#Kolkata Covid-19
mybeingthere · 1 month
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Viraj Khanna (b. 1995, Kolkata, West Bengal, India), a son of Indian fashion designer Anamika Khanna, studied business administration. But Covid-19 lockdown inspired his own textile creations:
"I attempted to create embroidery that can visually blur the distinction between embroidery and painting. I enjoy it when people disagree with me that the work is embroidered till they go and see it. The other style of work is related to ‘stylising’ an image. I am capturing moments that I think people tend to share on social media platforms and re-working the imagery with embroidery.
All my works are fully hand embroidered. In this body of work, there are two styles mainly, one is thread work done in ari and the other is French knots in zardosi. I have usually experimented with many different techniques together in one work, but not this time. The visual effects of the ‘French knot only’ work and the ‘thread only’ work excited me. This isn’t to say that this is my direction. I will keep experimenting and trying different materials and techniques with different narratives. The possibilities with different materials and the outcomes from the experimentation are what excite me."
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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India witnessed the rise of two large protest movements in last 2 years which saw millions taking to streets against the oppressive laws passed by the government. These were the Anti-CAA protests against the discriminative Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), and the farmers protests against the 3 pro-corporate farm laws. During the Anti-CAA protests, the loudest voices of dissent have been the women, from housewives to grandmothers, lawyers to students, women across India have been at the forefront of this struggle. This female-driven political awakening has been most jubilantly epitomized by the sit-in protest at Shaheen Bagh, drawing a cross-generational, largely female crowd never seen in India before [1]. Then came the farmer protests, where millions of farmers took to streets to fight the anti-farmer legislation that was passed in the Indian parliament and to highlight the issues of agrarian crisis which has been growing in India for the last few decades. In these protests, there is an unprecedented solidarity being displayed in the daily rallies that draw out thousands of people all over Indian cities. There are no visible leaders calling out to people to protest in one mode or another, yet the country has found a way to speak truth to power [2].
The Shaheen Bagh protest was led mostly by Muslim women, in response to the passage of the discriminative and unconstitutional CAA passed by Parliament of India and the police attack on students of Jamia Millia Islamia University. Protesters agitated not only against the citizenship issues of the CAA, National Register of Citizens (NRC) and National Population Register (NPR), but also against economic crisis, rising inequality, police brutality, unemployment, poverty and for women’s safety. The protesters also supported farmer unions, unions opposing the government’s anti-labour policies and protested against attacks on academic institutions. The protest started with 10–15 local women, mostly hijab wearing Muslim housewives, but within days drew crowds of up to a hundred thousand, making it one of the longest sit-in protests of this magnitude in modern India. The Shaheen Bagh protest also inspired similar style protests across the country, such as those in Gaya, Kolkata, Prayagraj, Mumbai, Chennai and Bengaluru. The protesters at Shaheen Bagh, since 14 December 2019, continued their sit-in protest in New Delhi using non-violent resistance for 101 days until 24 March 2020 when it ended due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Most of the women who came to Shaheen Bagh protest were first-time protesters, mostly homemakers, who were standing up to the government [3]. This was the first time they came out on a national issue which cut across religious lines. Some came with their newborns and children and some were grandparents. The women were center of protests and men supported them from the sidelines. They were creative and strategic. They governed their worlds quietly from the background and knew when a crisis needed them to cross invisible boundaries and step into the foreground. They emerged into the public space to collectively confront a looming crisis [2]. Armed with thick blankets, warm cups of tea and songs of resistance, these women have braved one of the coldest winters Delhi faced in the last 118 years [4]. These women were drivers of this protest, joining in irrespective of caste and religion, taking turns to sit-in at the site. They broke down the historically prevailing gender binary of patriarchy and took control. They also destroyed the popular imagination claiming Muslim women as powerless and lacking agency.
Shaheen Bagh in many ways typifies the protest movement that erupted across India as it was leaderless. No political party or organization could claim to be leading the protest. Instead, it was fueled primarily by these women who were residents of working-class neighborhoods of Shaheen Bagh. Since it was a leaderless protest, it could not be terminated by a few prominent organizers [5]. When they tried to “called off” the protest citing interference of political parties and security threats, the women of Shaheen Bagh rejected it and decided to continue the protests. The movement had no formal organizers and thrived on a roving group of volunteers and the local women’s tenacity alone. The lack of leaders also confused the police who are clueless on whom to approach to make these women vacate the site.
The protesters were supported and coordinated by a diverse group of more than hundred volunteers, including local residents, students and professionals. These volunteers organized themselves around different tasks such as setting up makeshift stages, shelters and bedding; providing food, water, medicine, and access to toilet facilities; installing CCTV cameras, bringing in electric heaters, outside speakers and collecting donations [6]. Donations includes mattresses, an assortment of tables that form the foundation of the stage and endless cups of steaming tea that provide warmth on cold winter days. Local residents formed informal groups which coordinated security, speakers, songs, and cultural programs that happened on these makeshift stages. People distributed tea, snacks, biryani, sweets and other eatables at the protest site. Some donated wood logs to keep the protesters warm. Collection drives for blankets and other essentials were organized through social media. A health camp was also set up beside the camped protesters which provided medicines for them. Doctors and nurses along with medical students from different medical institutes and hospitals voluntarily joined for the purpose [7]. A group of Sikh farmers from Punjab came and set up a langer (free community kitchen) in the area.
The space was decorated with art and installations [8]. Stairways leading to the closed shops in the vicinity of the protest circle were transformed into a public library and art centre by student volunteers from Jamia along with the young children of Shaheen Bagh. Protest art became the voice of resistance and dissent during the event, and the area was covered in murals, graffiti, posters and banners [9]. A reading area called “Read for Revolution” had been set up with hundreds of crowd-sourced books as well as writing materials [10]. A nearby bus stop was converted into the Fatima Sheikh-Savitribai Phule library, which provided material on the country’s constitution, revolution, racism, fascism, oppression and various social issues [11]. Public reading spaces were created for the cause of dissent and to amplify the idea of education amongst the protesters of Shaheen Bagh. Since a majority of women of Shaheen Bagh have stepped out of their homes for the first time, this was an attempt to bring these women closer so that they read and facilitate the social change they exemplify. Besides young children, senior citizens, working people, domestic workers and many from Shaheen Bagh and nearby areas were occupying the area, choosing books or picking up colors and chart paper, while some also come to donate their old books and stationery.
लड़ो पढ़ाई करने को, पढ़ो समाज बदलने को (Fight To Read, Read To Change)
The children who were present alongside parents also participated in the protest. Most of these children would visit school in the morning before joining their parents at the protest site, which became an art space for many children [12]. They would express their thoughts and join in the protest through storytelling, poetry, puppetry, singing and painting. Student volunteers engaged the local children in reading, painting and singing, and held informal reading lessons.
Speeches, lectures, rap and shayari poetry readings were held every day [13]. Activists, artists and social workers came and gave talks on various issues faced by Muslims, Dalits, Adivasis, the disabled, LGBTQ people, and all those who are oppressed. The stage is democratic and hosts poets and professors, housewives and elders, civil society groups and civic leaders, actors and celebrities and of course students – from Jamia, JNU to the local government schools. A large number of women participate in open-mics to express their thoughts, many speaking in public for the first time. The protestors read the Preamble of the Constitution which reminds them of their rights of Liberty, Equality and Justice. If the Shaheen Bagh stage had a bias, it is towards women and those, from academia and elsewhere, who can educate them not just on CAA-NRC-NPR, but also the freedom struggle, Ambedkar, Gandhi and the ideas that animate the preamble to the constitution [13]. The chants of “inquilab zindabad (long live the revolution!)”and “save the Constitution” filled the site. At night people would watch films and documentaries which were screened on the site, about refugee crisis, anti-fascist struggles and revolution. Musical and cultural events were also conducted in solidarity with anti-CAA protests. This occupy protest provided an example of how to create a community without government support by voluntary association and mutual aid, make decisions in a democratic way where everyone takes part and decentralize power by having no organizers or leaders who control everything. These elements of anarchist organizing is also visible in the farmers’ protest.
Small and marginal farmers with less than two hectares of land account for 86.2% of all farmers in India, but own just 47.3% of the crop area. A total of 2,96,438 farmers have committed suicide in India from 1995–2015 [14]. 28 people dependent on farming die by suicide in India every day [15]. India is already facing a huge agrarian crisis and the 3 new laws have opened up door for corporatization of agriculture by dismantling the Minimum Support Price (MSP) leaving the farmers at the mercy of the big capitalist businesses.
