#King Lucius Pin
lesvegas · 1 year
I think it's my turn to start a silly little FNV poll tournament. For this poll, my partner @thespiral and I selected 16 guys from Fallout: New Vegas that have some kind of lesbian energy to us (if you don't get it, there's no way to really explain, just go along with the bit). We tried to pick at least one guy from each faction if we could help it to round things out, from the popular to the easily-forgotten.
For the sake of this poll, we ask you to vote for the guy who feels the most lesbian. The most dykish. We know not everyone who votes is going to be a lesbian and that's cool, this is really all about vibes. Don't think too hard about it but don't just automatically vote for your faves, either.
One last thing before the brackets, I gotta admit this tournament (or at least the format) was heavily inspired by (if not straight-up copied from) @yesmanenjoyer's New Vegas' Shittiest Man Awards. Easily my favourite series of FNV polls so far <3
Anyway, here are the brackets!
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I'll be tagging all polls as #fnvles if you'd like to follow it, but I'll also be keeping this post pinned to my blog for the duration of the tournament. I'll also be linking all polls, old and current, in this post. And now, for the rounds!
ROUND ONE (Feb 10th 6pm EST):
Paladin Ramos vs. The King
Benny Gecko vs. Dean Domino
Swank vs. Mr. New Vegas
Boxcars vs. Jessup
Raul Tejada vs. Jack (Great Khans)
Carlitos Wayne vs. Frederick Sinclair
Jack (Boomers) vs. Driver Nephi
Lucius vs. Sammy Wins
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helluva-hazbins · 4 days
It appears a stuffed raven with a duck pin on its chest has appeared in Lucifer's room! Around one of its legs is a little card, signed by Lucius - @flameandindifference ( Happy Father's Day!)
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The King hadn't been gone long, most outings were made short as he'd much rather preferred to be busy at his crafting station or spending his time on his other hobbies. So it comes with it's own element of surprise when his eyes find one item in particular out of place at his work table.
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A question evident and at play along his features, it soon turns to curiousity as he steps nearer, a slight bend in his posture as he further analyzed the dark, small figure.
A beak, wings and what's that, paper. He takes the note, black, clawed fingers unfurl the note. Reading it brings the warmth and joy to his blackened heart and soul that he hardly felt was still possible in more recent days but here it is. And he's moved, taking in a deep breath as his chest swells, overflowing in this moment of emotional outpouring. He slowly exhales. Picking up the plushie. Somehow he feels it, what it represents. The Raven being his dear son, unified with the duck, represented by the pin, Lucifer's well-known favored fowl. Gripping it tightly with a gentle smile and tears prickling the corners of his eyes.
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That son of mine. "...maybe I am a sentimental old fool, these days." He laughs softly to himself. But that boy is going to be asked for a hug the next he's seen!
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letterfromtarnish · 1 year
Port Manteau
Hello to her Royal Majesty Queen Luminessa,
I hope this finds you in as good as spirit as i find myself in these days. It has been roughly a year since last we wrote correspondence I apologize for my absence as it poor manners to keep a not only a lady, but a good friend in waiting. Since last week spoke Chance gave me his blessing to grow the name Grimmawk outside the hush tones of fearful villages and whining vampires. Ive made my way to Port Manteau gaining passage from our mutual friend the King of the Pirates. There was something amazing about being out on the ocean again. I love my husband dearly but absence truly makes the heart grow fonder and I see him more in my thoughts and think of him in laughter aboard the fine vessels that Qui-Lon leads through your ocean. The vast blue field that lay before me once struck fear into my heart and now since making your acquaintance has left me doing nothing more the longing for my friend to escape her responsibilities and visit with me on my escapades.
We talked for hours about everything: Politics of the day, where one might find fun in the various ports of the archipelago. He urges me to visit Hyranor. A New King has taken a seat in that backwater country by the name of Lucius Pinn. He has in the past sought council from my husband in obtaining eternal life before he gained his blood soak crown. Chance turned him away simply stating
"One does not ask for power, You simply are or you are not and Lucius Pin is not."
I may seek to open trade once Mallum has an established market but i get ahead of myself. Ive gain an audience with the Royal Family using my husbands name less like a key and more akin to a battering ram to open the doors to trade. They fear him and in turn fear me. Its so strange as Chance has not killed and eaten any man who hasn't deserved it and I myself have never truly ended a life with any sort of malice but to hear the courts lords and lady's whisper you would think we were boogie men. they dare not say it to my face but my ears gather their words where their courage will not.
Do they see you as a monster or god Lumi? Chance says not to worry myself on it.
"They can not fathom anything not fearing death. We to can die but time will never be our assassin. Darkness to them is the essence of evil, but to us it is merely the absence of light."
The courts of Mallum work in black and white while most of the world is in shades of grey. Their blindness is my advantage and I plan to exploit it and maybe teach a few out there that in the absence of light, good things exist in the dark. Right soon. Ive enclosed a case of waterproof silks that i had enchanted for you to give to your tailors. Send my regards to Tippy.
With Love and respect your humble servant
Count Dion Alexander Grimmawk
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samantha-rae-velcher · 11 months
What I write for Pt. 1
The walking dead
Pirates of the Caribbean
The hobbit
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts
Who I write for
The Walking Dead
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Rick Grimes
Shane Walsh
Father Gabriel
Paul "Jesus" Rovia
Eugene Porter
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
King Ezekiel
Abraham Ford
Negan Smith
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Leroy Gibbs
Tony Dinozzo
Timothy McGee
Pirates of the Caribbean
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Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Bootstrap Bill
Davy Jones
Captain Barbossa
James Norrington
Cutler Beckett
Joshamee Gibbs
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Samwise Gamgee
Merry Brandybuck
Pippin took
The Hobbit
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Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
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Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Harry Potter
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Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Severus Snape
Lucius Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Fantastic Beasts
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Newt Scamander
Albus Dumbledore
Gellert Grindelwald (Depp or Mikkelsen)
Jacob Kowalski
Credence Barebone
Percival Graves
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Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner (Hulk or Human)
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Peter Quill
Drax the destroyer
Yondu Udonta
Eddie Brock/Venom
Marc Spector/ Steven Grant/ Jake Lockley
Victor Creed
Wade Wilson/ Deadpool
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Batman/ Bruce Wayne (The dark Knight)
Bane (The dark Knight rises or Gotham)
Joker (The dark Knight or Suicide Squad)
Superman (Henry Cavill)
Capt Boomerang (Arrow or Suicide Squad)
Rick Flag
Chato Santana
Death Stroke/ Slade Wilson (Arrow)
Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
Jerome Valeska (Gotham)
Jeremiah Valeska (Gotham)
Edward Nygma (Gotham)
Jim Gordon (Gotham)
Harvey Bullock (Gotham)
Victor Zsasz (Gotham or Birds Of Prey)
Go check out Pt.2
It's pinned at the top of my page
I had to stop right here because Tumblr only allows 10 pics per post 🙄
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liminalpsych · 1 year
Every Gawain reference I could find in Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain (1136 C.E.), including Faletra's translator notes, in case that's of interest to the Gawain fans out there.
"Desiring to honor the decrees of his own father, Arthur gave Anguselus royal power over the Scots, and he gave Urian the scepter of Moray. Back in the days of Aurelius Ambrosius, Loth had married the king’s sister Anna, by whom he fathered Gawain and Mordred. Arthur now granted him the earldom of Lothian and the other neighboring lands that had once belonged to him." [152]
"So he prepared a fleet and sailed first to Norway, hoping to bestow its crown upon his brother-in-law Loth. Loth was, in fact, the nephew of Sichelm, the king of the Norwegians, and should have inherited the throne when Sichelm died. But the Norwegians refused to accept him as their king, setting up a certain Riculf in his place. They believed they could fight off Arthur from within their fortified cities. At that time, Loth’s son Gawain was only twelve years old and had been placed in the service of Pope Sulpicius, from whom he received his arms." [154]
"From the outlying islands came Gillamorius, the king of Ireland; Malvasius, the king of Iceland; Doldavius, the king of Gotland; Gunuasius, the king of the Orkneys; King Loth of Norway; and King Aschill of Denmark." [156]
(So Loth, Gawain, and Mordred weren't of Orkney originally. Where did that first happen?)
Then there's this longer passage, which I'll do in smaller font because he gets a whole battle scene:
"He also sent two of his vassals, Boso of Oxford and Gerin of Chartres, along with his nephew Gawain, as an embassy to Lucius Hiberius to explain that he should withdraw at once to the borders of Gaul or else Arthur would come to do battle to determine who had the more just claim to Gaul. The youth of Arthur’s court, rejoicing greatly, began to urge Gawain to create some type of pretext for fighting with the Romans while he was visiting the emperor’s camp.
