youdontloveme-yet · 2 years
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-> whatever the fuck this is requested by anon <3
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myscenic · 6 months
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Pairing: bf!jeno x 8thmember!male!reader, (slight) mark x haechan
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.1k+
Synopsis: the dreamies were hungry after a fun day of 7llin’ with dream and decide to make dinner together at the house. jaemin volunteers to cook while the others prepare ingredients and run errands.
at the market, jeno gets a cute call from his boyfriend y/n. laughter and playful teasing ensues between chenle and the lovebirds. back at the house, jeno, chenle and mark suddenly realize they forgot an ingredient.
౨ৎ Note: my first ever request is finished!! I had to rewatch the show to get some inspirations, cuz I literally almost forgot what happened in it lmao. since it's my first request, i was feeling really nervous while writing this, but i still hope u enjoy it<3
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it was nighttime, the dreamies were feeling hungry after doing lots of activities in the afternoon, so they decided to have a homemade dinner together at the house. jaemin volunteered to be in charge of cooking while the others helped prepare ingredients.
jaemin assessed his ingredients with a critical eye, realizing several key items were missing. he turned to the group helpers in the kitchen.
"it seems we're short on some staples to start the main dishes," jaemin announced.
jeno looked up from washing vegetables. "i can run to the supermarket to grab what we need."
chenle perked up at the thought of an outing. "ooh, let me come too!"
mark sighed fondly. "i'll come too so you two don't cause too much chaos."
"we'll make it quick," mark assured.
the trio and headed out with an air of excitement and playfulness. while jeno and y/n looked forward to some couple time, they doubted their ability to remain focused on the task. only time would tell if they returned successfully with groceries, or in a lovesick daze once more.
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jeno was browsing the meat aisle with mark and chenle when his phone started ringing. he smiled when he saw it was y/n calling.
"you gonna answer that?" chenle asked with a teasing lilt.
jeno playfully rolled his eyes at chenle before answering. "hey babe, what's up?"
"hi jen! i was just wondering, can you pick up some strawberries covered in chocolate while you're at the supermarket?" y/n's sweet voice came through the phone.
jeno couldn't help but grin like an idiot. "of course, do you want anything else~"
y/n giggled, making jeno's heart melt. "you're the best! only the strawberries is good. i can't wait to see you when you get back."
as jeno and y/n continued chatting fondly, chenle started making loud fake throwing up noises behind them. jeno tried to ignore him, but y/n must have heard through the phone.
"is chenle being disgusted again?" y/n asked, giggling more.
jeno gave chenle a side eye. "when isn't he?"
chenle stuck his tongue out in response, but kept making theatrically exaggerated gagging sounds. jeno flipped him off jokingly, unable to stop smiling as he spoke to his boyfriend.
mark chuckled at their antics, shaking his head affectionately. "don't mind him, just focus on your man."
jeno felt his cheeks warm at mark's words, but he was grateful for his hyung's support. "i'll see you soon, babe. love you!"
once jeno hung up, chenle started wheezing with laughter at his own jokes. even jeno had to laugh, chenle's silliness was honestly amusing, not truly mean-spirited.
"alright guys, let's finish up so we can get back to the others," mark said, looping his arms around chenle and jeno's necks affectionately as they continued shopping.
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once the three members arrived back to the house from the supermarket, carrying bags of groceries. jaemin hurried over to check what they had bought. he started unpacking the bags and going through the list.
"hmm it seems we are missing one item," jaemin said angrily with a frown. "the green onions."
jeno and chenle quickly turned to blame mark. "it was mark hyung's job to get the green onions but he must have forgotten!" chenle said.
"yeah hyung you had one job!" jeno laughed teasingly.
mark looked shocked. "what? no i didn't, you guys said you would get the veggies!"
as the three started bickering playfully, jaemin observed them with a bemused smile. finally he clasped his hands together loudly. "alright enough you three. it doesn't really matter who forgot, it’s fine anyway. let's just get the food prepped."
with a sigh, mark went to the fridge to start taking out other ingredients they needed. but when he opened it, a bundle of green onions rolled out onto the floor.
the boys froze, then bursts of laughter erupted as they realized there was a spare bunch all along. "there we go," jaemin chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. it was just like them to band together and try tricking each other.
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before long, the others had finished prepping ingredients and jaemin got to work cooking everything on the stovetop. a delicious aroma began permeating the air as pots simmered. y/n set the table while jeno poured drinks for everyone.
soon dinner was ready and they all crowded around, filling their plates high. compliments rained down on jaemin for his cooking skills as they dug in happily. y/n grinned at jeno across the table, sneaking bites of strawberries between mouthfuls of rice and meat.
they chatted casually about everything from upcoming schedules to funny memories, the atmosphere light and cozy. more than once, y/n caught jeno's foot rubbing affectionately against his ankle under the table when their gazes met. each gentle touch sent sparks through his body and never failed to bring a smile to his lips.
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as they finished eating, jeno and y/n volunteered to do dishes while the others lounged around relaxing. they worked efficiently side by side at the sink, hips occasionally bumping as they maneuvered in the small space.
after a few minutes, mark loudly cleared his throat. "do you two seriously need to be joined at the hip right now too?" he nodded pointedly at their intertwined fingers resting on the countertop.
y/n glanced down, not even remembering when their hands had found each other. he blushed, starting to unlink them, but jeno held on firmly.
"says the one who begged to sleep with haechan last night." chenle chuckled, not looking up from his phone.
mark opened his mouth to retort but was cut off by renjun. "you guys, play nice. as long as our lovebirds keep things pg, i don't mind some affection around here." his eyes danced playfully.
"yeah, keep it pg, don't forget that our maknae is still here." jaemin joked as he looked to jisung. he just smiled sheepishly.
y/n grinned, relieved for renjun's understanding as always. jeno rubbed his thumb softly over y/n's knuckles, shooting him a loving smile that made his heart skip. their kitchen duties were finished in contented silence, hands locked together the whole way through.
once the last dish was dried and put away, jeno led y/n by the hand to the couch, cuddling him into his side. mark shook his head disapprovingly but y/n could see the smile he was trying to hide.
he sighed happily into jeno's warm embrace, feeling his boyfriend press a kiss to the top of his head. no matter how much teasing they received, nothing could dampen the elation and security y/n felt in jeno's arms — his most cherished place in the world. he was grateful beyond words for each and every day they had together like this.
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sandinthemachine · 2 years
Double Trouble
Summary: König and your dog conspiring against you
Warnings: None. Just a short drabble while I work on a longer request for this lovely man. Gender-neutral reader
Words: 582
I also couldn't think of a dog name so I named him after nerdforge's dog lmao
Light dances through gossamer window shades, honeysweet and agile as a dancer, leaping over your eyelids with easy grace.
You groan, yanking the covers back over your head, only to find far more than innocent sunlight conspiring to ruin your morning slumber. A cold nose, broad and insistent, wiggles its way under the covers, snuffling and snorting until it bonks into your temple. An angry little grumble escapes you as you shove the offending nose away, sinking deeper into your protective cocoon like a caterpillar refusing to emerge. A stuttering whine filters through the covers, and you press firm hands over your ears, only for a loud howl to burst right next to your face.
You whip the covers down and turn to confront your assailant, only to catch the tail-end of a raging ball of fluff carrying his temper tantrum down the hallway. Well, not your problem anymore.
König is well into breakfast by the time he hears heavy paws careening down the hallway. The bulky husky slides on the hardwood floor, scrabbling paws unable to stop his snout from bonking right into König's chair.
"Nóri," the man croons, reaching for the dog's ears, only for the dog to hop back with an irritated ruff. "What's the matter?"
Nóri taps his front paws back and forth, a grrr rumbling in his throat that soon erupts into a full-fledged bark.
"I see," König muses with a serious nod.
Nóri is already turning and prancing down the hallway, only to spin back around when he realizes König hasn't moved. He howls, bouncing on his paws with a stubborn awooo.
"If you insist." With a smile König pushes himself up from his chair and makes his way to the source of the problem.
You're already half asleep by the time you feel the bed shifting next to you, warm arms worming their way around you. "Errr...don't wanna," you mumble, trying to to burrow even further.
But he doesn't say anything, only wrapping himself around you and tucking his chin over where your head is under the blankets. You sigh, relaxing into him and pulling your shelter down just enough to crane your neck and nuzzle your face into him.
A wet human tongue immediately splats on your collarbone and you squeal, thrashing, but you're trapped in a prison of your own making as your burrito blanket squeezes your limbs to the side, forcing you to endure your partner's massive tongue as he licks up your neck and across your face.
"König!" You yelp, freeing yourself from his arms and rolling away, tumbling right off the bed. You struggle, trying to pull the blankets off you, but before you have the chance a furry anvil of a dog is dropping on top of you, one paw landing on your chest, another going right into your gut. A groan punches out of you, drowned in a flurry of slobbery kisses that are worse, infinitely worse than the one you escaped from. "Nóriiiiiii!"
You can hear König cackling from his perch on the bed, and try to yell your indignation at him only for Nóri to flop his full weight on you, fixing you with his signature wide-eyed crazy stare, mouth open in a panting grin. Begrudgingly, you chuckle at the little fiend, forgiving him for now.
König, on the other hand? You cast a glance at him, still wheezing and clutching his stomach as a smirk settles over your features.
He'd better watch his back.
Probably going to write a part 2 for this at some point when I get a good idea. For now, enjoy gremlin König :)
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imagines--galore · 1 year
I have another request to ask and idk if I want it to be stephen strange or zuko so you choose your pick lmao
Reader whose sleep deprived and gets super giggly and makes awful jokes/pickup lines but then messes it up badly. Tripping on stuff in their shared bedroom in the dark
Totally not based off of a video I recorded when I was sleep deprived.... i walked into the room like "you awake?" "Unfortunately" and then tried saying that stupid pickup line of someone being a meal but instead it came out as "who (wheezes) who needs a meal. Who-wh- who. Who needs dinner when you got a whole ass meal in your bed" proceeds to trip and faceplant
Pairing: Dr. Stephen Strange x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None. A/N: Okay, but I had the perfect idea for this for Dr. Strange and I couldn't help writing this :3
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The car lurched to a stop, prompting you to nearly fall forward from where you had been dozing against the window of the cab. Mumbling incoherently under your breath, you quickly fumbled with the cash, paying the driver the required amount before stepping out of the vehicle.
