artelynns · 1 month
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moeblob · 10 months
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Touma Akagi is my son (and Kiria is my daughter so I drew her again bc I love and cherish her) and I just. Think that he's a funny fella. A little guy. The Mirage relationships are so funny cause it's like. Main guy > similar wanting to help everyone vibes and Mirage is supportive. Main girl > very affectionate looking out for her by Mirage. Touma and Cain > "Touma, you concern me" "that's mean to say out loud :c" "very well..."
Touma is just fun ;w; I like him. I want him to just be friends with absolutely everyone.
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jumpscaregoose · 1 year
why you should vote for my boy yoh in the protagonist poll
(the cool one on @protagonistpolling)
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he is named weed basically (yoh means "leaf" and he wears explicitly weed-based shirts all the time)
yes that is canonically a weed shirt I saw a reddit argument about it two years ago and also in the manga it says hemp
goodest boy to ever boy
like so good he rewired my moral philosophies good
one of his abilities is a comically large sword
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ain't that just the most coolest thing ever
he has a dark reflection catboy twin
he forfeited his dreams in a tournament twice and deserves to have a win
if he won round one and fought jim trollhunters round two that would be both my boys in the same room and I'd be very very happy
he got two entire tv adaptations he was so cool
sounds like sonic in the 4kids dub you guys
can see and talk to ghosts
also kind of a dumb baby who threw a ghost once
anyways please vote yoh in round one of protagonist poll so he can get ratioed by jim trollhunters (who you should also vote for) round two and I get a sick nasty crossover event
also shaman king is very cool and you should watch it but also it's so so stupid look at him he's named WEED. VOTE FOR THE WEED.
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bbjobo · 10 months
listen. this is the most minor thing but i've gotta get it off my chest:
the electoral map at the end of RWRB does! not! work! i will suspend my disbelief that a democrat could lose THE WHOLE midwest but win Georgia and Texas, but the actual honest-to-god electoral votes don't match the map
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alternis · 2 months
had some very good thoughts and decided to scrap the zsasz subplot from third eye au and replace the character with an original villain named 'cut-throat', who shiva was hired to kill before a Wrench got thrown in the plans via tim. this allows me a bit more leeway to customise tim's trauma in fun original ways, and also gives a meta-reason why this villain never appeared in real canon (bc he would have gotten ganked by our girl sandy anyway)
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weaselle · 1 year
i wanna do a thing where i lay out studies that show things in different primates that show us parts of ourselves as humans. Call it Primates: Through the Looking Glass or The Monkey in the Mirror or something
There are studies and documentaries that show things about Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Baboons, Macaques... that just make sense to me. That if shown right would make sense to a lot of people, i think.
like... they were studying this one group of gorillas --
okay wait. First of all, you know a silverback (the Big Male) of the group is not the leader or in charge or anything, right? He has a role, and it includes a certain amount of control, which i’ll explain briefly, but he’s not, like, in charge.
wait, you know all that Dominance/Alpha theory about wolves is all wrong, right?
wait wait wait, and also that like, the bull or the stag or whatever in a herd is not in charge of anything, right? right?
hold on. the wolves is it’s own post, the herd thing i might get back to, we’re on gorillas, okay. Silverback is basically just the male head of an extended family in which plenty of the leadership is handled by the women of the family.
There are often 2-4 silverbacks, but one, usually the largest, will clearly be senior to the others who are often his sons or brothers. Silverbacks have three main roles
1: defend the group from all physical threats aside from people, these threats are mostly random male gorillas, chimpanzee baby-snatching gangs, and the occasional leopard. Just his alert presence handles most scenarios, and then maybe a few times a year he has to risk his life fulfilling this responsibility. It is this role that provides most of whatever actual power he has over the group, namely this: while he isn’t necessarily the one deciding when and where the group goes on a daily basis, if the most powerful/capable silverback does decide to travel a direction, they pretty much have to go with him, the family isn’t safe without him.
2: make babies. And this is one area where the ladies of the group will sometimes sort of vote with their ovaries, and favor a silverback that isn’t the main one, like “yeah, Frank, you are the biggest, but honestly you’re a dick and we’re going to make sure the next generation of silverbacks isn’t another one of you.” When you see a main large silverback in a group of gorillas, it isn’t, like, his blindly loyal harem, they have to approve of him. Also gorilla females move between groups, and sometimes they take members with them or start new groups and stuff. Anyway i’m getting off track, one of the silverbacks jobs is making babies
3. keep the peace This functions a lot like being in the back seat with your siblings with your parents up front. Basically any disputes within the group have to be handled within a certain parameter of decorum, because if it gets too out of hand HE’s going to come over, and He’ll be upset, which is low-key terrifying because He’s huge, and there’s no telling who He’ll decide is at fault or what he’ll do about it, so letting a situation get out of hand is a losing scenario for everyone involved really. Tho typically he will favor senior females in disputes, in a “don’t you talk that way to your mom” kind of way.
one last thing, silverbacks don’t actually transfer power between silverbacks via battle every time.
Like i was just reading accounts from a multi-generational observational study of some wild gorillas that featured one big silverback just straight up taking over by performing the silverback duties better and becoming preferred by everyone else in the group. There was no fight, it just became, i do the job better, everyone likes me better, kicking my ass can’t change that, and boom, he was the primary silverback. And the other silverback might have been a bit dull, or a bit of a bully, but like us their species’ success is largely dependent on social intelligence; once he saw the writing on the wall, that other, slightly larger sivlerback didn’t even bother trying to change the situation with a physical fight, he understood what had happened.
okay so all that was just to tell you all this story. lol. Here’s what i saw in one documentary:
This very big, getting old silverback, who was hugely popular and successful, with a very large and tightly bonded family group, and a couple of his hulking adult sons backing him up. Everybody in his group seemed to love him a lot, he was particularly calm in that gentle giant sort of way, a safe, emotionally steady presence, happy to help raise his sons and daughters with kindness, and who could become a raging nightmare if pressed by a leopard ... exactly what a band of gorillas wants in a silverback.
But one of his adult sons had plenty of silver on his own back, and was getting itchier and itchier to be main man of the group, and this is where we start our little drama
It seems to be coming to a head, and the observers are nervous about a fight for the position. The silverback and his son are both are huge, probably approaching 400lbs, mostly muscle, with long thick fangs and skulls topped with jaw muscles as big as human biceps to wield those teeth, which nature has given them primarily to fight other gorillas with. 
But then the next day, the old man leads the fam up the mountain.
it’s winter, which is why they have come down the mountain in the first place. But as we discussed, if he goes somewhere, they have to go, so they all follow behind.
up he goes, and then he sits. And waits. It’s cold and there is much less food up here at this time of year. There’s nothing to do but sit hungry in the cold. His size and metabolism makes him the most able to withstand the cold, but even he is pretty uncomfortable. 
And so he sits. And his family, perhaps confused, but loyal, sits around him.
But his son, the other huge silverback, with years of training even as an adult under his wise father, is ready and able to go off on his own. Finally, he stands up, makes clear his intentions to leave this uncomfortable place. A small handful of the other gorillas stand with him -- if he goes down the mountain, then they can safely leave as well. He turns and heads down the mountain. After a moment, a few more gorillas leave the main group to follow. All in all it winds up being nearly half.
The wise older silverback thoughtfully watches his son leave with about half the group. He sits a while longer in the cold, in the company of those most loyal to him, and then takes them along a different path down the mountain
And those two groups still ran into each other sometimes, and were friendly. And sometimes a couple gorillas would change between the two groups. They were still close.
But i just thought that was such an elegant, meaningful way for that gorilla to handle that whole situation. And it makes a completely human sort of sense to me. 
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queenpiranhadon · 3 months
𖤓⎸⎸ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⎸⎸𖤓
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A/N: You all voted on this poll, and this poll, and this poll, and after a LOT of voting, I present you this :) BIG thanks to @that-multi-fandom-hijabi for beta reading this go follow her writing acc rn (@novaaaaaa-writes). Here's my masterlist! Divider made by @cafekitsune
Warning(s): Enemies to lovers trope, mentions of burning, stabbing, blood, bad descriptions of both fire of water (ice, snow ?) bending, Zuko is whipped, just a little confused about it, reader is a baddie, water benders unite (not me tho), reader is GN but written with f!reader in mind, reader looks non-threatening, is underestimated a lot, this takes place at the end of season one, I think that's it
Pairing: Prince Zuko x GN!Reader
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“You shouldn’t be here” you glare, your gaze sending shivers down his spine. 
But that could just be because of all the snow and ice surrounding the both of you. 
The fire prince remains unfazed though, his amber eyes sweeping over your form- assessing the threat you posed. 
He could take you down in seconds. 
Zuko doesn’t respond to your jab though, because he knew you were wrong. He had to be here, it was the only way he could finally receive his father’s favor- as the heir and as the son of Firelord Ozai. It was his duty, his honor. 
And he wasn’t going to let a non-threatening waterbender get in the way of that. 
Reaching back, he unsheathes his dual swords, the glint of the waning moonlight reflecting the dangerous glint in his eye. 
And yet you didn’t back down.  
Pooling some water from your waterskin, you assumed the stance you had trained yourself to take whenever you honed your skills. One with the water, one with the ice.  
‘Power should flow, not force itself” Master Pakku had told you once.  
People had always underestimated your skills, saying you were better suited for healing. But after showing Master Pakku how you could use your bending to control the falling snow around you, he gave you a chance.  
