horrorknife · 2 months
it makes me so mad how people really love boiling saw iii down to “lesbian sex movie” when in reality it’s a movie about john and amanda’s relationship which i actually find a lot more interesting than lynnmanda because john and amanda actually, like, Have A Relationship To Speak Of? no shame in shipping lynnmanda or anything but idk dude i think a lot of ppl who like saw need to learn how to take off their shipping goggles
cuz like. im gonna be real idgaf about lynn. i think shes a nothing ass plot device character and tbh jeff has more character motivation than she does. ive said it before but lynn feels insignificant next to such a bold and loud character like amanda lol the writing just. doesn’t do it for me.
Anyway. saw iii is a movie chiefly about john and amanda and their relationship and no one seems to…give a shit…? leigh whannell wrote some of the most shockingly accurate portrayals of what bpd episodes feel like but because john and amanda aren’t a romantic relationship it doesn’t get talked about.
and like, the shipping goggles thing isn’t Just a problem with saw iii (i can easily pinpoint what ppl are Ignoring in favor of the other popular ships as well) but the fact that john is so heavily underdiscussed in the fanbase in general sucks and it really sucks that ppl do this because john is the most important character in relation to amanda, their bond is INSANE and the devotion of it is so painful. it does a huge disservice to amanda to ignore her story like that!!! sorry!! but like could you guys actually interact with the character? since you apparently give enough of a shit about her to draw her rawing lynn or whatever?? does she exist as anything other than a sex object to the fandom?
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
I'm so glad someone's taking requests for YJ! But I'd like to ask for adult Misty x reader with dialogue 3 please!
💗Confessional - Misty Quigley (2021) x fem!Reader💗
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Summary: Misty doesn't know the difference between a crush and a squish (the want to be close to someone in a friend way) and is quite surprised when she realizes the difference!
Warnings: mention of cannon death and body disposal (Adam) and alcohol consumption
Word Count: 2,385
A/N: Hello Loves! It's Misty's turn! I absolutely love Misty and she's definitely in my top three favorite characters. But honestly, she's kind of hard to write for, so I don't know how much I like this one. Fortunately, I do have more requests for her, so she isn't going away anywhere and I've got time to work more with her. This was another Yellowjackets dialogue request, so feel free to send in anything you'd like with Misty or another one of the girls with one of the prompts! but as always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading 💗
Misty Quigley Tag List:
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
Misty entered her house with a rather loud sigh and a crash from the slamming of her backdoor. She practically threw her groceries on the counter, mumbling under her breath as she left them be to get something to drink from her fridge. She said fuck it and cracked open a coke, taking one long swig before setting it back on the counter and returning to the grocery bags. However, she was interrupted once again by a knock at her front door that had Caligula squawking. He must have been frustrated by all the interruptions as well. She grumbled again and maneuvered through her house to the door, opening it with far more vigor than she’d intended to. She was startled to find you at her door at this hour and she seemed to have startled you as well.
“y/n! I wasn’t expecting you,” she forced with a shiny smile. You chuckled, relaxed, and smiled as well. Misty had known you for quite some time now, however, most of that time had been spent over online citizen detective forums and eventually texting and phone calls before you finally met up in a local coffee shop a month or so ago. After that, you’d kept in pretty regular contact. Shed decided recently that she liked you. And considering that Caligila had gotten comfortable with you holding and petting him quite quickly you must be a good pick after all. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drop in so suddenly but you'd been so quiet lately and I dunno, I got worried,” you grew shy as you gave her your reasoning, absently brushing loose hair behind your ear. “Oh! And I brought cookies,” you added, wrinkling your nose as you smiles. Misty grinned, enjoying the concern, and shrugged.
“It’s alright, I’ve been helping my friends with something is all. Do you want to come in? I was just putting groceries away before prepping dinner,”
“I wouldn’t want to be a bother-”
“Nonsense!” she chirped, reaching out her hand to take yours and tug you inside. She managed to take your purse from your shoulder and hang it on one of the free hooks by her door. “I’ll cook for us and we can catch up. What have the forums been talking about? I haven't had the time to read any of them,” she fibbed as she made her way into the kitchen with you trailing behind. She flicked on the small radio on her kitchen windowsill to whatever random radio station she'd been listening to previously. 
“Oh! Did you hear about that Adam guy on the news? Some people online have been looking into that. It looks like someone could have been behind him going missing,” Misty had to refrain from physically cringing at that comment, seeing as how she’d just come home from the dead man’s apartment and the funeral in which she eliminated the crucial parts of his identification. 
“Pfft, that case? That’s going nowhere. He probably just hopped on a boat and is across the world by now. I bet something will come out about money laundering or something eventually,” she flat-out fibbed as she pulled carrots and celery out of her grocery bags to put them into her fridge while you stood awkwardly holding your plate of cookies in hand.
“Um ok,” you mumbled “Well, is there anything I can do to help you? I wouldn’t want to just stand in the way,” you chuckled nervously. Why you found so nervous Misty couldn’t tell, but there seemed to be a strange feeling in the kitchen's air, one she couldn’t quite put her finger on. But she smiled again and looked down at her grocery bags, holding her hands in the air and wiggling her fingers as she contemplated what she could have you do. 
“Ah! Why don’t you give those to me and start boiling some water while I finish unpacking this, hm,” she suggested as she began digging through one of the paper bags, to pull out a newly bought bag of spaghetti noodles which she offered to you in exchange for the plate in your hands. After a second you initiated the exchange and made your way to the stove as Misty pulled out a pot for you to boil. 
You scooted around each other in the small space as you filled the pot and she continued organizing her groceries. Every few seconds your hand would brush against the small of her back so naturally that she might not have noticed, so when she needed to move past you she’d gently cup your hip, though it was more like her hand hovering over you. Even so, she still thought she could feel the prickling of your skin under her touch. It was endearing, she realized, to have that sort of effect on someone, though that's how friends were supposed to make each other feel. So, you were her friend now. That was nice. 
“How much of this do you want me to make?” you asked her as you opened the bag. 
“Just dump it all in there. I can eat the rest over the week for my lunches at work,” she decided as she pulled the ingredients she wanted to use for her sauce and meatballs. She had leftover sauce from when she’d made it before at a far larger portion size than she had intended to that was still good and she pulled out some of the new ground beef she’d bought along with bread crumbs, eggs, garlic, and an assortment of other spices. 
She began organizing her ingredients before rolling out her meatballs, but before any of that, she got her sauce back on the stove to warm up next to you in a large saucepan. She casually checked on the noodled, which you were salting and they seemed to be coming along quite nicely. She moved back to her meatballs as her sauce was going by you with a lid on, but as she made the last part of the meal she couldn’t notice that strange feeling again. 
She wasn’t sure who it could be coming from, if not from the both of you, but something other than the smell of dinner was in the air. The strangest part was how it was such a comforting feeling to Misty. There was something so natural about having you in her kitchen with her. Maybe it was because she hadn’t seemed to make many friends into her adulthood, besides her high school friends, of course, though they didn’t seem to talk much anymore. Could it just be that you were here and interested in being with her? You had come to check on her when she’d been quiet after all. That had to be it then. 
She tossed the meatballs into the now boiling sauce to cook. She stood next to you awkwardly for a moment before reaching over you for a ladle to scoop some of your pasta water to add to her sauce, which she stirred around. You unexpectedly moved to take the ladle from her, accidentally taking hold of her hand in the process. She noticed the way your eyes widened eyes dilating for a moment or so, which she found quite curious. She tuned in long enough to realize what song was now playing. It was one her mother used to play when she was a child. 
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
Her eyes scanned over your face. You bit your bottom lip, taking it into your mouth
I love you, baby, and if it's quite alright
I need you, baby, to warm the lonely night
I love you, baby, trust in me when I say:
She let go of the ladle and smiled. 
“I need to go feed Caligula and get the table ready,” she said quickly, taking a step back from you. She turned on her heels and rushed far faster than she had intended out of the kitchen and into her lounge and to her bird’s cage. He squealed quietly and Misty smiled, opening the door to the cage and petting the bird’s head. He cooed, shitting his eyes as he nuzzled into the palm of her hand. 
“Caligula, do you have any idea what’s going on with me?” she murmured as the bird climbed on her hand, up her arm, and onto her shoulder as she went to throw away the uneaten food in his dish and refill it for dinner. He began messing with her hair, preening her as he always did at dinnertime. Misty craned her neck to peek into the kitchen, quietly watching as you walked across the room to find plates and utensils and a strainer for the noodles. 
Misty finished refreshing Caligula’s dinner, coaxing the bird back into his cage to eat and she shut the door behind him. She moved on into the dining room, still keeping an eye on you. As she did, she opened a drawer and found an old candle setting along with a lighter she’d never gotten around to using. She figured out why not and arranged the setting, as well as two table placements on the table, dimming the overhead lighting as you walked in with two full plates. 
You paused at the dining room’s entryway, staring at the candles and the table settings placed one at the head of the table and the other directly diagonal to it on the long end of the table. When you didn’t move Misty took the plaits from you and set them both down before trotting off into the kitchen. 
