#L!BM Sun
thejesterconcept · 7 months
"Even if I hate you, you're all I have left.".
Lord!Bloodmoon AU created by @o-i-w-u !!!
TW for mentioned robot gore, cruelty, probable blood mention??? Definitely swearing though, just putting the TW just in case
Eclipse had finished wiping the oil and blood off the ground. There would always be some that tracked in, whenever he came in. Most floors in the desolate, ruined castle had at least a little blood left on them, from whenever Bloodmoon wanted to bring back more humans to torment.
He refused to call Bloodmoon 'Lord'.
Eclipse CREATED Bloodmoon, he shouldn't have to do something like that! And yet there were always at least a few humans who, seeing Bloodmoon with the Star, called them that, hoping it would appease the bloodthirsty animatronic. That only worked if Bloodmoon would be in a good mood.
This....workshop that Eclipse had, hidden in the castle ruins.... you wouldn't even call it that; that would be an insult to actual workshops. It simply had the bare items Eclipse needed for animatronic repair. Not that there were too many left. Most of the other animatronics were either dead, or in hiding. Eclipse wouldn't know where to find them.
Moon was dead. that much he knew. Eclipse himself was present when Bloodmoon had openly let Sun know. Denial was Sun's reaction, initially. Until he found the body. Bloodmoon had had a few decent injuries on him; as much as Eclipse and Moon hated each other, Eclipse knew Moon definitely wouldn't have gone without at least one way of doing something to Bloodmoon.
It was just so...meaningless, as Eclipse looked back on it.
Bloodmoon had the Star, and could heal any of those scratches, dents, any sheets of metal Moon had ripped off or tried to do against Bloodmoon. Likely in an attempt that Bloodmoon wouldn't reach the Star before someone else, at least. Fat chance that worked out, none of the others even knew that Bloodmoon had the star's location, much less the Star itself.
Suddenly, Eclipse could hear a loud crash from the outside, followed by faint metal scratching. He paused, trying to hold in the panic that Bloodmoon finally got bored of him, before slowly walking over to the hidden entry point he had, and opened the peek hole.
He could just make out the faint color of faded yellow, before snapping the door open. It could've been a trap, for all Eclipse knew, some bait Bloodmoon left, but Eclipse just wouldn't, no, couldn't just ignore it even on the chance that it was a trap.
He grabbed the crumpled scrap heap meant to be Sun, and dragged him in. Before, he may have been able to easily pick Sun up, especially when the former daycare attendant was in a state such as this. But Eclipse also would've just left Sun, maybe only interrogated him if Eclipse were still himself, the way he was before Bloodmoon got the Star. Times had rather drastically caused changes for Eclipse.
Eclipse grumbled, shutting the door quickly and locking it. No matter how many locks he had, it never felt like enough. It didn't keep out the sounds, it didn't keep out his loneliness, his fears...it wouldn't even keep Bloodmoon out if one day, the homicidal duo decided it was done with Sun and Eclipse.
"Fucking idiot, Sun, you should know better", Eclipse practically growled, a tiny bit of steam puffed out of the back of his head, as he started to hook Sun up to one of the very few machines Eclipse had made that Bloodmoon didn't destroy. Sun needed power, a lot and fast, given the state he was in.
There were large dents in Sun, especially on the side h e had landed on when he had fallen. Or did Bloodmoon throw him down? Eclipse and Sun both knew that hidden was a funny word to use for this run-down hideaway Eclipse had the audacity to call a workshop was something Bloodmoon knew about. It's just the bloodthirsty maniacs that inhabited that body didn't want Sun or Eclipse dead. Not yet, at least. The day was coming, Eclipse was sure of it.
There were also scratches all over Sun's body. The faceplates were horribly damaged with it looking like it was about to cave in on itself, likely having been shoved down to the ground. There were deep slashes on Sun, and oil leaked out of him. One of his lower feet were twisted, and some of the fingers Sun's model had were shattered.
Bloodmoon was leaving more of a mark every time he decided to toy with Sun or Eclipse. Eclipse himself was barely lucid half the time, with Sun having to plug him in, so Eclipse could fix himself. He'd have to teach Sun something, in case just charging Eclipse wasn't enough. In case Eclipse ended up like this.
A funny thing, this 'alliance' was. Shaky, and they hated it as well as each other. But neither dared to leave or betrayed the other. They couldn't. They were all they had left. In a span of months, Sun had gone from one of Eclipse's enemies and his favorite to torment to the only thing Eclipse had left.
As much as they hated each other, and had tried to kill each other, many times over.....neither could beat to hurt each other, because they couldn't bear it.
The realization of how stupid and yet so....nice the thought caused Eclipse to pause, but he shook his head. He couldn't waste any time, he needed to repair Sun.
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h-didanart · 3 months
First meet 3
S "So yeah we have bloodmoon now"
L "Are we going to try to make them listen to us he is a killer"
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S "You don't have to worry"
E "Oh that's good"
L "You sure?"
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S "Yeah he's over there"
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L "OMG!"
"Bm just playing with a barrel"
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[dies of cuteness]
I love this au
Just- Sun nervously leading his siblings and trying to explain what’s going on, Earth and Lunar’s expressions, and then Bloodmoon playing with the barrel and then hiding behind it when they notice Lunar and Earth, and then PEEKING OUT—
I love it
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o-i-w-u · 7 months
Are there any silly facts about your characters? Stims they may do? Things they really like, favorite activities?
If they are to have sexualities, what some characters sexualities? :> (i suck at thinking of y im trying to pull questions out my void of brain for you)
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yesss stims!!! these are just a few of the characters and only a few of their stims, a bunch of them have verbal stims too :3
uhhhh big text under cut!
pollux flaps her hands a lot, she does it with her wings sometimes too! castor has stims aswell, but they're a lot less noticable, like leg bouncing or tapping on stuff. both castor and pollux release more star dust with stronger emotions (happiness, anger, sadness etc) :DD
thought (top right bm) picks at clothing and loose metal on his body, he often bites and chews on stuff, like his walking stick has quite a lot of bite marks in it from when he doesn't have anything else to gnaw on.
faith (directly under thought) shakes his head side to side, and he verbal stims a ton too.
L!kc (bottom right corner) shakes his whole body a lot
crimson (bottom left) scratches and picks at themself, it mostly started out as a way to sooth the itchiness from all their pinfeathers but slowly evolved into a stim of sorts
mel (sun inbetween crimson and L!kc) retracts his rays in a circular motion (?), its a nice distraction from ✨the horrors✨
most of my eclipses have verbal stims that they get rather embarrassed about :3
(a lot of these aren't 100%, identities are pretty damn fluid so these may change :])
mel/S!sun: bisexual
nore/S!eclipse: gay (mel and nore are like,, far too busy to focus on this stuff tho)
L!bloodmoon: i don't think he's ever experienced romantic/sexual attraction before tbh.