He had told you to let the power settle in your body before releasing, instead of forcing it out immediately. Conceal and then control. 
You met Zuko’s fiery gaze with an icy one of your own. You were going to protect your home.  
With a yell, you form flurries of snow, whipping around your form as you channel your strength to change the form of your flurry, snow turning to water, water turning to sharp daggers of pure ice.  
Zuko scowls, setting his hands ablaze and you run at each other, fire meeting ice.  
Time slows down, as the intensity of your elements picks up, until all you could hear was the steady thump – thump – thump – of your heart, and the roar of crystalline knives swirling around you. 
Flames lick the side of your leg, wincing as the raw burn of the fire sears through your skin in white-hot pain. Razor sharp icy shards cut into Zuko’s skin, finding chinks in his armor, piercing his flesh and drawing blood. 
The snow beneath the both of you was dotted red now, both of you staring at each other, panting heavily.  
“You really shouldn’t be here.” you repeat again, but this time, it was barely a whisper, swallowing down tears as the cold wind of the Northern Water Tribe stung your gaping wounds. 
Zuko growls, grunting in pain as he pulls a shard of ice out of his skin. “I don’t take orders from a little waterbender” he spat, venom dripping from his words. 
You reciprocate with a snide comment of your own. “This ‘little waterbender’ just sunk 5 icicles into your skin.” 
Zuko was just about ready to tear your head off, hands igniting with vermillion flames before you collapse, the burns along your thigh and calf were much more severe than either of you realized.  
You choke out a sob of pain but keep your control of the water left in your waterskin. You couldn’t die, not today, and not at the hands of the prince of the Fire Nation.  
Zuko’s heart throbs unexpectedly, the look on your face too familiar for comfort. The face of someone who worked so desperately hard, only for all that effort to go down the drain. But he didn’t care for you. He couldn’t- couldn’t grow attachment to a non-threatening waterbender. Yet you sat there on the snow, dotted with blood, with that raw look in your eyes. His flames extinguished, without him meaning to.  
You flinched as he threw his swords down frustrated, impaling themselves into the nearby snow mound, standing straight up. 
He stomps over to you, and you frantically move back, but your leg flares up in pain again, and you yelp, hissing in pain. 
“Stop moving, you’ll make it worse.” he says, glaring at you, but not as intensely as he had before.  
You want to scream, kick him, punch him, anything, but your body betrays you as he sweeps you up into his arms, carrying you to the nearest place he can find, where he can keep you safe. You feel his strong arms hook under your knees and under your back, holding you securely to his firm chest. Even through his armor, he radiates warmth, a gentle heat, unlike the flames he threw at you merely minutes ago.  
He hates this, with every fiber in my being, his voice screaming at him to drop you and burn your frail body to a crisp, vengeance for the blood dripping from his own body, but he keeps moving, step after painstaking step. 
You try to stay awake, you really do, yet channeling so much energy from your battle, the numb throb in your lower leg, and the comforting heat radiating off the fire prince who refuses to look at you, you slip into unconsciousness.  
Zuko feels a weight press against his chest, and he huffs, honey-colored eyes catching onto the details of your face, the curve of your nose, the apples of your cheeks, the slight pout of your lips as you nuzzle into his armor unintentionally, how pretty you were when you were at peace. 
He stops himself there, reprimanding himself for thinking such things. He can’t have feelings for the enemy. 
And yet, even as he and his troops head home, battle wearing and dejected from the loss of a major battle, Zuko can’t help but think about his little waterbender.  
When you wake up, the kind woman tending to you tells you all about the mysterious and handsome man who carried your sleeping form across the entire Northern Water Tribe because he didn’t know where the healing center was.  
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clockwayswrites · 14 days
Tired Dads bit-
AN: I polled HH for something from my hopefully list to write no pressure for as a reward for finishing 2 fics, this is what they voted for and what the result is!
“—and then he flew right off the bridge! Just, done talking with me and off he went. ‘Parently I sounded angry and he didn’t want to talk to me when I was like that— a certain bird told him he shouldn’t have to! Being fair that is true, he shouldn’t have talk to me if I’m having a mare. He doesn’t have to put up with anyone’s anger, but I wasn’t angry! I was just… I was just…”
“Scared?” Bruce suggested when John couldn’t bring himself to say the word.
Bruce was lounging in the dark leather armchair, actually lounging too. It was the most relaxed that John had ever seen Bruce. His long legs were spread wide and stretched out over the opulent carpet, feet clad in nothing but socks. One arm was draped carelessly over the arm of the seat, the other rested the crystal glass of deep, amber whiskey against his temple. It ruffled his dark hair slightly.
John swallowed and looked away for more than one reason. “Yeah mate, scared. You’re lucky your brood can’t fly.”
Bruce snorted inelegantly.
“Fuck off,” John said, “you are.”
“No I’m not,” Bruce said, voice low and soft, “because that means they can fall.”
“Oh, that’s…” John swallowed a mouthful of his own whiskey. “Yeah, that is worse.”
The clink of ice was loud in the resulting quiet.
Bruce was, fascinatingly, the one who broke it.
“Did I ever tell you how I got Dick? And don’t you dare say what’s running through your mind right now.”
John wisely snapped his mouth closed.
Bruce eyed him for a moment longer before his gaze drifted, unfocused, to the side. “I was at the circus of all places. Alfred keeps a list of events in Gotham for me to go to so that I’m not absent from the social sphere for too long. This circus had, among other things, a family of famous acrobats. That night was their son’s first public performance with them.”
“Yes,” Bruce said. That was one of the good things about Bruce, he never thought John was stupid. Foolish, reckless, and brash, sure, but not stupid. He knew that John already saw where this was going, but kept speaking anyways. Maybe he needed to tell it. “Their lines were sabotaged and the parents fell to their deaths. Dick watched the whole thing. I’ve spent every night that he flies with me afraid that I’ll watch him fall too.”
John rolled his glass between his hands, feeling the cut crystal press into his palms. “But you still let him go out.”
There was that snort again. “Because there’s no stopping him. He was meant to fly.” Bruce tossed back the rest of his drink, swallowing more money in booze in one mouthful than John had drank to get blackout drunk. “And your son was too.”
“Not my son.”
Bruce leaned forward, placing his glass down on the side table with a heavy clink. His rich blue eyes were piercing— serious in a way that John’s own ice blue never could manage. “You have to stop telling yourself that, John. If he wasn’t your son, you wouldn’t be so afraid.”
John scowled as he burred his face in his glass. It was easier than facing Bruce because Bruce, out of everyone, knew. “Fuck you.”
“I’m hardly drunk enough for that, John, especially from you.”
John choked on his drink, coughing down the expensive whiskey.
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once-upon-an-imagine · 2 months
I’d love a request where the reader is Bobbys daughter and dating Buck. It’s a hot day and the reader has gone to the firehouse to see everyone but she ends up feeling unwell because of the heat and Buck looks after her.
hello, love! ahh thank you so much for this request! and thanks to everyone who voted! it's my first time writing for Buck so I hope you like it! also, I'm not sure why, I swear I read somewhere that Bobby didn't know they were dating so that's kind of the course this took, so I hope that's okay! Warnings: reader faints because of the heat; I think that’s it, but always let me know if I missed anything Disclaimer: I don’t own 9-1-1 😊 gif isn’t mine 😁
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"Okay, how does this look?" you asked, placing the lasagna in the middle of the table. Buck had texted you that the team was on their way back so you needed to hurry up.
"For the third time, honey, yes. It looks good" Athena said as she brought the bread with her and you went over to finish the salad you were making. You had learned a thing or two from your father and you started to actually enjoy cooking. It brought the two of you together after you lost the rest of your family, and it usually helped calm you down, but not today. "Look, I know you're nervous about telling your dad about you and Buck, but you need to breathe and relax" she said, walking closer to you.
You had been seeing Buck for a long time now. At first, you didn't want to tell your dad, mostly because you weren't even sure if the two of you were serious. Then, it got serious quickly and the two of you agreed to tell your dad when you were both ready. So now, because the two of you wanted to move in together, you knew you had to tell him. So, here you were, cooking your father's favorite meal for lunch, and hoping to have your dad in a good mood for later tonight when you were going to finally tell him.
"I know, I know" you said to Athena, who had kindly volunteered to help you since it was her day off. "It's just... my dad has hated every single boyfriend I've had" you told her.
"Oh, I know. He's told me about all the insipid, idiot, good-for-nothings you've dated before" she said, making you widen your eyes at her. "His words not mine" she said, making you roll your eyes. "But he adores Buck, like his own son. I mean, they even went to a Bruce Springsteen concert together" she reminded you.
"Ugh, I know, nobody loves Springsteen as much as those two" you said, making Athena let out a chuckle. "Look, I know he loves Buck... as part of his team. I'm not sure if he's gonna love Buck as my boyfriend" you said, nervously.
"Of course he will. Because as much as he loves Buck, he loves you more than anything and anyone" she reminded you. "And he's going to see how happy he makes you" she smiled.
"You really think so?" you asked, smiling back.
"I really do" she nodded. It actually meant a lot to you what Athena thought too. You knew she didn't particularly like Buck at first, but she had mentioned to you how he's changed and how she sees that the two of you brought out the best in each other. "Looks like they're here" she said, when you saw the truck pulling into the station.
"Okay" you said, placing the salad on the table. "I think the bear claws are done" you said, wiping your hands on your apron, and went over to the oven.
"Really? You had to make his favorite dessert?" Athena said, rolling her eyes. "Aren't you trying a bit too hard?"
