#Kirstie Blair
swallowprettybird · 2 months
Hey! This question is from an anonymous..
Who inspires me?
Thank you for this question! I have so much to say 😍❤️
I have so many people's blogs that inspire me. Unfortunately, they won't all fit here, but there are so many wonderful people, know that you are wonderful! 🫶
Too many letters below in random order under the cut 👇
@bakersimmer inspired me so much with her story and legacy ❤️ I love her light and engaging writing and storytelling style ✍️
Saffron is just a cute little devil whom I love very much 😁 and Anselm.. keep your eyes peeled! ehhh my lovelies 😭❤️
Also, her style of screenshots and game seems to be my favorite on simblr ✨
@onestormeynight and Penny, Blair and Rosie life and them story, they're so so cute and warming my heart ☺️ I adore their story because it is full of family love and understanding, it is a wonderful portion of happiness every episode :з
@elderwisp your arts it's something magical!It inspires me a lot, I love this aesthetic, and it hits the heart 100%, your simstyle very fine and sm tasteful 🧡 and tesselate such a goooood story ohmhm my gosh so good 🤌
@youredreamingofroo i love your Roo universe hehe ❤️ I like to discover him every time learning details about his life and character, it seems as if he is another good friend of ours on Simblr 🤭 It's very inspiring to know own characters better too) And of course, I admire your renders, they are very beautiful and high quality!
@kuroashims and her beautiful blog dedicated to One Peece ❤️ 🧭 If you're like me and have never seen this anime, you'll want to know more about it after discover her page, and if you're a loyal fan, you'll love it even more! Her style is unique in its kind, you won't see anything like it in the sims. And the way she conveys emotions and feelings with just one picture without many words is just something beautiful. It is very inspiring. Elfy is also a wonderful person and a so kind warm friend. 🧝 Je t'aime, ma chère ☺️( btw your French vibe is very inspiring too 😍🤌 belle, incroyablement belle 💅🗼)
@changingplumbob and her amazing stories with amazing families. I love each of them. Kirsty plays the game with a huge and contagious passion. Each of her oc's is different and has its own story.
It's touch me and makes root for each character, through victories, mistakes, and life circumstances. She also has a great sense of humor! Her game sometimes throws up such funny situations! In general, Kirsty knows how to turn the usual gameplay into an exciting journey and I definitely recommend you to join. Also, I am very impressed with her playing style. And if I'm ever going to play a ts4 (as gameplay lmao), she'll definitely be the one to inspire me how.
@holocene-sims i love all about Grant and his life. This is such a vital and real, deep story. I love experiencing all the happy and poignant moments with him as well. His example teaches me not to give up and to live in spite of everything, and to be honest, the thought of this sometimes supported me in difficult moments.
I love talking with you about him and the family and about Junga, she's wonderful. 😇 I'm always looking forward to new episodes.
And Ana is my main inspiration for my main story. If you see a new episode of Cursed Chronicles, you should know that part of the gratitude lies with Ana. ❤️
@matchalovertrait and her beautiful lovely sunshine Noemi and her family ❤️ I will love them always 🥹 It seems to be the warmest, kindest and most loving legacy I know) I like to read it at least to recharge my batteries with this wonderful atmosphere and I immediately want to create something cute and wonderful ☺️
btw Dulce and Ángel has grown so charming!
@miralure your sims just incredible and i love your lookbooks ❤️🤌 You inspire me a lot to create and remade my sims and stand at the CAS like never before! looking forward to hearing new posts from you ☺️
@wistfulpoltergeist You have no idea how much I appreciate this person and his support from the very beginning of my blog❤️ Євгенку ну ти справжнє найсправжнє сонечко 🌞☺️🧡He is a real sunshine. And of course, I adore him both as a creator and a storyteller and as a dad/mom of two beautiful cats Aidan and Arvin 😁 this teo boys so lovely and hot 🤌🔥 і я сподіваюсь ще почути від тебе багато історій ☺️❤️
@aniraklova I think looking at her screenshots, you don't have to say anything, do you? This is an absolutely sky-high level of aesthetics 🤌💅 And I admired their work long before I started the blog, becouse all her cc and all art is something very very inspiring, she really inspired me to create some characters and recent cyberpictures :h Карі ти просто крейзі в найкращому значенні цього слова 😘🔥💋
@vermutandherring another wonderful creator who amazes me with her skill and beauty, It's just so gorgeous, this builds and scenes are incredible and everything I see there I dream of either seeing in my game or just admiring endlessly, so talented artist просто золоті руки 😍
@stellarfalls people who I may not follow much, but people who I consider my great inspirations, who make me want to move on, develop and improve my screenmake skills 🧡 at one time she impressed me a lot with her story&creations and I am still impressed, thank you friend ❤️
@aheathen-conceivably I've probably said it before, but you really do inspire me in a very real way, besides the fact that your dynasty is more than sims, it's a whole bunch and a storm of emotions, these are such real, well-developed characters, I almost cried a few times over some moments... for everyone who is not familiar with the dynasty of this wonderful author, I highly recommend you to read it) and besides, your work inspires me to write my own story too :з it really inspired me for some points of the sequel and thank you to your blog for that)
@circusjuney your style and story, are some of my favorites, and Ellie and Max are the ones I'm really rooting for and worried about ❤️ your blog is very inspiring to me in gґso many ways and makes me glad to be here on simblr ☺️✨🫶
@papermint-airplane I may not have known your blog for that long, but I get excited every time I read about Aiden and his friends again ❤️🫶 I really like your writing style, it's engaging, light and catchy, I love adventure, so it really inspires me to write. and I'd like to send you a special hug as a former fan of the TS3 hehe 🫂
I would also note @weirdosalike because I can't help but note that I am fascinated and obsessed by her story, which makes me just as passionate about creating something 😁
I almost forgot about @theosconfessions Scarlet is so gorgeous, you know what inspires me about your blog? your absolute passion for what you do!
.... oh okay i need a chapter 2 😣😖
There are many more authors whose work I am just getting to know, and I really like them ❤️ Sorry if I didn't mention you i love your blogs too 🥹🫶
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musicaltheatreturtle · 9 months
Here’s my list!