H!castor, H!pollux and H!gemini: queer platonic attractions, for now :)
crimson/P!bloodmoon: pan, i dont think they care <3
thorn/P!eclipse: pan
star/P!lunar: ??? hes just as confused as i am
L!kc: shes figuring stuff out. or atleast trying to.
thought/(?)!bloodmoon: hasn't thought much about it, bi maybe?
memory/(?)!bloodmoon (other half): ??????
faith/(?)!lunar: gay gay gay gay gaybo
(?)!eclipse: straight, but hes currently dead so.,.,
wonder/[character not shown yet erher!!]: questioning :)
thats all the sillie's attractions i can think of at the moment
crimson is a big fan of drawing as i've said before, and they love love love collecting things
uhhh random stuff that sorta applies to your other questions
((excluding some characters cus this is getting lengthy))
thorn comes up with insane fucking plans on the daily (never acts on them surprisingly)
star kinda just stares into the void 24/7, but when he's not doing that he's probably playing around with castor/pollux, or just wandering around
L!killcode is just doing her own thing the majority of the time, even his kids don't know what shes doing half the time lmao
pollux likes to hang out with star despite kc's wishes, they just like being silly with eachother
castor gets dragged into doing things that aren't work related, he tries to stay focused but pollux refuses to let him do so
mel likes uh,,, sleep, sleep, sleep and uhh sleep-
nore used to repair stuff for fun, but its become a necessity now
thought just hangs around faith, sorta mirrors whatever he's doing
faith just likes to relax or hang out with family
thank you sm for digging through the void!!! very appreciated :)
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hazard-c-horror · 2 months
Sams x Dandy’s World Crossover Index
Tags: Sams x Dandy’s world crossover au, Sams x Dandy’s world crossover
Link to blog
Introduction and first concepts
Moon,Lunar,Eclipse,Solar interaction doodles
Twisted M,L,Ec,So interaction doodles
Updated character designs and rules
Updated M,L,Ec,So Twisteds (N/A)
Bloodmoon sneak peek, and poll
Bloodmoon color concept
BM,Nexus,Earth,Ruin, Design sheets (n/a)
Jack, Dazzle, and.... Sun? Design Sheets (n/a)
Goob hug! (n/a)
The Show Must Go on (n/a)
inbox asks
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harvest-is-tired · 8 months
Character key, so you can know wtf I'm talking about! :]*
HM - Harvestmoon
BM - Bloodmoon
S - Sun
SE - Solar
E - Eclipse
F - Flare
E - Earth
M - Moon
L - Lunar
KC - Killcode/KC
G - Gemini
C - Castor
P- Pollux
R - Ruin
D - Dazzle
*If there no X: at the beginning of the sentence or color, that's the mod
My other blogs:
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that-starry-freak · 25 days
Fuck it i made a family tree based on code/who made them (also adoptive in Dazzle's case, but only in dazzles case. I just wanted to add her-)
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It's pretty much crack, but this is my understanding of the lore lmao
C = creator
Su = Sun
(Old) M = old moon
Mg = Monty
Ea = earth
D = dazzle
Ec = Eclipse
So = solar
S/m= solar's moon
S/s = solar's sun
J = jack
l = lunar
Bm = bloodmoon
Idk why i decided to do initials for some but notall, but yknow
Anyway, this was funny. I did this in like 5 minutes with no research, off the top of my head. I think v2 eclipse being v1 Eclipse's chil is the funniest thing I've ever done
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ilikeorangee · 2 years
AG, 14/3/2023,
Như thường lệ, chỉ khi tâm trạng xuống cấp mình mới tìm lên đây, viết đôi dòng nhật ký tiêu cực. Gần 3 tháng đầu năm trôi qua, trộm vía mình vui vẻ, tuần tiêu cực đi qua cũng nhẹ nhàng, công việc nhẹ nhàng. Không cáu gắt, không mất ngủ, không hướng nội hướng ngoại quá, bình yên trôi qua.
Đến ngày 8/3/2023, bà nội của Dung mất, là mẹ của chú S cơ quan mình. Mình được đi đám tang ở miền tây, biết đến những phong tục mới lạ, cũng biết được cách người ta quan tâm nhau thì sẽ ngọt ngào đến thế nào. Các chú thông báo cho những toà khác, những người không tới được sẽ gửi tặng vòng hoa chia buồn, người tới được sẽ tới, ở lại ăn cơm, uống rượu cùng chủ nhà. Cỗ bàn thuê nhà hàng, có sư thầy về tụng kinh, có múa lửa xua đuổi tà ma xấu. Mình như được đi dự đám tang của bà Dok Sun trong Reply 1988 vậy đó, giống hệt. Chú C, chú T, chị H, chú Tùng, ngày ngày thay phiên nhau túc trực ở đó, cùng chú S tiếp khách. sức khoẻ chú S không tốt, nhưng chú minh mẫn, chú tiếp khách từ sáng đến đêm, mỗi bàn uống cùng mọi người 1 ít. Không giờ nào là không có khách, nên các chú của mình tới để tiếp khách cùng, đỡ cho chú S một phần. Đó là tình cảm, mình thấy quá là đáng trân trọng. Chỉ 2 ngày, mà các chú của mình bị mất cả tiếng, nhưng hề tỏ ra mệt mỏi chút nào hết.
Ngày 12/3/2023, chú S mời mình, Tùng, Huyền đi ăn, cảm ơn tụi mình đã giúp chú mấy ngày qua. Rồi chú và cô đi cafe với nhau, tụi mình đi hát tiếp. Mình thấy gia đình ở miền tây rất ngọt ngào á, rất quan trọng thời gian ở cạnh bạn đời của mình. Ai nói đó là làm màu, là nghi thức chứ?? Ở nhà mình, ngày lễ không hoa không quà không lời chúc, cơm nhà ăn thì ăn không ăn thì cắt cơm, đi nhậu với bạn bè, đi ăn sáng với bạn bè, đến giờ cơm thì về nhà, ăn rồi ngủ chiều lại đi. Không hành động yêu thương, mỗi ngày trôi qua đều bình thường tạm bợ như vậy. Nghi thức là minh chứng tốt nhất cho việc không từ bỏ bản thân. mình không biết diễn tả ntn, nhưng mình thấy việc sống của bm mình nó giống nghĩa vụ chứ không giống “được sống”, bm sống mỗi ngày, ăn, uống, ngủ, nghỉ, làm việc, xem điện thoại, quan tâm con cái, chơi với bạn bè. Cứ vậy hàng chục năm, không có thời gian cho bản thân, và đã quen với việc không quan tâm bản thân, nên moi nghi thức đều bị gượng, là không cần thiết. Mình thấy thương quá.