"The delegation made its way to Lucius and ordered him to withdraw from Gaul or else meet them in battle the next day. While Lucius was in the process of replying that he would by no means withdraw but had instead come to rule that country, his nephew Gaius Quintillianus interrupted, and started saying that the Britons were far better-equipped with bragging and threats than they were with courage or skill in battle. Gawain was incensed at these words; he drew his sword, attacked Gaius, and cut off his head. The delegation then took to its horses and fled. The Romans pursued them with foot-soldiers and a cavalry force, sparing no effort in trying to avenge themselves on these fleeing messengers. But just as one of the Romans was starting to gain on them, Gerin of Chartres suddenly turned his horse and cast his spear at him, piercing right through the man’s armor and body and pinning him to the ground. When Boso of Oxford saw the great feat that Gerin had performed, he turned his horse as well and threw his spear at the first Roman to approach. It pierced him through the throat and made him fall off his horse, lethally wounded. Then Marcellus Mutius, who was hoping to avenge Gaius Quintillianus, tried to attack Gawain from behind and was just beginning to lay his hands on him. But Gawain spun around and struck him with his sword right through the helm, cleaving his head all the way down to his chest. He told Mutius that, when he saw Quintillianus in Hell, he should tell him that this was why the Britons’ boasting was not idle. Gawain then regrouped with his companions and urged them each to turn and attack their pursuers in this way. They agreed, and each of them threw down one Roman. But the rest of the Romans, who had up until this point been bent only on pursuit, now answered their blows with swords and lances. Yet they still could not catch them or cast them down. They chased them at long last into the vicinity of a certain forest, from which around six thousand Britons emerged. They had been watching the delegation’s escape and had lain hidden in this wood in order to lend their aid. The Britons set spurs to their horses and the air was suddenly filled with their war-cries. Readying their shields for the attack, they rushed upon the Romans, immediately setting them to flight. The Britons followed them, unhorsing some of the Romans with their spears, while others they either captured or killed." [166]
"The rest of the army was led by the renowned earls Gerin of Chartres and Boso of Rydychen, which is called Oxford in the Saxon tongue; the third battalion was led by King Aschill of the Danes and King Loth of Norway; the fourth battalion by Hoel, leader of the Armoricans, and the king’s nephew Gawain." [168]
And another long battle scene:
"Eventually, the companies that they led were weakened beyond measure and had to retreat until they came to the battalion led by Hoel of the Armorican Britons and Gawain. These two men suddenly burned like a flame and led a charge against the enemy. Regrouping the soldiers who were retreating, they forced those Romans who had just a moment ago been in pursuit to turn and flee. Catching up with the retreating Romans, they cast them down and slew them and did not cease massacring them until they came up against the emperor’s personal battalion. The emperor, seeing the great peril of his comrades, lent his aid immediately. The Britons were greatly weakened in this battle. Cinmaroc, the Count of Tréguier, fell there, along with two thousand of his men. Three famous noblemen also fell—Richomarcus and Bloccovius and Iagwivius of Bodloan. If these three men had been princes of their own realms, future ages would have sung their fame on account of their prowess. While Hoel and Gawain made their charge, no enemy whom they attacked could escape, but had his life snatched away by either sword or spear. But when their company had come into the midst of Lucius’ men, they were completely surrounded by the Romans and they fell in battle just as their comrades had. Hoel and Gawain, however, were the greatest of all the knights of old, and when they beheld the slaughter of their companions they fought on all the more fiercely. Pushing ahead now on one side, now on the other, they harried Lucius’ personal bodyguard. Gawain, always aflame with a vigorous courage, sought to do battle with Lucius man to man. As this bold knight advanced, he would throw down and slay his enemies. Shining no less brightly, Hoel pressed the attack on the other side, urging on his companions and wounding the enemy. He received their blows most valiantly in turn, never shirking. He attacked and was attacked. It was not easy to say which of the two—Hoel or Gawain—was the mightier knight.
"As Gawain cut his way through Lucius’ bodyguard, as was mentioned before, he finally reached his goal and rushed upon the commander himself, forcing him to single combat. But Lucius was still in the prime of his youth. He possessed great courage and strength and skill in battle; he desired nothing more than to test his prowess against such a knight. When he withstood Gawain’s initial assault, he was joyous and exultant, for he had heard of Gawain’s fame. The battle between the two lasted a long time. They showered each other with mighty blows and warded off the blows with their shields, all the while struggling to kill each other. While they were fighting bitterly in this way, the Romans began to make a comeback, and they rushed upon the Armorican Britons and came to their commander’s aid, forcing Gawain and Hoel and their men back until they suddenly found themselves back among Arthur’s battalion." [173]
"Placing his trust in the enormous army he had amassed, Mordred marched out to meet Arthur as he attempted to land in Richborough. The two forces met in battle, and Mordred’s troops inflicted great slaughter on the others, who were still in the process of disembarking. King Anguselus of Alban, the king’s nephew Gawain, and countless others fell on the field of battle that day." [177, this is about the Battle of Camlann]
Translator's footnote: "The focus on Gawain partially reflects Welsh traditions like those found in Culhwch and Olwen, where the hero Gwalchmei (literally “Hawk of the Field”) also appears as Arthur’s nephew. Geoffrey was probably more directly familiar with the following account in William of Malmesbury’s The Deeds of the Kings of the English, III: “At that time, in the province of Wales which is called Rhos, the tomb of Walwen [Gawain], who was not Arthur’s degenerate nephew by his sister, was discovered. He ruled over that part of Britain which even now is called Walweitha. He was a warrior who was most renowned for his great valor, but he was slain by the brother and nephew of Hengist … but only after inflicting great damage upon them in compensation for his exile; in this he can share in the praise given to his uncle, for they both staved off the downfall of their homeland for many years…. Walwen’s tomb, which was fourteen feet long, was discovered upon the shore of the sea during the reign of King William. For this reason, some claim that he was wounded by his enemies and then shipwrecked; but others say that he was slain by his fellow-citizens..."
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baileyondemand · 2 years
wait wait wait
so pin could control or at least try to control sir up ton from his sword
or if we were to use another word, his blade. sir up ton is a pact of the blade hexblade warlock.
is king lucius pin, a random joke from the very first arc, the warlock for a character in arc 8??? the worldbuilding is impeccable here
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southernirishcream · 2 years
so i saw a post about someone thinking that Sir Up’s sword might be mortyss, and that’s phenomenal
but in the new ep he said “something something i will be king again”
is this king lucius pin??? does the fucking kingpin joke from arc 1 live in the arc 8 pc’s sword???
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silly-goofy-mood · 2 years
people have theorized that the soul of former king lucius pin is inside sir up ton's sword
I was relistening to ep 1 and sir up said "there's gonna be no pin in this plan - maybe one pin."
One... Pin??
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mejcinta · 3 years
Hard to hate villains when they're that elegant.
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sidespart · 3 years
The Fall of King Romulus Part 8
Summary: Twin Princes Remus and Romulus are cursed at birth with Honesty and Obedience. When Romulus, who cannot disobey any order, is told to kill his brother the next time he lays eyes on him, he changes his name to Roman and runs away. Roman joins up with a misfit group of adventures and plans to never return to his homeland. But the fae have other plans for him…
Warnings (for whole fic not necessarily individual chapters): Violence, mind whammying/memory altering, curse of obedience related consent issues, references to sex, references to war related injuries/PTSD, references to child abuse/neglect (YMMV on that one but just in case), antagonstic-but-not-exactly villian!Janus, Extremly-moraly-dubious-but-not-exacty-unsympathetic-Remus
Feedback appreciated.
Prologue Chapter 1   Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
“From today, you shall have your own rooms.”
“But why?” Remus wails “it’s not fair!” Remus looks up at him, his small faced scrunched and red, tears threatening to fall, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”
“I-“ Roman frowns. He feels too big. Shouldn’t he be the same size as Remus?
“You’re the future king, Remus” their father rumbles, “Your training needs to begin - without distractions.”
“Don’t cry.” Their mother tells him as Remus’ tantrum echoes through the room. She runs a cool hand over Roman’s forehead soothingly.
“I wasn’t.” Roman murmurs.
His mother’s hand turns cruel, pushing his head back, another hand gripping his chin.
“You need to drink, c’mon Roman drink this down for me, please?”
Roman chokes, twisting away. Hot liquid scalds his throat and drips down his chin. There’s a hand in his hair again, stroking gently until it grips tight, forcing his head back “He doesn’t look much like the Prince.” Marcus grunts.
“The mad Prince – Remus of Notaleveale!”
“But.” Roman whimpers, “that’s not-“
“Is he awake?”
“Your father is sick.” Julius tells him. The practice room is high in the north tower, always just too cool to be comfortable, but Roman feels hot. For some reason, water is rushing down the walls. Droplets splash onto his skin and sizzle where they land.
