#Kiri and Spider are so sweet
I love the comic as much as the movie. Jake vouching for Spider is something that can be so personal 🥹🫶
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lvpislvzuli · 2 years
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Ngl i think he likes her
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fandomsonmysleeve · 2 years
Kiri x Spider
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@dinas-bracelet ‘s headcanon in her story that Jake, Kiri, Spider, and Lo’ak all pinkie promise each other things makes me want to kill myself (positive and negative). 
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akoyaxs · 1 year
˚༄ Tunutu ✮ Meaning: object of desire, crush ✮ Pairing: Aonung x fem!human reader ✮ Meaning: object of desire, crush ✮ Warnings: Reader POV, smutty smut smut,seemingly unrequited love, misunderstandings, size kink, oral sex, p in v, aftercare, fluffy fluff fluff, ✮ Word Count: 12.9k
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To be fair, the reef was different. 
At least in the Omatikaya village, the na'vi knew you weren't RDA, that you were only fascinated with their culture and wanting to help. The trouble was, what could one small human do to aid the massive, muscular na'vi who, at every turn, always seemed to be the ones to help you out. Which is why when Norm received a help call from Jake Sully, you automatically offered yourself up for the job.
You had grown up alongside the Sully kids, always growing smaller and smaller in their eyes. Now in adulthood, you were still trying to overcome their teasing that you were still barely above their hips in their more muscular, lithe bodies,
And since the absence of the Sullys and Spider, you hardly had a reason to come around the Omatikaya village anymore. Although the science compound was tedious and cagey at times, you had traded your beautifully beaded na'vi style tops and tewngs for more "appropriate clothing". It was probably more suitable too; the older you got, the less the na'vi clothes fit your stubbornly human body. At least you were larger than na'vi in one particular place.
But as you watched the science labs fade away through the perilously open side of the helicopter, the forest too replaced by a vast stretch of ever-deepening glistening ocean, you felt a small pang inside you. It's not like you were leaving any family or friend, they were not so quite waiting for you at the reef.
Which is when it happened. You saw him.
You were always much more interested in na'vi than humans, how could you not be when they were so much more muscular, smoother, and well, bigger. But you had never seen a reef na'vi before, and on the very off chance you had carelessly thought of the Metkayina, you had forgotten to factor in their physique.
He was taller than any other na'vi you'd ever seen, his whole body broad and muscular and massive, his very toned stomach tapering into a sluttily slim waist for such a broad man and a slight x shape to where his very prominent abs met his ribcage.
As the helicopter settled on the sand, surrounded by a crowd of extremely confused and intrigued Metkayina, he was helping Neteyam keep them back. You shook your head- this was hardly the time to be drooling over handsome new boys when Kiri needed help.
Jake was running over, shouting at Norm and pulling him into a quick hug before he spotted you. He looked tired and strained and stressed, yet still managed to smile and pull you into a hug, clearly forgetting that you're a human and half-crushing you to death.
"Good to see you kid," he grins. "Well, you're hardly a kid anymore."
You had tried to help carry some of the boxes in, yet they were sized for Jake and Norm, and you were quickly left aone by the helicopter, surrounded by curious na'vi. You could tell no one saw you as a threat by the way they stared, as though you were something exotic and adorable and even amusing.
Moreover, you could feel his eyes on you, more weary and suspicious and almost taunting than his people, and you swallowed heavily before nervously making your way through the crowd and following the shapes of Jake and Norm ahead.
So maybe you hadn't had a great start with the mystery guy from the way he was staring, but you soon met him again when Ronal pulled you aside and into a marui.
There he was, standing between who was clearly Tonowari and a sweet-looking shorter girl.
"Oel ngati kameie," you said nervously, apprehensively gesturing and praying to Eywa that your voice didn't actually sound as timid and squeaky as it seemed to yourself.
The Olo'eyktan and the girl looked pleased, but he just continued to blankly and shamelessly stare at you, until your throat felt dry and the silence was starting to make you want to cry. But you refused to play into either of the roles na'vi assume of humans; the evil, power-hungry, trigger-happy demons, or the tiny timid pushovers.
"Jake Sully has requested you stay with us," Ronal finally said. "He believes you could be useful to the Metkayina."
"Well," you say, throat dry and desperately trying to keep your voice steady under the eyes of the four Metkayina. "I'm good at healing- I learnt much from the Omatikaya Tsahìk."
"This is my daughter Tsireya," Tonowari said, looking pleased with you. "She will help accustom you to our village, as well as my son, Aonung."
Instantly Aonung's eyes narrowed, and you feel your heart thud a little at the annoyance on his face at the instruction of him spending time with you.
"Father, first the Sullys and now a tawtute-"
"It is decided," Tonowari cut his son off. "The Sullys may assist you as well, and Toruk Makto tells me you are to have a human home on the edge of the village."
And that was that, apparently. No one asked you if you wanted to suddenly live in the reef, yet you had the Sullys and that was all that mattered. The small human area was hidden in the small forest beside a river and behind the Metkayina village, which was fair given the aesthetic monstrocity of it.
It was another horribly shiny metal demountable shared between you and Spider, each of you owning your own small room with a tiny cupboard, rickety bed and nothing more, and sharing a small space between.
Soon after you moved in, you could hardly get Lo'ak to move out, him and Spider always playing stupid video games and eating the shitty food you had hoarded, yet you took every chance to get outside.
It's not like you ever did much, you even managed to go the first few months without swimming or being in swimmers in front of all these beautiful na'vi, but you were determined to prove yourself.
So day after day, you worked endlessly on anything you could find to be helpful. You quickly learnt the new herbs for healing and how to navigate the bouncy village suspended over the water. You also found out the na'vi women loved your weavings and beadings, your "tiny hands" able to create very intricate works in proportion to their larger bodies.
And you found that Metkayina men were extremely intrigued by you.
You wondered if maybe Spider had blabbed to someone about you, about your greater attraction to na'vi than humans, because you suddenly found the healing marui that you often worked in when Ronal couldn't strangely often occupied by men with injuries that could have easily been healed at home or better treated by Ronal herself.
You also didn't miss their comments about the coverage of your clothing, about how small you were and the softness of your tawtute skin.
Okay so yes, maybe you were secretly crushing hard on Aonung, but the Olo'eyktans son treated you with amusement and cockiness when you happened to interact with him every now and then. So of course you were flattered by the attention of the broad strong Metkayina, and a woman has needs.
All the sexual interactions you share with the Metkayina range from adequate to somewhat satisfying, but the longer you stay in Awa'atlu and the more female friends you make, the more you hear.
All the village girls seem to talk about is Aonung, the prince of the clan. He's not exactly selective about the women he spends his time with, but his precious company is so apparently mind-blowing and pleasurable that it seems to be the most valued thing on the island.
Which is fine.
He obviously doesn't like you that much, and you'd probably have to fight off fifty village girls for that attention from him anyway. He never bothered to accustom you to the village, rather staring and glaring from the back or side as Tsireya befriended you. 
And you definitely didn't make an effort to get him to look at you. No, your increasingly smaller outfits are a reflection of your growing comfort in the village and the hot temperatures of the reef. The other villagers liked your outfits though, even if they did find it strange, often asking why you wore such large clothing. So you started to phase out the cargos and massive jumpers with flowy skirts and tighter tops.
Besides, you have options, even if all your admirers are only seeking the thrill and adventure and tightness of being with a tawtute.
A shout of laughter from outside brings you back to attention, and you set down the paste you had been mixing on a small table before quietly moving over to peek out. Just as you stick your small head out, you find yourself suddenly bumped backwards as several figures walk into the healing marui.
Folding your arms and frowning at the rowdy boys, you watch them as they comfortably space out around the marui. You recognise them instantly- the three skxawngs that Aonung always seemed to hang out with.
"Can I help you?" you ask, trying not to raise your brows when Koro laughs and shoves Nashvi forward to speak to you.
"Yeah," Nashvi grins stupidly. "Us and Aonung were out by the reef when an akula attacked, and we got a few injuries."
You can't help raising your brows at this. There are only several small scratches across the boys bodies, the worst only looking five inches long on Ongu's leg. But you have a job, and you aren't about to refuse to help Aonung's friends.
"Alright, sit down," you say tiredly, reaching up to lightly lead Nashvi to the woven mat you heal on.
As you turn to gather some more ointment, you can hear the three boys chuckling stupidly behind you, but when you turn, their smiles are quickly hidden and they don't make eye contact with each other. Shrugging off your discomfort and annoyance, you lift up Nashvi's hair to apply the ointment to the scratches on his back.
They are not easy patients. They're whiny when you touch their miniscule, pointless little scratches, and they chuckle and grin shiftily at each other every time you move. It's an awkward interaction with each, and finally you can't take the silence anymore.
"What were you doing out by the reef?" you ask, in a desperate attempt to make conversation.
"Aonung wanted to hunt," Koro shrugs.
"Where is Aonung?"
They all grin again at your question, and you straighten up and frown.
"Missing your boyfriend are you?" Ongu leers.
You straighten up instantly, a frown fixed on your small face and your fist clenched slightly around the bowl.
"What are you talking about?" you say coolly, turning away from the boys under the pretence of collecting more herbs to add to the ointment.
"You're pining after him," Koro grins. "It's so obvious, all the little looks you shoot him, batting your eyelashes whenever he's around. You're so cool and all with other guys, but as soon as Aonung's around you're acting like a little lovestruck prolemuris."
"I do not," you say hotly, forgetting to act cool and hide the deep flush across your cheeks.
"Please," Nashvi scoffs. "You couldn't be more obvious if you tried."
Your face is growing hotter and hotter, and when you turn around, you find that the three boys have crept slightly closer, so now you're stuck between them.
"I don't have a crush on Aonung," you lie, knowing full well that you aren't convincing anyone. "I don't even like him."
"These little outfits say otherwise," Koro grins, reaching out to pinch your hip.
You jerk away from the contact, the bare skin of your hip between your top and low skirt burning slightly from his touch and the accusation of his words.
"Fuck off," you grumble, pushing at his hands as he reaches towards you again.
"What happened to the sweet little girl whenever he's around?"
"She's about to do worse than those little scratches if you don't stop touching me," you growl, hoping you sound braver than you feel. Hot mortification is spreading through your body. Had you really been that obvious? Koro, Ongu and Nashvi are just laughing stupidly, watching you grow more and more flustered as you try to figure out what to say, or at least how to get away.
"You are rude skxawngs," you snap. "I helped you out, now leave me alone."
"Why?" Nashvi grins. "We're just having a little fun with you, tawtute."
"Why do you wear such big clothes anyway?" Ongu leers. "I know they're getting smaller for Aonung, but if you want his attention you should just take it all off."
You growl as they reach for your clothes again.
"Tell Aonung that-"
"Tell me what?" a deep voice says from the entrance.
Immediately, all four of your gazes flick to see Aonung leaning against the entrance, a small frown pinching between his brows as he stares at his friends.
"That you need to find better friends," you huff, reaching to flatten your hair and pull your skirt down.
"She's just being grumpy," Koro laughs. "We were having a fun conversation with her."
"Yeah, it was real fun," you snap, flushing crimson as Aonung's gaze flicks back to you. "Especially when you kept touching me."
Aonung's frown deepens when you feel his gaze pass over the redness their pinches left over your hip, and you brush your hair out of your face.
"Okay, I fixed up your little scratches," you scowl to Koro, Ongu and Nashvi, as Aonung just stares dully at you. "You can fuck off now."
"Careful with your mouth," Nashvi grins. "You aren't as attractive when you aren't smiling, tawtute."
"Get out," you growl, straightening to your full height, but still shorter than their crouched figures.
They just laugh stupidly, and you're growing more and more flustered and annoyed. You are torn between wanting to shout and curl up in a ball and cry until they get uncomfortable and leave, when Koro pulls the last straw.
"It's a shame that such a pretty little thing has no humour," he grins to his friends. "You know I'd-"
"Out," you shout.
They don't look at all as though they're going to leave, but then Aonung shoots them a certain sort of look you miss, because your heart is pounding fast and angry tears are stinging your eyes.
You're mortified, that they knew about your crush, that they managed to get so far under your skin, that everyone had so little respect for you that they only listen when Aonung tells them to do something.
As they file out, you can hear them snickering to each other, and their gazes blazing on your bowed head as they walk away. 
"You can leave too," you say off-handedly, turning away so your back is to Aonung.
"Oh?" Aonung asks, his voice deep and amused. "You're going to kick me out of my own mum's marui?"
"Yes," you grumble, sitting down and glaring at him. "You're a grown man Aonung, you can fuck off out of your mummies hut."
"Also your Olo'eyktan," he points out.
"Not yet," you seethe.
Aonung just laughs, his massive body still leaning against the entrance as he stares down at you, blue eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Are you alright?" he asks, once he stops laughing. You frown at the slight concern in his voice before glaring up at him.
"Yes I'm fine," you snap. "Now are you done?"
Aonung just stares for a few more seconds before he pushes off the wall and walks over to you. 
Oh Eywa's just playing a fucking game with you right now. Aonung reaches out, lightly taking your small head in his hand and gently tilting your face up towards him with a soft hand.
"Is what they said true?" he asks quietly. 
"Aren't you the one that finds my crush obvious as fuck?" you snap.
But you don't pull away, and you both know it. Instead, you just stay put little a stupid good girl and stare up at him, waiting for what he's about to do.
"I'm fucking pathetic, I know," you whisper. "I have to work my ass off just to get the tiniest bit of recognition, and this is the longest we've ever spoken. All you do is glare at me from other sides of the village, and I still liked you."
"You're not," Aonung says. "Pathetic, I mean. They're just skxawngs."
"They're your friends," you point out. "They're the ones that knew I liked you, that just come and fucking taunt me and touch me and-"
"Let me see," Aonung cuts you off.
You scowl at him and try to push him away, but he just easily grabs your wrist and peers around you to see your hips, where the mark is still red against your skin.
"It's not a big deal," you growl. "I just don't need shit for having a stupid crush. No one ever needed to know and it wasn't hurting anyone. If I knew what skxawngs you and your friends are, I'd never like you."
"This skirt is thin," is all Aonung says. "And short. Tawtute clothing is strange, but this one is small compared-"
"It was for you!" you snap. "All the stupid dressing up and acting nice and being sweet and trying to be pretty just so you would stop glaring and look at me for ONCE!"
Aonung's frown deepens slightly, like he's confused, like you aren't making any sense. Stupid alien boys, so oblivious to everything around them.
"I am looking at you," he says quietly.
"No," you hiss. "You're looking down on me like always, just because I'm a human-"
Your voice dies in your throat when Aonung instantly sits beside you, his hands picking you up as though you weigh nothing and placing you gently in his massive lap.
Your faces are a foot apart, your hands immediately falling to his shoulder to steady yourself, an unnecessary action given that he's easily holding you by your waist. 
"Better?" he asks sincerely, as though he genuinely thought this would help.
You can hardly breathe over the pounding of your heart. You are nervous and pissed and terrified and also fucking horny.
Oh Eywa, how is he doing this- just instantly making you forget everything that happened by placing you on his lap and staring at you with those large blue eyes.
"What are you doing here Aonung?" you say tiredly.
His ears prick up at the sound of his name, the first time he's heard you speak it. You can hardly miss the sway of his tail behind you.
"Injury," he shrugs.
You scoff, and he turns to frown at you.
"I am injured," he frowns. "I went to my mother and she told me to come to you."
"She did?" you ask, confused. "If you're hurt, why would she tell you to come to me?"
"So I could hear your great love confession?" Aonung shrugs, eyes sparkling with amusement.
You growl and make to stand up, but his hands keep you firmly planted in his lap.
"Trying to leave now?" he asks. "Don't you want to help me paksalin?"
"Don't call me that," you hiss. 
"You don't like it?" Aonung asks, looking confused.
"You're being mean," you say finally. "Everyone was right about you- you're a skxawng playboy."
"Playboy?" Aonung asks, sounding out the human word with confusion.
"Yeah," you say. "Like a slut."
Aonung laughs in surprise, brows raising at your annoyance with him.
"I thought you were all meek and sweet," he says finally.
"Not anymore," you grumble. "Cat's out of the bag sweetie, so I can go back to being a bitch again. Now let me go so I can help you out."
To your surprise, he instantly obeys, letting his arms drop to his sides so you can clamber out of his lap and collect your paste again. When you turn back, you notice the injury.
"You're hurt."
It's a blunt statement, and you're pointing out the obvious. Aonung has a no shit sort of look on his face, before he notices your concern.
"It's alright," he says gently. "I just got a little scraped by the akula."
"Aonung, there's an akula tooth stuck in your arm," you say, instantly kneeling beside him.
"There is?" he says, sounding interested. "Huh."
"Huh?" you hiss incredulously. "There is a three inch tooth stuck in your arm and you say HUH?"
Aonung just shrugs, and you crouch down to study it, before gently cleaning it up. He hisses a little when you first wipe over the wound, but he just grits his teeth and sits still with patience his skxawng friends could never possess.
"I should probably take this out," you say, once you've wiped all the blood that you can manage to, and placing a comforting, steady hand on the strong muscles of his shoulder.
"Fine," he grumbles.
"I'll be gentle," you promise. "It'll come nice and easy."
"That's what I want to hear," he says, smirking.
Your mouth parts in amused incredulity, and you lightly smack his shoulder as he turns his head to grin cheekily at you.
"Stay still," you instruct. "Straighten up like this, and try not to move too much. Now, just breathe."
Trying to ignore the very persistent flow of blood as you gently grab the top of the tooth, you start to very slowly pull it out.
"Ow," he hisses, his hand instantly jumping to take yours.
"Sorry," you say, giving his own hand a reassuring squeeze, and he quickly shakes his head and swallows.
"I'm all good, just pull it out fast."
"That's what I want to hear," you ask teasingly, and he laughs a little.
His laugh quickly turns into a groan of pain as you use his amusement as a distraction and yank the tooth out.
"Fuck," he hisses under his breath.
"Good job," you say, as though you're treating a child and patting his head like a good boy. "Here, you can keep the tooth as a souvenir."
"Tawtute," he says gently, before you can leave. 
"You aren't pathetic, liking me-"
"Yeah, you're very handsome and cool and hot, I get it," you say, rolling your eyes. "Listen Aonung."
And he does, looking up at you like a little puppy sitting on the woven floor, waiting patiently for you to speak.
"I never thought anything would come out of my crush, and I don't expect anything to come out of it. I'll get over it, just please, forget about it."
Aonung's slowly frowning.
"Tawtute, then what about the others?"
"What others?" you sigh, eager to get away and just disappear into your bed forever.
"I hear stuff too," Aonung shrugs. "From other guys."
"Like who?" you snap, growing more and more impatient.
It's like he's a little child sometimes, trying to figure out what he wants to say and then actually speaking the words, as though every sentence is taking every fibre of his being to utter.
"Ta'ru, Moy'ka, Khalo," Aonung shrugs. At that, your eyes widen and your face flushes. Those names are extremely familiar, ones that may be found at the bottom of my little black book.
"Oh my god," you groan, covering your face so he won't see your desperate flush.
"They seemed to really like you as well," Aonung grins. "Heard that you can be a feisty little-"
You glower at him and he cuts himself off with a shameless shrug, as though he knows you can't be mad at him.
"Fuck off Aonung," you snarl. "Just because I had a crush on you doesn't mean I'm gonna take shit from you."
"I'm just saying," the Metkayina shrugs. "You have excellent taste in men, but why are you messing around with the likes of Ta'ru and Moy'ka?"
"Well I don't have too many options, do I?" you growl. "How do you think it feels to be someone who's only options are only seeking the thrill and adventure and tightness of being with a tawtute?"
Aonung pauses, like he hadn't thought about it like that. You know he didn't mean to offend, just tease and taunt you just as he had with Lo'ak and Kiri when they first arrived in Awa'atlu, but his words stung deep.
You couldn't just mess around with anyone you liked, because really you only liked him and he knew that, and that pissed you off more than anything else.
"Just pull your massive head out of your skxawng ass for two seconds and see that not everyone has admirers falling out of the sky and at their fucking feet all the time, that I have to work tirelessly to prove myself and that the only release I can scrounge up is with the likes of Ta'ru and Moy'ka!"
You sigh heavily, not exactly regretting raising your voice at Aonung, yet it didn't bode well that you just insulted and shouted at the future Olo'eyktan.
Aonung is just watching you, his large blue eyes flicking over your agitated face, flushed deep pink and your smaller, duller eyes stinging with furious, mortifying tears.
You can't bear the pity in his eyes, can't bring yourself to listen to whatever he's about to say when he opens his mouth.
"I have worked enough today," you say stiffly, careful to act with appropriate respect, "tell your mother I went home and I'll need more pearls and shells for the beadings."
You quickly turn, hating yourself for your timid, cowardly retreat from the hut with his ocean eyes fixed directly onto you, and slip off through the village.
For a moment, you think he might have tried to follow you by the creaking of the woven village pathway behind you, but you quickly manage to slip between maruis and bustling Metkayina and leave the village.
You can feel your heart pounding loudly, everything so awkwardly silent as you run towards your monstrocity of a home that you feel completely alone in the forest.
Spider isn't there when you fling open your door and bury your face in your pillow. 
You just sit in silence, face-down and not bothering to take off your expopack yet. 
Fuck, you messed up.
You confessed your crush, then flirted with him, then shouted at him, then ran away like the tiny coward the na'vi assume of humans.
Fuck Aonung.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
So maybe you actually were a tiny coward. Yes, you were a fiesty, flaming bitch at heart, but when it came down to the mortification you had faced in that marui with Aonung, not even your sheer stubbornness and determination to shout down anyone in your path could make you leave your home.
So, shamefully, the next days passed with you cooped up in your tiny home, back to wearing your massive ass jumpers over your lazy loungewear. Spider and Lo'ak didn't question your state - you suspect they know exactly what happened - they just moved over on the worn, already cramped sofa and passed you another remote.
The days were considerably shorter than normal when you're self isolating in what is basically a small tin shack, eating shitty food and binging hours of trashy television in the discomfort of your rickety bed.
Which is why, on the fourth morning away from the Metkayina village, you weren't at all surprised to hear the shouts of Spider and Lo'ak's familiar laugh from outside.
You had lazily woken up late in your bra and comfy, heart-patterned boy-short pyjamas that barely covered half your ass and thrown on your massive jumper, which hung a third of the way to your knees, grumbling to yourself that there were the boys outside and you couldn't just spend the rest of the day in your underwear.
When you finally left your room and stomped out to make a coffee in the tiny, tinny kitchen, you were too tired and uninterested to notice the suspiciously gleeful looks shot in your direction.
"Morning," Spider finally chirps.
"Is it?" you grumble, not looking up at your roommate as you slump into the creaky chair by the bench and dully watch the coffee drip monotonously into your chipped, yellowed mug.
Lo'ak snickers at your slumped back as you don't bother turn around to look in their direction.
"Someone's here for you," Spider grins, and you can hear the barely concealed amusement in his voice as you roll your eyes.
"I don't feel being squashed between your and Lo'ak's fat asses and playing video games right now," you sigh. "I can't be fucked for another day spent moping on that old, shitty sofa."
"Aw, is the little tawtute still upset about her little crush on the Metkayina prince?"
"Hardly," you scoff.
You snatch your chipped mug from the machine and just resigning yourself as the coffee continues to drip down onto the tinny bench, no longer having the patience for the infuriatingly slow drip of your greatest necessity before continuing.
"I should have realised what a cocky, brainless, dull, oblivious, pestering, rude, taunting, tiny-dick skxawng-"
"Hey," a deep voice protests from the sofa. 
A very familiar voice.
With a surge of horror and a deep desire to strangle and castrate Lo'ak and Spider, you see Aonung grinning at you.
Fuck, how can he manage to look good here, cramped in this ridiculously small shack that barely even fits you, in the horribly white light that flickered every five damn minutes and sprawled casually on that worn old couch?
His large blue eyes are glittering with amusement, looking large and more muscular than ever in the tiny living room.
"What are you doing here?" you breathe, torn between annoyance with the three skxawngs grinning at you, a desire to storm back into your room with your coffee and slam the door in their faces, and a conflicted delight and slight surge of desire at Aonung here in your house.
"Lo'ak asked me if I wanted to play video games," Aonung shrugs.
Lo'ak just rolls his eyes and says, "No, I said you'd been in your room for the last few days playing video games with us when he asked me why you hadn't been coming around the village. Then he said he'd never played video games, and I said I was coming here again, and then the skxawng just decided to come along."
"Right," Aonung concludes, shooting Lo'ak a scathing look.
"Right," you say too, unimpressed and unconvinced. "Well it's a bit cramped in here. Maybe you should leave."
"No, we'll go," Spider grins, nudging Lo'ak, who also smirks. "You guys have fun, and make good choices!"
"Spider!" you hiss, but your two ridiculously infuriating friends had already extricated themselces from the demountable and disappeared between the sparse forest that hid your human home. You can hear their snickers as they move towards the village and away from the situation they left you in.
Some friends.
You huff an annoyed sigh before lifting your coffee to your lips and taking a small sip. You are staring directly at Aonung, who's shifting slightly on the couch, but you're determing to not back down this time.
Mostly because there's nowhere left your you to run away and hide, now that Aonung has invaded your home.
There's a few moments of tense silence where you continue to sip your coffee and coldly study him.
"I brought you shells pearls," Aonung blurts, nose scrunching slightly.
You raise your brows at him, surprised that he caved to your silent coldness so fast. When you don't reply, he continues.
"Like you asked. Before you left. You told me that you needed more pearls and shells for your beading... so I thought... maybe..."
At your continued cool silence, Aonung trails off. You're surprised to see a faint purple tinge to his handsome face. 
Is he blushing? Is he nervous?
At this realisation, that the cocky prince of the clan in front of you was nervous because of you, an idea clunks into place.
A risky idea for sure, but it was hardly like you could get any more mortified, and an opportunity like this, to have Aonung like this, didn't come every day.
"Why are you here?" you ask dully, finally setting your coffee down with a decisive chink and pinning him under the full attention of your gaze.
"I - um - brought you the shells and pearls-" he starts to say.
"Not because of the shells and pearls."
It wasn't a question, it was a statement. An obvious statement, at that.
"Or the video games," you add, eyes narrowing slightly. "Why are you here, Aonung?"
"You haven't been coming around the village," he swallows. 
"I've been busy,"you shrug.
You're horribly aware that your hair is a mess, that you are wearing nothing but a bra and practically underwear under your massive jumper.
Aonung also seems to notice your sloppy and careless appearance, or at least your hair (you pray to Eywa he doesn't notice your clothing, or lack thereof) but he doesn't point your laziness out, which is wise of him.
He reaches for the mask Lo'ak often uses and takes a deep inhale. 
"My mother wishes you come back soon," Aonung mutters.
"And you?" you ask coolly. "Ronal would have told me herself- she has no qualms with coming to visit me here by the river. So what do you want?"
A heartbeat of silence. Aonung blinks. You raise your brows.
"I'm sorry."
The words hang in the air for a moment, trapped, no doubt, between the stifling walls of the ridiculously small room, between you seated at the rickety table and Aonung's much larger, stronger body seated at the peeling sofa.
"It's probably good you weren't around the village lately," Aonung says offhandedly, his voice growing somewhat stronger as you don't yell at him again. "Koro, Ongu and Nashvi were in need of some healing."
"From what?" you roll your eyes. "A prolemuris bite? A stubbed toe?"
"Well," Aonung says, looking more encouraged now, "someone may have beat them up a little for teasing and taunting and being skxawngs."
You look up at that, and find an adorably self-pleased expression on Aonung's face.
"And why would someone do that?" you ask.
"Maybe they wanted to show they were sorry?" Aonung grins. "And they knew it would take more than shells and pearls for forgiveness."
"Why do you want forgiveness?" you sigh, leaning forward on the table to stare better at him.
Aonung sits up and shifts on the sofa, clearly making room for you.
You aren't sure you want to, unsure what will happen if you're that close to him, but you can't help it.
