#King of Edom Magnus Bane
sinqueen69 · 8 months
The malec edom_breeding one please!
So as a head's up, I haven't gotten to the porn bit of this fic, but here is a snippet what I have so far!
Magnus pressed a kiss to Alec’s forehead, like a benediction. Magnus swept his fiancee into his arms in the classic bridal-style hold and used his magic to seal his palace tightly. No one would interrupt his reunion with his fiancee, the rest of Edom and all its current problems could wait.
The heavily warded double doors to the room Magnus had claimed and reformed in his style swung open as he approached them, welcoming the King of Edom into the only safe haven that existed in Edom.
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buffyspeak · 1 year
"your word? that's enough to jeopardize everyone i love and cherish" LMAO get her magnus!
i don't think she was anticipating that a) having lied to him once already makes this a Not Great argument. and B) he just got a refresher course in how little integrity asmodeus, for instance, has, and he's not about to trust lilith right after that
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lawsofchaos1 · 8 months
Malec Promptlet: Royal AU
Asmodeus is the High King of Edom, a brutal and immoral overlord.
Edom conquered Idris two years ago after a long and protracted war, ended by the public execution of the King and Queen, Robert and Maryse Lightwood.
Alexander Lightwood, the Crown Prince and High General, is spared by Asmodeus, but only with the intention of having him serve as a living symbol of Idris' defeat by becoming the personal servant of Edom's own Crown Prince, Magnus Bane.
Prior to the war's end, Alec was able to send his siblings to safety in a neutral country across the sea, DuMort, even though he had to all but beg his sister and his shield-brother, Jace, to go. Alec had known that they were losing, the magic of Edom too powerful to fight much longer, and he'd played every emotional trick he could to make sure Jace and Izzy left their country and him behind. Max would need both of them with him to survive as a legitimate blood heir of a fallen kingdom.
Alec hadn't expected to survive himself.
But, when Asmodeus demands he bend the knee in the same room as his parent's bodies, Alec understands the trade at hand - his dignity for his remaining people's survival.
It's an easy decision for Alec to make.
The journey from Idris to Edom is hard, but Alec holds fast and eventually they make it to Edom's capital and he is thrown to the mercy of the Crown Prince's household. Every so often Asmodeus trots Alec out for some public humiliation, to prove Edom's superiority in front of visiting rulers wondering whether to take the offered treaty terms or risk negotiation, but for the most part everything is ... fine.
Magnus, as it turns out, is a kind master and Alec has no complaints.
As the seasons turn and begin to repeat, Magnus and Alec grow to be friends, confidantes even, though Alec is never truly able to forget the precariousness of his situation. Magnus desperately wants to be more, but he also knows that Alec doesn't have the power to say no, so he contents himself as they are. 
Magnus dreams of Alec being confident enough in their firm friendship and trust to perhaps want to be together as well, dreams even more secretly of the two of them ruling one day together as fully equal partners.
(Alec refuses to admit, even to himself, that he often dreams of similar tidings.) 
One night, however, Asmodeus calls Alec to serve him in his private rooms with a group of counselors and visiting officials from their southern neighbor. Magnus sadly watches Alec go, knowing exactly why Asmodeus wants Alec tonight of all nights. Negotiation begins tomorrow on a trade treaty, and watching Idris' fallen prince kneel to an enemy king is a powerful reminder of what it can cost to refuse Asmodeus' wishes.
Magnus goes to sleep, wishing futilely he was able to help without making things infinitely worse, hoping Alec will be well and whole in the morning.
It seems like his head has just touched the pillow when Magnus is woken up, suddenly and shockingly, the embers of the previous evening's fire providing just enough light to see by. Jolting up, heart racing, Magnus' mouth drops open to see Alec kneeling prostrate at the side of his bed.
Alec is frantic, broken apologies mixing in with barely intelligible explanations of something Magnus can't even begin to understand, so frantic and terrified is his friend. Magnus doesn't know what to do because Alec is shaking and trembling, and, even in those first days when Alec had thought he was to be executed and his people punished at the first mistake he'd made, he'd never been like this.
Magnus tries to comfort him, making calming sounds and promising that everything will be okay, but Alec doesn't seem to hear him. Alec won't rise and Magnus hates it because this is how servants react to his father, so he slips to his knees at Alec's side.
Thanking all the gods that Alec doesn't flinch at his touch - Magnus doesn't know what he would do if Alec did - the story finally comes tumbling out, Alec still refusing to meet his eyes.