“We’re going to find a way to fix this my Prince, I promise.” Julius smiles at him, his eyes kind and unlined by age.
“What if you can’t.” Romulus whispers, voice breaking. He is the right size now he thinks. He had to tilt his head to look up at Julius who hesitantly pulls him close, letting the boy muffle his dry sobs on his shoulder.
“Then…we will find a way to help you live with it – and I’ll always be here to help you.”
He pulls back to smile at him again, but it’s not kind anymore. The skin flaking away reveals the rictus grin of the skull beneath, and Roman howls, trying to twist away whilst large hands hold him down -
“It’s okay! Roman, it’s okay!”
- he feels something cool on his eyelids, a strong scent of mint mingling with the rot of Julius body-
“Sleep.” a voice murmurs.
When Roman wakes, it’s somewhere he doesn’t recognise. Scratchy sheets pin him down to a bed as effectively as chains. A pale man with violet eyes is pulling at his arm, his arm which hurts. Roman whines, trying to tug the limb out of the pale man’s grip, but his body feels too heavy to obey.
The pale man is trying to talk to him but nothing he says makes sense to Romulus, it’s like listening to a foreign language.
“<My dad’s dead.>” he tells the pale man, because that seems important.
“Roman? Are you awake?”
There’s a hand on his forehead, the voice is saying something about water but Roman ignores it, trying to chase the thought.
If their father was dead, then why was he still Prince Remus?
The next time Roman woke up it was dark. The pale man had disappeared, but there was another figure lying in the bed next to him. The man’s bulk caused the mattress to dip towards him and his snores were so loud they made the whole bedframe vibrate with each exhale.
Turning his head carefully, Roman found himself looking at a face full of scars and freckles. A pale shaft of moonlight from the open window illuminated the man’s ripped ear and a nose that had obviously been broken at some point in the past. Even in sleep, he looked fearsome.
‘Patton’ Roman’s tired mind supplied, and he felt a relieved smile twitch over his face. It pulled at the cut Niki left him, making him bite back a whimper of pain.
He let his head fall back against the pillow. Everything felt heavy, even the air. The room seemed to melt at the edges. But if Patton was sleeping then they must be somewhere safe.
He dozed for a time, listening to the comforting rumble of Patton’s snores, until a withered pair of hands reached for him. The lady of the house began to gently wipe the sweat from his face with a cool cloth.
“<Am I dying>?” he asked her in their own language.
“<You can try.>” She told him dryly, “<Those three will probably end up chasing you down to the underworld too.>”
The lady brought some extra cushions and stacked them behind him, helping him to sit up. From his new vantage point he could see Logan on the floor, one giant book open on his lap and three more stacked beside him. He looked like he had fallen asleep mid study session, his head tilted back against the wall with a thin string of drool hanging from his open mouth.
Roman thought of the last time he had seen him, pinned to Lucius' chest, his eyes wide and frightened behind his glasses, and had to close his eyes. He breathed deeply through his nose until his panic subsided and glanced at Logan again.
He was so relieved to see him whole that might even forgo teasing him about the drool.
The lady brought him a pewter mug filled with something warm that smelt pleasantly of honey and helped him to lift it to his lips when his hands began to shake.
“<When I invited you for tea, this isn’t what I pictured.>” she teased him with a smile.
Roman didn’t smile back, eyes still roaming the room.
“<Your elf is fine>” she told him, sounding amused “<I sent him on an errand. He would have worn a hole in my best rug if he stood here pacing much longer.>”
Roman did smile then, grip loosening on the mug which she deftly caught before it hit the blankets.
“<I lost my brother.>” he told her, eyes growing heavy again.
“<That was careless of you.>” she said, “<What are you going to do about it?>”
Roman didn’t answer, falling back asleep with the honey still coating his tongue.
The next time Roman woke up, daylight was streaming trough the open window and the last tendrils of fever seemed to have left him. Whilst he still felt tired, the unnatural heaviness was less and his mind was clear.
Unfortunately, his clear mind immediately occupied itself by cataloguing every single way his body was in pain.
His cheek throbbed, the small cut from Niki having been split wider by the force of the hit from Julius’s walking stick. His back and shoulders we’re equally bruised, and protested every tiny movement he made as he tried to resettle himself against the pillows. By far the worst was his hand, which felt like it was still burning.
Choking down any whimpers of pain he focused instead on the strange pressure on his chest.
Opening his eyes revealed the culprit. A grey cat with snow white paws was sitting primly on his sternum. Mittens looked deeply put out by Roman’s attempt to get comfortable and gave him an unsatisfied meow of protest when he continued to move.
“Good morning” Roman whispered, giving him a conciliatory head rub with his good hand, “Did you happen to count how many horses ran me over?”
“Roman!” The bard looked beyond Mittens to see Patton perched on the end of the bed, beaming so wide it almost distracted from the redness of his nose.
“You’re -ah-achoo – you’re awake!”
“Yeah.” He smiled, attempting to rearrange the pillows one handed. “Hey Pat’.”
“Guys!” Patton called, “Ro – achoo – Ro -acHOO – he’s awake!”
There was a thundering of footsteps on stairs and then Virgil all but exploded into the room, eyes wide “How awake is he? – does he recognise you? Patton I told you to put the damm cat outside!”
“Aww but it’s his hou -ah -ah -house,” Patton pouted.
“He recognises you.” Roman added, giving Virgil a half-hearted wave “Also his voice works.”
“Shame.” Virgil snarked but the grin on his face was too wide to hide his relief.
“You. Go bother the pigeons’” he shooed the cat as he came to sit on the edge of Romans bed. Mittens gave him a pointed meow before slinking out of the room, pausing only to rub against Logan’s ankles as it passed him in the doorway.
“How’s your head?” Virgil asked - he reached over to a small beside table and picked up a glass of water, holding it up for Roman to sip.
“Fine.” Roman whispered hoarsely, taking the water from him and drinking greedily.
“What about your hand?” Patton asked, kneeling on his other side, “I’ll ask Mama Tay to brew you some more willow tea, for the pain.”
“Great.”- Roman handed the glass back to Virgil shrank against the pillows as they both peered at him – “but I’m fine, honestly don’t worry yourselves-“
“Fine?” Virgil rolled his eyes, “You look like you went three rounds with a centaur and lost. Badly.”
“Okay, well, that’s rude.” Roman rolled his eyes right back, lifting one arm to try and bat Virgil’s hands away as they reached for him “Get off, Virge I’m fi-“
“Roman.” Logan was the only one who hadn’t come forward to paw at him. He stood in the doorway, most of his face obscured by the shadow. “Let Virgil check your injuries.”
Roman sighed, the fight going out of him. Obediently, he dropped his arms and tilted his head towards the half-elf.
“Oh sure,” Virgil murmured, running skilful fingers over the cut on Romans cheek and the surrounding swelling “you’ll listen when Logan tells you.”
“It’s the glasses,” Roman joked, his voice tired, “gives him authority.”
Once Virgil had finished his inspection of Roman’s face, he insisted at poking and prodding at every inch of him see how his other injuries were healing. Roman sighed but put up with his fussing with as much grace as he could. Virgil removed the bandages on his hand, packing fresh herbs next to the skin and rewrapping it gently with new cloth. The bruises and welts on his back and shoulders had begun to heal, turning from purple and blue to a sickly looking yellow. Virgil smeared something that smelt horrendous on the few welts that hadn’t scabbed over before stepping back, declaring the injuries extensive but, for the most part, superficial.
“Like your lyrics.” he added slyly, which got a squawk of protest from Roman and a giggle from Patton.
His hand was the most concerning. Virgil had him gently flex his fingers -causing Roman to hiss with pain despite his best efforts – before helping him into a sling and giving him strict instructions to hold it still until the herbs had done their work.
As Virgil worked, Patton kept up a running dialogue; happily filling Roman in on the day to day running’s of Mama Tay’s house. How she’d let him use her kitchen to cook for all of them and let Logan take over her small library (although the scholar was still only permitted to call her Mother Octavia). He giggled his way through a story about Mittens’ on going attempt to court the tabby cat who lived across the street – apparently he had attempted to show off by taking on street rat twice his size and spent the rest of the day sulking in the pantry after being summarily chased off.
Between Virgil’s gentle ministrations and the soothing sound of Patton’s voice, Roman found himself slowly relaxing.
Remus wasn’t in the city. His friends had come for him. They’d beaten the bad guy and got away.
He knew he couldn’t just ignore everything that had happened. His friends were eventually going to want some sort of explanation. The thing that had worn Julius face had been able to find him once – he didn’t know how, or how to stop I happening again.
Most importantly, he was no longer sure that Remus was safe.
But for a little while at least, he was with his family. He was safe. Things could start to go back to normal.
