#L!BM Eclipse
cheesemctoastnuggets · 4 months
"Even if I hate you, you're all I have left.".
Lord!Bloodmoon AU created by @o-i-w-u !!!
TW for mentioned robot gore, cruelty, probable blood mention??? Definitely swearing though, just putting the TW just in case
Eclipse had finished wiping the oil and blood off the ground. There would always be some that tracked in, whenever he came in. Most floors in the desolate, ruined castle had at least a little blood left on them, from whenever Bloodmoon wanted to bring back more humans to torment.
He refused to call Bloodmoon 'Lord'.
Eclipse CREATED Bloodmoon, he shouldn't have to do something like that! And yet there were always at least a few humans who, seeing Bloodmoon with the Star, called them that, hoping it would appease the bloodthirsty animatronic. That only worked if Bloodmoon would be in a good mood.
This....workshop that Eclipse had, hidden in the castle ruins.... you wouldn't even call it that; that would be an insult to actual workshops. It simply had the bare items Eclipse needed for animatronic repair. Not that there were too many left. Most of the other animatronics were either dead, or in hiding. Eclipse wouldn't know where to find them.
Moon was dead. that much he knew. Eclipse himself was present when Bloodmoon had openly let Sun know. Denial was Sun's reaction, initially. Until he found the body. Bloodmoon had had a few decent injuries on him; as much as Eclipse and Moon hated each other, Eclipse knew Moon definitely wouldn't have gone without at least one way of doing something to Bloodmoon.
It was just so...meaningless, as Eclipse looked back on it.
Bloodmoon had the Star, and could heal any of those scratches, dents, any sheets of metal Moon had ripped off or tried to do against Bloodmoon. Likely in an attempt that Bloodmoon wouldn't reach the Star before someone else, at least. Fat chance that worked out, none of the others even knew that Bloodmoon had the star's location, much less the Star itself.
Suddenly, Eclipse could hear a loud crash from the outside, followed by faint metal scratching. He paused, trying to hold in the panic that Bloodmoon finally got bored of him, before slowly walking over to the hidden entry point he had, and opened the peek hole.
He could just make out the faint color of faded yellow, before snapping the door open. It could've been a trap, for all Eclipse knew, some bait Bloodmoon left, but Eclipse just wouldn't, no, couldn't just ignore it even on the chance that it was a trap.
He grabbed the crumpled scrap heap meant to be Sun, and dragged him in. Before, he may have been able to easily pick Sun up, especially when the former daycare attendant was in a state such as this. But Eclipse also would've just left Sun, maybe only interrogated him if Eclipse were still himself, the way he was before Bloodmoon got the Star. Times had rather drastically caused changes for Eclipse.
Eclipse grumbled, shutting the door quickly and locking it. No matter how many locks he had, it never felt like enough. It didn't keep out the sounds, it didn't keep out his loneliness, his fears...it wouldn't even keep Bloodmoon out if one day, the homicidal duo decided it was done with Sun and Eclipse.
"Fucking idiot, Sun, you should know better", Eclipse practically growled, a tiny bit of steam puffed out of the back of his head, as he started to hook Sun up to one of the very few machines Eclipse had made that Bloodmoon didn't destroy. Sun needed power, a lot and fast, given the state he was in.
There were large dents in Sun, especially on the side h e had landed on when he had fallen. Or did Bloodmoon throw him down? Eclipse and Sun both knew that hidden was a funny word to use for this run-down hideaway Eclipse had the audacity to call a workshop was something Bloodmoon knew about. It's just the bloodthirsty maniacs that inhabited that body didn't want Sun or Eclipse dead. Not yet, at least. The day was coming, Eclipse was sure of it.
There were also scratches all over Sun's body. The faceplates were horribly damaged with it looking like it was about to cave in on itself, likely having been shoved down to the ground. There were deep slashes on Sun, and oil leaked out of him. One of his lower feet were twisted, and some of the fingers Sun's model had were shattered.
Bloodmoon was leaving more of a mark every time he decided to toy with Sun or Eclipse. Eclipse himself was barely lucid half the time, with Sun having to plug him in, so Eclipse could fix himself. He'd have to teach Sun something, in case just charging Eclipse wasn't enough. In case Eclipse ended up like this.
A funny thing, this 'alliance' was. Shaky, and they hated it as well as each other. But neither dared to leave or betrayed the other. They couldn't. They were all they had left. In a span of months, Sun had gone from one of Eclipse's enemies and his favorite to torment to the only thing Eclipse had left.
As much as they hated each other, and had tried to kill each other, many times over.....neither could beat to hurt each other, because they couldn't bear it.
