#Krista baby you deserved better
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angelofverdum · 1 year
Station 19 6x18
Can Theo go? How more toxic can he be? Writers really said, "Oh you hate Sullivan? Let me show you someone worse". What an asshole. Making out with Kate just because Vic was proud of Andy. Who, mind you, is one of her closest friends and has been fighting for that position for a long time.
Captain Herrera, fucking finally. I hope that storyline ends there. We don't care about that anymore. She is going to be a great captain. Let her be captain until season 11, at least.
I wish we had seen a conversation between Maya and Andy about the captaincy.
Jack lost consciousness, so he couldn't tell Vic what he saw. If they kill Jack, I'm suing. He is just a dumb guy, and he doesn't deserve that. I hated him when he was part of Maya and Carina, but he is getting his life together.
Travis has been a shitty friend to Vic, btw. Vic told him what happened with Theo and Travis just saying "Sometimes that happens".
I love we got to see more of Vic and Andy together.
As much as I loved those scenes with Maya and Carina in their apartment. I wished they were on the opening scene. That looked like fun. Maya and Carina are always out of the group.
Are Maya and Carina going to adopt that baby? I know Carina wants to give birth, but they just brought that pregnant lady for Carina to do something? Or is Jack adopting the baby?
What the hell is this? I want a written essay about why Carina flinches like that. Couldn't this scene be like 5 seconds longer?
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I'm so annoyed that Carina had to wear her wedding outfit to the ball. You are telling me she didn't have any other dress??? ANY OTHER DRESS??? Why? What was the point? Why do the writers hate Carina so much? She could have gone and bought anything. I'm sure she has gone to some events that required formal dress.
I can't even enjoy her scenes at the ball because of that damn outfit.
I'd never forget Danielle for giving Maya bangs. I know it's just hair, but Maya is not a bangs woman. She wears her hair slicked in a tall ponytail, controlled and put together. Bangs are carefree.
Danielle looks beautiful, but that's not Maya. She could have waited a week to get bangs. I'm in mourning.
It wasn't even mentioned. When she cut her hair short, it made sense. It was a beautiful moment, and she looked very hot. But those bangs just, I don't know. I'd never question Danielle's acting choice, but I feel that this episode was more Danielle than Maya.
This was a good episode. I hope they keep this energy for future epsidoes
I'd love to see them getting ready for the ball. Maya and Carina with the group. They teasing Maya and Carina for being late. CARINA WITH A NEW DRESS (This bothers me so fucking much)
This was my favorite kiss, btw. I guess I'm a sucker for fluff. I loved this scene so much. Even tho We should have seen Maya topping Carina.
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Anyways we survived Krista, and I hope next season is better. Zoanne Clack and Peter Paige, here are my recommendations:
Someone tell Danielle to put this pic on Maya's locker.
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Bisexual Vic
Theo gone. Bring another female firefighter. (Latina, please?)
Redemption for Sullivan (I like Boris; I don't want him gone, ok?) Can they do something to make him likable? Please. He can be funny. We can save him.
Baby Deluca-Bishop (Bishop-Deluca still sounds better. If Maya weren't so whipped by her wife), It's time. I didn't want a baby, but I'm tired of this storyline. Just give them a baby, please.
More Carina Deluca in action
More Vic, Maya, and Andy together
More fires
More silly episodes
Whoever is reading fanfics realizes that Marina's baby should be named Andrea.
Maya and Carina change the sheets. Please, I'm begging. I'll change them myself if I have to.
P.S: Whoever edited this deserves an award. So unserious.
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
On the one hand; shit or get off the pot and make Andy Captain already.
On the other hand; maybe their endgame was to make Andy Captain when the show ends (like we were never supposed to see her actually BE Captain, just know that she finally became Captain) which is why we've gotten a Captain race almost every season. Or it was Krista's endgame and the new regime of Peter and Zoanne have a different plan.
On another hand LOL; Captain is the safer job and if Maya and Carina are going down the baby path again, I would rather Maya be safe being Captain outside calling the shots then running into the fires. That being said, Maya just needs to be Captain again for season 7 which could last 2 years with the way they time jump, then promote to Battalion Chief and THEN Andy can take over as Captain if the show goes to season 8.
Obviously this is in an ideal world. I just hate how Maya has this shit stain on her record for losing her Captaincy and just want her to be able to leave it on her own terms and just refusing to play the Captain game against Sullivan, Ruiz, and Herrera is not it.
I thought about this too...if their endgame plan was to make Andy captain and that would be like...the last episode of the show. But if that was the case...then have Maya be permanent captain until then? Like what is the point of constantly changing captains every damn season? And also if they really had no intention on ever showing their main character actually doing what her main goal is, doesn't that say a lot? Like they really have no other story for her? It's just weird.
And of course it's beyond frustrating that they had to make Maya 'fail' so that she is now forever under Andy because they will never make her captain again (at least at Station 19) and there would never be a world where she's Chief or Battalion Chief before Andy because it would 'make Andy look bad' which is why they always seem to sideline Maya at times or remove her from the situation entirely to prop Andy up. Which again, if you ave to do that with your main character, doesn't that say something?
Maya definitely deserves better than just to stay at LT forever. But obviously if she were to transfer to another station and become captain...then she wouldn't be on the show anymore. So it's just frustrating and annoying that that's where she's at now.
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
Hi! Can I request the aot girls + hitch and historia going out and saying "I love you" and you not saying it back? Like just how their reactions to it would be. Thanks in advance!
Damn y'all just love breaking these girls hearts LMAO alright then 😏 also sorry this took a while, I’m currently clearing out drafts LMAO -
||| AOT girls reacting to you not saying “I love you” back.
Paring: Mikasa x reader, Annie x reader, Ymir x reader, Pieck x reader, hitch x reader, historia x reader
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- Honey always says “I love you,” before going out in to town. Like ALWAYS
- so when y/n didn’t say it back it really bothered her.
“Alright honey, I’m going to go get some groceries. I’ll be back in a few dear. Keep the door locked. I love you,” Mikasa said as she threw on her coat giving you a small peck on the cheek. “Okay baby! Have a fun!” You replied, washing the dishes. At first she didn’t notice and thought you were going to say it when she was walking out, but then you didn’t. She closed the door and kind of stood there confused. So mikasa decided to go back inside, hoping you would say it back to her.
“I- uhm- forgot something one second,” she said, going into your bedroom. “Oh ok!” She grabbed a pen ( which she really didn’t need) and came out of the bedroom, hugging you from behind, “I’ll be home shortly, okay?” Mikasa said, kissing the back of your head. “Alright!” “I love you,” “see you later!” Mikasas face turned into a worried and concerned look before repeating, “I love you dear,”
“Ok!” You said. She broke the hug and looked at you, “Wait, why aren’t you saying it back?” She asked, a bit anxious. “Hm? What do you mean?”.. “You didn’t say I love you back,” she mumbled looking down at her feet. “Aww baby… I was joking mamas!” You said in a baby voice, caressing her cheek with your thumb. “Mmm..” she sighed, looking at you.
“noooo honey! Don’t be sad my baby! I love you too my sweet angel!” You finally gave in, kissing her forehead.
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-offended but zero fucks given
- pulls out a taser on you LMAO threatening for you to say it back /jk
“Baby I’m leaving to go to reiners, see you later babe, I love you,” your girlfriends voice trailed out to you. “Oh okay! Bye bye!” You said kissing her on the cheek. Zt first Annie didn't notice and only noticed when she got in the car. She was like, “wait- did y/n even say they loved me?” she thought. This extra ass got out of the car and went back to the door opening it. “Uhm I love you?” she said. “Oh okay! Bye bye!”
She looked at you as if you were nuts. She came over to you and jerked your face towards her before kissing you, “tell me you fucking love me back, ” she growled. “AAA OMG OKAY ANNIE ILY-”
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- Worried and sad
- Thinks she did something wrong to not deserve an ‘I love you’ :(
“Lovely~” Pieck said with pretty eyes as she gently kissed your cheek, “I’m going to the meeting with Reiner and Zeke, I’ll be back in a bit dear” She said calmly. “Oh alright! I’ll see you then!” You gave her a quick smile before handing her her coat, putting it on her. “Thank you my divine~!” The frizzy haired woman said, kissing you softly on the lips, cupping your face. “See you soon my love, I love you,” she looked into your eyes with a sparkle, “see you love!” You replied. She completely forgot all about the “I love you” part since she always gets one back, but as soon as she was headed out the door she stopped for a second. “Hey,” she said, turning around back to you. You looked up at Pieck from your book. “I love you,” she smiled. “Okay, I’ll see you when you get back” you returned the smile. Pieck oddly just stood there, contemplating what to do. “Honey,” The titan asked. “Do.. you love me back..?” She said with worrying eyes. You had to drop the act and bursted out laughing, “oh my god Pieck baby of course!” You rushed over to her, kissing her lips once again, “I’m messing with you! Porco told me to try it! <3” you explained, comforting her. “You-“ the woman pouted, “you are going to put me in a early grave >:(“
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- same with annie
- offended ASFFFF
She was about to go take your guys dog to the vet for a checkup as she kissed you quickly on the cheek. “I’ll be back soon mamas~” she said, kissing you. “I love you~” she said, wrapping her arms around you. “Okay! See you later babe!” You said, staring at your phone. She gave you another kiss before looking at you crazy. “Oi,” she said grabbing your phone and placing it down, “give me a kiss and tell me you love me, I’m not leaving until you do dumbass,” she flicked at your forehead. You rubbed your head with your hand as you replied “ow okay!” Giggling. “I love you tooo <3” you said sweetly, back at her, giving her a small peck on her cheek. “Oh come on y/n that was shit, do it again,” she said rudely. “Oh my god you are so needy!” You said kissing her again, “I love you,”
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- Sad ;( and confused
- she doesn’t know what she did wrong
Right as she was going to make a speech in one of the towns of Sina, she quickly kissed you, and let her keep some of her clothes so that you wouldn’t be lonely for the next 3 days. Since the ride on horse out there doesn’t take long, she also has paperwork to do, which would decline her ability to get back home. Reports to study, decisions to make all felt a bit to much for the girl whose name was claimed to be krista. “Darling, I’ll be back in a few days,” the blonde said, putting up her hair neatly in a bun, “I’ve got guards for you, so if you need something or need to go somewhere, make sure to tell them,” she said, turning towards you, “alright sweetheart?” She smiled at you. “Okay baby” you returned the smile as she grabbed her bag and gave you a kiss on the cheek and then another one on the face. “I’ll be back as fast as I can, please stay safe my love,” Historia instructed. “I will hisu, the same goes to you my queen,” You giggled. “I love you darling, see you soon,” “alrighty! Bye bye!” You waved to her as she headed out the door. As soon as historia closed the bedroom door she paused, ‘wait, why didn’t y/n say she loves me?’ She questioned. The blonde haired woman turned around, leaving her bag outside the door and opened it again, peeping her head in. “Baby,” she said, “hm?” You replied. “I love you” she repeated. “Okay, bye bye!” She stood there a bit confused, before walking inside the bedroom again. “Can you say it back?” Historia worryingly asked, hesitant. “Oh my walls,” you giggled rushing over to Historia, “I love you, more than anything tori” you blushed. “I was only messing around my queen, you know I truly care deeply about you,” You kissed her soft lips as she grabbed your waist. “I can’t wait to see you again” Hisu confessed, “stay safe, Princess
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- “Excuse me” *zap* “you better say it back”
Hitch put on her red silk dress, admiring herself in the mirror as you walked in, “Heyyy bae” she drug out her sentenced, “what you been up to?” You laid down on her bunk bed, looking at the girl, “nothing what about you love?” You replied, curious, “I’m going out tonight, there’s a party at Ashton’s you should totally come!” Hitch said. You shook your head and sighed, “hitch, how many times do I have to remind you I’m not into that stuff?” The woman let out a grunt, “well come on babe! It’ll be fun! I promise,” You looked her up and down as she grabbed her bag, “You sure you don’t want to come?” Hitch asked, you shook your head. “Alrighty then I’m off y/n,” She gave you a kiss before walking out the door, “I love you sweetie I’ll be back soon,”. “Have fun,” you smiled. There was an awkward silence between you two as she looked at you confused. “I love you?” She repeated, “okay hitchy have a good time,” you smiled. “Uh uh,” she shook her head digging through her purse before pulling out a WHOLE FUCKING TAZER- “you say you love me right now or else I’m smashing your car windows,” she said. “OH MY GOD HITCH ITS A JOKE-“ You said worried for your life. “I LOVE YOU DAMN-“ the woman put away the pink tazer before kissing you on the cheek. “Good! I love you too!”