Các chú của mình, rất yêu thương vợ. Đi nhậu đến giờ là về, ăn cơm với vợ, tối chở vợ đi dạo. Ngày lễ thì mua hoa, hoặc đưa vợ đi ăn nhà hàng. Từ chối các cuộc nhậu để về ăn cơm nhà, vợ chồng đi cafe với nhau. Dù đã lớn tuổi nhưng vẫn giận hờn, dỗ dành, chiều ý. Yêu nhò. Gia đình nói chuyện nhiều với nhau, chia sẻ, cảm thông, yêu thương. Người lớn mở lòng nói chuyện với con trẻ, con trẻ thấu hiểu sự lo lắng của mẹ cha. Cuộc sống mơ ước của mình, mình cũng sẽ cố gắng, tìm một người, có chung chí hướng, tâm, trí, tín, đức để gia đình nhỏ của mình, có thể chia sẻ, cảm thông, bao dung lẫn nhau. Mình muốn mọi ngày trôi qua đặt biệt, không phải vì gì cả, vì chính mình. Mình muốn mỗi ngày trôi qua vẫn như thế, những hoạt động thường ngày đó, nhưng khác đi 1 tí. Bản chất vẫn là ngồi làm việc thôi, nhưng có thêm 1 lọ hoa thì sao? Bản chất vẫn là đi ra đường, nhưng mặc đẹp hơn 1 tí thì sao? Vẫn nhìn nhận mọi thứ nó vẫn là, but we don’t we spice it up? Mọi thứ sẽ thú vị, lãng mạn hơn nếu bạn nhìn nhận nó một cách thú vị, lãng mạn hơn. Tự quan trọng hoá mọi điều nhỏ nhặt trong cuộc sống, nếu không, chả có là quan trọng cả.
Ngày 13/3/2023, chú S và chú H rời nhóm chat cơ quan, dọn đồ đạc, 15/3 có người mới nhận công tác. Mình chuyển đi, vào 1/4. Biết 2 tin cùng lúc khiến tinh thần mình vỡ oà, mình đã không vui như mình và bao người khác nghĩ. Mình luôn chắc chắn trong lòng là sẽ chuyển đi chứ không gắn bó ở đây. Nhưng lúc nhận được tin, khác với những gì mình nghĩ, mình nghĩ sẽ vui, háo hức, hào hứng lưu hồ sơ, dọn đồ hát ca. Nhưng mình khóc, nhìn thấy đồng nghiệp là khóc, mình nói với phòng 1/4 cháu đi mà mình khóc không nói được, khóc cả buổi chiều. Gặp ai cũng khóc, muốn ôm tất cả mọi người, muốn nói nhiều lắm, mà không nghĩ ra gì, không biết nói gì.
Đến tối, toà mình tổ chức tiệc chia tay cho chú, mình nữa. Chú đã phát biểu thật nhiều, tâm huyết của chú mấy chục năm qua, tình yêu thương, biết ơn, tinh thần đoàn kết, bao bọc nhau của toà mình, mình cảm thấy từng lỗ chân lông đều ngập trong tình yêu thương. Chú cũng nói về mình nữa, chú nói 2 năm qua cuộc sống của mình ở đây, chú quan sát và biết mình là người tốt, sau này sẽ trở thành người giỏi, chúc mình giữ vững được bản chất con ngừoi, bản lĩnh với nghề. Các chú động viên mình nhiều, xoa đầu, vỗ lưng, cảm ơn mình thời gian qua đã làm giúp chú. Mình chỉ ngồi khóc không thôi. Chú nói ở môi trường mới, có thể khắc nghiệt hơn, không được như ở đây cũng phải cố lên. Nhưng mọi người cũng yên tâm về mình, bảo mình đi đâu cũng sẽ được yêu thương. Chị Nhớ dặn mình sau này về nhà, có khó khăn, thành công, hay sự kiện gì trong đời mình, cũng hãy báo với mọi người, hãy giữ liên lạc. Hãy như cũ, có vấn đề gì thì gọi chị. Mọi người vẫn bảo chị Nhớ sống nghị lực, không biết sao có thể vượt qua được những ngày tháng như thế, vẫn luôn quan tâm mọi người. Mình không biết chị trải qua những gì, nhưng mình nghĩ sẽ thật khó để có thể gặp người thứ hai tốt như vậy. Lúc các chú lấy hộp nhẫn ra tặng cho mình, món quà chia tay, mình khóc không thành tiếng, giờ ngồi viết lại vẫn khóc. Chú dặn lúc nào cũng phải đeo ở tay nhé, để luôn nhớ về toà hình sự. Yêu quá làm sao bây giờ.
Áp lực từ trước đến nay trong công việc của mình chỉ là nhiều việc quá, mình làm quá mệt, chứ không có đến từ đồng nghiệp. Mọi người yêu thương, đùm bọc nhau, âm thầm gỡ rối cho nhau, quan tâm nhau lắm. Chưa bao giờ mình cảm thấy lạc lõng trong đại gia đình đó. Tội lỗi mình gây ra viết 80 tờ A4 mới hết, nhưng chưa bao giờ bị bế lên gặp lãnh đạo, mình được bao che, được bảo bọc, được yêu thương. Chú nạt mình nhiều, nhưng nạt toàn vì mình làm sai lỗi ngớ ngẩn, nạt để mình biết mà sửa chứ không hề thù ghét. Chú nóng tính, mình cũng sợ chú, nhưng mình an tâm với vòng tròn an toàn các chú tạo ra cho. Giông bão ngoài kia các chú gánh hết vậy đó. Chú S nói đã bảo vệ toà mình nhiều năm qua, và sẽ tiếp tục bảo vệ đến ngày cuối cùng. Chuyện ban nghành, chuyện chính trị mình không hiểu, nhưng mình tin là chú đã gánh cả bầu trời, để tụi mình được sống vô tri như này. 
Minh lo lắng, đến nơi mới, không biết sẽ như nào, có được vô tri nữa không?
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loveznet · 5 years
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Happy New Years all!
With a new year, comes new changes to the blog. As you may have seen in the past few months, we have been trying to be more active on the blog. You all may have seen we added new content creators to our blog, not only to give more content to everyone but also to help our blog stay alive and expand. In 2019, we only had 3 admins on the blog and we were all busy with school, work, or just life in general. However, Admin Ale and I have recently gotten together and decided to make the blog alive again. If you have read any of the recent asks or the post about the new member, you would see that Admin Ale has been the one talking to you all. She is better with technology than I am and has been a major help with everything. While yes we are a blog that shares content about our lovely Nu’est boys, we also don’t want to just be bots that just reblog content all day.
That’s where this post comes in. Here, I would like to introduce the members of the blog so you get to know the faces behind the content here. We also welcome anyone to send asks to the blog about anything Nu’est related.
Here is what I asked the members:
What type of content do you make?
School or Work?
Nu’est Bias
First Nu’est comeback?
Favorite Nu’est song
Favorite Nu’est moment
What are your other kpop groups and biases?
And write a little something about yourself if you want!
Alrightly, time to meet people of the Blog.
Vividteals (Admin Ale)
Ale (she/her)
20 (leo)
I make gifs and edits
I’m Ren biased!!!
My first cb was overcome!!!
My fav songs are the whole re:birth album, not over you, overcome, and dejavu
My fav nu’est moment was their sengo concert
My utt groups besides Nu’est are WJSN, Hinapia/Pristin, and WayV
My biases are seola/yeonjung, eunwoo, and yukhei!
Anyways no more about me??? Hmm I really love Marvel and Harry Potter! And I love cats!!! So much!!!!!
Heather (she/her)
13 (Leo; yep I am probably the youngest here lmao)
I make edits
Still a student
Jeonghan from Seventeen and Minkyougn from Hinapia
I totally forgot to say my Nu’est bias ajskwk It's Aron btw from my v loud username here and my favorite song of Nu’est (of all time) is Overcome and my favorite song rn is Beautiful Ghost! I became a LOVE through Superstar Pledis! I love Marvel and Harry Potter lmao!
