devildomditzy · 7 months
Blanket Fort
In which Mammon realizes how exhausting having children can be on a human
Tags/Warnings: Dad!Mammon, Mom!Reader, worries of parenting, fluffy comfort
Happy Valentine’s Day <3
“Turn the lights down when the kids are sleeping
We'll build a blanket fort that only we can be in”
Blanket Fort - Archers
A blur runs past your feet, so quick you can barely make out the shape of your three year old son zipping past, almost knocking you (and the toys you had picked up off the floor in your hands) off balance.
“Hey! No running in the house!”, you exclaim, knowing that his ability to move inhumanly quick easily ranged him now out of earshot of your nagging.
Those damn demon genes.
Your attention is brought back and pulled down by your feet where your two year old daughter is flying (barely above the floor) in pursuit of her brother.
Her wings just barely clip you, the force making you drop everything in your grasp and fall backwards onto your ass.
Goddamn demon genes.
Just as you begin to pick yourself up you hear another, much louder pair of footsteps followed by mad cackling coming into range.
Ah, the worst of them all. Here he comes.
Goddamn fucky ass demon genes.
You husband bursts into the room, looking around wildly before his eyes fall onto you and his face breaks out into a smile.
“Sup, treasure. See the kiddos anywhere?”
You sigh, dusting off the front of your jeans, grimacing from the pain of falling on hardwood. You look at your now slightly skinned palms and frown.
“I told them no running in the house.”
He snorts at your dismay. “Come on, they’re just kids bein’ kids”
“I believe I also told you no running in the house”, you glare at him.
His smile waivers as he waves a hand in the air in dismissal. “Details, details.”
You give another frustrated sigh, looking down at the mess that once again has found its way onto the floor. This is the seventh time this week you’ve cleaned up this room, and the seventh time this week it’s been wrecked once more.
You love your children (and your obnoxious husband), you swear you do! But sometimes somethings, the little things, begin to get to you. Tears begin to well up in your eyes and you ball your fists, willing them not to come out.
“Hey, hey, woah,” Mammon coos at you, quickly looking back into the hallway from the door frame to check where his two little menaces have gone before walking over to you, grabbing you by the shoulders and into his embrace.
“Lemme get a look at ya, come on”, he says as he pulls you back from his chest to look at your face. He is met with a look of tired frustration. “What’s wrong, Mama?”
You sniffle in an attempt to stop the tears, but looking in his eyes always breaks you. You remain quiet as the tears run down your face.
He faulters for a minute before giving a small smile. “These kids can be a real handful, eh?”, he tosses a head nod towards the door as he says. “Good thing they got the most awesome parents in the world to take care of ‘em.”
You sniffle once more, wiping some tears with the back of your hand before muttering, “I don’t feel awesome.”
“What!?”, he says in an accusatory tone before realizing his mistake. It’s just- you mean the world to him. And to them. How can you not see what he sees?
“But yer amazin’! Ya handle two half demons like they’re nothin’. Hell, before that you handled seven full demons like it was nothin’!”
“I can’t keep up with them…I- I- I’m not fast enough, I can’t fly, I don’t have horns or whatever… I can’t relate to them like you can.”
“Hey, you got the smooth, calm and collected human side, I got the cool, totally awesome demon side. We can do this, cmon, we’ve been doin’ this! We’re totally great parents.”
When you still shy away from his gaze, refusing to meet his eyes, he sighs.
His tone drops to a quiet intimacy. “Where’s all this comin’ from, darlin’?”
You take a shaky breath before speaking. “I dunno… I guess I’m just…tired?”
He doesn’t look all that convinced.
“That it?”
You remain quiet as he gives you a look.
“Don’t make me pry”, he playfully shakes you as he chuckles, though his voice is still laced with concern.
“I guess… I’ve just been so stressed out and tired I-I….I haven’t had anytime for me or anything like that. I feel so- I don’t- ugh”
You take one final huff,
“I don’t feel like myself. I haven’t in a while. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t worried, or anxious, or nervous.”
He rubs up and down your arms. “Hey, I know it’s a lot. But look at ‘cha, you’re still my human, yeah? Still just as beautiful and irritatingly kind and stupid as the day I met ya!”
He gets a laugh out of you as you shake your head.
“Yeah, there’s that smile!”, he beams before looking at you with lidded eyes.
“You know they look up to ya, yeah? I do too”, he continues.
“Heh, thanks,” you smile. “I just feel like I need a break.”
He lights up, devious smile painting his face as it always did before when he had a scheme. “That, I can do.”
“Give you a break! I’ve got an idea. Gimmie a couple hours of plannin’. I’ve got the kids handled. Clear yer calendar and make sure you’re in the livin’ room by 6 ‘o clock”, he’s talking faster than his movements can keep up, taking out his D.D.D and making a start out the door towards the direction of your children’s laughter.
Before he’s out of sight, he leans backwards to call out, “I love ya! See you in a bit.”
“Mammon, what?”, you question as he leaves, shaking your head and laughing under your breath.
This man…
Time passes and you continue to pick up the rest of the rooms in the house utterly destroyed by your precious children. It was nice to hear that Mammon has the children handled, but it’s worrisome to think of what ‘handled’ really means to him. It’s especially worrisome that since about an hour after he left the room, the house has remained completely quiet.
You check your phone, the screen lights up at you as the time displays “5:45 PM”. Well, whatever it is he’s planning, you suppose you should get ready for it. You walk to the bathroom, fixing up your hair in the mirror and think about changing your clothes before deciding, fuck it, you have no idea what you’re doing anyway. If the evening calls for a certain outfit, you’ll worry about it then.
“5:50 PM”
You head for the living room.
You don’t know exactly what you were expecting to see here, but you didn’t think it’d be this.
A million sheets hanging from different places in the room. Literally - you think it’s literally all the sheets you own. And maybe more?
Secondly, fairy lights are strung from the ceiling in no particular pattern, messy in their formation. You’re not exactly sure where he got those. They kinda look like the ones from your room in the House of Lamentation.
Thirdly, you know for a fact that you do not own that many pillows. Where the fuck did he get all of these? And is that… Levi’s Ruri-Chan pillow?
Before you can begin to question it, Mammon emerges from the homemade fortress, hitting his elbow on a chair that he was using as support as he exits.
“Owww…”, he rubs the area while hissing, before noticing you.
“Hey! I told ya 6 ‘o clock! Not 5:55!”, one hand flies to his hips while he points at you with the other.
“What is all this?”, you question, laughing at his fake irritation.
“What’s all thi-? What’s it look like!”, he exclaims, exasperated before turning around and raising his hands like he’s showcasing a fantastic prize to you.
“It’s your break! It’s a blanket fort!”
“A blanket fort?”, you raise an eyebrow, challenging him.
“Yeah! Wait till you see inside! I got all ya favorite stuff in here! I got movies set up, I got grimm-“
“That’s your favorite stuff”, you cut him off, giggling.
“Well yeah! I’ve got good taste. But there’s also chocolates and snacks and those huge bean bag chairs you like.”
You shake your head, lightly laughing “and the kids?”
“My brothers got ‘em. Spendin’ the night with their ‘ol uncles never hurt anyone.”
“And dinner?”
“We’ll order take out. Come on, I wanna show you the inside. I took this antique bottle of demonus from Lucifer’s-“
You give him a dangerous look, cutting him off.
“I mean, I bought it. I bought it for real with real grimm at the real store.”
He smiles, taking your hand.
“It’s just you and me tonight, yeah? Let’s have a little fun”, he says as he walks backwards, pulling you towards the entrance.
“You know, this might be one of the sweetest things you’ve ever done for me”, you smile, following his lead.
“You bet your ass it’s sweet, look! I even put LEDs in here!”
You smile, you’ve always adored his antics.
“Hey Mammon?”
“Thanks. I love you.”
“Love ya too, treasure. Now sit down ‘n relax. These movies ain’t gonna watch themselves.”
You stop him in his tracks pulling him into a kiss. He malfunctions, hands going up in the air defensively until he relaxes into you, wrapping his arms around your waist. And he blushes.
No matter what, he always still blushes.
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 2 years
WARNING: D3ath and !njury,
Also I wrote this whole rant last night in a daze LMAO
Don’t ya love it when the random thoughts sneak into ur brain before closing down at midnight 🥲Someone might have said this before, pls anytime let me know if I’m like plagiarizing cause it’s not my intention sometimes I read some thing and then a month later remember and think it’s an original thought so just lemme know ^^
So what we know: Calico Jack and Kwazii both have pirate pasts. Pirates are usually known to have murd3r-y battles and fatal duels and the like, but can you imagine Kwazii murd3ring anyone? Cause I can’t. But yknow what? I can imagine Calico Jack 👀
SO: Maybe Calico Jack was a merciless pirate like the others before Kwazii was born. We know Calico Jack probably stayed around until Kwazii was maybe 4-6 cause of the photos, then he went to Amazon in search of the lost city and never returned. BUT CONSIDER THIS FOLKS: Once Kwazii was born, maybe Jack had a realization, like “oh dang. This is a dangerous and problematic lifestyle😬” He always tried to positively influence Kwazii, like “hey u can totally be a pirate without hurtin anyone, peace and love my guy” we know Kwazii was already starting to take after the pirate side of him from the photos, and Kwazii does get mistaken for Calico Jack, so Jack most likely got scared that something would happen to Kwazii like his leg or worse. Here’s where it gets intense hehe- mayhaps calico went on a bit of a spree finding the ruthless enemies of his (thinking they might mistake Kwazii for him and attack) like Whitebeard, Pirate King, all of em and uh “took care of them” so to speak. I was especially thinking about how Kwazii has all the keys to their treasure chests, and how all of their ships are sunken. SECOND SO: Jack leaves the keys and other clues to Kwazii, and departs to the Amazon, partially to escape authorities lmao and to have a final meeting place for them under the cover of to supposedly “find the hidden city” like bro be fr ain’t no way u was there for 20 years and didn’t find it cmon now it was a ploy💀
So overall, everything Kwazii thought was his pirate past, being a pirate before his Octonauts days, it was all set up by Calico Jack. Finding the maps, finding the music box, finding the Pirate Kings sword, finding the coconut crabs, finding the other half of the Amazon map so they would meet again: none of it was being a real pirate, it was a fabricated reality to keep Kwazii happy but most of all safe. That’s why we see no other cat pirates still alive and why good ol Jack gives me shady vibes💀✨🎶And that’s the truth about Calico Jack🎶✨
Hey after all that have a (suspicious) shanty chaps :DD
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antaripirate · 2 years
some thoughts on kellila & big spoon/little spoon:
i am one hundred percent convinced that kell and lila alternate between being the big spoon or the little spoon - i know some people think lila would be strictly big spoon but lemme sprinkle some concepts at ya…
we know kell is more in touch with his emotions than lila is, (slight aside but i also have a lot of thoughts about how their childhood traumas have lead to them being in almost opposite situations with how they handle their emotions) and he clearly loves to show that he cherishes her with touch, like when he protectively wraps his arms round her waist on the horse, when he kisses her hair before she As Tascen’s to the sanctuary, and how he holds her against his chest after Rosenal
being treasured by someone like this is obviously a very new thing for lila, and something she’s never really felt from someone before, and so, yes, i think being little spoon may be a bit of a change of pace for her at first - it’s likely she’d worry that having someone want to hold her protectively like this would suggest they think she’s weak or can’t protect herself, but with kell she’d very quickly realise this is absolutely never the case, he just enjoys holding her close and wants her to feel loved, because she really is
i think very soon lila would figure out that she loves being treated like this by kell (i think we start to see this in the scene where ‘she was tired of running away, so she was running into kell. and he caught her.’ *SOBS*) and hence why she is able to properly fall asleep in his arms
so she’d very quickly become accustomed to being the little spoon with kell, bc he is her safe space, and she knows he would never think less of her for wanting to be wrapped up protectively in his arms
also pre-kell, lila would always ‘sleep’ with her back against the wall to feel safer…imagine how much safer she’d feel sleeping with her back against kell and his arms round her 🥺
and kell would definitely understand how much it means for lila to feel comfortable enough with someone to let them hold her like that! it would make him so happy knowing that she finally had a safe space where she lets herself be vulnerable and at ease enough to be cuddled like that, and knowing that HE is that safe space - he’d know that she understands he just wants to cherish her unconditionally
equally, i think they’d also love to switch these roles!! something i think is incredibly special about their relationship, and that is particularly important to kell is that other than rhy, lila is the only person to ever treat him as himself. as just kell. not as ‘aven’ or a prince, or antari, or rhy’s lifeline.
with lila, kell is totally free to be entirely himself. he wouldn’t feel as though he had to put up a brave front with her, because she has seen him at his absolute worst and stuck by his side.
she’d want to show him this. and talking about her emotions is something she really struggles with (understandably), but physical touch is a way she’s clearly more comfortable with expressing herself with, eg in agos when kell wants to kiss her, but she kisses him first
kell is the biggest softie in all the worlds and so he would adore being cuddled by lila too, just knowing she’s chosen to be by his side and wanted to hold him would mean a lot to him
i’m not sure ANY of this made any sense whatsoever and congrats if u actually read all this lmao!
basically i just love these idiots so much and imo they’d both love being big AND little spoon - also they are 10000000% cuddly sleepers and i will fight people on this lmao they are each others safe space
peace out bitches, it’s 2am i need to sleep x
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anon-e-miss · 2 years
Primus Help the Outcasts - 9
“Happy Festivus!” The Twins exclaimed as Prowl and his creations stepped into their grandcreators’ living room.
Smokescreen and Bluestreak slipped the gifts they had gathered for their friends in chests at thr\e of the shrine and sat with the Twins as the Polyhexian mechlings showed them some of their new treasures. Prowl stood and watched. It seemed so natural, like they, the four mechlings had done this every stellar-cycle. Bluestreak showed his friends the ursanokor Smokecreen had gifted him and Smokescreen flipped the scarf Bluestreak had made for him over his shoulder and struck a pose. They were happy and that observation had Prowl frozen in place. Each of them, his creations, their friends, all four of them glowed with happiness as they chatted together and Prowl could only stare in wonder.
“Prowl,” Jazz called his designation and Prowl broke free from his processor. His benefactor gestured to the empty space on the couch he was sitting on and held out a mug and pitch black energon.
“Thank you,” Prowl said. He sat. There were added pillow in this corner of the love seat. Jazz or his procreators had prepared a seat for him. It was not surprising, precisely but it was touching all the same. “I do not remember ever seeing them so happy.”
“It was the same for the Twins, ya know,” Jazz told him. “They came outta their shells, they bloomed after they settled in, once they knew in their sparks they weren’t just safe but free.”
“I am sorry,” Prowl said. “I have never asked...”
“Some other time,” Jazz replied with a wave of his servo. “Thanks to Master Yoketron, we got passed it. Y’re gonna get there too.”
“Thank you for all of your support,” Prowl said. He did not mean for it to happen but years pooled in his optics. “You have done so much for us. More my creations, for me. I saw the news, the priest being taken away in stasis cuffs.”
“It ain’t much,” Jazz said, he reached and squeezed Prowl’s servo as he smiled. “It’s a start. Ya deserve justice. Lockdown’ll get his too.”
“Do not set yourself on fire for my sake, please,” Prowl said. “I cannot imagine Lockdown being so easily castigated.”
“Just leave Lockdown to me,” Jazz assured him. “He ‘n me go back, way back. I can handle’m.”
“Would speaking to your procreators dissuade you at all?” Prowl asked.
“Ya kiddin’?” Jazz chuckled. “They all want a piece. Vicious lot, them three.”
“Oh dear,” Prowl felt a sharp rise of alarm. Jazz smiled at Prowl’s stricken expression.
“We know how to take care o’ ourselves ‘n our own,” Jazz assured him. “Ain’t gonna rush in ‘n get scrapped.”
“He’ll right,” Sprocket declared, poking his helm in from the kitchen. “Sometimes ya gotta sit on a grudge for a bit before ya can strike. We’re patient, when we gotta be. Punch ‘n Rumbler are on their way home.”
“Did you have a maintenance request?” Prowl asked. “On the Feast-Cycle of all mega-cycles?”
“Just an errand,” Sprocket smiled. He and Jazz both radiated excited happiness as they awaited their kin to begin the celebration.
“Lemme make ya another cube o’ energon,” Jazz offered. 
You might have thought, looking from the outside in, that they were just a normal, happy family. Prowl might have been still on the wrong side of gaunt, he did not look like such a wraith at this point. In any case, an outsider might have blamed an illness. They would not have guessed that Prowl was destitute and they were together because their creations were friends. If he could call him, Jazz and Jazz’s procreators friends, Prowl could not be sure, except that he felt uncomfortable, like he was taking advantage. He was taking advantage, there was no question. The help had been freely offered but the fact remained he was giving nothing in return. They would not even allow him to help with the chores.
“Can ya come into the kitchen, Prowl?” Jazz called and Prowl actually felt relieved. Finally, he could make himself useful.
“How can I…” the glyphs trailed off as Prowl saw the newcomer who was shaking the snow from his helm. “Originator?”
“Bitlet,” Camshaft sighed with relief. He crossed the cozy room in a few steps and swept Prowl up in his arms. Prowl clung to his originator, optics wide with disbelief. Camshaft cupped Prowl’s face and looked at him. “Bitlet. You’re so thin.”
“How?” Prowl asked.
“Punch,” Camshaft explained. “After you told him who you were to me, he reached out through an old channel I had thought dusted. It took me a while to see it. Bitlet. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to save you.”
“You could not have been,” Prowl replied. “I do not understand. How did you manage to get past the planetary security grid. It was set to scan for your spark.”
“A great deal of Punch’s trickery,” Camshaft explained. He gestured to the stranger, a Praxian like them, who was hanging back by the door. All at once, Prowl recognized him, in a distant way, this was someone he had seen on the streets from time to time, or in energon cafes. “And more of Downshift’s work. He’s the one who left you gifts from me. Who checked up on you for me.”
“Thank you for assisting my originator,” Prowl said, tilting his doorwings to the older Praxian.
“He’s never stopped thinking of you and speaking of you,” Downshift declared. “I hope you know you’ve always had a proud originator.”
“Thank you,” Prowl said. 
“Downshift was a member of my unit in Spec Ops,” Camshaft explained. “After I assassinated Zeta, I tried to reach you but I was pursued and shot. Downshift saved my life, despite the bounty he could have cashed in.”
“Energon credits,” Downshift said, with a snort.
“We are conjunxed,” Camshaft explained. “I wished you could be there. I knew you could not be but I wished.”
“I was with you in your spark,” Prowl said, he leaned his crest against his originator’s. “I always have been.”
“Always,” Camshaft promised, holding him close another moment.
“Punch, Rumbler, Sprocket, Jazz, thank you for this,” Prowl said as they slowly separated. “I know it was not without incredible risk.”
“It was worth the risk,” Punch replied. “Go on, I think Blue ‘n Smokey’ll be excited to meet their Grandori.”
“It does not seem real,” Camshaft said, taking a slow intake. “I did not believe I would ever meet them.”
“You and Downshift had no creations?” Prowl asked.
“We were always moving,” Camshaft explained. “It was not the life for a bitlet. In any case, no mechling or femmeling could have replaced you.”
He would not have begrudged his originator from having a family with the conjunx he had chosen for himself. Prowl had thousands of questions, primarily how his originator had managed to stay a step ahead of the bounty hunters for so long. For now, Prowl could not put any of it into glyph and none of it was important. His originator was here, here right in front of him and Prowl was not at all sure how he managed not to crash but there was not even a flicker of his glitch. Maybe the rightness of it and the joy of it was enough, it did not matter. Prowl took his originator’s servo and led him into the living room. Smokescreen waved his doorwings and then froze. He turned sharply and stared.
“Bluestreak?” Prowl called his youngest creation’s designation and Bluestreak turned. Like Smokescreen he stared. “Smokescreen, Bitlets. This is your grandoriginator, my originator. Punch, Rumbler and Sprocket were friends of his. They helped him come home to us.”
“Grandori?” Bluestreak asked. “You gave me my red ursanokor… except Seekers ripped it up. But Smokescreen found me this one and it’s just the same!”
“I’m very glad he did,” Camshaft said. 
“You’re…” Smokescreen struggled with the revelation. Prowl knelt with him and embraced Smokescreen as his youngling crawled into his arms. “I thought you had to be. You left a present after my exams just that orn…”
“Downshift,” Camshaft said, patient and gentle, he did not try to approach Smokescreen. “Brought every gift from me to you but never lingered long. He told me when you scored your first goal playing meccasoccer and won your first game. He was going to bring your a plaque from me but... We didn’t know, Sweetspark, what was about to happen.”
“I’m glad you’re alive,” Smokescreen said. “I’m glad… Downshift… I saw you… you cheered really loud when I scored that goal.”
“I figured I needed to cheer for both of us,” Downshift replied. 
“Sit,” Punch ordered. “Everyone get settled. I didn’t dare tell ya, Prowl. In case I was wrong ‘n it wasn’t Cam at the end o’ the comm.”
“I understand,” Prowl replied. “I cannot believe a better Feast gift.”
“Gonna be impossible to top,” Jazz agreed. “But there’s more under the shrine. Sideswipe can dole out the chests. How ‘bout that energon, Prowl?”
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The beginning #1 ----------------------
The excited pitter patter of footsteps filled the once silent dusty air. Muffled giggles and the soft scratching of wood as two friends desperately tried and failed to keep silent.
“I TOLD you it was real! I told you! I told youuuuuu! You owe me ten knobs nerd!”
“SHhhHhHhhHg! Screech!! Your gonna wake everyone up!!! I don’t wanna get into trouble with your parents aga-“
Screech gestured to a large wooden door. Upon it’s surface contained hundreds of tiny intricate wooden engravings depicting tiny ghosts.
Most of them were asking questions to larger entities, writing or perhaps drawing in what appeared appeared to be even tinier books. Others did their daily routines beneath a large orb with strange rays beaming from it and wearing sunglasses while eating, sleeping, playing..sewing.. Hiding from ..something..scratched out... And it in the middle of it all..contained a quote in a strange language that neither child could comprehend..but ended in a large question mark that was the center of it all. Window brushed its fingers over the tiny intricate wooden engravings on it in silent awe.