“Now, I have a pinot noir, but I’ve also got a cabernet sauvignon that is just divine!” she allied from the kitchen. You didn’t reply as she rummaged through her cabinets for two glasses. You hadn’t moved from where you stood just yet and noticed after looking back. “y/n, you alright?” she asked, tilting her head with curiosity. You perked up at the sound of your name and skirted to take your seat at the table. 
“Oh! Um, you made the cabernet sauvignon sound very good,” you answered in a rushed attempt at sounding normal that Misty didn’t quite pick up on. She grabbed what she was told, along with a wine opener, and made her way back to the table. She stood as she opened the bottle with a satisfying pop and poured each a glass, which you tentatively grabbed, and took a few confident sips as Misty took her seat and her fork to dig in. You paused for a moment, messing with your hands in your lap before eating. 
“Misty, I have a confession,” you started, not looking up from your hands. 
“Well, it better not be to a murder because I can’t deal with that right now,” she answered back without the skip of a beat. You looked up, quite puzzled, and scrunched your brow.
“Um, I’m sorry, what?” you asked, nose wrinkling. Misty fully looked up and finished what she was chewing, covering her mouth with her hand as she realized your reaction. 
“Oh! No, I just mean I’ve been a little stressed lately is all, but I'm only joking, I promise!” she could tell she hadn’t recovered well at all as she could practically feel the way you cringed and clenched your teeth, pulling back from her, eyes refusing to meet hers. Had you always been this shy with her? You sighed, pulling her from her thoughts.
“You know what, this was a bad idea. I need to go,” you said rather rushed as she had moments prior. Before she had time to react you'd left your seat and headed back to the front door. Misty heard the jingle of your keys and the click of her front door before she got up, frantically wiping her mouth with her napkin. 
“y/n?” she called, watching you slip out the door before she began to sprint in its direction. By the time she made it to the door, you’d made your way down her front steps and were headed to her car. “y/n!” she yelled fully now, a strained crack in her voice. You stopped in your tracks, fearing the attention she might bring but it gave her enough time to grab onto your hand tight and stop you. Adrenaline had started pumping in a way that felt like fear, but of what she couldn’t pinpoint. 
“y/n, did I do something,” she asked quickly, her eyes frantically searching her face. You seemed startled by the sudden desperation in her grasp and her voice and you bit your lip, your brown scrunching as you frowned but shook your head. 
“No, it’s just stupid,” Misty squeezed your hand and reached up to turn your cheek to look at her. 
“No it’s not, tell me. I promise whatever it is it's not stupid. I’d never find anything you say stupid,” she insisted. You met her eyes finally and sighed with defeat. 
“I was going to ask you on a date,” you said in what could only be described as a whisper. Misty perked up, confused. 
“A date?” she questioned. She felt your cheek burn under her fingertips. 
“Yes! A date! I know it's silly, and I’m acting like a child but,” Misty grinned, vibrating with excitement. 
“I’d love a date with you!” she exclaimed. 
“What?” you were the confused one now.
“I didn’t know you liked me,” Misty mused, practically purring.
“Well, yes I’ve always liked you-” you started. 
“But I mean I didn’t know you liked me,” she reiterated, accentuating what she meant. You grew shy again. 
“Well, I didn’t know either but I got so nervous with the cooking and the candles,” 
“Then this can be our date!” Misty decided. 
“Really?” you chuckled under your breath. She’d gotten you to laugh and that was even more exciting than getting asked on a date. 
“Yes! I’d love to take you back in and on our date,” you chuckled again (she got you to laugh again!) and nodded. Misty eagerly led you back inside and realized just what she must have been feeling before after all. 
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addie116 · 1 year
Okay, so I've been watching a lot of Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen films and here are my thoughts so far:
Charlie Countryman -kinda boring, his roommates at the hostel just disappear 3/4s into the movie and then show up at the end. -Mads was the best part. -The ending felt kinda cheap. The movie starts by letting everyone believe Charlie died, but when we actually get to the scene, he survives. Then Mads' character just lets to cop shoot him, which I think is against his character.
Adam (2009) -It was cute and wholesome. -I'm not autistic, so I can't really talk about the representation. -Overall I enjoyed it, didn't really like Beth or her dad.
Polar (2019) -Okay, so this is basically a dumb action movie that relies of oversexualizing women, but what else is new. I enjoyed seeing Mads kick ass, but the sex scenes were kinda long. (I might just not be a big fan of sex scenes) -I think it could have been more interesting if the other assassins had more distinct personalities. Like Sindy is the one that we never see kill anyone and is mainly used as bait, and to fuck their target. I think she could've been given more depth. Especially because there's one scene where someone hits her, and she has a very negative reaction to it (Rightly so). I just think it'd be interesting to see how she feels about being used by the group as just bait. -For a dumb action movie, the end fight was pretty boring. The main villain basically stands there while he kills him. -All that being said, I did like the Vanessa and Mads scenes.
Another Round -Honestly, it was really good. I can't really say anything else about it. The ending was sad, but nice.
Confessions of a Shopaholic -I loved it, it was probably my favorite movie so far. -It's just really funny, and doesn't take itself too seriously. -Hugh was amazing, as always, and so was Isla Fisher. -Overall, it was really enjoyable, and I don't have any complaints.
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snarkylinda · 1 year
I should be studying, showering, sleeping, doing literally anything else but instead, I am going to do a long post about a mentally ill blorbo because I am mentally ill myself.
SO! We all make fun of Spencer let me take my vest off and lower my gun for no reason Reid, it's a meme at this point- but that....tendency is a consequence of what I find the most fascinating about his character as a whole....his relationships- or more like, the relationships he makes up in his head.
Before I go into details I want to leave something very clear that anyone that has seen even one season of the funny cop show has noticed: Spencer is highly obsessive.
Now I am not talking about his fun little facts or that he likes star streak and doctor who obsession- those are hyperfixations, and even tho MY hyperfixation it's ruining my life, his are actually harmless and overall make him happy.
His obsessive nature had almost cost him his career, if not his life, multiple times.
If you stop to think about it in depth, why does Reid abandon all common sense when it comes to certain UnSubs, certain cases? well the most evident answer is that he projects whatever trauma of the week they decide to explore onto them- and yes, that is the nick of things. He pulled that stunt on Elephant's memory because he related to Owen's harassment story, he wanted to help Nathan because he understood being afraid of your own mind turning against you, he wanted to help Adam because he couldn't save Tobias. You get the drill- but....that is not always the case.
With the guy that Lindsey's dad murdered- Spencer didn't relate to him, he was just a piece of shit. How about Samantha? (I know there is a theory about William....doing shit to Reid when he was younger and while I can see it, for the sake of argument I will take her case into consideration) The father of the victim on "Identity"? I can name another example but this one I am going to save for last since it's the reason for me making this post-
And one can argue "Well, he is just a really nice guy" and while that is true- what I named before doesn't always apply, Spencer's compassion has a very clear, marked limit.
His relationships.
When Cyrus was killed in front of him by Morgan, Reid barely blinked- hell, he fucking SASSED him. Why? because he hurt Emily.
All sympathy he could have had for Cat before she ruined his life DESPITE kind of empathizing with her story based on what HE was going through went out of the window because she and her lil gang terrorized Penelope for months.
He felt compassion for Adam, but not for his father who he claimed was the true monster of this story in the aftermath.
When Maeve told her her ex was dead, he quickly brushed that aside to ask her if SHE was alright.
And ofc, we all know what happened in prison after his friend there was murdered.
Reid is often associated with UnSubs not only because of how his backstory aligned with their motivations (mental health issues, bullying, absent parent, losing a loved one) but because most of these crimes are passional responses- and Spencer can be extremely passional, to a point where it clouds his judgment.
Now...you might be thinking "ok that is all nice and good, but where does the obsession come into play? all that I know is that he is a cinnamon roll that loves his friends and has some really deep projection issues he really needs to work on" and you are not wrong, but what made me make this fucking thesis in the first place its something else....one of my favorite things to analyze about fictional characters in this kind of setting it's "the needs of one vs the greater good" thing.
Now let's be fr, we all as human beings will always, ALWAYS prioritize those close to us over literal strangers. Even among the best, most empathic people that is just how it is, that emotional hierarchy will always be there- what differentiates us is how much it affects our actions.
Now with a job like this, there will always be this conflict among the menbers- obviously, their families and even each other will always be a priority, but on working hours their focus HAS to be on doing their job, following the rules and just being as professional as humanly possible- even tho it sometimes kills them inside since it just doesn't feels right.
Reid actually doesn't face this debate that much- because all common sense, respect for authority and protocol goes out of the fucking window whenever he obsesses over a new blorbo lmao.
Had you heard the phrase "One death is a tragedy, a hundred is a statistic"? nothing rings more true that with Dr. Reid right here. He is able to keep his cool while touching mangled corpses and discussing all the shit that happened to them- occasionally looking horrified if it's messed up enough, but other than that he is able to keep the same level of professionalism and compartmentalization as his co-workers.
Annnnnnd then he gets to know a victim, a witness, or an unsub and the vest leaves his torso, his gun folds itself and his IQ lowers. Alot.