Toronto - June 22nd, 2022 (First Preview)
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - November 2022
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - November 26th, 2022
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Joe Moeller (u/s William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Brandon Antonio (u/s Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - November 30th, 2022
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - December 17th, 2022
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Nicholas Edwards (u/s Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - February 1st, 2023
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Phillippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - April 19th, 2023
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Phillippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - June 14th, 2023
CAST: Rachel Webb (u/s Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Joomin Hwang (u/s Francois DuBois)
Broadway - June 17th, 2023
CAST: Rachel Webb (u/s Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Nicholas Edwards (u/s Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Micheal Ivan Carrier (u/s Francois DuBois)
Broadway - August 2nd, 2023
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Phillippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - August 6th, 2023
(Stark Sands Final Performance)
CAST: Veronica Otim (u/s Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Matt Raffy (u/s May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Brittany Nicholas (u/s Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
West End - January 2020
CAST: Grace Mouat (u/s Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), Ivan de Freitas (u/s Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Christopher Parkinson (s/w Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Dillon Scott-Lewis (Richard), Kerri Norville (Susanna), Josh Baker (s/w Thomas)
West End - January 4th, 2022
Broadway - October 2022
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - November 22nd, 2022
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - December 22nd, 2022
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Tiernan Tunnicliffe (u/s Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Broadway - December 23rd, 2022
CAST: Lorna Courtney (Juliet Capulet), Tiernan Tunnicliffe (u/s Anne Hathaway/April), Stark Sands (William Shakespeare), Paulo Szot (Lance DuBois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Ben Jackson Walker (Romeo Montague), Melanie La Barrie (Angelique), Philippe Arroyo (Francois DuBois)
Everybody’s Talking About Jamie
West End - Date Unknown
Broadway OBC - Opening Night
Broadway OBC - Date Unknown
Broadway - March 10th, 2017
Broadway - September 3rd, 2023
Cast: Briga Heelan (Cinderella), Justin Guarini (Prince Charming), Jennifer Simard (Stepmother), Adam Godley (Narrator), Brooke Dillman (O.F.G.), Aisha Jackson (Snow White), Ryann Redmond (Belinda), Tess Soltau (Betany), Mila Weir (Little Girl), Gabrielle Beckford (Rapunzel), Ashley Chiu (Sleeping Beauty), Nathan Levy (Clumsy/Prince Ebullient), Ryan Steele (Prince Erudite), Morgan Whitley (Princess Pea), Lauren Zakrin (Little Mermaid), Liv Battista (Belle), Pauline Casiño (Esmeralda), Selena Haro (Gretel), Joshua Daniel Johnson (Prince Brawny), **Amy Hillner Larsen (u/s Goldilocks)**, Justice Moore (Red Riding Hood), Kevin Trinio Perdido (Prince Mischievous), Mikey Ruiz (Prince Gregarious), Josh Tolle (Prince Suave), **Matt Allen (u/s Prince Affable)**
Broadway - July 30th Act 1 Only
Cast: Reeve Carney (Orpheus), Eva Noblezada (Eurydice), Tom Hewitt (Hades), Jewelle Blackman (Persephone), Lillias White (Hermes)
Broadway - September 9th, 2023
Lilas White (Hermes) Reece Carney (Orpheus) Grace Yoo (u/s Eurydice) Phillip Boykin (Hades) Betty Who (Persephone)
Broadway - August 9th, 2023
CAST: Casey Cott (Christian), Courtney Reed (Satine), David Harris (The Duke), **Patrick Clanton (u/s Harold Zidler)**, Sophie-Carmen Jones (Nini), Ricky Rojas (Santiago), Andre Ward (Toulouse-Lautrec), Jacqueline B Arnold (La Chocolat), Tasia Jungbauer (Arabia), David Merino (Baby Doll), Patrick Clanton, Alexander Gil Cruz, Taurean Everett, Aaron C. Finley, E.J. Hamilton, Bahiyah Hibah, Heather Makalani, Nick Martinez, Kaitlin Mesh, Clay Rice-Thomson, Jenn Stafford, Alex Varcas, Cole Wachman
West End - August 10, 2023
CAST: Robson Broad (u/s Christian), Melissa James (Satine), Matt Rixon (Harold Zidler), Ian Carlyle (Toulouse-Lautrec), Jon Tsouras (s/b Santiago), Ben Richards (The Duke), Amy Thornton (Nini), Siobhan James (u/s La Chocolat), Melissa Nettleford (u/s Arabia), Tiago Dhondt Bamberger (Baby Doll)
Broadway - June 2022
CAST: Derek Klena (Christian), Ashley Loren (Satine), Eric Anderson (Harold Zidler), Sahr Ngaujah (Toulouse-Lautrec), Caleb Marshall-Villarreal (Santiago), Declan Bennett (The Duke), Kaitlin Mesh (Nini)
Broadway - August 23rd, 2023
Cast: **Nicholas Christopher (s/b Sweeney Todd)**, **Jeanna De Waal (s/b Mrs. Lovett)**, **Nathan Salstone (u/s Anthony)**, Gaten Matarazzo (Tobias), Ruthie Ann Miles (Beggar Woman), Maria Bilbao (Johanna), Jamie Jackson (Judge Turpin), John Rapson (Beadle Bamford), **Daniel Torres (u/s Adolfo Pirelli)**, Galyana Castillo, Jonathan Christopher, Taeler Cyrus, **Hennessy Winkler (s/w Timothy Hughes's track)**, Paul-Jordan Jansen, Alicia Kaori, **Michael Kuhn (s/w Raymond J. Lee's track)**, Patricia Phillips, Samantha Pollino, Lexi Rabadi, **Dwayne Cooper (s/w Nathan Salstone's track)**, **Tug Watson (s/w Daniel Torres' track)**, Kristie Dale Sanders, Stephen Tewksbury, Felix Torrez-Ponce, **Megan Ort (s/w DeLaney Westfall's track)**
Broadway - September 13th, 2023
Cast: **Paul Jordan-Jansen (u/s Sweeney Todd)**, Annaleigh Ashford (Mrs. Lovett), Gaten Matarazzo (Tobias), Daniel Yearwood (Anthony), **Jeanna De Waal (s/b Beggar Woman)**, Maria Bilbao (Johanna), Jamie Jackson (Judge Turpin), John Rapson (Beadle Bamford), Nicholas Christopher (Pirelli), **Michael Kuhn (u/s Bird Seller)**, Patricia Phillips (Passerby), Stephen Tewksbury (Jonas Fogg), Galyana Castillo, **Kyrie Courter (s/w Taeler Elyse Cyrus's track)**, Timothy Hughes, **Dwayne Cooper (s/w Paul-Jordan Jansen's track)**, Alicia Kaori, Raymond J. Lee, Samantha Pollino, Lexi Rabadi, Nathan Salstone, Kristie Dale Sanders, Daniel Torres, Felix Torrez-Ponce, DeLaney Westfall
West End - August 31st 2023
CAST: Mason Alexander Park (Emcee), Sally Frith (u/s Sally Bowles), Nathan Ives-Mobia (Clifford Bradshaw), Beverley Klein (Fraulein Schneider), Teddy Kempner (Herr Shultz), Toby Turpin (u/s Ernst Ludwig), Michelle Bishop (Fraulein Kost/Fritzie), Ela Lisondra (s/w Frenchie), Matthew Gent (Hans), Hicaro Nicolai (Lulu), Charles Croysdill (Victor), Grant Neal (Max), Adam Taylor (Bobby), Laura Delaney (s/w Helga), Gabriela Benedetti (Texas), Sophie Maria Wojna (Rosie)
Broadway - August 26th, 2023
Cast: Christian Borle (Joe/Josephine), *DeMarius R. Copes (u/s Jerry/Daphne), Adrianna Hicks (Sugar), K. J. Hippensteel (u/s Osgood), NaTasha Yvette Williams (Sweet Sue), Adam Heller (Mulligan), Mark Lotito (Spats), Devon Hadsell (u/s Minnie), TyNina Rene Brandon, Julius Williams (s/w DeMarius R. Copes' track), Casey Garvin, Elizabeth Earley (s/w Devon Hadsell's track), Jenny Hill, Ian Campayno (s/w K. J. Hippensteel's track), Jarvis B. Manning, Brian Martin, Abby Matsusaka, Amber Owens, Dan Horn (s/w Charles South's track), Brendon Stimson, Raena White, Richard Riaz Yoder
Broadway - September 16th, 2023
Cast: Colleen Fitzpatrick (s/b Kimberly), Justin Cooley (Seth), Jim Hogan (s/b Buddy), Alli Mauzey (Pattie), Bonnie Milligan (Debra), Olivia Elease Hardy (Delia), Alex Vinh (u/s Aaron), Fernell Hogan II (Martin), Skye Alyssa Friedman (u/s Teresa)
Looking For:
I’m open to pretty much anything but I love anything & Juliet, Moulin Rouge, Rent or Cabaret
If anything on this list interests you, feel free to DM me!! ♥︎
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The Order Of The Garter Service At Windsor Castle
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King Charles III, Queen Camilla, Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester, Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, Princess Anne, Prince William, Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth, The Lady Usher of the Black Rod, Sarah Clarke OBE, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Former Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair, and Catherine Ashton attend the Order Of The Garter Service at Windsor Castle on 17 June 2024 in Windsor, England.