“I’ve never seen a door like this before..”
“Cool huh?” Screech said, popping its head out from an even smaller door that was integrated into the larger one.
“Heck yea!” Sally said with an excited shake of its tail.
“Cmon cmon! There’s more inside!”
Sally slipped through small entranceway with ease. It was greeted to a room with a single desk, scattered blank scrolls pelted the floor, bits of shredded fabric lay askew, sewing thread and needles ran amok and small shards of shattered glass peppered the ground. Sally thumped its tail in excitement, carefully lifting up a dark green spool of thread. “This one reminds me of my dad! But..darker!”
Sally reached for another spool, but still with tiny flannel squares.
“Ooo! This one reminds me of ‘60!” Sally said with a little wave of its tail. It tucked the spool into its back fur and kept rummaging through the scattered debris.
Screech picked up an old knarled long peice of wood and twirled it for a second. “I found this earlier. This looks like one of Snare’s arms..but uhh.. wood? Wood thing!”
Sally stopped what it was doing and turned its head to look. “Ooo! Lemme see!”
“Nope. Wood thing is mine!”
“Gimme!” Sally cried.
“Nope! Mine!” And then Screech unceremoniously whacked it over the head with a stick.
“Ow, stop! Give it to meee!”
Window snapped around, grabbed a large spool of and turned around grinning before striking back with a quick and horrible vengeance. “MPH-“ Screech recoiled, rubbing it’s head. "That..didn't even hurt!"
"Yea, sureee..Now- Gim-"
A loud, ominous creaking sound filled the air from behind the two young entities. Both turned to see the source of the noise only to find a large locked chest behind them. It is somewhat different from the ones that normally appeared in the hotel. It was made from a lighter-colored wood and larger than usual... That, the varnish on it made it look newer than it probably currently was. "Hell yea! Treasure time baby!" Sally said, its hand already reaching into its fur to grab something. "Wait- Sally this wasn't..This wasn't there before.." It's voice trailed off as Sally plucked a pair of lockpicks out of its back fur. Sally took notice, briefly it paused and tilted its head. "What.. Are ya scared?" it said, twirling the the lockpicks around for a second before pointing them at Screech like it was a microphone. Screech recoiled, it's smile became slightly uneasy."PfFT N-no! Just..open it up already!" Window rolled its eyes and began to carefully pick away at the the lock. After a few minutes of non-stop digging, it's eyes narrowed and it's smile began to fade to into pure concentration. "What's taking-" A finger was swiftly jammed into Screech's face. "ShhHHhhhAAAAAND-" Click.
Screech’s eyes widened in surprise, before curiosity got the best of it and it scrambled over to see what the box contained.
Sally slowly opened the box.. - Only to see 100 pairs of beady eyes stare right back at it. .. ... ...... Two screams were heard across the hotel. - About thirty minutes later -
The sound of a ticking of a grandfather clock was the noise that filled the room once the two children finished retelling the events to several exhausted hotel denizens.
Seek stood at the center of group of parents, its hands had long since risen to cover its face and a muffled groan could be heard from behind them.
Rush, the smile of whom had long since faded away into a look of pure emband concern. and a tiny bit of pride that its child had managed to pick a lock all by itself. started first. "Aaaah, well uhhhh uhmm.." it tapped it's fingers together for a few before clapping its hands. "ANYWAYS, I think it's time you go to bed Sally. You ahhh.. little stinkers shouldn't have been outa bed in the first place-..!" Rush began to scoot Sally out a nearby door with a massive cartoonish hand. "But Paaaaar!! What about the ghosts??" Sally whined. "The adults are talkin about it. Goodnight, sleep tight and don't go around pickin any locks without permission!" It said, it's smile growing slightly wider before lowering its voice. It turned it's head to quickly check before reaching into its fog and pulling out a pair of lock picks and stealthily gave the smaller entity a pair of lockpicks. "Or at least don't get caught, ya coot!" Sally smile grew wide, it grabbed the lockpicks and gave its parent a hug before racing off into the hallway.
Seek raised its head from its hands slightly.
“You too, Screech. It’s late and you shouldn’t have been up in the first place.”
“Bed. Now.” It said icily, it’s voice no longer cascading and resonating but instead was filled with withering exhaustion.
Screech shrank a little before reluctantly creeping away. Seek’s eye softened a little before raising its head and turning to address small ensemble of entities that sat encircled near the the fateful box.
“Have any of you seen..such a room before?” Seek rubbed it’s eye.
“Nah, never seen it.”
“No, have you..?”
“Wait- the kids ain’t in danger?”
Figure shook its head.
“No. ⁿᵒ.”
Jack slowly crept away, while Rueben whispered something to Figure who quietly nodded before quickly departing soon after.
Seek sighed before shaking its head. “How..? How has this room evaded our sight this long? It doesn’t have a label…number..nothing.. and I can’t even find it with ANY of my eyes.” It said, blinking away visions of rooms after fruitless rooms.
“ More ᵐᵒʳᵉ importantly ⁱᵐᵖᵒʳᵗᵃⁿᵗˡʸ. ⁽ˡʸ﹖⁾ why ᵈⁱᵈ did ⁱᵗ it ⁽ⁱᵗ﹖⁾ ˢʰᵒʷ show ⁱitself ᵗᵒ to them ᵗʰᵉᵐ﹖ ᵃⁿᵈ and ⁿᵒᵗ not ᵘˢ us?” Eyes mused as their gaze drifted towards the box.
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“Seek, should we em..be keepin them in there?”
“Here.. let me have a look at them.” Hide calmly over to the chest and knelt down.
“Be careful Hide, we don’t know how they’ll react once freed.” Seek said cautiously as Hide gently opened the chest.
“Shh..” It quietly answered as it carefully cracked the chest’s top open just a peek to peer in. It’s eye dilated before making itself relax.
After a few seconds, it opened the lid wider and slowly placed a hand inside..
..For a few minutes, the room was silent as Hide waited patiently with its hand in the in the box’s lid.
Finally Ambush spoke up. “Should we do somethin because it’s-“
“No, wait- here we go…” Hide murmured, before carefully standing back up with an asker in its hand.
All the entities stared in shock for a moment.
“oh dear.”
“Wait ʷᵃⁱᵗ Didn’t ᵈⁱᵈⁿ’ᵗ..ᵈⁱᵈⁿ’ᵗ Sally ˢᵃˡˡʸ ˢᵃʸ Say ᵗʰᵉ The ᵇᵒˣ Box ʷᵃˢ Was..ˡᵒᶜᵏᵉᵈ Locked..?”
“W-Wait Seek what’s going on-..?”
“-Is that a fuckin kid…?”
“..Oh my god…how long were they in there?”
“W-wait..T-this one isn’t a c-child..I can tell from the energy they give off..But..” Hide melted a little, still keeping the asker comfortable as possible as it did.
“-yes..I-I did see some b-babies in there-..” Hide said with a hint of despair in its voice.
Ambush’s face fell into a deep frown.
“Oh ain’t that any better? Don’t really matter if they ain’t fuckin kids or not- Some..asshole locked a buncha small entities in a dark cramped container for potentially days on end.”
“I think I’m going to be sick..” Figure trilled, still trying to find its words and with its hands now firmly placed on its ears.
“From..what I can hear..it’s..That’s..that’s just dreadful..but that can’t be true, right Ambush? Besides from Shadow, Halt, and well……..Jeff and El-Goblino….There’s so few resident in the hotel who aren’t here tonight..” Figure’s voice trailed off, unsure of what to say anymore.
Rush’s pupils grew increasingly wider and let out a creaking noise whilst Ambush licked its teeth.
“..Very interestin you mentioned Jeff, Figure.”
Eyes shivered, while Hide quickly put the asker back into the the box and slithered away into a nearby closet while Seek began to bubble.
“But it wouldn’t be all that out’ah his ball park considerin what he and that prey thief did to A-60’s face..”
“We don’t know if he’s done this yet.” Figure gently clicked. “While..I hate Jeff too..I don’t think this his or the prey thief’s doing..I don’t think we should jump to conclusions without reasonable evidence.” Figure’s clicks became more nervous.
While the two talked, Rush carefully pulled the chest toward itself and pulled a granola bar out of its fuzzy fog. Carefully cracking the top of the chest just a little to feed it to them. "Anyone hungry in there..?" Crunch crunch crunch. "There ya go.."
“You don’t have any idea, do ya Fig? Do you even REALIZE what the prey thief is even capable of..? And IM PRETTY DAMN SURE from day one that it hated us for pretty much existing given all it’s done to us so far!!!”
“Ambush, please listen to me! That’s..a good point..but listen..something about this doesn’t seem like..I don’t know-..would..Jeff have something to gain from this..?” Figure trilled back.
"I dunno..I mean what would he have 'ta gain from what he allowed It to do to Wrath..? Knobs? Power?...Is he 'datin the damn thing? I'm as clueless as you are Figure but what he did to it was pretty clearly fuc-!"
".. Cease the chatter about Von Tentacle this instant."
Seek interjected loudly, its voice gripping the room like a vice and its body tense and still.
"..." ".." It melted partially into the floor. "..It is..it is very late... I am very tired..and there are more important things to worry about." Seek said gesturing to the box with a melted hand. "Yea..I don't..Well uh Hey seek?..I'm sorry for bein that guy but I don't think any of these little guys hunt too well..Are you sure it's a good idea to uhhh.. be keepin them up here?..andmaybeweshouldtakethemoutoftheboxnowbecausetheyaregettingreallyantsy.." "You're right. Let me check in on them. Once everything is fine, I'll ask where they want to take up residence or if they even wish to stay." .. Seek carefully opened the chest. This time fully exposing the ghosts to the open air. "Hello in there, I am so very sorry for keeping you in here for so long. Are you all okay? Do you need any food or water?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ASKS ON -
Also I ONLY HAVE ONE REQUEST OF YOU GUYS..YOU CANNOT REMEMBER ANYTHING BEFORE THE BOX!!!! (unless your human in origin, in which case you know you were human. But not how you got into the box.)
Originally.. I was just gonna have them take the askers to their room. But I figured that it wouldn't be right for Seek or anyone else to leave you guys in the box without at least checking on you to make sure you aren't injured or gaining input on were you guys might want to stay.
So yea ask away!!!
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wholesomeivygreen · 3 years
Sukuna never had a problem getting himself off. He had multiple people to pleasure him ofcourse. It was always one needy whore after another, girl or boy, man or woman. They all wanted to be beside him and praise him.
All untill you. You and your innocent little joy of life.
The day he saw you he was raptured by your sweet smile and blinding beauty. Ofcourse sukuna being the king of curses wanted a taste of you and he knew that once you got a taste of him, you would be on your knees ready to serve him, or so he thought.
To lure you in he disguised himself as a commoner. As much as he hated it that was the only way he could get you to sleep with him. And so there he was standing in front of you- hand in hand...and in a date? He didnt quite understand the concept of dating. It was bizzare and quite complex.. I mean why spend time talking about interests and giving information about oneself that can be used in battles when you could indulge in worldly pleasures lusting over him.
But when he stood there, next to your smiling figure that was failing to get the toy out of the mysterious box of gifts and treasures or as you called it a claw crane.
He didn't understand how small things like those could excite you, he knew he could get you better toys, gifts unfathomable to human kind. Gifts and treasures that only the richest-
"Hehe look isnt this one adorable" you swirled your arm into his pulling him close to hear your heavenly laughter more clearly making him twinge with goosebumps.
As you continued to adore the little ball of cotton he made it his mission to buy the biggest toy there was. Huffing his chest when making the promise only to find you laughing and telling him that it was late and you both needed to catch the last bus.
Scoffing he agreed but somehow the walk back to the station made his way with talks and taunts that somehow made the curse laugh with genuine joy and peace.
Sometimes he found himself smiling and bit too fondly and having to remind himself that he was the kind of curses, devil reincarnated, a powerful curse who once ravaged the earth making thousands tremble-
Disturbed from his thoughts you pulled him down to land the lightest kiss on his cheekbone making him stare at you in wonder.
"Good night sukuna" ofcourse he told you his name....well he wanted to tell you his actual form too but after tonight...god what if he would scare you? What if you didnt want to be with him...wait be with him? Why would he be worried if you wanted to be with him or not?
Laughing he questioned his thoughts making him talk to himself in the dark way back home
'Yea right. Me the powerful sukuna..wanting a woman like her to be with me' what rubbish he thought while having the slightest tinge of red coat his ears.
As a couple weeks went by you both got closer and closer. The more you grew closer you more flustered you got, and ofcourse he wouldnt miss any tiny detail. Everytime he did something to mess with you he would await to see your lovely flustered reaction.
When he would lean down to brush his lips on yours ever so slightly teasing every inch of your tiny self he found himself filled with eagerness and desperation to get closer and make you his. But oh dear god the way you would whimper and sound off his reactions sending blood straight to his dick.
When he found out you reacted like that, whimpering and trembling at his arms sensitive to his touch he found himself repeating it over and over again.
Only to break apart one day and found himself pinning you to the floor as he floated on top of you lips inches apart, eyes fumbling between his and his lips as though signaling to wanting more.
"You look so fucking pretty like this" he said cupping your tiny face with his big hand bringing it closer to a heated kiss, tongue swirling into your own only making you groan into the kiss. With every sound you made, every trace of your small fingers on his body he only was tempted more, tempted to rip off every piece of clothing your body dared to hold.
He wanted to leave marks all over your body, emotion of jealousy and possessiveness taking over him as he left dark red kisses onto your soft skin.
When he raised his head he found you looking at him with a shock.
"Wha- who are you?"
Confusion evidenton his face he jerked back "Huh doll what are you talking about? I'm sukuna"
"No..sukuna doesnt look like this" you said backing off to a corner and as he noted his tatto on his wrists he realised, he changed back to his form. A form he grew when in lust or holding a desire to monopolize something.
"Sweetheart. It's me.. I was just-" he knew no words put together would explain who he was and the grew a bit angry when he saw your face holding disgust or so he thought.
Huffing he sat down explaining the most he could. Leaving out parts where he would continue on another day but today he needed you, he needed to feel you, to hear your sweet sultry voice begging him to make you cum.
To his shock you werent afraid, hurting he didnt tell you before this but as you scoped closer cupping his face clearly way too big for your tiny hand
"I just wish youd told me sooner. I dont care where you're from and what you did. As long as we are together I dont want to worry about that."
Sukuna never knew words could turn him on the way it did right now. Pouncing on you continuing where he left off he was quick to remove all your clothing.
As he removed his he noted the way you stared into his chest eyeing his every feature. As though you wanted to eat him up. As he removed his underwear your mouth fell wide.
There was no way that would fit you. No way
As though he could read your mind he came to kiss you deeply
"Dont worry brat, I'll make sure to stretch you wide enough to take me. Hmm? I know my princess will do that for me wont ya?" Nodding he smacked one hand on your cunt he trailed his fingers that were so big you worried about them fitting too.
As he rubbed circles on your clit enjoying every sound that poured out from your sweet lips. As he traced the lining of your dripping pussy he collected some of your juices in his fingers before bringing them to his mouth sucking on them
"Fuck you taste so good. Cant wait to fill you with my cum."
With the end of that sentence he entered your tight hole. Fingering you slowly at first so you got used to his huge fingers. He pumped you in and out observing every twitch and shiver you showed. He sucked onto one of your breasts and the other hand rubbed deep circles on your clit and massaged your folds.
The way he fingered you were sinful, every turn and pull making you moan in delight. As he swirled his index and pointing finger to pump more juices from your dripping cunt he came down to suck on your sensitive clit flicking it with his tongue. He continued his ministrations ramming his fingers into your twitching hole.
He was observant, learning your every reaction as he curled up his fingers to reach a spot so sensitive earning a Yelp and you scurrying away from his touch only for him to pull you back with his nails digging into the soft of your thighs. Kissing you thighs biting the inner side of them.
"Did I tell you could move away from my touch brat? The next time you scurry away and I wont let you cum. Okay? and be a good little whore and lemme stretch you" his words leaving a harsh warning into your brain you knew not to move. Rather you pushed your hips to match his pace as he fingered you to your orgasm.
As you felt a gush of water on your inner thighs you were left heaving and trying to make sense of reality when he came forward lining himself towards your entrance collecting the juices your dripping pussy let out.
"Hmm..and what should I do next princess?? Hmm?"
"Please- I.. want you in me" you said nervously fidgeting with you arms as you let you arms hang on his broad shoulders. He kissed the side of your ears whispering in an octave deeper than usual
"Want what?" He teasing and licking your ears, he knew it was your sensitive spot
"I want your huge cock. Please sukuna"
"Say it clearly brat" he said slapping your boobs before sucking and nibbling your tip
"I want ...want your big dick in me.. please sukuna"
"That's it..that's all I wanted to hear my sweet whore"
As words left your mouth you felt a stretch in your tiny pussy earning a groan from the great king himself before sinking in to reach the deepest part of you that no one ever could
"Fuck you're so fucking tight" he said ramming himself into you obliterating your sweet cunt. His thrusts never slowed down only growing stronger and a tad bit faster so that you were getting accustomed to him. The stretch was so much, too much for you to handle as you felt tears spilling from your reddened cheeks you held onto him hoping you make it out out this alive because the way he was making a mess out of you you werent sure.
He continued and on noticing your tears he kissed your cheeks and lips asking if you were okay. The great king reduced to asking whether you were okay or not..times had truly changed
"Go- go a bit slower.. you're...to..too big unnhhh" you said leaving nail marks on his back earning a hiss from him and that sentence just drove him over the cliff.
Realization hit and he slowed down not so much just a bit so that his arms were on either side of you, mouth kissing your cry of pleasure away.
Soon his arms held your waist in a way to slightly hold you up and he angled himself to curve himself into you. You gasped into the air, breath leaving your lungs for a second as he smirked with the power that only he had. To make such a face out of you.
Hair messed up, body sweating and mouth left gaping open for him to steal open mouthed kisses anytime he wants. As he pulled you closer every inch of his dick now entering your tight cunny you felt your stomach bulging a bit and on looking down you found a bump of his tip. Smirking he massaged the area
"Is my dick too big for you tight cunny hm?" He said but the sight of you fucked up like this only drove him nuts making him turn your insides violently making you scream.
"Yes..you're so big. So fucking biggg...fuck su...I'm.. I'm so.."
Circling your sensitive clit he groaned into the sensation of you tightening on him "I know princess. Fuck I'm close too"
As you felt white run out you jerked your hips to match his brutal pace whimpering about how big he was and how hes ruining you.
With every thrust he grew closer to his unbecoming as he let out white strings of hot cum into your tight sweet cunny.
The sight etched into his memory, you laid out in front of him bare and vulnerable with dark marks all over your body, cunt leaking out his cum and sheets soaked with both your fluids.
This was a sight he would never forget as he laid next to you bringing you on top of him you rubbed circles on his tattooed chest admiring his chiseled body.
He brought your face up to kiss him sweetly, as though he was scared he would break you.
You fell into a deep slumber while the curse stayed awake..wondering what to be done of his new pet.
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sovtwords · 3 years
a king and his pawns
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pairing: kita shinsuke x reader x miya atsumu warnings: 18+, royalty!au, threesome (M/M/F), bisexuality, anal, double penetration, hand jobs, blow jobs, doggystyle, kissing with cum, dom/sub undertones, fluff, established relationship w/c: 7.7k a/n: -AO3 LINK HERE- This is a little side-story thing I wrote for a royal!au I haven't actually gotten around to writing yet so WELP. It's fine tho, this was written for Kita's bday and he deserves it. LOVE YOU!! This fic features men engaging in sexual acts together so if that ain't your cup of tea then feel free to back out if you're uncomfortable! I'm bad at writing smut anyway, you'd probably be doing yourself a favour lmao. Regardless, enjoy!! Please lemme know what you think.
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Kita Shinsuke was stressed. It’s not often the King loses his cool, but it seems as though life wishes to taunt him this week. Trade with Corvus has momentarily stopped due to an internal dispute meaning the Kingdom will be low on textiles for the unforeseeable future, a sudden drought has put the crops at risk, and Ginjima continues to test his patience with every new raid on the homesteads just outside of the kingdoms border - not within where Kita can arrest him, but close enough to be a thorn in his side.
He’s so very tired and so very alone, and everyone sees it as they convene for weekly meetings. They eye him with worry, yet he shrugs off every word of concern with the grace as befitting his title, though his Masters of War and Prosperity respectively eye him the most, the worry so potent on Lady Miya’s face he feels a warmth blooming in his chest. She even dares to lay a comforting hand on her king, and he allows only her to disregard her courtesies (not that she would ever forget them) and touch him. It’s nice to be treated well.
The meeting ends, and Kita is so close to retiring to his balcony to rest for a while until he notices that the happily married couple stay. “Ya alright there, Kita?” Atsumu asks, opting to drop all formalities and talk as friends like when they were younger. Kita’s glad for it.
“I’m fine,” he lies, and knows it wasn’t very convincing with the way they stare in disbelief. “Things are just tense right now. I’m sure we’re all feeling it,” he elaborates. Lady Miya takes his hand in hers once more, small fingers gripping tightly onto his. He keeps his eyes trained on them.
“That’s right, but you don’t have to burden this alone. It’s why you have your council. And you don’t have to hide anything from us. We’re here to listen to you, my King, so please – share your worries with us, so that you might feel better.”
Ah. His heart clenches with affection, and a soft smile grows on his face when he looks at the earnestness in your gaze, thumb idly stroking your fingers and momentarily forgetting that your husband is still in the room, sitting just to his left. But it’s so easy to forget that when his attention is focused on the right of the table, when Atsumu himself hasn’t said a word when normally he would screech if anyone dared get chummy with his wife, King or not.
“Thank you, my Lady. It warms my heart to know that you care so deeply,” he says carefully, pulling back with a quiet sigh. “But I’m fine, truly. I find that reading the books that you gifted to me helps me to relax.”
“I know another way ya might relax,” Atsumu interrupts before his wife gets sucked into a long conversation about stories.
“What is it?”