I didn’t do a yelena one because she’d kill you if you did that LMAOAOAHA
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thebroken--soul · 3 years
I will NEVER forgive Krista and the GA writers for killing Andrew DeLuca off like he never mattered.
Andrew was a great representation of "you have a mental health but you will be okay. You got this". He was a great representation for people who struggle with bipolar and killing him off just makes you think that your mental health doesn’t matter. He was the good representation that you will be okay with the support and love of your love ones and with the help of medicine and/or with a specialist.
He had a mental breakdown but yet he was getting better with the help and love of his sister Carina, he was getting better thanks to his medicine. He was getting better and he wanted to help people. He was about to become a great doctor and yet the writers loved killing him off instead of making him quitting his job or leaving and taking a break in Italy.
Making Andrew DeLuca leaving would have been so much better because we could still have hoped that Giacomo would come back for few episodes. It would have been so much nice to see him leaving than dying on the table because since Carina wants a baby with Maya, we won’t see him being the great uncle. We won’t see him interacting with his niece/nephew. We won’t see his relationship growing up with Carina as stupid little brother. We won’t see him talking to Maya. We won’t see anything of that because the damn writers preferred to kill off a character than making his story better.
I will forever be pissed/bitter about Andrew’s death. He deserved so much better. Carina never deserved to lose her baby brother, her half. The DeLuca siblings deserved so much better !!
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got slexie back but at what cost?
“that grief belongs to all of us” why am i thinking about how meredith treated her when derek died
the story mer just told about bailey 🥺 oh he’s precious i need them to show the kids more often
maggie’s vent idea was genius
i think the writers should let jo be single for a while, but when she starts dating again i’m gonna need her and hayes to get together cause they have chemistry and it’d be a shame to let it go to waste
“you trying to set me up?” “i’m trying to set me up” 😭
oh the way mark held eye contact with lexie while he told mer to not waste one single minute i’m in tears
this episode made me weep but i love it so much
maggie and winston are moving so fast i bet they’re going to be the couple that lasts the rest of the series
i love amelink so much i can’t believe they break up
arthur’s gonna live 😭
oh i am so here for teddy and owen rebuilding their friendship
less than a minute in and i already know that this episode is going to be tough
i knew they would deal with covid deniers eventually but man i wasn’t ready
i completely forgot that richard is maggie’s dad
i just wanna hug winston
“that should be meredith.” fuck off????
levi deserves so much better than nico
i feel like amelia could’ve handled that situation better
it would’ve been so cool if while mer was unconscious, they had other characters do the voiceovers each episode
bailey is dead wrong to force jo to stay a surgeon just because it makes her feel better
i can’t believe how much i actually like this version of derek. i think it’s because he’s dead lmao
amy did the superhero pose 🥺
“it’ll wake up the baby” “it’s okay, he needs his bottle, anyway” pls i love maggie
“you two really are codependent” lmfao
zola 🥺
i really really miss april
helm is acting off this ep :/
wondering why tom had that reaction when levi told him about jo switching her specialty
i’m gonna miss jackson so much 😩
“you go give ‘em hell, avery” “thanks for showing me how”
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every time they mention alex and now deluca, my heart breaks just a little bit more
this episode was beautiful
oh i love how mer left lmao
richard is officiating their wedding 🥺
helm :(
oh i love tom so so much
oh this montage at the end is too much for my heart
noooooo tom left what the fuck
i lost deluca, jackson and tom all in the same season
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“i didn’t mean soup” if levi doesn’t snatch him up…
i already know that jo adopts luna and yet that scene where she’s crashing genuinely made me forget and for a second i thought she might die
luna’s guardian is a real bitch
krista stop making jo cry all the time challenge
i love maggie and winston so much
“dibs on the bed!” lmfaoooo
catherine laughing after winston’s grandma said their wedding was broke fkgjfjsjs she’s just like me
woahhh jo wants link to foster luna…feel like amy is not going to take that well
maggie’s wedding was so beautiful
i am so so happy for jo and luna
amelia and link made a deal that they would revisit the marriage stuff so idk why he thought proposing was a good idea
i love how they still involve cristina even if she isn’t actually there.
that ep was so so good!!
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eternalgoldfish · 4 years
u got me so horny (part one) | (part two) | (part three) | (part four) | (part five) | (part six) | (part seven) | (part eight) | (part nine) | (part ten)
(now all on AO3)
what r u wearing
It’s so fucking tacky. So fucking Billy. And Steve would normally oblige him, would really fucking love to get into some obliging right now, but Aunt Cynthia has just started passing around the peas, and Steve kind of doesn’t have a death wish.
(Okay, sometimes it’s not so obvious, when he does dumb shit like look at his phone over Christmas dinner, but he doesn’t really wanna die, not really, because if Billy’s texting him like that, it means Billy’s got his hands in his pants. Thinking about Steve. Getting off on Steve. So.)
He sends, 
Fuck. What he meant to send was, Not now. And Nothing is a lot different than Not now. 
Steve is a moron, maybe, because his jeans are growing a little tight, palms a little sweaty, and. He’s got to set his phone to silent, got to set it face down on the table. Because if he thinks about Nothing for too long, he’s going to think about how Billy looks with his fist around his dick, about what Nothing will mean to Billy. And if he’s thinking about that at the table, about what he wants to do about that--
Aunt Cynthia tilts her head as she offers him the gravy, purses her lips like, “Something the matter?”
“Oh, no,” he says, uses too much gravy. “One of my profs just put up their syllabus early and I’m not prepared to think about that.”
He’s never been a very good liar, but Cynthia seems to accept it, handing him the bread rolls next. She shares a look with Aunt Krista, which is bad news, no bueno, abort mission, too late.
“How is school going, anyway?” Aunt Krista asks. 
“Pretty alright. I found this semester challenging, but I kept on top of all my courses, so I think I’m getting the swing of things. Nancy and Jon got in there too, so I think that’s helped, you know, with the transition.”
“Nancy, your girlfriend?” Aunt Cynthia asks. “I was wondering where she was.”
It’s been a year, but Steve guesses that’s fair. His aunts only give a shit on holidays. He clears his throat, says, “Yeah, no, uh. I thought I’d mentioned that she started dating this other guy, Jonathan? It’s totally not a big deal. College, uh, is a land of opportunity, right? Lots of people to meet?”
Krista nods like she gets it, until she proves she maybe doesn’t. “Have you found a new girl, then? I doubt the ladies could leave a handsome man like you alone.”
“Not that I’ve heard of,” his mom chimes in.
And Steve’s been trying to do this thing where he’s more honest with his mom, because he’s on a journey of personal growth and all that, but. 
He’s not really lying anyway.
(But it feels like he’s about to, like maybe his mom will be able to tell that he’s guilty of something. Like she deserves to know about the things he’s learned about himself, his sexuality, who he’s been sleeping next to, who probably just sent him a video covered in come, and.)
(Billy’s not his boyfriend, anyway.)
“I’ve gone on a few dates. Honestly, I’ve just been focusing on keeping my grades up.”
“You just left me hanging,” Billy says, voice never as deep over the phone as it is in person.
“I was at dinner!”
“So was I. Don’t act like you’re new to sexting, amigo.”
Which. That is not what Steve was expecting, but he’s pretty sure it’s not better either. “They didn’t give you shit for having your phone at the table?”
“No one gives a fuck about what I’m doing if all the cousins are there. I’m still at the kids’ table. It’s a fucking bore.”
“You sext at the kids’ table?” Steve asks, can’t help but crack up a little as he flops down on his bed. “Lucky. I got grilled.”
“Yeah, well, I’m sure it’s coming to me.”
Billy hadn’t shut up all last week about going to California, about seeing his high school friends and walking the beaches. About how shitty it was in Indiana, even though he’d chosen a school there. 
