#Kishi Controller
internal-ethics · 7 months
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2003 tbrm looks like a doll thats bathed in virginal uchiha blood
2003 hsrm looks like he painted his nails, joined a band and called himself Lil' Wood
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toryhis · 11 months
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In the last minutes of the fight, Tristan had only one eye dark. Did that mean Tristan wasn't putting his best foot forward? Maybe he was just trying not to lose control of his demon powers...
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ammaterasu · 2 years
the anime : every one helping Naruto form the rasengan
Kishimoto : only Naruto forms the rasengan bc the fight bw him and sasuke is about them two alone. And it's his passion for sasuke that drives him and gives him strength (not his other bonds).
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viatorix · 2 years
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taintedco · 5 months
Esport Certified | Gaming Gear
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goodguygadgets · 2 years
Award-winning Razer Kishi V2 mobile gaming controller now available for iPhone
Following the release of Kishi V2 for Android, Razer brings console-quality controls to the iPhone for the ultimate mobile gaming experience. #WinItYourWay #RazerKishiV2iPhone #RazerPH @razer
Following the release of the award-winning Razer Kishi V2 for Android, Razer, the world’s leading lifestyle brand for gamers, announced the brand’s latest addition to the popular mobile gaming controller lineup – the Razer Kishi V2 for iPhone. This new addition brings console-quality controls to all mobile platforms for the ultimate mobile gaming experience. Award-winning Razer Kishi V2 mobile…
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leportraitducadavre · 1 month
The reddit dudebros obsession with proving Sasuke is a twink or not masculine☠️
Its like they relate being masculine with morality...so ofcourse they deny sasuke his masculinity to make his objectives and themes meaningless
When objectively speaking..he comes off far more masculine than Naruto(even Itachi) and I think kishi made sure to highlight it because Sasuke IS supposed to be superior to everyone in konoha 11...thats is the core reason of naruto and sakura's(their fans as well) insecurities
Sex is used as a means of obtaining power, as the sexual act is a reflection of the sentimental relationship of the characters, they tend to put the character they consider superior in the "penetrating" position of the relationship and usually link this role with the masculine/dominant condition, while the "penetrated", that is, the one they consider the weaker of the two, is cataloged as the feminine/submissive one.
Sasuke's particular beauty is another reason, since delicacy and beauty are characteristics usually associated with the feminine; while strong and hard features are related to the masculine.
I wrote something about this topic, so I'll copy it here:
Addition: Male characters that either present culturally associated female behaviors or male characters that the fandom perceives as female-coded. This specific point is more inclined towards, in its majority, yaoi shippers (such a fanbase mostly consists of female readers) that create and develop romantic dynamics between two or more male characters. The creation of such relationships isn’t bad or toxic per se, however, many of these fans portray these types of relationships with a heteronormative premise, in doing so, they give one of the two characters involved female-coded behaviors. It’s interesting to note how most of the time the male characters that the fandom links to such prototypical feminine conducts are Uchiha characters (particularly Sasuke and Madara), which are both the most beautifully designed (it’s often brought up in the manga how alluring they are), and the ones canonically accused of having a “biological” condition that makes them too emotional and therefore dangerous. It’s, again, a patriarchal and misogynistic mindset that associates females (or the characters associated with such archetypal conduct) with emotional responses due to biological conditions that they have no control of in order to diminish their merits, dismiss their ideas, downgrade their participation in government affairs and deny them of any political power. [And let’s not forget that many of the people reproducing such beliefs also consider themselves “feminists” whose idea of activism is creating female characters that follow the patriarchal standard analyzed previously -like many Sakura fix-it fanfictions]. Furthermore, they “balance” such chaotic behavior from the female-coded characters by pairing them with “virile” characters (often using Naruto, Hashirama, and Tobirama) that are able to “control” and/or withstand the emotional responses from their partners. It’s still a sexist mindset and conduct that gets merged with their idea of feminism, destroying the actual purpose of the movement and consequentially reproducing both the misogynistic values that downgrade and/or diminish women (and males with female-coded behaviors) and fetishize LGTB+ relationships, reducing them to a prototypical patriarchal heteronormative dynamic.