The Order of the Garter is the oldest and most senior Order of Chivalry in Britain.
Knights of the Garter are chosen personally by the Sovereign to honour those who have held public office, contributed in a particular way to national life, or who have served the Sovereign personally.
📸: Samir Hussein/ WireImage / Kirsty Wigglesworth - WPA Pool / Getty Images / Chris Jackson - WPA Pool /Getty Images
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redladydeath · 9 months
Six actors who's names share a common root
Hannah (12) Jana Larell Glover, Anna Uzele, Hana Stewart, Annamaria Baranyai, Anita Gado, Hannah Lowther, Annabel Marlow, Anna Peller, Gerianne Perez, Analise Rios, Hannah Taylor, Anna Terpiłowska
Elizabeth (9) Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Ella Burns, Bella Coppola, Izabela Pawletko, Analise Rios, Leesa Tulley, Elizabeth Walker, Ellie Wyman
Laurence (8) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Lauren Byrne, Lauren Irving, Lauren Mariasoosay, Laura Blair, Lauren Drew, Loren Hunter, Lori McLare
Margaret (7) Małgorzata Chrusciel, Meghan Corbett, Meghan Dawson, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Megan Gilbert, Maggie Lacasse, Megan Leung
Christos (7) Kirsty "Zara" MacIntosh, Keirsten Nicole Hodgens, Cristina D'Agostino, Kristina Leopold, Christina Modestou, Kristina Walz, Krisztina Magyar
Helen (6) Ellie Jane Grant, Elena Breschi, Ella Burns, Elena Gyasi, Aline Mayagoitia, Ellie Wyman
John (6) Jana Larell Glover, Gianna Grosso, Jaina Brock-Patel, Janique Charles, Janice Rijssel, Lori-Jane McLare
Nicholas (6) Nicole Louise Lewis, Nikki Bentley, Nikolett Gallusz, Collette Guitart, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Nicole Lamb
Alexander (5) Alexia McIntosh, Sasha Renae Brown, Alexandra "Zan" Berube, Aleksandra Gotowicka, Ji-sun "Lexie" Kim
Gabriella (5) Gabbi Mack, Gabrielle Davina Smith, Gabriela Francesca Carillo, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Gabriella Boumford
Jasmine (5) Jasmine Shen, Jasmine Smith, Jasmine Forsberg, Jasmine Hackett, Jaz Robinson
Julius (5) Juli Horanyi, Giulia Marolda, Julia McLellan, Julia Pulo, Jillian Worthing
Adal (4) Alicia Corrales-Connor, Alyssa Giannetti, Alize Ke'Aloha Cruz, Aline Mayagoitia
Amy (4) Amy Bridges, Aimie Atkinson, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Kara-Ami McCreanor
Courtney (4) Courtney Monsma, Courtney Stapleton, Courtney Bowman, Courtney Mack
Emil (4) Amelia Walker, Emily Rose Lyons, Emily Harrigan, Emilia "Millie" O'Connell
Katherine (4) Caitlyn De Kuyper, Kathryn Kilger, Caitlin Tipping, Kate Zulauf
Kayla (4) Kala Gare, Khaila Wilcoxon, Kaylah Attard, Kayla McSorley
Monica (4) Monika Nika Veres, Monique Ashe-Palmer, Janique Charles, Mónika Horváth
Sophia (4) Sophie Golden, Sophie-Rose Middleton, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Sophie Isaacs
Abigail (3) Abigail Sparrow, Abbi Hodgson, Abby Mueller
Aenor (3) Ellie Jane Grant, Ella Burns, Ellie Wyman
Danielle (3) Danielle Steers, Danielle Mendoza, Danielle Rose
Eireann (3) Aryn Bohannon, Erin Palmer Ramirez, Erin Caldwell
Hayley (3) Haley Izurieta, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Hailey Lewis
Laura (3) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Laura Blair, Lori McLare
Lucius (3) Lucy Aiston, Lucia Valentino, Lucinda Wilson
Natalie (3) Natalie Pilkington, Natalie Paris, Natalia Kujawa
Oliver (3) Olivia "Liv" Alexander, Olivia Donalson, Oliver Wickham
Rhiannon (3) Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Sarah (3) Kala Gare, Sadie Hurst, Sarah McFarlane
Theodore (3) Terica Marie, Didi Romero, Dóra Csonka
Agnes (2) Inez Budd, Agnieszka Rose
Aisha (2) Aiesha Naomi Pease, Aisha Kardffy
Alan (2) Lana Zoe Jensen, Alana M. Robinson
Amanda (2) Amanda Lee, Amanda Lindgren
Ashley (2) Ashlee Waldbauer, Ashleigh Weir
Brian (2) Brianna Brito Mooney, Brianna Javis
Cassandra (2) Cassandra Lee, Cassie Silva
Cathassach (2) Casey Esbin, Casey Al-Shaqsy
Ceallach (2) Kelly Sweeney, Kelly Denice Taylor
Cennetig (2) Kennedy Carstens, Kenedy Small
Charles (2) Carly Mercedes Dyer, Caroline Siegrist
Chelsea (2) Chelsea Lorraine Wargo, Chelsea Dawson
Chloe (2) Chloe Zuel, Chloe Hart
Eloise (2) Eloise "Ellie" Sharpe, Eloise Lord
Eric (2) Terica Marie, Erika Herceg
Grace (2) Grace Mouat, Grace Melville
Hadrian (2) Adrianna Glover, Adrianna Hicks
Henry (2) Harriet Watson, Harriet Caplan-Dean
Holly (2) Holli' Conway, Holly Musgrave
Jennifer (2) Jennifer Caldwell, Ji-woo "Jennifer" Kim
Jessica (2) Jessica Niles, Jessica "Jessie" Bodner
Ludwig (2) Lou Henry, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Maia (2) Maiya Quansah-Breed, Maya Christian
Martha (2) Marta Burdynowicz, Marta Skrzypczynska
Mary (2) Annamaria Baranyai, Marilyn Caserta
Matilda (2) Maddison Bulleyment, Maddison Firth
Melissa (2) Melinda Porto, Melissa J. Ford
Rachel (2) Rachel Rawlinson, Rachel "Rae" Davenport
Renatus (2) Renee Lamb, Brene "Bre" Jackson
Shannon (2) Shannen Alyce Quan, Su-jeong "Shannon" Pae
Sidney (2) Cydney Clark, Sydney Parra
Taylor (2) Taylor Iman Jones, Taylor Pearlstein
Victor (2) Victoria "Vicki" Manser, Viki Singh
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hwmystery · 1 year
complete dc murder spree victims list! murderers listed from fewest to most kills, and victims are listed in roughly the order they were killed, plus their method of death. rip.