Nom, she/her, 18, leo
I’m a gifmaker and student in uni
I think I’m Baekho biased???
My first comeback was Where You At!!
Daybreake is superior
I only really care about pledis groups LOL I’m Jeonghan+Dino n yaebin biased
Uhh more about me??? I really like oranges and doggo vids!!! N my twt is @PLEDISANTl (the last i is an L)
Mands (she/her)
21 and I’m a capricorn!
I’m a gif maker and sometimes I also make edits
I’m on my fourth year of uni (thank god because I think I’d have a breakdown anytime soon)
My bias is Minhyun
Honestly, I’ve always heard about Nu’est because of ale but I’ve started to really get into them during the Where you at era
Favorite song is Polaris
I’m a multiu so i have lots of groups I stan… but the ones I keep up the most with are probably Monsta X, Astro, and NCT/WayV and my biases are Minhyuk, Eunwoo, and Seunghun. Other things about me, I really like to learn new languages and I love to read (even though I haven’t had the time lately lol).
Okay you all, grandma here lol my name is katya and I’m 25, crazy ikr? Most typical virgo of virgos. I’m currently working to keep myself afloat and sometimes make gifs on tumblr dot com. I’m Jonghyun biases and been a passive fan since overcome but low-key :/ that changed with nuble and Especially HEA release. Fave songs are overcome, dejavu, and bet bet! My ult since 2012 is SHINee, at the moment I also stan stv and loona. Kibum (key) is the king of my bias list.
About me uhhh I’m really into movies, especially scifi and horrors, I live in Russia so I suppose my time zone is way off haha I have two bunnies! Milkey and Luna.
Maggie (she/her)
I make gifs but very sporadically
I am an in-home caretaker and software developer!
…. I want to say all them equally, but… it’s JR
I think my first comeback was good bye bye?
It really depends on my mood but re;birth is peak nu’est for me, so probably storybook an embarrassingly large number? But atm my blog is mainly vixx, exid, ace, oh my girl, svt, winner & gugudan
Jo (she/her)
17 (scorpio!)
I make gifs
I’m in school!
My Nu’est bias is Aron
First Comeback: Dejavu
Favorite songs: Polaris, Bass, Love Paint, and Look
Favorite Moment: When someone commented during a vlive that baekho has old man vibes (or something like that) and they all started laughing.
Other Kpop groups I like: Hinapia, Pristin, and Ab6ix
Kpop biases: Minkyeung (Hinapia) and Woong (Ab6ix)
And now for the man if the hour: me!
Able (he/him) Please don’t let me be the only fanboy here, lol
21 (Sun: Sagittarius, Moon: Sagittarius, Rising: Scorpio)
The only content I make is fanfics! I think I'm the only writer on the blog, so if you have anything you want me to write, send us an ask!
I go to uni as well but I take 6 classes, am an officer of a club, and have an internship as a Social Media Intern. So I am quite busy, lol.
I am a Jason bias!! (Shout out to anyone who remembers him) But really I am Ren bias from the beginning to end!
The first comeback that I actively took part in with the community is Overcome.
Fav songs would be Sand, Not Over You, Fine Girl, and Noona. Honestly, the list is way longer but we will stop here, lol.
My fav Nu’est moment was the sleep talking onesie video where they all played games!
Other K-pop groups are: NCT (all 21 members!!), Got7, Seventeen, Monsta X, Pristin, EXO, KARD, Super Junior…. Again, stopping the list short!
Other Bias: Joshua, Jun, Jeonghan, Ten, Yuta, Jeno Taeyong, Wonho, Minhyuk, BM, Sehun… and you guessed it, cut short!
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friday18eo · 5 years
I know I've been a lil distant lately
Been trying to figure things out in my life
Negative thoughts in mind
Been a little bit crazy
Trying to find a place to let it out right
It's a cold world and I'm tired of bull
A lot of ups and downs
A lot of pushin and pull
Reality hits, pressure pain walk hand in hand
Still gettin used to this I
I would never wanna put the weight
Of my world on you
But stress got me feeling real out of place
Life moves a lil faster than we anticipate
And I'm havin trouble controllin the pace
You the only real thing in this world
I love you and you know it
I appreciate you and I hope you know
I'm always trying to find ways to show it
No matter what I be going through
You bring back to senses the way
You put words together and though
I don't mention this side of myself too much
I don't need to cause you know me better
Lose faith in me never
Know that I'm a go getta
When I say ima get it
Yeah I mean every letter
Promises were made and I intend to keep em
Today may be an L but Ima bounce back
Harder than ever
Cause the right time can lead to a life time
Vivid pictures of livin makin killin
With you by my side
You help me stay true to myself
What you provide could never
Amount to any wealth
This could be the realest verses I wrote
In my dark days girl it's you
That shows me hope
They say the sun don't shine forever
But through any weather we'll make it
As long as we make it together
Ain't nothin better
BM part 🖤
(Trust Me - BM, Somin)
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disctahenne-blog · 5 years
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dj-rhythm-dee · 3 years
In this segment of BMS, we celebrate summer and all things hot with delight pre-lockdown. This is the time for the BBQ and good music with good friends. Enjoy the weeks ahead and summers of the past. It’s a time for poolside fun, beaches, road trips, boat cruises, ice cream, and music festivals. The list goes on and on so snap open a ‘cold one’ and soak up the sun because before you know it - it’s gone.
This episode features Will Smith, Chic. Bob Marley, Charlie Wilson, and many more!
0 notes
o-i-w-u · 7 months
HI YES, CAN I ASK WHERE L!BM WOULD HAVE A BSE AT IN THE LORD BLOODMOON AU? Just, like, would he have some abandoned, ruined old castle, like when he first met the Rot-rick(idk the name, tails plush guy), or would he have a more carved out place? Or, nowhere at all?
Also, where the nicknames I dropped off for you in a basket good for the AU?
Tumblr media
yeah! kinda like a very church-y (hince the stained glass i did!), vaguely run down castle on a floating island thingy :)) (would shove a image here to show what i mean but buildings are hard to draw-)
L!Bloodmoon isn't uhh,, good at keeping his area clean so its gotten rather run down and dirty (despite s!sun's and s!eclipse's attempts at keeping the place even remotely livable) there's still parts held together, like the majority of the main building (L!Bloodmoon's throne room i suppose?) is fine but everywhere around it is a rundown mess. not to mention the gory messes everywhere.
he made the place himself (?) but never put effort into keeping it up and intact.