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stu-dyingstudent · 5 days
I really do wish that Naruto delve more into the fear that comes with being a ninja. They are literally child soldiers. Sakura in specific is a very emotional character and kishi could've done so much more with that than he did. In og she didn't really have any sort of fallback that the rest of the cast had (referring to the rookie nine and specifically Naruto and Sasuke). No bloodline abilities or secret jutsu, just her sharp mind and chakra control. Meaning, if she were to be the one taking the brunt of a fight she would have to resort to playing dirty, strategic, and a bit more raw. Sakura wouldn't have the same luxury that Naruto has since her abilities don't allow for her to simply "never give up" and try to convince the opponents of their wrongdoings. With her chakra reserves, lack of jutsu and training she would have to aim to kill and fast. I feel like Sakura's first kill could've been a huge moment for her in the series. It would mark the realization that this is the life of a shinobi and I feel like Sakura would not take it lightly. Out of the graduation class, her and Naruto were the most naive about their profession due to the lack of exposure they had growing up since neither had a clan to instill this harsh reality. However, out of the two of them, I feel that this is an understanding which Sakura could've benefited from early on in the series.
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The final match of the chunin exams
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In ch. 98, Neji was warming up for his match with Naruto. And in the nxt page it shows, Naruto who didn't sleep well due to the nervousness of thinking about his fight with Neji.
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In the final day of the Chunin Exam Naruto had gone to the training ground. Why did he go there in the first place? Was it because he was confident that Sasuke would be the one he was going to fight? Or did he walk into that place unknowingly??. Whatever the reason, he didn't expect anyone to be in that place anyway. So, when Hinata asked him why he was there, he said that this was were he became a Genin. But when she asked the 'why' question again, he tried to avoid it.
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H: 「どうして?」 = dōshite? = Why? (It is used for asking the reason)
N: 「ベ... べつに! そんなのどーだっていいじゃ ん!」 = be... betsu ni ! sonna no doudatte ii jan! = N-Nothing....! That doesn't matter/ I don't care about that!
べつに which imparts dismissive undertones when you use it with いいじゃん. He's adding 「いいじゃん」 it usually uses to make your point, express your frustration, complain or to talk back to someone. そんなの can be used in a conversation when you have no interest in what the other say.
Still nervous about his match but at the same time he was worried about Sasuke vs Gaara match so he went to 'that ' training ground. If he is not going there for training, what is his reason for visiting this place? Even if he says there is no particular reason, we all know the right reason, right?
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This was where he becomes a genin. This was the place where Sasuke had offered his bento to Naruto. Sasuke has a goal and has been working hard since his young age to kill his brother, but at the time, all he cared about was feeding a hungry little fox his lunch, and ignoring all warnings that giving Naruto something to eat would disqualify him.
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The same place brought Naruto (as well as Sakura) memories of Sasuke.
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This is so funny lol...Kishi didn't let this slide in gaiden either... When Hinata made a bento for Naruto-Kun and all Naruto could think about is Sasuke when he gave his bento during his Bell Test.
While the others, including Neji, were at the training grounds for training, and Naruto was there to recalls about his 'The Bento' moments with Sasuke.
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Shikamaru was looking for his opponent Dosu among them and Naruto wondering when Sasuke would show up.
When it was time to think about his fight with Neji, Naruto's immediate concern was about Gaara and his brute strength (seen in the hospital when Gaara tried to kill Lee)... and He was ofcourse worried about Sasuke.
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His was excited hearing next match was Sasukes. He literally cannot control his emotional response when he heard about him.
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He encourages him not to lose to Gaara and declares that he wants to fight him. [lol susuke's face when naruto suddenly called his name] Just like after the second exam, it was Sasuke who gave him his acknowledgement....which gave him anticipation to fight him in the chunin exams. Now it's his chance to say it out loud to him in this final round.