Despite your pretences of confidence and annoyance with him that veneered your facade of sweetness and kindness you had hoped would gain his attention and even affection, you were just a people pleaser. 
And all you really wanted was to please Aonung.
So you picked yourself off, leaving your coffee to grow cold and doubtless forgotten about on the creaky table.
You settled into the sofa besides Aonung, trying to ignore how annoyingly, incredibly, deliciously massive he is as he blinks down at you.
"You are small," he says. "And meek yet furious at the same time. I can't figure you out at all, and you intrigue me, tawtute."
"How flattering," you say dully, and Aonung frowns, as though that was not the reaction he was expecting. "If you fought Ongu and Nashvi and Koro then why aren't you injured?"
"I'm a good fighter?" Aonung shrugs, looking pleased with himself.
You know that well- the Metkayina training grounds for warriors were across from the village, and the closest marui to it was the healing one you often occupied, given that most injuries came from the warriors.
So when you could get away with it, you would peek out the entrance of the healing marui to watch the warriors train. All large muscular men and lithe beautiful women. But no matter who you distracted yourself with, your eyes would always drift back to Aonung.
The way his jokey demeanour vanished the instant he had an opponent, the swiftness of each of his calculated movements, the way you knew, even though you could never hear, that he was taunting and glaring and ridiculing his opponent between powerful blows.
It attracted you more than you'd like to admit, the way he was effortlessly than the others, the ease with which he could toss his opponents around. And when he won, his muscles gleaming with laborious perspiration and a grin fixed on his handsome face...
It was all very attractive.
"Yes yes," you say instead, biting your cheek to stop from rolling your eyes. "You're very strong and incredible."
"You don't sound convinced," Aonung narrows his eyes at you.
You squint back. He really is brainless, just a pretty hunk.
You said what you said and you meant it - and now you don't need him acting all confused when you don't fawn all over him, batting you eyelashes and twirling your hair and practically sucking his dick.
It really is a cocky, brainless, dull, oblivious, pestering, rude, taunting, tiny-dick skxawng thing for him to do - finally speaking to you, looking at you, even trying to flirt with you just as you decide to let it go, set your sights away from him.
So you straighten up to your full height, still several feel smaller even sitting down, and wait as he opens his mouth.
"You confuse me tawtute," Aonung admits.
"No shit, given that you have as many braincells as men I can pull," you mutter, raising your brows at him.
Aonung huffs in annoyance, and you fold your arms further.
"Bold of you," you scowl. "To act like you're the annoyed one after the other day."
"Well," Aonung huffs, blinking furiously, looking torn between confusion and continued, unjust annoyance.
"Well what?" you snap. "Whenever I'm around the village I'm just the tawtute, and now you come into my house, the only place I can just relax-"
"This is my village," Aonung says stiffly.
You blink.
"Oh," you seethe. "So that's what this is about."
"That the entitled Olo'eyktan's son is shocked to have someone tell him how it is, to not be beloved and cherished all the fucking time, to not have someone sucking his dick every-"
"I wouldn't protest," Aonung shrugs, smirking down at you before taking another breath from the mask.
You blink again. Just as you think you've called him out, that maybe a word you say will manage to penetrate through that perfect hair and gorgeous head of his- he manages to prove you wrong.
You just growl in irritation and stand back up, storming back towards your room and not bothering to turn back to him.
As you predicted, your coffee lies cold and dreary and lonesome, forgotten on that creaky table in your irritation with him and his stupid damn confusion with you.
"You can let yourself out."
But he doesn't, he just follows you into your room as you flop down onto your bed.
You glare at him, shocked that he has that much nerve to follow you into your room when you clearly don't want to see him.
Spider definitely wouldn't be brave enough to bother you right now, and Lo'ak or Neteyam probably would also be apprehensive.
But cocky, stubborn Aonung just ducks his massive frame through the doorway - a tight squeeze but he somehow manages - and peers hazily around your room.
Of course, the demountable you and Spider call home was built with Jake and Norm in mind, yet Aonung's head was taller than both other men, his braided bun inches away from scraping the ceiling. 
From the bed you continue to glare at him, silent and glowering as he raises his eyebrows at the underwhelming room.
"So this is your room?" he asks, eyes darting back to you. "I always imagined it more..."
There's apparently no words his five brain cells can find, and you roll your eyes again.
"Not everyone can live in the nicest marui in the village," you point out. "Not everyone can live in the village at all.
Aonung sighs again, before his eyes light up and he spots something.
"Don't touch my stuff," you grumble, but he's already stooping his massive body to something.
"What is this?" he asks earnestly.
"What is what-" you snap, before your eyes widen in horror and your mouth parts in silent mortification.
Looking comically small in his ridiculously large hands is your underwear. And to your absolute fucking horror, it just has to be your smallest thong, black and delicate and a little lacy.
"Give that here," you huff, instantly leaping up and trying to snatch it back. Aonung's grin only widens when he realises what it is, and you think you could die of mortification right then and there on your bedroom floor in front of the metkayina prince.
"How come you never wore this around the village?" Aonung chuckles, easily holding it up from your limited reach. "I can promise you, this would grab much more attention than your other tawtute clothing."
You attempt to snatch it back again, face flushed to a deep red now, and he just laughs again.
He looks down at you and frowns at the massive jumper hanging halfway to your knees. 
"And why are you back to wearing those cloaks and blankets?"
"It's a jumper," you say hotly, feeling your face flush that the realising that Aonung had noticed you, or at least the difference between short skirts and tanks and your oversized "blankets".
"And it's comfy, much more so then all the little stuff I tried before."
Aonung just huffs slightly, eyes trailing shamelessly over you again.
"Spider wears a tewng," Aonung reasons. "Besides, these things are much smaller than out clothing anyway."
You gape and shove at him. Predicably, his massive body doesn't move in the slightest. Aonung frowns, and you can guess what he's thinking.
Na'vi are completely comfortable in their bodies- which is easy when they're all slim and muscular and tall and perfect.
You on the other hand, are not. You aren't big by human standards by any means, yet the love and affection you harboured for your body when with the humans had slightly dissipated when surrounded by gorgeous na'vi all the time.
So even though you have put in the efforts to dress for attention, you were always careful not to show too much, which is what stirred the attention of the other male na'vi.
What lay below the strange tawtute clothing- what is so much softer and curvier than na'vi women that you keep teasing them with, yet keep tantalisingly hidden.
But then a thought occurs to you, and it makes you... more interested, or so to speak.
Aonung is curious about you- and you know what you want. It's not like you're expecting anything beyond sex- even that is a stretch -with the handsome, desirable na'vi man.
It's not every day you have this opportunity, to have Aonung like this, all curious about you for the first time since you arrived in the reef, despite months of hoping desperately he'd at least look at you.
So the idea forms in your head, the way you can finally get the Metkayina princes attention.
He is intrigued by you, and you have no hesitation to assume that means in the same lustful, experimentative way other na'vi men have been.
"Why?" you grin. "Do you want to see me in it?"
Aonung freezes. His eyes gaze from the tiny thong to you and back to the skimpy, lacy black material.
"I- if you'd like," he says off-handedly, and you smile to yourself.
He's right where you'd like him. Tantalised by the offer you pose, intrigued by what you've hinted but hidden since you've arrived in the reef.
So slowly, he sinks onto your bed and you slide away the little boy-short pyjamas you had been wearing under the jumper.
"Do you-"
You cut Aonung off with a sly grin, slowly lifting your the sides of your large jumper.
"No need sweetheart," you grin. "I'm already wearing some."
Aonung's ears flatten instantly at the word sweetheart, one you know he doesn't understand judging from his expression trying to interpret if that's a good or bad thing.
But then his eyes fall onto you, and you automatically find his hands on your hips and tugging you closer.
And you know you didn't make a mistake.
He lets out a small hiss, as though he didn't even notice he did, at the sight of your body from underneath your massive jumper.
None of the na'vi - besides your casual partners - had ever seen you in something this small before.
None had seen the squidge of your ass and thighs, the smooth supple skin cloaking your curves.
The men had said it all before- how soft you are, how small you are, just how much give you have.
Na'vi women are all lean muscle, yet the pure humanity of your body lies in the squishiness of it, in your ass and thighs and chest and stomach in ways na'vi would never have.
And then Aonung's hands are on you, kneading your ass, eyes staring down at the way your body moves and jiggles with his slightest touch, pupils blown wide as they are when na'vi make tsaheylu.
It's something that never ceases to send a shiver through you - the awe and delight and worship with which na'vi seem to find in your strange squishy body, 
Then he's looking at you, and his usually baby blue eyes are dark and rough like the deep oceans. It's exactly what you were hoping for, the hunger and desire in his handsome face as he stares, seated but still slightly taller on your bed. 
"Take this off."
It isn't a question or a request, it's a fucking order. For the first time, it strikes you that he really is going to be Olo'eyktan, just by the forceful defiance in his deep voice fuelled by his sudden interest.
Hook, line, and sinker.
You push away slightly and he's frowning like drawing away from him is a goddamn dereliction.
Aonung's impatient, no sooner have you lifted up your jumper over your waist when he's tearing it up and over your shoulders and tossing it into the corner of the room.
"Pxasìk," he mutters, staring straight at you.
It's in no means meant to be a sexy outfit, just a simple thong and bra, but the way Aonung just stares at you is like he's seeing something completely new.
He's not foreign to females- you'd heard quite enough tales about his various exploits, but he looks like a teenage boy seeing his first pair as his gaze flicks up to your face, then he reaches out.
His hands are just this side of too rough, and you can almost feel yourself melting away in his hands that are larger than your head.
You let out a small whimper as he squeezes, and you feel the last strings of his restraint snaps.
Aonung finally picks you up, one hand holding you up by the waist. His casual display of strength is fucking dizzying, and you feel yourself getting wet before he crashes his lips onto yours and drops you in the nest of his lap.
Kissing is not something you are accustomed to when you need to wear your expopack all the fucking time, and you're half terrified about how the last time you kissed someone was a human scientist at least a year ago.
But it's hard to think, so you just lean into him.
The kiss is messy and airless and hardly graceful, but you wouldn't have it any other fucking way. You're all greedy and breathless, desperate for anything, his soft lips against your own, his amber and sea-salt scent, his warm that you nearly forget about everything else and get lost in the kiss.
You've never kissed like this, been kissed like this.
He's just as hungry as you are, but kissing a na'vi is different.
He's just so fucking... big. 
His hands are holding you everywhere- your waist, your ass, your tits, your thighs. He's tilting you this way and that and opening you up to deepen the kiss. His face is so large, the force and hunger and ferocity with which he's kissing you practically about to send you bending backwards if it wasn't for him clutching you tight to him.
It's hot and hungry, almost animalistic as his fangs lightly sink into your lip. You moan like a fucking whore into his mouth, and his textured, massive tongue lightly licks the blood away as he shifts.
It's just a warm, horny mess between the two of you, full of teeth and tongue and your tiny whimpers at each movement of his hands over your skin.
And suddenly it's all getting to much, the sudden emptiness in you that only he can fill, and you're gasping for breath and pulling away to stare at him.
Aonung too is breathless, head automatically following yours but you place a hand on his chest to stop him.
"Aonung breathe."
He grunts his objection to your words.
"I can hold my breath underwater for-"
"I can't have the future Olo'eyktan dying on my bed," you say, smiling at his indignation to stop kissing you. 
"I'm fine," he grumbles.
"Well I won't be able to drag your massive body out if you do pass out," you point out.
"Aw, are you going to try and rescue me?"
"No, I need to hide the evidence," you quip.
Aonung wrinkles his nose at you, but you just thrust the mask at him. With a childish eye-roll, he takes a deep inhale before disregarding his very vital possession and crashing his lips back onto yours.
You find yourself growing more comfortable. Aonung is hungry for anything, his muscles tensing when you make certain movements, and you find yourself doing them again.
Tugging him closer by his necklace. Lightly brushing your nails up his back. Threading your fingers into his braided bun.
When you lightly tug on his soft braided hair, he growls a little and shifts you closer. When you trace your tongue gently across his fangs, his grip tightens suddenly around your ass.
"You're so soft syulang," he whispers.
The sound of his voice all deep and gravelly, his breath all hot and heavy on your neck, his hands roving over every single inch of your skin, it's all just so.... much.
You miss his mouth on yours, but soon enough it's kissing its way down your neck. Each shaky breath of yours is met with him on your neck and collar, lips pressing, tongue lightly licking at your skin, sucking and kissing.
You were familiar enough with this- na'vi men were territorial creatures. But you had never seen any girls from Aonung's little black book walking around with hickeys, and at the rate he was going, your whole neck would just be one fat love bite.
And you'd be fine with that.
You feel his nose nudging lightly against you, breathing you in as his lips brush over your collar. Scenting you.
 His sudden gentleness with you doesn't quite create the friction you so desperately need right now, but his hands trailing and squeezing and exploring your smaller body satiate you. For now.
Then the ferocity is suddenly back, and he's nipping at your body again. A moment later, you realise that he must have only been satisfied because now you smell faintly like him, like amber and sea-salt, yet you know to another na'vi, his mark on you would be almost overwhelming.
When he finally reaches your bra - you could tell he'd been savouring this moment, kissing his way down to it - you can see the hungry gleam in his glittering blue eyes, his tail flicking excitedly behind him and an insatiable smile on his handsome face, fangs poking lightly through his soft lips. 
And like you'd thought, he's impatient and greedy and ravenous. He doesn't bother with the delicate clasp, no doubt guessing the struggles na'vi endured with their massive fingers against the small clinch, simply ripping it straight off your body.
"You ass," you gasp, looking helplessly at the pieces of what was once your bra tossed carelessly from the bed. "We live on a fucking island, where am I meant to get another br-"
"I'll make you more," Aonung promises. "I'll make you ten tops."
You highly doubt that- Aonung doesn't seem, or at least what you'd heard about his playboy experiences, like the sort for after care let alone gift giving.
But your half-hearted annoyance and indignance dies in your damn throat when his hands enclose your tits.
"You're - fuck- you're so small, syulang," he grunts, staring wide-eyed down at you.
Indeed, you'd never felt smaller against a na'vi then right now. Held in his warm lap, one of his hands big enough to hold both your breasts, both large enough to wrap around your whole body.
The thought of that makes you moan unconsciously, and Aonung blinks at you in surprise. You don't bother to play anything cool; with his hands where they are, he can feel how hot and nervous and hungry you are.
And when he meets your eyes again, you can see he feels the same.
Suddenly you're being laid back against your bed and Aonung's comfortingly heavy figure is over you, hands holding you tightly as his lips brush against your breasts.
It's an unexpected movement, one that has you arching in surprise, pushing your chest up and opening it all up to him
He goes on without hesitation, licking over your tit gently, grinning a little at your whine, the stark contrast of your smooth supple skin against his rough tongue just driving you fucking crazy.
He wraps his lips around your nipple and suckles at it, before he nips lightly at the underside of your tit.
And then you're arching and whining and tangling your fingers in his hair, and then he's kissing down your stomach and sliding away your thong before you even know what's fucking happening.
"Wait!" you gasp, cupping his face away from your cunt to get him to look at you. 
"Yes, syulang?"
"This is your first time," you say, trying to swallow heavily. "With a human."
Aonung just blinks, looking confused and slightly offended that you're stopping him from doing as he was going to.
"Don't... um... I should be making this good for you," you breathe shakily. "I want to make you feel good- to... um..."
Aonung just laughs as though you're being hilarious, and reaches up to pat your hair with one massive, warm hand.
"Mawey tawtute," he grins. "I want to make you feel good too."
"But-" you say, face twisted with worry, but once fucking again, he manages to kill your words.
He kisses the soft, squishiness of your thigh, inches away from your bare pussy, and you gasp lightly as he sucks a sweet purple bruise into the soft skin. 
Then, eyes looking carefully up at you to see your reaction, he lightly sinks his fangs into your leg. You gasp so loudly you think they might hear you in the village, hands instantly leaping to find balance in his braided hair. 
The sting is a welcome, warm pain, especially when he lightly licks away the droplet of blood and brushes your clit with a large turquoise finger.
You can't speak, just scrunch your nose tightly, grip onto his braids for dear life as he muscles his way in between your thighs and goes to fucking town.
His mouth is fucking massive- his hands are massive, pinning your hips down. 
You're squirming from the moment he gets onto you, sucking lightly at your clit, a delighted, puppy-playful glint in his large blue eyes, tossing your legs over his shoulders so his face is pressed even closer to you.
He suckles at you so eagerly, tongue stroking over your hole, over and over and over. You can't help it, the way you're simultaneously squirming away from the overwhelming pleasure of it all and the way you're rutting your hips into his face.
"Fu- fuck, Aonung."
It's all messy, you're so wet, his face is shining with your slick and his spit, and he slides a finger back and dips it in.
Instantly you gasp, jolting upwards and arching your back high to the ceiling. Aonung's about to grumble at your squirming when you tug at his hair and he groans.
"Sorry, sorry," you whisper, flushed with mortification.
Aonung just looks up at you and grins, kissing your hip lightly and mumbling against your lips,
"Go ahead syulang."
He slides a second finger in beside the first one, easing them together, fuelled by your breathless moans and groaning into your clit as you tug at his braids with each helpless squirm, his deep rumbles vibrating warmly against you.
He has a look on his face that tells you plainly- he's enjoying this as much as you do. It's in the glint of his eyes and his wide smile.
And the way his tail is thumping happily behind him, unrestrained and untethered, telling you one thing.
He's fucking hard.
You notice it by the way his hips are tilted, rutting slightly against the mattress, but he seems unwilling to take his hands away from you, from the curve of your ass and your slick.
And you want to help, so you squirm a little more to slide down to reach him.
"Aonung, don't you want to just-"
"Just one," he pleads, looking up at you.
It's crazy, how someone that's twice your size and has no fucking idea what it is can look as an adorable as a puppy when he wants to.
And who are you to deny the Metkayina Prince?
So you just accept your fate and hope to eywa you don't black out too fast, clinging to his braids and trying to muffle your moans into your hand.
Your legs begin to shake around his head, eyes rolling all the way back as you moan louder and claw at your rickety brass bed head.
Then, when you accidentally jerk and squeeze your legs around his face, he moans shamelessly against you and that's all it takes.
With a hand clasped tight over your mouth to muffle your moans of pleasure, coming undone on his tongue, clamping down on his fingers and leaping head first off the edge you'd been teetering on.
You have no idea what to do, just know you're rocking aimlessly against his face, crying out and holding onto him for dear life.
He continues through it all, licking and kissing and nipping and sucking with such fervour that you think he might just pull your soul out of your pussy, eyes watching you with desperate lust yet also with sweet curiousity.
Whether you're conscious or unconscious you don't know, all you can sense is the overwhelming waves of pleasure crashing again and again over you. 
"Holy shit," you breathe, finally coming down and lightly tugging at his braids. "Aonung come on, let's find something for you."
Aonung frowns, clearly wanting to keep going, but he obliges when you grin and brush your fingers over his face.
He's all dopey and messy and gorgeous, face shining like the fucking ocean, but he just wipes it carelessly and moves back up your body to shower your chest and neck with more kisses and light nips.
"Aonung," you say gently, squirming slightly underneath him.
He just grunts to show he's listening, flicking your nipple lightly with his large, rough tongue. You fight back your broken moans so you can speak.
"I want to fuck you," you whisper.
That gets his attention fast. You nearly laugh at the way his head snaps up, eyes wide with surprise, and he tilts his head.
"Syulang, we have time, we don't have to-"
"No," you growl, frowning and trying to get him to understand. "You can kiss any girl anytime, see any tits any time, but this is the only time I'm ever going to have you and I want to do everything."
Aonung blinks, looking surprised, before bursting into deep, rumbly laughter that makes you scowl.
"What?" you grumble, annoyed and reaching to cover your tits.
That makes him grumpy, and he easily just pushes your arms away so he can pillow his chin between the cleavage and rest his face to look up your body at you.
His massive body, double the proportions of everything you have, is a comfortable weight over your smaller body, his hands absentmindedly stroking your soft skin.
"I'm not going to see any tits any time," Aonung says simply. "These are my favourites."
"You-" you wrinkle your nose at him to hide your annoyed smile as he licks lightly over your breast, then sucks a little hickey into the underside of the soft cleavage.
"Tawtute, you're all soft and smooth and squishy."
You let out a breathless little laugh, amused by the childish simplicity with which he expresses himself, stroking his large face fondly.
"But I don't want to waste our time when this is the only-"
"It doesn't have to be the only time," Aonung shrugs, blinking at you. "You can come to me whenever you like."
That's a layered statement. Whilst that has you reeling with delight and satisfaction, you can't help wishing that maybe he would come to you, that maybe he'd ever want this more than you do. Want you more than you want him.
"Or I'll come to you," Aonung amends. "But if I come to you whenever I'd like, you'd be getting sick and tired of having me around."
"Why don't you find out," you whisper. "Just how tired you can make me."
And with that, you're in agreement.
Placing you in control, he rolls over onto his back, careful not to crush you, and lifts you lightly to rest on his chest.
You reach out to tug at the band of his loincloth, your fingers quick and desperate and practically scrabbling at the knot, and Aonung watches with amusement and curiousity.
Finally, it's untied and you draw it away. And fuck. He's naked. 
The prince of the clan is naked in the bed, straddled under you, staring up at you like he's never seen something so... precious.
So yes, maybe you've imagined this a million times. Thought about him naked, here, in the reef, in the river, in the marui, in every possible place.
For a human, you can be a horny little thing sometimes, and the thing that fuelled that most was your little crush.
But now he's here, and you're eager to see him.
All na'vi are big compared to you, every na'vi cock you've ever seen and felt and took is just large and beautiful and big, but Aonung just seems obsene.
Never once, in all your filthy imaginations, had you truly dared to factor in the sheer size of him. Just by looking at his massive muscular body, one could guess, but they'd still have their fucking minds blown.
He’s big. So fucking big it has your eyes bulging and heart thumping and mouth almost watering. His cock is just as beautiful as him, just as smooth pale blue with the delicate darker stripes and glowing tahnì.
When you reach out and touch it, his hips jerk slightly and his pupils widen as your smaller hand closes gently around it.
Fuck, you need two hands to hold it. It's heavy and hot and obscene in your small, smooth hands, and you look up at him with amazement.
He's just staring back, waiting for you to do what you want with him. Whatever you want.
You shift your hand down, too small to hold all of him but he groans anyway, feeling warm and sticky precome gushing from the tip to coat your fingers.
"Fuck, syulang, so good," he grunts, seemingly mindlessly rocking his hips up into your hand.
You just want to be good for him. To make him feel good, in any way near the way he made you feel, to repay him. 
But at the same time, the heavy weight of his cock, let alone the sheer damn size of it, has your head spinning and mouth watering. You want it stretching everything inside you, bullying its way into you, fucking its mark deep into you until you're ruined for anyone else.
You just want everything.
It's greedy of you, you know that, to be lusting after what might quite literally be the most unattainable man in the clan, but you can't help it. From the moment you set eyes on him, that's all you wanted, him as yours.
But since you can't have that, you'll just have to make this time worth it, get him to fuck you enough to last a lifetime without him.
"Come on," you grin. "All this for me?"
Aonung grunts as you tighten your hand slightly around his painfully hard cock, eyes studying the way the tahnì's light flickers and shimmers with each of your movements, the way he pulses in your hand.
"You have me now syulang," he mutters. "You don't need all those big, stupid guys."
"You are literally the stupidest guy ever," you point out. "But also the biggest."
At the last word, you lick a stripe up his length, and his hand jumps into your hair and he chokes out a groan.
"Even your tongue is smooth tawtute," he mutters, almost to himself.
"I'll try my best," you say, pulling back a few inches to study his dick. "I've never done this with a na'vi before-"
"It's alright," he whispers, trying to pull you closer, and you frown.
"I want to do this," you pout. "Please- it just might not be very tidy."
Aonung tries to pull you away, tries to hide the way his cock is pulsing, but you can feel each heartbeat through the heavy weight in your hand.
"Come syulang, we have time later," he pleads. "You wished to fuck."
"I don't want this to be over too soo-"
"I will come every day if that's what you'd like," Aonung huffs. "Just let me make you feel good."
So you oblige, pushing hard at his shoulders, and he lies back onto the pillows as you lift yourself up and straddle him.
"Are you sure?" Aonung asks, furrowing his brows at you. "You are small and-"
This time you're the one to cut him off, rolling your hips fluidly over his much larger ones, feeling your whole body tighten at the new friction of your slick and throbbing clit sliding up along his hardened length.
He doesn't protest again. He just lets his hands fall to rest on your hips, sliding your smaller body on his before bringing you down to grind harder.
You moan and he lets out a small noise in his chest, and it takes you a moment to realise he's purring.
Surprisingly, he doesn't seem abashed by the sounds he makes, instead he just rests his head back against the pillows to watch your movements with eyes darkened with lust.
You can feel that familiar heat growing rapidly, too rapidly, between your legs straddled either side of him, so you quickly lift off his hips. Thankfully, Aonung seems to understand, or maybe the teasing is just too much for him too, because he helps you line him up with your entrance.
At the slightest movement, your legs stretching further to lower yourself onto his cock, you know it's going to be a stretch. More than any fingers, any cock, anything you've ever taken, and you think he knows it too, by the way he's staring so avidly at you.
But you're impatient, hardly caring how much you get hurt, just wanting him inside you, stretching you, marking you, ruining you, and you drop further down so the head of his cock starts to press into you.
And then you're dropping further, hair cascading messily all over you, lips bit tight to hide your pain before the massive hardness of him slides past the ring of resistance and starts to smoothly sink into you.
You cry out and Aonung hisses.
"You're- fuck, you're so tight syulang," he groans. "The others did not lie."
You can't answer, sinking further down, head lolling back at the overwhelming stretch of it all, hands resting firmly on his chest to anchor yourself.
Aonung's breathing heavily, his eyes blown wide to black moons ringed in a thin line of pale blue, and you can see he's trying to control yourself as you grit your teeth and sink further onto him.
You're whining and whimpering and he half-looks like he wants to stop out of concern for you, but you shake your head at him. Instead, he sits up, cradling your small figure against his massive chest and takes control, sliding in.
And in. And in.
Just when you think there's no more left for him to go, he keeps going. He lets you sink your teeth into his shoulder to muffle your sharp cries, gently smoothing your hair and whispering comforts and praise to you while his other hand reaches down to rub circles on your throbbing clit.
The stretch in you feels so tight that you doubt you can move, and Aonung hisses again as you clench around him.
"Just a little more, paskalin," he whispers, biting back a groan as he rocks another inch into you, your silent tears streaking his chest, your whimpers and whines practically injected into him through your mouth on his shoulder.
"You're so big," you choke out, gritting your teeth as he pushes in another inch, which seems literally fucking impossible.
And fuck, he's still got a few inches left and there's just simply no more space. You frown with frustration, but then he's dropping your remaining weight onto him and buries himself deep inside you.
You cry out, face twisted in the delicious mix of blunt pain and sharp pleasure, and Aonung just remains there, holding you close and sheathed within you, letting you adjust and clench and breathe heavily.
"Holy shit," you groan. "You're right here."
The bulge of his dick is evident in your body, and you lay a breathless hand over it. A sick part of you wishes it'll remain there forever, his mark fucked into you long after you can't fuck him anymore.
He too takes a breath, lazily and careless from his mask, before laying it back down and finally starting to move.
The stretch is a delicious burn as Aonung rocks his hips deeper, until he's as far in as he's going to get, before he pulls out an inch and makes his first, experimental thrust. To his delight, it has your eyes rolling back and you arching your tits right into him.
His lips find his way on your neck, your nails digging into his broad back as he rolls his hips and thrusts deep into you. You can't hold it back anymore, moaning shamelessly like a whore into his ear all the while scratching your mark into his back.
He, in turn, is moaning and cursing against your neck, his mouth all messy, nipping and kissing along your neck and collar and chest.
It's all just a test, really. Sensing out each others bodies, learning what you like; there's nothing about this you dislike.
