness, but he presses his forehead to yours, and you continue to breathe each other in.
“I think I have something that would work for an offering,” you pipe up after a few moments of the tranquility in his embrace.
He doesn’t say anything but loosens his hold as you shift your arms back down and tug at the silk ribbon at the cuff of one of your sleeves, drawing it out of its casing.
“A fine token from my beautiful bride,” he remarks.
“And what are you giving up to the wood?”
“A piece of my heart,” he says with a grin.
You tsk at him and roll your eyes, but you do feel a small rush of heat in your cheeks and the butterflies stir in your belly because even though his tone was playful, there’s an undeniable intention in his eyes.
“No, what did you really bring, husband? I know you well enough to know you came prepared.”
He draws a small, folded piece of parchment out of his breast pocket, holding it up before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Come,” he inclines his head over his left shoulder, turning and stepping toward one of the nearby cedar trees. One of the branches hangs near shoulder height to you. Steve places the folded drawing onto the branch, holding it in place, and you step up to tie it to the branch without him needing to explain.
“I don’t get to see what you drew?” you ask as you arrange the loops for a bow and work the silk with your nimble fingers.
“If you tell a wish – or show it in this case, then it might not come true.”
You know he is not one to believe in silly superstitions, but you have your own wish you hope this ritual might help along, so you just smile and nod. “Fair enough.”
The two of you step back, and you admire the simple beauty of the ribbon and think you could very well tie many more ribbons to this tree in the coming years together. You hope that is the case.
Steve takes another few steps back into the open space between the trees, draws his robe off his shoulders, and spreads it out over the ground. You pull off your own robe and join him as he lays back and holds his arm open for you. He assists as you drape your robe over your lower halves. The air is crisp but not cold, but the warmth of his body against yours is wonderful, and you nestle into him.
The stars dotting the heavens are bright skirting around a full moon, and as the two of you gaze up at the night sky, you twine your fingers with Steve’s at your shoulder. You have maintained who you are, who you were raised to be, strong and steady, noble, regal, with your own sense of purpose and fulfillment, but the wholeness you feel when you are with Steve enriches your soul. You are not empty without him, but more full with him. Laying with him right now is a balm you did not know you desperately needed tonight.
Steve begins to speak again. “After she passed, I kept the yearly tradition for the equinox, but especially after I inherited this kingdom.”
His voice was another comfort. You loved hearing more of what made up this man who held your heart.
“I never sought the crown,” he continues, “but after I suddenly found myself king, I held onto anything that kept me grounded. Bucky has been a constant, but I spent much time in these woods to clear my head, work out answers I needed to sort through on my own, or simply sit with feelings or difficulties I could not suffer in the palace in front of anyone else.”
Given that admission, the semblance of a path and his familiarity navigating to this glen in the trees made perfect sense.
This man was strong and stoic, and your husband had the heart of a lion, but you could only imagine what it must have been like to inherit a kingdom and all the royal duties of being its king overnight. You had grown up as the second-born in a royal family, able to learn and prepare, with parents, governesses, advisors, tutors, and your royal siblings being brought up alongside you to prepare for a life of duty and the unique difficulties it would present for the entirety of your life. Steve had been plucked out of obscurity by fate with no training, orphaned, only a soul who had always worked hard and possessed a deep-rooted a sense of duty and desire to serve those around him in any way he could.
He speaks again, an abundant warmth in his tone. “In you I have found yet another boon and have had fewer occasions where I needed to seek out the solace of this place.”
You shift to your side to lean up and look into his face. This was not a surprise revelation. His words and actions have demonstrated consistently how much he values you since that night you had pledged your true love and affection to each other so many months ago, but him vocalizing this sentiment still means so much and makes your heart soar because your relationship is still so new.
You move down to kiss him, and he lifts his head to meet you halfway. He holds your face in his hands, and his thumbs brush gently over your cheeks.
He pulls back, presses another brief kiss to your mouth, then traces a finger over your parted lips. His blue eyes connect again to yours.
“I don’t know if you are holding back the thoughts that trouble you because I’m king and you think I have royal matters to occupy my thoughts, but something is on your mind,” he says quietly.
Your heart stings a little at his accusation – but he is not wholly wrong.
“Please,” he presses, “we said we would be husband and wife to each other, we vowed a true and unfettered love. As your husband I can see it, I know it, and it’s eating at me that I can’t share whatever is burdening you. Do not hold matters so important and worrisome back from me.”
Your throat feels thick and though you are still unsure of the words and the feelings yourself, you cannot deny Steve’s fervent plea to open up to him, and you trust that the foundation you’ve been building together will guide the two of you through however this conversation will go.  
Carefully, you settle back down against him, wanting to feel his closeness. You press the side of your face to his chest, over his heart, and drape your left arm over his torso. His hand trails up and down your arm tenderly, while his other arm holds you, patiently waiting.
You take a deep breath and then let your thoughts flow into words. “Are you at all worried that we have been married three-quarters of a year,” you begin, “time enough for me to be with child, and yet we have no heir on the way?”
He hums in thought, not immediately answering.
You know the silence is short, but it feels long because you anxiously await his thoughts.
“No,” he finally answers.
He does not elaborate, and though when Steve chooses to speak and when he chooses to keep his thoughts to himself is something you have noted and admired in his character as a king, on this matter you crave every word of his thoughts.
He sits up and pulls you into his lap, arms encircling you entirely.
“I am realizing we have never spoken about this with each other,” he says.
“And I imagine we have spoken about it or been spoken to about it with others before our union.”
You nod.
He furrows his brow slightly, studying your face.
“Steve,” it’s you ushering the conversation now.
“Is anyone pressing you on the matter?” he asks, tone serious.
“No,” you reply.
He raises an eyebrow.
“Truthfully,” you reassure him.
“Then truthfully, you asked if I am worried – but I had not realized so much time had already passed. The longer we are married, the more it feels as if I’ve known you for ages, but it also feels as if it has been no time at all.”
You nod. “I think that is one of the reasons I have been hesitant to broach the subject now since it has been many months and we had never once spoken on the matter. It had never crossed my mind, and I didn’t know if it had yours.”
You had wondered why. You wondered if it was a mark of selfishness, or merely a mark on how devoted the two of you had been in building your bonds as husband and wife in your time as newlyweds – newlyweds in a cordially arranged marriage that turned out to be a true love match.
He remains quiet for another moment, and you place your hand on his cheek, relishing the feel of his beard against your palm.
His tone is soft when he finally continues. “I want children, not heirs.”
Your melt into his embrace, heart skipping a beat. Why had you let yourself worry at all?
“But what do you want, my love?”
His question gives you pause. You know the most vital duty of a queen is to produce an heir, but the way Steve looks at you in this moment, so intently, you want to give him the true answer, not merely the answer you were raised to give.
And it’s in those fervent blue eyes of his that you also seem to find the truth of it.
“I want to have children with you.”
He does not ask for you to clarify or repeat the sentiment because he knows you do not speak to placate him in any way, the same way you know he does not try to placate you now.
“You know that I was not raised to be a king or with all the expectations that come along with it. Since the time the crown was bestowed upon me, I did learn the import of all the duties that were suddenly expected. Bring peace and stability to the kingdom, serve the people, and much of that was tied to expectations that I take a wife to give the kingdom a queen, and ultimately produce an heir to secure the line of succession, so I can only imagine what the duties and obligations felt like if one had been shouldered with them from birth.”
You sigh. “I suppose it is a different kind of weight as it’s all I’ve ever known, and it wasn’t thrust upon me as it was you.”
“But that does not minimize its weight, nor am I saying it was an unbearable burden for either of us. But I did feel the weight of it for all the years I ruled alone before you, and yet I stood firmly against any pressure to rush me into matrimony. Call it patience or obstinance, but I was rewarded for my waiting beyond anything I hoped for in that wife being you, and I know I was not your first proposed marriage contract either.”
“You were not, but you were the first I felt confident in, even when it was an arrangement that was amicable, not one with romantic notions or intent.”
“With that,” Steve continues, “I can do nothing but trust that there is no need to rush fulfilment of any of our duties. If and when children come into our life, it will be precisely when providence deems they should.”
“How is it you always say such wonderful things?”
He tilts his head, and the look on his face turns so soft it makes your heart ache. “Your heart inspires my heart.”
You close the small gap between you and kiss him fiercely. This man continue to show he is more than you could ever have dreamed, worthy of anchoring your soul. Your tongue teases the seam of his lips, and he opens his mouth to you immediately.
His hands are a little cold, but you do not mind the chill of his fingers as one of his hands moves under the hem of your nightdress, lands on your knee, and begins to move purposely up your thigh.
“Now, we ought to give providence every opportunity to send a child our way, should we not?” he teases.
You laugh and tug at his shirt. “We should, my king.” He lifts his arms to allow you to pull off his garment. “My love,” you add more tenderly before kissing him again.
He eases back to the ground, pulling you with him, lips locked together. The sentiments shared between you, the always enticing closeness, the novelty of having Steve outdoors, the magic of the spring equinox, all of it comes together to drive the two of you quickly into a frenzy of immediate need and want. You shift to straddle Steve and reach down to tear at the front laces of his breeches. The places where your naked thighs tuck in on each side of his bare torso relish the warmth and the beauty of the skin-to-skin contact. He hitches up your nightdress and his hands caress up and down your thighs as you reach for his cock. Steve hisses at your cold fingers wrapping around his hard length but bucks up into your hand as you stroke him.
“Inside you,” he insists. “Need to be inside you, filling you, planting my seed inside the cunt of my queen.”
You gasp at his desperate words as he moves your hands away and lines up his cock with your entrance, slamming your hips down to take him in the space of one heartbeat. You were not as wet or prepared as he usually took care to take you, but both of you groan as he slots in to the hilt, and you throw your head back, a broken groan escaping your throat. The pain is surged with pleasure, and you rock eagerly against his pelvis. The friction sends a shiver down your spine, and you close your eyes.
Steve’s hands move from your thighs to gripping your hips. You lean back just enough to plant your hands on his sturdy thighs, as he drives your hips back and forth with more vigor. The grind as his cock shifts it angle inside your pussy has you panting quickly. He squeezes your hips. “Just like that, my love, take your pleasure, let me give you what you need.”
Your movement grows more frenzied, and you whimper, not quite able to achieve the release you crave. But he knows this, has made a study of your body since your wedding night, and he knows you need more. One of his hands moves up to palm your breast, while his other hand moves to your core, and his thumb quests for your clit, applying tight, insistent circles to the pulsing nub. The waves of pleasure build even more quickly now, and when your fingers curl against his thighs, he tweaks your nipple, pinching, and it pushes you over the edge. You cry out, and every muscle in your body seizes to absorb the ecstasy of your orgasm.
Steve smooths his hands up and down your sides, then moves them around to the small of your back and coaxes your body back down to his chest, his cock still inside of you. He presses kisses along your collar bone, up the column of your neck, and along your jaw, letting you catch your breath. His hands continue their sensual and soothing movements over the expanse of your back, and he cradles your shoulders in his hands when you finally adjust your head to meet his lips once more with your own.
When you suck on his bottom lip, his cock twitches inside of you, and you let out a shaky breath.
“Can I have more?” he murmurs against your lips.
You manage to nod and mewl in assent, rocking where you’re still joined together.
Using his gentle strength, Steve rolls you beneath him, keeping you on the plush velvet of his cloak, settling in the home he loves between your thighs. He cups the side of your face in his hands, and his kiss now demands, belying his eagerness. Though his lips move against yours, tongue licking into your mouth, entangling with yours, kissing, kissing, kissing until neither of you can breathe anymore, when he draws away, your mouth chases his. He grins, and his eyes dance with satisfaction as he presses his forehead to yours.
You’re his, you have been his, but the way he reverently gazes at you as he trails his hand down your neck, over your chest, cresting over your breast, down your ribcage, circling over your hip, and then coming to rest over your stomach, it’s filled with a fervent fire. His hand splays out fully over your womb, and he slowly draws his cock out halfway before giving an even slower thrust back in, clearly wanting you to feel every inch of his thick member and the action has him groaning and you keening beneath him.
“I’m going to fill this womb with my seed,” he vows with another thrust. “Going to keep you full as often as I can.”
“Please,” you beg.
He has never been shy with you, but neither spoken so directly of the physical or biological in your intimate moments as he has tonight, and it adds a new level of pleasure to the experience that fuels a primal part in your core. You thread your fingers in his hair and tug urgently as his thrusts begin to pick up speed. His kisses turn fierce bruising, and you welcome it. But when he can’t seem to keep kissing and breathing and thrusting inside you, he abandons your lips and buries his face in your neck, grunting as he presses on and on. The angle of his pelvis drags just perfectly across your clit as he adjusts and speeds up. Your walls flutter around him, and he rasps, “Go on, give me one more before I fill you up, my love.”
And his rough thrusts laced with his tender words, the way he grasps at your hip, his belabored breathing at your neck, it all overwhelms, and you release a debauched, shuddering moan when your second orgasm washes over you. Steve does not relent, and follows you over the edge with only a few more thrusts, the way your channel squeezes his cock giving him the final push, and he groans, satisfied, as he empties his hot spend inside of you. You don’t scratch, but you draw your fingers forcefully down his back, wanting to feel the tautness of his muscles. You knead his ass, holding him joined into you as he ruts slowly against you, wanting to deposit every last drop your insides milk from him in the aftershocks.
You feel deliciously spent and welcome his weight as he relaxes his body on top of you. He lays his head on your chest, and you hum and press a kiss to the top of his head, drawing your fingers back up to lightly stroke his hair, his shoulders. He caresses your sides, your legs where they are still wrapped around him, anywhere his fingers can reach, but now it’s all languid and soothing touches between you. The weight of him is so grounding in the afterglow, and it begins to lull you to sleep.
You are vaguely aware as somewhat later Steve lifts you up from the ground to carry you in his arms back to the castle. Your body was sated, and your mind as well. You have more to share with Steve soon. You should have had your monthly bleeding last week, and so the possibility that you were already with child before tonight was a very real prospect. Tonight served to quell any doubts you may have had about the prospect of you two becoming parents – that he wanted it, and so did you, and that you were both ready to pursue that journey – but you would wait a few more weeks to ensure it wasn’t a fluke before you told Steve.
And in the meantime, you knew there would continue to be more pleasurable opportunities to put a babe inside you if there wasn’t one already.
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As ever, I'm always eager for any morsel of your thoughts as to what you thought and questions about where they may go next...
↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 months
the ravenous rupture
fused with the foe, chapter five
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a/n: and that's it for fused with the foe! but don't you worry, our wonderful king and queen will return in both of the next instalments of the series ♡ (the release date for the next one is already up on the masterlist)
summary: “I don’t want you to think we have to have a conventional marriage, gods know we haven’t so far,” he added with a tilt of his head, “so, I just wanted to convey to you that if you ever want to be with someone else, at any degree, then you have my full support to do so.” 
warnings: king!steve rogers x reader, smut, fantasy AU (monsters, but not much magic), original fantasy world, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, slow burn, innocent!reader, love confession, crying, kissing, loss of virginity, semi-public sex, manhandling, size kink, belly bulge, dirty talk, oral, fingering, handjob, pussyjob, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, multiple orgasms, aftercare
word count: 3895
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Raising yourself up onto your tip toes, your fingertip still didn’t even manage to graze the spine of the tome you were trying to reach, only the tall shelf it stood on. 
But just then, before you could turn to get a chair to balance on, an inked hand came into view and grasped the book for you. 
“The Biology of Soil: A Farmer’s Comprehensive Study of Dirt,” Barnes dryly read the title out loud, “sounds absolutely riveting.”
“Don’t mock,” you snatched the leatherbound tome out of the knight’s hand, “it is interesting!”
“Of course, it is, your majesty,” he bit down a chuckle, “my apologies.”
A soft laugh couldn’t help but bubble out of you as you exited the library, “you know, you remind me a lot of my brothers.”
Walking at your side, he shot you a squint, “is that a compliment?”
“Well, I meant it as so, but I guess it could also be interpreted as an insult, all depending on which brother.”
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Sinking further back into the plush armchair, your eyes danced from star to star as they glinted back at you through the big library window. 
The full moon was so bright that you hadn’t needed to light a candle in order to make out the sentences in the open book that rested in your lap. 
But suddenly, the creak of the heavy double doors to the chamber found your ears and when you twisted your head to discover who it was, your frame immediately sprung up from your comfortable seat. The forgotten tome tumbled to the floor with a dull thump as the embroidered dressing gown you wore over your ivory chemise fluttered around your legs as you swiftly stood.
“Your majesty–, Steve, I mean, Steve,” you clumsily corrected yourself, “hi, hello.”
“Evening,” he simply smiled, slowing his stride as he watched you bend down to pick the hardback off the floor. 
Hugging the book to your chest, you blew out a breath, “what–, uh…” you eyed the loose linen shirt he had sloppily tugged into his trousers, “what are you doing here?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” he shrugged, “thought a boring novel might do the trick,” letting his fingertips kiss the ends of each bookcase as he neared you by the window, “what about you?”
“Yeah, I can’t sleep either,” a soft sigh flowed from your lips, “my mind just doesn’t seem to wanna settle down these days…”
A gentle furrow appeared to Steve’s brow, “what’s troubling you?”
“Ah, it’s nothing,” you placed the book down on the round side table by the armchair. 
“If it’s keeping you up then it’s not nothing,” gripping the tall back of the chair, he rested against it as he gazed at your visage in the moonlight, “come on, you can talk to me.”
The knot in your chest tightened, “no, I can’t,” and you averted your gaze to the stone floor, “I really can’t…”
“Because–…” clenching your jaw in an effort to keep tears at bay, you briefly shot him a glare as you snapped, “because I just can’t, alright?” squeezing your eyes shut, you quietly muttered just beneath your breath, “gods… how long will I have to wait…” 
Having apparently had better hearing than you’d thought, Steve then queried, “wait for what?”
Fluttering your eyes back open, you met his gaze and uttered sombrely, “…for it to pass…” feeling your heart thump painfully in your chest just from the mere sight of him. 
A low sigh slowly seeped out of his lungs before his unwavering gaze averted to the upholstery of the chair, “…I hope you know that I’ve grown to care for you a great deal. You’re a very dear friend,” he uttered with the utmost sincerity, “and as a dear friend, I wish for you nothing but the purest of happiness. I want you to experience all of the great and wonderful things that life has to offer,” his ocean eyes then drifted back up to catch yours, “don’t let our union hold you back for any of that.”
Sucking in a breath, you asked, “what do you mean?”
“I don’t want you to think we have to have a conventional marriage, gods know we haven’t so far,” he added with a tilt of his head, “so, I just wanted to convey to you that if you ever want to be with someone else, at any degree, then you have my full support to do so.” 