On the phone, Billy doesn’t sound so eager to be in California, and Steve can’t quite put his finger on why.
“I gotta go back down for dessert soon,” Steve says, because he remembers Billy’s tone that day in the library, knows better than to ask.
“Thought this was your dessert,” Billy says, voice low, slick.
He knows how to make himself sound like a sin, and Steve should know better, knows he doesn’t have time for this. The problem is, Billy is probably lying on his own bed, a hand in his hair and his shirt rucked up, and Steve’s never had very good impulse control.
“What are you wearing?” Steve asks, aims for leg-spreading charm. Wishes he could see Billy laugh.
“Oh, come on.” Steve laughs. “You’re not.”
“I am. I mean, I guess my dick is wearing my hand, but.”
Steve’s dick twitches, and it shouldn’t be so easy.
“So, you’re jerking off?” He asks, unzips his jeans, prays he’s got more time than he bargained for.
“I was waiting for you, princess. What’re you wearing? Since I’m guessing it’s not nothing.”
“No, uh.” Steve shucks his underwear and jeans to tangle around his thighs. “I’ve got that green cashmere sweater on, the one you give me shit about, and my good blue jeans.”
“You still have them up?”
Billy must be palming himself, same as Steve. Probably has his stupid head tipped back, skin covered in gooseflesh as he smears precome over his slit with his thumb. 
“I’ve pushed them down.”
“Past your ass?”
“You getting on your knees for me?”
He’s not, but he can play along.
“Yeah. If you were here, I’d be letting you fuck me.”
“With your parents downstairs?”
“With everyone downstairs. Would you do it? Just -- shove me over on the bed, fuck into me before they notice?”
Billy’s breaths are growing more laboured, soft groans catching in the receiver. Steve’s trying hard to keep his own sounds soft, words silent and even. Keep his moans to himself when Billy is naked and glorious.
“Shit, baby, yeah. Are you fucking yourself? Think you should fuck yourself, for me.”
It’s a good idea, has Steve fighting off his jeans. “What’re you doing?”
“Stroking my cock. Got a hand twisting my nipple, just for you.”
That should not be so hot. It’s unfair. 
“I’d suck your cock.”
“Would be kinda hard for you to do that while I’m fucking you with it,” Billy says, and his laugh is unfairly hot, too.
“Shut up. It’s the idea.”
“I know, pretty boy. Shit.” Billy hisses. “You fingering yourself, yet?”
“Yeah,” Steve lies. Now that he’s got his legs spread, skin flushed pink and cock heavy, it’s occurring to him that he doesn’t have enough hands.
He’s not putting Billy on speakerphone like this. He’s not. 
But Billy must have him on speakerphone, to have a hand for his nipple, and. 
This is complicated, alright? 
He fumbles with his phone a second to get Billy on the speaker, turns the volume down low, begs every god he knows to keep anyone from coming up to knock on his door. 
“I’m, uh. I’m on my stomach, fucking into a pillow, while you -- rail me?” he says with a wince. He’s got lube in his suitcase. It only takes a moment for him to fetch it and return to bed, lying on his back with his legs spread, slicked fingers working his cock, teasing at his hole.
“Letting me take you from behind? Shit, baby.”
And Steve doesn’t know why he’s lying about that, either. Why it matters to him if Billy knows he’s on his back, thinking about how good Billy looks over him when they’re chest to chest. Why he loses words when he starts to fuck into himself, thinking about Billy’s cock.
“Bet you look so pretty,” Billy murmurs. Rambles, really. “Fuck, Steve.”
For a moment, Steve just listens to Billy breathe, hears every little hitch at the back of Billy’s throat. Then Billy says, “Shit. I’m gonna come.”
The sound Billy makes almost breaks Steve. Almost, because he’s still not quite there, feels like he’s going to rip apart at the seams waiting, because he’s so, so close.
“Steve? Dessert is out!” His mom calls up the stairs.
“Fuck,” he whines, soft. Then, “Be there in a minute!” 
“Shit, pretty boy. They probably all know you’re getting fucked, if you sound like that.”
And that shouldn’t be the thing that does it for him, because that’s really fucking embarrassing, but. Steve comes with a curse, making Billy laugh. 
“Shut up. You’re the fucking worst.”
“Baby, go on. You’re keeping the family waiting.”
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Grey's Season 17x8 review
I'm kinda late but I haven't been sleeping lately so I finally managed to catch up with the episode today.
I'm still in shock from last weeks episode honestly but let's go. First I'm expressing my disappointment on the lack of Carina, she's a series regular on Grey's but all her scenes were on Station 19, I wish they would have brought Maya to Grey's just so I could feel good about seeing them cash in their regulars card. Then Deluca was laid to rest, another heart breaker seeing that they had just opened the realms of possibility for him and storylines but they just killed him off instead.
Teddy the biggest storyline at this point besides the funeral. At last we get to see what's really going on. Teddy hasn't been looking herself for a long time and it seems like Deluca's death was the breaking point for her, she was so scarred she didn't even want to wean Meredith off of the vent and when things are affecting your decisions as a doctor and not for the better, it's not a good sign. We'll get to see more of the storyline next week which honestly I'm excited to see. She managed to make me feel for her because despite everything she's done she's still the same old attachment barbie under there. I'm just glad Owen was able to put aside their differences and pick her up bridal side to take her home. The only thing I'm hoping is that it actually happens to be what the trailer was suggesting and not another Denny and Izzie situation because enough of the Grey Sloan doctors have had cancer and I'm definitely hoping that hey end the love triangle between her Owen and Tom or the better scenario in my opinion is let her get some space to breath and deal with healing without the pressures of relationship added to it.
Meredith honey, I'm gonna need you to take several feet away from Mc Dreamy, your kids and the hospital need you and you're getting a little too close to him for comfort. On that note I was once again glad to see Patrick Dempsey bless my screen as Derek Shepherd and it was as always a treat. When he talked about the kids, I'm so glad he knows about Ellis and they got to have several deep chats, so much so that I almost fell into the trap of wanting them to touch. She took a breath on her own which makes it seem as though she's improving but I don't want to get my hopes up and then have them trampled again like in the situation with Deluca waking up after surgery and then Meredith waking up only to end up on a vent in the same day.
I'm so glad that she's taking some time off. She's been running on empty since her mother died and she was beginning to remind me of the time with when she tested herself over and over again for staph with how obsessed she was about Deluca's autopsy, however with the amount of her fellow doctors she's lost its understandable plus Meredith the only one of her residents left is still on life support. If it wasn't for Richard she would have done some serious damage especially to Teddy who already was on edge. She definitely doesn't handle trauma well but besides Richard and Meredith she has experienced the most trauma. She's been through a lot and sometimes I think I tend to forget that.
And at least we got to see that small scene between her and Ben at the end so that was a plus.
Is still holding up the walls of the hospital. It must be so hard for him to keep his faith with all he has been through, like I said before him, Meredith and Bailey have been through hell and back so I can definitely understand him feeling a little lost and losing his faith. However he didn't let that affect his keeping the Grey Sloan family together. I'm glad him and Catherine managed to make up because both of his support people are going through things of their own (Meredith and Bailey) so I was glads that she was able to be there for him and he didn't have to consider the thought of alchohol because that would just be too much at this point.
Amelia and Link
Are doing really well right now as a couple, which scares me because whenever something seems to be going too well for a couple they throw a storm at them and I'm not ready to see their happy bubble burst just yet.
And Amelia has grown a lot her talking to Zola, she just said the right things. Mother hood as really changed her for the better. And does anyone else really want to see the letters that Zola wrote for Derek?
Link however felt the pressures of taking care of 4 kids constantly and I can understand I help out with my niece sometimes and by the end I want to pull my hair out and sleep in a corner for a week, farless 3 kids and a baby, I'm surprised he lasted so long.
Link headed to Jo's house in the middle of whatever agreement Jackson and Jo have going and got drunk. What I really liked about it though was that he went home afterwards and when he did Amelia didn't judge or yell she just talked to him and then hugged him which was amazing. They have a level of communication on the show that most of the other couples lack and it just works so well for them.
Jo and Jackson
Jackson discovered just how much of a close friendship Link and Jo have and at some point he almost seemed as if he was jealous. Let the complications begin ladies and gentlemen. Plus there is the apparent potential of Dr Haynes turning it into a triangle. I guess one triangle dies to form another 🙄 and let's just say I'm not too excited for it.
Jo allowed herself to get drunk and vent which in my opinion was a step forward atleast. She hasn't really gotten the time to grieve over Alex because suddenly Covid happened and she was swamped with work. I'm just hoping that she does so that she won't accidentally sabotage any upcoming happiness she may have with someone else she needs to heal.
Maggie and Winston
Poor Winston, he really doesn't know what he's signing up for by joining Grey Sloan does he 😭? Although I noticed last week he seemed to be getting the picture when Link was talking about Meredith and Derek. On the other hand seeing him with the kids was adorable, and he managed to give everyone some time to themselves without the kids which was a very big contribution. He's reminding me of a Ben which in no way is a bad thing. Go on Maggie get it.
Maggie was also devastated and shocked by Deluca as we all were and I'm so sad how their slowly but surely introducing her to the traumas of Grey's. She literally is the only pure one left and now she has to go through all the trials of the hospital until she's dark and twisty. I hope not though she's the only cheerful non broken one left on the show.
Is about to have his hands full by next episode. He really is beginning to redeem himself after all Teddy did to him the whole episode he spent trying to make her feel better about Deluca and then picked her up to carry her home which confirmed my theory of it was always going to be Owen for Teddy, it was always Owen and Teddy even when she was married to ....... Henry 😭. I hope this will be the end of the over worked love triangle and they'll finally be able to move on especially Tom who deserves it.
Is utterly smitten with Meredith's children and was begging her to wake up and fight and surprise, surprise she took her first breath on her own. Honestly out of all the potential suitors for her which really isn't much considering one of them has now joined Derek as a permanent member of the beach, Haynes isn't a bad choice, I'm beginning to actually ship them. But then Krista said she was sensing a potential triangle with Jo, Jackson and Haynes and I hope not. I'm tired of the triangular pyramid of Grey Sloan love triangles. Just once I would like a relationship to be straight forward. They killed Deluca and the Teddy one is coming to an end, no need for another.