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Naruto and Shikamaru were completely stunned by Gaara's power. Because he killed those two guys just like that....and it's terrifying to watch him walking through a pool of their blood.
But as soon as Naruto realized that Sasuke would die if the fight went on any longer...The thought of it terrifies him and he shivers all over...but he puts it aside and runs to Kakashi to stop the fight.
So Naruto was nervous about his match in the chunin finals, but he was more worried about Sasuke, which shows how much he cares about him. He's the one who yelled at the others not to give up... but when it comes to Sasuke, he can't stand it and goes to great lengths to stop the fight for Sasuke's safety.
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Sorry for the incoming rant ignore at your leisure:
Am I delulu for assuming Kishi writes Naruto events in a vacuum? Like he will like an idea put into the story with no care for how it would influence the other ideas in it. Like the whole Uchiha massacre is such a cool plot idea in part one that has you thinking about why an entire clan is gone and who could even be able to do something like that. Then you start to think for about five minutes and it’s just like huh?
Unless Konoha erected a sound barrier around the Uchiha compound you mean to tell me no one heard or saw them trying to escape or heard their screams? It would have been cool to see how Orwellian Konoha had gotten if Kishi had shown people just ignoring them asking for help or just blocking it out with ear plugs or something. The Uchiha were given the Police force to control, and you mean to tell me not one of them had built a meaningful relationship outside of their clan?
The Hyuga are the only other dojutsu clan in Konoha now that the Uchiha are gone and that doesn’t worry them? Konoha has stopped being the protection it once was and now it’s harming the Hyuga more than helping. It’s weird how Hiashi doesn’t take Sasuke in afterwards with the excuse that the Hyuga are only ones that could reasonably help him with his dojutsu, betroth him to Hanabi and leave.
Idk I think Kishi had some interesting elements laid out in Naruto and it’s disappointing to see them not taken that extra step forward. I know Naruto is a shonen and what I’m talking about is probably a whole other genre, but it hurts to see some of the potential in Naruto left aside.
Hi there anon. Please, bring all the rants you want, I love ranting! And I feel you! Totally!
About people not hearing anything during the massacre, I always assumed it was because their compound was located in the outskirts and probably far from the rest of the village. That is why Danzo wanted to segregate them, to make them easier to control and easier to kill. But I think it is safe to assume that the Uchiha didn't really have friendly relationships with the rest of the clans of Konoha. I believe there must have been a bias against them, not only because they were forced into a job position that was not bound to inspire much sympathy, but because nobody seemed to have a problem with their oppression. Nobody seems to care that the Uchiha were excluded from leadership, and in the anime nobody seems to care when Fugaku protests their segregation. The rest of the clan representatives remain silent as Fugaku's claims are dismissed by the Hokage.
You know, I don't want to bring any real life examples because I don't want anyone to be offended if an anime blog starts talking about real genocides. But it is sadly possible for people to see murder and cruelty before their eyes and do nothing. I don't know if that was exactly the case here, maybe they did not hear the screams that night, but the events leading to the massacre did not happen overnight. There was a structural oppression against the Uchiha, there was pseudoscientific racist bullshit spread by Konoha's leaders and the Uchiha were intentionally excluded. And nobody seemed to have any problem with that.
I also agree that it is weird there is no apparent relationship between the Uchiha and the Hyuga. You know, apart from the government-sanctioned bias against the Uchiha, since the Uchiha were excluded from normal ninja missions (apart from a few exceptions), I guess, there was less opportunity to create bonds or a sense of teamwork with other clans. And maybe this contributed to their ostracism. That is how I would explain their lack of relationship, but I agree that in reality it is probably due to lazy writing. Also, since each clan has its own set of traditions and, most importantly, its own secret techniques, I find unlikely that they would take someone from an outsider clan. To be honest, good riddance. I don't think Sasuke would have been any happy under the rule of that enslaver Hiashi.
But I feel you, yeah. The lost opportunities in this manga are extremely painful.