The farmers protest began with farmers unions holding local protests against the farmer bills mostly in Punjab. After two months of protests, farmers from Punjab and Haryana began a movement named Dilli Chalo (Go to Delhi), in which tens of thousands of farmers marched towards the nation’s capital [16]. The Indian government used police to attack the protesters using water cannons, batons, and tear gas to stop them from entering Delhi. On 26 November 2020, the largest general strike in the world with over 250 million people, took place in support of the farmers [17]. A crowd of 200,000 to 300,000 farmers converged at various border points on the way to Delhi. As protest, farmers blocked the highways surrounding Delhi by sitting on the roads [18]. Transport unions representing 14 million truck drivers also came out in support of the farmers. The farmers have told the Supreme court of India that they won’t listen to courts if asked to back off. They organized a tractor rally with over 200,000 tractors on the Republic day and stormed the historic Red Fort [19]. The government barricaded the capital roads with cemented nails and trenches to stop farmers and electricity, Internet, and water supply were cut off from the protest sites.
Scores of langars, i.e. free community kitchens have been set up by farmer’s organizations and NGOs to meet the food needs of the hundreds of thousands of farmers in the farmers-camps that have sprung up on the borders of Delhi [20]. The farmers came fully equipped to prepare mass meals in these community kitchens with supplies coming from their villages daily. Tractors and trucks with sacks of vegetables and flour as well as cans of oil and milk arrive daily from villages and towns where pooling resources for community meals is a way of life. These langars work round the clock and provide free food without distinction of caste, class, or religion. Supporters of the farm protest often bring almonds, apples, sweets, and packaged water. They even supplied a machine that rolls out a thousand “rotis” every hour. Social media is used to collect blankets and other essentials for these protests who are braving the harsh winter. Many protestors camp on the roadside in the cold Delhi winter and spending nights curled up in tractor trailers. Volunteers have set up solar-powered mobile charging points, laundry stalls with washing machines, medical stalls for medicines, arranged doctors and nurses, dental camps and brought foot massage chairs for elderly protesters [21].
A makeshift school has been set up at the camp, called “Sanjhi Sathh” (a common place) to recreate a village tradition of holding discussions on important issues. Children from underprivileged families who are unable to attend school due to financial issues and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic come to this tent. It has library, which displays biographies of Indian freedom fighter Bhagat Singh, revolutionary Che Guevara, and other books of various genres and newspapers in English, Hindi and Punjabi languages. Dozens of posters with slogans written on them cover every inch of the tarpaulin tents [22]. Farmers also installed CCTV cameras to keep a watch on the protest site and keep a record of what is happening and counter any narrative to discredit their protest. Farmers protest also saw participation of women coming out to protest in large numbers. Women farmers and agricultural workers were riding tractors from their villages and rallying to the protest sites, unfazed by the gruesome winter.
Just like Shaheen Bagh protest, this is a decentralized leaderless protest by hundreds of farmer unions. Even though the negotiations with the government are being attended by representatives of 32 farmer unions, they act as spoke persons who present the collective demand of all farmers. Whenever Government introduces a new proposal, the representatives come back to the unions where they sit together, discuss, debate and decide the future course of action together in a democratic way. Farmers are conducting Kisan Mahapanchayats (public meetings) which are attended by hundreds of thousands of people in villages around Delhi, UP, Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana to discuss strategies and ways to put pressure on the government. It was this decentralization that made the protest robust and overcome the condemnation around violence during Republic day Truck Rally. Even though many farm union leaders called for ending the protest, the farmers remained steadfast in their decision to not go back till the laws were repelled.
The sites of the two protests mentioned above can be compared to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) that was set up in Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington by Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters during the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by Police [23]. CHAZ was a nascent commune, built through mutual aid where no police was allowed and almost everything was free.
CHAZ, Shaheen Bagh and Farmers’ protests were occupation protests where the protestors set up a community themselves and created an autonomous zone. If one was against racism and police brutality, others were against religious discrimination and agrarian crisis. The protests were mostly self-organized and without an official leadership. The sites were filled with protest art, paintings, film screenings and musical performances [24]. Just like the mutual aid cooperative in CHAZ, free food, water, snacks and other supplies were provided to everyone. Areas were set up for assemblies and to facilitate discourse [25].
CHAZ was a leaderless zone, where the occupants favored consensus decision-making in the form of a general assembly, with daily meetings and discussion [26]. They slept in tents, cars and surrounding buildings, relying on donations from local store owners and activists. They collected donations for the homeless and created community gardens [27]. Medical stations were established to provide basic health care.
Anarchism tries to create institutions of a new society “within the shell of the old,” to expose, subvert, and undermine structures of domination but always, while doing so, proceeding in a democratic fashion, a manner which itself demonstrates those structures are unnecessary [28]. Anarchists observe what people are already doing in their communities, and then tries to tease out the hidden symbolic, moral, or pragmatic logic that underlie their actions and tries to make sense of it in ways that they are not themselves completely aware of. They look at those who are creating viable alternatives, try to figure out what might be the larger implications of what they are already doing, and then offer those ideas back, not as prescriptions, but as contributions [28]. They understand that people are already forming self-organized communities when the state has failed them and we can learn a lot about direct action and mutual aid from these communities.
Direct democratic decision making, decentralization of power, solidarity, mutual aid and voluntary association are the core principles of anarchist organizing. Anarchists employ direct action, disrupting and protesting against unjust hierarchy, and self-managing their lives through the creation of counter-institutions such as communes and non-hierarchical collectives. Decision-making is handled in an anti-authoritarian way, with everyone having equal say in each decision. They participate in all discussions in order to build a rough consensus among members of the group without the need of a leader or a leading group. Anarchists organize themselves to occupy and reclaim public spaces where art, poetry and music are blended to display the anarchist ideals. Squatting is a way to regain public space from the capitalist market or an authoritarian state and also being an example of direct action. We can find elements of these in all these protests and that is the reason for their robustness and success. It bursts the myth that you need a centralized chain of command with small group of leaders on top who decide the strategies and a very large group of followers who blindly obey those decisions for the sustenance and success of large scale organizing. All these protests were leaderless protests where people themselves decided and came to a consensus on the course of action to be followed in a democratic way. When people decide to take decisions themselves and coordinate with each other in small communities by providing aid to each other, it creates the strongest form of democracy and solidarity.
The fact that these protests happened, with so many people collectively organizing and cooperating, for such a long duration, shows us that we can self-organize and create communities without external institutions and it can be civilized and more democratic than the autocratic bureaucracy and authoritarian governments which concentrate all power and oppress people. These protests were driven by mostly by uneducated women, poor farmers and people from other marginalized communities, who showed that they can create communities which are more moral and egalitarian, than those that exist in hierarchical societies with the affluent and highly educated. They showed that people who are oppressed and underprivileged can organize themselves into communities of mutual aid and direct democracy which eliminates a need for coercive hierarchical systems of governance which exist only to exploit them.
What these occupy protests show us is that we can form communities and collectively organize various forms of democratic decision making simultaneously providing everyone their basic needs. There protests show us models of community organizing in large scales comprising hundreds of thousands of people. Even though they are not perfect we can learn the ideas these protests emulate – of solidarity, mutual aid, direct democracy, decentralization of power and try to recreate these in our lives and communities.
H. E. Petersen and S. Azizur Rahman, “‘Modi is afraid’: women take lead in India’s citizenship protests,” The Guardian, 21 January 2020.
N. Badwar, “Speaking truth to power, in Shaheen Bagh and beyond,” Livemint, 17 January 2020.
B. Kuchay, “Shaheen Bagh protesters pledge to fight, seek rollback of CAA law,” Al Jazeera, 15 January 2020.
“Shaheen Bagh: The women occupying Delhi street against citizenship law — ‘I don’t want to die proving I am Indian’,” BBC, 4 January 2020.
K. Sarfaraz, “Shaheen Bagh protest organiser calls it off, can’t get people to vacate,” The Hindustan Times, 2 January 2020.
“The volunteers of Shaheen Bagh,” The Telegraph (Culcutta), 24 December 2019.
“Behind Shaheen Bagh’s Women, An Army of Students, Doctors & Locals,” The Quint, 14 January 2020.
R. Venkataramakrishnan, “The Art of Resistance: Ringing in the new year with CAA protesters at Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh,” Scroll.in, 6 January 2020.
A. Bakshi, “Portraits of resilience: the new year in Shaheen Bagh,” 2 January 2020.
J. Thakur, “Shaheen Bagh Kids and Jamia Students Make Space for Art, Reading and Revolution,” The Citizen, 11 January 2020.