You love the squeeze of his hands on your curves, knowing he loves your curves just as much- judging the way he's pinching your ass, kneading your tits and tracing the little squidge of your belly.
"So good syulang," he whispers when you clench around him again. "You're doing so well."
He's whispering nearly unintelligible things against your neck, words of worship, mutters of how tight you are, little praise of how well you're doing.
You just cling onto him, moaning shamelessly into his ear, arching further and further with every deep, forceful thrust, feeling as though he's fucking your soul straight out of your body.
If he hadn't been holding you up, you think you may have just turned to jelly and flopped backwards, yet his hands are warm and present on your back.
You shift slightly, up and down, trying your best to meet each of his thrusts, and there it is. The start of the knot, the one you begin to pull, to unravel.
And then he knows it, because all of a sudden he's speeding up and thrusting deeper and rubbing circles on your clit, and you're a moaning mess, hands raking through his hair and over his back, gently caressing his face and digging sharply into his waist.
All it finally takes is the nip at your neck, the soft whispered shower of desperately spoken words you can't even hear, and then you've tipped over the edge.
Aonung just fucks you through it all, cradling you body and still muttering those words you can't make out. You're making a fucking mess, your sharp cries and moans and whines tearing through the home so loudly you'd thank Eywa forever that Spider's far away in the village.
And then when you still, the change that goes through Aonung is surprising. He had been rough by human standards, but it never seemed to strike you just how gentle he had been until he just loses all vestages of control.
He's moving at animalistic paces, and you're unravelling into a moaning, trembling mess under him, teeth sunk into his shoulder to try and quiet your sounds, because you sure as fuck can't hold them in.
You yelp as he speeds up now, brutal and animalistic as the last tenterhooks of his strained restraint snaps and he buries himself deep inside you. He's hissing a million unintelligible words against your skin as he spills himself inside you, rocking his hips the whole time until he finally comes to a shaky stop.
It's all just quiet. And still. 
No words are spoken, just your faint moans every now and then in the aftershock of your earth-shattering orgasm.
After a moment, when you finally start to return to yourself somewhat, you realise he's layed back against the bed, you curled lightly on his chest. His arm is tented protectively over you, your own wrapped tight around his own chest, your hair spilling over your shoulders onto both your spent, slightly sweaty bodies. 
Then he finally moves, a small shift to pull you even closer, gently slide you up his body you you're in his view, when he can nuzzle lightly into your neck.
You whimper at the sudden cold emptiness inside you as he lifts you off him and closer to his face, but he lightly kisses all over your flushed face, once, twice, again and again, soft, gentle brushes of his lips over your shining skin.
"Are you alright, syulang?"
You can't answer. Aonung, the prince of the clan, the guy you've been crushing on since you came to the reef, the one that was the most unattainable man in the reef, had just fucked every morsel of animation out of your body, and is now cuddling you close.
"Why are you doing this," you manage to say weakly.
"You do not like having me here?" Aonung asks, brows furrowing in confusion, looking slightly hurt.
"No," you say quickly. "But you don't have to stay here with me- you're free to go if you wish. Don't feel like you have to take care of me."
Aonung's frown deepens, but he just nuzzles closer, his face pillowed with your soft, raw breasts.
"I will stay," he says decisively. 
"But you don't," you say quietly. "I've- I've heard things, that you are just... well... slutty. We both wanted sex Aonung, you don't have to feel obligated to help me, especially when you never did with others before me."
"I will stay," he says again. "I want to stay with you, syulang."
It's strange. You don't feel uneasy, but you're not used to cuddling after intimacy, not with men only being with you for the experience of fucking a tawtute, not when you're wearing your expopack.
But now, for the first time, you're just spent the fuck out, collapsed on top of the future Olo'eyktan, being praised and kissed and cared for by the elusive, unattainable Aonung.
And then there's the problem. The fact that Aonung has lit a flame no others will be able to fuel, the fact that he's made you come harder than any other ever will, the fact he's stretched you to the point no other will ever be able to fill.
"I think you've fucking ruined me," you mumble sleepily into his neck. 
"Have I?" he asks, sounding slightly pleased with himself.
"For anyone and everyone."
So there's just the question left, the one that's been ringing in your brain since he kissed you, since he touched you, since you came so hard your vision went fuzzy.
And you know there's never going to be another chance to ask it. So here fucking goes. But then he answers it before it even leaves your raw lips.
"You will not need others syulang," he growls. "I will take care of you."
And you think you could melt away. All you wanted.
It seems impossible that this is happening- maybe he fucked you so well you simply passed away, and your heaven was just him caring for you. Maybe you're still fucking dreaming, and you haven't woken up, and Lo'ak and Spider will be playing video games outside on that shitty old sofa.
But then you reach out to tentatively touch his face, and you know it's real.
He's still breathing raggedly, and you pass him the mask.
"Breathe, Aonung."
"I don't want you passing out before you can finish what you were trying to say," you reprimand him.
Aonung laughs slightly and obliges, before setting his mask back down.
"I liked you too, tawtute," he whispers. 
"Fucking hypocrite," you hiss, your supposed annoyance at complete odds with your uncontrollable, delighted grin.
"I liked your sweetness," he grins, kissing your nose. "And kindness and determination. You asked why I did not speak to you- I was ashamed."
You blink in surprise, and pull back a few inches.
"Not of liking you," Aonung continues. "Ashamed that for the first time in my life, I was nervous. You made me nervous, with all your perseverance and tawtute clothing and cuteness."
You shut him up, crashing your lips onto his and snake your hands around his neck.You kissed him.
You can feel his heartbeat picking up against your chest as he shifts, one of his hands on your waist and holding you up so your faces are closer, the other tangling in your long hair.
He smells good, like amber and sea-salt, and his lips are so soft and warm that you nearly forget about everything else and get lost in the kiss.
And it means everything that you don't need to speak. Who needs tsaheylu to read each other when you can kiss him like this?
"I will make you those tops I promised," Aonung says, pulling away. "And I can order a new hut. If you prefer your tawtute clothing, teach me to make you more."
This is better than anything you could have dreamed of, imagined in those long afternoons in the healing hut staring lustfully at Aonung from afar.
And now he's here, cuddling you, offering to make you gifts and asking what you like.
"My little tunutu," he whispers.
The words send a shiver through you.
The same way you'd felt this whole time, wanting all of him with everything you have, desperately willing to give whatever you have to offer.
And now he feels the same.
My little desire.
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fleurmiss · 2 years
ೃ⁀➷ i hope nobody catch us, but i kinda hope they catch us.
- ,, neteyam x fem reader
- ,, you and neteyam get caught making out?
- ,, warnings - SUGGESTIVE! adults watch out this is a teenager ur reading abt. minors be careful yo, making out, neteyam is like deadass whipped for u.., can u guys tell i love when character is whiny and so inlove atp??
-‘๑’- les - childish gambino
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Your friendship with Neteyam is not exactly.. per say, a friendship. Its what you would technically call it, since you both gave it no other said title. But we all know you guys aren’t just friends, lo’ak knows, kiri knows, spider knows, jake and neytiri know, hell, even tuk knows. Everyone acts oblivious as it is.
There are times where you wonder what your relationship really is, anything but “just friends” comes to mind, some specific memories take you back and give you scary realizations.
For instance, that one time when the whole crew was hanging out together in the forest, our designated hangout spot, you showed up a little after everyone else because you had errands to run, and Neteyam had saved a spot just for you.
“hey guys”
“y/nnnnnnnn” tuk smiles at you and runs towards you with her arms outstretched, signifying her desire to be picked up and spun by you, you do just that and laugh with her. “What’s little girl doing here with the big kids” you question teasingly, knowing Tuk dislikes being called a little girl.
“y/n, finally bro , i almost thought you ditched us” lo’ak says dramatically and spider and kiri laugh, you walk to the group with Tuk in your arms as you slap the back of lo’ak’s head, Tuk jumping out of your arms to go lay in Kiri’s lap.
You look at neteyam, he hasn’t taken his eyes off you since the moment you came into their vision, he’s leaning against a tree, sitting with his legs spread quite a bit, manspreading was a trait neteyam got from his father, and it was so hot.
He pats the space between his legs, and you happily oblige. “hi” you whisper when you look up at neteyam, his chin resting on your head, his arms encircling your figure, thumb rubbing sweet circles on your thigh. “hi sweetheart” he flashes you his infamous smile.
Or that one time when you went hunting for rabbits with him in the forest, you just couldn’t set your aim right, it was getting so frustrating you almost cried. But hey, you have neteyam with you, don’t worry!
He helps you fix your posture, his chest pressing up against your back, he’s so close you can feel his breath on your cheek, his deep voice rumbling in your ear that tells you to focus makes you do quite the opposite. How could you possibly focus when he’s this close to you? Your insides are exploding with butterflies, your lower belly warm and your lip almost draws blood from how hard you’ve bitten it.
Somehow you end up hitting a rabbit with your arrow without even realizing and only realize the situation when you hear neteyam’s laugh and him congratulating you. “you got it y/n!!” (mf that was all you)
This man really has no idea of the effects he has on you does he?
You don’t have to think hard of moments like these with neteyam, they rush through your mind like a film reel. Countless.
No one really thought much of it when they saw you and neteyam having moments like these. No one questioned when he called you sweetheart, or his love, or beautiful, or some sort of nickname on a daily basis, not even you. All waiting for that one particular moment where you both realize its love and make it official.
Which seems so likely to happen today, the tension is thick through the roof with everything that just happened.
You’re patching him up because of course he just got into a fight with some dingus because lo’ak can’t handle a fight alone for shit.
“y/n, gentle please” neteyam lets out a low hiss as you dab a piece of cloth on the cut that bleeds on his jaw.
You’re angry with him, he knows that. And god, he’s angry with himself too, but what’s he gonna do if his baby won’t talk to him?
He doesn’t know what to say, anything to ease the tension, so he decides to go with
“are you upset?” he looks at you with soft eyes
you move his face around to find any other cuts to deal with, his chin between your fingers “so upset, you don’t even know” you hold back a grin at his quiet voice.
“im sorry y/n, lo’ak would get his ass handed to him if i wasn’t there” he sounds so desperate, which he is, for you.
your heart swells, you wanna play.
you put on an act and look away from him, huffing in faux anger.
“y/n please” he whispers, looking at you with pure distress in his eyes, you think you can even see tears. He’s so hard to resist right now, how is he not catching onto your game?? Or maybe he is playing along?
You decide you’re done. With two things.
Torturing him, and torturing yourself.
You stroke the apple of his cheek with your thumb, swiping at the tear that dare fall from his eye “take it easy neteyam” he nods eagerly, he’ll listen to you until he dies.
You sigh, and clean up the cloth and medicine and get ready to leave, standing up but neteyam grabs your wrist and pulls you down, onto his lap, his arms circling your waist as he holds you close to him.
His forehead rests on your collarbone and you stroke his hair.
“okay, nete look at me..” he obeys.
you cup his face in your soft hands, he nuzzles against them and you lean forward, you look at his eyes and he’s already closed them. God!!! He’s so cute you could squeal!!!
You smash your lips against his and his hands automatically bring you closer, your legs straddling his lap as you run your hands through his hair, grazing at his nape.
Neteyam pulls away to look at you for a split second, and you look so so pretty he just can’t hold his tongue, “i love you” he whispers against your lips, three words meant for you and you only. He goes back to kiss you before you could reply, he gives you a few open-mouthed kisses before you mewl into his mouth and he crumbles.
Neteyam groans and he attaches his lips to your jaw, giving you gentle kisses that trail down to your neck, “i love you so much y/n” you wonder where he learnt this from.
“i love you neteyam” you whisper as you feel yourself grow more impatient as time goes.
he kisses you again and you feel him smile into the kiss, your chest is warm, neteyam intertwines his hand with yours and it becomes sloppy quiet fast.
you’re both a mess, whining into each others mouths , you’re so deep into it you don’t even realize footsteps getting louder and louder, eventually you are pulled out of your fantasies when you hear neytiri address her son right before she catches sight of you both in this sinful activity, you pull apart suddenly and scramble to get off his lap, failing miserably as neteyam seems opposed to the idea of letting go of you.
“neteyam! fuck!” you whisper-yell and shove your face into his shoulder, his hands still on your hips as he sputters to explain to his mother what she just witnessed
Neytiri coughs.
“mother i was just- we were- “
“making out?” Neytiri chuckles and shakes her head, making her way out after grabbing the plate you used to fix neteyam’s wounds.
“neteyammmmmm i can’t do this right noww” you cry embarrassed into his shoulder and he shudders at the thought of his mom knowing what you guys were doing. He laughs soon after, snaking his hands around your waist as he holds you in his lap
“i don’t know this isn’t all that funny nete” you grumble and shake your head, “poor neytiri”
“no.. poor neteyam, i didn’t get to finish “making out” with you” he says, putting up fingers meant to imitate quotation marks to mock his moms words.
you slap his arm gently “as much as i was enjoying, i don’t wanna risk getting caught again.. ewya forbids its tuk next time.. i would never even kiss you again”
he gasps, putting a hand over his chest to fake his hurt and you giggle at his expression
he kisses you again, and again, and again until you have to put your hand over his lips and tell him to stop in between a fit of giggles, he laughs with you “just kissing you enough so i don’t die when you refuse me later” you grin so hard your cheeks hurt, but its so worth it.
You hear lo’ak , spider , kiri, jake , and tuk cheering from outside, “GO BIG BRO” “is y/n my actual sister now?” “ugh finally they stopped beating around the bush” “thats my son, on his lap?? thats literally us neytiri!”
Oh.. Neytiri told them. Great!
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loaksky · 2 years
— 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘮
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the deets — lo'ak is the black sheep in the family, clinging to honor by a precarious thread. you are the well-loved songstress in the tribe. he should resent you for being everything he's not, but his fickle heart can't bring him to do so.
the who — lo'ak x fem omatikaya!reader
the word count — 10.2k (rip yall)
the tags — (one-sided) rivals-to-lovers, angsty angsty, hurt / comfort, reader gives lo'ak a big ol smooch (perhaps more than one), lo’ak is the biggest dumbass and because of this he’s mean asf, reader has a big ol heart and just really wants lo’ak to like her, aged!up characters for maturity’s sake. 
the warnings — language, lo'ak is in luv but doesn't realize it, he's in denial that the feelings could be reciprocated, this is super dramatic so put your seat belts on!
the notes — was feeling extra sad and wanted to write something self-indulgent. this lovely anon requested something, and i used their ask as inspiration to finish this beast. fine line, bags, and love in dark are the three main songs i listened to finish this, so if you wanna be in your feels, have a listen LMAO. despite all the support, i’m still so mf nervous posting this ejsjsjdjs
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SOMETHING UGLY KINDLES IN THE PIT of Lo'ak's stomach at the mere mention of your name. It's sour on his tongue, bitter in his brain. He doesn't know when he's started to feel like this, started to feel absolutely dreadful anytime he'd hear the timbre of your voice. 
It's warm, thick like nectar and it makes him sick. 
Ever since you all were little, the elders crooned over what a great girl you were growing into; strong, intelligent, beautiful. It made him boil how much they'd sing your praises, the high esteem everyone held you in as one of the clan's most talented. 
Something dull would pick at him being compared to his older brother, but nothing burned more than being compared to you. 
Maybe it's because it's always implied whenever your names share the same sentences, that lingering implication that he could be more like you. The clan fans the flames of your mere existence while Lo'ak is snuffed out like a dying fire. 
He hates it. He hates you. 
He thinks. 
It'd be easier to, if you were awful behind the scenes. Arrogant, stuck up, but you're none of those things. You're kind, gentle, mighty when you need to be. It doesn't help that you shine like the brightest star, engulfing everyone in your light, in your warmth. 
But Lo'ak resists. He sees right through you, sees right through every saccharine smile you send him. He can see it in your eyes, how you really see him. Despite standing a full head taller than you, he sees the way you look down your nose at him. 
It grates his nerves, how disgustingly sweet you are towards him despite all attempts to rebuff you. 
Certainly doesn’t soothe his ego when you always seem to be around the bend every time he gets bitched at by the clan, eyes soft and filled with pity. To add insult to injury, you frequently tail him like a shadow after these moments when all he wants is to be alone. 
Like now, you linger. 
It's after dinner and Kiri and Spider stand before him. They come together like the three points of a triangle and you stand an awkward distance away from them. 
Kiri notices you first, her face splitting into a big smile as she waves you over. 
Lo'ak breathes a deep sigh before locking eyes with Spider who tries his best to suppress an amused grin. 
“Hi,” you chirp and Lo'ak can't help but roll his eyes. 
Spider and Kiri greet you eagerly. Lo'ak simply nods his head in acknowledgement before tightening his fist around his dagger. 
“We going or what?” he finally says. 
You perk up. 
“Where are you guys heading off to?” you ask curiously, hands clasped behind your back.
Spider opens his mouth to answer, but Lo'ak cuts him off quickly. 
“No where important,” he says, unsure if you'll blab about their whereabouts to the elders, or worse, his parents. 
You roll your lips and shift on your feet. 
“Can I come?” you ask hesitantly, eyes hopeful. 
Kiri's smile grows as she links her arm with yours. 
“No,” he says sharply. “Absolutely not.” 
Your face falls and something pulls inside his chest when you fail meet his gaze, your frown barely perceptible. 
You make a move to pull from Kiri's grasp, but her arm tightens through yours. She levels Lo'ak with a weighty glare and you fidget uncomfortably under his narrowed eyes. 
“Don't worry about it,” you say, like someone's hit a reset button. You smile that pretty smile and Lo'ak wants to scream. "It's okay, I think Rutan needs help with clean up." 
You slip from Kiri's grasp and the three watch you walk off. 
“Do you always have to be such a bitch?” Spider scoffs a disbelieving laugh. 
“She's just gonna tag along so she can snitch,” Lo'ak grumbles. 
“Oh c'mon,” Kiri argues. “________ just wants friends.”
Lo'ak sneers. 
“I don't want to be friends with her,” he says firmly, knuckles white around the handle of his knife.
“Weirdo,” Spider mumbles. “She’s cute. Think she likes you.”
Lo'ak's spine stiffens.
“It's an act” Lo'ak grumbles. “She just wants to look good in front of the elders to keep up whatever nice girl show she's putting on.” 
Kiri rolls her eyes hard. 
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There are moments when Lo'ak thinks he's being harsh, but he can't help himself. It's like he loses all semblance of a filter when it comes to you. 
“Hi, Lo'ak,” you greet him sweetly, lowering yourself onto the fallen log he's perched on, fashioning arrows to practice with later on in the evening with Neteyam. 
He shifts away from you, putting the distance of two bodies between the two of you as he pauses his task at hand. 
“Hi,” he says flatly. 
“Can I help?” you ask tentatively, fingers twitching towards one of the untouched sticks in a pile next to his feet. 
His kicks them closer to himself, out of your reach before leveling you with a sharp glare. 
“No thanks,” he says quickly and you recoil slowly, letting out a shaky laugh before fixing that stupid smile on your pretty face. 
“Oh, sorry,” you apologize, straightening in your seat. 
A silence so uncomfortably palpable settles over the two of you as you shift so that your knees are turned towards him. 
His throat bobs when his gaze travels from your little toes all the way up to your inquisitive gaze, golden and searching. It makes something unruly settle in his gut and he turns his attention back to carving his arrows. 
“Do you need something?” he breaks the silence finally. “I'm kinda busy.”
You bite your lip before scooting a little closer to Lo'ak's hunched figure. 
“My birthday's coming up,” you start. 
“I'm aware,” Lo'ak almost scoffs. 
It's all the clan has been able to talk about for the past few days. How they'd be able to prepare for the golden girl's next birth cycle and what they'd be able to do to make you smile the brightest. 
“Your birthday is a week before,” you state and his head whips towards you. 
“How do you know that?” he asks sharply, accusation heavy in his gruff tone. 
You flinch and he falters for a moment before your smile simply widens. 
“We grew up together, Lo'ak,” you say and the way his name sounds from your mouth sounds absolutely heavenly. “You're my friend.”
He scowls at the term.
“We're not friends,” he bites back. 
If the statement bothers you, you don't show it, simply tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before putting on a brave face. 
“I want to celebrate with you,” you say shyly. 
“Hard pass,” he says too quickly, gathering his sticks and fashioned arrows under his grasp. 
He leaves you in the clearing on your own.
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You must be fucking with him. You have to be. It'd be the only explanation for why Jake pulls him aside a few nights later and tells him that you've requested to work with him and Neteyam during archery practice. 
“No,” he says stiffly, shaking his head. 
His dad levels him with a hard glare and Lo'ak sighs deeply. 
“She's a nuisance, Dad,” he argues. “Me and Neteyam are making good progress with our training and we'll have to start at square one if she joins.”
“Lo'ak, this isn't an ask,” Jake says sternly. 
“But, Dad!”
Lo'ak huffs, snatching his bow and quiver angrily before storming off. 
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“You're doing great,” Neteyam says to you once the three of you have convened in the training circle. 
The three arrows you've shot have all landed within centimeters of the mark and to say that Neteyam is impressed is an understatement. Lo'ak, on the other hand, fumes not-so-silently as he tears his arrows from his target. 
Yet again, you have another person wrapped around your finger and it makes his blood simmer as he assumes his position at the marker and loads his arrow. It splinters through the air and hits the target right on the bullseye. The arrow punctures through the hide and lodges its way into the wood from the sheer force of Lo’ak’s shot. 
You start at him moon-eyed, lush lips breaking into a full smile. 
“Perfect shot,” you observe. “That was awesome.” 
Lo’ak scans your features hesitantly before his gaze flits to his older brother, waiting for any acknowledgment that he’d done a great job, but Neteyam is taking notes on the arrows still stuck in the fabric of your own target. 
His heart sinks. 
“Fuck this,” Lo’ak grumbles, bundling all of his belongings.
He stalks through the clearing, past his brother, to leave you two. 
He doesn’t know what fuels the fire more, the fact that Neteyam didn’t even bat an eye at the feat they’d been practicing for for the past three weeks because he was too immersed in you, or the fact that you bore witness to his first clean shot and gave him that sickeningly sweet smile that made his stomach turn. 
“Where are you going?” Neteyam sighs. 
“Somewhere you two aren’t,” he grumbles under his breath, ducking through the brush of the lofty forest. 
You lick your lips, locking eyes with Neteyam as you give him a bashful grin and slowly break away to follow Lo’ak’s path. 
He isn’t far ahead as you push through the vines and low-hanging leaves, the path lined with large plants and the spindly roots of the looming trees. The grass is plush between your toes as you scamper to follow Lo’ak from a distance, watching as his lithe body climbs through the dense flora. 
“Why are you following me?” he calls after a few dozen paces, stopping in the middle of the path to whirl on his heel. 
His golden eyes are syrupy, warm despite the edge, and you can’t help but flash him your pearly whites in a genuine smile that takes up your dimpled cheeks. 
“Why’d you run off?” you ask him. “You were doing so well!” 
His chest rises and falls with a scoff. 
“You can give it a rest, you know?” Lo’ak says flatly, fist so tight around his bow he feels like he’ll crush the wood. 
Your expression morphs, eyebrows furrowing in a way that makes Lo’ak throat bob, something pinching behind his ribcage. 
“What?” you ask, frown marring your pretty face. 
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but you can stop acting like you wanna be friends with me,” Lo’ak says matter-of-factly. 
“You are my friend,” you protest quietly. 
Lo’ak rolls his eyes. 
“Dude, whatever,” he mutters, turning his back on you. 
“Is it so wrong?” you murmur and he stops in his tracks, refusing to meet your gaze. “To be friends?” 
That stupid fucking word again.
Lo’ak bites his tongue and stalks off, leaving you on the path. 
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Neteyam rips him a new one when he sees him at dinner later that night. Lo’ak hangs his head as Neteyam digs in.
“Is it so hard to be nice?” Neteyam asks, hand squeezing his shoulder as they stand a handful of meters away from the main circle. 
As his eyes wander, he notices you sitting with his sister, head thrown back in laughter that glitters and wafts with the rising smoke of the fire. He swallows turning his attention back to his older brother. 
“Just don’t like her,” he admits. “I want her to leave me alone.” 
“You don’t like her or you like her too much?” Neteyam asks, brow bone raised. 
Lo’ak’s face scrunches.
“Ew, no,” he blurts. “Why would I—”
“________ just wants to fit in,” he sighs. “She has trouble making friends.” 
“Yeah, I wonder why,” Lo’ak mocks. “I don’t know why Kiri and Spider are always up her ass, she’s—”
“Lo’ak,” Neteyam warns. 
“Dude, everyone is always ________ this, _________ that! I don’t understand what’s so great about her—”
A throat clears and the brothers both turn their attention to the newcomer. Lo’ak could groan in frustration seeing that you’ve abandoned your seat and now stand nearby with two wooden plates. 
“They’re going to start cleaning up soon,” you say hesitantly. “Wanted to bring you some.” 
Neteyam takes it graciously from you, nodding his head in thanks while Lo’ak stares down at the plate you’d arranged for him, abundant in vegetables and thick cuts of meat. 
“No thanks,” he says flatly.
You try to coax him. 
“C’mon Lo’ak, you say gently. “I know you haven’t eaten yet.” 
“No thanks,” he repeats stonily, holding his hand up. 
You offer up the plate again. 
“I said no thank you,” he grunts, annoyed. 
He’d only meant to push it back towards you, but one second it’s in your hands, the next you’re wearing dinner, the plate clattering onto the ground. 
“Lo’ak!” Neteyam scolds. 
“Shit, I didn’t–”
“It’s fine,” you breathe an airy laugh and Lo’ak freezes when he hears your breath hitch. “It was an accident.” 
“Oh, ________…” Neteyam sighs, but you’re picking up the plate and scurrying off, ignoring the nearby snickering. 
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“Whatever you got going on, you need to cool it,” Jake scolds him in the family tent after dinner that night. “________ is a good girl, she’s trying to find her place. Can’t really do that if you’re gonna be a jerk to her all the time.” 
Lo’ak resists the urge to roll his eyes because, yet again, someone is sticking up for you, admonishing him about how he could be nicer, how he could take you under his wing, how he–
“What about me?” Lo’ak argues. “I tell her to leave me alone all the time, but she doesn’t listen. Why do I have to be nice to someone who doesn’t respect–”
“Cut the bullshit,” Jake thunders. “You haven’t even tried being her friend.” 
“Why should I?” Lo’ak counters. 
“Because maybe you two are more alike than you’d care to learn,” Jake says knowingly. “Now go apologize.” 
“Go, Lo’ak.” 
Lo’ak sucks in a deep breath before squeezing his eyes shut and blowing out through his nose. 
“Fine, fine, whatever,” he grumbles, ducking from the tent into the humid night air. 
He starts into the jungle, fingers brushing over the leaves and petals of the plants and flowers. He takes the moment to regulate his pounding heart in his chest before trying to wrack his brain for any words that he could scrounge into a believable apology. 
When he crosses the glowing waters of a skinny brook, something rustles nearby and his hand is on the hilt of his dagger in the blink of an eye. 
He turns to face the noise, knife drawn, but then you emerge and his body relaxes a fraction. 
“Fuck, ________, you scared me,” he sighs in relief. 
You fidget and swallow down the lump in your throat. 
“Sorry,” you say sheepishly. 
A brief silence dawns the two of you and Lo’ak notes that you’ve cleaned up from the evening meal’s debacle, now wearing a longer loincloth threaded with round pearlescent beads that refract the luminescence of the surrounding forest. 
Your grasp tightens around a leather bound journal and for a moment, he wonders what you could be writing about. 
When you follow his gaze, you shyly tuck the journal behind your back and give him an uneasy smile. 
“I wanted to–”
“I came to–”
Your words clash and you breathe a little laugh through your nose as you gaze at him with brilliant eyes. You start closing the distance and Lo’ak’s hands grow clammy. 
“You first,” you offer. 
Whatever threads of an apology he’d crafted in the moments prior have evaporated now that you stand before him, absolutely glowing. 