Thank you, anon. Come back with your rants anytime. I am sorry I took so long to answer, I really did not have time to right a long text and this ask deserved it. Take care!
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madara-fate · 3 days
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The first thing that person said is that "Sarada looks so much like Karin", when in reality the only thing they have in common with regards to their looks are the glasses, that's it. They then listed a bunch of preposterous "maybe" scenarios to try and justify their desperate theories, like how maybe Sakura was unable to get pregnant, and even the idea that maybe Karin actually switched their eggs behind Sakura's back, because that idea is obviously more plausible than the simple canon fact that Sarada is Sakura's biological daughter right? Yeah, Karin switching their eggs clearly makes more sense... Honestly these people are ridiculous. Sarada is not Karin's child, and the fact that people are still debating this canon fact is nothing short of fucking pathetic, I'm not even gonna try to sugarcoat that. What they're basically saying is that the characters and Kishimoto himself, are liars. How stupid is that? Seriously. Why would Kishi not want his audience to know the truth of his story?
Here's the bottom line...
The characters have explicitly indicted that Sarada is Sakura's biological child.
Kishimoto himself has explicitly indicated that Sarada is Sakura's biological child.
Another canonical indication of this is how Sarada inherited Sakura's "Shannaro!" verbal tic.
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Now some people may try to counter that by saying how you don't inherit personality or verbal traits like that. However, as I explicitly proved during this post, Kishi made it clear on multiple occasions that at least in the Naruto Universe, you do inherit those things.
Lastly, Sarada also inherited Sakura's immaculate chakra control. Now, it is indeed true that Sarada initially struggled with chakra control, but her potential for it was always there, hence the fact that she can use the chakra enhanced strength in the first place.
I remember coming a across a stupid post which I replied to over here. They basically said how Boruto gave more evidence for Sarada being Karin's child due to the fact that she apparently had to "copy" Sakura's strength, and how Sarada's chakra control wasn't inherited. But as I detailed in my response, the episode only explained how Sarada copied Sakura's movements in order to help her apply the chakra control. She didn't copy Sakura's chakra enhanced strength because this can't be copied with the Sharingan, it must be inherited.
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maoam · 10 months
this top/bottom discourse actually exists seriously in twitter and its wild like hell😭 theres like a barrier for those who prefer ns and sn😭 they do not get along well and its so ridiculous. the sn side makes fun of ns cus "ns mischaracterizes sasuke" when both ns and sn actually do. at this point idk if they just hate one of the characters cause the way they talk about the other says they hate him😭 i personally do not care about sns' sex positions, idk ig snstwt is just horny😭
It exists on here too, but not to the extent it does on twitter. Though some of the people who do it here are also on twitter lol.
Sn saying ns mischaracterize Sasuke? They're the ones who make him some super aggressive (sexually) dude who also woos Naruto and chases after him (they hate the fact Naruto chases after Sasuke in canon and that's how Kishi prefers their relationship, he likes Sasuke being aloof and hard to get lol, and he also mentioned how Naruto grow up to be more in control in how he handles Sasuke, while sn make him a doormat and oblivious).
I agree both sn and ns can be annoying on twitter. Though with ns it's mostly how some of them pretend Sasuke needs to be taken care of all the time lol like he can't function on his own (not all of them, but some of them). Oddly enough, Naruto is not that often mischaracterized in ns. Sn on the other hand treat Naruto like a bimbo woman. They talk EXACTLY like SS on twitter, obsessed with Sasuke's dick size and how their self insert is some ultra desired girlboss (despite Naruto being a dude).
Unfortunately there are many sns who hate one of them (Naruto or Sasuke), most often Sasuke. It's stupid, like why do you even ship them then? Just to feel desirable? Embarrassing. It's same like how SS hate on Sasuke or how NH act like Naruto doesn't really deserve Hinata. Shippers can be so gross.
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howhow326 · 4 months
For black history month, I think we should begin popularizing monsters from the African continent the same way European monsters are overpopularized. To that end, here's a list of some of the most famous folkloric figures from Africa!