Let's get back to the example I put of the guy that was murdered by Lindsey's dad- in that moment he wasn't a murderer to Reid, in that moment all he saw was a teenager begging for his life and HE could be the only to save him- he couldn't. He obsessed over that instead of what the guy did and that lead him to desire to insert Diluid inside of him after 10 months of sobriety, not to mention being A BIG factor in what he does on Elephant's Memory.
"I thought I could save this one" was his response when Hotch scolded him.
Spencer literally can't forget shit. So he tries to make sure that when he knows someone, even if is on a dying moment like the mentioned UnSub, he can save them. He forms some kind of bond with someone and they stop being an face and a name adhered to his board that he is determined to save/get justice for because is his literal job and he is overall a good person. In his mind, it becomes his responsibility whenever that person it's saved, and when that crosses over obsessive territory and his job, that makes it mandatory to always put the need of the many vs the one (especially if it's an unsub) well....
It's when he spiral and puts his career/the case in jeopardy at best, and his life at worst, no to mention what that shit does to his already questionable mental health.
In the second ep of the tenth season, Reid confesses to Morgan that after killing the LDSK, it suddenly hit him and he obsessed over all the "what ifs", at that moment that guy wasn't the LDSK that almost got him, his boss and a hospital full of mortal hostages in danger- he was the man that Spencer Reid killed- and it only ended when he stopped obsessed over HIM and started to put his victim's faces on his wall, forcing his focus on them instead.
He was more focused on the father of the victim on "identity" than the actual unsub himself because years before he had stopped him from seeing his daughter, and had made enough of an impact to be remembered by him in the present. Thanks to that bond, that little relationship, Spencer was able to put himself between a highly emotional distraught father's gun and the man he wanted to kill, to protect him.
He didn't get to personally know Samantha until the end- but he got to meet the scumbag that raped her. Add that to the already soft spot he has for children and you have a very angry Reid ready to do literally anything to make sure this woman that didn't even knew him was safe.
And ironically enough, what prompt me to do this thesis wasn't even one of those nice touchy feeling moments Spencer had with someone he bonded over- either personally or on a parasocial level- but one where he was wrong, but was about to risk a whole case over it. Rock Creek Park.
In that episode, Spencer and this other girl are keeping watch over this mafia thing so this politician guy's wife cane come back (as you can see I pay attention to certain scenes more that others lmao) and you can see the exact moment where the mission....stops being Spencer's priority.
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After hearing this girl's conversation with her mother, she stopped being "the maid" and became someone Spencer's "knows" and so this leads to....this
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....why did I bother with that text block when this scene spills it out- Anyways.
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I dunno why but Rossi's reaction always sends me to the stratosphere- he knows.
Anyways, turns out that the helpless maid was actually on it all along and Reid almost throws the entire case off over nothing- *slows clap*
Ok ok, this might seem like I am slandering my boy but as fun as it is to make fun of him, this is exactly why I love him. This recklessness as a result of tunnel vision it's....concerning considering his line of work, and his eagerness to go far and beyond for someone he barely knows just because he knows them, above everything else and he is there, and can't bare the thought of not doing anything for them., to have their death's imprinted on his memory.
In conclusion- he ain't lawful good/neutral like the first few episodes want to make you think, he is chaotic good. And a mess. And I love him.
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fictionfixations · 5 months
hazbin hotel songs tierlist imo (1-6)
It feels like with every new episode comes me having to update my favorite songs agh. note that i am very biased
For episode 1-4, it was
Loser, Baby (listening it just made me grinning despite the fact that it has more adult lyrics then poison)
Poison (loved it. then saw the episode with it and loved it more)
Stayed Gone (3 and 4 can be switched around either way imo)
Respectless (self explanatory)
Whatever It Takes (i dont like it that much but thats more because its not the type of song i enjoy, but some parts are enjoyable 'iLL BE YouR KEEPer / arMor')
Hell is Forever (hate Adam but the song was a literal bop. plus charlie's little recap of the first song is included in this which fun)
Happy Day in Hell (it is a good song. but you know when you hear a song so much you start to hate it??)
It Starts with Sorry (not that its bad. but like. i didnt like sir. person i can never remember the name of.)
NOW lets add episode 5 and 6. i forgot that new episodes were coming and then i saw on my recommended lucifer and i was like 'nahhh thats just clickbait'. and then i had to do a double take like 'no wait iSNT IT--'
Hell's Greatest Dad (my new favorite. if lucifer vs alastor wasnt so funny then this would be 2nd. reminds me of that one duet in camp camp that i adore too. also i LOVE electroswing. lmfao the 'you could almost call me dad' head turn. the accordion interrupting the piano. also is it just me or is the 'pure angelic power' really loud like holy shit idk why it startled me so much)
You Didn't Know ('dOnt You KnoW tHAT, heLL is FOREVer' that part had no right being such a bop wtf, and can we talk about lute's VOICE?? ALSO the fire reflecting in sera's eyes when she's trying to convice emily, oh my god)
More Than Anything (kid charlie. AND ALSO 'im grateful youre my daughter more than anything' just struck me. ALSO ALSO the 'ive been dying to find out who you are' and everything else after that was so heartwarming.)
Welcome to Heaven (I FORGOT ABOUT THIS SONG. it was ok but also 'and everyone is hot!' not saying this is better then the previous songs in 1-4 but this is a different list of songs from 5 and 6 only. it'd probably be under happy day in hell)
also. villains singing are bops, which AGHH. they insult characters i love but i dont care because their voices are so. nice wtf man. like lute WHAT. (if they make valentino sing though i dont even care if the song would be good because fuck him yknow?? not literally, blegh)
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horatioo · 7 months
welcome to the labyrinth idiots!!! get HOUSED!!!
TO PAST MUTUALS: if you get a random new follow from me i promise im not a weirdo. i used to be f/acin/gfea/r/bui/ldingf/ut/ure i dont want that to show up anywhere for personal reasons so. weird censors. promise im not new
anyway. hi welcome to the house of horrors sparkle emoji we LOVE horrors here!! i am 19 and he/him. check out my straw page or whatever . and my pronouns page
i dont give a fuck what you call me honestly just do whatever's funniest for the bit. that applies to gendered terms too. i might be a transguy but like if calling me girl is funny for a bit. do it <3
(but i do like being called henry or hopkins if you need a proper name, or my username works)
im illiterate half the time if i missed something that is BLAZINGLY obvious to you, please tell me! (this applies to everything from “This guys url is literally radfemsupremeihatemen200” to “YOU MISSED ACT THREE LINE TWENTY THREE WORD FOURTEEN HUNDRED OF HAMLET”)
i have like three sideblogs. @hopkins-stims is my dead stim blog and @lifeofgregorsamsa is my gregor samsa beanie baby askblog. @unideal is my selfship blog
byf and tag system under cut. for brevity’s sake I tried to keep the byf fairly short
Before you follow:
I am not proship. I do not agree with proshippers. Not going to elaborate further. Make your own life choices I don’t care
MAPs/NOMAPs/Pro-contact pedos, zoos, necros do not talk to me
TERFs/transmed/gender critical do not talk to me
I WILL tag things for you if you need them tagged! However, please ask me up front ;w;
That said I won't tag queer or fag
Uhhh general policy applies I don’t care about most discourse. Feel free to contact me about things that might need my attention.
Please know: There are certain things I would love to talk about, but am not allowed to. It doesn’t mean I don’t care.
tagging system is as follows:
ocs are listed under specific oc tags!
lobotomy corporation ocs are under #nuggetbox
group enigma and group parable (limbus company) ocs are under #failbus deluxe
group cognitohazard (limbus company) ocs are under #reblog for bugs
general project moon ocs are under #hellcity supreme
mongbo specifically is under #ferretboy
lynnwood edgar specifically is under #rodent control kid
scp foundation ocs are under #trolley solutions
original ocs are #horatio originals
i tag specific characters sometimes! note that im usually way too lazy to go back and tag everything ive ever posted about a character so. yeah
adam (lobotomy corp): #adam lobcorp
hopkins (limbus company): #hopkins enjoyer club
aya (limbus company): #aya tag here
dongrang (limbus company): #...dongrang
dr frederick heiden (scp foundation): #fate's least favorite
#save is for things i need later. #fave is for things i definitely need later
#artpost is my art
okay no shit i just don't tag anything else sorry. not unless it's for blacklist, in which case i DIRECTLY tag the thing with no additions!
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spneveryseason · 15 days
so curious about batfamnatural! would love to hear your thoughts on comparing the brothers to the robins
Well predictably for me the sibling relationships are both my favorite bit and what I think is the most interesting bit of both stories. I think there are so many interesting points of comparison here, like the fact that essentially all these siblings aren’t just siblings right? They’re coworkers and colleagues in the holy war their fathers are fighting against the nature of evil & were recruited as children due to their specific interactions with & consequences of those Evils, & anything with these kinds of traumas makes familial relationships kind of fraught. “Kind of fraught” is kind of an understatement with both the batkids & the Winchesters so that’s always fun and interesting to explore.