"Better safe than sorry" you smiled nervously.
"Hey, what's all this?" Hen asked, being the first one to get upstairs.
"Do I smell your dad's famous lasagna?" Chim was the next one to appear. "Please tell me I'm right" he smiled, seeing at the setup table.
"You are correct" you smiled.
"Oh, this is why you're my favorite Nash" he smiled.
"Hey! I heard that" you heard your father coming up. "This is a nice surprise" he smiled, looking at the two of you before he went over to his wife and gave her a kiss.
"Yeah-" Athena started before you interrupted her.
"It was Athena's idea" you quickly said. "I uh, just... tagged along to help with the cooking" you smiled as Buck and Eddie finally made it upstairs.
"Hey, little Nash" Eddie said, walking over to greet you. Aside from Athena, he was the only one who knew about the two of you. And Christopher.
"Well, I'm happy to see you" Bobby said, before walking over to you and kissing your head. "Both of you" he added. "This looks good, duck" he smiled as you rolled your eyes a little.
"Why is it that he calls you duck?" you heard Chimney ask when he was taking his seat.
"Why does he call you Chimney?" you smirked and he glared at you.
Your dad laughed and walked over to the table with Athena as he started telling Hen and Chim that he called you duck because you used to be a really grumpy kid and when you were a toddler, you sounded like Donald Duck whenever you argued with him about something.
"Hey" Buck said, walking closer to you as you walked to the oven. "How are you feeling?" he smiled.
"I'm... fine" you smiled wearily.
"You're a terrible liar" he chuckled.
"I know" you said, opening the oven and feeling the heat struck you. It was already extremely hot outside. This just made it ten times worse. "I'm just a little nervous" you said, getting back up, suddenly feeling dizzy, and making you drop the tray with bear claws a bit faster and louder than you intended on the counter, getting the attention of the four people on the table.
"Whoa" Buck said, worriedly, getting closer to you.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Eddie asked. "You're sweating a lot"
"Yeah, no I just... felt a bit light-headed" you said, placing your wrist on your forehead.
"Did you eat something today? Maybe you need to sit down" Buck said pulling you closer to him. "Look at me" he instructed.
"I'm fine, sweetheart-" you tried smiling before Buck saw your eyes roll over to the back of your head and you collapsed in front of him. He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, preventing you from falling all the way to the ground.
"Bobby!" Buck yelled, even if Bobby was already rushing to you as Buck and Eddie carried you to the sofa.
"Chim! Hen! Get your bag!" Bobby ordered. "What happened?"
"I think it's the heat" Eddie said as Chimney came running back up with his bag, handing Hen what she needed.
"Did she eat anything at all today?" she questioned.
"Not while she was with me" Athena replied.
"She didn't have breakfast either" Buck said, feeling guilty. He was the main reason why you were late and didn't have breakfast.
"What? She didn't?" Bobby asked, confused. "Wait, how do you know that?"
"Um... she texted me?" Buck smiled, nervously as Eddie and Athena shared a look, thinking it was probably best to give everyone some space.
"You two... text each other?" Bobby asked as Chimney and Hen shared a different, confused look.
"Oh, I did not see this coming" Chim muttered to Hen.
"Seriously? You didn't?" she asked before going back to examining you.
You slowly opened your eyes and realized you were at the 118 station and you had a cold cloth pressed against your forehead. You tried to sit up but Buck quickly ran over to you.
"Whoa, easy there, love" he said, sitting on the coffee table in front of you. "Hi" he smiled sweetly at you, offering you a bottle of water. "How are you feeling?"
"A bit dumb, to be honest" you chuckled, accepting the water and taking a sip. "W-what happened?"
"You fainted" he reminded you. "Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me you hadn't eaten today?"
"I'm sorry" you frowned. "I didn't think it would be a big deal. I didn't have time to eat this morning and, then I went to work, and then I started cooking and I lost track of time and, I guess the heat didn't help" you said shyly.
"No, it didn't" your dad said, walking over and sitting on the edge of the sofa. "How are you feeling duck?"
"A bit better" you said.
"Well, it's a good thing your boyfriend is always alert and quick on his feet" he said, casually.
"Yeah, he- wait, what did you say?" you froze, realizing what he'd just say. "Did I hit my head?" you asked Buck. "Did my dad just call you my boyfriend?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry, sweetheart" Buck smiled apologetically. "I know you had a whole thing planned tonight, but I let it slip that you didn't have breakfast today, and well... I kind of told him" he explained.
"Y-you did?" you asked, feeling a bit nauseous again. "Does he know we're moving in together?"
"He does now" Buck said with a tight-lipped smile.
"You're moving in together?" your dad asked.
"I uh-" you stuttered. "Y-yeah" you admitted. "W-we were going to tell you tonight at dinner" you insisted.
"Is that why you came to make my favorite lunch? So I'd be in a good mood?" he asked, knowing you too well.
"M-maybe?" you smiled. "A-are you mad?"
"No, honey. I'm not mad" he chuckled, pulling you closer and kissing your temple. "I don't love the fact that you hid it from me for so long" he added. "But I'm glad you're with someone who I know cares about you as much as I know Buck does" he smiled. "And, if I'm being honest, I kind of suspected it for a while" he said, surprising you.
"You did not" you glared at him.
"You both are terrible liars and I mean, you only make bear claws when you're giving me bad news" he smirked, making you roll your eyes.
"Wait, does that mean, I'm bad news?" Buck asked.
"What? N-no" you said unconvincingly. "I make them when I'm not sure how he will react" you insisted.
"Yeah" Bobby said. "To bad news" he repeated with a chuckle. I'm glad you're happy, duck" he told you.
"Thanks, dad" you smiled. "I really am" you told him.
"I'm gonna go get you something to eat, okay?" he said, getting up and kissing your head again. "Don't ever scare me like that again" he muttered before walking away.
"So, your dad knows about us" Buck smiled at you.
"Yeah, and it didn't go bad at all" you said, excitedly.
"Not bad at all? Sweetheart, do I need to remind you that you just fainted?"
"Well, yeah but... I mean aside from that" you pouted, making him smile at you before giving you a peck on the lips.
"You really scared me" he said, worriedly.
"I'm sorry, love" you insisted.
"You don't have to apologize" he said. "Especially since it was kind of my fault you didn't have breakfast" he said, blushing a little. "But now that we are going to live together, I will make sure you don't leave the house without eating first" he instructed, making you roll your eyes a little.
"Fine" you smiled before he leaned in for another kiss. "I love you" you told him.
"I love you too" he smiled.
The End
A/N: aahhh! I hope you loves liked it!
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ A New Brother?!
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content: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader fic (ft. my baby boy tyson) warning: i wanna say none but i dont trust myself, language probs author's note: okay okay so this one was the first winner!! the rest will follow in order with how many votes they got and such. but first LETS PUT A LITTLE RESPECT ON TYSONS NAME YALL THAT'S MY SON OF POSEIDON FR FR HES JUST A LITTLE GUY I CANT-
“dude! dude! dude!” y/n called as she ran from the big house toward percy, who was sitting on the steps outside of cabin three with annabeth, both of them looking up at her yells.
“bro! bro! bro!” percy called back with a laugh, sharing a look with annabeth, who shook her head at the two siblings as she went back to her architectural sketches for something.
“i’ve got news!” y/n cheers, standing before percy with her hands pulled up to her chest and an unbeatable smile on her lips. percy motioned for her to go on, looking at her suspiciously.
“my favorite brother will be joining us at camp for the next three days,” y/n announced, proudly, causing percy to jump up to his feet too.
“no way! what?” he cheered, the two of them soon jumping in a circle. annabeth laughed at them, getting joy from their joy. leo had walked over at some point, looking at the children of poseidon with concern. annabeth waved him over to sit next to her, giving them the perfect view of the excited teens.
“what did i miss?” leo questioned, unable to take his eyes off the pair but turning his head towards annabeth.
“tyson, their brother, is coming to stay at camp for a few days. they don’t see him very often because he works with the cyclops with their father, so they tend to get a bit excited,” annabeth explained with a shrug. leo nodded, having already been told about tyson by y/n. she loved to rave about him, proudly showing the picture of him she kept in her cabin at any needed moment.
“i call dibs on snack duty! you didn’t even get anything good last time,” y/n insisted, pointing at percy as they sat down next to their respective significant others, both a little out of breath and sweaty, but smiling nonetheless.
“whatever. tyson liked those pickle chips,” percy huffed, jokingly rolling his eyes.
“yeah, but i did not like the smell of your guys' breath,” y/n replied, scrunching her face up, which earned her a laugh.
“okay, okay, fair. so i'm on movie duty then?” percy questioned and y/n nodded.
“yes, cause tyson’s on fort duty, duh,” answered y/n before she spun in leo’s arms and looked up at him, who looked down at her with a raised brow and a smile
“hi, hey,” she rapidly shot out before pressing her lips against his and promptly pulling back.
“gross!” percy called, earning him an elbow against his rib from annabeth.
“please, i was tortured by you two for like five summers, i’ve earned my dues,” y/n replied, squinting at the two with a glare.
“fair enough.”
tyson showed up a few days later, a large dopey smile on his face as he waved the hippocampus that gave him a ride away. y/n and percy were, obviously, the first to greet him and get him settled in their cabin. most of the older campers knew tyson or at least knew of him, so they weren’t really too phased by the cyclops being at camp. it was the younger ones who took a little more time, but with how sweet tyson was it really wasn’t a problem. leo had gotten caught up in the forges, annabeth having asked him if he could roadtest something for her, which sent him down a rabbit hole of trying to figure it out.