F. Ameen, “The Library at Shaheen Bagh,” The Telegraph (Culcutta), 20 January 2020.
A. Purkait, “In Shaheen Bagh, Children Paint Their Protest while Mothers Hold Dharna,” Makers India, 22 January 2020.
S. Chakrabarti, “Shaheen Bagh Heralds a New Year With Songs of Azaadi,” The Wire, 31 December 2019.
P. Sainath, “Maharashtra crosses 60,000 farm suicides,” People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI), 21 July 2014.
R. Sengupta, “Every day, 28 people dependent on farming die by suicide in India,” Down to Earth, 3 September 2020.
“Dilli Chalo | Farmers’ protest enters fifth day,” The Hindu, 30 November 2020.
S. Joy, “At least 25 crore workers participated in general strike; some states saw complete shutdown: Trade unions,” Deccan Herald, 26 November 2020.
“Farmers’ Protest Highlights: Protesting farmers refuse to budge, say ‘demands are non-negotiable,” The Indian Express, 1 December 2020.
G. Bhatia, “Tractors to Delhi,” Reuters, 29 January 2021.
“Langar Tradition Plays Out in Farmers Protest, Students Use Social Media To Organise Essentials,” India Today, 2 December 2020.
J. Sinha, “Protest site draws ‘Sewa’ – medicine stalls, laundry service, temple & library come up,” Indian Express, 11 December 2020.
B. Kuchay, “A school for the underprivileged at Indian farmers’ protest site,” AlJazeera, 24 January 2021.
D. Silva and M. Moschella, “Seattle protesters set up ‘autonomous zone’ after police evacuate precinct,” NBC News, 11 June 2020.
C. Burns, “The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone Renames, Expands, and Adds Film Programming,” The Stranger, 10 June 2020.
H. Allam, “‘Remember Who We’re Fighting For’: The Uneasy Existence Of Seattle’s Protest Camp,” NPR, 18 June 2020.
K. Burns, “Seattle’s newly police-free neighborhood, explained,” Vox, 16 June 2020.
h. Weinberger, “In Seattle’s CHAZ, a community garden takes root | Crosscut,” Crosscut, 15 June 2020.
D. Graeber, Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology, 2004.
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By: Dyani Lewis
Published: May 31, 2023
In India, children under 16 returning to school this month at the start of the school year will no longer be taught about evolution, the periodic table of elements or sources of energy.
The news that evolution would be cut from the curriculum for students aged 15–16 was widely reported last month, when thousands of people signed a petition in protest. But official guidance has revealed that a chapter on the periodic table will be cut, too, along with other foundational topics such as sources of energy and environmental sustainability. Younger learners will no longer be taught certain pollution- and climate-related topics, and there are cuts to biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics and physics subjects for older school students.
Overall, the changes affect some 134 million 11–18-year-olds in India’s schools. The extent of what has changed became clearer last month when the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) — the public body that develops the Indian school curriculum and textbooks — released textbooks for the new academic year that started in May.
Researchers, including those who study science education, are shocked. “Anybody who’s trying to teach biology without dealing with evolution is not teaching biology as we currently understand it,” says Jonathan Osborne, a science-education researcher at Stanford University in California. “It’s that fundamental to biology.” The periodic table explains how life’s building blocks combine to generate substances with vastly different properties, he adds, and “is one of the great intellectual achievements of chemists”.
Mythili Ramchand, a science-teacher trainer at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, India, says that “everything related to water, air pollution, resource management has been removed. “I don’t see how conservation of water, and air [pollution], is not relevant for us. It’s all the more so currently,” she adds. A chapter on different sources of energy — from fossil fuels to renewables — has also been removed. “That’s a bit strange, quite honestly, given the relevance in today’s world,” says Osborne.
More than 4,500 scientists, teachers and science communicators have signed an appeal organized by Breakthrough Science Society, a campaign group based in Kolkata, India, to reinstate the axed content on evolution.
NCERT has not responded to the appeal. And although it relied on expert committees to oversee the changes, it has not yet engaged with parents and teachers to explain its rationale for making them. NCERT also did not reply to Nature’s request for comment.
Chapters closed
A chapter on the periodic table of elements has been removed from the syllabus for class-10 students, who are typically 15–16 years old. Whole chapters on sources of energy and the sustainable management of natural resources have also been removed.
A small section on Michael Faraday’s contributions to the understanding of electricity and magnetism in the nineteenth century has also been stripped from the class-10 syllabus. In non-science content, chapters on democracy and diversity; political parties; and challenges to democracy have been scrapped. And a chapter on the industrial revolution has been removed for older students.
In explaining its changes, NCERT states on its website that it considered whether content overlapped with similar content covered elsewhere, the difficulty of the content, and whether the content was irrelevant. It also aims to provide opportunities for experiential learning and creativity.
NCERT announced the cuts last year, saying that they would ease pressures on students studying online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Amitabh Joshi, an evolutionary biologist at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in Bengaluru, India, says that science teachers and researchers expected that the content would be reinstated once students returned to classrooms. Instead, the NCERT shocked everyone by printing textbooks for the new academic year with a statement that the changes will remain for the next two academic years, in line with India’s revised education policy approved by government in July 2020.
“The idea [behind the new policy] is that you make students ask questions,” says Anindita Bhadra, an evolutionary biologist at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Kolkata. But she says that removing fundamental concepts is likely to stifle curiosity, rather than encourage it. “The way this is being done, by saying ‘drop content and teach less’”, she says, “that’s not the way you do it”.
Evolution axed
Science educators are particularly concerned about the removal of evolution. A chapter on diversity in living organisms and one called ‘Why do we fall ill’ has been removed from the syllabus for class-9 students, who are typically 14–15 years old. Darwin’s contributions to evolution, how fossils form and human evolution have all been removed from the chapter on heredity and evolution for class-10 pupils. That chapter is now called just ‘Heredity’. Evolution, says Joshi, is essential to understanding human diversity and “our place in the world”.
In India, class 10 is the last year in which science is taught to every student. Only students who elect to study biology in the final two years of education (before university) will learn about the topic.
Joshi says that the curriculum revision process has lacked transparency. But in the case of evolution, “more religious groups in India are beginning to take anti-evolution stances”, he says. Some members of the public also think that evolution lacks relevance outside academic institutions.
Aditya Mukherjee, a historian at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Dehli, says that changes to the curriculum are being driven by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a mass-membership volunteer organization that has close ties to India’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party. The RSS feels that Hinduism is under threat from India’s other religions and cultures.
“There is a movement away from rational thinking, against the enlightenment and Western ideas” in India, adds Sucheta Mahajan, a historian at Jawaharlal Nehru University who collaborates with Mukherjee on studies of RSS influence on school texts. Evolution conflicts with creation stories, adds Mukherjee. History is the main target, but “science is one of the victims”, she adds.
Well, at least it'll put them on par with the anti-science and biology-denial of US classrooms. China no longer has anything to worry about.
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vyyom · 1 month
RG Kar MCH the focal point of the Kolkata Rape and Murder Case. Only because monsters committed such a heinous crime with the Dr. Tilottoma.
Old articles are thought to show the numerous reported records which were ignored or unresolved.
The lone name to emerge from the shadows of 1999 was Madhusudan Sau, whose life reportedly ended in February of that year, leaving behind a veil of mystery and unanswered questions. No details have been shared or found about him, to date.
The mysterious death of fourth-year student Soumitra Biswas sparked allegations that he was murdered for attempting to expose a porn ring. Despite the arrest of a female student, Auromita Das, and police questioning members of the SFI, the case remains unresolved, with little progress made by the West Bengal Police CID.
In February 2003, two back-to-back incidents at RG Kar Medical College brought the total of suspicious deaths and suicides at the institution to four within a few years.
The cases include Arijit Datta (February 2003), who reportedly committed suicide by jumping off a hostel roof, and Praveen Gupta (February 2003), who survived a suicide attempt.
In October 2016, the decomposed body of RG Kar Medical College professor Gautam Pal, 54, was found in his locked South Dum Dum apartment. Police suspected a heart attack, as his bed was undisturbed, but blood stains, facial bruises, and the absence of a suicide note raised concerns. The contents of his stomach were preserved for poison testing.
In May 2020, 25-year-old trainee doctor Poulami Saha reportedly committed suicide by jumping from the 6th floor of the emergency building during the COVID-19 pandemic. While no suicide note was found, police indicated she had been suffering from depression. Conflicting reports suggested she may have jumped from the 11th floor, but the hospital did not confirm the suicide.