“Lo’ak?” Your head tilts and his cheeks warm. 
“Sorry,” he says hoarsely. “For what happened at dinner.” 
You shake your head quickly. 
“You don’t have to apologize,” you assure him, reaching out to touch him. 
He recoils, clearing his throat as he retreats to put an ample amount of distance between the two of you. 
You eye the berth and something shutters across your face as you rock back on your heels and flash him another uneasy smile. 
You haven’t even tried being her friend, his dad’s words echo like a call in the night. Maybe you two are more alike that you care to learn. 
Were you? You and Lo’ak were as different as they come, you molded by the love and adoration of the clan, him built up by the lessons and lectures he received from his parents and Neteyam. 
“Where are you going?” you ask, blowing by the previous conversation. 
He shrugs. 
“Dunno,” he admits. “I was looking for you.” 
The way you freeze is almost covert, your lips rolling as you try to hide the smile threatening to split your face. 
“Oh,” you hum. “Wanna go for a walk?” 
No, he wants to say. He absolutely does not want to spend anymore time with you than he has to. Likes to believe that he wouldn’t even bat an eye if he were to never see you again, but you’re looking at him expectantly and his dad’s words are like a mantra in his head, so he agrees begrudgingly. 
It’s awkward at first, silent except for the natural soundtrack of the vicarious jungle. But like you do so well, you break the silence and Lo’ak has to resist rolling his eyes for the third time that night. 
“What are your favorite colors?” you ask suddenly. 
“I dunno, green?” he offers. 
“Are you sure?” you laugh quietly. 
Lo’ak thinks a moment before nodding his head. 
“Yeah, green,” he finalizes. “And blue.” 
He barely notices that you’d fallen behind, and when he turns to look over his shoulder, he sees that you’re scratching something into your little journal. 
“And your favorite fruit?” you press, nose still between the pages. 
Lo’ak breathes out a laugh and your head shoots up. 
“What? You gonna send this list to the lab?” Lo’ak asks.
You give him a shy smile, shifting on your feet. 
“No,” you say softly, then whisper to yourself, “just compiling a list to win your heart.” 
Lo’ak barely hears you, ears twitching as his eyes narrow in confusion. 
“What?” he asks. 
You snap your notebook shut, shaking your head quickly as you pad through the grass to catch up to him. 
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Something ripples in the fabric after that night, you and Neteyam both notice when Lo’ak enters the training clearing the next afternoon and greets you with a nod instead of flat out ignoring your presence like he had the last training session. 
And you think that the moment is fleeting, a one off, but as the days progress, you realize that maybe Lo’ak is finally softening around you. 
He stays for entire lessons, the most minute of smiles twitching at his lips whenever you compliment his shots. He waits near the edge for you as you pack up your things, and while the walk back to the village is a quiet one, you bask in his company, triumphant when he doesn’t run off. 
And while your evening walks are few and far between, you savor the moments he affords you, wedging yourself between him the crumbling walls of his facade. 
Tonight is one of those moments, sitting on adjacent branches overlooking the lively forest, when Lo’ak lets you peek farther into his life than he’d originally intended. 
“He never understands,” he sighs, popping a few berries from his satchel past his lips. 
Tonight’s topic is his father and you listen intently, eyes fixed on the way he reclines on the branch and looks up at the stars. 
“I try hard, you know? To make everyone proud, but all they see is my failure,” he says, obviously annoyed. “No matter what I do, it’s not good enough.” 
“You do great things, Lo’ak,” you say quietly, the first words you’ve said all night. 
And like your voice is a reminder, Lo’ak’s spine goes rigid, throat bobbing as he realizes that he may have said too much to you. He’s getting too comfortable and you’re all the willing to absorb every insecurity and every worry he has. 
But something about quiet moments like these makes him loose-lipped, eyes fluttering to where you’ve got your notebook balanced in the seam of your thighs, scrawling something on the pages as you eat your own berries. 
The words are leaving him before he can stop them. 
“Easy for you to say,” he murmurs. “You’re perfect.” 
The laugh that escapes you startles him and a few of the berries he was about to devour slips from his fingers and plunk down the leaves.
“I’m not perfect,” you assure him. 
“Only someone who’s perfect would say that,” Lo’ak grumbles, peering over the edge of the branches to spot his fallen fruit. “The whole village loves you, everyone’s always so ready to bat for you.” 
You look down at the pages of your journal with a sad smile. 
“It’s a lot of pressure,” you admit quietly. “Everyone’s watching your every move, waiting for you to mess up.” 
Lo’ak shifts uncomfortably.
You continue. 
“And most of the villagers our age don’t like me,” you say, thumbing one of the pages. “They say I kiss ass, that I’m always trying to keep a leg up.” 
Lo’ak winces, knowing that he’s the source of at least one of those sentiments. 
“The elders think you’re honorable,” Lo’ak argues gently. “You’re talented, you have something to offer the people.” 
“Honor means nothing if you’re bound by it,” you say finally, closing the cover to your journal. “If anything, I want to be more like you.” 
“Like me?” Lo’ak asks incredulously, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
You nod, smiling at him. 
“Yeah,” you whisper. “I think you’re brave, fearless. And even if you care what people think, you do what you want.”
Lo’ak is quiet, taken aback by your confession.
Before he can respond, you’re gathering your things, bidding him a warm farewell as you begin climbing down the tree to disappear into the night. 
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After that night, you think that maybe you’re just imagining things, that you’re reading too much into the fact that Lo’ak has begun to finally act like you exist, but then Kiri says something and the hope sends your heart soaring. 
“Seems like he finally got his head out of his ass,” she says a few mornings later as you two stand near a shallow stream, eyes peeled for any fish you two could bring back to the village. 
“Think so?” you ask nervously, arrow trapping the flailing fish to the pebbles of the stream’s bed. 
Kiri shrugs. 
“He actually pays you mind now,” Kiri observes. “That’s a step up for sure. I think you just need to spend more time with him.” 
You smile, splashing through shallow waters to capture the fish and add it to the growing pile in the basket between you and the middle Sully. 
“Yeah?” you wonder
So you test the theory, basket filled with various peeled fruits and a little container of nectar you squeezed from the petals of a flower. 
It doesn’t take long to hunt him down. When you enter the training circle, he’s packing up his things, quiver strapped to his back and bow in his fist. 
Before you make yourself known, he’s turning on his heel to face you, eyes wild as he swallows down the lump in his throat. 
He’d be the last to admit that the last night you two spent together was branded in his brain, that his mouth had dried up so much so he felt his tongue could crack.
There were so many implications in your words and it horrified him, scared him so much that he knew he couldn’t let you that close again. 
But now you stand before him, pretty as can be, hopeful even, and he’s at a war with himself, absolutely caught between resenting you for being everything he’s not and giving into the draw. 
“Hi,” you greet, basket heavy in your hands. 
You look more radiant than usual, skirt brushing the forest floor, the woven vine of your top banded to expose your midriff. 
“Hey,” he replies hesitantly. 
“Where you going?” you ask curiously.
His throat bobs as he gestures behind him. 
“Hunting,” is all he says.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” you ask eagerly.
He doesn’t. He shouldn’t. Because things are shifting and he’s not sure if he’ll be able to stomach the change. If he’ll be able to admit to himself that you’re wearing him thin, that you make him feel things he’s never felt before and that it makes him feel like he has no control. 
Because when it boils down to it, you make him lose control, make him lose his filter, and make him feel every emotion twice as hard. 
“No,” he says.
And in that moment, you feel like you’re back at square one, watching as his eyes turn stony and his jaw sets firmly. 
“You shouldn’t go hunting on your own,” you say softly. “Will someone be with you?” 
“It’s fine,” he argues. “I’m fine.” 
“I can go with you!” you offer. “I thought maybe we could sit by the stream and talk, but we can go hunting instead. We can–” 
“No,” he says again, pinning you with eyes so lethal, it makes you wonder if you really had imagined the moments you shared with him, if you had imagined Kiri telling you that she saw it too. 
You try again anyways. 
“It’ll be good practice and–”
���I said no, ________,” he barks. “You’re dead weight and I want to be alone.” 
Your lips seal and you bite the inside of your cheek. 
Lo’ak could nearly scream in frustration when he notices the way your shoulders sag and it makes something in his heart cinch. 
“Okay,” you agree, nodding quickly. “Be safe and–”
The words die on your tongue when you notice the look of annoyance on Lo’ak’s face. 
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Lo’ak is in deep shit, you come to find out hours later. 
You sit outside of the training circle, knowing that Lo’ak will return down the path after his hunting trip. What you don’t expect, however, is Jake and Neytiri emerging with the entire line of Sully kids and Spider.
Jake grips the back of Lo’ak’s neck tightly as they march past wandering eyes, straight to the family tent. You don’t miss his wounds though, varying in depth, some bleeding, some sore. 
You’re hot on their heels, standing right outside of the entrance as Jake tears into the middle Sully. 
“Time and time again, I have to get on your ass for doing the complete opposite of what I ask you to do!” Jake’s voice is thunderous inside the tent. “Do you not realize that you not only risked your life but your sisters’ too?”
There’s a beat of silence before Jake continues, obviously pacing from the way his volume fluctuates. 
“And what were you thinking bringing Tuk? She’s nine, Lo’ak!” he shouts, the anger and the hurt evident in his tone. 
“I’m sorry,” Lo’ak mumbles. 
“Yeah, I bet you are!” Jake scolds. “I don’t ask for much. All I want is for you stay in line. Just stay out of trouble and work hard on your training. I paired you with ________ and Neteyam in hopes that maybe you’ll tighten up and be more like them, but you’re always disappointing me.” 
You frown. 
Whatever Lo’ak had done probably didn’t warrant such deep admonishment and something tugs especially hard at your heartstrings knowing that all he wants to do is make his dad proud. 
“You’re surrounded by good influences, but you always have to go against the grain, Lo’ak,” Jake says, the edge in his tone softening. “I’m getting tired of the bullshit, son. You need to clean up your act. Hear me?” 
“Yes sir,” Lo’ak says quietly, voice almost a whisper behind the hide of the tent. 
“Now go get yourself cleaned up,” Jake huffs. 
Your spine is straightening when you hear foot steps closing in, holding your breath as the flap to the tent billows open and Lo’ak is emerging.
His eyes flit to yours and his expression sours further. 
“Lo’ak,” you murmur, reaching out to him. 
He’s shrugging you away, wincing when a wound on his shoulder stretches especially taut. 
“You’re hurt,” you say quietly. “I’ll–”
“Leave me alone,” he says, eerily level. 
“But you’re–”
“I said leave me alone, ________,” he warns, pushing past you in what should be the pursuit of his grandmother’s quarters.
Instead he’s making a beeline for the jungle. 
You’d seen the look in his eye before he stonewalled you, seen the hurt and heaviness that most people didn’t seem to notice because he was always so adventurous and carefree. 
You follow after him. 
“Lo’ak, you know he’s only worried for you,” you try to reason gently, fingers reaching for his own as you duck under massive leaves and fluttering insects. 
He whirls to face you, swatting your hand away. 
“Don’t fucking touch me,” he bites. “You don’t know anything.” 
You swallow, holding your hand to your chest as you watch him lay down every brick to wall himself off. 
He hates it. He hates how you look at him, how you seem to pity the life he has to live. It makes him sick, thinking that you two have it the same. He’d rather be hated for being great than hated for being a let down. It’s insulting, how you think you know how it feels. 
“Let’s go back. I’ll wrap your wounds and–”
“Of course, clan’s golden girl is gonna patch me up and make it all better, huh?” he seethes facetiously. “Just fuck off!” 
You flinch, blinking at the boy you holds so much rage in front of you. 
“I know you’re hurting, but you don’t have to be mean,” you whisper, taking in a shuddering breath to will yourself not to cry. 
“Mean? Mean?” Lo’ak bristles. “I’ve tried telling you to lay off nicely, tried telling you to just leave me alone, but you don’t listen. You just pry and overstep and you make every little thing about you! Oh, it’s so much pressure, villagers our age hate me, of course they would! You already have everything and just have to go rub salt in the wound!” 
You shrink, eyes welling as your lip trembles. 
“Lo’ak, stop,” you whimper. 
“We’re not friends, ________.We never were and we never will because I don’t like you,” he spits. “Now please, for the love of god, will you just leave me alone!” 
The forest is silent save for Lo’ak’s ragged breathing, fists clenched as he glares down at you. 
“I-” Your breath hitches and you choke out an apology. “I’m sorry.” 
Lo’ak’s heart softens a fraction as you take a step back, turning quickly on your heel. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” you rasp, tripping over your own feet as you stumble into a run, putting as much space as you can between you and the middle child who stands in the middle of the forest, unable to wrangle every harsh word he’d said to force back down his throat. 
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You dropped your journal. 
Lo’ak is sure you’re looking for it, know that you’ve always got your nose stuck in it. You had dropped it running off and now he has its leather bound in his hands. 
It’s been a couple of nights since the faithful evening he’d blown his top and he’d only seen whispers of you. It was so unlike you to disappear, to not be entertaining the masses as they fell to your feet. 
He’d cooled off significantly, and when he replayed the conversation in his head, he winced, body folding in on itself as he realizes how harsh he’d been. 
“Are you actually thinking thoughts?” Spider claps him on the shoulder, startling him so badly he drops the journal. 
It lands spine down, the pages fluttering open. 
He chances a peek before Spider is rounding his lithe figure to pick up the notebook. All he makes out is a rough sketch. 
“You write?” Spider asks, intrigued. 
“No, it’s ________’s,” Lo’ak answers. 
“Oh, your little girlfriend’s?” 
Lo’ak gives the human a cross look, snatching the book from his grasp as he stands up.
“Trouble in paradise?” Spider pries, scurrying to keep up with Lo’ak’s long strides. 
A beat of silence before Lo’ak finally answers. 
“Made her cry,” he mumbles, embarrassed. 
Spider winces behind him. 
“You serious?” 
Lo’ak sighs. 
“Yes, dude, fuck,” he breathes, hand coming to the back of his neck. “I don’t know what came over me. Dad was ripping me a new one and Neteyam already chewed me out before they got there and she was being annoying, so I just…” 
“Bro,” Spider scoffs in disbelief, scratching the back of his head. “You’re a real dickhead sometimes.” 
Lo’ak’s eyes wander as he shifts uncomfortably, feeling incredibly small as his friend glares up at him. 
“I mean, I told her I wanted to be left alone!” Lo’ak tries to defend weakly. “I- I didn’t mean to.” 
“She likes you a lot, dude,” Spider reiterates. “She just wants you to like her back.” 
Despite the glaring signs, Lo’ak has trouble believing that your feelings for him far surpass charity work. They couldn’t, it was impossible. Because at the end of the day, you’re you and he’s…him. 
He opens his mouth to say something, but Spider beats him to it.
“Did you at least apologize?” 
Lo’ak squirms.
“Look, I know, I know,” he tries to assuage the situation. 
“________ is literally the sweetest girl in the entire clan you just–“ 
“I get it, bro, I get it!” Lo’ak huffs. 
“Get your head out of your ass,” Spider says. “She might not stick around long enough for you to realize.” 
“Realize what?” Lo’ak snaps. 
“Are you really gonna play stupid right now?” 
He blinks at the human. 
“You like ________,” Spider says matter-of-factly. “You always have, ever since we were kids.” 
“Oh, piss off,” Lo’ak grumbles.
“Dude, you’re literally my best friend, but I sometimes I wanna shove my foot so far up your–”
“I do not like ________,” Lo’ak says sharply. 
“Everyone sees it but you, dipshit,” Spider scoffs. “You like her, but you’re scared. She’s perfect and she intimidates you. Think she’s gonna see you for what you really are and turn her back on you like everyone else does when you fuck up, but she’s not like that, Lo’ak. She’s been there whether you like it or not. But she might not always.” 
Lo’ak swallows down the knot in his throat, fingers tightening around the notebook. 
“Everything clicking?” Spider asks knowingly. 
Lo’ak throws him a final narrowed glare before stalking off. 
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It’s Lo’ak’s birthday and just like every orbit, he spends it alone in the forest.
At first, he’d been burdened with the weight of hurting your feelings, but now his conversation with Spider weighs heavy on him as he climbs dirt walkways and flowered paths. 
It doesn’t help that your notebook weighs heavy in his satchel, a silent reminder that he still has a piece of you while you cling to his peace of mind. 
I think you’re brave, fearless. They’re the words you uttered to him that fateful night you turned the reality of you two on its axis. 
As he splices all the moments you two shared like a reel, he realizes that it’s endless. That you’re always there, you’d always been there, like a layer of impenetrable atmosphere surrounding him. 
He really should apologize, he knows this much, but you’ve disappeared like a wisp of smoke. Training sessions have returned to a sibling affair and he’s too prideful to ask about you. 
It’s almost eclipse when he begins making his way back for the evening meal, knowing that a scolding will await if he arrives even a minute late. 
After what had happened with you, he was lying low, trying to diminish his blip from the radar.
As he closes in on the village’s main circle, he notes that it’s quiet. A little too quiet. It puts him on edge, makes him draw his bow and feel around for an arrow in his quiver. 
A few more paces and he’s broken into the clearing, a few stragglers milling about. Another half a dozen steps and it’s like the forest melts into a celebration, whorls of blue pouring into the circle as villagers begin trilling. 
Lo’ak is hoisted into the air as the dying fire in the center of the camp begins to slowly roar. 
“Happy birthday, baby bro!” Neteyam caws loudly as they begin jostling him into the air, chanting and dancing as the dense crowd of clanspeople celebrate him.
It’s like time slows as he peers from side to side eagerly, seeing the way Spider, Kiri and Tuk dance happily among his people. Jake and Neytiri stand near the fire, smiles wide when they see the look of awe on their middle son’s face. 
When he’s finally set on his feet, he wobbles, childlike as he turns, taking in the glowing streamers that crisscross between the tents. Flowers of green and blue thread through the vines, gleaming like lamplight as the forest buzzes around them. 
“Wha– What is all this?” Lo’ak croaks in disbelief, eyes flitting wildly as he notices Norm and Max standing next to a table they’d hauled from the pod to the circle, piled high with meats and vegetables wrapped in leaves. 
A platter of yovo fruits, his favorite, are at the center, surrounded by a painted sign with his name and the handprints of dozens of villagers on it. 
“You survived another orbit!” Neteyam laughs heartily, head-locking the younger boy before roughly digging his knuckles into the top of his head. 
A laugh bubbles from Lo’ak’s lips, swatting his brother away as villagers and clan members he’d grown up with approach him one by one to greet him. 
As the night progresses, he doesn’t even realize he’s searching until your mother approaches and his spine goes rigid, cheeks warming under her piercing gaze. 
“From my ________,” she says, setting a pouch into his palms. “She toiled over these for many eclipses. Please take care.” 
Lo’ak’s nod is delayed as his satchel shifts on his shoulders, a dull reminder that your journal still remains with him, begging to be read. 
“Where– Where is she?” he asks suddenly, feeling your absence all the more now that your gift sits in the palm of his hand. 
“My daughter does not feel well,” your mother says simply. “She wished to be excused from the festivities.” 
His chest feels hollow, stomach tight as his cheeks burn. You’d mentioned this to him, all those days ago in the training circle, about wanting to celebrate with him. 
His eyes flit to the flowers looped through the vines, the mountain of yovo fruits, the gift in his hands. He doesn’t want to be presumptuous. Doesn’t want to fuel the tiniest ember of hope in chest, but he can’t help it. 
He can’t help but read into it, into the implications of this celebration you’d planned all for him, into every word you uttered to him in the quiet of the forest’s chirping. 
It’s all it takes for him to lock himself in his own head. The feast melts into the background, dull, as his eyes cut the crowd for you. 
You have to be here, gotta be hanging around the outskirts silently. The idea taunts him, makes his gut twist hard as images of you dancing in the circle, singing to him, celebrating him, loving him—
Lo’ak freezes, blinking incredulously at the thought that’d just crossed his brain. It makes him queasy, makes the regret and the guilt gnaw at every nerve ending as your crying face flashes like an unwanted slideshow in his brain. 
It’s all he can think about as the festivities die, as villagers begin turning in the for the night and he helps his family clean up the aftermath of another orbit finally finished. 
Spider helps Tuk and Neteyam near the fire, and as Lo’ak moves through the motions like he’s caught in a tide, Kiri watches, knowing all too well what consumes her brother’s mind. 
It isn’t until Lo’ak is shrouded by the stillness of the early morning, his family tucked in their tent, bodies and limbs splayed as they sleep together, that he sits in a swinging hammock, your journal and the pouch in his lap. 
It feels wrong, the way he thumbs the cover, working up the courage to turn it open. But Ewya, fate, would have never left it in his wake if it wasn’t meant to be read.
As his finger ghosts the etchings of the front cover, worn and loved by you, something tickles his leg as he admires the leather. He blinks in disbelief when he sees a singular woodsprite resting against his thigh. 
Before he loses his nerve, he’s opening the pages with bated breath. 
Recipes, nature notes, short thoughts fill the sheets and Lo’ak feels like he’s reading into your brain, seeing all the little things no one bothers to know. 
he is like the sun,
shines so bright,
but burns the closer you get. 
Lo’ak’s pointer finger glosses over the ink, over your curly handwriting. 
he is so incredible, but he doesn’t even know it. i want to shout it to every creature in the forest, every tree and every flower. oh, how i wish to be as fearless as him. 
His chest heaves as the words blur. 
In this moment, he feels everything but. He feels like a coward. 
He continues to flip, throat lodged as he sees drawings, both rough sketches and full renderings. He hadn’t even known that you liked to draw, yet here he was, observing his home through your artistic eye. 
Flowers, leaves, trees, creatures, insects, fruits mar the stained papers, etched like it’d been caught in real time. 
likes green and blue. 
likes yovo fruits. 
The entry from the day you’d first walked with him through the forest. 
When he turns the page, his breath hitches. 
In full color, you’d captured his bullseye from your first training session. His back taut from the release, expression shaded stoic. He looked mighty, like the strongest warrior, and it was all through your eyes. 
Lo’ak doesn’t even realize he’s crying until the bullseye in the illustration bleeds from a fallen tear. Another one drips from his chin, then another. 
The next page is the night you two had poured your hearts out to each other. Again, in full color, he’s watching the stars. You don’t leave out the glow of the freckles that smatter his face and body, don’t miss the smile that plays at his lips as he quietly points out that his dad had come from a star. 
He flips again and different iterations and designs for what seems like jewelry litters the pages, shaded with different colors of blue and green, marked with varying notes, x’s marking through ideas you didn’t like. 
Lo’ak remembers the pouch, sitting untouched in his lap, and his shaky fingers undo the ties. He shakes the contents on the flat of the notebook and the most intricate beadwork fits into the crease. 
His eyes widen as he picks up the necklace in a trembling hand, the eclipsing sun catching the etching in the flat stones. 
Four five-fingered hands and four four-fingered ones, each separated by jewels scavenged and cleaned from the bed of the glowing river. 
A small scroll flutters from the pouch and Lo’ak chokes back as sob as he unrolls the hide. 
Happy Birthday, Lo’ak. I am always grateful to know someone like you. May your next orbit be filled with endless blessings from Ewya and may you see yourself how I see you. 
You see him, he realizes. You’re his supporter, a silent force that consumes every insecurity and swallows every doubt. You believe in him more than he believes in himself. 
He stands from the hammock and runs. 
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You’re sitting in the same tree the two of you had rested in the night you’d confided in Lo’ak, watching as the sun eclipses and begins to light up the sparkling forest.
Something rustles and you sit up, hand on the hilt of your dagger as you search the area for movement.
As your eyes lock on the source, you almost wish it had been a beast coming to devour you whole. But as Lo’ak climbs the branches of the tree quickly, you feel the dread begin to solidify in your veins. 
You take your satchel, hanging from a nearby branch and sling it over your shoulder, pulling your shawl over your head to prepare for your escape. 
“________, wait,” he chokes breathlessly. “Please.” 
You feel like crying all over again, feel so unbelievably stupid thinking that Lo’ak would ever see you the way that you see him. 
You pause a beat as he settles on the branch across from yours, chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. 
Something glints in the sun and your eyes widen when you see that Lo’ak has fastened the necklace you made him around his neck, right above the the leather chain that holds his beloved claw charm. 
“You’re wearing it,” you whisper, lips twitching into a frown as you try your best to keep your tears at bay. 
“I’m sorry, ________,” Lo’ak apologizes hoarsely. “Fuck, you don’t understand how sorry I am.” 
The tears well on their own. 
We’re not friends. We never were and we never will. 
The words haunt you like a broken record and you shake your head, moving from your perch to move down the branches. 
“Wait, wait,” Lo’ak pleads. “Please don’t go, I–”
“I hate you,” you whisper. “I hate you, Lo’ak.” 
He freezes, watching as you balance on a branch below. 
“I tried so hard to be your friend,” you whimper, angrily wiping away your tears. “You’re amazing. You’re strong, and you’re fearless, and you are everything I want to be, but you’re heartless.” 
Lo’ak lets out a shuddering breath, a chill running down his spine as you look up at him like he’d smashed every star in the sky. 
“I wanted to be with you, you know?” you let out a watery laugh. “I hoped that maybe if I stuck it out, you’d see how much I cared, how badly I wanted to be with you, even if it was from a distance.” 
“I do, _________, I do!” he argues. 
He hadn’t always, but he sees it now. He sees you. 
You shake your head again.
“You don’t,” you sigh, voice trembling. “It’s my fault anyways. You were right. You told me to leave you alone and I was being too much.” 
“Let this be the last time,” you assure him. “Let’s just– Let’s pretend we never met.”
“No, _________. Wait!” 
You’re climbing down the tree and disappearing into the brush and, like a fleck of ash, you’re disintegrating into nothingness. 
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Most people think he’s being moody, that he’s just been scolded by his father or older brother, but Neytiri knows better. 
She sees the way her son has changed over the course of the past few weeks. She knows there is a great burden that he carries, but much like her beloved and her eldest, he suffers in silence. 
“Maitan,” she says quietly, brushing a braid from his face as he folds the leaves around a chunk of steaming meat. 
Lo’ak pauses almost imperceptibly, but continues his task. 
It isn’t like him to stay home and work with Neytiri. If anything, he’d be the first one out of the tent, Tuk, Spider, and Kiri tailing after him as they galavant through the endless forest. 
“Something weighs heavy in your heart,” she tries again, hand coming over his. 
Lo’ak stops and leans back, unable to meet his mother’s searching gaze. 
“I hurt someone,” he says quietly. 
Neytiri stiffens.
“I hurt someone I care about,” Lo’ak admits. You’d called him fearless, strong. He needed to live by your word. “I hurt her and I don’t know how to fix it.” 
“Oh, Lo’ak,” she murmurs, squeezing his hand gently. 
Her face has softened as she takes in his stony expression. 
“My son, some things cannot be fixed,” she says honestly. “But all things require great effort. Sometimes those efforts will fall through, but that is the natural order of life.” 
Lo’ak swallows. 
“Whoever this special person is, if you have hurt her, she deserves the full effort of your heart, no?” 
You do, he knows you do. You deserve every last effort. But a niggling streak of insecurity tells him that you don’t deserve someone like him. You don’t deserve someone who takes your affections for granted. You deserve someone who will love you with every breath, who will love you fearlessly. 
“I really messed things up, Mom,” Lo’ak says quietly. “I don’t…” 
Neytiri’s hand comes to Lo’ak chest. 
“The night I first met your father, Ewya gave me sign,” she says. “He has a pure, strong heart. You do too.” 
Lo’ak swallows. 
“Be brave, Maitan,” she says. “Sometimes that is enough.” 
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Lo’ak’s fingers hurt from picking berries.
His cuticles bleed, pricked by the thorns of the fruit’s bush. Kiri hums beside him, weaving a little bag out of ropes of thin vines. 
“You’re not gonna help me?” he whines. 
“Why should I help you with your mess?” 
