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Oh I LOVE this. The first page here begins by touching on the topic of the distance that has been between them for a while now due to everything that’s happened. He mentions ‘As long as it’s you’ because he’s met OTHER Tomoyo at this point, and the reason that happened at all was because Tomoyo sent him away in the first place - and Tomoyo smiles sadly, or perhaps thoughtfully, at the subtle reference to that difference. 
Kurogane then immediately brings up Evil Wolverine’s initial plans for him, which I’m THRILLED by because I genuinely didn’t think they’d address this between them. But Tomoyo uses examples of their past together to say that Evil Wolverine’s plan was NEVER going to work with Kurogane (He didn’t even do what TOMOYO wanted after all), and IT MAKES KUROGANE SMILE. They end the second page by BOTH SMILING, the closeness between them re-established by both parties. And OH the character growth Tomoyo must see in him. To go from the Kurogane in Chapter 2 to the Kurogane before her now must be the most amazing thing to witness, to see this gentleness, to see this sense of calm, to see a touch of the same prickly nature he always had but this time with his heart full of love and the wisdom to know what ACTUALLY matters the most. 
It really shows that even though they’re not talking about the fact that Kurogane is about to leave again, they’ve emotionally realigned themselves and nothing is different between them, even if they're very different people now.
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I don’t actually know this for certain but I feel like the wording at the start of this page might be a little off, in tone at the very least. Kurogane asking for confirmation that what Evil Wolverine did was a "crime" is like the LEAST compelling way to start topic of conversation, but I’m just going to reword it in my head and keep going. 
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The sword Kurogane had with him WAS NOT THE ACTUAL GINRYUU BUT JUST A COPY OF IT.
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banj0possum · 1 year
Hi! I love your stuff, you’re a really good writer! Take your time if you ever get to this, don’t burn yourself out.
The scenario is a delusional yandere childhood friend/monster. Like the reader found it in the woods as a kid and they grew up playing until the reader had to move away. Now years later, the reader is back..and the monster thinks it has a mate again.
Imaginary More-Than-Friends
Yandere! Imaginary Childhood Bestfriend x GN Reader
an: I believe the few people will recognize this guy from my old posts, i figured i let him out of my little toy box of characters huehuehue. i have to say though that i'm very much attached to this one and i will not be accepting nsfw requests of this character in the future! sorry if its not really what you asked for though ._." i was a bit excited when i saw your request
CW: Coulrophobia, delusional yan, this one is a bit more intense than normal, kidnapping kind of, possessive themes
🦋 You have vague memories of your old house. Memories of playing around in your old room and the faint sounds of cicadas and rustling leaves from outside your bedrooms window felt like a blur.
🦋 The clearest memory of your childhood there was playing around in the woods by your backyard. You had a small clubhouse somewhere in the thicket of trees and other flora. It was a small red tent full of flower ornaments that you've weaved and little trinkets you found while exploring.
🦋 You also remember there being someone else in the woods with you every time you played, although you don't remember any neighbors with kids when you were younger. Even then you have foggy memories of talking to someone very close to you.
🦋 You feel the truck you're riding in turn a corner and you look up to see your old family house slowly appearing from behind autumn-colored trees.
🦋 As soon as the moving truck came to a stop, you opened the door after thanking the driver and got your bags, taking a good look at the large house in front of you.
🦋 The paint was chipping and most of the metal decor was rusting, but you can fix them up as soon as you move in. Your family had to move out pretty quickly for some unknown reason so you figured many of the things that were left were still there.
🦋 Turning the key in the lock and opening the door, you could have sworn you heard scurrying from inside the house, must have been an animal that got in from a window or something.
🦋 Somehow, the house didn't seem very dusty, even though it's been sitting unoccupied for years. The floor looks swept to an extent with piles of leaves looking to have been swept lazily to the sides of the rooms.
🦋 You wandered through the house, your memories coming back to you about the times you spent with your parents, all the while, you can hear faint scratching and thumping as you walk.
🦋 The tall figure skittered around house, watching you wander around from the corners with an unblinking stare. He couldn't believe it. You were here, you're back! And you're so much bigger than you were all those years ago...you look so beautiful now! A toothy grin widens on his face as his claws scratched the doorframe he was gripping, leaving deep scratches.
🦋 As you enter your old room, you see that the dusty bed still looks made, like it's been waiting for someone to sleep in it for years. Old toys with ribbons of your favorite color tied to their necks or wrists sat in their places by a fogged windowsill as paper cranes and insects on string and glow in the dark stars still hung on your ceiling.
🦋 Just as you were about to leave to get your things moved in, you hear your old closet creak open. You freeze and turn to it, it looked like there wasn't anything inside. You wait a bit before fucking off, not wanting to deal with any ghouls or the like at the moment...
🦋 The figure then breathes a sigh of relief as soon as you're out of earshot. It pushes itself out of the closet and onto the floor. Soon you will see each other, he promises. He just has to find the right time...
🦋 You'd find items missing and reappearing in strange places sometimes, it could've been just you forgetting where you placed them, but there's no way you could have misplaced your shoes in the sink or your sweater outside your window...
🦋 You'd also notice food that was left out being eaten, not by ants or rodents though, the bite marks were too large.
🦋 You weren't some dumb character in a horror movie, you could see the tell-tale signs of a haunting, but you didn't want to let go of the house, not after all the years of trying to buy it back and all the money you put into renovating it.
🦋 Your mind was put at ease somewhat when you found a group of raccoons rummaging through your trashcans next to a window with a broken window, they could've just been messing with your stuff and eating your food while you weren't looking. You took note that you had to fix the locks soon.
🦋 After a few tiring days of getting everything cleaned up and moving in your stuff, you look at your hard work and smile. Your furniture gave the home your own personal touch while still keeping the nostalgic charm of your childhood home. You sigh in satisfaction and decide to go out and get some fresh air.
🦋 You exit through your backyard door and, from what you can see, the woods hasn't changed a bit since you left. It made you smile knowing you personal little playground hasn't wasted away. You then remember your old hideout. A wave of memories come back to you as you rush to where you remember the little red fort was.
🦋 To your surprise, the tent was still up, in fact, you could see no sign of aging on it. No damage from rain or wind or anything, it's like it was frozen in time. You walk up to it, crouching down and lifting the red embroidered curtains of the entrance and revel in the little items that withstood the years it has been left here.
🦋 Although, you notice there being more things than you remember. Did you really collect all these thing when you were younger? There were bottles of soda can tabs and acorns, figurines of animals carved out of wood, were those animal bones??
🦋 You back away from the tent, very much weirded out by the new additions to your old hang out spot when suddenly, your body bumps into something. It felt thin like a tree but soft like a plush toy with burlap for the cover. Your eyes go wide as you hear a voice from above you. "(Y/N)?"
🦋 The familiar jingle of bells sparked something in you as you look up to meet the creature's porcelain face.
🦋 You stare at the figure like it would disappear if you look away from it as you step back to look at it better.
🦋 It was a clown, a tall one at that. Its white pupils stayed on you as you can see razor sharp teeth within its mouth. His limbs looked almost jointless like how a plush toy would look. It's clothes were brown and dirty from years of neglect.
🦋 What you were seeing wasn't human, it couldn't be human. It was too freakishly tall to be one. You didn't know what to do, running could provoke it to chase you and attacking could anger it.
🦋 Suddenly, it steps closer to you and bends down, you could feel its breath on your face, it unusually smelled like candycorn.
🦋 Then it chuckles, giving you a grin before suddenly picks you up and wraps its long arms around you, spinning around happily like a child holding their new toy.
🦋 "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Oh I'm so happy to see you again! You've grown so much! Where did you go? What did you see? Did you...make any new friends?"
🦋 It pulls away from you and stops spinning only to see a terrified expression on your face. His smile drops and cocks his head to the side. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" The bells on its jester hat jingle softly.
🦋 As your shock melts away, you figure he didn't have any intention of harming you and you try and catch your breath. Your eyes then catch a glimpse of ribbons tied around his wrists. It was your favorite color.
🦋 Your slowly look back up to the clown and you finally remember your old friend that you used to play with.
🦋 You had a favorite toy amongst your collection of stuffed animals and dolls. It was a strawberry pink clown with stretchy arms, you used to carry it around with you all the time. From the moment you wake up to going back to sleep, you had it with you. You named it..
🦋 "Hallow?"
🦋 The clown perks up at the name and its smile widens even more. "So you remember! Hahah! I was beginning to think you forgot all about me!" "Y-you're real?! I mean you were- but- h-how is this possible?!"
🦋 Hallow puts you down and gives you a confused look, pointing a finger to his cheek. "Real? Of course I'm real! I'm your best friend!" He giggles, spinning around joyfully.
🦋 "And I...left you here.." "Oh I don't mind! I'm sure you had a reason! Besides, you're here now and we can play again! And we can be together!" He takes your hands into his and squeezes them, his grip a bit shaky. Well, at least it won't be so lonely out here anymore...
🦋 From there, Hallow kept you company, he would help you out in fixing up the exterior of the house and tell you all about what's happened since you left.
🦋 "I saw a reeeaaallly big bear once! He looked all tubby and fluffy and stuff! I tried petting it but it bit my arm off! So rude right? At least I knew how to sew my arm back! Thanks for teaching me how by the way!"
🦋 He's a bit clingy, but he does give you space if you ask him. and by give you space i mean he just stares at you from the corner of the room instead of hovering over you the whole time.
🦋 He wasn't a fan of other people though, if ever a friend of yours visits or a delivery person drops by, he'd disappear in a flash, when they finally leave, he's unusually quiet until to ask if he was alright. When you turn away from him, his forced smile drops down to a sneer, thinking about the strange person that was trying to take you away from him...
🦋 Then one day, a friend of yours called and told you they were in the area and wanted to meet up with you. Hallow watched as you happily talked to your phone from the gap between your door, scratching the wood in jealousy. Who was making you so happy (Y/N)? Only he's supposed to make you laugh like that...
🦋 When your friend came, he disappeared once again. He watched you greet your 'friend' with a hug, being awfully touchy with them, holding their hand as you guide them to your couch.
🦋 He hated it, he hated them. He hated you happy you looked as you two laughed together. He wished it was him who was making you laugh, not this stranger. Infact, what made you think they were to be trusted? Wasn't it other people that made you leave him in the first place? Your dreaded parents were the reason you were taken from him, what makes you think your "friend" won't do the same. Before you know it, you could be taken back to the city, stressed and overwhelmed and away from him, your best friend, your only friend, your soulmate!
🦋 His spiraling thoughts were quickly interrupted by your friend getting up from their seat. "Alright, it's getting late..where's that mall again?" "Oh, you just turn right from the second street over." "Ok! I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon!" noon?
🦋 The door closes, and you hear the jingling of bells behind you. "Do you have to hide every time there's someone else he-" Your joking comment is cut off when you turn and he's looming dreadfully over you.
🦋 "What mall?" "H-huh?" He's glaring daggers into your eyes, taking a step closer to you as you back up, unease growing inside of you.
🦋 "What's at noon?" "H-hallow we're just going out-" "How long?" "H-how long?? I don't kno-" "Hours? Days? Years?" You're backed up against the wall, the giant clown's arms at either side of you, trapping you under him as black drool drips down his snarling mouth.
🦋 "How long are you gonna leave me this time huh? How many days am I gonna wait for you to come back to me?!" "Hallow stop you're scaring me!" "I'm supposed to be my best friend! Not them!" He snaps at you, making you flinch in fear. His glare softens then turns into a horrified expression. Pulling his hands back closer to him shakily as you shivered in front of him, your arms hiding your face. He lets out a quiver before stepping away from you. You lower your arms and he was gone, you can hear banging and thumping from upstairs.
🦋 The next day, you were getting ready for your outing with your friend. Hallow didn't show up that day. You weren't used to the silence that was left.
🦋 You haven't seen Hallow in a few days, but you always let out food for him. He was hurt, you can tell, but it was clear he needed space at the moment, you just hoped he didn't do anything rash as you went to bed a week after your fight with the clown.
🦋 You woke up the next day, expecting Hallow not to come out again. You get up from your bed and head downstairs. Calling out Hallow's name, no answer.
🦋 You sigh and figure you should get some much-needed fresh air. The tension that has built up in the house was almost suffocating to you. You went to your backdoor to spend some time outside.
🦋 But when you tried to open the door, it wouldn't turn. You tried unlocking it, but the lock wouldn't budge. You pulled and shook it but to avail. You groan and try to open a window instead, but the latch was shut tight. You tried the other windows but none of them opened. You started to freak out when you hear a jingle of bells behind you.
🦋 "H-Hallow? Why are the all the windows shut? The door's locked too!" You look to him, but he looked off. His normal wide-eyed smile was replaced with a half-lidded grin. He swayed side to side, clasping his hands together as he giggled. "Hello, you~"
🦋 "H-hey...what's going on?" You ask him, sweat rolling down the side of your head nervously.
🦋 "Well, I thought about what you said and I realized! You're not at fault here! You just want someone to be with! And I guess me being your friend wasn't good enough for you so you turned to someone else! I know you didn't mean to hurt me lovely, but I can change for you! I can be much more than a best friend! We can be like those knights and princesses in your storybooks, remember?"
🦋 He starts walking up to you, you hold onto the countertop behind you as he rambles on in a lovesick haze. "H-Hallow?"
🦋 "You won't need anyone else (Y/N)! You'll just need me from now on! We'll be together forever! Oh and don't worry about food and stuff, I can get you those!"
🦋 He chuckles, before pulling you into an uncomfortably tight hug, you flinch as you feel him kiss your neck and cheek, his sharp teeth grazing your skin ever so gently.
🦋 "You'll never have go away ever again, my f-...my love~"
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judasgot-it · 6 months
There Was Only One Bed
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"We tend to get into these situations a lot, now, don't we? Maybe we should make the most of it this time and stop dancing around each other."
Orter Madl ver.
Scenario: Travelling the countryside when of course, your inn sucks and leaves you no choice but to share the smallest bed imaginable.
Spending the night with Kaldo all seemed up to chance.
Both of you happened to be in the area, not even knowing that you would find each other there. The town, being the hellscape it was, had been snowed in by a blizzard and forced the both of you to book a night at one of the smallest inns you had ever stumbled across.
Of course, knowing each other for so long, it wasn't a problem for either of you to stay in the same room. Far from it.
Multiple times before did you share one - with multiple beds, with one bed. It never bothered either of you, seeing as you could both remain professional to each other.
Even outside of work. It wasn't weird to be so close to one another - at least you kept telling yourself that.
But wow. This time was testing your patience.
One bed.
Usually, there was enough space for you and a grown man. The beds you shared were large enough to let both of you stretch out, or at least have space between you when you both curled up.
If either of you woke up touching one another, nothing was ever said about it.
But this bed was ridiculously small. There was barely enough room for Kaldo to stretch out on it - his feet hung out on the side whenever he laid down, forcing him to curl up to keep all of his limbs from dropping out onto the floor.
How the hell were you both going to lay there together? You would have to pack yourselves in like sardines. The thought was making your face warm already.
"Um. I can take the floor Kaldo. There isn't enough room for the both of us."
It was easier to be the bigger man, letting him take the bed that you both had paid far too much for while you shivered on the floor. The room was still cold, even though you had tried to shut the windows tightly. The blizzard chill managed to seep in no matter what, stealing your warmth.
"Absolutely not. I'll sleep on the floor. The bed is warmer."
Kaldo sat up from the bed, only in one layer despite the blizzard outside. His hair was outside of its usual hairstyle, and his eyebags were sagging as he was already prepared to drop dead to the dream world.
"But I don't want you to be sore. You said you had to fight a lot today - I didn't really do much."
"We can fit in. It'll be fine, we both paid for it, and we should both use it."
You couldn't disagree with that logic. Arguing made you anyway.
The room was way overpriced, considering its size. How could this bed be considered for two people?
Sitting down next to him, you tried to avoid making eye contact with him. You felt how warm your face had already gotten, and you could feel how your thighs were touching as you both sat next to each other on the bed.
You had never really shared a bed this intimately with Kaldo before. It really shouldn't have made you so nervous, but even being near him made you want to run away. He made you feel like a little kid sometimes, it was embarrassing.
It was just something about him. Maybe it was the smile he had on his face right now, and the way it made your stomach turn.
Really, it was normal to be in situations like this with your coworker, so you didn't need to make a deal about anything. This was normal, professional behavior - there were worse things that happened inside of the Divine Divisionaries meetings than shared beds.
"Are you cold? I don't really need the blanket that much, my magic keeps me warm."
Huffing, you pulled the blanket to your side, laying down and glaring up at him.
"Of course, you don't feel cold. Thank you, I appreciate the consideration."
You tried to cover every part of your body with the thin blanket but found that it had the same problem as the bed - it was too small and the blanket was too thin to really keep you warm.
At best you could cover your legs, but it stopped just short of your chest and shoulders, leaving you bare and exposed to the elements. The sleep shirt you wore did nothing to stop the chill that seeped into the room, so you crossed your arms across your heart, glaring at the ceiling.
"This sucks."
"Yeah, It does. But we can't fight the weather."
Kaldo shrugged, laying himself next to you. His shoulder was nearly on top of yours, his arms holding his legs so he didn't fall off the small bed. You felt a little pity for him, seeing as he struggled to stay on the bed.
"I wish we could. Couldn't you use one of your heat spells to stop this blizzard and let us walk home?"
