#Kyoko Kirigiri x male reader
ultimatenaoki · 1 year
Kyoko kirigiri confesses her love to junko's little brother who's afraid of Kyoko and isn't obsessed with despair(make it take place during the killing game)
Don’t be scared
Kyoko Kirigiri x Male Reader
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🩷Kyoko Kirigiri confesses to Junko’s little brother🩷
•Warnings: SPOILER; mention of death, (Y/N) being insulted
•Killing Game
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Who could have guessed that? Kyoko Kirigiri? The Ultimate Detective, a girl with the only objective to discover the truth?
And you, a guy who’s not sure even about his position in this crazy and scary school and in this killing game.
Now, you aren’t a normal student. No I’m not talking about an Ultimate talent or anything. You are Junko Enoshima’s brother.
On the opposite of your sister, though, dispair isn’t something that you’re obsessed with. And with all you’re sister caused you’re even more unpleased by despair and her.
Junko killed your sister. Mukuro is dead because of Junko.
Now on the other hand, with all the deaths that has occurred and the will to fight and defying the mastermind, your classmates might find out about your secret.
Knowing them they will show no mercy against Junko’s brother.
However the last thing you’d expect at a time like this is to Kyoko searching for you and wanting to talk to you.
“(Y/N)” says a calm and known voice. You didn’t turn around. You didn’t want to talk to her. Who knows what she has in mind.
However this serious and compose attitude was quite charming, you had to admit it.
So, instead of running in the opposite direction like your fear told you to do, you turned around and your sight fell in her purple eyes, charming as her personality is.
“I want to talk to you” her voice was serious as usual but for some reason you could feel that something was off. Who knows what, probably she found out about your sister.
Unable to say anything, both for the fear of her and, difficult for you to admit, how much you actually admire her; you stayed still, waiting for her to say or do something.
“I’ve been thinking” says her voice. “There’s something off about you (Y/N)”. You frown. You were right, she found out about your sister, and seeing how your sister treated Mukuro you Werner going to be saved by Junko.
“There’s something about you that… That make me feel strange” continued Kyoko. Now you were confused. Did she find out or there was something else? “Perhaps this is what people call… love” finished her. “Huh?” the sound escaped your mouth before your mind could comprehend it.
“Love?” your voice was clearly confuse. “Yes. I know it is strange and I do understand if you do not accept this confession-” “N-no it’s not that” you cut her off before she could finish. “Is just that… You? Loving me?” you said.
“Yes” she simply said. Her voice was as serious as it was from the beginning but for some reason you could feel her emotion. You could feel that she wasn’t lying, she was telling the truth.
“I… I think I like you too” you said, you’re face covered in blush due to you being too flustered.
After this strange and confusing confession time passed, and your bond got stronger day after day.
That was until the last class trial.
After Junko Enoshima revealed herself and told everyone Mukuro, the “Fake Junko” was her twin sister, now it was time for you to be travels as her brother.
“Now, there another big new!” said the mastermind. “(Y/N) here is also my sibling, he’s younger brother!”
And again you frowned, looking at the ground, while all the other students made surprised sounds. Everyone expect Kyoko, who kept her calm and composed attitude.
“Y-you filthy. You were on her s-side the whole time right?!” said Toko. “What? (Y/N)? I-I can’t believe it” said Makoto. “Really? Man, that’s crazy!” Hiro. “(Y/N)? Is that true?” Hina. “Disgusting” Byakuya. All of them. All of the peopel who you thought were different, who you thought would accepted you were disgusted or scared of you.
Everyone, expect Kyoko. “Do not fear” said her calm but sicure voice. “(Y/N) isn’t like Junko. He despite despair, and I can say that for sure”
“How can you be so sure?” asked Byakuya. “I had a feeling about him being in some way relate to the mastermind and still I wanted to know him, and now I did. I do know that he is not one of the Ultimate Despair. Plus if you looked closely to his face when Mukuro got killed, you could see true horror” you could believe that.
Kyoko was defending you? You know she loved you but to go this far. “Thank you” a soft and broke voice said. “Thank you so much Kyoko” you raised your sight to look at her in the eyes, a smile on your face and one on hers as well.
Everyone could see the tears threatened to fall from your eyes, and no one could deny that Kyoko was telling the truth.
During Junko’s execution you weren’t sad or anything.
You were thinking about all of the innocent people that your sister killed. Including Mukuro.
Kyoko stayed by your side all the time, holding your hand.
When you got out of there you both entered the Future Foundation.
And now you both love each other as much as it could be.
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hello!! how about kyoko kirigiri, hiyoko saionji and mikan tsumiki reacting to their boyfriend giving them flowers?
this is my 2nd time requesting, so sorry if I’m doing something wrong!!