Is still recovering from Covid and he seems to be going to live, a plus in the series so far.
Levi and Nico
Are slowly getting closer, but I'm not rooting for anyone until Nico apologizes and they have an actual conversation about what happened without their clothes ending on the floor.
Also was having a hard time coping and dealing with a bit of guilt about her over ambitious surgery hungry self. She actually reminds me of Cristina in a way, which is why I want Tom to be her teacher I really think their personalities will bounce well off of each other, especially in the episode where she had to check on Tom when he had Covid.
• What's going on with Teddy? Owen said in the trailer he sees it in soldiers a lot but Grey's has a knack for reusing plots and her seeing Deluca is giving major Denny Izzie vibes, plus there's the chance that if it really is a brain tumor they'll pin all her recent choices on the tumor.
• Will someone tell Meredith they're are beaches in the real world as well, sure Derek won't be there and it probably wont be as peaceful but all I know is she needs to wake to hell up.
• What's going on between Jo and Jackson will they become more? Will they add Haynes to the mix?
• And most importantly when will Carina finally be seen in the Grey Sloan hospital? I need more Dr Carina.
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englishstrawbie · 3 years
Can you actually believe that some fans would actually think that Carina is going to die in season 5 and she has no story in s19, i mean yes she needs her own story line but the show would be actually crazy to let that happen, how can someone calls there self fan of the show and say things like that just please to everyone if you don’t enjoy the show just stop watching no need to be rude and say things like that. Don’t tag your hate in the station 19 tag just keep it to yourself
I try to be a drama-free blog so you're better off talking to the people who were having this discussion. Or just hit the block button if you don't want to see those kind of posts in the tag.
I will say that I don't think anyone wants Carina to die, I think it's that fans in Shondaland are so jaded when it comes to the writers doing something to destroy their favourite ships - look at Meredith & Derek, Callie & Arizona, Mark & Lexie, Jo & Alex, Vic & Ripley. Plus, Krista likes to kill people off for drama and thrills. So as much as I don't like that kind of negative conversation myself, I also don't blame fans for being exhausted by it. Sometimes we just need to vent and find people who are just as frustrated as we are, you know?
In terms of storyline, I tend to agree that it's been difficult for the writers to find Carina something meaningful to do. She's an OBGYN on a show about firefighters and we lose so much of her personality by not getting to see her at work. The grief episode after Andrew's death was incredible, one of my absolute favourites for them both as individuals and a couple. The episode where she was running the testing drive and the episode where she delivered a baby at the station were both great too, but other than that, what else did she do other than be Maya's girlfriend/fiance/wife? I am still super happy for Stefania for becoming a series regular, she absolutely deserves more than she gets - but I still wish she'd been made a series regular on Grey's Anatomy so that we could see her kick ass more at the hospital, and use Marina and Benley as reasons for more crossovers between the two shows like they tried (and failed) to do with Vic and Jackson.
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darlinique · 5 years
stopped crying long enough to put my thoughts in order. haven’t done this for a while, and it’s my last chance to, so!
• i was extremely satisfied overall with the ending. this was about elliot’s story—our elliot’s story—and it came to a satisfying and emotional conclusion based around information that had been there the whole time. i love him so much, and now i’m getting choked up writing this down again, lol.
• that said, given sam esmail considered the theme of s4 “integration,” i think the final memories-scrolling scene (the homage to a space odyssey thing) was supposed to represent a form of integration. the host received our elliot’s memories, but i’m sure the system is gonna need more time with krista to really work through everything. it’s still a hopeful ending imo.
• and That said, i still miss our elliot. so much. really. sam told me to let go and i said no sir i will cry over this show if i want to
• though...if the system is integrating, i know that he’s always there and is never actually gone (he still Is elliot, just as all the other alters are, even if they were distinct), but the way it was framed as saying goodbye is still going to have me crying over it forever.
• as i said before, this show was always about elliot’s personal journey (what if the destination is you? just remembered that line. god i love this show), and his story had a great conclusion. i’m also very satisfied with the closure we got on the other characters, even if it wasn’t the most specific in certain cases.
• i posted about darlene last night, but i’m happiest for her. she instantly stepped up to what she’d been putting off when she realized she needed to, and she has the opportunity to work through everything with elliot and with herself.
• i thought we might see more of dom, but even though we didn’t, i’m happy with her ending, too. she finally got the rest she needed... though the show wasn’t about romance obviously, i like that her and darlene’s relationship still has that open-ended element. if they ever want to try again in the future, they’ll have the chance to.
• i can draw my own conclusions and i guess it wasn’t necessary to add to the end of the story, but i really would’ve liked to know definitively if shama & markesh ever had their names cleared... i guess since whiterose and the dark army were exposed, i can assume they were exonerated post-humously? i guess! like i said, i’ll have to make my own conclusion with it, but i would’ve liked to know... but it also made sense to not know! lol, i’m just emotional still. i had such a genuine love for the story and all the characters esmail built. i’m happy we got to see fsociety again, if only in drawing-form.
• WHITEROSE. if you think about it, isn’t she kind of the most...open-ended, actually? like, she’s definitely dead, but she left that eXit as a chance for elliot to stop the meltdown. and he did. did she want him to? elliot said she wanted him to win. did she? she wanted her machine set off, but...did she, then? maybe she thought if elliot could figure the game out, he deserved to live and shut the machine down. either way, i absolutely loved her as an antagonist. she brought so much to the show.
• i feel like we could’ve done without the uh, glowing purple light and the dozens of theories that spawned from it, but i’m still satisfied with tyrell’s death. in a way, i’m reconciling his and joanna’s deaths (especially joanna’s) through the lenses of: they morally needed to be punished for what they did/their deaths were deserved because of that/but they still could’ve been written...a little better? my only actual complaint would be that there wasn’t a point to writing joanna’s story in s2 to randomly kill her to develop tyrell considering his fate as well. eh. that point doesn’t distract from how great the overall story ending was though, to me.
• angela, despite some of the worst things she did, is probably still one of the most tragic fates of the show imo. we get to follow and grow to love a character for two seasons, then she gets brainwashed and increasingly becomes more and more unreasonable and erratic to the point that she didn’t care if she died. and then she did. fucking hell.
• i do think elliot got to start processing his grief and guilt for angela and tyrell respectively. the entire inner world falling apart, especially at the wedding, then elliot futilely chasing angela down to repeat the scene from daemons (which was beautiful, by the way!!!) was indicative of him never getting closure with her. the sequence with tyrell shooting him, then elliot collapsing into the same position tyrell was in when dying, and tyrell throwing him into a grave was a manifestation of his own guilt at the thought that he did that to tyrell. at least, that’s how i took those sequences. their deaths and elliot blaming himself for them is something i think he’ll need to work through post-canon.
• However. I Could’ve Gone Without Baby Slater In That Sequence. I’m Haunted.
• weirdly enough, i think the most satisfying, deserved, and best-written death of the entire show was price’s. just adding that.
• Sam Esmail Stuck The Landing. people who are calling it weird or saying it doesn’t make sense...i just don’t understand, because i feel like it was obviously built up to this point for the whole show. sam even had inner world krista explain elliot’s DID step by step, to what elliot understood of it.
• i love this show so much. i’m going to cherish it forever. 10/10 in my book, and it’ll always be in my heart. and i’ll probably be here crying over it for a while, because saying goodbye is the hardest, hahaha. thank you everyone who was here for the ride with me. i cherish you guys just as much.
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samanthaa-leanne · 4 years
*Whispers* Do them all! (If you're okay with it)
3 Fears: Spiders, snakes, and death.
3 things I love: Moon, pizza, animals.
2 turns on: Anime boys and more anime boys.
2 turns off: Non anime boys and uhh non anime boys.
My best friend: oof I have a lot. Theres my HS bff Krista, as well as @handsoffmyfriends @shinsou-lovin-hours-anon @yeet-these-hoez @taepoppin & @asadgwen
Sexual orientation: Bisexual.
How tall am I: 5′5 5′6 ish.
What do I miss right now: Getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Favourite color: Blue.
Do I have a crush: On about a million anime boys.
Favourite place: Beach.
What am I listening to right now: I’m watching Criminal Minds 
Shoe size: Don’t make fun of me but 10.5/11. I have big feet.
Eye color: Blue.
Hair color: Brown with blonde highlights.
Meaning behind my URL: It’s my first name with an additional A and my middle name
Favourite song: At the moment? Brand New Vision by Point North
Favourite band: Way too many to count. 
How I feel right now: Happy
Someone I love: All of you
My current relationship status: Married
My relationship with my parents: Ehh okay..
Favourite season: Summer/Fall
Tattoos and piercing i have: My ears used to be pierced and I have a matching tattoo with my dad
Tattoos and piercing i want: I have an anime sleeve planned, a moon phase tattoo, and a few song lyric tattoos. 
The reasons I joined Tumblr: I honestly don’t remember
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: No :(
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: Yes.
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: Like 20 minutes
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: Nope
Where am I right now?: My house
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?” The louder the better
Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Nope. I own my own house
Am I excited for anything?: I have a trip to japan planned for October
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: My brother Alex is honestly one of the best people in my life.
How often do I wear a fake smile?: 8 hours a day M-F while I’m at work
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Tom Holland or Johnny Depp or Jim Carrey. Honestly so many people
What do I think about most?: Haikyuu and BNHA
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind
What was the last lie I told?: That I don’t smoke pot lol
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: I prefer to text
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Yes and yes
Do I believe in magic?: Yes
Do I believe in luck?: Yes
What’s the weather like right now?: Its 92 degrees rn
What was the last book I’ve read?: I’m re-reading the House of Night series by P.C and Kristin Cast
Do I have any nicknames?: A lot. Sam, Sami, Sam I Am, Sammy Sosa, Bubbles
Do I spend money or save it?:  A little of both
Can I touch my nose with a tounge?: No :(
Favourite animal?: Penguins and Flamingos
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Sleeping
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Falling Like The Stars by Cole Norton
What is my favorite word?: Any cuss word. Probably fuck 
My top 5 blogs on tumblr: @myherowritings @handsoffmyfriends @akaashichigo @burnedbyshoto @gallickingun and so many more
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: What’s up bitches
Do I have any relatives in jail?: Nope
What is my current desktop picture?: My Karasuno babies
Had sex? Yes
Bought condoms? Yes
Gotten pregnant? Nope
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Maybe? I don’t remember
Had job?: Yes
Smoked weed? Yes
Smoked cigarettes? No
Drank alcohol? Yes
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No 
Been overweight? Yes
Been underweight? No 
Gotten my heart broken? Yes
Been to prom? No
Been in airplane? Yes
Learned another language? Kinda? I did 4 years of German in HS but I don’t remember most of it.