Kaldo laughed, the sound deeper than usual and laid with a thick tiredness. It was different from his usual airy voice, sounding less refined and more like a deep river basin.
"You think I can do that?"
His eyes looked to you, ruby eyes open and boring into yours. It felt rare, to see him serious about something.
"Maybe I could, but then I wouldn't be here, now would I?"
His lips upturned into a smile, looking back at the ceiling. The air from his lungs was warm enough to breathe out plumes of steam, and your eyes couldn't help but stay entranced as it poured out of his soft lips.
"We would have an easier time if we were on our sides, you know?"
It made your face red for some reason, voicing that thought out loud.
You both were already so close, but the idea of lying like that made you feel even more embarrassed. Spooning like you were a couple, all because of some blizzard outside.
That's where your thoughts had started to lead, anyway. You didn't want Kaldo to see your face as you got embarrassed, so you wanted to simply turn around and sleep away your cold and the fast beating of your heart.
Glancing to your side, you couldn't escape the man next to you, who was looking at you with a grin as his legs had already started to take up your space. Right, he was taller than you - there was no choice.
With a sigh, you turned to him, slightly hoping that your conversation wasn't over. His voice was soothing, and you liked looking at his face a little too much to be considered normal for just a coworker.
"Are you still cold?"
You blinked, not sure how to answer.
"Well, y-yea sorta. It's fine."
It was a hard line to toe, but you didn't want to intrude and ask Kaldo to use a heat spell. You both had already gotten into bed, and that might be asking too much. He wasn't a fan of using his magic too much anyway, so it was rather invasive, wasn't it?
Without words, Kaldo wrapped his arm around you, his warmth apparent as his limbs wrapped around you like a snake. His legs entangled with yours, your thighs stacking over one another as his lips lay right against the crown of your head, nose blowing heat against the shell of your ear.
You hoped he couldn't feel how fast your heart had started to beat through your chest.
Yes, you had shared a bed before with him. But god, never this close before.
Slowly, you pulled your arm from in between the two of you, the palm of your hand cradling the pulse point along his neck. You could feel how fast his heart was beating, like a raging river.
Maybe it was your imagination that made you think that last part up.
"Hey, Kaldo?"
The man hummed, the vibrations from his throat ringing underneath your fingers.
"This isn't awkward for you, is it?"
"Far from it, actually. I don't think anything could be uncomfortable when it's with you, darling."
Your breath hitched, as your mind reeled around what he just said, his lips brushing against your forehead, kissing you gently in a way that spread fire across your skin.
"What do you mean by that?"
Hiding yourself deeper against the man, you felt the skin on your cheeks begin to warm as you pressed them against his bare neck.
Darling. Kaldo had called you darling.
"We should just stop beating around the bush with this. We act like more than just coworkers, don't we?"
You were shocked into silence, feeling how Kaldo pulled his hand higher against your back, his fingers feeling your upper spine. It made you curl in on yourself, feeling how his chest pressed against yours with each breath he took.
The feeling of wanting to run away was strong, coursing through your entire nervous system. It made your limbs ache, more than from the cold.
Kaldo might have known, as he grasped the back of your shirt, his breath heavy and warm against your skin.
You didn't feel cold at all in his arms.
"Why do you keep running whenever it gets like this?"
His voice was so quiet, but it practically reverberated against your skull.
"I don't know. This is a little much for coworkers."
"We've been doing this for years. Shouldn't we call ourselves more than just that?"
You breathed a sigh. It was hard to say the quiet part outloud.
"Do you really think of me as just a friend?"
Kaldo's voice was incredulous, unserious with an undertone of hurt.
"No. I wouldn't lay like this with anyone else."
The both of you froze at that. It was the truth - there was no one else you knew who could even make you feel this way. Not even an ex or a crush.
"Then why don't we stop lying to ourselves."
You felt him shift away, his nose brushing against yours as he stared at you with hooded eyes, face to face on the small bed. There was nowhere to run, so you could only look back at his ruby gaze, feeling how he tried to pierce through your soul.
"Ah, I don't..."
It was hard to know what to say. The words were lodged in your throat, and you felt like you staring down a flaming dragon. Right, feelings.
"We're practically kissing already, so why don't we just do that instead?"
It was time to stop being a coward.
Pulling yourself up, you smashed your lips against his, trying to ignore the need to breathe. It was messy and all over the place, and you could feel how Kaldo's hand traveled to your jaw, his forearm trapping your shoulder.
His lips were warm, moving against yours and leading them in a direction you tried to follow. You tried to find space to move, feeling the cut off of oxygen from your brain as you still hadn't breathed.
Pulling away, you looked at the ivory-haired man, your face flush with emotion. It was hard not to heave heavy breaths, the nervousness making you want to take in ten times the amount of air you usually would.
"You know you can breathe, right? Or do I leave you breathless like that?"
Kaldo smiled, his eyes looking between every single one of your facial features. His hand brushed away a crease in your brow, making the feeling of blood in your cheeks more evident.
It wasn't fair, not being able to hide or run away.
"I don't know. I'm not a good kisser."
"I can teach you." There was a stupid grin on his face as he said this, not even registering how corny he was.
Pushing against his hold, you attempted to bury your face away in between the two of you. It was futile, as Kaldo's grip only tightened against you.
"Stop saying that stuff!"
It made you feel embarrassed for no reason, listening as Kaldo spoke to you as if you were in a cheesy romcom and not your coworker for the last few years.
"It got you to kiss me, didn't it?"
Kaldo was reveling in the victory, his words laced with a tired laugh.
Sighing, you relaxed against him once again, feeling how fingers found themselves brushing against your scalp.
At some point, you heard his voice speaking to you, but your eyes had begun to close, soothed by his warmth and the feeling of his body entangled with yours.
And in the morning, it was the first time you both had talked about the night before. And you didn't even feel like running away.
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This is for my valentine's event, it's still open btw, there are still prompts open so go ask <3 Anyway to the anon who asked this I love u, thanks for asking for my shmookie Kaldo. Honestly praying you liked it cause there really isn't a lot of characterization on him so I'm kinda just making shit up, and also I wrote the majority of this while ill but I want to make this readable. I also began an Orter Madl ver. so look out for that (when i get to it).
Tagging @fellow-anime-weeb927 because I feel like it's obligatory, Kaldo stans must rise.
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Even Better: part 1 (Angst) (18+)
TLR!Michelangelo x reader
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Part 2
A/N: Finally finished The Last Ronin the other day. Other than making me cry like a bitch, I have to admit it made me thirst for some TLR Mikey. Dude deserves a good smut written about him🖤 And to be honest, I had a hard time stopping once I first got started. This is my longest one yet, goodness😭😂
You’re April’s daughter and Casey Marie’s twin sister. Most of your life you’ve been dreaming about the turtles of your mother’s youth, but nothing could have prepared you for the real deal.
Reader is at least 20. As far as I know, Mikey is in his 40’s.
Warnings: Spelling, age difference, masturbation (reader), caught in the act, oral - female receiving, dom Mikey and sub reader, dirty talk, unprotected sex, a little pain, size difference, size kink?
Your mother had told you and your twin sister many stories about the turtles and their rat father over the years. How she and your father met each other because of them. How Splinter taught both his sons and your parents how to fight. How Leonardo fiercely protected his brothers, and as your mother put it, was seen as an absolute killjoy by his brothers. How Raphael matched your father in temper with an equally big and golden heart hiding within him. How Donatello could speed days locked up in his lab, and the many times he inspired your mom in her own lab. And how Michelangelo could light up a room with his loud jokes and bright smile. You and your sister would often point them out in the picture frames hanging around the lair, and beg your mom to tell more stories about them, no matter how mundane. The time your mom and Donnie made a tracking device in the lab, the time your father and Raph played hockey a whole night, or the time Mikey pranked Leo so hard that Splinter put him on cleaning duties for a whole month. You wanted to hear it all. Every single little detail.But that didn’t change the fact that they are all gone now. Your mother’s best friends and your father.
As you and Casey Marie got older, you continued to ask your mother for stories. But while Casey Marie wanted to hear about New York City before the Foot came to power, while you still asked for the turtles, getting more and more interested in the mundane part of their lives. Like whose room was it that you had made your room in? Who used to sit in the seat you sat in when eating dinner? And that mug you found in the storage, who did that belong to that? So many questions, and your mother could only give you so many answers.
Once you reached your teenage years, you started fantasizing about the four mutant turtles. Was that wrong? Their pictures literally hung on the walls of your underground home, so it wasn’t as if you could just ignore them. It probably didn’t help much that you didn’t like going outside, deciding to stay in the lair with your mother, while Casey Marie went out and explored. But that just gave you more time to help out your mother and learn more about the turtles.
As you gathered more and more information about the turtles, you started to form scenarios in your head, imagining how it would be to get together with the turtles. Which one of them would be the best friend, the best boyfriend, or even the best in bed. That proved to be a question you would contemplate for years, finding yourself staring at the pictures of the four turtles in the hallway in your early twenties, still with that little question in the back of your head. Although your thoughts about the turtles had calmed a bit once you had hit your twenties, you could not deny that they still lingered in the back of your head from time to time. So when your sister one day brought a passed out mutant turtle home, you did not know what to do with yourself. You were shocked, and maybe even a bit scared. He was way bigger than you had thought he would have been, but given his age it shouldn’t have come as a surprise.
Your mother knew who he was straight away. It was Mikey. The turtle whose room you had been occupying every since the day you and your sister grew too old for sharing the same bed with your mom. He was bruised and bleeding badly. Thank God for your mothers medical skills, otherwise Mikey’s fate would have been a dark one.
It took some time for Mikey to wake up, but when he did, he was much different than you had thought he would be. Your mother had spoken highly about his jokes and his warm happiness, but during dinner the day he woke up, you saw none of that. The only time you heard him speak the first day, was when you overheard a conversation between him and your mom in the kitchen. His voice was much deeper than you had anticipated, catching you off guard. And of course he heard you gasp and stopped talking, not speaking a word until you had gotten what you needed, and leaving the kitchen so they could continue their talk.
Three days had passed, and Mikey had still not spoken a word directly to you. He had thanked your sister for saving him while you were close by, but that was pretty much. There was this one time where he took up the whole hallway, staring at the exact picture of him and his brothers, you had found yourself staring at many times. When you asked if you could pass by, he did not say a word. He just looked at you out of the corner of his eye, before moving to the side, giving you more than enough space before you ran by.
Michelangelo was really nothing like you had expected him to be like. You had thought he would be nice, open and warm, talking your ear off like your mother had said he always did. But now he was silent, closed off and cold. He almost seemed angry. It scared you a little bit. Made you nervous whenever you were around him. Whenever you were sitting and talking with your mom or Casey Marie, you would lock up when he entered the room. But as much as he scared you, you also found him very interesting. You blamed your teenage fantasies for finding his form attractive. His toned muscles, covered in bruises, and the visible veins on his neck, arms and hands. The wrinkles on his face told of the things he had been through, and his eyes were always so distant, as if he was watching something no one else could see. But when his eyes suddenly snapped to you, catching you staring at him, you panicked, quickly avoiding your eyes, feeling your cheeks getting red. Luckily for you, Casey Marie came into the room, as loud as your mother had said your father was, telling Mikey about something, giving you the distraction you needed to run to your room. You stayed there the rest of the day, too embarrassed to come out.
That evening you laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling above you. You cursed yourself for choosing this room when you were little. Now you couldn’t fall asleep without thinking about Mikey’s eyes on you. Anywhere you looked, you were reminded by the fact that Mikey used to look at the same walls as you did. Heck, you were even sleeping in the bed he used to sleep in. As far as you knew, the blanket, pillow and sheets were also his. It did not matter how many times you had washed them over the years, because they now suddenly smelled strongly of him, not letting you rest for a moment.
You found yourself getting frustrated. None of the turtles had invaded your head so badly ever since you were a teenager, and now you could feel the same need and tension from back then build up between your legs. You pressed your naked thighs together under the blanket, feeling the wetness in your panties. You sighed out in frustration, as you once again remembered the old turtle’s eyes on you. As much as you had felt embarrassed under his eyes, you could not help feel aroused at the thought. He had caught you staring. Michelangelo had caught you with his strong gaze. And now here you were, laying in his old bed with your panties soaked just thinking about him.
Your fingers moved down your stomach, getting closer and closer to your core. It was okay to touch yourself with the older turtle in mind, right? You had done it before, so why would it be any different now? And with that thought you let your fingers slide into your panties, where you found your clit. With yet another sigh you started to rub your small bundle of nerves, letting your thoughts drift back to the muscular turtle. His broad shoulders, his big hands, his thick thighs. With his general size, you could only imagine what he could be packing in secret. You used both hands to slide your panties down, leaving them somewhere under the blanket, before pushing your legs out further, letting your fingers continue their movements around your clit.
A  knock on your door caused you to quickly pull your hand out from under the blanket. You sat up in the bed, staring towards the door as it opened. You were almost ready to sink to the ground when you saw who it was.
“Sorry”, Mikey said. “Were you sleeping?”
“Just about”, you answered, tugging the blanket closer around you.
“Sorry. I just wanted to see my room once again”, Mikey said, his eyes falling towards the foot of his old bed. “May I?”
You nodded, watching him as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He stood for a moment, staring into nothingness, before his eyes moved to his surroundings. It was almost just the way he remembered it. You had only moved a few things, but other than that, it looked like his old bedroom. Same bed frame and all. He let out a small chuckle, remembering all the memories he had between these four walls. The chuckle was light, lighter than sounds you ever had heard from him. That surprised you, and Mikey noticed, though he decided not to say anything about it, acting as if he forgot you even were in the room. Acting as if he couldn’t smell the heavy odor in the air. Truth be told, he did not notice the odor when he first came to the room, nor did he notice it when he walked into the room. It wasn’t until he stood a few feet from the bed that he really noticed it. But with his back turned to you, he did not dare to move or look in your direction. It was the same smell he had noticed when he caught you staring at him earlier that day. It was a scent that seemed to follow you, at least whenever he was around. Yet it wasn’t until now he realized what that scent could be signifying.
You watched as Mikey moved around the room, feeling your legs shake under the blanket. As horrified as you were, you could not deny the excitement. Knowing that lower half of your body was naked under the blanket, with the old mutant just a few feet away from you. You clenched your teeth as you rubbed your thighs together, your eyes lingering on the way his overalls clung around his thick veiny thighs. You had to keep your breathing calm as you the movement in his muscles, and the way his big hands smoothed over an antiche on one of the shelfs. Slowly, making sure his back was still turned to you, his focus on everything else except you on the bed, you let your hand move back under the blanket, once again finding your now dripping core. You suppressed every sound as you slowly started to circle your clit again, your eyes focusing on his hands. The size, the veins, the roughness. You could only imagine how they would feel against you. His rough skin against yours.
“You’re young”, Mikey rumbled, his back still turned to you. You froze, your heart pounding. Yet you managed to remove your hand before he spoke once more. “But you’re not stupid. You know I know what you were doing. I can smell it”. He turned his body towards you, taking small slow steps towards the bed, his voice deep and echoing against the brick walls of his old room. Once again, terrifying yet strangely arousing. It was at that moment that Mikey decided to let go. For the past 20 years he had traveled alone. He was tired. He felt lonely. And with this sweet scent in the air, begging him to come closer, he had to surrender. Even though you were one of his best friend’s daughters, he could not deny your beauty or how your hormones in the air drew him to you. “I could smell it when you were staring at me, and I can smell it now as I’m telling you”. He was now so close to the bed, that his knees were hitting the mattress at the end of the bed. In a slow move, he was standing with both of his knees planted firmly against the bed under him, towering over you. You were too stunned to speak, your mouth dry as you tried to swallow. But damn it, it didn’t change the fact that your heart was beating fast and your nipples were hard under your shirt. “But one thing I can’t smell…”, the mutant continued. “... Is if you still have your underwear on under the blanket”. He took a hold of the fabric of the blanket, pulling slightly at it, making it move down your body, stopping right over your hip. You whimpered slightly. You knew you found Mikey attractive, but this was almost ridiculous. He hadn’t even done anything, and you were already out of breath. “What will I find, (Y/N)?”
“Off”, you choked out. “They’re off”.
“Good girl”, Mikey hummed, pulling further on the blanket. It tickled as the blanket slowly moved off your skin, causing you to curl your legs up against you. With the blanket in his big hands, Mikey’s stare burned into your dripping core, just behind your closed legs. He could almost feel the heat from his towering position, watching the glistening of your folds in the dim light, your sweet scent taking a hold of his senses. Mikey suddenly felt hungry. Hungry in a way he had never felt before.
The churr that erupted from his chest almost made you jump in surprise. It was deep, deeper than you had ever dreamed it would be.
Silently he let go of the blanket to grab a hold of your ankle, his big hands easily opening you up for him. Not that you tried to fight him. No, not at all. All you could do was watch him and his hungry eyes as he crawled further onto the bed, making you gasp at every touch of him against your skin, and marvel at the sheer size of his hands on your ankles. Mikey used his rough hands to keep your legs open for him, letting him move closer to your core. Your breath hitched when you felt his breath against your knee, just before the inside of your thigh. You let out the slightest moan as Mikey’s eyes locked with yours, just as his lips meet your thigh, just above your knee. His hands slipped under your knees, sliding up the outside of your thighs, bringing your legs over his shoulder and onto his shell, before curling around them, his big strong arms holding you open, revealing your aching core even further.