Asmodeus and his retinue had been drunk, but Alec is well enough used to that. The casual slurs and violence they throw his way are what Alec has come to expect when he is called to serve the King.
(Magnus is livid at this unthinking confirmation. Alec is too quiet, too resigned to complain, has never mentioned this to him before - though Magnus had certainly suspected - and Magnus can do nothing but seethe helplessly as Alec mentions it as though it is nothing.)
But something had changed midway through the evening - there'd been a new horror lurking in the glint of Asmodeus' eyes. He'd grabbed Alec the next time he'd been close enough and forced him on his lap, laughing and wondering to the crowd exactly how well the Crown Prince of Idris would warm his bed.
Alec had panicked.
He keeps apologizing to Magnus and Magnus has a sudden, horrified image of Alec having grabbed a knife and slit his father's throat and the two of them having to run to escape charges of attempted regicide (because obviously Magnus isn't letting Alec run away by himself), but Alec keeps going and finally Magnus understands what had happened.
Alec claimed himself to be Magnus' bed slave instead- the only thing the King would have accepted as a reason for Alec to say no. Alec has no rights of his own in Edom. Only if Alec already belonged to Magnus, a possession that would irritate Magnus if someone else used it, could he refuse.
But Asmodeus won't hide this.
Asmodeus will think it hilarious, and Magnus heart stutters in his chest because he can't deny it without condemning Alec to the executioner's block now that it's been said.
Everyone will believe that Magnus cares not for consent and has chosen to use a former Prince and defeated enemy in the basest way possible.
And he cannot deny it.
But Magnus swallows his horror and holds Alec to his chest, running his hand soothingly across Alec's back until the trembling subsides and his exhausted friend is nearly falling asleep in his arms.
Tomorrow will be one of the hardest days of Magnus' life, but he will do anything to spare Alec from his father.
[Insert Happy Malec Ending]
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carelessflower · 6 months
Trouble was firing down the Lightwood's door, an old submission turned more bitter than the poison the matriarch and her husband had gladly lapped from Morgenstern's palm.
Common folks and nobles alike shook in fear, as the Mad King was back, devilish spawns sprinting with their father's every step. The combined force of Idris's houses had only managed to push him down, not out, never out. With a daughter whose hands draw golden and spirit was more fiery than her hair, and her terrifyingly blond brother, who would wipe the blood of those Morgenstern cheekbones with a smile.
Valentine was still alive. He called for the throne.
Of course, Valentine's insanity had not faded away, but neither had his wits, The Mad Ruler - always three steps prepared. The political landscape of Idris had shifted over the decades he spent in the dark carving ladder from people's flesh. The Clave never gave back their trust in the Lightwood. Valentine could regain fortune for his victory, and punishment for his betrayal.
Maryse the Unmercy tensed when a letter with familiar signs came down her sparrow, commanding words capable of drawing expressions few had seen her displayed. Though burnt, the sentiment stayed.
Maxell Lightwood could stay, for he posed the perfect future pawn in Valentine's army. Lady Isabelle would become Valentine's dear Clarissa's Lady-in-waiting, her hands in marriage awaiting whatever house Valentine deemed suitable to sway over.
And when the gentle spray of she spring came, along her the first bloom of Moon Magnolia, Sir Jonathan Herondale would sweep on his horse, and renounce his love for Valentine's daughter. A family united, at last.
The firstborn, oh how Valentine looked to meet the Lightwood's grace, his son's soon-to-be bed warmer. The most useful hostage in the family. Breaking him would be the perfect jewel on the Morgenstern's crown.
Time spinned. The wheel went on.
Day of tourney returned. Words spread faster than wind, a foreign blade drawn. Prince Magnus Bane was never known to back down from a challenge.
The commoners laughed and cheered, bets in taverns went one thousand, one million. They all heard the tales, and Sir Herondale had run into his tough match. Magic ran through Edom's veins, and as one of The Eldest Curses, Prince Magnus's power rivaled most of his royal peers.
The competition would be unpredictable, many claimed. But some only cared about who would the winner dedicate his history to. Whether the blessed magnolia crown of love and beauty would rest on Morgenstern's flaming curls or the intricate blonde braid of Bane's newest amour.
To say this year's round was the most anticipated in centuries would not be a stretch by any means.