The realization of how stupid and yet so....nice the thought caused Eclipse to pause, but he shook his head. He couldn't waste any time, he needed to repair Sun.
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o-i-w-u · 3 months
Are there any silly facts about your characters? Stims they may do? Things they really like, favorite activities?
If they are to have sexualities, what some characters sexualities? :> (i suck at thinking of y im trying to pull questions out my void of brain for you)
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yesss stims!!! these are just a few of the characters and only a few of their stims, a bunch of them have verbal stims too :3
uhhhh big text under cut!
pollux flaps her hands a lot, she does it with her wings sometimes too! castor has stims aswell, but they're a lot less noticable, like leg bouncing or tapping on stuff. both castor and pollux release more star dust with stronger emotions (happiness, anger, sadness etc) :DD
thought (top right bm) picks at clothing and loose metal on his body, he often bites and chews on stuff, like his walking stick has quite a lot of bite marks in it from when he doesn't have anything else to gnaw on.
faith (directly under thought) shakes his head side to side, and he verbal stims a ton too.
L!kc (bottom right corner) shakes his whole body a lot
crimson (bottom left) scratches and picks at themself, it mostly started out as a way to sooth the itchiness from all their pinfeathers but slowly evolved into a stim of sorts
mel (sun inbetween crimson and L!kc) retracts his rays in a circular motion (?), its a nice distraction from ✨the horrors✨
most of my eclipses have verbal stims that they get rather embarrassed about :3
(a lot of these aren't 100%, identities are pretty damn fluid so these may change :])
mel/S!sun: bisexual
nore/S!eclipse: gay (mel and nore are like,, far too busy to focus on this stuff tho)
L!bloodmoon: i don't think he's ever experienced romantic/sexual attraction before tbh.
H!castor, H!pollux and H!gemini: queer platonic attractions, for now :)
crimson/P!bloodmoon: pan, i dont think they care <3
thorn/P!eclipse: pan
star/P!lunar: ??? hes just as confused as i am
L!kc: shes figuring stuff out. or atleast trying to.
thought/(?)!bloodmoon: hasn't thought much about it, bi maybe?
memory/(?)!bloodmoon (other half): ??????
faith/(?)!lunar: gay gay gay gay gaybo
(?)!eclipse: straight, but hes currently dead so.,.,
wonder/[character not shown yet erher!!]: questioning :)
thats all the sillie's attractions i can think of at the moment
crimson is a big fan of drawing as i've said before, and they love love love collecting things
uhhh random stuff that sorta applies to your other questions
((excluding some characters cus this is getting lengthy))
thorn comes up with insane fucking plans on the daily (never acts on them surprisingly)
star kinda just stares into the void 24/7, but when he's not doing that he's probably playing around with castor/pollux, or just wandering around
L!killcode is just doing her own thing the majority of the time, even his kids don't know what shes doing half the time lmao
pollux likes to hang out with star despite kc's wishes, they just like being silly with eachother
castor gets dragged into doing things that aren't work related, he tries to stay focused but pollux refuses to let him do so
mel likes uh,,, sleep, sleep, sleep and uhh sleep-
nore used to repair stuff for fun, but its become a necessity now
thought just hangs around faith, sorta mirrors whatever he's doing
faith just likes to relax or hang out with family
thank you sm for digging through the void!!! very appreciated :)
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harvest-is-tired · 5 months
Maria:*hugs everyone (including moon forcefully)*
BM: *confused but doesn't do anything*
S: *pat pat*
SE: well ok then.