“leo?!” y/n’s voice called through the forge, leo’s eyes moving from the twisted metal in front of him to the girl standing in the doorway of the forge, along with a bulkier and taller figure.
“hey, honey. give me a minute, yeah?” he called as both of his hands were occupied. he didn’t hear anything in response but he trusted that she was probably just showing tyson some of the new projects or something like that. after a bit, leo walked up, shoving his goggles up and dusting his hands off on his once white shirt.
“leo, this is tyson, my brother. tyson, this is leo, my boyfriend,” y/n introduced, gesturing between the two. leo held his hand out to the cyclops, smiling widely.
“hey, man, nice to meet you. y/ns, here, loves to rave about you,” mused leo before he was promptly pulled into a bone crushing huge.
“right, sorry, tyson’s a hugger,” y/n winced, forgetting to mention that to leo, who groaned as he was let go. he shot a look at the girl, who giggled quietly behind her hand.
“a new brother! very exciting, sister, and he can build things!” tyson cheered, happily nodding his head. leo blushed at the insinuation and y/n coughed, opening her mouth to correct him.
“oh, tyson, he’s not- we’re not- he’s just my boyfriend. when…when we get married, he’d be your brother,” y/n tried to explain, her voice catching on the word ‘when.’ then she shared a look with leo, which just solidified her ‘when’ and not ‘if.’
“oh,” tyson frowned, his eyebrows furrowing and leo had a feeling tears would be next.
“y/n mentioned you work in forges, right? come on, i’ll show you what i’m working on, could use some help,” leo redirected, easily, nodding his head back towards the forges. tyson’s eye lit up and he looked over at y/n for permission, but she was looking at leo with a melty and soft look in her eyes.
“hmm? oh, yeah, you’re good, tyson. just bring him back to percy and i before dinner, okay, lee?” y/n asked and leo gave her a salute, which tyson mimicked with a little laugh. y/n watched them go, her heart full of love and a blinding smile on her face.
right before dinner, percy and y/n were making their way towards the forge to pick up tyson, but tyson came running out of the forge in excitement, something clasped safety in his large hands. the siblings shared a look as leo trailed after him.
“percy! y/n! look!” he proudly cheered, stopping before the two and unfurling his hands to reveal a small metallic horse sculpture. he squealed in excitement on seeing it again.
“wow! super cool, tyson!” percy cheered, clapping the cyclops on the back.
“you make that yourself or did leo?” y/n jumped in, beaming a smile between her boyfriend and little brother.
"oh, all tyson. i only helped here and there," leo mused, holding his hands up with a wide smile and a wink to you and percy.
"yup. all me," tyson echoed, clearly having grown fond of leo in the past few hours.
"good job, buddy! wanna go show annie?" percy offered with a wide smirk, which had tyson nodding his head and following after his brother. you stayed behind with leo, watching your siblings go as leo wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder.
"thank you. for hanging out with him today," you whispered and you could feel leo shrug as he pressed a kiss to your shirt clad shoulder.
"course. he's a good guy and handy in the forges. being fireproof tends to be helpful," leo replied and you giggled, turning to make eye contact with him.
"and you'd know all about that, huh?" you taunted and leo rolled his eyes, releasing his hands from you, which just caused you to laugh harder.
"whatever. and to think, i made you a present!" huffed the son of hephaestus, turning his nose up at the girl.
"ooo, what'd ya make?" she questioned, poking at his side with her fingers.
"no. mean girlfriend's don't get gifts," added leo, trying to dodge the attack of her fingers the best he could.
"c'mon, don't be that way, pretty boy," you pouted, batting your eyes at him in a way that had leo instantly folding, reaching back into his tool belt with a tiny shake of his head.
"that's an abuse of power," he stated before presenting you with a metal lily, delicately sculpted and stretched out of metal. and you were instantly swooning, gently caressing it with your fingers before darting your wide eyes up to him.
"only the longest lasting flowers for my girl," leo added, winking with a smirk. you rolled your eyes but clutched the flower to your chest like it was your child.
"y/n! stop flirting and come help with the snacks!" percy called, giving you a pointed look and setting a hand against his hip like a mother. you huffed at him, sticking your tongue out before turning to leo and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"you're the sweetest boy, valdez," you whispered to the skin of his cheek before racing off, shouts that you'll make it to cabin three first, which sent both of your brothers barreling after you. leo watched this with a smile and a blush slowly rising to where your lips had been.
yeah, he was going to marry this girl. tyson'd throw a fit if he didn't. and he just couldn't have that, could he?
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prettiestlovergirl · 3 months
tw: MDNI; fem!reader; teasing; tipsy fooling around; under the table; fingering; reader has acrylics on!
concept: mom's friend's son!luke who only comes around when your parents are hanging out or for big events. song: so it goes... by taylor swift
a/n: you voted for this so... here you go! this is inspired by this post by @too-deviant ! i saw the concept and was immediately hit with inspiration. it's a bit short, but don't worry, there is a part two coming soon! i will link here when it's up. enjoy, my lovelies! 𓆩���𓆪
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was getting wasted a bit tipsy at your mom's friend of a friend's wedding reception a good idea? no. no, it was not.
but you couldn't help it! it was so. boring.
the ceremony was a drag, the small talk was unbearable, and you were going to be stuck here for lord knows how long while your moms talked the night away.
when some of your older cousins came around and offered, you just had to get a few shots! just to provide a warm buzz.
and a couple of cocktails couldn't hurt, just to keep you steady!
oh, and wait, no one wanted that bottle of champagne, right?
so here you two were, a pile of giggles and smirks as you passed the bottle between yourselves in your not-so-secret corner of the world. you both rambled on, reminiscing on old memories of your time spent together.
sharing glances and tipsy smiles when one of your mothers came by and commented about how cute you looked, how it seemed as if no time had passed.
eventually, the teasing started the same way it always did: his hand rubbing its way up and down your thigh.
it was especially easy for him to access your bare skin, the criminally short dress you wore barely covering the smooth flesh. you wore it with him in mind, of course.
last winter, you'd attended a holiday party in jeans, and you'd have thought you were in a chastity belt the way he pouted. he spent most of the evening complaining about missing the way your pretty thighs looked without the fabric, so you decided to be extra nice this time around.
unfortunately, you were starting to think that maybe you had been a little too nice when you felt his hand start moving up, up, up.
"luke, stop it! wait til we're alone!" you giggled quietly, swatting at his hand but doing absolutely nothing to deter him from his goal of getting his hand on your panties.
"oh, c'mon, baby. everybody's too drunk to even care." luke hummed in your ear, his warm breath on your ear making you shiver despite the heat. "besides, haven't felt you in so long, can't blame me f'being a little impatient."
you let out a soft moan when his hand finally found your panties, his palm applying some soft pressure before stopping, making you whine. "is that a yes?" he asked, his voice husky in your ear. you didn't even have to look at him to know he was smirking.
you bit your lip gently, glancing around the room to make sure you really were in the clear before nodding. "mhm."
he slowly rubbed circles onto your clothed pussy, relishing in the way you'd already soaked through them. "god, you're so wet..." he murmured, teasing you over your panties while you let out the occasional gasp or whimper.
"luuuke, stop t- oh." your complaint was cut off by your own quiet moan when he finally pushed your panties to the side and moved his middle finger up and down your slit. he spread your wetness around before finally easing it inside of you.
"oh, fuck." you moaned, bringing your hand up to your lips to try and discreetly muffle yourself. no one was paying you two any attention, but that didn't mean you wanted to tempt fate any more than you were!
luke draped his free arm over the back of your seat, forcing you in place and looking just oh-so-casual while his thumb found your puffy clit. he slipped in another finger, speeding up his thrusts while you struggled to stay quiet.
only you two could hear the squelching of your pussy while luke fingered you, the sounds of music and godawful karaoke blocking it out from the rest of the world.
"so. fucking. wet." luke groaned in your ear, punctuating each word with another toe curling thrust as you felt the familiar, delicious knot in your stomach start to grow. "fuck, fuck, m'so close!" you practically whined, trying to squirm against his firm grip, only to be met with his fingers curled up and made you hiss.
"you gonna cum f'me, baby? gonna be a good girl and cum on my fingers?" he cooed, to which you could only nod rapidly and dig your nails into his arm, afraid that if you opened your mouth, you would moan too loud and bring attention to yourself.
after a few more rough thrusts, you turned and quickly buried your face into his shoulder, unable to hold in your moans as you squeezed your eyes shut and came undone.
he continued to rub your clit as you came, enjoying the sting of your nails digging into his arm and the fabric of your panties scraping his knuckles while you rode out your high.
eventually, however, he stopped and pulled his hand out from between your thighs, allowing you to catch your breath. he lifted his hand up, fingers and thumb glistening with your juices all over them.
"fuck, that's hot." he stated, looking at you as he popped his thumb into his mouth to clean it off. you blushed and smacked his chest, attempting to bring his hand down. "luke, stop it!" you hissed, your blush only seeming to egg him on more.
"ah, ah, ah. i earned this, doll." luke tutted, a wicked smirk on his face as he licked all your juices off his hand, groaning at your delicious taste until your mother came by to check in on you, asking if you felt okay, telling you that you looked a bit flushed.