“I’ve always dreamed of having a woman in my bed”, Mikey murmured against your thigh, his lips slowly making their way upwards, letting his tongue lick and his teeth nibble on the way. “Though I always thought that it would happen while I was a teenager, but life has its ways to surprise us”.
“Me too”, you breathed out, making Mikey look questionable at you, his lips still working their way closer to your core. “I used to dream about you when I was a teenager”.
Mikey let out a chuckle. It was almost a laugh. Your heart almost stopped at the sound. You had never thought that you would get to hear the mutant laugh. A chuckle? Sure. A laugh? Never.
“Is that so?”, Mikey smiled against your soft skin, feeling himself getting more daring. He could literally smell and see how his words affected you. The way you bite your lips with your pupils blown wide, and how your beautiful center started to cling around empty air. The thought of how you would cling around him, brought him dangerously close to dropping, making his churr sound as he spoke. “On my bed while I was gone? You’re a better girl than I thought, waiting patiently for me to come home”.
You sighed at his praise, feeling your heart flutter in your chest. This was already better than anything you could have made up in your mind. “Mikey”, you sighed, grabbing onto the sheet under you, breathing heavily at the close proximity of his lips to your flower.
“Is this how you’ve dreamed of me?”, he asked, before his tongue drew a line, all the way from the bottom of your core to the top, flicking your clit on the way.
“Mikey!”, you gasped in pleasure, your hands flying onto the arms around your legs.
“Not so loud, (Y/N)”, Mikey whispered against your mount. “We can’t let them hear us”.
You nodded, bringing an already shaking hand up to your mouth, before Mikey let his large tongue flick your clit once more, enjoying the feeling of how your thighs tensed in his grip. It was soon followed by another flick and yet another. It didn’t take long before you grabbed a hold of the front of your shirt, biting down on that instead of just covering your mouth with your bare hand. Mikey saw how that made your shirt rise further up, letting out a deep churr like moan against your clit. The vibration of one of your heels kicked against his shell, while a head flew to his bald head. Your head rolled back as Mikey started to suck on your clit, making your shirt rise even further. One of Mikey’s hands moved from your legs and up your side, until his hand was right on your breast. Your shirt rose over his two big knuckles, exposing your chest. You groaned against your shirt in satisfaction as Mikey’s gigantic hand started palming your breast, while his tongue and lips continued their work on your clit. Mikey hummed against your clit, finding the taste of your juices and sounds sweeter than honey. He wanted more.
With the hand of the thigh that Mikey’s arm was still wrapped around, he replaced his lips and tongue with his thumb on your clit, letting his tongue sneak down to your entrance. He growled at the sight of you squirming against him, his thumb rubbing circles on your bundles of nerves, while his tongue started exploring your insides. Your eyes fell shut as you threw your head to the side, your hips buckling against his face, and your small hand grabbing on to the one that was still groping your breast. You were close. Fuck, you were close. Your free leg over Mikey’s shoulder started to move frantically as you got closer, the other shaking against Mikey’s grip. He took in the sight of you. You red flushed face, your now messy hair, and the way your breast shook ever so slightly at each sudden move. Mikey started to grind himself against the mattress under him, getting himself closer to his drop, his tongue doing curled motions inside your warm walls, all while his thumb still assaulted your clit. That was when you started to grab onto him frantically. You were close, so fucking close for him. Mikey growled against you. He was going to get you there.
And then it happened. Your legs clamped around Mikey’s head as you came with a muffled scream that sounded like his name, and your legs spazzing over his shoulder. Mikey quickly retracted his hand from your chest, forcing your legs open with both his hands, licking up every last bit of your orgasm, every breath from him sounding like a groan. You puffed and panted, your hands forming fists around the sheets as Mikey rode out your high, until your legs finally started to relax under his hands.
Mikey sat up and started to undo his overalls. His moves were almost frantic as he undid his belt, followed by his straps, all while you laid there and watched him, still recovering from the earth shaking orgasm he had brought you, your now soaked shirt clinging to your collarbone. You once again started rubbing your thighs together, the sight of the undressing turtle making your heart pound.
“You like this, don’t you, (Y/N)?”, he growled with a smug smile, as he started to push the overalls down his body and down his muscular thighs. “Just like you used to dream of, huh?”
“Almost”, you smiled back, feeling yourself getting more mischievous, letting a hand slide down to your now overly sensitive clit. “It’s even better”.
The terrapin growled at the sight, shoving the rest of his clothes onto the floor, revealing himself before you in all of his naked glory. You marveled at the full sight of his toned body, feeling your body shiver with need once more. Mikey huffed before he grabbed a hold of your wrist, moving your fingers to his mouth, so he could suck off what little slick you had picked up on them. That alone caused you to let out a choked moan.
“No more self pleasure”, he said, before throwing your hand to the mattress, his hands finding the hem of your shirt. “Take this off and I’ll show you what’s even better”.
Whatever sound you made, it was enough to make Mikey chuckle as he watched you sit up to take off your shirt, leaving you fully naked in front of him. Once your shirt hit the floor he slowly crawled over you, his deep eyes watching you like a predator hunting a prey. Instictly you leaned backwards, slowly letting your back fall against the mattress, until Mikey had you lying fully onto the bed, with him positioned between your legs. You felt his breath across your face, his beak so close that you instinctively closed your eyes, your lips searching for his. His lips were rough yet soft, and moved against yours with ease. The kiss started out sweet, as if he hadn’t just fucked you dirty with his tongue. Your arms moved around his thick neck, your fingers tracing shapes on the back of his head, your legs curling around his thick thighs. Mikey’s hands moved to hold your close by the shoulders. It wasn’t until a soft moan escaped your lips that his large tongue dared to ask for entrance. And once entrance was granted, this got heated once again. Mikey started to grind his cloaca against your soaked flower, his lips swallowing every sound that came from your pretty mouth.
“Mikey”, you moaned against his lips, buckling your hips against him. “Please, Mikey. I want it”.
Mikey pulled from your lips and placed a sweet kiss on your cheek, before his eyes caught yours. “Tell me if it hurts”, he whispered, a sudden softness in his voice. In the short time you had known him, you had never heard Mikey be soft. “Tell me and I’ll stop”.
“I will”, you nodded, feeling a soft kiss against your lips, before his kisses started to move down your neck just by your ear. One of his hands moved between the two of you to his cloaca, where he pulled himself out with ease, before he slowly started dragging his head up and down your folds before he found your entrance. With even more kisses down your neck, he slowly pushed into your tight hole, groaning against your skin. You had to bite down onto his shoulder in order not to scream. He was so much bigger than you had thought he would be, stretching you out to the point where it was hard to tell the difference between pleasure and pain.
“You’re doing so great, (Y/N)”, Mikey groaned against your ear, almost making your eyes roll back just by the sound. Your arms hugged tighter unto him as he moved further in, making him groan by how tight your walls were hugging him. “Fuck”. You whimpered against him, adjusting to his size. Mikey brought a hand to your face, pulling back slightly so he could look at you. “So good. You’re doing so good, (Y/N)”, he said before placing a tender kiss on your lips.
“Please, Mikey”, you whimpered, nudging him with your leg. “Please move”.
Mikey answered you with another kiss, before letting his head drop back down to your ear. He ever so slowly started to pull out of you, before slowly pushing back in. You quickly hide your face against his broad shoulder once more, whimpering at the small wave of pleasure. Mikey listened closely to your muffled sounds at his slow speed, trying to find any signs of pain. But once he found none he slowly started speeding up.
“Shit”, he moaned against your ear, his thrust becoming harder. “You feel so good, (Y/N)”. Your hands clawed onto his shell, your sounds muffled by his rough skin against your mouth.
Mikey’s legs moved further apart, making it easier for him to move against you. With the bed starting to creak lightly under you, you prayed that neither your mother or sister would hear anything. Neither the way you whimpered against the mutant turtle, or the way he cursed and groaned against your ear, telling you how good you were. Michelangelo fucking you raw on his old childhood bed was not something they needed to know. But you would be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamed of this moment, ever since he was brought back down to the lair. And now you were enjoying the full force of his God-like thighs.
Mikey placed a hand over your mouth and pulled back, looking down at you with hungry yet mischievous eyes. “Is this what you’ve dreamed of?”, he asked, his hips continuing to drive into you, setting a new speed. “To be fucked like this but and old mutant?” You nodded frantically, wanting to scream against his hand. A bright smug smile grew on his lips, bringing a boyish charm you had never seen on him before. He almost looked 20 years younger. “You’re such a good girl, (Y/N). Tell me, who is fucking you this good?”
“You, Mikey!”, you whimpered against his hand, your head spinning at the second high that was starting to build in your lower region.
“You’re getting close, ain’t you, (Y/N)?” His hand moved from your mouth to your throat, making you fight to stay quiet. Your heart beating faster and faster as you got closer and closer to your second orgasm. “Who are you coming for, (Y/N)?”
And with that your second orgasm that night hit you like a brick wall. Your body spazzing and your head spinning, you let out a loud soar moan. “Mikey!” The said mutant roughly pulled you in for another hungry kiss, swallowing every sound as you came hard around him. His speed continued high, the bed creaking while he rode out your high. His thrusts started to become erratic against your still shaking body, before he too came, groaning your name out loud.
Mikey stayed upon you, as the both of you caught your breath. With one last kiss, he slowly pulled out of you, leaving the two of you with small noises of complaint by the lack of each other. He laid back on his shell, staring up at his old ceiling while catching his breath. He instinctively pulled you close with his big arm, letting you rest your head upon his shoulder. He knew he should leave. You had both been noisier than he had wished to be, and he feared what April would say if she found him cuddling with her freshly fucked daughter in his arms. But Mikey could not deny how nice it was to be laying there with you in his old room. Who would have thought that his teenage dream of having sex in his room actually would come true.
“So”, you smiled from his side. “Was this just like your dream of having a woman in your room?”
Mikey chuckled, pulling you even closer. “It was even better”.
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aomine-ryo · 1 year
A lil scenario for Aomine’s birthday because he is, in fact, the best boy. It’s nothing too intricate, I just like to think that Aomine is super nervous around his crushes even though he’s a narcissistic bitch on court (love him tho)
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Scenario: Aomine’s crush confesses to him on his birthday
gender neutral reader
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Birthdays were just another day for Aomine, and he’s perfectly fine keeping it that way. His complaints begin when everyone around him makes it a bigger deal than it is. And the biggest culprit of this was Momoi.
As much as Aomine loved his friendship with Momoi, it’s days like this where he wished she would just tone it down a bit. He knew that whatever she did was out of love for him, but the way she showed it was way too flamboyant for Aomine.
This year round though, she seemed to be a little too quiet about her plans for the day. She still was the first one to wish him and give him a gift, but she hadn’t mentioned anything else. Either she finally respected his wishes to keep things low-key, or there was a surprise party looming around the corner. And Aomine had an awful feeling it was the latter.
“Dai-chan, you don’t have any plans later today, do you?” Momoi questioned as the two of them walked to school together that morning.
“I do,” Aomine murmured, letting out a big yawn as he rubbed his eyes to wake himself up .
“Huh? What plans?” Momoi questioned. Even though he was half asleep, he could hear the panic in her tone. She was so obvious.
“I have a date with my bed,” Aomine said simply, daydreaming about being wrapped under his warm blanket again.
Momoi clicked her tongue in annoyance. “It’s your birthday. You’re not just gonna spend it in your room.”
“There’s nothing stopping me,” Aomine replied.
“I’m stopping you,” Momoi snapped. “Let’s have a dinner at mine.”
“What? Just you and me?” Aomine questioned absentmindedly, dark blue eyes catching a glimpse of his classmate walking through the school gates.
As soon as Momoi noticed you, she knew she’d completely lost Aomine’s attention. But she carried on anyway, “I thought of inviting Tetsu,” she paused for a moment as a grin took over her face. “If you want, I can invite Y/N as well.”
Aomine snapped back into reality upon hearing your name. “What? No! That’d be so weird,” he protested, his face heating up.
Momoi sighed, “When will you make a move on them?”
“I don’t like Y/N like that,” he replied defensively, avoiding eye contact with Momoi as he did so.
“You’re not fooling anyone, but sure,” she said as the two of them approached their classrooms. “Anyways, you, me and Tetsu tonight, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah whatever,” Aomine rolled his eyes before entering his classroom and plopping down in the seat behind you.
“Daiki! Happy birthday!” You said, turning around to face him with a wide smile.
Aomine was suddenly more awake than ever. “Oh thanks,” he said curtly, “how come you’re not passed out on the desk like every other day?”
“Had to stay awake to be the first in the class to wish you,” you shrugged, “Plus you would’ve woken me up anyways because you’re an asshole like that.”
Aomine chuckled at the sentiment, “How sweet of you to stay up for me,” his tone was mocking; it made you want to punch him.
“You’re so annoying,” you rolled your eyes.
The rest of his school day was fairly normal— napping in class, finding any opportunity to annoy you, drooling over you when you weren’t looking— the usual. In a way, he was glad his birthday was on a Friday; being in school meant that he got to spend his day with you, though he wasn’t exactly pleased to be waking up at 7 a.m. for it.
“Dai-chan! Hurry up! I’ve got to prepare for the dinner!” Momoi called out as she stood at the door of your classroom at the end of the day, interrupting a nonsensical back and forth between you and Aomine.
The navy haired boy sighed, “Satsuki, that’s a problem you created for yourself.”
“You say that, but when the food takes too long to cook it’s non-stop complaining from your end,” Momoi retorted, earning a small laugh from you.
“Whatever. See you Monday, loser,” Aomine said to you, his hand reaching over to your head and messing with your hair.
“Stop that!” you whined, trying to swat his arm away and regaining your composure once you did. “Have a good birthday, stupid,” you said, packing up your stuff once he headed out.
“You guys are so cute,” Momoi beamed once it was just her and Aomine in the hallways.
“Can we please not have this conversation again? Just for today?” Aomine groaned, already frustrated with himself for the lack of flirting he’s been able to do with you. He didn’t know what it was. It was usually easy for him to flirt with girls he was interested in, but with you he was always nervous; afraid he’d mess it up with one wrong move.
Once Aomine had gotten home, he was absolutely exhausted. He laid down in his bed and let out a heavy sigh. He didn’t know if he had it in him to go for dinner with Momoi and Kuroko— let alone whatever Momoi was covering up. He just wanted to nap and maybe just scroll through his socials— maybe he’ll find the perfect meme to send to you so that he has an excuse to talk to you again. Nevertheless, he did end up drifting off into the nap he’d been waiting for since he had woken up that morning.
Aomine was stirred awake by the sound of his phone’s ringtone. He squinted at the bright screen, seeing Momoi’s name and quickly remembering that it was still his birthday. He brought the phone up to his ear, “Hello,” he said groggily, eyes closing once again.
“Where are you? I’ve been trying to reach you for the past half hour!” Momoi scolded into the phone.
“I was asleep,” Aomine answered simply.
Momoi sighed in disappointment, “Get to mine quick. Tetsu and I are hungry.”
“Mhm,” Aomine hummed before ending the phone call. It took him a moment, but he finally gathered the strength to drag himself out of bed and into the shower, cussing out his birthday each step of the way.
Aomine made it out of the house fairly quickly, but there wasn’t a single thought going through his head when he walked up the driveway of Momoi’s house. He didn’t bother ringing the doorbell— he never did. He took his shoes off and headed towards the living room, “Oi Satsuki—”
Aomine’s heart leaped out of his chest for a moment at the sudden chorus when he stepped into the room. He had fully forgotten about the possibility of a surprise party. Standing in front of him was a crowd of basically all the people he knew— the Miracles, his teammates, some of his classmates, and most notably— you.
“What on earth…” was all he was really able to say. He was still trying to process the fact that you were here. He definitely did not put enough effort into his outfit for this to be happening.
“Were you surprised?” Momoi asked, pouncing up and down like an excited puppy.
“No, you’re a bad liar. I’m just sleepy,” Aomine answered truthfully, causing everyone to erupt into a fit of joking booing and jeering.
“Okay okay, we’ll get to the cake in a second, but first you have to take your birthday shot,” Kagami grinned, swinging his arm around Aomine’s shoulders and handing him a shot glass filled with vodka.
Aomine downed the shot with no hesitation. He needed all the confidence he could get to try to flirt with you— not that he really had a game plan in mind.
Admittedly, it was rather nice to have everyone all together. It had been a while since he had seen Kuroko so it was nice catching up with him and also bullying Kagami whilst he was at it. Moreover, he couldn’t help but steal glances of you chatting with people and swaying along to the music— he still couldn’t believe that you were actually there.
He did, however, make the stupid mistake of matching his drinks with Kise— who had a much higher tolerance than he did. Aomine soon found himself needing to get away from the music and the crowd, so he stepped out to the front porch, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. He took a seat on the steps, blankly staring out into the empty street as he tried to stop his vision from spinning.
He heard the front door behind him open and shut, steps moving towards him. “What’s the birthday boy doing all alone out here?” you said, taking a seat next to him.
Aomine’s lips instinctively broke out into a smile upon hearing your voice, “Trying to stop the world from spinning. And also avoiding Kise because I cannot stomach another shot,” he answered honestly.
“I do not envy you right now,” you chuckled, knowing the feeling all too well.