In January 2023, RG Kar Medical College student Sayan Mondal died during a trekking trip in Uttarakhand, marking a departure from previous incidents that occurred within the hospital. After reaching Brahmatal, Mondal collapsed while descending, suffering from severe breathing difficulties. He was rushed to Dewal Government Hospital but was declared dead on arrival.
In August of 2023, intern Suvorojyiti Das, 23, from RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, died from an apparent drug overdose. The Tala Police classified the case as 'unnatural death,' attributing it to an antidepressant overdose, and found no suicide note or evidence of foul play. Das was discovered unconscious by his family and died in the hospital’s critical care unit after being rushed there.
In September 2023, a final-year medical student accused Sandip Ghosh of ignoring a ragging complaint and threatening him to falsely claim the issue was resolved. Despite Ghosh’s transfers, he frequently returned to the hospital. The student reported enduring physical and mental abuse over three years and criticized Ghosh’s inaction and favouritism towards certain students.
The fact is that this fucker Sandip Ghosh initially declared her death as a 'suicide' too, but I guess the evidence were too big for him to tamper with.
There might be more unreported cases Between all these years, especially 2003-2016 which were either hidden or voices were silenced.
Shame on you TMC for standing beside this man.
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secretstalks · 11 days
Rohit Kapoor Swiggy net Worth advice on handling adversity for company growth
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Rohit Kapoor, the CEO of Swiggy, shared insightful perspectives with Shradha Sharma, founder and CEO of YourStory, about how companies often reach their zenith through adversity rather than in times of ease.
Reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kapoor noted that the crisis hit various industries hard, with the hospitality sector being notably affected. For example, OYO, where Kapoor previously served as the global chief marketing officer, saw a dramatic revenue drop of 50-60% due to the nationwide lockdowns implemented to curb the virus's spread, as reported by OYO Founder Ritesh Aggarwal.
Kapoor recounts his time at OYO with a sense of accelerated learning: “I gained a decade’s worth of professional experience in just 3.5 to 4 years at OYO.” He attributes this rapid growth to the extreme circumstances of the pandemic, which necessitated bold and unconventional decision-making. “COVID-19 created an environment where you could make bold, unconventional decisions without facing widespread scrutiny. It was a period when everyone’s strategies were turned upside down,” Kapoor explained.
In addressing challenges, Kapoor leans on straightforward, commonsense solutions. He emphasizes the importance of evaluating situations, considering options, and focusing on practical resolutions. Building a strong team has been a cornerstone of his approach to problem-solving.
Kapoor’s career trajectory has been marked by a series of unconventional roles. He began his professional journey as a medical representative in Kolkata while attending night college at 21. His career then took him to South Africa, where he was involved in developing luxury hotels and acquiring wine companies in Cape Town. “Healthcare entered my life unexpectedly; it wasn’t part of my initial plan,” he reflects.
Before his role at Swiggy, Kapoor was an executive director at Max Healthcare until November 2018. Now, his focus is on personal growth and self-improvement. “I continuously strive to be around people who inspire and uplift me, helping me become a better version of myself,” Kapoor concludes.
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hospitalitymanagement · 2 months
Technology in Hotels: Trends and Innovations
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Hotels have been at the forefront of technological advancement, using innovative tools and systems that improve guest experiences and efficiency. As technology advances, there is a possibility of new challenges and opportunities for hoteliers across the globe. In Kolkata's vibrant heritage and the tourism sector, technological developments have a significant role in shaping hospitality practices; keeping up-to-date with these trends is particularly important when you study culinary arts or diploma cooking course in Kolkata. It is crucial to stay informed to succeed in this constantly evolving industry!
1. Smart rooms and IoT Integration
One of the most critical developments in hotel technology is integrating innovative technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices let guests customize their experience by controlling temperature, lighting, and entertainment systems using spoken commands or mobile applications, further enhancing comfort and setting new standards for luxury and comfort. Students taking cooking classes in Kolkata must be aware of these technological advances as they are incorporated into everyday guest interactions.
2. Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots and AI have transformed hotel customer support. Chatbots powered by AI offer instant help to guests by answering questions, making reservations, and recommending personalized suggestions. This technology improves efficiency and provides 24/7 customer service, an ever-growing benefit in Kolkata, which is increasing! Hotels employ AI to deliver superior services, enhance loyalty while providing support 24/7, and open up new opportunities for culinary innovation and interaction with guests!
3. Applications for mobile phones and contactless services. 
The rise of smartphones has led to an increase in mobile apps designed to provide hotel guests with various services using contactless technology, including booking rooms and checking in, ordering room service, and local recommendations, all in the same seamless process. The widespread adoption of COVID-19's contactless technology has increased their application in modern hospitality. Their inclusion can give students enrolled in culinary diploma courses in Kolkata an advantage in this highly competitive business.
4. Virtual as well as Augmented Reality
Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies have rapidly become commonplace in the hotel industry, giving potential guests a virtual tour of hotel rooms before making reservations. AR enhances guests' experiences by providing interactive overlays, like digital menus or virtual guides to local attractions. It creates new opportunities for students studying Culinary arts diploma in Kolkata to showcase their culinary talents while improving dining experiences.
5. Data and Personalization Data and Personalization
The use of big data is changing the way hotels interact with and serve their customers. Through the analysis of various types of data from multiple sources, hotels are getting insights into their customers' preferences, habits, and spending habits to provide customized services and promotions that increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Hotels across Kolkata increasingly utilize this method to cater to various customers' needs, while chefs can develop menus specifically for specific guest groups.
6. Eco-Friendly Technologies
As environmental concerns grow, hotels embrace more environmentally friendly technologies to decrease their ecological footprint. From energy-efficient lighting and water-saving equipment to waste elimination and recycling initiatives, sustainability has been an important aspect of the hospitality sector. The hotels in Kolkata are progressively adopting eco-friendly practices to appeal to guests who are conscious of the environment. Diploma students in cooking also understand its importance in the food industry.
7. Robotics and Automation
Automation and robotics have rapidly become the norm in the hotel industry, including automated check-in kiosks, concierge services, robot cleaners, and chefs, improving efficiency and reducing operating expenses. Hotels in Kolkata, a city where hospitality is growing, are experimenting with robotics to improve the quality of service, improve guest experiences, reduce operational expenses, and improve food service and kitchen operations. Students studying robotics for culinary arts could discover new avenues for innovations in kitchen and catering operations.
8. Blockchain and Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity has become a top issue as hoteliers are increasingly dependent on electronic systems. Blockchain technology provides hoteliers with the ability to manage transactions safely while also protecting guests' data. Hotels in Kolkata's hospitality and tourism sectors have embraced cybersecurity measures to protect guest information while ensuring system integrity. Security awareness classes must also cover topics related to cybersecurity when you are attending cooking classes in Kolkata that use online booking or digital methods of payment as payment methods.
Technology's impact on the hospitality industry is vast and far-reaching, enhancing guest experiences by utilizing AI and robotics technology to revolutionize all aspects of the industry's education and practice. Due to its long-standing culinary tradition and fast-growing tourism industry, Kolkata is at the forefront of technology trends that influence hospitality education and training. Keeping up-to-date with technological advancements is essential to developing a successful culinary art or cooking course in Kolkata. Hoteliers must keep evolving rapidly to accommodate the changing needs of guests and demands.
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ashtonlanger · 2 months
Royal Challengers Bangalore: A Journey Through the IPL Seasons
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The Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) is one of the most popular franchises in the Indian Premier League (IPL). Known for their passionate fan base, star-studded line-ups, and thrilling performances, RCB’s journey through the IPL seasons has been a rollercoaster ride filled with highs and lows. Here’s a comprehensive look at RCB’s journey through the IPL seasons.
Stay updated on the RCB Team Players List for the IPL, with detailed squad information and the playing schedule, in our extensive guide RCB Team Players List.
2008: The Inaugural Season
RCB had a rocky start in the inaugural IPL season. Despite having legendary players like Rahul Dravid, Anil Kumble, and Jacques Kallis, they finished seventh in the eight-team tournament. The team struggled to find the right balance and consistency, winning only four out of 14 matches.
2009: Runners-Up
Under the captaincy of Anil Kumble, RCB made a remarkable turnaround in the 2009 season, which was held in South Africa due to the general elections in India. The team finished third in the league stage and reached the final, losing to Deccan Chargers by six runs. Ross Taylor and Manish Pandey were among the standout performers.
