#Lord!Bloodmoon AU
thejesterconcept · 7 months
"Even if I hate you, you're all I have left.".
Lord!Bloodmoon AU created by @o-i-w-u !!!
TW for mentioned robot gore, cruelty, probable blood mention??? Definitely swearing though, just putting the TW just in case
Eclipse had finished wiping the oil and blood off the ground. There would always be some that tracked in, whenever he came in. Most floors in the desolate, ruined castle had at least a little blood left on them, from whenever Bloodmoon wanted to bring back more humans to torment.
He refused to call Bloodmoon 'Lord'.
Eclipse CREATED Bloodmoon, he shouldn't have to do something like that! And yet there were always at least a few humans who, seeing Bloodmoon with the Star, called them that, hoping it would appease the bloodthirsty animatronic. That only worked if Bloodmoon would be in a good mood.
This....workshop that Eclipse had, hidden in the castle ruins.... you wouldn't even call it that; that would be an insult to actual workshops. It simply had the bare items Eclipse needed for animatronic repair. Not that there were too many left. Most of the other animatronics were either dead, or in hiding. Eclipse wouldn't know where to find them.
Moon was dead. that much he knew. Eclipse himself was present when Bloodmoon had openly let Sun know. Denial was Sun's reaction, initially. Until he found the body. Bloodmoon had had a few decent injuries on him; as much as Eclipse and Moon hated each other, Eclipse knew Moon definitely wouldn't have gone without at least one way of doing something to Bloodmoon.
It was just so...meaningless, as Eclipse looked back on it.
Bloodmoon had the Star, and could heal any of those scratches, dents, any sheets of metal Moon had ripped off or tried to do against Bloodmoon. Likely in an attempt that Bloodmoon wouldn't reach the Star before someone else, at least. Fat chance that worked out, none of the others even knew that Bloodmoon had the star's location, much less the Star itself.
Suddenly, Eclipse could hear a loud crash from the outside, followed by faint metal scratching. He paused, trying to hold in the panic that Bloodmoon finally got bored of him, before slowly walking over to the hidden entry point he had, and opened the peek hole.
He could just make out the faint color of faded yellow, before snapping the door open. It could've been a trap, for all Eclipse knew, some bait Bloodmoon left, but Eclipse just wouldn't, no, couldn't just ignore it even on the chance that it was a trap.
He grabbed the crumpled scrap heap meant to be Sun, and dragged him in. Before, he may have been able to easily pick Sun up, especially when the former daycare attendant was in a state such as this. But Eclipse also would've just left Sun, maybe only interrogated him if Eclipse were still himself, the way he was before Bloodmoon got the Star. Times had rather drastically caused changes for Eclipse.
Eclipse grumbled, shutting the door quickly and locking it. No matter how many locks he had, it never felt like enough. It didn't keep out the sounds, it didn't keep out his loneliness, his fears...it wouldn't even keep Bloodmoon out if one day, the homicidal duo decided it was done with Sun and Eclipse.
"Fucking idiot, Sun, you should know better", Eclipse practically growled, a tiny bit of steam puffed out of the back of his head, as he started to hook Sun up to one of the very few machines Eclipse had made that Bloodmoon didn't destroy. Sun needed power, a lot and fast, given the state he was in.
There were large dents in Sun, especially on the side h e had landed on when he had fallen. Or did Bloodmoon throw him down? Eclipse and Sun both knew that hidden was a funny word to use for this run-down hideaway Eclipse had the audacity to call a workshop was something Bloodmoon knew about. It's just the bloodthirsty maniacs that inhabited that body didn't want Sun or Eclipse dead. Not yet, at least. The day was coming, Eclipse was sure of it.
There were also scratches all over Sun's body. The faceplates were horribly damaged with it looking like it was about to cave in on itself, likely having been shoved down to the ground. There were deep slashes on Sun, and oil leaked out of him. One of his lower feet were twisted, and some of the fingers Sun's model had were shattered.
Bloodmoon was leaving more of a mark every time he decided to toy with Sun or Eclipse. Eclipse himself was barely lucid half the time, with Sun having to plug him in, so Eclipse could fix himself. He'd have to teach Sun something, in case just charging Eclipse wasn't enough. In case Eclipse ended up like this.