tw for murder, death, blood, gore, etc below
lissa dragomir ( @drvcxrys - 4 total kills, officially caught by june @masqce ):
jedediah - killed by fire
beth washington - killed by slit throat
kirby reed - killed by gutting
kenna de poitiers - killed by neck-snapping
qi rong ( @tragcdysewn - 5 total kills, officially caught by L @lavendaers ):
wei wuxian - killed by stabbing
ellie williams - killed by exsanguination
lena luthor - killed by decapitation
esther mckinnon - killed by disembowelment
tantai jin - killed by strangling
kirsty cotton ( @withinthem - 5 total kills, officially caught by L @lavendaers ):
mickey milkovich - killed by a single gunshot to the head
jo wilson - killed by driving off a bridge due to swerving away from an "mysterious" incoming car and drowning
steve harrington - killed by multiple stab wounds to the stomach
jacen solo - killed by a single shot to the head
ashley graham - killed by a single shot to the head
vegas theerapanyakul ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain - 6 total kills, officially caught by mia @coreofgold ):
blair waldorf - killed by stabbing
lan jingyi - killed by stabbing
shego - killed by a gunshot to the head
allison argent - killed by being strangled
fred weasley - killed by poisoning
sansa stark - killed by drowning
alec lightwood ( @hiddenpxpercuts - 7 total kills, officially caught by megan @flyaboveitall ):
benjamin - killed by poison
bianca di angelo - killed by stabbing
stu macher - killed by poison
steve rogers - killed by poison
rebekah mikaelson - killed by stabbing
jesper fahey - killed by poison
ragnor fell - killed by poison
albus dumbledore ( @mastcrmiind - 8 total kills, officially caught by J @papcrrings ):
faye chamberlain - killed by drowning
elena gilbert - killed by hit & run
enzo st john - killed by a stake to the heart
ash williams - killed by a gunshot to the head
emma gilbert - killed by drowning
gregory bridgerton - killed by a nest of wasps
james witherdale - killed by decapitation
james sirius potter - killed by four gunshots
richard gecko ( @strwbrrymccn - 10 total kills, officially caught by blue @purelybilateral )
calcifer - killed by stabbing
shen qiao - killed by choking
melissa glaser - killed by fire
ethan winters - killed by stabbing
aria montgomery - killed by a stab wound to the stomach
emily davis - killed by decapitation
sion val palpatine- killed by 15 stab wounds
harry potter - killed by being drained of all his blood
katherine pierce - killed by being burned alive
ahkmenrah - killed by being drained of all blood
jin guangyao ( @masqce - 11 total kills, officially caught by megan @flyaboveitall ):
ben skywalker - killed by a gunshot to the head
enjolras - killed by a push from a high building
patia por'co - killed by being shot
lan xichen - killed by stab wound to the chest
regulus black - killed by poisoning
sella palpatine - killed by a swerving car
maddie mckinnon - killed by getting shot
snow white - killed by suffocation
jin ling - killed by poisoning
tinkerbell - killed by stabbing
genya safin - killed by poison
coop halliwell - killed by being thrown into traffic
vex'ahlia de rolo ( @circleofstarrs - 13 total kills, officially caught by L @lavendaers ):
joel miller - killed by lighting
hu tao - killed by arrows
link lincoln - killed by fire
loquatius seelie - killed by impalement
pietro maximoff - killed by vines/strangulation
jie li - killed by stabbing
vanellope von schweetz - killed by an ambiguous car accident
nora reid - killed by salmonella
rosamund du prix - killed by brambles
serena van der woodsen - killed by electrocution
sprig plantar - killed by a falling tree
venti - killed by rabies
alice creel - killed by poisoning
mags flanagan ( @flyaboveitall - 16 total kills, officially caught by mia @coreofgold ):
feyre archeron - killed by a slit-throat
effie trinket - killed by drowning
addison montgomery - killed by 3 gunshots
max lightwood - killed by fully body skinning
xie lian - killed by dismemberment
leia organa - killed by decapitation
hua cheng - killed by dismemberment
lando calrissian - killed by neck snapping
charlotte la bouff-- killed by defenestration
qui-gon jinn - killed by multiple gunshots
sara lance - killed by stabbing
cho chang - killed by throat-cutting
musa - killed by being shoved into a wood chipper
rey - killed by gutting
xiao lanhua - killed by full body skinning
stiles stilinski - killed by stabbing in the neck and chest
henry creel ( @mischiefxmuses - 20 total kills, officially caught by june @masqce ):
sidney prescott - killed by stabbing
bonnie bennett - killed by being shot
samara palpatine - killed by strangulation
bella swan - killed by decapitation
sirius black - killed by drowning
mary macdonald - killed by throat-cutting
emmeline vance - killed by a gas tank exploding nearby
rosemary winters - killed by being shot in the head
shi qingxuan - killed by drowning
heron lyptus - killed by being thrown into traffic
azriel - killed by being impaled
wu xi - killed by being gutted
amber freeman - killed by strangulation
emmett cullen - killed by their heart being ripped out of their chest
aloth corfiser - killed by being shot with a single bullet to the heart
mai - killed by a snap of the neck
elijah mikaelson - killed by decapitation
yelena belova - killed by poisoning
theo crain - killed by being thrown off a roof [dropped character]
luna lovegood - killed by drowning
quentin coldwater ( @ofxscavengcrs - 20 total kills, officially caught by june @masqce )
salazar slytherin - killed by strangling
gale weathers - killed by lightning
riley biers - killed by stabbing
queen charlotte - killed by strangling
james t kirk - killed by stabbing
laurel lance - killed by strangulation
sarra palpatine - killed by choking
tak dongkyung - killed by strangling
jill roberts - killed by strangling
daniela dimitrescu - killed by strangulation
annie james - killed by being strangled to death
rapunzel - killed by strangulation
jj maybank - killed by choking
zhongli - killed by strangulation
annabeth chase - killed by strangulation
mac mcdonald - killed by stabbing
angel - killed by stabbing
rachel green - killed by strangulation
elain archeron - killed by being strangled
rikki barnes - killed by lightning
columbina ( @irresistiibles - 20 total kills, officially caught by june @masqce )
wyatt halliwell - killed by throat-cutting
callie adams foster - killed by strangulation
mobei-jun - killed by a shot to the head
dorcas meadowes - killed by blunt force head trauma
ouyang zizhen - killed by multiple stab wounds
lydia martin - killed by suffocation
albus severus potter - killed by having his neck snapped
childe - killed by dismemberment
david kostyk - killed by decapitation
ainsley whitly - killed by blunt head trauma