"don't worry, i'm here to take great care of our girl for the night." he told your mother, his best, charming smile on his lips. "in fact, i'm gonna go grab us some waters." he stated, casually adjusting his hard on under the table before getting up and walking away.
your mom continued to talk, going on about how cute it was that you two were still the best of friends, but you weren't paying attention.
no, all your attention was on your phone as you waited for the usual text message to arrive in three... two... buzz, buzz.
you picked your phone up off the table and smiled to yourself as you read the messages.
"meet me in the stairwell" "don't make me start without you."
maybe getting dragged to these random events with your mom wasn't all that bad after all...
ᵈⁱᵛⁱᵈᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ @ᵐᵘʳᵘᶠᶠⁱⁿ
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dotster001 · 7 months
For Tuna; General End
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Choose another ending
A/N: as always, add your votes for the next end here. Also, this end is going to be...familiar at first, but that's just what happens when you jump dimensions.
"So, the end has arrived."
Grim pushed his lens-less glasses down his nose and stared at Silver and Lilia, both of whom were sitting on the other side of a desk.
"I'll be honest, neither of you two is the richest here. That title belongs to Malleus and Leona, respectively. But Malleus will prioritize his country over me, I mean Y/N, and Leona, well let's face it, it's only a matter of time before he disgraces himself and is off the kingdom's payroll."
Grim waved around a sheet of paper.
"Which puts both of you in third place. Oddly enough, your finance situation is nearly identical. So it comes down to who I think would be a better dad. I know this will come as a shock to you both, but Y/N isn't actually my henchhuman. They're my parent."
Lilia gasped in mock shock as Silver just stared.
Grim sighed heavily, leaning back in his seat. “An anonymous source has told me that Lilia is the type of dad to leave his son's alone in the woods to fend for themselves. So Silver, congratulations, I guess.”
Lilia jumped out of his seat, excitedly hugging Silver.
“My boy! Congratulations! We shall have a splendid wedding!”
“Father,” Silver said sternly, gently pushing Lilia away. “We don't have to do this anymore.”
Lilia quirked an eyebrow in confusion, as Grim just stared.
“I know I'll always be your little boy to you, but I'm not a child anymore. You don't have to always put me first.”
Lilia stiffened, but attempted to cover it up with a smile.
“I know, but-”
“Y/N and I don't love each other. Our relationship is purely platonic,” Silver said firmly. “I never wanted to do this, especially knowing how in love with them you are, but now that I've beaten you at something, I can tell you to man up, and confess your feelings.”
Lilia 's jaw dropped. Silver felt the urge to retreat, but stood his ground. He couldn't let his father live with regret. So he played one more card.
“It would be a nice way to complete our family. Y/N would be the perfect step parent for me. I just know it.”
Lilia 's expression softened. “Silver…”
“A true warrior doesn't hesitate in battle! Go!” Silver said with uncharacteristic firmness, making Lilia actually jump and begin to run to the door, before stopping himself with a laugh.
“I've raised the perfect little general,” he giggled.
“Go!” Silver shouted. And Lilia went.
“What the heck was that?” Grim shouted at Silver.
“I'm your big brother now, that's what that was,” Silver grinned, with a mischievous look that could have only come from his father.
There was a knock on the front door. Grim was out for the night, promising there would be no bill. So you were just enjoying a quiet night in. You had no doubt that if you opened that door right now, it would be someone who would cause chaos. Probably Ace. Definitely Ace.
One of the ghosts moved to open the door, but you pressed a finger to your lips. He gave a quiet snicker and a nod, and went back upstairs, ignoring the knock.
The knock stopped after a moment, and the room was silent again.
“Who are you hiding from?” A voice whispered right next to your ear, and you screamed.
You grabbed a pillow to defend yourself, and jumped off the couch, turning to face your attacker. Lilia was doing the equivalent of laying on his stomach, and kicking his legs up, except in midair. He was giggling excitedly, and you gave him a nasty glare.
“What the hell, Lilia!” You screamed. “How did you get in?”
He just giggled again, ignoring the question.
“I heard you were all alone tonight. I didn't want you to be lonely,” he hummed.
“I- I'm not lonely!” You shouted. “I have half a mind to kick you out!”
“You won't.”
“I most certainly will.”
“You won't.”
“And why, oh wise Lilia, won't I kick you out of my house?”
He grinned, and floated closer to you.
“Because you, radiant Y/N, are absolutely mad for me.”
You choked on your own spit, your face instantly growing hot.
“Egh ugh, nuh uh!”
“How eloquent!” He burst into laughter. “But a falsehood, I am certain.”
He slipped even closer to you. You took one step back, but after that froze. He gently wrapped his arms around your neck, looking into your eyes, his own burning passionately.
“Urgh, nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Nuh uh?” He smiled slyly.
“Nuh uh,” you said half heartedly.
“Hm,” he hummed. “Then prove it. Kiss me.”
You choked on your spit again.
“If you can kiss me, and then tell me you really don't love me, I'll believe you and never bring it up again.”
You couldn't do that. You absolutely couldn't kiss him. Because when he was proved right, you'd definitely want to punch the smug smile off his face.
“Time's up!” He shouted, before pressing his lips to yours. 
You hated how good he was at kissing. Even if you didn't love him, you wouldn't have been able to think straight after this, and would accidentally send him the wrong message. But you did love him, which meant you didn't want to stop kissing him.
But Lilia knew that. And he liked to play with his prey. He pulled away, licking his lips as he grinned.
“Well? Still ‘nuh uh’?”
“Nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Mhm. That's what I thought. Anything you want to say?”
You yanked him back in, threading your fingers through his hair, and kissing him as hard as you could. You could feel the vibrations of his triumphant giggle. 
You pulled your pillow holding arm slowly back to hit him, but he quickly separated, gently twisting your arm behind your back, and forcing you to drop the pillow. He giggled and pressed his mouth to your neck.
“I see we'll never get bored together,” he whispered. “You're absolutely amazing.”
“Ha ha,” you said snarkily. He grazed his canines against your neck, and you froze. You knew some of your classmates said he was a vampire but…
"You just smell so delicious," he purred.
“Kidding! Let's make out some more,” before you could glare at him again, and say something snarky, he yanked you to the couch and started kissing you again.
You could get back at him tomorrow. 
He was way too good at kissing.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @itslucieen @nico707 @red-viewe @fucthisshitimout @kazumify @busycloudy @ny0000mw00m
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marlinspirkhall · 7 months
My favourite Game Changer quotes in no particular order:
“Take my points, you twee bitch, take my points away!”
“I haven't been able to since the HRT.” / “That's so interesting; I have the opposite problem.”
“He wanted to see his son fall, fall from the sky, oh how CLOSE to the SUN he FLEW, but Daedalus our little master craftsman over here had some WAX WINGS OF HIS OWN–”
“The lady said butthole, Sam.”
“Beardsley left this for me.” / “But you voted them out!” / “I am aware of that, yes.”
“Call your dad! Call your dad!” / “Call his... Dad?”
“I'm hungie :(”
“My period started during the break and I am in immense pain right now. This is not a bit.”
“Hey! Timothy! You're not allowed on the street anymore, and you know why?” / “Why?” / “On account of the crimes!”
“Can I solve it? Can I solve the thing?” / “WHAT?” (...) “That was a real Jewel moment right there, to go to so far at the top from so far at the bottom.”
“If Ally Beardsley comes out with a crown on their head I'm going to lose it.”
“Yes, of course I flinched. I'm not gonna stand here and pretend I didn't flinch, that was terrifying.”
“Just give it to me now, we all know I can do this.”
“You're gonna get Josh Ruben in here and not give him a seagull to do? Okay.”
“There is a big difference between walking into an escape room and finding yourself inside one.”
“Zac is running down the street? Jacob is driving home, and Ally is on their way to the airport.”
“Byoooouh.”✋😐✋“Did you factor in the antlers?”
“I am also 31. It's important to know there are three men in their thirties here today.”
“I think... You did this, and you're a bad man.”
“Was it writing Katie's name down and letting everyone think it was the art department?”
“The dungeon master is now my prisoner, it's Brennan Lee Mulligan!”
“There's gonna be a loop-de-loop.”
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anarchywoofwoof · 8 months
so today i learned that there’s a piece of graffiti written on the wall of a brothel in Pompeii that reads, “Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!”
this lead me down a rabbit hole of Pompeii graffiti, in which i found the following:
From Herculaneum (a bar/inn joined to the maritime baths): "Two friends were here. While they were, they had bad service in every way from a guy named Epaphroditus. They threw him out and spent 105 and half sestertii most agreeably on whores."
From just outside the Vesuvius gate: "Defecator, may everything turn out okay so that you can leave this place."
From the peristyle of the Tavern of Verecundus: "Restitutus says: 'Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates.'"
From Herculaneum (a bar/inn joined to the maritime baths): "Apelles the chamberlain with Dexter, a slave of Caesar, ate here most agreeably and had a screw at the same time."
From the basilica: "O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin."
that lead me down a rabbit hole of obscene ancient Roman graffiti such as the following:
Floronius, privileged soldier of the 7th legion, was here. The women did not know of his presence. Only six women came to know, too few for such a stallion.
Chie, I hope your hemorrhoids rub together so much that they hurt worse than when they ever have before!
Theophilus, don’t perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog
Apollinaris, the doctor of the emperor Titus, defecated well here
Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates
I was fucking with the bartender
Secundus likes to screw boys
Phileros is a eunuch!
Cruel Lalagus, why do you not love me?