Boyfriend giving them flowers with Kyoko, Mikan & Hiyoko
Kyoko kirigiri
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•This will be one of the times Kyoko genuinely blushes
•She already unused to affectionate given how she was raised
•Dating you did give her more experience but she's still not used to it
•So when the person she loves most in the world just suddenly gives her flowers •she can't do anything but blush and thank you
Mikan Tsumiki
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•You already know she lovely girl is bursting into tears
•They're tears of joy though
•Mikan is so touch starved and hungry for affection that when given it she's just doesn't know what to do
•Even after dating you she's still unused to it
•Which is why you just love smothering her with your love
•She's thanking you while crying and hugging you tightly
Hiyoko Saionji
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•You already know she's gonna be a Tsundere about this
•She's being all cute and saying how you dumb you are for getting her flowers
•But it doesn't hide the fact that she's obviously touched and blushing
•She can't help it she just loves you so much
•She knows her personality is difficult and that she can be cruel
•You accept her regardless of that so she can't help but adore you
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takusan-no-ai · 5 days
Ball of Sunshine
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PAIRING: Mikan/Taeko/Kyoko x Male Reader (Romantic) (Separate)
SUMMARY: (Y/N) is their sunshine boyfriend in comparison to them.
You’re the light of Mikan’s world. She never thought there’d be a day she have a boyfriend, let alone one that shines as bright as the sun. Sometimes she couldn’t even look at you because of just how much you glowed.
Whenever the bullying and stress became too much, there you were. Holding her, making her smile and laugh, always having her back; it made her so happy she became addicted to it. To being with you.
No matter what happens, so long as you continue to be you, Mikan will always have hope. Even if the world deals her the worst hand, just you being there is enough for her wounds to heal over.
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Getting a cinnamon roll boyfriend certainly wasn’t anything Taeko expected, but she still loved you all the same. Especially since she can enjoy the best of both worlds: your sunshine personality while being dressed as her butler.
She loves to tease you. You’re a little too trusting of people, especially her. Pulling jokes at your expense, tricking you into saying things you normally wouldn’t, or just bold face lying to you. She doesn’t mean ill intent by any of it. Just harmless fun.
You definitely help her public image. People will think the Queen of Liars has gone soft with such a sweetheart for a boyfriend. They lower their guard, and before they know it, she’s one step closer to retirement.
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Kyoko loves that you’re an open book. She feels bad about being so secretive, you being her boyfriend after all. But there are too many people out there who see her as an enemy, so she hopes you’ll understand; with a world full of so many dark secrets, you’re a breath of fresh air.
However, as sweet as you are, Kyoko isn’t the safest partner to have with her profession as a detective. She wants you to be able to defend yourself. Or at least be smart enough to get out of a dangerous situation safely.
As for romance…it’s not her strongest suit. She’s pretty awkward about it, especially with a social butterfly boyfriend that has no problem with any PDA. Kyoko will get used to it eventually, just as soon as her heart calms down.
- Fin
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dragondemoness · 8 months
Kyoko kirigiri with a male reader that has the power to save and load and uses it during the killing game to save everyone.
This turned out way longer than I expected, but hope you like it 😆
Also, I wrote this a fat minute ago, but I forgot to post it while thinking that I did, so sorry about that 😅
Kyoko Kirigiri with a Male S/O who can Save and Load Progress Like a Video Game
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Much like Kyoko, you didn't seem to have a labeled talent
You either didn't have an Ultimate Title, refused to talk about it, or simply forgot
Kyoko was interested in you for that reason, and even though she couldn't place it, she felt... Strangely connected to you
You progressed through the killing game together, and after some time, you and Kyoko grew even closer
Little did she know, you were actually completely aware of what you could do
You had the uncanny ability to rewind time to where you last marked it, reminiscent of saving progress in a game and resuming it
After the killing game was announced, you kept saving progress like a maniac
Every morning and every night, just in case
You were able to successfully prevent deaths, but of course, more victims and blackeneds kept appearing
It was quite disheartening to see, so you decided to continue saving, but not load it back until the killing game reaches the end
You were the only one who was conscious of every rewind, but Kyoko started to become suspicious
As secretive as she appeared to the others, you were somehow even more so
You were both singled out by Byakuya for not revealing your talents, but she noticed that you didn't insist that you forgot yours like she did
Something felt off to her, and she couldn't help but feel that you knew something she and the others didn't
And after uncovering more secrets and finally learning her Ultimate Talent, she was sure you had one too
She confronted you, and you finally admitted what you could do, and what you have done
Kyoko was flabbergasted, and naturally doubtful at first
Since you were the only one who remembered every event before rewinding, you explained in detail who the previous victims were, their killers, and even their weapons and clues they left behind
THEN you managed to convince Kyoko
It was a pretty intriguing talent, and she wondered how you managed to convince her father to let you into Hope's Peak, considering how bizarre it all sounded
Then she figured you could just rewind time if he refused you, though you couldn't remember regardless
Kyoko asked you not to rewind time unless it was absolutely necessary, since you were both close to uncovering the secret of the school, and she didn't want to lose that progress
You then proceeded to compare her to a gamer who forgot to save their progress, which earned an unamused stare from her, though you could see her trying to hide a smile
Fast forward to the Mukuro Ikusaba trial, where everything was going wrong and Kyoko was on her way to execution
You swore to rewind time so you could undo it, though watching your partner get crushed to death was no picnic
True to your word, you brought her back, and soon enough, your talent was finally brought to light
Everyone gave you shocked looks as Junko, who constantly teased you as Monokuma for being a nobody, was practically seething in rage
All her despair could have been undone, and she was grasping at straws to get you executed
But naturally, it wasn't possible whatsoever, and she was dragged to her execution screaming in rage
Your classmates asked if you could rewind to the day the Tragedy started, but the problem was since you couldn't remember that day at all, you weren't sure if you could do that
It was like deleting a save file, never to be recovered
You also worried about undoing your relationship with Kyoko, but she only gave you a kind smile as she took your hands and insisted that she was sure that wouldn't be a problem
With that in mind, you rewinded to the previous day, and went backwards to every single save point until everything suddenly turned white
You soon found yourself at classic Hope's Peak, and thankfully, you remembered everything about the killing game
You wasted no time in stopping Junko and halting her plans for world takeover
Everything was normal again, and all your friends and classmates were safe
And more than that, you didn't lose your relationship with Kyoko at all, instead just reverting back to its original stage
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gummy-bearz · 6 months
can you do kyoko x male reader sfw and nsfw headcannons
Kyoko Kirigiri x Male Reader Headcanons
I have a long ass appointment in a few minutes so I’m just quickly finishing off this request anyway kyoko is LITERALLY my wife omg
- mod hiyoko
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- Kyoko loves flowers- she’ll be delighted if you gift her some.