Your feet ached with every step. You had just come off a nearly sixty hour shift at the hospital, during which you had barely had any time to sleep. Whatever caffeine you had ingested had long since worked out of your system and now you could feel your body beginning to crash.
Though it seemed to still effect your system as you stumbled into the Sanctum, the doors locking automatically behind you. Dragging yourself up the stairs, you managed to reach your room and stepped in.
Dropping your bag on a table beside the door, you shoved off your shoes, almost tripping over your own feet. The act prompted you to giggle to yourself, and given that it was dark, you very nearly took down the small table next to you.
"Oh, I'm sorry." You managed to slur to the inanimate object as your phone pinged with a message once it connected to the wifi. "Shh..." You shushed the device. "Not so loud, Stephen's sleeping." You whispered to the phone as you managed to put the device on silent. However your fumbling around in the dark was enough to rouse your fiancée, who slowly sat up, blinking away the sleep in his eyes as he switched on the side lamp.
You blinked at the sudden light, a smile brightening your face as you waved at the half-naked man asleep in the bed. "Hi honey." You managed to work the words out despite the huge yawn that had you muffling them with a hand to your mouth. Stephan glanced at the clock. "You're still awake?" He asked as you walked over to your drawer and began rooting through the jumbled clothes inside to try and find something to wear for the night.
You hummed. "Unfortunately." Finding a shirt, you held it up in a triumphant gesture, prompting Stephen to smile at you as you began to remove your clothes en route to the bathroom, throwing the garments behind you as you went. Normally you would pick them up, but once you stepped out after washing up a little, you merely stepped over the clothes, kicking your shirt out of the way as you went. Stephen was still up, having started to read some sort of book while he waited for you.
Another huge yawn, one you didn't bother covering, echoed in the room as Stephen watched you fumble with the charger for your phone. "You need to stop volunteering yourself for unnecessary shifts." You shook your head. "They needed all the nurses Stephen. Some major car pile up on the highway." You explained as you moved to down an entire glass of water.
You head was still swimming with the combination of sleep deprivation and copious amounts of coffee as you stood there smiling dopely at the Sorcerer Supreme. "I think its best that you get in bed now. I can bring you something to eat if you'd like?" He moved as if he were about to stand, but a quick shake of your head had him stopping.
"Who would want something to eat with you in the bed?" Your words were slurred and almost incoherent as you tried to take a step towards the bed.
Try being the keyword here.
It didn't help that your feet got tangled in the very shirt you had kicked away and you fell to the floor face first. The impact had you groaning in pain as you immediately felt Stephen beside you, helping you up.
"Woops. I fell." You mumbled as he looked over you, making sure you hadn't hurt yourself. Stephen hummed. "Yes, you did. Perhaps its time you sleep then." You pouted. "Nooooo......." You moaned, throwing your head back and allowing yourself to slump against your lover. "No sleep. Want sexy time."
A deep chuckle sounded in the room as the man looked down at your pouting lip and wide pleading eyes with an affectionate smile. "I'll make you a deal. Lie down in bed and start reciting the Hippocratic Oath. If you get through the whole thing, we'll do whatever you want." He was referring to the oath every physician took, and though you would probably recite the short version, he knew you wouldn't be able to get through it.
You giggled. "Ooooooooo bringing a little doctor-nurse roleplay into the bedroom? Didn't know you preferred it that way Stephen." Standing up with his help, you climbed into bed, flopping down on your side with a loud moan. "God bless the person who invented mattresses." You mumbled as you snuggled deeper into the softness.
Stephen climbed in next to you as you turned your head so you could look at him. You shifted to settle against his side as his finger gently stroked through your hair.
Your lips began to mumble the oath, but with each passing word your eyes drooped heavily and sleep beckoned you, until finally, not even half done with the first sentence, you were fast asleep.
Stephen grinned. You would definitely be annoyed at having fallen for his trick to get you to sleep, but he knew you would appreciate him getting you to sleep. You could be a little irrational when sleep-deprived.
But seeing you act like you did a few minutes ago? It would all be worth it.
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albatmobile · 2 years
The Art of Rehabilitating Snowbirds Chapter 12
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𓅪 After not hearing from Roy or Jason for five years, you suddenly find yourself taking in extra income as a babysitter for Roy and Jason's child.
𓅪 Rated: E | TW: panic attacks, frottage | 9.3k includes: continuation from chapter 10 the joker attack at the Wayne gala, attention from Timmy, light smut with Dami (not what i planned on writing at all lmao), lots of love + comfort from jayroy
fem!Reader x Jason Todd x Roy Harper [masterlist]
Chapter 12: Waste | ao3 - wattpad
You were held in an unrelenting grip as the Joker advanced on you, slowly filling the thick syringe with the neon green liquid he'd pulled from the briefcase.
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“This should only hurt a lot,” he warned with a cryptic smile. “It’ll be fun. Well, for me, that is- probably not so much for you, though. Oh well, such is life!” 
He filled the syringe and wasted no time in planting it into your bare arm, causing you to scream as the vile substance pulsated sickeningly in your veins as if dancing in tandem with your rapidly increasing pulse. 
Just when you thought all hope was lost, Nightwing swooped in out of nowhere at the exact moment your head started to swim from the toxic green that now coursed through your veins. 
Through the haze of the toxin, you were still able to question why he’d even be patrolling in Gotham anyway but were quickly pulled back to the present. Was this really the time to be thinking about that? 
You chided yourself for your frivolous thoughts, choking on calming breaths while attempting to focus on something, anything, in the room to anchor you back to reality. It was in vain. The chaos in the room was too much to ignore as your eyes bounced around the room as Nightwing, Batman and Robin bounced from henchman to henchman, knocking them out in quick succession.
It was erratic, it was violent, it was overbearingly loud. 
You couldn't catch your breath. You couldn't breathe.
You coughed, then spurted out a forceful giggle that soon turned into a crackling cackle that eerily cut through the chaos of the entire ballroom.
Your eyes darted around helplessly at the socialites, unable to cease your maniacal laughter. You gurgled and choked on the spit that had pooled in your mouth in the process, clutching desperately at your sides in a fruitless attempt to soothe the steadfast stress that strained at your ribs. Your lungs burned in exertion from the force and frequency of your uncontrollable wheezing. Your head soon began to pound as the pressure built up from the never-ending, exponential intensity. 
Suddenly, your laughter turned to shrieks as Joker’s distorted, Cheshire-like grin came into full view.
What exactly had he injected you with?
You tried to cover your mouth, but it did nothing to stop the fit that raged on. New twisted effects from the injection settled over your warped tunnel vision. You trembled, bringing your arms around your chest as you began to rock yourself back and forth. 
The shadows in the room were closing in on you. The only clear image you could make out was Joker’s vile, decrepit smile that seemed to follow you no matter if your eyes were open or not. 
Sweat dripped from your bleeding face down to the goosebumps that littered your arms. All you could do was rock as the wailing laughter continued to singe your vocal cords. 
Then, there was darkness.
Your head snapped up in the direction of the dark, rumbled voice in front of you, only to scuttle backward as a sinister-looking shadow settled in front of you. 
Somewhere deep in your discombobulated mind, you surmised it must be Batman. However, the horrific-looking bat-like creature in front of you bore no resemblance to the man you’d seen fighting mere moments ago nor any of the comics you’d read.
His face seemed to drip and spill over with black maggot-like creatures falling to the blood-stained floor with every movement of his gory, rotten mouth.
It was certainly no Batman.
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” you shrieked, clawing at your eyes in a vain attempt to rid yourself of the nightmarish visions that cursed your sight. “AGH!” You collapsed to the floor, curling into the fetal position upon contact. It didn't even cross your fear-altered mind that it left you in a completely vulnerable state to the chilling creature in front of you. “GET AWAY! GET AWAY!”
You gasped desperately for air, but no amount you sucked in was enough to quench your drought-dried lungs.
“Get up.” This voice was normal compared to the other ones you’d been hearing. 
You lifted your head from your chest as you came face-to-face with your mom and dad.
“No,” you panted shakily, shaking your head in disbelief, “no, no, no.” From here, you continued shaking your head in an unhinged manner as you faced the sickly green mist that enveloped your parents. Their toxic fog tickled at your skin with every step closer they took. “LEAVE ME ALONE. LEAVE ME ALONE, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” you let out an anguished wail. “GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT.”
Your throat was completely raw, hardly making any noise at that point as you desperately clawed at the floor to get away from their steadily approaching forms. Although they were slightly warped, their bodies were significantly more intact than that of Batman or the Joker, making it somewhat scarier in your panicked state. 
“Ground yourself,” your mother’s mouth opened, but the voice had clearly come from a younger man. “Find your anchor.”
“Anchor,” you repeated dazedly as you focused all of your remaining energy on the colorful kaleidoscope of a person in front of you.
Somewhere deep in your panicked state, you realized it was Robin in front of you and leaned slightly into his touch, enough for him to rappel you away from the chaos of the scene below. You arched into Robin’s hold as you fought off the remaining tendrils of terror that remained from the injection as he met up with another young male voice you could hardly make out. 
The ballroom quickly faded from your drugged vision.
“I’ve never seen it wear off this fast.”
“There were two syringes. I didn’t give him the chance to finish off the dosage.”
“Dosage or some twisted experiment?”
“Where do we take her?” The voices sounded like they were coming from a tunnel, but with the warm grasp you were held in, you knew it was coming from right in front of you. “You need to go back, but I need to keep up appearances for her sake,” he cuts himself off as he suddenly stops. “Where did Jason go?” 
You perked up slightly at the familiar name.
“What do you mean?” You felt the other boy stop briefly beside Robin. 
“He and the Joker don’t need to be in the same vicinity, you know that. Father banished him to the cave, but I could have sworn I saw him next to you.”