2010: Semi-Finalists
RCB continued their strong performance in 2010, finishing third in the league stage. They made it to the semi-finals but were defeated by the Mumbai Indians. The season saw Virat Kohli emerge as a key player for the team alongside star performers like Jacques Kallis and Robin Uthappa.
2011: Finalists
The 2011 season was another strong showing for RCB. Led by Daniel Vettori, and with the explosive Chris Gayle joining the squad, they finished top of the league table. Gayle’s incredible batting, including his 175* against Pune Warriors, was a highlight. However, they fell short in the final against Chennai Super Kings.
2012-2013: Struggles and Near Misses
The next two seasons were disappointing for RCB. In 2012, they finished fifth, narrowly missing out on the playoffs. Chris Gayle continued to dominate with the bat, but the team’s inconsistency cost them. In 2013, despite another strong showing from Gayle and Kohli, they finished fifth again.
2014: A Season of Change
The 2014 season saw a major overhaul in the squad and support staff. Despite high expectations, RCB finished seventh. Kohli and AB de Villiers showed flashes of brilliance, but the team struggled to find momentum.
2015: A Return to Form
In 2015, RCB returned to form, finishing third in the league stage. They made it to the second qualifier but were knocked out by Chennai Super Kings. Kohli, de Villiers, and Gayle formed a formidable batting trio, and Mitchell Starc’s bowling strengthened the team.
2016: Heartbreak in the Final
The 2016 season is one of the most memorable for RCB fans. Virat Kohli had a record-breaking season, scoring 973 runs, including four centuries. RCB finished second in the league stage and made it to the final, where they were defeated by Sunrisers Hyderabad in a high-scoring thriller.
2017-2019: A Period of Struggle
The subsequent seasons were tough for RCB. In 2017, they finished last, managing only three wins. The 2018 season saw some improvement, but they still finished sixth. The 2019 season was another disappointment, with RCB finishing at the bottom of the table again. Despite having star players, the team struggled with consistency and balance.
2020: Return to Playoffs
The 2020 season, held in the UAE due to the COVID-19 pandemic, saw RCB making a comeback. They finished fourth in the league stage, reaching the playoffs for the first time since 2016. However, they were eliminated by Sunrisers Hyderabad in the Eliminator. Kohli, de Villiers, and young talent Devdutt Padikkal were standout performers.
2021: Consistent Performance
RCB had a strong 2021 season, finishing third in the league stage. They made it to the Eliminator but were knocked out by Kolkata Knight Riders. The season saw the emergence of Harshal Patel, who won the Purple Cap for being the highest wicket-taker. Glenn Maxwell also made a significant impact with his all-round performances.
2022: Playoffs Again
In 2022, RCB continued their consistent run, finishing fourth in the league stage. They reached the second qualifier but were eliminated by Rajasthan Royals. Faf du Plessis joined the team and made significant contributions, adding depth to the batting line-up alongside Kohli and de Villiers.
2023: Building for the Future
The 2023 season saw RCB focusing on building a strong core of young players while retaining their experienced stars. They finished fifth, narrowly missing out on the playoffs. The season highlighted the potential of new talents like Rajat Patidar and Shahbaz Ahmed, showing promise for the future.
2024: The Quest for the Title
In the 2024 season, RCB aims to build on its recent performances and make a strong bid for the IPL title. With a mix of experienced players and promising newcomers, the team has shown a renewed sense of determination and focus. Key players like Virat Kohli, Faf du Plessis, Glenn Maxwell, and young talents are expected to play crucial roles. Fans are hopeful that RCB’s quest for their maiden IPL title will finally come to fruition this year.
The journey of Royal Challengers Bangalore through the IPL seasons has been a mix of exhilarating highs and frustrating lows. Despite not having won the IPL title yet, RCB remains one of the most beloved franchises, known for their passionate fans and star-studded line-ups. With a strong core of players and a focus on building for the future, RCB’s quest for their maiden IPL title continues, keeping their fans hopeful and excited for future seasons.
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guestblogger1 · 2 months
Navigating the Path to Study Abroad: YES Germany's Expertise in Kolkata
As the global demand for international education continues to rise, the study abroad consultancy market in India has witnessed remarkable growth, with Kolkata emerging as a hub for aspiring students. Amidst this dynamic landscape, YES Germany has established itself as a leading player, offering comprehensive services to help students from Kolkata realize their dreams of studying in Germany.
Empowering Students in Kolkata
YES Germany's presence in Kolkata has been a game-changer for students in the region. With a team of highly qualified and experienced consultants, the company has built a strong reputation for guiding students through every step of the study abroad journey, from university selection to visa assistance and beyond.
Visit this Link: Study Abroad Consultant in Kolkata
Comprehensive Suite of Services
What sets YES Germany apart is its comprehensive suite of services tailored to the needs of Kolkata-based students. From counseling and guidance on choosing the right university and program to assistance with application preparation, visa application support, and pre-departure orientation, the company's offerings cover the entire spectrum of the study abroad process.
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Leveraging Industry Expertise
YES Germany's deep understanding of the German education system and its strong industry connections have been instrumental in its success. The company's consultants possess a wealth of knowledge about the academic landscape in Germany, enabling them to provide students with personalized guidance and support to help them navigate the complex admissions process.
Adaptability and Innovation
The study abroad industry has faced its fair share of challenges, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, YES Germany has demonstrated its resilience by adapting its services to the changing landscape, offering virtual counseling sessions and online language classes to ensure seamless support for its clients in Kolkata.
Empowering Students to Achieve Their Dreams
Through its unwavering commitment to student success, YES Germany has earned the trust of aspiring students in Kolkata. The company's focus on providing personalized guidance, tailored to the unique needs of each student, has been a key driver of its success in the region.
For More Info Visit: Study Abroad Consultant in Kolkata
In a rapidly evolving study abroad landscape, YES Germany has emerged as a beacon of excellence, empowering students in Kolkata to achieve their academic and professional aspirations in Germany. With its comprehensive services, industry expertise, and adaptability, the company is well-equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead, cementing its status as the premier study abroad consultant in Kolkata.
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buzz-london · 4 months
A masterpiece Joke in the current relevance, must read - 😀 A South Indian, a Punjabi, a Gujarati and a Hardcore @@@ Bengali were reluctant to take the Covid-19 vaccine. The Doctor called them in one by one. He told the South Indian , “You must take your vaccine.” The South Indian said “no“. The Doctor said, “Every cultured and civilized man takes the vaccine.” The South Indian took his vaccine. Then the Punjabi came in. The Doctor said, “Here is your vaccine.“ Punjabi said No. The Doctor said, “Your neighbors have all taken the vaccine “. So the Punjabi took the vaccine. Then the Gujarati came in. The Doctor said, “Take your vaccine.” Gujarati said “No”. And the Doctor said: “it’s an order from Prime Minister Modi.” The Gujarati took his vaccine. Finally the Bengali came in. The Doctor said “take your vaccine.” Bengali said, “No.” The Doctor said, “Every cultured and civilized man takes the vaccine.” The Bengali said, “Go away, I will never take the vaccine.” The Doctor then said, “All your neighbors have taken it.” The Bengali replied, “I don’t care.” The Doctor, now desperate, said, “It’s an order from Prime Minister Modi”. The Bengali replied, “Total Wastage of public money, I don’t care.” Finally the Doctor asked, “Which state are you from?” The Bengali said, “I am from Kolkata.” The Doctor said, “Oh sorry, you are not entitled to have the vaccine.” The Bengali said, “What!!? Who are you to tell me that I cannot have the vaccine? How dare you deny me my fundamental rights! Give me the vaccine or I will protest outside your clinic!” The doctor gladly gave him the vaccine and the Bengali proudly took it and said to his comrades, " I fought and got the vaccination!” *Our Incredible India...😂*
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ibapackers · 5 months
Reasons to Choose IBA-approved Packers and Movers in Kolkata
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Reasons to Choose IBA Packers and Movers in Kolkata: A Comprehensive Guide
Relocating to a new place can be both exciting and daunting. Amidst the chaos of packing, moving, and settling in, finding a reliable packers and movers service is crucial. In Kolkata, IBA Packers and Movers emerge as a trusted name, offering seamless relocation solutions. Let's delve into the reasons why they stand out in the crowded market.
The Legacy of IBA Packers and Movers
Established with a vision to redefine the moving experience, IBA Packers and Movers have been serving Kolkata for 20+ years. Their legacy is built on trust, reliability, and professionalism.
Unmatched Expertise in Residential Relocation
Streamlined Packing Services
When it comes to residential relocation, proper packing is paramount to ensure the safety of belongings. IBA Packers and Movers employ trained professionals who use high-quality packing materials to safeguard your possessions throughout the journey.