- Because of her stoicism, she wasn’t that affectionate. But she began to show you affection as each day passes by.
- Since she’s really strong, she’s gentle with you. Kyoko can’t bare the thought of you getting hurt.
- She has a soft spot for gardens- that’s why you surprised her with one! She’s really interested in nature in general. Bonus pints because there’s flowers.
- I’d say that she’s more of a small spoon. Not because she’s submissive, because she’s self conscious about her hands and afraid that you’ll accidentally catch a glimpse of them. :(
- But when Kyoko finally had the courage to show you, you didn’t care. You didn’t love her just for her hands. (and plus my girl is brave for going through that. <3)
- Not a big fan of PDA, she keeps her serious act. But in private, she shows you lots of affection though!
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- Kyoko is silent, maybe she will let out a few grunts but other then that you won’t hear a word from her.
- The gloves stay ON.
- She shows you how great she is at investigating bodies. (wink wink. nudge nudge. fondle fondle.)
- Kyoko is into the whole “cops and robbers” role play. It’s exetremely obvious that she’s the cop, and she won’t hesitate to use cuffs.
- I’d say that she’s also into bondage- seeing you tied up squirming makes her feel something inside.
- Kyoko doesn’t have a favorite sex position- but she mostly rides you cowgirl style though.
- Teasing gets her in the mood.
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nabateaprodigy · 9 months
Hello their sir/friend, I saw that you're writing for Danganronpa and I got giddy so hope your not busy at the moment, Mukuro and Kyoko with a Male Reader who's the ultimate martial artist, but, with a twist, (Spoilers for Kengan Ashura/Omega fans) he uses the "Formless Style", a form of martial art that is made for adaptability, and having a wide range of moves to choose from, like an instinctive reaction, going limp to avoid, withstand, or deflect attacks, and striking at the first opportunity almost instantaneously, but, the "training" is both worth it and not worth it at the same because of the "Gu Rituals", a fight to the death where all students are placed in a single room and forced to kill each other and only one survives, so what would happen if those two learned about the Gu Rituals and the scarring things the reader had to do in order to make it out alive? Thank you for listening and have a good rest of your morning/evening/night :)
Life or Death
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Kyoko and Mukuro.
Genre: Comfort/Angst.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Male.
Notes: Was finally able to add Mukuro's part to this!
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Kyoko and always been observant she had noticed your well-built stature. To anyone else, this was clear as day your height and muscles far surpassed most others in Hopes Peak Academy. Kyoko could tell there was to you wanting the strength that muscles gave you.
While Kyoko had the means to figure out why it wasn't her place. You were her boyfriend so whether you wanted to talk about it to her or not was entirely up to you. Little did she know it wouldn't be long until she found out the truth.
It was a day unlike any other for Kyoko nothing special or bad about her day as of yet. Currently, she is in her dorm room reading. Just then she heard a knock at her door putting a bookmark into the book she got up from her desk to see who it was.
"Hi Kyoko can I come in? You aren't busy are you?" You spoke and smiled at Kyoko but she could tell something was off. "No, I'm not busy I was just reading. Come on in S/O."
You entered and walked over to Kyoko's bed and sat on it. Kyoko closed the door and then walked over and sat next to you. "Is everything alright S/O? You don't seem like yourself."
"Ah, so you've already noticed? I just wanted to talk with you about something. It's something that happened today." You spoke as you looked down at the floor.
Kyoko said nothing in response instead waiting for you to continue talking. "As you know I'm the Ultimate Material Artist. It's something I'm proud and not proud of."