“Roman.” Logan said. He was leaning back against the closed door, a look on his face Roman couldn’t quite decipher. “Stand up.”
“Slowly,” Virgil added as Roman rose to his feet. The healer cast a glance back at Logan, confused, “what’re you-“
“Roman.” Logan cut him off. “Stand on one foot.”
Romans whole world seemed to narrow down to the glint of light reflecting off Logan’s glasses.
The rush of blood in his ears sounded very much like the rush of water in the pipe room.
Julius looked at him coldly, ready to categorise each whimper of pain as his leg began to shake, muscles cramping -
Patton’s hand suddenly griped his elbow as he wobbled, breaking the illusion.
Mama Tay’s bedroom was far more cluttered with blankets and knickknacks than Julius practice room. Logan was the one in front of him – face full of gleeful satisfaction as his theory was confirmed.
“I’m right aren’t I.” he breathed, looking dazed – “You can’t diso-“
Remove yourself from anyone who might ask you about your curse. Put as much distance between you as you can.
Roman attempted to fling himself towards the door- immediately realised that this was a bad decision as he still only had one foot on the ground – and pitched forward towards the floor, free arm pinwheeling crazily.
Patton dived to catch him, one big hand grabbing his injured shoulder casing Roman to yell out in pain, which in turn caused Patton to instinctively release him. He found himself falling again, this time crashing into Virgil, who had come running to help. His injured arm exploded in pain as he fell against the other man’s chest.
“Roman! What the hell- Logan?”
“I’m sorry!” Logan’s delight at being proved right had quickly turned into alarm “Stand properly – I mean, stand however you think you should. Um-“
“Roman are you okay?” That was Patton, gently easing him off Virgil “Oh gosh I think you’ve opened your stitches again!”
Roman groaned.
A few moments later Roman was, once again, propped up on the bed. Patton sat next to him, holding his good hand loosely whilst Virgil smeared more of the horrifying smelling salve over the reopened cut on his cheek.
Logan, hands firmly clasped in front of him like a guilty school boy, was filling them in on what he thought he knew.
“Roman cannot disobey a direct order – when Lucius Amata met us on the stairs he was able to compel him not to move.”
“The Marquis of Orenlla!” Logan huffed, exasperated – “The kidnapper!”
“De.” Roman muttered.
“Marquis de Orenlla.”
“Hmm,” rather than start an argument of etymology, Logan simply pulled a square slip of card from his waistcoat pocket and started crossing something out with his quill.
“Seriously?” Virgil asked, exasperated “Flashcards?” He twisted the lid back onto the salve pot with rather more force than was necessary “Logan, you didn’t even believe in magic until yesterday and now you’re saying – what exactly are you saying?”
He glanced at Roman, almost fearfully ‘That he’s -that he’s under a spell or cursed or- what?”
“Roman,” Patton’s voice was gentle. “Is that true?”
Roman met his eyes. Patton’s face was as kind as ever. For now.
Never tell anyone about your curse.
But they’d never set rules stopping him discussing what people already knew.
Even so, he braced himself for pain before he nodded.
Patton looked like he might cry.
“So –what?” Demanded Virgil, who had started pacing back and forth down the short length of the bed. “He did that? This Lucius guy?”
“How do we stop it? Do we….kill him?”
“Well I don’t know!”
“It wasn’t Lucius.” Roman muttered.
He risked a glance at Virgil who was nodding fervently, shaking both hands out in front of himself as he tried to process everything, “No. He – you had it before right? That’s how he was able to get you to go with him.”
Slowly, Roman nodded.
“Was it before we got to the city?” Logan asked. He hadn’t moved from his spot by the door, a thoughtful frown on his face as he gently rotated the flashcards in his hands.
“The forest!” Vigil yelped before Roman had a chance to respond. “When you disappeared right? I knew you were out of it that night! That’s when it happened?”
“Oh, Roman.” Patton gasped, “You poor thing. Has this has been going on for days?”
Roman couldn’t help it; he started to laugh. Drawing his knees to his chest he hunched over them, his shoulders shaking. “No.” he managed to gasp out. “No, not the forest.”
“So…when did it happen?” Patton asked uncertainty. Roman could easily picture the three of them glancing at each other, trying to put the pieces together. He kept his eyes firmly on his knees. He didn’t want to see the moment of realisation.
“Before the forest?” Virgil asked hesitantly. Roman nodded without looking up.
“When I met you…” Virgil continued after a moments silence, “you wouldn’t come back into the tavern with me – you said you didn’t want the innkeeper to tell you to play another night.”
“I remember that.” Logan said “You met us on the road. I thought that was odd at the time. I assumed you were going to lie in wait to rob us.”
Roman could hear the understanding seeping into their voices. He’d been cursed since they met him. He’d been a liability since they met him – they’d hired someone to protect them who could be ordered to throw his sword down by any foe who happened to try. They were going to feel so betrayed. They were going to be so angry with him.
How could he have not told them?
“Oh, Roman – how could we have not noticed?”
Romans head shot up. “What?” he croaked.
Now Patton really did look like he was going to cry, his eyes suspiciously watery. “You’ve been dealing with this all by yourself for – for years?”
“So- “ now Virgil was the one shaking – “So any time I’ve told you to ‘shut up’ you-“
“If you don’t give a timeframe it doesn’t matter much.” Roman blurted quickly, wanting to remove the look of horror from Virgil’s face – “I mean when I was younger it maybe would have but, but I’ve learned work around it so –“
“Younger?” his rambling did not seem to be soothing Virgil’s panic. “How young?”
“Er. Well.” He glanced between the two of them “From when I was a baby. I mean, I don’t remember not being like this.” Patton and Virgil were staring at him with identical slack jawed expressions. Roman wished the bed would swallow him up and spit him out onto he street. “But hey – I was apparently a very agreeable baby – stopped crying so soon as you asked!” he grinned awkwardly, give them a thumbs up with his undamaged hand.
They did not look reassured.
“So, have we ever –“ Patton started,”-have we ever made you do something you didn’t want to-“
“NO! No, Pat - you’re always so polite and if, if it’s not an order it doesn’t count so-“
“I’m not polite.” Virgil muttered.
“You don’t order though.” Roman said quickly, “You’re too-“ he tried to find a nice way to say ‘too riddled with anxiety to give directives’ – “awkward.” he finished sheepishly.
Virgil bristled. “I told you to get lost.” He snarled. “In the forest.”
There was a silence. Roman found himself staring at his knees again and forced his head up to meet Vigils gaze.
“Well. That was unfortunate. But it was fine – you’re both good trackers, you found me easily enough so-“
“But what if we hadn’t!?” Virgil all but yelled, “What if you’d just been lost in the woods till you starved to death or-“
“Virgil.” Patton soothed, “Calm down, he’s fine.”
“He’s not! He’s not safe with us! How many times have we done something to, to-”
“It’s fine.” Roman announced calmly, cutting Virgil off before he could work himself up any further. “You don’t have to worry anymore.”
“What doe that mean?”
“It means – I won’t travel with you anymore. You don’t have to worry about protecting me I’ll just-“
“That’s not what I meant!”
“Roman no!”
“Are you going to order me to stay?” He snapped.
That shut everyone up.
He glared at the pair of them. “Well?”
“No.” Patton said calmly “Of course not. It’s just that-”
“What happens if you disobey an order?” Logan interrupted, causing the other three to jump.
The scholar had been standing so still, gazing off into the distance whilst the argument went on around him, that Roman had almost forgotten he was there.
“I cant.” He answered eventually, trying not to feel resentful of Logan for causing this whole mess.
“But what if you try?” Logan said, “If I told you to raise your hand and you tried to keep it down – “
“It would hurt.” Roman gritted out.
“Hurt how? Can you describe it?” Logan tucked his flashcards away and pulled out a notebook, quill at the ready. Roman gaped at him.
“Logan.” Patton interrupted, “I think maybe Roman needs a break from questions right now-“
“But if we don’t know the parameters of his condition then how are we supposed to fix it?” Logan argued.
“I’ve tried. To fix it.” Roman growled out.
“But you were by yourself before.” Logan said dismissively “Now you have me, well, all of us, working on the problem. I’m sure we will be able to –“
“I wasn’t by myself.” Roman said coldly.
Logan really did remind him of Julius sometimes. They had the same stubborn determination to get the answers they were seeking. But Roman was not going to be anyone’s pet experiment again.
“I am Prince Romulus of Notaleveale.” he announced grandly, as If he was reclining on a throne instead of uncomfortable bed. “I have had the finest minds of the fae and human worlds look into my curse, I hardly think a failed apprentice and a couple of backwater deserters are going to have more success.”
He swept an imperious gaze over all three of them, amused to find they had finally been shocked into silence.
“I will be returning to my kingdom. Your services will no longer be required.”