“You haven’t had anything to drink?” Aomine questioned, trying to meet your eyes but failing miserably.
“Not really, I don’t let myself go all out around people I don’t know too well,” you shrugged.
“You don’t need to worry about that, I’ll take care of you if you get too drunk,” Aomine said, a slight slur in his words.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the gesture, “As sweet as that is, you are in no state to be taking care of yourself— let alone me.”
“I’d sober up if I need to,” Aomine said confidently.
“I’ll take your word for it,” you said, tone filled with sarcasm. A silence fell between you two as you both looked out into the street. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either— for you, at least. Aomine seemed to be in another dimension by the looks of it, but you felt like there was something that needed to be said. “Oh right!” You said shuffling around and breaking the silence suddenly as you reached into your pocket and pulled out an envelope. “Here, this is for you.”
“What is it?” Aomine asked, brows furrowed in confusion as he took the plain white envelope that said ‘To Daiki’ in your handwriting on it.
“It’s a birthday card,” you said, fidgeting with your hands nervously as you pondered over whether this was the right move.
“Can I open it?” Aomine asked, his respectful manners around you remaining even though he was absolutely hammered.
You hesitated for a moment as you thought over the contents of the card. While it was just a greeting card, you also put down how you felt about him— more specifically, how you had a crush on him. You weren’t sure how he’d react and it was eating you alive. “Um, okay. But don’t read it aloud. And don’t look at me when you read it,” you said, burying your face in your palms as he opened the envelope.
You saw his smile widen upon seeing the card in the first place— it had a cute little cartoon dog with a birthday hat and balloon on the front. Aomine thought that it was such a cute design, it almost reminded him of Nigou. He opened the card up eagerly, wondering what had you so shy. His eyes scanned over the words you had written down, his whole body seizing when he got to the words ‘I like you.’ He read it over and over again in disbelief, sure that it was his drunken mind making him see words that weren’t there. He even ran his finger over the words to make sure he wasn’t imagining it. Damn those birthday wishes work quick.
He slowly looked over at you, meeting your eyes through the gaps between your fingers. “Are you serious?” he asked softly.
“It would be really cruel for me to lie about something like that,” you said, trying to use humour to cope with the nervousness.
Aomine leaned over and wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling you into a hug. It definitely caught you off guard because it was now your turn to freeze.
“I feel the same way,” he mumbled into your shoulder, your tension beginning to ease with his words. He didn’t exactly intend for the hug, it was something his body did before he could even process that it was happening. He wanted to kiss you, but he was afraid that he wouldn’t remember it the next day— a stupid thought, but what else could you expect from him?
“You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. I genuinely thought I was gonna vomit out of nervousness the whole way here,” you said, finding comfort in the sweet scent of Aomine’s cologne and the sound of his light chuckle.
Aomine finally broke away from the hug, cupping your face in his hands as his dark blue eyes met yours. “You’ve officially made this the best birthday I’ve had in a while,” he grinned, his lips were so close that you could feel his breath on your skin.
“You’re welcome, stupid,” you replied in what was barely a whisper, your eyes darting between his eyes and lips before he finally closed the gap. His lips were soft against yours. Even though he’d been waiting for this moment for ages, he wanted to savour it. There was no need for him to go all in. He just wanted to melt into your touch and bask in your gentleness. The world finally stopped spinning; as your fingers ran through his hair, he did his best to remember this moment. Your soft touch, your fresh scent, the sound of your gentle breaths— he wanted to remember every single bit of you that made his day.
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Here's something that's been cooking in my head for a while. So there's a lot of fics where Marc and the reader will have a argument and then Marc will sort of shut out and just leave Steven and Jake to be out as a means to avoid reader, and some have it that while that's happening Steven and Jake then just spoil reader with affection and stuff and then there's some point where Marc just comes out and they talk it out. But hear me out on this one and even feel free to run and do your own things with it-
So let's say that that's a common scenario that happens and that Marc and reader are arguing about something and at some point things boil over a little and they do a whole "Fine! "Fine!" sort of thing. Reader walks away to cool off and maybe go back to the issue later when both of them are more calm but then Marc goes "I guess this is the part where you sit somewhere and wait for Steven and Jake to spoil you rotten!".
And now there's an even bigger problem because now Marc is bringing Steven and Jake into this and that pisses them off and there's a whole argument between them because Jake and Steven are saying that they wouldn't have to if Marc would just man up and not turn every issue brought up into an argument. And Marc is saying that it wouldn't be such a big deal if they just let him sulk and solve it himself without them swooping in and overhearing/seeing them basically fawning over reader. And reader is even more upset because it's somewhat true but because you're still made they want to prove him wrong.
You can continue from here or just leave it. Just thought you'd like to hear it at least
Thank you so much for this ask! It has been fermenting in my mind for days now. I hope I've done it justice ❤️
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Spoiled Rotten
Marc Spector X GN!Reader Rating: T Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: arguements (subject matter is not specified), hurt and comfort (heavy on the comfort), typos, rail road sentences Please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 1496
“No that’s not what I said, you’re not listen-”
“You’re just repeating what you said over and ov-”
“I wouldn’t have to repeat it if you would just li-”
“It’s not even relevant to this, you’re changing the sub-”
“I’m changing the subject? What do you think you’re doi-”
“Stop talking over me!”
“Stop talking over me!”
You both glare at each other, rage boiling over like an overfilled pan. 
Your breathing hard, your lips forced together, just waiting for him to say something so you can both go at each other again. 
You could strangle him, the way he sneered a little as he spoke, that little mocking tone he used specifically for you, the fact that he would never, ever, ever back down. 
Your breathing calmed a little as he stayed quiet, good. His hands were balled into fists at his sides, a few rouge curls had escaped his carefully slicked back hair, breaking his illusion of being oh-so perfect. 
Oh, I’m Marc Spector and I never do anything wrong. 
You loved him, of course you did, and if anyone ever laid a finger on him you’d gouge their eyes out, but good god if that man didn’t know how to get perfectly under your skin. 
He stayed quiet, scowling at you. 
With a deep breath you looked away from him and walked into the kitchen. There was no reason to stay in his presence if he was going to be like this, trying to bait you into talking first like a child. (As if you hadn’t been trying to do the exact same thing to him.) 
You thought about making a comment, saying something like ‘oh, the silent treatment, Marc? Real original.’ But you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. And you knew how childish it would sound. 
You stopped in front of the kitchen counter and sighed. Cliché as it was, you couldn’t remember what you had first started arguing about. Or why it even mattered. 
Maybe if you just took a few minutes to cool off and-
Marc’s distinct footsteps sounded as he came into the kitchen. “So, I guess this is the part where you sit somewhere and wait for Steven and Jake to spoil you rotten!" His voice was somewhere between normal and shouting, raising in volume even more at the end. 
He had been trying, and promptly failed, to sound collected.
You turned, anger rising in your chest and throat, “what?” 
“It’s always the same-”
“It is not always the same-”
“We have an argument, you go off and sulk and then,”
“I sulk?” You gestured to yourself, “I’m the one that goes off and sulks?”
“And, then, Steven or Jake front and it’s all ‘oh what has that horrible Marc done to you now.’”  His eyes flicked to the side the second the words left his mouth, the muscles in his jaw clenching and unclenching hard. 
You recognised the movement instantly. Steven or Jake, or possibly both, were saying something. 
Heat rises to your cheeks. “That’s not what happens.”
He glances back to you, the smallest twitch is his forehead telling you that Steven and Jake must still be talking. “Liar.” 
You clamp your teeth shut, trying to stop yourself from saying something you know you’ll regret. 
He was right though, and you hated it. Why did this insufferable man always have to be right? 
You and Marc argued the most. 
Jake didn’t shout, he didn’t like that kind of confrontation. He would go quiet and listen to you when you were angry. For anyone else his silence would have made it worse, but there was something about his expression. How he just folded back, bleeding emotion out of himself until he seemed monochrome against your rage. It never failed to refuse you. You’d both end up talking calmly about your disagreements. 
Steven was the king of sarcasm, and passive aggression when he wanted to be. But when an argument with you was getting too far he would just call a timeout and let you both go your separate ways to calm down. 
On the whole, very rarely did any of you argue, and when you did it was usually about something silly. 
And as you’d been together longer, disagreements with Jake and Steven had lessened to almost nonexistence. While arguments with Marc had stayed the same. 
It always followed a similar pattern: you and Marc would shout at each other and then Jake or Steven or both would come and make it better with hugs and kisses and soft words. 
“Well it’s not going to happen this time.” Marc snarled. 
You looked back at him, realising you had been lost in your thoughts. 
“You're stuck with horrible me.” 
He was goading you, trying to get you to shout at him again. Needing you to yell, to express your anger. He could deal with that, could fight against it. 
You stayed quiet. 
“Gonna give me the silent treatment? Because I’m not good enough for you? That’s real original.” 
You almost laughed then, but just managed to stop yourself. There was no way that could help in this situation. Your shoulders slumped slightly. The problem was, you were both too similar. 
“Sit down.” You spoke softly, and gestured to the kitchen table before walking over to the coffee machine. Marc was the only one who really used it for the fancy milky coffees he still pretended he didn’t adore. 
“What?” He snapped, watching you move. He took a step towards you, his hands flexing in irritation as he saw you switch the coffee machine on. 
You turned fully to look at him, “sit down,” your voice sounded calm and kind, even though you were still fighting with your own exasperation inside. “Or stand, whatever you want.” 
You expected him to snap back with another dig. But to your surprise he swallowed, a small bob of his throat, and sat down on the chair closest to you.
He didn’t take his eyes off you while you made a coffee, the crease in his forehead deepening as he assumed you were going to drink it right in front of him. 
Instead you heard the little breath he exhaled when you placed the cup on the table directly to his right. 
Marc stared at it for a second, dumbfounded. He was so caught up in staring at the coffee that he didn’t hear you step back and open the cupboard, only realising that time had passed when you set a small plate with choco leibniz milk biscuits in front of him. 
“Those are Jake’s.” He whispered. 
“I bought them for everyone.” You leave out, ‘except Steven’ as that was a given due to the milk. 
The biscuits were, however, a favourite of Jakes. And he did have a tendency to eat them all before anyone else got a chance. 
Marc pressed his lips together into a tight line. 
You didn’t want for him to say anything else as you walked into the living room and turned on the television. You spend a few minutes searching through the listings until you found something that matched your criteria. Marc had a soft spot for westerns. 
You clicked on The Searchers and pressed play before grabbing the heavy, fluffy blanket out of the airing cupboard and laying it out on the settee. 
When you came back into the kitchen Marc was chewing on a biscuit. He looked up at you as you entered and for a moment seemed much younger than his years. 
“Come on,” you spoke softly, lifting the plate and cup from the table. 
Marc didn’t question you and followed you into the living room one step behind. 
You gestured to the settee after you put the biscuits and coffee on the table, raising the blanket for Marc to sit. He did, slowly, as if he was waiting for something awful to jump out at him. 
You sat next to him, pulling the blanket over you both. You left a ‘sensible’ space between you. Not wanting to be too far or too close, and upsetting him with the extreme. 
He stared at you, not even glancing at the television. “What are you doing?” He whispered. His expression was nervous, pained, and it chased away the residual anger in your chest. 
“Spoiling you rotten.” You said quietly, The Searchers opening music nearly drowning your words out. 
Slowly, you lifted your arm to the back of the settee, leaving an open invitation for physical touch. 
To your surprise he moved instantly, burying himself into your side and laying his head against your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tight. 
You smiled and kissed the top of his head as you hugged him back. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled into your chest, his breath hot against your skin. 
“Me too.” You kissed his head again as you both relaxed into each other's embrace and settled down to watch the film.
Thank you for reading!
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shalotttower · 9 months
Pholcus phalangioides
Title: Pholcus phalangioides
Fandom: The Collector (2009). Can be read as an original inspired by the source, because I took some creative liberties.
Summary: There's a spider in your bathroom, it lives under the mirror cabinet and you a) don't want to kill it, and b) are too scared to touch it, so now you can either keep giving it one side eye after another, or ask your neighbour for help.
Word count: 4000+
Characters: Asa Emory x Reader
Notes: yandere Asa, spiders and insects descriptions, stalking, voyeurism of sort - Asa watches Reader without her realizing it, kidnapping, vague hinting on body horror, non-con touching, Reader is socially awkward. Asa is not 100% in-movie-character Asa (he actually talks lol), a huge chunk of him is based on my headcanons.
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You have this problem - a spider problem, to be precise. Not that it's too big of a deal, but...it also is.
Spiders are generally okay.
They eat unwanted guests, like flies and mosquitos or even other spiders. Make cool webs, which is probably one of the most complicated forms of art, not to mention a mathematical pattern to it - a combination of radial and circular symmetry. The golden ratio in nature.
In general they're important for keeping a backyard ecosystem nice and intact.
But there is a spider in your bathroom, right under the sink cabinet, with thin legs, a long body, and of course - eyes. Quiet, kept to itself, really chill spider who doesn't move much except to crawl around a little and sometimes look at you when it catches you looking.
It probably lived in hiding somewhere, before deciding that dark spaces weren't up to its standards anymore and making an appearance. You haven't swatted it away, caught it, struck it with a paper - mostly because you're not good at killing living creatures, and secondly because the spider isn't doing any harm, just observing your every step, and generally being present.
When you check your makeup bag, it watches. When you brush your teeth, it watches. When you close the cabinet door it wiggles and your heart goes "ee" as if someone shocked it with a static charge. This yellowish-brown witness of your everyday activities, silently approving and judging, lately makes you feel like a nuisance in your own bathroom. You desperately wish there was a way to make it move to another corner. A less centralized one, less straight in your face. Yet the thought of touching it makes you cringe inwardly; your mind conjures images of different scenarios involving spider-related unpleasantries - accidentally squashing it, or getting bitten and dying a slow, miserable death.
It's gotta go.
Because the more you see it, the more your brain tries to assign it human features. And the longer it stares, the bigger the chance it might grow a pair of lips to say "get out of my bathroom".
The thought comes to you in the morning while setting a breakfast plate on the kitchen counter. The house is quiet, all windows are open and you stare through one of them at your neighbour's fence. You rarely see him, though the parked car is always a giveaway of his presence. Emory, that's what the mailbox says, and he has a neat garden, not an extravagant type, but everything is carefully trimmed and arranged into simple patterns.
There's even a stone bench by a small tree. Does it actually get used on sunny days? Probably no. He seems like a loner, from what you've seen so far: tall and pale, with wire-rimmed glasses and still grey eyes. Very focused and put together, a turtleneck and dark trousers kind of Mister. Never waving when passing by, though he does glance sometimes - sharp and attentive.
Once you caught him leaning over a bush with back straight and head hanging low. Your stomach gave this funny, nervous twitch, like when a stranger tries to start a conversation in public. He looked your way and then resumed whatever he was doing.
"Whatever" appeared to be something small, sharp limbs and a shiny body. It looked like a beetle, stretched to an absurd degree, and the way he held that thing felt strangely intimate. The same way you'd cradle a baby animal in your hands, rubbing its forehead with a fingertip. Emory put it in a plastic box, sealed it, and went into his house, not sparing you another glance.
This particular memory - of long fingers and a careful grasp - is what makes you think that maybe, possibly, theoretically, he could handle one pesky spider for you. You've seen him with insects a couple of times after, no doubt Mr. Emory is one of those who glue bugs to display boards. The creepy friend in the bathroom must be right up his alley then.
Five minutes later the two of you are staring at each other in awkward silence. Bothering barely acquainted neighbours isn't usually high on your list of priorities, especially if said neighbours look like they prefer being alone. You know it's odd, you know it probably crosses some boundaries, yet here you are.
With a crease on his brow and a tight mouth, Emory isn't thrilled at this sudden visit. Maybe he was in the middle of something, or is just uncomfortable with people invading his space. In any case, you clear your throat.
"Good morning. I live in the house across the road. The white porch? With-"
"I know," it's a dry reply. Not rude, more matter-of-factly; his eyes are fixed on you with a hint of unsettling peculiarity which makes you shift from one foot to the other.
He's not pest control, you think. Or obligated to help in any way. Emory can tell you to kindly fuck off right now and close the door, why did you even come here? It's stupid and intrusive. You're almost ready to take it all back and go home, pretend like nothing happened and just deal with that spider yourself, when he speaks again.
"What do you need?"
He has a quiet voice, a very even direct tone that doesn't encourage small talk, but prompts answers. Now and without pointless filling.
"I know how it's going to sound," you start, cringing inside, "and apologize in advance for bothering you, but I had an impression you collect...bugs."
"Insects. Arachnids."
"Right. So I was thinking if you'd mind removing a spider from my bathroom. I don't want to kill it, but I can't- I can't touch it."
His gaze slowly shifts from your face to the house behind you. As if Emory has an x-ray vision, or a complete mental map of your household layout. Ha, this would be ridiculous. There's no apparent disapproval in his pale face, but something else, a different kind of assessment. Evaluation of how much it is worth spending time on someone with an overgrown lawn? His eyes return back and you feel pinned down.
The longer he stays silent, the more you wish for the ground to open and swallow you whole.
"If you can't I totally understand-"
"What kind of spider?"
It's your turn to stare. How are you supposed to know, you've never studied spider biology. It looks like any other common variety, except creepier because it refuses to leave its spot and stay in the sewer where it belongs. "I...light-brownish, with long legs. Thin? Slender," there's more you could add but any further description will probably make you sound like a total dunce who can't recognize basic arachnids. "Kind of big."