The other voice hesitates slightly, “No.”
“You mean to tell me he actually stayed in the cave then?” Robin asks.
There’s no hesitation from the other boy this time. “Of course.”
They continued to chat while you were moved to a quieter location. Your consciousness continued to slip in and out as your body gave out under the extreme stress you’d just experienced.
You were jostled around for a moment, then left in stillness for what felt like hours, but was most likely minutes, as whoever remained in the room waited for you to further come to. When your vision stopped spinning in a nauseating manner, you noticed Alfred was already waiting with medical supplies and a change of clothes for you. You looked around, slightly panicked at the unfamiliar room you were in, but Alfred remained calm as he addressed your wounds.
“We are in Master Timothy’s room, Miss,” Alfred said your name with a gentle kindness that slowly began to dethaw your battered heart.
He helped you into Tim’s messy bathroom, where you were finally able to get a good look at the damage. You couldn’t help but gasp at the atrocious sight of your reflection that you’re met with in the mirror.
Your eye was already puffy and swollen, with clear ooze dripping from it. Meanwhile, your cheeks were reminiscent of a cartoon chipmunk, though they were both stained by the imprint of Joker’s hand in a bright red mark that stuck out against the color of your skin in a sickly manner. You choked back tears if only to save your head from further pounding and dehydration.
You didn’t even know what kind of mark Joker had left on your throat, seeing as it was obscured by a thin veil of drying blood, preventing any further inspection. Though you were able to see that your one nice dress was as good as ruined.
Alfred gently pulled your attention away from your disgraceful appearance and began to goad at your wound as delicately as he could. You cried, regardless. Not even necessarily from the pain but from the aftershock of what had transpired. It was as if all the fear, pain and embarrassment came flooding out of you in a pathetic, fervorous deluge.
You weren’t quite sure you liked comics anymore, you thought bitterly to yourself as Alfred finished cleaning and left to get gauze and a roll of compression bandages. 
You took his absence as an opportunity to view the gash in its full glory. You imagined a deep set cut that staggered jarringly across your neck, but what met you was even more horrifying. Your mouth instantly turned downward at the appalling sight that met you.
That psycho had skinned the top layer of your neck into an off-centered, inverted triangle that was still trickling pathetically down to your collarbones in a lazy, garish river of crimson.
“Miss,” Alfred called your attention back to him as he reemerged, “it’d be best not to look.”
Too late, you thought miserably, as the gory image had already cemented itself in your brain. 
You allowed Alfred to finish his patch job when you heard a slight rustling from the next room. You straightened, realizing Tim had been there the entire time. You struggled to feign indifference so as not to worry anyone. You refused to be a burden to them any more than you already were.
You emerged dully, resting your entire weight on a cane Alfred gifted you. You were wearing a hoodie and a pair of sweats he’d left on the bathroom counter for you. A quick whiff of the wooded scent emanating from them told you they most likely belonged to Jason.
Tim’s room was messy, littered with empty coffee mugs and open books filled with pages upon pages of loose leaves sticking out at off angles from the confines of the pages. His wall space was mainly taken up by cryptic words and locations with strings attaching them to different words and pictures like some sort of crazed conspiracy theorist.
“You’re like The Question, Timmy,” your voice lacked its usual animated quality.
Tim quickly came to your side to help you sit on his bed as Alfred quietly shut the door behind him.
“You know, you don’t have to lighten the mood. What you just went through was, well, for lack of better words… intense.” We thought we’d lose you doesn’t quite make it off the tongue, but you already knew he was thinking it. 
Hell, you’d been thinking it, too. 
Unwarranted memories from moments ago flooded back into your head as if a dam had broken. 
“That’s definitely one way to put it,” you agreed.
Your hand came up to touch the bandage Alfred had secured around your neck, only to wince when you accidentally brushed your fingers against it. A steady stream of tears followed soon after, stinging tauntingly at the corners of your black eye as they trickled down to your swollen cheeks.
Tim said your name softly as he wrapped you in a secure grip, “I’m so sorry.” 
You couldn’t hold back the few trembling tears his apology stirred within you as you let yourself melt into his embrace. You clutched him as if he was the last thing tying you to reality until you suddenly stopped, looking up at him with urgency.
“Where are the others?”
Tim lightly rubbed your back in an attempt to calm you. “Everyone’s safe.”
“No one else got hurt?” 
You tried to remember what had happened, but after you’d been injected, everything became so muddled.
“Scratches compared to you,” Tim said as he helped you onto his bed. “I know you must be tired.”
 “Aren’t there other people still here, too?” you questioned with a sniffle.
Were Joker and his henchmen still here?
“Police rounded them up pretty quickly and hauled them off to Arkham with Batman’s help. Party dissolved pretty much as soon as the cops arrived.”
You relaxed slightly and laid down. “Will you stay with me, Tim?”
“Of course,” he answered without hesitation.
Tears swelled once again, knowing that you needed to sleep, but were entirely scared of the images you’d undoubtedly face when you closed your eyes. 
You couldn’t do that alone.
Tim seemed to understand but kept his space as he lay down to face you.
You closed your eyes and immediately flinched as his sinister grin smacked into the forefront of your mind. Your eyes snapped open in an instant as you fruitlessly attempted to rid yourself of the image. You sniffled again at the realization you wouldn’t be getting an ounce of sleep after the horror show you’d witnessed from the front row. 
Tim moved to wrap his arms around you as the tears spilled endlessly from your puffy eyes. Puffy both on account of crying and from the black eye you’d acquired on the one side. It made it extremely painful, which only made you cry harder. 
Your throat was wrecked, your voice hollow and feeble. All Tim could do was hold you as you wept yourself into a frenzy until all the remaining energy drained from your body, shutting you down into a nightmarish, half-conscious sleep.
You awoke with a jolt as Joker’s heinous laugh cut through your blurry dreams, leaving you to tug at the overbearing pressure of the wrap around your neck in terror.
It fucking burned.
You hissed as you searched the room frantically, noting Tim’s absence from beside to you, only to find Damian sitting on the end of the bed asleep. 
You shifted on the bed, watching as his eyes immediately opened and locked onto yours. 
“You’re safe,” he said quietly. 
You swallowed what little moisture you had in your mouth, wincing as it scratched its way down your throat. 
“Where did Tim go?” Last thing you remembered, you’d been... You blushed at the memory of him holding you so close. 
Damian sneered, “I’m here now, so what does it matter?” 
“I can see that.” You flopped back down to lay on Tim’s bed, which smelled faintly of laundry detergent. “What’s going to happen?” It was somewhat of a vulnerable question. How were you supposed to continue on after such a cacophonous terror when you were being suffocated by the silence of peace?
Was there even peace yet? 
“You can stay here.” He refused to meet your gaze further, so you closed your eyes and focused on calming your uneven breathing. 
“Whatever.” You didn’t have enough energy to deal with Damian’s possessive bullshit. You pushed aside his pettiness to attempt to quell the pounding in your head as you replayed everything you’d so blissfully forgotten in your few hours of sleep.
Damian got up silently and left, sensing your shitty mood. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” 
You turned over on Tim’s bed in response. 
You could be petty, too. 
You eventually hobbled, read: scooted, down the stairs and into the dining room where breakfast had already been cleared, but a plate had been left out for you.
The pressure on your legs, even with the cane, had your face twisted up in a constant wince. Every foot or so, you were forced to stop to catch yourself on the walls. When you rounded the corner, you forced yourself to pull it somewhat together. 
You weren’t fucking fragile, after all.
You swallowed your pain and pride as Alfred helped you sit. You couldn’t help but wince at the painful stretching feeling you felt each time you swallowed. After you’d eaten your fill, the older man changed your bandages with the same tentative care he held from the previous night. Meanwhile, Bruce let you know you could stay as long as you liked and even insisted you stay a night longer at the very least, something you agreed to easily. 
You tried to ignore the itching feeling from Jason’s seething glare as he focused on the aftermath of what Joker did to you for the first time, but it was impossible to ignore its searing heat. You gulped under the attention that could be explained in no other way than, well, downright murderous. 
He sidled up to you protectively after everyone, save Damian, had cleared out. From there, he lifted up your chin to finish his inspection up close. Your breath hitched unwittingly as his own fanned across your bandage, where a light bout of blood had already seeped through a portion of the bandage.
“He will pay.” 
It was a promise you somehow believed.
He hesitated as if he wanted to say more, but Damian’s perturbed presence refused to be ignored any longer. 
Jason gave you one final pitiful glance before leaving the mansion entirely. 
When you looked over to Damian, his gaze was pointedly fixed on the closed doors ahead.
That night, Damian insisted that, if you’d been scared enough to ask for Tim the previous night, you should sleep in his bed instead of the air mattress. You weren’t willing to put up a fight, so you climbed onto his bed and faced his direction if only to shut up his possessive ass so you could both just go to sleep. It's not like you would get much anyway, with the memories of yesterday constantly bubbling to the surface every time you closed your eyes.
You had just gotten comfortable in Damian’s deliciously spicy scented sheets when he spoke again, “Maybe this time you won’t sneak away in the night to another man like a harlot.” 
You gasped at his audacity and pushed against his shoulder, “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?” He shoved a socked foot into your stomach, causing you to curl into a ball of pain that soon spurred a wretched electricity throughout your wounded legs. “I get kidnapped and knifed by the Joker and you’re more concerned about whose bed I’m in?” At that point, you were beyond pissed as you clutched your stomach and added it to the long list of injuries you already had.
And, damn, Damian could kick fucking hard.
You shoved the heavy duvet off of the two of you to tackle him, mainly relying on the weight of your arms to do so.
In the dark, you could practically see his boredom with your attack as he counter-shifted your weight on his lap to flip you over and gently held you against the bare sheets. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, his monotone voice giving nothing away nothing, but the arousal in his pants said everything you needed to know. 
“What are you doing, Damian?” 
“Like you don’t already know,” he hissed your last name and released the hold on your arms in an instant. He remained on top of you with a heavy-lidded gaze that you assumed was supposed to be seductive, but it felt somewhat odd from his soft face. Damian was very attractive; you couldn’t deny it, but you were still very much hung up on the whole Joker situation. Hell, it was all that replayed in your head. “I’m sorry,” Damian saw the slight hesitancy in your eyes, “I understand if you want to sleep somewhere else.” 