I made bread on April 19th
Gaius Sabinus says a fond hello to Statius. Traveler, you eat bread in Pompeii but you go to Nuceria to drink. At Nuceria, the drinking is better
Anyone who wants to defecate in this place is advised to move along. If you act contrary to this warning, you will have to pay a penalty. Children must pay [number missing] silver coins. Slaves will be beaten on their behinds.
Epaphra doesn’t play football well
You can ride your maid whenever you want. It’s your right
Pyrrhus to his colleague Chius: I grieve because I hear you have died; and so farewell
O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin
My lusty son, with how many women have you had sexual relations?
If anyone sits here, let him read this first of all: if anyone wants a screw, he should look for Attice; she costs 4 sestertii.
Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!
If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girl friend
To the one defecating here. Beware of the curse. If you look down on this curse, may you have an angry Jupiter for an enemy
We have wet the bed, host. I confess we have done wrong. If you want to know why, there was no chamber pot
What a lot of tricks you use to deceive, innkeeper. You sell water but drink unmixed wine
The finance officer of the emperor Nero says the food here is poison
Gaius was here – the oldest graffiti, dated 78 BCE; found in Pompeii.
Vote for Isidorus for aedile, he licks cunts the best
i fucking love human beings.
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Who is Vegetta?
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Had to wait until my hands stopped shaking for this one, I love Vegetta so much. He was recently — miraculously — announced for the QSMP, so here's a rundown for English fans of both who he is and his lore. 
Vegetta777 is a Spanish Youtuber who is one of, if not THE biggest pillar of the Spanish community. He's been doing content for over 15 years now.
He's the creator of the Karmaland series, which he started when he was around Quackity's age.
I cannot emphasize enough: Vegetta doesn't do series or events or tournaments EVER, so him accepting the invitation is a huge deal. This was his exact commentary on it:
Vegetta: Quackity me invitó hace tiempo y le dije que no suelo entrar a series que yo puedo controlar, pero le he dado ese voto de confianza, además le pregunté como sería la serie porque no quería nada competitivo y quackity me dijo que no me preocupara por nada. [...] Si yo confíe en quackity y él confío en mi para Karmaland pues yo le doy ese voto de confianza para esta serie que está haciendo y además se le veía emocionado al chaval, si te soy sincero, Quackity el hijo de Rubius de cierto modo Translation: Quackity invited me a while ago and I told him that I don't usually enter series that I can't control, but I have given him that vote of confidence, I also asked him how the series would be because I didn't want anything competitive, and Quackity told me not to worry about anything (does this confirm QSMP is an RP server? 🤔) [...] If I trust Quackity and he trusts me for Karmaland, well, I give him that vote of confidence for this series he's doing. And also the boy looked excited, if I'm honest, Quackity's the son of Rubius in a certain way. (🥺💕)
Vegetta is very fond of Quackity after interacting with him in Karmaland 5, and he's spoken multiple times about how much Quackity's impressed him. He also said Quackity will be bigger than him someday :') He's very supportive of the new generation, and he spoke highly of Spreen today too.
Vegetta is one of the most talented Minecraft builders out there, and he's fast
While most of the other Karmaland boys were still living in basic houses, Vegetta built a CASTLE within a super short time
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Vegetta loves cats. In Karmaland he had an entire cat rescue with 50+ cats (and yes, he’s named every single one of them). IRL, he shares lots of adorable cat photos and videos. 
His skin, like his name, is based on the Dragon Ball character Vegeta. Vegetta777 is basically the yassified version of Vegeta (just like Phil is the yassified version of Uruhara).
In Karmaland 5, Vegetta was a bit of a wizard, and he had a flock of crows / ravens (remind you of anyone?) 
Vegetta is sometimes called "the father of Minecraft", so many people (myself included) are ESPECIALLY excited to see him and Phil interact because they have a lot of similarities.
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Vegetta is one of the heroes of Karmaland and the unofficial leader of their group. In terms of lore, he's essentially a demigod / minor god, though it's not as direct as Sapo  Peta's contact with them.
Vegetta is typically a staunch rule-follower, however, since he's not in control of the series, he said: "I feel like Rubius: 'Let's see what I can do to destroy everything, let's look for all the legal loopholes,' get ready Quackity, I'm the new Rubius!" (LMAO)
Vegetta’s the king of “stay in your own lane” he never gets into drama or gets involved in controversies, he just watches the dumpster fires from the sidelines like the rest of us
He almost never wears a shirt in the series (and honestly? Good for him)
His character is also, canonically, absolutely shredded
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It's impossible to talk about Vegetta's lore without also talking about Rubius, so buckle in because this one's a doozy. I can't cover everything without this post becoming longer than it already is, but I'll do my best to summarize what I can:
Starting with Karmaland 4 and continuing into Karmaland 5 and beyond, Rubius and Vegetta have created the world's most torturous slow-burn telenovela-esque love story.
Rubegetta (Rubius x Vegetta) is the most popular Karmaland ship that, to some extent, has become an inside joke between the boys and the community. I'll elaborate on this more in Rubius' post.
To simplify years and years of lore and drama, Rubius and Vegetta love each other, but they are incapable of being in an actual relationship. I've talked about it in depth before, but Vegetta said it best in this metaphor-filled exchange with Sapo Peta and Willy: Sapo Peta: I wanted to ask you about your relationship with that Rubius guy. Vegetta: Oh, yes well Rubius likes to be with me a lot, but at the same time he likes to snack everywhere, and he never finishes eating the morcilla (blood sausage). Sapo Peta: So he rejects you? Vegetta: It's not that he rejects me, it's that it doesn't finish clearing up, you know? We could say that our relationship is like a hamburger. WiIIy: You prepare it and he doesn't eat it. Vegetta: Exactly, he doesn't finish you know?
Or, as another person phrased it:
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The fault doesn't just lie with Rubius however; Vegetta himself can be pretty oblivious.
In Karmaland 4, despite the fact Rubius and Vegetta had a kid together and got married, it still didn't resolve anything. As soon as the vows were said and they were married, Rubius revealed it was all just a ploy to get Vegetta's diamonds and immediately asked for a divorce.
You can watch a translated animation of the entire wedding here.
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In Karmaland 5, after deciding he'd had enough of Rubius' BS, Vegetta decided to marry someone else (Lolito), but Rubius burst in at the last moment to stop the wedding. We all thought he'd finally confess his love and stop being so emotionally constipated, but instead he proposed to Lolito solely so Vegetta would remain single. (They're a mess, what can I say)
To quote a meme shared by another Spanish fan, Vegetta's reaction to that was basically: “You don’t want me to be with you, and you don’t want me to be with someone else. How miserable do I have to be for you to be happy?”
I do want to emphasize that even though Rubius and Vegetta sometimes have relationship issues / communication issues, it doesn’t diminish their friendship in the slightest. Even after both wedding disasters, they were back to speaking to each other the next week, being flirty and laughing together. Yes, they have issues, but their love for each other remains – despite everything.
(I should also note here that, even while engaged to Lolito, Vegetta was still flirty with Rubius).
Vegetta is very close friends with Luzu, who supported him during the fallout from both failed marriages.
In Karmaland 4, Rubius and Vegetta had a son named Brayan Dobluque (a mix of both their names).
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There's too much Rubegetta lore for me to cover everything, but Glay has a massive thread of translated Rubegetta clips I highly recommend watching if you'd like more context.
One clip I recommend is the Meteor date, which is one of the few instances where Rubius is honest vis-à-vis his emotions with Vegetta.
As a whole, their friendship / relationship is a romcom novela for sure, but sometimes they'll catch you off-guard with some romantic BS that'll make your heart ache. They really do love each other; they just don't know how to commit.
Vegetta is bi! (Both real life Vegetta and character Vegetta). Pretty much every single character in Karmaland is on the ‘ol rainbow spectrum somewhere.
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Lore aside, I feel like Vegetta, and pretty much all the Karmaland boys in general, have the least machismo (toxic masculinity) I've ever seen. They're all genuinely sweet guys who aren't afraid to be flirty and play gay characters in their queer little telenovela Minecraft series. (With the exception of Willy, who we like to joke is the "token straight friend"). Vegetta's a cool guy, and he's a great addition to the QSMP. I'm excited for you all to meet him!
Other info posts:
Who is Sapo Peta? | Who is Luzu? | Who is Spreen?
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corroded-hellfire · 8 months
Something Sweet - Eddie Munson x Reader
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A collab with my beloved @munson-blurbs
An As You Wish story
Summary: When the Munson boys that you babysit ask you to join them for trick-or-treating, how can you say no? Especially when you have a massive crush on their father.
Note: Happy Halloween! Please enjoy the first time that reader gets to spend the holiday with the crazy Munson gang 🧡
Warnings: older!eddie, dad!eddie, babysitter!reader, male masturbation
Words: 4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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It’s the week before Halloween, and while the weather has cooled and fall decor is in abundance, the Munson boys are still trying to determine their costumes. 
“I can’t deciiiide,” Ryan whines to you, flopping back onto the couch with a dramatic groan. 
You take a seat next to him, scrunching up your nose in thought. “What’re we down to?” you ask. 
“Vampire or Scooby-Doo.”
You consider both options, trying to drown out the sound of the Hey, Arnold episode Luke’s engrossed in. “Hmm…my vote is for vampire.” You laugh when his face pinches in a frown. “That right there tells me you wanna be Scooby-Doo. I knew I could help,” you teasingly add. 
“Hey!” Luke calls out, startling you briefly.  
“Hey is for horses.” You grin. “What’s up?”