You expect a 'sure', maybe 'I'll be there shortly' or 'no'. What you get is Emory moving past you and walking up your front porch. The scent of laundry detergent and soap, very clean, hits your nose before you rush to open the door.
"Uhm. Second floor," you explain, awkwardly shuffling after him. For the first time since the day you moved in, you worry about what someone might see inside the house. As far as clutter goes, your place is acceptable, perhaps a few forgotten cups around and yesterday's sweater thrown on a couch. Surely, it's not too bad.
Emory, however, doesn't seem interested in the surroundings. The staircase doesn't even creak under his weight, despite the house being around a century old. He steps over the little border which always makes you trip if you walk too fast, like it's not there. Like the corner you often bump your hip into doesn't exist either. He navigates your home with effortless precision, an inward kind of certainty that makes your eyebrows rise. Maybe...the houses on your street have the same blueprint.
Either way, he walks into your bathroom without hesitation, turning on the light. You hover by the doorway, unsure: should you offer something to drink, ask him if he needs anything else or just step away and leave him to do his thing?
The spider is there, hiding under the cabinet, when Emory leans over to observe it. He's probably seen many different specimens, you think, and this isn't interesting at all compared to the ones who have an intricate design or unique behavior.
"She's a part of the Pholcidae family," Emory says suddenly. Just like that there's 'she', instead of 'it', and the spider twitches and shifts. "Daddy long-legs. Harmless."
He puts his palm up close to its back. At first, it seems startled, but after a moment slowly calms down, and moves a leg - left then right - getting familiar with his hand.
"Docile creatures," Emory continues, while the spider walks along the edge of his palm. No running around, no random leaps, stick-like limbs touch and probe him with curiosity, much like you'd study something new. "They stay in the dark, hide in the corners while feasting on smaller things. Your intruder is a useful tenant."
It makes you feel slightly nauseous, how nonchalant he is about holding something that prompts recoil on instinct.
"Do you want to hold her?" Emory turns to you and there's a faint, strange smile on his lips. It doesn't reach his eyes and makes him look like an alien who tries to mimic human expressions based only on observation. His pupils are so dark that you can barely tell the difference between the irises and the rest. They seem bottomless, absorbing all light, but reflecting none in return. You take one step backwards, shaking your head.
"I'll pass."
He keeps staring at you for what feels like forever before returning his attention to the spider crawling on his skin. Emory reaches into his back pocket for a small container.
"Are you not setting her outside?" You ask. "She...she doesn't look like, uh, a rare species."
Not that you're an expert.
"No," Emory closes the lid with a quiet click. "She isn't one. But I'm going to keep her."
And he does. The little captive spider rests at the very bottom of a plastic case when you send the man on his way and thank him for the help. Emory accepts it with a nod, no further words, and then there's only his back when he leaves. The morning air rushes in, crisp and fresh, smelling like grass, tree leaves and soil.
It feels like you blink, and three days go by. You still keep an eye on the bathroom cabinet by some sort of habit, however there's nothing out of the ordinary lurking there, no creepy critters and definitely no thin legs scattering in multiple directions. All is well, now you can brush your teeth, take care of business and even lean close without fear something might fall on your head.
It's just a spider. You googled it later, and how common it is around the continents should be a bit ridiculous. Keeping it might equal to going on a beach and picking the most unremarkable pebble you see; Emory certainly could find hundreds more Daddy long-legs wherever he pleased - parks, gardens or forests.
The question gnaws at you, together with that smile and cold grey eyes hidden behind glasses' frames. The weirdest part wasn't the expression, it was how you couldn't read it. Despite the obvious display of human emotion, however misplaced and alien, it failed to reveal anything. The smile was there, and yet nothing broke through it, not amusement, nor politeness - or any kind of feeling whatsoever.
Your neighbour is odd.
Not necessarily scary, though there's a sense of mystery surrounding him, it makes you feel like standing next to an iceberg and only seeing its tip. Or you've just read far too many psychological thrillers and your imagination likes to conjure up the wildest scenarios, trying to turn each and every thing into something sinister.
Maybe you should just chill and get some tea, and stop being so dramatic about a guy who came over and politely removed a spider for you.
They're not a unique species. Not even remotely uncommon.
He taps the container gently with his index finger, making the spider move back and forth. She doesn't have venom, no poisonous chemicals to injure and kill. Hiding in abandoned corners she does, patient and careful, waiting to catch the wrong fly.
You're just like her. Nothing exciting. Not unique.
Your movement patterns are similar, concealed in a different package you're still predictable: getting home from work, cooking dinner, watching TV shows. Everyday routines.
Fear is a part of your nature. Awkwardness which comes with socializing: you shuffle when uncomfortable, avoid prolonged eye contact and don't like confrontation, he noticed this right away. A quiet type, keeping mostly to yourself unless you need something urgently; and then you rush, like a scared Daddy long legs. There's this shiftiness, an inner desire to be less visible, but also a yearning for recognition because the lack of it hurts. And he saw all those small things, catalogued them one by one, as you moved into his street and became a constant presence.
Asa has never thought about keeping something - someone - so mundane before. Never. He likes rare things, spectacular, and those collected in the basement, they all are, especially when he's finished with them. They're extraordinary, displayed under glass cases and preserved for eternity.
He doesn't collect common species. Daddy long-legs are abundant everywhere around him.
There's the way you linger by the kitchen window during the morning routine, slowly sipping hot coffee. When your lips purse and eyes lose focus for a moment. Or how the corners of them wrinkle sometimes when you have a genuine, amused laugh. It's something like warmth. There's no label for the feeling - positive, negative or neutral, it just is, like one single, meaningless element in an ecosystem.
He shouldn't want someone so average.
And yet Asa watches from the corner of your living room, crouched on the floor by a plant.
You don't hear him, too invested in your personal bubble. Well, he had enough time to polish his craft and figure out how soundless he can be when moving through spaces, how much weight he needs to place onto soles to avoid creaking wood and floorboards.
It's interesting to see you interact with your environment, unaware of being watched. There's an invisible pattern behind each action, even if you think everything is randomized. The web you wove around yourself is cozy, and Asa follows its threads while you check the phone and frown at whatever notification pops up. He is considering. Contemplating this impulsive desire he has yet to identify.
Would it be worth it? Keeping you. Adding you to the collection and seeing what comes out of it, how far his usual approach might take him with you in the same conditions. You're just a face with features. So...ordinary. He wants to pick you apart and look inside to make sure it's not some strange sort of mimicry, camouflage of a different nature hiding something else entirely.
There's this vague idea how those features may feel when touched. He can recall them accurately, even when you've never stood too close. Asa watches quietly from his hiding place, memorizing a displeased mumble and then a frustrated gesture.
You seem so alive.
Those below who are frozen in time now were too, before Asa decided to give them a purpose and make something special and worthy of his attention. They were alive like you, but now they're something better.
What purpose you have remains to be seen.
Asa decides then.
A plain trunk is nestled in the corner behind a coat hanger, no fancy latch or keyhole needed, only an ordinary padlock. You'll fit in nicely, squeezed in the cramped space, it won't be the most comfortable experience, but it's not for long and then...then he can show you the room where others stayed before, and where you'll be next.
Asa looks around one last time: the front door is locked, blinds down, lights off - you get up from the couch and head upstairs, right on the dot. Your house is easy to navigate despite the darkness; Asa knows his way around it, having been here already more than once. A step after a step he follows the soft padding of your bare feet, and when the steps halt, he pulls out a cloth. It's a heavy kind of pleasure to be able to stand right behind and admire your nape, there's a strange sort of vulnerability to it.
Something raw and very exposed.
It takes only a few movements, he catches your yelp into one of his hands and holds it clasped tightly as you thrash. Your nails dig into the fabric of his turtleneck but fail to leave any marks. He's never tired of it, the initial fear of his specimens realizing that their secure habitats are ruined. He doesn't mind this fight for survival.
"Shh," Asa breathes into your ear. "Shh."
The struggle doesn't last long - you're not a fighter - and when your body goes limp, he picks you up. Your perfume is surprisingly light, a very sweet and pleasant aroma, not overwhelming at all like he'd expect it to be.
It's nice.
He puts you in the trunk, a boxy space barely big enough to fit you curled on the side, it's going to take around thirty minutes to reach the hotel and another three to put you in the right cell. You'll sleep the rest of the journey, which is fortunate for everyone. It's always easier to deal with a specimen if they're resting.
The lock clicks softly - it's time to go home.
Something runs down your cheek - a drop, a bead of sweat, a touch - and you blink, trying to make sense of it. The surroundings are unfamiliar, blurry shapes with undefined outlines that stretch and wobble before your eyes. Your jaw hurts, clenched so hard that teeth grind together, and it takes a conscious effort to relax.
The living room, a TV program, a soundless whisper that froze the hairs at your nape, then someone was behind you. You remember a sickly sweet smell, and after that nothing but a haze and the dark, and the sensation of being squeezed into a shape. Your legs feel numb, arms too, like you spent hours immobile in one position. Slowly the world sharpens back into focus, but instead of relief there's only dread.
You're in a room.
No bigger than a regular bathroom and void of any furniture beside a cot-like bed, a toilet in the corner and a sink. The walls are a bluish-gray with thin cracks, tiny fissures that create uneven lines from the ceiling all the way down to the floor.
And there's a man, observing you quietly through the thick glass.
You don't notice him immediately, too busy assessing your new location, and when you do the air feels heavier, difficult to move past your throat. He's wearing a mask. Black rubber or something, covering everything except his eyes. He presses two palms against the barrier separating you, the silence stretches into an eternity.
'Who are you? What do you want?' - these are kind of questions you should be asking, but they don't come out. You remain glued to the spot, counting the passing seconds by their painful tick-tock-tick-tocks. One minute turns into two, and he...just stares without moving a muscle in a beyond unnerving manner. Your gaze dips lower to check his clothes, perhaps find a pattern to identify this person later.
There's none. Everything is plain black, like a uniform made to be invisible - turtleneck, pants, even gloves and boots.
It seems that your silence somehow pleases him, because a few moments later he leaves without looking back.
You don't know how much time passes; there's not a window around, only a bare, stark bulb, yellowish in its brightness and casting unpleasant shadows all over the floor. Not a single sound. Traffic, voices of distant passersby or birds - all is absent and doesn't provide even a bit of understanding where the hell you are.
In the end, you...sit down on the bed and wait, because what else is there? Everything is eerily silent and very, very uncomfortable: this emptiness, the absence of noise, the endless ticking of an invisible clock. It's difficult not to cry, but you try your best, somehow it feels important to remain composed. There has to be a reason behind this. There must be one, and you repeat it over and over, like a mantra to soothe the nerves and present your mind with some semblance of logic: once you figure out what's going on, you'll figure out how to get out as well.
Pulling loose threads from your sleeve is poor entertainment, if anything, the strain of boredom and unease gradually grows into anxiety so sharp that you almost miss the sound of approaching footsteps.
He's back again, the masked stranger who stands in the doorway with hands clasped behind his back. A pair of light grey eyes is a splash of different color, but they are blank. They watch with distant curiosity of an animal trainer monitoring a newborn cub. The comparison makes something ugly squirm inside you. A part of you wants to make a run for it, the other keeps yelling that it would be immensely stupid.
One, two, three, four steps he takes into your cell. Your back meets the wall, the chill coming from its solid surface cuts right through the layers of clothing. Five, six. He stops only when there's less than arm's reach between you, then leans to brush away loose strands of hair sticking to your temples. Your stomach goes taut. This scent. Laundry detergent mixed with soap. The turtleneck, grey eyes, very collected kind of Mister.
A sickly shiver of revulsion shoots down your spine, making you curl tighter into a ball. Emory cups your jaw with both hands - they're cold even through the gloves material. This is too close, an unwanted and unpleasant violation of boundaries, and yet he continues to examine your face, like you're some sort of an object he can handle however he pleases.
Your cheek gets a light pat. Any theories about his identity stay unvoiced, mostly because you fear the reaction they might prompt. Something tells you that screaming is a bad idea too. 'Be quiet,' an insistent whisper says deep inside your skull, 'be still.'
His thumbs press to the corners of your mouth. "Open," he orders, and you can't not, even though the whole thing sounds and feels bizarre. "Wider."
There's a quiet click. A flashlight, of those small ones you can easily hold in one hand, shines right into your eyes, making them water from the unexpected brightness. "Don't bite or I'll remove all of your teeth."
It's a simple threat, delivered with such a calm tone, there's no need for yelling when words are that clear and straightforward.
He inspects your mouth, the edges of teeth and gums, your inner cheeks, and you let him, clenching your fists. There's not much you can do, at least that's what you keep telling yourself to ease the heavy, sinking feeling of powerlessness. Your mind chants 'too close' on a loop, urging to wiggle away; you stay. It's unclear what exactly he's looking for - dental or oral diseases, a sore throat, cavities, or the lack of them?
It lasts forever until he straightens back up and puts the light away.
"Good," Emory states. There's another pat to your head before he turns around to leave. "No biting."
The door panel slides with a soft hum, locking shut. And the silence, and the waiting, and the mind numbing monotony is back again.
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epiphainie · 4 months
what are some moments you’d like to see or you think we *should* get together between bucktommy in season 8? ‘should’ - not as in must get! but moments you think would be important to their growth and establishing them as a long term couple and would be very good for the story they’ve built so far
Hi anon,
Sorry for the very late reply, I had to think about this a bit because I love this question! This will get long, sorry in advance.
I think first things first, we need some drama lol. Seeing how a couple overcomes conflict for the first time is seeing how the relationship can/will prevail in the long term. It's also important as a story element, conflict is what makes characters make decisions and take actions, what enhances the emotional impact etc. After all, what is more satisfactory than the sense of resolution that feels earned?
I think the first type of conflict I would like to see them navigate through would be something interpersonal. I don't really want a bloated case of miscommunication because so far they have been presented to do very well in that aspect (Buck is for once not just going with the flow but proactively pursuing this relationship, they both apologize, they both hear each other, they both reassure the other etc.) but the reality is every new relationship will have a stumbling bit when it comes to communication.
I don't know what they'd specifically deal with (like Henren had trust issues and Madney ignored talking about mental health) but Buck - despite his progress - has very well-documented issues around his self-perception and the concept of love and we know it took Tommy a great deal of effort to become the guy he is today (who's in tune with Buck and seem to communicate very well), he also has his own demons. So the right triggering event can cause a moment of unexpressed emotions on both sides. (Our fic writers have been great coming up with ideas for this and I've seen many posts speculating, so if anyone has any specific scenarios in mind please put in the tags.) What I would really really love to see in a scenario like this is an explicit, on-screen reassurance of each other about the root of their issue. I want Buck to have a love interest who with clear words say what Buck needs to hear and I want Buck to reciprocate. Like I said, we've seen BuckTommy be mutually really good at this so far, so I would love to see how it looks when they deal with something bigger.
The second type of conflict I'd like to see them handle would be a conflict caused by an external threat. Maybe not something as dramatic (and hurtful) as Madney dealing with Doug but anything that puts them through the wringer a little bit. This and what I said above wouldn't need to be mutually exclusive events obviously (Gerrard, for example, can be an external threat AND a trigger for individual insecurities, interpersonal conflict etc.) but this I specifically want because I believe to convincingly set them up as a long term/significant relationship, they should show us them being a team, a united front. Where my first point was about seeing how they would navigate their individual traumas together, this is about seeing how they'd deal with the world that throws them a wrench.
Now that the heavy stuff is out of the way, I think we need to see how they would act as a couple in a group setting. This obviously touches many of the points we've collectively made over the past few months about how there's so much potential re: Tommy interacting with the other 118 members. I think one of the biggest fails of Buck's previous relationships from a writing point was how little they existed within the rest of Buck's world. The first time I watched that scene of Buck, Taylor, Eddie, and Chris having dinner together I had to do a double take because so much of Buck's relationship with Taylor and Buck's relationship with everyone else felt like two different shows. It was cute when Buck said "You don't want to see a hangry Taylor" - it made them sound domestic, it made their relationship feel actually lived. This is such a little thing for BuckTommy to feel integrated and real imo. I don't mean they have to write BuckTommy as the center of attention in a group setting, what I mean is that they need to extend BuckTommy's existence as a couple to the broader context of the show.
Kind of building on this, another thing I think would serve very very well here is if we see Tommy interact with others when Buck is not there. If we want BuckTommy to exist beyond the context of their 1:1 scenes, we need Tommy as an individual to exist beyond that as well. Again, this is going back to how Tommy has the potential for these dynamics to feel organic in a way that didn't exist with prior LIs before. And I think one specific thing I would really like to get (and this is gonna sound ironic bc I said we need Tommy uncoupled from Buck just now) is Tommy talking about Buck to other people. As we need Tommy to exist in Buck's greater world, with his people in a way that his ex-girlfriends didn't, we also need Buck to exist in Tommy's world even when he's not there. The only comparison I can make here is Abby as she was the only previous LI who had her own relationships, but damn, did we ever see a love interest talk about why Buck matters to them, how he makes them feel etc. I wanna know how Tommy perceives Buck. This is like 101 if you wanna sell to the audience the love interest is actually interested too.