Origin: Ghana (Akan)
Creature it is not: Dwarf
(Singular: Aboatia) Mmoatia are a subclass of abosom (spirits in between Man and Creator) that live in the forests of Ghana. They are short, have curved noses, backwards feet, and a unique language made up of only whistling sounds. Whistling in the forest is a sure way to get their attention. According to legend, they are phenomenal herbalists that will sometimes share their knowledge with humans. When a person gets lost in the woods, they are said to have been taken by Mmoatia. Humans who come back after being taken will become incredible medicine men. In Ghana, Dust Devils are called "Mmoatia Mframa" (Wind of Mmoatia) because they are belived to be a portal to their world similar to how fairyrings are treated in Ireland.
Mmoatia are divided into three tribes: Black, White, and Red. Black Mmoatia are supposedly harmless, while White and Red ones are always up to some kind of mischief.
Origin: Ghana (Ewe)
Creature it is not: Vampire
In Ewe culture, the Adze is a type of demonic spirit associated with witchcraft. They take the form of a fire fly that, during the night, crawls inside human beings in order to posses them. People possesd by the Adze are said to be witches, who use the spirit to slowly drain the life force of people that they envy (Old witches target the young, Poor witches target the wealthy, enslaved witches target their masters as they should).
When targeting a person, the Adze will leave it's host human during the night and crawl into the house of the victim. When it's close, it will drain blood from the victim like a mosquito.
Origin: Pan-African
Creature it is not: Werewolf
Just like how there are Werewolf stories all over Europe, there are Werehyena stories all over Africa. Compared to werewolves, which are said to be men cursed to be monsters, Werehyenas are actually monsters that disguise themselves as humans only to eat it's friends during the night. The people most likely to be werehyenas are village outsiders and blacksmiths, who are associated with magic.
In Angola, there is a similar (but not the same) creature to the werehyena called the Kishi. It is literally a two-faced demon that has a handsome man's body and face in the front, and a hyena's face in the back. This creature lures unsuspecting women into relationships so that it may eat them. If the Kishi has any male children with it's prey, it teaches them the art of femicide.
Mami Wata
Origin: Pan-African
Creature it is not: Mermaid (ok, it kinda is a mermaid but I need to keep the joke running)
Even more wide-spread than the Werehyena, Mami Wata is a figure so popular that it is common for water spirits in Africa to be retroactively labeld as Mami Wata and take on her iconography.
The most famous picture of Mami Wata is actually a french painting of a black Caribbean snake charmer, who west africans later identified as Her. Mami Wata is worshipped as a powerful, female river spirit that controls the flow of the river, the rate at which fish can be caught, the money that men can make, and several other things important to humanity. She is also said to be a seductress, who sleeps with unsuspecting men only to later kill them for cheating on their wives. Indeed, Mami Wata is a defender of women and a slayer of sinful and abusive men.
In many places, it is common to believe that women who drown or go missing in bodies of water were taken by Mami Wata to be taught magic. The women who return become pristessess to her, while the women who never come back become new Mami Watas.
Origin: South Africa (Zulu)
Creature it is not: Thunderbird (no hate, Thunderbird gets constantly thrown into things where it shouldn't be by people who don't understand it. And those people tend to be not native)
Impundulu, or Lightning Bird (NOT THUNDER BIRD), is a person sized Hamerkop bird that has the power to control the weather and summon lightning. It is also creature of evil magic, allied with witches and it has a never ending hunger for blood. It is said to sometimes take the form of a handsom young men in order to seduce women (why dose that keep happening).
Impundulu are immortal, and the ones that serve as witch familiars are passed down in the family as the old master dies and the child becomes grown. The bird is immune to gunshots, stabbing, drowning, and poison. It's only weakness is fire.
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I would prefer that Kubo leave the Hell Arc in limbo or decide to abandon the arc all together since what a shitty writer he is. I have no faith that he will make the story any good. That is just my two cents on the matter.
I'd rather he ditched it all together, actually...
I hate it with such a passion!