The front door opens with a soft groan, and Eddie steps inside. He shrugs out of his leather jacket and hangs it on a hook near the door. 
“Daddy!” Luke calls, pushing himself off the ground and running full speed at his father.
Eddie catches him easily and tosses the small boy over his shoulder as he walks further into the house. Luke’s little legs kick excitedly against Eddie’s torso. 
“Hello, my two jesters.” Eddie smiles, holding onto Luke with one hand and ruffling Ryan’s hair with the other. 
“Whatsa jester?” Luke asks from behind his father’s back.
“Like a clown but fancier. For a king,” Ryan tells him.
“And Princess,” Eddie addresses you, doing an abbreviated form of a bow with his son slung over his shoulder, being sure not to drop him.
The name and gesture make you giggle nonetheless, and you can feel the heat climbing in your cheeks.  
Eddie heads towards the kitchen, but Luke starts to flail in his grip, legs kicking dangerously close to a light fixture on the wall that’s already had to be replaced twice because of incidents involving the little boy.
“Waaaait! I hadda question!” 
“What’s up?” Eddie asks as he plops Luke back down on the floor.
Luke raises his eyebrows. “Not for you.” His tone implies that this should have been obvious. The five-year-old turns towards you and gives you his best pleading smile, complete with batted eyelashes. “Will you come trick-or-treating with me and Ryan? Pleeeeease?”
Ryan instantly loves the idea and bounds over to the stand next to his brother, both of them giving you those large Munson eyes that you’re helpless against.  
“Yes, pleeeeeease!” Ryan adds, jutting out his lower lip in a puppy dog-esque pout. 
As if you could say no to them. You didn’t want to either, really. It’d be fun to go around with them, and you’d never turn down time with Eddie. 
Speak of the devil… “As long as it’s okay with your dad,” you tell them.
As one, the boys spin around to face Eddie, giving him the same longing stare. 
“Don’t give me that look; I invented it,” Eddie tells them before looking at you over their heads. “But, of course. You’re always welcome, you know that.” 
“Yesssss!” The boys cheer and you give Eddie a grateful smile. He nods in return before grabbing a beer from the fridge, opening it using the side of the countertop. For some reason, it’s incredibly attractive to you, and you smile at him. 
“Ryan!” Luke says loudly, jarring you out of your daydreams about your boss. Luke turns to his older brother and places his hands on his shoulders. “I have a very important question.”
“What?” Ryan asks, frowning in confusion.
“Are your pillowcases bigger than mine? Cause we gotta use whatever lets us get the most candy!”
“Ooh!” Ryan lights up at the idea. “I’m not sure, let’s go check.”
Eddie turns to you as the boys dart to their rooms. “How long do you think it’ll take them to realize they’re the same size?”
You just laugh, thumbs dancing around each other nervously. “I’m excited to trick-or-treat with you. Them. All of you.” Heat creeps up your neck in embarrassment.
If Eddie notices, he doesn’t show it. 
“Yeah, me too. I gotta warn you, though,” he adds mischievously, “I’m more ‘tricks’ than ‘treats.’”
You furrow your brow. “What does that mean?”
He leans in so his lips are next to your ear, about to let you in on a secret. 
“I’m home!” an already irritated voice calls from the front door. You’d been so caught up in your conversation (flirtation?) with Eddie that you hadn’t even heard Brittany come in.  
Eddie lets out a small groan under his breath that you don’t think you were meant to hear—it’s just that his lips are so close to your ear. 
Brittany strides down the hall and Eddie takes a subtle step away from you. His wife hardly spares a glance in the direction of you two as she continues down the hall towards the master bedroom.
“I should head out,” you say, eager to avoid any more Brittany appearances. 
“Drive safe,” Eddie says. “Lots of weirdos out there around Halloween.”
“I’m a college student,” you remind him. “I’m very used to weirdos.”
Eddie chuckles and you give him a wave before walking out of the kitchen, exhaling a long-held breath once the door closes behind you. 
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On Halloween, Ryan and Luke come bounding out of school, even more hyper than usual. They come bearing crafts that they made in school and chatter on a mile a minute about the fun activities they’d done that day in their respective classes.
“Are you guys sure you need more candy?” you tease. “Looks like you’ve had enough sugar to last a lifetime.”
They just chant “more candy” in response, and you regret even asking. One of them hyper, you could handle no problem. But when it’s both of them? This is how you assume zookeepers feel while trying to care for the monkeys.
“Whatcha dressing up as tonight?” Luke asks once their chanting has come to an end.
“Ah, that’s just gonna have to remain a surprise,” you tell them, a smirk growing on your lips even though they can’t see it from the back seat.  
Once they figure out that they’re not going to break you and get the information they want, the car ride is filled with them singing at the top of their lungs, even Ryan, who is usually much more reserved. They jump from song to song: some they must know because of Eddie and some from Disney movies. 
Despite their protests to rifle through their bags when you get home, you manage to get them to eat some apple slices with peanut butter for a snack. Something healthy before their mouths feast on the pounds of sugar they’ll collect tonight. 
They still have an abundance of energy, so you get the idea to teach them the Time Warp dance. It’s something you remember learning long ago—from your sister, actually. And even though they are far too young to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show, it’s still fun to pass on the iconic choreography to the brothers. 
It also serves as a means to distract them since they’ve now tried twice to peek inside your bag and find out what your costume is. All attempts were unsuccessful. Maybe soon they’d actually start believing that you have eyes in the back of your head. 
You’re just finishing up cleaning the dishes as they jump to the left and step to the right, when the front door opens. Fight or flight instinct kicks in as you freeze on the spot, ready to protect the boys against the mystery intruder. But you relax as soon as Eddie calls out, “who’s ready to trick-or-treat?”
Ryan and Luke run over to their dad as usual, even more excited than they normally are since he’s come home early. 
“Look what we learned!” Luke exclaims, and the two of them execute the moves to The Time Warp as well as they can without music. It’s a little stiff and robotic, but they give it a valiant effort. At least Eddie was able to figure out what the hell they were doing.
“All right, little Riff Raffs,” Eddie chuckles, ruffling their hair. “Let’s get going before it gets too dark.”
“We’re not afraid of the dark!” Ryan protests. 
Eddie points to you as you step out of the kitchen, a shit-eating grin on his face. “She is.”
If the boys weren’t there, you’d flip him off; instead, you stick out your tongue. 
“Don’t worry, Sweetheart,” he coos, “I—we’ll protect you.”
“My hero,” you playfully gush, hands coming up to clasp beneath your chin and your voice going an octave higher to portray your role as the damsel in distress. 
The boys shuffle off to their rooms to change into their costumes, and you go into the bathroom to do the same. You unzip the old, faded gray duffel bag and take your fairy costume out piece by piece, the bright colors contrasting nicely in the mostly black and white bathroom. It would be a little difficult to attach the baby blue wings in the cramped space of the bathroom, so you decide you’ll do that last, out in the living room. The off-white dress you zip yourself into is off the shoulder and the short skirt has layers of cream-colored chiffon resting atop one another. The ballet flats you slip into are the same shade of white as well, with a touch of silver glitter sprinkled on them thanks to one of your friends in the art department at school. Deciding it’s probably easier to put your fake pointed ears on before your flower crown, you struggle to get the right ear to stick. Once it’s successful, you pick up the beautiful, thick flower crown adorned with red roses, pink peonies, and yellow carnations. It takes a little maneuvering to get it to sit on your head just right, but you smile to yourself in the mirror once you’ve got it just how you want it. You inspect yourself as you’re looking in the mirror and decide you’re glad you chose this costume. Of course, since Eddie’s going to be seeing you in it you want to make sure it looks good. 
Bringing the wings and bag out with you, you make your way back into the living room.
“What do you think?” you ask Eddie, mustering up all your courage to give a little twirl. The layers of your skirt spin with you, giving a cool breeze to the tops of your legs. 
Eddie swallows thickly. “Wow, um, I mean, you’re…” Hot. Gorgeous. Sexy. The girl of my goddamn dreams. “…a fairy,” he decides lamely. 
You nod, trying not to show your disappointment at his reaction, or lack thereof. “Yeah, I am,” you say softly. “My friend is going as one, too, so we’ll kinda match.”
Eddie wrinkles his nose. “Which friend?”
“Just someone from school. But we’re both going to the same party tonight, so we figured it would be fun to have similar costumes.”
“Oh, right, yeah.” Of course you’re going to a party. You’re young and carefree. Was he really expecting you to stay here with him and the boys? What would you do, curl up on the couch and watch Charlie Brown and his pumpkin while snacking on candy? And then after the kids go to bed, you and he would taste the chocolate on each others’ tongues—
“We’re ready!”
Luke’s announcement catches Eddie off guard and startles him. He’s quick to compose himself though and gives his boys a bright smile.
“Let’s head on out.”
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“Wait, I’m coming!”
Luke’s slightly shorter legs have him trailing behind his big brother as they climb the small hill to the next house. The orange streetlight glints off the golden dog tag resting against Ryan’s, or Scooby Doo’s, throat. The younger Munson brother’s hand comes up to keep his pirate hat in place as he struggles to catch up. 
The boys have all but forgotten that you and Eddie are there with them. The pair of you trail along behind the two excited boys, strolling leisurely in the chilly air and enjoying talking with one another. 
“Do you think the constant running will balance out any effects from the sugar so that they might actually fall asleep before four in the morning?” Eddie asks. He shakes his head in amusement as Luke barrels up to the next door.