Averting your gaze, “…is that what you want?” you dug your nails into your opposite palm, “for us both to openly be with other people?”
“I don’t want you to be lonely and depressed,” fragments of desperation resonated in his tone, “you’ve already experienced more than one lifetime of hardships and I really don’t want this to be another one. So, when you fall in love, please don’t hesitate. You of all people deserve to experience that.” 
“…I–…” a shaky breath escaped you, “I can’t–…”
“…you can’t?” he echoed in nearly a whisper. 
“I can’t because–…” lifting your gaze, the library around you grew more blurry by the second, “because I can’t stop thinking about you,” you revealed, “from the moment that I wake to even the dreams that possess me at night. I can not shake you from my thoughts no matter how hard I try,” as you blinked, a tear escaped and rolled down your cheek, “Steve, I wish for you to experience those very joys you speak of just as fiercely. I just want you to be happy even if I’m not the source.”
Looking as if he was scarcely breathing at all, his gaze stayed fixed upon you as he uttered, “dove, why do you think I wish that for you?” your eyes grew wide at his confession, “I don’t wanna be with someone else when you are the one I want by my side,” his fingers faltered from the grip they had on the back of the armchair as his slow steps began to carry him closer to where you stood, “not just as my queen, but as my friend, as my conscience, as my judgement, as my heart,” his eyes glistened as he then declared, “I am yours, Y/n. I didn’t plan for it, I don’t even know when it happened or how, but I do know that it’s true.”
Closing the short distance that remained, you walked up and pulled him down as you began to rise up to your tip toes. As you crashed your lips against his, it didn’t take long before you felt his broad hands glide over your waist. 
Breaking the kiss, you retracted just enough to catch the beguiling look in his eye. The corners of his lips drew up dreamily just as yours did right before you dove back in.
As your fingers weaved in his beard, so did his tongue as it danced against your own, making you lightheaded as your feet began to shuffle back, though you didn’t realise that you’d even been moving till your spine crashed against a sturdy bookcase. 
Parting momentarily at the impact, a soft giggle swiftly followed your initial squeak the collision conjured. As his gentle chuckle echoed your own, Steve’s palm caressed down your features before he captured your lips once more. 
When the fire inside of you crackled and burned too hot for you to ignore, you pulled back, a glossy string of saliva still kept you connected a moment before you gasped, “Steve, I–… I–…”
Resting his palms over yours as they clutched the top of his tunic, he tilted his chin back further, “what?” creating enough of a distance between you to truly check in. 
But how you were going to ask of him what you desired remained a mystery, no matter how hard you scrambled your fuzzy mind. So instead, you wrapped your fingers around one of his wrists and slowly guided it lower. 
“Dove…” he sucked in a breath as his gaze shadowed the journey you were taking his touch on, “do you wanna–…” finding your eye, he asked you softly, “you sure you know what it is you’re asking for?” 
“Yes,” swiftly flowed out of you as you nodded dizzily, “I–… I know. I read the books, I read all of them, I know how it all works,” your rushed words conjured a lovely little chuckle from the royal, “I just–… please?” your hot breathed fanned across his features as he leaned back in close, “I–… I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you…” with your fingers still enveloped around his wrist, his touch slowly began to take over and to move on its own, “fantasising about what you might be like…” unhurriedly ghosting up and down the curve of your waist, “about what your touch must feel like…” each time creeping closer and closer to where you wished for him to caress, “how it differs compared to my own…” till his teasing touch ended each fluttering swoop with feather-light grazes at both the swell of your tits, as well as the lower part of your abdomen, just before he actually reached anything real, through still leaving you utterly dazed. 
Leaning a forearm against the shelf behind you, he smirked, “…you think about me?” 
“Every night,” you dug your fingers in the fabric of your chemise and pleadingly began to hike it up, “sometimes the sun doesn’t even manage to set before I need a moment alone… all because of you.”
As he then captured your lips in a fierce kiss, his wandering hand dipped under your thin shift before you’d even raised the hem completely. When his touch found your buzzing pearl, a whimper slipped from your lungs and vibrated against his tongue as your grip on the fabric faltered and it dropped to hang around his wrist like a curtain.
“Is this how you dreamed about me touching you?” he gazed down at you, smiling at the way you struggled to keep your eyes open. 
Mind melting to ooze, you bubbled, “yes–, but also–, oh!” your brows knit together as he switched to circle your clit harder, “a-also–”
“Also how?” you could hear your want reverberate off the palace walls as he touched you, “did you dream about me kissing you down here?” holding your gaze, Steve then sank to his knees before you. 
Your breaths came in ragged as you blinked down at him, “y-yes,” watching intently as he dipped his head under your gathered-up skirts. The sloppy pecks he then lavishly began to plant over your glistening petals felt like nothing you’d ever imagined, “oh, that’s–,” you let out a broken moan, “don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
Throwing your head back against the bookcase, Steve’s grip buried in your crumbled clothes as his soft tongue dragged through your desperation. 
Letting go of your chemise with one hand, it drifted down your hip. Enclosing his lips around your throbbing clit, he sucked down hard as his fingers joined to sweep through your mess, only parting from you for a breath, “gods, you taste so fucking good,” before he eased one digit inside your clenching cunt. 
You barely noticed that it was falling before the robe you wore slipped off your frame and tumbled to a puddle on the floor, leaving you with only the thin shift and the king’s hot kisses for warmth in the cold night. 
“I can’t believe this is actually happening,” you whimpered, reaching down to thread your fingers in his honied hair as a second finger sneaked in beside the other, fucking you gently with them. 
You nearly wiggled out of his grasp when his luscious laps unravelled you completely, but somehow the monarch managed to follow your every squirm till he softened his efforts and replaced them with a few soft pecks over your sensitive clit that made your whole form twitch.
Fluttering your eyes open, you met his gaze as he raised the back of his hand to wipe some of your juices from his beard. 
Breathlessly, you uttered, “get up,” and as he did, you didn’t waste any time before your eyes drifted from his tender stare, “take your shirt off.” 
With one hand, he reached back and tugged the tunic off of his head, swiftly letting it drop to the floor and join the fabric puddle already at your feet. 
For a moment, he didn’t give in on his urge to close the short distance between you, simply stood there and let your stare study him, learn the galaxy of his flesh, every little mark and scar that told the story of his past. 
With your eyes still glued to the burliness of his fuzzy chest, you uttered, “tell me again,” before lifting your gaze up to meet his, “tell me again so that I know this is real.”
Reaching out to grasp your right hand, he said, “it’s real,” stepping closer as he placed your ceremonially scarred palm over his heart, “I’m real, this is real,” his fingers on his own marked hand, which clasped over yours, gently brushed over your knuckles as he spoke, “I am yours,” he shifted again and closed the small gap between you, “I will always be yours till my dying breath.”
Sucking in a shaky breath, you watched as the moonlight glinted in the blue of his eyes, making them look like the sea on a stormy night. 
“I think my heart has belonged to you ever since the dragon attack,” you professed, “though it took me a while longer before I realised what it was, why you made me feel the way that you do,” you parted your fingers against his chest, “Steve,” and let his weave in with your own, “I love you.”
Using his hold as an advantage, Steve yanked you to him till your lips crashed against his. Letting your free hand wander across his warm skin, it swiftly came down to cup the palpable tent in his trousers.
“Fuck…” he groaned lowly as you offered him a light pet. 
As you shifted to fiddle after the buttons on the side of his breeches, even the aid of your other hand didn’t yield any success in undoing more than one of them. Swiftly coming to your rescue, you swore it only took him three seconds before they hung loose enough around his hips for his cock to spring free.
You felt like you couldn’t breathe as you glanced down at length which stood so proud it poked you in the stomach. If only you had the proper context to truly know how intimidated you should have been at the discovery of his fat girth. 
Hesitantly inching your fingers closer as you stared, you asked, “can I–…?”
“Mhm,” he hummed as he slowly brought your hand the rest of the way down, engulfing his own grasp around yours and gently showing you how to touch him. 
As a sinful curse flowed from Steve’s lips, his free hand drifted up to weave itself into your hair. 
“Will it hurt?” you watched how your fingers failed to meet on the other side of his girth. 
“I don’t know, I hope not,” his forehead rested against your own, “but if it does, then we just stop and figure something else out, okay?”
“Okay…” you hazily nodded. 
Feeling his fingers flex around your own, you saw precum glint at the bulbous tip. 
“It’s all for you, dove,” you felt him throb at your touch, “all because of you,” a desperate growl then seeped out of his lungs as he seized your lips in a fervent kiss, and the next thing you knew, the whole world fell out from under you as he scooped you up into his arms. When a shrill yelp escaped you, Steve simply readjusted his grip on you and said, “don’t worry, I’ve got you,” nipping gently at your neck, “I won’t let you fall.”
With your fingers still grasping his girth, the new position now had your pussy pressed dangerously close to it, so close that you couldn’t help but sweep the head of his cock through your soppy folds and drench him. Tapping your clit a few times, the instinctual drive of his hips triggered you to simply cup his length near and let him part your pretty petals and lather himself in your needy nectar. Each desperate thrust ended in an electric nudge at your pearl, rendering you to whimper shakily into the night. 
But then suddenly, in the fog of it all, the very tip of him caught your entrance and slipped inside, purely because of just how wet and ready you were. 
“O-oh, fuck!” everything froze as you reeled at the staggering sensation, breathlessly digging your nails into his broad shoulders and leaving crescent-shaped marks in their wake.
“Sorry,” he hastily panted, “you okay?”
“Uh–… uh-huh,” you nodded fuzzily, shutting your eyes a moment as you caught your breath. 
But then as your gaze fluttered open once more, you caught his stare and offered him a short, affirming nod, holding his eye as he slowly began to move. 
Your mouth hung agape as he shallowly fucked you, barely even giving you anything but still turning you into goo in his grasp. 
“Y-you’re so beautiful,” you whispered as you fluttered around him. 
Gliding you’re your palm up to his cheek, moans tumbled out of you both as he gently began to offer you more. Your legs couldn’t help but twitch in his grasp as he practically split you in half with the way he eased you down on his fat cock. 
“You’re doing so well,” his face crumbled up in a silent moan as you felt every detail of him slowly stretch you out, “gods, you’re so wet…”
And the next thing you knew, it wasn’t so slow and steady any longer, as the bookcase your spine was pressed against rattled at his efforts. 
You thought before that just the bulbous head of him was overwhelming, but to have that tip kiss desperately against the deepest part of you was something else entirely. You couldn’t speak, you couldn't think, you could barely even breathe, just go slack in his firm hold and feel him, not just right there, but fucking everywhere, that’s how stuffed you were. 
Steve’s strength wasn’t that novel to you these days, but to have him lift you up and sink you down on his cock, like you were just a leaf on the wind, still managed to amaze you. 
“F-fuck,” you blubbered as you tumbled over the edge once more, “oh, fuck!” accidentally knocking a few books down as one of your arms flailed for purchase. 
You barely registered the loud thud the crashing books emanated as your frame melted down into his hold. Your face buried itself in the crook of his neck as he breathlessly came to a halt, still embedded deep inside of your clenching cunt. 
The sound of his breaths directly in your ear helped to soothe your tingling senses as he rested his cheek against the crown of your head. 
Shifting his feet, Steve carried you the short distance over to the comfortable armchair you’d inhabited earlier. Carefully sitting down in it and keeping you in his lap, his arms silkily slid up your back and hugged you close. 
After persuading you to curl out of your hiding spot by planting soft pecks all over your face, you blinked down at him, bathed in the moonlight that gushed in from the tall window beside where you sat.
Gliding a hand around to your front, Steve gently tugged on the thin string at your neckline, undoing the bow, before he pulled the shoulders down your arms till you slid out of the sleeves and the top of the undergarment crumbled to gather at your waist with the rest of the fabric. 
As he pressed his lips to the peak of your tits, one of his palms accompanied the kisses. A soft whine flowed out of you as your hand slid down to where your bodies were still joined and played with your puffy pearl. 
Casting a glance down, he groaned, “yeah, rub that little clit for me,” and your hips intuitively began to rock gently. 
As you touched yourself, something else caught your attention as you slowly began to ride him. At the lower part of your stomach, you felt the dull bulge of his staggering size poke your palm steadily to the rhythm of your gentle efforts.
Letting your pebbly nipple escape from his lips with a pop, his gravelly timbre washed over you as you slowly rocked, “that’s it, fuck–,” his grip slid down to be firm on your ass, “that’s my girl.”
Abruptly, as if snapping out of a trance, you notice just how loud you both were being.
“Wait,” you shushed him though didn’t halt your hips motions, “we’re in the library, someone could hear us!”
“Then fucking let them hear us,” his fingers dug into your ass as he desperately took over and bounced you in his lap, manhandling you as he slammed you down on his cock hard enough for you to lose your breath, “no one would dare bother us, trust me.”
And before you knew it, your cunt clamped down one last time around his cock, hard enough to halt his efforts and milk him of all of his worth. 
Weakly letting his dick slip out, your skin was practically glued to his as you plastered yourselves to each other and you sensed his hot load slowly leaked out of your sensitive hole. 
As you listened to his heartbeat slowly return to normal and your heavy lids fought to stay open, a thought entered your mind. 
“Hey, Steve?”
Shifting his arms around you, his soft hum washed over you, “hm?”
Keeping your voice low, you shared, “I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight…” but to your surprise, a gentle chuckle then rumbled in his chest, “what?” you lifted your head and blinked up at him, “why are you laughing?”
“I’m sorry, it’s just­­–,” he smiled, gazing down at you as if Zondür himself had divinely created you especially for him, “you really think I’d let you skip off to your room alone after all of that, like it never even happened?” 
Huffing out a short giggle, you lowered your glance, “well, when you put it like that…”
“Yes,” he pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose, “if you want me to sleep beside you, I will,” rising from his comfortable seat, he readjusted his grip on you, twisting you to him as he hooked an arm behind your knees and at your back. As he carried you close, he began to lumber out of the library and down the hallway, concurring the short distance to where your chambers lied, “my queen, I would love nothing more for the rest of my days than to fall asleep with your head on my chest and wake up to your softness arching against me…”
Flexing your fingers around his neck, you raised yourself up enough to capture his lips in a tender kiss one last time just as he kicked your bedroom door shut behind you both.
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
365 notes · View notes
spring-picnics · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐈
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shy away by @/velvetcloxds
your first night in the avengers tower. tony stark x reader
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you never expected that he would fall out of love like this. mcu!peter parker x reader
close to my heart by @peterbenjiparker
friends don't treat each other like this. mcu!peter parker x reader
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bucky and a doofenschmirtz reader. bucky barnes x reader
goodbye by @lovelybarnes
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"he's not completely useless... he can be used as a bad example." bucky barnes x reader
meeting at the grave by @electrosspidey
you meet a handsome stranger at an old friend's gravestone. mcu!peter parker x reader
a correspondence of obligation by @/pellucid-constellations
you unexpectedly fall for the king you are betrothed too. bucky barnes x reader
those summer nights by @waitimcomingtoo
being a camp counsellor with someone you hate. tom holland x reader
wicked game by @/waitimcomingtoo
he shouldn't have played that game with your heart. tom holland x reader
delicate by @/waitimcomingtoo
getting drunk and tom taking care of you. tom holland x reader
always leaving by @desireav
a slytherin in a relationship with a head gryffindor??? harry potter x reader
ease my mind by @wkemeup 
in order to save bucky, you have to break your promise. bucky barnes x reader
the problem by @scandalous-chaos
he thinks he isn't good enough for you. remus lupin x reader
the gold dress by @/scandalous-chaos
you make him jealous. remus lupin x reader
blurb by @luveline
enemies to lovers. remus lupin x reader
pomegranate by @/scandalous-chaos 
fake dating. remus lupin x reader
casual dominance with remus by @/evermoreal
being in a relationship with remus lupin. remus lupin x reader
wait for you by @ptergwen
asking mj out. mj x reader
downfall by @eleganthottubfun
nate shouldn't have let his jealousy take over. nate jacobs x reader
'cause i don't want you like a best friend by @/evermoreal
friends to lovers. sirius black x reader
our girl by @beaucherie
you've been distant from sirius and remus, so they confront you. poly!wolfstar x reader
am i interrupting something? by @thehalfbloodedwitch
you and harry have something special; don't let someone in between you. harry potter x reader
imagine being ben gross' academic rival by @land-of-the-fandom
rivals to lovers with a cute, but annoying guy. ben gross x reader
blurb by @mirclealignr
flirting with pietro. pietro maximoff x reader
doting by @/desireav
a fratboy pines over you. james potter x reader
the odds of affection by @/desireav
meeting theo's friends. theodore nott x reader
one last dance by @/velvetcloxds
you didn't take the chance. steve rogers x reader
linger by @totheblood
he was assigned to take care of you. mcu!peter parker x reader
blurb by @natashxromanovf
showing bucky and nat your blog. bucky barnes x reader, natasha romanoff x reader
misunderstanding by @thebrookemunson
remus thinks you like sirius. remus lupin x reader
you by @cryonme
being theo's home; one that he must protect. theodore nott x reader
blurb by @gracesmusings
a fight with george. george weasley x reader
blurb by @/gracesmusings
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my heart and soul by @whateveriwant
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i lied by @ladyvesuvia
you promised to love each other forever. bucky barnes x reader
revenge is sweet by @t-lostinworlds
fake dating the football captain to get back at your cheating ex. tom holland x reader
happier by @bradtomlovesya
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over the love by @peter-parkourwrites
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to be real by @softholand
tom holland falls for a singer. tom holland x reader
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reading remus' poetry annotations. remus lupin x reader
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sam and steve find out about bucky's secret. bucky barnes x reader
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two professors who are seemingly rivals are actually hopelessly in love with one another. mcu!peter parker x reader
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getting an anonymous love letter from someone whose handwriting looks similar. mcu!peter parker x reader
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3K notes · View notes
b00inazkaban · 1 year
Let me know if there are any characters you’d like added and I’ll look into it! :)
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☆ Tony Stark
☆ Steve Rogers
☆ Bruce Banner
☆ Natasha Romanoff
☆ Clint Barton
☆ Bucky Barnes
☆ Sam Wilson
☆ Peter Parker
☆ Thor Odison
☆ Loki Laufeyson
☆ Dr. Stephen Strange
☆ Peter Quill
☆ Gamora
☆ Drax the destroyer
☆ Rocket the Racoon
☆ Mantis
☆ Groot
Poly Requests:
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☆ Steve Harrington: Steve Harrington x FtM reader**
☆ Robin Buckley :
☆ Nancy Wheeler:
☆ Eddie Munson:
☆ Johnathan Byers:
☆ Argyle:
☆ Billy Hargrove:
☆ Mike Wheeler: Little!Mike x GN!CG!Reader
☆ Dustin Henderson
☆ Will Byers
☆ Lucas Sinclair
☆ Eleven Hopper
☆ Max Mayfield
☆ Jim Hopper:
☆ Joyce Byers:
☆ Dmitri Antonov:
Poly Requests:
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☆ Harry Potter:
☆ Ron Weasley: CG!Ron Weasley x Little!GN!reader
☆ Hermione Granger:
☆ Fred Weasley: CG!Fred Weasley x Little!Fem!Reader
☆ George Weasley: George Weasley x reader ; CG!George Weasley x LittleMale!Reader
☆ Neville Longbottom: Sub!Neville x Dom!Reader**
☆ Draco Malfoy:
☆ Blaise Zambini:
☆ Enzo Berkshire:
☆ Mattheo Riddle:
☆ Theo Nott:
☆ Pansy Parkinson:
Marauders Era or Lighting Era:
☆ Lucius Malfoy:
☆ Narcissa Malfoy:
☆ Severus Snape:
☆ Bellatrix Lestrange:
☆ Barty Crouch Jr. :
☆ Evan Rosier:
☆ Pandora Rosier:
☆ Zahara Zambini:
☆ Regulus Black:
☆ Sirius Black:
☆ Remus Lupin:
☆ Lily Evans:
☆ Marlene McKinnon:
☆ Mary McDonald:
☆ Dorcas Meadows:
☆ Newt Scamander:
☆ Thesus Scammander:
☆ Jacob Kowalski:
☆ Queenie Goldstein:
☆ Albus Dumbledore (young):
☆ Gellart Grindlewald (young):
Poly Requests:
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☆Aaron Hotchner
☆ Jason Gideon
☆ Spencer Reid
☆ Derek Morgan
☆ JJ/ Jennifer Jareau
☆ Elle Greenaway
☆ Penelope Garcia
☆ Emily Prentiss
☆ David Rossi
Poly Requests:
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☆ Anthony Bridgerton
☆ Benedict Bridgerton
☆ Colin Briderton
☆ Daphne Bridgerton
☆ Eloise Bridgerton
☆ Simon Basset
☆ Penelope Fetherington
☆ Queen Charlotte (Young)
☆ King George (Young)
Poly Requests:
Queen charlotte x reader x King George
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☆ Leonardo: NSFW alphabet
☆ Raphael:
☆ Donnatelo:
☆ Michelangelo: Mikey x Reader
☆ April O'Neil:
☆ Casey Jones:
Poly Requests:
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; April 4-in-1; turtles are manspreading and you want payback 😚
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; Casey tries to flirt with reader but she puts down the idea and the turtles are proud
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☆ Pete Mitchell "Maverick"
☆ Bradley Bradshaw "Rooster"
☆ Jake Seresin "Hangman"
☆ Natasha Trace "Phoenix"
☆ Robert Floyd "Bob"
Poly Requests:
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☆ Thorin
☆ Bilbo
☆ Fili
☆ Kili
☆ Dwalin
☆ Bofur
☆ Bard
☆ Legolas
☆ Tauriel
☆ Thuranduil
Poly Requests:
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☆ Carlisle Cullen
☆ Esme Cullen
☆ Emmet Cullen
☆ Rosalie Cullen
☆ Alice Cullen
☆ Jasper Cullen: CG!Jasper Hale x nb!little!reader
☆ Edward Cullen
☆ Bella Cullen/Swan
☆ Jacob Black
☆ Garrett
The Volturi:
☆ Aro
☆ Caius
☆ Marcus
Poly Requests:
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☆ Katniss Everdeen
☆ Petta Mellark
☆ Finnick Odair
☆ Johanna Mason
☆ Haymitch Abernathy
Poly Requests:
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☆ Lucifer Morningstar
☆ Mazikeen
☆ Amenadeil
☆ Chole Decker
☆ Linda Martin
Poly Requests:
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How To Train Your Dragon:
☆ Hiccup Haddock
☆ Astrid Hofferson
☆ Snotlout
☆ Ruffnut
☆ Tuffnut
Poly Requests:
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Across The SpiderVerse:
☆ Miles Morales
☆ Miguel O'Hara
Spider thoughts!