He swiftly and weightlessly shifted to the side you had originally laid on as you'd swapped spots in all the excitement
You looked at Damian whose body faced the window, allowing you to see the dark outline of his silhouette. Finally, you sighed and picked up the duvet off the floor to throw it over the two of you. 
“I…” you started but didn’t actually have an idea where that thought was going, “Never mind.” You scooted closer to Damian with your heart fluttering madly against your chest. You didn’t know if you’d regret this or not and, chances are, you would, but you continued anyway. “Damian,” you whispered as you curled yourself against his back, “I don’t know what you want from me.” 
It was the truth. 
He grew stiff at your tentative contact. 
“I could easily say the same of you.” Damian relaxed into you somewhat, so you began to run your fingers up and down his side lightly. “Tell me what you want.” 
Your heart stopped. 
Were you both crossing the line? Was there even a line to cross at this point? 
He turned to face you, seemingly unsure of the movement. 
“Kiss me,” you blushed as you voiced exactly what you thought you needed—or maybe what you thought he wanted. “Damian,” you whispered as you both came face to face. 
His warm breath fanned across your lips while his unsure gaze met your own. 
You closed your eyes first as you leaned in and closed the remaining space. 
Your first kiss was chaste, almost unsure, as you both felt out the situation through the rage of your prepubescent hormones and naivety. You allowed the pressure of his lips against yours, almost like a test, waiting to see who would take it further than just a peck. 
Ultimately, it was you who began to glide your lips slowly and experimentally over Damian’s. He soon followed suit, mimicking your actions carefully. His hand that had been clenched in the blanket trickled up the side of your thigh all the way to the dip of your waist. 
You let out a quiet moan at the contact, which Damian used to slip his tongue into your opened mouth shyly. You deepened the kiss by sucking on the tip of his tongue as you pushed Damian flat and mounted him with unrelenting lips, teeth clacking together painfully in the process.
You went to apologize but heard him groan below you as you accidentally ground down against him. You both stared at each other with wild eyes, then back down at Damian’s tented boxers. The awkwardness entirely reminded you of when you first met him, when the majority of your time together had been spent sitting in silence until you both finally figured each other out. 
After this, though, you weren’t sure you had ever truly understood each other if this was the outcome of him comforting you.
It was too much and not enough at the same time, which only spurred the heat in your lower abdomen. You continued your onslaught of licking and nipping into the kiss, letting him take you. 
It was a mess of fumbling, accidental touches, awkward noises and, ultimately, the release of too many pent-up, misplaced emotions.
He only allowed you to bask in the aftermath of… whatever the fuck that had been before he ruined it. “I’m training you tomorrow. Cane or no cane, you need to learn how to defend yourself even when injured.” 
You hesitated at the idea, but he left no room for debate as you settled in the afterglow with a languid nod. You sighed, knowing you shouldn’t have expected any less from Damian’s tragic pillow talk.
He got off the bed, ushering you into the bathroom, where he helped you clean up. After, he handed you your Catwoman undies you’d packed and forgotten about in the haze of the last 24 hours. 
You thanked him and put the fresh pair on while he did the same. 
“Now go to sleep,” he urged. You couldn’t help but chuckle as you hopped back into his bed. Once you settled in, Damian finally let a whining Titus back in the room, where the mutt soon curled up at your feet, with Damian joining soon after. Your friend held you close, spooning you from behind. “Don’t get drool on my Egyptian Cotton.” 
“Please,” you pressed yourself firmly against Damian’s sensitive front, “you’d be so lucky.” 
He smacked the side of your hip to hush you up. 
You felt his breathing even out and somehow find it within yourself to do that same. 
Joker's men surrounded you in marching lines of clown masks that stared blankly ahead, leaving you with an uneasy feeling as you watched them get closer and closer to…
It’s a maniacal and grotesque version of Batman, slathered in Joker’s face paint.
You shook your head and tried to run in the opposite direction, but the lines of henchmen wouldn’t budge, no matter how hard you tried to break through their barricade.
“HELP ME!” you screamed as your eyes darted around the room, only to be smacked to the ground in a pathetic heap. You easily became overpowered by the masses.
You couldn’t get up. 
You were about to come face to face with the Joker-fied Batman when Damian shook you from your panicked dream. 
You were brought back to consciousness just in time to hear the last dregs of your scream. Your throat was left dry and hoarse, leaving Damian to bring a cup of water to your lips for you to sip at. Each gulp stretched your delicate skin taught, leaving a stinging burn in the wake of the offending movement. 
Somehow, the second day was so much worse than the day after the attack had been. The mental wear that had been bogging you down for the past 24 hours had somehow impacted your physical pain to the point that it was now almost unbearable.
Tim, who Damian noted was fresh off patrol, came to check on you after he’d heard your scream. Much to Damian’s chagrin, he also offered for you to sleep in his room, considering he got as much sleep as a bullfrog. 
You were still half in your dream, half in reality, something Damian could tell as your eyes seemed to have a hard time focusing when Tim came further into the room. He helped Damian calm you for mere moments, only to stop suddenly. Damian eyed him curiously, only to smirk when he noticed what his gaze had been fixated on: your slick-sullied panties. He truly looked like the cat that got the cream and Tim wasted no time in turning right around and leaving without another word, though his departure was something you hardly noticed in your frazzled state.
Damian left to grab you a set of clothes, helping you into them when he returned with delicate yet firm precision. Your head was pounding, but you forced yourself to focus on his methodical movements rather than the remnants of hysteria that plagued your mind. He brought your cane to you, helping you bear your weight to hobble downstairs to the breakfast table where the entire Wayne family sat with filled plates already sitting in front of them.
You tried to do what you’d done the day prior- pull yourself together before they could notice, but it was fruitless. You were in too much pain, exponentially so, ever since waking up from your nightmare.
No, not a nightmare, you corrected yourself, a memory.
At your not-so-quiet moans of pain, everyone’s attention quickly shifted from Alfred’s insane-smelling breakfast to you.
Jason came to your aid without a word, grabbing your free hand as you struggled down the final few stairs with Damian on the other side. He wrapped a steady, yet possessive, arm around your waist to support your remaining unsteady weight, but not before glaring at Jason in the process. Jason returned his glare tenfold as they guided you to the table and fought to pull out your chair, nearly leaving you to topple over at the sudden lack of support. They quickly rectified their hold on you as Jason won out against Damian and pulled out your chair first.
Damian tch’ed irritably as he watched Jason help you sit, seeming to coddle you obnoxiously just to spite him, though you still blushed nonetheless.
Dick and Babs greeted you with matching, pitying smiles. You winced, watching as the corners of their mouths twitched downward momentarily before feigning the original sentiment again, almost in unison. It would’ve been comical had you not already been under the intense scrutiny of the already very intense Wayne family.
“Are you doing alright after everything?” Dick kindly asked.
You raised an eyebrow in response as you fiddled with your toast, deciding to answer honestly, “I thought I was going to claw my eyeballs out. That, or kill myself before I got the chance to.”
At the awkward silence that followed, Tim coughed into his hand, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Oh,” Dick trailed off dumbly.
You sighed, not meaning to be so harsh, but damn, you really didn’t want to talk about this right now. 
“Just glad to still be intact, I guess,” you tried with a light smile, but it was obvious it’d been forced. “I’m not trying to be a… well,” you gestured to him, “but it was honestly the most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced. No scary movie will ever come close to that shi- stuff that happened.” 
You eyed Alfred warily, though he kindly pretended not to notice your slip-up.
“You did get to see Batman, though. That’s something. He’s one of your favorites, right?” Tim tried to lighten the mood, but the name only produced terrifying images of the melting man-bat creature that you’d met in the middle of your fear-induced state.
“I don’t think I like comics anymore,” you said in lieu of a response as you forced your gaze back down to your plate.
Your stomach refused to find hunger, however and you soon sighed, realizing that your appetite had been all but diminished at the memory. Part of you wished they would stop talking to you, that they would ignore you like your actual family did, but with everyone's gazes still very much fixated on your hunched-over form, you realized it wasn’t going to happen.
How could they when you looked so decrepit?
It was quiet for a moment and you wondered if you should leave to salvage their family breakfast from your soured mood. Before you could even consider the pain of getting up and leaving on your own, Alfred changed the subject.
“There was quite the ruckus last night in your room, Master Damian,” he tutted lightly as he picked up his silverware. “An old man like me surely shouldn’t have such pristine hearing as I do.”
Bruce’s calculating eyes met your own and you gave a genuine, weak smile in return.
“It was probably me. I’ve still been having a lot of nightmares.” You played the Joker card, figuratively speaking, but Bruce and Alfred seemed to know better. 
You blushed.
You glanced over to Damian, who was busy picking at his eggs with the back of his fork, seemingly uninterested in the topic entirely. Meanwhile, Tim, for some reason, appeared too red not to have known what had happened, but you couldn’t help but wonder how.
“No way!” You resisted the urge to look up at Dick’s sudden outburst. “Please tell me my favorite sleep shirt survived.” You choked on your spit, not having expected anything like that to come from his mouth because it had definitely been torn to shreds in the whole ordeal. “I called it!” he and Barbara snickered, high-fiving under the table before he realized what it meant and frowned. “It’s definitely a goner, then...”
Jason seemed completely preoccupied reading Anna Karinena and sipping his coffee to respond, though you knew he’d come to the same conclusion as everyone else. You didn’t know why it bothered you so much that he wasn’t bothered, but it did. Especially after your intimate moment in the garden and, hell, after being someone you considered a best friend, you’d think he’d care a bit fucking more.
Your gaze quickly retreated downward, following suit with Damian as you forced yourself to focus back on your plate. You awkwardly picked at the hash browns while you waited for everyone’s attention to leave you. 
“How are you feeling?” Jason swiftly changed the topic again, something you were extremely grateful for. 