tenel ka djo - killed by strangulation
melody - killed by strangulation
helga hufflepuff - killed by decapitation
maggie rhee - killed by being drained of blood
anya forger - killed by decapitation
prince justin - killed by suffocation
liu mingyan - killed by suffocation
alice cullen - killed by decapitation
ling wen - killed by decapitation
cleo sertori -- UNREPORTED
our most murderous event ever, and all thanks to you. but it could have been far more murderous if your investigations didn't stop them, and that's also thanks to you <3 so wonderful job, everyone.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 28, 2022)
23:56 NORMAN BROWN - It Keeps Coming Back 23:52 KEN NAVARRO - Walking Each Other Home 23:49 VINCENT INGALA - Snap, Crackle, Pop 23:45 BE'NE MUSIC - Missing You 23:41 PAUL DOZIER - No Ordinary Love 23:37 JEFFERY SMITH - Groove You Tonight 23:33 JEANETTE HARRIS - You Can Dance 23:29 KOOL&KLEAN - Cruise 23:24 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Fall Departs 23:20 BRIAN SIMPSON - Here with You 23:15 NICHOLAS COLE - Between Us (feat. Michael Stever) 23:11 BLAIR BRYANT - Red Tiger 23:06 NILS - Hey Ya 23:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - Clean Heart 22:55 ROGER SANCHEZ - Another Chance (Afterlife Mix) 22:49 R.I.B - I Look At Sea Horizon 22:45 FILIPE NARCISO - Forbidden Love (Original Mix) 22:41 JENS BUCHERT - Polaris (feat. Shine) 22:37 LOWLAND - Seven Cities 22:32 SEXY LIYA, DEEMA - Chemistry Of Love (DJ Shved Remix) 22:26 DEEP SECTOR - Rainbows (Original Mix) 22:21 DJ SHAH, ADRINA THORPE - Who Will Find Me (Acoustic Version) 22:18 SWEET EUPHONY - After We Close Our Eyes (Chillout Version) 22:13 ANN GRACE - Moon In Love 22:08 ABOVE & BEYOND, OCEANLAB - I Am What I Am (Original Mix) 22:05 ZARA, SNATT & VIX - No Angel (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 22:01 DUBDIVER - Desert Land (Eternal Calling Mix) 21:58 SCUBBA, IVETTE MORAES, RONAN - The Sweetest Taboo (Remix) 21:55 SENSPROOF - Starflight (Alex Atmospheric Chillout Remix) 21:52 ACTIVA, JULIE HARRINGTON - You Are Here (Ambient Mix) 21:49 ASHLEY WALLBRIDGE, ELLEAH - These Walls (Album Mix) 21:43 SHERRIE LEA - No Ordinary Love (Arnold T Chill Mix) 21:37 ADELE - Skyfall (Skerdi M & Angelo DownTempo) 21:33 BLANK & JONES, ELLES - Mind Of The Wonderful (Acoustic Version) 21:28 YIRUMA - River Flows In You (N-Drew Fate Remix) 21:24 SYLVERING - Strangelove 21:21 LEO ROJAS - Flying Heart 21:15 MILA - Impation 21:11 FOR FOUND FUTURE - Time Is Moving (Chillout Lounge Mix) 21:07 GARBAGE - Milk 21:02 MEDINA - You & I (DJ Petroff Remix) 20:58 TYDI, TANIA ZYGAR - The Moment It Breaks (Original Mix) 20:52 JOHN DAHLBACK - Everywhere (D.O.N.S. vs. Tranquillo chill mix) 20:48 ZAZA, JORGE NAVA - Broken (Chill Mix) 20:43 DINKA - Hotel Summerville (Original Mix) 20:39 SOLID SESSIONS - Janeiro (Chiller Twist Blue Line Remix) 20:33 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Clair Del Mar 20:28 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Sabor Do Lounge 20:22 20SABANCI - As Faces Fade (Domenico Cascarino & Luca Lombardi Chill Out Remix) 20:15 AUROSONIC, KATTY HEATH - My Good Place (Mark Otten Downtempo Remix) 20:12 DJ PAULBASS, DJ GORODNEV & P.KOLVINKOVSKY - Call Me (Lounge Mix) 20:08 HEAVN - Bright Lights 20:01 TORNIKE - Night Steps (Original Mix) 19:55 GREEN POINT ORCHESTRA - Miriam Dub 19:50 GARY B - Time To Slow It Down 19:47 LOST FREQUENCIES, FLYNN - Recognise (Acoustic Version) 19:42 ATB - Let U Go (Schiller Remix) 19:38 MICHAEL E - People Watching (Rubber Neck Mix) 19:32 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Soiree Rouge (feat. Blueberry) 19:28 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Reason To Forgive (Piano Mix) 19:23 ANDAIN - Much Too Much (Zetandel Chill Remix) 19:19 EMMA HEWITT - These Days Are Ours (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 19:13 CHRISTIAN HORNBOSTEL - Waiting At Potsdamer Chaussee 19:08 SUNLOUNGER, ZARA TAYLOR - Lost (Chill Version) 19:04 ALY & FILA, JWAYDAN - We Control The Sunlight (Chill Out Mix) 19:00 MICHAEL ANGELO, MELISSA LORETTA - Hearts Unspoken (Christopher Breeze Chillout Mix) 18:53 KITARO - Matsuri 18:49 THOMAS ANDERS - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Acoustic Version) 18:44 SAGI REI - Fall Again 18:39 RHEINGOLD ENSEMBLE - Deja Bo 18:35 SUPER8 & TAB, JAN BURTON - Free Love 18:31 PIANOCHOCOLATE - Les Souvenirs (Original Mix) 18:27 AREA CODE 51 - Chillout In Paris 18:22 BISSEN, THE CROSSOVER - Washout (Piano Mix) 18:19 CJ STONE, ANNA TURSKA, SHERLOCK - Believe Me (Chill Out Classic Mix) 18:16 HOUSE MASSIVE, J. GOLUBEVA - Apologize 18:10 GAZEEBO - Shiny Lust 18:05 IT'S DIFFERENT - Tell Me 18:01 PELARI, COLLIN WEX, DOMINIQUE FRICOT - Oasis (CollinWex Chill Mix) 17:56 BLUE STAHLI - Corner (Ad Astra Remix) 17:53 MARIUS NEDELCU, RED HEAD - Rain (Acoustic Version) 17:48 ZETANDEL, TIFF LACEY - Cosmos (Original Mix) 17:44 NURKO, AUTREY - So Far Gone 17:41 LEMON ICE - Hello 17:34 LA NUIT DEL MAR - Everybody (Luxury Lounge Cafe Mix) 17:29 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - Paradise Deluxe 17:25 GORDON GECO - Fade In Away 17:20 HARD GREY, HOUSE REPUBLIC - Music Sounds Better With You (Eat More Cake Remix) 17:15 HESS IS MORE - Yes Boss 17:11 GABRIELA MENDEZ FUENTE - Romance In Ibiza (Orchester Lite Edit) 17:06 ATB - Still Here 17:00 LUSTRAL - Someone (Original Mix) 16:55 NAJEE - Center of the Heart 16:51 UNDER THE LAKE - Can't Believe It's True 16:47 MARION MEADOWS - Miami 16:42 PETER WHITE - Bittersweet 16:38 BLAIR BRYANT - Smooth Sailing Tonight 16:34 WALTER BEASLEY - Expressway 16:29 DREW DAVIDSEN - Double or Nothin' 16:25 BLAKE AARON - Shine 16:21 WAYMAN TISDALE - Way Up 16:17 ROD BEST - A Moment In Time 16:12 CHILLAXONIC - Quintessence 16:08 JACOB WEBB - Near the Amazon 16:04 PIECES OF A DREAM - Gettin' Through It 16:00 VERNON LOUIS HICKS - Je'anne (feat. Austin Jay) 15:55 BRAD ALEXANDER - Through the Fire (feat. Andrew Gouche) 15:51 PAUL DOZIER - Myrtle Beach 15:46 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Later Tonight 15:42 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Catalina Kiss 15:38 SEAN U - Xlr8 15:34 PAUL BROWN - Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise 15:30 NILS - The Hump 15:25 MICHAEL LEMMO - Nobody Knows 15:22 PEET PROJECT - Bring Me To Life 15:18 PHIL DENNY - Ride With Me 15:14 NORMAN BROWN - Spirit Power 15:09 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Keep Holding On 15:05 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Surviving the Storm 15:00 NICHOLAS COLE - Feelings 14:56 AL DEGREGORIS - Mauritius 14:53 DAVE SERENY - Talk To Me 14:48 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Morning In A Distant