☆ Peter B. Parker
Spider thoughts!
☆ Hobie Brown
☆ Gwen Stacy
☆ Spider-Noir
Spider thoughts!
Poly Requests:
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☆ Mal
☆ Evie
☆ Carlos
☆ Jay
☆ Gil
☆ Harry
☆ Uma
Poly Requests:
☆ @thoughtfulcreatornight x Raphael matchup
☆ Anonymous x Remus Lupin matchup
I’ve redone my masterlist because I was vey unhappy with my first one, and I wanted to add pictures to go with it! I’ll also be adding all my new work onto here and my old work will be on the first masterlist! Love y’all! 💗
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His Silly Princess | Bucky (Oneshot)
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Character: Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader
Words Count: 1,671
Summary: A modern royal love story. A naive princess who wants to get away from an arranged marriage. She never knew that her guard had loved her since the beginning. 
Main Masterlist || support me: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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Zylovia is a country where monarchy still exists. It’s a developed country located near Western Europe. 
It’s a prosperous country, and the number of unemployed is also the lowest. Tourists love coming here for the casino, race car, and music festival. 
But this country has one outdated rule. It didn’t apply to the citizens. Only for the royal family. 
“If the female royal member marries a commoner, she will lose her status."
You learned that rule when you were 12 years old as the youngest siblings and Princess Zylovia. You didn't put a deep thought into it. 
But now, when you are almost 30 years old, and your older siblings are already married, you think this is good for you.
Because you realize you’re not fit to do the duty as a princess. 
Your oldest brother has prepared since he was a kid to be the king. When he reaches the age of 40, he will be crowned as the king. Your second brother will be the second commander in the military. 
While you have a job as a painting conservator at the museum, your duty as a princess is to welcome the official foreign guest at the castle. You learned some languages, but you’re not allowed to give any opinion on politics.
You don’t hate being a royal, but sometimes you feel like living in a golden cage. 
And finally, you had enough because, on your recent birthday, your parents talked to you about marriage. 
The king and queen don’t want to be separated from their youngest daughter, but they hint that they wish for her future husband from the royal circle. In other words: arranged marriage. 
You clenched your jaw while smiling at your parents. If the man from the royal circle is a real gentleman, you wouldn’t mind. 
But the problem is, please pardon the harsh language; none of the men from the royal family are your type. 
Your type of man must have a stable job, look good in suits, and have a nice body. 
That’s why, for a couple of days, you’ve made a list of potential future husbands. After you write it, you realize most of the men are from the knights. Perhaps because you always went to meet your second brother at the military training ground, so you know some people. 
Steve Rogers
[Friendly, not married, nerd, loves to paint like me]
Ari Levinson 
[Funny, beautiful hair, handsome]
‘Knock, knock!’ Suddenly, someone knocked on your door.
“Come in.”
You didn’t have to turn around to see who it was. You have known him for years, and your ears are familiar with the sound of his footsteps. 
The person who walked into your room has been your exclusive bodyguard for years - James Barnes, but you always call him Bucky his nickname. 
Bucky is a commoner and an elite soldier. If there’s a shooting competition, he will be in the top three. Your second brother always hates him. 
He has received many medals of honors, but he rejects a knight title from your father. You don’t understand why he declined the offer. If he received it, he could enter politics, and he doesn’t have to follow her around anymore. 
He’s tall, handsome, with perfect blue eyes and has fine muscles on his body. Bucky also has a primarily female fanbase when he wears the military uniform and rides a horse at the independence ceremony. 
He became a celebrity overnight.
But you have never seen or heard any rumor about him with a woman. 
“Your highness, in two hours you are going to attend the tennis tournament.” 
You dropped the pen and dropped your head to the table. “Urgh. Do I have to?”
Bucky chuckled when he saw you unwilling to go. One thing you hate about your duty is to be the guest at the tennis game. You prefer to watch the race car, but it's reserved for your brother's. 
Even though you didn’t want to go, you still dragged your feet to the dressing room to grab your coat. 
When you were searching for the right outfit, you suddenly remembered. “Oh no!” You didn’t hide the potential list that you just wrote. You wish you could dig your own grave and disappear. 
And you were right; Bucky saw your writing. He furrowed his eyebrows while he read your paper. “What’s this? Potential man for marriage?”
You stand beside him; you don’t know why you feel scared. This is the first time you have seen him like this. 
His slender, pointed fingers scratched the two names with his nails. There’s a big X on your paper. 
“Don’t marry any of those men.”
A small smile appeared on his lips, along with a soft voice, “Steve hasn’t moved on from his last girlfriend, and Ari, he loves to drink alcohol. I know you hate the smell of alcohol.”
You felt disappointed; you crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash.
“Marriage? Why all of a sudden?” There's an annoyed tone in his voice.
You rubbed your head and muttered, “I need to get married sooner, or my parents will arrange marriage for me, their friend's kid. And you know the truth, I had enough of being a princess.”
Bucky crossed his arms. “But, why them?”
He clenched his fist; Bucky stared at her with an annoyed expression. “Why didn't you put me on the list?”
You waved your hand. “It doesn’t matter, as long as I got married.”
“So, would you like to marry me?”
Are you having hallucinations? Did Bucky just propose to you?
Bucky got on his knees. “Let’s get married.”
You still haven’t come to your senses. Bucky started talking again. “Think about it. Both of us have known each other for a long time. We’ve known each other's likes and dislikes. We’ve been through many things together.”
He’s right. He’s the safest choice if you want to marry someone. You shrugged your shoulders and accepted his hand. “Alright.”
Bucky's beautiful smile appeared on his face. Before he shook your hand, he felt you slightly pull his hand. When you saw him smile, your heart raced. “But, if in the end, we don’t like each other, please wait after three years, then we could get a divorce.”
Bucky chuckled; his attractiveness is not just in his physical appearance but also in his ability to manage his emotions gracefully and restraintfully. He leaned closer to you, and his hands gently grabbed your chin. 
As his calloused hand touched your skin, a subtle warmth spread on your cheeks. You could feel you're blushing. “Silly girl, it will never happen.”
[Bucky P.O.V]
Then he rests your arms on his. “Then you have the excuse to skip the tournament.”
“We should inform this first to His Majesty and Her Majesty.”
“Oh, right.” You nodded, then looked straight into his blue eyes again. “This soon?”
When both of you walk through the hallway to meet the King and Queen, Bucky tries his best to calm down. He almost lost his common sense when he saw you write another man's name, and there’s a word of ‘potential husband.’
He looks at you and thinks ‘his silly princesses didn’t realize his feelings for her.’ 
Didn’t she know he declined the offer to be a knight so he could be her guard?
If he became a knight, he would work with her second brother. That’s the last thing he wants to do. 
“So, Bucky, don’t worry about money. When I resign as a princess, the kingdom will give us money.”
Bucky chuckled, seeing his sweet princess worried about their future, “That’s so sweet of you. But you don’t need to worry about that.” He gently patted her arms. He wants to tell you that he owns the famous casino in this kingdom and 5-star hotel chains in a few countries.
When both of you are married, Bucky will ensure you don’t have to work anymore. He is pretty sure that her parents will give their blessings even though he’s a commoner (and he’s super rich). The royal family has outdated rules, but because of it, he could marry you. 
Both of you arrived at the king's office room. The guards bowed their heads to greet you. Then you said, “Princesses Y/N and her guard. Wait… and her future husband, James Barnes wants to meet the king.”
The guards and the butler who opened the door lost their composure. They should have known from your body language walking here together hand in hand when usually Bucky always stands behind you. 
This news is shocking compared to the crown prince, who got caught partying too hard and the second prince, who had a messy love life before he got married. 
It seems like your father, the King, hears your voice. Before the castle butler tells him, you hear the gentle voice, “Come in.”
[2 years later]
<Former Princess of Zylovia Y/N, blessed with male twins>
It's the biggest headline in the country after you gave birth. You feel overwhelmed; you can't believe that you're parents now. 
The King and Queen hold your oldest son, while Bucky has the youngest son in his arms. 
Bucky's eyes are full of love, looking both at his sons. He was almost scared to death since you gave birth one month early. But the doctor assured both of you this is normal since you're pregnant with twins. 
Even though you're not a princess, you're still surrounded by your family. 
And Bucky still treats you like a princess. You almost lost your mind when he told you his business, which turned into your parents, and your brothers already know it, too. 
You want to knock your head; you didn't even know Bucky's business helped increase the country's GDP. 
Everyone said Bucky was the lucky guy to marry the former princess, but they were wrong. It's you who is lucky to marry him.
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Join Taglist? ❤️❤️❤️
@magnificentsaladllama, @esotericgalaxy, @xcaptain-winterx, @buckysteveloki-me, @cherrybubblebullet, @bagoffeelings, @darkofimagination, @starsofcloud @shamrockqueen, @shinytreefire, @thezombieprostitute, @mrvlxgrl , @lassie-bird , @cookingdancingchick , @ordelixx , @scott-loki-barnes
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mochie85 · 2 years
Poker Face
These Wicked Games Collection | Complete Masterlist
Summary: Will you win a game of strip poker against the god of mischief? A/N: A special cameo of my dear friend. Word Count: 1.7K Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Warnings: Explicit. No details of smut, but heavily implied. Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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Loki looked around the table trying to stifle his smirk from giving him away. He had a great hand – a winning hand. All he needed to do now was bait you in and he would win.
Rogers and Barnes had shown him how to play Texas Hold’em. They needed a third player as their usual playing mates were out on a mission. Things got more interesting when the women decided to join and turned it into ‘strip poker.’
Loki kept his cards face down on the velvet green table and placed his hands behind his head waiting for everyone else.
You knew that look. That pompous I-have-a-trick-up-my-sleeve look. You knew all his looks. His tired look. His hungry look. His annoyed look. Right now, he thinks he’s going to win.  You watched him stretch, his shirt untucking, riding up to give you a peek at what you could be winning tonight.
Nearly everyone was on their last piece of clothing. Steve and Bucky were now in their boxers, having negotiated that each sock was one piece of clothing. Nat was in a white undershirt that barely hid the dark pink dusting of her nipples underneath.
Vision wasn’t allowed to play because he would count cards and calculate the odds in his head. Instead, he opted to hold Andrea, the new computer engineer Tony hired, in his lap as she happily lost each round. One by one, a piece of her clothing came off and Vision had to hide her body strategically, making you think she was losing on purpose.
You and Loki were the only ones who were fully clothed. You kept your head low and played safe up until now, letting the others lose their bets and hands. Your father would be damn proud of you.
“Geez, Loki. You have a horrible tell. I know you’ve got a winning hand,” Natasha said as she took a gulp of her beer. “I fold.”
“Ya, work on that poker face, buddy,” Bucky groaned. “I fold. I’m not losing my boxers.”
“I fold too,” Steve said.
“I can’t fold,” Drea said, smiling.
“That’s because you have nothing left, darling.” Vision said as his grip on her tightened.
“Well, my dear, that just leaves you and me,” Loki said in a smoldering voice. If you didn’t lose this hand, you would’ve taken off your clothes anyway just by the way he looked at you.  His deep voice caressed you from across the table, making you squeeze your legs tighter together. “What do you say we up the ante? Last play for all your clothes.”
“Don’t you mean all your clothes, Laufeyson? You forget that I have a Las Vegas past.” You fired back, as resounding ‘oohs’ and heckles came from everyone else.
“All right. Bet.” He smiled.
“If I win, you take off all your clothes, Laufeyson. Including the next time we play poker, whether it’s strip poker or not. You will play naked - as the day you were born. No matter who else is playing.” You arrogantly raised your chin, calling out his bluff. His smile grew wide, reaching from ear to ear.
“And If I win, dear pet, not only will you strip down, but then I want you to walk your pretty little arse down the hall to my room and we can continue our own little game.” Gasps and jeers were heard all around the table as Loki finally admitted to some semblance of an attraction towards you. How genuine that attraction was, or how deep those feelings went, was still a mystery.
“Now hold on just a minute, Loki,” Steve said being protective of you.
“No, no. It’s ok, Steve. I accept.” You steeled your nerves and looked into Loki’s swirling eyes. Your body shook visibly, feeling his stare reach past your clothes and stroke your waiting skin underneath.
You looked down at the table where four cards were laid out. They were clubs, a 10, a 9, and an 8. Then there was the queen of diamonds. You had a King and a Jack of clubs. You already had a great hand with a flush, matching the suit to all five cards. But if that last card turned out to be a 7 or a Queen of clubs, you’d win with a straight flush.
But what did Loki have? Would his hand be better than yours? Would that last card help you or condemn you?
“Are you both ready?” Nat asked, burning a card and readying to turn the last card down onto the river. You looked into his eyes, deep and promising as you both nodded. Nat turned the card over and placed it on the table.
It was the queen of clubs.  
You took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. Loki’s eyes turned deadly as he turned his hand face up. An 8 of spades and the queen of hearts. “I believe that I have a full house,” he prodded, misinterpreting your sigh as a sign of defeat. Everyone’s mouth hung open in shock at his assertion.
He leaned back onto his chair and placed his hands behind his head. A proud grin on his face. “Go on love, show everybody what I’ll be playing with later.”
His comment bristled your edges. He was so arrogant. So cocky. You’re going to relish taking him down a notch. Everyone silently watched with shock and awe as you stood up with your poker face still on.
Loki’s eyes changed into pools of desire as you decided to play with his emotions a little bit more. You traced the hem of your shirt, pinching it and scrunching it up in your fist.
His greedy eyes followed the movements of your hands as you reached for your cards and turned them face up. “A king and a jack of clubs. A straight flush. Which beats your full house.” The last part of your sentence was drowned out by the screams and yells of everyone at the table.
Surprised by the turn of events, Steve, Bucky, and Vision couldn’t stop laughing. Drea and Nat just sat there and whistled as they leered at Loki to start taking his clothes off.
Loki’s eyes were full and round- devastated that he had lost. He looked up at you, at your gorgeous playful face. That angelic smile that had him enraptured from the moment he laid his eyes on you, caught his breath. He was stunned.
It wasn’t until Bucky jostled him out of his reverie that he took a lungful of air. “You gotta do it now, man,” Bucky said, laughing at him.
Loki’s smile grew wicked as he stood up and looked straight into your eyes. “My pleasure,” he ground out, making your skin flush at his promise.
He wouldn’t stop staring at you. Not when he pulled his scarf down one side and threw it in your direction. Not when he started to unbutton his shirt, painfully slow. His grin growing wider with every button. You watched as his hands trailed down onto his belt and the sharp clank of metal resounded in your ears.
“Should we leave? I feel like I’m watching something intimate,” Steve whispered to Vision and Drea.