“Well, it’s something more suited for behind the doors of your chambers, if ya catch my drift,” Atsumu smirks, while his Lady looks appalled. Kita feels the tips of his ears burn but keeps his expression as stony as ever.
“That’s crude, Atsumu. And you know that I’m averse to…” he trails off awkwardly, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. Atsumu laughs.
“I know ya don’t take concubines. But that doesn’t stop ya from reading the spicier books in the library, does it?”
“What’s yer point, Atsumu?” He asks bluntly. Better to get whatever trick he has planned over and done with. The blonde smirks, eyes shifting between himself and his wife.
“Was just wonderin’ if ya wanted a private show, that’s all. My Lady here makes for quite the spectacle. Just a way for ya to destress.”
Lady Miya gasps loudly, a blush burning on her face as she stares at her husband in complete shock while Kita’s heart stalls in his chest.
Watch his friends while they… No. That’s a boundary he should not cross. No matter how many times his eyes have slipped downwards to where your chest is pushed upwards by the corsets of your newer dresses, or how smooth your neck looked when you lean over to discuss reports with him, he…no. Such intimacy should belong in their bedroom, not his. Right?
“Atsumu, that's not a funny joke. You should watch your mouth and apologise to your wife for embarrassing her“
“Hold on now, your highness, she didn’t say no.”
Kita blinks. Looking to where she sits, he sees the obvious humiliation on her face, clear as day as the heat on her cheeks. But with it, a look of conflict, a spark of curiosity in your eyes when they lock with his.
“I…If it pleases my King, then I don’t mind. I would do anything for my King,” she says resolutely, and the way your voice grows airy every time she speaks of his title sends sparks straight to his groin. He swallows harshly, opens and closes his mouth a few times as he feels the heat of Atsumu’s smirk boring down on him. It had definitely been a while since he’d done anything of that nature, but… was this really ok?
It’s silent for what seems like forever. Eventually Kita calls out to the servant standing outside the council room.
“Find the largest chaise you can find and have it delivered to my room. I want it there by tonight.”
God’s above, save him. He was really going through with this.
- - - - - - - -
Night has fallen, the castle is quiet.
He doesn’t know how he should act. It seems as though nobody except Atsumu knows how to act, if the way Lady Miya sits with her back straight as a pillar and arms folded politely in her lap was any indication. Atsumu lounges against the chaise in front of Kita’s bed with a drink in one hand and fingers twirling through the sash of your robe in the other , waiting for either Kita or his wife to make any sort of move, though it seems as though their nerves have gotten the best of them.
“Shy, Kita?” the blonde Lord asks. Kita gives an embarrassed furrow of his brows, but stays quiet. Atsumu chuckles. “Well then. Does my King agree to let me be the one in charge tonight?”
How treacherous of Atsumu to ask, but with no real idea on how to go about this, Kita relinquishes control with a mute nod of his head. Better to let Atsumu take the reins than for him to accidentally cross a boundary he was unsure of. Atsumu downs his wine in record time, and moves to place it on a nearby dresser before returning to his Lady. He takes hold of your face with such reverence and love that Kita has to look away and swallow down the bitter jealousy swirling like bile in his gut. He hears Atsumu whisper some reassurances to you, and nimble fingers undo the sash around your waist.
You stand up at Atsumu’s request, and he takes your spot on the chaise, posted in front of the King for his viewing pleasure. “Didn’t want ya to miss this,” Lord Miya says, and swiftly loosens your robes, letting them pool around your feet and laying bare your silky and soft flesh for Kita to see. Dark eyes rove over plump breasts, wide hips and thick thighs, and he’s convinced that no concubine in the world could ever compete with the beauty standing in front of him, made all the more sweeter that you’re a coveted treasure by your husband, making Kita the only other man to ever see you like this. It makes his cock twitch in his breeches, and makes Atsumu smile devilishly because he knows the effect this is having on his superior.
Your gasp alerts him to the fingers that have slipped between your legs from behind to cup your sex, brushing against the light hair that Kita wants nothing more than to bury his face in right now. “She’s as sweet as a peach, this one,” Atsumu coos, pressing all the right buttons and gifting Kita with moans and sighs that Angels would blush to hear. “As wet as one, too. Let’s show King Kita, shall we?”
Without prodding you sit in Atsumu’s lap and allow him to spread your legs wide, and the candlelight makes the slick gathering on your cunt and thighs glisten, Kita’s brain faltering at the sight. His body grows hot with want, with need , and he nearly rips his shirt off of his body, composure slipping with each second that passes. Atsumu offered to let him watch, but now he’s not sure if he’s content to be just a bystander.
You hum and squeal when Atsumu pushes two of his fingers past your folds, pushing in and out at a gentle pace that you’re no doubt familiar with as he prepares you for greater things to come. “Yer so quiet, Kita. Are ya not enjoying yourself?”
The Lady  looks at him then, a gentle pinch to her brows. “Are you…not satisfied with me, my King?”
Atsumu flashes an exaggerated pout over your shoulder. “Yeah, my King. After exposin’ my wife like this for ya, is she not enough?”
“She’s beautiful,” he chokes, clears his throat but it has little effect with how thick with lust his voice has grown. “She’s perfect.”
The smile on your pretty little face does funny things with his head.
“Ya hear that, my love?” Atsumu holds you close and rocks you side to side. “The King thinks yer beautiful. I dunno if many ladies can say that. Say thank you.”
“T-Thank you, my King. I’m honoured,” you grin. Kita gives you a small smile in return, though it falters at the edges when Atsumu catches you off guard and thrusts his fingers into you with great speed. It sounds wet and hot and Kita’s hand wraps around the bulge in his pants, stiff and begging to be touched, especially when the usually composed Lady Miya in front of him whimpers and pants like you’re in heat, moving your hips in sensual ways and locking eyes with Kita to steal the air from his lungs.
“A-Atsumu!” you gasp, wrapping a hand behind you to grasp the hair of your husband, but the smirk stays on his face, enjoying your plight. “Be gentle!”
“You love it,” he shushes you, planting kisses on your neck and biting down on your shoulder when you grow too rowdy. “Besides, we promised King Kita a good show, didn’t we? I have to prepare ya, don’t want ya cryin’ because yer tight hole wasn’t ready to be filled.”
You moan loudly when Atsumu brushes over your clitoris roughly, small hands moving to cover your mouth, and it’s the final push Kita needed to remove his trousers and take his cock in hand.
You watch in silence as he undresses, eyes immediately zoning in on the length and girth of his member, biting your lip for a different reason than when your husband removes his fingers from your core. Atsumu brings them up to the light to look at them curiously. They’re soaked from knuckle to fingertip, and when he pulls them apart tendrils of your slick keep them connected. Kita’s overcome with the desire to touch it, to touch you, see how you taste.
The smile Atsumu gives him sends chills through his body, as if his Master of War had read his mind.
“I think he wants a taste, my sweet,” Atsumu rubs soothing circles into your hip with his free hand, keeping his calculating eyes on his King. “What do you think?”
“The King can have whatever he wants,” is your answer, hiding a smile in your husband’s jawline while he laughs. Fuck, they were going to drive Kita insane. What surprises him even more, is instead of offering your pussy for Kita to lose himself in, Atsumu holds out his hand, like offering his fealty to the King once more as he had sworn so long ago.
“Then by all means, have a taste.”
There is a moment where it’s entirely too silent save for the heavy breathing Lady Miya is trying to get under control. A million thoughts run through Kita’s mind as his eyes flicker between Atsumu’s fingers, his childhood friends’ face, and the naked woman before him. It feels like entirely new territory, uncharted waters that Kita has only thought about dipping his toes into before running back out for fear of falling too deep into the water.
But in Atsumu’s eyes there's nothing but trust and desire, and in your eyes there's encouragement and adoration. His heart hammers in his chest, and burns with the overwhelming love and support from his closest. It makes his limbs move before his brain can catch up, leaning forward with his mouth opening while Atsumu’s grin grows wider, taking the digits in his mouth before hesitation can settle.
It’s strange, to suck on your best friend’s fingers, long and thick in his mouth, calloused from years of sword fighting as his tongue brushes against the pads of his fingertips. He can barely taste the saltiness of his skin though, as your sweet juices invade his senses like a summer wine, pure and sweet like the woman they came from. He grabs hold of Atsumu’s wrist when he makes to remove them, licking and scraping his teeth on them in a way that makes Atsumu’s breath hitch with widened eyes, and Kita mentally records it as a win before slowly releasing with a pop, lines of spit breaking the further away Kita gets as he takes his place on his bed once more, precum leaking from his slit.
It is Lady Miya who breaks Atsumu out of his trance with a gentle hand cupping his cheek and turning his attention back to the situation at hand. The smile on your face is light-hearted, if not mischievous, a gleam to your eye letting Kita know that you enjoyed what you just witnessed. “I think, dear husband, I’m ready to get fucked hard for the King.”
An impish grin blooms on Atsumu’s flushed face immediately at his wife’s forwardness. Honestly, Kita had never expected the Lady to be this way. You had always been on the reserved side, befitting your rank and lessons in etiquette. Quiet, polite, spoke when spoken to. If someone had told him a few years ago when Atsumu had introduced you to Kita when you were still giving the twins lessons in etiquette that he would be witnessing you in such a lewd position and answering all of the fantasies he had locked away, he would have almost laughed out loud at the absurd notion.
Funny how life works.
“Should we let his Royal Highness choose how I do it?” The blonde pushes his hair out of his eyes, and both Lord and Lady Miya look at him, eyes alight with interest.
“I…,” Kita clears his throat, brain bringing forth images of every position imaginable. He squeezes the base of his cock. Save it for the grand finale. “I want the Lady on her hands and knees facing me.”
That causes Atsumu to laugh in delight.
“Ah, takin’ her from behind, like mounting a bitch in heat,” he snorts. You pout at the language, but Atsumu kisses it away, lips pressing lightly against the bridge of your nose until you’re smiling again. “Never would’ve assumed ya liked it that way. Not very proper, is it?” Atsumu comments.
“Are you here to question your King on what he likes in bed, or are you going to deliver on your promise and show me somethin’ good?” Kita remarks.
Atsumu delivers another laugh as he lifts his wife off of his lap and places her onto the soft, cushioned chaise lounge as promised, knees spread apart and encouraging you to lean onto your elbows.
For a moment, as Atsumu undresses, he regrets not choosing a position that allows him to watch more closely as he enters in and out of you, but any complaints he has dies when Atsumu spits into his hand and rubs at his stiff member, lining it up with your entrance. Kita nearly cums all over his hand when he locks eyes with the woman across from him as Atsumu pushes in with a sigh of relief, no doubt seeking any sort of pleasure for his aching cock just like Kita. At least he has a pussy to bury himself in. King Kita just has his fist.
Your eyes flutter as Atsumu goes deeper into your tight cavern, groaning and furrowing your brows while you clutch onto the chair beneath you. You whimper when he bottoms out, and are only given a moment to adjust while Atsumu looks at Kita in question.
‘Shall I start?’, he seems to say.
Kita nods, and watches in perverse fascination as Atsumu rears his hips back and thrusts forward once more, making you choke on a scream as he sets a relentless pace, not holding anything back.
Your moans mix with yelps and screams of pleasure as your husband pounds into you from behind, round hands on soft hips and curls loosening from where they were pinned back on your head. Kita’s eyes stay glued to where your tits bounce with the force, hand finally giving him some relief and stroking his weeping cock, unwinding some of the tension in his shoulders and stoking the fire in his gut. He wants to reach out and fondle your chest, your nipples, but stays his hand, fear of crossing that damned boundary getting to him.
Atsumu is loud, he realises, almost as loud as his wife is right now. He groans and he growls like a wild animal, so overcome by the feeling of his Lady, of everything that she is, and praises fall from his lips like the water rushes down the mountain’s peaks.
“F-Fuck, yer so tight, I love it,” he grits, reaching over to grab hold of your chest like Kita wanted to do so badly. “So wet for me, for your King. Ya love getting fucked in front of him, practically beggin’ me for weeks.”
Kit almost feels as if he shouldn’t be hearing this conversation, but such crude words make him fist his cock faster, wet with precum and helping him ease the friction of hand to dick.
“A-Atsumu, I-”
“Don’t lie,” he laughs. He pinches your nippple roughly, and earns himself a gasp. “Every time ya called me yer sweet King, you were thinkin’ ‘bout him, too. Weren’t ya?”
You can say nothing, only look at your ruler with unbridled lust in your eyes. It’s getting harder to breathe now as he pumps his dick in time with his friend’s thrusts, entranced by the look on your face and Atsumu’s voice.
“Thought s-so,” Atsumu stutters when he rubs at your clit and you squeez hard. “Well, I’d do anythin’ for ya. Guess that includes fuckin’ ya silly in front of your King.”
Atsumu tsk’s and lifts your torso up so Kita can have the best seat in the house. Eyes stay glued to where they are connected, pistoning in and out of your walls and glistening with your slick. It brings forth images of wanting to get closer, let his tongue feel the both of them at once but it's so outlandish that it brings heat to his cheeks and pushes him closer to his release, chest heaving with exertion as everyone in the room reaches a crescendo like a symphony of sex.
That is until Atsumu stops abruptly, and it's so sudden and odd when the sounds of skin slapping cease that it causes everyone to lose their high, cooling down with irritation and impatience.
Atsumu's chest heaves air with great effort, yet his eyes are sharp as he regards his King.
"I think," he starts, easing out of his wife slowly, making you whine at the loss. "King Kita is lookin' a lil lonely. And it's our duty as his advisors and subjects to serve the King, right my love?"
You blink in surprise, when a smile curls at the corner of your lips, one that you definitely learned from your husband. Affection blooms on Atsumu's face at your reaction.
"We should give him a hand," the blonde declares, and suddenly he's carrying his wife over to the royal bed, laying you down gently against the rich, maroon satins and silks, hair splayed around you in rivulets like water. With equal parts curiosity and hesitation lacing his limbs, he moves further up the bed at Atsumu's insistence, coming face to face with you as you smiled kindly at him, lidded eyes and bottom lip plump from where you bite it.
He gives you one in return, one of the rare, genuine smiles he reserves for when he's with his closest and when he's happy. The sound of a throat clearing snaps his attention back to where Atsumu kneels at the end of the bed, cock bouncing against his lower stomach with every shift on the featherbed.
"Does my King allow us to do as we please with him?"
It's almost embarrassing how quickly he says yes, aching to feel the touch of something other than his own hand for once. Atsumu smirks.
Moving closer, all three find themselves huddled in a circle of sorts, with two sets of eyes hungrily staring at him. Atsumu looks at his wife, and she stares right back. It becomes apparent to Kita then and there, that there is no imbalance between them. Though you may fold your hands when appropriate and open your mouth when addressed in broad daylight, though Atsumu’s words and hands guide you behind closed doors and you part your legs for him like a blossoming flower, they are, without a doubt, equals in every sense of the word. Atsumu gazes at you with such adoration it would give the poets something to sing about for centuries to come, and he is certain that if you were to give an order, Atsumu would bend and do it for you, no questions asked.
It’s funny - the Master of War and the Master of Prosperity; two things that could never work hand in hand, but ultimately make for a wonderful pair.
And it makes Kita’s heart yearn for even a drop, an ounce of what they share, for someone to look at him the way they do each other.
“Maybe I should give you some tips on how to go about it, my sweet,” Atsumu says, and it’s all the warning Kita gets before a large, rough hand wraps itself around his member. He jerks at the feeling, eyes wide at the blonde smirking before him, and he looks frantically at the Lady beside him who offers nothing more than a demure upturn of her lips.
“What are you doing?” demands Kita, but the words end in a choke when Atsumu’s thumb swipes over the head of his cock.
“I’m showin’ my wife how to please ya.”
“I-I think she w-would..” Kita has to stop talking to emit a whimper when Atsumu’s hand squeezes his dick. He swallows hard. “I think she would know how to please a man by now.”
“Hmm, yer right. She sure does know how to get me going, but…”
He removes his hand from Kita’s shaft for a brief moment to lift his wife’s leg, dragging a hand through your thighs and bringing it back to Kita’s erection, now slick with his wife’s juices and providing smoother friction.
“No harm in remindin’ her of the lessons. Watch carefully, love.”
It moves expertly up and down his length, knowing when to twist and squeeze, when to go fast and slow. Kita’s hips jerk up into Atsumu’s hand, unable to help the sighs and moans flying out from his chest. It feels good, so so so good, and a softer, more feminine pair of hands scrape gently over his chest, toying with his pert nipples and sending sparks straight down to his groin.
“He seems to like that,” you whisper, pressing your lips to the pulse in his neck. Kita is positive it must be ready to burst from his skin right now, yet still you suck and nip and paint his skin in the most delicate hues while your husband’s hand increases in speed. His other hand reaches down to fondle Kita’s balls, heavy and begging for release. Whines and whimpers grow louder as he approaches that sweet edge.
Atsumu hums. “He’s got a pretty cock, doesn’t he, my love? I bet you’re just drippin’ thinkin’ ‘bout it inside ya. Hungry for another man's dick.”
You shiver from your spot beside Kita, a hand scratching at his scalp and sending tingles down his spine, and a pink tongue poking out to lick at his nipples.
“P-Please…” Kita begs.
“Well, ’m hungry myself,” Atsumu continues, and swiftly dips down to take the head of Kita’s cock into his mouth, sucking hard while his hand never ceases its upwards and downwards motion. It's wet and hot, and the swirling of Atsumu's tongue around his tip, lapping up the precum that had gathered is enough to make Kita moan aloud in surprise and pleasure. His face glowing red as he desperately thrusts into Atsumu's mouth but his brain is too clouded with lust to feel embarrassed at this moment.
His fingers grip onto rich bed sheets as he loses himself in the heat of Atsumu’s mouth, that mischievous tongue of his being put to good use and stroking the vein on the underside of his prick before bobbing up and down in time with his hand. It’s almost overwhelming, feeling tongues on different parts of his body but it feels glorious, to have these mouths worship and love him like he craves but never says aloud.
It feels like Atsumu’s mouth is barely on him for a moment before Kita is grasping onto the nearest things he could latch onto, Atsumu’s head of hair and your hand conveniently already in his, and he holds onto both for dear life as he cums with a loud and long groan, releasing into his friends mouth with surprise and twitching with the aftershocks when Atsumu keeps him in his mouth for a tad too long.
“T-Too much, please,” he stutters, and Atsumu takes pity on him for the time being, laughing at how wild and unkempt his King looks right now.
“I guess you’ll have to test out yer skills next time. Come here,” hands reach for his Lady’s face, and he lets drops of Kita’s cum still in his mouth fall into your own open and awaiting jaws, sealing it with a kiss that’s all tongue and wildness. The perverse sight of them sharing his fluids makes his cock twitch to life again with alarming speed, but it’s also the words echoing in his ears that stick with him.
Next time. Implying that this won’t be a once off thing, a strange night to remember for years to come.
It makes him hard in seconds, even after spilling his seed in his friend's mouth.
If the couple beside him are surprised at his recovery time, only Lady Miya shows it with a raise of your eyebrows in pleasant surprise.
“Do you wish for more, my King?” you ask, traces of his load shining on the corners of your lips. He stops himself from reaching over to lick it off.
“Yes,” Kita sighs, and his chest seems to deflate with the motion, his words needy and wanting. “Please - keep going.”
“What do you want? Anything for you,” your hand cups his face with such gentleness he could cry. How sad it must be, for the simple touch of a person could be enough to shake him.
“I n-need you, I want you on top of me-” he has to stop himself with a sharp intake of breath. Eyes wide with fear look over to where Atsumu sits, a uncharacteristically stoic look on his face that makes Kita’s anxiety flare up. After a moment of silent contemplation, he opens his mouth.
“Does my King command it?”
It offers Kita a moment to rethink his words, to retrace his steps before they were taken. And as he looks at the faces of his friends for any signs of discomfort, looks at you for clear rejection, he sees no hesitation or resistance in either of their expressions. Only eagerness, anticipation for what could come. It strengthens his resolve.
“He does,” Kita says, with the air and grace of the King in power he is. And Atsumu grins like that cat who got the cream.
“Perfect,” he sings. “Lay back, yer Grace. Let us do everythin’ for ya.”
Doing as told, Kita finds himself a comfortable spot against the pillows and cushions, cock resting hard on his belly and watching as Atsumu coaxes his wife to straddle his hips. Hands fly instinctively to the squishy flesh of your hips and thighs, smooth like satin, and his grip on you only grows tighter once he feels just how wet you are, practically dripping onto his lower abdomen. It drives him mad with excitement, knowing he’s seconds away from shoving himself into your tight hole.
“Go on,” Atsumu encourages when you look back at him in question. “I’ll help ya when ya need me.”
Biting your lip, you peer down at Kita.
“I’m ready,” he assures you with a squeeze of your hips. You reach down to grab his member and he hisses when you pump him a few times, dragging it up and down your soaked folds. He worries his bottom lip at the sensation, and just when he gets used to it you line him up with your entrance and begin to sink down on him, ever so slowly.
He loses the ability to breathe when your warm heat engulfs him. His eyelids flutter, his toes curl, and they haven’t even gotten to the best part yet. Atsumu hums in approval when you finally sink down, hips flush with Kita’s, sighing in unison. You can’t help the grinding of your hips, trying to accommodate his size and girth, but it makes him growl and still your hips. “Give me a second,” he pleads. And you do, leaning down to give him his first kiss of the night. He can taste himself on your tongue, taste Atsumu along with him, and your tongues tentatively brush and move against each other as you grow accustomed to the feeling of your lips on the others.
He catches his breath when you pull away, blinking out of a stupor, and it seems as though Atsumu has had enough with waiting, for he clears his throat loudly. “Ready to get started?” They both nod. “Good.”
With that said, Atsumu holds on tightly to your hips, hands over Kita’s that stay locked on your flesh, and begins to slowly lift you off of his cock, only to push right back down. Kita groans at the fluttering of your gummy walls around him, head thrown against the pillows while Atsumu increases the speed and pace with which he picks his wife's body up, getting you into a mindblowing rhythm and bouncing you on Kita’s member.