Everyone at the joust recalled the moment of their bated breath, as the Great Destruction knocked their prideful heron off his horse. Sharp as Bane's laughter when he took off his helmet, not letting anyone get in his way- reaching for where noble houses were posing in observance.
His eyes flitted over to the right, where the lady Isabelle abode with her family.
Oh— of course. Others whispered. The one true jewel of Alicante. Lady of the Roses.
What a quaint couple would they make. Most knew Maryse was anticipating her frosty rage.
It didn't matter.
For blue petals bloomed in between Sir Alexander Lightwood's raven locks.
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okay so this malec x GoT inspired idea has been haunting me all night I need to get it out of my system may pick up later when I'm feeling lucky 🤭
tag list: @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @ukisteria @hoezier-than-thou @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43 @khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart @raziyekroos @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward @noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks @deliciousdetectivestranger @delightfullyterrible @letsgofortacos @kita-no @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @pocketoffeels @cityofdownwardspirals @stupidfuckindinosaur @i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag @cam-ryt @banesapothecary
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hi!! i love everything you write, but i really enjoyed the first part of your treasure of kings au and would love to see more of that if you are interested
here we go! thank you ^_^
Magnus wakes for no discernable reason that he can tell, until he hears a muffled whimper. It surprises him, because Alexander sleeps without dreams for the most part and is prone to waking quickly at a threat… for Alexander, dreams often represent a threat.
Magnus brings up a soft golden ball of light and looks to his lover with curiosity that quickly turns to concern. Alexander is twitching in his sleep. Little involuntary motions of his muscles and his brow is furrowed, creased with discomfort. A little whine slips past his sleep-clenched teeth and then his eyes open, rolling back so that only the whites are showing as he jerks, his body heaving up. There’s a moue of pain on his lips, fingers clutching the sheets and he shakes his head in his sleep.
Magnus reacts instantly, his magic rushing forward to twine around and into his lover until Alexander is covered by protective, sparking magic.
He finds it instantly, a devouring, possessive energy seeking to claim his boy and Magnus seethes at the audacity of whatever being thinks to claim what belongs already to Magnus.
Alexander settles, brow still lined with pain but no longer so tense and his eyes shut. For a moment he sleeps in limbo, Magnus’ magic angrily advancing on the foreign but strangely familiar magic. There is no dance of magic like Magnus normally uses, instead his magic bursts into furious flames of hell, pushing the intruder further and further away. There is no room for it here and there is nothing for it to claim.
Alexander wakes the minute the magic is gone, lunging forward and bringing Magnus into a tight embrace as his body shakes.  Magnus has never flooded Alexander with this much magic before and certainly not without permission. He opens his mouth to explain — but not apologize — and his boy makes a choking noise, pulling him into a desperate kiss as if he’s trying to crawl into Magnus’ body.
“It didn’t want to let go.” Alexander murmurs again his mouth when his boy moves far enough away to speak. “I can still feel the echoes of it, trying to attach to me, to latch on.” Magnus gives a soft snarl and kisses Alexander again, wanting to chase away the touch and memory and his magic pulses through Alexander’s body.
Alexander melts against the pillows and Magnus lets his weight settle on his boy, Alexander sighing in contentment, as if the weight of Magnus’ body is keeping him anchored and in place.
“Don’t take it away. Not tonight.” Alexander murmurs pleadingly, his eyes a silent plea and Magnus realizes he means Magnus’ magic. That Alexander finds comfort and safety in the far-too intimate embrace of Magnus’ magic.  It’s a balm to the raw anger that Magnus is feeling and he presses soft kisses to Alexander’s brow and face and cheeks.
“You’d have to beg me to take it away.” Magnus admits quietly, forehead resting on Alexander’s own. “I can’t bear the thought of you being so vulnerable again, especially not tonight.”
Alexander seems relieved by that, his arms wrapping around Magnus like tight bands of platinum, keeping him from moving away, locking him tightly close and Magnus revels in it.
“Go back to sleep, sayang.” Magnus murmurs and he nuzzles Alexander’s cheek and jaw, “I’ll keep guard of you, body and soul.”
Sebastian curses, furious that his spell has been interrupted.
There’s no way or reason for Alec to have woken up, not with how deep asleep he was when Sebastian started the spell. It’s with a vicious hunger that he shoves his magic back out, aching for another taste of Alec’s cool angelic power and a barrier slams into place before he can do more than caress it.  It’s angry and hot, like the burning fires of Edom that once charred his skin and Sebastian hates it.
