#L’appel du vide
allthemoregray · 1 month
Sneak Peek of LAV Chapter 14
****I hope to get this chapter out soon, but here’s a little snippet for you all!*****
As he left, Michele sighed slightly, rubbing his temples. He noticed a shadow cast over the floor, and saw Milena down the hall, beckoning to him. He frowned, and as he approached her, she disappeared into her room. Reluctantly, he followed, shutting the door behind him.
Milena relaxed on the chaise lounge near the window, staring at him. “Well?”
“Well, what?”
“Did you tell her?”
He frowned, settling into the chair across from her, and she rolled her eyes. “About Clara,” she said slowly, “and her affair with my brother.”
His eyebrows twitched in surprise, but he schooled his expression into nothingness. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Michele,” she chided. “You know you can’t keep secrets from me. I’ve seen how he looks at her…I’ve seen the marks he’s left on her.”
His head snapped up at this, and she giggled, a gleam of triumph in her eye. “He bites her, the poor thing. I can’t imagine it’s easy to hide from her husband.”
Michele narrowed his eyes at her. “Do you think I would tell her?”
Milena nodded, almost understanding. “She wouldn’t be pleased, certainly. It’s such an unnecessary risk to take, after all the work her and Papà did to arrange this marriage….” She sat up slightly, her eyes gleaming. “How long has it been going on for?”
“I have things to do, Milena.” It wasn’t even a lie, for how much he had on his plate now. “I’m not going to sit around and gossip.”
“Don’t be a bore, Mick. Tell me,” she leaned forward, curious. “Why did Adriano choose her? Why not Marlene? I know she wants him, and she’s pretty enough. And so eager to please…”
“What is this for, Milena?” He stood, trying to keep his annoyance out of his tone. “Go ask Adriano these questions, if you want to know these things so badly.”
She watched him, a strange calm entering her tone. “Have you fucked her, too?”
He paused, looking back at her. “What?”
“You have, haven’t you?” Her voice was unreadable, her expression frozen. “I know you and my brother like to share.” Suddenly, her face split into a sneering grin. “How is she? Shy? She seems like a bore. Or maybe,” she cackled, “Adriano makes you watch. Does she like it?”
The two stared at each other, her face challenging, his empty. Slowly, he walked up to her, leaning down to meet her gaze, so close she could feel his breath stir her lashes. “Milena,” he said slowly, in his low, smoky tones, “before I answer to you, or even your mother, I answer to Adriano. Remember that the next time you try to bait me into answering your demands.”
He had one palm flat against the chaise, inches away from her thigh. She felt her breath quicken slightly, her gaze flicking briefly to his lips. “You did,” she whispered, the heat from his body seeping into her, “didn’t you?”
His dark eyes narrowed, and she saw a muscle twitch in his neck. For a moment, they remained like that. “I didn’t,” he uttered, and with that, he pulled away, straightening up and turning his back to her. “Tell Madiana about it, if you want. But we both know it won’t end well.” He left, shutting the door behind him, leaving her practically panting on the chaise, her thighs pressed tightly together.
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cookthepenguin · 6 months
I’ve seen a lot of people use the term “intrusive thoughts” wrong, so I thought I would clear it up with examples.
Impulsive thoughts: Risky things, like dying or cutting your hair
Intrusive thoughts: “Bad” thoughts, like killing someone in a brutal way
L’appel du Vide - the “call of the void”: Thoughts about wanting to die, in non-suicidal people, like the desire to jump when standing close to the edge
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justalittlelogophile · 5 months
🤏🏼🧡 Little Things 🧡🤏🏼
I’ve always loved you in the little things
I thought it was interesting, that for all of my bravado boisterous affection
All the ways I felt I loved you best, were in those quiet little moments
A color, a word, a story, a drive, a Pintrest board, a dinner, and a playlist
Simply put, there is nothing out there that doesn't remind me in some small way of you
But for all my words, I tend to still worry
Does the message come through?
Can you see through these small things the desperate message of me attempting to share my adoration for you?
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Do you ever get the urge to do something so ill advised that the only thing saving the world from the calamity you wish to unleash upon the internet is your distance from your laptop?
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the call of the void
the text of the void
the voicemail box of the void (it’s full)
the busy signal of the void
the “main menu” of the void
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tomsmusictaste · 2 years
Let’s both find out how hollow love tastes 🖤
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jamani-el1 · 2 years
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watching black lagoon tn
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L’appel du vide bringen "Abwärtsspirale"-EP raus
L’appel du vide bringen “Abwärtsspirale”-EP raus
Die EP “Abwärtsspirale” von der Band L’Appel Du Vide ist schon im Mai 2022 erschienen. War allerdings nicht bei mir auf dem Schirm. Daher möchte dieses Release kurz hier vorstellen und den Stream offerieren. Erschienen ist die VÖ bei It’s Eleven Records. Die Band aus Chemnitz spielt Postpunk mit Surfpunk Einflüssen. Die Single von L’Appel du Vide wurde schon im September 2021 aufgenommen und ist…
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idontreallyknowwhat · 2 years
the french are so smart
i too long for the void
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cockroachesunite · 4 months
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Captain Crozier and his Second
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allthemoregray · 4 months
Chapter 13 of L’Appel du Vide Updated
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James surprises Clara with some news, but the couple finds themselves at odds when an unexpected presence ruins their night out.
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synthwavecryptid · 6 days
I need y’all to know that the titanic AU only occurred to me because I watched Rose have a dissociative episode at a rich people dinner and then immediately decide to throw herself off of the stern, and I thought “damn that’s so Dutch of her”
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cameliawrites · 2 years
kanej fic recs & moodboards in honor of @alltheworldsinmyhead’s birthday! oh my!