“Really sore and achy. It’s been really hard to sleep, too,” you admitted. “Plus, there’s no way I can go to school looking like this. Everyone already has enough problems with me as it is.”
“What does that mean?”
You unwittingly cowered at the slight edge evident in Bruce’s voice and painfully gulped down the bite you’d taken as your eyes met his once again. “I’m only here on scholarship,” you replied with a shrug as if it explained everything because, well, really, it did. “Thanks to you, I guess. So, thanks.”
You’d been the only person to get a full-ride Wayne Scholarship to Gotham Academy in seven years, meaning you were, quite literally, the poorest person at the school and everyone knew it. You thought Bruce would already know, but he seemed blissfully ignorant, leaving you to groan inwardly. Surprise, you were poor. Imagine that, Bruce. You thought slightly bitterly as you looked around the lavish dining room filled with his loving family, where your own home was empty and cold. 
“You should be extremely proud of yourself, then.” You just barely stopped your jaw from dropping at the first bout of parental praise you’d ever received. “Try not to let them get to you too much,” Bruce offered kindly.
“I don’t care. They’re all trust fund babies, anyway. No offense Mr. Wayne,” you hesitated before nodding to your tanned friend, “Damian.”
“Is that right?” Bruce chuckled lightly at your humorous babble. “Well, if they give you any more trouble, you know where my office is.”
You couldn't miss the thinly veiled threat but chose to brush it off.
“Considering they’d probably shit their pants, I might actually take you up on that offer- oh!” You sheepishly looked over at the older man. “Sorry, Alfred.”
“Quite alright, Miss,” he said your name. “But I do believe I’ll be collecting a quarter from you now.”
You jokingly felt at your pockets before replying, “Does anyone actually carry change on them anymore?”
“I do!” Both Damian and Jason rolled their eyes in unison as Dick sprung upward with a quarter grasped proudly in his grip. 
Of course, Dick would. 
Dick tossed the coin into the air in a way that arched directly into Alfred’s expectant hand. “I believe your debt has been paid. Do try to keep from any further cursing to prevent any further charges.”
“But how else are we going to get to Disneyland?” you asked Alfred innocently.
Jason snorted, Damian tch’ed and Babs and Dick collectively lost their shit. 
You’d managed to rid your mind of the cruelties of the gala, if only briefly. Your depleted energy and aching pain, however, brought you back to the present. It was as if a flip had switched. You were joking and laughing one moment and then the next, all you could think about was him. 
“Little bird.”
You looked up, confused at Jason’s voice and nickname, wondering if he'd meant you. You get your answer when you see him staring directly at you. You gulped. He’d never called you that before. His new nickname for you definitely had drawn you from your spiraling thoughts, you noted with gratitude.
“Don’t call her that,” Damian berated him, face scrunching up in disgust.
Bruce shifted the conversation, sensing the impending pissing contest brewing between the two brothers.
“After you heal, it might be helpful for you to learn more from their hostage courses,” Bruce said as he looked over your wounds carefully.
“Don’t worry, father. I’m training her today,” Damian toned proudly from beside you.
“No way,” the rest of the Waynes objected at the same time.
You could barely stand only your own without needing your cane, let alone kick and punch without any support. Nope, no way, it wouldn’t be possible.
“Pathetic,” Damian muttered, but your mind flashed back to Joker taunting you with that same word until it was all you could see.
“Hey!” You were drawn from your thoughts to Jason’s tender gaze. “Where’d you go?” Somehow, Jason always seemed to psychically know when you were spiraling and knew exactly what to say to get you out of your head. 
Everyone, of course, knew exactly where it had gone. It went without saying, so you went back to staring at your plate, hoping to summon the hunger to want to eat but knowing it was futile.
Eventually, breakfast wound down and everyone slowly began to scatter. Jason offered to stay behind and take over Alfred-duties as Bruce called Damian and Tim away. 
Dick and Babs hung around a bit longer to help Alfred with the dirty dishes but headed out just before Roy showed up.
You’d yet to move from the seat that Jason had helped you into earlier when the redhead happened upon your motley crew. It’s not like you could move in general, let alone move to greet Roy. You'd forgotten just how difficult everyday tasks had become.
You tried to ignore how Roy took in the damage as Jason finally helped you out of your chair, but ultimately couldn’t, regardless of how well he tried to hide it.
You looked away, embarrassed at the pitiful gaze the redhead shot in your direction, but looked up when you felt his presence move closer. He wordlessly helped Jason adjust his hold on you to get a more secure grip for you to lean into as you wobbled to stand. You quickly felt yourself crumbling down and wrapped your arms around Jason’s neck in a last-ditch effort to remain upright.
“Uh,” you blushed, refusing to meet Roy’s tantalizing green eyes before ultimately asking for his help, “think you could hand me that cane over there?”
Jason had originally placed it near your chair for convenience but had moved it further away when you needed to get up to get a better angle. Now, he was too busy holding you up around your waist to bear your weight to be able to grab it without having to set you down and start over from square one.
His eyes never stopped raking over you as he took in your weakened state. “Sure thing, princess,” he responded in an overly nonchalant manner.
“Please don’t call me that right now." An embarrassed flush spilled across your swollen cheeks as you spoke, "I look like an abomination.”
“Don’t say that,” Jason hissed, jerking his head in a way that forced you to look at him. “Please don’t say that,” he whispered your name like it physically pained him to hear you talk in such a manner.
“Jay.” Roy rubbed at Jason’s back, but Jason brushed him off distractedly, gritting his teeth as he did. 
“He’s the abomination, not you,” Jason’s eyes locked onto your eyes in a fit of anger you’d only seen once before upon your first meeting, “and it will never be you. Ever.”
You nodded at his sheer intensity alone but still didn’t necessarily agree. After all, neither of them had actually seen your scar yet.
Roy grabbed the cane in one hand before coming behind you to trap the two of you in a group hug. You swayed at the initial brunt of contact before gratefully leaning into them. Eventually, he moved to shoulder your weight before you could even complain about being squished between the two of them. 
Roy seemed to take in the logistics of the situation as he released you and Jason from the confines of his bear hug. “Would it be okay if we just carried you?” 
You shrugged. Fuck it.
It hurt more and more each time you tried to walk, even though Alfred assured you all they were just bruised. Nothing to worry about, apparently, but the pain was killing you nonetheless.
Jason placed one arm around your back and the other arm around the bend of your weak knees, leaving you to tighten your hold around his shoulders as he lifted you off the ground. He carried you to his room, with Roy following behind with your cane.
They gently placed you on Jason’s bed with your legs dangling off of it. You blushed when you looked up to see the two of them looking down at you and couldn't help but imagine a very different scenario in your head. 
“What are you thinking about, little bird?”
You swiftly rid yourself of your dirty thoughts. “How I don’t want to be alone,” you responded somewhat honestly. Even though you’d just been imagining them naked, it wasn’t any less true. 
“You won’t have to be,” Roy reassured you. “You have us.”
You nodded. 
You were truly grateful to his entire family and Roy for being with you throughout it all. If it hadn’t been for them, you’d be facing this entirely alone and you weren’t sure you’d be able to handle it. 
Jason produced the medical kit Alfred had left on the dining table and quickly started to clean at the smaller scrapes you’d received. Meanwhile, Roy laid you down to elevate your legs. He left for a brief moment before coming back and placing a few ice packs on the black bruises that littered the expanse of your calves. It was only when Roy settled onto the bed next to you that Jason seemed to muster up enough courage to unwrap the bandage around your neck, though he did so methodically. You felt the last tugs against your skin and, soon enough, the fabric draped across your chest and spilled onto your lap as Jason and Roy came face-to-face with the gory aftermath of the Joker.
Jason’s face went from shocked to blank, then to barely contained rage. Roy’s remained shocked, if not saddened.
It was a grisly-looking thing. 
Certain parts had been dug into deeper, leaving a seeping flow of red and pus that Jason gently mopped up with a clean cloth. Each swipe stung, leaving an emanating heat that locked in the pain with a greenhouse-like effect that left you shifting in distress. 
“I’m sorry, babe,” Jason cooed as he repeated the motions carefully. “I’m so sorry.”
One particular dab at an especially carved part left you crying out in pain. Jason quickly removed his hand, but the damage had been done, it seemed. He left the room without another word, slamming the door on his way out.
You winced at the resounding bang and shared a wary look with the redhead next to you.
“I didn’t mean to make him upset,” you confided to Roy. You were entirely confused by his reaction. “He didn’t really do anything to hurt it too bad.”
Roy placed a comforting hand over your own. You looked down at the contact as tears began to form in your eyes. You blinked them away as Roy brought your head up to meet the bright green of his verdant gaze. 
“It’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with… something in his past.” 
You tilted your head questioningly. “With what? The Joker or scars?”
Both, you figured, waiting for him to give you any sort of clarity, but weren’t surprised when he simply picked the cloth back up to continue right where Jason had left off.
“It’s not mine to tell,” he said with a genuinely sorry smile, “but I can tell you that it’s definitely not you.”
"Awesome," you chuckled humorlessly, “it’s ‘not me,’ yet I’m the one causing the outburst somehow. Sure, makes total sense.” You sucked in a pained breath as Roy made contact with the same aching place Jason had moments before.
Roy gave you a sheepish glance and gently squeezed your thigh in apology as he applied the antibiotic cream. “He really cares about you, but that’s really all I can say,” he said as he capped the ointment and stood up from the bed. “None of us want to see you in pain,” your name cracked slightly in his throat as he turned to face the door. “Least of all by someone like that fucking psychopath. You don’t deserve to be a part of that shit. That’s the last thing any of us wanted.”
You didn’t say anything, really couldn’t say anything, as you watched him hesitate by the door. You basked in the shared silence for a moment more before he left to check on Jason.
Once the door clicked shut, you unleashed a burst of breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding in, falling backward onto Jason’s neatly placed pillows. You lost track of time until you saw the door handle jiggle and forced yourself to sit up slightly on your forearms from the laying position you’d fallen into.
“You should let that breathe.”
You looked up at Jason’s gruff voice to see him walking back in as if he’d never left. Roy trailed behind him with, from your vantage point, propped up on Jason’s bed, what appeared to be a stack of papers. 