"Why is that?" Kyoko spoke looking at you as you were trying to find the words to continue talking.
"The form of Material Arts I practice is Formless Style. For this form of Material Arts, I'm able to go limp to avoid attacks, withstand, and deflect attacks attacks and train me in speed being able to attack almost instantly.
To be able to do any of this I undergo training it's something I'm grateful for but it's also something I hate. Me and many other students take part in Gu Rituals where we have to kill each other until only one is left."
As you finished Kyoko kept her usual stoic expression however just because she had this expression did not mean she did not care. Kyoko was worried she was really worried. Worried about that if you were forced to do it or not she was worried about the injuries you had gotten from these Gu Rituals.
"S/O I can see how these Gu Rituals can help enhance your strength, speed, and agility. However, that doesn't deny the fact that they are incredibly dangerous and deadly. But despite this, I admire your determination and perseverance to overcome these trials. But just know I'll be keeping a closer eye on you from now on and supporting you however I can."
Kyoko spoke as she rested a hand on your shoulder. You smiled at her and then hugged her as tears fell down your face. She wrapped her arms around you and you felt safe in her arms.
Mukuro had always seemed to keep a close eye on you and you were never sure why. Of course, you never had offended her in any way and yet you could always feel her eyes on you. You had brought this up with Sakura when you were training.
Sakura suggested talking with Mukuro after all if don't this will just go on forever, won't it? So that's exactly what you did after you finished training with Sakura. You wanted to know why Mukuro seemed so suspicious of you and if you had done anything to offend her that you weren't aware of.
However, you wouldn't have to go far to find Mukuro as she was outside of the gym where you are Sakura were training. Was she waiting for you? Oh well, that's not important but what is what you need to talk with her about.
You were worried as you feared you had done something to upset her. But the both of you did trust each other no matter what. So there's no reason to keep secrets isn't that right?
You were about to speak but Mukuro spoke before you got the chance. "Y/N why is it that you train so much? Is it for strength? To defend yourself? Or something else entirely? " Mukuro was no fool just like with Sakura Ultimate Talent she knew why you trained however there was more to that wasn't there?
Mukuro had observed you and Sakura closely because of this she had noticed the difference in your style of fighting. "Well ever since I was younger being the Ultimate Martial Artist was expected of me. If I didn't hold up those expectations there would be dire consequences."
Mukuro said nothing as she stayed silent letting you continue to speak. "To gain my strength and abilities I was...forced to take part in something known as Gu Rituals. I and other students are placed in a room with each other and are forced to fight to the death.
That is how I gained my strength and that is how I gained these abilities. I'm not proud of what I've done but I only did because I was afraid I didn't want to die all I wanted was to live and to no longer take part in those rituals."
Mukuro was speechless for a moment and that could be seen on her face. So you've killed people? Even if was against your wishes it's something she didn't expect but she wouldn't hold it against you after all she is no different.
"Thank you for opening up to me Y/N and I'm sorry if I seemed pushy about the subject. However, I just want you to know that you're strong and you being here today proves that. As long as you are here with me I'll protect you from having to take part in any more of those rituals I swear it."
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neverhadamonster · 9 months
I have no idea what I'm doing or how to do this but I'm starting a danganronpa x reader blog because i'm getting bored and life needs to be more exciting.
Characters I will write for are:
All danganronpa 1 characters
All danganronpa 2 characters
Anime- exclusive characters if people even like those guys. I haven't finished danganronpa 3 so that's why I'm not writing for that game.
I will write for all genders and if not specified, then gender neutral. there will be only one person who runs this blog so apologies if things go slow. Any prompt, any character. Headcanons only though. They're easier for me.
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ALSO NO NSFW BECAUSE IM A MINOR⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
(Since this is technically my rules these will change and I will edit them in the future)
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tulipselfships · 6 months
TULIP'S OFFICIAL REQUEST QUE. (Will be updated with each new request)
Current requests: 21
- Fire Man x Reader (MMFC)
- Lammy X Katy Kat musk headcanons (N$FW) (Parappa)
- Instructor Mooshea X Autistic!Fem!Reader (Parappa)
- Fire Man x Femboy!Reader who is on their period (MMFC)
- Dee Jay X Reader (Street Fighter)
- Wave Man x Male!Reader pregnancy headcanons (MMFC)
- Transmale!Guru Ant X Fem!Reader
- Ma-San X Depressed!Autistic!Fem!Reader
- FC Fire Man x Pregnant!Male!Reader who was a part of Sgt. Night's forces
- Diana Cavendish, Toko Fukawa X Tutu Dancer!Reader
- Bully!FC Fire Man X Femboy!FC Wave Man school AU (N$FW)
- Pregnant!FC Cut Man x Reader
- Cyber Elf X, MMZ Zero X Reader who is afraid of them dying
- Chop Chop Master Onion X Fem!Insecure!Reader
- Kyoko Kirigiri, Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Mahiru Koizumi, Ibuki Mioda, Sonia Nevermind, Chiaki Nanami, Kaede Akamatsu X Reader with comically over-the-top tragic childhood
-Pregnant!Metal Man x Male!Reader who is the God of weaponry and war
- General Potter X Autistic!Fem!reader with childish coping mechanisms
- Kaito Momota, Leon Kuwata, Kazuichi Soda X S/O who is popular in the music industry
- Alan Sylvastia, Shirou Ogami, Byakuya Togami, Nagito Komaeda, Kokichi Ouma X reader who is like Girlfriend from FNF
- Professor Nelson X Photographer!Reader who has her pose for their pictures
- Transfem!Instructor Mooselini X Transfem!Reader
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girlystories · 11 months
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Rules 📜
1. 🚫Off-limits: Smut, incest, anything sexual, any kinks or anything of the sort, character x character. 