And if we’re going with more specific comparisons to just the robins I think there’s a lot there we can talk about. If there’s one example that sticks out to me, I’ve said before in my dms to Tristan (hi bestie) that I think Dick & Jason is what happens if Sam was the eldest sibling and Dean the younger, not necessarily because those character match up one to one but because I think their roles & reactions to those responsibilities track. Like I think Dick is famously The One Who Leaves (And Comes Back More Devoted Than Ever) and Jason is famously The One Who Dies and Sam and Dean both slot really well into those roles wrt the at they react to their roles in the family and in the larger mission that they find themselves needing to grapple with. Of course Jason is also the “this life is kind of fucked up” guy and Dick is the “this is the necessary evil” guy so like I said it’s not one to one but if Sam had been the eldest I think he would’ve had a very similar journey in his relationship to his dad & siblings as Dick did, and vice versa being the case with Dean. This also makes Tim Adam I guess which is also kind of hilarious to think about in a haha funny and a haha sad way.
I also think the very concept of sibling hood/brotherhood is interesting to compare bc Sam and Dean being raised from birth together in the same house at the same time & having a very solid and specific definition of siblinghood versus the batfam (if we’re talking robins: dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, Damian) essentially arriving independently of each other and different points in the story and intersecting at very different times in their lives with very different relationships with Bruce provide a different context for being siblings. Like all these people definitely don’t have the same definition of family & also don’t necessarily see everyone else as family (Steph, for example, probably does not consider herself part of that inner batfam, and Bruce never really treated her like one) and so this impacts the way they view everyone else. And when compared to the winchesters very specific definition of family and what that means, there’s a lot going on there what it comes to duty and conflict and family etc etc
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articstyx · 1 year
get to know the blogger
ty @bibliosims and @helltrait for the tag, lyyyyy <33
show your wallpaper
my basic ass
last song you listened to?
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currently reading?
...let's not talk about it
last movie you watched?
grown ups bc my boyfriend is an adam sandler hater and i do not support it so i made him watch it
last show you watched?
the rookie
sushi. always.
what are you wearing right now?
pjs <33
how tall are you?
5’1” (156cm)
i'm scared of needles so no
have it, rarely use it
last thing you ate?
me being a portuguese lass 🤝🏻 caldo verde
favorite color?
like an army green or smth
current obsession?
critical role and anything rpg related
any pets?
i have one doggo, his name is cookie <33
favorite fictional character?
fuck idk, don't put me on the spot. scarlet witch or dean winchester, i love me some traumatized characters
last place you traveled?
if you want an interesting answer then rome, like 4 years ago. if you want a boring answer probably somewhere in portugal on a roadtrip
tagging @salemsimss @lucidicer @minamill and whoever else wants to do it (i havent been paying attention, if you've done this please ignore <3)
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dykeyote · 1 year
jedidiah 4 the character thing :3
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fav thing about them: ohhhh man theres so much . id have to say how Real he feels . like he can do and say some awful mean things but it never feels liek conflict just for the sake of conflict or him just Decidin to be cruel it all links back to his feelings and his guilt and his fears and like . hes just so Real in a gutwrenching way both for the better and for the worse
least fav thing about them: i mean . the ableism . thats kind of a copout answer though so instead of smt basic like "i dont like that he avoided sydney" or whateva ill say that i think he shouldnt have gotten together with sydney as soon as he did that fucker needs SOOO much healing first . but i think thatll be explored given that they have a couples therapist in s2 so thats not like a writing flaw i dont think unless its fumbled which i doubt it will be
favorite line: "I couldn’t handle the body. I can’t handle the body. I walk away from the body. And most nights I don’t think about it… but sometimes there’s a rumbling under my desk, cold and distant like metal wheels through the mountain, spinning like the hands on the clocks that — if I could just know if I could just know if I could just know if I could just know if I could just know if I could just know—" girl that is ocd!!!!!! u suffer . anyway i genuinely had to pause the ep and take a break after this line something about it . oh my god
fav friendship: i LOVE LOVE LOVE his friendship with yvonne i think its so fun and whimsical i love gamer girls bonding . also him having a queerplatonic relationship with juniper is one of my fav hcs hehehe
fav ship: you KNOW its sydidiah . you KNOW . second place is jeddieann and soridiah (obvs to anyone whos spoken to me for longer than five seconds) but i am literally deranged about sydidiah
least fav ship: i havent seen one that exceptionally bothered me . people dont Ship jedidiah that much with people besides sydney from what ive seen . like i could be like "oh tid be shitty to ship him w elijah or wahtever" but like that seems like im making smt up to get mad at lmao if anyone ships that or anything else id be annoyed abt ive never seen it
random hc: hmmmmm. in sydneys major huge homestuck phase he spent a whole all-nighter listening to an absurd amount of homestuck fansongs in an attempt to like . shoot an understanding of the story into his veins without having to Actually read it all the way thru bc its so fucking long . this just made him way more confused
unpopular opinion: whatsss an unpopular opinion i have . taps my jaw and thinks and ponders . people ignore jedidiahs ableism a lot and the pervasive ways it relates to many many Many aspects of their dynamic but thats not so unpopular of an opinion so ill be a little spicier about it and say that i think even among the people who DO comprehend jedidiahs ableism and the way it impacts their relationship theyyy. kinda ignore the ableism of literally any other person besides lucille? like jedidiah becomes kinda the scapegoat for all the ableism in the narrative and like yes we should discuss the ways jedidiahs ableism impacts the narrative thats true!! however if youre going to discuss that but not talk about say elijah or salem or once s2 comes out likely adam as well or what have u . what is tha point . this is not me defending jedidiah or saying oh people are too harsh on my blorbo ): ): ): we SHOULD discuss jedidiahs ableism but i feel like its not That unpopular of an opinion that we should acknowledge jeddies ableism even if some people dont really follow through on Doing so in Practice yk
song i associate with them: oh my godddddd cry for judas . oh my God is that hte jedidiah song of all time
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inklore · 9 months
What are your favorite things about each adam driver character?
oh jeez ok buckle up for the several long paragraphs i am about to write that no one's going to care about it because it's going to be feral nonsense ok <3 i'm just going to talk about my top favs since there's so many adc's and we'd be here all day.
— KYLO REN/BEN SOLO: putting our emo boy first because he's the first one i fell for (insane cause i went into the films ready to hate him because he killed off a fav of mine but then he took off his mask and i was like ....ima hear him out). as someone with both mommy and daddy issues it's no surprise i gravitated towards him and actually loved the dynamic he had with his parents because it's completely up to interoperation (i have read no sw books so exclude them), but han and leia both hint to them being not great parents. so thinking about the internal struggles that ben probably went through to become kylo and how easy it probably was to taint his mind because of absent parents or parents who didn't really know how to be their best for him literally sends me spiraling. not to mention this lil fucker is resilient as hell and he literally is just a ball of feelings and rage and doesn't know how to handle them because he was never taught how to and hellooo the call is coming from inside the house. his lightsaber is also superior (besides mace windu's). i will forever be bitter they focused hella on his relationship with rey than anything else (also this is no hate because i love rey ok). like i get it but also adam had the range to play as ben, to be something other than driven by trying to convince some girl to be on the dark side and take her down. like no hate but my boy deserved a bit better writing.
— ADAM SACKLER: i only watched girls for him and then i ended up really enjoying the show which was huge surprise but it just makes the rewatches that more special. but this little perverted freak is just so chaotic and toxic in his own way and it just makes me go dumb. because he's the little weirdo your girl friends will be like yeah stay away from him but he's the one who will love you so deeply to the point where it's a little scary and chaotic and toxic and dependent but he will also lift you up and do what he can for you and he's big as fuck and can carry you around everywhere, build you things, make you things, plus watching him in plays and little movies and shows ughhh. he's chaotic boyfriend material. a chaotic messy himbo if you will. he's just so unapologetically himself and has a lot more depth than one would think from first glance or the first two seasons of the show. and he's incredibly sensitive!! ok i'll shut up (but if we focusing on thirst um...the dirty talk?? yeah).
— PHILLIP ALTMAN: aka adam sackler's less-chaotic but a bit more toxic due to mommy issues counterpart (if we're being honest), i really have no real ground breaking explanation as to why i have intense feelings towards this man. it could be because the movie i really love the movie he's from?? like i don't know but when i think of him i just want to lay down and listen to lana and really think about how i could fix him by making him worse. i also think this character has hidden depth we didn't get to see and there's a lot of unspoken familial issues going on there and like he's a little lost (relatable). plus he's silly and his little dance hip thrust could convince me to forgive him of everything. plus the line "the stuff that's going on in fossil fuels is just really sexy" kills me each time.
— JUDE: i honestly think this character is insane. like he has a darkness to him that people either don't mention or just overlook because there's a kid involved. but even before said kid was involved he was...something else. like he's the worst baby daddy but also the best but also you get it but also you're like...do i get it because there's something off here?? like it's just one of those characters you're like do i like him? do i want him? is he okay? am i okay? what's even really going on with him? i just love it lmao.
— PATERSON: husband. boyfriend. material. that is all. you know the quiet soft boys that just make you want to scream into a pillow and be like 'when will it be my turn?' yeah, that's this man. he's everything!