Land 14:43 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Domino Effect 14:39 RAINFOREST BAND - Annisa 14:35 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - My Saxophone 14:31 RICK HABANA - Eclipse 14:27 BENNETT B - MIdnight Passion 14:22 KIM WATERS - Go 14:18 GREGG KARUKAS - Show Me The Way 14:14 KEN NAVARRO - Into The Light 14:10 JAREZ - Take My Time 14:05 BRANDON WILLIS - Bring It On 14:00 PETER WHITE - Our Dance 13:56 DEON YATES - Suit and Tie 13:52 CAROL ALBERT - Sometime 13:47 JAY KING - Soulful Bossa Nova 13:43 THREESTYLE - Prime Time (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 13:39 CHRIS STANDRING - Snowfall 13:34 LIN ROUNTREE - Fluid 13:30 DANIEL DOMENGE - Always to Run 13:26 NILS - Waiting on Hold 13:21 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Miles And Miles To Go 13:17 JEANETTE HARRIS - Thankful (feat. Joel Bowers) 13:13 STEVE OLIVER - Chips And Salsa 13:09 RICHARD ELLIOT - Ricochet 13:04 EUGE GROOVE - Tango in Rio 13:00 ANDRE DELANO - Vocalistic 12:56 OLI SILK - the Limit's the Sky 12:52 NILS - My Friends 12:48 JACKIEM JOYNER - Trinity 12:44 PIECES OF A DREAM - One for the Money 12:39 NELSON RANGELL - Welcome Home 12:35 NORMAN BROWN - Up 'N' At 'Em 12:30 GERRY SMOOTH - Let's Dance 12:27 DEAN JAMES - Georgia On My Mind (feat. Salio) 12:24 WALTER BEASLEY - Be Thankful 12:19 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Attitude Indicator 12:16 NICHOLAS COLE - It Ain't Over 12:11 KEN POWE - Wish You Were Here 12:08 VINCENT INGALA - Personal Touch 12:03 JEREMY HECTOR - Islander 12:00 MARK JAIMES - ABC 11:56 BENNETT B - Buenos Aires 11:51 MICHAEL LINGTON - Til the Morning Light 11:47 MARCUS ANDERSON - Hazelnut 11:42 JAWANZA KOBIE - Let Me Lead 11:37 KEN NAVARRO - By My Side 11:32 GEORGE JINDA - Beautiful Gold 11:29 DAVID BENOIT - @Home 11:24 JULIAN VAUGHN - Ecstasy 11:20 RICK BRAUN - Love Will Find a Way 11:17 DEON YATES - Wiseguys 11:12 ALTHEA RENE - Inner Circle 11:09 JAY KING - I Once Had Your Love 11:04 ROB TARDIK - You Know What I Mean 11:00 BOBBY LYLE - Living In The Flow 10:55 TONY LINDSAY - Soul Soldier 10:51 LES SABLER - Tranquility 10:47 ADAM HAWLEY - Just A Friend Of Mine 10:42 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - Carmelita 10:38 LEBRON - Red Hook 10:34 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Wake up the Groove 10:30 JOY RIDE - Joy Ride 10:25 EUGE GROOVE - Of Course 10:21 PAUL BROWN - The Rhythm Method 10:17 NILS - Don't Hold Back 10:13 FOSTINA DIXON - More 10:09 JACKIEM JOYNER - Europa (feat. Keiko Matsui) 10:04 STEVE OLIVER - Long Road 10:00 NORMAN BROWN - West Coast Coolin' 09:55 RAGAN WHITESIDE - Gonna Fly 09:51 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Huggy Bear 09:46 DAVE KOZ - Surrender 09:42 PAUL JACKSON JR. - B.F.A.M. (Brothers from Another Mother) 09:38 FREDDIE FOX - No U Turn 09:34 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - That Moment 09:30 VINCENT INGALA - Sexy Mama 09:25 JOYCE COOLING - Jelly on My Jacket 09:21 CHAN HALL, TONY CRADDOCK - Stay Awhile 09:17 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Your Smile 09:12 PIECES OF A DREAM - Just Do It! 09:09 JESSY J - Mr. Prince 09:05 BRANDON WILLIS - Next Friday 09:00 KEN NAVARRO - Stoned Soul Picnic 08:57 ERIC DARIUS - Heaven Sent 08:52 RICHARD ELLIOT - Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing 08:48 JULIAN VAUGHN - Loving You 08:44 RICK BRAUN - Me And You 08:39 ANDY SNITZER - She Loves Me 08:34 DREAMING IN COLOUR - Yearbook 08:29 AL DEGREGORIS - Odyssey 08:24 BOB BALDWIN - It's a New Day 08:20 MARION MEADOWS - Consequences 08:17 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Pocket Love 08:13 PETER HEROLD - Something About The Name Jesus 08:09 CRAIG SHARMAT - Outside In 08:04 PETER WHITE - Walk On By 08:00 JAY KING - Baby Lets Dance Tonight 07:56 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - If I Told You 07:50 CINDY BRADLEY - Sonny's Home 07:45 PAUL BROWN - Las Vegas 07:41 PHIL DENNY - Kinda Wanna 07:36 JAREZ - All Night 07:31 JACKIEM JOYNER - In Love Again 07:27 MICHAEL ROSS - On the Beach with You 07:22 CHRIS GODBER - Energy 07:16 MARCUS ANDERSON - I Surrender All 07:12 RAGAN WHITESIDE - How Do You Know (vocal) 07:08 DAVE KOZ - Together Again 07:04 BE'NE MUSIC - Journey 07:00 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - When I See The Sunshine In You 06:56 BLUEY - You Are the One 06:51 GERALD ALBRIGHT - So Amazing 06:47 DEE BROWN - Deep Secrets (feat. Blair Bryant) 06:44 KENNY PORE - Love Crossover 06:39 BLAKE AARON - Groovers and Shakers (feat. Darren Rahn) 06:35 PATRICK YANDALL - Down at the Shell 06:31 NILS - Let's Bounce 06:27 DREW DAVIDSEN - I'm Into You (feat. Ron Tyson) 06:23 ERIC DARIUS - Jean Maries Groove (Dedication for Prvcy Jeans) 06:19 PETER WHITE - Stormfront 06:15 REGGIE CORDINGTON - Waterfalls 06:10 VINCENT IOIA - Caribbean Nights 06:04 OLI SILK - This Was Then, That Is Now 06:00 DAN SIEGEL - A World Away 05:56 GREGORY GOODLOE - All the Way 05:51 ROBERTO RESTUCCIA - That's It For Tonight 05:47 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - I Love Your Smile 05:42 RICHARD ELLIOT - Moomba 05:38 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Beautiful 05:34 VINCENT INGALA - Baby I'm Hooked (Right Into Your Love) 05:30 TONY SAUNDERS - Celebrate You 05:26 FREDDIE FOX - Southern Ways 05:22 MARCUS ANDERSON - Paisley Red 05:18 KIM WATERS - Hidden Treasure 05:13 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Plantation Key 05:09 ROB TARDIK - Flip Flop 05:05 AL DEGREGORIS - Connect the Dots 05:00 MEKIEL REUBEN - Stop Stalling 04:56 JAREZ - Driving Force (feat. Willie Bradley) 04:52 NORMAN BROWN - Won't You Stay 04:48 JAKOB MAGNUSSON - Hook, Line & Sinker 04:44 JIM ADKINS - Into the Storm 04:40 CHUCK LOEB - Springs 04:36 BONEY JAMES - Solid 04:33 MILES GILDERDALE - Where I'm Going 04:29 EDGARDO CINTRON - Together Again 04:25 MARK ETHEREDGE - Resonance (Remastered) 04:21 DEE LUCAS - Zimbabwe 04:17 PETER WHITE - Life Story 04:12 KEITH MASON - He's Holy 04:08 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Let's Ride 04:04 MARCUS JOHNSON - Sunday @ Sequoia 04:00 DAVE BAKER - California Dreaming (feat. Rich Kurtz & Walter Runge) 03:56 MARC ANTOINE - Groovin' High 03:52 JEANETTE HARRIS - People Make The World Go Round 03:47 ANDRE CAVOR - Heaven 03:43 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Second Date 03:38 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Flower Child 03:34 GARY MEGGS - Life's Little Changes 03:30 DON VINO - Worried (Feat. Tye Platinum) 03:27 WADE C. LONG - Happy Go Lucky 03:23 TERENCE YOUNG - Love Ballad 03:19 JAZMIN GHENT - Kickin It Up 03:14 REZA KHAN - Painted Stories 03:11 BENNETT B - Together We Stand 03:08 ADAM HAWLEY - Dance With Me (Feat. Gerald Albright) 03:04 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Sexy Love 03:00 CHRIS STANDRING - Whatever She Wants 02:57 VINCENT INGALA - Look At Me (I'm In Love) 02:52 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Photo Shoot 02:48 RONALD BOO HINKSON - Simply Beautiful St. Lucia 02:44 CAROL ALBERT - Fly Away Butterfly 02:40 GIL - You & Me 02:35 GINO ROSARIA - Island Life 02:31 ROB TARDIK - That's a Strut 02:26 AL DEGREGORIS - East 86th 02:22 DAVE KOZ - Can't Let You Go (The Sha La Song) (feat. Luther Vandross) 02:18 JAREZ - All Of Me 02:15 PEET PROJECT - Down to the Lake 02:11 DEE BROWN - Love You Too 02:07 EUGE GROOVE - Hey Boo 02:03 2UNES - Rock Steady 02:00 RICK HABANA - LA to KC (feat. Blair Bryant) 01:55 DEE LUCAS - Dollar Bill 01:51 JACKIEM JOYNER - Close 2 You 01:45 DEE LUCAS - Take The L 01:41 PETER WHITE - Venice Beach 01:36 NELSON RANGELL - That's the Way of the World 01:32 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Night Out 01:28 KENNEY POLSON - Love on a Two Way Street 01:23 MARC ANTOINE - Follow Your Bliss 01:18 MADOCA - Surrender 01:13 AMANDUS - Chrome Improvement 01:09 MICHAEL HAGGINS - Gift To The World 01:05 PETER HEROLD - The Way You Are 01:00 RANDY SCOTT - Intimacy 00:56 SONIX - Cloud 9 00:52 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Chica Timida 00:47 DAVID DAVIS - If Your Girl Only Knew 00:42 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Now I'm on My Way 00:38 GREGG KARUKAS - Fly Away (Thinking of You) 00:35 BEN TANKARD - Afternoon Nap 00:31 J. WHITE - Just Ride 00:27 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Flowin' with It 00:21 NICK COLIONNE - Whatcha Gonna Do 00:18 DANNY LERMAN - Saxsultan 00:14 JOYCE COOLING - Take Me There 00:09 LOWELL HOPPER - Night Song 00:04 CHRIS GODBER - Soul Searchin 00:00 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Hang On To Your Love
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spoilertv · 3 days
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scottelkartwork · 13 days
Fuse Glass Prize, 2024
Jam Factory, Adelaide
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The FUSE Glass Prize is a biennial prize for Australian and New Zealand artists working in glass. It provides a platform for artists to push themselves and their work to new limits and focuses public attention on the importance of glass as a medium for contemporary artistic expression.
Kate Baker (NSW)
Clare Belfrage (SA)
Annette Blair (NSW)
Mel Douglas (ACT)
Hannah Gason (ACT)
Katie-Ann Houghton (ACT)
Tom Moore (SA)
lan Mowbray (Vic)
Nick Mount (SA)
Kirstie Rea (NSW)
Layla Walter (NZ)
Kathryn Wightman (NZ)
Madeline Cardone (NSW)
Hamish Donaldson (Vic)
Alexandra Hirst (SA)
Emeirely Nucifora-Ryan (ACT)
Ember Satyn (SA)
Carman Skeehan (SA)
What I connect with…
Great exhibition in a beautiful dark space allowing the varied glass works to shine. Would have loved to see a bit more light shining through some of the works to tell us this is glass. Lots of glass here pretending to be other things. Wonderful work.
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stingadam · 10 months
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So we got some fine picture of a manic here in a few poses. This is because Kirstie hate my pose I drew so I had to recreate some new poses. Also here a picture of blair
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newagesispage · 1 year
                                                               JANUARY        2023
Happy New Year babies!!!!  
Billy Porter has been added to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Predictors are saying that book stores are making a comeback and that mocktails will be big in 2023. The reasoning is that people drank way too much during Covid and also discovered they like REAL books. High -end dive bars and jello shots are also trending.   It also seems that we have a bit of a 70’s revival going on.
The new USPS stamps for 2023 have been revealed: Look for John Lewis, Tomie dePaula, the Everglades, skateboard art, life magnified, bridges and the Northern Cardinal.
Days alert: I am miserable about Xander and Sarah. And nobody knows what to think of this shady Eric. Is it Eric? Has he just plain had enough of the good guy image? Samantha needs to come to town and be an angel. I mean it would be great cuz you could never trust it. So glad that Roman and Kate are together but let’s give them a real story!! Let’s not push Abe and Paulina too far in the background. We all love them!!!!!!
Sexual assault news: Steven Tyler has been accused of sexual assault of a minor.** Andrew Tate, an influencer, kickboxer, reality show dude and his brother, Tristan were arrested for human trafficking. They are suspected of recruiting, housing and exploiting women by forcing them to create porn to sell.
A new test can detect 20 different kinds of cancer with 1 blood sample.
With so many movies making it seem like everybody wants a ride in Santa’s sleigh, I guess there should be more amusement rides like that.
Word is that Election is back in Tracy Flick can’t win.
Variety named Psycho the best movie of all time. I have been saying that for years. I realize there are many important films but I can think of nothing that changed the game like this one.  
The DNC has replaced Iowa with South Carolina as the first primary State.** The new DNC chair in the house is Hakeem Jeffries.
Dolly’s Magic Mountain Christmas. Bless her heart.
I guess Q-Elon just wanted an all -out already popular site to spread their propaganda. He loves diet coke too. What is in that shit? ** Musk is no longer the world’s richest man.
The singers from the Charlie Brown Christmas show were finally given credit and paid some back pay!! It’s about time.
Warnock won in Georgia.
Trump’s company was found guilty on 17 counts of fraud. ** Trump is selling virtual cards with his  picture for $99 a pop.  
Look for Donald Glover as Hypno- Hustler, Antoine Desloin with a script written by Myles Murphy.
Sometimes I am astonished at how big the Hallmark movies have become. I don’t think I get it.
The owner of Thomas Murray woodworking has been arrested for multiple counts of fraud for services never performed.  
Time’s person of the year is Volodymyr Zelensky and the spirit of Ukraine. Zelensky came to Washington and visited Biden. The Ukraine Pres gave a speech which was mostly well received. Pelosi looked like she was going to eat him alive. Republicans in the house will probably try to stop money from going to the cause.
Leslie Jones, Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler, Jordan Klepper and Roy Wood Jr. Will fill in as Trevor Noah leaves the Daily Show. Who will finally be the next host?