2. Platonic, friendly, family, romantic and all other types of relationships.
3. I do scenarios, one-shots, and headcanons. When requesting it'd be important if you note what exactly you're requesting. 
5. I do all genders; female, male, gn. Just note which one you'd like, or otherwise I'll do it for gn.
6. Last thing, GIVE ME IDEAS. I would really appreciate it if you'd request what exactly you'd want my work to contain, instead of just stating a character (exp. character x reader)
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List of fandoms
Bower's gang: henry bowers, vic criss, patrick hockstetter, belch huggings, (all).
The ninja: kai, nya, cole, jay, zane, lloyd.
Villains: morro, lord garmadon
Other: pixal, skyler. (for now)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc: makoto naegi, kyoko kirigiri, byakuya togami, toko fukawa/genocide jill, aoi asahina, yasuhiro hagakure, sayaka maizono, leon kuwata, chihiro fujisaki, mondo owada, kiyotaka ishimaru, celestia ludenberg, sakura ogami, junko enoshima, mukuro ikusaba.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Dispair: hajime hinata/izuru kamakura, chiaki nanami, nagito komaeda, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, akane owari, sonia nevermind, kazuichi soda, mahiru koizumi, peko pekoyama, ibuki mioda, hiyoko saionji, mikan tsumiki, nekomaru nidai, gundham tanaka.
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony: shuichi saihara, kaede akamatsu, k1-b0(kiibo), maki harukawa, himiko yumeno, rantaro amami, ryoma hoshi, kirumi tojo, tenko chabashira, korekiyo shinguji, miu iruma, gonta gokuhara, kokichi ouma, kaito momota, tsumugi shirogane.
Other: komaru naegi, yuta asahina, natsumi kuzuryu, sato, kyosuke munakata, chisa yukizome, ryota mitarai, seiko kimura, sonosuke izayoi, koichi kizakura, ruruka ando, juzo sakakura.
Under 18: uzumaki naruto, haruno sakura, uchiha sasuke, nara shikamaru, ino yamanaka, choji akimichi, kiba inuzuka, shino aburame, hinata hyuga, neji hyuga, rock lee, tenten, gaara, kankuro, temari.
Over 18: kakashi hatake, (more).
Akatsuki: deidara, hidan, itachi uchiha, kazuku, konan, nagato, sasori, tobi/obito uchiha.
Other: shuigetsu hozuki, karin, jugo.
joseph descamps, jean-pierre magnan, alain laubrac, henri pichon, +more (just request)
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©girlystories ©girlystoriess
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Shot Through The Heart (Kyoko Kirigiri X Male Reader)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0jk2DH7
by Hypernova_7
A quiet, stoic girl and a quiet, shy boy meet, what will happen? --------------------------------------- (Y/N) (L/N) was never really that popular in school, not really having that much friends, dealing with bullies sometimes and keeping away from the crowds a lot, but one thing he enjoyed that everyone knew about? Archery, honestly he never really cared about popularity or anything despite all the awards he's won from it for competitions and stuff, he just did it because he had fun doing it. But one day though he got an invitation to join that one prestigious school everyone constantly talks about, that's right, Hope's Peak Academy, he was honestly a little hesitant at first to accept the invite, but once realizing this might actually change his life for the better, he accepted. Watch him as he tries to adapt to his new daily school life as he meets a bunch of interesting people that he could actually call friends... And finds a girlfriend? --------------------------------------- Start Date: 12/25/2021 End Date: 06/20/2022 --------------------------------------- As you can see, this story was written a year ago, this was taken from my Wattpad page (My user is the same) and put onto here.