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Fuck it, Characters from the Raven Cycle as things me and my friends have said, part 3 (consider this deranged dnd edition since they all came from our last dnd session)
"'You know what else tastes like Windex?' [Ronan] 'Windex' ([Blue] and [Adam] in unison)" cue horrified and concerned noises from Gansey’s general direction "Hey, those British kids love their porridge" - Ronan not making a good impression on Mallory "He talks like a birdman, acts like a birdman, walks like a birdman" - about Ronan as he strolls around with Chainsaw "If he brings death I think he's more than down to kill people" - about Mr. Grey "Regardless I probably fucked up" - Adam or Ronan "You could be a ghost...OOoooo~" - Noah "Hey the sun's up, get up idiot!" - Adam waking Ronan up for school after a st. Agnus sleepover "Hello fellow humanoids" - Greywaren as Ronan "I miss the desiccated corpse" - everyone about Noah "Bears are a genre of gay porn" - Ronan trying to prove a point "'What are you going to do with a cannonball?' [Gansey] 'I don't know, throw it at someone' [Ronan]" And from thence forward, Ronan was not allowed on any more trips to historical sites or national parks "You're a tax write off" - Declan @ Ronan "'We're going on a trip' [Henry] '...in our favorite pirate ship' [Blue]" in the Pig off on their road trip "Science bitch" - Henry "I'm ironman but if he worked at mcdonalds" - Blue (idk, but the vibes, y’know?) "I'm not going to say 'fuck me' because I know [Ronan] would say 'yes please'" - Gansey when he’s tired of Ronan’s gay jokes "Normal? In this economy?" - Adam (with vitriol) "I will cut off all your toes unless you give me a straight answer...or a gay answer" - Declan trying to get answer on anything from Ronan "You choose between [Adam], [Ronan], and me and you choose to kill the president. Good choice" - Blue @ Gansey when presented with picking between the people he loves (in the same sense as it was irl. Think fuck, marry, kill, but the only option is fuck) "First of all, fuck Greta Thurnberg" - Ronan, probably only to piss off Blue "I think we've established [Ronan] is willing to sacrifice civilization to not answer your question" "Oh, easy bake oven. Set it for 20 minutes. We're on our way baby" - Summer in Virginia (please take this with a grain of salt, I’ve never spent more than like 2 days in Virginia) "Aged like fine wine" - [Gansey] about a [several centuries] old dead body "How do I get that bad money?" - Niall Lynch "What are you? My mom?" - Ronan @ Gansey "You have this guy in your bedroom" - Adam when bi, and Ronan just shows up to St. Agnus to vibe "Try it, try it, I'm Kratos" - Ronan egging on Declan to punch him "Bonding!?" - said in horrified unison after Gansey suggests it (irl it was also said in horrified unison because it was our DM talking, following a very violent pc on pc fight...) "Out of character, you fucking cockblocked me" - Adam @ Gansey "I can do my anarchy in peace" - Blue
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souridealist · 3 months
so a couple of different stories I've enjoyed recently were rattling around my head at the same time, and then my wife encouraged me (sang Hmm) and now I present to you: the final fantasy vii party watching Hazbin Hotel
(contains Hazbin Hotel spoilers, and also, is probably incomprehensible if you haven't seen hazbin hotel. also I haven't finished rebirth yet so it's possible this alludes to some stuff in the original game that rebirth has yet to cover, I don't know)
they have to stop for at least twenty minutes after "more than anything" because Barret is gone. he's gone. full-on sobbing on the couch. goes through half a box of tissues while aerith pats him on the shoulder. only the fact that marlene is asleep saves her from getting snuggled for an hour.
ever after he will tell you his favorite character is Charlie out of how hard he is relating to Lucifer yeah.
Aerith's favorite is absolutely Angel but like. in a way where she initially just though he was hilarious and she loved his lack of fucks and then episode four hits her with "It's not an act! It's who I need to be!" and she's just sitting there on the couch like WOW OKAY WAS NOT PLANNING TO GET CALLED OUT BY AN ANIMATED SPIDER TODAY
Tifa's favorite absolutely one hundred percent actually is Charlie
she just really likes the cheerful warmhearted compassionate girl
who says fuck
and was raised in a miserable slum but still sees joy in life and chooses to reach out to people
and has long braided hair down her back
that's just a character she finds really appealing is all
Red at the back of the room very quietly choosing violence: "There's a surprise."
(for all that Aerith rags on Cloud for being an idiot, I'm not sure she actually manages to run this math)
speaking of Red he kind of finds the whole thing extremely human and bemusing but when asked to pick a favorite he thinks it over very carefully and decides on Husk
and given how bad Husk actually is at maintaining the disaffected thing, yeah Red is telling on himself a little too
Cloud is actually not having a great time because between the really frank sexuality and the bleak humor the show is pretty significantly beyond his comfort level but he's not willing to like. actually admit that.
he also really hates Alastor. nobody but Yuffie actually likes Alastor but Cloud in particular just absolutely refuses to countenance that a single thing Alastor does could be anything besides him playing every single other character completely heartlessly and insincerely and to their detriment
neither the general anti-Alastor consensus nor the mass booing of the Vees is what has Cait Sith going "ha ha ha hoo anyway I'm gonna go wash the moogle, aye?"
that's episode six, when he finds himself actively bowled the hell over with envy for Emily's innocence
he still catches enough of the last two episodes to catch Alastor's total breakdown in the finale about coming to care for these people
hoO! he has something to do anywhere else suddenly! goodnight guys good talk good show
meanwhile Yuffie's entire reason for being the single pro Alastor representative is that she appreciates that he's got style. in, you know, a creepy old man way
she absolutely does not understand significant chunks of angel's dialogue but she is RAPTLY interpreting the context clues
Cid is honestly just waking up for the songs (yuffie is in charge of kicking him when his snoring gets too loud) but he does genuinely like the songs
he actually enjoys Adam because he likes that musical style best and also finds Adam funny, and like. the guy is funny. but Tifa and Aerith are both judging him a little
he does NOT notice this
he does have another favorite when asked and it's Sir Pentious. it's the blimp, he respects a good blimp.
Vincent is hanging out at the back of the room but everybody kind of assumes he isn't paying attention until someone looks over during "Out for Love" and realizes he is silently but openly weeping into his collar
he already liked Vaggie best but after that one he's really attached
rate of party members who eventually end up humming at least one song from the thing: 100%.
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hi sarah! i got into tma way back when you posted something about it (2 years ago, i think??) and while i was a little, er,,, disappointed by the ending, i still really really liked a lot of the statements and characters. i have a little time on my hands these days w everything going online again and wanted to ask if you had any podcast or book recs? when i finished tma i looked back on your posts and your analysis was always spot on so i'd love to know what you've liked.
Ah, the way to a woman's heart: tell her that she's got the most valid takes!
Anyway, I can't recommend anything similar to The Magnus Archives specifically---however, I do love horror as a genre and am happy to talk some more about my latest finds.
PODCASTS So historically, I am bad at listening to podcasts. I just am; I listen to a few episodes while doing dishes or walking, think "this is so cool!" and then utterly forget about it. However! As long as you go into this with that caveat in mind, we should be fine.
I unequivocally recommend I Am In Eskew and The Silt Verses to everyone. They come from the same creative team, and while the podcasts can be different tonally, they are some of the best horror writing I have come across in the genre. They are smart and good and fucked up, and it should tell you something that Silt Verses season 2 is coming out soon and I am only slightly worried about that will go.
Archive 81 (the original podcast!) is a little hit-and-miss for me---I thought season 1 was fine but not much else, adored season 2, then liked some episodes from season 3 and Left of the Dial. However, it's a fun time and if you're looking for something similar to TMA this is probably your best bet.
I've only listened to season 1 of The White Vault, but it is 100% stand alone and so very good. I'm a sucker for "And Then There Were None"-But-Eldritch plots, and White Vault provides in abundance.
I've listened to even less of Unwell, Parkdale Haunt, Point Mystic, and Mabel, but from those few episodes, they were all enjoyable! Parkdale Haunt and Mabel lean heavily into haunted houses (plus demons and the Fair Folk, respectively), while Unwell and Point Mystic have differing takes on the weirdness of small towns.
Most recently I finished The House of Small Shadows, by Adam Nevill, which---despite some frustration with the writing style---I found delicious. Amid creepy puppets and taxidermized grotesqueries, Nevill sets up a protagonist who is overly paranoid and frustratingly passive in turns, but drags you into her specific madness with her. Slow to start, but worth it in the end.
The Glassy, Burning Floor of Hell, by Brian Evenson, is a short story collection---not quite traditional horror, but very much takes its cues from some of the more literary horror out there. "Curator", "The Shimmering Wall", and "Palisade" in particular are knockouts; a collection about...despair, sort of? About things going to rot, and inevitability.
I mentioned Revelator, by Daryl Gregory, in my "Best Books of 2021" list---it's a fun trip into Appalachian/Lovecraftian horror, very much in the vein of the "Old Gods of Appalachia" podcast. Also worth checking out is Margaret Killjoy's Danielle Cain series---very fun novellas, plus a fucked up deer! And who can resist a fucked up deer?