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You look beautiful under the glow of the evening meal’s crackling fire. It’s the first time you’ve emerged since before Lo’ak’s birthday feast and you’re being flocked by elders and villagers, wishing you well and asking about your supposed ailment. 
He sits across the fire, fists tight as he searches for a lull in the crowd. 
Spider snickers next to him, devouring the contents of his plate like he’s starved, watching Lo’ak’s useless pining like a show. 
Be brave. 
He’s standing to his feet before he can back out, crossing the circle to approach you. The villagers watch like they know something he doesn’t and the nerves are eating away at him as he steps into your space. 
You look up from your conversation with a girl your age, the smile slipping from your lips. 
“Can we talk?” Lo’ak asks, eyes wandering to watch the way everyone watches him. 
You remain jaded.
“Now’s not a good time,” you say quietly and a few onlookers snicker in the background. “________,” Lo’ak tries again. 
You stare up at him, the shadow of the fire dancing over your features as you seemingly look right through him. It’s humiliating, the way you remain seated and watch him fidget, but he figures he deserves the cold shoulder after months, years of casting you to the side. 
“Let’s go?” you ask the girl, nodding your head over your shoulder. 
The girl chances a glance between you and Lo’ak, noticing the telltale sign of your work etched into the stones of the choker he hadn’t taken off since his birthday. 
She gives him a sympathetic smile as she follows after you. 
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He’s going to have to try a lot harder than he has, he realizes as your birthday looms right around the corner. The next eclipse, in fact. 
He’s losing hope, losing courage, but he can’t give up on you two just yet. 
He makes sure the berries he picked the days prior are packed tightly in his bag, the lid to the nectar fastened, and his present wrapped nicely. 
It’s his last hope, his last shot to make things right. 
Spider, Tuk, and Neytiri surround him, Neteyam and Jake off on a hunt. 
They’d all been privy to the fact, aiding him in his endeavors as he organized his final grapple with your heart. 
“Kiri said she’ll bring her right before eclipse,” Spider says, peeking from the flap of the tent. “That’s in, like, minutes.” 
Lo’ak is nervous. Doesn’t know what he’ll do if he loses you for good, but he knows he has to give it his best effort. It’s the least you deserve. 
Be brave. Sometimes that is enough. 
Lo’ak glances at his mom and she gives him a warm smile, ruffling his braids. 
“You are the son of Toruk Makto,” she assures him, pinching his cheek. “There is nothing you cannot do.” 
The words are carved into his brain as he rushes through the forest, the the stream that the curls and bends through the forest. It glows beautifully at night and that is his final push. 
“Wait, give me like three seconds, I left something.” Kiri’s voice is muffled behind the trees. 
“Huh?” Lo’ak sees the way your head tilts through an opening in the foliage. 
“I’ll only be a second!” 
“Wait, Kiri!” 
Kiri is running straight for him, comes barreling through the bushes, and continues down the path. 
“Good luck, egghead!”
Lo’ak takes in a final breath to quell the tremor in his hands before ducking through the bushes to reveal himself. 
You’re sitting on the embankment, on a woven mat that Kiri had laid out for you two, decorative vines edging the seams. 
“Oh, you were–”
You peer over your shoulder and your expression falls. 
“Happy birthday, ________,” he breathes. 
You don’t look amused, slinging your bag over you shoulder as you rise to your feet. 
“Kiri and I are hanging out,” you tell him. 
He scratches the back of his head. 
“I…I had Kiri bring you here because I knew that you wouldn’t come with me if I asked,” he admits. “And of course, I don’t blame you, but I– I just really need to talk to you.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek, unable to look him in his eyes as he draws nearer. 
“Just give me some time, please,” he pleads. 
You finally meet his gaze, searching his eyes as he looks down at you earnestly. 
You give him the tiniest nod, reluctantly shedding your satchel to reassume your seat on the mat. 
The waters rush gently, like a song as Lo’ak lowers himself next to you.
His palms are clammy as he fidgets in his seat, the scent of herbs and flowers wafting from your dewy skin. He can’t bring himself to look at you, afraid that every sentiment he’d crafted in the hours of the night will escape him, so he watches the bubbling of the stream. 
“Well?” you whisper, like you don’t want to shatter the fragile sheath of peace that layers you. 
“I’m sorry,” he says quietly. “I know I’ve said it already, but I really am, ________.” 
“I know,” you murmur and his gaze flits to yours. “Even if you don’t act like it, you have a good heart, Lo’ak. You feel everything, even the things you don’t want to.” 
He swallows.
“I didn’t mean it,” he says carefully. “I was mad and I took it out on you. That wasn’t fair.” 
You sit silently, knees hugged to your chest. Your cheek rests against your knee, watching Lo’ak with seeing eyes. It makes him trip over his words. 
“My whole life, I’ve always been compared to Neteyam,” he says. “The entire village would whisper about me and how I was nothing like the mighty warrior.” 
When he glances at you, he notices your fingers twitch, like you want to reach out to him. 
He squashes his fears and turns to face you, five-fingered hand coming up to thread with your four. You watch the union, uncertainty obvious in the way you tense, but Lo’ak squeezes. 
“And then when we started growing up, you were just another person I had to live up to,” Lo’ak whispers. “You’re perfect, ________. You’re kind, and you’re smart, talented. You’re everything I’m not and it made me hate you.” 
You shrink, but Lo’ak pulls you towards him, hand coming up to brush your cheek. 
“But you’re all of that and more,” he continues, the words gushing like a river. “You’re always there, you support me and you defend me and see things I don’t.” 
You become shy under his gaze because for the first time, he’s seeing you. He’s seeing you for every single thing you’ve been to him and it makes your stomach knot. 
“I have something to tell you,” he says. “Please don’t be mad at me.” 
Your gaze is soft, palm still in his as he turns and reaches into the bag he discarded next to him. Your eyes widen when he produces your notebook, edges curled the slightest as he hands it to you. 
“My journal,” you say, taking it from him quickly. “I’ve been looking for this. Why- Why do you have it?” 
He looks guilty, lips rolling as he avoids your gaze. 
“Did you…” 
“I wasn’t going to,” he admits. “But there were woodsprites and I knew it was a s–”
“Lo’ak this is private,” you murmur incredulously. “Why would you read this?” 
“How long, ________?” he asks quietly, grip on your hand tightening. 
“Lo’ak, don’t–”
“How long?” he presses desperately. 
Your eyes are watering, like that wicked night all over again and Lo’ak begs Eywa for the final push. 
“Since we were ten,” you whisper brokenly. “It was my first performance and it was so stupid, but I was throwing up because I was nervous and you talked me through it.” 
Lo’ak is stunned, the memory like the faintest of outlines. 
“We didn’t even know each other that well,” you hiccup. “But you patted me on the back and you gave me this–”
You pull your fingers from his grasp and flip the journal to the last page, revealing a hidden pocket. Your nimble fingers pull a tattered string, the remnants of a vine, threaded with wilted flower petals, preserved from being pressed inside your notebook.
“You said that they made you make it during lessons,” you say, breath hitching. “That it’d be my good luck.” 
He’d forgotten all about the memory completely, too caught up in driving whatever wedge he could between you two, building up walls to seal you out. 
“And you kept it this whole time?” he asks, face scrunched in disbelief. 
“I’d hold on to anything you give me,” you admit in defeat. “Heartbreak included.” 
He lets out a shaky breath. 
“________, I’m so sorry,” he repeats, hand coming up to your neck. “You have to know that. I’m really fucking stupid, but if you give us a shot, I won’t mess it up.” 
Your hand comes up to his wrist, crumpling as you bow your head. 
“Don’t do this to me,” you beg, moving to break away from him. 
His hold tightens, other hand twining with yours. 
“If I…if I give myself to you, I’m giving you everything,” you say hesitantly. “If you break this, you break me. I don’t think I can come back from this.” 
Lo’ak presses his forehead to yours, breath warm against your lips as he searches your gaze for any semblance of hope. 
“This is me being fearless, ________,” he whispers. 
You melt, pressing your lips to his tentatively. He’s frozen for the shortest of moments before relenting, pushing up onto his knees to deepen the kiss. 
He’s cradling your face and your hands are wandering and Lo’ak can’t help but think he could get used to loving you. 
To being loved by you. 
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“I was gonna give it to you on your birthday,” Lo’ak says sheepishly a few nights later under the stars. “But, you know…” 
Your usual place among the branches of the looming trees have a lot of memories both bitter and sweet, but you suppose you could make new ones. 
“You don’t have to give me anything,” you say sweetly, tail swishing to wrap around his ankle. “You’re all I need.” 
Lo’ak doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to your saccharine words if the pounding in his chest is anything to go by. 
His hands are shaky as he pushes the hide towards you, a bow made of vine tied neatly around the gift. 
“Wanted to,” he says simply, moving the hair from you face to see your reaction better. “Open it.” 
You’re gentle with the present, like you are with most things, but eager to see what he’d gotten you. 
A tiny gasp falls from your lips when you finally see it, wide eyes meeting his as you free the jars of paints he’d mashed up, the brushes he fashioned, and the brand new journal he bound himself. 
“Lo’ak, wow…” 
“So you can paint me more,” he says, then adds timidly. “Or maybe us. Maybe you could paint us.” 
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an — holy shit guys, this was such a big project for me because i really wanted to dive into so many different things in this fic. to everyone who was waiting patiently, thank you sososo much. as usual, i took a lot of creative liberties with this one, but i hope you guys enjoyed nonetheless! although requests are paused for me to catch up, like always, if you wanna chat with me about literally anything, my askbox is open. lots of love hehehe :) xx
neng © 2023
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taglist: @nao-cchi , @jkiminpark , @philiasoul @amart-e , @s-u-t , @netesbby , @tayswiftlovebot , @dumb-fawkin-bitch , @ewackmn
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melbee · 2 years
The Ikranä Maktoyu (‘banshee rider’)
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Pairing: Neteyam x TayrangiClan!Reader
Summary: There was nothing you thought you couldn’t do. So, when the eldest son of Toruk Makto challenges you to a race on your Ikran? Well, you never were one to run from an honest challenge. Especially when you had the fate of your feelings riding on the line.
Note: This is my first Fanfiction for Avatar and specifically WoW. This doesn't follow any sort of plot, so it's not technically necessary to have watched the new movie. Anyways I hope you enjoy xx
Warnings: Fluff, Enemies to Lovers (kind of?), Blood. Kissing? idk. This is a long one. I like to give my fanfics context, ok?? lol
Word count: 4,203
As far as you were concerned you couldn't be any different from the similar blue skinned Navi in front of you. While you were used to more complicated headdresses, and guarded expressions, these Forest children of the Omaticaya clan, wore little and expressed much. Several Tayrangi Clan members and you had journeyed vast from the Eastern Sea to meet with the Omaticaya people and its fairly new leader, Jake Sully.
Your mother had brought you up on the story of Jake Sully's arrival, on how the Toruk Makto had led all the clans together in harmony in order to rid your home planet of the humans who were intent on destroying it. Everything about Omaticaya had fascinated you, but as you grew so did your responsibilities, and now you reserve your emotions to plain passiveness.
This was mostly due to the fact that the people were so much different from your own. Tayrangi had long been separated and socially outcasted due to their spirited independence, and the Omaticaya people had once despised it. However, times had changed, and as your mother fondly admitted to yourself, new beginnings can bring new outlooks.
So, there you sat, trying to hold in any regard of the Omaticaya children in front of you, who had been introduced upon arrival as the Olo'ekytan's children. The youngest and giddiest, Tuktirey, smiled brightly at you as if she noticed your presence for the first time since you had been there.
"Come play with us, y/n! We were just about to go out into the forest." Tuktirey laughed, as she tugged on her elder sister's hand. Kiri looked up at you with a shy smile, and for some reason it made your heart warm.
They were very sweet children, most of them at least. Upon your clan's arrival to the forest, you were bombarded by the sounds of Ikrans all around you. While you were mostly familiar with the sound, the laughter and rambunctious noise as they swooped across the trees startled your clan. Who was behind the wonderful greeting? None other than the eldest of Jake Sully's children, who you were introduced to through a flurry of apologies as Lo'ak and Neteyam.
Each bore a startling resemblance to their kinfolk, and by closer inspection you saw the youngest of the brothers resembled the same five fingered trait as his father. He was the most feigned of the two, which made you suspect this wasn't his first time having to apologize. Neteyam was sincere in his apologies at the least, the perfect mockup as the prodigal son, burdened since birth you could tell.
However, something about Neteyam made your heart race just a little faster. Perhaps it was the way he laughed, and his broad shoulders lifted up ever so slightly. Or maybe it was the way he looked into your eyes, and you felt the weight of the world fall endlessly at your fingertips. Either way, you made sure you kept your feelings in check. You had goals in life, and you wouldn't let some skxwang (idiot, moron) mess it up.
"I was hoping to head near the top of the mountains. It's actually really beautiful to see near sunset." Kiri voiced out, the sound startling you out of your memories, as she looked back to see Tuktirey jumping for joy.
"Mom never lets us go out there before dinner, but maybe she'll let us since you're here!" Tuktirey laughed as she began to beckon us to follow her.
"We can go, but we've got to wait for Spider. He should be here any minute." Kiri rolled her eyes, before glancing back in apology for her sister's rambunctious nature.
"You called?" You heard a male voice call out from behind you, your body jumping in fear. You were used to the rocky shores of your homeland providing you a sense of hearing, but now that you were hidden between the sounds of the forest, you couldn't quite gather your surroundings.
"Spider! There you are, where were you?" Kiri exclaimed, as you watched to see the human jump from a fallen tree limb, as he laughed underneath his mask.
When you had first taken a glimpse of a human on Pandora, it had not been under good circumstances. It was as the RDA had begun to shuffle their way out, but the memories from your older clan members had done enough to make you hold reservations against them. Even though you had been told of Spider's upbringing, you couldn't help but feel as if his alliance did not stand completely still against one side.
Spider glanced your way, a careful nod towards you, before pulling on Kiri's tail in playfulness. Kiri hissed as she smacked him away, him dodging her advances. Before you knew it, they were in their own little world arguing about something leaving Tuktirey to sigh in impatience.
"Guys can you stop! We have to get going!" Tuk complained. Kiri looked up as she glanced your way in apology. She beckoned Spider to follow us, as we began heading through the thick jungle.
You watched in hesitance as the Sully clan leaped and bounded across tree limbs and small streams. Syaksuk (lemurs) danced across the forest vines, their playful voices echoing around as they swung. Every so often Tuk would stop, playing with some sort of creature or fauna before Kiri or yourself would have to get her away from the distractions.
The trek was long, but it resembled your own passages on top of jagged rocks, trying to avoid falling. You laughed as you tried to keep up with the Omaticaya children, your passive disposition beginning to fade away. You actually felt really happy.
At this point in the day the light in the sky was beginning its descent, and you had just reached a parting in the densely bushed trees. Pushing forward, you followed Kiri and the rest stopped at what you could tell was an overlook. Pushing back a stray vine, your eyes widened before looking up.
There it was. Out of everything you had heard of the Omaticaya clan growing up, Ayram Alusing (The floating mountains) was the most magical. Your arrival to the clan had been up these very floating rocks. You could almost see the activity where the clan resided near the Tree of Souls.
"Mons Veritatis." You heard Spider whisper in awe, your gaze settling to where he looked to see one of the tallest mountains you had ever seen. Its top didn't even reach vision, the dense vog settling eerily to the distant calls of the Ikrans.
It made your heart thump in excitement at riding your Ikran across the sky.
"Iknimaya. It is our rite of passage to ride our Ikrans. You do the same right?" Kiri looked over at you, noticing your excitement with a smile.
"Yes, although I'm not sure which is more dangerous." You laughed as Kiri giggled, latching onto Tuk's hand. 
"Well, there is only one way to find out."
You were startled by how quickly they began to race across the overlook and jump onto the vines. Your heart began to thump as you scaled the rocks higher up into the sky. You looked down to the steep fall below, wondering if you had just enough time to call for your Ikran to save you if you fell.
You were surprised that with each step it got easier, and even Spider, who was not built for Pandora's harsh terrain, kept up almost effortlessly. Maybe that was why they called him monkey boy.
"We're almost there!" Tuk squealed, as the sound of the Ikrans could be heard louder. The waterfalls were louder too, and you felt a strange lightness as you along with the rest of the group slowed down as you neared an alcove.
"There they are." Kiri said, pointing over to the left side of us where the Ikrans nested. The backdrop the rest of the way was beautiful as the Sun began to hang low, and the outline of the gas giant was visible.
You felt yourself wanting to ride your Ikran Payngyì , remembering that the hangar in which she resided was not too far away, and perhaps you could reach her.
Before you could debate it further a call could be heard, the voice sounding familiar, as you began to recall back to before and your arrival to Omaticaya.
His Ikran soared across the sky, the multicolored blues of its wings casting shadows in the sky. Neteyam held strong to his Ikran, a symbol of good ability and you couldn’t help but feel your heart race at the sight. He swooped below, somehow spotting us in the little opening that we stood.
Spider began whooping, before you looked over to see Kiri rolling her eyes.
“It’s so obvious he’s trying to show off.” Kiri snarked, the signature fourteen year old attitude dripping off of her like hot honey. You couldn’t help but chuckle, before looking back towards Neteyam.
He now perched his Ikran where we were, his hushed whispers calming the still active creature. Looking over towards us, he swung his legs off the Ikran, before lifting his Ionar (rider's mask) and grinning.
“So, how long until Mom punishes you guys for being up here now?” Neteyam laughed at his siblings, before looking over at you. He pushed his head forward, and signaled a greeting. “Oel ngati kameie”
You felt your face heat up, as you returned the gesture haphazardly. “Oel ngati kameie.” Usually it came to you like clockwork, but you were quickly starting to realize even everyday tasks came awkward and jumbled when he was around.
Neteyam shifted his head in curiosity, before looking back at his siblings. “You know this won’t be a good impression to the Tayrangi clan if we keep breaking rules.”
“No. That was you and L’oak. Y/n wanted to be here.” Kiri sassed, knocking Neteyam over the head who groaned in playfulness.
“Mom will let us be here if y/n is here. She is a fierce hunter!” Tuk replied looking up to her older siblings.
Neteyam looked back at you, and the same expression graced his face. Can he seriously stop staring at me like that? It’s like he’s looking into my soul. You thought quietly, albeit returning his stare.
“Is that so?” Humor now splashing his face as he laughed. You frowned at his obvious display of mockery. “Pray tell me, where’s your Ikran now?”
Something in you snapped and whatever ounce of female gaze you had for him went away, and a competitive nature overtook you. “Where your clan resides. Why do you sound so shocked?”
Neteyam’s eyes lit as he watched you begin to challenge him with your voice. Something about the way your eyes squinted, or the way your soft lips titled in a scowl made his heart race in excitement.
Ever since your arrival he couldn’t help but find any way of talking to you, being near you, anything. He would be lying if it wasn’t driving him mad, especially when his siblings were beginning to pick up on it.
“I’m not. I just…” Neteyam paused thinking about his words before smiling deviously. Your head tilted as you began to realize what he was about to ask you.
“Do you care for a race? Since you’re a fierce hunter, I’m sure you and your Ikran can make a fine challenge for mine.” Neteyam crossed his arms, his mouth trying to hide the obvious nature of trying to get you to blow your temper.
“Now I would pay to see that.” Spider laughed looking over to Kiri who was shaking her head.
“Alright, what are the odds then?” You replied, your hand already itching to latch onto Payngyì.
“If you win, I’ll cover for you in case we get into trouble after this.” Neteyam shook his head in humor.
“And if I don’t, what… I’ll be thrown off the mountains for all of eternity?” You laughed.
Neteyam smiled widely before shaking his head. He began to walk towards you, and the feelings that you had pushed back in place of competition started coming back all at once. He leaned down, a wonderful scent invading your nose before whispering in your ear. “You owe me a date.”
You tried to hold in the gasp that threatened to push out, your head which had been cast down tilting up toward his own, very near face. “Deal.” You whispered. You watched as the corner of his eyes crinkled in amusement, the ghost of his touch passed your waist, before standing back. “Call to your Ikran.”
You wasted no time in standing closer to the edge, letting out your familiar call in hopes Payngyì would hear. You were right, as a few moments later her beautiful light blue figure flapped its wings and perched with a sounding screech.
You walked over to her, the beautiful golden shade of her pupils dilated as you gazed into her, petting her slowly in greeting. You looked over to Neteyam with a nod. “What are the parameters?”
Neteyam points out past the Tree of Souls to where a carefully arched connection of vines floated two mountains. “Over there, a little stretched away from where the camp is.”
You looked at him curiously, and he seemingly read your mind in the instant it crossed your face.
“Trust me it will be a challenge. The mountains move quickly, and you have to be careful to not hit anything.” Neteyam walked over to his Ikran, leaping up onto it.
You climbed up on your own, latching onto the Tsaheylu (bond/connection), feeling Payngyì screech, and her breath beginning to pump as she anticipated your next move.
“You can do it y/n!” You heard Tuk cheer, looking over you watched Kiri look at you with careful caution.
“Be careful. My brother is stupid, but he knows these mountains well. As much as it pains me to say it, he is one of the best hunters.” Kiri grimaced, Neteyam cheering out in response to her compliment.
“Are you ready, y/n?” Neteyam looked over at you with a wide smile.
You couldn’t help your own smile grace your face, nodding before him. 
“I will see you at the finish line, then.” He winked, and suddenly you had forgotten there ever was a race, before watching as he dove his Ikran down, and upwards into the sky.
“Oh sh-” You exclaimed with a huff, following after him, the legs of Payngyì tightening, her wings closing in downwards. You felt the gust of air and you were suddenly very laser focused on winning. Not because the bullshit win might not guarantee you a harsh scolding afterwards, but simply to beat Neteyam. A man that was so intently after your own heart. And winning. 
You saw him not too far in the distance, realizing there had to be a shortcut or some way to catch up to him and gain more speed. You tightened your hold on Payngyì, her voice squawking out as you nearly collided with a mountain that was moving closer to your right side. You banked left, realizing the air was a lot similar to that of the Eastern Sea.
Before in races, you would use the wind speed to gain traction by going downwards and upwards. This worked even better, once you realized that Neteyam in the distance was having to lose traction to weave through the mountains.
“Come on Payngyì.” You whispered, feeling her move exactly what you had in your mind, soaring upwards and downwards, before realizing you were nearing the tree of souls and the archway. 
Neteyam glanced behind you with a fierce look in his eyes, before banking off and passing behind a particularly large mountain. You frowned realizing the same mountain that was coming left was now barreling toward you. You gasped narrowly escaping the bottom as you dived downward.
You must have startled Payngyì, because now she strained on your hold, and you could feel the fear in the bond. She began to slow down much to your disappointment, as you tried to push her forward. 
All of the sudden you heard Neteyam fly past you from the opposite side he had come from. Payngyì, who had already been startled by the unfamiliar mountains, saw the shadow of his Ikran and screeched before diving again this time barreling towards the cliffs. You screamed, urging your Ikran to pull up but to no avail.
Neteyam must’ve seen the whole thing as you heard him call out to you. “Quickly this way!” He cascaded his own Ikran near the rocks, trying to keep Payngyì from hurting herself. In the process of pushing your own away from the cliffs, you watched as his shoulder scratched against jagged rocks, his skin tearing up. “Shit.” He swore.
“Neteyam!” You yelled, sighing in relief as he managed to pull his own Ikran away from the cliffs and fly smoothly next to mine. “Are you alright?”
“Yes…” He groaned, his injured arm locking up as his face squinted into a scowl. “I think-hold on…”
“Neteyam… do we need to stop?” You replied in concern, worried for the fact that his injury had begun to slowly bleed. 
“Uh yeah…maybe…” His words now stuttering, looking at you in embarrassment. “Look, let's not go back to camp, I won’t be able to make my promise to you if we do.”
“If I was that worried about that Neteyam, I wouldn’t have agreed to this race.” I huffed. “Where do you want to go? You need care, you’re going to bleed out.”
“No, I know a place.” Neteyam grimaced, beckoning you to follow him. “Follow me.”
You grappled at the possibility of finishing the race or saving Neteyam, as you realized the way he was taking you was straight past the archway. He’s going to win, and I’ll owe him a date. You shook your thoughts from your mind, realizing any race or date was far from the task at hand, and making sure Neteyam is safe was more of a priority.
You sailed through the sky, the sun now setting, and the realization that your own mother and clan will be very disappointed if you embarrassed them by arriving past curfew. “Shouldn’t we just go back? I just don’t understand how any place we’re going will help you or anyone’s case.”
Neteyam, who had gone quiet, shook his head. “There is a place on the ground near the tree of souls not far from camp. Our ancestors used to go there because it possessed great healing powers. That’s where we get most of our medicine.” 
You stared at him, his braided hair flying in the wind and his eyes focused intently on the mission ahead. It made you realize just how deeply he knew about his clan, and the role he knew he would have to serve one day. It made you look at him differently, and not just as a headstrong boy. He was a leader, he would be their savior one day.
As you neared the forest floor you saw a few spirit trees up ahead and a small rocky alcove. Resting both of your Ikrans on the floor, you realized the forest was beginning to come alive with its beautiful glow. 
Neteyam grumbled, holding onto his arm loosely before looking up at me. “Uh.. if you grab some of those nearby plants-” You held up a hand, taking over realizing this routine was much similar to that of your clan near the Eastern Sea. Many times, you had to seek out ways to produce medicine for your injured clan, and the forest was no different.
“Sit down.” You ordered, pushing him down his mouth beginning to move in protest. “It’s the least I could do. You saved my life.” You looked down at him before turning back and grabbing some plants to make some sort of salve.
“Thank you.” You heard Neteyam quietly speak, feeling his eyes staring intently at your back. Your face heated up, grabbing a nearby rock and beginning to mash a few plants together.
You turned around, meeting his eyes who looked almost fascinated at you. You scrunched your face, and for the first time voiced your opinion. “Why do you always stare at me like that?”
“Like what?” Neteyam whispered, the nearness of your body to his and possibly the loss of blood making his voice go hoarse.
“Like…you’ve known me all your life or something.” You began applying the makeshift salve to his cuts, making him hiss in alarm. “Stop moving.”
“Well sometimes I think I do. You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met.” Neteyam reached out his free hand, stopping you in your tracks. Your ears flicked in curiosity, before you shrugged his hand off of yours so you could continue. “Why do you ignore me?”
“I don’t.” You frowned, now suddenly very intent on helping bandage his arm, and stop from blurting out every ounce of feeling you have all at once. “You just-” You paused before continuing. “All the other boys in my clan have never once been so intent on getting my attention. Not that I want it but- you seemingly always do. And I-”
“Secretly like it?” You scoffed watching Neteyam’s mouth form into a wide smile.
“You’re a skxawng you know that?” You hissed, wrapping the bandage a little tighter against his arm much to his chagrin. At this point in his bandaging process, you had knelt next to him, and not realizing your nearness to him until you looked up to see his face so close to yours.
You inhaled that wonderful scent again and this time there was nothing to pull either of you away from each other. Neteyam closed in first, wrapping his uninjured hand onto your cheek softly, pulling you in for a kiss.
Wow. You thought to yourself. His lips were just as delicate as you had imagined them to be, yet strong and firm. You felt yourself move your own lips against his until both of you were passionately locked in one another. You felt his arm slide against your waist as you gasped, pulling you into his lap. Your mouth moved fervently against his, feeling the way he groaned beneath you. Something about the moment was complete bliss, and suddenly you were far away from your worries and goals in life, and all you wanted to do was to be wrapped in his arms for all eternity.
It all came to a halt when you felt his bandage arm try and glide against your body to pull you further down before the pain tore through. “Damn it!” Neteyam cursed, as you both pushed away in alarm. Your eyes widened as you  fell away from his arms looking frightened at hurting him, but also at what had just transpired.
Looking around you realized it was now nightfall and most definitely one skip away from being permanently grounded forever. The spirit trees moved as the wind passed them by, a few sacred seeds falling around both of you, most definitely aware of what had just transpired from you.