Atsumu certainly dictates the speed and rhythm right now, and the coil in Kita’s gut begins to make a reappearance with every clench of your pussy around him. You’re both at the mercy of Atsumu, who alternates between stealing the air from Kita’s lungs with bringing your hips down hard and fast, or slowly and maddeningly gyrating your hips so that Kita presses against every spot inside of you, massaging that sweet, spongy flesh hidden deep inside that has you gasping out a strange mix of their names and clawing onto Kita’s chest for stability.
“That feel good?” Atsumu asks. He’s met with a chorus of moans and whines from his Lady and his King, but he isn’t satisfied with that. “I said, does that feel good?”
“Y-Yes, my Lord!” You gasp, and are rewarded with kisses and nips to your neck by your husband. Dark eyes peer at Kita over your shoulder, demanding an answer from him as well.
“Yes,” the white haired man grunts. “F-Feels so fuck- fucking good.”
“My, my! Our King has a naughty mouth. My sweet, how does his cock feel?”
Your moans are light and breathless when Atsumu rocks your hips back and forth. Your juices stain Kita’s abdomen, and he’s tempted to reach out and swipe some up on his finger to lick. “He feels so big! So so so big, it’s too much, it’s- oh!”
Kita is almost as surprised as you are when Atsumu guides his King’s hand to your swollen folds, showing him how to rub at your clit with practiced motions. You careen in response, hips moving erratically and crying about how good it feels.
“Tell him, not me,” Atsumu laughs.
“Oh, my King, my sweet King, you feel amazing. I love your cock so much, stuffin’ me full, I can’t take it, I love it I love it I love it!”
Your praise, your words, the heat of your cunt; it all goes straight to his head and his heart, and the coil in his gut tightens dangerously, ready to burst his seed into you and fill you up, but Atsumu has your plans before he can reach his peak.
Atsumu lifts your hips up one final time, but doesn't bring them back down. The disappointment in the room is immeasurable, denied a high once more when they were just so close to falling off the edge. Lady Miya whines loudly and impatiently, having been denied her orgasm twice now.
"I know, baby, I know," Atsumu coos, pets your hair and soothes the furrow of your brows. "But I was gettin' a lil lonely over here. I wanna join in."
Your eyes light up in question, staring at him questioningly and obeying when he orders you to bend over. Chest to chest with Kita, the King cradles you closely, brushes loose strands of hair out of your eyes, and allows himself a simple peck to your lips, one that you return with two of your own.
But you jump in shock when Atsumu spreads your cheeks apart and spits loudly onto your rear.
"Atsumu! You...you mean to-"
"Shh. You trust me, don't ya?"
"Always," she answers without hesitation, and the smile he gives you is warm and full of love.
"Then just wait," he rubs a finger over your puckered hole, spreading the spit and watching in fascination how it responds to his touches. He loves your cunt like a drunk loves his wine, but your ass is just as addictive. Really, any part of you is more than enough for him.
You bite your lip when a finger dips in, struggling to accommodate the invasive digit. Kita distracts you with more kisses, hands on your breasts, pulling at your hardened nipples and drinking in your moans like he's breathing in the fresh air of the morning.
"You are so beautiful," he whispers in your ear, watching over your shoulder as Atsumu adds a second finger, pumps them in and out so carefully. The blonde reaches around to lightly toy with your clit - not enough to make you cum, but enough to make you relax and less restrictive. "He's lucky to have married ya."
"Shinsuke," she sighs into his own ears, and it sends shivers down his spine. It's very rare people can address him as Kita without his title, let alone his first name, but it sounds so beautiful coming from the lips of his friends.
"Yer doin' so well," Atsumu praises, free hand massaging the globe of your ass cheek once Kita’s clumsy fingers take over the role of rubbing your nub. "Stretchin' ya out real good. You want both of our cocks, don't ya?"
"I do, I want them so bad-"
"Think you can handle us?"
"Yes, please! God, Tsumu, I wanna be stuffed with both of your cocks-"
"Damn, you get loud when yer needy." Atsumu drags his erection through the folds of your pussy, gathering as much of your juices to coat his dick once again before he lines it up with your back entrance. "We'll take things nice and slow."
It seems as if Atsumu is reassuring more than just his wife with that statement, and Kita is grateful for it.
You bite down on the skin of his shoulder when Atsumu removes his fingers and presses the tip of his dick at your hole. You’re clenching hard and gasping at the stretch, and Kita works with Atsumu to soothe your cries and kiss away your tears.
He kisses your lips when you give a harsh wail as Atsumu presses in further, not even halfway in yet but groaning at how tight it feels. He spits once again where you're both connected while you twitch and sigh as Kita's fingers return to your swollen bud.
"Yer doing amazing, such a good girl," Kita peppers your cheeks with light kisses, and with one last thrust Atsumu is fully seated with his cock in your ass, glassy eyed and chest heaving with tension as he gives the pair of you a moment to adjust.
He bends over to lick and kiss a line up your spine. "Your turn Shinsuke." Kita stalls, wondering for a moment if you really are ready to take them both at once, but Atsumu mistakes his silence for hesitation. "Need help with that?"
Lord Miya reaches down to gently guide Kita towards your sopping hole, and he sucks in a breath as your hips lower agonisingly slow to sink down on him until both of their members are filling you to the brim.
You're a panting and whining mess atop of him, fighting to catch your breath whilst Kita fights to make sense of what he's feeling right now. He can nearly feel Atsumu press against him through a thin layer inside of your pussy, every budge of his hips making his chest tighten at the friction.
"Tell us when to move," your husband says. After a moment of getting used to the stretch with little twitches of your hips, you nod frantically.
"I'm OK, you can move."
"I'll let Kita do the honours," Atsumu smirks.
Lifting his legs higher up the bed for leverage, Kita gives an experimental thrust into your core. It feels so good when you clamp down with a whimper, and so he does it again, and again, until he's set a slow but steady rhythm and enjoys the look of pleasure on your face, the way you bite your bottom lip to keep from moaning too loud but failing miserably.
Gradually becoming more comfortable and succumbing to pleasure, Atsumu begins to move gently, pulling out slowly and pressing back in, so as not to disrupt Kita’s flow but your reaction is immediate, a sharp gasp and a whine for more, arching your back and trying to reach behind to your husband. He leans over to allow you to thread fingers through his hair, and begins to grind faster into you, trying to match Kita’s pace and intensity.
“S-Shit, yer so tight, yer... fuck-” he curses and stutters his hips. “God I love ya- I love ya so much.”
“Please, g-give me m-more!”
“My pretty little slut,” he coos, and you sob into Kita’s chest. ��So- fuck, so fuckin’ greedy. You wanna get fucked hard?”
“Gods, yes! I want to be full of your cum, please please please-”
“S-Shit,” he swears, and Kita watches as the careful, calculated look Atsumu kept in his eyes all night suddenly turns wild, frenzied, just about ready to tear you apart like you desired. “You asked for it, pretty girl.” He gives Kita a look. “Ready?”
The King nods. “Ready.”
The blondes' lips curl up at the edges, and you’re only given a moment before both sets of cocks begin ramming into you with such great force that it has you falling on top of Kita, where he wraps his arms around your frame to keep you steady. Words turn into coherent babbles and cries as they piston in and out of you in near perfect unison, and it’s the friction Kita so desperately craved as your wet walls and Atsumu’s shaft rub him so deliciously that his orgasm rears it head once more, building so perfectly and steadily that he feels like he’s reaching Cloud Nine.
Kita unwinds one of his arms from around your waist to reach Atsumu’s ass to give the flesh an affectionate squeeze, causing him to meet Kita’s eyes over your head. Atsumu leans down to capture Kita’s lips in a sloppy kiss, one that’s more tongue and spit and passion than anything else, and the King barely has any second to catch air when he pulls away before your tongue prods at his lips, lips that he opens willingly like heavenly gates. And when Atsumu joins in again, and he feels two messy sets of tongues invade his mouth, one rough and demanding, the other soft and sweet, he can do nothing more than let out a whine and try to keep up with the wonderful sensations taking hold of his body.
He’s given some reprieve when Atsumu pulls back to sit up, grasping at your hips and fucking into you so fast you’re stupefied, mouth hanging open and drooling on Kita’s chest. He doesn’t mind - rather, he doesn’t really notice, too busy focusing on your bouncing tits in front of his eyes, on the occasional brush of Atsumu’s sack on his skin, and the rising coil in his gut, ready to snap at any moment.
Hips jump erratically off the bed when Atsumu rubs at your clit hard and fast, nearly crushing Kita’s cock from how tightly you squeeze the both of them as your husband brings you to your mind shattering end.
“I’m cumming! I’m- I-”
It’s all you’re able to say as your peak washes over you in waves of heat, and he feels your juices gush out on top of his skin as you do so. Fuck, he’s nearly there, so close, just a bit more-
“I’m c-close, I’m so close-” Kita stutters.
“Cum for me,” Atsumu growls, pounding into your ass with abandon while you fall onto Kita’s torso, arms wrapped around his neck and sobbing so pitifully in his ear. “Cum for us, Shinsuke.”
It’s the push he needed. He’s shooting his seed into your core with a strangled shout, pumping load after load right into you while Atsumu follows, unloading into your ass with a curse and a moan of your name, going balls deep and spilling all that he has while your walls milk them for all that they have.
Atsumu collapses on top of both of you with a tired sigh, and while Kita’s body protests at the added weight, his mouth can’t quite catch up with his brain at the moment, so he simply lays there as the heat of the room falls over all of you like a blanket.
Both cocks begin to soften inside of you. Ever so gently, they pull out, seed escaping your holes and dripping slowly onto the sheets as you whine at the loss and clench around nothing, feeling so terribly empty and almost wishing they had stayed inside of you. But it gives you an opportunity to rest, and Atsumu flips you on your side until he’s laying you down on the bed, littering kisses all over your body and singing praises about how well you did for them, how much of a good girl you are.
You smile sleepily, exhaustion overtaking your limbs, and Kita can only cup your face and rub his thumbs on your cheekbones, uncertain if kissing you would be crossing a line now that the deed has been done. You arch into his touch while Atsumu leaves to get a cloth.
“Was that ok for you, my King?”
Ah. Of course you would put him above yourself. He smiles warmly at that.
“That was wonderful. You were perfect,” he answers honestly, and you practically glow with pride at his words. When Atsumu returns, Kita takes the cloth, opting to be the one to clean the mess between your legs. It’s the least he could do after all that they’ve done for him.
It grows silent once he finishes, looking over to see Atsumu holding you close from behind. Your eyelids are drooping and your eyes grow hazy with every kiss and rub Atsumu gives to you, yet when Kita is about to excuse himself, to find solitude in a bath and let the married couple have his bedchambers for the night, you reach out to him, wanting to hold him, his face, to bring it close to you and trap him for the night.
“Are you sure it’s alright for me to…” he trails off with uncertainty. Atsumu snorts, offering him a kind and warm smile.
“The Lady always gets what she wants,” he jokes, and Kita lets out a fond laugh. “Besides - yer the King.”
“I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” he replies. And he means it. But his heart begs for the opposite, for you to not let him go and let him rest his head on your heart.
It seems as though you hear his thoughts.
“I want you to stay,” you murmur, sleepy but resolute in your words. “Do you want to stay?”
His eyes flicker back and forth between husband and wife. He could leave. He could end things right here, pretend like tonight never happened and go on existing as King like he always has. Things would become too complicated if he stayed. He knows this. And yet…
“I do,” he whispers, and curls into the warmth of your chest while Atsumu rubs at his hair with a fondness not common in him. Kita feels, for once in his life, at home. No castle too big and warm can ever compare to this. “I do want to stay.”
“Well then,” Atsumu says warmly, while you finish his sentence.
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
Spoiled Rotten - Toji Fushiguro
Half baked gangster/shady business dealer toji fushiguro idea...hope ya like it lol. Femme reader, 3k words
Content warningsss: a lot a lot of the word daddy lol, drinking, biting, drug usage(cocaine to be specific)
“There’s my little minx.” It’s his deep, smoky voice that you hear first when you open your door one late Friday night, dripping in an expensive borderline too short silk dress. A cropped white fur coat is your only protection against the crisp night air, the rest of your body - bare legs, open chest and feet clad in high heels - is exposed.
“Hey daddy.” You purr, sliding into his waiting arms. The scent of Toji’s cologne engulfs you, the warmth from his own thick fur coat surrounding you as he kisses the top of your head.
“See you got the purse I sent.” He pulls away slightly, thumbing the chain of the purse he had sent over this morning.
“Mhmm, I love it. Exactly my style.” Beaming up at him, you giggled as he slid an arm low around your waist.
“Daddy knows his girl well.” His hand dips down to squeeze your ass and then he’s closing your door, nudging you to the chauffeured blacked out SUV waiting on the street. “Now let's get going.”
As soon as you’re in the car, you’re seated in Toji’s lap, his thick legs spread out to support you. He keeps a hand on your back to keep you steady as the car rocks, and the other hand is high on your thigh, thumbing the hem of the dress just barely covering you.
“You look so fucking sexy.” Gripping your thigh, Toji lets out a low groan. “Gonna be the prettiest girl in that whole place.”
“Thank you daddy.” You press a few kisses to his jaw, lightly staining his skin with your lipstick.
“I got you a gift, I want you to wear it tonight.” Leaning over, he flips a compartment open in the center console and pulls out a velvet box. Curiously, you take it and unwrap it quickly.
“Oh wow!” Inside the box is a drop pearl necklace, delicate gold chain weighed down by a single pearl and then a slightly smaller one above it.
“Lemme put it on for you.” Shrugging your jacket down your shoulders, you sit as still as possible as Toji places the necklace on you. The pearl dips down your chest, nestling right at the curve of your breasts. “What a fucking treasure.” His fingers skim along the edges of the necklace, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
You kiss him as a thank you, the scar on the edge of his lip a familiar sensation. He smiles into the kiss, hand coming up to grab your chin softly and open your mouth. Sliding his tongue past your teeth, you let out a squeak as the car comes to a full stop.
“We’re here, sir.” The chauffeur announces, knowing better than to say anything else or to look at Toji without permission.
“Let’s go doll.” Sliding you off his lap, Toji opens the door and helps you out. There’s a gust of wind that whips as you step out, almost making you jump back into the car. Pulling you closer to him, Toji doesn’t let you escape that easily.
“This the new club you opened?” Fixing your gaze on the bright, warm flashing light bulbs in front of you, you do your best to ignore the cold. It looks like something straight out of a movie: overly buff doormen, a long line of people dressed to the nines hoping to get in before the club closes. There’s VIP guests mingling outside, some smoking cigarettes while some are clearly high.
“Boss.” One of the bouncers nods and lets the two of you in without question. Immediately you’re thrust into the hustling club, scantily clad waitresses passing by with trays of drinks for wealthy clients sitting at semi-circular tables along the wall. Red velvet lines every seat and gold accents drip from the ceilings.
There’s a dance floor in the middle of the club, crowded with people trying to have a good time. Toji always knew how to throw a party, a star DJ headlining the opening night. All it takes is a nod to a member of his security team and you’ve got a strongly mixed drink in your hand, the fruity pink color doing nothing to hide the hard bite of alcohol.
“Whaddya think?” Toji asks over the music, taking your jacket off your shoulders and handing it to someone along with his own coat. With the garment now off you can see his physique more clearly in a crisp fitted black button up and slacks, the tight shirt highlighting his muscles perfectly.
“It’s great!”
“There’s more floors, follow me.” To the side of the room is a stairway tucked away he leads you to, a few people mingling along the steps. The sound of the pumping bass fades away and the atmosphere shifts.
Coming upon the second floor, you’re greeted by a room full of card games. Poker, blackjack and roulette tables were full of people playing, mountains of chips just waiting to be bet.
“I thought you weren’t allowed to open a casino?” His proposition to open this part of the club had been rejected last you’d heard.
“Yeah well the mayor owes me a few favors.” Patting your shoulder, Toij flicks his chin out to the room. “Wanna play a game, baby?”
“Okay!” Flitting away to a blackjack table, you could feel the eyes following you, sizing you up first and then landing Toji. There were several people here that would love to take you home, you could feel it in the way they eyed your legs and bare shoulders and it made a satisfied smirk worm its way onto your face, putting a bit more obvious sway in your hips as you walked.
“Putting on a show I see.” Toji chuckled as he sat down at an open table, immediately pulling you onto his lap. Waving his hand, a stack of chips are brought to the table and put in front of him, and another drink is brought for you.
You played the game of blackjack marginally well, not particularly caring if you won or lost. It was all Toji’s money after all, he would win it back and then some by the end of the night. There was no need to worry about playing smart, all you had to do was have fun.
“Shit, lost again.” You huffed, seeing the last of your chips taken away.
“Let’s play some poker, some friends of mine just walked in.” Getting up and moving tables, you greeted the friends Toji was talking about. They were people you’d seen before, and you could make decent conversation with them, but when you were seated at the poker table there wasn’t space to talk.
Toji kept you snuggly in his lap, one hand cupping just under your ass every time you moved and kissing the top of your head as you snuggled into his shoulder. Following along with the cards, you helped him play, earning back a few chips and slightly redeeming yourself from blackjack.
“Daddy, I wanna go dance.” You whispered in Toji’s ear forty-five minutes later, getting antsy and bored.
“Go have fun baby, I’ll catch up in a few.” Sliding you off his lap, Toji kissed your hand and sent you on your way. There was a security guard trailing you, one he’d hired to be with you whenever the two of you went out.
“Can you get me a drink? Just the same one I’ve been having will do!” Patting the burly man on the shoulder, you grinned widely as he nodded and left to the bar. You didn’t have to wait long for him to come back, handing you the drink silently.
Downing it quickly, you hopped onto the packed dance floor. The bass vibrated strongly from the floor up your legs, making your feet go numb the longer you danced. You tried to keep an eye out for Toji, see when he came downstairs so you could drag him onto the floor, but he took far too long to keep your interest.
Dancing with multiple different people, you paid no mind to the hands that glided along the small of your back or across your arms. It all added to the experience of the club, the music drowning out any attempts at conversation.
The ache in your feet couldn’t be ignored any longer now. A good number of songs had passed and you were tired. Not bothering to look for Toji, you sauntered over to the bar, the security guard snagging you an empty seat with ease.
Downing a glass of water and ordering another drink, you spun around in the bar stool and scanned the club. It was packed with even more people and as the front doors swung open you could see the line to get in was still as packed as ever.
“Hey, how’s it going?” A voice cut into the little bubble you’d made for yourself, a flash of white streaking across the corner of your vision.
“Hm?” Turning to face whoever had just sat down, you were face to face with a lanky man with wild white hair, black sunglasses low on his nose to reveal sharp blue eyes.
“I saw you dancing earlier, you looked really sexy.”
“Thanks.” You were unimpressed and he could tell by your tone. Crossing your legs, you turned fully back to the bar and swirled your drink, the scent of alcohol wafting up to your nose as you took a sip. The stranger’s eyes roamed all over you, drinking in the expanse of slightly sweaty skin before him.
“I’m Gojo.” He stuck a hand out, flashing you a grin as he waited for you to shake it.
“(Y/N).” Grabbing his hand with your thumb and forefinger, you shook it. You weren’t really interested in the man, but after taking another look over your shoulder and not seeing Toji, you shrugged slightly. No harm in entertaining yourself for a bit.
“Such a pretty name for a pretty girl.”
“Thanks.” The cheesy line made you snort, a smile spreading on your cheeks despite yourself.
“Even prettier when you smile.”
“You really are a charmer, huh?” Leaning your head on your fist, you sized him up. He wasn’t particularly well dressed, just good enough to get in.
“Depends, is it working?”
“Depends. Buy me a drink?”
You end up making conversation with Gojo far longer than anticipated, somehow getting wrapped up in a story he’s telling that sounds too good to be true. He’d bought you two more drinks and you were certainly feeling the effects.
You were leaning far too close to him, nearly sliding off your own stool as your legs tangled with his. Your chest had dipped forward, the necklace dangling off your neck and the neckline of your dress plunging lower. A hand was now resting on his forearm, gripping it tighter as you laughed at something stupid he said.
“You’re so stupid!” You’re laughing far too loudly but you’re too tipsy to care. Toji’s prolonged absence had irked you enough that you didn’t care who saw you cozying up to this new guy; you wished someone had the nerve to say something to you, or better yet go right to him and tell him that his little minx had her eyes on a new prize.
“I’m tellin’ ya it’s the truth!” Gojo laughs right back, stretching out his long arms and putting one around the side of your seat, caging you in even more. Giggling at the absurdity of what he just said, your gaze snakes out across the club, out past the intimate little space you’re in.
Toji is sitting right at a VIP table a few feet away, his jaw cocked to the side and a pissed off look in his eyes. When you make eye contact, you giggle again and blow him a kiss, turning back to Gojo and putting a hand high on his shoulder, nearly wrapping it around his neck as you laugh extra loud in spite.
“How’s the liquor treating you, baby?” Gojo asks, rubbing a hand up and down your arm. The sound of his voice calling you that name doesn’t hit the same as with Toji, but you let it slide.
“Just fine.” You croon, fixing Gojo with your best smile and making his already pink cheeks flush a little deeper. Out of the corner of your eye you can see Toji sit up a little straighter and his sleeves have been pushed up to his elbows, baring his flexed forearms.
Looking directly at Toji, your fingers slid up the back of Gojos neck, finding the hair at his nape and twirling it between your fingers. Scraping your nails lightly against his neck, you’re not listening at all to what he’s saying now. An excited ripple runs through you, settling in your stomach as Toji stands up.
“Alright, funs over.” He huffs, yanking your hand off Gojo and pushing him away from you.
“What the fuck!” Gojo shouts, clearly startled by the sudden intrusion.
“Look who decided to show up.” You quip, pulling your hand from his grasp and waving over the bartender. “I’ll have another, thanks.”
“Get lost pal.” Gojo attempts to push Toji away but the man doesn’t budge. He tries to grab your wrist again but Gojo stops him, grabbing onto his arm tightly. “Hey, don’t touch-”
“Shut the fuck up.” Toji grunts, glaring harshly at Gojo. “Don’t get involved with shit you don’t know about.” You have to bite back a giggle behind your drink as Gojos mouth hangs open slightly. Grabbing your shoulder, Toji gets you to turn halfway to him. “You’ve had your fun, lets go.”