Couldn't find a place for this (maybe group-setting entry was more fitting love) but I also would really like to see them act casual. This is way more superficial than my other points but I was just watching some 911: LS scenes and I truly believe one of the reasons Tarlos is sold so well is because we get domestic, comfortable touches in every scene. Again, making a relationship feel actually lived. I don't think any of the 911 couples engage in this as much as Tarlos do but they certainly still do to a degree and I want and need that for BuckTommy.
Thanks for the ask anon!
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namjoonscoffeeshop · 7 months
Deep | 05
Tumblr media
✧ Pairing:Min Yoongi x reader
✧ genre: angst,fluff,smut,fake dating au,contract
✧ warning(s): explicit language, suggestive content, mature content
✧ synopsis; you're in love with your childhood friend but he does not see you more than just a friend. One day you ask him to be more than just friends, he agrees.
✧ word count: 6.3k+
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He made sure not to spend too much time out, but the twisted feeling in his stomach wouldn't let him enter your apartment. You both hadn't talked since what happened. He would hear you leave in the morning to class for about three days now and you knew he was there at the door watching you leave or at least that's what you wanted to believe. He didn't know what made you change so drastically and it didn't bother him...this change you were showing. What had him throwing a fit was the fact that he couldn't control himself, scared he'll lose composure if it happened again. 
but just like him you also...No.. you didn't regret what happened and he'd be a coward if he did. At least that's what you kept telling yourself. You weren't avoiding him, well sort of. you'd leave at the time he'd usually leave, hoping to bump into him but to your luck his door never opened and you never saw him around at campus either. 
"I say you should  just talk to him" jihye speaks up, handing you a sweet bread she had gotten you since she knew you'd skip breakfast. taking the bread you thank her before glancing at the student parking lot waiting in case you could 'coincidentally' bump into him. jihye on the other hand was completely done with not just you but yoongi too, her thoughts are that he clearly likes you so whats the big deal? 
the both of you are just idiots. 
another two days passed and not even on your way home did you see him neither when you arrived in front of your door, you glance at his apartment contemplating if you should just be the bigger person and talk to him. After thinking of every scenario  that could happen the moment you walk through that door that took about ten minutes of you just staring at the door you finally made up your mind. "fuck this" you let out a puff of air as you enter the key into the keyhole and turn it, pushing the door open. "y/n" you hear someone call your name, stopping you from entering the apartment. Looking at the direction of which the voice came from, you see yoongi but he wasn't alone. 
"Are you sure you're not hungry" jimin gives you a smile, his cheeks stuffed with food as he pushes the cup of noddles in front of you. "No, i'm alright" you reciprocate the smile, sliding back his noodles. 
of course he was gonna have someone with him, and it just had to be jimin. You couldn't look him in the eye without thinking the last time you were both in the same place yoongi was fingering you while he was in the bed too. shit, stop thinking about that . You fold your legs, leaning back into the sofa as you play with your rings. you could feel how yoongi avoided looking at you but at some instances when you would do a sudden move he would glance your way. 
jimin for once, wasn't oblivious about the whole situation. He could feel how there was tension between the both of you and unlike namjoon who knows what happened yoongi hadn't told jimin....more like hadn't had the chance to tell him. Putting down his chopsticks he wipes his mouth and sits back "what's with the two of you?" 
you both turn to look at jimin, who had a brow raised and nudged you in the elbow as he asked you again only this time to receive a cold response from yoongi "nothing" taking the cup of noodles into his hand he sits back and begins to eat, not offering to make you any or share. 
"It's nothing" you give him a smile, trying to get him off your back. fuck I should've never let him drag me over here and just left with some sort of excuse. jimin picks up the cup of noodles and continues to eat, as he starts a conversation with yoongi about something they were clearly talking about on their way here before they saw you. Looking at your watch you kept thinking of some excuse to use in order to escape without jimin bombarding you with even more questions but their conversation didn't last long before you were forced to face jimin when he let out a frustrated yell. "ok honestly, there's something going on because you always sit next to each other and you" he points at yoongi with the chopsticks "you never leave her out of a conversation. for fuck sakes you won't even look at her and that seems to be the most favorite thing you like to do" jimin ended up blurting everything out so quickly that a smile threaten to appear on your lips from how funny he looked but you bit down on your lower lip. 
"shut up" yoongi throws his used napkin at jimin who right away voiced out how gross he was "I don't stare at anyone" yoongi states. But jimin was right, if it wasn't for him you'd just be another set of old furniture in yoongi's apartment and be left unnoticed. standing up from the floor you give jimin a smile as he looks up at you confused "it was nice seeing you jimin, but I have to go. I know when i'm not wanted" you give him a big smile while dragging out the last few words to make sure yoongi heard you. But he took it as a joke like always and you knew it the moment he let out a low chuckle as he shook his head not even sparring you a glance. 
Jimin was left dumbfounded as you made your way to the door way, sitting down as you try to quickly put on your shoes. yoongi gets up from the sofa he was sitting on and walks right after you but unlike you he went at his own pace and probably looked fucking handsome doing it. "y/n" he says your name, his deep voice making the hair on your arms and neck stand as you felt your insides twist again. but you weren't going to give in, you ignore him and continue to put on your shoes. He lets you walk out the apartment  following you quietly, as you opened the door to your apartment you were pushed in before you could open the door completely, yoongi's arm around your waist as he balances you from his sudden push to stop you from stumbling over the shoes in ur entrance. attempting to pull his arm off you, you let out a grunt with the struggle "let go" 
"you sure?" he whispers next to your ear. "you weren't saying that just the other day when I had my d-" turning your hips as you lift your hands you press them against his mouth, glaring at him as you cover his mouth "stop" he raises a brow, and you can feel his lips curve into a smirk. 
"you've been ignoring me ever since that day" crossing your arms you look away, making sure to show you were angry on your facial expressions..not like he could see but it was all you could think of. "babe, i've just been..thinking"turning you around slowly to face him, you continue to look away as he tries to make you face him as he bends down to your height. "you're a coward"
his jaw clenched, he hated being called a coward and you knew just how to press his buttons to piss him off. your face was inches from his, his beautiful juicy plump shaped a disappointed frown. you can't help but want to lean in and kiss him. 
he too stared at yours and it was as if the two of you stopped breathing and time stopped. both of you wondering who'd make the first move. he cursed himself internally, repeating in his head to push you away and leave. but your eyes kept drawing him in and the urge to taste your lips took his free will. 
taking in a deep breath he lets out a chuckle before stepping back. pulling you out of the trance, you also step away from him. "your face is re-" he murmurs, his hand about to caress your cheek. But you don't let him, you don't let him touch you nor finish his sentence, opening the door you don't look his way "please leave, I have class tomorrow morning" 
you wanted to not care, not care how your cold behavior or words affected him. not care if he had more to say and how he probably wanted to fix what ever was going on between the both of you. "make sure to eat, the semester is almost over make sure to study if you really want to graduate next semester" I should've just shut the door without looking up, why did I think my words could've had any effect on him. you wished you had more discipline in yourself when you couldn't help but look up when he passed the door and saw his unemotional face not give you a single glance as he disappeared. 
Our "Childish behavior" continued for two more weeks, maybe it's not fair to say he's being childish since he's been trying to talk to me but I gave him the cold shoulder. he'd try to make it so we both went to campus together, waiting for me in the hallway but i'd walk right passed him and then just started leaving earlier.  
but I knew that this would only last for so long before he cornered me and got his way. after getting groceries, I was in the kitchen cooking a meal when I heard the front door open and shut loudly. Before I could even think who the fuck could've entered I hear him call my name. He sounded frustrated and angry, pursing my lips to keep myself from answering him as I continue to do what I was doing. 
"are you deaf? I'm talking to you" he enters the kitchen. I don't answer him, opening my fridge to take out another item I needed. 
"stop being childish, why do you want to ruin our friendship over some stupid experience you want to have" he raised his voice, I could tell he was done. 
turning off the stove, and moving the pan off the to the side, I turn to look at him. his brows furrowed and glare were very strong. I let out a scoff "why are you here yoongi" 
"i'm here because I want us to go back to how we were, before you fucked it all up" fine, he's right this did all start because of me. and it is my fault but why the fuck is he so stubborn. 
"what ever"
"that's all you're going to say?" his voice never lowers, his hands were thrashing around as he was trying to understand me. how do I tell him that I want him to only look at me, to fall in love with me and just be mine. I can't, because he doesn't do relationships. 
"You're just mad, that you want to fuck just like I do. but you keep using the excuse" pushing off the counter you walk towards him, leaving a arm length of space between the two of you. "you keep using the pathetic excuse of seeing me as your sister" and you chuckle, "if that was true you wouldn't of done what you did" he looked at your smug face. nodding his head in disbelief before staring into your eyes, towering over you. "I regret what happened that day with every ounce of my being" 
your jaw clenches, but you stand your ground. Looking up to him, as he scans your face to see your reaction but you don't give him the satisfaction even when your heart was squeezing and your breath fastens. "since the regret is already there, why does it matter to add more" your hands on his chest as they snake their way to his neck. He doesn't flinch nor pull away, his eyes just staring at yours as you pull him closer. 
"what about all those other girls, do you regret fucking them after you're done" your fingers play with his hair, his hands stay on his sides but they were itching to hold you. 
his heart was pounding against his chest, and even though his face did not show it he was devastated. he searched your eyes, but the mischievous smile and doe eyes that stared back at him squeezed his heart. he hated the way you were acting, and hated himself even more as he realized it was his fault and part of him just wanted to fall for your tricks and let you have your way. 
"cause I didn't care about them" he murmurs 
closing his eyes, he takes in a deep breath. his head was a mess, he wanted you both to go back to how you were, he hated himself for having no self control last time. if that hadn't had happened then you both wouldn't had been fighting right now. So he came up with the safest option, but he was going to make sure he would be the one in control.  "fine" his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into his chest. "if this is what it takes for us to be able to go back to how we were. then you'll get your way" 
"wait, yoongi. we don-"
he scoffs loudly "what? now you're backing out?" gripping your waist he lifts you, making you sit on your marble counter. "if we're doing this it's under my conditions" gripping your chin, his face inches from yours. 
He's only doing this for us to go back to how we were? when is he going to understand that we aren't ever gonna be the same. it stopped being the same when I started having feelings for him. 
"I don't want to be accused of forcing you" you speak up quickly, his lips so close to yours 
"oh please, why would I reject some good pussy, this is your last chance to back out. once we start this relationship, only i'm allowed to stop it. that's the first condition" his nose brushes against yours, his hands making their way under your shirt slowly as his fingertips brush against your skin giving you goosebumps. 
"we aren't allowed to see anyone else" you speak up "that's my condition"
he scoffs, shaking his head slightly as he takes your lips. you were about to sink into his arms when he takes your bottom lip between his teeth and bites down. causing you to flinch, "and who told you, that you could set any conditions" 
"I don't like sharing"
"spoiled brat" 
"only when it comes to you" pulling him into another kiss before he could answer, just that this time its rougher and deeper. you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, yoongi's knees felt weak as he held you in his hands, something he's always wanted but limited himself to having. now he'll make sure to take full advantage. 
"we will always use condoms, third condition"
"but I want to try it raw, people say its euphoric" you pout, fingers tangled in his hair. he rests his forehead on your should as he lets out a flustered grunt "y/n, you're seriously testing my patience" 
"come on yoongi, please?" cupping his face as you show him your displeased face and pouty lips. if someone were to walk in right now and see us they'd think we're in love with each other, the way he stares into my eyes and the small grin thats creeping onto the corners of his lips. shit only if the two of you could get your shit together and realize that you are in love, but that isn't possible. 
"not right away" 
"oh baby, the day I fuck you raw. you're going to need to take the whole day off and you'll be lucky if it's only a day. these pretty legs of yours won't be able to walk, and you will feel as if i'm still inside you. i suggest you to not press on this anymore" taking your hands off his cheeks he leaves kisses on your palms before intertwining your fingers  and he takes the chance to start leaving traces of kisses on your neck. sucking on your skin, leaving marks in every visible spot making you mentally curse him for being the reason you'd have to cover up the next few days.
"we are dating now, fourth condition" you let out between hitched breaths
"no can do" he laughs "good try tho"
"why not"
"fine, let me do it easier for myself" pulling your shirt off, he leaves a few kissing on your collar bone. "pick between, me fucking you raw or us dating"
"that's not fair, I rather take away the second condition" you tease. but he didn't find it funny, pulling you down from the counter he turns you around, bending you over the counter. "I also don't like sharing"
"ddi you have this possessiveness with your other girls" you can feel the hardened dick pressed up on your butt.  
"only the pretty ones" he whispers next to your ear as he undoes your bra, letting the straps fall of your shoulders "fuck you" you elbowed him, not liking his response but you only received a snicker from him "you haven't made your choice" his lips curved into a playful smile, as he felt your body tense under him after his response. but there was no way he'll tell you that he you were the only one he ever cared for and will ever be possessive over. 
"do you really wanna miss the chance to have me balls deep into you without a condom babe, we already set the condition of not meeting anyone else." he knew how to distract you, as he waited for your answer his hands were already working on taking your shorts off along with your underwear. "fuck...fine"
"still your turn" 
"since we are already fucking raw, I want to feel what it's like to feel you to finish inside me" you let out a small moan as he sticks his finger into your tight pussy, not giving you any time to adjust as he thrusts his finger into you. 
"i don't know about that one" he thrusts another finger in, your head leaned back onto his shoulder, giving him access to your neck as he leaves sloppy kisses. 
"you oppose too much"
"fuck" he groans as you palm him through his joggers "fine, just once"
you let out a chuckle, "you'll be the one begging for another chance" curling his fingers, he hits your g-spot as he thrusts his fingers knuckle deep into you. "you think it''s funny" he nibbles your ear lobe. 
"once a month only" 
"fuck no" you said a little to loudly, cheeks blushing as you curse yourself. "twice a week"
"more" you didn't care if he saw you as some needy brat but you wanted him, and you were going to take advantage of it. 
"you're just getting started and wanna fuck more than twice a week?" he lets out a amused chuckle. "if it's you i'd go seven days a week" 
he couldn't help but laugh. "fine, twice a week and then if you're up for it then the weekend"
you give him a slight nod, focusing more in sneaking your hand into his boxers and taking his hard cock into your hand. his breath hitched as your thumb brushed over his swollen red tip "you have to kiss me, whenever I want. and when we have sex no one leaves. we sleep together"
"spoiled bra-" you give his dick a squeeze causing him to groan "what was that" you smirk. 
you focus on giving him pleasure as he thrusts his fingers into you, your hand gently stroking him, he felt as if he could promise you anything at that moment if you'd just ask. 
"the last condition" he says after letting out a low groan. 
 "the moment I call this all off, you and me never talk again" your heart fell to the pit of your stomach. your head automatically snaps up to look at him. his face was serious, "so let me ask you once more, do you want this"
"you're a fucking asshole, get off me" and he did, he pulled his fingers out and left you feeling empty. pushing him away you picked up your shirt. covering your breasts "what the fuck yoongi"
his brow raised "I don't understand why you are so surprised" his smug face made you want to slap him but you couldn't 
"wasn't it your words" he acts as if he's trying to remember "right, you said we could just be fuck buddies? what were you're words...if it's just me killing time to just do it with you?" 
"then why even..."
"you're someone I care about, that's the only reason I won't ever treat you how I treated the others. if you want me to whisper love words to you, then I will. if you want me to become yours, I will but just like this"
"so i'm just your fuck buddy"
"no, you're my lover but with no promises of a forever" 
"now i'll seal this little contract we just made with a kiss" he gently holds your chin, your eyes filled with tears. but he couldn't fold, he needed to try and make you back out. 
but it was you who pulled him in and pecked his lips. 
"it's too early to have angry sex, so let's continue this another time" he brushes your hair back to stop it from covering your eyes and gives you a small peck. 
and he left. left you naked in your kitchen. 
Even after this whole "contract" was made he still teased you. the occasional touch or kiss on the cheek when you'd both meet in the morning to head to class, and when you arrived he'd give you a small kiss before you both parted ways. 
Others would think you'd be dating, this pattern kept going for a whole week. He was having fun, how? He decided to make you break the ice and ask him to have sex first but you didn't wanna fall for his stupid game and wanted him to be the one to initiate it first. 
today was different, jihye was waiting for you by the campus parking lot. So the kiss was a no go, but he didn't seem to give a fuck. in fact you know he saw her and it's your assumption he did it on purpose. 
"wait, jihye doesn't know...so don't"
"what do you mean? don't you remember one of the conditions was to kiss whenever either one of us wanted to"
"yoongi" you say his name in a stern voice but he doesn't budge "I wouldn't know how to explain it to her"
"what's there to explain, we're lovers" he shrugs, a mischievous  smile on his face when you give him a dumbfounded look. "we aren't dating"
"it's as if we were" he raises a brow "if thats what you want to tell everyone else that's fine with me. but keep it in your pretty little head, that we aren't dating" 
"why are you making it so complicated" you puff
"i'm not, I just don't want you getting unnecessary feelings. plus when this is all ov-"
"i'm not telling anyone anything" grabbing your bag, pushing the car door open and you shut it loudly. you walk to jihye who looked satisfied "I'm just glad you both made up" 
"yeah, I'm not that enthusiastic, he's more annoying than before" you roll your eyes, when you see him approaching the two of you. and as if he couldn't annoy you even more, he pulls you into a side hug, his hand firmly gripping your waist. "I said kiss me, didn't I" and he fucking did it, he kissed me in front of jihye. in front of everyone passing by. I froze in place, and that amused him, him and his sadistic behavior. jihye's jaw almost touched the floor as her eyes jumped from him to me trying to figure out what was going on. 