“I’m sorry.” Neteyam apologized, his breath still uneven, and his mouths a bit swollen from your own lips. If it had been any other situation you would have climbed back into his arms, but you realized you definitely should be heading back. Getting up from your position, your hand reached to grab his uninjured one. 
“We should get going.”
Neteyam stuttered before grabbing onto your hand and standing next to you. “I- Don’t you want to talk about what just happened?” His hand swept across his face. “So does this mean…?”
“I-” You were at a loss for words. “I don’t know.”
Neteyam laughed before shaking his head. “You are unlike any female I’ve met.”
You bit your lip as you shook your head, laughing with him. “Look, I’m not sure if I’m-”
“Before you say anything.” Neteyam said, grabbing your arm to keep you from walking away. “Can I take you out on that date anyways? Since I figured it was a tie, and I was going to try and cover for you anyways.”
“I don’t think anything will save either of us from punishment, Neteyam.” You chuckled, shaking your head, before turning around and making your way back to your Ikran to fly back to camp. 
“So?” Neteyam called back to you, as you heard his steps race toward your own. You turn around watching as he got closer and everything that had just transpired came rushing in.
“Yes.” You smiled. You realized there was nothing stopping you from him. You spent so much of your life running from love because you thought it would stop you from achieving your goals in life. That was until you met Neteyam, and suddenly you couldn’t imagine your life without him. You were hopelessly in love. “As long as you promise you can kiss me just like before.”
Neteyam grinned, before nodding, grabbing your waist and pulling you in close. “Deal.” 
And just like that, you had fallen for the Ikranä Maktoyu, with no chance of catching yourself either.
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Lo'ak w/ a Human Girlfriend
Y'all went to town with the Neteyam post- over 100 notes in less than 24 hrs?? 😳 Thank you thank you thank you 🥰
Anyway, here's Lo'ak's💙
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Unlike his big brother, no one was that surprised that Lo'ak ended up dating a human. Along with Kiri, he's always been the most invested in his father's original species, accompanying Kiri and Spider to the lab and learning about human stuff.
His first thought when he saw you was 'there's humans that aren't ugly like Spider??' 💀 Yes, he'd seen other female scientists around but never paid them any attention as they were so much older. But you? Absolutely blew him away.
When he finally got the balls to tell you how he felt, the two of you became the most sickeningly sweet couple anyone on Pandora had ever seen.
Jake, and even Neytiri, were approving of your relationship. In some ways, you brought out a more tender, responsible side to Lo'ak that Jake would praise often.
Now, although this boy is over 2ft taller than you, he's such a clingy baby. His hands will always be on you (not like that) , and there's really nothing you can do about it. Whether it be holding hands, having his face nuzzled into the top of your head, or him squishing your soft waist, his touch is a constant.
Speaking of, you two definitely link pinkies and make pinky promises. Being with you helps him accept his more human-like traits, and it's just one of the many things he loves about you.
He's also fascinated by your human features, and lack of Na'vi ones. He finds your tiny hands and feet so cute, not to mention the softness of your flesh that's uncharacteristic for Na'vi women. And he's very vocal about his admiring curiosity, always asking you questions and giving compliments.
Now, Lo'ak is protective of you, but he's also a klutz. Like, if you ask to sit on his shoulders while walking through the forest, you'd better hold tight because you're so light to Lo'ak that he might forget that you could fall a considerable way. So, you've had a few near-misses and minor accidents, but each time he learns from his mistakes and vows to be better.
Overall, your relationship with Lo'ak helps him embrace the parts of him that he's always been insecure of. With you, he feels needed and seen, an entirely new experience which he loves you for.
Bonus; He definitely calls you babe, baby, syulang, cutie, tiny, etc.
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anxiousdreamcore · 1 year
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Read the first chapter of “From sky to sea” , a fanfic written by @eirianerisdar , I got inspired to make a tiny AU. I present Metkayina!Spider ✨
In this AU, Tonowari, while visiting in the Omatekaya, had found young Spider in the area and after growing attached to him, decided that he had to take the boy and so, without much resistance, he did. Years later, the blonde blossoms into a fine young man, famous for his physical strength and industriousness (or more like stubbornness), but his past comes back to haunt him when the Sully family begs for refuge in Awa’atlu. He reconnects with his old friends and eventually faces the clone of his biological father. What will happen then…?..
Who knows! Headcannon time 😎
Deep inside, Spider is afraid that if he doesn’t do his damn best and work hard, he might loose his place among the people. He often pulls way more than his weight and exhausts himself, so the rest of the fam make sure to reassure him about it.
He’s a very chill older sibling. While fairly responsible, he’s still quite playful and is known as the “village jester”. Very good with little kids and loves entertaining them. Will not stop his siblings from getting themselves into trouble but will tell them that whatever they’re about to do is stupid af.
He and Aonung bully each other CONSTANTLY. Aonung is a little shit, but Spider had learned to fire back. Hates it when he and his gang of jocks pester people and bluntly calls him out on it. They fight a lot because of that, especially when the Sullys arrive.
Aonung may or may not be jealous that the sully siblings get along with Spider so well. He wishes he could have a relationship as open as they do and hates Kiri the most because of that. That girl and the blonde become practically inseparable when they reunite and it rubs him the wrong way.
With Tsierya, Spider turns into the biggest hype-man. He supports and complements her constantly, as well as does her hair. Their relationship pisses Aonung off as well.
When the Sullys arrive and Spider reconnects with them, she begins feeling a bit insecure. She knows that her big bro comes from the forest and often misses it, so in her darkest moments she gets scared that the boy might leave with them when the threat blows over. She doesn’t voice her concerns though, as she does not want to ruin her sibling’s fun.
Ronal was initially wary of the demon boy, but he grew on her, especially when she heard of all the neglect he’s endured. It did not feel right to leave such a sweet kid up to fate and now he is her son as much as Aonung. He helps her with the chores a lot and even opts to tag along with her and Tsireya when they cook. It makes for good bonding time.
It is more difficult with Tonowari, though. On one hand, this man saw Spider at his worst, his rock bottom, when he was an abandoned nobody, but on the other, he’s still a chief and The blonde wants to make him proud and show that he did not make a mistake when adopting him. Tonowari tries not to let his son spiral though, and reassured him that all he wants for him is to be happy, as he wants that for all of his children.
“What happened to his chest tho?”
A skimming incident 😐 I will not elaborate
(Please do not repost my artwork on any other platform, with or without credit. I do NOT give my consent to do so and I will find it🥰)
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ang3lik · 2 years
spider with a girl that grew up with him start noticing that they have feelings for each other just really sweet fluffy smut pls
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ HOME IS A PERSON.
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avatar masterlist. spider socorro x fem!human!reader.
warnings. vaginal unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), grinding, handjobs, fingering, slight edging, mentions of mating (na’vi) and mentions of death.
a/n: exopacks are not a thing for this fic, just pretend humans can breathe on pandora. this was a lot and is kind of long but i love it. if you’d like to be added to any taglist you can send an ask or dm !! enjoy ! (i haven’t proof read this so if there’s any typos or warnings missing, just let me know, sorry !)
spider had always been fascinated by the na’vi. pandora itself as he explored the wonders of life each day. but he never felt exactly at home. he saw the way neytiri judged him from afar, he understood your reasoning as his own kind destroyed your home.
but he just wanted a family, a family to feel like home. his relationship with jake was quite comforting, very much like a father figure to him. spider felt as if they had an understanding of each other in sorts.
when jake would tell stories of earth at night around a warm fire, he would be so intrigued. jake saw the way spider would listen more intently than his children, the comforted but excited gleam in his eyes, guilting him slightly.
even though jake’s stories fascinated him, he didn’t think he’d ever want to leave pandora though. his relationship with the sully brothers was just the same.
they both saw him as a brother and spider the same. neteyam was very protective of his family, spider included, he knew how much trouble lo’ak and spider would get into and would scold them both equally.
neteyam taught him many ways of the omaticaya clan, he taught spider to train, his body gaining muscle and building strength. he also taught him to shoot arrows with a bow.
they would often also tussle, neteyam a lot gentler considering his height, but he must admit he thought spider was strong for his kind, fearless too just like a warrior.
lo’ak loved spider. he loved to explore his home just as much as spider did. however the two were quite this mischievous pair. often receiving scoldings from his older brother and father.
they hung out a lot. running around like children all the time. they’d do anything for each other, just like brothers. his relationships with kiri and tuk were both adorable.
he was very protective of the girls, he knew as sisters. just like neteyam and lo’ak, he protected kiri when boys would talk to her. he always kept a watchful eye on both sisters as he knew kiri loved to explore and tuk would never be far behind her.
but his relationship with you however, was way more special. you both grew up together, playing as babies, growing into toddlers and changing into teenagers.
but no matter your age, you only grew closer. he knew his mother had died shortly after his birth, just like yours had died during your birth. you both kept pictures of your mothers, sticking them above your beds and making up stories at night at what you’d think they be like.
the way he talked and interacted with you was way different to any of the relationships he’d had. however around the age of 13 he started to develop a nervous feeling around you.
spider always thought you were beautiful, but one day you looked prettier, if that was possible. each day from then you only got prettier. now at the age of 18, you were the most beautiful human being he’d ever had the pleasure of being able to look at, the fact that he got to even touch you, hug you, hold your hand, kiss you still was unrealistic to him.
you always knew you’d had feelings for spider from a younger age. much like spider it did happen just one day, where you looked at him different.
you were making dinner with norm, spider stood next to you as he cut vegetables too. you’d just gotten back from hanging with the sully kids again.
however, spider was off with neteyam training with him and lo’ak, as you helped kiri collect some substances from plants for her tsahìk training. your eyes gravitated to his calloused hands, holding the sharp knife, his veins slightly bulging out.
they travelled upwards along his forearm to his biceps as they strained, his muscles had grown. his body was covered in a light sheen of sweat as all the running and laughing you had done on the way home had tired him.
you’d catch yourself looking at his lean torso sometimes too, your mouth watering just a little as you thought about touching his body just a little.
he’d catch you at times too, his body heating up under your gaze. eventually, the lingering gazes, touches, thoughts had proved enough for you both.
when you were both 16, under the stars one night you had laid closer staring into each others eyes as they both sparkled in delight. he had shocked you with his confidence as he leaned closer, looking down at your lips, his nerves quietly eating away at him as your hearts heated faster in tandem as your lips connected lightly.
he pressed soft pecks to your lips, experimentally. testing the waters as each kiss grew longer. eventually you broke apart, breathing heavier as rosy blushes set into both your cheeks as you giggled slightly.
from then on you and spider had been “together”, never really making it official, he just knew he was yours and you his. small make out sessions, turned into light grazing touches along each others skin, and the make out locations changed. from the forest at night to in your bed.
you and spider didn’t share a room but it wasn’t usually for you to sleep in each others beds. you had both done it for comfort starting at a very young age, so norm never suspected a thing.
the kisses grew hotter and faster though as you’d explored each other. you’d never had sex however. always stopping when your hips would jolt up or his hips would grind down into yours.
however as you both grew so did the sully boys. everyone now knew that you and spider were together. sharing small pecks around the family and it came to no surprise that they didn’t bat an eye either.
of course, kiri had pulled you away as did the boys to spider, kiri squealing on delight as you told her the new development. the boys were also very happy for spider and you.
congratulating their brother on getting over his nerves and confessing to you his feelings. it wasn’t long until neteyam also found his mate, mä'reyna and lo’ak found his too, äìset.
it was quite normal for the boys to bring their problems to each other, confiding into each other for advice. they shared experiences. no problem was too embarrassing or complicated and they figured it out together.
but after neteyam had told his brothers that he had officially completed his mating with mä'reyna, he had felt eager to try more with you. neither of you had ever minded or were scared to go further you just thought it should be something special, just like the na’vi.
after lo’ak had told him of his mating with äìset too, he knew he had to create the perfect setting to decide he wanted to touch you again. as it began to get late he found you with kiri, “it’s getting late, i think norm would want us back.”
you were confused as it was only eclipse, usually you could stay for a while longer but you didn’t question him so you said your goodbyes, hugging kiri goodnight before following him.
you were looking down at the floor as spider led you home, but you looked up in shock as you bumped into his chest. you looked around, this wasn’t home, it was higher up in the forest, ‘the lookout’ everyone called it, a safe spot high in the forest above the hills, a spot through the trees where the stars shine down into a wide path of grass.
spider led you to sit down in the middle. His body collapsing down next to you. the air was warm, the sky getting darker, little noises of animals around you croaked.
his hefty arm crept around your shoulders pulling you into him gently. you laid back looking up at the sky, your head on his chest, hearing the thump of his heartbeat which oddly grew faster by the second.
you tilted your head up at him to ask what was wrong, but before you could get a word out, he spoke, “i love you.”
you smiled at his words, before he continued, “but, I want you even more.” you sat up, leaning over his body a little, your hair framing his face as you looked down at him.
“what do you mean?” you asked.
“i love it when we kiss, when we’re alone together always…” he grabbed your hand gently, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. “but i want to do more.”
he signed out heavily, feeling a little more relaxed as he hit his feelings of his chest. his eyebrows rose slightly in surprise as you let out a light laugh.
“why didn’t you just say? are you ready for that?” you asked him.
“i am,” he answered. “i just thought maybe you weren’t yet ready so i held off.” you both snickered at each others responses as you continued to look into his eyes.
if he wanted something you’d always try your best to give it to him and if he wanted you, who were you to complain? you leaned down connecting your lips to his slightly as his hands went straight to your hair.
softly running his fingers through your locks as he groaned and sighed in pleasure. he loved kissing you. probably too much. but just the feeling of you so close to him, your lips on his moving together was the best feeling he’d ever felt.
he wasted no time in turning you over. his hands caging you in on the green grass, his dreads hanging over your face. he moved to your neck, sucking light hickies into your skin.
this was perfect, exactly how you’d imagined it. under the stars in the peace and quiet, warm and comfortable with the boy you loved. he got bolder, kissing down onto your chest.
you guys wore human clothes at times, especially in colder seasons. things like sweatpants, shirts, shorts. but spider preferred his own loincloth to anything.
but he still thought you looked beautiful in your loincloth and a shirt. he pushed your shirt up, raising your arms up so he could pull it off, throwing it to the side.
his lip’s immediately gravitated towards your nipple, sucking lightly as you let out a small moan. you felt him smile at your sounds against your chest.
your hands left gripping the grass, raising to his shoulders as you gripped his shoulders. he moved fast and eager, kissing down your navel, his tongue peeking out lightly to leave a cold trail on your stomach.
as he got closer to your clothed centre, goosebumps raised on your skin, you arched up into his touch. he came back up to your face, kissing you heavily again.
god he felt so good and he made you feel so good, without barely touching you. you spread your legs slightly, letting him kneel between them as his hips pushed down onto yours.
you could feel his cock harden through his loincloth as a wet spot grew on yours. your hands trailed down his sides before untying the sides of his loincloth, pushing it down his thighs, as you still kissed him fast.
you felt him up as you grabbed his length lightly, moving your hand up and down slowly, gripping the base tighter on the way down. he broke the kiss, looking down and watching your hand jack him off slowly and he breathed heavily.
leaning up on his left elbow, he lives his own hand down to the centre of your loincloth, looking to your face for confirmation. you nodded quickly at him before he moved the length your loincloth to the side, trailing his thumb over your clothed centre.
his thumb pressed down above your clit as he circled it, the friction of them cloth rubbing against you, making you moan loudly. he couldn’t wait any longer, the noises you made and your palm still gripping his length that hardened even more became painful.
he rose up on his knees, leaning back on his ankles as he untied your loincloth, pulling it off and throwing it again. he pushed your thighs further apart as he moved closer his fingers coming back down on your clit as he circled it quickly.
he watched the way you squirmed beneath him, soaked and leaking more witness from under his fingers, he covered his middle and pointer finger in your slick as he gently pressed around your hole, dipping one of his fingers in up to the first knuckle, checking your face for any signs of pain.
you didn’t wince and your face didn’t express any pain, you only tightened around him wanting more as he pushed it all the way in slowly. you only made a small gasping noise, one of newfound pleasure, as he thrusted his disgust in and out slowly.
you clenched again as he pumped faster, your noises growing louder as his pushed his middle finger in alongside his pointer. you winced a small bit as his fingers immediately stopped, but you looked at him, giving him a small smiles, “it’s okay, i’m fine,” you managed to speak out.
he started to pump his fingers again faster and deeper as you got wetter and louder. his cock grew red and painful, precum sliding out of his tip as his body heated up.
your body grew hotter, tingling in all the right places, about to cum, before he stopped. you opened your eyes in confusion and annoyance before you could see him, holding his cock and sliding it through your folds, up and down your slit, he leaned down, kissing you sweetly.
“sorry, i couldn’t wait,” he said, sheepishly.
“you promise to tell me if it hurts?” this is why you loved him, because even in such an exciting moment his first and only priority was your safety. you lifted your head kissing him again before saying, “of course.”
he nodded, processing everything that was happening before slowly sliding into you. a long, hefty groan left his lips, as he felt the warmth of your cunt, tight and wet around him.
your moans were singing in his ear as he filled you up. he attempted shallow, gentle thrusts at first, but his hips lost control as you begged him to fuck you faster.
you moved your thighs to sit atop his hips the new angle allowing his cock to push in deeper, hitting that spongy spot deep inside you. every time he pushed in, the tip of his cock grazed it, edging you closer to your orgasm.
you felt heavenly and your orgasms crept up once again, fast, as you tried to tell him. small screams and moans leaving your mouth. he was moaning too.
deep and loud, as his cock twitched, the feeling of so much pleasure all at once overwhelming him. you came around his cock, clenching around him, shaking slightly underneath him as your eyes rolled back.
he came fast, spilling inside you, his body hot, all his limbs trembling, trying to keep himself up. you breathed out opening your eyes, watching him still thrusting, riding out his high.
he slowed, collapsing down on top of you and rolling to the side. as you lay together, his hand gripped yours. you imagined this was the first of many firsts you’d share together, because you could never feel it with anyone else.
as he lay next to you, a new warmth spread through his chest, not just one of love, one of belonging. a feeling of home, as he realized hime didn’t have to be a place, home was a person and you were his home.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @astarborntowrite @liyahsocorro @gr4veyardg1rl
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ghoul-bonez · 1 year
~A Lover, Not a Fighter~
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(Sully Family x Fem! Reader)
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Summary: When your world was flipped upside down, but you need to comfort your children. You need them to know they are safe and loved with you.
Word count: 2k
Author’s note: Very sweet, very nice, loved writing this 🥰 It’s literally so sweet! No warnings :)
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~Series Masterlist~
~Main Masterlist~
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A Lover, Not a Fighter
The day your world was flipped upside down had started off normally.
Jake and Neytiri had gone on a scouting mission, flying high above the clouds on their ikrans. Neteyam had accompanied them, and your other three children, and Spider, had gone on some sort of adventure. Hopefully not too far away. Hopefully within their boundaries.
That left you alone at home, alone, but you didn’t mind because it gave you time to work on some healing pastes Mo’at had asked you to make. You had been working with her since you were young, Neytiri right by your side.
Neytiri had been your best friend since as far back as you could remember. She had always been by your side, going on enthralling adventures, and comforting each other when needed. You had known you loved her since the day you met her, a void in your heart, longing for love, would fill when she was around.
Jake had been an afterthought, but since Neytiri liked him, and she loved you, you were forced to interact with the strange man. You wouldn't necessarily describe him as strange now, but when you had first met he was. He didn’t speak any Na’vi, and you didn’t speak any English, so you really had no way to communicate, but you bonded over your shared love of Neytiri.
Now you three were inseparable, it was like you were always meant to be, and once you were all mated Mo’at had confessed to you that Eywa had sent her a vision of a strange man coming and taking her daughter’s heart. She always knew of your love for her daughter, and was worried about your well being because she never could have predicted he would pull you into it.
When you had heard Neytiri was pregnant for the first time you hadn’t necessarily been shocked, but there was an element of surprise. You knew you had all discussed wanting children, but you had also discussed you being the first to have a baby. Nonetheless you were very excited, you all were.
Neteyam had come into the world a shining star amongst a sea of dull people. He had been your pride and joy. He was the first, and you felt bad that eventually Jake’s responsibilities would fall on his shoulders, but he was strong, and you knew he would be able to handle it.
Shortly after Neteyam, Kiri had been born from the avatar of Jake’s friend. Neytiri had known her too, but you had hesitantly kept your distance from the alien woman. You wish you had been closer to her now so you could share stories about her with Kiri.
Kiri was your first baby girl, and something in you awakened. You loved your son, still do, but there was something so special about having a baby girl. You always knew you wanted a daughter, but it was better than you could have imagined.
Lo’ak was Neytiri’s other son. He had always been a troublemaker since the day he was born. He refused to sleep more than five hours at a time, and would cry whenever he was awake, which meant nobody got very much rest. Even through his frustrating newborn stage you loved him. You always will.
Tuk, sweet Tuk, she was yours. She was your first and only baby, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. She had been your perfect little baby, much the opposite of Lo’ak. She was your sun, and you the planet orbiting it. You would do anything to make her happy, anything to keep her from crying.
As you crushed some seeds for the paste you were working on at the moment you couldn't help but wonder what the children were doing, mainly the three that had left after your partners and oldest had.
As you were drifting in and out of thoughts you were brought back to the present when your earpiece crackled to life, Lo’ak speaking, “Devil Dog, Devil Dog, this is Eagle Eye, over.” you tried to calm yourself, convince yourself nothing was wrong, but you knew if Lo’ak was calling in on an adventure then something had to be wrong.
Then Jake spoke, voice calm, steady, “Eagle Eye, send your traffic.” You knew he was anything but calm though, you could feel his stress.
Lo’ak hesitated before speaking, “I got eyes on some guys. They look like avatars, but they’re in full camo and carrying ARs. There’s six of them. Over”
You took a harsh breath in, your heart stopping for a beat, before speeding up. You calmed when you heard Jake again, voice still steady, “What’s your pos? Over.”
Lo’ak sighed, “We’re at the old shack.” You couldn’t help but cringe as you knew your son was as well.
“Who’s we?” Jake asked, now you could tell he was really panicking, and you were too as you remembered who all had gone with Lo’ak.
“Me, Spider, Kiri…”Lo’ak paused, “and Tuk.” You said with him, sighing and placing your face in your hands.
Jake was no longer panicking, an angry tone taking over his voice, but you knew it was because he was more than worried, he was terrified, “Son, you listen to me very carefully. You pull back right now. Do not make a sound. You get the hell out of there. Move! You copy?”
“Yes, sir, moving out.” Lo’ak sounded deathly serious, but you knew he was trying to hide his fear.”
Then there was silence from your son, silence from your husband, and you radioed in, “I’m on my way.”
Jake sighed, “No, stay there. Get healing stuff ready, me and Neytiri will deal with this.” He instructed you.
You knew you couldn’t argue with him, you wouldn’t be much of a help anyway, so you just said, “Be safe, I love you.”
Jake responded, “Love you too, we’ll be home soon.” He reassured you.
You are a healer in the clan, not a fighter, not a hunter, not a warrior. So it made sense Jake instructed you to stay home, ready to heal any injuries your family sustained.
You had always chosen peace when it was an option in the past, and you always will in the future.
You anxiously waited in your home. Chewing your nails was a bad habit you had while under pressure, but you couldn’t force yourself to stop the self soothing activity.
You try to busy yourself, running around your home gathering anything you might need for injuries, even visiting Mo’at’s tent to gather a few things, staying silent so as to not let the woman know something was wrong. There was no way she didn’t know though.
When there was nothing left to do you sat in your hammock, swaying slightly, trying to calm yourself. You hadn’t heard anything on the coms since your son called in for help, and that made you feel even worse, going back to chewing on your nails.
Then something pulled you out of your thoughts, “Mama!’ Tuk shouted.
Your family was home, and your head shot up counting all four children, everyone was okay, and no serious injuries, just little scratches and cuts.
You held your arms open and Tuk immediately ran into your arms, you giving her a crushing hug, “Oh, my little Tuk Tuk, you’re okay!”
“I’m okay.” Tuk muttered, and that was enough to calm you alongside seeing everyone else was okay.
You loosened your hug, but still held Tuk, “You’re all okay, thank Eywa!” It was like you were trying to convince yourself that everyone was okay, but as you looked around at everyone it was true, you knew they were okay.
You took one more look around. Your family was there, but someone was missing, “Where is Spider?” you worried.
You knew something must have happened when tears welled in Kiri’s eyes before she burst out in tears, “They took him! Mama he’s gone!”
You let go of Tuk, standing up and walking to your distressed daughter, “Oh my sweet girl, he will be okay. He has a strong heart, nobody will break him.”
You sat everyone down, even your wife and husband, looking them over for any wounds you may have missed. Luckily you hadn’t missed any. You pulled out what you would need and started with Tuk, being as gentle as possible.
Then you turned to address the older two that were there, but mostly Lo’ak, “You are all lucky you aren’t more hurt… Think, and make better decisions in the future.” You warned them.
By the time you were done tending to everyone it was getting dark. Neytiri and you made dinner which everyone ate in silence, even Tuk. It was odd how quiet it was, but everyone must be exhausted. You could see Lo’ak’s head spinning, thoughts running around in there. You wanted to talk it out with him, but you decided to leave it alone for tonight, to let him gather his thoughts first.
When it was bedtime the children were already half asleep as you, Jake, and Neytiri were on high alert, all worried about Quaritch storming into your home, disguised in a blue body much like your own. He could walk in right under Eywa’s nose and kill you all.
You were consumed in your thoughts until Tuk spoke quietly, her voice laced with exhaustion, “Mama, will you sing us a lullaby?”
You sat there, waiting for someone to protest so you could tease them, but no complaint came from Lo’ak, no eye roll from Kiri, and no sigh from Neteyam like usual.
You sighed then, “Of course.” You held your arms out like you had to Tuk earlier, “Whoever wants to, come join me in the hammock.”
You only expected Tuk to join you as the other three see themselves as too old to cuddle with their mother anymore, but to your surprise Lo’ak was the first to scurry over to you. Kiri and Tuk were second there, after Kiri picked up a sleepy Tuk to carry her over.
You could see Neteyam hesitate but you gave him a soft smile and watched him melt as he drug himself over and laid down next to Kiri who was on your left side. Lo’ak had settled on your right, and Tuk laid right on top of you, her head on your chest.
You smiled over at Jake, ”This is one your father taught me.”
As you began to sing your eyes drifted shut, focusing on the love surrounding you and the song you were singing,
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away.
The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping,
I dreamt I held you in my arms.
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken,
So I hung my head, and I cried.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away.
I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me to love another,
You'll regret it all one day.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Please don't take my sunshine away.”
You could feel Kiri’s breathing steady pretty much immediately, and soon after she was out so was Lo’ak. Neteyam struggled a little more to fall asleep but he eventually beat the battle of staying awake.
Surprisingly Tuk was the last one awake, but you could tell she wasn’t far from falling asleep like the others as she muttered, “Good night. I love you.”
You smiled fondly, responding, “Love you too baby.”
Jake and Neytiri were now the only ones left awake, and they whispered to each other, admiring you as you calmed the children so easily. You were always a lover, not a fighter, and you channeled all of your love into your children, which Jake and Neytiri were grateful for. They love you, and will forever.
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Word Bank:
Ikran (Mountain Banshee)
Eywa (Na’vi Goddess)
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877 notes · View notes
onskepa · 7 months
hello again! Could you make the sully family including Mo"at and tonowari family react to how to train your dragon and both of them to be in the same universe.
hello sweetie! Okie, so its been so loooooooooooooooong since I watched the movies, so I took my sweet ass time to re-watch the first movie [idk if ya wanna ask for more in the future]. So I only placed the important events. So sit back, relax and enjoy~!!
Myth or Ancient?