also your names were perfect :))) I'm gonna make the selection when i make more posts about them and publicly flush out the au more :3
Tumblr media
nope, they kept their memories! they're both full of incomprehensible amounts of trauma <33
apologies if this is hard to read/incoherent- i have big time struggles with writing
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certainheartrunaway · 3 years
Current Ham Radio News
                                     Current ham radio news                                  
                 Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Tom (DF5JL), who writes: At the end of last year it appeared for the first time: a telemetry transmitter in CW on 7039.60 kHz. It always transmits at the 2nd, 22nd and 42nd minute of every hour. Every day. Reception reports are available from Germany, the Netherlands, France and […]
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April 02, 2021 at 09:11AM
           via RSS Feed            https://swling.com/blog/2021/04/can-you-help-tom-id-this-cw-transmission-on-7039-60-khz/          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Current ham radio news                                  
                 I’ve received a number of inquiries from SWLing Post readers lately regarding an inexpensive Si4732-based mini stand-alone receiver being sold on Amazon and eBay for around $56-66 US shipped. The radio is based on the Silicon Labs Si4732 DSP chip which provides the following frequency coverage: FM (64–108 MHz) with RDS AM/Mediumwave (520–1710 kHz) Shortwave […]
via Current ham radio news
April 02, 2021 at 09:11AM
           via RSS Feed            https://swling.com/blog/2021/04/any-thoughts-on-this-inexpensive-si4732-based-receiver/          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Current ham radio news                                  
                 Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, DanH, who provides the following update and news as he evaluates the new Sangean ATS-909X2: I have a few items to report after hitting the six weeks mark with the new Sangean ATS-909X2. My radio was equipped with firmware VER 070. I have been on the lookout for gremlins […]
via Current ham radio news
April 02, 2021 at 09:11AM
           via RSS Feed            https://swling.com/blog/2021/04/sangean-ats-909x2-dans-quick-update-with-notes-about-firmware/          
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April 02, 2021 at 09:11AM
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Current ham radio news                                  
via Current ham radio news
April 02, 2021 at 09:11AM
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                 Masa, JA0RQV will be active again as A35JP from Tongatapu Island, IOTA OC - 049, from the end of May to October 2021.
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April 02, 2021 at 12:09PM
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Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Average daily sunspot numbers declined this week from 17.9 to 11.9. Why? Because on the final 2 days of the March 25 – 31 reporting week sunspots disappeared. That’s right. We’re back to the blank sun again, unfortunately.
Spaceweather.com reported on Wednesday that we may soon see a potential sunspot that’s currently on the far side of our sun.
Average daily solar flux dropped from 78.6 to 77.4. Geomagnetic indicators softened as well, with average daily planetary A index declining from 13.3 to 8.9, and middle latitude A index from 10.4 to 7.7.
Predicted solar flux over the next month does not look promising, with values way down in the 70s, although this forecast improved some over the past couple of days. Expect 10.7-centimeter flux at 73 on April 2 – 3; 71 on April 4 – 9; 73 on April 10 – 13; 74 on April 14 – 16; 76 on April 17 – 24; 75 on April 25 – 27; 74 and 73 on April 28 – 29, and 72 on April 30 – May 5.
Predicted planetary A index is 5 on April 2 – 5; 8 on April 6 – 7; 5, 10, and 20 on April 8 – 10; 5 on April 11 – 15; 20 and 18 on April 16 – 17; 8 on April 18 – 19; 5 on April 20 – 21; 8 on April 22 – 24; 12 on April 25; 8 on April 26 – 27; 5 on April 28 – 30; 8 on May 1 – 2; 5 on May 3 – 4, and 12 on May 5 – 7.
Here’s the geomagnetic activity forecast for April 2 – 27 from OK1HH. The geomagnetic field will be:
quiet on April 12 – 13, 24 – 26
quiet to unsettled on April 5, 14, 23
quiet to active on April (2 – 7, 15, 20 – 22, 27)
unsettled to active April (8, 11, 18 – 19)
active to disturbed April (9 – 10,) 16 – 17
Solar wind will intensify on April 3, (4-5, 8-9,) 10-11, (12, 16-17,) 18, (19-22, 27)
Parentheses mean lower probability of activity enhancement. Predictability of changes remains very low, as there are  ambiguous and quickly changing indications.
This article in The Irish Times asks, “Was space weather the cause of the Titanic disaster?”
NN4X reported a 15-meter long path opening to Asia: “Nice opening to Asia here in Central Florida on the morning of April 1.
“On FT8, I worked BA7LP, YD7ACD, BG7PHA, and VR2VLY, and heard 9V1PL and BD7LMA.
“It was very concentrated. Note, no JA/HL/DU. Typically, I’ve been seeing more YBs than anything on 15-meter LP, but certainly not today.”
Many years ago we reported in this bulletin the results JQ2UOZ was getting running one-half watt using simple wire antennas on his apartment balcony. Check out his blog.
Another blast from the past on flares and CMEs:
This article in The Conversation discusses, “Why we need to get better at predicting space weather.”
The Carrington Event, mentioned in this article, “Extreme solar storms may be more frequent than previously thought,” continues to fascinate.
AL7LO has a collection of his favorite ARRL Propagation Bulletins, and he shared this one from 8 years ago.
Sunspot numbers for March 25 – 31 were 24, 24, 11, 11, 13, 0, and 0, with a mean of 11.9. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 78.8, 79.6, 80.4, 75.1, 74.4, 79.5, and 73.8, with a mean of 77.4. Estimated planetary A indices were 18, 12, 9, 6, 4, 3, and 10, with a mean of 8.9. Middle latitude A index was 18, 11, 7, 4, 3, 4, and 7, with a mean of 7.7.
For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical Information Service, read “What the Numbers Mean…,” and check out K9LA’s Propagation Page.
A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.
Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL bulletins are on the ARRL website.
Share your reports and observations.
Build your own Roll Up Slim Jim Antenna for the 2 Meter Ham Radio Band.
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Build your own Roll Up Slim Jim Antenna for the 2 Meter Ham Radio Band. Read more
M2 Antenna 1330LP11 – HF Log Periodic
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MonoBeam HF Multibander MB16 10-15-20
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Antenna Chameleon F-LOOP VS Chameleon P-LOOP
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Heil BM-10 Headset
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New DV4Home V2 digital IP transceiver for D-Star, DMR, C4FM, NXDN
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The post The K7RA Solar Update appeared first on QRZ NOW - Ham Radio News.
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April 02, 2021 at 12:09PM
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UPDATE by Janusz SP9FIH. Because of strong wind I cannot put up the VDA for 15/20m. Instead, I managed to hang sloping dipoles for these bands. I hope they will work. On photo above you can see all my antennas: 2 element vertical for 40m, mast of sloping dipoles for 15/20m and VDA for 12/17m. […]
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[QRV] TO1K – Saint Martin
first appeared on
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April 02, 2021 at 03:09PM
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Current ham radio news                                  
NEWS UPDATE – Yuri, N3QQ informs DX-World that the planned NA-039 IOTA DXpedition to Adak Island has been rescheduled for Juky 2021. A charter vessel has been found despite COVID-19 restrictions. Negotiations in progress.   MAY 14, 2020 – Russian Robinson Club team plan activity from Kiska Island, NA-070 during September 5-10, 2020. Yuri, N3QQ informs […]
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KL7RRC – Kiska Island, NA-070 – Alaska
first appeared on
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April 02, 2021 at 03:09PM
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Current ham radio news                                  
Masa, JA0RQV will QRV again from Tongatapu (OC-049) as A35JP from May to October 2021. This time, he will be stationed there as a resident supervisor of an international cooperation project. Band/Mode: 80m-6m. CW, SSB, FT8. Equipment: IC-7300 100W/Vertical. QSL info: LoTW/Club Log. During the period, if possible, he will try to activate some of […]
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A35JP – Tonga
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April 02, 2021 at 03:09PM
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                 KL7RRC/P Team will be active from Kiska Island, IOTA NA - 070, in July 2021.