Efficient Loading and Unloading
The team at IBA Packers and Movers in Kolkata is adept at handling the loading and unloading process with precision. From bulky furniture to delicate items, they ensure everything is transported carefully, minimizing the risk of damage.
Commercial Moving Made Easy
Tailored Solutions for Businesses
Business relocations come with unique challenges, and IBA Packers and Movers understand this well. They offer tailored moving solutions to businesses of all sizes, ensuring minimal disruption to operations.
Timely Delivery and Installation
With IBA Packers and Movers, you can expect timely delivery of your commercial goods. Moreover, their team assists in the installation and setup at the new location, allowing you to resume business activities swiftly.
Comprehensive Vehicle Transportation Services
Safe and Secure Transport
Whether it's a car, bike, or any other vehicle, IBA Packers and Movers prioritize safety during transportation. Their fleet of vehicles is equipped with advanced tracking systems to monitor the journey in real-time.
Hassle-Free Documentation
Navigating through the paperwork involved in vehicle transportation can be overwhelming. Best IBA Packers and Movers in Kolkata simplify the process for you, ensuring all documentation is handled efficiently.
Warehousing Solutions for Added Convenience
State-of-the-Art Storage Facilities
In addition to relocation services, IBA Packers and Movers offer secure warehousing facilities for short-term or long-term storage needs. Their warehouses are equipped with modern amenities to safeguard your belongings.
Flexible Storage Options
Whether you require storage for a few days or several months, IBA Packers and Movers provide flexible storage options tailored to your requirements. You can rest assured knowing your belongings are in safe hands.
Customer-Centric Approach
Transparent Pricing
IBA Packers and Movers believe in transparent pricing without any hidden costs. Their upfront approach ensures you know exactly what to expect, eliminating any surprises along the way.
Responsive Customer Support
From the initial inquiry to post-move assistance, IBA Packers and Movers prioritize customer satisfaction. Their responsive customer support team is available round-the-clock to address any queries or concerns.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Do I need to provide packing materials, or will IBA Packers and Movers supply them? IBA Packers and Movers bring along all the necessary packing materials, including boxes, tapes, bubble wrap, and protective covers, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.
How far in advance should I book my moving date with IBA Packers and Movers? It's advisable to book your moving date with IBA Packers and Movers at least [number] weeks in advance to secure your preferred slot and avoid last-minute rush.
What safety measures does IBA Packers and Movers implement during the COVID-19 pandemic? IBA Packers and Movers strictly adhere to all safety protocols recommended by health authorities. Their staff wears masks, sanitizes hands frequently, and maintains social distancing norms during the entire moving process.
Can I track the location of my belongings during transit? Yes, IBA Packers and Movers provide real-time tracking facilities, allowing you to monitor the location of your belongings throughout the journey for added peace of mind.
Are there any additional charges for dismantling and reassembling furniture? No, IBA Packers and Movers include the dismantling and reassembling of furniture as part of their service package, ensuring a hassle-free relocation experience for you.
What if my moving date needs to be rescheduled? If you need to reschedule your moving date due to unforeseen circumstances, simply inform IBA Packers and Movers at the earliest, and they will accommodate your request based on availability.
Choosing the right packers and movers is crucial for a smooth relocation experience, and IBA Packers and Movers in Kolkata excel in every aspect. With their legacy of reliability, expertise in residential and commercial moving, comprehensive services, and customer-centric approach, they stand out as the preferred choice for individuals and businesses alike.
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Silk Route Package Tour from Kolkata
Embark on a journey of a lifetime with our Silk Route Package Tour. Imagine tracing the footsteps of ancient traders and explorers, venturing into the heart of the Himalayas, and uncovering the hidden gems of East Sikkim's Old Silk Route. This unique adventure promises not just a holiday, but a transformative experience that will leave you awestruck.
The Silk Route, also known as the Silk Road, is a historic trade route that played a vital role in connecting India to China centuries ago. Today, it remains a testament to the rich tapestry of history and culture, hidden away in the scenic landscapes of East Sikkim, India.
Our carefully curated Silk Route tour from Kolkata takes you on a mesmerizing journey through breathtaking locales. As you traverse the winding paths of Lhasa, Nathu-La, and Jeep-La Pass, you'll feel the echoes of ancient caravans carrying silk, spices, and stories from distant lands. The route eventually leads to the serene port of Tamluk in West Bengal, where the journey continues by sea.
At an altitude of 13,200 feet in Gnathang, the Silk Route tour offers a tranquil escape from the bustle of city life. Here, amidst the towering peaks of the Himalayas, you'll find a peaceful atmosphere that is sure to rejuvenate your spirit. The stunning vistas of snow-capped mountains and pristine lakes create a surreal backdrop for your adventure.
In a world recovering from the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the allure of the Silk Route is stronger than ever. The desire for fresh air, untamed natural beauty, and a deeper connection with nature beckons travelers from all walks of life. Whether you seek solace or quality time with loved ones, the Silk Route tour is the perfect choice.
While popular destinations in Sikkim like Gangtok, North Sikkim, and Pelling have grown crowded and noisy, the Silk Route remains a well-kept secret. NatureWings is delighted to present an opportunity for you to craft cherished holiday memories in this unexplored paradise. Our competitively priced Silk Route packages offer deluxe and standard homestays with top-notch facilities to ensure your journey is nothing short of extraordinary.
So, leave behind the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary with our Silk Route Tour Package from Kolkata. Get ready to be enchanted by the ancient wonders and untouched natural beauty that await you on this remarkable voyage.
NatureWings Offer Silk Route Tour Package from Kolkata with Deluxe Homestay @ Lowest Price. For Booking CALL +91-99033-27505
To Book Silk Route Tour Visit our Website : https://www.naturewings.com/packages/silk-route-packages
Why NatureWings is best for Silk Route Package Tour Booking?
NatureWings is Silk Route Tour Specialist for more than 8 years Company Offers Dulux Homestays in Zuluk, Gnathang, RongpoKhola and Sillery-Gaon
The team of experience Passionate Travelers
Choice of more than 10 hands picked destinations
Personally visited & certified by NatureWings team
Expert in conducting Silk Route Group Tour
Complete day to day guidance and assistance from NJP to NJP by NatureWings team member
Every year company conduct Silk Route Group Departure in Summer Vacation and Puja Holidays
Always handled by NatureWings Team itself, not handed over to a Sub-Agent
Day Wise Silk Route Tour Package Plan :
Day 1: NJP/IXB to Sillery Gaon
Day 2: Sillery Gaon to Aritar
Day 3: Aritar/Mankhim to Zuluk
Day 4: Zuluk to Nathang
Day 5: Nathang to Rongpokhola
Day 6: Rongpokhola to NJP / IXB
Activities you can indulge in Old Silk Route Package Tour :
Paragliding at Delo Hills, Kalimpong
A soft trekking to Ramitey Dara view point, Sillery-Gaon
Night Campfire and Bar-B-Q in Sillery Gaon
Explore the ruins of Dumsung fort amidst in the forest from Sillery Gaon
Soak your feet and play with crystal clear water of the Reshi River
Trout fishing in the clear stream of the Reshi River
Trout fishing at Rongpokhola in the Rangpo River
Boating at Ariter Lake
Watching magnificent Sunrise from Lungthung and Thumbi Viewpoint
Visit Kupup Lake, one of the sacred lakes in Sikkim at 13,066ft altitude
You can drive further to behold the magnificent Tsomgo Lake or Changu Lake at 12,310ft
Visit and pay respect to Old Baba Mandir
What are the best sightseeing places to explore in Ajker Silk Route Tour Package?
Zuluk Loop : 32 hair-pin curves Thambi View Point : Best for Zuluk Zigzag view and Himalayan Range Nathang Valley : Offer best snow all round year Kupup Lake : Named as Elephant Lake with picturesque natural beauty Menmecho Lake : Lake with good ambience and awesome scenic beauty Lungthung : A remote village at 11,500 ft offering great Himalayan view Tukla Valley : Offer great view of Mt. Kanchenjungha from 12,500 ft altitude Old Baba Mandir : A temple of faith dedicated to sepoy Baba Harbhajan Singh near kupup village Tsomgo Lake : A must visit place for every Sikkim Gangtok Traveller
Some Offbeat Places to Explore In Silk Route Package Tour from Kolkata?