Wore make up? Yes
Dyed my hair? Yes
Had a surgery? Does oral surgery count? I had my  wisdom teeth taken out
Met someone famous? No
Stalked someone on a social network? Maybe...
Been fishing? Yes
Been rejected by a crush? Yes
What do I want for birthday? Anything anime related tbh or maybe another tattoo
Do I like my handwriting? Ew no
Where do I want to live when older? North Carolina or somewhere where there’s no snow
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? No
What I’m really bad at: Drawing
What my greatest achievments are: My SMAU’s
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: My dad called me a cunt one time 
What I’d do if I won in a lottery: Pay off my house and my car and buy my mom the house she deserves.
What do I like about myself: My eyes
My closest Tumblr friend: @handsoffmyfriends
Any question you’d like? I really like the swings
Are you outgoing or shy? A little bit of both
What kind of people are you attracted to? Anime boys
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?: Yes
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?: My brother
What does the most recent text that you sent say? lol ok
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Me Against Myself by Wage War, Remembering Sunday by All Time Low, The Langdon House by Issues, Brand New Vision by Point North, Favorite Place by All Time Low.
Do you like it when people play with your hair?: AHHH YES
Do you think there is life on other planets?:  For sure
Do you like bubble baths? Yes
Do you like your neighbors? Yes
Where would you like to travel? Japan, Ireland, UK, Italy.
Favorite part of your daily routine? Leaving work lol
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My stomach
What do you do when you wake up? Go pee
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Nope
Do you ever want to get married? I’m already married
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Sorta.
Would you rather live without TV or music? Neither
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes
What are your favorite stores to shop in? Target
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depending on what they do
Do you smile at strangers? Sometimes
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?: Nope
Ever wished you were someone else?: Sometimes
Favourite makeup brand?: I don’t use makeup
Last thing you ate?: Pizza
Ever won a competition? For what? Nope
Ever been in love? Yes
Facebook or Twitter? Twitter
Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? Yes, Criminal Minds
What colour are your towels? Multicolored
Favourite ice cream flavour? Cookie n Cream
First person you talked to today? My husband
Last person you talked to today? My husband
Name a person you hate? I don’t hate anybody
Name a person you love? Everyone of you
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Probably lol
Do you tan a lot? Not anymore
Have any pets? 2 dogs and a kitty cat
Do you type fast? Yes
Do you regret anything from your past?: Ohh boy yes
Ever broken someone’s heart?: Probably @handsoffmyfriends with all my angst
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?: Yes
Is cheating ever okay? No
Do you believe in true love? Yes
What your zodiac sign? Virgo
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) “Beautiufl, see the cloud, the cloud appear. Beautiful, see the rain,  the rain draw near.”
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polygamyff · 4 years
Tumblr media
I don’t really like to work a weekend but I am, I had to cancel this meeting with Malik which I am not upset about, I don’t want to do it anyways but I had to cancel it because Robyn’ family wanted to come this weekend so I had to change my schedule, but then I had a meeting in this morning, how fun. Since Robyn and Reign being here I like to have my weekends off, spend some time with them but business comes up and I have no choice in it. I have a meeting in regards to my takeover, which is very exciting to me anyways “they are ready for you” Ally said, getting up from my chair “is my dad on the conference call? Anyways, thank you for coming in” putting my suit jacket on “it’s not a problem, it’s going to get even more busier when you take over, I might need an assistant myself” I laughed fixing the button on my jacket “you can if you would like, I will approve of it if you do need one, just get one as good as you” closing my laptop and picking it up from my desk “really? So I can get an assistant, just that things are getting busier for you, for me and I feel like I need someone to do the small jobs, because you are a demanding asshole at times” she is not wrong I am, walking by Ally “but you get paid well to hear my mouth do you not?” making my way to the meeting room, Ally does take a lot of shit from me and she has never let me down in her case “I do, didn’t complain about the pay, just you!” opening the door to the room “morning everyone! How are we all” making my way to the end of the table “morning Maurice” hearing various people say “is Marquis on the phone?” placing my laptop down “do you mean your dad?” he is on the phone “welcome to my meeting!” I spat pulling my chair back “this is the paperwork, you ned to sign off for the funds to be sent to Tokyo too” Ally placed the paperwork down “don’t sound so excited son, sit down so we can discuss what we need to happen for the future and for after I leave” shuffling my chair in “is everything ok? Shares are up? Maurice is doing well?” I laughed, I swear this business is running because of me and my dad knows it.
Blowing out air rolling my sleeves up on my shirt “do you think it went well?” I asked Ally, she closed the office door “it did, you seemed very happy and excited. Nice to see, I think the future is looking bright, your dad on the other hand seems upset but he is getting old” sitting in my chair “he is, he needs to let it go. It was hot in that meeting room, so you think we can get the Tokyo hotel open before the year ends? I feel like the clubs will be before, I don’t know why. I need to get Kellen over there, what is happening with them?” I am asking like she knows “it’s quiet but I have what you asked, I hate being a snoop, but you asked. These are the people that are arriving today in the hotel, you said California, we checked their billing and there are three people that booked in the same vicinity but two separate rooms. We have a lady called Daphne Lewis room 1 supreme, then we have Wesley and Kiano Romano which is room two, which is a twin rom. I called Wesley, I thought check on what they doing. I deserve an extra pay for that, I just said we are confirming you are coming, blah, blah. He said oh yes, we have just landed, so they will be about half hour, I see them arriving soon, I said to the front office to call me when they do, so there you go” nodding my head “they sound latin” I laughed “so this is Robyn’ grandparents, is the meeting room booked yeah?” Ally nodded her head “they paid for the hotel room?” she said “and they can, I don’t know them like that, not right now, tell me when they arrive” grabbing my phone from the side.
I smiled hearing my daughter in the background, she is a happy baby “sorry, Reign is being a drama queen. She was pulling my hair in the morning too” chuckling at the fact she was “surprised the weave didn’t come off” I said through my laughter “asshole!” she spat “I am joking, anyways. How are you feeling? Nervous? Things have happened ever so quick, don’t you think? They really want to see you don’t they” I know she is nervous “I am scared, like to think about meeting a family I don’t know. I am nervous Maurice, will Ally sit with Reign while we go in? Jay said he will be there also, just to watch her, I don’t want them to see her just yet, I don’t know how they will be, oh god Maurice. I am so scared” my poor baby, she is really scared “don’t be, just relax your nerves and Ally won’t mind at all, I will send Ally to the home and they can watch Reign there. Bonita, don’t be scared ok? I am here for you always, I am preparing this for you. Don’t worry Robyn, I got you. So I have some names, I thought I would do some research, your grandfather sounds like the Latin cartel” I laughed down the phone “huh? What you mean?” Robyn said “so I got Ally to research who was coming, from California. And we have their names, would you like to know? Stop being so worried, baby I am here for you. I will tell you my personal opinion if they are bad” Robyn let out an oh “you did that? What is his name?” Robyn asked “Wesley Romano, you got Latin in you baby? Romano is Latin” Robyn was silent on the phone “why you quiet?” if she is crying again, this is all she does now “I am just like, I don’t know” I sighed out, she is crying “Maurice, I got the call” Ally rushed in, nodding my head “Bonita, I will call you back. Just don’t cry” disconnecting the call.
Everything I am doing is for Robyn, I want her to be ok about this. I do think she is making the best decision because I would like to know my real family, they sound Latin as fuck, maybe not the mother. The elevator opened on the floor “what exactly was said on the call?” I asked Ally “that they have arrived, I said take your time with giving them the keycard” stepping off the elevator “you know you will be just staying with my daughter, with Jay right? Just need someone to watch her is that ok?” I can see them now, the two men are very tall “I don’t mind, I will scope them out from the other side” Ally walked off, walking around the front desk “woah, sorry” catching one of the receptionist “scared me!” she spat, I laughed still making my way closer to them “decided to join behind the front desk Maurice?” I knew someone would say something, three pairs of eyes just staring at me “uh, yeah” looking at them, they are staring at me and I am doing the same. The guy looks like bad news to me, a little rough around the edges “Maurice!” Ally shouted me, manoeuvring myself as I made my way to her “what is up” Ally moved away even more “I don’t like the guy, he looks like an ass. He is giving you dead eyes” I saw that he was “I mean they the ones that don’t know Robyn, shit. I don’t know” I shrugged “Sorry to intrude, hi. The family at the front desk are saying they know you, would like to speak to you?” letting out an oh, well this is awkward “well not really, but ok” making my way back “hi” I said “can we speak in private?” the grandfather said, he looks well for an old man “erm, why?” I said, I am trying to play dumb now “we are supposed to see Robyn? You know her? We saw her on TV with you” letting out an oh, I need to play stupid “I do know Robyn, and we can speak on this later. Right now, I have some work to contend with. Just go and put your feet up” it’s not my place to be speaking at all to these people “is she here? I am Kiano” he speaks “no, she’s not here at all. She is at home” maybe this guy doesn’t have emotions “nice to meet you Kiano but I really need to go, we will meet soon” walking off.