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April 02, 2021 at 03:09PM
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Dates not confirmed, but one weekend during May 2021, Ed ES2TT plans to visit Kihnu Island, EU-178 (Parnumaa County / Saaremaa County South group). QRV as ES2TT/8 on HF bands; CW & SSB (no Digi). QSL via H/c, eQSL.
The post
ES2TT/8 – Kihnu Island, EU-178
first appeared on
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April 02, 2021 at 05:09PM
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                 WA7BNM Contest Calendar - 0145Z-0215Z, Apr 9
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April 02, 2021 at 08:09PM
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                 WA7BNM Contest Calendar - 0230Z-0300Z, Apr 9
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April 02, 2021 at 08:09PM
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                 WA7BNM Contest Calendar - 2000Z-2100Z, Apr 9
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April 02, 2021 at 08:09PM
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                 Southgate ARC - WIA News reports Australia's communications regulator, the ACMA, is requesting comments on its draft spectrum outlook 2021-2-25
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April 03, 2021 at 07:11AM
           via RSS Feed            http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/april/acma-seeks-feedback-on-draft-five-year-spectrum-outlook.htm          
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                 Southgate ARC - The traditional AM and CW event organised by Mike 'Banjo' Patterson VK4MIK and the Tablelands Radio Group of Far North Queensland, will take to the air for the 10th year
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April 03, 2021 at 07:11AM
           via RSS Feed            http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/april/anzac-day.htm          
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                 Southgate ARC - A little while ago I was gifted a new radio, well, new to me. A Kenwood TS-480HX. It's an all mode HF transceiver with 6m. Does 200 Watts, but you know me, I'm into QRP, low power, so I first had to figure out how to dial the transmitter down to 5 Watts and that was after figuring out how to feed the dual power supplies from one source and have the fuses work as expected
via Current ham radio news
April 03, 2021 at 07:11AM
           via RSS Feed            http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/april/foundations-of-amateur-radio-03-04-2021.htm          
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                 Southgate ARC - Engineers will drop an 14,000-pounds test version of the Orion spacecraft into the Hydro Impact Basin at NASA's Langley Research Center's Landing and Impact Research Facility in Hampton, Virginia at 1:45 p.m. EDT Tuesday, April 6
via Current ham radio news
April 03, 2021 at 07:11AM
           via RSS Feed            http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/april/nasa-to-host-virtual-viewing-of-orion-spacecraft-drop-test.htm          
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                 Southgate ARC - NewsWest for Sunday 4th April 2021 is the Club Focus edition of NewsWest, and we’ve invited local clubs to strut their stuff and tell you what they are up to. On behalf of the NewsWest team, I’d like to wish you all the very best for a happy and safe Easter
via Current ham radio news
April 03, 2021 at 07:11AM
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                 Southgate ARC - The keynote speech by David Minster, NA2AA, CEO of ARRL, along with other presentations given at the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, March 13-14, are available online
via Current ham radio news
April 03, 2021 at 07:11AM
           via RSS Feed            http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/april/talks-given-at-qso-today-virtual-ham-expo-available-online.htm          
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                 Southgate ARC - Winmalee Public will become ground control later this month when eight students talk to an astronaut on the International Space Station
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April 03, 2021 at 07:11AM
           via RSS Feed            http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/april/winmalee-students-to-speak-to-astronauts.htm          
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harvest-is-tired · 8 months
Yeah guys moon has sent bloodmoon to the hospital for the time I blew myself up with explosives which we have footage of look
S: *about to pull a past Bloodmoon and beat moons ass*
L: *about to help sun*
BM: *sobbing into your shoulder and hugging you bc traumatic memories*
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phoenixenero · 7 years
Some Attack on Titan songs with guitar chords
Chords for Barricades, Call Your Name, Reluctant Heroes, and So ist es immer that I've collected/written for a while now.
Hiroyuki Sawano Barricades Standard Tuning Chords: Asus4 x02230 Bm11 x20210 Bm11* x20230 Cmaj9/E 022010 Em7 022030 Dsus2 xx0230 G6 320000 Fmaj7 x33210 [Intro] Am Asus4 Am | Bm11 Bm11* Bm11 Cmaj9/E Em7 Cmaj9/E | Dsus2 x2 Am7 | Fmaj7 Dm7 x2 [Verse 1] Am Wouldn't it be nice to take a walk on some pure white sand F Gaze at the horizon without living in fear? Am Wouldn't it be sweet to watch the sun curve down meet the waves? F And taste the ocean spray Dm Dm F And realize we've been living as slaves [Chorus] Am C We've got to learn to get back, get back Dm Fsus4 But is it worth the price of our soul? Am G6 You know you had to kill her, kill her! F G On my dirty hands it never fades Am C And if we get out, get out Dm Fsus4 I'll think about the price of our soul Am G6 We've got to learn to live free, live free F G We'll live a life without barricades Am7 | Fmaj7 Dm7 (Woah!) Am7 | Fmaj7 Dm7 (Woah!) [Verse 2] Am How long I haven't seen the light shine through in my life? F Lost everything Family, confusion on the way Am Someone tries to talk to me and signpost the righteous road F Dm Dm F My animal inside can now be tamed to go over the wall [Chorus] Am C We've got to learn to get back, get back Dm Fsus4 But is it worth the price of our soul? Am G6 You know you had to kill her, kill her! F G On my dirty hands it never fades Am C And if we get out, get out Dm Fsus4 I'll think about the price of our soul Am G6 We've got to learn to live free, live free F G We'll live a life without barricades Am7 | Fmaj7 Dm7 (Woah!) Am7 | Fmaj7 Dm7 (Woah!) [Interlude] Am Asus4 Am | Bm11 Bm11* Bm11 Cmaj9/E Em7 Cmaj9/E | Dsus2 (once per chord) Am | Bm11 | Cmaj9/E | Dsus2 [Chorus] Am C We've got to learn to get back, get back Dm Fsus4 But is it worth the price of our soul? Am G6 You know you had to kill her, kill her! F G On my dirty hands it never fades Am C And if we get out, get out Dm Fsus4 I'll think about the price of our soul Am G6 We've got to learn to live free, live free F G We'll live a life without barricades Am7 | Fmaj7 Dm7 (Woah!) Am7 | Fmaj7 Dm7 (Woah!) [Outro] Am Asus4 Am | Bm11 Bm11* Bm11 Cmaj9/E Em7 Cmaj9/E | Dsus2
Call Your Name