A funny thing, this 'alliance' was. Shaky, and they hated it as well as each other. But neither dared to leave or betrayed the other. They couldn't. They were all they had left. In a span of months, Sun had gone from one of Eclipse's enemies and his favorite to torment to the only thing Eclipse had left.
As much as they hated each other, and had tried to kill each other, many times over.....neither could beat to hurt each other, because they couldn't bear it.
The realization of how stupid and yet so....nice the thought caused Eclipse to pause, but he shook his head. He couldn't waste any time, he needed to repair Sun.
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o-i-w-u · 7 months
Could we have Bloodmoon as a Lord with Sun and Eclipse as their servants?
so i got carried away.
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so this is a funny lil au now that i may have gotten myself a tad hyperfixated on-- i technically finished this drawing a day (or two?) ago but got busy before i could post it </3
so here we are! ty for the ask and idea :>>>!!
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bonus :D
again big fan of this idea n i hope its fine if i scurry off with it!
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ask-dimension71542 · 9 months
snitches get stitches?
WRONG kisses
The hell was that?
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starheirxero · 7 months
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I am wholly enraptured by @o-i-w-u's Lord Bloodmoon design and I had to get some drawings out or else I'd die VERY dramatically. This beast was So fun 2 draw <3<3<3
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0-kbelle-0 · 11 months
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Magma drawings
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h-didanart · 1 month
Figured now’s a great time to dump this on y’all
Lord Bloodmoon
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They would not leave my head, he stayed there in the corner, I had to draw them at some point. Here’s doodles for ya!
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Ok, ok, I have no real proof besides the vague world building you can glimpse at in these drawings, but, I would like to say that I kinda predicted Lord Bloodmoon eating something star related.
Anyways, some angsty lore for ya! Tw, character injury
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I think I have a new au to make
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 3 months
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{Overthrown} Lord Bloodmoon!
No one showed up to the stream but it was still fun
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tbean555 · 7 months
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Fuck it. If we can get this Guard Bloodmoon doodle to 200 reblogs I’ll draw Librarian Sun in a maid dress
@ask-dimension71542 I regret nothing
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anogtsamsfan · 5 months
Art <:
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thejesterconcept · 14 days
Even If I Hate You, You Are All I Have Left
Hello! About half a year or so ago, I wrote a oneshot for the Lord Bloodmoon AU created by @o-i-w-u, and now I decided it would be fun to rewrite it, as I actually created two, and I looked back and decided I should rewrite those to see how I improved! Please check out the person who created the AU, @o-i-w-u , they have cool TSAMS content there!
TW: Robo-Gore, Blood, Character Death, Abuse, Dead Body Mention
He had just finished wiping all the oil and blood off the ground, all that had tracked in whenever he or Sun came inside here. Most floors in the ruined, desolate castle had at least a bit of blood caked on the ground there, from whenever Bloodmoon brought back new humans to torment.
Eclipse refused to call Bloodmoon ‘Lord’.
Eclipse had created Bloodmoon, for stars’ sake, he shouldn’t ever have to call Bloodmoon that. And yet, despite it all, there would always be those one or two humans, who when brought back, tried calling them that, to try and ‘appease’ Bloodmoon. And maybe that worked, albeit temporarily, whenever Bloodmoon was in a good mood.
Eclipse knew better.
This….workshop Eclipse had, hidden in the castle ruins…you couldn't even call it that. That would be an insult to an actual workshop. It simply had the bare minimum of items Eclipse needed for repairing animatronics. Not that there were that many left. Most animatronics nowadays were either in hiding or dead. Eclipse wouldn’t know where to find them.
Moon was dead. That much Eclipse knew. He had been present when Bloodmoon dragged the lifeless body out into the open, the Star in their other hand. Sun and Eclipse had been fighting at the time, but both paused at the sight.
Sun denied it all instantly. Even with the body in front of him, Sun insisted Moon must have backups, and Eclipse, while he couldn’t claim he thought the exact same…..Moon being dead seemed so wrong. Sure, he could see Moon’s body right there; no matter the dents, scratches, torn and mangled parts, or torn off sheets of metal, it was still easy to tell it was Moon. But it took longer than it should’ve to set in, actually.