Robyn wanted me to come all the way home when she could come here, like she is being dramatic as hell “I don’t do dirty diapers you know” Ally complained “you will do today, and if Mi Hermosa needs her diaper changed you need to do it” she better do it “whatever” opening this stupid baby gate, Robyn has baby proofed the home, and these baby gates are annoying my life “Reign-Texas! Hello baby” she is on the floor playing “what you doing there? Is nobody playing with you, aww my baby” she dropped her toys and lifted her arms up at me “come here, come to papa” picking Reign from the floor “I just realised boss, I am coming with you. Ally you are on your own with little mess” pressing a kiss to Reign cheek “oh yeah you do, well I guess it is Ally and Reign all alone, Krista is here remember, don’t get scared and here you are. Are you ready for the meet?” Robyn looks so deflated but beautiful, she looks so nice “I guess, I missed you” wrapping my free arm around Robyn “we saw them, the guy with them looks a little rough, right?” Ally and her big mouth “I think so” eye-balling Ally “but what do I know” Ally changed it up “honestly, don’t worry about it. You are going to get answers and get to know your dad more than ever ok?” pressing a kiss to the top of her head “do you think Ally? Do they look mean” she sounds so cute saying mean “I wouldn’t say mean, I think they have lived that bad life, you know” Robyn groaned out “I don’t know what to say to them, like I am so confused, you have to stay with me Maurice” Robyn said, she is saying it like I would ever leave her alone with them people.
I thought I would change my clothes while I am home before coming back, just put on some sweatpants “what I want you to do Jay, I want you to go to these room numbers on this paper, walk them to the meeting room. Robyn and I will be sat waiting ok?” Jay took the paper from me “will do boss, shall I stay in the room with you?” Jay asked as we made our way to the elevator “no, I want things to be ok. So just do what you need to do, and we will be waiting in the meeting room downstairs, use this card once I am done. I want it back after. Terry has told them that you are coming so it’s not a surprise, just be nice to the Latin cartel” Robyn scoffed “you keep saying that, stop it!” she let go of my hand “someone is already taking up for her new family” I laughed as I got in the elevator “you are a fool!” turning around and seeing Robyn is just stood staring “it was a joke, please. Come on, lighten up a little, I love you” Robyn stormed towards me “stop saying that, I am already so nervous about this and then you are saying cartel, I don’t know if they are Latin, just support me!” she spat, tapping my key card and pressing the bottom floor “I am, I just wanted to lighten up the mood, I am sorry” Jay shook his head laughing at me.
Sitting next to Robyn in the meeting room “I have noticed, when you are in your work attire you are less annoying. Wear your suits more often” grumpy Robyn is really here but she is nervous “stop it, I love and support you so much” my family phone started to ring “wonder who that is” looking at the caller ID, it’s Mami. Answering the call “Hola mamá, me estás llamando mucho ahora” she has been calling me more then ever since I visited her “Qué puedo decir hijo? Te extraño. Me sentí mal, discutimos. You are stubborn like dad” I love it when she speak English a little “No estaba enojado, no entendía por qué no podías verme?” Robyn is not impressed, she doesn’t understand any of this shit, it’s wonderful “Tu papá Maurice dijo que voy a ir allí. Pensé que te estaba viendo a ti y a tu hotel, pero no. Puedo visitarte?” my smile widened “Mami, I would love that. You can see my home. Necesito ir, te llamaré pronto” disconnecting the call “you know I hate that?” Robyn said “I know you do, she said she is coming to visit us” I said while locking my phone “the hell she is Maurice” frowning at what Robyn said “she likes you, why are you being rude?” placing my phone on the table “I also decided I don’t want her in my home, yes she was ever so kind to me in Spain but she can keep her ass there. She is not my Mami or anything, your mother is in Texas” Robyn glared at me “I find that pretty rude Robyn, like you don’t understand the bond I have with Paula, she will come to the home. She bought me up, doesn’t matter who gave birth to me, right? I mean Thomas bought you up, he wasn’t even your dad” I think I hit a nerve, Robyn is annoyed. She looked away in anger “I didn’t know, you asshole!” she spat “ok, my bad you didn’t. but it doesn’t matter he did treat you right, he did at one point. If Thomas treated you right still, you would be ok with him. And don’t lie to me, so what is the difference?” I would like the answers because she is stopping me now “she bought you up for 9 years of your life, within those times you knew who your real mother was. You visited your mother through those years Maurice, you knew. You were a spiteful little child that was spoilt by your dad, you admitted to me that your mom was happy to see you every time, but you didn’t want to be there. So, you knew and was aware, don’t give me that shit at all. And the whole reason why you fucking had to come back was because your mother was going to call the police on got father for taking you, so there. Now you know, she found out your dad married your Spanish little Mami. Your wonderful father told me so do not compare me with you, the next time you are being disrespectful imagine someone being nasty to your daughter, have some damn sense” staring at Robyn in shock somewhat, clenching my jaw “she’s still a money grabbing bitch, and that is on everything” I shrugged, Robyn hit my arm “don’t say that! And so was every woman you and your dad have ever been with, what is wrong with you. Paula is the same, you are being way too disrespectful for me to sit here and accept it Maurice, it’s wrong!” Robyn pointed at me “you are deluded just like her” I mumbled “and that is all you have to say, huh? You are not stupid and I don’t want to hear it” shaking my head looking away from Robyn.
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cieloxcnco · 6 years
yo te haré mía (cnco) - ch9
Chapter 9
Words: 3,200+
Warnings: first scene has light implications of smut. second scene you’re fine. third gets a little raunchy but not down and dirty.
A/N: all necessary things to lead up to Ch 10 when the real shit starts going down. sorry you waited so long for something so meh, but it gets better. swear. chapter 8 is here if you want to catch up.
Zabdiel slid his heavy steel rings off his fingers into a jewelry dish on the nightstand as he sat on the edge of his side of the bed, heaving out a sigh. “He's finally asleep.” Isabella muttered in assent, brushing her hair out over her shoulder before sliding beneath the bedsheets. “I feel horrible,” he grumbled, rubbing his palms over his cropped hair. “I do miss spending time with him. I feel like this whole album has taken over everything.” He rolled his shoulders with an audible huff, shedding his t-shirt and making short work of sliding his jeans to the ground. Grouping the laundry together in a ball he tossed it into the hamper, a small grin at the victory. “It should all be better once the new album is done.” Isa rolled to the inside of the bed, facing toward him for a change. “And after the album is promotional things and interviews, after promo is a tour, and after a tour is another album. There’s no slowing down or stopping, Zabdiel.” He collapsed into the pillow beside her, his arm thrown haphazardly over his eyes, almost in defeat. She tucked her hands under her head. “The cycle of your career won’t stop. And the difficulty with your family won’t stop until you show some effort.” He lifted his arm off his face and lowered his gaze to meet hers. “We're not only talking about Joaquin anymore, are we?” Isa looked down toward the lump in the sheets where her toes were hiding. “You have to understand,” she began slowly, “how alone all of this has made me feel.” He huffed, throwing his arm down on the mattress beside him. “How am I supposed to know how you feel if you don’t tell me?” She still couldn’t look to his face. “How am I supposed to tell you how to parent, how to be a husband? Your sole focus right now is being a musician. It’s frustrating when the people on the outside of it have to cope without you, but it’s been so long we’ve gotten used to the situation. It just doesn’t make it easier to stomach.” Zabdiel stared up at the ceiling, clearly ingesting her words and now deep in thought. He was silent for a few minutes, no sound but their slow breathing. She knew that she had probably been harsher with him than was necessary, but clearly it had made an impact. She was just sure it would change nothing. “I promised you,” he started slowly, turning his body towards hers and trailing his hand down her arm until it clasped hers, “that I would be faithful, loyal, and loving, and I haven’t been that to you in a long time. I’ve taken you for granted and I’m sorry.” The shock set in and her mouth was too dry for her to speak. He squeezed her hand affectionately. “Maybe a little island getaway for the two of us before the baby comes?” She was a lot more hesitant about it than her immediate response let on. “I know that you need new inspiration for your love song. Being so tranquil and relaxed on vacation will make you a better songwriter.” “Amor, no.” Her gaze still focused away from him, he leaned down so his lips could meet hers. Surprised by the kiss, she looked up and met his eyes. “I want to be a better man for my family, a better father, a better husband for you.” She shook her head against the pillow, tracing her fingertips over his that were tightly clutching the pillow from underneath. “You can’t do that and put your music on the sidelines.” He shook his head in agreement. “No, es cierto, pero I can take small steps to show you all you mean to me. Saying it is only one part. You deserve to be shown it.” He sat up on his knees to be able to reach into the drawer in the table of the nearby nightstand. “I had this to give to you when we were going to go out tonight, but we didn’t really get that chance.” Retrieving a small jewelry box, he presented it in his hand that lay in his lap. She sat up beside him, hesitantly examining the box with her eyes, unsure if she should reach for it. “Izzy,” he chuckled, “I promise it won’t bite you.” Lifting the lid, she revealed inside a small silver oval locket. Engraved across the front were the the words “te recibo a ti” and in flipping to the back to find the opening there was the continuation “y me entrego a ti”,  a line of the vows they’d made at their wedding. A button sat below the hook of where the locket connected to the thin chain and pressing the button lightly opened the hinge of the locket. On the left panel was a thin layer of glass covering a backdrop of diamonds, a miniature blue orchid like that of her wedding bouquet pressed between. The right panel held a small photograph of the two from their wedding, staring into each other’s eyes with unmistakably genuine smiles. He lowered his head to be able to press his lips against her forehead. “Te lo prometí, mi amor, and I’m sorry I haven’t been acting like it. Pero te amo, y siempre te amaré.” The genuine thought and effort to create something so meaningful struck a chord in her heart. For so long, she had believed him incapable of any sort of effort involving her. Perhaps she had lost the will to put forth effort when she thought he had also given up. But he clearly hadn’t. The tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes were stopped as she shut them to pull him close and kiss him deeply. He shuffled the box back to the nightstand as he lost himself in her lips. And as his body fit to hers and they physically reconnected, she had to think that this was the connection that they had both been missing. And as they laid tangled in each other afterwards and he fell into peaceful sleep at her side, she couldn't help but stay awake wondering if now that they were trying to mend things if her secrets with Christopher would be too much to overcome.