“Mmmm…” Tapping your chin, you pretend to think it over. “No thanks.” You can practically see his blood boiling, even more so when you put a hand on Gojo’s knee.
“You really want to play this game, baby?” Cocking his head to the side, Toji fixes you with an intense look. He’s pissed at how flirtatious you’ve been, but you know he loves it - otherwise there wouldn’t be the slight uptick to his mouth.
You get to take one sip from your drink before it’s taken out of your hand and you’re pulled from the bar stool. Toji has a tight grip on your wrist, almost enough to hurt as he drags you away from the bar.
Pulling you back up the stairs, he takes you to a side hallway and into a room tucked away, quickly locking the door behind him.
“Just can’t fucking help yourself, huh?” Toji barks when the door closes, pushing you into the room. It’s a decent sized office with two small plush couches facing each other, an opulent circular coffee table in the middle.
“I was bored, you took too long.” Pouting on one of the couches, you cross your arms under your breasts and push them up, looking away dramatically as Toji sits down next to you with his legs spread wide.
“S’not my fault, baby. Daddy had to take care of some business.” Throwing an arm over the back of the couch, he tugged you closer. “I’m all yours now.”
“Hm.” Still not done with your act, you kept your body turned away from him.
“You really gonna act like a brat right now?” He hums, curling his fingers around your upper arm. “I’d hate to smear that pretty makeup when I start spanking you.” As he speaks, he hauls you over his body, seating your ass right in his lap and giving your thigh a harsh spank. “But maybe you’d like that, huh?”
“Daddy!” Throwing your head back against his shoulder, you whine loudly, rubbing your ass into him. “You promised not to do that anymore!”
“Yeah and you promised to be a good girl.” Tilting his head to the side, Toji smirked at you. “Seems you didn’t hold up your end of the bargain.”
“Shut up.” You mumble, quickly moving to straddle his lap. Spreading your legs wide, your dress rides up, revealing the special thong you’d worn to go with this dress. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you give Toji a quick peck.
He chuckles against your lips, hands sliding down your back to grab your ass firmly, holding you tightly against him. His fingers dig into your flesh, grazing the fabric of the thong and hooking it under his fingers.
“You know I love it when you wear this.” Toji hums, toying with the fabric. You giggle coyly, kissing his jaw and wiggling your hips in his hands. A low growl comes from his chest as Toji descends onto you, latching his lips onto your neck and kissing you roughly.
“Daddy!” Your fingers tug at his hair as his teeth sink into your neck. You moan loudly, tugging his hair again when he smacks your ass.
“Fucking brat.” He snarls, licking the teeth marks he’d left in you and smacking you again. “Love to get me all riled up huh?” Grinding you on his lap, Toji trails kisses up your neck and behind your ear.
Moaning in his ear, you nod drunkenly. Your fingers fumble to grab the collar of his shirt and unbutton it, eager to feel his skin underneath. Just as you get one button undone, Toji snatches your hands away.
“Who said you get to touch me?”
“Please, daddy.” You pout, trying in vain to get your hands free. “Wanna feel you so bad.”
“What about that chump at the bar? You seemed pretty happy touching him.”
“No, I don’t want him, I want you!” Bouncing on his lap, the alcohol was clouding your senses, making you way more desperate way faster than normal. “Just wanted you to pay attention to me.”
“You’re insatiable, you know that?” Toji chuckles, letting your hands go and helping you unbutton his shirt. Pushing his shirt off his shoulders, your hands greedily felt up his body, diving down to give a few kisses to his neck and chest.
“Love you daddy.” Your words are slurred, fingers already dipping down to his lower stomach.
“Fuck yeah you do.” He shivered, pushing you away slightly and digging in his pocket. “Bet you’ll love me even more with this.” In his fingers is a small baggie of white powder that you’re all too familiar with. Dipping his finger into it, Toji holds it under your nose and you sniff it up obediently.
“Thank you daddy.” As the drug begins to take effect, you smile stupid at Toji, dragging your nail across the edge of his lip and along his scar.
“Don’t ever say your daddy ain’t spoiling you rotten.” Taking a hit for himself, Toji throws his head and back and grunts, rocking you in his lap. “Completely fucking rotten.”
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franklyshipping · 3 years
Thieves Of Land And Sea ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @magnumtickles 
Yancy was beginning to think that he’d made a serious error in judgement. He’d thought that it would be easy to snag a few pieces of Magnum’s treasure from his hoard. A few jewels, rare coins, easily hideable jewellery, the sort of things that Yancy thought wouldn’t be missed. However, little did he know that the sea captain was in the frequent habit of taking a detailed inventory of all his wares, in case his crew decided to be light-fingered. And unfortunately for Yancy today....Magnum knew that his crew were all elsewhere, whilst Yancy had been on the ship all day, under the guise of “hanging out”. Yancy thought hiding in plain sight was smart....but as Magnum finished tying him tightly to the mast of his ship with his arms stretched above his head, he realised he hadn’t made the smartest moves in all of this.
‘Youse bettah let me go right frickin’ now! I ain’t jokin’!’
‘Ohoho yer in no position t’ be makin’ any demands!’
Magnum chuckled as he folded his arms across his chest, chuckling at the struggling young man before him. He thought Yancy was so adorable. Always with his tough front, his foul mouth, always taunting everyone around him and being cheeky with every sentence. He would always act like nothing could ever phase him, even when he was at his most vulnerable.
‘I’ll demand all I want! Lemme go! Youse got no right to tie me up like this!’
He spat at Magnum, growling and glaring at him as he tugged desperately against the ropes binding him to the mast. But Magnum had dealt with thieves before, it came with the pirating lifestyle, so Yancy wasn’t going anywhere.
‘I think I got me the right to deal with thievin’ little landlubbers any way I see fit.’
Yancy pursed his lips. That made him shut up. Damn Yancy was annoyed with himself! Magnum’s hoard may have looked like a mess to the untrained eye....but the Captain knew his treasure....every last sparkle of it. Magnum snickered at Yancy’s silence.
‘Not even denyin’ it eh? That’s adorable. Just like how ye somehow thought ye could get away with stealin’ from me! The Pioneer of Plunderin’!’
Yancy scoffed under his breath and rolled his eyes, muttering sassily.
‘No-one’s ever actually called ya that y’know....’
Magnum raised an eyebrow at Yancy and laughed. Seriously? He thought that now was a good time to still be cheeky?! Wow. Magnum came nose to nose with Yancy, smirking at him as he spoke in a low, amused coo.
‘Ohhhh, so yer a bratty baby as well as a thief are ye?’
‘Hey! I-I’m no baby!’
Yancy immediately retorted, struggling and glaring at Magnum indignantly as the pirate Captain let out a bellowing laugh. Here Yancy was, saying that he wasn’t a baby, with the biggest pout in place that Magnum had ever seen. The Captain booped the tip of his nose as he retorted.
‘Well ye tried to thieve off o’ me like a child! It was soooo obvious, like an itty bitty baby tryin’ t’ steal candy!’
Magnum crooned again, and relished in making Yancy blush by continuing to compare him to a baby; that kind of thing always flustered the hell out of him.
‘Alright, alright ya made ya point I was dumb to try an’ steal from ya, okay? Ya can let me go now I get it, I swears I get it!’
Magnum raised an eyebrow at the sweet thief, smiling in the most amused way....but also with a hint of mischief. Did Yancy seriously think that Magnum was going to just let him go after having gone to all the effort of tying him up? No. Magnum had a very distinct plan in mind for punishing this little thief.
‘Ohhh but I can’t let ye go....not until ye learn what happens when ye try and steal from me.’
Magnum reached forward with gleaming eyes and started stroking his fingers in Yancy’s armpits. Yancy jolted with wide eyes at the touch, and instinctively went to bring his arms down....but they didn’t budge one bit. His cheeks went pink as he realised what Magnum was going to do, and he shook his head frantically as nervous giggles started bubbling from him.
‘H-Hey-listen, j-juhust-w-wahait a second wahait!’
‘Ohhh well looky here! The thief’s a bit ticklish over here is he?’
Magnum interrupted, paying no heed to Yancy’s requests as he kept up the fluttery stroking, loving how ticklish Yancy was. Magnum enjoyed tickling very ticklish people in general, but Yancy’s nervous system was particularly fun to play with. Especially with how it broke down Yancy’s hard-man image oh so quickly.
‘Mahahahag! D-Dohohon’t dohoho thihihis!’
Yancy pleaded as he struggled in his bonds, but all he could do was wriggle and squirm. Magnum was a sea-faring man after all, he knew his way around rope and the most secure methods of knot-tying. Yancy wasn’t getting out.
‘Ahahaawww lookit you wrigglin’! There’s no escapin’ this prison!’
Magnum teased with a wink, making Yancy snort with embarrassment through his giggles as he then felt Magnum’s blunt nails teasingly scratching his armpits. It was all so maddening, and made him arch his back and whine very adorably.
‘Plehehehease! Gahahahad dohohooon’t!’
‘Awww, coooochie coochie cooo!’
Magnum teased, bringing out the baby talk; yet another teasing, baby element that really got under Yancy’s skin. His very ticklish skin. He tossed his head from side to side as his giggles got higher pitched, and his face was an incredibly dark and flustered pink as he spluttered frantically. He just wished he could close his ears right now.
‘Y-Yohohouse shuhuhuddup yohohohouse shuhuhut ihit!’
Magnum snickered, and decided to drag his hands down from Yancy’s armpits until he reached his soft stomach....and he dug in mercilessly with squeezing tickles. His sneering smile was just as merciless too.
‘Ye criminals never really learn manners huh? Maybe I need to teach ye more than one lesson today....maybe a whole curriculum of sessions fer yer benefit.’
Yancy’s laughter was so bright and so loud that the wind could probably carry it all the way across the Atlantic, and it was lovely to hear too. It was full of spontaneous cackles and yelps whenever Magnum’s probing fingers caught a particularly sensitive spot. Poor Yancy already felt like he was losing his mind.
Magnum smiled affectionately at his exclamation, but showed no mercy. Instead he continued the tickling, and leant in to purr near Yancy’s ear with a diabolical smirk.
‘Maybe I should get me crew involved! Many o’ them were like ye once, youthful, lackin’ manners, unable to see authority....but I taught ‘em all in the end.’
Yancy’s flush darkened, and he tried to lean his head away from Magnum, his neck scrunching cutely as he wailed.
Magnum certainly didn’t get off. He leant closer, burying his beard in the crook of Yancy’s neck as he continued to taunt like he was simply have a chat over a cup of tea.
‘Y’know, they all thought they were tough fellas, but I broke every one of ‘em. Everyone has their special weak spots....like yer ticklish tummy. All I have t’ do is squeeze and squeeze and yer as weak as a mermaid caught in a net.’
Magnum squeezed Yancy’s lower tummy pudge to emphasis his point, making Yancy hiccup and cackle adorably as he thrashed harder and harder; somehow as time went on, everything just tickled more and more for him. His embarrassment was hitting its peak, and because of his growing desperation, his manners were certainly out of the window now.
‘Ye swear what? What’re ye gonna threaten, huh? C’mon Yance, where’s that bad boy got to?’
Magnum taunted, deciding to ease up on Yancy’s stomach, curious to see exactly what the ticklish little criminal wanted to say. The captain folded his arms across his chest as Yancy panted and recovered a tad. With Yancy....he was just a brat through and through. Even though he knew this was going to lead to his downfall, he wasn’t going to let himself be turned into some kind of meek baby! He was a tough guy goddammit! So, Yancy looked Magnum right in the eyes....and blew a raspberry in the air at him whilst wiggling both his middle fingers at him from where his hands were bound. Flipping him off on the double. Magnum gritted his teeth....he really shouldn’t have expected any less. But now, he was really riled.
‘Ohhhoho me boy....yer in fer a long night.’
Magnum dove in and scratched ravenously at Yancy’s waistline, which was fully exposed thanks to the man’s shirt riding up from all his struggling. Yancy squealed at his highest pitch and loudest volume yet as he threw his head back. Tears were in his eyes as he reached the point of glorious hysteria.
Magnum snorted and replied teasingly.
‘That be a sweet offer, but I don’t think ye got the energy to handle me like that right now.’
Yancy replied, but Magnum did notice how his grin widened at his playful innuendo. Honestly, Magnum noticed how happy Yancy seemed in general....and suddenly, the sea captain came to a very sudden and fond realisation. He blinked. Thinking it over again. Magnum looked at Yancy again, with all his brightness....and smirked. Yancy had no need of jewels. So why had he stolen them in the first place?
‘And yer a little brat who clearly needs a lotta ticklin’....’
Magnum trailed off, before having mercy, which made Yancy pant and look at him with a hint of confusion. Magnum wasn’t confused now though, he understood Yancy’s secret little intentions....and what kind of friend would he be if he didn’t help get Yancy what he wanted? The tall man snapped his fingers, and before Yancy knew it....Magnum’s crew were here. Grinning. Looking at him predicament as whispering excitedly, whilst some of them also waved at him affectionately, because they all adored him. Then, Yancy’s eyes widened when Magnum yawned.
‘Golly I’m tired, I think I’ll head off fer an early night....but don’t worry, me crew are gonna take reeeal good care of ye. Nighty-night.’
Magnum sent Yancy a final wink as he watched his crimson blush creep down his neck, and the crew gasped and cheered and giggled excitedly as they all approached Yancy, fingers wriggling and lips smiling with cos at the ready. Yancy’s heart was pounding so fast already....because although he would NEVER admit this aloud....this was everything that he could have wanted.
Magnum laughed an affectionate, echoing laugh as he headed off down to his cabin, getting the joy of in fact falling asleep to Yancy’s laughter that night whilst knowing his friend was loving every second. After all, Yancy did steal from him for a reason....and in Yancy’s opinion, the punishment was absolutely worth it.
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curious-shadow-cat · 4 years
Made a Chuck/Papa G fanfic. Lemme know what you think. I don’t really like writing fanfics I mostly enjoy drawing comics. Oh well. Gotta get better at writing though somewhere I guess. I’m putting it under ‘Keep Reading’ ‘cause it’s a little long.
It's been a couple months for Chuck on this planet Earth. He's been living with George, or Papa G, in his house ever since he was thrown off his cowardly ex leader's ship. He thought it was a bad idea at first, especially since he caused them so much trouble, but George wouldn't take 'No' for an answer and immediately started fixing up that spare room he used to use as storage. He found some planets and hung them up from string on the ceiling over his bed. He painted the walls with other planets and some big stars. The nightstand and dresser were painted blue and black. There was a UFO lamp on his nightstand by his bed, it looked like it was abducting a cow. Chuck kinda likes it, he thinks it's a little silly. Where you'd walk in, you'd see the bed across the room by the oval shaped window. The floor was made of wood and there was an oval shaped rug that was black with two yellow rings on the outside and had Earth and the moon on the inside. He even had his own little T.V across from his bed on the dresser with some VHS tapes that Papa G found, or some that he bought from Jo. Most of them being about Action, some of them Horror, others were Romance. When Chuck first saw his new room he nearly cried. He never had his own room. Never looked as nice as this. Chuck wasn't sure how to thank him. He's a strange old man but he was kind and caring. But he later found out that George was struggling with money so he decided to get a job working at Mo's Oasis Cafe. It was a difficult week, new customers coming in, giving him some trouble but Tuna was kind enough to show them the Exit. Some were friendly. Some of them asked him quick questions like: Where he was from, how old was he, and his favorite: Was he single? But others would give him cold glares when he'd go back in the kitchen. He mostly cleaned the dishes but would sometimes take the customer's orders if Jo was running late or sick. Which was barely. After a little while, work got better. There were some problems here and there but not enough to wanna make him quit. Besides, coming home to see Kid running up to him excitedly to tell him everything he did today was nice. Or coming home to see George made him dinner and found something cool while him and Kid were exploring the desert, lookin' for treasure, and wanted to give it to him.
     When they all went out to explore with Jo, Rosa and Tuna to see if anything new popped up in the desert, Papa G decided to bring some paper and pencils and crayons this time. Later he Sat down by a rock and started drawing something. Rosa wasn't interested in art at the moment, she was busy playing Princess and dragons with Chuck, Kid and Jo. Kid was the dragon and Jo was the wizard protecting Knight Rosa and Princess Chuck. Papa G kept glancing up at them and smiling. Eventually Rosa got tired and started picking flowers for Chuck, Jo and Kid. Everyone was eating snacks except George. He was focused on his drawing. As Chuck was eating some ice cream he noticed that George was staring at him. When he looked at him he quickly looked back down at the paper and continued drawing. He blinked. He was he...? No-he thought; he's probably drawing something else. He continued eating.
The sun was setting and it was time to head home. Papa G was carrying sleeping Rosa with one arm while holding his drawings and pens in the other. Jo was carrying sleeping Kid on her back. Papa G helped Chuck get his wheel chair in the back of the truck and helped him in. They all went home. George brought Kid back to the little trailer and tucked him in bed. He gave him a kiss on his head and turned out the light.
Papa G:"Sweet dreams kiddo." He whispered and went to the house. Chuck was in his room lying on his bed and watching T.V. He was finishing up one of the action movies until George came in."Well, G'night Charles. I'm going to bed. If ya need anythin' wake me up."
Chuck:"Good-night George." When he shut the door something fell to the floor from his pocket. Chuck got down and picked it up. It was one of his drawings. He gasped silently when he saw that some of these sketches were him. So he was drawing him! There's one where he seems happy with flowers that Rosa picked on his head, one where he's eating ice cream and another....he's sleeping? He looked confused. He doesn't remember sleeping. He can't actually remember when the last he actually had a good-night sleep. He's always been wide awake when he was on gaurd on the ship. Anytime he'd get tired, he'd force himself awake. It's what you had to do. Either that or be punished. He heard the credits song playing. The movie had ended. He looked back at his bed. He shrugged. Well...he wasn't back on the ship anymore... what harm could sleeping do now? He turned off his lamp and covered up under the blankets. He looked out the window on his right and was watching the stars until sleep finally took over him.
The alarms were going off.
Something was very wrong.
Chuck found himself wide awake in his old bed. He had his legs back and gun in hand. He jumped out and ran out the door.
Chuck:"W....why am I here? I thought I was--"
He was nearly hit with a ray to the face. He dodged it and it hit another soldier. Killing them instantly. He started running as more shots were fired. Killing or injuring his team. Smoke and screams filled the air.
Chuck:"I need to get out of here!" His heart was beating against his chest. He was so confused and afraid. Was he kidnapped? Was any of this real?! Why was this happening? The walls blew up and he hit the ground with the wall landing on top of him. He struggled to break free. He called for help but the soldiers kept running. They were ignoring his cries for help. He felt something on top of him slowly begin to crush him. He looked up. Glaring down at him was a mechanical monster with large glowing red eyes. It opened it's mouth showing rows and rows of sharp teeth. He tried reaching for his gun across from him but he couldn't grab it. The creature came closer towards his head. He couldn't do anything. He screamed. It was all he could do.
He stopped screaming when he heard that familiar voice.
The voice was coming from behind him. He looked at the monster. No longer did it seem all that terrifying. It was giving him a look of concern...?
"Chuck! Wake up, Chuck! It's all a nightmare!" It spoke in George's voice.
Chuck opened his eyes finally and found himself on the floor by his bed with the blankets wrapped around him. George was over him with a worried look on his face. He was still in his pajamas and was wearing his glasses. Chuck sighed, he was relieved it was all a dream. George smiled.
George:"Haha....you gave me quite a scare there..." He helped him up back on the bed and fixed the blankets."Alright, no more ice cream and popcorn before bed." He said, he was joking kinda. He could see that Chuck was still shaking."I know, wanna come down stairs and watch T.V with me? I'll make some tea." He spoke softly. Chuck calmed himself down.
Chuck:"Uh, alright then." Instead of taking his wheel chair, Papa G carried him down stairs to the living room and placed him on the couch. He went in the kitchen and made them both tea. He sat back down next to Chuck and they both watched some T.V for a little while. George finally spoke up.
George:"So you finally went back to sleep."
Chuck:"Hm?" They looked at each other.
George:"I've seen you sleep before but it wasn't long 'till Kid woke you up when he and Jo started blasting music. You nearly hit me in the head with that glass cup. Do you remember that?" Chuck tried to remember but nothing came up. He shook his head no. He was frowning. "Anythin' you want to talk about?"
Chuck:"There's nothing really to talk about. I'm pretty sure I've told you about all my adventures in space." He took a drink of his tea.
George:"I can tell you left out some of the worst ones from Kid. You and I both know it's not all fun and games in Space." Chuck looked away from him. "If you don't wanna talk about it, it's fine. If you need someone I'm right here for ya Charles." He smiled and took a drink. Chuck looked back at him. He already knew he could put his trust in George. But hearing him say those words out loud made him feel better.
Chuck:"Thank you, George. That means a lot." He never noticed it until now but he was so tired. He never knew he was this tired. But he wanted to stay awake a little longer. They watched T.V all night with blankets wrapped around them. George was leaning on the arm of the couch and Chuck was starting to lean on George. He felt his arm around him, gently pulling him close and held his hand. Chuck squeezed it gently and laid his head on his shoulder. He closed his eyes. He felt his worries slowly disappear and soon fell asleep.
59 notes · View notes
knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Subaru Sakamaki–⁠ (Chapter 2)
[Chapter 1]
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Place: ??? (BG black)
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Yui: (nng…)
(Huh, what time is it…?)
(Last night, I was having difficulties in sleeping so I couldn’t sleep well…)
(...? Oh no...I can’t move my body…! Bu- but why…!?)
???: ….Zzz
Yui: (Someone...is here...!?)
Place: ホテル•モーントシュタイン  客室 / Hotel • Mortstein,Guest room
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Yui: 一Su- Subaru kun!?
(Lemme think? Why’s he sleeping on my bed…!?)
(Could it be I accidentally fell asleep here…? ...Nope, it’s no way…)
Subaru: nnh…
Yui: (Wa- What should I do! He is about to wake up…!?)
*Subaru gets up*
Subaru: ….ah?