E: *slaps you*
E: hello! *hugs back*
L: *same as Bloodmoon*
M: *same as Eclipse*
KC: *confused pat pat*
C: why
P: *hugs back*
RE: why hello! *hugs back*
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leftstarfishdreamer · 3 years
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i am bored and it have no friends so i’m doing this lmao also this is a gr8 way to stalk me so go on ahead idc
credit to: @luxet 
1. spotify ofc 2. my room has to be clean or else i will actually go insane 3. my eyes are a hazel brown 4. not really? only because it’s really feminine. i mean, don’t get me wrong, gabriella is a beautiful name. but it’s not exactly the easiest to go by gabie as a transboy 5. complicated. i have an on-again-off-again girlfriend that lives in ireland ;; 6. sarcastic kinky existentialist  7. i have burgundy hair ( : ) 8. i don’t have a car  9. i shop at hot topic, spencers and books a million 10. my style is lots and lots of black. my style is very.. comfy? i wear lots of over sized jumpers and sweat pants, but i also wear really tight skinny jeans and loose shirts so... borderline emo? i guess??? 11. tumblr lmao 12. i have a twin size 13. yes. i have a one year old brother named benjamin  14. i would live in Нижний Новгород (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). because i really love the culture and food and i speak russian so that’s a plus 15. i really like the filter where it makes everything blue and you have a flower crown and it’s all mystical and stuffz 16. i don’t wear makeup *;;* 17. i shower about 2 times a week 18. AMERICAN. FUCKING. HORROR STORY. sorry ( : ) 19. about a 7 in UK sizes 20. i am about 168 cm tall 21. sneakers. everytime i tried to wear sandals, my toes always got stepped on 22. yes  23. my dream date would consist of midnight drives with the radio blasting and a night filled with cuddles and kisses and movies and fairy lights and pillow/blanket forts 24. tbh nothing welp 25. i ‘ m     n o t     w e a r i n g    s o c ks 26. 2 27. well i mean, considering i’m 14, i don’t have a job exactly? i compete in figure skating competitions though so idk if that’s a job persay 28. like, -2 29. i was reading something and i ran into a wall. with my crush watching me. they laughed. i wanted death. right then and there. 30. i really like *don’t think this is weird* the smell of chlorine and the pool in general, and i was shopping with my mum when i found a candle that smells like that and !!! 31. alroy, benjamin, bryant 32. hazel, eden, january 33. evan peters 34. chloe grace moretz 35. evan petersssss 36. atm it is either the fault in our stars, my neighbour totoro, or the original spiderman movies lmao 37. yes i do. my favourite book is ‘faking normal’ by courtney stevens.  38. having intelligence is such a big turn on ngl 39. yes xD. my nickname is ‘dan howell 2.0′  40. i have been to the hospital at least 10 times 41. (1.) pillow talk by zayn  (2.) photograph by ed sheeran  (3.) goner by twenty one pilots  (4.) ode to sleep by twenty one pilots  (5.) sarcasm by get scared  (6.) psycho by muse *literally every muse song is gr8 tbh*  (7.) the sharpest lives by my chemical romance  (8.) nicotine by panic! at the disco  (9.) do it now remember it later by pierce the veil  (10.) i’ll sleep when i’m dead by set it off *once again, every sio song is amazing* 42. i take medicine for my extreme social anxiety 43. my skin is always dry because i take really hot showers and never use lotion afterwards because i always forget welp 44. my biggest fear is having someone being disappointed in me  45. maybe 1 or 2. but i’m probably going to have dogs. my mum is going to have granddogs. puppos. doggos everywhere 46. messy bun, fringe out 47. i live in a small run down flat  48. my role model is actually phil because i’ve always wanted a friend like phil but everyone that i meet just leaves?? but phil has always been my source of happiness since i was 8 so i am forever grateful for that.  49. ‘at least you didn’t fuck up your jumps’ my ice skating coach 50. ‘goodnight loser : p’  51. 6 52. it’s not really a car... more like a motorcycle.. a really, really fast motorcycle 53. it’s your demons your getting rid of, not mine. and honestly if smoking helps it, then go ahead. i won’t stop them. 54. i’m in secondary school but i probably won’t go to college 55. my dream job is to be an authour 56. suburbs in case there is a psycho murderer because in rural place, no one can hear you scream  57. ofc who doesn’t 58. i have very light freckles under my eyes 59. yes ^^ 60. not that many. most of my gallery is basically witty tumblr posts that i screenshots or photos of dnp that i screenshoted 61. nupe 62. yes :p i watch bob’s burgers a l o t 63. neither... i don’t know what wendy’s food tastes like, but if it’s anything close to mcdonald’s than no thank you... 64. barbecue sauce  65. i wear boxers and a loose t-shirt ; 66. no because i’m stupid 67. i play piano and i sketch in my free time 68. not well lol 69. i play ukulele, piano, and clarinet 70. the last concert i saw was twenty one pilots 71. tea 72. starbucks 73. it depends on the person i’m marrying.. 74. bm 75. mayyybbeee 76. black lmao 77. i miss my doggo :( 78. c l o s e d. the grudge isn’t going to get me tonight 79. nupe 80. when people look in the view finder of the video camera 81. my ‘friend’ marco 82. hazelnut 83. regular 84. chocolate 85. i am *ironically* wearing a ‘dan eclipse shirt’ that i made in 2012 86. my phone background is 2010 dan and phil in halloween costumes :’) 87. i’m pretty shy.. but also very loud and obnoxious so i mean 88. i love when people play with my hair tbh 89. sorta but then again i’ve never exactly met my neighbours 90. i wash my face at night 91. no 92. nuppers 93. i ate a really bland crumpet a few minutes ago 94. “though i’m weak, and beaten down. i’ll slip away into the sound. the ghost of you. is close to me. i’m inside out. your underneath.” -goner, twenty one pilots 95. winter  96. night 97. i really like dark chocolate 98. october because i like halloween ;; 99. cancer 100. my ex girlfriend
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neurogenpapers · 7 years
Genetic loci associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap with loci for lung function and pulmonary fibrosis.