Chris was never early to anything. Ever. But the lack of sleep he’d had the night before had him awake anyway, so he figured he might as well head to the dance studio for choreography rehearsal. It might have even given him time to relax and take his mind off of his best friend’s wife. If his best friend hadn’t been the only other person in the room. “Hey, man, ¿como estas?” Zabdiel was always so energetic even before caffeine and it was almost frightening. “Exhausted pero estoy aquí," he mumbled, rubbing his palms over his face. “¿Quieres café?” Zabdiel offered, reaching for his wallet and ready to run down the block to the Starbucks. “Nah, esta bien,” he murmured. “I already had a cup when I left.” He didn't want to admit that it was to shake how drunk he still had been from the night before. Knowing that Zabdiel was spending a romantic night with the woman that should have been in bed with him had been too much to mentally handle while sober. “You’ve been pulling late nights with Krista for a while though, hermano,” Zabdiel mused. “¿Que esta pasando?” “She’s stressing me out, bro,” he groaned, the still tipsy mind revealing the true thoughts he usually kept under wraps. “I get that everyone is talking about us and the new music. It’s bringing publicity like it was supposed to. I just can’t stand being around her anymore and she tries to make it real. I don’t want it.” Zabdiel studied his friend’s expression and how the stress didn’t leave his face when the alleged cause had been spoken. “That’s not all.” Chris tugged on the brim of his fitted cap and pulled it slightly over his eyes as he sat down against the mirrored wall. The only time Zabdiel had seen his bandmate engaged and excited lately was when he had been in the studio texting that girl, then writing that passionate ballad. “¿Crees que no estas feliz con ella porque estas pensando en otra?” Zabdiel chuckled. With the silence that followed, he quickly realized that it was less of a joke than it was hitting the nail on the head. “Si no estas feliz y quieres otra mujer,” he said softly, “¿por que no puedes acabar lo que tienes con Krista para empezar algo con la otra?” “It’s not that simple,” Chris muttered. “Why not?” Zabdiel asked, ending his bicep stretch and shrugging his shoulders to loosen them. “La otra esta casada,” Chris confessed. Zabdiel chuckled again before the uncomfortable realization sank in again that he again was not joking. “¿En serio?” “I know, man. It’s fucked up.” Christopher tossed his cap to the floor between his feet. “I knew her before she was married. And she’s told me she’s in love with me too. She just… She won’t leave him. And I don’t know what more I can do. I don’t want to break up a home but… Estoy tan enamorado. I… can’t live without her.” Zabdiel anxiously gnawed on the top of his water bottle. He couldn’t dare tell Chris of his secret that he had not taken those sacred religious vows as sincerely as he ought to have. But he understood the pull of love in the positive and the negative directions, and he refused to allow his friend to suffer with no love at all. “Pues, if you both are in love, it will work itself out. It’s complicated but you should hold on to something if it’s that undeniable type of love.” Christopher fiddled with the sideswept tendrils of his angled bang, letting out a nervous exhale. “How can a man who has a wife tell me to steal one?” “If she loved him enough,” he asserted, “then she never would have began anything with you at all.” Christopher exhaled heavily through his taut lips. "Tal vez.” “Sabes," Zabdiel reasoned, “If you feel love for her and her marido does not, then it’s time for it to be done and for the both of you to be together.” “How can you tell me that? You’re married. Imagínate-“ And Christopher stopped at once, realizing just what he was asking Zabdiel to envision. Zabdiel shook his head. “If her heart doesn’t belong to him, you’re not wrong.” Christopher scoffed. “Someone as pious as you- you don’t believe marriage is sacred? A commitment before God? How can you give me advice when you…” “Marriage is difficult. No one involved in one is ever perfect. I’m sure Izzy and I have not been perfect. But love is different than marriage. Love is something I understand, and I know how you must feel. You can’t let go of what you feel.” He sat across from Chris, still toying with the plastic spout on his water bottle. “It’s more complicated than that,” Chris whispered, regretting having allowed the subject to surface at all. Zabdiel continued, “Fear isn’t as strong as love. And I know the situation is scary, but you have to fight for her. You love her, right?” Chris kept his eyes pinned to the floor. “I’m in love with her. I can’t imagine my life without her. I look at my future and I see myself with her.” Zabdiel shrugged. “Well you have your answer.” Christopher toyed with his shoelaces, anxiously needing to busy his fingers. “It’s wrong. She has a husband and a life. I’m trying to let her go and let her be happy.” Zabdiel studied his friend’s nervous movements, trying to read what Christopher left unspoken. “You’re still having sex with her?” Again his silence was enough of an answer. “Then you’re not really trying to let her go.” Chris shook his head. “I want to do the right thing. I’m just in love with her, bro, and she loves me. She just won’t leave him.” Zabdiel leaned over and clapped his hand on Christopher’s shoulder. “It will work itself out. And you know I’m always here for you.” “Gracias, man,” Chris said, flipping his fitted cap on backwards and rocking his head back and forth to each shoulder as if it would shake the thoughts of her out of his mind. Zabdiel gave an acknowledging nod, trying to rid himself of his own advice. If they’d really been in love, one wouldn’t have strayed to start with. Maybe he didn’t… Maybe his indiscretions with Krista were telling him that it was over with Isabella and this trying to make it work was a futile effort. Richard, Joel, and Erick walked in with their coffee a moment later, joking and laughing from whatever they had spoken about on their trip. “¿Listos, chicos?” Richard asked, throwing down his cinch sack and taking a long chug of his iced macchiato. Clara pushed the doors open behind them and rushed ahead to stand in the center of them all. “Stop. Everything.” she panted. “We’re not rehearsing today.” “¿De que hablas?" Erick asked, tilting his head like a puppy who had just heard a foreign sound for the first time. “We’re going out and celebrating,” she started with her trademark beaming grin. “¿Estamos celebrando que?” Erick pushed. “You guys,” she squealed, “were just nominated for a Grammy for Album of the Year.”
The evening had spun out of control pretty quickly. The early afternoon was all the boys huddled in the dance studio, tweeting and posting to their instagram stories about the Grammy details. They eventually made their way back to SONY to go over specifics for promotion, did a Skype call with Ricky Martin from the conference room, and called in to three radio stations for interviews and congratulations. Only then did they get the opportunity to call everyone they knew, who already knew because of the social media posts. It was decided that the evening would be made into an impromptu party at Zabdiel’s house. Noemi was more than happy to take her grandchildren for an unplanned sleepover so her son could have the chance to properly celebrate with his friends. There was always enough liquor in the spread of their basement to take care of all friends, production, and family. And it had all night long. Isabella being so far along pregnant couldn’t drink so just tended to all of her husband’s guests. Most of the producers, DJs, and fellow artists in their circle had left after one in the morning. Clara caught an Uber back to her AirBNB with Kevin about two hours after. Joel had been playing billiards with Chris but disappeared about half an hour before in search of a snack and had yet to return. Yashua and Richard were aggressively playing basketball on the court right outside. Erick had been playing Xbox games alone but had stumbled up the stairs to find Joel for further competition and had been lost for ten minutes. Zabdiel, as was common in most situations, had sat on a corner of the couch and fallen asleep. Having consumed more than his fair share of alcohol, there would be no waking him now. Chris had thought this out almost strategically. His celebration would be best experienced sober when the rest had ended their night and he got the opportunity to be alone with her. He had a few drinks sporadically throughout the night, but to keep up appearances only, not to drink to excess. He placed his pool cue on the table and stepped quietly over as Isa covered her snoring husband with a blanket. "¿Necesitas ayuda?" "No, estoy bien, gracias,” she said softly, visibly stiffening. “Gracias por todo lo que has hecho esta noche, amorcita,” Chris breathed, skating his hands up her hips and breathing softly against her ear. “Christopher, what are you doing?” she hissed, knowing she should break away but falling further back into his embrace. “What I’ve wanted to do all night,” he murmured, kissing a path down from her temple to the base of her neck. “Are you insane? Zabdi is right here,” she seethed, wriggling in his arms. She stared at her husband’s sleeping body beside her and gasped, but felt electricity surge through her as Christopher’s hands stroked down to the apex of her thighs. “Y el no tiene que saber nada,” he groaned, pressing into her. “Todavía estoy enojada contigo,” she moaned quietly, winding her waist against his. “Obviously.” He nipped at the nape of her neck and slipped his hand into her jeans. “We need to stop taking shots at each other and just accept we’re in love and this isn’t over.” His fingertip touched her clit and she clutched his wrists for stability. “Amor,” she exclaimed, begging for nothing specific but she didn’t need to say it. “You want it,” he insisted, his growing desire pressing into her from behind. “I know it. You push me away but it’s because you’re scared by how much you need me.” “Christopher,” she gasped. Zabdiel stirred in his sleep and Isa jumped, jerking her body to the side which only made the friction of Chris’ hand send more sensation up her spine. “Ay, Dios mio.” “I shouldn’t have pushed about the baby,” he murmured, now pulling the collar of her top down so he could lay open mouthed kisses on her shoulder. He feared her moving away again but saw she was too lost in pleasure to react. “I’m sorry. I just love you. I want you. I want all of you.” “Fuck me, papi,” she pleaded, leaning forward to grip the back of the couch. Chris withdrew his hand and smirked, sarcastically repeating her warning. “Are you insane? Zabdi is right here.” “A mi no me importa,” she sighed, turning to face him and gripping the back of his neck to pull his head down to meet hers. She kissed him fiercely, threading her fingers through his hair and pulling him as close as her belly bump allowed them. It was an immediate spark that ignited a wildfire. It didn’t matter how wrong it was- something this intense could not be so easily extinguished. He roared into her mouth as he kissed her, his one hand sliding up her back and his other sliding to grab her ass. He took a brief breath between their parted lips just to say, “Lo siento. Te amo tanto,” before pouring himself back into their kiss. In the back of his mind he realized that he shouldn’t be debating about whether to set her down on all fours next to her unconscious husband or to bring her up to bed, but the thought was all that was running through his mind. He stopped again to ask how she wanted to continue, only to hear stammering from the staircase. “¿Q- Que hacen?” Isa and Chris both whipped their heads around to see Erick, mouth agape, staring at them from the doorway, surely having seen the entire thing.
- chapter 10 is now here
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thebroken--soul · 3 years
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#i’m not going to get over his death just like i still didn’t get over the fact alex left jo for izzie
My Top Posts in 2021
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When I asked for a good storyline for Carina, it was a storyline where we would learn about her childhood in Italy, where we would see her becoming a badass OBGYN but definitely NOT LOSING HER BABY BROTHER !!! Fuck you GA & Krista 🤬
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Andrea DeLuca deserved so much better. He was getting better because he asked for help for his bipolar. He was making progress with his mental health. He was becoming a good person who just wanted to help people. Carina told him that he wasn’t like their father. Killing him off is the same bullshit with Alex leaving Jo for Izzie. It’s just fucking bullshit.