“You can leave if you want to. I’m getting my free show,” Nat said finishing her beer.
Loki had all but taken off his shirt, socks, and shoes. All that was left were his pants. His thumbs hooked into them, watching your reaction as he pushed them down revealing all his godly glory.
A resounding “OHH!” could be heard from everyone else as Loki stood there in front of you naked. His sculpted body was on display as your eyes took in all the details that they could remember. His wide shoulders, his defined abs, and the ‘V’ of his Adonis Belt leading your stare to his semi-erect cock.
“Do you like what you see, pet? Anything I can offer you later?” He asked with a proud smile.
“All right. All right. Put your clothes back on. I think we should all call it a night. I’m done,” Steve said.
“Awe boo, Cap.” Nat leered, getting up and gathering her clothes. Bucky laughed and followed her into the bar as he struggled to get his jeans back on.
Loki flicked his hands. In a flash, all his clothes were back on and put into place, immaculately.
“Why didn’t you just do that in the first place?” you asked, still watching him.
“Because I wanted to give you a show,” he winked, and he strode off down the hallway towards his bedroom.
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Not long after, the compound had gotten dark and silent. The remnants of the game you all had played earlier are gone. The table was dismantled, and the cards were put away.
Your soft feet patted down the hallway and stopped in front of Loki’s door. You raised your hand to knock, but the door slightly opened to reveal a sliver of yellow light coming through. You pushed the door open, taking that as an invitation to go in.
Loki was sitting in front of his fireplace, a book in hand that he thumped shut as he took you in shutting his door behind you.
“And to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you grace my bedroom?”
“You reneged on our deal.” You said confidently. Loki looked confused as he ran by the terms of the bet earlier.
“I don’t think so, darling. The bet was, that if I lost, I would be the one to strip down naked. And I did.”
“What was the next part, Loki?” you whispered. His name on your lips sent a shiver down his spine, making him visibly tremble. You held his name on your tongue. Your breath invoking it like a prayer.
“The next caveat was that the next game of poker I played, no matter who I was with, I would have to play stripped as well.” He recited as a gleam in his eyes sparkled at your mischief. You took out a deck of cards from your back pocket and proceeded to shuffle them in your hand.
“Care for a game of poker, my prince?”
He bit his lips at your words. “With pleasure,” he smiled as he got up to unbutton his shirt.
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⬅️ These Wicked Games Collection | Chapter 2: The Chase ➡️
@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @athalialaufeyson @britishserpent @cakesandtom @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @glitterylokislut @goldencherriess @holymultiplefandomsbatman @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kikster606 @kkdvkyya @lokidbadguy @lokiprompts @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @lokyxryss @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @muddyorbs @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @peaches1958 @salempoe @sarahscribbles @sarawr-reads @silverfire475 @springdandelixn @theaudacitytowrite @thedistractedagglomeration @thomase1 @user13cabs @vickie5446 @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane  
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talesofadragon · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝
Synopsis: The Kingdom of Brooklyn needs a queen, and the Royal Council needs a noble princess. As for newly crowned King Steven Rogers, he needs a love that rebels against conformity, granting him the solace he yearns for. So what happens when all he needs is not what his kingdom wants?
Pairing: King!Steve Rogers x Chambermaid!Reader
Warnings: None.
Genre: Angst | Fluff
Word Count: 6.1K
Author’s Notes: Requested by the sweetest @crazyunsexycool. Thank you, Val, for this wholesome idea! To all Marvel fans out there, go check out her incredible work!🩵
All Masterlists | Steve Rogers Masterlist
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 and deceiving word in history will evermore be art. At first glance, it’s enticing, delicate, and memorable. A barrage of emotional responses to the tragedies and the grievances of life. Whether in color or in monochrome, in words or emotions, art is a melodrama that lures you in, pulls you toward its undertow. Until there comes a time when you realize that all these stories were never quite this scintillating, they just were. 
“Your Majesty.” 
Steve shakes his head as the voice registers in his mind. It takes him a fleeting moment, about five seconds, to realize that he stands within the confines of his chambers. The vibrant rays of the morning sun cascade through the windows, casting an ardent glow. Another five minutes elapse as Steve blinks away his confusion, his gaze withdrawing from the withered pages of his sketchbook, evidence of the relentless assault of his charcoals and ink.
“Maiden Katherine,” he acknowledges the chambermaid in his room. Her eyes are downcast, evading his cerulean hues. “Pardon me, what was it that you said?”
The young woman gasps, though covers it quickly with a cough. Her errant gaze lands briefly on Steve before it strays away once more. “Your Majesty, I was merely asking if you needed anything more.”
A fleeting furrow emerges between Steve's eyebrows, and he casts a swift glance around the room. To his surprise, he finds it immaculate, untouched by the tumultuous night he had spent, forming dents in his rugs and battling wars within the confines of his sheets. 
As Steve turns his gaze toward Maiden Katherine, a gentle smile graces his lips. Unable to discern the woman's face due to her position, he finds himself succumbing to a glimmer of hope, however fleeting and insubstantial. Within the recesses of his imagination, he relishes the liberty to conjure an image of someone entirely different, a figure who embodies the yearnings of his heart.
“No,” he says, somewhat resentfully. Because his needs are conditional, and what he truly desires cannot be attained beyond the realm of his mind. “That will be all. Thank you.”
Maiden Katherine dutifully bows to her king, leaving him to his own devices. As soon as the door closes, Steve reaches back to trace the somber outlines of his sketchbook. Once more, his mind veers away from the confines of his chambers, transporting him to a realm far brighter.
King Joseph and Prince Steven are a juxtaposition.
The King is the valiant moon. The Prince is the selfless sun. The former breathes preservation and prowess, while the latter longs for equilibrium and benevolence. And no matter their dualism, King Joseph sees otherwise, constantly building bridges upon bridges to force his son to concede and meet him. Not in the middle, but where he stands—light years away. 
Steve, though ten years old, has a keen sense of understanding. His mother, Sarah, never misses a chance to remind him that he’s a whirlwind for this world, and he couldn’t possibly disagree. 
When, like today, the pressures of the crown seem too hard to grapple with, Steve decides to step away. Not forever. Just a little while, until he’s able to face them all again. 
He’s at the Royal Gardens, a place he hasn’t visited since last spring after his allergies restricted him to his room. Now, almost a year later, he comes back, disappointed to see that his favorite tree has grown faster than he has. 
Steve approaches it, hands on hips and lips pursed in thought. How am I supposed to climb it now? he asks himself. He wishes Bucky was here, but he knows his best friend has sparring lessons, so he tries his very best to follow his own lead and climb it. 
He tries to climb, and he manages to pull himself up, but three branches and a half are more than enough to steal his breath. He sighs, seeing that he can’t climb higher. His hands ache from the effort. 
Just as Steve contemplates his next move, a small voice calls out, “What are you doing up there, silly?” Startled, he turns his gaze downward, meeting a pair of eyes that feel both familiar and unknown. 
“Who are you?” he asks the young girl in the blue dress. He knows she’s not a princess from the fabric’s quality, though her charming face suggests otherwise. 
“I asked you first.” 
Steve laughs at the girl’s spirited nature. “I am sitting.” She narrows her eyes, unsatisfied with his response. “I like sitting up here. The tree overlooks the castle grounds. It’s nice.”
The girl hums, accepting his answer. She looks up and then around before meeting his eyes again. “Do you care for some company?” 
Steve would normally say no. Aside from Bucky, he doesn’t like to spend time with anyone. But the little girl seems nice and curious, something he decides that he likes about her. So he nods his head.
He watches the faint smile on her lips as she holds tightly to the nearest branch and places her weight on it. Within a couple of seconds, she perches herself on the branch facing him.
“Hi!” she giggles, kicking her feet in the air. Now that she’s closer, he can see that she’s much smaller than him. A few years younger too. He watches her lean against the tree’s trunk, gazing around with pure wonder. “You’re right. It is quite nice here.” 
Steve shares a laugh with her before speaking again. “Who are you?”
“I’m Y/N,” she announces confidently. He likes it. Both her name and her attitude. “And you?” 
He bites the inside of his cheek. Steve has been conditioned to answer this question in one way only: Crown Prince Steven Grant Rogers of Brooklyn. But he’s scared that if Y/N hears this, she might jump down and leave him alone. 
He thinks she’s adorable and kind. Definitely someone Bucky is going to like. So, instead, he says something else. Something he’s never said to anyone. “I’m Steve.” 
“Nice to meet you, Steve! How old are you?” 
“I’m ten,” he replies apprehensively. He knows that he looks much younger because of his height and weight.
Y/N seems to disagree, marveling at his answer. She beams, kicking her legs higher. “I’m six. Is it nice to be ten? My momma says the number ten is a two-digit number, so it’s bigger than six.” 
Steve barely blinks before a soft chuckle escapes his lips. He leans forward a little bit, making sure not to fall. Y/N is sitting there with anticipation governing her features, eagerly waiting for an answer. 
“It’s nice. I can retire to bed a bit later than usual.” That seems to satisfy Y/N, who claps excitedly in response. “I have never seen you before,” Steve then remarks.
Y/N hums. “My momma is Queen Sarah’s new chambermaid. I came to the castle with her.” 
Y/N nods. “And you? Does your momma work here, too?” 
“Somewhat, yes,” Steve replies. A comfortable silence stretches for a while, both kids hidden amongst the tree branches, listening to the humming of the birds and the voices of the wind. 
The birds fly around, some even landing atop the tree and catching Y/N’s attention. She marvels at them, then she suddenly stands up, looking at Steve. 
“It must be nicer up there for the birds to sit. Shall we go see?”
Steve hesitates. His blue eyes fill with apprehension as they count the number of branches left. There are six in total, two more than there were last spring. The tree is not too far from the ground, yet high enough for Steve to break his bones if he decides to venture up. 
“I can’t climb that high,” he sighs dejectedly. 
Y/N cranes her head to study Steve’s face. “Do you want to?” she asks to which he nods. “Then of course you can. You simply need a little help.” 
She says it so lightheartedly and surely, it makes Steve’s heart soar. Y/N braces herself and climbs one more branch. She extends her hand, palm open for Steve to take. He hesitates, knowing he shouldn’t and that his father will surely scold him for his actions. 
Y/N shakes her hand once, silently asking him to take it. Without thinking much, Steve does. Two minutes later, he finds himself atop the tree with two birds and a new friend. 
Steve exhales loudly, his gaze fixed upon the tree etched within the pages of his sketchbook. He traces the delicate curves with his eyes, although he knows them by heart. Every intricate detail is etched into his memory from the countless days spent perched upon the tree’s branches alongside Y/N.
With a wistful glance, he closes the sketchbook and casts it aside, a reminder that before this artful piece and the memories it holds existed, there only ever was an unadorned tree.
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“Your Majesty, I can say with absolute certainty that if you continue to wear that expression, it won't be long before the entire court assumes the Robe Bearers have skillfully concealed a stick within your regal attire.” 
“Bucky,” Steve grumbles. Though when he catches his reflection in the mirror, he relents, knowing his best friend, and Lord High Constable, isn’t all too wrong. He raises his hand to dismiss his attendants. They bow and exit, leaving the two men alone. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be anywhere else?” 
Dramatically as always, Bucky covers his heart with his palm. He looks down, seemingly wounded, before his cobalt blue eyes lift. “I am deeply wounded by your implicit dismissal and your forthright irritation, My King.” 
Steve rubs a hand down his face. He has endured twenty-seven years with this man, and sometimes, he wonders if befriending Lord James Buchanan Barnes was a good idea. He knows him all too well now. And if those remarks are any indication, Bucky is, without a doubt, mere seconds away from asking him what’s wrong. 
So Steve speaks his mind before the questions begin. “Must I attend this ball?” 
“You are the King,” Bucky replies. “And tonight you shall not only be celebrated but you shall also—”
“Subdue to the Royal Council’s wishes and secure the future of the throne.” 
Steve’s words have a bite to them. They’re sharp and terse, accentuating the resentment he feels toward this ordeal. He walks away from Bucky, attempting to gather his wits before saying anything else. He sits down on his large bed, one hand on his knee and the other holding his chin. 
“Do not think of it this way.” 
“How else must I think of this when I have no say?” 
“Perhaps you don’t have the freedom of choice when it comes to the matter, but you still have a choice, Steve,” Bucky reminds him. He joins his side, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed. He taps him on the shoulder, letting his hand linger there. “The Council has dictated that you shall marry, but only you shall choose who.” 
You couldn’t be more wrong, Steve says to himself. He looks away, the words a sharp slap to his face. He’s never been one for conformity, and Bucky knows this. He’s aware of Steve’s rebellious tendencies and audacious disregard for the Crown's decisions.
Steve knows what this kingdom needs—what queen it longs to have. So why should it be one of noble descent when it could be one of noble spirit? What significance holds the nature of her blood, when in truth, we are all blood in nature? 
“If the choice was truly mine, I would choose no one but her.” 
His eyes are still errant, following a pathway of their own. Though he can’t see it, he feels Bucky’s heavy gaze on him. 
“I should have known you were thinking of Y/N back then,” Bucky comments. He nudges Steve’s shoulder with his until the King concedes and gives the Lord his full attention. He remains quiet, though his eyes say it all. “When are you never thinking about her?” 
“How is she faring?” Steve asks. Each letter is spelled with a plethora of emotions. Carved with longing and desire. It has been a considerable length of time since Steve last laid eyes upon Y/N. Ever since his father banished her to a distant corner of the castle, accompanied by strict instructions to avoid any form of interaction with Steve.
“Well. Though it is beyond evident that she misses you terribly. The mention of you is the only thing that seems to brighten her day.” 
The answer draws a small smile on Steve’s face. He nods, his mind already taking a trek on its own accord, reminiscing the days Steve had spent with Y/N growing up, picturing her dulcet smile and the light that inhabited her eyes. 
Steve has forever been a captive of duty. The blood coursing through his veins tethers him to the crown while unwavering loyalty anchors him to his kingdom. His spirit, alas, was never truly his own, and his heart had long been barricaded by the Council. However, within his mind, a sanctuary exists where his thoughts could roam, untamed and unrestrained, as they collide and soar amidst the vivid memories of Y/N and the alluring freedom she perpetually bestows.
He is on the cusp of replying. With what, he isn't quite sure yet. The mere thought of Y/N has left him momentarily speechless, his mind struggling to find the right words. But the insistent knock on his door reverberates louder than any words he could muster.
“Enter,” Steve says as Bucky straightens and stands up. 
The door opens and in walks Peter, one of the new guards in Brooklyn. “Your Majesty.” Peter bows. “Lord Barnes.”
“What is it, Peter?” Steve asks. 
“His Majesty, King Father Joseph, is requesting your presence.” 
Something within Steve throbs, an ache that resonates through his being. His father possesses an innate knack for impeccable timing, a seemingly supernatural ability to intrude upon Steve's most cherished moments.
Reluctantly, Steve pushes himself up and follows Peter to his father's quarters. He treads the well-worn path, the bitterness seeping through every step. The portraits lining the walls and the chandeliers adorning the taupe ceilings are all too familiar, etched into his memory from countless prior journeys.
His footsteps weigh heavily upon the carpet, each one echoing his disdain for the impending encounter. He takes in a deep breath, steeling himself before the guards deliver a resounding knock, heralding his arrival. With a measured breath, he crosses the threshold and enters the room.
Upon doing so, the pain within him heightens, intensifying to a raw and poignant state. It feels as if every fiber of his being wants to claw its way out from within. His gaze fixates on his father, who lies weak and feeble on the bed, attended to by hovering nurses. Yet, within Steve's mind, contrasting images begin to form.
He envisions himself from years past, confined to his own bed, accompanied by illness and fragility as constant companions. But gradually, the image takes on a bitter-sweet memory.
Steve shakes, uncertain whether it's the cold air or his nightmares that make him tremble. His room feels empty and lonely since his mother's departure, and his father is too busy to give him a second thought. Bucky is off with the troops, stuck in endless meetings. The looming war hangs heavy in the air, and Steve's father has made his choice of soldier, and it's not him.
Steve hates it. Hates being so useless. He cannot even fight for his kingdom, so how is he supposed to rule it one day? He huffs an exasperated sigh, turning around in his sheets. He shuts his eyes, partially because he wants to sleep and purely because he’s trying to force himself not to cry. 
It’s not working, though, as he feels the world closing in. The ceiling’s shadows are suddenly creeping closer, and the walls are wailing as they speed ahead. The door to his chambers squeaks, and he thinks it’s flying off its hinges. But in an unexpected shift, the world around him takes on a different hue, one that brings a soothing and calming sensation he didn't anticipate.
“Stevie.” His eyes snap open, and in that instant, he becomes aware of the rapid pounding of his heart. 
“I heard you weren’t feeling your best.” Y/N smiles sheepishly. She moves a strand of her long wavy hair away, taking a tentative step closer. “I thought, perhaps, you needed some company.” 
Steve wants to say a lot of things. But seeing her in her long blue-green dress made him fall quiet. He’s always loved that color on her. It’s his favorite. 
You look beautiful, he tries to say. I have missed you. How are you faring? But nothing of the sort comes out. 
“You will be in trouble if you get caught,” he hears himself say. Instantly he regrets it. But Y/N doesn’t seem to mind. 
She shakes her head and moves closer. “Being with you is no trouble at all, my prince," she murmurs, settling down beside him and clasping his hand in her own. Steve occasionally wishes his hands were larger, more powerful. He feels a pang of shame for the thoughts that have crossed his mind, imagining the different ways his hands would hold her and explore every inch of her being.
His temperature rises at the thought, and even Y/N feels it. She hovers over him, pressing her lips sweetly to his forehead. His eyes close involuntarily. One of his hands weekly clutch Y/N’s own while the other fists her dress. Steve moans under his breath. “You are burning up,” she says with concern lacing her tone. She moves away, and Steve instinctively reaches for her. She sees the worry in his eyes, deciding to brush it away by running her fingers through his hair. “I will not leave, Your Highness.” 
“Y/N,” he grumbles weakly. 
Y/N smiles, reaching for the bowl of water and the wet rag left behind. “I will not leave you, Steve. I promise.”
“Steve,” King Joseph calls. 
Steve is engulfed in a whirlwind of internal battles, ignited by his father's actions that have shattered everything. Promises that were never his to break have been torn apart, and as a result, Steve decides that he's unable to forgive him. He feels no trace of mercy toward him. No trace of love.
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The coronation ball is a spectacle of extravagance, opulence, and sheer absurdity. The entire Brooklyn Court has gathered along with monarchs from neighboring kingdoms. 
King Stark graces the event with his Queen and their young Princess, joined by King Thor, Queen Sif, and Prince Loki. Steve's gaze catches sight of his trusted Lord Chancellor, Samuel “Sam” Wilson, engaged in conversation with his father and the King of Wakanda. 