Words: 22328, Chapters: 14/30, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Kirigiri Kyouko, Naegi Makoto, Asahina Aoi, Togami Byakuya, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Fukawa Touko, Celestia Ludenberg, Fujisaki Chihiro, Yamada Hifumi, Enoshima Junko, Ikusaba Mukuro, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Kuwata Leon, Oowada Mondo, Ogami Sakura, Maizono Sayaka, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki, Owari Akane, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Tanaka Gundham, Saionji Hiyoko, Mioda Ibuki, Soda Kazuichi, Koizumi Mahiru, Tsumiki Mikan, Nidai Nekomaru, Pekoyama Peko, Mitarai Ryota, Sonia Nevermind, Hanamura Teruteru, Kirigiri Jin, Yukizome Chisa
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyoko/Reader
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Hope's Peak Academy (Dangan Ronpa), Hope's Peak Academy (Dangan Ronpa), POV Male Character, Slice of Life, Platonic Relationships, Two people with zero social skills get together, Trauma, Child Neglect, Past Child Abuse, Persona 3 References, How Do I Tag
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0jk2DH7
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Kyoko kirigiri x ultimate illustrator boyfriend s/o
I suddenly have an urge to do DR content... I may abandon my writing schedule and post here a bit more
Kyoko with ultimate illustrator S/O
Reader here is male
Often as people look at designs it's easy to forget that someone had to make them. No matter how breathtaking they are.
It's a shame but if it means anything you definitely get the recognition from Kyoko.
She's pretty blunt with her praise. But it means the world to you all the same.
She never disturbs you while you work, but she's also very curious about what you might create next.
She likes to see your works anywhere. She actually recognized your style and saw some of your older works without you showing them to her. She just knew those were yours.
Whenever she's in the town and comes across your design it reminds her that she has a wonderful boyfriend.
And it doesn't even have much to do with your talent, she's just happy to have and excuse to think about you.
~Mod Angie
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yourlocalmikankinnie · 4 months
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Sayaka's Masterlist which some links might not work 💗
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Ryoma comforting (the best he can)
Suprising Ryoma with matching jackets
Mukuro with a s/o who likes pulling pranks on her
Celeste oneshot for fairy tale series
Maki, Mikan, Mahiru, and Kaede with a younger brother who gets in a fight at school
Ryoma with a S/O who likes puns
Going back to school with (most) of the Sdr2 boys
Ryoma and Kokichi with a Perfect/ Princess like S/O
Rantaro and Nagito with a crush on reader
Kokichi Oma, Shuichi Saihara, Hiyoko Saionji, and Aoi Asahina with a partner who bites their nails
Nagito, Hajime, and Kokichi with a transmasc s/o relapsing (not explicit)
Mikan, Peko,and Chiaki with a clingy reader
Kaito and Nagito SH comfort
KomaHinaNami comfort
Mikan Fluff
Training trio comforting insecure S/O
Mukuro taking care of sick S/O
Kyoko with male S/O who's junko's brother
Gundham with a crazy cat person S/O
Yasuhiro and Izuru with a sick S/O
Rantaro Kamakura (au) x S/O(?)
Mukuro and Male reader hc
Gundham, fuyuhiko, and Kazuichi with a insecure s/o who has a good body
Fuyuhiko, Kazoo and Hajime with izuru like s/o
Ultimate imposter, Teruteru, Gundham, Nekomaru, Nagito, and Fuyuhiko with a s/o who has the same talent as them
MC, Sayori, Kokichi, Akane, Mikan, and Nagito with a tall S/O
Angie, Kokichi, and K1B0 with the ultimate skateboarder S/O
Chihiro one-shot with Kitsune Reader (I'm kinda embarrassed of all my oneshots)
Date with Nagito and Chiaki
Hajime and Kazoo with ultimate mind reader READER
Rantaro, Kokichi, and Shuichi with ultimate racecar driver S/O
Kaito x Clingy reader
Cringe angst oneshot with danganronpa 2
Sayaka Maizono, Mukuro Inkusaba, Celestia Ludenburg, Sakura Ogami, Kyoko Kirigiri, Toko Fukawa, and Aoi Asahina with an Ultimate Prince S/O
Going on a picnic with Sonia Nevermind, Hiyoko Saionji, Mahiru Koizumi, Mikan Tsumiki, and Ibuki Mioda
Game night with Nagito Komaeda,Chiaki Nanami, and Kokichi Oma
sayaka, kaede and tsumugi with a female S/O thats a voice actor
Watching true crime with Sonia Nevermind
Imposter byakuya oneshot (also embarrassed)
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DDLC girls + MC with a S/O that's not from their school nor club
Poly Monika and Yuri with an artistic gender neutral S/O
More to be added!