Yui: Err...that’s...Good morn- ning?
Subaru: ...Yeah….hm?
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That’s, Yo- you!? Uwaa! Why are you here!? *blushing*
Didn’t I warn ye’ not to enter on the other side!?
*Subaru backs off*
Yui: You misunderstood! This is my portion…!
Subaru: Haah!? That’s not一
Yui: Then look! My Rosary is on this bed-side…
Subaru: ……
Yui: (What can I do, he isn’t saying anything…)
*Subaru stops blushing*
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Subaru: Oh...I see now...yesterday…
Yui: Subaru kun…?
Subaru: ...How’s your health today?
Yui: Eh…? Health? I haven’t felt anything recently though…
Subaru: ...Then, it’s good.
Yui: (Why does that mean…?)
Saying that...why were you sleeping on my bed-part…?
Subaru: ...kh...that’s ‘cuz…*blushing*
...Shuddup! That doesn’t even matter!
Yui: Eeh...but I’m curious…
(Because...he strictly prohibited not to enter on the other side…)
Subaru: ……
Yui: ……
Subaru: ...Tch! Aaah, damn it!
Got it, if you’ll be satisfied if I say it, then I’ll!!
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...You’re...having a nightmare last night.
Yui: Eh…?
Subaru: When I was sleeping on my side, I heard you making painful noises and...
That’s why...I go there to check out your state.
...Was it my bad?
Yui: Oh…
(Last night, it wasn’t a dream that I felt my chest hurt…)
(Because of that, Subaru kun has...slept…)
You were worried for me, right?
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Subaru: Wha...I didn’t really worry or something like…*blushing*
Yui: Fufu…
Subaru: Shit, don’t laugh!
*Screen shakes + Subaru gets closer*
Yui: Kyaa…!?
Don’t pull off my arm so suddenly…!
Subaru: Shuddup! I’m gonna sleep twice.
Yui: Eeeh…!?
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Subaru: Just be quiet and embrace me…!
*Hugs her tighter*
Yui: (Oh come on. We must have to get up by right now...but…)
(Last night, I am sure he had been concerned for my health all the time…)
(Just a little bit...should be fine, no?)
Place: Glimmer Street  Main street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
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Yui: The antique art dealer that you’ve mentioned yesterday...do you know where he is?
Subaru: Yeah...but saying the truth, I don’t wanna drag myself near him…
Yui: Is he such a weird person…?
Subaru: Weird you say...He’s a narrow-minded guy who always comes up with a disagreement for some reasons.
Even for the father, he is a damn crap old-uncle who always shows-off around. 
Yui: You didn’t have to explain it in such a cruel manner…
Subaru: Hmph…
Subaru: However...this old uncle is the only guy who can resist my father. 
By putting it that way, that guy is incredible, I think.
Yui: Oh...I see now…
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(The one who can resist Karl-Heinz san...then he should be a pretty amazing right…)
(I wonder what kind of person he is…)
Subaru: I am sure he lives around this area…
Oh, here it is...let’s enter.
Place: Aizen Stahl, Antique Art Store/ アイゼン シュタール古美術商店 
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Subaru: 一 Oi, Ye’ here?
Antique Art Dealer: Hmm…?
Ooh! You’re the youngest kid of the Sakamaki.
Yui: (This person is the artist of the antique…)
Antique Art Dealer: You were so small in the past…
Now you’ve grown up so much, like walking in the future carrying a woman huh.
...I think she looks like a young girl having a plugged-nose though.
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Yui: Pu- pugged nose…!?
(How awful…)
Subaru: Tch…
...Don’t care about him that much. I told that he's narrow-minded and has a disagreement with everything, right?
Yui: Y- yes…
Antique Art Dealer: So, what’s up today? For you coming in this place is rather rare.
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Did Karl-Heinz assign you any mission or something? Heheh…
Subaru: Ye’ aren’t even close, that old man has no connection with it.
...Do you know that guy called Earl Walter?
Antique Art Dealer: Hm….
Subaru: I had smashed several furnishings of his castle yesterday.
Antique Art Dealer: ...You did?
Subaru: Yeah.
Antique Art Dealer: Ho...you see...the furnishings of the Walter are…
Pfft….Hahahah! Oh my, I see! You breaked them huh!
That was the masterpiece thing you did!
Yaay, you did well, youngest kid of Sakamaki!
Yui: Eh…
(He seems to be laughing so much…!?)
Subaru: O- oi…?
Antique Art Dealer: What are you trying to hide? I strongly hate that guy.
Yui: Is that so…?
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Antique Art Dealer: Yeah, absolutely. For telling the truth, he has stolen my treasures in the past.
Since then, I just continued hating and hating him…
For this, I become overjoyed hearing this, you know!
Yui: (I get it...so that was the reason…)
Antique Art Deal: I think I can repair the implements in his castle other than the goods in his treasure house.
Subaru: You mean it!?
Yui: That’s a relief….!
Antique Art Deal: Since you had blown up the hell out of that guy then...I shall help you.
Which stuff do you wanna repair?
Yui: A jar, sculpture and a painting…
Antique Art Dealer: I get the point. If that's the case then I can manage somehow I think. Hold on a sec.
*Walks away*
Yui: Looks like at the end we can come up with something, Subaru kun…!
Subaru: Yeah, I believe so…
*Pulling something big*
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Antique Art Dealer: I appreciate your waiting. What about this thing?
These things are quite similar with those types of implements, right?
Subaru: Yeah, almost like that.
Yui: Then...if we give these to Earl Walter, he may pardon us…!
Subaru: Yup, we appreciate it. Then We’re takin’ out leav一
Antique Art Dealer: Hold ittt!
*Slaps Subaru*
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Subaru: Ouch…! What the hell are ye’ doin’!?
Antique Art Dealer: Who said I’ll do these for free!
Subaru: Haah!? Did you say you’re gonn’ help us out!?
Antique Art Dealer: If you sound like having complaints then I won't hand these over to you.
Subaru: Ghh…
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...Oh! Then I am gonna go to the human world and get some money from that old father.
That’s why...let us make an exchange with these.
Antique Art Dealer: Hmph, I don’t even slightly agree that Karl-Heinz will take out money for such things.
Subaru: ….kkh….
Yui: Then...what can we do for the charge…?
Antique Art Dealer: Let’s see…
If you can hand me three things that I’ll order, then I am gonna exchange these things.
Well, if I put in other others, those things should be close to my hand-maid things.
Yui: Hand-maid…
Subaru: Tch….annoying but...that’s the only way.
一一Understood. We’ll get them for you.
Antique Art Dealer: ...Told you, right? Then, let’s tie up our discussions here.
Yui: What should we search to begin with?
Antique Art Dealer: ...The head-mask of a clown. That should be an antique item.
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Subaru: HAAH!? Why the heck you need such a thing!?
Antique Art Dealer: That’s because I want that, so you can’t blame it.
If you don’t want to then you don’t have to, ya’ know? Since I am not allowing exchange if so. 
Subaru: ...Told ye’ that I am gonna do it! I’m gonna search for that right away so wait!...What a shit!
Place: サントノレパーク通り /  Saint Honoré Park Street
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Yui: It’s much crowded that I’ve thought…
Subaru: Ahh...ear sore…
Yui: (It's a parade after all so we have to endure these…)
一Ah! There is a clown right ahead! I think there’s gonna be a performance onward.
(It was a great decision for visiting the amusement park. Because, after it if we ask about the head-mask to the clown, then一)
Vampire Child A: Oh! It’s a clown! Hurry up and come 一!
Vampire Child B: Hold on一!
Clown A: There, there. Don’t push each other, okay~!
Yui: (Wah, it’s a huge crowd...I can’t get near him at all…)
Subaru: Oi, what are ye’ gonna do? There’re so many kids so we can’t get to him.
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Yui: Umm...at this rate, the performance is gonna begin soon…
(What shall we do…)
Clown B: ...What shall we do?
Clown C: I can’t answer even if you ask...it’s a weekend after all…
Yui: (Hm? Over there are…)
Look, the clowns are getting prepared over there. Let’s talk with them.
I think they are having some kind of trouble…
*Walks over there*
Yui: Excuse us…
Clown B: Yes?
Yui: Did something happen? You look somehow troubled…
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Clown C: Oh...that’s...the clown who was supposed to play main role in this performance,
Cannot show up for getting an injury…
Vampire Child A: So we can’t start!
Vampire Child B: I am getting sick of waiting!
Yui: (Ah...there children are…)
Clown A: ...Kh, We can’t buy ourselves time anymore! What should we do!?
Yui: Tell us! Is there anything we can do to help you?
Clown B: Eeeh!? But…
Subaru: Ha? Oi, what are ya’ sayi…
Clown C: No...maybe you can. If you lend us a hand in the fountain-show then…
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...Certainly...if you do that much then...At this moment, that’s the only way.
Subaru: What’re ye’ thinking? It’s now way...we can help ‘em!
Yui: Sorry for deciding all of these even if you’re refusing to….
But, if we help, then we can have a talk with them as early as possible…
Subaru: ………
Clown A: Can you please do it for us?
Subaru: ...Certainly...we won’t have a delay talking with ‘em if we do so…
...Understood, we’ll do it.
Clown C: That’ll be a great help! But...we’re lacking time so, please get ready right away.
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Yui: Yeah…!
*After a moment*
Clown A: Alright, dear people! Thank you so much for your long wait!
Clown B: After a moment, we’re going to show everyone in a fantasy world.
Yui: (Aight...let’s do my best…!)
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Words Subaru said in the game 一
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What're you doing? Get started.
Looks like we’re done.
If you win 一
*Audiences’ claps *
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Yui: (Have we done it...perfectly…?)
Vampire Child A: Ohh! Wonderful!
Vampire Child B: The fountain-show was so incredible, right…!
Clown A: Thank you very much! You succeed so well!
Yui: Really….!? We did it, Subaru kun!
*Yui hugs Subaru*
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Subaru: Uwaah…!?
*Fades to CG*
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Yui: (What a relief...we get that right…!)
Subaru: O- oi! Lemme go!
Yui: Eh?
Vampire Child A: Look! It’s a couple, a couple!!
Vampire Child B: Right~! A lovely-dovely one~!
Yui: ...kh…!
(I was so happy that I….!)
Yui: Ah, Subaru kun, that’s...err, I didn’t mean to do it…!
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Vampire Child B: Couple~! Couple~!
Subaru: Tch…! Ya’ll are being damn noisy!
Vampire Child A: Uwaa! We got him mad! Let’s escape!!
Subaru: Fuck…!
Yui: (Uuh...and also, what was I doing….so embarrassing….!)
*CG Fades*
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Yui: S- sorry, I did something weird so suddenly…!
Subaru: Geez…
Clown C: Phew, thanks to you two, the show has ended up smoothly.
Furthermore, you absolutely deserve larger congrats than I’d expected!
Clown B: Honestly, thank you a lot!
Yui: (I’m glad that we’ve come out handy to them.)
Clown A: 一Once again, we’re expressing our gratefulness for supporting us.
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Clown B: As a thank you, please recommend to us what can we give you as a present.
Yui: Err...Actually, if you could manage us a thing that we have been searching…
Subaru: 一 This one. Can you recall seeing something like this?
Clown C: This is…
Yui: (Ah...that photo was…)
Subaru: It’s a head-mask used by a clown. If you have it, then please give it to us.
Clown A: Oh...it looks like an old-modeled head-mask. I hope it is left out in the warehouse...
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However, you have helped us so much after all, so we’ll search up the warehouse for you.
Yui: You mean it!? Thank you…!
Clown A: Then, we’re gonna go there to search….can we request you to wait here for a while?
Yui: We’re counting on you!
*Goes away*
Yui: That’s good right, Subaru kun…!
Subaru: If they find it, then yes…
Yui: (...Looks like we’re having a freetime. What can we do…)
Oh...tell me Subaru kun. We’re having some time so let’s play something cool?
Subaru: Huh?
Yui: It’s boring if we just wait here plus…
Subaru: ...What do you wanna ride?
Yui: Err...let’s see….Oh, what about Merry-Go-Round?
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Subaru: HAAAH!? Which fool is gonna ride such a childish thing!?
Yui: Ah…
(So we can’t huh...I really wanted to ride something together…)
Subaru: ……..
*Walks away*
Yui: Subaru kun…?
Subaru: ...What’re ye’ standing like a statue for? Hurry up.
Yui: Eh...hurry up but why…
Subaru: Huh...you wanna ride, no? Come along before I change my mood to ride.
Yui: ...Mhm!
*After a while*
Yui: Haa, it was fun…!
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Subaru: Which side was fun….such stuff was just embarrassing! *blushing*
For starters...You ended up choosing that horse-drawn vehicle…
For making me ride on like a clerk...of that horse…!
If ye’ make me do so next time, then I’ll blow ye’ up…!
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Yui: (Certainly it was embarrassing of two of us riding together but…)
I enjoyed riding with you, thank you for that.
Subaru: …ngh…*blushed*
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Well...if you’d enjoyed it then it’s okay but….I won’t gonn’ face such a ride next time!
Clown A: 一Sorry for making you wait!
Yui: Oh, you are…
Subaru: You’ve found that?
Clown A: It was...expectedly way much old, so it wasn’t left in our warehouse.
Subaru: Haah!?
Yui: S- such…!
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Clown A: However, if I take the correct conjecture then you may find it in the dress shop of this town.
Yui: Dress shop…
(Then we should go there I think.)
Thanks a lot for giving us valuable information. We’re going to that shop then.
Clown A: Yup. Take care…!
Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen back street
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Subaru: 一Where can we find that dress shop?
Yui: Umm...according to the map we received earlier, that should be around here.
Right ahead of that crowd, I guess…?
Subaru: Crowd….I’m sick of that.
Yui: Ahaha, you’re right…
(By the way, I wonder if it’s just my imagination to have a bad feeling about it…)
Place: Dress Shop /ドレスショップ
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Yui: ………
Subaru: ………
Why is it crowded here too…!
Yui: Y- yes…
(The bad-feeling that I was having was true after all…!)
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Umm...excuse me. Anything going on here?
Vampire Woman A: Yeah, there’s going to be a fashion show.
Yui: Fashion show!?
If the fashion is gonna start then I bet the workers in this shop are busy…
Subaru: Ahh...crowds are annoying too. So, let’s wait until it’s over.
Yui: Right...let’s wait then…
(Fashion show of the Demon World huh, I am bit interested一)
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???: 一Ah! Hey you there!
Subaru: Aah?
Yui: (Hm…?)
???: I want you to follow me!
*She pulls Subaru*
Subaru: Aaah? What’s so sudden!?
Dress shop owner: I am the owner of this shop. I’ll explain everything inside that room. Anyway, come!
Subaru: Oi, hold it!
Yui: Ah, wait….!
(What on this earth going on…? I should just follow them…)
Place: Dressing Room / 試着室
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Yui: (She has brought us very inside this shop…)
Dress shop owner: My apologies for bringing you here so suddenly but please get changed into this costume.
Subaru: Haah!? You’re doing these so abruptly! Why the heck is going on!
Dress shop owner: ...Right, I was forcing you way much…
For here on, we’re going to perform a fashion show here, however…
It was frustrating that there wasn’t a single model out there to wear my masterpiece costume.
I was able to find substitutes from the time being but none of them were perfectly suitable.
However, in the meantime you show up! You’re an ideal model for this.
Yui: (Subaru kun….a model…)
Subaru: Stop fussing around! Who’s gonna do such a shit!
Dress shop owner: No refusal! I’ll make you to be the model by any means!
I bet you’re gonna be pleased with the costume that I created.
Subaru: Hmph, what an absurd one. Oi, we’re going back.
Yui: Ah, but….
(We must have to ask them about that head-mask…)
(Above that…)
*BGM stops*
(I am very interested in seeing Subaru kun participating in the fashion show…!)
Tell me, Subaru kun...it’s a great offer so please participate in it?
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Subaru: AAAAH!? You’re also saying these!?
Yui: ….Please do!
Plus...please lend me your ear a bit?
*Subaru gets closer + Yui whispers*
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Yui: You see, it may be the right chance for us to ask them about the head-mask…!
Subaru: ...gh…
Dress shop owner: I have no clue what you’re mumbling for…
But I am begging you too. Because you can be the supreme model for sure.
Subaru: ………
….Lend that thing. I’m gonna wear it.
*Starts putting on*
Yui: Subaru kun…!
Dress shop owner: Woo! Thanks a lot! Then come here please!
Yui: (I am looking forward to the upcoming…!)
Place: Glimmer Street  Main street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
*Shutter sounds of taking photos*
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Yui: (Every single model has so cool styles. I can’t help but to admire them…)
(Subaru kun’s turn hasn’t come yet…)
Dress shop owner: Alright, so our last display will be this costume of our pride!
Yui: (Ah, he shows up…!)
*Louder Applause + Shutters* 
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The appearance of Subaru who modelled was looking so cool that anyone’d get caught in his enchantment.
...It was rather a displeasing mood for me though.
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He was in an unusual appearance or for something else, I was feeling like he was refreshed.
The shop-owner who stood by this Subaru kun 一一
She is so beautiful too.
I was just curious that...two of them who were getting captured in photos taken by others, what conversations they were having while having short distance in between them.
End of Monologue
Dress shop owner: The visitors are congrating us so much…!
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Come on, you also shake your hand with these audiences.
*Swats her hand*
Subaru: 一Don’t you freely touch my hand.
||気安い means actually friendly or familliarly. However, I thought ‘freely’ would go smoothly with the sentence. However, the more literal concept would be “Don’t touch my hand treating so friendly / familiar with me.
Yui: (Ah…! Subaru kun just shook off the shop-owner’s hand.)
Subaru: I’m engaged. Hand-shake with someone else.
||Spoilers! 予約済み means engage / reservation. I am pretty much sure he meant engaged. Because it reflects a clue about ‘engaging’ to the dress-shop owner. :p But some translators may also translate like “I am reserved here. Touch other else” x’D However it would sound weird or logicless since ‘reservation’ has nothing to do with ‘touching hand’. The next sentence, it makes it more obvious :’)
Dress shop owner: Oh my…
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...Fufu, it’s that girl over there huh.
Subaru: ...Hmph.
Yui: (I hope he won’t fight over this time…)
*After a moment*
Yui: 一Subaru kun!
Subaru: ...Oh, you come huh.
Yui: Oh...you have got back to normal appearance huh.
Subaru: Absolutely! Who’d wear that damn cloth for a long time.
Yui: (I want to...tell him about my impressions of that show...How should I describe that?)
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面白かった / You looked interesting
かっこよかった / You looked cool (+correct)
Yui: Subaru kun, you looked so cool!
Subaru: I- is that so? I haven’t really done anything. *flushed*
Yui: It’s not like that. That costume also suited you pretty well and…!
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Subaru: ...Thanks.
Dress shop owner: Thanks for the earlier. For you, we really hit a huge profit.
Subaru: I’d acted just as you said. This time, listen to our request.
Dress shop owner: What is it? It will be a pleasure to help you with anything I can.
Subaru: ...Have you seen something similar to this photo? We’re searching for that.
Dress shop owner: ...Oh, it’s inside our warehouse. I’m going to bring that so wait please.
*After a while*
Dress shop owner: 一I think it’s this one.
Yui: Yeah, it is!
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Dress shop owner: No one has been using it since it was just left there...You can have it if you need it.
Yui: Thank you so much! We did it, Subaru kun!
Subaru: Hm...I have no clue what he's planning to do with this worn-out thing…
That’s fine. Let’s get back to that old uncle anyways!
Yui: Right. Ah, really thanks a lot!
Dress shop owner: Whether it’s useful to you or not comes first. If it’s possible then stop by here again.
Place: Aizen Stahl, Antique Art Store/アイゼン シュタール古美術商店 
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Subaru: 一Here, ye’ haven’t gotten any complaints right!?
Antique Art Dealer: Oooh! This one indeed! I haven’t imagined you’d really give it to me.
Subaru: Geez, my head hasn’t just got that why do ya’ need such a thing.
But...with this we’re done with one of the assignments I hope.
Antique Art Dealer: Yeah, you sure did. I’ll count on you tomorrow as well.
Place: Diamante Fountain / ディアマンテ泉
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Subaru: Haah...I’m tired…
Yui: The first day was tough…
Ah, I got churro from the Wagon. Wanna eat?
Subaru: Yeah….mmn…
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...The saying that “Sweet things taste more tasty the time you’re tired”, not a lie after all…
Yui: Fufu…
(But, today we really had to face many things.)
(I hope we’ll be able to hold out tomorrow as well…)
Subaru: Don’t make such a depressed face…I’ll be with you.
Yui: Right…!
(That’s true, if Subaru kun’s with me then we’ll be fine…!)
(Alright, let’s do our best tomorrow!)
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一The END of Chapter O2
44 notes · View notes
the-lady-of-stars · 4 years
Jesse x Reader
Prompt 28 “Not to be dramatic or anything but I have never seen anything more beautiful than you in my entire life”  requested by Anon! 
Hope u enjoy honey bunny!!!
A/N: This is my first ever time writing for Jesse! (YAY) I love him he is a precious baby so I really hope I did him justice :)
This takes place in the totally canon part of Star Wars where the Republic wins the war and all the clones are free and given homes and lots of hugs and kissies :))))))
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The meadows of Naboo carried a nice breeze in the summer. Just enough to refresh your skin from the glowing sun that seemed to never go down. 
You smiled blissfully as you observed just how carefree Jesse looked. He was sitting next to you on the picnic blanket, currently trying to find out just how many sandwiches he could balance on his head without them toppling over. 
Many past nights had been spent sat with him the way you were now, except consoling him over lost brothers and the trauma of the war he’d been forced to endure, wiping tears from his cheeks. But now you could barely even tell that he was the same man. Since the Republic had won the war against the Separatists, you had both been living in paradise, paradise being your beautiful home on Naboo that General Skywalker has ensured for each member of the 501st, giving only the best to his men. 
Which is how you ended up here, basking in the uninterrupted peace of the meadows of Naboo with only the sounds of waterfalls, the breeze in the grass and chirping birds filling your ears. 