"Jin and namjoon want to watch the new aquaman movie today so make sure to come over once you're done with classes and get home, babe~" he gives your forehead a kiss ignoring you're glares, shooting a wink towards jihye who with her eyes was begging for someone to explain to her what she just witnessed. 
"bitch what the fuck" jihye screams 
my face began to feel hot and I knew it was red. grabbing my arm she pulls me to a secluded area "you better start talking what the fuck is going on?"
"we're dating" fuck you yoongi
"dating?! Oh shit you bagged him"
"shut up, and i'm leaving or i'll be late" theres no way i'll be going to his apartment at all. at least that's what I told myself until jihye sent me a text saying that she met with namjoon and he had no idea about yoongi and me "dating" and I felt like just telling her that its all fake and we aren't. but my ego was hurt thinking he was just trying to put me in a difficult situation with my friend and was just not planning to tell the guys at all. 
which resulted in me standing outside his door.I like to believe it's cause aquaman is my favorite superhero and well why the fuck would I miss his movie. I'm not stupid. another part just wants to be with him. it's not that i'm not excited have sex with him, but it's the little things like these that mean the most to me. These thoughts make my insides twist and I suddenly feel nauseous, the idea that he could call this off in a month, or even less and we just don't talk anymore makes me wish I never did what I did. 
"y/n?" namjoon calls your name, standing behind you with bags of take out. you hadn't noticed that your eyes were teary and that he just saw you cried. "are you alright?" putting the bags down by the door he gives you his full attention. "i'm fine, ah it's nothing" you give him a reassuring smile but he didn't take it "do you want me to get yoong-"
"No!" you. come off a bit strong "no, i mean it's nothing. he'll just worry for nothing and pester me until I give him some reason as to why I was. crying" wiping your tears you laugh "and that's just going to annoy me more" picking up two bags you give him a quick smile "let me help you out instead" 
he didn't question you anymore but gave you a small nod as he opened the door to yoongi's apartment. once the door opened you can hear jin's very loud voice arguing with yoongi. making your way to the kitchen you avoid looking at yoongi, and he wasn't oblivious to the fact that you didn't look his way as you always do. namjoon helps leave the food on the counter after you insisted of getting everything ready on your own. 
namjoon joins the others, sitting next to yoongi. "what's she doing?"  yoongi speaks over Jin. who was talking so fast it was as if he was rapping "uh, getting....honestly I saw her crying outside" he purses his lips, not knowing if he should've said anything. 
"crying? why" jin sits up 
"shhh" namjoon glares at jin "she told me not to say anything.."
"it's nothing, she's just stressing cause of school..don't worry" getting up he walks to the kitchen "y/n, I got disposable plates on the top shelf" he enters the kitchen to see you opening the cabinets and looking for what he suspected. "let me get them" 
"i'll go to the bathroom then" your eyes must be red. you didn't want to give him a reason to just call it off before anything even started. you hated yourself even more for not wanting to just stop everything and avoid losing him. he doesn't want you to have unnecessary feelings? it's already too late. maybe stopping all of this while only jihye knows. it'll be easier than having everyone else fooled.
"y/n hurry up! Jin put the first movie because he keeps fighting with yoongi about shit he doesn't remember" namjoon yells
everyone was on the floor, except yoongi who was sitting on the sofa with blankets "y/n, what was used to track mera" Jin asks the moment he sees you 
"the bracelet?" you answer but doubt yourself
"told you" yoongi laughs 
"what did you think" you ask jin but he only waves his hand and unpauses the movie. namjoon continues to eat, trying to hold his laugh. yoongi lifts the blanket spreading his arms, wanting you to sit next to him.  I flip the switch, shutting off all the lights letting only the t.v dim the room with light.  sitting next to yoongi as he covers the both of us with the same blanket. automatically cuddling with me. you lay your head on his chest, his arm wrapped around you. 
A few minutes passed and he finally whispered into your ear what had been distracting him from the movie "why were you crying" his question made you glance at namjoon, snitch is all you could think of.
"it's nothing" you whisper back
"was it cause of me"
"was it because I kissed you in front of jihye" 
It's cause of your last condition 
"I just thought it could be troublesome having to hide around our friends. if they know, then we're free to do what ever we want. whenever we want"
"do they know" you lift your head, you both stare at each other. "hey pretty lady, finally you look at me" he smiles 
"do they know" you ask again 
"not yet" for someone who was so quick to expose our what ever relationship we have to my friend he's a little slow when it comes to his. you didn't have his full attention, his eyes would occasionally shift to the screen. his hand caressing your exposed thigh due to your shorts. you try to also pin your focus on the screen but can't when he gives your thigh a tight squeeze. 
"you really wanna do this here" you whisper, gripping his hand. you can't tell what his reaction was, the dim light not hitting his face. the first movie had just ended and namjoon made sure to turn on the second movie right away before any argument could begin. it was already getting late and a lot of time was wasted on Jin and Yoongi. 
It was as if he was growing impatient, as if the little alcohol he just had made him want you. his hand made it's way into your inner thigh, rubbing two fingers against your clothed clit. your grip on his arm tightens as you hid your face in the crook of his neck "yoongi" you plead but the hot puff of air you let out didn't help him find any self control. 
you were getting flashbacks, to the time were jimin was in the bed with both of you. now he wants to do this in the living room with namjoon and jin present? maybe it was the alcohol in your body as well that wanted to play this little game he had started. as quietly as you could, you lift the blanket and straddle him. "don't you think this is a little too much" he whispers, holding onto your waist stopping you from completely sitting. 
"then why don't you come over?"
"what.." bitting down on his bottom lip, once he feels you grind against his hardened dick "you clearly want to continue what we stopped last time" it was getting warm underneath the blanket. too warm, both your bodies pressed up against each other. his lips part but you don't let him respond taking him by surprise as your lips smash up against his. 
the tv was loud but the smacking of your lips with yoongi's, you feared was louder. and as much as you'd love for his friends to know that he only needs you and that they shouldn't invite them to anymore of those little parties. you felt shy.
choosing not to make a scene you get off his laps, returning to where you were sitting. he was dumbfounded and it irritated him that you weren't giving him the attention he clearly needed. pulling the blanket more off of you he makes sure to cover his very visible boner. "you think it's funny huh" he pinches your stomach, after noticing the smile on your face. 
"good night guys, I have to do some shopping tomorrow so" you stand up, giving namjoon and jin a small hug. ignoring yoongi's glares as he watches you exchange some words. "also if you guys decide to stay late, why not stay over?" the movie had just started and it was late, yoongi over there needed your special attention. 
"thank god, I did not want to have to drive namjoon home" jin lets out a exaggerated  sigh of relief which namjoon responded offended. "and why are you lending my place to others?" 
"oh" you shrug "they can stay at my place if you want, I don't mind" "I call the sofa" jin speaks up 
"no ones sleeping in her apartment" yoongi states through clenched teeth. "hey, no one was asking, she offered" jin comes to their defense
"well you guys get this all situated" 
You stayed up almost all night, till your eyes gave up, waiting for yoongi but he was a no show. to your defense you didn't last long awake, so when you opened your eyes and found a sleeping yoongi on your side with his arm rest over your waist you tried to stop yourself from kissing him.  
there was something about him that made you mesmerized. maybe his long eyelashes or rosy lips. or how you had to gently move his hair strands from his face with your pinky because of how long he's let his hair grow.  "are you done staring" he mutters, letting out a annoyed groan as the light from the open shades blinds him. 
"girl why are the shades opened this early" he complains, pulling the covers over his head "you're such a baby, you know i leave my shades open cause if not i just won't wanna wake up in the morning" getting off the bed to close the shades so he could shut up. "well whenever we fuck, make sure you close them" you could hear in his voice that he was still tired and could probably sleep for another hour or two. but his words were having an affect on you and the sight of his shirtless body didn't help you keep cool either. 
"what are you waiting for" 
"what?" he groans, sitting up. clearly having a hangover. "my head is fucking killing me" he curses. 
"to have sex"
"babe we have all the time in the world to have sex, but right now I just wanna die cause of this hangover. so sorry if I can't satisfy your needs right now" yoongi snaps at you, throwing the blanket aside as he moves to the edge. 
"and another condition, we will never have drunk sex if I can help it" holding onto his head he stands up "last night you we-"
"stop, cause of last night i'm putting this condition. Now if I'm drunk and hit on you and you let it happen.."
"just don't"
you give him a small nod, he looked serious and pissed off so it really wasn't the moment to pester him. "i'm gonna go shower, some of my clothes is in your closet right" 
"yeah, its hanged on the end to the left. anything else you need should be in the last bottom drawer" 
"thanks" gathering his clothes, you just stood by the door. watching him, "i'll be quick"
"can i join you" you smirk, making him stop in front of you "hahaha no" leaning in to give your forehead a kiss he lets out a light chuckle at your boldness before walking out.
you decided to make him some sort of hangover soup to help him with his headache and grumpiness. 
1. Once we start this relationship, only i'm (yoongi) allowed to stop it. 
2. We aren't allowed to see anyone else
3. we will always use condoms, we will only have raw sex once 
4. finish inside, only once
5. we will have sex twice a week, and if both parties are up for it then the weekend as well
6. the moment I (yoongi) call this off, we will never talk again 
7. We will never have drunk sex, if yoongi can help it
index | next
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boss-lifter · 10 months
So, electronics are super valuable and everyone wants them. Those big corporate stores have seriously stepped up their security game, making it harder to snag what you want.
But, let's face it, we're all human. We make mistakes and sometimes the store isn't on top of their game. Maybe they're understaffed, maybe the workers just don't care, or maybe they're dealing with personal issues. Whatever the case may be, it's not always impossible to get what you want.
Now, let's focus on black friday, Cyber Monday, and Boxing Day. I mean, come on, those are the days everyone's going crazy for deals. Just look up the dates, it's in the 3 friday of November every year.
Store associates will be running around helping other customers, leaving perfect opportunities for you to swoop in and grab what you want. Don't be scared to take advantage of these days, no matter what others say. Just check out my guide for spotting the store security.
Of course, you need to be organized. Plan out your route, set an early alarm, grab some coffee, and get a ride or make sure your car is empty. With a little bit of luck, you should be able to get most of what you're after.
Remember, it's gonna take some patience, skills, guts, and a bit of luck. Take whatever you can get, even if it's a similar product.
[Find your spot]
Start by making a list of the items you really want or need.
Now, what should you be looking for? Do your research, get out there, and start scoping out the best spots. Look for places with easy access to electronics. Check out big grocery stores, malls, drugstores, and electronics stores.
If you live in a small town, consider traveling to a bigger city or town. Map out all the stores in that area and plan out your route. Either go area by area or store by store, whichever you prefer.
Now, those electronics stores are a whole different story. They've got some serious security. But on black friday, they often put out a pallet of electronic goodies
Pick up the item and head over to customer service with a long lineup. Wait in the line for about 10 to 15 minutes, then act annoyed and leave with the item. This trick works because you forgot the receipt at home and didn't want to risk being denied and walking out. Just make sure to be natural and blend in as much as possible.
Another method is to have someone distract the worker or notice that they're busy with another customer. Take advantage of this moment to walk out with the item without attracting attention.
If you're in a drugstore with an electronics section or a department store, you can set up the item you want, remove the security tag, and have it ready for pickup. Buy something like $150 headphones to get a receipt. Then, simply pick up the item you want, walk out, and return the headphones on another day.
Another option is to set up a scenario where you purchase $800 speakers or a soundbar. While paying, ask the cashier to put $150 headphones in a bag. As you walk out, casually pick up the soundbar over your shoulder and wave goodbye. This method works because you're only allowed to buy and return items at the electronics area.
You can also try putting items in a bag and walking out, or leaving the item by the front door and picking it up later. Look for opportunities to make your exit when there's a momentary distraction.
To be continued... we need to come up with better ways to explain things.
For now, plan a day during Black Friday, sales, or Boxing Day. In summary, find your moment on boxing day. If it's not there, either come back later or wait around until you find your opportunity to walk out unnoticed.
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lipstickchainsaw · 4 months
Bonus round!
Izutsumi, snowdrop and evan (from pact)
You can't give me a villainising bonus round without first giving me a regular round!
Anyway, this got long, so we're doing them in separate posts.
In regards to Izutsumi, I can see this going two ways:
The first is that the escape attempt that brings her into the party fails, and Toshiro's family recaptures her, and restricts her even further, in a way that escalates her opinion of them.
Because it does feel, to me at least, that Toshiro's family, and Maizuru specifically, set out to treat Izutsumi (and Inutade) well. Yes, they bought her, and were planning to raise her as a warrior in service of the family, but they didn't set out to be cruel about it. She's a retainer, not a slave! If only she'd cooperated and hadn't been so insistent on being free and making her own decisions, things would've been fine!
Obviously, this sucks already, but I get the feeling they got worse every time Izutsumi failed to cooperate, escalated their methods to control her until they literally put a suicide collar on her.
So, to villainise Izutsumi, we have to villainise them, first, as their control escalates further, limiting her further, and similarly, turning her desire to be free from them into genuine hatred, anger, and violence, which they would then also put a stop to, leaving her essentially forced to be their good little soldier with ever stricter magic.
She ends up with all that anger, hatred, and resentment, but physically incapable of aiming it at the people who deserve it, instead unleashing it on the few people she can hurt: the people Toshiro points her at. We've seen that she's a very competent combatant, so this would be a legitimately terrifying person for people to face, and freeing her won't even help her anymore, so consumed is she by the hatred and violence.
The family, on quiet nights, wonder when they became this.
(This doesn't happen because Inutade would fuck them up well before things got this bad; she doesn't understand Izutsumi's desire for freedom now, but she sure would in this scenario, and she wouldn't stand for what's happening.)
The other way would be after she got free, got the collar off, and then just... wandered off. Much like she did with the wolves a few episodes ago, she just... gets what she wants, and then leaves everyone else to deal with the problems that causes. She considers 'freedom' to be very much an 'I get what I want' kind of thing (understandably), and while I don't think she'd set out to hurt anyone, she has a complete lack of care for any laws, rules, or other people's concerns.
Now, usually, people like that run into problems real quick, but, as mentioned, Izutsumi is a really good fighter, so she doesn't get stopped. This doesn't make her a nightmare, but a perpetual nuisance; a thief who can't be stopped, who will take what she wants in broad daylight, beat the people who try to stop her, and then just walk off to enjoy herself somewhere else, occasionally tripping over a bigger disaster that she will also let everyone else deal with.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
🔪🔪🔪SCARS 🔪🔪🔪
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Maybe this was obvious to others this whole time and I'm only now catching on (or maybe my interpretation is completely wrong) but while both Az and Lucien have scars, I think only one of them is actually bothered by their scars. That one being Lucien.
That sounds crazy right? Because Az constantly hides his hands from people so he must have an issue with his scars.
But I don't think Az really cares about his physical appearance all that much, why would he? He prefers working in the shadows and keeping to himself. He grew up as a warrior, surrounded by warriors. He has an attractive face. There's really no reason for him to stress over what someone thinks of the scars on his hands.
For Az, I don't think his scars bother him so much as his actual hands, because of what he's done with them:
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When he hides his hands, I don't think it's because of his scars but because he's tucking away the evidence of his rage and what he does to others with his hands because of that rage.
Every time he hides them, it's almost like he's trying to keep the others from seeing too much of who he is and the things he's done, not because he's embarrassed by their physical imperfections.
Which is why it's an even bigger deal that he did not hide them from Gwyn. SJM seems to be hinting that she will be the one Az doesn't hide the darkest parts of himself from.
As far as Lucien, I think he is bothered by his actual scar, more than he lets on. He tries to play it off as a joke but I think it goes much deeper:
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Everything about the Autumn Court is about appearances. Both he and Eris are well spoken, dressed elegantly, and are fairly well mannered (even when Eris is being a asshole, he's slick and unruffled). You'd never know by their outward appearance the darkness that exists behind closed doors; the torture, the bruises on the LoA in places not visible to the outside world. So not only was he raised in a place where appearances mattered but his role as emissary is one that involves face to face interactions and earning the trust of others. That can be more difficult when someone is struggling to look past a "wicked scar", something that leaves one imagining many scenarios on how that scar came to be.
So I do think Lucien struggles with his physical appearance, knowing it's something that possibly affects his work and how others perceive him, knowing that it prevents him from keeping up a certain appearance as it seems the Vanserra's were raised to do.
Az struggles with his hands thinking no one could want him because of how they represent the rage within him, that no one could love him for his darkness.
Lucien struggles with his scar / eye thinking that no one will be able to look past his cruel outward appearance in order to know the person he is inside.
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
Hi! Pearl is impeccable! It needs more recognition!
Not sure if you take requests for like side blurbs but I really want to know how Eddie is handling princess being away? Thank you!
hello, anon! <3 thank you very much, i appreciate you taking the time to leave me your sweet words! 😇 as for how eddie is dealing with his fav girl being a thousand miles away, think it would go something like the below - hope you enjoy!