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[This story contains spoilers from the season 15 finale of Grey's Anatomy.]
ABC's Grey's Anatomy wrapped up its "Season of Love" on Thursday with a finale that teed up a plethora of new storylines to explore in the recently announced 16th (and 17th!) seasons.
Thursday's season 15 finale featured Meredith (finally!) professing her love for Andrew (Giacomo Gianniotti) — and doing so while he was behind bars. DeLuca was arrested (and stands to risk his career) after covering for Meredith (Ellen Pompeo), who committed insurance fraud to help a family who had been terrorized by immigration reform efforts. Meanwhile, Meredith, Richard (James Pickens) and Alex (Justin Chambers) wind up being fired by Bailey (Chandra Wilson) for their roles in the offense.
Elsewhere, Teddy (Kim Raver) goes into labor and finds support in an unlikely ally: Amelia (Caterina Scorsone). After Teddy gives birth (a girl, named after her best friend, Allison, who died on 9/11), Owen (finally!) professes his love to his former Army friend. It sets up a love triangle between Koracick (new series regular Greg Germann), who is back at home building baby furniture for Teddy. (Poor guy, Teddy doesn't bother to tell her boyfriend that she's in labor.) Then there's Amelia, who sees Owen moving on with Teddy and has Link (new regular Chris Carmack) waiting in the wings for something more serious at a time when she decides to work on herself.
As for Jo (Camilla Luddington), she (finally!) tells someone what triggered her depression as she turns the corner and fills in Alex (Justin Chambers) before getting treatment.
The hour ends with a cliffhanger that sees Jackson (Jesse Williams) leave Maggie (Kelly McCreary) alone after going out into the thick fog amid a multiple-car pile-up. Jackson fails to return, leaving Maggie terrified of what may have happened to him.
Below, showrunner Krista Vernoff — who hit pause on her well-earned vacation — talks with The Hollywood Reporter about the season as a whole and why she hopes viewers will be talking about Jackson all summer.
The episode ends with a cliffhanger, Jackson is nowhere to be found after going out into the fog. Why leave the finale so open-ended? Was this a contract decision or a creative one? He's coming back next season as a regular. It was a creative decision. It was a cliffhanger. I want people to come back [in the fall] and talk all summer and wonder what happens to him. We have not mapped it out. The writers come back June 3, I'm on vacation for two weeks and then we'll hit it. What I love about act six of our finale is we gave ourselves so much to play with for next season on all the storylines.
Will there be a time jump next season? I have no idea. It's unlikely that there will be much of a time jump because I really want to play through the consequences of what Meredith did. But I honestly might be lying to you because I honestly just don't know yet.
You described this as the Season of Love," and it ended with Meredith professing her love for Andrew. Is there a theme for season 16? That is a later conversation. We got through this season and then the writers went away. I'm really proud of the work we did this season but I don't have answers for next season.
You mentioned that you're excited to explore the consequences of Meredith's actions. Knowing that the series often takes on larger social issues, have you considered using Meredith's arrest for fraud to explore a bigger political storyline, perhaps around fighting for immigration reform? We have not. The very nature of what Meredith did here was an argument for reform because she was confronting and talking about a really broken system. The system was so broken and it was just enraging to her. The idea that this family is suffering this much and is now going to suffer more was more than Meredith could bear. So she made what amounts to a really stupid decision from a really noble place.
Meredith's actions felt very old-school Grey's — similar to when Izzie (Katherine Heigl) cut Denny's (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) LVAD wire. And there was a reference to that famed scene in the finale as well! Was that intentional? Yes. One of the things that hasn't happened lately is Meredith Grey hasn't faced consequences for the rules that she breaks. She is a bold rule breaker and we love her for it — and she always gets away with it. We felt we had laid the groundwork to shock the audience when this time, Meredith doesn't get off so easy.
Meredith, Richard and Alex have all been fired, which will have a massive ripple effect on pretty much everyone, both at the hospital and in their respective personal lives … Indeed! It is consequential AF, as the kids say. We were excited in the writer's room about that. We couldn't stop kind of laughing like, "Holy shit, what have we done?! What are we doing?!" But when you get to 342 episodes — which is where we are — you have the right to take some bold swings, you have to take some bold swings if you want to keep the show fresh and exciting and you don't want people to get ahead of you. You have to be bold. And I feel like we were really bold here and we'll see how it all shakes out.
Jo reaches a turning point and is admitted for therapy. How much will you explore how there's no quick and easy fix for mental health and depression? I think that Jo is suffering from depression born of trauma … and the idea that her brain is telling her that she should never have existed. She's been in a horrible spiral and spirals are made more horrible when they live inside your head and you're unable to talk to anyone about them. This I know to be true: talking about things is the beginning of healing them. I was really proud of the design of that story. Episode 19 was such an exquisite episode and I hope that the writer and director and editors of that episode all get the Emmy attention they deserve. When I saw that episode, it uprooted all of my plans for Jo. There was no way in my mind that Jo could be happy and playful again this season, having just survived that. … We showed the beginning of the healing process. And the next step of the healing process is getting treatment. She needs treatment and that's what we see. So, while it makes you cry in the finale to see her and Alex say goodbye to each other, I believe that it's a happy cry because Jo is getting the help that she needs.
Let's talk about the Teddy/Koracick/Owen/Amelia/Link of it all. You really put a new spin on the love triangle in this one. Owen professes his love for Teddy, who doesn't call her boyfriend, Koracick, to tell him that she was in labor. What was exciting for you about exploring that, what, quadrangle? What do we even call that?! A love quintangle! In the end, it was a love quintangle. I was excited to take that story on because it was so complicated. I'm proud that we did that for the whole season without really ever having Amelia and Teddy go after each other, without leaning into those tropes that we have seen so often in love triangles where there are two women and one man. I'm proud that it was Amelia driving Teddy to the hospital in the end and then talking about how they could be friends and maybe they should be friends. I am very excited as a writer by the complexity of Teddy and Owen having that baby and having declared their love and then panning to find Tom alone in the nursery that he is building for Teddy and her baby. That's an exciting thing as a storyteller because it leaves just great material for next season.
Amelia's journey was terrific: she's getting over Owen and winds up meeting this Link, and they're absolutely wonderful together. And I say that as someone who has loved Amelia and Owen together since their start. Instead, Amelia says she's open to something more with Link but decides to explore who she is before committing to anything serious.
I was exceedingly proud of Amelia for her growth and for her maturity and for telling Link the truth, which is that he was a rebound and maybe he's not a rebound anymore because life is complicated and he is terrific but that she dove into him too quickly and she has to figure some things out before she can decide anything permanent. It's like, if everyone could grow up that much the world would be a better place.
The balance of power between Nico and Schmidt shifted — and Schmidt just came out to his mother, having found his confidence. Meanwhile, Nico seems truly miserable. Jake Borelli was upped to series regular but there's no word about Alex Landi. Will he be back next season? What did you enjoy most about their storylines this year? Alex Landi is going to be recurring for us again next year. I am not sure where it's all going but I thought that coming out scene was just gorgeous. I just loved them.
You're going to be showrunner on both Grey's and midseason spinoff Station 19 next season. I'd imagine that means you're shaking things up there, yes? I'm not ready to answer what I'm planning to do with it because I just took this on and I've got to study it and get inside of it. It's an exciting world and the idea of merging these two shows in a way where characters from Grey's might appear on Station 19 and vice versa. The design is that Station 19 is three blocks from Grey Sloan. When Stacy McKee [showrunner and creator] decided to go it made the most sense for me to oversee the whole thing and see how cohesive I could make it.
I loved seeing Schmidt in that world, too. Is there a specific character or two you're looking forward to writing for? I loved it, too. I need a month in a writer's room [to answer that]. I'm going to have writer's rooms that are right next door to each other and I've got great teams and I am really excited to answer that question for you in six weeks! [Laughs.]
How much pressure do you feel running both series? Maybe it's just exhaustion that's not allowing me to have the anxiety that I should probably be experiencing but I am excited. I had a conversation with Chandra Wilson when I came back to the show [two seasons ago] and we had a conversation about Bailey. The question she posed is, "We've established Bailey as being an ambitious woman. What does she do with all of her ambition now that she's the chief of the hospital?" That's where we started our conversation about Bailey and that's what I feel like applies here. It's like, "She gets two hospitals!" I feel like I came back to Grey's and it has been a joy. And I think it's been a success and now I get two shows! I get two hospitals. It's like my ambition is excited and I'm excited to challenge myself and see what I'm capable of doing with this new challenge.
Grey's was renewed for two more seasons. I hate to ask, but has there been any talk about if season 17 is the end? I've heard nothing yet. I'm under contract through season 17, that's what I can tell you.
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leowenila · 5 years
Still didn’t recover emotionally from finale & every time I think about it I cry. But I am so over Owen & what KV did! I don’t think he can ever redeem himself & Amelia deserves more, better! I am so sad & angry! I know this is not popular opinion but I am good with Link, he treated Amelia better in 1 months then Owen did in 4 years. I hope writers finally give Amelia happiness, love, romance & babies with Link. How do u feel about it & what do u think Amelia’s storyline going forward will be?
I’m over Krista too; anon but yet again I think several people are at this point. My likeness for Owen’s character varies and while I am very pissed at him right now; I will never give up on the fate of Omelia, they have way too much history and chemistry and too of a strong bond to break so easily. I strongly agree that Amelia deserves all the happiness. But one of the many reasons why I don’t like her and Link, is because whenever she is around him it’s almost like she’s half of the person she is with Owen or anyone else. She only shows the happy emotions, because that is the way he acts. In my opinion you should be able to feel every emotion with your partner; even if those emotions are sadness or grief. 
I have several thoughts on her story going forward but they are all different, and honestly don’t know what might be in store for Amelia but like she said I think she will work on herself by being alone for a bit and maybe focusing on her research with Tom more than she has before. 
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