And though he cannot see him, he knows Bucky must be lurking in the shadows, sharing a hidden moment with Princess Romanoff.
Steve lingers for a few moments before revealing his presence. He stands atop the banister, peering down at the chaos he is about to face. His gaze sweeps across the room, longing for a glimpse of someone familiar, although deep down he knows it's merely a futile hope.
With a heavy sigh, he descends the stairs, fully aware that his destiny lies in wait.
"Announcing His Royal Majesty, King Steven Grant Rogers."
The music begins, and the doors swing open. Steve steps forward, discomforted by the weight of all the attention upon him. He offers nods as others bow and curtsy, attempting to keep a smile on his face. Reaching the throne, he settles into it with more haste than necessary. As soon as he is seated, his subjects rise from their positions.
"Thank you all for joining us tonight," he declares, projecting his voice with a hint of implicit hesitation. “We’re honored to welcome you to Brooklyn Palace. Please, do enjoy yourself. May this merry occasion pave the way ahead for our kingdom.” 
The crowd cheers enthusiastically, chanting Steve’s name and singing his praises. They raise their hands in the air and clap without restraint, though Steve doesn’t hear them. He’s out of tune with his senses, his consciousness hauntingly distant. Suddenly and prematurely, he’s thrust back into the moment. He doesn’t know how to react when Princess Sharon enters his line of sight.
“Your Majesty,” she curtseys. Steve has always noticed that she overdoes it, lowering herself far more than necessary. Sam once remarked she did it to appear meek and subdued—traits many men apparently seek in a woman—Bucky, on the other hand, remarked that she was desperate for attention. 
“Princess Carter.” 
“Sharon, Your Majesty,” she rectifies while meeting his eyes. “You may call me Sharon. If you please, Your Majesty.” 
To his ears, it’s more of a plea than anything else. Which is why he doesn’t recede. Engaging in idle conversation with her isn't what he desires, for he can already discern the thoughts swirling within her mind, mirroring the thoughts of many other women in the palace. His father had made it unequivocally clear that Steve cannot rule without a queen by his side.
“Your Majesty,” Sharon’s voice beckons. Steve gazes at her, failing to mimic her enthusiasm. “Are you not going to ask me to dance?” 
No, he feels the need to say. I do not wish to dance with anyone. But the musicians are getting ready and his father is pinning him down with a glare. 
Reluctantly, he extends his hand and picks Sharon’s. “Of course.” Steve kisses the back of her hand. Carefully, he leads her to the dance floor, front and center, waiting for everyone to join. 
Bucky stands to his right and Sam to his left. Facing them are Princess Natasha and Duchess Wanda, respectively. Kings Tony, Thor, and T'Challa join next, accompanied by their Queens. 
Gradually, the room transforms into a parade of eager guests, lining up in anticipation of the forthcoming dance. A cacophony of music erupts, and the rhythm permeates the air, setting the stage for a whirlwind of movement. 
The men bow with a flourish, while the ladies curtsy in graceful synchronization. In the timeless tradition of the dance, they take a bold step forward, closing the distance between them. Steve's hands, steady yet tinged with anticipation, find their place upon the small of Sharon’s back, guiding her with gentle precision.
He sweeps across the dance floor, leading Sharon in elaborate and pristine circles. Her gaze on him is imperturbable, features soft under the lights of the chandelier. Steve cannot understand how her eyes can be so alight—they’re looking at him as if he was the present and the future when he is, in fact, counting the musical notes, anticipating the next switch in partners. 
The dance is Steve’s “seven minutes in heaven,” as Sam so eloquently worded it. Though, in reality, it’s a vicious torment. This dance offers Steve the chance to dance with four women—three for two minutes and one for no more than a fleeting sixty seconds. And luckily for him, Sharon’s two minutes are now up. 
He spins her to the right, fueled by a sense of anticipation at the thought of stealing a precious moment of respite. She leaves his arms, and he breathes deeply for a moment before Princess Shuri joins him. 
"Your Majesty, do me a favor and grace us with a smile. I would hate for my brother to be proven right. He is constantly rambling about how my mere presence seems to unsettle everyone around."
Steve offers Shuri beyond what she has asked for. A heartfelt laugh tumbles from his lips, and he’s elated to know that the music is far louder than his unrestrained chortle. 
“Your presence is welcome and cherished, Princess Shuri.” Steve dips the princess, ensuring she doesn’t fall. He brings her back on her feet and continues with the rest of the choreography. “Tell T’Challa you are the single spark of joy and delight this evening has brought.” 
“Oh, I will most certainly tell him that.” 
With a final smile, Steve releases his grip on Shuri, allowing her to navigate her way toward Loki's outstretched arms. Though her departure may lack grace, it’s far more captivating to watch than the arrival of yet another noble lady, who is now nestled in his arms. 
Princess Carol’s face is stoic, and her movements feel robotic, pre-programmed. The silence between her and Steve is tumultuous as the prince leads her through the dance. He’s grateful for her aloofness, granting him the chance to focus on something else other than an unnecessary conversation, or worse yet, a proposal. 
His blue eyes meander, traversing the room with a wandering gaze. In the midst of his observation, he catches sight of Princess Natasha and Marquess Barton engaged in a dance. Their movements may lack the refinement of the other nobles, but they appear unperturbed, swaying to a rhythm that is uniquely theirs. Steve notices Natasha intermittently locking eyes with Bucky, exchanging playful winks and smirks that stir a bitter sensation within him.
He thinks he will never experience this. Never be given the chance to love with all his heart and not his mind. To love for love and not the kingdom. To live for his love to rule and not to rule for his love to die.  
Princess Carol slips from his grasp with unexpected swiftness, leaving Steve momentarily stunned. His attention lingers on her abrupt departure, forgetting the need to steady himself. 
As Steve's palm rests open, a hand slips into his, catching him off guard. His arm instinctively reaches out, hastening to steady the woman who has joined him. The sudden touch electrifies his senses, igniting a rush of anticipation within him.
Blue orbs lock onto a wistful masterpiece, refusing to blink and allowing the moisture to gather, lending a subtle glassy sheen. Steve's steps falter, his footing shaken. Only now does he realize that he has been granted six minutes to breathe and a single dance partner that has stolen his every breath.
At this moment, Steve grasps the true might of the human mind as the dance fades into the background though his feet glide effortlessly across the floor. His heart races with joyous abandon, his thoughts sprint in a frenzy, and his eyes struggle to keep pace, captivated by the dazzling radiance emanating from the figure in front of him. 
Steve's eyes fixate on the familiar turquoise dress adorning the woman’s figure, a sight he has imagined countless times in his most indulgent thoughts. Yet, reality surpasses any fantasy he could conjure. With fervent intensity, he absorbs every detail of the woman before him, noting the familiarities that stir his heart and the subtle differences that ignite a sense of curiosity.
He towers over her now, his height surpassing hers by more than an inch. His presence is imposing, a protective and ardent force. They stand close, near enough for her to catch glimpses of green in his eyes and for him to feel the softness of her bodice against his chest.
Time passes, maybe a minute, or perhaps more. He doesn’t know. Because with her, time is a paradox, too complex to comprehend. Or perhaps, plain unnecessary. 
He notes that no one is dancing, noble men and women retreating to the ballroom's margins. They're entranced by Steve and his partner. Their glances multifaceted, both welcoming and unnerving. But he doesn't pay attention to them. Not when the musicians are still playing, granting him an infinity of respite.
He clutches the woman tighter, lifting her up in the air. The light catches the tiara on her head, the one he had specifically requested for her as a gift on her sixteenth birthday. She had once refused to wear it, claiming she wasn't a princess. And she was right. She's not just a princess; she's a queen.
There is so much to say. Too many questions to ask. And yet, Steve can only whisper one thing as he sets her down on her feet, his lips lingering close to her ear.
“You are divinity in human nature, and I have evermore longed to confess to you this.” 
Y/N says nothing, but the gasp that tumbles out and the fingers that trace Steve’s elbow speak of it all. “You haven’t changed,” she notes. He shakes his head and gives her a disbelieving look as if to urge her to look at him again. “You are just as warm and just as kind. Just as beautiful,” she enunciates, whispering the last part. 
The words reach his ears, carrying with them a genuine sincerity that resonates deep within him. He releases a soft exhale, a breath that caresses her face. Her delicate lashes gracefully meet, pulling his attention away from her magnetic eyes to her angelic smile. 
Steve is captivated by every aspect of her presence, his senses entranced by the enchantment that surrounds them both. “I have longed for you,” he admits. Immediately, Y/N's eyes burst open, revealing a clash of waves within her irises—a turbulent ocean of swirling emotions.
“I’ve heard, and I’m here to satiate your longing, My King.” 
"Prince," Steve corrects briskly. As he holds her waist, Y/N places both hands on his chest. He tenderly caresses her bottom lip. "Don't cease to see me in a different light now, princess."
“I am not a princess,” Y/N refutes. “As for the last half of your sentence, no matter who you become to the world, you will always be my prince, Stevie.” 
In that brief moment, her eyes reveal a vulnerability that tugs at Steve's heartstrings. “Y/N, tell me you are truly here. Tell me this is not yet another deceiving portrait my mind has conjured.” 
“I am real.” 
“Queen Mother Sarah,” she admits. Her voice carries a tinge of sadness at the memory of the late queen. “Before her demise, she called for me. You were away at the time, fighting the war against Hydra’s army. She made me swear to attend your coronation ball. To be by your side once more.” 
Oh, mother. Steve stands in disbelief. Though his mother passed seven years ago, her presence lingers within him. A constant source of comfort and guidance. He can't help but compare the stark contrast between his mother's love and his father's hostility, fueling a mix of emotions within him. The dominance and aggression of his father's actions only serve to heighten his appreciation for his mother's enduring tenderness and thoughtfulness, even in the realm of the afterlife.
“I needed to be by your side, even though I know I will be in trouble.” Y/N’s voice shakes him out of his stupor. She’s biting on her lower lip, her long hair hiding half her face. “Your father will surely order me farther away.” 
“Let him try,” Steve challenges with determination, causing Y/N to wear a wearied expression of disbelief. With tenderness, he adds, "I'd like to witness anyone daring to separate the future Queen of Brooklyn from my embrace."
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King Joseph seethes with a fiery intensity, teetering on the edge of explosion. Anger courses through his veins, overwhelming his senses in the wake of what he has just witnessed. With resolute determination, he guides his son towards the Council chamber, his mind already brimming with scathing words, poised to unleash his fury upon him.
“Of all of the women in this court and beyond, you have decided to entertain a chambermaid for the better half of the evening!” 
“She is not a mere chambermaid, father. You know well who Y/N is!” 
"A mere distraction," the King counters vehemently, his fist slamming down on the dark oak table with a resounding thud. "A disgrace," he continues, his voice filled with simmering indignation.
“A queen.” 
"Never! Over my dead body, you imbecile!" King Joseph retorts, his voice laced with venomous defiance, unwilling to yield to his son's audacious declaration.
"So be it then, father!" Steve roars with fiery determination. "All you have ever cared for is for Brooklyn to be the nexus of the Grand American Dynasty, no matter the cost, no matter the price! Your vision is so narrow that you fail to see the alternative paths, the possibilities beyond the ones you have carved for yourself."
“The avenues you traverse in your thoughts are nothing but insignificant alleyways leading to nowhere, boy!” 
"They are mine. All of them belong to me alone," Steve asserts with unwavering conviction. "They are the boulevards of my childhood and the thoroughfares of my future. They are paths carved by a woman who has treated me far better than my own father ever has!"
“She is insignificant!” 
"How dare you! You have waged wars and battles, leaving me to mend the relationships you have severed. You have sowed fear and wielded despair in your son and your kingdom, and I will not allow you to condemn me or my future any longer."
“No! You will listen, and I will lend my ears no longer. I am the only heir to the throne. You and the Council be damned if you do not willingly allow me to marry the woman who will rule Brooklyn with far more grace and vigor than you ever had. Mark my words, I will take matters into my own hands and fight for love and justice, even if it means defying the entire kingdom.” 
“You would never," King Joseph says, his voice seething with anger and contempt, his eyes blazing with fiery defiance.
Steve smirk. It’s dark and vindictive, sending shivers down the spine of his father. “Watch me,” he whispers, his voice laced with a chilling determination.
He marches out of the chamber and onto the grand ballroom. His heart thumps in his chest, louder than the mellifluous sounds of the musician's instruments. 
He moves through the crowd like a lion king walking through his kingdom. His gaze locks on Y/N, standing beside Bucky and Sam. As their eyes meet, a mixture of surprise and anticipation reflects in the depths of her gaze, mirroring the emotions pulsating within him.
As the world around them fades into a blur, leaving only the two of them standing in the spotlight, Steve's years of etiquette training and courtship knowledge seem insignificant. Despite his mastery of courting rituals and the art of conversation, Y/N possesses the uncanny ability to shatter his carefully crafted facade. With a mere glance, she erases the learned scripts from his mind, leaving it a blank canvas, ready to be painted by her presence alone.
He doesn’t count his steps though he suspects they’re brisk. He reaches out and tugs at her hand, drawing her closer. Steve lets go of his thoughts and his constraints, deciding to focus on her. His lips are fierce as they suddenly clash with hers, and the sound of their lips moving together seems to echo louder than the
The kiss becomes a clarion call, a declaration of war and surrender in a single act. It symbolizes the culmination of suppressed emotions and unspoken promises, a deluge of feelings too long restrained. It ignites a storm of passionate responses, an uproar of joy and relief that reverberates through the room.
In that fleeting moment, it embodies Y/N's tenderness and longing, intertwining with Steve's defiance and resolve. The kiss bridges the fractures of their past and ushers in the promise of a shared future.
Like an art piece, it's crafted with meticulous detail and profound meaning. Its evocative power lingers in the air, leaving a trace of its essence. The kiss is not just a mere gesture. It's an effervescent expression of their love, unique and incomparable.
At this moment, Steve and Y/N claim their own narrative, painting their own masterpiece of connection and desire. It's an art piece that captivates all who witness it, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts and memories.
“I need a queen,” Steve breathes in haste. I need you, he’s trying to say. I breathe you. 
And Y/N laughs, delicately and boldly. She presses her palms against his cheeks, the warmth of her touch fanning the flames of Steve’s love. 
“Let me be everything you need and more.”
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Steve Rogers has my whole heart, and I was unbelievably happy when Val overflooded my inbox with requests!! Still got one Mob!Steve and Professor!Steve one shots to write, which I'm super excited to start with. Btw, how the hell does Val know all my favorite tropes?
Anyhow, I was so excited, so I powered through this one. The others? Might take anywhere between 3 to 5 business months to release them. But Sab will try her best to release them sooner.
Don’t forget to send in your Marvel/Harry Potter requests!
Can’t wait to share more!!
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My Kingdom, Your Kingdom | Masterlist
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There once were two Kingdoms, Brooklyn and Widovia. Two of the largest in the realm. Lying side by side, they shared one long border full of mountains and a great lake.
In the past, these kingdoms were allies and great friends. Their combined strength was said to have brought peace, safety, and prosperity to the entire realm. Until their strong bond - said to be made for eternity - was broken.
The kingdom to the North, Widovia, lost their beloved rulers to a gruesome accident, many whispered to have been staged by their neighboring ally. With this accusation, the friend- and allyship between these two great nations broke. Friends quickly turned to foes.
Tensions rose high until both kingdoms turned their back on each other. The Kingdom up North even went so far as to close itself off from everyone around them. Soon the kingdom was forgotten by most, but not by its former ally.
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Left behind after the tragic loss of their rulers were three little girls. The King and Queen's dearly beloved daughters. The oldest still too young to rule, the late king's second advisor (for the first one had died with the King and Queen) stepped up. He became the Regent to rule until the princess and heir apparent was ready for it.
Over the years, the world had everted its eyes from Widovia the princesses grew from children into young and beautiful women. At 21 years of age, it was time for her to take her rightful place on the throne. But before that, she needed to find herself a suitable husband.
For the first time in nearly two centuries, Widovia opened its doors and sent out invitations to all the other kingdoms and lordships, inviting their young and unwed sons to vie for the soon-to-be queen's hand at the Christmas ball.
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Before she can find herself a suitable husband however there is one more adventure to go on. The three young and sheltered girls craved to venture into the world and explore what lay behind their countries borders.
secret king!Steve Rogers x heir apparent!Reader (female)
taglist: open, let me know if you want to be added
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Under the Mistletoe - a short bonus in between ch7 | non-canon to the story
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
340 notes · View notes
A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother. Part 28
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<Part 27<
Warnings: fluff, Steve being cute, 18+ readers only, swearing, IT'S THERE WEDDING NIGHT! SMUT, fingering, hand job, oral (f-receiving), virginity lose, unprotected sex, soft sex, blood, people listening (medieval shit), Steve being a tease, Steve and reader just being cute
"Another?" Morgana asked around a yawn.
You rolled your eyes playfully at her from where you knelt on the floor beside her bed. Not an easy task in your ball gown, but you couldn't say no to the Little Princess when she asked for a bed time story. "I don't think you'll stay awake for a second story, Little Princess." You teased her. "Now, snuggle your bear tight and close your eyes."
"I don't want to go to sleep." She yawned again.
"I think you do." You smiled softly at her. "I certainly do." You sighed and rested your head against your hand as you leaned against her bed.
Morgana shook her head, "If I go to sleep, it means I won't get to see you again." She pouted.
Your brow furrowed. "You'll see me tomorrow."
She shook her head. "But you're leaving... Forever. I'll never see you again." She sniffled.
Your heart broke at the sight of her tears. "Oh, Morgana, of course you will," You got up with a struggle and sat on the bed beaide her, pulling her onto your lap.
"What if, you move away, and, forget, about me?" She sobbed.
"Impossible." You smiled. "We're family. You're one of the most important people in my life."
"And mine." Steve smiled at the pair of you from the door way. "You're welcome to visit Brook whenever you want, Princess Morgana. There's a room already waiting for you." He smiled softly at her.
Her eyes lit up. "Really?"
Steve nodded. "Just needs your seal of approval." He winked at her making her giggle.
You smiled, "Feel better?" You asked her.
She nodded, "Can I have another story?" She asked batting her eyelashes at you making you roll your eyes again.
"I don't have the energy, Little Princess." You gave her a tired smile.
"I'l can read it, if you'd like, Princess Morgana..." Steve knelt beside the bed as he placed his hand on your knee. "You need to get ready for bed yourself, My love." Steve softly said as he gave you a reassuring look.
You nodded nervously and turned to Morgana. "Can King Steven read to you?" You asked.
She nodded and got off your lap. "Okay... But I hope you're better than daddy... He's terrible." She rolled her eye making you giggle and Steve grin.