I absolutely 100% did not just tack this category on to go tell people to watch Severance, a show that is firmly in the vein of what I'm going to call "corporate horror"---along with Thomas Ligotti, Episode 11 of I Am In Eskew and Chapter 7 of Silt Verses, and those scenes in Cabin in the Woods where the guys in ties complain about the Japanese office. As a corporate drone myself, this is my favorite sub-genre so everybody should go watch it and talk to me about it.
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kyberphilosopher · 3 years
Those are people who died, died Those are people who died, died They were all my friends and just died.
Word Count: 5736 Warnings: Crime, Weapons, Mentioned Murder of a R/pist, Crude humor.
Jason’s friend and roommate, another Gotham villain, is ordered to return to Task Force X.
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ce·rise/səˈrēs,səˈrēz/ [noun] a bright or deep red color.
Let’s open up our story on a colorful note: Fuck Amanda Waller. 
Nobody likes her. You don’t like her. Jason doesn’t like her. None of the characters in this story like her. Arguably, none of the characters in your present universe like her, either. There’s a reason why people call her “The Wall”. It’s because that’s what it’s like talking to her. And that’s what it would be like trying to deny the request she’d passed on to you in her letter. 
It weighed on your mind briefly as you walk up the stairs of your apartment building. By the third flight, the weight’s pretty much disappeared. Sure, there’s anger at Waller for violating your agreement, but it’s so useless being annoyed with her that it washes away fast. So by the fourth flight, the whole thing is settled in your head to completion. You’ll go back to your Suicide Squad- or a Suicide Squad, considering most people Waller selects are idiots. Then you’ll do the job, and walk away bing, bang, boom. 
You tip your head politely as if in salute to the older woman, Mallorca, who occupies the apartment across from you. She returns a warm smile that raises her prominent and wrinkled jowls, igniting the fire in her warm brown eyes. “You need me to do your laundry again?” 
Of course an angel such as Mallorca would make such an offer. It’s not a bad offer, either. Your dark, silver lined chest plate is splattered with blood all over the front. It’s nobodies blood that doesn’t deserve it, as per your agreement with Waller. Just some perverted little prick who thought with his dick instead of his brain with the wrong girl. She looked frightened, and you saved her, and since the prick had just hit 18 (a fact you learned after rummaging around his wallet after), you had permission to bash his brain in. Hence the blood splattered vigilante armor. 
The first time Mallorca had seen such a sight, she had no reaction whatsoever. You weren’t sure what else you were expecting from an old woman living in a back alley apartment building, but it certainly wasn’t that. She offered no shock to your red masked, blood stained roommate either. Mallorca is simply an otherworldly being. And is that cocaine you see on the collar of her shirt?
“I got it,” you throw in return, rounding the corner so she’s at your back, and nearing the climb up the next and last flight of stairs. “Hey, is Jason home?” But when you turn around fully, Mallorca shows no intention of responding and has disappeared down your previous staircase. You clasp your hands against the sides of your thighs, “Oh, okay.”
You make your way up the final steps and stick a hand in a secret back pocket to fish around for your keys. You wince when you begin the rigorous task of tugging the lanyard free from the depths, which unfortunately fell near to your back hole. Then you slip the key into the lock and twist. 
Inside your apartment is near emptiness. There’s a couch, a rug, some windows, a TV, and to your immediate right is a small kitchen beside a hallway that leads to a bathroom and two bedrooms. You see the large plant you’d stuck in the corner is wilted and tinged brown, and the TV is playing some movie with the sound muted. No sign of your roommate, however. 
You toss your helmet and keys onto the couch. Then you make your way to the kitchen to search the fridge for a snack (that you know is not there) or perhaps some water. You bend down to peek an eye in, only to stand back up and close the thing. Then you pass over to the counter, and reach up to now peek an eye in the overhead cabinet. 
“You’re home early.”
You let out a short-but cathartic- scream, jumping as you turn around. You relax quickly. It’s only Jason, and your face changes from shocked and panicked to simply annoyed. 
The man at the other side of the room pulls his infamous red helmet from atop his face. Underneath is a classically masculine, handsome face with eyes that blend between green and blue. Black hair falls free in messy strands, accented by the one white tuft that you’ve claimed reminds you of a skunk. You tilt your head lazily in defeat. “How many times have I told you not to do that?”
Jason shrugs in his red hoodie and jeans, walking across the room to set the helmet on the coffee table. “Four. Any particular reason you’re home so early?” he flops himself onto the couch and kicks his feet up, crossing them tastefully next to the Red Hood helmet. 
You turn back around to continue the task of grabbing a cup from the top cabinet. “It’s been five, and I apologize for assuming I could do what I wanted in my own home.”
“If you have to ask me to stop sneaking up on you five times, you’re probably a really bad vigilante.”
“Fuck,” you mutter as you fill the cup with tap water. “That’s true.”
You turn around to face Jason. His eyes are already on you, illuminated by the blue glow from the television. They linger purely on your form for a moment, then they dip down to narrow at your armor. “Were you the one who killed that guy on the back of main?”
You furrow your brows and look up with pursed lips in thought. “Are you talking about the main diner or the main records shop?”
“Main diner on main street.”
“No, that was Azrael. This was by the records shop.” You raise the glass to your lips.
Jason snaps his fingers. “Oh, that guy. The kid?”
You nod and take another sip of the water. “He just turned eighteen, so you know. Free game. So, what do you want for dinner? Pick something good. I’m going back to the squad so I won’t be here for a few weeks.”
Jason’s brows furrow for a split second, then he perks up attentively. “You’re going back to the task force?” he repeats, though it sounds defeated and disbelieving. Distraught- is that the word you’re looking for?
“Yeah,” you shrug. “I got the letter-” you set the cup of water down and reach a hand into your pocket. Then you pull the crumpled envelope free of its confines and toss it onto the counter, “-today.”
Jason’s eyebrows furrow again. This time the movement is quick and curved and almost offended. “So, that’s it then?”
“What’s wrong, Jason?” you smirk. “Did you finally fall in love with your roommate turned friend? I always knew this day would come.”
“Uh, no?”
“Suit yourself.”
You turn back around and begin rinsing the cup out. Jason watches your back, something in his chest sinking. You weren’t his best friend. Besides living together, you weren’t really all that close. You were living a life a lot like his, running around at night as some antihero vigilante. The only difference was that you’d crossed paths with Waller and had managed to make it out of her system alive. Most antihero vigilante’s weren’t so lucky. Most of them died. But now you’re telling Jason right to his face that you’re going back. That you think you’ll only be gone a few weeks when it could just be forever. Sprayed with dark blood all over... what if it was yours?
“Actually,” Jason leans forward. His legs drop from the table and spread open, elbows resting against his knees with a hunched back. “Why don’t you pick dinner tonight?”
The glass clinks against the metal of the sink as you set it inside. Jason almost always picks dinner. Most of the time he chooses burgers or Chinese. Your apartments stove isn’t working, so eating from home really just means a BLT sandwich for the both of you. 
“Are you offering because you’re hoping I’ll choose that new steakhouse?” you smile.
“I’ll get you anything you want,” the man replies. “It’s on me.”
Jason meets you on the roof of the building about an hour and a half later. You wanted to go with him, since you’d say his behavior is different from usual, but he was very adamant about you staying in. Jason even encouraged you to go ahead and pick your favorite movie to watch while he’s gone. 
When you told him you’d decided on the steakhouse option, you meant it ironically. Between the two of you, money could be described as ‘tight’. Going to a new place like that would mean saving for a while. Furthermore, you hadn’t even given him your order before Red Hood was gone. 
To his credit, looking at him now, you wouldn’t change a thing. The first bite of the food is phenomenal. The second bite is just perfect. Jason must have mind reading powers to be so aware of your taste in food- you’d thought he never noticed. 
He gets a steak, as predicted. Jason loves steak. 
Gotham looks most like itself at night, a view shared between the two of you. Two sets of legs dangle over the side of your building, both of which are clad in heavy boots and armored knees. Jason had decided to go out as his alter ego- a fact he thought he could keep from you by putting his hoodie under his leather jacket. 
“I saw you put your helmet by the door,” you tell him. “I know what’s under that sweatshirt.”
“No you didn’t,” is all he says back. 
The wind tickles the back of your neck. It ripples through the air in lazy waves, making Jason’s hair ruffle. The white skunk streak disappears and reappears between the darker-than-midnight-sky strands. Behind Jason, the moon is full and lonely. Its only company is the two of you. 
“Oh my god,” you stuff your mouth. “This is so good.”
“Hm,” Jason hums in agreement, stabbing his steak once again with a fork in his black to-go box. It’s the next movement of his shoulder that catches your eye. 
“Jason, is that cocaine, or powder donut dust?” 
Jason glances over at you. 
Your eyes linger on the white splotch of something in the wrinkles of red fabric. “Because I asked you not to eat them since there’s only two left.”
Your face slowly falls to one of horror as Jason stays still. With a face of steel, he finally says, “It’s cocaine then.”
“Look what I got you.”