“Unlikely,” you say with a chuckle. “But don’t worry, I’ll make sure they’re all hopped up on candy again when you come home from work tomorrow.”
Eddie narrows his eyes at you and even in the dim lighting as you walk in the dark patch between streetlights, you can tell how nonthreatening of a gesture it is on his face. You don’t dare for a moment think that Eddie isn’t capable of an intimidating look. Without a doubt, you know Eddie would flip a switch if anything happened to either of his children. You would never want to see anything happen to your two favorite boys, but part of you is curious what temper Eddie hides beneath the coveralls and metal band t-shirts. 
“You want me to fire you, huh? Is that it?” Eddie teases, bringing you back to the conversation at hand. 
“Oh, please,” you say, shrugging your bare shoulders. “You wouldn’t know what to do without me.”
You have no idea how right you are, Eddie thinks. He pretends to consider your words though, as he slips his hands into the pockets of his denim jacket—one better suited to combat the wind tonight than his usual leather. 
“I don’t know,” Eddie playfully muses. “How about you ask that friend of yours tonight if they’d be interested in babysitting two adorable, if not slightly crazy, little boys?”
Your responding giggle is like air to Eddie; he needs it so desperately that it goes far beyond a want or a craving. Each laugh of yours has him feeling like he’s Tinker Bell who needs applause to keep himself alive. 
“Lily serves coffee all day, so she could just as well give that to the kids. I think candy is the better option here,” you say, pulling Eddie out of his thoughts. 
Okay, the friend tonight is a girl, Eddie thinks with relief, before it’s quickly replaced by guilt. Why should it matter to him anyway? But it does and he’s in deep enough where he can admit that to himself. She said they were going as fairies, of course it’s a girl friend. But aren’t you glad to have that bit of confirmation? Jesus Christ, Eddie. Stop having internalized conversations with yourself and listen to what the intoxicatingly beautiful fairy next to you is saying. 
“…my sister’s for Thanksgiving, but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen,” you’re saying as Eddie manages to zone back in. “Do you know what you guys will be doing?”
“Uh…” Eddie stammers as he tries to shake the cobwebs out of his brain. “I think it’s our house this year.” Eddie scratches at his stubble as he thinks back to whatever Brittany yammered on about Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. “My uncle might be coming over. Or Britt’s sister and family. I don’t know, I’d rather just go over to my uncle’s place, honestly. Bring the kids back to the home I grew up in and have a nice dinner.” He’s babbling, but he can’t stop himself. “H-Have you met Wayne?”
You nod, confirming with a kind smile. “A few times. He seems really nice, and he obviously loves the boys.”
“Yeah,” Eddie beams. He’s so used to Brittany bashing his uncle that he’s caught off-guard by your compliment. “He pretty much raised me, so Luke and Ryan are like grandkids to him.”
Your heart soars, yet you’re compelled to know why Wayne took care of him instead of his own parents. It’s not a discussion for right now, so you tuck the thought in your pocket and move on. 
“If you need a babysitter to keep an eye on the kids while you get the cooking done, just let me know,” you chirp. 
“Thanks, Fairy Princess.”
“Any time, Boring, Costume-less Man.”
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Somehow despite all the energy they previously possessed, the boys drag their feet on the way back to the house. At one point, Eddie even throws Luke over his shoulder, the little boy slowing you all down so much with his tiny, tired steps. Happily, you hold his plastic pirate sword in one hand and pillowcase full of candy in the other as Luke is slumped down his dad’s back. Ryan trudges along beside you, each of his steps looking like it’s heavier than the last. You duck your head away to hide your smile; it’s just so nice to see him tuckered out after a fun evening with his family—and you, you mentally add. As much as you’d love to be part of this family, you’re still just a paid employee. 
Even through his massive lack of energy, Luke still begs to go through his collected stash before they go to bed. Because he can tell his youngest is wilting fast, he gives the okay while Ryan gets his pajamas on and brushes his teeth. 
“Both of you tuck me in?” Ryan asks sleepily, the palm of his hand rubbing his left eye.
“Sure thing, bud,” you tell him, following him to his room. You and Eddie tuck both of them in, watching contentedly as they snuggle into their blankets. They’re happy, innocent kids; just as they should be. 
Eddie presses a kiss to each of their foreheads. Luke is nearly asleep, but Ryan musters up the energy to crinkle his nose, looking at you through heavy-lidded eyes. 
“Can you kiss me, too?” he asks, yawning at the end of his question. 
“Me, too,” mumbles Luke. 
You look at Eddie for permission, not wanting to overstep bounds. He smiles and steps out of the way, and you place a soft kiss on their scalps and wish them sweet dreams. 
“Thanks, Fairy Godmother,” Luke says with a sleepy smile.
Jesus Christ, I wish she was your mother, Eddie can’t help but reflexively think, shaking off the idea. Brittany. You’re married to Brittany, and she’s the love of your life. Something nags at him that he shouldn’t have to constantly remind himself about it. 
Oblivious to Eddie’s inner turmoil, you giggle and muss up Luke’s soft curls. “See you tomorrow, First Mate Luke.”
“I’m the capt’n…” Luke slurs as he already falls headfirst into sleep. 
Both you and Eddie head back out to the living room and you scoop up your duffel bag that now holds your clothes from earlier in the day. 
Eddie takes full advantage of your back bring turned to let his eyes rake over you. “Have fun at your party tonight,” he says as he appreciates the curve of your ass. “Just be careful, yeah?”
His eyes automatically snap back up as you turn around to face him, hoping the pink tinge in the tips of his ears doesn’t give him away. 
“Of course,” you assure him. You hike the strap of the bag over your shoulder and give Eddie a smile. “Thanks for letting me come with you guys tonight. I had a lot of fun.” I always have fun with you and the boys, you think.
“No need to thank me, sweetheart,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “You did me a favor being there. Didn’t have to wrangle two hopped up munchkins on my own. Also, I had fun too.” Eddie feels the heat stinging his cheeks at the statement, but it’s the truth. 
He walks you over to the front door and just before you reach for the doorknob you remember the wings attached to your back. 
“Oh. Would you mind unhooking the wings for me? It’d be kind of hard to drive with them on.”
He nods quickly. “Yeah, uh, sure. How do they come off?” Eddie asks.
You turn your back towards him and maneuver yourself so he can see them better. “There’s a little hook about midway down my back. About where my bra clasp is.”
Eddie bites down on his lip to silence any noises that might have wanted to escape him at the reference to your bra and just how close his hands will be to it. That, plus the way your soft dress feels against his fingers as he undoes the hook and the heat radiating off your body has him half hard in his pants. 
Okay, maybe three-quarters hard, but who’s measuring?
A shiver goes down your spine as well at the feeling of his hands so gentle against you. Guys your age just paw at you, treating you like a piece of meat. You’re not used to being handled so delicately. Eddie clears his throat and removes the wings, handing them to you when you turn around. 
“Thanks,” you say, giving him a shy smile.
“No problem.” Thank you for giving me a reason to think about your bra. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“See you then.” He winces as he’s sure he’s coming off cold, but really, he’s just trying to keep his composure. You’re going to a college party with college guys; what could you possibly see in a man of his age, who has two kids of his own? 
You open the front door and a chill wind bursts in, making you shiver. 
“It gets cold earlier and earlier each year, I swear,” you joke lamely, forcing a smile through your nerves. 
Before he can overthink it, Eddie quickly grabs his denim jacket off the hook near the door and drapes it over your shoulders. 
“Here,” he says. “Can’t have you getting sick, can we?” 
“Thanks. Again.” You pull the jacket tighter around you, reveling in his scent engulfing you. If the smell of his cologne lingers on your skin, you’ll be hesitant to wash it off. “I’ll bring this back tomorrow.”
“I trust you,” Eddie tells you with a playful wink that sends fireworks erupting in your belly. 
On the inside, Eddie is thinking that you never have to give him back his jacket. He’d rather see you wearing it any day. Though, if he’s being honest, the sight of you in an item of his clothing is not helping the situation behind his fly.  
“Bye, Eddie.”
“Bye, sweetheart.”
You give him one more smile before heading out to your car. 
Eddie closes the door behind you and lets out a long groan. “Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath. He rubs his hands over his face as he heads towards the bathroom. Suddenly he has a whole new variety of fantasies about you to play in his head while he’s in the shower, starring one particular fairy princess. 
As soon as the water is warm enough, he steps into the tub and wraps his hand around his cock. It only takes a few tugs—coupled with images of you—for him to get fully hard. 
You, in your cute fairy costume. 
You, flirting with him and showing off your body. 
“Thassit,” Eddie mumbles to himself, “on your knees for me. Please.” He pictures you following his orders, opening up your mouth as he taps his length on your lips. “Good girl.”
He increases his pace, groaning as he jerks himself. “Love being in that pretty mouth of yours, honey. So warm and wet. Almost as good as your pussy, fuck.” He blinks the water from his eyes. “You knew what that costume would do to me, didn’t you? Knew how fuckin’ hot you looked, hmm? Would be a shame if someone were to…ruin it.”
He can’t help how quickly he cums, grunting and panting as he spills onto his hand. In his mind, his load drips down your once-flawless costume. “Poor little fairy. Christ, you look even better covered in my cum.”
Embarrassment sets in as his orgasm wanes. He needs to stop thinking about you this way. You’re twenty years old, you’re his kids’ babysitter, you’re forbidden fruit. 
What he wouldn’t give to take a bite. 
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