He hates it even more when he realizes what it is.
Who it is.
Magnus Bane has no reason to suspect what he’s doing, no reason to be able to interfere.  Not when Alec is asleep in the Instit— Sebastian’s thoughts grind to a halt and he withdraws as the flames advance. 
There’s no way to check if his suspicions are correct. No way to casually enter Alec’s personal rooms or to ask if anyone knows where he is.  It’s with seething anger that he throws Alec’s sweat soaked shirt across the room. He’s grabbed it from the training room, along with all the other shirts and then ‘helpfully’ sent them to laundry.
Alec’s shirt never made it there, but he doesn’t seem to have noticed or cared that it’s missing. Sebastian sends out a searching tendril of his mother’s magic — gifted to him to wield — and once again is immediately blocked not only by the angelic core of the Institute but also by the wards that he now  recognizes as Bane’s magic.
It infuriates him that the very wards of the Institute — the magic that he has to be so careful not to touch — is the same magic as the magic who kept him from stealing away a sliver of Alexander’s soul.
It’s with anger that he finds himself in the training rooms, beating out his frustrations the best he can until he has to stop, rather than risk revealing himself. He’s sitting on the ground, staring at a towel and a flask of water when he’s interrupted.
“Hey, you okay?” He’s asked by Izzy, who is trudging into the room with her hands already wrapped.
“Just couldn’t sleep.” He allows, offering her a fake smile that he already knows she trusts.  She gives him a commiserating grimace and motions to herself with a nod. It’s a risk, but Izzy is the least likely to withhold information.  She trusts him — more than she trusts her family from the way she stood up for him against her brother, silly girl — but Sebastian will never hesitate to use an offered asset.
“Actually—” he hesitates, as if unsure of himself. “I was hoping to ask you, what time does Alec’s shift start?” She blinks at him in clear surprise, but there’s no suspicion, just a hint of curiosity. “I realize your brother doesn’t like me, but I’m hoping to find a way to earn his trust. Perhaps with extra patrols or reports.”
“Well, you can’t go wrong volunteering. He’ll be back in time for the evening patrol to start preparing.”
“Back?” Sebastian asks, “was he called to Alicante?”
Izzy laughs, surprised by the question and she shakes her head, “Alec sleeps at his boyfriend’s most nights. He’s available for emergencies via Magnus portaling him back when needed. It’s a good system and this way, Alec can’t be woken up for every little thing.” She winces as she says the last part and Sebastian immediately knows she’s one of the ones who drove Alec from the Institute into Bane’s arms with persistence.
“Runed doors didn’t work?” He asks, forcing his tone light and joking and Izzy blushes and shrugs.
“Jace is his parabatai, he can override most of the runes and Alec doesn’t like locking him completely out. It’s supposed to only be for emergencies but—”  Izzy gives him a sheepish shrug.
Sebastian freezes, a new idea forming because while Alec’s soul is currently under guard by a very possessive and powerful warlock, there is a piece that remains unattached to Alec’s soul. Healthy and hale, residing perfectly within reach.
And completely unprotected, ripe for the plucking.
“Well, I applaud him for finding a new way to get a full night’s rest.” Sebastian says with a hungry grin that he softens with a laugh, “I’m going to go see if this helps me sleep.”
Izzy waves him off with a nod and a smile, already gearing up to practice.
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malec-ao3feed · 9 months
you're the king and I'm your lionheart
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/OvC4r93 by la_muerta When Lilith leads her army of demons against Magnus in Edom, Magnus decides that he has to do whatever it takes to seal Edom permanently from the mortal realm and keep the people he loves safe — even if it means giving up his heart, mind, and soul. Some time later, a nephilim turns up at the door of his ruined palace, a man that Magnus thinks he ought to remember. Words: 9287, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Episode: s03e20 City of Glass, King of Edom Magnus Bane, Temporary Amnesia, Angst with a Happy Ending, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Rough Sex, Face-Fucking, Throne Sex, Come play, Nipple Play, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Overstimulation, Praise Kink, Mirror Sex, Rimming, Dom/sub Undertones, Under-negotiated Kink, Alec Lightwood Needs A Hug, Magnus Bane Needs A Hug, good thing they've got each other then :') read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/OvC4r93
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la-muerta · 9 months
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Title: you're the king and I'm your lionheart
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV)
Warnings: Rated E.