Tuning: Standard - EADGBE Capo: 0 [Chords] I'll only list the hard ones. F#m : 2 4 4 2 2 2 F#m/C# : x 4 4 2 2 2 DM7 : x x 0 2 2 2 DM7/E : x x 2 2 2 2 DM7/E (alt) : x 0 2 2 2 2 (you can do this for a more "fuller" sound) A6/C# : x 4 x 2 2 2 Bm : x 2 4 4 3 2 B7sus2 : x 2 x 2 2 2 D/A : x 0 4 2 3 2 (D sounds okay) Em/G : 3 2 2 0 0 0 (Em sounds fine too) [Intro] e|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--| B|-3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--| G|-------------------------| D|-------------------------| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------| e|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--| B|-3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--| G|-------------------------| D|-------------------------| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------| [Verse 1] e|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--| B|-3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--| G|-------------------------| D|-------------------------| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------| She lost her brother a month ago e|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--| B|-3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--| G|-------------------------| D|-------------------------| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------| His picture on the wall And it reminds me e|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--| B|-3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--| G|-------------------------| D|-0-----------L-----------| A|-------------4--------L--| E|-------------------------| When she brings me coffee her smile e|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--| B|-3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--| G|-------------------------| D|-0-----L--2--------------| A|-------------4--------L--| E|-------------------------| I wish I could be with her until my last day [Verse 2] DM7 F#m She said she gave all her love to me DM7 We dreamt a new life F#m/C# Some place to be at peace DM7 DM7/E F#m But things changed suddenly DM7 A6/C# B7sus2 I lost my dreams in this disaster [Chorus] Bm I'm crying D/A Missing my lover Em/G I don't have the power F#m On my side forever Bm D Oh, where is my lover Em/G And I got no power F#m Em/G I'm standing alone. No way Bm Em/G Calling out your name Bm [Interlude] e|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--| B|-3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--| G|-------------------------| D|-0-----------L-----------| A|-------------4--------L--| E|-------------------------| e|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--| B|-3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--| G|-------------------------| D|-0--------L--4--------L--| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------| [Verse 3] DM7 F#m I said I gave all my love to you DM7 We dreamt a new house F#m/C# Some place to be at peace DM7 DM7/E F#m But things changed suddenly DM7 A6/C# B7sus2 I lost my dreams in this disaster [Bridge] Em/G A Bm We don't know what is wrong tonight Em/G A Bm Everybody's got no place to hide Em/G A Bm No one's left and there's no one to go on Em/G A Bm All I know is my life is gone [Solo] Em/G Bm Em/G F#m [Chorus] Bm I'm crying D/A Missing my lover Em/G I don't have the power F#m On my side forever Bm D Oh, where is my lover Em/G And I got no power F#m Em/G I'm standing alone. No way Bm Em/G Calling out your name Bm [Outro] e|-2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--| B|-0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| G|-0--0--0--0--------------| D|-------------4--4--4--4--| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------| e|-2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--| B|-0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| G|-0--0--0--0--------------| D|-------------4--4--4--4--| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------| Em/G Bm Em/G F#m
Reluctant Heroes
Tuning: Standard (EADGBE) Capo: N/A [Chords] Bm: x 2 4 4 3 2 Gmaj7: 3 x 0 4 3 2 D: x x 0 2 3 2 Dmaj7: x x 0 2 2 2 (alt.: 2 0 0 2 2 2 -- more bassy) A: x 0 2 2 2 0 A6: x 0 2 2 2 2 Em: 0 2 2 0 0 0 F#m: 2 4 4 2 2 2 [Intro] Bm Gmaj7 D A6 [Verse 1] Bm Day by day we have lost our edge Gmaj7 Don't you know? Forgotten is the life we led A6 Now it seems you don't care what the risk is Em F#m The peaceful times have made us blind Bm Can't look back they will not come back Gmaj7 Can't be afraid it's time after time A6 So once again i'm hiding in my room Em F#m The peaceful times have made us blind [Pre-chorus] Gmaj7 A So you can't fly if you never try Bm A You told me, oh, long ago Gmaj7 But you left the wall Dmaj7 Outside the gate Em F#m So more than ever, it's real [Chorus] Bm It was like a nightmare Gmaj7 It's painful for me D A6 Because nobody wants to die too fast Bm Remember the day of grief Gmaj7 Now it's strange for me D I could see your face A6 I could hear your voice Bm Remember the day we met Gmaj7 It's painful for me D A6 Because nobody wants to die too fast Bm Remember a day we dreamt Gmaj7 It's painful for me D I could see your face A6 I could hear your voice [Bridge] Bm Gmaj7 Song for the reluctant heroes D Oh give me your strength A Our life is so short Bm Gmaj7 Song for the reluctant heroes D A I wanna be brave like you From my heart (Repeat Bridge) [Verse 2] Bm Can't look back they will not come back Gmaj7 Can't be afraid it's time after time A6 So once again i'm hiding in my room Em F#m The peaceful times have made us blind [Pre-chorus] Gmaj7 A So you can't fly if you never try Bm A You told me, oh, long ago Gmaj7 But you left the wall Dmaj7 Outside the gate Em F#m So more than ever, it's real [Chorus] Bm It was like a nightmare Gmaj7 It's painful for me D A6 Because nobody wants to die too fast Bm Remember the day of grief Gmaj7 Now it's strange for me D I could see your face A6 I could hear your voice Bm Remember the day we met Gmaj7 It's painful for me D A6 Because nobody wants to die too fast Bm Remember a day we dreamt Gmaj7 It's painful for me D I could see your face A6 I could hear your voice (Repeat) [Outro] Bm Gmaj7 D A6
So ist es immer
Hiroyuki Sawano & Benjamin - So Ist Es Immer Attack on Titan OST F: x x 3 2 1 1 F6: 1 0 3 2 3 1 Am7: x x 3 0 1 0 C6: x 3 2 2 1 0 Fsus4: x x 3 3 1 1 Gsus4: 3 3 0 0 3 3 Dm Fsus4 Dm Fsus4 [Verse] F Dm Die St�hle liegen sehr eng C6 Gsus4 G Wir reden die ganze Nacht lang Dm F Dieser niedrige Raum ist nicht schlecht C6 Dm (once) Wir k�nnen uns gut verstehen (pick 4th string) A# F So ist es immer, unser Licht ist nur das Am7 Gsus4 G Trinken und singen wir, begr��en morgen A# F So ist es immer, unterm riesigen Himmel C G Leben wir zusammen, die Nacht ist lang A# F Da die Sterne nicht leuchten Dm F C Kann der Mond auf diese Stadt nicht scheinen A# F Schauten wir das Licht selbst an Dm F C Singen wir unter dem Sternenmeer [Interlude] Dm Fsus4 Dm Fsus4 [Verse 2] F Dm Chairs so close and room so small C6 Gsus4 G You and I talk all the night long Dm F Meager this space but serves us so well C6 Dm We comrades have stories to tell (C) A# F And it's always like that in the evening time Am7 Gsus4 G We drink and sing when our fighting is done (C) A# F And it's always so, we live under the burnt clouds C G Ease our burden, long is the night A# F Just as no stars can be seen Dm F C We all starve for a moonbeam on our town A# F We must all gather as one Dm F C Sing with hope and the fear will be gone [Interlude] Dm Fsus4 Dm Fsus4 [Verse 3] F Dm Die St�hle liegen sehr eng C6 Gsus4 G You and I talk all the night long Dm F Diese niedrige Raum ist nicht schlecht C6 Dm We comrades have stories to tell (C) A# F So ist es immer, unser Licht ist nur das Am7 Gsus4 G We drink and we sing when our fighting is done (C) A# F So ist es immer, we live under the burnt clouds C G Ease our burden, long is the night A# F Da die Sterne nicht leuchten Dm F C We all starve for a moonbeam on our town A# F Schauten wir das Licht selbst an Dm F C Sing with hope and the fear will be gone [Outro] Dm Fsus4 Dm Fsus4
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babymilkaction · 4 years
LLLi petition gains over 22,000 endorsers for IBFAN's statements
Latest news on sun setting see Policy Blog
We thank LLLi for this petition and the 22,000 endorsers for IBFAN’s statements on the Sunsetting of reporting on the Code and our Counter Call on the BMS Call to Action. We are pleased that since our meeting with WHO Assistant Director Dr Yamamoto, and senior staff we have been assured of WHO’s strong commitment to the Code and the protection of breastfeeding and its wish to work together with IBFAN for the protection of child health.  Dr Yamamoto stated that if the unintended consequence of a broader governance issue is implied as a lack of WHO’s support for the Code, that needs to be corrected.