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pearl: september 1984 [drabble]
content warnings: best friends to lovers, oblivious idiots in love, adult language, use of pet names, self-doubt / insecurities, mentions of recreational drug use - unedited - if i missed anything, pls let me know!
pearl masterlist
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“So princess, be honest now, how much do you really miss me?”
The question rolls off Eddie's tongue as he stretches. He’d been sitting on a stool by the wall with the phone pressed to his ear for the last hour and a half. His back was starting to hurt, though he’d gladly stay here all night if it meant I could continue talking to the girl he loved.
“If you’re curious whether I’ve finally replaced you, the answer is no.”
Your tone of voice is melodic and Eddie pictures you smiling on the other line. His heart skips a beat at the thought.
“Well, I am unique. You’ll never find anyone like me, no matter how hard you try," he states confidently.
You chuckle. “How very modest of you, Eds.”
“That’s me. Eddie Munson, king of modesty.”
“More like the king of douchery.”
“Ouch,” he dramatises, a smirk circling his lips, “are you trying to hurt my feelings, princess?”
“Maybe,” you answer honestly, “or maybe I just miss you and poking fun makes me feel like I’m there beside you.”
Eddie smiles wide against the headset. I desperately wish you were here, he thinks but doesn't dare say the words out loud in case it steers the conversation in a direction he couldn’t really avoid. Or rather a conversation he wasn’t ready to have, despite his strong feelings towards you.
“When are you coming home?” Eddie asks instead, “There’s only so many times I can listen to Pearl without you before it starts to depress me. A cruel punishment, you leaving me that tape, princess. I know you meant well, but shit.”
The two of you hadn’t seen each other in five weeks. That’s the longest you have gone without a physical interaction since the day you first met and the metalhead didn’t quite realise just how much you had positively taken over his life until you were no longer there.
School especially was shit without you. Every day felt so mundane, borderline imprisonment. Repeating senior year wasn’t an ideal scenario anyway, but having to do it all over again without you was an even bigger disappointment, to say the least.
Eddie spent his days wondering what you got up to and honestly just counted down the minutes until your scheduled evening call. Hearing your voice every night made everything better, yet it hurt him all at the same time. As you detailed your day over the phone, he held his breath while hoping you hadn’t met anyone that would come close to replacing him.
Or worse — anyone you'd end up loving.
Selfish? Yes. He had no right to keep you all to himself, especially since you had no clue as to how he really felt.
And with every day that passed, it was getting harder for Eddie to keep this secret. Once the confession almost slipped out when he was high out of my mind and you laughed over the phone at one of his rather pathetic jokes — not ideal.
So he debated coming up with a plan to finally tell you during Thanksgiving, if nothing got in the way before that. However, at the same time, was honesty really worth risking the best friendship he's ever had?
Probably not.
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as always, thank you for reading! pls be so kind to reblog & tell me what you think - ily
pearl masterlist
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leegemma · 3 months
Heyyy (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
Hope you had a good week so far ♡
Could I maybe request a Ler!Ricky (Zb1) fiction? You can choose the scenario and the Lee ♡
Have a Happy start in the new year love ♡
(pls don't stress and tc of yourself)
Took me so so long to get to this one, I am so sorry
I did have a great start of the year though and I hope you did too, love 🥹🫶
I hope you like this fic even though it feels a little lazy, I wrote it at work 🤫
"Ricky is stupid~" Gyuvin teased as he watched Ricky try and solve a riddle given by the staff.
The two always bickered and played around, but for some reason this specific comment hurt Ricky as he tried to focus on the riddle instead of Gyuvin.
"There's no way Ricky can solve this~" Gyuvin continued with a laugh, still not noticing the fact Ricky wasn't laughing with him.
Ricky shook his head quickly, trying to get rid of Gyuvin's voice.
The puppy giggled with the rest of the members as they all observed Ricky squinting his eyes at the riddle, hoping it's not his brain that's the problem, but his eyes.
"We're gonna be here all day..." Gyuvin whined playfully. Throwing his head back, finally nothing Ricky's sour face when Hanbin tapped his shoulder slightly to get him to stop the teasing.
Gyuvin was confused. He didn't know why Ricky was so upset, but he did know that it made him feel bad.
The filming finished and the members walked out happily together, getting into the car that will drive them back to the dorms. Gyuvin turned around while walking only to notice Ricky walking by himself, looking down at the ground.
Gyuvin decided to give the blond some time before approaching feeling worse and worse with every second that passed.
As the members made it to the dorm, they decided to all go out for dinner, Ricky saying he'll stay in and Gyuvin being quick to reply that he will too.
The boys all left, and Ricky went and closed himself in his room. Gyuvin quickly walked after the boy and knocked on the door twice before opening it slowly. "Ricky?"
Ricky sat on his bed, looking up at Gyuvin with a blank expression. Immediately prompting Gyuvin to burst into tears.
"I'm so sorry! I was trying to joke and I didn't know how much it'll hurt you! I'm so so sorry!" The younger ran up to the bed and lached onto Ricky while sobbing.
Ricky couldn't help but smile. Biting the inside of his cheeks to try to get himself to stop. "It's fihine"
"No it's not!" Gyuvin kept sobbing. "I was being arrogant! I'm sorry!"
Ricky couldn't contain his laughter anymore. "It's okay! I forgive you. I was just annoyed but it's fine. We always tease each other."
Gyuvin raised his head to look at Ricky. "I'm really sorry"
Ricky rolled his eyes and poked at Gyuvin's side.
"Hehey! That's my thing..." Gyuvin replied, slightly rosey cheeks appearing.
Ricky smirked. "If you're really sorry then you'd let me tickle you."
"W-what?" Gyuvin asked, dumbfounded.
Ricky shrugged. "You heard me."
"You- you can't do that!"
Ricky raised his hands in defence. "I'm not doing anything! I'm just saying, if you're sorry, you'll keep your arms up and let me tickle you."
"That was not the deal!" The younger cried out and shoved at Ricky.
"We didn't close on any deal yet." Ricky's smirk only got bigger.
"Please, Ricky!!" Gyuvin begged. "I'll do anything."
"Well then you'll do what I asked you to!" Ricky giggled.
Gyuvin leaned back. "... how long?"
"20 minutes." Ricky let out after thinking for a second.
The cat giggled. "Okay fine. Five minutes. Arms up. No interrupting. You'll do it if you're really sorry."
"That's manipulation..." Gyuvin hissed out as he layed down, his arms folded and resting under his head.
"Call it whatever you want." Ricky said, sitting on the boy's hips.
Gyuvin Immediately started giggling. "Wahahait, I don't think I can."
"You can do anything you put your mind to, Kim Gyuvin!" Ricky said as he reached to claw at his friend's tummy, giggling when Gyuvin screamed and almost brought his hands down. "Hands have to stay up!"
"Shut uhuhup!!" Gyuvin trashed and squealed in suprise when Ricky pushed a single finger in his belly button.
"Did you just squeal?" Ricky teased with a laugh of his own.
Ricky dug into Gyuvin's armpits with all his ticklish might. "Alright, all you have to say is that I'm smarter than you."
"MY MOHOHOM TOLD ME TO NEVEHEHER LIE" Gyuvin somehow managed to spit out.
"Careful there~" Ricky threatened as he moved to squeeze at Gyuvin's thighs and knees, getting some very good reactions.
"OKAHAHAHY!!!!" Gyuvin trashed and flopped.
"Say it!" Ricky started getting impatient.
"YOU'RE- OH MY GOHOD GIVE ME A BREAK! YOU'RE- SMARTER!" Gyuvin screamed, ensuring the whole neighbourhood could hear him.
"See that wasn't so hard was it?" Ricky patted the boy's back as he stopped the torture.
"Not hard? I thought I wahas gonna die..." Gyuvin shook his head.
Ricky rolled his eyes and stood up from the bed, offering Gyuvin a helping hand. "Wanna go join the others? They're probably not done just yet."
The younger boy stared at the hand, taking it and quickly pulling the blond back onto the bed, straddling him with a huge smirk. "I actually have a better idea..."
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babytarttdoodoo · 1 year
Please (if you want to) expand on what you said about the different ways Roy and Jamie swear because that is extremely fascinating
I mean, I'll start by saying I am in no way a linguistics expert. I also lack the cultural and social background to speak about the swearing habits of Mancunians and Londoners with any authority. (Again, to clarify, I am Scottish.)
However, being familiar with the accents in question, being immersed in British media my entire life, and having had voice training does mean I have an instinctual 'feel' for what sounds right for their characters... or what does for me, at least.
Swearing and rambling under the cut.
Beyond just swear words, the cadence and tones of Roy and Jamie's voices are vastly different.
Jamie talks faster, for one. It is a bit of a trend that the further north you go in the UK, the speedier the speech gets. I slow down a lot, even if I'm just visiting England, in order to be understood by non-Scots.
Therefore, Jamie uses longer words or phrases more casually in conversation (if not always correctly, bless his heart) because the rhythm of his speech allows for it. This also means that if he swears mid-sentence, it's basically just punctuation and comes across as a habit.
Adding adjectives adds emphasis. So when he is intentionally swearing directly at someone, he would call that someone a "big hairy baby twat" rather than just a "twat".
(I will also point out that I think "fucking dickhead" is criminally underused by Jamie in both canon and fanon.)
Roy, on the other hand, has a slower rhythm. He still swears very naturally (obviously) but is more likely to use single syllable words i.e. "fuck", "prick", "shit".
The way that vowels sound in his accent also plays a part here. For example, he says "fah-ck", as opposed to Jamie's softer "foh-ck", which is immediately more tonally aggressive (the different way they draw out the vowels is important too but I can't think of how to describe it).
Roy doesn't need to add on anything extra because the harder tone of his voice gives every swear a weighty impact. However, that's not to say he can't get creative.
Let's take Roy calling the woman harassing Jamie a "nutty arsemonger" in the Protective RoyxJamie fic. I agonised over what Roy was going to say because when he takes a second to think about how he's going to insult someone, things get colourful.
Cultural influence plays a bigger part in these scenarios.
The use of "nutter" is pretty widespread in the UK. "Nutty" as a descriptor, however, is a bit more specific and something I'd personally associate with the South.
That has to be paired with something and, particularly as he's talking to a woman, that makes things complicated.
Now, if I'm being brutally honest, in reality, someone of Roy's background and age would probably have said "cunt". It's very much not as big of a deal over here as I know it can be in the States. Tat said, it still felt a bit harsh to me as something someone in the 'Ted Lasso' universe would say. It's also very gender-charged and if Roy were going to use it, he's more likely to say it to another man.
For similar reasons, I discounted him calling her a "cow" or a "bitch". Less severe, but still not quite right for a man in his (at this point) early 40s who goes out of his way to be respectful to the women he knows. (Moments of idiocy aside, of course.)
That brought me to "arse". Anyone can be one. Great.
But he can't just say "nutty arse" and call it a day. Firstly, because "s" is a soft sound, especially in a deep tone, and the insult sounds incomplete in Roy's voice if he doesn't end on a hard note. Say it to yourself, try out your best Kent impression - it isn't right, is it?
Jamie absolutely could just say "arse" because the "ah" sound is very harsh in his accent and the "s" is more pronounced by his higher voice.
But Roy needs something more to round out the phrase. I landed on "arsemonger" eventually because of the meaning more than anything. (Generally used for someone without class, implies promiscuity.) Introducing that "ger" at the end also sounded a lot better and more natural.
I don't know if I'm making any sense here but hopefully this communicates a bit of what I meant?
If you're looking to delve a bit deeper (without the swearing), a good point of reference might be the Ninth Doctor and Rose's era of 'Doctor Who'. It's not perfect (Christopher is from Salford, Billie from Swindon) but it's another really good example of North/South talking habits.
'Only Fools and Horses' might give you a good idea of the language Roy grew up around, just bear in mind it's more in tune with his parents' generation.
'Coronation Street' is the obvious touchstone for Manchester accents but I haven't watched it in a long time. The kids in 'Waterloo Road' might be a bit more relevant as contemporary examples.
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marengogo · 8 months
It is a very very very basic and simple thing, you're a worldwide celebrity, you got the INFLUENCE, you saw someone with with your name (shipper name to be exact but okay..)and want to post a video, you click on that account to check if the said acct is someone who's problematic for example a Zionist, god forbid a r*pist or anything else and then you post it on your story. As simple as that. In taehyung's case he wouldn't even have to scroll down through the page to see it's problematic cause the initial posts are enough. The work would have been done in 3sec max.
He was irresponsible and holding him accountable for that is not accusing him of doing some crime. They're human and can make mistakes and if we accept that they're capable of making mistakes idt it's making anyone bad. There's no need of big explanation for this.
He said the "n" word on his live but he didn't do anything wrong, he wore a durag on his live but yeah he didn't know about it, he was irresponsible for making a mistake which gave antis bigger platform to hate on his member but yes he's he's got no time for it. y'alls ability to keep defending every single thing the boys do is something else. The only thing people said is he should have been more careful but nahhh we're hating him just for saying this, we're making big deal out of nothing, we're his antis for saying that damn. I would have said the exact same words as "He should have been more careful with these things" if my bias was in place of taehyung.
QUICK NOTICE: I am still VERY MUCH in my not announced Not-Really-Answering-Asks era, (Colosseum is closed and all that stuff you know…) THAT BEING SAID, some of the asks I have been receiving [due to yesterday’s “ARMY debacle”] happen to serve themselves as perfect scenarios for me to point out some aspects of me that I really would want to make VERY CLEAR & UNDERSTOOD.
Hi Anon,
So, you believe all of this to be a very very very basic and simple thing, right?If that is the case why are you here? I obviously don’t think the same way you do, but I’m not even asking you to. Own up to what you believe and roll it, why justifying yourself? you are not on trial. The only thing people said is he should have been more careful but nahhh we're hating him just for saying this, we're making big deal out of nothing, we're his antis for saying that damn. Do you feel like you are making a big deal? Are you an anti? If the answer to both questions is no, then why you stressing bro?
You see, I haven’t formed the habit of just considering everything in a very very very basic and simple way I clearly was absent that day particularly when I see underlying problems. So then, if I see a problem, I try to get to the root of it and see what can be done. Reason why when Tae said the n-word, I addressed the issue accordingly:
By the way, I also emailed BigHit about it
And let me tell you right away, I ain’t finna weight a singer mouthing the n-word while singing, in the same way I would weight a singer that came to me, called me the n-word and told me to die. Sorry, I’m not wired like that and let me make this abundantly clear for future Anons:
I will ALWAYS consider motive, circumstance, chance and any other factor surrounding an incident/accident upon casting ANY KIND of judgement, be it the most complicated case in history or the “simplest” hiccup ever. ALWAYS, because I strive to always treat people the same way I would want to be treated. I refuse to live in a white and black world, that's the whole point of this blog. BUT I also match energy, so be warned 😗✌🏾.
So actually you can really miss me with the whole He was irresponsible and holding him accountable for that is not accusing him of doing some crime like it would be so great if people knew how to take a step back and properly assess situations. If you went to a court of law wanting to sue Tae for “reposting a picture of himself from a random IG post” how do you think that will hold up in court?
I mean, besides the fact that just scrolling down someone’s page will not always tell you exactly who they are at a first glance, I mean I know I don’t have 60 million followers but when I get some gifs or pics from the internet, to use on whatsapp, I never check the source, I probably should uh? Seems like everyone does … sorry I’m late to the party! how is Tae reposting a story which, once again, has a picture of himself, the same as endorsing what the person is doing on their page? 
Did Tae ask people to follow said account?
Did Tae compliment the account holder, or its content?
Did Tae ask said account to be a shipper account?
The fact that ARMY felt obliged to follow said account is on ARMY and ARMY SOLELY.
Like, I dunno, if you go to a page and you see that its content is questionable, are you not gonna flag it? But that's just me.
It is not Taehyung's responsibility to make sure that people have and use common sense. The fact that the Tannies are now having to be responsible for rectifying some ARMY’s failed education which should have been provided to them by at least parents/guardians and/or teachers is very mind boggling to me. Because, on this occasion, what exactly are you holding Tae accountable for? Sure, he has influence but he is not Charles Manson FFS. The whole “he could have liked a Zionist page, r***ist, etc” was a complete after-thought brought about as a way to talk back to the fact that the actual issue that caused this whole debacle is SHIPPING, but we ain’t ready to tackle that just yet. Cause where was this energy when JK actually started following all those random ass accounts on TikTok? Naah, you really can miss me with that.
Actually, I have a wish for this fandom. My wish is for this fandom to be able to have balanced responses to issues, without creating issues upon issues upon issues … One day this fandom will learn to also use words in an unnecessarily provocative way, which hey, I’m cool, I can be your punching bag all day, I don’t assimilate so whatever, but that bird app … boooiii, people get triggered AF! … for example where you wrote y'alls ability to keep defending every single thing the boys do is something else why you grouping me there bro? Something like “some of y'alls ability to keep defending every single thing the boys do is something” little things like that help fostering amicable conversations, because you are not an anti so no need to retaliate if you don’t relate. Right?
Anyways, all that to say that I disagree, but we ain’t gotta agree so, all cool. If you feel that what you doing is right, then you keep doing you, ayte? Thanks for stopping by!
Always respectfully yours,
PS - sorry for the lack of gifs, I’m feeling a bit under the weather and it takes me forever to make my own gifs and I am trying to keep a rectangular gif aesthetic, most of all gifs in the internet are a bit squary I don’t think that is a word but whateve’s.
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