Delo park from Ramdhura
Jalsa Bunglow
Silent valley
Soft trek to Ramiteydara viewpoint
Explore the ruins of Dumssung fort amidst in the forest
Ariter or Lampokhri lake
Mankhim viewpoint
Lingtam Monestry
Kuekhola Falls on Old Silk route
Thambi Viewpoint
Old Baba Mandir
War memorial at Tukla Valley
Kupup Lake or elephant lake
Yak golf course
Budha Cave & Budha falls
Silk Route Package Tour Inclusions
Accommodation in the listed Hotels / Homestays
All Meals (Breakfast / Lunch / Evening Snacks / Dinner)
All transfers in an exclusive non-ac vehicle (NJP-NJP)
Driver allowances, fuel, toll tax
All permits and applicable taxes
The Silk Route Package Tour provides a unique journey combining history, culture, and natural beauty. Travelers can explore the region's rich heritage, visit historic monasteries, and enjoy breathtaking views of the Himalayas. This adventure offers a memorable and immersive experience for history enthusiasts, adventurers, and those seeking a peaceful escape. Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this extraordinary Silk Route adventure from Kolkata.
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susmita12385 · 6 months
Pramanik Group Of Education 
Born with a passion for education, Mr. Santanu Pramanik founded Pramanik Tutorial, now known as HOME TUTORS, in 2012 with a vision to provide quality education and healthcare services to students and patients across West Bengal.
With a strong determination and an unwavering commitment to his vision, Mr. Pramanik established HOME TUTORS as one of the oldest tutorial & pathology labs and diagnostic center in the country. Under his leadership, HOME TUTORS has grown exponentially and is now operating in more than 10 districts in West Bengal.
Mr. Pramanik's dedication and hard work have been instrumental in establishing HOME TUTORS as a leading name in the education and healthcare industry. He has been an inspiration to his team and has always encouraged them to strive for excellence in their work.
As the founder and CEO of HOME TUTORS, Mr. Pramanik has been involved in every aspect of the company's growth and success. His hands-on approach and leadership skills have played a key role in the expansion of the company's operations.
Today, HOME TUTORS is recognized for its exceptional education and healthcare services, and Mr. Pramanik's vision and leadership continue to guide the company towards greater success. His unwavering commitment to excellence and his passion for education and healthcare have earned him the respect and admiration of his peers in the industry.
With a commitment to integrity, empathy, and accuracy, Pramanik Group Of Education has been able to establish itself as a trusted service provider in the education and healthcare industry. The company's headquarters are located in West Bengal Kolkata, and it is currently functioning in more than 10 districts in the region.
As a Google-certified private limited company, Pramanik Group Of Education provides Class I-XII & College level education and also offers blood, urine, and COVID-19 testing services. The company's official website, https://linktr.ee/home.tutors, provides comprehensive information about its services and facilities.
Mr. Pramanik's leadership skills and entrepreneurial spirit have been instrumental in the growth and success of Pramanik Group Of Education. His official website https://linktr.ee/santanu.pramanik, provides further insights into his life and work.
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education3295 · 6 months
Pramanik Group Of Education
Born with a passion for education, Mr. Santanu Pramanik founded Pramanik Tutorial, now known as HOME TUTORS, in 2012 with a vision to provide quality education and healthcare services to students and patients across West Bengal.
With a strong determination and an unwavering commitment to his vision, Mr. Pramanik established HOME TUTORS as one of the oldest tutorial & pathology labs and diagnostic center in the country. Under his leadership, HOME TUTORS has grown exponentially and is now operating in more than 10 districts in West Bengal.
Mr. Pramanik's dedication and hard work have been instrumental in establishing HOME TUTORS as a leading name in the education and healthcare industry. He has been an inspiration to his team and has always encouraged them to strive for excellence in their work.
As the founder and CEO of HOME TUTORS, Mr. Pramanik has been involved in every aspect of the company's growth and success. His hands-on approach and leadership skills have played a key role in the expansion of the company's operations.
Today, HOME TUTORS is recognized for its exceptional education and healthcare services, and Mr. Pramanik's vision and leadership continue to guide the company towards greater success. His unwavering commitment to excellence and his passion for education and healthcare have earned him the respect and admiration of his peers in the industry.
With a commitment to integrity, empathy, and accuracy, Pramanik Group Of Educationhas been able to establish itself as a trusted service provider in the education and healthcare industry. The company's headquarters are located in West Bengal Kolkata, and it is currently functioning in more than 10 districts in the region.
As a Google-certified private limited company, Pramanik Group Of Education provides Class I-XII & College level education and also offers blood, urine, and COVID-19 testing services. The company's official website, https://linktr.ee/home.tutors, provides comprehensive information about its services and facilities.
Mr. Pramanik's leadership skills and entrepreneurial spirit have been instrumental in the growth and success of Pramanik Group Of Education. His official website https://linktr.ee/santanu.pramanik, provides further insights into his life and work.
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Embarking on a journey from the vibrant city of Bangalore to the enchanting kingdom of Bhutan promises a unique and culturally rich experience. Nestled in the eastern Himalayas, Bhutan is renowned for its pristine landscapes, ancient monasteries, and a commitment to Gross National Happiness. Traveling from Bangalore to Bhutan involves a combination of flights and ground transportation, along with the necessary permits and careful planning. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the steps to undertake this memorable journey.
Flight to Paro International Airport:
The first step in your Bhutan tour package from Bangalore is to book a flight to Paro International Airport, the sole international airport in Bhutan. However, there are no direct flights from Bangalore to Paro. Instead, travelers usually take connecting flights through major Indian cities like Delhi, Kolkata, or Bagdogra.
Choose a flight from Kempegowda International Airport (BLR) to a connecting airport, ensuring that there is enough time for the layover and any potential delays.
Connecting Flights:
Several airlines operate flights to Paro, including Druk Air, Bhutan's national carrier, as well as international carriers like Air India. Research and book flights well in advance to secure the best options.
Be aware of layovers and plan accordingly. The journey to Paro often involves a layover in an Indian city or another regional hub.
Visa and Permits:
Bhutan has a unique entry policy that mandates tourists to book their trip through authorized travel agencies. These agencies assist in obtaining the necessary visa and permits for your visit.
Ensure that you start the visa and permit application process well in advance of your planned travel dates. The travel agency will guide you through the required documentation.
Travel Restrictions and COVID-19 Protocols:
Given the evolving nature of travel conditions, check for any travel restrictions or COVID-19 protocols in place. Stay updated on entry requirements, quarantine rules, and health protocols issued by both Indian and Bhutanese authorities.
Ground Transportation in Bhutan:
Upon arrival at Paro International Airport, the next leg of your journey involves ground transportation within Bhutan. Taxis and pre-arranged transfers are available to take you to your destination.
Bhutan's road network offers breathtaking views of the Himalayas. Consider enjoying some parts of your journey by road to experience the scenic beauty and local culture.
Travel Agency Assistance:
Collaborate with a Bhutanese travel agency for a seamless experience. These agencies not only assist with permits and visas but also help plan your itinerary, arrange transportation, and provide insights into Bhutanese culture.
Bhutan's tourism is regulated, and visitors are required to book a package tour through an authorized agency. This ensures that tourism is sustainable and aligns with Bhutan's commitment to preserving its cultural and natural heritage.
Altitude Considerations:
Bhutan encompasses a range of altitudes, and it's crucial to acclimatize gradually to avoid altitude sickness. Begin your journey in lower-altitude destinations like Paro before heading to higher-altitude places such as Thimphu or Punakha.
Stay hydrated, avoid strenuous activities in the initial days, and allow your body to adjust to the altitude changes.
Travel Insurance:
Consider purchasing comprehensive travel insurance that covers potential emergencies, cancellations, and medical expenses during your trip. Confirm that the insurance policy includes coverage for high-altitude destinations.
Bhutan package tour from Bangalore is a captivating adventure filled with cultural richness and natural beauty. From the vibrant city life of Bangalore to the serene landscapes of Bhutan, this trip offers a seamless blend of modernity and tradition. Remember to plan ahead, collaborate with a reputable travel agency, and immerse yourself in the unique charm of the Land of the Thunder Dragon. Whether exploring ancient monasteries, hiking through pristine valleys, or experiencing Bhutanese hospitality, your journey from Bangalore to Bhutan is bound to be an unforgettable odyssey.
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hospitalitymanagement · 3 months
The Future of Hospitality Management: Emerging Trends and Predictions
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The hospitality industry is going through an incredible transformation as a result of technological advances, changing consumer preferences and an ever-changing global climate. As we approach an era of post-pandemic, the hospitality industry is embracing creative strategies to deal with new opportunities and challenges following the outbreak. This article will focus on emerging trends and future projections impacting the management of hospitality. This article offers professionals with information and students who are enrolled in the hospitality management diploma in Kolkata valuable suggestions to ensure the successful completion of their diplomas in hospitality management.