Oh, god. 
You’d forgotten all about the homework you were going to have to make up.
“They’re not Batman, I swear!” Roy said, mistaking the panicked look on your face. You schooled your expression as he dumped a pile of what turned out to be comic books, not homework, all across the expanse of Jason’s bed. “I just didn’t want you to give up something you loved because of that ugly fucker.”
“Roy…” you trailed off, not knowing what to say. 
It was so extremely thoughtful and incredibly kind you could hardly believe you’d questioned their friendship in the gym when they’d confronted you before the gala. Deep down, you knew that had mostly been about you being defensive about your tumultuous home life.
“I’ve already read ‘em over the years, but I did check through all of them again the past few days to make sure he’s not in any,” he said, holding out his pinky to you.
His kindness caused your bottom lip to pout and unwittingly wobble in response. It was so fucking sweet.
You met his pinky right as your sobs erupted. You were quickly pulled into an embrace that was careful to protect your exposed neck wound. “I’m so lucky to have you guys.”
They helped you lay down more comfortably with them on either side of you, running light fingers up your arms and through your hair until, eventually, the sobs turned into sporadic whimpers. Your sniffles eventually completely settled as you allowed the pressure and heat from their bodies to take over your senses until you finally drifted into a spinning sleep.
“You are, after all, the main event.” 
You heard his voice, but when you looked around, all you saw was smoke. In fact, the smoke was becoming thicker and harder to inhale.
“Hello?” you yelled out
“Haven’t you ever heard of the little old saying," you gasped as the familiar words smacked against your ears, "be careful what you wish for?”
You spun on your heel and took off in a sprint across the white wasteland that was steadily morphing into the Wayne ballroom. You checked behind you to see if he was there but were only met with your reflection in the wall of mirrors that adorned the east side of the room.
When you focused back ahead of you, you were running. Your dress was too heavy, though and you were too slow. You only managed to run for mere moments before you tripped on the length of your ballgown that, with a quick glance down, proved to be seeping with blood. 
“Let me OUT OF HERE,” you shrieked, jerking around to survey the empty expanse of the room. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” your shrill shout echoed across the emptiness of the room. You remained motionless as you waited for something… you could feel it building.
You’d awoken with an ear-splitting scream that, when you came to, realized had knocked Roy clear off the bed in sheer alarm. You groaned as you slowly regained your senses, shifting around to look down at him. Roy quickly popped back up before you could move around too much and run the risk of disturbing your legs.
“Everything’s all good. We’re good,” Roy sleepily murmured as he messed around with his baseball cap that had fallen to the floor with him. “S’just my ugly mug in here, princess.”
You nodded, not even taking in his words until a few moments after they’d been spoken. You inhaled a few times to regulate your racing heartbeat and grounded yourself to the room, which was, sure enough, proved to be just you and Roy.
Roy was already back on the bed, attempting to cuddle you again, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. Eventually, he noticed this and, with a great yawn, patted at your thigh that was trapping him to the mattress so he could get up to grab your cane.
“Jason’s downstairs doing some gay shit, or something.”
"I really wish you would stop saying that," you sighed against his neck. “You’re both clearly into each other. I might’ve been drunk that one night, but I know what I saw before I was too far gone.”
Roy cleared his throat uncomfortably and picked you up into his arms to carry you downstairs in lieu of a response.
Jason looked up in greeting as Roy deposited you on the counter closest to the stove, though not before he eyed up your form in Roy’s arms with an unreadable expression. Roy stepped away, though you'd be blind not to notice how the redhead's slow gaze blatantly flitted across your every single flaw. You felt yourself subconsciously curl into yourself at Roy's inspection. It was all too much when you were already so vulnerable as to have to let someone carry you around everywhere.
Jason turned back to the stove while Roy remained the most silent you’d ever heard, or, well, not heard, him.
You sighed, “Is it the black eye, the hand prints on my face, or the scar on my neck that you’re focusing on over there, Roy?”
“The crippled legs don’t count?” Jason smacked Roy on the shoulder with an admonishing glare, but you just smiled, glad that Roy wasn’t set on treating you as fragile as everyone else seemed content to do.
“The cane’s pretty sick,” you said tonelessly as you glanced over to where it lay against the cabinet- conveniently one over from the one you’d hidden in. You immediately honed in on the scuff mark that now adorned it because of you.
You were swallowed back into the moment, back to that fucking cupboard with your sweaty palms and panicked heart palpitations.
Your heartbeat thrummed against your chest, though not as sporadically as earlier. Similarly, your breathing didn’t feel constrained in the slightest.
“Come back to me, babe.”
You startled at his voice, not realizing how close he’d gotten while you’d been lost in the memories of that night.
Jason’s worried eyes met your own until you were forced to look away due to their sheer intensity.
“I hid there,” you spouted, pointing to the cabinet like it explained everything, but they both took in the information earnestly, anyway. “After I went down that chute, that’s where I hid.”
“I’m sorry,” he shook his head like he was berating himself, “I never should have let you out of my sight. I don’t know what I was thinking when I sent you down that shaft.” He turned away toward the stove like he couldn’t bear to look at you. You could hardly blame him. “I should’ve been there,” he vaguely motioned behind himself toward the cabinet, "I should've been here."
Was he serious?
“What? So we could both get captured?” you questioned. Confusingly, Roy was staring at Jason and you looked between their undecipherable, shared gaze. “What?”
“Nothin',” Roy said with a shrug, offering you a light smile. “Next year, I’m definitely getting an invite, though. I know that.” 
Jason laughed humorlessly at the stove, “Yeah, to make sure I don’t fuck up again. Perfect.” 
Jason rested his hands on the cabinets on either side of the stove, seemingly lost in thought. In the process, his left hand grazed your thigh. You watched as he snapped out of it. He looked down at the contact before pulling away like he didn’t deserve to be in your presence, let alone touching you. 
You stared down at your hands sheepishly. “I don’t think I’ll ever go to another Wayne Gala, let alone step foot in that room again, so it won’t matter anyway.” You’d always wondered what it would be like to go to one and now you knew.
“You can’t let him dictate what you do,” Jason said.
“I don’t know what you want me to say." You looked at Roy out of habit, but he seemed to be off in another world, forcing you to turn back to Jason. "I wish I were stronger so it wouldn’t affect me like it did- does, I mean,” you corrected with a slight blush. “It does affect me,” you clarified for no particular reason other than the fact that you’d never really been open about your feelings with anyone before.
“You don’t think I know that?” Jason turned to you with the most serious look you’d ever seen on him. “Every time I hear you scream, every time I… You get this look in your eyes and I just know you’re not here. You’re back in that moment and I can’t save you. You don't know how much it really kills me. I… I can’t...” he trailed off in frustration.
You looked over at Roy, who hosted the very same distant look Jason had just been referring to, though his eyes soon focused back on you. You watched openly as he came back to the present to be with you and Jason and whatever this fucking argument was about.
Not argument, you corrected yourself. More of an intervention than anything.
Jason approached you and lightly moved your legs apart to stand in between them. You bit your lip slightly, watching greedily as his eyes followed the movement. 
“You honestly had nothing to do with it, Jason. Unless you have some crazy superpowers or some sort of ninja abilities,” you laughed at the ridiculousness of your statement, "it would’ve done more harm than good for you to have gotten involved.”
He backed away swiftly. “Guess I have my answer then.”
Your grin dropped instantly.
You didn’t know why his mood had soured the way it had when you'd just told him point-blank you didn’t blame him. For some reason, Jason seemed content to beat himself up over the night more than anyone- even Damian, who still refused to talk about it with you. 
Jason eventually left to set the table, leaving you to lean over from your spot to stir the pot.
Roy was entirely too quiet and you wished it would all just go back to how it’d been before the gala. You wished you’d never asked for that stupid invitation. 
Be careful what you wish for, right?
Girls like you had no right to be at events like that, anyway. Who were you kidding?
You felt yourself spiral in self-deprecation, wondering why the Waynes put up with you when all you were was a freeloader. When would enough be enough? When would they finally ask you to leave? You knew it was coming and could practically feel the dread of it with each and every turn you took around the manner.
How many steps until you never stepped foot in here again?
You ate dinner in silence while Roy and Jason took turns doing your homework. 
You retired in front of the fireplace in Jason’s room until it dimmed and you were left in a cold, dark room with only your nightmares to keep you company.
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A/N: elements from this chapter were heavily influenced by my other jayroy x reader fic you can read here!
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atherix · 2 years
Hello hi good evening, I am having some Thoughts and Feelings about the latest midnight chapter and I thought I would share.
First of all: aaaah adkjsahkjahdasjkhd
With that out of the way, some more coherent thoughts.
I love the way the cultural/class differences between Grian and Scar are highlighted in the camping conversation. Just a really good character moment for both of them. And also? Scar knowing about the greenhouse project? Scar knowing specifically because Grian just asked him about his theoretical dream greenhouse? I love them all dearly, they are all gay disasters <3
Scar being like *talks about that time he was ready to sacrifice everything so his son could get home safe* *talks about the times he took his son camping so they could bond* *talks about how he taught himself to cook for his son* and he still doesn't think he compares to his own father? My dude. Scar. I love him so much but pls.
*Taking notes on all of the new fae lore*
I love the sentence "They glimmer with Fairy and firelight, and for a moment Grian isn’t sure if the golden glow is reflection or magic." It's so evocative and such a good use of the third person pov. There's several other examples of that I could mention, this one was just my favourite. I stopped to read it out loud several times over.
Really enjoying how Grian is once again surprised Scar treats him differently now that they're together. Man is really like "wait there's boyfriend in this boyfriend???" Love that for him 😂
Oh and speaking of Grian. Really eyeing the way he always reacts so strongly to fairy lights. It is very Interesting. I mean, definitely fits his character, but I am also always a little suspicious of you and your amazing foreshadowing.
I love love love fae characters being deceptive and cunning and uncanny, and anything that shines a light on how disturbing their suggestion magic can be, so I was eating this whole thing up. Scar getting to be cool and powerful, while the story also makes it very clear that he is still holding back because some things are Too Far. And the fact that he can still be pushed to do it? Yes, amazing, stunning.