It just so happens that one of my absolute favorite people, Nat (@alltheworldsinmyhead), is celebrating a BIRTHDAY today (June 27th)! You might know her from her recent kanej au l’appel du vide, or any number of her other incredible fics on ao3. 
It also happens that she’s one of the best writers I know (not biased - well, okay, a little bit; but I promise I loved her fics before I loved her!), so in honor of her birthday today, I wanted to recommend just three of her fics that are absolutely gorgeous and should basically be required reading for the fandom. ;)
Please join me in wishing her a happy birthday by reblogging with your well wishes for Nat, as well as reading & commenting on her amazing fics (linked below), because she deserves all the love on her incredible work! <3 (Seriously. It will make her day to read your comments.)
Okay, here are three incredible fic options for you, depending on your mood (although you should really read all of Nat’s fics, but here’s a good place to start):
1. If you want a moving, romantic depiction of cottagecore Kanej in Lij...
and it's all to come (for now we're still young) - oneshot, canon-compliant, 12k words, rating: M
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Lia’s Summary: Kaz takes Inej to the Rietveld farm for the first winter after their marriage. They begin to learn what it is not just to survive together, but to live together, tenderly and quietly and peacefully. I remember reading this fic when it was first published and thinking that it was such a beautiful, heartwarming depiction of post-canon, cottagecore-esque kanej.
Nat’s Summary:  Kaz and Inej in Lij, together on a threshold on winter and something far greater.
She remembers the Slat on so many rainy afternoons, both of them sitting in front of each other on the floor, Kaz’s fingers caressing the inside of her forearm. From the wrist to the bend of the elbow and back again, tracing the web of her veins. From leather on cotton to leather on skin, and, finally skin on skin. The rasp of his voice keeping her anchored until her stomach stopped doing somersaults with revulsion and dropped heavy with delight. No other man sounds like Kaz, not after Queen’s Lady played on his vocal cords with her stiff fingers. And Inej hates to admit that, even to herself, but she is silently thankful for it. The low rumble of her husband’s voice is a summer storm, and street fights, and a True Sea before a hurricane, but is as far from any lingering stains of the Menagerie as possible.
It’s dangerous and safe, and hers.
2. If you want a heartbreaking exploration of how fate would treat Kaz & Inej if they’d met as children...
the world goes on (on its wicked way) - oneshot, au, 7k words, rating: G
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Lia’s Summary: Inej’s Suli caravan visits Lij when Kaz is just eleven, and fate takes over from there. Their storybook romance is replete with magic tricks and love letters and endless summer days - until, of course, their hourglass runs out. This is the fic that made me so feral that I had to start blogging about it, and then Nat and I started messaging for the first time, and the rest is history. (So I guess there’s at least one happy ending in this story). 
Nat’s Summary: Kaz and Inej are dealt a kinder hand. It is not necessarily better, in the end.
So they ran around the farm, swam in the river, made daisy chains by the edge of the forest. Inej ate hutspot with his family and he ate flatbreads with hers. Her Kerch got better and better every day, but it did not lose its lovely softness, and Kaz loved when she said his name, the sharp “z” transformed in her mouth into a swish.
It was a fairytale, truly, and the one thing all fairytales have in common is the fact that they have to end.
3. If you want a dark, deep, masterful story that encompasses all the best of romance and heartbreak and every human emotion in between...
l’appel du vide - multichapter, au, 41k words, rating: M
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Lia’s Summary: What appears on its surface to be a ‘marriage of convenience’ kanej au has untold depths: Kaz has lost his purpose, Inej has lost her faith. These two are older and more broken than their canon counterparts, but they need each other just as much - or maybe more. Full disclosure that I had the immense honor of betaing this fic for Nat, but I think that just means I’m well-positioned to tell you what a masterpiece it is: I’ve read every word three times over, and it only gets better with every read. 
Nat’s Summary: Kaz comes to the Menagerie for Inej many years too late and bites off more than he can chew.
And Kaz wants, wants, wants just like any other man would. It is a perfect performance, an act Inej must’ve repeated so many times it probably feels like muscle memory for her – and he still wants her anyway. He wants to drop on his knees in front of her and bury his face between her legs. He wants to hear her gasp and moan, and he wants to believe it is all real. He wants her awake and alive in his hands, without any smoke or mirrors.
“You lied to me, in the Menagerie,” she says slowly. “You said this is not what you want.”
“It isn’t,” he rasps, the lie bitter on his tongue.
When she passes him on her way back to the bedroom, he catches a wisp of her perfume – jasmine, incense, amber. Sweet like a poisonous flower.
“The fact that you can’t do something, Kaz,” she says with her back turned to him, “does not mean that you don’t want to.”
Happiest of birthdays to you, dearest Nat. Thanks for gifting us all with your incredible stories - we can’t wait for the next year’s worth of words you have to share. <3
Tagging some of her favorite SOC authors - you’re literally all in her bookmarks so I know this to be true ;)  - if you’d like to pass on well-wishes and help me make Nat’s day! @specializationisforinsects @aneiria-writes  @pyrrhlc @oneofthewednesdays @linearla @whatanybodygets  @whynotcherries @unfortunate17 @downn-in-flames @marycontraire​ @anonniemousefics​
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desiiderum · 2 years
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She is rather bored today . . .
Court never seems to hold her attention these days.
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dreambaited · 2 years
send me all of your dnf fic recs pls pls pls
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noctumbrosa · 11 months
perhaps it’s better to be alone.
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