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11 notes · View notes
Kyoko kirigiri
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing to a shy male reader
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing to Junko and Mukuro's precious baby brother
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing to a depressed male reader
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing to a Mikan like male reader
Kyoko Kirigiri confesses to a male reader who's woken from a coma
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing to Ibuki's Younger brother
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing to a male reader who was executed instead of Makoto
Yandere Kyoko Kirigiri Confessing to a Main course male reader
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing an Aoi asahina like Male reader
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing to a crush she accidentally rejected before
Kyoko Kirigiri finding out her androgynous boyfriend is curvy
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing to a former remnant of despair reader
Kyoko Kirigiri as a Parent
Kyoko Kirigiri with a cuddly S/O
Yandere Kyoko Kirigiri comforting her boyfriend who had a nightmare
Kyoko Kirigiri confessing to a reader who's to kind for their own good
Kyoko Kirigiri with a Kobeni like Boyfriend
Kyoko Kirirgiri's boyfriend giving her flowers
Aoi Asahina
Aoi Asahina with an Izuru Kamakura like S/O
Aoi Asahina with a cuddly S/O
Aoi Asahina cuddling with her S/O after a busy day
Aoi Asashina and Reader having their first date
Aoi Asahina with a Kobeni like S/O
Mukuro Ikusaba
Mukuro and Junko's Younger brother who's just done with Junko's shit
Mukuro with an affectionate and cuddly reader
Mukuro x Reader general headcanons
Mukuro asking her crush out
Mukuro with a sick reader
Mukuro with a Tsundere boyfriend who's affectionate
Mukuro's boyfriend incorrect quotes
Mukuro with a clingy and air headed S/O
Mukuro with an S/O who absolutely loves her freckles
Mukuro with an S/O where she follows through on killing the class except the her S/O
Mukuro ikusaba as a Parent
Overprotective Mukuro headcanons
Mukuro with an S/O who takes down an attacker
Yandere Mukuro headcanons
Yandere Mukuro comforting her boyfriend who had a nightmare
Mukuro carrying her S/O
Mukuro with an Ultimate sketch artist boyfriend
Mukuro with a Quiet but extremely affectionate boyfriend
Mukuro with a Touchstarved S/O with ADHD
Mukuro with a shy and introverted Younger sibling
Mukuro with a S/O that has contrasting Public side and a Private side
Mukuro with an S/O who has a Feral side
Mukuro meeting her S/O's parents for the first time
More Yandere Mukuro Ikusaba Headcanons
Junko Enoshima
Junko with a younger brother who's just done with her shit
Yandere Junko with a darling who purposely makes her jealous
Junko with an Autistic ultimate plushy maker
Yandere Junko with a shy and adorable boyfriend
Junko enoshima Incorrect quotes
Junko enoshima Incorrect quotes 2
Junko enoshima Incorrect quotes 3
Junko enoshima Incorrect quotes 4
Junko enoshima Incorrect quotes 5
Junko enoshima Incorrect quotes 6
Non despair Junko with an Autistic reader
Junko with a shy Younger sibling
Junko comforting her S/O who was ditched by a former friend
Junko with an S/O that refuses to fall into despair
Junko x Reader headcanons
Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack
Toko Fukawa and Genocide Jack with a Boyfriends who's energetic and affecionate
Toko Fukawa and Genocide Jack with a boyfriend who helps them their hobbies
Toko Fukawa with a Boyfriend who's supportive
Toko Fukawa with an S/O who's quiet but affectionate
Toko Fukawa with a Male reader who has a crush on her back
Toko Fukawa getting caught making out with her S/O
Makoto Naegi
Being best friends with Makoto Naegi
Chihiro Fujisaki
Chihiro Fujisaki with a S/O who has ADHD
Chihiro coming home from a busy day to cuddle his S/O
Chihiro with a reader who's his Best friend
Chihiro having a Lazy day with his S/O
Chihiro relationship Headcanons
Chihiro with an easily distracted S/O
Chihiro with a depressed S/O who's really into exercise
Celestia Ludenburg
Celestia ludenburg with Ditzy and Clingy reader who has a dangerous Ultimate
Goodbye Despair
Mikan Tsumiki
Mikan with a Mioda sibling who gets into weird situations like his sister
Mikan tsumiki with an S/O that likes giving her compliments and affection
Mikan tsumiki Parenting headcanons
Mikan Tsumiki with a S/O with ADHD
Mikan with an S/O who helps out with her hobbies
Mikan with an S/O who's normally shy and friendly but when gaming gets angry and loud
Mikan with an S/O who's quiet but loves spending time with her
Mikan and reader who have a mutual crush on eachother
Mikan with an S/O who has a Feral side
Mikan with an S/O who likes giving her headpats as praise
Mikan coming home from a rough day to recieve love and affection from her S/O
Mikan with an S/O who has Public side and Private side
Mikan meeting her S/O's Parents for the first time
Mikan with easily lost and distracted S/O
Mikan watching her boyfriend molly-wop an entire Yakuza clan
Peko Pekoyama
Peko confessing to Chiaki's older brother
Peko confessing her love to a Makoto like reader
Chiaki Nanami
Chiaki with an S/O who has PTSD from their abusive family
Chiaki with an S/O who's sleepy all the time
Chiaki encouraging her S/O to get some writing done
Chiaki with an S/O whose normally shy and friendly but when gaming is angry and loud
Chiaki with an Ultimate martial artist S/O
Super Danganronpa Another 2
Chainsaw Man
Jujustu Kaisen
Persona 3-5
Helluva Boss
My Hero Academia
Honkai Star Rail
Zenless Zone Zero
Anby with a Phaethon sibling who likes to show off
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
Fate Grand Order/Stay Night
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dragondemoness · 10 months
Kyoko kirigiri confesses her love to a male s/o that thinks she is going out with naegi
Kyoko Kirigiri with a Male Reader who Thinks she's Dating Makoto
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It might sound ridiculous to anyone else, but to you, it just made sense at the time
It's not as if they were together 24/7, but they did have chemistry
And as they say, opposites attract
Makoto's open, somewhat clumsy attitude was a perfect match for Kyoko's cold exterior
Plus, he always seemed keen on getting to know the detective, and even managed to get a few reactions from her besides her typical aloof demeanor
And going along with Kyoko's point about him being obvious and "foolishly open," anyone could see that he admired her
Though it felt like a needle in your heart, you couldn't blame him
Makoto was a good guy, but you almost felt that he didn't deserve Kyoko
He was just an average student with a phony "luck" title, so what made him so special?