Bloodmoon had had a few decent injuries on him. But they had the Star, and could heal any of it. Eclipse knew Moon at least wouldn’t have gone down without a fight, and he’d put up a good one at the very least. But….looking back, no matter how much Moon had fought back, it all just seemed so….meaningless, especially with how Bloodmoon could heal it all. It may have been in an attempt to keep them from the Star, but it obviously didn’t work. No one had even realized Bloodmoon had the Star’s location in the first place.
Suddenly, a loud crash sounded from behind the metal door of the workshop. Eclipse paused, taking a second to hold in the panic that Bloodmoon finally decided to be done with him or this sorry excuse of a workshop. Eventually, he grabbed an old pipe, and slowly made his way to the peep hole through the door. All he glanced at was a flash of dull yellow before he threw the door open, not caring as he dropped the pipe.
It could’ve been a trap for all Eclipse knew, but he couldn’t just leave Sun there. Eclipse quickly dragged the heap that was Sun inside, before closing the door, and locking it up. No matter how many locks Eclipse had on the door, it never felt like enough. Not that they’d actually do anything to stop Bloodmoon if he grew tired of Sun and Eclipse.
“You dumb idiot, Sun, you should know better”, Eclipse grumbled, even if he figured Sun was unconscious and couldn't hear him at this point. A tiny bit of smoke came out of the back of his head as he pulled Sun over to where he had set up shop; Eclipse could never fully fix himself, there were parts like the back of his head he couldn’t reach.
Sun needed power and fast as Eclipse swiftly connected him up to the machine, one of the few Bloodmoon hadn’t destroyed…yet.
There were a few large dents in Sun from where he had landed. Whether he had fallen on the way there or Bloodmoon had thrown him, Eclipse couldn’t guess. Both Eclipse and Sun knew that calling this workshop ‘hidden’ was dumb; Bloodmoon knew exactly where this all was. Eclipse was fairly certain the only reason Bloodmoon left it was because while they didn’t use the Star to fix Sun and Eclipse back up, they still found it amusing, Eclipse patching himself and Sun up each time.
But eventually, the day would come when Bloodmoon stopped finding it amusing.
Sun also had large scratches add gourges deep into his body, and a little more than half of his face was caved in, like Bloodmoon had smashed it into the ground. They probably had done that. There were slashes here and there as well, with oil leaking out a tiny bit. One of his feet had been mangled, and more than half of his fingers were shattered.
Bloodmoon had been leaving more of a mark on Sun and Eclipse every time they decided to toy with either one of them. Eclipse would have to teach Sun to repair animatronics at some point after this. Eclipse himself was barely lucid each time Bloodmoon decided to go after him. All Sun could do was plug him in to charge, so hopefully Eclipse didn’t die from his injuries before he could fix him.
A funny thing this ‘alliance’ was; shaky, and both of them hated it, and each other. But neither one would dare betray the other. Neither could. Both had lost everything within days of Bloodmoon getting the Star, except for each other.
Had Eclipse back then seen Sun like he did moments ago, he could have easily picked Sun up, especially when Sun was in this state. He also perhaps would’ve interrogated him, taunted him, but certainly not helped him. 
Times had forced Eclipse to change more dramatically.
Sun and Eclipse had gone from each other’s most hated enemies, to being the ones saving each others’ lives every other day.
As much as they hated each other, each other was all they had left. Neither of them could bear hurting the other, because they couldn’t bear it.
The thought of that was rather stupid…perhaps nice, if you ignored what forced this all, but Eclipse had to shove it all down to the side. He had to repair Sun.
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o-i-w-u · 1 month
today's episode was kinda cool huh. lord bloodmoon vaguely canon >:3
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(they're gonna kill each other)
@achickennamedcheese @sillyclowncircus tagging you both rgahhh
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plus a mid-fight snack break! ichor tastes awful.
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ask-dimension71542 · 1 month
Bloodmoon… HAH, I don't even think it's worthy of that name.
Bloodmoon means power, it means blood, and violence… But above all it means CHAOS, and chaos is a force as unpredictable as it is untamable, impossible for anyone to control for long enough before it turns against them…
You? You're a pathetic dog wagging your tail and licking your repugnant master's shoes, not even because he cheated on you! You're just pathetic LMAO
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You watch your MOUTH.