Part 9
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azusawrites · 2 years
“Yule! What have I said about running up those stairs before?”
Mozus Trein did not seem to have aged a day since she last saw him. He still held himself proud and tall, with neatly combed hair and a downturned mouth that made him seem so much stricter than a man his age should be. Theo always said that Mozus was meant to have been a king in a previous life and never got the chance, so he made sure to look the part in this life. He was a much better fit for Headmaster when compared to the one they actually had, and it wasn’t just his personal fondness for him that made him say that. Kore knew it still had a big hand in it, however. And if the truth was told she herself could understand it well.
“Gramps!” She almost threw her arms around him, too eager to care about prying eyes, but as soon as she stepped closer a meow pinned her to the spot. “Oh! And Lucius too! You look so much cuter than I remember!”
The cat let out another meow at that - this time more self-assured she imagined - and imperiously held out a paw that she gently grasped in her hand. It was soft and pudgy, just like Grim's, and she felt that familiar ringing in her head and a sting that pierced through like iron. She didn’t want to let go even when Lucius had started hissing at her, hair standing on edges and tail darting around.
wip: mirror marchen
fandom: twisted wonderland
wc: 5983
next chapter update
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jungledubs-archive · 3 years
About Us
As said in our pinned post, we’re the Jungle System! Our system sideblog (sort of, it’s mostly just reblogs of stuff we’ve requested for ourselves) is @jungle-system.
We are very open to talking about ourselves, so sending asks directed towards a certain alter is totally fine!
The System
Johan “Jesse” Greenwood, he/him. [S5 Bdubs introject]
Henrik Greenwood, he/they. [S5-6 Doc introject] [ @doc-greenwood ]
Nathaniel “Nigel” Indiana, pronouny [S5-6 Scar introject] [ @captainangryeyes ]
Hank, he/him. [SMPLive AntVenom introject]
Gendry Ross, he/him or fae/faer. [3rd Life Martyn introject]
Jon Hunter, he/him. [3rd Life Ren introject]
Melkior, it/its. [3rd Life Red King introject]
Lal, she/her.
Zero, they/it.
Rexx Taylor, he/they/gold. [3rd Life/S7 Tango introject]
Gabriel Storm, he/him or ze/zem/zir. [Mianite/SMPLive Sparklez introject]
Tyrion Valentine, he/him or xe/xem/xyr. [3rd Life/S7 Impulse introject]
Ed, they/them. [S7 Xisuma introject]
Bruce MacDuff, he/him. [Helsknight OC introject]
Oscar Charleston, ae/aem/aer. [SMPLive/Epic SMP Slimecicle & S7 Grian introject]
Mike Fitzgerald, he/him. [Markiplier & Michael Afton/Mike Schmidt introject]
Nathan, he/him.
Theo, he/it. [SMPLive/Epic SMP Ted introject]
Thorne Maelstrom, he/him or ve/vex/ver. [S5-6 Cub introject]
Spector, they/he/she. [Hels!Doc OC introject]
Jed Alden, he/him. [SMPLive Schlatt introject]
Connor, he/him. [SMPLive Connor introject]
Bruno, he/they. [S7-8/VH Iskall introject]
Colin, he/xe. [S7-8 Mumbo introject]
Mitchell DeVille, he/him. [AU MatPat introject]
Chandler Bing, he/him.
Alastor/Lucius Syn, he/him. [Mianite Tom introject]
Viktor Greenwood, he/him. [S5 Beef introject]
Lukas Greenwood, xhee/xhey/exe/[redacted]. [S5 Etho introject]
Coda, he/him. [S6-7-8 Keralis introject]
Balthazar Ozwald, they/he/it. [S8 Zedaph introject]
Karl, he/him. [Mianite Karl introject]
Sebastian/Sevens, he/him. [77-2 Scar introject]
Micah Soot, he/fin. [SMPLive Wilbur introject]
Dink, he/him. [SMPLive Dinkster introject]
James Kakujo, he/him. [77-2 Kakujo introject]
Bucky Barnes, he/him. [FATWS Bucky introject]
Ashfur, he/him. [AU Warrior Cats Ashfur introject]
Rowan Xelqua, he/him, pup/pups, bloom/blooms, sun/suns, ☀️/☀️’s. [S6 Grian introject]
Weston Jericho, he/him. [Mianite Jericho introject]
Siren, it/he.
Anakin Skywalker, he/him. [Attack of the Clones Anakin introject]
Warren Hunter, he/him. [S6 Renbob introject]
Obi-Wan Kenobi, he/him. [Revenge of the Sith Obi-Wan introject]
xB, he/it. [Hermitopia xB introject]
Wels, he/him. [S7 Welsknight introject]
Riverstar, he/him. [Warrior Cats Riverstar introject]
Peanut Butter, she/her. [Hermitcraft Jellie introject]
Samuel G. Samson, xe/xim, it/its, te/tech, wy/wir, in/int. [Deltarune Spamton introject]
Queen, she/it/queen. [Deltarune Queen introject]
Matthew M. Samson, any pronouns (he/she preferred). [Undertale Mettaton introject]
Hunter, he/it. [Last Life Joel introject]
Shep, he/him. [Last Life Scar introject]
Tubbo, he/him. [SMPLive AU Tubbo introject]
Dianite, he/they. [Mianitian Isles Dianite introject]
Aster Littlewood, he/him. [Last Life Mumbo introject]
Arin Littlewood, he/him. [Last Life Martyn introject]
Horatio Iris, he/him. [Last Life Solidarity introject]
Kestrel Littlewood, he/him. [SMPEarth Tommy introject]
Ranboo, he/they/it. [Voltz Wars Ranboo introject]
Sky, they/them. [SMPLive Sky introject]
Red Velvet, he/bark/hound/pup. [Cookie Run Red Velvet Cookie introject]
Clap Trap, he/him. [Hels!Mumbo OC introject]
Riven, end/prime/dream/he. [Manhunt Dream introject]
Brann, he/hog. [SMPEarth Techno introject]
Pieter Crow, he/they/caw/crow. [SMPEarth Phil introject]
X33N, they/it/voi/he. [Mianite AU X33N introject]
Espresso, he/vi/they. [Cookie Run Espresso Cookie introject]
Lex, he/they/blaze. [Manhunt Sapnap introject]
Dominic, any pronouns. [Manhunt BBH introject]
George, he/him. [Manhunt GNF introject]
Ianite, she/they. [Mianitian Isles Ianite introject]
Mianite, he/they. [Mianitian Isles Mianite introject]
Mad/Doran, he/it. [AU MadPat introject]
Florian Zett, he/him. [AU Jacksepticeye introject]
Hollyleaf, she/her. [Power of Three Warrior Cats Hollyleaf introject]
Ross, he/they. [Epic SMP Ross introject]
Dr Solar Asunder, he/him. [77-2 Doc introject]
Cordelia Iris, she/her. [Last Life Lizzie introject]
Octavia Cleopatra, she/her. [Last Life Cleo introject]
Dan, they/💎. [DanTDM introject]
Alastair Eret, he/she. [Eret introject]
Balderdash, he/him. [Hels!Mumbo OC introject]
Charleston Tek, he/him. [Hels!Tango OC introject]
Sir Jeriah, he/him. [Mianite Jeriah introject]
Spark Conway, he/him. [Mianite Spark introject]
Jonquil Nestor, he/she. [AU Crankgameplays introject]
Stolas, he/him.
Pete, e/em. [PeteZahHutt introject]
Scott Major, he/him. [Last Life Scott introject]
Robb Valentine, he/him. [Last Life Skizz introject]
Jack Manifold, he/him. [Jack Manifold introject]
Niki Nihachu, she/her. [Nihachu introject]
Fundy, he/him. [Fundy introject]
H, he/him. [Hbomb introject]
Kikoku Botan, he/it. [Mianite AU Sparklez introject]
Angel, he/she. [S7 Grian introject]
Echo, he/him. [Hels!Impulse OC introject]
Roose Hills, he/him. [S8 Joe Hills introject]
Sansa Stark, she/her. [Game of Thrones Sansa introject]
Eros Zett, he/him. [Antisepticeye introject]
Arry, he/him. [S7 GTWS introject]
Zircon, he/him. [S7 Bdubs introject]
Blank/Doran, he/it. [AU Blankgameplays introject]
Kristin Minecraft, she/her. [Misstrixtin introject]
Jake/Ryan, he/him. [AU Cryaotic introject]
Dylan, he/him. [Mianitian Isles Declan introject]
Beef Stew, he/him. [SMPLive Beef Stew introject]
31 notes · View notes
m0srael · 3 years
Writerly Ephemera
This is such a lovely idea @the-starryknight (original post here), I'm so pleased I was tagged by @cluelesspigeons in her version. I've been doing a lot of thinking about why/how/what I like to write. I think it's very grounding to take a moment to reflect on how much of myself is actually embedded in my writing. I'm still very new to the game, but here are some examples:
Open Mic
The last performer, a comic who’d just finished what Harry was sure was the world’s worst three-minute set in the history of comedy, turned to slap Draco Malfoy rather hard on the shoulder as he mounted the stage, acoustic guitar in hand.