"I'm sure I'm much better than your father, Princess." Steve stood up and held his hand out to you, helping you up from the bed. "I'll be along shortly, my love." He kissed your cheek.
You nodded and looked back to Morgana. "Good night, Little Princess."
"Night..." She waved you off with barely a second glance. "Will you read this, King Steven?" She asked him as she held up a second (thicker) book.
You left Morgana's chambers with a giggle as you watched Steve settle in the small armchair near Morgana's bed as he took the book from her.
"Everything okay, Your Highness?" Bucky asked as you closed the door behind you and joined him and Sam in the hallway.
You smiled and nodded at the pair of them.
"Where is the King?" Sam asked with a curious look.
You let out a small giggle, "Somehow, Morgana has managed to convince Steve to read her another book."
The pair of them chuckled, tempted to take a peak at their mighty king behaving so mundane.
"I'll give it five minutes and rescue His Majesty, shall I?" Sam asked with a smirk.
You smiled, "I don't think Morgan a will last five minutes." You chuckled softly. "I'll bid you good evening, Sam. " You bowed your head to him.
"Goodnight, Your Highness." Sam bowed before you.
Bucky offered his arm to you before the pair of you began to make your towards the chambers you and Steve would be sharing on your wedding night.
"I wanted to give you this back whilst we were still alone." You smiled up at Bucky as you placed the velvet pouch into his hand. "Thank you."
Bucky nodded, "It was my honour, Your Highness." He smiled and quickly slipped into his pocket as you came to a stop outside the chamber doors.
"Goodnight, Bucky." You leaned up and kissed his cheek, smiling to yourself as he blushed.
Bucky bowed before you before opening the door for you. You entered the room and let out a relieved sign once you saw Natasha and Wanda waiting for you.
"You look about ready to pass out." Natasha chuckled as she walked up to you. "Princess Morgana make it all the way through the story?"
You nodded, "And some." You sighed and looked around the room you were in. You had an uneasy feeling being in a room that wasn't yours, knowing what was about to happen.
"Relax," Wanda smiled warmly at you as she began to take youe jewellery off.
You hummed, "Easy for someone to say who isn't about to have the entire court listen to her-"
"I meant-" Wanda cut you off with a giggle. "You have nothing to fear with King Steven." She smiled kindly at you.
You nodded, "I know... I'm just, worried I'll make a fool of myself... Steve, is far more experienced than I am." You frowned to yourself.
"From my experience, women rarely make a fool of themselves if they're stood naked in front of a man." Natasha chuckled behind you making you and Wanda giggle. "King Steven, isn't going to judge you, Your Highness."
You nodded. "I know, I know... I'm just being silly..." You smiled to yourself, "It's still hard to believe that we're really married."
"Well believe it, Your Highness..." Natasha smiled as she finished unbuttoning the back of your gown.
With the help of Natasha and Wanda you were able to slip out of your gown and under skirts quickly, the three of you having done the whole routine countless times.
"Shall I brush your hair now, Your Highness?" Wanda asked holding your hairbrush once you were just in your nights gown.
You shook your head, "No, thank you. I'd like to do it myself." You smiled softly at her as she handed you the hairbrush. "The two of you are dismissed now. Thank you."
Natasha frowned, "But we still have-"
"It's fine, Natasha. I'd like a few moments to myself." You smiled at her. "Really, I'm fine."
The two of them nodded and bowed before leaving the room. You were left in silence as you settled in front of the dressing table at the far side of the room opposite the doors to the chambers.
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, struggling to believe that you were someone's wife now. And not just anyone's, you were Steve's wife, and the thought made you so happy.
Since you were old enough to understand, you'd been terrified of being forced to marry a man that would treat you horrendously. Use you as nothing else but a breeding machine. You were terrified you'd be forced to marry King Brock and be treated to a life of misery.
"My love?"
You looked up at Steve's reflection in the mirror as he stood behind you. "Oh, Steve," You sniffled, wiping your fallen tears away, not even realising you'd been crying.
"My love, what's wrong?" Steve asked as he knelt beside you and cupped your face in his hands, brushing your tears away.
You shook your head with a smile, "I'm just... Happy." You giggled, "You make me happy." You smiled at him, making him grin.
"You make me happy too." He leaned forwards and pressed his lips against yours lovingly.
"Did Morgana fall asleep?" You asked as he stood up and took your hands, helping you stand.
He nodded. "After the first page." He chuckled.
"Thank you, for reading to her. You didn't need to." You leaned up and pecked his lips.
Steve smiled and rested his forehead against yours. "She's family, Y/n and I look after my family." He whispered.
You nodded with a smile, "Me too."
A creak in the floor boards on the other side of the door that separated you from the room where the Lords will be waiting drew your attention away from Steve.
Steve pinched your chin between his thumb and index finger and turned your head back to him. "It's just you and me, My love." He whispered before pressing his lips against yours.
You let out a soft moan feeling Steve's large hands trail down your sides and settle on your hips. His tongue licked into your mouth like it had thw previous night and memories of the wonderful feeling of what happened between you flooded your mind.
Steve pulled back with a soft hum, "Just us." He whispered.
You nodded with a smile. "Just us."
Steve winked at you making you blush and look away. "Remember how I made you feel last night?" Steve asked as he slowly moved you towards the large bed.
You nodded, "Yes."
"Remember what I promised?" He asked. "Words, My love. Always tell me how you feel. If it's too much or if you want more. Always tell me, yes?"
You nodded biting your bottom lip nervously. "I have nothing to fear."
Steve smiled against your neck. "Good girl." He pulled back and pecked your lips. "Ready?"
You gulped, nodding. "Can we go slow?" You placed your hands on his chest, toying with the collar of his sleep shirt.
"Of course, My love." Steve gave you a loving smile as he reached up and cupped your cheek. "There's no need to rush." Steve pressed his lips against yours gently as he pulled you closer by your hips.
You let out a soft moan as he gave your hips a squeeze. You closed your eyes as Steve aaslowly began to softly kiss your neck, his large hands bunched your night gown up. You bit your bottom lip as Steve ran his tongue over your neck.
"Can I remove your night gown, My love?" Steve whispered against your next.
You nodded, "Will you, remove, yours?" You asked nervously.
Steve pulled back with a smirk, "You want me naked, My love?"
Your cheeks blushed as you nodded. "Don't you?"
Steve's smirk grew as he reached for the hem of his shirt and practically ripped it over his head leaving him completely bare before. You gulped as you ran your eyes over his bare chest that was covered in hair, licking your lips as your eyes slowly fell down to his thick, heavy cock that was slowly hardening as you stared.
"You're drooling, My love." Steve teased making your cheeks flush.
You gasped and looked back up to meet his eyes. "I certainly am not."
Steve chuckled softly, "It's fine if you are, My love... I'm your husband now, you can drool all over me as much as you want." He said playfully making you blush even more. Steve reached out and took your hand, gently placing it over his hard cock, a soft moan escaping his lips. "Feel what you do to me, My love." His eyes fell shut as you wrapped your delicate hand around him. "Fuck," He breathed softly, "That's it." He moaned softly as you began to stroke him.
You bit your bottom lip as you squeezed your thighs together. You took your hand away from him making Steve open his eyes with a soft pout. If the moment was so serious, you'd have giggled at his cute little frown, but you saw worry and concern lacing his eyes as he stared at you, so you quickly pulled the collar of your night gown open and let the thin material fall down your body so it pooled at your feet.
"I'm ready, Steve. Make me yours." You whispered, staring ar him lovingly.
Steve licked his lips as he gave a soft nod and closed the short distance between you. One hand held the back of your head as the other laid on the small of your back and pulled your soft naked body against his as he crashed his lips against yours passionately.
Your mind reeled as Steve gently pushed you backwards onto the large bed and hovered over you, his tongue and lips claiming yours. A soft moan left your mouth as Steve once more began to kiss and lick his way down toue neck and across your collar bones until he came to the tops of your breasts where he finally pulled back and took a breath, much to your dismay.
"I need you to promise me something, My love." Steve whispered as the two of you looked into each other's eyes.
You nodded, "Anything."
"If you want me to stop, for any reason, please, tell me. You are the most important thing to me, My love... My wife... My Queen." Steve smiled lovingly down at you as he brushed a strand of your hair back from yoir forehead. "I do not wish to harm you, in anyway."
You nodded with a smile, "I know. I trust you... My darling husband." You grinned up at him. "Now, make me yours, My King."
Steve crashed his lips against yours once more, something primal taking over after hearing you call him your husband.
He kissed his way down the curve of your left breast, licking and sucking on your peaked nipple, pulling the most beautiful of noises from you as you rolled your hips against his thigh to get some relief. He smirked to himself as he trailed his tongue down your stomach until he came to the tuft of hair that sat between your thighs.
Steve's large hands gripped your thighs and puajed them open as he dived in and began to devour your cunt.
"Oh, Steven," You moaned, quickly covering your mouth to hide your pleasured moans.
Steve pulled back with a smirk and reached up, pulling your hand away from your mouth. "You don't need to be quiet, my love. We want those bastards to hear how much you love your husband paying attention to your cunt." Steve said with such confidence and vulgarity, sending shivers up your spine. Steve smirked and lowered his face back between your legs.
You tangled your fingers in the silk sheets as your eyes rolled back and your hips mices against Steve's mouth. "Oh. Oh, Steve," You moaned loudly as his tongue slipped inside your slit. You let out another loud moan as Steve began move his tongue in ans out of you, his thumb rubbing on your throbbing buddle of nerves. "Oh, Steeeve," You moaned.
Steve raised his head momentarily to catch his breath and to judge your reaction as he slipped bis thumb that was toying with your clit inside your wet hole.
You cried out as his thick digit stretched you out. You were so pure and untouched. So innocent, yet so curious.
"That's it, My love." Steve kissed your thigh as he pumped his thumb in and out of you a couple of times.
"Steve," You panted, "Please." You begged making Steve smirk proudly.
Steve removed his thumb and gently ran the knuckles of his index and middle finger through your wet lips coating his fingers in your sweet nectar and his saliva before he slowly began to inch his thick fingers inside of you.
You cried out, a wave of pleasure made your back arch of the bed. "Oh, Steve," You groaned sinfully loud ad Steve began to move his fingers in and out of you.
"How do you feel, My love? Tell me. Tell Your King." He asked as he watched you like a hawk.
"I... I feel-" You moaned loudly as your eyes rolled backwards, letting out a pleasure filled scream behind your hand as your orgasm washed over you.
"Fuck," He growled and lightly bit your thigh as you came. He gently pressed his lips against your warm, slick skin as he worked his way up Your body until he was laid beside you. "You did so good, my love." He praised as he wrapped you up in his arms. His left hand softly cupped your breast, pulling a low moan from me. "God, you're beautiful." He whispered. "So... Beautiful." He leaned down placing a soft kiss against your lips.
He then began working his lips down your jaw, then neck, where he graze his teeth across your soft skin until he came to collar bone. Kissing, sucking, nipping his way towards your breasts. Soft, needy moans escaped your mouth as you threaded your fingers of your left hand through his hair ad your other tangled in the sheets, needing to hold on to something.
You let out a sinful moan as Steve wrapped his lips around one of your pebbled peaks, suckling softly as he kneaded your plump backside. He suddenly bit down, not enough to cause any harm but enough to make you cry out.
Steve pulled back in concern, "My love, did I hurt you? I don't have-"
You shook your head, pulling his head back down. "No! No. I-I like it... please, don't stop." You pleaded making Steve smile. You smiled too and leaned up gently pressing your lips to his, pulling him closer, feeling his hard cock press between your thighs. "Make love to me, Steve." You whispered against his lips as you cupped his face in your hands.
Steve nodded, wearing a loving smile as he rolled you on to your back and settled between your spread thighs. He leaned down and kissed you again. He moved his weight onto his right arm to hold himself above you so he wasn't squashing you as he took a hold of his cock, lining him up at your entrance. Slowly, Steve began to push into you.
You cried out in pain as his bulbous head split you open. "AH... Steve..." You sobbed, turning away from him as tears began to run.
"Hold me, My love." Steve whispered against your temple. "Good girl." He praised as you wrapped your arms around his body, your hands laying against his strong back.
You moaned out as Steve continued to slowly fill you.
"How do you feel, My love?" Steve asked as he placed kisses against my forehead.
You nodded, biting your bottom lip. "Strange. Full... A little sore." You panted. "But... I like it." You let out a nervous giggle.
Steve chuckled, "It'll get better. I promise." He kissed you. "Tell me when I can move, okay? I don't want to harm you, if you're not ready."
You nodded taking a deep breath. "I'm ready, Steve."
Steve nodded and gave you a soft kiss, slowly pulling out. Your breath caught as the unfamiliar feeling made you tingle. Steve pressed his face against your neck as the two of you began to moan in tandem together.
"That's it, sweetheart... You're doing so good, for Your King." Steve praised as you moaned and wrapped your legs arpund his waist. "You feel like... Fucking, heaven." He moaned. "Fuck... Princess... My beautiful, perfect, wife..." He groaned loudly as he felt your cunt squeeze around him. Steve kissed down your neck before lightly biting the curve of it, making you moan loudly as he sucked and licked your skin.
"Oh... Steve..." You moaned. "Yes! Steve-"
"Mmm... sweetheart... so good."
Your sweaty bodies slid against one another. The sound of skin slapping skin, mixed with pure pleasure was a sympathy. Soon the pair of you were almost there.
"Steve, I'm... close... please-"
"Me too, My love . Together." He kissed your neck as the two of you whispered 'I love you' repeatedly.
Your eyes screwed shut as you cried out in ecstasy, your cunt squeezed around Steve's cock, taking everything he had as he too let out a pleasured cry as he came.
Steve tried to keeo his weight off you but you squeezed youe legs around him and pulled him down, letting out a satisfied hum.
"I'm squashing you, Princess." He chuckled softly.
You shook your head, "I like it... I need it." You whispered.
That's how you stayed for a moment as the two of you caught your breath.
The sound of three bangs against the wooden door startled you from your happy little bubble.
"What was that? Are they coming in?" You panicked, trying to push Steve off you so you could cover yourself.
"No one, My love." Steve rolled onto his back with a tired sigh and pulled you against him, kissing the top of toie head. "That was just the signal the lords use to let the maid's know our marriage is consummated."
Your brow furrowed, "Why do the maids need to know?" You asked looking at him.
Steve looked down at you with a sorrowful look in his eyes. "They need to collect the sheets, My love..." He pulled them back and revealed the mess that had been created.
Your eyes widened as you saw the blood and looked between your legs. You gasped, feeling tears prick your eyes and shame flood your chest.
"Hey, shh," Steve cupped your cheek as a small sob escaped. "You have nothing to worry about, My love... We talked about this, didn't we?" Steve smiled at you reassuringly. You nodded. "What did I promise?"
You gulped and smiled to yourself as you thought back to what he had said. "You'd have a bath drawn... For the two of us... Filled with lavender oil." You smiled at him.
Steve nodded, "I had someone arrange everything beforehand." He pecked your lips before standing up from the bed still naked. He bent over and scooped you up, making you squeal and laugh as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Steve chuckled, "I won't drop you, My love."
Steve took you into another room that was joined onto the main chamber. In the center was a large wooden tub, easily big enough for two. The room was hot and full of steam, spreading the scent of lavender all around, instantly relaxing you.
"I can walk, Steven." You giggled as he took you all the way over to the bathtub.
Steve grinned and placed you back on your feet inside the tub. As he let go you wobbled and grabbed a hold of his arms, "I'm not so sure you can after that." He teased as he kept hold of your hips making you gasp.
"Steven," You lightly hit his shoulder, "Don't talk like that... It's embarrassing." You blushed.
"Why? It's just us... And it's true." He wiggled his eyebrows at you making you giggle. "Don't be embarrassed, My love. Making love, between husband and wife, is nothing to be ashamed of." He smiled lovingly at you.
You nodded, "I know... It's just the thought of people knowing what we did." You said with a blush.
Steve chuckled as he brushed your hair back. "I know, My love, it's daunting and strange but it's over with now. We never have to go through it again." He gave you a reassuring smile.
"I love you, My darling husband." You whispered as you reached up placed your hand on his cheek.
Steve's smile grew as he leaned into your touch. "I love you too, My love." He whispered closing the gap.
It felt like your heart was going to explode from the love the two of you were sharing in that one kiss.
Steve climbed into the tub amd lowered himself into the water, letting out a relieved sigh as he did.
He gently pulled you down to sit between his spread legs, smirking playfully as you blushed. "You're going to have to get over this shyness, Princess." Steve teased as he stroked your cheek with his thumb. "We're married now."
"I know." You bit your bottom lip as you looked down into the water as it swerled around you. "And I will... But right now it still feels like a dream." You admitted. "I never thought on my wedding day I'd be this happy." You chew on your bottom lip as you played with Steve's fingers in the water. "I always thought..." You gulped, feeling tears form in your eyes, "I thought I'd be forced to marry -"
Steve wrapped his arms around you and pulled you against his chest. "It's okay, My love. You're safe, now." Steve kissed the top of your head as you cried softly against his chest. "You're safe."
@letsdisneythings @smile1318 @readawaythereality @dad-supremedeactivated04291992 @marebare21 @imjustanotherperson @slutforchrisjamalevans @summersong69 @gretavankleep37 @calimoi @noonenuts @nighttimestan @sarahbellesaurus @bloodyinspiredfuck @coffeebooksandfandom @lewisroscoelove @oceansrose2002 @teambarnes72
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jamneuromain · 3 months
Jam, in honor to the song I was just listening I propose a battle for our reader.
😠 + 😉 with Andy VS Steve. Steve was your first love, Andy is your current amazing love. Fight fight fight (not physical obviously lol🥊!
hmmm.... It's such a tough call! But since Andy is your current amazing love, I rule for-
Ugh I hate ex-bf being all gloating and smug when you meet again
Not Him
Previous Steve Rogers x You; Andy Barber x You
Warning: Ex-Steve, Reader is in her late 20s, Andy a few years older than reader (but not mentioned specifically). None?
Summary: You met someone unexpected, your ex, Steve, on your way to your class. What's the worst that could happen? Answer: Andy happened.
A/N: Hiya! Sorry it took so long to get it out :( I've been clearing my draftbox as best as I can.
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Someone called out your name behind your back, and you instinctively snapped your head in that direction.
Blonde, built, and that smile-
"Oh, Steve. Hi." You instantly recognized the man from your past.
You met Steve when you attended high school. While he was the famous football quarterback for the school team, you were practically nobody, and if it weren't for a class you shared, you wouldn't even know each other in your separate lives.
One thing led to another, and you became high school sweethearts, before breaking up a few months later.