Jesse discovered that day that he could in fact balance eight sandwiches on his head. Something he seemed to be proud of, and who were you to take that happiness away from him? With a roar of laughter he fell back onto the blanket with the discarded food, clutching his stomach with mirth. 
“You see that, baby? Did ya? Did ya?” he beamed up at you. 
You could barely hold in laughter of your own at how easily amused he was, such innocence for someone who had seen so much. 
“Yeah, Jess, I saw it. Real proud of you babe. What an accomplishment.”
Jesse gasped dramatically, eyes widening and a hand brought up to his gaping mouth. 
“Surely you aren’t making fun of me, cyare? I have just demonstrated how skilled of a man I am and you mock me! You cruel, cruel woman.”
Dramatic as always, he moved his hand to his forehead, leaning back and closing his eyes. 
“Not makin’ fun of you at all, baby. Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever felt more attracted to you than I was when you were balancing those-” before you could finish your sentence he rolled on top of you, pinning you down and gently pressing his fingers against your waist. 
“Oh yeah? You sure about that, Princess because I think you might just ‘fess up if I tickle you...”
“No, no, no- Jess!”
Before you could squirm away Jesse had his fingers all over your waist, sending you into uncontrollable laughter and leaving you with barely a single coherent thought other than how much you adored him. He alternated between your waist and your neck, well versed in the most ticklish spots. 
“Gonna surrender yet, huh? Go ahead, mesh’la. Admit that I’m the most handsome, most talented man you’ve ever met and I might just let you go.”
You were laughing so hard that tears were streaming from your eyes, something that Jesse decided he wanted to remember the sight of for as long as he lived. He felt his heart swell at the sight of you, so happy just to be playing around with him. 
Unable to bring yourself to respond verbally, you shook your head in defiance, flailing around. Your laughter seemed to be contagious to him, as he leaned down to nuzzle his nose against yours. 
“C’mon, babe. Admit it!”
“Okay, okay fine! You-” you paused for another fit of laughter, “are the most handsome, most talented man I have ever met! Now lemme go!”
Jess finally let up on you, nose still practically pressed against yours. You panted heavily, catching your breath after his ministrations. 
“Not to be dramatic or anything, but l have never seen anything more beautiful than you in my entire life,” he sighed cheesily, clearly still in the mood to tease you. He was met with a playful swat to his chest and a half-hearted ‘stop it’ but he knew he never would and you’d never want him to.
When you regained the energy to open your eyes you saw him gazing down at you tenderly with the most gentle smile you had ever seen on him. 
“I love you, Y/N. You know that?” he spoke softly. 
“’Course I do. And I’ll never forget it. You’re my whole galaxy, Jesse.”
He blinked, love-struck, then closed the gap and kissed you sweetly with every care in the world. 
He broke the kiss slowly, then, after a minute of basking in your presence, asked “Have you ever heard the Mando’a term Shereshoy?”
“Mm no, don’t think so. What’s it mean?”
“Shereshoy is like... like a lust for life. Every day I wake up with you by my side and it just makes me feel like I could do anything and I don’t ever want that to stop. It means you have something that makes you want to appreciate every little moment because you’re just so happy that it feels like nothing could ever go wrong. And that’s all because of you. You’re the only person who can make me feel like that. I treasure every second I spend with you, my love. I mean that.”
“Oh, Jesse,” you felt yourself swoon over him. No matter how long you had been together he never failed to make you completely giddy. “I love you. I really, really love you. I feel so blessed to have met you and I genuinely don’t know what I’d do without you now.”
“Well-” his tone was quickly changing back to his regular teasing one, “I suppose if you didn’t have me you’d have no one to kiss you silly like this.”
And, in joint laughter, you both met in another kiss, love radiating from each other. What would you do without him?
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phantom-curve · 4 years
find the strength, find the melody pt. 4 (working title)
I think I like this title but I can’t decide so don’t kill me if it changes!
also, you guys are amazing. your love for this lil fic makes me feel so happy. I’ve never written this much this fast for a side project. it’s actually starting to take over all of my writing so I might have to slow this roll a bit and catch up on my actual novel before I can post most. 
or maybe I’ll just lean into the insomnia writing even more! stay tuned to see!!
as always, lemme know if you wanna be added to the tag list! @blue-hat-girl, @lwhoscribbles (hey lookie there, a title! also sorry not sorry you cried, but at least you were in good company with me and Julie), @bluefyoto94, @5sosmukefan, @moonlightxnder, @leahthewonder​,  @kat-maybe-not​
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Later that night, long after her father and Carlos had gone to bed, Julie crept out to her mom’s studio. She knew she was going to have to tell her dad about the music program eventually. She was shocked her Tía hadn’t beat her to it already. She needed something positive to offset the disappointment he would feel. Her dad had been gently prodding her to go out to the studio and at least maybe clean it up a bit for weeks now. He would love this improvement, that is, if she could work up the nerve to actually play. Sheet music clutched in her numb hands, she wrenched the studio door open. It was exactly as she remembered it.
Her eyes slipped shut as she stepped inside. She didn’t need to look to know where the couch, coffee table, and chairs would be gathered. She knew exactly how to avoid bumping into the ladder leading up to the loft. Her hand reached out just in time to catch on the fabric covering the piano, Julie allowing her fingers to lead her down the side of it until her pinky brushed a key. One soft note rang out, and her eyes opened, staring down at where she pressed lightly on the white key.
Her feet moved on their own, skirting around the bench, her knees bending automatically as she lowered herself to sit. A tight sensation built in her chest, her breaths picking up speed. The sheet music shook as she forced herself to lift the pages and spread them out on the music rack. She arranged the piece in the correct order, wasting time as she avoided touching the keys for now. Her eyes traced over the song again, her mind showing her exactly how her hands would dance along the instrument, exactly how her voice would reverberate in the silent space. Her gaze snagged on her mom’s final message once more.
You can do it.
Warmth blossomed in her chest, replacing the cold, lifeless feeling that had lingered there for the last year. Julie felt it all at once. Her mother’s love shining off of the pages in front of her, filling up all of the empty spaces inside of her. She could hear her voice, whispering those words in her ear. Tears sprang to her eyes again, but they were different this time.
Julie had thought that she would never be able to play without her mother because she never had. Every defining moment of Julie’s life was underscored by a soundtrack mastered by the one and only Rose Molina. She had thought that without her mother, the music would fall flat. She had thought it would be meaningless without the significance her mother, specifically, attached to it. Julie never realized until this moment that she had been the soundtrack to her mother’s life as well. The two of them, the soundtrack to her brother’s and father’s lives. It hadn’t only been Julie suffering for the last year.
A new type of determination surging through her veins, Julie placed her hands on the cool keys, lining her fingers up with the opening notes. Her mother deserved to be remembered like this, her music recognized and loved by more than just Julie. She would have hated the fact that Julie hadn’t played in so long, would have given her that sad smile, that soft, disappointed mija sigh. Her family deserved to come out of the silence she had forced upon them. They deserved to enjoy music the way they always had before Rose died. It was cruel the way she had taken it away from them. And Julie herself deserved this moment too. She had been punished long enough. Her mother’s love overwhelming everything else, Julie took a deep breath and began to play.
Here’s the one thing I want you to know
You got someplace to go
Life’s a test, yes
But you go toe-to-toe
You don’t give up, no
You grow
The opening was shaky, her fingers clumsy as they stumbled over the unfamiliar notes. Her voice cracked a bit, rusty from disuse. But then muscle memory took over, and Julie felt the tension drain from her body. Her fingers began to move with a mind of their own as she read the notes on the pages in front of her, voice smoothing out as she worked out the frogs. She made it through the pre-chorus easily enough, but the chorus hit her harder than expected. Like her mother was giving her permission to forgive herself for all of the hurt of the last year, reminding her that it’s who you are at your core that matters most. Telling her she still had the time to pull herself out of this spiral. That old message about how the music was always bigger than just the two of them coaxing her out of the shell she had hidden herself away in for the last year.
Better wake those demons
Just look them in the eye
No reason not to try
Life can be a mess
I won’t let it cloud my mind
I’ll let my fingers fly
Her fingers really were flying. She couldn’t even really feel the keys anymore, so sure as she pressed down against the ivory that she didn’t even have to look at the sheet music. Her eyes closed, head lifted as she belted the pre-chorus into the sky. The chorus hit again, but she was ready for it this time, emotion powering every line as she poured her heart and soul into each note. Visions of her mother filled her mind and Julie could practically feel the warmth of her love radiating throughout the studio. She glanced down to read the lines for the bridge and the words hit her like a sledgehammer. Like a secret letter from her mother written exactly for this specific moment.
So wake that spirit, spirit
I wanna hear it, hear it
No need to fear it, you’re not alone
You’re gonna find your way home
Her voice rang out pure and clear as she held the word as long as she could. Home. She really was home now. Here, in her mom’s familiar studio, playing the last song her mother’s hands touched, Julie was finally home again. The sense of rightness filled her completely as she finished the last round of the chorus. Her hands dropped from the keys, reaching out to gather the papers to her chest once more, the most precious treasure she had ever touched. 
Eyes closed, basking in the afterglow of playing, she imagined her mother’s spirit behind her, ghostly arms wrapping her in the sweetest hug. Julie shivered against the electricity coursing through her system. She felt alive again. An unexpected clatter sounded from the doorway. Julie’s eyes popped open, anticipating Carlos or her father walking through the doors. Nobody appeared, but she caught the tail end of a muffled curse. It was just loud enough to send a ripple of awareness through her.
“I can hear you, you know.”
She already knew who it was. She expected him to beat a hasty retreat, maybe yell something out in a horribly disguised voice before he melted into the shadows. Without warning, he appeared in the doorway, shoulders raised and a sheepish smile on his face. His eyes darted around the studio, refusing to meet hers. Her mouth fell open. Where does he keep appearing from?
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you, I just...I heard you playing?”
He said it like a question, an unsure tone she’d never heard him use before coloring his tone. She watched the way his bicep flexed as his hand rose to scratch at the back of his neck. That seemed to be his nervous tick. His body language told her he wished he was anywhere else right now. Then she glanced at the clock.
“What the hell are you doing creeping around my house at 1:00 in the morning?”
Luke’s cheeks turned bright red. The tips of his ears, peeking out of that same orange beanie, colored too.
“I’m not creeping!” Julie met his gaze steadily, raising a brow at his defensive declaration. “I uhhh, I just...I don’t really sleep? Or...well I guess...I don’t really have a place to sleep...sometimes...?” 
His voice trailed off, uncomfortable in every sense of the word as he stammered his way through his explanation. 
“My parents and I don’t always get along. Sometimes it’s easier to tell them I’ll crash somewhere else, only there isn’t always a somewhere else available.” 
He shrugged, careless and cocky, but it was off. Everything about him was off right now. 
“I make do. It’s no biggie, just gives me more time to soak in the club scene. Gotta stay one step ahead of the competition, ya know? It’s like a blessing really, gives us that edge.”
His rambling words painted a picture she was sure he would rather keep private. It didn’t take a genius to read between the lines. She didn’t buy his cavalier attitude for a minute. He was lying through his teeth. She knew. She had been lying for a year straight to practically everyone in her life, had nearly rotted her teeth through with all the saccharine sweetness she had faked. Her lips twisted in a sour smirk.
“You’re full of shit, but whatever. That couch pulls out into a mattress. You’ve gotta be gone by 6:30, that’s when my dad wakes up for work.”
The squeakiest note yet. Julie looked Luke square in the eyes. That same intense energy from the other day sparked between them. The moment stretched on a beat too long. Julie gulped and forced herself to soften her tone. It was easier than expected.
“Stay here for the night, Luke. I’m not gonna ask about your parents, and no one is going to bother you in my mom’s studio. Sleep on the pull-out couch. There’s a bathroom in the back. It even has a shower and I think there’s still some soap in there though I can’t promise it isn’t floral scented. You can disappear in the morning and we won’t ever speak of this again.”
He stared at her, blue-green sea glass eyes cutting through to her very soul. She didn’t respond, letting the silence stretch and morph into something entirely too intimate. The tension between them pulled taut, Luke’s gentle smile breaking the moment as he took a few shy steps into the studio.  Julie ducked her head, tucking a few loose curls behind her ear, before she moved to meet him in the middle of the room, gracefully spinning around his body so her back was pressed against the doors. Their eyes caught again. One of those strong hands reached up to scratch at his neck once more.
“Thank you.”
The words were a quiet whisper, almost as sweet as when he returned the song to her earlier. She could hear everything he left unsaid with those two words. Thank you for not asking. Thank you for giving me a safe space. Thank you for caring. Unable to help herself, she bit her lip, gave him a small nod, and ducked out of the doors in a near perfect recreation of his response outside of the school that afternoon.
Heart a little lighter, she sneaked back into the house silently. It wasn’t until she was safely tucked away in the darkness of her bedroom that she dared peek out the window at the studio. The lights were off, but Julie swore she could make out a shadowy figure peering through the windows up at her room. She dropped her curtain like it was on fire, diving into bed and burying her head under the pillows. Heart racing, she laid with her eyes closed and tried to convince herself that Lucas freaking Patterson wasn’t slowly making himself a home in her heart.
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
the panty fic made me like...long to read more of you writing aftercare. like what if bucky drops so deep and he’s so so soft he’s like nonverbal and steve was particularly dommy that time but then he’s all just taking care of him? i want it...
I don’t write aftercare enough, you are right. I think I realized that when I was actually writing “kiss it when he eat it”, that I just end fics after orgasms are had and how I definitely shouldn’t do that. Readers need aftercare almost as much as the characters do. 😭 I’m going to try and not let this get away from me so...
If Bucky is going nonverbal this is an intense night for them. I rarely write Steve going full Dom on Bucky, even being meaner to him (which I realize I should...) but this would need to be very different than their regular. I wrote about him going nonverbal when I did that Ask about how they cope in quarantine and shibari and I wrote Bucky floating hard when they had sex after making things official in my first story but it’s pretty hit and miss.
There are three things I think would make Bucky drop and float hard and those are heavy praise, overstimulation, and breathplay. 
Get them all together in one night, one fuck, and baby won’t come back until the morning. 
They’ve learned this as they’ve learned about each other and them as one. They’ve known Bucky’s love for praise since their first date, knew it the first time they talked in the bar for Christ’s sake; it’s Steve’s most powerful weapon. They came across overstimulation slowly, easing into it after they learned that Bucky can come untouched and that he can come more than once in one setting, so sensitive. Breathplay...that was different. That is something they stumbled upon, Daddy’s hand coming up and around Bucky’s neck, grip tight but nothing restricting, but Bucky made that breathy little whine nonetheless.
“...color?” Steve had rasped, looking down at Bucky underneath him with wild eyes. It took a few seconds, a tap on the cheek or two with Steve’s other hand, but Bucky drooled just like his dick did, slurred a low and slow, “Green, Daddy.” 
As they’ve learned and communicated they’ve uncovered what to do when Bucky floats in such a way, what is okay to transpire when Bucky floats and leaves Daddy on a little cloud rapidly. Steve is okay and encouraged to keep using Bucky, to keep sending him further and further into this sparkly sweet place. They have figured out how baby likes to come back, what to do after, what Bucky needs. 
Steve sends Bucky under hard one night, reels himself in from going into Topspace and everything once he sees Bucky’s eyes glaze over unusually early on. He’s been teasing his boy all day: a hand between Bucky’s legs as they spoon in the morning that pulls away at the last moment, tender kisses in heated mini makeout sessions that are scattered throughout the day, hot kisses on the back of Bucky’s neck as they’re out shopping that day and as Daddy stands behind him, tucked in tight. 
So, when Daddy’s voice drips hot with praise that evening as they crawl into bed, his big Daddy hand going tight around the column of Bucky’s throat, they both know how this is going to end up. Steve does what he can to keep Bucky with him but turns out those small slaps across his cheek or on the inside of his thighs help accelerate him drifting away. 
We know, even though I haven’t written it much, that Daddy Steve is a King when it comes to aftercare. His Sugar is his number one priority in his life, especially during and after Bucky responds to Steve in such a euphoric way. He would never let Bucky down.
Bucky floats and goes to that sweet sugar-spun place after Daddy stuffs him full of cock on his back, legs together and pressed to Steve’s chest, hand tight around Bucky’s neck. It’s like it’s the only Daddy wanted in the world, hips powerful, grip devastating, voice raw--
“Do it, do it, Bucky come on, baby go there. Go be as sweet as you can be, lemme see it, I gotchu. Know Daddy’ll take care’a you and love you and keep usin’ your sweet little body just how you like. Come on, babylove give it to me.” 
With express permission he does. He comes under Daddy’s touch, trembles around his cock, floats away with a grin on his face. He can still hear Daddy, hear that he’s making Daddy feel good, that’s he’s a perfect boy. He barely registers other movements, rolls and spreads, but Daddy’s voice is in his ear the entire time in the most comforting of ways.
Bucky even comes again, Steve’s thumb rubbing along the underside of his sensitive cockhead. He comes and...and goes quiet. When Steve asks him questions Bucky doesn’t respond. With Steve’s front to Bucky’s back it makes it hard to see the younger but when Steve gets a view of his boy’s face and the sight of him covered in his own come, he comes. 
Steve is someone who can stay hard for a while after he comes, dick not entirely sure if it’s done being used after one round. When Bucky is like this Steve is in no way quick to pull out. He’s chosen such position so he can hold Bucky close and in his arms without breaking that connection. Head nestled against a meaty bicep and an equally muscle-packed pec, Daddy’s lips right at his ear, his free hand stroking up and down Bucky’s body.
Both men are in heaven. 
These are the moments where Steve gets the most emotional, where his love for Bucky becomes overwhelming, where he lets his voice get a bit watery as he talks to Bucky. 
“Just the sweetest boy aren’t ya, Buck? Look at what you let Daddy see, what you let Daddy do, what you share with him. Just an angel on Earth, baby, and you chose me to be your Daddy, a goddamn miracle. You stay there, sugar; you stay there as long as you need. I’ll keep you safe, honey.” 
Bucky can go a long time without coming back to Steve, especially considering how safe and loved he feels. They’ll lay there in bed for quite a bit of time, Steve just watching Bucky, hands in his hair, kisses on his cheeks. He’ll listen to Bucky’s breathing, the small content noises he’ll let out from time to time. 
Eventually, he’ll carry Bucky to the bathroom, not even comfortable leaving Bucky on the bed alone for a quick ten seconds, would grab and wet a washcloth and carry them back. He’d lay Bucky out like he was a fragile little treasure, would wipe him down and make him clean enough for the time being, would make sweet noises as he did so. 
It would be just a lot of Steve holding Bucky close, skin on skin, sweet words pressed right into his ear. They’ve learned that Bucky can kind of panic if he comes to and there’s only silence so Steve turns the television on for low background noise. 
Steve knows Bucky is coming to when his hands come to life. His fingers will twitch and he’ll subconsciously reach for Steve, followed by a curious noise. Daddy doesn’t talk to him quite yet, reassures him more physically by running his hand through Bucky’s hair and kissing his temple. 
Steve is weak as fuck for Bucky rubbing his face into Steve’s chest like a cat when he reaches another level of normalcy. 
It has taken Bucky such a long time to not be embarrassed for having dropped so hard but they are past the point of tears or ragged breaths. Bucky tends to let out a purr or a giggle when he’s aware enough to go verbal again, when he comes back to Daddy. Steve is quick to jump on the encouragement, the praise, welcoming Buck back with hushed, “Baby”s and kisses. 
“Hey, sugarbear. There he is.” He won’t ask questions right away, Bucky needing to come back slow and steady. The turn and the press of Bucky’s face into his neck is enough of an answer to unsaid questions. In time he’ll ask how Bucky is feeling, how his body feels and how his mind feels, and they’ll act accordingly. Sometimes more snugs and a few tears are necessary. Sometimes they can hop into a bath. Most of the time sleep is of the upmost priority and they want it as soon as possible.
Steve always makes him drink some water as soon as he can. Food follows the bath/shower (which is purposeful and warm and snuggly) and it’s anything that Steve can feed Bucky with his own fingers: cubes of cheese, pieces of dark chocolate, chunks of chicken, grapes. Bucky is always quiet as a mouse and pleasantly introverted after such a scene and the silence between them is cozy and welcome. 
As they snuggle back into bed Steve always asks Bucky if he liked anything or if he didn’t, a debrief of sorts, so Daddy can know what to do or not do in the future. 
Bucky is clingy and falls into sleep quickly and Steve Rogers is the happiest Daddy that ever Daddied...
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potatocrab · 4 years
the right way
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It’s New Years Eve, 2279. Butch finally thinks it’s time to pop the big question. 
Butch DeLoria x Rosie Sheridan (Lone Wanderer)
2810 words | [read on Ao3]
Butch couldn’t sleep. Not for the lack of trying, especially after an eventful night ringing in the New Year—heck, a new decade. It was well past midnight now, which meant he and everybody else in the Capital Wasteland was well on their way into 2280 and whatever it had to offer. Terrifying and exhilarating when he really thought about it, which was probably why he couldn’t settle down for the night.
Or maybe he was still too tipsy from the champagne Gob had served from the private reserves, mind heavy and clouded with a flurry of thoughts. No—if that were the case, he’d be blissfully passed out and curled around a pillow just as Rosie was, all giddy and giggly from one glass that she only agreed to because it was a special occasion.
They’d barely shared their midnight kiss beneath the fireworks display before she was teetering in his arms, flashing a lopsided grin and whispering about creating a show of their own. And a show it was—Rosie crawling into their bed after discarding her dress—only to fall asleep with her slip, tights and shoes still on. Butch wasn’t put out—quite the contrary—she was too damn adorable to be upset with.
He wasn’t about to disrupt her by leaving, risk the creaking metal floors of their Megaton homestead to find something to keep his mind occupied. Instead, he stayed right where he was, situating himself so he could watch her as she slept. It was something he found himself doing more of as of late, when she wasn’t snuggled up against his chest or curled against his body as the perfect little spoon. He couldn’t help but feel pensive, every stray thought focused on the future he was building with the woman beside him.