My second date with my partner was an open-mic comedy show. To call it "cringey" would be generous. One performer's whole spiel was yelling at audience members about whether or not they did drugs, very confusing. We laughed about it for so long afterward, though, and it's such a fond memory now!
Whatever Walked There, Did Not Walk Alone
Walking through Draco--his Draco--would be like stepping out of a warm hearth and into someone’s first real home away from home--compact and unassuming on the outside, maybe, but packed to the brim with stuff and things that had been meticulously collected and strategically placed to immediately show visitors who the owner is. He pictured low ceilings and a small series of purpose-built rooms, every surface coated with the thin veneer of dust that tends to gather around homes that are actually lived in and not just kept.
Draco's interior architecture is modeled after my grandmother's home, a place I spent a lot of time as a child. The kitchen had this horrible brown linoleum tile, the living room had a forest-green carpet and there was a glass-front cabinet full of porcelain dolls in one corner, and one of her big decorative elements was a collection of buttons and pins she'd amassed over her life. Somehow, there was always a Pavorotti performance on the tv. It was so cozy and weird and perfect.
Be Better Than You Were
It isn’t that Draco no longer commands a room with their quick wit and clever sense of humor, or that they take up less space, less air. It isn’t that they’ve grown quiet or complacent or something. Merlin, Harry couldn’t imagine a quiet Draco Malfoy. There’s just a bit more give in the parts of them that used to be unyielding. Draco still teases anyone and everyone, but now it feels more like an invitation than a warning, and is always accompanied by the soft press of long fingers to a temple or a second cup of tea. Draco had made Harry feel a lot of things over the course of their acquaintance--disdain, anger, suspicion, fear, jealousy, confusion, desire, longing, remorse--now, Draco just makes Harry feel at ease. Draco makes Harry feel like maybe he can give a little, too, and not break like he’s always worried he might.
Somewhere in the folds of grief and trauma, Draco has managed to find a little space in which to learn something important about the way they move about the world. Harry would like very much to sit in that space with them, just for a while.
This whole fic was very personal for me. This particular passage was inspired by my own experiences of loss. Writing this allowed me to think through how intimately entangled things like grief, trauma, optimism, identity, gender, self-image, and our capacity to be in relationships with others really are. It's hard to remember to be soft when what we're used to is bracing for impact.
The Fourth Rule (and pt. 2, The Fourth King)
Potter and Malfoy’s first few tricks were received with a barrage of insults and empty bottles. The pub’s patrons had no interest in simple card tricks or disappearing handkerchiefs. No, tonight Potter and Malfoy would have to pull out all the stops if they hoped to get paid.
Malfoy, whose back had been to the audience for some time, whirled around quickly. “IS THIS WHAT YOU CAME FOR?” He shouted over the cacophony of boos, waving a revolver in the faces in the front row. His brows were pinched in anger, eyes glinting dangerously in the low lamplight. Potter reached slowly into his jacket for his own firearm and watched as the crowd shrank back. A gasp, then a hush fell over the room.
I think this series will be my favorite piece of writing (if not the most universally appealing). I have a strong fascination with closeup/stage magic, I force my partner to watch magicians' specials on Netflix with me all the time. They even got me tickets to see David Blaine live as an anniversary gift (he held his breath on stage for over 20 minutes !!!). Sure, a lot of it is hokey and unconvincing, but sometimes a performer pulls off an illusion that is absolutely mind-blowing and just totally cool. I think this kind of magic can be a metaphor for so much in our lives (especially in our writing).
Live to Remember, Remember to Live
The doorknob had rattled before the door swung slowly open. Lucius had shuffled haltingly into the room in nothing but socks and a pair of briefs. Draco’s mother must have given up on combing his hair as it was a mess of tangles down his back. Frozen in place, Draco had just watched his father’s slow progress across his bedroom floor, a hot knife of sadness and fear lodged in his stomach.
This one is the most personal, and the most challenging. Without going into detail, a lot of Draco's experience with Lucius in this fic is directly inspired by my own experiences with my father. I'm learning that writing about all of it, either as fiction or more memoir-y, can put things in perspective and even be a bit healing. Draco's impulse to go get a Ph.D. to process his intense emotions is also...not unfamiliar to me.
Keeping it going: @cibeewastaken, @phoebedelia, @curlyy-hair-dont-care, @frenchmarshmalloww who may all have been tagged already !!!
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twstarchives · 4 years
Ruggie Bucchi・Voice Lines
Tumblr media
Additional Voice Lines: Gala Couture Event Card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “The secret to feeling good is eating! As long as you eat, everything’ll be OK!”
Groovy “My studies, huh...? This is what’s gonna put food on my table, so I’m taking them seriously.”
Home Setting “They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch, you know?”
Home Transitions “I’m busy cleaning up Leona’s room right now. What? You wanna help? Man, thanks a bunch!”
“Mages who grew up in the slums like me are pretty rare.”
“Are you sure you should be spacing out like that? Time is money, you know.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Do you need somethin’ from me? I’ll listen if you say you’ll treat me to something.”
Home Taps “My uniform? It’s a hand-me-down from Leona. It’s a little big, but I can still wear it so it’s fine.”
“I wouldn’t mind looking after Grim if you ever need me to. How does 1000 madols an hour sound?”
“You’re hungry? If you get some ingredients together, I can whip something up for you.”
“I gotta think about what I’m going to do after I graduate and start working towards that. ‘Cause life is really long.”
“Hm, what’s up? Does Leona want something——Oh, he doesn’t? You scared me for a sec...”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I’m really good at sports. At least, better than you.”
Groovy “Alright! I think I should show my cool side to the lower grades every once in a while~”
Home Setting “Getting to run around so nimbly really is the best.”
Home Transitions “Move it, move it! We’re in the middle of cleaning out the whole dorm! ‘Cause Leona never cleans this place up himself...”
“I’m considered pretty small in my dorm. But that just means I’ve got a lot of advantages in magift.”
“I’m really confident in my endurance. If I got my eyes on my prey, it’s not gonna escape me!”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Magift has a completely different feel when you see it live. Wanna come watch our practice sometime?”
Home Taps “Ahh, I’m hungry. I’m feeling like a whole pile of sugary donuts to dip in some milk.”
“I really respect Jack for how much physical strength he’s got. But he still has a selfish playing style.”
“Building up your strength is really important to survive a brutal environment.”
“Coach Vargas got angry today? Just compliment him on his muscles and that’ll put him right back in a good mood.”
“Now’s your last chance to enjoy yourself. Let’s hope you don’t lose all hope in everything when Coach Vargas goes and pushes you to your limit though. Shishishi!”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “I don’t care that much about looking professional, but I kinda like these snazzy lab coats.”
Groovy “You’re really clumsy. Here, hand that to me.”
Home Setting “Dirt would really stand out on this kind of white.”
Home Transitions “You should probably stay away from the Botanical Garden. If you irritate Leona during his naptime... Oo, it gives me chills.”
“Ahh, you’re using up so much good lab materials! Man, what a waste...”
“I love alchemy. But I tend to make lots of mistakes if I get too greedy. Hehe.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Aah? I wouldn’t be able to help you with that work even if you asked me.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “You can still eat weeds if you cook them right. Huh, you actually wanna try ‘em? ...You’ve got weird taste.”
Home Taps “Jack grows a lot of cacti in his room. Maybe they could be emergency rations.”
“I can only throw together a meal with what I’ve got to work with, but I guess it’s fine as long as Leona eats it.”
“A lot of the plants they grow in the Botanical Garden could sell for really high prices. ...I don’t mean anything by that; I’m just sayin’. Shishishi!”
“I don’t really get how Riddle just dumps in spoonfuls thinking it’s ‘the right amount’ he needs.”
“Don’t touch me when your hands reek of chemicals! You’re gonna get the smell on me!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Want me to tell you what was covered on my tests last year? I’d even give you a special friend discount.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “These robes are so fancy. They really do have the feel of this school.”
Groovy “Even I look the part when I’m wearing these, don’t I?”
Home Setting “So? These actually look pretty nice on me, huh?”
Home Transitions “You’re a student at this academy but you don’t even know the history behind it? Gathering intel should always be a priority.”
“Want a keepsake photo of you in your ceremony robes? Just 1000 madols a pic! It’s a great deal!”