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starheirxero · 5 months
raises hand i think we should put centieclipse and Lord bloodmoon in a terrarium together and see what happens
OUHHHH OH MY STARS that would be genuinely so fascinating. Idk how Lord Bloodmoon would react but I feel like Centiclipse would be APPALLED that someone such a Bloodmoon got his hands on such a force, and probably say some shit about how someone with such a filthy existence doesn't deserve something as powerful as the star. Like he wouldn't throw hands (hah) unprompted or anything, but he'd have a WHOOOOLE lotta shit to talk!!!
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okeydokeylackey · 7 months
"the real diamond castle was the friends we made along the way"
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For the @trulymadlydeeplyfest!
Tom Riddle has one friend. The only one who didn't turn him away when he was nothing but a half-breed orphan.
He won't lose her.
No, he'll bind her to a part of his soul.
Find this and the rest of the collection on Ao3!
The prompt was the author's choice, to which I picked "Two Voices, One Song" from Barbie and the Diamond Castle.
Please mind the tags, this is a platonic relationship. OC (Morgana Blaire Bloodmoon) is a transwoman, transphobia's never tolerated on this blog. Also, this is meant to be the creation of the Locket Horcrux, idk if that was obvious in the art 💀
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tiredmaskkara · 1 year
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Art trade for @artoutoftheblue!
I had fun drawing them!
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that-starry-freak · 4 days
What is your favourite TSAMS ships?
anon, you have opened the floodgates oh my god- I have so many favorites (im a HUGE multishipper)
This is ordered into favorite to least favorite of my favorites!!! Pretend that made sense
Moonchips: ... wew boy- the flavors bro- the flavors- moon x v4? He said he'd like to date someone sarcastic and a bit sadistic if he ever tried dating, Eclipse fits the bill fucking perfectly. Moon x solar? Holy shit they're stupid and gay and awkward and have neither done this before let them cook let them experiment they're both scientists they're perfect that this. Moon x v1? Toxic, oh my god so fucking toxic such an interesting concept im not even going to go into it thats too crazy for main (i keep all my toxic ships on my tsams side blog 😔). Moon also includes new moon/nexus! Meaning, v4 Eclipse x Nexus? Yup, a flavour of moonchips, and holy fuck do I love v4 Eclipse x Nexus bro- also, v1 x nexus? He could have treated him SO much better. Also also, v2 x moon? Bro, they had a partnership already- like- auwnjsnssdnd AND ASH (eaps moon) X V4?? bro how can I be normal about moonchips-
Nexus x Eclipse x Sol: ... if you know, you know *looks to Zee* we have an au with this ship and it goes crazy bro. again, another au/ship too toxic to relaly yap about on main. But basically Sol abused Nexus and Eclipse and once they leave him they're very dependent on each other. Its a really interesting dynamic and its fun to play around with the characters
LullabyNight: chat, chat hear me out- listen Moon would be able to understand him if he really tried. And they could be sciency together- and experiment because Nexus did say that one time he wasn't sure about his sexuality (which makes sense!! Him questioning his sexuality is actually a nice part of his character arc, since he's not Moon) and Moon said he'd be willing to experiment with someone who was like him?? Bro, they're perfect. Let them kiss
Lord Eclipse x His Bm: he keeps them as his pet- thats- that's about it
Eclipse x Nexus x Solar (lullabychips, Eclipse², and Solarnexus): obviously my main ship i talk about a lot. Im not asss obsessed over it as I used to be (that is Zees fault, they got me obsessed over other ships <3) but when I rant about characters I think out of all the poly couples, they're best suited for each other. From Eclipse and Solar's moon trauma, to Eclipse and Nexus both being copies of someone else, to Eclipse and Solar both being eclispes. They could all understand each other very well, as well as compliment each other. Plus, cmon, Eclipse has been borderline defending Nexus-
Rumini (ruin x Gemini): a crackship that happened on a thread about who Ruin is shipped with and people were making art for it and I started thinking about it and im obsessed wnsdnsnsd they'd be so great for each other but also terrible. Secretive old man yaoi <3
Obviously just because they're on this list doesn't me I ship ship it (and if it isn't on this list that doesn't mean I dont relaly like it, it just doesn't mean I'm not obsessing over it rn. I really like bloodysun too) The only ones I think would actually be cute and good together are Solar, V4, and Nexus. Or v4 and Ash. I just think toxic ships can be really interesting!! It complicates things in a way that feels more real
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