The ending was already stupid, but Captain-level Shinigami MANDATORILY going to Hell? Miss me with that shit!
"Oh but their Reiatsu!"
Just no.
Let's go through this again...
Imagine a fucking car, if you will.
Reishi would be both the car and the fuel.
Reiryoku is the engine.
Reiatsu is the ouput of energy. It's what makes the car actually move.
Now. If you your car breaks down or you just stop putting fuel into it, the engine won't work and it won't move. At all!
So, a Shinigami dies.
The Reishi, which is pretty much constant, is absorbed by the environment...
No Reiryoku working to produce Reiatsu. They're dead.
The Reiatsu ceases to exist. It's not matter. It's energy.
The Soul is detached from these 3 factors. It moves on, into the World of the Living, where you are reborn into a Kishi body.
End of story...
This is the only logical thing. It's what I accept.
The only way I would accept the Hell Arc would be if, at the end of it, all our suspicions that we (and the characters) were lied to was proved right...
How it could go:
There's no need for Hell. Hell was artificially fabricated to throw souls into it that serve as slaves and "food" for Oetsu's modified Zanpakuto.
The original Zanpakuto were simply metal, though a special one. The souls Oetsu began infusing them with serve as a way to control each and every Zanpakuto if Squad Zero needs.
The Soul King's Palace has a direct gate into Hell, that Ichibei uses.
Squad Zero are the villains. They're also liars. They're actually not really needed as they stand.
"Ichigo" is a very advanced fake.
The real one is chained inside the crystal. They tried mutilating him, but it didn't work. Because, unlike the first Reio, he's not the origin of the various powers, but it's convergence point.
He can use them, as Shirosaki kept hitting Squad Zero with instant regeneration, driving them to keep him chained inside the crystal.
Unbeknownst to them, Ichigo grows stronger for the twelve years he's in there.
Finally he shatters the crystal and straight up murders all of Squad Zero. (maybe not hikifune)
Not more rebirth for them. He destroys their Zanpakuto...
Ichigo goes on a rampage in Hell, destroying it completely and freeing the souls onto the rebirth cycle. (did Kubo forget the punishment for evil people is supposed to be reborn as insects and such? Because I didn't...)
The Shinigami that were wrongfully thrown into Hell are also freed.
Ukitake and Unohana become the first Second Generation guards for the new Soul King... The real Ichigo.
Ichigo comes down to Soul Society to everyone's surprise.
The fake Ichigo and the illegally conceived child are devoid of powers and sent back to the World of the Living.
(insert whatever you want to happen to everyone and their mother back in Karakura...)
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sasukesun · 4 months
is that true that nowhere is stated that kishi didn’t write databooks? i mean he is credited as the author and databooks are supplemental guides to the manga, but there are some contradictional moments... anyway, why would he approve information that does not correspond to the original manga?
why would kishimoto write anything that contradicts and exaggerates his own storytelling? kishimoto works for a company, it is unfortunate, but when you do that, you don’t have full control of what can be published or not, the same way he is credited in sasuke hetsuden but didn’t contribute to any of its writing. and no, him drawing a cover for it doesn’t mean he has read it, much less approved any of it, it just means the publisher wanted him to draw a cover and he did, for all the novels btw. databooks are a compilation by multiple editors and, as you’ve seen, they aren’t reliable since they contradict the manga. also, a story must stand on its own, if you need to search for extra material to prove your point, it means that your “evidence” isn’t on the original story huh.
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goodguygadgets · 2 years
Mobile gaming reimagined with the release of the Razer Kishi V2
Take mobile gaming to new heights and play full PC and console games directly on your phone with the Razer Kishi V2. #KishiV2 #RazerPH @razer
Razer™, the leading global lifestyle brand for gamers, today announced the launch of Razer Kishi V2 for Android, with an iPhone release confirmed for later this year. This announcement ushers in the next generation of the innovative and award-winning mobile gaming controller that brings console-quality controls and gameplay to the smartphone. Mobile gaming reimagined with the release of the…
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