Jason sets his box to the ledge beside him and leans down. 
“Worst subject change ever.” You take an angry bite of your meal in an attempt to both silence yourself and to make you feel better. Unfortunately as you pull away from the bite, crumbs attach themselves to your chest plate and stick to your fingers. “Crap. Jason, your dumb food is getting shit all over my stuff!”
When you look over, Jason’s orbs are already on you. His eyes pierce yours, almost unintentionally daring them to look away. The skunk strands glow this close. He holds two things in his hands. The first is a small, brown pot you could balance in the palm of your hand, filled with miniature yellow and red flowers. Scarlet tulips, golden sunflowers, and blonde alstroemerias. In the other hand is a Blu-ray copy of your favorite film. 
“Oh,” is all you can muster out. 
When was the last time the two of you had actually exchanged gifts? You weren’t lovers, or best friends. You were just friends. It had to have been last Christmas, when you had gotten him a TV subscription for South Park and a pair of socks. Jason had gifted you a new bedframe that he later helped you put together. 
A big smile reaches your eyes and makes your cheeks sore. “I haven’t been able to find this anywhere,” you say, taking the movie from his fingers. Your voice comes out pure and genuine. “Thank you.” Your smile grows even larger when you cup the pot of flowers with both hands. 
“All of the flower shops were closed,” Jason explains. “Those are plastic. They won’t die anytime soon.”
At that moment, you swear you could’ve kissed him. He’s looking at you like this is all nothing, like he didn’t just drop big money on dinner and flowers for you. Jason knew what food you wanted before you did. He knew your favorite movie when you can’t even remember saying a thing about it. When had any other man or woman been so thoughtful? So romantic? So caring?
You glance down to the film in your lap. “I didn’t think you payed attention this well.”
Jason’s brow quirks upwards. Something flashes in his eyes as he adjusts his position, seven stories up from the ground. “What kind of roomie would I be if I didn’t?” he asks. Something tells you there’s a shyness blooming in that broad chest of his. Jason’s eyes flit downward to the blood on you, before his head dips back upwards to lock a stare with you once more. “You smell nice,” he states.
You look up at him simply. You know your eyes are filled with pure adoration, and that it’s showing all over your face, but you don’t care. Your red hooded, drug pedaling, bat wrangling, gun toting equal roommate is your favorite person in all of Gotham at this exact moment. 
Behind Jason, a small bird flits overhead with a flash of crimson. “Hey, look,” you pat Jason’s shoulder. His eyes follow yours until they land on the floor of the roof behind you. “I think it’s a robin.”
“I know that bird,” Jason scowls. “That’s the son of the bitch that keeps waking me up in the morning.”
You watch as Jason swings his legs over the side and pushes himself from the ledge. One hand reaches into the back of his pants while the other searches his leather jacket pocket for something. After a few seconds, he produces both a clip of ammo and a gun, which connect with a click. 
“Ah!” you yelp, placing both the flowers and movie on the brick before copying your friends actions and standing on the roof. Jason hasn’t shot yet, but the gun in his hand is aimed right at the little birdie. He’s got a clean shot. His face remains neutral and unmoving as you take your place beside him. 
It’s a full minute, and the robin is still alive and intact. He nibbles on a little crumb of bread. “He looks happy,” you think out loud. The air of Gotham goes quiet up on that roof, despite the distant sirens, music, and people throughout the city. “Are you gonna shoot?”
Jason’s finger lingers over the trigger. Even the slightest of a squeeze would set the weapon off at this point. The balls of your feet move to and froe, anticipating the bang you’re so familiar with. But then Jason lowers the gun completely, and the robin flies away at the movement. “Nah. He’ll feel the pain I dish out in the morning.”
“Don’t be sad,” you nudge Jason. “He’ll be back at six AM tomorrow to wake you up.” You turn to return to your beckoning food on the ledge. “Thanks for all this, anyway.”
“You’re welcome,” you hear Jason respond. “Hey Y/N?”
Jason watches you spin until you’re completely facing him. He can see the blood again. How it’s completely standing out against the darkness of your outfit. You look powerful, yeah. And you look like the antihero you’re labeled as. But all Jason sees is a corpse of a... of a friend. “Yeah?”
“You’re sure about this Waller thing?”
“Yeah?” you reply, as if it were obvious. The stain on you is so haunting it’s easy to think otherwise. “It’s not like I have much of a choice. It’ll only be a few weeks. I’ll be back before you know it. Then I can show you this sick ass movie.”
Then you go back to walking towards the ledge to retake your seat. But Jason remains standing. He watches as you, the person he thinks of naked so often, get comfortable, your back facing him. And, despite your word, Jason has the sinking feeling that some Suicide Squad mission isn’t the only place Amanda Waller will send you to. 
This time, Amanda Waller will send you to your grave.
This was supposed to be out on August 16th, for Jason’s birthday. But the concept came to me too late and I spent too long on it. Anyway, here’s some symbolism for ya.
Tulips symbolize unconditional love. Sunflowers symbolize adoration. Alstroemeria’s symbolize devotion. The reader describes the plant in their apartment as turning brown, suggesting it may share a similar fate as the reader as plants go brown when about to die. Robin’s symbolize optimism, a trait the reader displays towards the idea of returning to the Suicide Squad. Robin was also a former identity of Red Hood. Both of which could be why Jason decides to spare the bird. 
I’ll go back and proof read this in the morning.
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Play Pretend
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Title: Play Pretend
Summary: Sam betrays you in more than one way. Years later you meet again. Can he win you over again or will you never forgive him for breaking your heart?
Squares filled for: @spnquotebingo​
Quote: ("I wake up in the morning and I feel like I'm missing something. I know that there's something not right, and it takes me a while to remember what it is... then I remember. My best friend is gone. My only friend. It was silly of me to rely so much on one person." - Love, Rosie)
Word Count:
Pairing: Sam Winchester x fem!Reader, implied Sam x Ruby
Characters: Dean Winchester
Rating: Mature
Warnings: angst, language, cheating, sadness, break-up, mentions of blood junkie Sam, hurt & comfort, fluff, meeting again, second chances???
A/N: Set in Season 4/later on Season 10
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
SPN Quote Bingo masterlist
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The night before your world exploded…
“Hey, sweetheart,” Dean pokes his head into your room, or rather the room you share with your boyfriend of four years, Sam. The love of your life. “Sammy is still at the bar and tries to find out if there is anything the victims got in common.”
“Dean, I love you like a brother,” you whisper, not even lifting your head to meet his eyes in the dim light of your bedroom, “but please stop lying for Sam.”
“I did not lie, Y/N,” mumbling the words Dean steps closer into the room, eyes glued to the wrapped gift on the nightstand. “A gift?”
“He forgot our anniversary, Dean. I know he's with her, that demonic bitch again. I can see her red lipstick on his shirt and smell her cheap perfume and the sulfur. I tried to make Sam see she’s not what he wants or needs but-“
Your voice cracks and you wipe your eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” Dean sits on the bed next to you, eyes glued to the gift on the nightstand. “Sammy, he changed since I’m back, or maybe it was while I was gone.”
“The moment you were gone he stopped being my Sam and became a shadow of the man I fell in love with. I let him stray, even leave me for weeks as he lost you but now – you are back, and he still leaves me.”
“Maybe you should talk to Sam, Y/N,” you turn around, shaking your head lightly. “What do you want to do?” Dean asks, already knowing the answer. “I will miss you, Y/N. You’re the annoying little sister I never had.”
“I will miss you too, Dean,” choking out a sob you close your eyes. “You know that you can always call me. Just give me some time to calm.”
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Just like any other night for months you lie on the edge of the bed, ignoring Sam sneaks into your shared bedroom.
You can smell her on him, and if the moonless night would offer more than dim light you could see the lipstick on his neck and the scratch-marks on his back.
Sam hides his infidelity poorly lately. Hickeys. Lipstick. Her scent on him. He  seems to want to rub it in your face that he’s no longer interested in you.
His hands, the ones which once felt so warm are cold when he touches you now. Not sexually, of course. Sam didn’t even look at you for months. Not that you wanted him to touch you. 
You pretend you are asleep when Sam settles on the bed next to you. He sighs, mumbling your name when his eyes land on the gift on his nightstand. 
“I forgot our anniversary, babe,” he whispers, rolling to his side to look at the back of your head. You can feel his hand gently run over your arm, but you don’t move, not wanting to break things up with him tonight. “Gonna make it up to you after we killed Lilith.”
Tonight, you will let your hatred burn all the love your felt for him out of your heart. Tonight, you will play pretend and ignore the pieces of your heart on the floor when he kisses your neck softly.
Tomorrow you will get back up and leave the love of your life for good.
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The next night you are gone. You don’t lie in a cold bed, waiting for the love of your life to pretend he still loves you. And you don’t pretend to not see the love in his eyes is long gone…
“Gone?” looking around your shared bedroom Sam balls his hands into fists. “How can Y/N be gone? She was with you the whole time.”
“You mean the time you spend with your favorite demon, the one you love to fuck?” Dean spats, stepping toward the nightstand. “She even bought you a gift even though she knew you fuck that corpse. I think I’ll take a few days off.”