Word Count: 9,287 words
Relationships: Magnus Bane x Alec Lightwood
Summary: When Lilith leads her army of demons against Magnus in Edom, Magnus decides that he has to do whatever it takes to seal Edom permanently from the mortal realm and keep the people he loves safe — even if it means giving up his heart, mind, and soul.
Some time later, a nephilim turns up at the door of his ruined palace, a man that Magnus thinks he ought to remember.
[Read on AO3]
I actually got the inspiration for two fic ideas from @carelessflower's requests for Malec Secret Santa this year, and I really wanted to write both. So because my middle name is apparently also "Too Much" like Magnus, here's the second fic! 🙈
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aceonice · 9 months
Author interview:
thanks for the tag, bestie @thehollowone16
1. How many works do you have on ao3:
200, mostly oneshots
2. What's my total ao3 wc:
3. What are my top 5 fics by kudos:
Submission Magnus Is Quite... Magical Smells Like Heaven Little Miracles  Perfect Match
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to, but I got busy and now I'm so behind that it's intimidating
5. What fic has the angstiest ending?
The Day Clary Lost Her Wings is unresolved Clary angst and (Tell Me How To) Say No To This which ends with a malec wedding but is still hella angsty and very dark so please mind the tags
6. What fic has the happiest ending?
The Heart Of A Home ends with Magnus, Alec, Jace cuddles (malec with platonic Jalec)
7. Do you write crossovers?
I wrote Damaged, But Not Beyond Repair which features Raven Reyes from The 100 in a malec fic. That's the closest I've gotten to a crossover, but maybe someday I'll write more.
8. Have you received hate on ao3?
Yeah, a couple comments. Mostly on my darker fics that say "don't like don't read" but I think those commenters can't read that well so
9. Do you write smut?
10. Have you had a fic get stolen?
Yeah, someone was posting stolen fics on Wattpad and included a couple of mine.
11. Have you had a fic get translated?
Nope! @soulless-baka should translate one to German just so I can say yes <3
12. Have you co-written a fic?
Heads, *Shoulders*, Knees, and Toes with @missyousofar and The Bane of Texas with @somesleepysloth
13. What's your fav ship?
Romantic: Magnus/Alec (Shadowhunters), Viktor/Yuuri (Yuri On Ice), Mon/Sam (Gap The Series), Beatrice/Ava (Warrior Nun)
Platonic: Yuuri & Yurio (& Viktor), and just about any platonic ship I can get my hands on tbh
Familial: Alec, Izzy, and Jace
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but never will?
I don't post WIPs, but I have a malec fake dating fic in the works that may or may not be finished one day as well as a canon divergent fic where Alec winds up an accidental King of Edom after killing Lilith and works together with Magnus who has been trapped in Edom by his father.
15. What are my writing strengths?
Uh... dialog? I guess? I don't know, if you've read my writing, you tell me~ I've been told I write sensitive topics well which is nice
16. What are my writing weaknesses?
I want to improve how I write settings, pacing, and general plotting. I'd like to make my writing prettier too.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages on ao3?
However someone wants to include different languages is good with me, but I do have a preference for including a translation somewhere because I don't want to google it
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Supernatural. The fic has since been deleted because I wrote it forever ago.
19. What fandom/ship have you not written but want to?
I'm mostly into writing original stuff right now, but I'd like to write a fic from Yurio's perspective some day. I've written at least 1 fic for most of my favorite fandoms, including Yuri On Ice. I think it could be fun to try writing for a book fandom one day.
20. What's your fav fic you've written?
Uncommon Flavors which is a malec fic wherein Alec has narcolepsy and a service dog, Magnus runs a bakery, and some miscommunication and flirting happens.
Tagging @missyousofar @dicaculus @myulalie and anyone who sees this~
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uzukage-naruto · 5 years
was this the ‘purple’ magic?
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emeraldties · 2 years
If I had a quarter for every time my favorite character was an immortal, bisexual, flamboyantly unwitting cult leader who so happens to be the son of one of the worst men in existence, I’d have two quarters. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
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Emperor’s New Clothes - Panic! at the Disco
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lovexthexflash · 4 years
A New Start
Malec fic by AceOnIce, Chapters:1/1
Magnus sets off to destroy the shadowhunter that has entered his domain of Edom, but things don't go as planned.
Read it here.