"Hey." He jogged up to you. That sunshine-dazzling smile nearly splitting his face in two, "It's been... what, ten years? Wow..." He exclaims, carefully observing you from head to toe.
"Yeah, I mean, I haven't seen you since ... the prom?" You casually switched the pile in your hand to the other, smoothing your T-shirt.
Oh yes, the high school prom where you had two dances before he spent the whole night with the pretty British girl with a posh accent. What's her name? Petra? Penny? Next day, your phone was blasted with Instagram notifications telling you from all aspects and angles how they kissed as Prom King and Queen. Not that you didn't know it already, when you were there, under the stage.
"You-uh heading somewhere?" He pointed at your stack of papers, teasing ever so slightly, "I've seen you still not giving up on studying, huh?"
"Well, I-"
"I'm working as a coach now," He interrupted before you could finish your sentence, flashing his team jacket before your eyes, even tapping on the chest where the team name is visible to any man within eight feet if they weren't complete blind.
"Wow." You nodded, playing along, "Uni team, impressive."
Too bad you were never a decent sports fan that could share Steve's enthusiasm as to which legendary figure saved the day with a ball in their hands - nor did you find being a coach "impressive" ... or intrigued, for that matter, because being in front of glamouring Steve fucking Rogers made you shrink back to your high school self-image again: a small, inconspicuous, socially unidentifiable shadow of a being that you could barely recognize. And yet, the contrast between Steve and you reminded you every single time, that you do not belong to a world of his, a world where books and glasses are symbols of "nerds" or "geeks" and are perfectly fine to make fun of, a world where if you don't like sports - or not being a potential athlete, you should be eliminated in every social context.
"Yup." He popped the "p" with his full lips, "If you want the tickets next season-" Steve pointed towards himself with both thumbs, the lop-sided smile made him look smug as ever, "This guy is your go-to-guy."
More like your never-go-to guy. You scoffed, adjusting your expression to a small smile as soon as he turned his focus on you, "Sorry, I think I need to head to my next class."
"C'mon-" Steve dragged his tone almost annoyingly, "Skip it. Don't you have some time for me, for old time's sake?"
You could have ten more minutes for him before the next class. But you didn't want to. Which was the point.
"Hey, honey." Came a voice behind your back, startling you just a little. An arm draped around your shoulders, squishing you into a familiar embrace, "I've been calling."
You let out a sigh of relief. More so when the owner of this familiar voice took the stack of papers from your arms into his own, and rubbed your sore arm for having to hold the pile for quite a while.
"Sorry." You apologized to your beloved boyfriend Andy, "I must've silenced my phone during the class."
" 's okay." Andy pressed a kiss to your temple, whispering, "Wanted to ask you about lunch anyway. Nothing important." Andy slowly moved his eyes away from yours, and acted as if he had just seen Steve, a 6-foot man who appeared out of nowhere, "Who do we have here? Honey, would you mind introducing?"
"Sure. This is my ex, Steve, from high school. Steve, this is Andy, my boyfriend."
The moment the word "ex" escaped from your lips, you became aware instantly that your boyfriend had entered his suit mode, every available muscle tensing up in his body, and like a good huntsman, ready to strike when he sees the glimpse of a failure of his opponent. Where you hoped that "high school" from your introduction would calm his nerves, it certainly achieved the opposite when you heard your boyfriend say: "Oh..." in a thoughtful way, "the quarterback-captain, am I right?" as he extended his hand to shake Steve's.
Yup. It definitely made Andy slightly on edge.
"I'm part of the coaching team on campus, actually." Steve flashed his identity proudly before Andy, shaking Andy's hand in an equally firm grip, "Go Falcons."
"Oh..." said Andy again, more thoughtfully, "I'm a professor here in the Law School - You wouldn't happen to be the coach assistant of Karl?"
This just turned more competitive than you would think. Yet, it did bring a tinge of amusement when Andy confirmed your suspicion that Steve was too young to be made a coach, while the position of coach assistant was for brainless jocks who did all the dirty work coaches didn't want to, the heavy-lifting and paperworks, for instance.
"Well," Steve sneered, "I thought dating a student was improper conduct, Professor."
"Excuse me?" Andy raised his brows. So did you.
"You heard me." Steve nodded towards you, "Her, a student, obviously. It would be a great unfortunate if the dean might hear about such a rumour somewhere, wouldn't it?"
He said almost challengingly.
Wow. Typical Steve as ever. The girl he dated after prom, the British girl, was rumoured to have had a bad break-up previously. According to gossip that ran in the school bathroom, the British girl was told that her ex was cheating - which turned out to be a false alarm, but they broke up anyway.
Now you guessed you knew who was the little birdie that shared the false information with that poor girl.
Andy snorted out laughter. The corner of his lips could barely contain themselves as he struggled to keep a straight face, "Marvelous." Andy clapped - more like tapping his palm with the other hand, before asking for your permission, "Should you do this or should I?"
You scoffed. Really scoffed in front of the glorious quarterback that you liked a decade ago, "For your information, Steve, I'm working as a lecturer at this university. So, go start your devious little plan elsewhere. If you don't mind, I have a class to teach - C'mon, Andy."
You dragged Andy by his arm and led him out of the battlefield.
"Nice." Andy commented, not bothering to look back at his opponent, with a pleasing grin that was probably going to mold on his face for all eternity. "Did you see the look on that guy's face? Spectacular. So proud of you, Honey."
"Yeah, not my best moment having to face a dickhead-ex." You huffed out, "Jesus, why didn't I know he was that big of a jerk when I started dating him?"
"I know," Andy said, sympathetically, "Don't worry though, I noticed that your choice of man has had a significant change for the better."
You shot him a dirty glare, which Andy took, feigning he just got hit on the chest.
"Sorry, no joking, got it." Andy made a pained face which caused you to involuntarily grin. Quickly abandoning the idea of the ex in his mind, Andy finally returned to the topic for which he came to find you, "What's for lunch again? Cafeteria?"
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Truth or Dare (4)
Summary: What started off as an innocent game of truth or dare between two noble born sisters, Y/N and Margaret “Peggy” Carter, quickly turns south when Y/N meets Steve Rogers and James “Bucky” Barnes. 10 years later Peggy is getting married reuniting the bunch, tensions rise as the sisters engage in truth or dare one more time before Peggy is married.
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: Not Beta'd
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
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Chapter 4
A ball should have been tempting for a young bachelorette yet, Y/N found it anything but. Singles flocked to the ballroom for a chance to meet the love of their life. Even though Y/N was youthful, she was on the older side of the single crowd. That alone had her on edge. She had been sixteen before she left, just old enough to attend her first ball. She attended a few balls over the years but now she had her mother looming over her ready to parade her around like a sacrificial lamb.
Peggy was engaged but that didn’t stop her from attending the ball. As the future king and queen, Steve and Peggy hoped their attendance would encourage others to find love. It also helped that they loved to dance. Y/N was grateful she would have her sister’s support at the ball, but she was also the reason Y/N was standing around in her chemise. Her mother had been helping her dress when Peggy declared she would be attending. That announcement alone was enough for Amanda Carter to drop everything to assist the youngest Carter. The future queen had to look perfect after all.
Left to ponder between a pale pink and powder blue gown, she hadn’t heard the door creak open. Click. That she heard. Lips parted, she turned to her mother, instead a large man was hunched over with his ear pressed to the door. She shrieked, her near-naked body seeking shelter behind the nearest dress. The man swiveled, holding two gloved hands up in surrender. His wide cerulean eyes found her equally panicked eyes.
“Bucky?” Y/N gasped. Her fingers slightly eased up on her tight grip on the blue fabric.
Relief washed over his face as he dropped his hands. “We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” His eyes roamed from her face down to her hands clutching the blue fabric. “Or not.” He smirked.
Although the sight of a familiar face eased Y/N’s mind a bit, he shouldn’t be in the room alone with her nearly naked. It was a scandal in the making. She had to put an end to it.
“What are you doing here?”
Bucky leaned his back against the door, hoping no one tried to enter the room. “Relax, I’ll be out of your hair in a minute.” He waved a hand as if it was no big deal. “A guard is following me; I’m trying to shake him.”
 Y/N rolled her eyes, her tongue pressed to the inside of her cheek. “Bucky, I’m in my chemise. If someone comes in here-” she hissed.
“So, get dressed.” He shrugged, turning around, planting his hands and ear to the door once more.
“I can’t. I need help lacing my corset,” she whined.
Peaking over his shoulder briefly the brunette whispered an offer, “I’ll help you.” He didn't need to turn around to know that she was racking her brain for every reason to reject his help, to kick him out.
After a moment of silence, her question caught him off guard. “You know how to lace a corset?”
Hearing the disbelief in her tone, he sent her a flirtatious smirk. “Lace ‘em, unlace ‘em, you name it.”
The countess flushed at the information. She didn’t need to guess how he acquired those skills. She could let Bucky help her and hope if they were caught that the only scandal would be them meeting alone. The alternative would be to wait around for him to leave and hope no one caught them. Making her decision, she grasped the rough fabric between her fingers.
“Don’t look.”
Bucky was surprised by her soft voice; he wouldn't have heard her had she not been standing directly behind him now. Too busy listening for the clinking of metal to echo down the hall, he hadn’t even noticed her move.
Facing the woman Bucky kept his eyes trained on her face, a silent promise. Without a word, Y/N turned her back to the man, her hands sprawled across the front of the corset keeping it trapped against her chest. Smooth leather dragged across her back from one shoulder to the other brushing her hair over one shoulder. Disappointment crept up her spine realizing he was wearing the gloves to touch her skin. Part of her hoped she would feel his skin against her own.
Her disappointment was short-lived when the first lace was tightened, hard. With nothing to brace herself against she was jerked back into the expanse of his chest. Click. The only thing that kept his front from being flush against her backside was his hands trapped between them. Another hard tug had her stumbling backward once more with a gasp. Click. Her right hand flailed behind her blindly searching for anything to steady herself. Hard thick muscle rested beneath her sprawled palm. Another hard tug. Bucky grunted feeling her nails pierce his thigh. Clang. Another tug and Y/N was breathless. She wasn’t sure if it was from her body being jerked around or the corset. Another tug.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Bucky’s hands stilled.
“Anyone in there?” It was a rough voice Y/N didn’t recognize but the sound of the armor shifting gave him away. One of the king’s guards.
They were so close to the door Y/N feared he would hear her breath. Closing her eyes and holding her breath she prayed he would disappear. Hot breath fanned across her neck. Wet lips pressed to the shell of her ear, “Answer him.”
“Why me?” she whisper-shouted.
“It’s your room,” he hissed, hands tugging on her laces to emphasize the severity of the situation.
“Uh-” she huffed. “Y-yes, someone’s in here.”
Bucky grinned at her breathless tone. The laces wrapped around his hands left his limbs immobile.
“Lady Carter, may I come in?” The rough voice asked.
Panic rose in Y/N. This was exactly what she had been trying to avoid. Worse than being caught nearly naked with Bucky, she was about to be caught with him dressing her. Her mind spiraled at the implications that would bring and she shouted, “No!”
Bucky’s teeth traced up Y/N’s outer ear before nipping the tip. It wasn’t enough to hurt but it certainly shocked Y/N. “I-I’m indecent,” she elaborated to the guard.
Lips lowered again and Y/N braced herself for another bite, instead, he purred, “Good girl.” Her nails plunged deeper into his thigh marking him. An apology was heard through the door before the sound of metal clanking together faded down the hall. Once Bucky deemed it safe, his nimble fingers worked the corset again down to the last lace.
“You’ll find me at the ball, won’t you?” Bucky raised an eyebrow even though she couldn't see it
“You’re going?” Her own eyebrows reached her hairline.
Taking a step back Bucky grasped the door handle as Y/N dashed across the room. The man hummed in response while admiring the woman fastening a petticoat around her waist.
With her back to Bucky, Y/N held the skirt of each dress in her hand. Both dresses were beautiful. “Sure Buck, I’ll find you.”
“If you want every man's attention then wear the pink one.” Bucky offered. Her hand fisted the pink gown tighter. That was the point of the ball after all, to attract a male, to find a husband. “But,” Y/N spared him a curious glance over her shoulder. “If you want mine, I’ll be mentally undressing you in the blue.” Before Y/N could wipe the shock off of her face and scold him, Bucky winked exiting the bedroom.
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Ba bum. Ba bum. Ba bum.
Vibrations emitting from the violins pierced Y/N’s skin, coating her flesh in goosebumps. The guests danced in unison, engrossed in their partners, yet Y/N felt like she was under a microscope. Bucky’s parting words built a home made of stone in her brain. She wondered if it would take a natural disaster to tear it down. She had intended to find him and give him a piece of her mind, but she couldn't deny that she felt powerful. Desired.
“Is it just me or is everyone staring at you?” Peggy gushed.
For a moment, Y/N wondered if Bucky’s words affected her so much that she had willed them into existence. Shaking her head, Y/N laughed, “Maybe it’s because I am standing next to their future queen.”
“Or you are a fresh face in the crowd tonight.” Scanning the crowd Peggy continued, “Think you will find your future husband here tonight?”
Y/N scoffed, thankful for the gloves that stretched up her forearms, clinging to her like a second skin. The white fabric concealed her clammy hands. She didn’t know what to expect tonight. A husband was the least of her worries, not when her mother loomed over her shoulder.
“I doubt that.”
A sad smile spread across Peggy’s lips, “Maybe you just need to find the right dancing partner. That’s how I met Steve.”
“Maybe,” Y/N muttered.
“Hey,” Peggy called in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Truth or dare?”
Gently running her hands down her dress, Y/N debated if Peggy would embarrass her enough that no one would want to marry her. She wouldn’t, at least not in front of so many people. The rest of her life was on the line.
Confidently, Y/N chose, “Dare.”
“I dare you to dance with at least one man tonight.”
At the sound of her name, Y/N turned to find her mother standing beside a man as she eagerly waved her over. He looked young, at least younger than her. His caramel locks swept to the side. 
Peggy squeezed her hand, “At least he’s cute. Good luck.”
Y/N squeezed Peggy's hand in return. She took two steps towards the pair before a man blocked her path. Drawing her eyes upward from the figure’s navy-blue frock, she was met with familiar disapproving eyes.
One word spilled from his lips, “Don’t.” Another warning.
Clearing her throat, Y/N’s y/e/c orbs bore into his own. “Your Highness,” her voice was sharp. 
With his rigid stance, Steve towered over Y/N completely blocking out her mother and the young man. “Lord Peter is a fine young man, but he is much too young for a woman like you.” Y/N held back a snarl. She knew she was older than most here, she didn’t need a reminder of her age. Before she could snap at him Steve continued, “It would do you more good to omit from dancing. Be seen but never captured.”
Her eyebrows rose as a sarcastic laugh passed her lips, “In case you have forgotten my age, your Highness, I am quite good at not being captured.”
Sensing the tension, Peggy’s glove hand grasped Y/N’s forearm. Forgetting the dare, Peggy spoke softly, “Steve has a point. People crave what they cannot have.”
Y/N had not forgotten the dare. She wouldn’t lose because Steve thought he knew better. Grinning up at Steve Y/N declared, “Surely, you will ask me to dance then.” It was everything he had told her, to be seen without being captured. Steve was safe, his engagement to Peggy made sure of that. Dancing with the prince would draw the attention of everyone in the room. Who would pass up the opportunity to marry someone close to the future king? To be of some importance to the future king.
Now standing beside the trio, Amanda Carter introduced, “Y/N, this is Lord Parker. Lord Parker is this Lady Carter,” Amanda Carter introduced.
With a curtsey, Y/N peeked up to meet Lord Parker’s gaze only to find him already bowing.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Carter.” He grinned, extending his hand, palm up. “May I have this dance?”
Peggy was right, he was cute but in a brotherly way. It was easy for Peggy to compliment him when she wasn’t the one dancing with him. Regardless, it was impolite to reject his offer.
“Sorry,” Peggy interjected, sending Steve a subtle nod. “Y/N has already promised the prince her first dance.”
Peter Parker flushed, a string of apologies overshadowing Amanda’s disapproval. Peggy had been kind enough to offer Peter a dance avoiding any bad blood between houses. The Parker family was an alliance of the Starks. While Stark was currently an ally of the king, Tony Stark looked at Peter as a son. He would cut ties with anyone who crossed his family.
Accepting Peggy’s offer, Steve followed suit. With a hand on the small of her back, Steve guided Y/N through the throng of bodies. Dozens of gowns whipped past the two as they fell in step with the other dancers. It had been so long since she danced, Y/N had been trying to remember the steps when she noticed the twitch of the man’s jaw.
“Relax and let me lead.” he hissed.
“I’m trying, I-” Cerulean eyes had her at a loss for words. She had found him, or rather he had found her. Standing off to the side, Bucky blended in with the sea of bodies mingling off the dance floor. Though she saw him briefly as Steve twirled her around the dance floor she could feel Bucky’s eyes on her. She wondered if he had been disappointed by her choice of dress. He had said she would have everyone's attention in the pink dress. Everyone’s attention included his, right?
Steve whirled her around, giving her a moment to rack her brain for the other half of her sentence. When she was back in speaking distance, Y/N spouted, “I feel like everyone is watching us.”
He nodded, staring down at her from his nose, “They are, but that’s what you wanted, right? Just focus on me.”
Of course, she wanted to be noticed, the whole point of the ball was to find a partner. Everyone at the ball wanted to be seen. It was Steve’s idea for her to be seen after all, but she had a feeling he wasn’t talking about dancing.
“What are you insinuating?”
The soon-to-be king’s eyes drifted to Peggy and Peter before zeroing in on Y/N. “Why do I get the feeling you are going to be trouble, Y/N?”
“Off intuition, I suppose,” Y/N suggested.
Steve shook his head, “You didn’t need me to dance with you for attention. Everyone’s eyes are already on you, especially in that dress.”
Bucky had been right. While she had included Bucky when he said everyone’s attention would be on her, she hadn’t thought about Steve. He was engaged to Peggy, why would she consider him? She hadn’t even noticed that she had Steve’s attention until now. The fabric clinging to her body suddenly felt heavier as his eyes drifted south to her decolletage. Though she had been older than most of the single women, her figure had been mature, womanly.
Y/N gasped, lightly pushing him away, “Steve-”
He spun her once more, pulling her close to his chest. A respectable distance to the public eye; too close for Y/N.
“Don’t,” the blonde scolded. “Everyone is watching you.”
“Everyone includes your fiancée,” Y/N’s voice was breathless.
Steve hummed in acknowledgment. Then, ever so slowly, leaned forward, whispering, “So is Bucky.” He pulled away just in time to see her lips part. He let out a chuckle at her surprise, “Bucky hasn’t been to one of these in years. If I know Bucky, and I do,” Steve narrowed his eyes, “it’s not a coincidence that he is here the same time you show up.”