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“Here, and be careful not to touch the shiny part with your fingers, it can ruin the colors. So it's super delicate” Norm carefully instructs tsireya and rotxo who nod enthusiastically. “You can trust us Norman sir” rotxo promises with a wide happy grin. Saying their bye’s, tisreya and rotxo run to the village as they start to talk about what sort of ‘snacks’ to eat for when they watch the disk called ‘movie’. 
“Demon technology is very interesting when it is not scary. How can this round thing show colors or people?” tsireya wonders as she stares down at the flat box that is protecting the disk. Rotxo shrugs, “even if lo’ak or kiri explains to us, I get the feeling we will still be confused” he says. They make their way slowly as they look at the cover of the thin box. 
Tsireya squints her eyes and reads the letters but if anything, the bold red kinda annoys her eye site. “That is a lot of red…” she muttered. She usually sees human language in green or white. Rotxo leans in, “do you think the colors have different meanings?” he wonders. This time tsireya shrugged. 
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Lo’ak and neteyam were showing ao’nung how a camera works while their parents chat in a not so far distance. Everyone had their noon meal, stomachs full and in a mood for tea as the other villagers enjoy their relaxing day. 
“Wait so I just stare at this circle thing and-” 
“Ow! My eyes! Did it just blind me!?” Ao'nung screeches dramatically as he rubs his eyes, adjusting from the sudden flash of light. Lo’ak was cackling like a madman as neteyam chuckles at the reef prince’s antics. “Oh I have to see the result!” lo’ak says as he snatches the camera from ao’nung. 
As the boys looked at the result, mo’at, jake and neytiri were talking with tonowari and ronal. “There are many ways the people have enjoyed themselves, even with demon technology that causes no harm. We do keep it very limited to usage and the purpose of it” neytiri explains to tonowari and ronal. And as if on que, running towards them was tsireya and rotxo. 
“Mother, father, look what sir Norman granted us to see” tsireya says happily as she shows the thin box to the adults. Tonowari leaned in to see. “There are tiny letters that I cannot read so well,” he says. Tsireya hands it over to Jake to see if he can read which, Jake grins happily. “Babe, it's your favorite movie,” he grins. Neytiri's ears perk up and tail swaying happily, “how to train your dragon?”. Jake nods in confirmation. 
“What is it?” Tonowari asks, “something I believe you might all like. Come, let's prepare for what we call a movie night” Neytiri smiles wide as she answers his question.
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Food was cooked and shared, many mats, cushions, and other forms of sitting was set as Jake and norm prepared the projector. Tonowari and his family got the best seats, right at the center where they can see the view perfectly. 
“How will we see this…movie?” Ronal asks as she cradles her young baby. Spider brought little treats for her baby kindly answers. “In simple terms, the movie will be seen like physical people telling their story, like 3D”. Ronal just stared at him, lost at the explanation. He chuckles nervously, “you know what? Best to see the magic yourself”. 
After 30 minutes of everyone huddling together, sharing their portions and for the Eclipse to take full effect of the night, norm began to press play. 
And for the metkayina family, they gasped in awe. Massive colors of mountains, the sea, the clouds! They looked so solid and floating in mid air! 
“Majic of holograms-” 
“Ok shut up lo’ak”
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 “This is Berk…” 
The main character began to speak, narrating about his home and life. Show how it is at night, from the animals to the form of the berk village. The whole style captured the reef na’vi attention very well. 
“Incredible….” Tisreya mutters as she leans against lo’aks shoulder. 
“The only problems are the pest” 
The scene zooms in on the poker face sheeps, enjoying their nightly dinner with all of a sudden claws grabbing it. Ao’nung and rotxo gasped, just what was it? 
“Most people have mice, or mosquitos, but we have….” 
A door opens to see the sheep running away, and a monster flying dangerously close looked at the open door and breathed out fire. 
“Dragons? What are those?” Tonowari asks, neytiri not far from his family simply smiles, “proud and fearless creatures, like the ikrans' '. Neytiri pops a popcorn in her mouth as she snuggles with Jake, enjoying her all time favorite movie. 
“Dragons…” Ronal repeats but with wonder. Oh they definitely have the family’s attention now. 
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“What is he doing out here ag-what are you doing out here?! Get inside!” 
“That is stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe. They say when he was a baby, he popped a dragon's head clean off from its shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes I do” 
Hiccup narrates of the large man who was able to easily pick him like nothing. 
Tonowari looks at the leader being show, “why is his face mostly hair?” he asks. “Thats how the vikings were back then. Said to attract and scare off anything” Jake replies easily. Tonowari hums at that, slowly liking this stoick guy. 
The movie continues to show the insanity of the dragons attacks. Their fiery breaths destroy so many homes, taking animals left and right. And the people fend them off in many ways. Utter chaos all around, but shows how it is their normal everyday life. 
For lo’ak and spider, hiccup has become their favorite character. Despite the awkwardness and having to be kept inside from dangers, they can understand him on a deep level. Which is why they understand hiccup’s need to kill a dragon, his way of “making his mark”. 
“One day bro…one day” lo’ak whispers to spider. But the human boy nudges him away, “dude you became brothers with a tulkun. I think you already made your mark on that” spider says in a deadpan way.
Spider can understand hiccup from how their own bodies are. Yes spider isn't shaped to stand the planet's environments but he makes it through. Just like how hiccups is small and lanky, he makes his way through his crazy viking life.
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“So many different types of dragons….and many are so ugly” Ronal says as hiccup lists different dragon species. Tonowari can't help but chuckle, his guess, dragons are not meant to be a pretty sight if they are considered dangerous creatures of the skies. 
“There are prettier dragons you know” Neytiri comments. 
Ronal turns to her, “how so?” 
“Later you shall see. I rather not spoil the fun”
As the scene goes on, the one, the only, night fury dragon has entered the battlefield. Everyone cheers for that dragon, a common favorite in the clan. “Amazing! I want to see the full view of the nightly beast-what is hiccup doing?” it was rotxo who said that. He enjoyed the building hype until the next part focuses on hiccup setting up what looks like a trapping weapon. 
“He is going to get himself killed!” ao’nung whispers/shouts. 
“Yeah, that is going to happen a lot in this” neteyam calmly answers as he offers popcorn to ao’nung to whom happily accepts. 
“Yes! Did anybody see that?!” hiccup shouts excitedly. 
“He did” tsireya points happily as the monstrous nightmare dragons crawls up from the cliff. 
“Well he is toast” 
Neytiri cringed a bit at Jake's joke, but held in her laugh.
But as the next scenes go, things didn't go as smooth as stoick would have liked. Having more things being burned at the dragon chases hiccup, only for later to be given a lecture in front of the massive crowd. 
“I feel you hiccup” lo’aks voice cracks as a single tea falls from his face.
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“The forest looks so pretty” tsireya comments as she admires the pretty view of the berk forest. Similar to the omatikaya forest, yet it is still different. Human environment truly never bores her. But as she admires the scenery, they reach the part as hiccup searches high and low for the night fury dragon he has shot down while ranting and venting his anger. 
“He found it!” rotxo points out the obvious thing but doesn't care. The suspense grows, hiccup takes out his blade which makes the sully’s give out a chuckle. “Tuk’s blade is bigger and sharper than that” neteyam says as he calms himself. Tisreya looks over at him. “Now that you mentioned is, where are your sisters? I figured they would enjoy this too” she wonders. Neteyam shakes his head, “no, they have something better”. 
Not sure what he meant by that, but tsireya accepts his answer. 
“Oh he is a beauty…” ronal admires the slow scene of the night fury. Capturing every detail and its mesmerizing green eyes. The look of a dangerous, unpredictable hunter. Something about it gives chills down her spine. 
“Indeed, he is my second favorite dragon,” Neytiri adds. Ronal wonders if another like the night fury will appear later on in the movie. 
Hiccup takes deep breaths, hesitating, heart racing. 
“He isn't….he isnt going to kill the dragon is he???” ao’nung asks, already feeling sad for the poor beast. Nobody answers. The tension is rising. The music is rising to its peak. Will he do it? Will he cut out the heart? 
Will the night devil accept his fate? 
No because hiccup decided to cut the ropes and only faint a minute later after releasing the dragon. 
“That was crazy of him, but also with the night fury” tsireya looks at the scene. Feeling worried about hiccup. There was a lot of stress happening in those few short minutes. “Makes you think if he still wants to follow the ‘viking’ style like his people” ao’nung comments, making air quotes like how the sully kids do.
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“Can you stop that?!” gobber shouts at fishlegs who for some odd reason is doing quick math as gobber lists the dragons that are behind the tight metal gates. 
“Interesting kids…” Tonowari obersves how each teenager is like. From the annoying twins to the tough girl act, Astrid. While at the same time, Jake was able to enjoy how Astrid was like. Reminded him so much of a certain tough girl. 
“Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you’re dead!” Gobber informs. Tisreya claps her hands as ao’nung listens to what gobber is saying. 
“It is just like an iknimaya. Learning at first hand, "Tonowari says in awe. He enjoys the scene as the kids in screen run for their lives and make a fool of themselves. The reef kids all smile as they remember their early stages and future stages of their iknimaya. 
“Is it similar to what you had to go through?” Ao’nung asks neteyam, the young boy nods “similar yes. Remind me of how we tamed out ikrans”. 
“And remember, dragons always go for the kill” Gobber stares at hiccup after his massive mistake. Ao’nung and rotxo tilt their heads on that one. 
“If that is true, why didn't the night fury attack him then?”
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Hiccup began to slowly gain the trust of the nightfury, keeping his distance while feeding it fish. 
“I guess for humans its harder since neither the dragon or hiccup have a way to connect” it fascinates tisreya. Using a queue makes a bond easier. However for humans, it takes a lot of work and a lot of patience. And it shows the results. 
The nightfury, who was given the name toothless, has come to enjoy hiccups presence. 
“Their bond grows stronger” Tonowari looks in awe. Reminds him of how the animals bond and grow alongside the na’vi. As the movie continues, seeing how dragons live, and learning through hiccup, it was literally learning a whole new world, or in this case, the old world. 
Ronal however, seems to wonder about future possibilities. Balancing a secret and becoming ‘popular’ is multitasking. “It is only a matter before the truth comes to light…”
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Ronal was correct. 
Hiccup’s secret was found out, without meaning to. He has a final test, to defeat a dragon in the trial dome. Everyone was cheering him on, but his life was in danger. Hearing his shouts, toothless heard and ran for his aid. Exposing to the whole village that the infamous nightfury was there all along. 
And to make matters worse, stoick used toothless as a naivator to find the queen of the dragons nest. 
“He is going to get everyone killed!!” tsireya shouts/whispers. Hugging her knees tight, feeling sad for hiccup and toothless. 
Clearly a war with the dragons seems very dangerous, even with the prepared weapons to take all of the dragons down, the queen is not a dragon that can be taken down so easily. And when she came to full view, was she terrifying. 
“So horrid…” 
“Yet to captivating” 
Neytiri and Jake enjoy seeing the metkayina’s reactions. The reveal of the queen never fails. “The queen will surely give me nightmares tonight” Ao’nung says, not liking how many sharp teeths the giant dragon has. Neteyam chuckles at that, “don't worry my friend, a true dragon queen is never ugly. Beautiful in reality”. 
Ao’nung looks over at neteyam with some doubt, “you make it sound as if you met a real dragon” 
Neteyam didnt say anything further and just enjoy the movie.
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Rotxo hid his face with the empty popcorn bucket, not wanting to see the impact of hiccup’s ultimate demise. Tsireya hides her eyes also, ready to cry if the poor boy is dead. “Please tell me he is not dead…I can't look '', lo’ak chuckles at that. “Come on, look, you will miss it” he encourages. Gently lifting tsireya’s chin to face the film, worry clearly seen in her eyes. 
In sigh of happiness and relief, they all see toothless covering passed out hiccup. Stoick goes to see his son, safe and in one piece. Well, almost in one piece. 
“Oh no…” Ronal covers her mouth as it is revealed hiccup lost his leg. Tonowari leans in, whispering to himself, encouraging hiccup he can do it, he can walk with his new leg. “It's not going to stop him, for sure” ao’nung says, his eyes so glued in to the final parts of the movie. 
“If the queen couldn't, nothing will” lo’ak says. 
“It was hardly a queen” netyiri gently scoffing at the dead horrid dragon. 
The door opens to show the village waiting for hiccup, welcoming back. And with a newfound perspective, thanks to him. Now the village embraces the dragons as their new companions. And of course, a new saddle to ride on, hiccup takes his flight in the new era of humans and dragons. 
“This is berk, its snows 9 months of the year and hails the other three. Any food that grows here tough and tasteless, the people that grow here even more sore. The only upsides are the pets. While in some places have ponies, or parrots, we have dragons” 
The credits began to role, thus the movie ended. 
Tsireya and rotxo clapped enthusiastically, as ao’nung nodded in appreciation. Ronal and Tonowari nodded to neytiri and jake, their way of saying thanks for the delightful entertainment. 
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“That movie was incredible! But, were dragons indeed real? Have they gone extinct?” Tsireya could help but ask. She learned that the vikings were indeed real, but what else was real? As she asks aways, Ronal couldn't help but just notice something. 
“Neytiri, where are your daughters? I haven't seen them since we got here” she asks. Neytiri chuckles a bit as she prepares some late night meals for everyone, “they will all be here soon” 
“No sooner enough” was the voice of mo’at as she entered their home. The sully family welcomes her in, the metkayina greeting the tsahik. Mo’at sits beside her grandsons and accepts the meal from jake. “Where is kiri and tuk if I may ask? They missed such an amazing film!” Tsireya asks mo’at. 
“That movie of the dragons? I have seen it endless amounts of times I can recite the whole thing. My granddaughters would agree on that” mo’at answers. 
“But where are they?” 
“Enjoying the real dragon experience” 
This confused the reef na’vi a bit. But before anyone else can say anything, there was a loud shreek. It was an unfamiliar sound, at least to tonowari and his family. But this sound brought smiles to the sully family. “Right on time” jake said, everyone running out to see what it was. 
Opening the flaps wide, ronal peeked out and gasped loudly. 
“Is that…” 
“Oh my Eywa they are real!!” 
A dragon! A mighty one at that! It gently flapped its wings, landing down safely on a very thick branch. Climbing down was kiri and tuk, whose hairs were literally everywhere. “We are home!” tuk announces happily, running towards jake who catched her in mid jump. “Mom, you should have joined us, it was simply wonderful,” kiri says as she smiles. 
Tonowari and his family were left stunned and speechless, a dragon, in front of them! 
“Come on, dont just stand there, you want to meet her?” Lo’ak says as he and neteyam go to the dragon. 
“Her…?” tonowari repeats. Neytiri happily goes over to the dragon and gives her many kisses, the dragon releases what sound like pleasing purrs. 
“Yes, this is…..” 
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The ending is up to you to interpret. But I hope you guys enjoyed it! Until next time! See ya!
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 9 months
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✧Summary~teyam teases his stepsis while you two are having a movie night with friends😉
✧Warnings~public sex, mentions of alcohol,stepcast, stepbrother!neteyam, stepsister!reader,fingering, and I think that’s it. Lmk if I missed anything, enjoy love<33
✧Translations~ Tanhì- star,bioluminescent freckle, Paskalin-honey
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It was late,the light of the so called “tv” and the light of the bonfire being the only thing surrounding you and your friends. Lo’ak was the one to bring up the idea to have a “movie night”, once he explained it to everyone else(and also told them he’d bring drinks) they were down to come with. Everyone was laughing and talking freely, just letting the alcohol flow through their bodies as they waited for your stepbrother to set everything up.
“Want some company?” You ask Neteyam, looking down at him with a soft smile. He looks up at you with a smile,lifting up the big fluffy blanket so you can lay next to him. “Of course, paskalin.” The name making your smile widen and stomach flutter. Once you get comfortable he slides a pillow under your head, making you giggle at his actions.
“What?” He asks through a laugh, ears perked up at attention. You smile softly, his clueless expression making your heart beat rapidly. “You’re just the best teyam.” You say while instinctively moving closer to him. “Yeah, I know” he says sarcastically, making you elbow his ribs softly.
“Alright! You guys ready?” Lo’ak says as he shuts the lights off and presses a button that starts the movie. He lays down next to tsireya before sitting back up,“And you guys better not talk or I swear to god-ow! The fuck bro?” He glares at spider, who interrupted him by throwing a pillow at him. “Why do you act like you won’t be talkin 5 minutes into this?” He taunts as he leans back a crosses his arms, making kiri and the rest of the group giggle.
He rolls his eyes at spider,“Bro that’s not even true, why are you lying?” He claps back quickly, already picking a fight.
“So what are you doing right now, lo’ak?” You ask, making him get silent real quick. The groups laughs at this, leaving lo’ak a pouting mess next to tsireya who was pulling him so he can lay back down.
The movie that’s playing seemed like a horror movie, since the scene that was on showed the killer walking around the main character’s house. The tense music made you play with your fingers anxiously, and your body gets stiff with nerves.
Noticing this, neteyam lets out a soft chuckle, “Tanhì..” he says as he pulls you into his chest softly, rubbing your arm soothingly. “You know I got you. No need to be scared” he says quietly, placing his chin on the top of your head.
The new position made your nerves die down, but also made you realize how much of his body was touching yours, his legs tangled in yours, his hand on your arm, his toned chest touching your back. It made heat spread all over your body.
To get away from the feeling, you shift your hips back slightly. Making neteyam groan lowly. The noise going straight to your now leaking pussy.
He smiles once he inhales that sweet, flowery smell of yours he loved so much. Already knowing what’s got you so excited.
Glancing down at you heatedly, he lets his hands roam over your body, eventually finding comfort on your hips. “Mhm tahni.. what are you thinking about that’s got you so pent up?” He says lowly, nibbling at your ear gently.
Thoughts aren’t even a thing for you at this point, too distracted by the throbbing in your needy cunt. He grinds his hips into you softly, making you snap back into reality.
Your hands fly to his wrists before you look up at him.“Teyam, we shouldn’t… it’s not right.” He raises his brows at this, before leaning back slightly to look at you. “Yeah? If you really think that, then why can I always smell how much that pretty pussy leaks whenever I’m around you?” He states, leaving you dumbstruck. Because you know he’s right.
Ever since he stopped looking like the little boy you remembered so fondly and more like the man he is now, you’ve been silently drooling over him. Everything he does makes you crazy, but guilty at the same time. Because it wasn’t right in anyway. It was so incredibly wrong. But the way his hands felt on you felt so right. The way your bodies melted together felt so right. He felt so right.
“Mhm, that’s what I thought” He taunts as he leaves wet kisses on your neck, untying the knot in your loincloth swiftly.
Your arousal hits him like a wave, making him growl in your ear lowly. “Fuck tanhì, must want me to fuck you infront of everyone huh?” His accent getting thicker and voice getting husky the more his fingers slide up and down your slit.
You cover your mouth quickly, not wanting to get caught. Not when you’ve been waiting this long for him to finally make a move.
He rubs gentle circles on your clit, making you bite the inside of your palm and throw your hips back into his buldge. “Don’t make any noise, alright tanhì?” He warns, placing his hand over your mouth before slowly sliding a finger into your aching pussy.
You moan at the stretch just one of his fingers gave you, making you even more nervous for the eventual stretch of his cock. Your noise was covered up by the loudness of the movie, so you were safe from getting caught. but it didn’t fail to slip past lo’aks ears.
You place both of your hands on your stepbrothers wrist for support, eyes getting teary from having to keep your pretty nosies in.
He kisses your temple gently as he increases his pace, curling his finger into your sweet spot and rubbing circles on your clit. Making you whine pathetically. “Neteyam..” you complain, your pussy begging for another finger. “Shshhh, baby sis, let me take care of you.” He coos, sliding another finger in and pressing his thumb on your clit harder.
You shove your face into the bed below you, holding his hand desperately as you feel your high approaching. He smirks at your trembling form, leaning down to lick and kiss at your tender skin. “Awh tanhì..can’t handle your big brother’s fingers inside of you? Mm, what a shame~” he mumbles lowly, thrusting his fingers deeper into your pussy.
The squelching of your leaking cunt gets louder the more he goes on, letting him know you were close. The others were completely unaware of what you two were doing, too focused in the movie to care.
You turn your head slightly, meeting his lust filled gaze. “Teyam I’m gonna-“ you try to warn him, but he already knows. Reading your body like a book.“I know baby, want you to cum all over my fingers.”
You almost let out a moan as you cum, but that was silenced by Neteyam kissing you greedily. He slows his pace once you finally relax, and your high is ridden out.
You both pant quietly when the kiss is broken, looking at each other heatedly. He pulls his fingers out of you slowly, making you whimper at the loss of them. He brings them to his mouth. Licking your slick off greedily.
You watch the whole thing with half lidded eyes, the sight making your pussy throb needily and face heat up. “Mhm baby sis, we should’ve done that sooner.” He says with a shit eating grin on his face, making you roll your eyes.
He leans down to give you a passionate kiss before leaving a trail towards your ear. “Can’t wait to see how many ways I can break you, tahni.” He growls lowly into your ear. Making you whimper softly.
He leans away from you right when the lights turn back on, but his hands never leave your body. “So? Did you guys like it?” Lo’ak says to the group, all of them giving their opinions all at once. “Mhm yeah, it was definitely too scary for y/n though, she had her face covered the whole time” Lo’ak teases you, but the look in his eye told you he knew why you were really hiding your face.
“Yeah, she kept grabbing me whenever there was a jumpscare. She’s such a baby.” Neteyam adds on further, the smirk on his face telling you that you were in for it once it was just the two of you.
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A/N~ late post but yall are gettin fed!! Half proofread this so if there’s any errors lmk. Stay safe and hydrated bbys🩷
Taglist: @blue-slxt @pandoraslxna @neteyamswillow @neteyamsyawntu @justcaptiannoodles @jakexneytiri @hotdsworld @plooto @alexxie @marcelruizboba @km-ffluv @urlocalgayblueberry @rihnnx @koalalafications @somedays-i-just-feel-bad-bitch @skywonder @tallulah477 @zafrinaxyz
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333 notes · View notes
neteyamyawne · 1 year
Titsyul ♡
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Pairing: Jake x fem!metkayina!Twin!pregnant!Reader x Neytiri
Request: [@avatar4life] Hello how are you doing? I hope well, if you don't mind i have an idea.
So jake x reader x neytiri they're about to fight the tulkun killers and quaritch but reader found out they were pregnant but went to fight anyway, fast forward, reader neytiri and tuk are stuck and almost drowned but luckily got saved but reader's body went to a coma to save the baby(s) due to the stress of the fight, while the family is worried but also shocked about the fact that reader is pregnant with twins ( girls) due to the fact she's a twin herself and her brother is a healer ( he took care of her in the coma) ofc they all became overprotective once she wakes up
Fast forward reader is in labor and cursing everywhere, her brother is just laughing in the background while everyone is worried sick, the twin girls are healthy and everyone is happy.Jake's hand hurt but he's shutting up about it
Oh and i forgot to mention the twins skin is omaticaya along with how the rest of their body look like but they have reader face and nose and eyes but also have eyebrows and ten fingers
Mawey 🤍
❈ Warning : pregnancy, graphi birth, water birth, war, injury, going in coma, war, tsaheylu, claustrophobic!reader, lots of fluff + ft. Spider
❈ word count : 6.9k proof read.
"word" - dialogue
❈ Note : I watched the movie again to get more inspiration to write this but instead i ended up crying the whole movie and a hour after that, great times 🙂
❈ Extras : hey love 😊 thank you for requesting, I'm doing amazing and I loved this idea!!! (Te'yul - is the twin brother's made up name) I've been listening to Bajirao Mastani songs while writing this and omg the feels I got 😭
❈ Glossary : kelku - living space, Eywa - Na'vi deity, yawne - beloved, mawey - calm, Tiyawn - love, Mauri - metkayina living space, Sa'nok - Mother, Utumauti - Banana fruit, Sayrip - Handsome, syulang - flower, paskalin - sweet berry, Skxwang - Moron, Txe'lan - Heart, Zola' u niprrte nga prrnen - welcome your child, Tweng - loin cloth
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You paced in your kelku, your hand going to your stomach unconsciously as you thought about your mates and children being out there fighting those demons all by themselves, you couldn't just sit here on the shore and wait for them to come back, you knew the risk but you weren't about to let your mates be alone on the battlefield.
your twin watched as you dug a pit in the middle of your mauri as you paced back and forth, his eyes never leaving your worried form walking out of the kelku, as you called your ilu he stopped you "y/n…." He said softly, looking down at your abdomen and back up into your eyes but you shook your head "not now, te" was your only reply, instantly mounting your ilu and making your way towards the raging cold waters of the battle.
You were horrified to see the sight in front of you, the demon ship was crashed on the rock Island, people fighting and killing whoever in sight, your ears going flat against your forehead as you made your way towards the ship cautiously, the sky was dark and gloomy, sun setting down in the distance, the only light was from the fire that shone over the ship was from the explosion.
You climbed on the cold metal as the scene unfolding on the sinking dock made your blood run cold, Kiri in the grasp of that demon, his knife against her throat, Neytiri standing in front of them with her own knife against a human's chest, but a loud cry from tuk grabbed your attention as she ran into your arms "MAMA!!" you picked her up hurriedly.
Jake immediately pulled you behind him, his eyes wide in fear "what are you doing here?!" He whisper-yelled at you in concern, though you tried to answer but the na’vi looking man in demon clothes let Kiri go with a yell as Neytiri almost killed the human child in her grasp, a ruby red cut marred his chest now, Jake instantly pushed you behind him “stay behind” he ordered, tuk wrapped her arms around your neck, clinging onto your side, while burying her face in the crook of your neck and shoulder, Neytiri jogged back to you as she kissed your and tuk's foreheads, checking for any cuts and bruises “thank Eywa, are you okay, ma’yawne?” Her voice was strained from the fight, everything was happening too fast for her to comprehend “I’m okay… for now i guess” you answered back as the unease inside you grew, the only thing she knew is that she needed you and her family safe.
Walking away from the scene, Neytiri's arm around your waist as you carried tuk on your hip, the water filling in, breaths shivering out of everyone's lips, Kiri and the human child, Spider, walking behind you, your eyes going back to Jake as he fought the demon with all his might.
The distraction was enough as your foot slipped going straight into the open door of the sinking ship, the water sucking you in forcefully as tuk screamed in your neck, holding tightly as Neytiri yelled, wide eyed, holding onto your hand but the force was too great and her hold went slack, your body slamming onto the metal bottom with a loud ‘thud’, the water drowning out your cries for help as you struggled to keep tuk close to you, coughing and spitting out the salty water at the sudden impact but strong arms pulled you up, face to face with Neytiri, her hands wiping the water out of your eyes, pulling you and tuk close to her chest "oh eywa, thank you great mother" she whispered kissing you softly before pulling you through the tunnels of the ship, water pouring in heavily as tuk clinged to your hip once again, face buried in your neck "mama….I'm scared" Her voice quivering and shaking as you held her close, walking through the cold water "shhh we'll be okay, stay close to me, okay?" You whispered back with as much of a steady voice you could muster, her little nod was all you needed.
Falling and tumbling through the hallways and rooms, you were now trapped, the tunnel filling in will water, Neytiri held you and tuk close to her, your heart beating fast as you looked around the closed walls, ears flat on your skull, tail swaying as your body starts to tremble, the lights going out one by one making your heartbeat pace faster than rolling winds, your breaths getting cut short and Neytiri noticed your change in behavior, carefully making you look at her by hooking a finger under your chin "ma'y/n, mawey, tiyawn mawey" she whispered caressing your cheek, making you breathe evenly with her "it's okay, yawne, we will get out of this, we will" she whispered, looking in your eyes, her statement firm at the end, tuk looked at your disheveled state "mama, it will be okay" she said kissing your cheek to reassure you.