On that note, I am also encouraging your writing the Scar's adventure aside, btw. I love how you write Scar doing magic, and how you handle his character in those moments. It's always so evocative.
Lastly? I adore those moments where you can tell that Mumbo and Grian are slowly going from being Tubbo's dad's boyfriends to being his stepdads. The way he complains about them flirting the same way he complains about Scar flirting with them? Good (but also poor kid 😂).
In conclusion: I am once again asking everyone to go and read Midnight.
hgdfjkgfjk <3 I love to hear thoughts and feelings even if I take forever to get to answering them <3
beautiful, eloquent, couldn't say it better myself <3
I absolutely love contrasts, it's so fun to write about them <3 Especially since Scar and Grian were raised in similar yet extremely different environments and just hjgfdhjk The ONLY time Scar isn't oblivious to something is when Grian hopes he will be LMAO. Flirt with him for a couple months and the man won't think "oh gee I think maybe they have feelings for me" but ask him about his theoretical dream greenhouse and "Ah I see what they are doing here" hfdjh
Scar loves his father more than he has ever loved himself </3 He can't see that he is repeating the cycle just as good a father as his was </3
I am always happy to toss out Fae lore. I have a couple more Fae lore points that will come up in the next few stories 👀 Including a Fae story hehe-
I am a poetic bitch and I LOVE writing lines like that <3 I have been known in other fandoms to write lines that wham people so I'm glad to see I can continue that here hehe-
"Wait there's boyfriend in this boyfriend??" WHEEZE jkfgdsjkfgjhsd I cackled at this omg but it's so true. Grian really over here forgetting for a whole minute that Scar will actually respond to him flirting/his advances now because he's allowed to lmaoooj hjkfd
:) Well I mean it DID lead him to getting kidnapped before so uh :)
Hehehe when you really think about it, the suggestion magic all Fae have.... is really quite disturbing. It was used to kidnap people in the past, used to lead people deeper into the woods to never be seen again.... and I am excited that I get to explore the more disturbing and less sorcery-feeling side of Scar's magic now <3 I mean certainly it doesn't mean something that NOW he's started letting his more Fae-ish side take precedence... hmhm I love him <3 something something humanity and human isn't the same something something it's not the how it's the why something something-
hehe how could I not write this :) So he doesn't cast his magic like he usually would in this little fic, he is 100% using Fae tactic here instead of his typical Fae-Sorcery mix, buuuut... hehe-
Stitch and I made a joke about the moment Tubbo realizes he has three dads, not one, but I can't share it because it is MAJOR spoilers. But :) Just know that Tubbo is the last person to realize LMAO but I am having so much fun writing the evolution of their relationship hjkfdg
hhh <3<3<3
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lost-in-mind-palace · 2 years
Horror Show (Huxloween Day 3 overdue prompt: horror movies)
I'm a kriffing sluggard, so I post this 4 days later. To justify myself I'll say that I posted earlier on AO3 and I'm not a tumblr person sooo
A tiny piece I wrote mostly sitting in school on my first day of English Philology studies lmao I was superrr bored
aghast squeak 'Ben!!! Turn it down right now!!'
'Oh, someone's scared?'
'I'm not scared, you dork! I'm— mentally disturbed.'
'It's just a mild way of saying that you're quaking in your boots, Hux.'
'Shut up! No one who's keeping up at least some appearances of normalcy watches such movies! And eating fucking popcorn while this!!'
chomp 'What? Why? It's almost like my own sound effects. Listen. chomps louder Doesn't it sound like cracking bones to you?'
'Gross! excruciating wail in the background Wait, what's he gonna do with that axe? Is he gonna— oh my God, Ben, he ripped her guts out!!' sounds of hyperventilating
tired sigh 'Chill out, Hux. It's all fake. Can't you see this? It's so false it hurts my eyes. The entrails look like some slimy tapeworms.'
'Oh, and that's supposed to be better? And I don't know where you have your eyes, because to me it looks fucking real! If something's spilling from one's stomach, there's no way those aren't guts.'
'It's all a matter of context. in a hushed voice And a weak will.'
angry snort 'I prefer to be weak-willed, as you put it, than watch such atrocities with a smile on my face like some psychotic serial killer! in a tricky questioning voice Is there something I should know about you, Ben?? Do you happen to secretly slaughter people in the dark alleys during your evening jogs? Putting the ideas from your stupid movies into life, huh?'
chuckle 'Are you nuts? Goddamnit, you haven't got some dread-concussion, have you?'
'I'm deathly serious. I thought I knew you, but seeing the content you feed your poor brain with, I start to doubt everything. What else are you hiding, hubby? A severed head in the fridge?'
in an ostentatiously flirtatious voice 'Wanna check?'
helpless growl 'You're insufferable. dramatic Hitchcock's-Psychosis-alike music in the background intensifies Shit, what's happening? And are the leaking entrails playing a main role in this again? You've watched it already, haven't you? '
'Yup, 10 times at least.'
'And no, he's gonna only slit her throat, if you insist to spoil you the fun.'
'Oh, only this? What a relief.'
awkward humming 'Uhm— there's gonna be, you know— er, a little fountain of blood squirting out of the artery. So— cough you've been warned.'
relieved sigh 'Ah, fine. This I can handle.'
'Really? I kinda thought you'd shut your pretty eyes tight and cuddle on my lap like a terrified puppy.'
'Nah. Slitting one's throat isn't actually that bad way to die. Hmm, if the cut is neat and clean, of course.'
'Hux... now I don't recognize you.'
scoff 'Come on, what can a fake fountain of red tomato juice do to my already wretched sanity? I've just seen human's embowelment and a gallon of gastric juices. Nothing like a plain throat-cutting can bother me anymore.'
'Damn, should I be proud of you, Hux? I feel proud. A couple more marathons and I'm gonna make a full-blooded horror movie bug from you!'
huff 'Forget it! swish Hey, leave my hair alone, buffon!!'
fond giggle 'Sorry, I couldn't resist. You're so cute when you get angry.'
'I'm not cute!!'
'You're literally denying yourself right now, you know? Look at you! You're blushing, Hux.'
incredulous wheeze 'Bullshit! It's the screen's glow!'
'Are you sure? The light's blue.'
'I— I don't care!!'
soundless eyeroll 'Oh, c'mere, my cute blushing hubby.'
sounds of a person wriggling madly in a tight grip 'Lemme go, you sociopath! You're squishing my ribs and lungs in a fucking pulp!!'
sloppy peck on the forehead 'I'm doing this for your sake. I suggest you stop wriggling. Someone's gonna have their eyes gouged out in a while. Trust me, you're not prepared to see this yet. I need to spare your beautiful eyes the sight. When I watched it first, I almost threw out.'
'Yeah, I was so innocent then. But don't worry, I've toughened up. agonising howl 'Please, noooo!' 'Now, it doesn't affect me in the slightest.' relaxed chomp 'Over time, the same will happen to you.'
words muffled in one very shredded chest 'Over my dead body.' after a sinister pause 'Or yours, hubby.'
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m1sosazai · 2 years
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I posted 814 times in 2022
That's 571 more posts than 2021!
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#lol - 45 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i was gonna suggest 'not feeding the elderly/queens/sick+injured/kits before warriors and apprentices' as crack but that's actually p shit?
I sent 2 gifts in 2022
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So it turns out that blocking the stupid shaving balls Tumblr does not in fact block the ad from my dashboard 😢
0 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
i spent way too much money pulling for Butler suit ingo in pokemas... But i can't help myself, the submas addiction is too strong! Also i DID get him (along w sygna suit elesa, and a bunch of other random ppl) in the end!!!! So HA.
I guess I'll just... Avoid looking at my bank statement for the month... And hope i make all that money back when i go back to work next week... 😅😭
0 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
0 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ok so i've read the fics where ingo recognizes emmet right away, or very soon after meeting, or when he sees emmet he gets flashbacks and tries to run away or something bc he thinks his brother is actually some illusioned-up zoroark or something. also those fics where they meet in their dreams, or in the rifts. which are all very good!
but specifically that one fic where ingo sees like, little hallucinations of emmet out of the corner of his eye after he gets some of his memory back stuck w me. and basically i think...
what if when the twins meet again, maybe w the PLA protag or the clan leaders... emmet sees ingo give a quick glimpse at him, then pointedly ignore him.
he can't figure out why (is his brother mad at him for not finding him sooner? has he been so traumatized by the separation that he can't look directly at him, the way emmet had a hard time w mirrors during ingo's disappearance?), but meanwhile, ingo is frantically running down his mental checklist of tasks.
1. did he get enough sleep? (yes, a full eight hours before he was roped into this meeting, plus w the baby sneasels and lady sneasel.)
2. did he have enough to eat? (yes, he had a meal at the wallflower a few hours ago... with some cake lures and berries as emergency provisions if he does get hungry.)
3. is he injured anywhere? (no, the last wounds he got, some abrasions from the debris that flew up while he was fighting akari a few weeks ago, healed up just fine.)
having checked off all the criteria, ingo slowly looked up, and despite his better judgement, very carefully met gazes with the white-clothed man with his face that was still, inexplicably, there.
"warden ingo, are you alright?" professor laventon's assistant asked him quietly.
"yes, my engine is in perfect condition," ingo lied, deliberately turning away from the obvious hallucination. maybe it would vanish when he stopped making direct eye contact with it, like it always had before - he couldn't entertain the possibility of his mental state potentially getting worse and having the white-clothed man appear outside the dire situations he'd always seen him it in.