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banesboy · 5 years
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carelessflower · 7 months
veiled fate
Sun set, sun fell, Idris and Edom proposed a truce. The ever-lascivious King Asmodeus had folded, more than willing to open a new trade road between the kingdoms for the eldest Lightwood’s hand in marriage.
So now, Alec simply awaited his fate, watching impassively as servants and tailors fluttered around him like ants and bees, making sure he turned up to be the perfect bride.
A willing sacrifice.
His siblings tried to reject the proposal at first- anyone in their sane mind would, Asmodeus wasn’t known as a kind lover. All six of his wives had died painfully, some during childbirth, or the dangerous politic of the harem, or the king’s sadistic play. He took and took and took, until spring blooms cried to desserts, and he left to conquer another land.
Alec had no illusion he wasn’t the next victim. Better him than Izzy, that was.
“You can’t do this.” Came Jace’s whisper. “Please, there’s still time, run away, don’t let this marriage ruin your life.”
Alec was glad he was hiding behind the wedding veil, separating him from the desperate, sad expressions his brother must have on his face. “There’s no other choice.” Their kingdom needed this allegiance, and King Asmodeus wanted a new plaything. “It’s my duty, and I suggest you respect my choice, Jace.”
There was no other protest after that, just sounds of Jace pushing over everyone when he stormed out. He wouldn’t be far for long, he was in charge of leading Alec’s carriage to Edom.
The journey was tedious, exhausting even. Alec felt layers upon layers of silk and brocade weighing him down. The two kingdoms had spared no expense for this wedding to happen, especially with the wedding veil. While Edom gave away their precious lace, Idris tailors spent days and nights stitching pearls and crystals to every mile of the fabric.
An excessive cage, trapping Alec to his doom.
In the carriage. In Edom. In the ceremonial hall. Alec bowed and made the vow before the gods with his new husband, his heart growing colder by the second.
When servants had sat him down in the private chamber, Alec was numb from it all. Here he was, waiting for his brute of a husband to swoop in and take him, hands clenching in his lap.
The door creaked.
Alec's husband had come.
Tick. Tick. The water clock rolled. Alec heard footsteps coming closer.
Then there were hands lifting Alec’s veil while he remained quiet, his gaze fixed on the ground, one hand reaching into his sleeve, twisting the gold bangle. It was a gift from Izzy, and it cheered with the final chance to prove its usefulness.
Alec uncapped a secret hidden underneath the bracelet and felt a hefty weight on his hand, sharp and dangerous. He struck when the king got closer, lunging forward with his dagger, fighting with every last breath. Unfortunately, the king did the same, and in the end, victory didn’t smile upon Alec.
His back hit the bed below hard, anger and dejection seeping through his veins.
“Kill me if you want.” He spat out. “But as long as I live, I would never submit to you.”
“Oh darling, why’d I kill my bride?” The king smiled, his green golden eyes flickered in the dim light of candles, and Alec was annoyed the portrait sent to him hadn’t done this man justice. He was younger, and more approachable, though still carried similar striking features in the painting.
Alec breathed heavily, confusion rolled off in his throat. Asmodeus seemed more willing to play with his victim than he thought.
“Tsh– Look at me forgetting my manner.” Magnus leaned down, one hand pinning Alec’s hands above his head while the other used the prince’s dagger to slice off buttons on his fancy attire. Alec whimpered, feeling the coldness danced against his skin. Soon enough, the once lavish robe turned to ribbons, hanging desperately on Alec’s body. “There’s been a change in management, I’m Magnus Bane, and your new husband.”
Taking advantage of Alec’s stunned silence, Magnus took a step further, throwing Alec's legs over his shoulder. Alec moaned out loud, the first of a long night.
“My king–I, ah.”
“You’re so good for me, my darling consort. Say my name, say it.”