Sustainable practices in the hospitality industry 
Sustainable practices are becoming more critical in hospitality management since people are increasingly aware of their impact on the environment when selecting hotels and services that are less prone to environmental impact. Hotels and resorts worldwide have implemented eco-friendly practices, such as efficient lighting, water conservation strategies, and waste management programs, to offer guests more sustainable services and lodging. Sustainable sourcing methods, such as the production of sustainable foods, are being adopted, which means that hospitality professionals need to be aware of these practices to incorporate them successfully into their operations. They should also be informed of how they can integrate sustainability practices into their businesses when suitable.
The Rise of Smart Hotels
Technology has transformed the hospitality industry, so smart hotels have been at the forefront of this change. Through IoT technology, such as key-free room access and voice control, which offer guests a personalized guest experience, such as keys-free entry into rooms, as well as voice-activated control, smart hotels can provide ease of use and comfort to guests. However, the hospitality manager must keep track of the advancements to integrate them into their daily routine.
Personalization and Guest Experience
The idea of personalizing experiences has become a fundamental part of the modern expectations of guests in the industry of hospitality, in which guests are now expecting personalized experiences based on their preferences and needs. CRM and data analytics let hotels collect and analyze the data of guests to offer more customized services, ranging from personalized rooms to special promotions, that improve the level of satisfaction and loyalty of customers.
Wellness and Well-being
Wellness and well-being have gained more importance after the spread of COVID-19. Many travelers are now focusing on their mental and physical well-being and are seeking health-related facilities and services offered by hotels. Hotels have responded by offering wellness classes, spa treatments, and healthy food options to draw and retain guests. Integrating wellness into the hospitality industry is becoming more critical to drawing and retaining guests.
Extended stays and remote work 
The swine influenza epidemic has also prompted remote workers, which has led to an increase in extended stays at hotels and resorts. Today, professionals can work anywhere and at any time, which requires hotels to provide amenities explicitly designed for workers who work from home, like comfortable workspaces, high-speed internet, and extended-stay plans. Hotel managers must adjust to the changing times by establishing conditions that allow remote workers to work from anywhere.
Increased Hygiene and Safety Protocols
It's difficult to quantify the importance of hygiene and safety guidelines in the industry of hospitality, with guests demanding higher standards of safety and cleanliness protocols. Hotels are now implementing strict cleaning protocols, screenings that do not require contact, and health screening programs to guarantee guests' health. Hotel managers need to be updated with the most efficient practices and effectively communicate their security protocols to guests in order to ensure their safety.
Integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Augmented as well as Virtual Reality Technologies in Hospitality AR and VR technology are entering the hospitality industry, resulting in thrilling and immersive experiences. AR technology could enhance guests' stay by providing real-time information and virtual tours. VR allows staff to train by using simulations. Both technologies offer innovative ways for guests to be engaged and improve the efficiency of operations.
Emphasis on Local and Authentic Experiences
Most travelers want genuine local experiences that enable them to comprehend the rich culture of a country and its heritage. Hotels and resorts offer an immersive travel experience by creating experiences that highlight regional cuisine, traditions, customs, and other tourist sights. Through close collaboration with local communities and businesses, hospitality establishments can provide unforgettable and unique experiences, highlighting the significance of having cultural proficiency and a connection with the community when operating hospitality establishments. This is a sign of the importance of having an artistic background as a benefit in hospitality management.
The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the hospitality industry AI has transformed many elements of management, including customer service and revenue optimization. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by artificial intelligence provide 24/7 support to customers; AI algorithms can optimize pricing strategies based upon demand patterns. By harnessing the power of AI, hospitality professionals can enhance operational efficiency and improve guests' experiences.
The Future of Hospitality Education
As the hospitality industry grows and expands, so do its requirements and qualifications for future professionals. The establishments that provide hospitality management certifications in Kolkata, like the top hotel management institute in Kolkata, have their programs adapted to meet the evolving demands of their guests. Students learn sustainable methods, new technology, and personalized customer experiences in these courses, giving them the benefit of staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and becoming successful in today's market.
Predictions for the Future
Sooner or later, hospitality will likely continue growing due to innovation and changing consumer habits. Here are some forecasts for its future growth
Increased Adoption of AI and Automation: A greater adoption of AI and automation will help the process, reduce expenses, and enhance customer service. AI plays a vital role in the process of making decisions and delivering personalized services.
A greater emphasis on safety and health. Hygiene and safety regulations are of vital importance and will continue to be enhanced to ensure the security of guests.
Sustainability is the norm for the industry Standard for the Industry: Sustainable practices will become the norm in hotels when they begin investing in environmentally friendly technology and initiatives that meet the ever-growing demand of customers for sustainable travel.
Enhancing the application of intelligent technology for hotels: Adopting the Internet of Things and other technological advances will improve the quality of guests' experiences while ensuring their convenience.
Expand Remote Work Facilities The hotel will always offer remote workers more facilities, such as specific workspaces, high internet speeds, and extended stay plans.
Experiential Travel. Tourists are looking for authentic and immersive travel experiences. Accommodations must offer innovative experiences in the field of culture.
Growing The Wellness Tourism Market: Wellness tourism is expected to increase as more hotels integrate wellness programs along with amenities and wellness-related services.
Incorporates VR and AR: AR and VR technologies are expected to grow in popularity, providing new methods for customers and businesses to connect while improving the experiences of guests.
The future of management in hospitality is bright, offering numerous opportunities to expand and innovate. Students and hospitality professionals will gain by staying abreast of the latest trends and staying current in the constantly evolving industry. The colleges offering hospitality management in Kolkata and the best hotel management schools play a significant role in shaping the future leaders of this field by providing students with the skills and abilities needed for successful careers. Changes in technology, sustainability, and guest expectations have brought about a critical period of transformation for the hotel sector. If they know how to adapt to the changes, hotel managers can easily navigate this transition.
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shruti-mehta-21 · 8 months
Grammy Winning Guitarist Steve Vai Talks About His India Tour
Christmas is arriving early for guitar enthusiasts across India as the legendary Steve Vai brings his magic to Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Kolkata as part of the Inviolate India 2023 tour. Commencing on December 6 at Phoenix Market City, Mumbai, the tour showcases Vai's latest instrumental album, "Inviolate," marking the three-time Grammy winner's musical prowess.
In an interview with FPJ, Vai sheds light on the inspiration behind the album and the journey from ideation to release. Originally planning a different type of record before the COVID-19 lockdown, Vai turned to livestreams, creating content like "Alien Guitar Secrets" and "Under It All." The lockdown inadvertently led to the instrumental guitar album, featuring tracks like "Candle Power" and "Knappsack," born out of Vai's unique experiences during this period.
A pivotal addition to the album is the Hydra, a guitar designed by Vai with multiple necks and unique features. Songs like "Teeth Of the Hydra," "Apollo In Colour," and "Zeus in Chains" showcase the Hydra's capabilities. The entire process took about a year, leading to the album's release and subsequent tour, which started in May 2022 and extends until the end of 2024.
Vai anticipates that fans will appreciate not only his continued evolution and innovation on the guitar at the age of 63 but also the album's pleasing melodies. Reflecting on his collaborations with iconic musicians like Frank Zappa, David Lee Roth, and Whitesnake, Vai acknowledges the learning experiences they provided, shaping his solo career.
Expressing his admiration for traditional classical Indian music, Vai highlights the unique dimension it adds to the musical landscape. He notes the influence of Indian artists like U. Shrinivas and L. Shankar, appreciating their extraordinary talent. Among contemporary musicians, bassist Mohini Dey stands out for her virtuosity and connection to her cultural roots.
Addressing the impact of technology on guitarists, Vai emphasizes the transformative role of the internet, digital technology, and multi-fx gear. While these developments have expanded creative possibilities, Vai stresses the enduring importance of melody and the collaborative process in music creation.
Looking ahead, Vai expresses a desire to perform in countries like Africa, Tahiti, Hawaii, and Alaska. As for his India tour, he looks forward to exploring the vibrant local markets.
The interview concludes with Vai's reflections on his career, expressing gratitude for moments of inspiration and the joy derived from manifesting creative ideas. Rather than traditional markers of success, Vai finds fulfillment in the process of creating music that surpasses his expectations.
As fans eagerly await the Inviolate India 2023 tour, Steve Vai's enduring passion for innovation and musical expression continues to captivate audiences worldwide.
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