We hope that Member States will agree with our analysis and the evident concern of so many and call for the Code should be treated as an exception.
Rough translations in English and French are below
English translation:
Support IBFAN in opposition to decisions of WHO and UNICEF
We are facing the possibility of an event that seriously threatens the health of children in the world. Our responsibility to ensure compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes of the year 1981 and its subsequent resolutions, leads us to launch this petition, hoping that you will support us with your signature so that with force and determination it continues to protect, promote and supporting breastfeeding against any influence from the artificial milk formula industry that undermines the Code and results in preventable illness and death of infants and toddlers.
La Leche League International therefore expresses its support for the statement of the International Infant Feeding Action Network (IBFAN) in opposition to the Organization’s “Call to Action for Breast-milk Substitutes ′ ′ World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), which drastically deviates from the decisions made at the World Health Assembly for almost 40 years. This document gives formula producers 10 more years to continue to shamelessly and dangerously market their products, undermining women’s confidence in their body’s ability to feed their babies and misleading families as to the quality of their products. products; it only asks them to regulate themselves, which we know does not work since they put the interests of their shareholders above the health of newborns and newborns and the child population. Therefore, we ask for your support to stop this “Call to Action” of the formula industry and thus preserve the health and lives of our children around the world, even more so in this context of a pandemic in which inequity is accentuated. .
We hope that the time will come when the Code will not be necessary, because the infant feeding industry will have stopped all promotion of products that replace breastfeeding before it is safe or optimal for the child or mother, or that they lose breastfeeding. maternal completely. That moment has not come.
Likewise, we urge the WHO to reconsider decision EB146 (20) at the 75th World Health Assembly in 2022 and to reestablish the presentation of biennial reports on the progress in the implementation of the International Code worldwide beyond 2030, and continue to publish updates and clarifications in the form of biennial WHA resolutions. This periodic review of laws and regulations around the world helps protect all babies, regardless of how they feed, from harmful business practices. In contrast, the “twilight” of the International Code in 2022 will lead to man-made childhood deaths and infections and a long-term increase in non-communicable diseases.
LLLI shares the impatience many feel regarding the lack of progress towards the implementation of the International Code. We would welcome any real changes in the marketing strategies of the infant feeding industry that would remove the pressure to stop breastfeeding and save the lives of babies and mothers. Unfortunately, instead of offering real change, the Call to Action and decision EB146 (20) simply allow the formula industry to continue to behave in a way that violates the Code and achieves its purpose of increasing its sales with impunity
Traduction au français
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Veronique Lesoinne
Monterrey, Mexico
9 Dec 2020 — 
Soutenir l’IBFAN contre les décisions de l’OMS et de l’UNICEF
Nous sommes confrontés à la possibilité d’un événement qui menace gravement la santé des enfants dans le monde. Notre responsabilité d’assurer le respect du Code international de commercialisation des substituts du lait maternel de l’année 1981 et ses résolutions ultérieures, nous amène à lancer cette pétition, en espérant que vous nous soutiendrez avec votre signature afin qu’avec force et détermination on continue à protéger, promouvoir et soutenir l’allaitement contre toute influence de l’industrie des préparations à base de lait artificiel qui porte atteinte au Code et entraîne des maladies évitables et la mort des nourrissons et des tout-petits.
La Leche League International (LLLI) exprime donc son soutien à la déclaration de l’International Infant Feeding Action Network (IBFAN) en opposition à l ‘«Appel à l’action pour les substituts du lait maternel» signé par l’Organisation. Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance (UNICEF), qui s’écarte radicalement des décisions prises à l’Assemblée mondiale de la Santé depuis près de 40 ans. Ce document donne aux producteurs de laits artificiels 10 ans de plus pour continuer à commercialiser sans vergogne et dangereusement leurs produits, sapant la confiance des femmes dans la capacité de leur corps à nourrir leurs bébés et induisant les familles en erreur quant à la qualité de leurs produits. Il leur demande seulement de s’autoréguler, ce qui, nous le savons, ne fonctionne pas car ils placent les intérêts de leurs actionnaires avant la santé des nouveau-nés et des jeunes enfants. Par conséquent, nous demandons votre soutien pour mettre fin à cet «Appel à l’action» de l’industrie des préparations et ainsi préserver la santé et la vie de nos enfants à travers le monde, en particulier dans ce contexte de pandémie où les inégalités sont accentuées.
Nous espérons que le moment viendra où le Code ne sera pas nécessaire, car l’industrie de l’alimentation infantile aura arrêté toute promotion de produits qui remplacent l’allaitement maternel avant qu’il ne soit sûr ou optimal pour l’enfant ou la mère, ou qu’ils perdent complètement l’allaitement maternel. Ce moment n’est pas arrivé. De même, nous exhortons l’OMS à reconsidérer la décision EB146 (20) lors de la 75e Assemblée mondiale de la Santé en 2022 et à rétablir la présentation de rapports biennaux sur les progrès de la mise en oeuvre du Code international dans le monde, au-delà de 2030, et continuer à publier des mises à jour et des clarifications sous la forme de résolutions biennales de l’AMS. Cet examen périodique des lois et réglementations dans le monde aide à protéger tous les bébés, quelle que soit la façon dont ils sont nourris, des pratiques commerciales néfastes. En revanche, le «crépuscule» du Code international en 2022 entraînera des infections et des décès infantiles d’origine humaine et une augmentation à long terme des maladies non transmissibles.
LLLI partage l’impatience que beaucoup ressentent face au manque de progrès vers la mise en oeuvre du Code international. Nous serions heureux de tout changement réel dans les stratégies de marketing de l’industrie de l’alimentation infantile qui éliminerait la pression pour arrêter l’allaitement et sauverait la vie des bébés et des mères. Malheureusement, au lieu d’offrir de réels changements, l’Appel à l’action et la décision EB146 (20) permettent simplement à l’industrie des laits artificiels de continuer à se comporter d’une manière qui viole le Code et atteint son objectif d’augmenter ses ventes en toute impunité.
  LLLi petition gains over 22,000 endorsers for IBFAN’s statements was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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