“Do you want to leave me too? Just like the useless girl I dragged around for years?” Sam spats.
“Sammy, I love you but right now, I don’t recognize my brother anymore. No wonder Y/N left and didn’t look back…”
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Around six years later, St. Cloud, Minnesota
“I’m telling you, Sammy,” Dean smirks, jerking his head toward the bags with food on the table at their shared motel room, “this is the best burger in town. The owner makes the pickles, Sam. You should learn to enjoy the little things.”
Sam makes a face, not in the mood to talk about food with his brother. “If you say so,” he shrugs, glancing at his phone. “You know, we could just sit this one case out.”
“I’m fine,” Dean grumbles, thumb running over the mark on his arm. “It’s calmer today. Just let me enjoy my food, drink some beer and forget about anything else.”
“Rowena said she’s close to finding a spell to break the bond. Charlie and Castiel help her stay focused on helping you and not rule the world,” laughing Dean looks at his brother, shaking his head. 
“You need to get laid, Sammy. Find a girl and stop worrying about me.”
“I’m not in the mood,” Sam tuts, looking at Dean’s greasy food. “I just-“
“I know, I know,” rolling his eyes the elder brother takes a large bite of his burger. “You can’t focus on a sweet girl while your brother runs around with the Mark of Cain.”
“That’s bullshit, Sam. Go to that bar we passed on our way here. Hit on the bartender or whoever floats your boat. Get laid,” adamant Dean hands Sam a condom. “Don’t come back before you got laid.”
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“What can I get you?” the bartender asks, giving Sam a sweet smile. The kind of smile she spares for men like Sam who rarely stumble into her bar. “Beer, Whiskey, or something sweeter?”
“Beer is fine,” Sam looks around the almost empty bar, hating Dean made him leave. “Maybe some peanuts too.”
“I wouldn’t eat the peanuts,” watching someone sit next to him Sam eyes you warily. “It only makes you thirstier for their cheap beer,” you whip your head to meet Sam’s gaze. “It’s awful by the way.”
“Y/N,” choking your name out Sam lets his eyes wander to comfirm it’s really you. He looks at the tiny tattoo on your neck, a tiny butterfly. The one you got while Sam held your hand tightly.
Your hair is a little longer, and your face shows your journey since he last saw you. But it is you. Undoubtable.
“Winchester,” you tap your glass, glaring at the bartender who ignores you to shove a piece of paper with her phone number toward Sam. “You look good. Heard you killed that bitch.”
“That was six years ago, Y/N,” Sam moves closer, places his large hands onto the dirty bar counter. “H-How have you been? Do you still hunt?”
“Never got out of business,” you shrug, eyes glued to your glass now. “Heard you got out of business some time ago. Seems like you’re back to business to me. Wasn’t your style?”
“Dean came back,” mumbling Sam looks at you, feeling his heartbeat quicken when you nod silently. “Guess she wasn’t the one.”
“No one seems to be ‘the one’ to you, Sammy,” it’s a low blow but you deliver it with a smirk. “That you cheated on me was the best thing happening to me. I finally had the time to train more and focus on the one thing I’m good at. Killing.”
“You’re not a killer, Y/N,” you scoff at Sam’s words, not wanting him to believe you are still the broken girl he betrayed years ago. “I wasn’t me back then, Y/N. Ruby, she fed me demon blood. I wanted to become more powerful to defeat Lilith.” he sits next to you, hand reaching out for his beer to hold onto something to calm his nerves. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t fix what you have broken, Sam. I trusted you. Dean and Bobby trusted you. None of us was good enough to you. It wasn’t Ruby pushing me away, it was you,” you down your drink, slamming the glass onto the counter. “Go ahead and fuck the bartender, Sam. She almost drools all over you.”
He watches you toss a few bucks onto the counter before you turn to leave. Sam can’t let you go, he just can’t, so he does the only thing coming to his mind – he grasps for your arms to slam you against the nearby wall, his lips silencing you.
“Sam, let me go,” you pant. God, you hate he looks even better in the dim light of the dingy bar. The years have been kind to Sam. Even though you see the pain and loss he endured in his eyes and the fine lines around his eyes, he’s still the most attractive man you ever met. 
“Please, let us talk, Y/N. I know you’ll not believe me, but I never forget about you. And I never forgave myself for hurting you deeply,” he whispers, lips pressing against your temple.
“I can’t talk to you, Sam. Do you know how I felt? Do you?” you cry, tears on your cheeks. “In the first weeks I-I felt like-“ you choke out a sob, shaking your head when Sam tells you he’s sorry again.
“Y/N,” he whispers, voice deeper than you remember. You missed Sam grew out of his insecurities and became a man. He’s no longer the boy he used to be when you still were a thing. “Give me the chance to talk to you, please. Dean, he would be happy to see you too.”
“Back then all I could do was to leave and still, you affect me. I wake up in the morning and I feel like I'm missing something. I know that there's something not right, and it takes me a while to remember what it is... then I remember. My best friend is gone. My only friend. It was silly of me to rely so much on one person." you sniff. 
“Oh, Y/N,” you hate his eyes soften and you know it’s only a matter of time Sam will try to bring you into his arms. “I should’ve never let you go. You were my best friend, the only woman I loved after I lost Jess. Please, believe me, I never wanted to hurt you.”
“You were not only my lover but my family too. Do you know how lonely I was? I had no one left, no one,” crying you let Sam bring you in his arms. The pain and hurting hit you out of nowhere when you feel his warm chest press against your face. “How could you cheat on me with that corpse?”
“’m so sorry, baby girl. So sorry,” Sam curses. He thought about you now and then, never forgot about you over all those years. He believed you got over him and found love in someone else’s arms. It pained him to think about you; but seeing you like this, facing the consequences of his failure shatters his heart. “Please, let me take you to my home, show you a place where you can feel safe.”
“I never was safe, Sam. Not without you by my side. I-I got broken, beaten, and ripped apart more than once. Do you see the girl from back then in me? I don’t. She’s gone and I don’t know if I’ll ever find her again.”
“Y/N,“ Sam whispers your name, kissing your hair softly. “I found you again. Now let me help you find yourself…”
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cornerofhell · 3 years
Why I Love Prince of Egypt
So I got asked earlier “what would happen if your favorite horror characters in your favorite non-horror movie” The movie that I used was Prince of Egypt. If you don’t know of this masterpiece somehow, it is the story of Moses and the Exodus of Egypt. It does indeed change... a few details but it very much tries its best to match the source material. Many people of other religions adore this movie.  The animation was way ahead of its time, every song in it was catchy, EVERY SONG, the characters were relateable and written so well, and they didn’t make the characters in EGYPT white! For those of you who DO KNOW ABOUT THIS MOVIE... you’re probably wondering what else there is to talk about. “You talked about most of it... to quote Derek from Swan princess, “What Else is There?”” ---- Alright. I’ll tell you.  I grew up with a pretty religious christian family, and besides the story of Jesus and/or Adam and Eve... Moses was talked about A LOT during the few years we went to church. He is one of my favorite bible characters of all time. Why? Because Prince of Egypt made me understand him. It made him more than a... guy with a beard who did God’s work for me. Was prince of Egypt ENTIRELY ACCURATE? No. Moses knew who he was since he was little. But.... Prince of Egypt made him make sense to me. The man grew up as a prince, and then as he grows up, he realizes his home is being built on the backs of HIS PEOPLE. And so when he kills one of the soldiers, he runs in FEAR. He fears HIMSELF and what he can do to others, so he RUNS, something that... anyone would do. So he’s living life, happy family and shit, and then he sees a FUCKING BURNING BUSH and he finds out that GOD wants HIM to free his people. God wants him, a known murderer, to go back to what he called home, and fight.  Moses is all like “Dude, what the fuck, I’m was the son of the man who slaughtered their BABIES, and you want me to go back there and have them LISTEN?!” But let’s skip ahead. To the plagues. It shows Moses... as anyone would react. He’s watching innocent people, children and families losing everything, and he HATES HIMSELF for it. He wants it to stop. He doesn’t want to fight the people he grew up with. But he’s forced to for his people. And then he warns Rameses about what’s coming. He can’t say, but he knows. He’s begging. Pleading. He can’t bear this. The other plagues were bad but... “Something else is coming. Something WORSE than anything before!” And then Rameses threatens the people... and Moses knows it’s as good as done. He just.... stares at the little boy, knowing what would happen to him, and he can’t do ANYTHING. “Rameses, you bring this upon yourself”  And then it happens. Every first born is killed. Moses has become the man with thousands of children on his hands, including family. And his reminder is the blood-curdling screams and sobs of people who lost their children and families. Any bond he ever had with Pharaoh is broken. His people are free... but his mind never will be.  So what does he do when he walks out of the palace? He collapses... and sobs. Like anyone else would. He’s aching. He’s in pain. He did this. He’s the reason they’re screaming. And if you notice, for the rest of the movie after that... He’s tired. He’s broken down. He’s worn. The guilt almost takes the life out of him.  That’s why I love Prince of Egypt.  They didn’t make Moses some “wise-old dude” they made him a PERSON.
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