PubMed: Genetic loci associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap with loci for lung function and pulmonary fibrosis. Nat Genet. 2017 Feb 06;: Authors: Hobbs BD, de Jong K, Lamontagne M, Bossé Y, Shrine N, Artigas MS, Wain LV, Hall IP, Jackson VE, Wyss AB, London SJ, North KE, Franceschini N, Strachan DP, Beaty TH, Hokanson JE, Crapo JD, Castaldi PJ, Chase RP, Bartz TM, Heckbert SR, Psaty BM, Gharib SA, Zanen P, Lammers JW, Oudkerk M, Groen HJ, Locantore N, Tal-Singer R, Rennard SI, Vestbo J, Timens W, Paré PD, Latourelle JC, Dupuis J, O'Connor GT, Wilk JB, Kim WJ, Lee MK, Oh YM, Vonk JM, de Koning HJ, Leng S, Belinsky SA, Tesfaigzi Y, Manichaikul A, Wang XQ, Rich SS, Barr RG, Sparrow D, Litonjua AA, Bakke P, Gulsvik A, Lahousse L, Brusselle GG, Stricker BH, Uitterlinden AG, Ampleford EJ, Bleecker ER, Woodruff PG, Meyers DA, Qiao D, Lomas DA, Yim JJ, Kim DK, Hawrylkiewicz I, Sliwinski P, Hardin M, Fingerlin TE, Schwartz DA, Postma DS, MacNee W, Tobin MD, Silverman EK, Boezen HM, Cho MH, COPDGene Investigators, ECLIPSE Investigators, LifeLines Investigators, SPIROMICS Research Group, International COPD Genetics Network Investigators, UK BiLEVE Investigators, International COPD Genetics Consortium Abstract Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of mortality worldwide. We performed a genetic association study in 15,256 cases and 47,936 controls, with replication of select top results (P
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o-i-w-u · 4 months
HI YES, CAN I ASK WHERE L!BM WOULD HAVE A BSE AT IN THE LORD BLOODMOON AU? Just, like, would he have some abandoned, ruined old castle, like when he first met the Rot-rick(idk the name, tails plush guy), or would he have a more carved out place? Or, nowhere at all?
Also, where the nicknames I dropped off for you in a basket good for the AU?
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yeah! kinda like a very church-y (hince the stained glass i did!), vaguely run down castle on a floating island thingy :)) (would shove a image here to show what i mean but buildings are hard to draw-)
L!Bloodmoon isn't uhh,, good at keeping his area clean so its gotten rather run down and dirty (despite s!sun's and s!eclipse's attempts at keeping the place even remotely livable) there's still parts held together, like the majority of the main building (L!Bloodmoon's throne room i suppose?) is fine but everywhere around it is a rundown mess. not to mention the gory messes everywhere.
he made the place himself (?) but never put effort into keeping it up and intact.
also your names were perfect :))) I'm gonna make the selection when i make more posts about them and publicly flush out the au more :3
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nope, they kept their memories! they're both full of incomprehensible amounts of trauma <33
apologies if this is hard to read/incoherent- i have big time struggles with writing
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o-i-w-u · 3 months
uhhh character's pronouns cus' those are an important thing to know!!
(reminder that identity is fluid, these may change as stories progress and characters develop!)
lord kc au:
crimson/p!bloodmoon: they/them, masc and gender neutral terms
star/p!lunar: he/they, masc and gender neutral terms
thorn/p!eclipse: he/him, masc terms
L!killcode: he/she, fem and gender neutral terms
castor: he/they, masc and gender neutral terms
pollux: she/they, fem and gender neutral terms
[end of this character list as of now]
lord bm au:
mel/s!sun: he/they(/she???), any terms
nore/s!eclipse: he/they, masc terms
L!bloodmoon: he/they, masc and gender neutral terms
[unamed] au:
faith/(?)!lunar: he/they, gender neutral terms
thought/(?)!bloodmoon: he/they, masc terms
memory/(?)!bloodmoon('s other): he/it, any terms
wonder: he/they, any terms
(?)!eclipse: he/him, masc terms
[end of this character list as of now]
(*points to the corner* the mer au is getting excluded because idk i've been neglecting that one)
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