“Hah, I’m tired... I can’t help feeling stiff in clothes I’m not used to. How are you doin’ in them?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “This high-quality fabric with gold embroidering, plus these decorations... How much would they all sell for?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “The ceremony today is gonna be in the Mirror Chamber. Shishishi! You look nervous. It’s cute; it’s fitting for a first-year.”
Home Taps “I’m not rich, but I’ll always like this better than being a spoiled brat who doesn’t have a problem in the world.”
“The chance of Leona coming to a ceremony is... about 50/50. But he’ll still come to the entrance and graduation ones.”
“The Headmaster takes really good care of the apple trees that grow on campus. Those apples all look so good.”
“Mages were pretty rare where I grew up. I bet they’d all wanna see what I look like now.”
“You don’t need to rush; we’ve got plenty of time before the ceremony. You’re so impatient.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Your makeup’s all smudged. Alright, guess I’ll fix it for you. ...It’s fine, I’ve done this as a job before.”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “Who stepped into my territory?”
“Oh, wow, what a cute little kitten. Did you come here to be our prey? Shishishi!”
Groovy “I could tell you how to survive at this school if you want.”
Home Setting “I feel like somethin’ fun’s gonna happen today.”
Home Transitions “The deserted feel of the Ramshackle Dorm is kinda nice, but... Savanaclaw is still my favorite.”
“The dorm uniforms really are so easy to move in. They’re not too fancy either; it’s perfect for me.”
“We’re about to have a dorm meeting right now. What, you wanna come check it out? I mean, Leona’s kind of... It depends on how you ask him.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m heading to the cafeteria with Leona. Wanna come too? Having more people to run errands saves me some.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Sure, I came to this school without a madol in my pocket... but you can always find a way to handle anything as long as you’re alive!”
Home Taps “The strong and the smart are the ones who rise to power in Savanaclaw. I like how it’s an obvious system.”
“This necklace is supposed to represent different parts of nature. Red for the sun, blue for the sky, green for the land... It reminds me of my hometown.”
“It’s important to not let your guard down in the savannah. If you’re not careful... bam! You get killed.”
“Leona works me hard, but I’m always paid the appropriate amount. It’s a give-and-take.”
“You’re really just like a puppy with how playful you are.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “There’s still so much you could do even if you can’t use magic. Want me to give you a lecture on them?”
Duo Magic Ruggie: “Use your head, Jack!” Jack: “Right! Ruggie!”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Ruggie’s birthday event (Apr 16 - Apr 22, 2021).
Login on Birthday “Today’s my long-awaited birthday! Course that means you’ve got a present ready for me, right? ...Wait, huh? You actually do? ...Hmm, you were so straightforward, it kinda threw me off... Well, thanks! Hehe.”
Unlock Card “I’m the king today! Is the celebration all ready to go?”
“There’s really no one worth giving presents to as much as me. I’ll be happy with anything I get!”
Groovy “Thanks for celebrating! Can I expect another fancy party next year?”
Home Setting “I’m going to make it loud and clear I’m the star today.”
Home Transitions “Jack was so annoying telling me ‘The birthday boy needs to just kick back and relax!’ It was hard shaking him off.”
“Cake tastes so good and sweet~ But as long as it keeps me filled, I don’t really have anything else to say about it.”
“I can’t believe Silver was so quick to buy me that premium pudding when I asked him for it... I’ll go crying to him next time I’m short on food money.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “The birthday parties at this school are the best! I mean, there’s so much fancy food! I’m going to stuff myself like mad.”
Home Taps “The neighborhood kids always come to visit on my birthday. ...No, not to celebrate; they’re after the food.”
“Jade gave me a high-quality towel that’s so soft to touch... I might change my mind about being okay using it.”
“Lucius showed me somewhere where lots of dandelions grow. He’s a thoughtful cat!”
“This donut pin looks so yummy. But I wish they would’ve gotten some actual ones ready.”
“Hey, I know you just pulled my tail! You’re wrong if you think I’m going to allow that just ‘cause it’s my birthday.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Some people don’t like getting older, but I’m happy about it. Don’t take your birthdays for granted.”
Duo Magic Ruggie: “Sebek, let's hear ya shout it out!” Sebek: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RUGGIE!!!”
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Tutorial “Delays never bring you anything good. Let’s go.”
Lv Up “Shishishi! This is good.”
“You’re kinda weird, trying to take care of me.”
“I think I’ve gotten stronger!”
Max Lv Up “I feel like I could do anything now. Trying hard every once in a while actually might not be that bad. Hehe.”
Episode Lv Up “You really are such a softie. You might get scammed someday, you know? Well, come talk to me if that happens and I might help you out.”
Magic Lv Up “I always thought my magic would stay sucky my whole life, but... it’s kinda turned out.”
Limit Break “I think my progress is still far from over. Guess I gotta stay around you a little while longer.”
Groovy “See? The skilled ones always survive in this world. You’ve got nothing to lose being around me.”
Select Lesson “There aren’t classes on haggling or anything? This place really is a prestigious mage-training school.”
“You don’t have to get so stressed about it. You take things so seriously.”
“Which one are you gonna do? If it were me I’d pick one that’d be useful for survival.”
Lesson Start “Alright, studytime, studytime!”
Lesson End “Hah... I gotta stay caught up.”
Battle Start “This is my territory!”
Battle End “Looks like I got myself some mouth-watering prey.”
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Profile Quote “This world is a survival of the fittest. If you don’t eat when you can, you’re not gonna survive.”
January 2020 Trailer “Even a hyena can become king at this school.”
Countdown Poster “You’ve got some nerve stepping into our territory. Shishishi!”
Login Bonus Greeting “Oh, you made some money! Shishishi! Getting this just by coming to school everyday really is the best, huh? Make sure you don’t forget to come tomorrow either.”
Player Birthday Wish “You’re eating good food, getting all these presents, and everyone’s being so nice to you today. So you don’t really need me to send you birthday wishes on top of that, right? Kidding. Shishishi! I swear! Happy birthday!”
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
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❝ KING PIN ❞ , LUCIUS MALFOY has been spotted in london. the mentioned wizard is TWENTY FOUR and he was formerly part of SLYTHERIN before graduating. makes sense since they are RESOURCEFUL and COMPETITIVE. now they spend their time working IN THE OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL MAGIC LAW, but during the war, they were aligned with the DEATH EATERS. only time will tell what they truly believe in. ||
full name. lucius malfoy nicknames. lucius, luc, malfoy age & dob: twenty four, january 4th blood status: pureblood gender & pronouns: cismale, he/him occupation: junior law associate
father: abraxas malfoy ( father ) , wendy malfoy ( mother, deceased )
mbti: tbd enneagram: tbd zodiac: capricorn sun, rest tbd positive traits: educated, aware, balanced negative traits: righteous, condemning, entitled judgmental tropes: f*ck boy lawyer
hogwarts house: slytherin patronus: a bobcat boggart: tbd amortentia: rose, fresh parchment and freshly laundered clothes mirror of erised: tbd
Life to Lucius was an easy start and will most likely end just as easy. He is an only child, born to Abraxas Malfoy who was a well-respected philanthropist and respected council in the magical community. His mother died in childbirth and was known to be a darling housewife and doting friend to those who knew her. It wasn’t shocking to anyone that growing up with Abraxas was a life filled with rules, but nothing that Lucius wouldn’t step up to. No muggleborn or half blood friends. No mixing with wizards who believe that equality is coming. Make the world a better place- or die trying. He never stepped out of line, never threatened boundaries and always had enough money to cover up the pieces of buildings falling. Hogwarts came just as easy to Lucius as living with his father did. Everyone knew who he was, where he would be sorted and who he would turn into. All the heir needed was to live up to it. He wasn’t a bully- but he made his points very clear. Step in the way of anything that Lucius wanted or did, and you would be at the bad end of a hex. Many would say that things ended for Lucius when it came to a personality. His temper was short, his humor dry and his lack of empathy came off as simply lack of emotion. It wasn’t that simply- but nothing for a Malfoy was. He was raised fighting for a cause and he wasn’t going to let that go because someone wanted to be his friend or use him for his money. He was Lucius Malfoy and he was going to be as such. While the idea of living the simple life of just giving money to the occasional charity sounded nice, Lucius had trouble keeping himself still. So, he went to law school immediately after Hogwarts. It was a way to keep appearances clean while being able to make a change from within. It was his father’s decision to have Lucius take the mark. While he was fully behind it and stood for the cause, he was never sure just how useful he could be in the face of the war- then he was. He proved to be the most useful of all, but defending them in court when things would hit the fan. In an effort to stay low and noticeable, Lucius took a junior position right out of law school. He has some of the top clients in the country due to his last name and the dark mark on his arm. He is solmonely aware that he didn’t earn his quick success but at this point he couldn’t even be mad. He was on the fact track to being head of the Magical Law department.