As the song came to an end, applause erupted throughout the ballroom. Without the weight of Steve’s hand in her own, the cold air breezed through her glove cooling her hot sweaty palms. If her hands were a mess before, they definitely were now. With a bow, Steve guided her off of the dance floor.
Glancing back in the opposite direction, Bucky was gone. “Do you think he will ask me to dance?” She joked, even though it was an honest question. Steve had warned her to be wary of Bucky. He might have thought Bucky was interested in her, but she didn’t know if he thought she reciprocated the feelings.
As soon as the words left Y/N’s mouth, Steve howled. “Bucky doesn’t dance anymore. Even if he did try to ask, your mother would never give him a formal introduction and I certainly am not.”
He was right. Both of her parents had taken a disliking towards Bucky, Y/N wasn’t blind. Disappointment festered inside of her. Even though she had already met Bucky, no one other than Steve knew that. Y/N gnawed on the inside of her cheek. Without a formal invitation he wouldn’t even be able to speak to her. It felt like a big secret that everyone else was in on.
When Peggy approached the two, Steve dismissed himself, falling back into the crowd. Concerned, Peggy began to grill Y/N, “What’s wrong? You’ve gone pale.”
Y/N waved her off, “I just need to sit down.”
The younger Carter pulled out a chair extending it to Y/N.
“Guess what Lord Parker told me,” Peggy began the second Y/N was seated. Without waiting for a response, she carried on. “He spotted Bucky in the cardroom earlier. He hasn’t been to anything in years. I’m sure Steve will be pleased.”
“Excuse me,” a pretty blonde woman approached the two sisters. “Pardon my eavesdropping, did I hear you say Bucky is here?”
Peggy hesitated before nodding slowly.
The blonde narrowed her eyes at Y/N. “Don’t waste your time with that rogue. He will soil your name and discard you like yesterday's trash. Rumor has it, he is a monster, incapable of love. You should worry about your own reputation.”
Peggy thanked the girl for the information, politely dismissing her.
“You don’t believe that do you? She shouldn’t be spreading rumors,” Y/N spat.
Peggy frowned, moving closer to Y/N, “There is always some truth to rumors.”
Thinking back on her exchanges with Bucky, she supposed it was possible. She hadn’t really known him, but she had hoped it wasn’t true. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her mother speaking with a large bald man nearly twice her age. She was sure he was going to ask for a dance. There was no way she was going to dance with him.
The younger Carter hummed in response, eyeing her fiancé approaching.
“Would you mind?” Y/N tilted her head towards her mother and the bald man.
With a sad smile, Peggy parted with a hand on Y/N’s forearm. The older Carter had been grateful to have her sister filter through the men her mother selected.
“Is this seat taken?” A sweet feminine voice questioned.
The woman was beautiful. Her scarlet gown matched her hair and complemented her tan skin. Her full lips were in a grin accentuating her perfect teeth.
Y/N shook her head watching the woman sit beside her. Then she offered her name, “Gail Richards. I saw you dancing with the prince, you must be Margaret. Congratulations, Steve is a good man.”
Y/N nearly choked on air, “Uh, no. I am her sister, Y/N but I will pass your congratulations along.”
The corner of Gail’s lip twitched upward, “I am so sorry. The two of you looked close. I just assumed.”
A voice cleared behind Y/N startling her. “What are you doing here?” Tilting her head back, Steve had been standing behind her, his face contorted like stone.
“Steven Rogers, I could ask you the same thing,’ she joked followed by a giggle. Then she turned serious. “My sister just turned sixteen, I’m her chaperone. I am still married.” She waved her left hand. It was then that Y/N noticed the ring on Gail’s left finger. Y/N wanted to laugh in self-pity. Here Y/N was competing, with a sixteen-year-old, for the love of men that she had no interest in. She wasn’t supposed to be competing with Gail’s sister, she was supposed to be flashing her own wedding ring right back at her. Y/N’s own younger sister was getting married before her.
“He’s here you know,” Steve chided, ignoring Y/N.
With a subtle movement of her hand, Gail delicately twisted the polished ring on her slender finger, lost in her thoughts. Then she nodded, “I do.” Her words were comical as she continued to fiddle with her ring. “He’s watching us,” her voice was low.
Following Steve, Y/N pinpointed the one watching them. Bucky. She had found him again. His black frock coat and trousers made him hard for her to find but they had easily spotted him. Why was he watching them?
“I’ll keep an eye on him. Don’t worry about him,” Steve disregarded with a wave of his hand.
A wave of relief washed over Gail as a sigh escaped her, “Thank you, Steve. I should go find my sister.” She surveyed the dance floor. “It was nice meeting you.” Before Y/N could reply, she was gone. Bucky was too.
Observing the absent look that adorn Steve’s face, the countess spoke, “She seems nice.”
“She is,” Steve replied, looping his arm around her arm. “Come on. You should head back to your mother before more strangers try to converse with you.”
“Who is she; to you I mean.”
Steve cleared his throat, not anticipating this conversation. “She was an ex-girlfriend. It was before King George appointed me as his successor. Now, she’s a friend.”
“I’m sorry Steve.”
He chuckled, walking her back to her mother. “It’s not like that, the king didn’t mind. She just fell in love with someone else.”
Y/N frowned. “I think that’s worse.”
Steve shook his head, “If she hadn’t loved someone else, I wouldn’t be here now with Peggy. I’m grateful.”
Through the crowd of people, she found him again, or rather, he found her. It happened so fast she wondered if she had imagined it. Bucky passed them. His gloved hand had brushed her own. She whipped her head around to find him but even when he was long gone, his ghost touch held her hand. All of the music and noise drowned out until she was left with her rapidly beating heart.
Bum. Bum. Bum. Bum.
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Frock coat hanging from his fingertips, Bucky snapped his head toward the door. The sun had been rising when the ball had ended. No one visited him at this time; everyone else was too busy already sleeping. Everyone but Y/N.
A sheepish look adorned her face; her back pressed against the wooden door. “I didn’t know you were about to undress.”
Bucky shrugged, dropping his coat on a nearby rocking chair. “I suppose this is payback from earlier but I’m sorry to disappoint,” his gloved hands gestured to his clothed body.
Y/N chuckled, fumbling with her hands. “Actually, I wanted to see you.”
The brunette raised an eyebrow. He had charmed the skirt off of many women before the war, but after, this was a first. His hands lifted to the top button of his waistcoat.
Eager for a distraction, Y/N called out, “Let me, it's only fair since you got to lace my corset.”
Bucky snorted, his hands hovered over the top button, his eyes darted to the door. It was shut. When she was standing in front of him, Bucky dropped his hands letting her take over. “I got to dress you and you get to undress me. Now that doesn’t seem fair at all,” he joked, peering down at her. She was still wearing the pink dress from the ball, her gloves discarded.
Y/N’s fingers paused; her head tipped back to meet his eyes. “You saw more,” she challenged.
Bucky cocked his head, brown locks framing his face. He had hair that would rival a lion’s, an apex predator. He was dangerous but she wasn’t scared. He hadn’t given her a reason to be. Continuing to unbutton his dark waistcoat, Bucky’s right hand rested on her waist. Heat crept up her neck, but she refused to acknowledge it. “You didn’t wear the blue dress,” he muttered.
Y/N pursed her lips, “Every man’s attention includes your own.”
Bucky’s eyes fluttered shut, making Y/N pause once more. A sigh of content escaped his lips, a dopey grin gracing his lips reminding her of the first night they met. Just when she was about to ask what he was smiling at he admitted, “I was wrong. I can undress you in this dress as well.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N slapped the center of his chest lightly. He snickered. Finishing the last button, she stepped back letting his hand fall from her waist. With her hands on her hips, Y/N asked the question she had been dying to since the ball, “Are you planning something?”
Shrugging his waistcoat off, he huffed, “If I was, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“Steve doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that you attended the ball.” She didn’t know why she told him that. Maybe she wanted to hear that Steve had been right, that he showed up for her. Or maybe she wanted to deter him from doing something stupid. Steve’s conversation with Gail had left her concerned for the brunette.
Bucky shrugged her off, “Don't worry about Steve. He’s suspicious of everyone.” Lost in his own thoughts he began to pull his gloves off, stopping when he grabbed the left glove.
Without a second thought, Y/N grabbed the glove to aid him. Bucky flinched, the glove slipping from his hand. They both froze, him in fear, her in shock. Both stared at the metal hand still hanging in the air. She expected him to lash out, the blonde woman’s words echoing in her mind calling him a monster. He didn’t. Instead, he turned around consumed with shame. Gone was the confident snarky man she had grown to like. She couldn't help but feel like it was her fault. If only she hadn’t grabbed his glove, if she had just let him undress himself, if she never showed up to his room. Her mind spiraled.
Bucky was confident she was judging him with every passing moment of silence. Lost in his own head, he hadn't heard her attempts to get him to turn around. He was too ashamed. He didn’t want to see the look of pity on her face, a look of disgust.
“Bucky, please look at me,” she cried. He didn’t. Rubbing the fabric of her dress together for a few seconds she tried again, “I’ve stripped.” He peeked over his shoulder. She got him.
“You’re cruel,” he groaned.
For a second, Y/N thought he had been talking about her removing the glove. Then he fully turned, clutching his metal hand. Tentatively stepping toward him, she asked, “Is this why you don’t dance anymore?”
Bucky blinked in surprise. He hadn’t been expecting that to be the first thing she asked him. He didn’t even know how she knew he didn’t dance anymore but he could only assume Steve had told her. He nodded, his hair falling in front of his face.
“Bucky, would you do me the honor of dancing with me?” She extended her hand praying he would accept. After a lengthy pause, he laced his flesh hand with hers.
“We don’t have any music.”
“We can pretend,” she responded. Her left hand traced up his right, resting on his shoulder. His right hand found the small of her back, his flat palm tracing up her spine until it rested between her shoulder blades. Gauging his reaction, her right hand grazed his metal hand at first. His eyes fluttered shut but he didn’t pull away. Interlocking their hands, she raised them. “Is this okay?”
Bucky let out a breathy, “Yes.”
Then they took a step and another and another.
“You only danced with Steve at the ball.”
“I’m dancing with you now.”
It didn’t take long for Bucky’s confidence to return. Before his accident, he had enjoyed dancing. Growing up a prince, he was quite good at it. He wooed all of the ladies with his good looks, charm, and dance moves as an adolescent. His status was a plus.
Pressing Y/N close to his body she leaned into his movements. It was an intimate dance. It was his first dance in years, alone, in his bedroom. Their bodies were so close they swayed as one. It was inappropriate for the ballroom.
She broke the silence, “You told me I shouldn’t be here before.”
“You shouldn’t,” he agreed, offering nothing more. He twirled her in his arms.
“A woman at the ball said you were a rake.” She paused. “Steve also warned me about you, he said you were dangerous.”
Spinning her once more, Bucky warned her, “If you stay with me, I'll build you a reputation far worse than whatever you have already gotten yourself into. You’ll be an overnight sensation.” 
Pressed to his chest once more, she stared up at him from beneath her lashes and whispered, “What if I want to be a star?”
“Then I’d make you the brightest damn star in the sky.”
Next Chapter
Taglist: @supraveng
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Congrats again on 300 my love ❤️❤️ so you may already know which AU I’m going to be requesting, because it’s my favourite story of yours (so far) and that is Fire Burning from a Cedar Tree!! This story made my heart ache and if you have the inspiration for it I’d love love love to see more!! I don’t want to restrict your imagination by being too specific, but literally anything with those two and I would die of happiness 💙💙
Em, I squealed when you dropped this into my box for the request fest! Partly because I adore you. Partly because you know I also really adore Fire Burning from a Cedar Tree. And partly I squealed out of terror because...I was worried I wouldn't be able to do any kind of follow up to this fic justice. But I took a deep breath and let that go and decided to just let whatever happen happen. I was also a little worried because when I wrote Cedar Tree, it felt very finished, so I didn't have any leftover thoughts to pick up and play around with, so I literally took that first week to just think about them and their story. And then... a lot of scenes started to emerge - stuff before and after Cedar Tree, stuff that was just them, stuff with the people around them.
This is where I landed for now. It's not the same as Cedar Tree - first thing being that it's told from Steve's perspective instead of the reader's - but I'm thinking it will make sense in their overall narrative.
This it the end of their honeymoon, a few weeks before Cedar Tree.
Fandom: MCU Title: The Thrill of Knowing How Alone We Are Characters/Pairings: King!Steve Rogers x female!Queen!Reader, brief Sam and Bucky Word Count: 1.2k Summary: The final night and morning of King Steven's royal honeymoon.
Content Warnings: brief sexual relations (p in v)
Additional Notes: The third offering to celebrate 300 followers with the request fest! While this depicts events before Fire Burning from a Cedar Tree, it does not stand alone and should be read AFTER reading the original piece. Song title inspiration from Better Love by Hozier, which is one of the songs on my original Cedar Tree writing playlist. A/N 2: This still is pretty arbitrary, but although I knew the original was a historical royal AU setting, I basically closed my eyes and pointed when I ended up saying it was medieval. I debated between medieval or Georgian/regency vibe, but NOW it's decidedly Georgian, which will be more relevant if/as I share more of their story in the future.
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It’s as he’s on his back, staring at the ceiling, that Steve realizes he’s already deciphered the difference between how it sounds when you’re asleep, when you’re awake, and when you’re somewhere in between. He didn’t expect that.
He expected a lot of things after taking you as his queen, but there were so many small things that make sense, but he simply hadn’t thought of, like this – knowing so quickly the sounds of your breathing.
Ten days and in some ways he knew so much more about you than he knew about anyone else but himself – more than he’d known about his parents, than Bucky whom he’d grown up with and trusted else as his closest friend and advisor, more than his general Sam who he trusted with the security of his kingdom and his own life.
The betrothal, the brief period of engagement, the wedding, and the wedding feast had all been very public and formal. The moment the two of you had entered the royal carriage to make the journey to his small palace in the lake country for the honeymoon, everything was suddenly private and intimate. It was the first time Steve had truly been alone with you, and the first moments alone would have been awkward – he certainly hadn’t thought about that moment until suddenly the two of you were there alone – but you had clearly thought of the circumstance in advance and had been prepared to make easy conversation. While the first few minutes had been an effort to make conversation, they swiftly did progress to easy conversation. The topics had been largely trivial and unimportant, but the words were not stilted.
After a late and quick supper upon arrival, the two of you had retired to the royal bedchamber. Steve had expected a dutiful consummation, and duty may have called for the deed, but the execution had unexpectedly run deeper, warmer, with the undertones of the fledgling familiarity built over the few hours alone earlier. Each day the familiarity grew, and though there could have perhaps been moments that could have allowed each of you two part naturally, you both drew each other into extending conversations, going on walks or rides or visiting a new area of the palace together, continuing formally in the first few days until it became merely natural and the two of you forgot altogether the idea of spending much of the time apart.
Now he understood the nostalgia with which many referred to the honeymoon. It was a pity it was coming to an end. Two weeks ago, you were little more than strangers to be wed and fulfill your royal duties. Here on this final night, he could not think of it ending. Tomorrow he would go back to being the king again.
He sighed and turned his head to look at you. He wanted to reach for you, pull you closer, touch you, but the touching wouldn’t be enough, and he’d said sensibly that the two of you should retire early specifically so he could sleep and be well rested for his early departure. He hadn’t thought you warming his bed would be torture. He thought that it would be soothing and help him sleep. But this was worse, and the longer he listened, the less it seemed sleep would ever come to him. But he would not leave or send you away, it was the last night he would have this kind of closeness afforded to him with ease. He also didn’t want to disturb you if you were perhaps close to dropping off to sleep. Nearness was enough, even if it meant no sleep.
Suddenly you shifted, rolling to lie on your back, and you let out a long sigh of your own.
“Sleep alluding you, my queen?”
“As it seems to be alluding you, my king. I know the time is only slipping away until you’re required to wake and depart. Is my restless state keeping you awake?”
Steve laughed. “Perhaps, but not in the way you think.”
He rolled up on his elbow and places a hand on your hip, drawing circles there with his fingers.
“Perhaps I can beckon sleep for both of us in…other ways.”
His hand moved up to cup your breast. He gave a squeeze and brushed his thumb over your nipple, the thin fabric of your night shift barely there. You whimpered his name, arching slightly into his palm.
“Yes?” he pressed.
“Yes,” you pleaded.
While he reached down to pull up the hem of your nightdress, your hands went quickly to free his growing desire for you. Quickly he shifted his body over yours, nestling between your eagerly parting legs. He smiled as he guided his cock to your heated folds, happy to find you were already wet. He looked up to your face, and you bit your lip before reaching your hands up to his jaw and drawing him down to meet your lips. Steve devoured you with his kiss as he plunged into you, and you gave yourself up to him completely until you were both exhausted and sleep finally overtook you.
When one of his esquires woke him in the pre-dawn glow, he suppressed a groan of agitation. It is not the kind of king he has ever wanted to portray to his subjects. He will always be a dignified king. He was diligent in making sure you were tucked in with propriety before falling asleep himself, but he looks over to make sure your modesty is preserved this morning now with someone else in the room. He wants to kiss you goodbye, and while part of him wants nothing more than to wake you, see your eyes look up at him before he leaves, he refrains from doing anything more than brushing the hair off and away from your face with only the lightest caress. It would be silly to wake you for any more sentimentality. The honeymoon is truly over, and he only feels this consuming tie because of the unique circumstances of here and now. When you are both back in the capitol, it will be more normal and less sentimental. He will be himself again.
Downstairs in the hall there were simple foods ready for him to break his fast, and Lord Barnes and General Wilson were both waiting and ready to receive their king. Barnes would accompany him to Stark’s kingdom, but Wilson was there to escort the queen back to the castle.
“Guard her with your life,” Steve commanded.
Wilson gave a slight bow. “Yes, my king.”
Steve turns to look at Barnes only to find a smirk on the man’s face. “What is so amusing at this hour?”
“You gave that order as if he hasn’t been in your service for years.”
“She is the queen,” Steve reminded them.
“I will afford her the same safety and security that I have for your majesty since given the responsibility of this position.”
Steve shook his head, “You should afford her more than you do me.”
Without hesitation, he responded, “It will be done.”
Steve strode out of the foyer and Barnes fell in just one step behind him. “We need not rush away from the palace so soon. The official royal business of Stark’s expo does not require you so immediately.”
“This was the plan,” Steve retorted, “why would we alter course?”
“The sooner we leave, the sooner we can return to your queen,” he agreed.
“The sooner we can return to my kingdom, Lord Barnes.”
“Yes, your majesty.”
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read the next part: A SHIFT IN THE MORNING ROUTINE
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