Now that their lives had slowed down—as much as it could, with Rosie being the Savior of the Wasteland—Butch had returned to thinking about settling down for real, more so than he used to in previous years. He’d thought about asking Rosie about ‘circlin’ up’ (as Moira put it) the previous year—had almost blurted out what he wanted on his birthday before realizing maybe he needed to tell her he loved her first. Plus, even skirting the topic seemed to send Rosie into a panic—he was sure a real proposal could result in a stroke—or broken nose number four.
Their relationship progressed—strengthened through the destruction of the Enclave, the activation of Project Purity, and the takeover of Adams Air Force Base. They said I love you more often than not, had regular date-nights, and were equally insatiable when it came to sex (Butch always knew it was the quiet ones). Even so, he spent nearly all of 2279 swimming in self-doubt, feeling not unlike how he did years ago when they were first starting out—back when he’d first kissed her in Rivet City.
Simpler times.
Instead of stressing about if she’d be journaling about his prowess at making-out, or if she liked him—liked him, he was tugging his hair out and pacing the town’s walkways, worrying about if she’d agree to marry him if he dared to ask. Butch had plans to pop the question at Christmas—but had chickened out when everything he’d meticulously set up suddenly felt overdone and too cheesy—even for him. New Year’s Eve seemed like the perfect opportunity, and he even thought about proposing right in the middle of Gob’s Saloon, deciding at the last possible second that Rosie wouldn’t want a public display. He thought the ring might burn a hole through his jacket pocket, but it was still there when he took it off at the end of the night, now slung over the back of the nearby chair.
One day, he sighed to himself, reaching over to tug the covers over Rosie’s exposed shoulder as she shifted. He trailed his fingers up, softly combing through her dark hair before resting his hand as gently as he could against her cheek. A tiny smile pulled at her lips, the smallest hum echoing from her throat as she titled her chin against his touch.
“Can’t sleep?” she mumbled, startling him slightly. He hadn’t meant to wake her up.
One, groggy, blue eye peeked open at him before she blinked the sleep from her vision, yawning in the cute little way she always did—curling up into a shell before stretching out like those cats they saw in the Commonwealth. After all this time, it still easily riled him up. It was oh so tempting to snatch her up in his arms, straddle her body and pepper her face and neck with kisses. But his brain froze, words stuck on his tongue as he continued to stare at her, Rosie looking back at him with the sweetest expression. That was the face he wanted to see every morning for the rest of his life until he got old and died.
“Hey,” he finally said, brushing his thumb across her cheek, down towards her mouth.
She went still, scooting herself closer as her eyes slowly closed shut. Butch kissed her, slowly and gingerly, wanting to savor the moment in case his next move blew up in his face. When he pulled away, Rosie floated back with him, a little pout on her lips as if she was anticipating more.
He couldn’t help but smirk. “Stay put, gorgeous.”
“Where are you going?” she asked, the flattery doing nothing to subside her tendency to fret. Rosie always was one for paranoia. Butch affectionately stroked his fingers through her hair, kissing the corner of her mouth, her nose and the worrying crease in her forehead before pulling away.
“Lemme’ grab somethin’”
“You don’t need a—”
Butch cut her off with another kiss, wanting to laugh at where her mind was in comparison to his. How the tables had turned. Yeah, he didn’t need to be reminded about the birth control implant Doctor Li had helped her obtain. Goodbye, Vault-Tech condoms—questionably effective anyways, with how old they were and…he was getting off track. Focus, man, focus—hard to do when Rosie was pulling him back, drifting hands touching him in places he desperately wanted to be touched.
He pulled away from her with a sharp inhale, surprising her. “Woman, you are makin’ this way harder than I want it to be.”
Rosie scrunched up her face, utterly confused. “I—isn’t that the point of an erection?”
Butch blanched at her terminology, unable to find humor in the situation while it was at his expense. He groaned, turning his head into the pillow to avoid her curious stare. He couldn’t be mad at her, but damn if he didn’t feel like he’d just lost another opportunity—it almost felt on the verge of being perfect. Well, as perfect as a Wasteland proposal could get, especially coming from someone like him. He knew Rosie was the woman of his dreams, but he had a hard time believing she felt the same, even after all this time, even as she reached out to him to hold him in that moment.  
“Butch?” her lips were soft as she kissed his cheek. She hooked an arm around his waist, feet cold through her tights as they slid through to tangle with his legs. “What is it?”
“Nothin’” he answered, voice muffled into the pillow.
“Not nothin’” she mimicked his tone, coaxing him to look at her. Even in the twilight of their room, the brightness of her eyes were easy to see, slowly relaxing him and reminding him of his earlier decision. Rosie’s lips curled up into a small, encouraging smile. “Are you going to tell me?”
Butch gulped down the bundle of anxiety fluttering in his chest and stomach. “Sure ya’ wanna know?”
She nodded, excitement flashing across her features. He hoped that would still be there in a few minutes. Slowly, he detangled from her, silently reassuring her as he’d done before. “Be right back.”
Maybe it was a good thing that without her glasses, Rosie couldn’t see what he was doing. Even so, Butch made sure to hide the ring in his palm, ensuring the silver band and stones in the cutout didn’t gleam in the moonlight. His heart was in his throat, but there wasn’t a good enough lie he could come up with on the spot to get out of what he’d set himself up to do. It was now or never.
“What is it?” Rosie asked again, squinting up at him as he re-approached, her curiosity rising as she glanced down to his fisted hand. There was a subtle, barely-there shift in her expression that made it obvious she had finally clued onto his intentions and moved to sit up, clutching the sheets to her chest as she stared at him with wide, bright blue eyes.  
Butch hesitantly sat down on the edge of the mattress, scooting himself closer to her when she didn’t flinch away. He reached out for her left hand, letting out the breath he’d been holding when she let him take it, brushing over her knuckles with his thumb. He took another steadying breath, swallowing down the bunch of nerves in his throat—no doubt she could hear how loud his heart was pounding in his chest. Okay, even the voice in his head struggled to give him a proper pep-talk. Just…open your hand and—
“I was thinkin’…” he twisted his lips to the side—that’s not how he wanted to start. Marriage proposals were supposed to be romantic, grand gestures with dramatic declarations of love. Right? Right. Better place to start. “Ya’ know I love you, right, Rosie baby?”
“Y—yes,” she nodded, trembling slightly in his grasp. It did nothing to calm him down, wondering if all he was doing was scaring her. As if she noticed his apprehension, she clutched tighter to his hand, silently encouraging him to continue—so he did.
Slowly he revealed the treasured item resting in his palm, raising it up near her face so it was easier for her to see. Almost immediately there were tears in her eyes, and she sharply inhaled with a gasp that turned into a sob. Even if she might have guessed, the reality of the situation still stunned her senseless. Butch quickly reached up to wipe at the tears that rolled down her cheeks. Rosie seemed alarmed by her own reaction, lips trembling as she tried to say something.
“Hey, hey, I—I’m sorry Rosie,” he pleaded, holding onto the ring as he brought her into a hug, tucking her close to his chest. “I shouldn’t’ve done somethin’ stupid like that, huh?”
She sniffled into the crook of his neck, shaking her head as her hands bunched into the fabric of his shirt. “N—no.”
Butch’s heart sank to the pit of his stomach—why’d he think this would be a good idea? Fuck. What a great way to start the new year—decade. He really was a chump—Rosie didn’t deserve him—clearly didn’t want to be with him forever like he wanted. He tried to pull away, but she kept him planted firmly where he sat. When he glanced down, she was titling her head back to stare up at him, nervously biting her bottom lip.
“I mean—” she paused, pulling away a little more so she could look at him more easily. “I mean, it’s okay.”
What? Butch closed his eyes for a few seconds to reset his brain. Was she saying what he thought she was saying? He felt her hand, soft as ever, press against his cheek—fingers threading through the hair at the base of his neck. A simple touch—but it was just what he needed to calm his nerves. He fluttered open his eyes, darting his gaze from her face to his hands where he held the ring in his fingers. Rosie looked too, the glimmer in her eyes something he’d never seen before.
“Where did you…” she whispered. “How long have you…?” she breathed out a short, nervous laugh, smiling as her hand slid from his face to press against his chest. With his free hand he kept it there, if only so she could feel the rhythm of his erratically beating heart.
Butch mirrored her lopsided grin. “’Nother keepsake from the vault,” he explained, noting her surprise. “My ma’ gave it to me years ago, in one of her rare moments of clarity.”
“Told me to save it, not give it away to any floozy,” he continued, earning a wider smile from Rosie even as he felt a flush creep up his neck and cheeks. “Had it all this time, ya’ know? Always meant to give it to my best gal, when I found her.”
He pulled her hand away from his chest and brought the ring closer, poised to place it where it belonged if she said yes. God he hoped she said yes. Otherwise—well, Butch figured he might as well drown in the radiated waters surrounding the Megaton bomb. Better than heartbreak, right?
“Always thought maybe she’d be happy I was givin’ it to you,” he gave a little shrug, meeting her eyes. He felt brave enough to say the rest. “Your old man too.”
Rosie’s eyes were glossed over with tears again, and for a moment, he panicked. “I—I mean, I ain’t assumin’,” he gulped, shaking his head. “Only if you want—”
Butch groaned, pulling his hand away to drag down in face in agony. “Damnit, I’m not doin’ this right at all.”
“Is there a right way?” she questioned, pulling at his fingers as she scooted closer. “You haven’t asked.”
Duh. Of course. He peeked open his eyes, finding her looking at him with an expectant expression. Maybe he needed to start from the top—again.
“I love you Rosie,” he smiled at how freeing it was to admit, and how it made his heart warm each time he spoke the words like it was the first time. “I’ve been wantin’ to do this for a long time but the timin’ never seemed right, ya’ know? I wanna be with you, wherever you are, whatever you’re doin’.”
He held her hand tightly again, as if to ground himself to the mattress and give himself the strength to keep speaking. “I wanna be your husband, be a family—”
There were those tears again, rolling down her cheeks—confusing when paired with the bright smile pulling at her lips. Butch furrowed his brows, tilting his head to the side. “Did I—say something wrong again because--”
She let out a soft laugh before interrupting him with a kiss. So he didn’t say something wrong—maybe. This was officially the most confused Butch had ever felt in his entire life. Rosie pulled away, using one of her hands to wipe at her face as she half-laughed, half-cried, shaking her head the entire time.
“You—you still haven’t asked,” she said.
All that, and he hadn’t managed the most important part. Butch ignored the urge to mentally berate himself for his stupidity or to launch himself from the bed and give himself a concussion, nearly blurting, “Marry me?”
Rosie was kissing him again before the full question was out in the open, grinning against his mouth as she embraced him. Butch nearly dropped the ring into the tangle of sheets, nearly got swept up in the thrill of what it was to be kissing the woman he loved.
“’Preciate the enthusiasm, babe,” he mumbled, barely managing to break away. “Would like it—love it—more with an answer.”
Rosie was practically glowing, like a beam of energy had been directly injected into her soul. True to her nature, she had a very simple answer, “yes.”
Butch didn’t waste any time in sliding the silver band onto her left ring finger, brushing his thumb over the stone—it was finally where it belonged. Rosie shuffled even closer into his lap, sniffling away the last of her tears.  
“Why all the cryin’, Rosie baby?” he quietly chuckled, pressing kisses across her cheeks and nose.
Rosie laughed, her arms around his neck tightening to keep him close. “I was—am—overwhelmed with emotion. You’re lucky I didn’t faint from shock.”
“The night isn’t over,” he retorted, smirking as he heard her tiny, delighted gasp. “Got some celebrating to do, don’t ya’ think?”
“I’d say so,” she answered with a bashful smile. “Future husband.”
Butch hadn’t expected the word to have such an effect on him, but all he wanted was to hear her repeat the term over and over again until it was burned into his brain. Rosie’s husband. He grinned, kissing her greedily.  
“Future wife.”
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choco-glow · 3 years
Fall Like Rain On Sunday, Pt. 12
The next waffle was perfect, crispy golden and almost a perfect circle, with beautiful melted pools of chocolate dotting the surface, with two almost perfectly in the Eevee pattern’s eyes, and Jason passed it over to Steph’s plate as he chanted a few Latin prayers, grinning as she burst into cackles at his terrible imitation of a priest. He’d utterly butchered the old prayers, but eh, it wasn’t like he was practicing anymore, and it made Steph laugh, so he still felt it was doing right by a God he’d long since stopped believing in.
“Oh god, you’re Catholic, aren’t you?”
“Eh, technically I’m a Resurrectionist—” She snorted at that, loud and adorable and perfect (everyone always looked weirded out, and Jason had, early on, always done his best to snort the same way. Weird dead Robins had to look out for one another.) He snickered in response. “But yes, I’m a former Catholic. Used to go to St. Maria’s as a kid, before Father John cleaned the place up.”
“…And the chanting?”
“Look, we only fucked up one waffle! Gotta bless it before shit goes south again.” She laughed at that, bold and happy and loud, and he planted kisses all over her face before turning back to the waffle maker and getting it going again. Glancing back over his shoulder, Jason grinned to see Steph holding up a fork with a triangle of waffle, topped with whipped cream and one of the raspberries she’d washed up, and he took the offering with a nom, groaning as the concoction melted in his mouth. Chewing, he gave her a thumbs up, already planning on making one for himself, and she chuckled, spraying on whipped cream and tossing on raspberries with abandon, then diving right in.
“Ooohhhhh this is soooooo good.”
“And somewhat healthy, that’s the lowfat whipped cream and everything’s organic.” He grinned after swallowing his mouthful of heaven, mouth watering already as he watched the waffle maker count down with hungry eyes; together, they switched off and a half-dozen waffles for each later, plus bacon and eggs, they were settled on Steph’s tiny couch and snuggled up close, groaning over their shared food babies. Jason had tucked a warm blanket over them both, because the rain coming down outside was just a little chilly for his tastes, and her apartment was…definitely on the list to be reno’d.
“This is really nice, Jay…”
“Yeah it is…” He murmured, tucking her head into his shoulder and pressing a kiss to her forehead, scarred fingers gently playing with a long curl of her hair before shifting to comb through the rest of her curls, making her purr against his neck.
“Ohhhh yes…please don’t stop…” He chuckled and shifted just a little so that he could bring his other hand up; with both hands, he started working on the knots in her neck and shoulders, on up into her scalp and back down, careful to comb away her soft curls so that they didn’t tangle. Steph melted into his chest, all the tension from the week just falling away as they snuggled to the song of rain and thunder outside, and Jason hummed softly as she whimpered at the release of one particularly bad knot in her right shoulder.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
“Yeah…fuck…been hurting there for a while now…”
“Why didn’t you say something?” She snorted softly, then sighed.
“You know how everyone is…”Do yoga, work it out, or just deal with it.” Jason heaved a heavy sigh himself at that, wincing.
“Touché, not being a part of the daily Batdrama made me forget about Bruce’s general masochism about pain and aches. Well, tell ya what; whenever either of us is hurting, how about we either work on each other, or go see an expert? I’ll foot the bill.”
“Yes, please. I’m…well, I don’t know how to massage someone properly? I’m guessing you learned from Alfred…”
“Talia, actually, and Nyssa while she was part of the League. Ra’s thinks it’s stupid, because it’s a ‘women’s weakness’ or some bullshit, but Talia and Nyssa both used massage as a tool, among their subordinates and with one another. And me, I guess, I was the odd duck out; most of the men were under Ra’s, while Talia’s personal guard was exclusively female.”
“She knew you, though.” Jason smiled at that, sad at the memories, and nodded, kissing her cheek now as Steph shifted up to meet his eyes. He normally didn’t like making a lot of eye contact with people, hence the hood, but Steph…it was different. Like Nyssa, in a way…Talia I never did, because she would take that as a challenge, but Nyssa and I grew to be good friends, and it was…easy with her. B always thought I was interested in her, but no; she’s just a familiar soul, I suppose. Steph, however, was even easier; there was always something in her gaze that reminded him of his own reflection, and he was sure that could be psychoanalyzed into oblivion, but he wasn’t gonna go that deep.
“She did. Damian…probably doesn’t remember all that well, but I was basically his babysitter for Talia for the short time I was there; she trusted a Robin, even one as much a zombie as I was at first, because even with the Pit madness, I was…well. Protective.” She smiled a little, and he smiled back, stroking her cheek now. “I never shoulda left him there, but…well…”
“You did what you could.”
“Yeah…and Talia was fine with me kiting off; taking Damian would have gotten me killed again. I’m just so glad she turned him over to Bruce…”
“Me too. It’s…B’s not the greatest parent, but he’s really working with Damian, which is huge given the crap he’s pulled with all of us.” Jason chuckled at that, nuzzling her cheek, and she kissed him softly, settling against his side. He tucked her close, pulling the blanket up over her shoulders, and rubbed her lower back now, grinning as she melted back into his shoulder.
“I think Damian reminds him of Dick, in a lot of ways, just more aggression, like me. So, instead of Tim, who’s learned, like Bruce, to control all his emotions in one clean, collected package, he has a Robin with attitude and a whole lotta baggage again, and he’s having to jump through hoops that he could largely train out of both Dick and I. Fortunately, Damian’s just as stubborn as B, and it’s kinda great that he’s been able to force some changes of his own.” Steph chuckled at that.
“Like Batcow, Alfred the Cat, Titus…”
“Fuckin’ Goliath, and lemme tell you, Demon Kitty was not on the list of potential pets B was willing to consider.”
“Which was why Damian just brought him home and didn’t care.” Jason snickered, laughter rumbling through his chest, which made Steph snuggle in more, much to his delight.
“Yup, and the look on B’s face is one I’ll treasure forever.” She giggled, and kissed him again, and Jason melted into the kiss, groaning when her hand started rubbing up and down his neck. He rolled a little more onto his side so that her arm didn’t cramp, and let out a full body sigh, snuggling around her. “Ohhhh baby you don’t have to…”
“I want to, Jay…tell me if I do something wrong?”
“I doubt you will, but yes, if it comes up…fuuuuuuuuuuuck oh hell yeah, right there.” He almost whimpered when she started scritching his scalp, nuzzling her hair with a moan of relief. It was better than sex, in a way; this was…grounding, and comforting, and more intimate. “Ffffucksofuckinggood.”
“This is for making me waffles, you amazing, wonderful, glorious man. I’m not sure I’m ready for sex yet, so hairscritches are at least a decent substitute?”
“Sosogoodbetterthansex.” He mumbled out, and she giggled again, shifting him so that he was facedown in the pillows and Steph was straddling his hips, working her hands up and down his back over his teeshirt, and Jason just went limp, eyes rolling with relief as his scarred muscles were carefully worked free of kinks and knots. Steph had said she hadn’t a clue, but she was gentle on his back, not pressing too hard, nor was she too light on the scars; her hands were softer than his, less callused, and so the gnarled skin over each old wound didn’t tense or ache from too much sensation. She mapped out his back with care, and with a sigh, he reached a hand back and patted her thigh.
“Babe, don’t let anyone ever tell you you’re not a genius, because that is amazing.” He could almost feel the brightness of her smile, and he chuckled as she leaned down to kiss his shoulder, purring at the warmth of her body on top of his. “Seriously.”
“I’m so glad…I hope your scars aren’t hurting?”
“Definitely not, not even twinging like usual from the rain…How about you?” She sighed a little, snuggling in closer, and he craned his neck around, worried. “Babe?”
“I’m…a little achy, but it’s in weird spots…I don’t wanna be gross…” She murmured, nuzzling his shoulder, and he gently rubbed his hand up and down her thigh, ignoring the awkward position.
“…It’s not gross if it’s things that hurt.” He murmured, and she shifted back, letting him turn and face her, green eyes earnest. “Cramps? Period? I can run out and get you whatever you need?” She blushed, shaking her head, then nodded, then sighed, and he gently drew her back into his arms, tucking her between his legs and wrapping the blanket around her, snuggling her close. “The scars Sionis gave you too?”
“…Yeah. I…Look, this is gonna be…really fuckin’ gross, but when he tortured me…he…he didn’t just limit himself to my stomach and breasts…” She murmured, gulping a little, and he closed his eyes, swallowing back the sudden rage. “He didn’t put the drill in me, thank fuck for that, but things are…kinda fucked up down there. And yeah, it’s my period going, so it’s just…extra gross…” Steph blushed bright red, and he gently stroked back her curls, eyes soft, patient. “…I have to wear the disposable underwear that old people use…”
“…Oh sweetheart, that’s okay. Does it work?” She glanced up, eyes brimming with tears, and he gently kissed her brow, her cheek, her nose, her lips, brushing soft kisses all over her face, but she nodded, one lone tear overflowing. He gently brushed it away, cupping her cheek. “Then that’s all that matters to me. I won’t be grossed out, I won’t be upset. Hell…when you do see me naked, you might run away. I’m…not exactly in great shape down there, either. Missing one of my balls and my dick ain’t the straightest.” He followed that with a fake grin, still embarrassed, deep down, but she saw right through him; Steph shook her head and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“If Roy and the others didn’t care…I won’t. Besides…” She huffed out a laugh, and he felt a real smile touch his lips again. “It just means we can be fucked up together. But…thank you for not being grossed out anyway. It’s…you’re the first person to know besides B and Leslie…and B only knows because he hacked the hospital records. And you’re the only person who’s…probably ever gonna see them, which…I’m fine with.” He smiled at that, and she smiled back, kissing him softly. “So long as you intend to keep that proposal available.”
“Baby, it’s all yours; hell, we could go out one of these days and get a set of rings.”
“…You really want a set?”
“Fuck yeah I do, I wanna be a kept man.” The snort she gave was absolutely adorable, and Jason grinned wide at that, feeling their previous good mood return finally, and Steph kissed him, full and happy and perfect, before snuggling back into his chest.
“…So, kept man…could you rub my lower back again? Cramps are hitting me hard…” He placed his hands over her hips, gently rubbing and warming the area, and Steph sighed, dropping her head onto his shoulder, the tension bleeding out of her limbs. “Fuck…thank you…”
“So welcome, sugar…Wanna watch something mindless?” She smiled, and as Jason grabbed the remote, she let out a soft sigh, snuggling in closer, and he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead once more, running his hand over her lower back and keeping her safe and warm.
He really loved Sundays.
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