But he was also lucky enough to manage to pull her, so you supposed that it was somewhat respectable
Or so you thought
Kyoko didn't miss how you stared at her with a sad and longing look in your eyes whenever she was with Makoto
You were almost as bad as him, honestly
And so, she wasted no time in approaching you and clearing things up
But to make sure she wasn't getting the wrong idea, she kept prying until you finally voiced your worries yourself
"I figured. (Name), Makoto and I are not dating. I admit, he's a good friend, and I enjoy spending time with him. But frankly, I don't think he's quite boyfriend material. Not for me, at least. But I can think of a better match."
She then looked away with a small blush as finally voiced her feelings
You looked at her in surprise, and you almost wanted to confirm your suspicion, but was afraid to get the wrong idea again
But thankfully, Kyoko beat you to it
You were, in fact, the perfect guy for her
No one could replace you, not even Makoto
Oh, how happy you were to hear that!
With that, the two of you began a beautiful romance
Sometimes, you caught Makoto looking at you with the same longing look you once held, but with a small smile to signal that he was happy for the two of you
But you weren't worried anymore
You were the lucky one now, and you knew that Kyoko would never choose anyone else
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mickeydizz · 2 years
Hi can you do a request where kyoko kirigiri stops a male s/o from becoming izuru kamukura?
Hello! Here's what you requested. This is my first time writing so sorry if I didn't do that good lol.
Kyoko was speed walking to the headmasters office, she had overheard one of the elites talking about a agreement upon a reserve student they had chosen to experiment on for the 'Izuru Kamakura Project'. She knew exactly who they were talking about. What was he thinking? Does he even know the dangers of this project. She knows that her father- The headmaster would know about the Kamakura Project so she as going to ask him. She knocked on his office when she got there.
"Come in."
She opened the door and immediately asked
"Where's is he being held."
His eyes left the documents and landed on his daughter's
"Oh Kyoko I didn't expect you to be here"
He replied with a warm smile, she however just stared at him with a cold expression. Jin sighed
"I'm afraid that is information I can't tell you"
Kyoko replies with a tint of anger
"I thought you didn't support the project."
She said.
He closed his eyes for a while, thinking about how he will reply
but before he could say anything Kyoko had already left the Headmasters office. He sighed deeply
He had messed up their relationship up again
Kyoko was speed walking out the Academy
If he woudnt tell her, she will follow one of the elites and save him herself.
One hour later
"It's alright, everything will be fine"
I said to myself, after this I will never feel left out again! I will finally have a talent and then Kyoko won't have to have a half assed boyfriend like me.
It okay right?..
"S/O!" A familiar voice yells
I looked up and saw.. Kyoko? What is she doing here. She opened the door and ran to me
"S/O you don't have to do this"
"Yes I do! After this you can finally have an good boyfriend"
She looked at him and caressed his face
"I already have a good boyfriend. if not the best one, I like you the way you are so please.."
Before I knew it I had started tearing up. She took my hand
"Let's get out of here"
She said. I got up while she still held my hand and smiled
"Thank you Kyoko."
She smiled back.
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
I'm Now Taking Requests for Danganronpa!
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The games I'll write for are Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair, and Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony.
I'll write character x character requests. I'll also write x male, female, and gender-neutral readers.
I'll write for any scenarios you want involving things such as fluff, angst, hurt to comfort, etc. However, I will not write anything for smut sorry.
I'll write for the 3 main games and the characters I'll be writing for those 3 main games. Can be found below.
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Makoto Naegi
Sayaka Maizono
Leon Kuwata
Kyoko Kirigiri
Byakuya Togami
Hifumi Yamada
Mondo Owada
Toko Kukawa/Genocide Jack
Celestia Ludenberg
Aoi Asahina
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Sakura Ogami
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Junko Enoshima
Chihiro Fujisaki
Mukuro Ikusaba
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Hajime Hinata
Akane Owari
The Ultimate Imposter
Chiaki Nanami
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Gundham Tanaka
Hiyoko Saionji
Ibuki Mioda
Kazuichi Soda
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito Komaeda
Nekomaru Nidai
Peko Pekoyama
Sonia Nevermind
Teruteru Hanamura
Izuru Kamukura
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Shuichi Saihara
Korekiyo Shinguji
Angie Yonaga
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Oma
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tenko Chabashira
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota
Maki Harukawa
Ryoma Hoshi
Rantaro Amami
Himiko Yumeno
Gonta Gokuhara
Miu Iruma
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