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 4 years
Dangerous Heart
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Harry could hear the shouting and the sound of feet thundering after him. He couldn’t go home, that would lead them right to his only safe-haven. He could go to the Dursleys, that would serve them right, but that would mean actually seeing his ‘family’ and nothing was worth that kind of torture.
Harry winced as he looked over his shoulder. He couldn’t see them, but the yelling was loud enough that bystanders were looking at him in alarm. He never should have given them his real surname.
“Hey!” The whisper yell almost had him tripping over his feet. “You can hide here.”
Harry looked up to see someone, the face was familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. The man was standing at the entry to a boarded-up storefront that hadn’t been used in years.
Indecision was strong but the sound of feet coming closer made up his mind.
One foot closer to the guy and the polite smile on his face changed into a smirk and alarm bells went off in Harry’s mind.
A flash of a memory had him stilling briefly.
‘I heard you have liquid G.’
‘Depends on who told you.’
An outstretched hand had Harry jumping backwards into an older woman who began yelling at him immediately. He tried to apologize but his mind was too distracted to do it justice. He knew that guy.
“Looks like you ripped off the wrong person,” The man jeered, eyes glancing toward where the yelling of his name was still coming from.
Harry was smart, he knew that, but he never could get rid of the ability to make things worse.
“How’s the cough?” Harry taunted, grinning when the guy’s hands clenched. It had been so easy to pass off cough syrup as liquid ecstasy when the other person had no clue what they were looking for.
“Why you—”
Harry didn’t stick around to witness the man’s anger or words, he jumped over a bin and kept running. The delay hadn’t worked to his advantage, as he looked over his shoulder, he could see the gang of guys still chasing him.
What was he supposed to do now?
Harry tried to throw them off by taking random turns but ended up hitting an alley.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Harry swore, his breathing increasing in tempo to match the sound of running he could hear.
He needed to leave, needed to get out of there and he needed somewhere safe. Somewhere where no one wanted to hurt him, somewhere where he could relax.
Harry needed somewhere.
When his hands started to shake, Harry didn’t think much of it, his whole body was shaking, and it was probably from the adrenaline. But as he looked down at his hands, he jumped in shock.
Yellow light.
Yellow light was surrounding his hands and he wasn’t sure what it was. Oh, logically his mind understood. The years of dreams, flashing lights, whispered Latin words and Uncle Vernon’s insistence that magic was a figment of his imagination and nothing more all led up to this.
Magic wasn’t real.
The Dursley’s said so.
What else could it be? The light grew brighter, much too bright to look at. He closed his eyes as his hands came up to block it all out.
Wind blew his hair in a whoosh of cycling air that felt far too stifling to be real. It had to all be a dream, right? It wouldn’t have been the first time. When he looked back down at his hands and saw no more yellow, he thought he had been right. It was just a dream.
Except it wasn’t.
Harry looked up and his breath left him in a sharp exhale. The yellow magic had transferred to the space in front of him. Only it wasn’t just an orb of bright light, it was a portal.
A portal to another world.
There were shapes on the other side of the portal, but he couldn’t tell what they were. Low murmurs of a conversation were audible, and his curiosity had him taking a few steps closer.
“Where did you come from?” Harry asked, fingers trailing above the portal but not touching. It was a stupid question, but he had been hoping there was even a sliver of a chance that he hadn’t done that. Because if he had done that, then Uncle Vernon lied.
That would mean Magic was real, that he possessed it.
The sound of running grew louder, and Harry knew it was only a matter of seconds before they caught up to him. He could turn around and run a different direction and hope to wrangle free somehow.
He could go through the portal.
His curiosity grew too high to control and led to the very reckless realization that he wanted to see what was on the other side.
With a deep breath and no common sense whatsoever, Harry ran straight into the portal and didn’t look back.
Harry wasn’t sure what he expected but skidding into another person and knocking them both over wasn’t it.
The voice was soft in a way Harry didn’t hear too often. He looked down into angry silver eyes and his breath caught. Whoever he had knocked over was stunning. Pretty eyes, delicate hands, a sharp jaw and a pointed nose.
“You are so pretty.”
A lone arched brow preceded a small quirk of plump lips. “I know.”
Confidence. Harry liked that in a man.
“Just who might you be wizard?”
“Harry, I was—wait, wizard?” Harry asked, lips pursed in a frown.
“Do you prefer a different term? Warlock perhaps?”
“No—” Harry’s frown deepened. “I think you’re mistaken. I’m not a wizard or a warlock. I’m just human.”
That got him two arched brows as a response.
“You are the one mistaken, Harry.” There was a pause as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “You have so much power to you. I can feel it, taste it even. It’s overwhelming.”
Harry wanted to laugh but there was no joke. Clearly, the man thought he was telling the truth.
“And you? Who are you?”
“My name is Draco, I am no wizard, but I do possess enough power to put up a good fight, and I own this Kingdom.”
Kingdom? Before Harry could look around, someone else spoke, causing him to startle.
“Do get off the floor, won’t you?” It was drawled in a condescending tone, one that Harry didn’t care for.
Harry was embarrassed to realize that he was still on top of Draco. He rushed to stand, offering a hand to help.
“Courteous,” Draco murmured, taking Harry’s offer. “A kind wizard, rare breed you are.”
Wizard. Harry still wasn’t sure what to think. The portal meant something. He knew he had done that, there was no arguing that away. But wizard??
“Never met any handsome kings before,” Harry returned, smiling at the light dusting of pink on Draco’s cheeks.
“Dangerous,” Draco whispered, eyes roaming Harry’s face. “My heart is weak to such charms.”
Flirting. Harry was used to flirting, it got him what he wanted in his line of business. Easy to rip people off when he played up his innocence and flirted enough to empty people’s pockets.
But he wasn’t used to flirting like this.
“There are more important things to attend to.”
Harry turned to look at the person who spoke and was surprised to see how similar the man looked to Draco. Definitely a familial resemblance.
“Not now father,” Draco said, eyes still on Harry. “Can I keep him?”
“Keep me?” Harry asked, his lips twitching. “Shouldn’t that be something you ask me?”
“Oh,” Draco breathed, eyes blinking rapidly. “Is that how it’s done where you come from?”
Before Harry could say yes, Draco’s father spoke again.
“There is no time for such foolishness, we have to decide your next move. Your position will decide who we side with in the war.”
“War?” Harry asked, eyes looking around in alarm. His attention focused on a large round table showcasing a map filled with many different coloured pins.
Draco placed a hand on Harry’s back and guided him toward the map.
“This is my Kingdom,” Draco pointed toward the middle of the map, the only area free of pins. Serpent Landing. “All neighbouring lands are in war.”
“But you aren’t?”
“Petty disputes have never interested me,” shrugged Draco. “I’ve not sided with either, but I feel that won’t last much longer. I’m being pressured to choose.”
Harry looked down at the map as Draco continued to speak.
“Lion Valley is in need of potions for their troops, while Raven Hill is seeking rations,” Draco said with a huff. “Both offer a hefty payment in return should I side with them. Choosing one will make me enemies of the other, and I am loath to do so.”
“Why choose then?” Harry asked. “Send the potions to Lion Valley and the rations to Raven Hill. Both sides will think you are their ally when in reality you play both sides.”
Draco’s mouth parted on a small noise, eyes looking between the two lands on the map.
“Oh, I like him,” Draco’s father said before extending a hand. “Lucius Malfoy, a reluctant adviser to the arrogant King.”
“My arrogance was taught father,” Draco said with sparkling eyes. “I learned from the best.”
Lucius rolled eyes before pulling out a few pieces of paper and began to write what looked like a letter.
Draco picked up a sword from a display and sheathed it before turning to Harry. “I would show you my home, but I find that to be tedious. Would you like to go on an adventure with me instead?”
An adventure? Harry looked over his shoulder where the portal was still visible. Enough time had passed that he was sure he’d be fine to return home. But…
“Should a King go on adventures?” Harry teased. “Such an important position after all.”
“Thank you,” Lucius said, hands in the air. “My son, however, doesn’t listen to reason.”
Draco scowled at his father before turning to Harry, his face softening a margin. “Who if not a King? Exploration calls to me.”
When the portal began to flicker, Harry knew it wasn’t time but his own desires that caused the portal to weaken.
“Who am I to argue then?” Harry said, an arm held out as he ignored the dying portal and smiled at Draco.
“The trouble we can get into,” Draco whispered, there was an excitement to his voice that had Harry’s smile widening. “A King and a Wizard.”
“Lord help us all,” Lucius mumbled to the now empty room.
There was no doubt in his mind that Draco would keep Harry.
“Lord help us.”
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@abstractundefined​ I had to look up what Sword and Sorcery was lmaoo and I think if I continued the story it would make more sense how it fit the genre but oh well shsks. I do hope you liked it!
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