“M–Magnus, Magnus.”
for @pocketoffeels keep feeding us with ur chaotic genius
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prompt fill: the treasure of kings
the prompt deleted while i was writing but i got i back from the prompter so here we go
A demon prince becomes obsessed with Alec and abducts him. Magnus is like - Oh hell NO. Any demon prince is fine. Here’s a prompt I shared on the discord server recently if you want to use it. But it doesn’t have to be Lilith - So Lilith hooked up with Benedict Lightwood back in the day. Let’s say she really misses him and wants herself a Lightwood again. She finds out about Alec and is like - jackpot. Here is a beautiful Lightwood. Even better than Benedict. She stalks him for a while maybe and becomes obsessed. She’s keeping this one. Forever. She wants a beautiful angelic consort and she can’t wait to share him with Sammael when he finally gets around to reforming. So she kidnaps Alec. Takes him to Edom maybe. Plans to marry him whether he likes it or not. Magnus loses his goddamn mind. That skank thinks she can dare take his angel? Asmodeus is about to get his wish to be the sole ruler of Edom because Magnus is going to cut that bitch’s head off.
so i loved working with this idea and i let saeth have some input on who i used as the obsessive demon ^_^
i hope you enjoy
“I approved your transfer here as a favor for Aline,” Alec says as Sebastian nears the door. When he looks back, Alec’s eyes are watching him with cool suspicion and Sebastian reminds himself that it was just too soon.
It would be time, but not just yet.
Mother had always said that her favorite of lovers was Benedict Lightwood and she’ll be pleased he’s following in her footsteps. Sebastian rationalizes this to himself as he walks away from Alec’s office and he reminds himself not to turn around and just summon his mother.
He can’t take Alec to Edom without any preparation and this is his first time outside of his mother’s realm in years, he wants to indulge.
It’s with that thought in mind that Sebastian goes to find Clary… watching her and Jace with hungry eyes as he can’t decide who he wants to keep the most.  All three of them are important to him and each other but if he can only keep one, he finds himself torn.
It’s with a large, friendly smile that he offers the two of them towels. It’s then that he hears a surprising bit of news and he can’t help the edge his voice takes.
“Alec’s dating a warlock?” Sebastian asks, surprised but also displeased. “Which one?”
His question isn’t deemed strange at all by the others and Clary laughs and elbows Jace, “the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane.”
Sebastian swallows down the ash that sits on his tongue as he pretends to smile and nods to them both as he walks away.
Magnus Bane is untouchable for now and more importantly, he’s practically family considering how things work in Edom. Which means Sebastian probably shouldn’t try to kill him permanently, or it will upset Asmodeus too greatly.
Sebastian sees them later, Magnus showing up and letting himself in Alec’s office without even a knock, striding in like he owns the place.  It’s with seething anger that Sebastian once again falls short of a true son of Edom.
Sebastian knocks on the door, because he can’t help himself and there are long moments of pure silence that stretch out between him knocking and the door clicking unlocked and swinging in.
Whatever he thought he’d see, it wasn’t Magnus Bane in Alec’s lap, looking smug as he pulled away from Alec who looked more dazed and euphoric than Sebastian had imagined he could look. There was nothing of the cold, calculating Commander that Sebastian admired, or the doting but stern older brother who cared too much.
Alec looked like pleasure incarnate and a debauchery of divinity.  Magnus Bane doesn’t care about audiences and he boldly licks at the spit connecting their mouths, tongue dipping into Alec’s open, slack mouth. Alec whines, arching up and keening into Bane’s waiting embrace. There’s the slick sound of tongues caressing and Alec is shaking, like the kiss alone is too much for him.
“Alexander isn’t available right now.” Magnus Bane tells him, dismissing him without a second glance and Sebastian has to dig his nails into his palm and bite his tongue until he’s nearly pierced through it.
Which is fine.
He’ll heal it with an iratze, it won’t be any worse than the rest of his wounds.
“Thank you for letting me know.” Sebastian manages to get out, because this glimpse of Alec has only assured him of his preferred goal.  If Sebastian can only take one of what he wants right now, then it’s going to be Alec.
Before Asmodeus’ son can take any more of what should be Sebastian’s.
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malec-ao3feed · 5 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/hbLpTOe by Demy85 Alec, the son of the Seelie King Robert Lightwood, goes out one night with his sister to a club for downworlders in NYC, where he meets the love of his life, a demon. Magnus was born the son of the fallen angel Asmodeus and destined to take his father's place as ruler of Edom, but falls madly in love with a Seelie. For a while, they manage to leave their duties behind and enjoy their lives together. Until Alec is summoned back to the Seelie court. From this point on, their lives are thrown into turmoil. Words: 6751, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of Demy's "By the Angel Bingo 2024" Prompts Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Catarina Loss, Ragnor Fell, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Isabelle Lightwood Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Immortal Alec Lightwood, Alec is a Seelie, Demon Magnus Bane, Robert Lightwood Being an Asshole, Faerie rings, Sad with a Happy Ending read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/hbLpTOe
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