You tried to calm down but the fear reside, hands shaking, body trembling, head light as feather and bile rising up your throat, you knew something was terribly wrong, neytiri rubbed your back, whispering sweet nothings in your ear to distract you but the water levels were rising, though you were a water na'vi the rising water made you uneasy and nervous, the surface of it was now up to your necks, your breathes coming out in short puffs of air as you held tuk as High above as possible, the three of you huddled together, praying to eywa to get out of here when a sudden bright light filled the space, hundreds of glowing fishes swam towards your direction and soon kiri's head popped up at the end of the tunnel with a big squeal from tuk, happy to see her sister again,even with a smile playing on your lip you knew your state was getting worse and worse and Neytiri saw it as her arm was supporting your waist as she held you close to her.
Getting out of the sinking ship as your group broke the water surface taking deep, enriching breaths of air, reaching payakan slowly, Jake pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly as his own breaths puffed up, but you couldn't care less, eyes drooping close as your body went limp in his arms, the stress from the confinement and war taking a toll on your body, the only sign of you being alive is your steady breathing and heartbeats thundering in your chest.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Bright morning rays of the sun filled the entirety of your tent, the war was over but the tension in the environment was still the same, your unconscious body was lying comfortably on a mat, your twin and tsahik working together on getting you back in a conscious state, Kiri rubbing the sole of your feet to keep you warm, Neytiri was worried sick holding your hand in her’s as Ronal had a hand placed on your stomach as her eyes wide while pressing lightly around your abdomen to be sure of what she was feeling, te'yul cringed as he had promised you he'll keep it a secret until you decided it was the right time.
Ronal checked again just to be one hundred percent sure, Jake was pacing outside the tent with Neteyam, Lo'ak and spider trying to sneak inside, Kiri sitting near your feet, rubbing some warmth into them when Ronal looked at neytiri with a vexed expression "Did you know?" her voice angered and upset, Neytiri furrowed her non-existent eyebrows, a big question mark visible on her face "what?!" Ronal was fuming at this point "Did. You. Know?" This time Neytiri was taken aback and even Jake entered the tent from the anticipation of what's going on with Ronal’s raised voices at Neytiri and because his legs were aching from the amount of pacing he did outside, the couple were worried for their mate as you laid with your eyes closed "what's going on?" Jake asked carefully as he saw Ronal's enraged face and demeanor.
Te'yul came in between the budding argument, resting a hand on Ronal's shoulder to calm her down as he faced Jake and neytiri to see their confused expressions, he apologized internally to you for breaking your promise without your permission he was worried for all the reactions he’ll get after this, his tone was tuned down as he spoke "y/n is pregnant…..with twins"
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The whole sully family sat around your sleeping form, Jake's arms wrapped around Neytiri's shoulders comforting her as best as he could, tuk was laying beside you, hugging you close as she slept next to you, her little arms thrown over your torso, kiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak and spider huddled together as they watched you and tuk sleeping together, te'yul sitting in a corner as he worked on some pastes and herbs for you, preparing some syrups for your future symptoms of the pregnancy, waiting for you to wake up soon.
The word of your health spread throughout metkayina like wildfire, everyone's new topic of gossip was your pregnancy, of course this is the first time a child with both metkayina and omaticaya features would be born, that too not one but two babies at once, a miracle by eywa herself, though it was quite predictable given you were a twin and Jake was a twin as well, it was bound to happen.
After a week and a half of no sign of movement your eyes fluttered open, the soft rays of the sunset hitting your irises making them dilate and contract quickly, tuk saw you waking up first, as she refused to leave your side, and squealed running around telling everyone “MAMA WOKE UP! MAMA WOKE UP!” Te'yul immediately coming up to your side as Neytiri and Jake did, ignoring the fact that Jake almost ran over a kid to get to you, you didn't blame him for it, he was worried after all, Ronal was called as they all looked down at you, Ronal and Te'yul working on you as they tried to bring you back to your full consciousness, ronal with her ear pressed to your chest then to your stomach, Te’yul applying a soothing paste to the base of your throat, Jake on the other hand was a nervous wreck, he sent out a message to norm and team to come by, it's not like he didn't trust the metkayina healers or your own brother at that matter but for his own peace of mind.
A few hours later when everyone calmed down and with Te'yul forcing you to drink a bitter syrup with a "it's good for the babies'' which you had no idea what it did, now you were finally relaxing with your family, again the word of you waking up was all around the village but the Sully's didn't care, all they cared about is that you're awake, well and very much alive, Jake almost cried tears of relief when norm said everything was okay with you and your babies, for the family there wasn't anything more happier than you and the babies okay and healthy.
Now that the environment was much calmer not one of them was ready to leave your side, Jake and Neytiri were on your side, tuk cuddled into your chest, kiri in between you and Neytiri, Lo’ak in between Jake and you while Neteyam had his head snuggled on your stomach, being careful so he won’t “hurt” his new baby brothers or sisters, all of you were a tangled pile of limbs and love, Jake would lovingly give you a few kisses while Lo’ak who was in between grimaced and gagged at the sight, Neytiri chuckled and shook her head, snuggling close to everyone she gave tuk a small kiss on her temple as she slept on your chest, this was the best time for the family to be all together, at peace and happy as they all drift asleep as their love for one another floated in the air strong and radiant.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
~ 2 months pregnant ~
You were given complete bed rest for the time being and Neytiri was adamant on not letting you step out of the hammock let alone the mauri, constantly checking over you every two hours, bringing you fruits, soups, and whatnot.
Jake wasn't anything less than Neytiri was, he'd walk into your shared mauri with a worried expression. Run a hand over your slightly swollen belly, give you a kiss on your forehead and if you were awake he’d bombard you with questions for several minutes on end “are you feeling okay, babygirl?” “Do you feel nauseous?” “Does your stomach hurt? Does your back hurt? I can give you a massage if you want”
he’d pestered continuously back and forth in his visits throughout the day, he was worried as twin pregnancies are rare in na’vi, plus the babies being half omaticayan and half metkayian, it added more tension to his growing worry day by day as the pregnancy progressed.
“ma’Jake, I’m fine! I’m pregnant, not dying!” you spoke with a hint of annoyance tracing your voice after his 1000th query of your health and it's not even complete 2 months yet “baby, i know that, but you’re pregnant with MY twins and I’m worried, so its better you answer those questions to me, tiyawn” he whispered in your ear and planted a soft kiss on your temple, you knew there was no escaping his sweet slick words.
Neytiri and the kids were nothing less than Jake, tuk was glued to your side, being the youngest she was mesmerized by your belly and happy that she won’t be the youngest anymore, while neteyan, being used to seeing his mom pregnant with his siblings before, he was just the gentleman to you as his father, always making sure if your comfortable or not, bringing in fresh fruits and meat for you, placing his head on your belly to hear the babies’ heartbeats, while Lo’ak did his best to keep up with the fact that he’s getting not just one but TWO new siblings at the same time, poor boy would cling to you and ask if you’d love him and the others less because you’re getting your own babies now, you’d hold him tight in your arms and reassure him that you’d love him just as much as before and the others, that the babies won’t change it as he opens up to you “mama, i still want to spend our swims together after this” he’d whisper hugging you “of course we will, you and i will have lots of fun once i have your siblings, i’ll even take you to my favorite place” a smirk dancing on your lips as you reassured him and pressed a kiss on his head.
Spider was nervous and intrigued by everything about you, not having met you before he was a little scared if you’d accept him, though Neytiri was reluctant to let him be anywhere near you, she quickly backed down when you reassured her that it was okay, your warm and welcoming smile was enough to let him feel at ease, he grew more attached to you day by day, looking up to you like a mother he never had, you didn’t expect yourself to as protective of him, not knowing whether it was your pregnancy or because he was so small compared to others, you were protective of him immediately.
“Spider, why don’t you sit with me? I’ll put your hair up for you” you’d say with a loving voice he couldn’t ignore, but there was a hint of worry too, he didn’t know the way of the water and you didn’t him to be hurt plus it was nice to have some company, He’d comply every time you asked him though, he wasn’t about to refuse some head pets from you, it’s not even been a few months living with you and he was already calling you ‘mom’ which surely melted your heart every time he called you that “coming, sa’nok” he’d say before coming right up to you with a hug or cuddles, it was his favorite thing to do now, he still kept in mind about your belly before doing so.
Jake was happy to see you and him bonding together, he was nervous on how neytiri would react but it surprised him how quickly she backed down when you asked her to, still he was happy about the fact that spider was finally getting the love and attention he deserved.
~ 6 months pregnant ~
The babies were growing and thriving, while also leaving you at the mercy of their cravings, the night shone bright, the chirping of the creatures outside weren’t doing anything to put you back to sleep, Jake and Neytiri were on your sides sleeping peacefully while you laid awake, mouth watering with the thought of tasting utumauti at such ungodly hour, you looked at jake who was snoring softly, one arm wrapped around your swollen middle while you were using his other arm as a pillow, his bioluminescent freckles glowing bright in the darkness as he slept.
“ma’Jake, wake up…. Please” you whispered to him as you couldn’t help yourself now, you needed to taste it, midnight or not, instead of him Neytiri woke up as she looked at your attempts to wake him “do you need anything, paskalin?” her voice was soft yet rough from the sleep which startled you a bit, now you were a bit embarrassed to say that you were hungry even after eating a big dinner “ohh tiri… it’s just… um i wanted some utumauti” she chuckled getting up from the hammock “that’s it? You could have asked me sooner, ma’txelan” she said pressing a kiss on your temple before heading outside to get some for you.
In a few minutes she was back with quite a few Utumauti in her arms, keeping silent as she cut them up in cubes while you sat beside her near the fireplace, everything was quiet, all the kids and the village sleeping, the only sounds that could be heard were Jake’s snoring, creatures chirping, waves crashing outside while you munched on the fruit pieces.
“Is that good or do you need more?” her voice was sweet and filled with love as she watched you eat, her hand caressing your back gently, you shook your head “No, this is enough, thank you” your giggle bringing a smile on her face as you had already eaten at least five utumauti by now, she didn’t mind though, she’d bring the whole damn tree if you asked her.
When jake turned in the hammock and felt both you and neytiri out of place, he woke up to the sight of you and Neytiri sitting close together while you satisfied your midnight cravings, she had her arms wrapped around your midsection, he felt a warm feeling build up inside his chest at the scene in front of him, though he wasn’t a part of it, he was still content and happy to just witness it, going back to sleep while the memory played in his mind and a smile lingered on his lips.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The twins could now move and kick very well, which also made all the sully’s take turn and sit in front of you with their hands on your growing belly, Jake was the most persistent one as he still didn’t get to feel the baby while everyone else felt one or both the babies move or kick, even Rotxo had his turn fulfilled and Jake didn’t, which frustrated the hell out of him.
“Ma’Jake, you can’t force the babies to move if they don’t want to” you spoke as you and Neytiri were holding back your laughs so you wouldn’t frustrate him even more “but they moved for everyone else!” he said in almost a whiny voice as he removed his hands from your stomach.
Your stomach, that now held your twins with a beautiful curve to it didn’t show any movement, he let out an exasperated sigh with a frown looking at your belly, Neytiri decided to tease him more “maybe the babies love their sa’nok and sa’nu more” she said with a smirk as she placed her hand on the top of your belly and to everyone's surprise one of the babies moved under her touch as if agreeing with her, Neytiri in result bursted out laughing not able to hold in any longer, Jake on the other hand frowned even more as you tried to comfort him while trying not to laugh yourself as he crossed his arms across his chest “they’re not even born and they already don’t like me” which only caused Neytiri to laugh more and Jake to roll his eyes at her, you were now stuck with a sulking Jake and overjoyed Neytiri “they will move for you jake, give them some time, sayrip” you said with a smile as he sulked.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You were having a particularly hard day walking around, back strained, legs and ankles swollen, Jake was the one overlooking you as Neytiri was out for once after being cooped up with you for the period of the entire pregnancy, she went out fishing to try new things, the kids were out as Tsireya invited them the night over at their mauri and Jake couldn’t be more happier to have you all for himself all day and then with Neytiri at night, once again you were restricted to the hammock but this time you were grateful for it, the nap was treating you well after all those sleepless and restless nights, Jake, on the other hand, was preparing a meal for when you wake up, as the day went on you woke up with a slight pain in your abdomen, dismissing it as you got up.
Eating with Jake in a peaceful silence when the pain was getting harder to ignore, your hand instinctively moving towards his hand as a dull yet sharp pain went through your abdomen, which definitely caught Jake's attention “darling, you okay?” his eyes going wide in alarm as he grabbed onto want just happened, forgetting all about the food as he connected the dots, the sudden tiredness, unusual cramps, constant back pains, it was clear you were going into labor, he knew the signs after three times with Neytiri, getting to your side as his rough calloused hand caressed the side of your head “shhh it’s gonna be okay, don’t panic, stay calm and breath okay? I’ll call Ronal and your brother, stay here!” he whispered soothingly as you caught onto the moment and nodded this was it…..you are going to give birth.
After waiting for jake to come back, you were on all fours as you felt the first of the contractions coming which were in no way pleasant, they immediately got to work, easing you in a more comfortable position as the pain and adrenaline starts to kick in, Jake getting behind you as he rubbed your back, kissing your forehead “there you go, hold onto me and relax, deep breathes remember?” he whispered directly in your ear as he tangled his hand in your hair but only one thing ran through your mind “Call Neytiri!! I can’t do this without her!! I want tiri” your cries were heard as someone was sent to get her.
She came running and stumbled back to your shared mauri, bursting through the flaps dropping her bow and arrows in an instance as she got to you “I’m here, I’m here syulang” she said encouragingly as she kissed your forehead, her breaths were quick and short but she didn't care, you were her first priority and the babies, that’s all she cared about.
You were kneeling on the woven flooring of the mauri, your breaths coming in short puffs of air, cheeks red and wet from the efforts as Jake supported you from behind and neytiri was kneeling in front of you, gently caressing your contracting abdomen, kissing your temple lovingly as they both tried to comfort you through the pain, tears flowing down your cheeks as your head was buried in neytiri’s shoulder.
“tiri, it hurts so much, i can’t do this ahh please ughh'' your whimpers were painful for her to hear, she ran a hand through your hair, kissing the top of it “it’ll be over soon, paskalin, you can do this just hold on a little longer” her whispers of reassurance did wonders to calm you down but the contractions that racked your womb pulled another scream of pain from your throat.
you rocked your body back and forth to soothe the pain holding onto neytiri for dear life “ohhh GREAT MOTHER! Why does this have to hurt so much!!!” your cries ringing through the mauri and te’yul let out a chuckle.
“i told you so, it's your fault that you decided to get pregnant and-” a loud groan from you shuts him up “shut the fuck up for moment, you skxwang! I didn’t ask for your opinion right now! I swear to eywa I’ll-” your rant was stopped by Jake as he made you look at him with his finger under your chin, though everyone was surprised at your outburst.
“easy, easy there, sweetheart, take a deep breath with me, i know it hurts but you have to calm down for the babies'' he whispered looking down in your ocean blue eye that now welled up with tears, holding your hand in his as he ran the pad of his thumb over your knuckles then glared daggers at te’yul for his remark while you're twin just shrugged.
you groaned not having the patience to go through all this, Ronal hits te’yul upside his head with a quick reprimand about not to rile a laboring woman, you groan loudly, throwing your head back on jake’s shoulder as you squeezed his hand in a vice like grip while bearing through the contraction “I hate you jake! You did this to me! I hate you so much” you cried, eyes screwed shut in pain, your grip on his hand so tight it sprained his wrist but he didn’t dare to utter a single word against it as he saw the amount of pain you were in was way greater than his sprained wrist, he smiled “I’m sorry, sweetheart, now please concentrate” he whispered, not taking your comments to heart, Neytiri chuckled kissing your forehead and looked at Jake with a smile, she yelled the same things to him while giving birth to Neteyam, Lo’ak and tuk so he was now used to it by now, he didn't mind being the punching bag, verbally and physically.
“Its okay, ma’tiyawn, you can blame him, it's his fault anyways” she said with a smile, adding fuel to the already blazing fire while Jake rolled his eyes at her trying to distract you from the pain as much as possible, but you weren’t in the mood to smile or laugh as the contractions were numbing your thought process.
Ronal had a worried look on her face “let her speak what she want, it's better she if lets it out” as she came up to the three of you with a bowl of dark green liquid in it, kneeling down beside you she brought the bowl to your lips “drink this, child, you’ll feel better, let your body do its thing, do not hold back” you drank the, for once, sweet liquid in two gulps, you tried to relax but it was easier said than done.
Neytiri and Jake did their best to calm you down through your screams of agony, the liquid will take a few minutes to show effect but when it does the moan of relief you let out is louder than any scream you let out before, which earned another fit of chuckles from te’yul while Ronal glared at him this time, even Jake couldn’t hold back his smile at that, you placed your head on Neytiri’s shoulder again as she rubs your back lovingly while Jake holds his hand on your hip, the other sprained one was still being used as a stress ball by you, even while you were in such immense pain te’yul couldn’t help but smile, you were his sister, yes, but he’ll also make puns about this moment when all of this is over.
Ronal walked over to Neytiri as she placed a hand on your shoulder “i think we should go to the hot water springs, the warm water would help her a lot” she said sympathetically looking at your worn out and exhausted state and both Jake and Neytiri nodded in agreement.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Your twin and Ronal were both working on getting the place ready to help you through the birth but that was still a long way ahead, Jake carried you in his arms bridal style to the springs, your eyes closed, mind clouded with pain as soft mewls left your lips while your nails dug into his shoulder and arms, reaching the pond he slowly lowered your body into the warm water, the liquid immediately helping with the soreness and subside the pain to some extent.
Jake got behind you, once again giving you support to lean on, your body was already drenched in cold sweat before, the beads of water and sweat ran down your skin, Neytiri got into the water as well, standing in front of you as she caressed your cheek, giving you a sweet kiss on your lips as your face scrunched up in agony from the new contractions “shhh you’re nearly there, yawne, just a little more and you’ll meet your babies, breathe ma’txe’lan breathe, in and out” she whispered stroking your swollen stomach and rubbing your back, Jake kissed the nape of your neck “you’re doing so good, sweetie, we’ve already gone through the first half of it, this is the last stretch, i know you can do it” their words of encouragement gave you motivation to push through it, head rolling back on his shoulder, by now you didn’t have it in you to scream anyways, Exhaustion was taking its toll on your body, the soft groans and tears that were rolling down your already wet cheeks were the only signs of your ongoing suffering.
Ronal checked your dilation as Neytiri wiped the sweat and tears from your face and neck, helping you drink some water to keep you hydrated while going through such painful period which she was familiar with but even the simplest act of drinking a sip of water was difficult with the oncoming waves of contractions in your womb, new batch of tears stream down your cheeks as Neytiri wiped them away gently.
Her’s and Jake’s faces were twisted in a frown as they hated to even see you get a scratch let alone to see you writhe in pain like this was making them worried sick by the passing second, Neytiri’s hands massaged your hips to loosen any tense muscles to help the parturition even more, another intense pain ripped through your abdomen as you grit your teeth against it, eyes shut tightly in pain, lips pressed in a thin line and Jake couldn’t see you in pain anymore “okay, this is enough…” he whispered as he brought his queue forward and connected it yours, Ronal tried to say otherwise but the decision was made, Neytiri following suit connecting with the two of you, the full force of the pain now washing over them, Neytiri was accustomed to it by now but still shuddered at the sudden rush of feelings and even when Jake had assisted Neytiri with all her births like this but the feeling of the pain was always unexpected for him.
Now with the queues connected they held you, gently caressing and massaging your body to ease you in any possible way, you felt their calming thoughts filling your mind as your braids connected together "you can do it, tiyawn, just push through it, Love, everything will be over soon, it will be all worth it" Jake's whispers of affection and comfort falling over deaf ears when the first of the twins started to make an appearance resulting in your roars of pain and clutching Jake's already sprained wrist as the first baby started to crown.
Ronal held your legs apart, Neytiri caressed your face and neck, while Jake ran his hand down on your waist as your sobs were clearly heard through the pain "We understand, syulang, we understand, now please push as hard as you can, zola' u niprrte nga prrnen" Neytiri said calmly, guiding you through the pain to push and encourage to bring these children to life.
Hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you gave a push "ngghhhh get them out!!" Your screams of desperation were heartfelt for everyone who heard them, Neytiri's face was full of concern as you screamed "shhh just push the best you can, you want to see them right? You can't give up now that you're so close….i know it hurts, yawne, i know but you can't lose everything when you're so close, push one more time, for us, for the babies" she whispered softly as you stare at her with a tear soaked face, snort running down your nose as sweat dripped down your scalp, the water washed over to your chest giving you an effect of weightlessness, with a new kind of determination take over your body, you began to push.
The saying childbirth is the worst pain anyone can experience was really starting to become very clear to you now, you grit your teeth taking a deep breath and pushed but soon turned into a scream and then a sob, the burning sensation was too overwhelming, even taking a breath felt like a laboring act, Ronal held your hand gently in hers “shh calm down, calm down… breath, y/n, breath”
She guided your hand between your thighs, letting your fingers brush against the baby’s head, you stared at her as your expression went from pained to one of awe and longing, the fact that you were so close to meeting your babies, ignited a deep urge to keep going no matter how bad the pain was, after taking a moment to catch up, you beared down with the next contraction, eyes shut tightly, toes curled up as you screamed head bowed down, jake held your hand while you squeezed it, his other arm holding you in place, Neytiri rubbed your back soothingly.
Ronal cupped the crowning head of the baby with her hand when finally the head slipped out followed by your groan, now the time ticked, you had to push to get the shoulders out soon with the next contraction, she urged you to push again, tugging on the baby gently with the next push as your whole body trembled from the effort as the baby’s shoulders passed through the canal with the final push, Ronal and te’yul immediately took the newborn to clean up, your breaths becoming shallow while Neytiri smiled caressing your cheek “there, that’s it, you’re okay” she whispered leaning her forehead against yours.
Jake stroked your waist kissing your forehead gently “good girl, very good, one down one to go” he said softly, currently looking absolutely proud of you as he placed several kisses on your head, tears forming in his eyes “I’m so proud of you, you did so good, just a little more, sweetheart” his words were spoken from shere love and appreciation.
Neytiri was looking at you with just as much pride as jake, patting your cheek when finally a piercing cry rang through the air, grabbing all your attention, the cry was mighty enough to make your heart sore but the pain wasn’t done yet, Ronal coming back in front of you as she held you by your shoulders “a little more and it's done, push when you feel like” but exhaustion made you feel like your head was underwater, even being in the hot spring wasn’t helping that much, head rolling back on Jake’s chest, only getting out of the daze when the burning sensation came back in the nether regions, blinking back your tears as you pushed, this was relatively easier than the first and the second twin came out faster than you expected, which was more than a big relief.
In the most fastest few minutes of your life, Ronal and Neytiri held your daughters in their arms as Jake held you tired body in his, admiring the sight in front of him “You did it, sweetheart, You did it, you’re absolutely wonderful” he whispered as your ears twitched from his warm breath, your tail swishing underwater, a tired smile on your face as you stared at your newborn daughters, your own daughters and you couldn’t be more proud “go ahead, name them sweetie” he said proudly as he caressed your arm and neytiri nodded along “you should name them, paskalin”
After thinking for a few minutes, you came up with a pair of names you thought were the best “Pe’rul and Peyal” your voice strained and rough but the emotions behind it melted everyone's heart as they all agreed that those were good names “those are beautiful name, tiyawn” neytiri said as she brought peyal closer to you and jake and ronal nodded as well, ronal swam forward as well both the babies went quiet as they were laid on your chest, going silent as they felt their mother’s touch, it was a beautiful sight for all of them while te’yul cheered and howled in happiness in the background as he was officially an uncle now as Ronal now carefully bandaged Jake’s sprained wrist while you gave him a apologetic smile in return he just chuckled and pecked your forehead.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
A few weeks have passed since the day of arrival of the twins, the happiness of the clan was quadrupled as the babies were the most miraculous things they have witnessed, azure skin like Jake and Neytiri but soft ocean blue eyes and teal stripes like yours, the combination made the pair look blessed by Eywa herself, lanky and long tails like the omaticaya but slightly broader with a tuft of hair at the tail ends, seemingly they were the most beautiful babies to be seen on the land of metkayina.
If Jake and Neytiri weren’t overprotective before now it was like being smothered in their love, which was more overwhelming than anything, and boy oh boy did Neytiri took care of you after the birth, knowing damn well how down and depressed a new mother can feel after the birth, she did everything in her power to keep you happy, making necklaces, shawls, blankets, tops for you everyday, kissing your postpartum belly, all the stretch marks, massaging your back, making your favorite foods, pampering you in any way possible, she made sure to make you feel like a queen.
While Neytiri takes care of you, Jake and the kids are on the duty to take care of the twins, and eywa bless him, he’s taking that job very seriously, now father of seven, including spider, he was almost delirious at the amount of children he has, to think at one point in his life he gave up hope to ever have the joy of a family of his own and to now with two mates and seven children, oh how things have changed, for good this once.
Overjoyed was an understatement for Neteyam and the gang, two little baby sisters? You bet the protection levels are through the clouds, may the great mother help the person who even looks or breathes at the twins in a wrong way, Kiri held Peyal with the most widest grin possible, while Neteyam held Pe’rul as if she was the most precious thing on pandora and as of now she was, Lo’ak and tuk were in their thoughts as how he won’t be the only middle child and tuk was happy as she won’t be the youngest anymore, for spider, the more siblings the better.
Uncle te’yul made the first song chords for the babies as gift which you then attached it to the band of their tewng, adding a pearl as the memory of their birth to your song chord as well, right next to the bead Jake gave you which symbolized your mating with the couple, plus adding two similar pearls on the twins song chords as a symbol to the start of their journey in this new and amazing world.
The whole family huddled together. You in the middle, Jake and Neytiri on your sides as the twins laid on top of you, Lo’ak and spider beside Jake while Neteyam and Kiri were beside Neytiri, tuk was sandwiched between you and Jake but she didn’t mind, as everyone’s attention was on the newest members of the family while they slept on your chest, Neytiri caressed your cheek and jake went a step ahead, pecking your lips sweetly “we are so proud of you, txe’lan” Neytiri nodding in agreement as all of the others groaned and fake gagged at the public display of affection, tuk and Kiri just giggled, Neteyam laughing his ass off with a loud “Gross” from Lo’ak and spider while you, Jake and tiri burst out laughing, love floated in the air, it was a beautiful beginning, which you'll cherish forever.
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A/n : I had so much fun writing this! The amount of time i spent researching everything omggg, i hope y'all would enjoy!
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @elriel-4-ever, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @neteyamsoare, @elijangwifey, @erosthefae, @murderbirbdany, @thearabloak06, @killua2dot0, @ilovechickenwings, @kylobensgirl, @darling-imobsessed, @majathepapaya, @sweetirilly, @moonchildxoxx.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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tiajk · 2 years
Little avatar crack for y'all
Warnings: crack like crackkkk, wording probally wrog
Sully family x platonic navi/human reader
A/n: look at me staring and finishing fics back to back
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*at breakfast*
y/n: *in a bad mood and on her period *
Lo’ak: what up your ass
y/n: *done being a human* would you like a list of organs or what it feels like
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y/n and the sullys in norms lab along with spiders (ewwwww)
Norm: *has that tablet out* hey guys look at jake when he was younger
y/n: its giving dilf
Tuk: kiri what a dilf
Kiri: someone you care about
*spider just in the background*
*later that day*
Tuk: *sees jake sharpening his weapons* dad you know you're a dilf
Jake: *eyes pop out of his goddamn head* who said that word
y/n: *who walked into camp and saw what happened* In my defense you were younger back then
Jake: *giving up*
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Jake: *yelling at lo’ak neteyam and y/n*
y/n: *thinking to herself* I’m so mature im so mature (bc she’s not talking back) (the lyric is from kill bill btw)
Jake: y/n you have nothing to say
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*the sullys having a family meeting when they arrive with the metiykana*
Jake: *turns to y/n* I wanna hear three words from you
y/n: I love you?
Jake: sweet but not those one
y/n: *sighs* I will behave
Neytiri: no you won’t
y/n: you right I won’t
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