I really miss the show Stumptown!!
Some cheap rags are reporting that the Idaho murders are part of some new Manson loving family. In fact Bryan Kohberger was arrested for the murder of 4 in Idaho.
The numbers are coming out and about twice as many republicans died from Covid than Democrats.
R.I.P. Brad William Henke, Pope Benedict, Maureen Arthur, Kirstie Alley, Gary Friedkin, Ronnie Turner, Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss, Georgia Holt, Dorothy Pitman- Hughes, Helen Slayton-Hughes, Lee Lorenz, June Blair, Bob Mcgrath, Sonya Eddy, Dino Danelli, Daniel Brush, Leonard Mancini, Cecelia Marshall, Gaylord Perry, Thom Bell, Elayne Jones, Stephen Greif, Jo Mersa Marley, Franco Harris, John Aniston, Neal Jimenez, Tony Vaccaro, Bob Penny, Ian Tyson, Robert J. Dowling, Barara Walters, Pele, Vivienne Westwood, Shirley Watts, Brandon Royer and Justin Royer.
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billherbert23 · 2 years
The Great Slowing Down versus Poet MacDiarmid (3)
The Great Slowing Down versus Poet MacDiarmid (3)
3 The interiorising impulse is a normal part of most writers’ cycle of composition and publication, but it became stronger for me with my father’s death, after which I spent a couple of years darting off to any far-off place that invited me, blogging re the Dundee Makarship but not editing the posts into anything, and stringing tweets into absurd Informationist tales, which, probably sensibly,…
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The songs of & Juliet Part 1 [Part 2, Part 3]
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Have I mentioned I would die for the & juliet cast.
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howieabel · 2 years
Given the appalling hand dealt to what is now the backbone of the country’s working-age population, it is increasingly hard to understand why the right is obsessed with younger adults being soft and feckless. Kirstie Allsopp’s comments last week – that many young people can buy homes, they just need to move to places where there are no jobs – is the latest instance of misplaced piety blaming the housing crisis on a penchant for avocados and coffee.
It’s really not that complicated: in 1997, as Tony Blair entered Downing Street, the average house price was 4.5 times the average wage. A decade later, as he left the top job, that figure had more than doubled to 9.5 times. That is where they remain.
The desire to depict millennials and gen Z as weak and work-shy is entirely at odds with the facts: not only are adults in their 30s less likely to own a home than 20 years ago, and be in more debt, they are earning less than people their age a decade ago too. Young adults have never been hit this hard before, including after previous recessions: real hourly earnings for people in their 20s grew by 23% in the seven years after the recession of the early 1980s, and by 4% after the early 90s.
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scared-aquarius · 3 years
The worst of your zodiac sign
***Im very aware that these people vary GREATLY in horribleness, I am not equating them***
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(L to R: Logan Paul, Quentin Tarantino, Tessa Brooks, Thomas Jefferson, Chris D’Elia, Sam Pepper, Dylann Roof, Danielle “Bhad Bhabie” Bregoli, Piers Morgan, Perez Hilton, Dennis Quaid, Ted “Unabomber” Kaczynski, John Lennon, Kourtney Kardashian, Brendon Urie, Hugh Hefner, Clyde Barrow, Rick Harrison)
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(L to R: Chris Brown, Melanie Martinez, Saddam Hussein, Chase Hudson, Mark Zuckerberg, Candace Owens, Albert Fish, Big Ed, Blac Chyna, Nikocado Avocado, Adolf Hitler, Melania Trump, Noah Beck, 6ix9ine, Austin McBroom, John Wilkes Booth, Stephen Baldwin, Lena Dunham)
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(L to R: Donald Trump, Iggy Azalea, Scott Disick, Mike Pence, Amy Schumer, Kanye West, James Charles, Cryaotic, Boris Johnson, David “Son of Sam” Berkowitz, Lance Stewart, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Burr, Azalea Banks, KSI, Alissa Violet, Jeffrey Dahmer, Carole Baskin)
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(L to R: Bill Cosby, Nicole Arbour, Tom Cruise, Shane Dawson, Elon Musk, Henry VIII, Khloé Kardashian, Drake Bell, Jaclyn Hill, Curtis Lepore, O.J. Simpson, Chris Pratt, Michael Vick, Gary Busey, Tana Mongeau, Wendy Williams, Kevin Hart, Lele Pons)
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(L to R: Kevin Spacey, Kylie Jenner, LeafyIsHere, Lori Loughlin, Bill Clinton, Morgz, Tony Lopez, Fidel Castro, Casey Affleck, Joe Rogan, Mark Salling, Dixie D’Amelio, Rodney Alcalca, Tomi Lahren, Lil Pump, Benito Mussolini, June Shannon, Bryce Hall)
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(L to R: R. Kelly, Lea Michele, ProJared, Ivan the Terrible, Alfie Deyes, Gene Simmons, Charlie Sheen, Louis C.K., Ed Gein, Blaire White, Gertrude Baniszewski, Jason Derulo, Sean Connery, Laura Lee, Michael Jackson, Jared from Subway, Genghis Khan, Abby Lee Miller)
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(L to R: Kim Kardashian, Dr. Luke, Lil Wayne, Lee Harvey Oswald, SSSniperWolf, Bella Thorne, George Zimmerman, FaZe Banks, Vladimir Putin, Jacob Sartorius, Addison Rae, Simon Cowell, Eminem, Margaret Thatcher, Halsey, Nikolas Cruz, Gwenyth Paltrow, Milo Yiannopoulos)
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(L to R: Rachel Dolezal, Charles Manson, Ivanka Trump, Pablo Picasso, Aaron Hernandez, Erika Costell, Kendall Jenner, Michael Peterson, Dr. Mike, Jeffrey Star, Onision, Roseanne Barr, Tyga, Caitlyn Jenner, RiceGum, Drake, Belle Gunness, Kris Jenner)
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(L to R: Woody Allen, Austin Jones, Joseph Stalin, Armin Meiwes, Snooki, Daddyofive, Jay-Z, Pablo Escobar, Sia, Ted Bundy, Tyra Banks, Teala Dunn, Ed Kemper, Anne Coulter, Emperor Nero, James Holmes, Vanessa Hudgens, Billy the Kid)
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(L to R: Jeff Bezos, Jake Paul, Ajit Pai, Matt Lauer, Eric Trump, Kid Rock, Kirstie Alley, Al Capone, Betsy DeVos, Vlad the Impaler, Ted Cruz, Kim Jong-un, Noah Cyrus, Brent Rivera, Mel Gibson, Lovely Peaches, Mini Ladd, Donald Trump Jr.)
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(L to R: J.K. Rowling, Gary Ridgway, Alex Jones, Emma Roberts, Ronald Reagan, Xxxtentacion, John Travolta, fouseyTUBE, Nikita Dragun, Ellen Degeneres, Jeffrey Epstein, Gabbie Hanna, JayStation, Brett Kavanaugh, Hannah Stocking, Social Repose, Tati Westbrook, Paris Hilton)
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(L to R: Osama Bin Laden, Aileen Wuornos, Delphine LaLaurie, John Wayne Gacy, Mitch McConnell, Joe Exotic, Martin Shkreli, Keemstar, Camila Cabello, Ansel Egort, Richard Ramirez, Ivana Trump, Justin Bieber, Bruce Willis, Bugsy Siegel, Dennis “BTK” Rader, Toby Turner, Harvey Weinstein)
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dekaohtoura · 6 years
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