(he didn't need more people in the pearl clan whispering about his uncanny habit of talking to the air, or akari eyeing him with concern whenever he was caught spacing out while turning to the left after she'd felled one of his pokemon in battle.)
so yeah, ingo is very used to seeing emmet whenever he gets into trouble somehow... so much so that he has a hard time remembering that he CAN talk to his twin now, in the flesh, without people looking at him crazy lol.
of course, emmet isn't going to stand for his brother ignoring him forever, no matter what he might've done or what ingo thinks, so he ends up goading him into talking to him right in the middle of the meeting (about past-future information exchange or something prolly, idk), and ingo ends up yelling at him like "not now, sleep hallucination! we're in the middle of something!" (bc most of the time he's suffering from insomnia when he sees hallucination-emmet, and "injury hallucination" is significantly more worrying to most - and also rolls off the tongue less imo - to say), which attracts everyone's attention. and the twins have an argument-sation about whether emmet is hallusionary (thank you esama for that great combination of hallucination + illusion), whether it was polite to yell at your brother (remembered or not, real or not) after not seeing him for a while, and how much sleep ingo usually got in a night.
after a while of this, rei is like "...who are you talking to, warden?" (bc honestly akari gets all the spotlight and i like to include cute nerdy assistant boy more), and ingo points at him like "SEE, he just asked who i was talking to, THAT MEANS you're as fake as always!" and emmet scoffs (still smiling in relief tho) before rei is like "actually, i meant 'who is that man who looks like you, warden?'"
ingo realizes that people can see his hallucination, somehow, and spends a brief moment horrified that some zoroark has brought his friendly illusion to life to torment him, or perhaps he's dreaming right now - before it hits him.
the illusion is... real. that's a real man standing before him, feeling very familiar, who looks just like him.
and ingo just derailed a meeting to debate with him and reveal his possibly decaying mental state.
...ingo is very embarrassed.
144 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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belltrigger · 2 years
I saw your hanahaki comments and man! It made me remember that I have a love hate relationship with the whole concept cuz I'm a SUCKER for angst and debilitating all consuming love between people but I hate how. Terminal and lowkey forceful it is as someone who's been on the receiving end of toxic "I can't live without you" "I'll die if you leave me" bs it's not a good feeling ya know?And like. The time constraints too? There's always a really short time limit between when they get sick and when they wilt, and it never feels like enough time to fully explore the bittersweetness of it. Which I guess could be part of its charm. Having that ticking clock.
But I saw this concept floating around a a while ago where instead of TERMINAL hanahaki its CHRONIC hanahaki. And I genuinely love that so much more??!
Think about it! The PINING potential!
Ingo comes down with it first when they're in their teens. He's the first one to realize his feelings for Emmet are more than just brotherly love. More than just love for family. And he hates himself for it, but more than anything he's afraid Emmet will push him away if he ever finds out. He keeps his feelings of love pushed down into his heart, hidden from his world, until it starts pushing its way out of him forcibly. Ingo is able to hide it for a while but eventually Emmet finds him hunched over the sink one night, coughing up flowers and petals, gasping and wheezing.
Emmet is scared, but it's not a death sentence, Ingo is just really sick. It's okay. They'll be okay. They can get through this together, Ingo just needs to have his feelings reciprocated or he needs to overcome them. Emmet will be there to help his brother fulfill the love that's made him so sick. But Ingo won't tell him who he's in love with. Adamant about keeping that information secret with the exception of when Emmet asked "is it someone I know?" Which earned him a tense nod from Ingo. Great! That's something he can work with! Except. Why does this information make Emmet's heart ache and skin boil?
Before he realizes it. He himself is sick with love, love for his older twin. It brings him some comfort to finally understand why he had been feeling the way he had been while being around Ingo. But he's already in love with someone else! He can't do that to him! Not when he sees him in pain, struggling day in and day out. So he keeps his feelings hidden. Keeps his condition hidden. Tries to remain the loving and supportive brother. For the sake of Ingo's love.
Years pass. Eventually Ingo finds out Emmet is also in love with someone to the point of sickness. He won't tell Ingo who he's in love with "you won't tell me who YOU'RE in love with. So it's only fair that I don't tell you either!" Is always his answer. Spring is hell for the two of them. But they get through it together. Because even if they won't reveal their loves to eachother, they know they'll always have their brother to lean on and seek comfort from when the pain in their chests becomes too much to bear before the flowers flow from their mouths in wheezing painful gasps.
You know. Food for thought. Chronic hanahaki has some decent potential imo! So I'm trying to share the idea if I can
I might actually make this into a full fic myself lmao but if the idea tickles your fancy please feel free to run with it yourself? [Insert eye emoji here]
Hello Anon! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I have a lot of feelings about Hanahaki, as you probably saw when I just couldn't stop talking in @cocacolaclown's chat.
Cut for length!
You know, I always swerve at the last moment with Hanahaki - sort of an "oops they were actually still alive sike" because I can't truly handle tragedy. You've probably noticed this pattern with my writing. It's probably why the Hisui AU is taking as long as it is. There is gonna be a lot of hardship for them before the soft fluff happens.
BUT, but! Your suggestion of it being chronic instead of terminal is verrrry good! It solves part of the problem that stalls my hand on creating any of my own hanahaki media.
Emmet wanting to help must have made it even worse for Ingo. The urge to just tell Emmet as the pain and struggling mounts, but holding back for his twin's sake, no matter how wrong he is on Emmet's stance. He wants to protect Emmet, even if it happens to be from himself! Emmet should go on to have a normal love, not held back by his older brother's selfish desires.
And then Emmet developing the disease as well. Ingo wonders if it's spreadable, contagious? He never thinks that Emmet loves him back, just that somehow a seed or pollen spread to Emmet while he was foolishly letting his younger twin take care of him. He can't even research it, too consumed over the fear and guilt that he caused such suffering in Emmet despite trying to avoid it. And Emmet won't even tell him who would dare not love his precious twin back. "Have you tried to tell them?" and Emmet just smiles and shakes his head, fistful of phalaenopsis petals behind his back.
I haven't drawn in a bajillion years and still don't feel good about my art, but hopefully one of the amazing people in the blankshipping circle can draw what popped into my brain at the end of your post. Hear me out: does anyone remember the Magnet vocaloid trend? With the two characters leaning towards each other with their headphone mics linked together? That but with the flowers coming from Ingo and Emmet's mouths? I dunno, I just think it would illustrate their stubborn grip on "I won't tell you, even though you are who I think of."
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weirdlyfitting · 3 years
Forgive me for being so late eheh, I couldn't figure out who's who or what's what from the list plus being busy irl BUT HEY! Finally I can join this countdown!
Ok so I'm gonna do like from day 1-recent
Favorite Character
Darius Bowman & Kenji Kon
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TBFH I LOVE ALL CAMP FAM CHARACTERS. They all had great character development plus clear motivation on why they did what they did. Those stuff got handled so well and ugh it made me so hard to choose ahaha.
Anyway, I love Darius because he's such a dino nerd. Plus his "never give up" spirit that inspired me as the audience to stay strong when things do fall apart. He's such a precious boi 🥺
And then Kenji. *sigh I hated, HATED this boi since he got introduced. But then as the eps kept going, I realized that he's just a teen that made mistakes and learn from them. The scene in S1 ep 6, when the kids were doing kayak river thing and Kenji told Brooklyn to stop bothering Sammy? Yeah, that's when I doubted my hatred . In S2 I started to actually love his character! He's just so....dumb and innocent lmaooo. The thing is for a comedic character I loved how he also has depth and development :D
Favorite Friendship
CAMP FAM! (Darius, Ben, Kenji, Yaz, Sammy, Brooklyn)
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First they're uh- reminded me of the losers club from IT *cough Ben and Eds *cough- especially
Anyway the dynamic and chemistry are awesome! I really hope in S3 there will be more deep convo like in S1 ep 7 (at the monorail, before Ben's near death fall). Them bonding with knowing and understanding each other's feelings is just 🥺😥😭💞
Favorite Ship
Dave & Roxie
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Hmm I'm not into shipping but the closest that I really had interest with are Dave & Roxie and Darius & Brooklyn. But Dave & Roxie is just so cute and fun lol. Like the cool uncle and aunt that genuinely cared even if yes, they did made a lot of mistakes while doing it.
Favorite Funny Scene
S1 Ep 3, when Ben was the one who drive the gyrosphere (idk if this spelled right lmao) and Kenji being the passenger
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There are many memorable funny scenes but THIS ONE was the first ever scene that made me wheezed (looking back, I used to think that CC wasn't that good oop- so yeah doubted it but hey look at where I am now!). Kenji's face and Dave and Roxie just "smile and wave" I remember holding my laugh so no one can get disturbed (the first time I watched CC was at night time lol)😭🤣
Favorite Sad Scene
After I rewatch S1, I changed my mind on Ben's near death fall and choose the convo in the monorail.
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This isn't really a sad scene but to me when rewatching it, it made me cry. Like seriously real tears what-
"now that it's over, what are the odds if we'll see each other again", everyone is silent then Jurassic World/Park theme played YO I STARTED TO FEEL SO EMO ESPECIALLY WITH THE THEME PLAYED 😭
And then "My dad used to say this place was Allosaurus in the bag of chips" gosh when Darius' voice cracked it broke me- yes I crieeeeeed
Favorite Episode
S2 Ep 8
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Ugh this episode and finale is much much better than S1 (it's not that I hated s1's finale it's just s1 was wayyyy more depressing man :( ). Camp fam is together again and Darius completed his arc here (he has serious guilt issue since Ben's fall and I'm glad it got resolved here). This episode was sooooo fun with the actions! And the cliffhanger? I was terrified of what'll come next, but overall I really really enjoy it ahaha 😁💖
And bonus : Kenji learned to ride a motorbike made me so happy when the first time I watched it. I relate so much because that time I was learning to ride one too haha.
Favorite Quote
"We're not GIVING UP! I get it. It's scary. This wasn't how today was supposed to be. Things aren't always going to go your way. Life is messy and sometimes, things fall apart. But that's okay. Because when that happen we pick up the pieces and keep going. And we never give up!" -Darius Bowman, S1 Ep 4
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Ahh since I hear it I used this whenever I had a bad day and so many negative thoughts going in my mind. This quote is my comfort quote along with what Tulip said to One-One in The Unfinished Car from Infinity Train 💕
Okay so that's all for now. What's left is free space + season 3 airs! I'll use my free space for making edit from these lists and if I don't have time maybe I'll try to share my s3 review? Idk but I'll make sure I'm on time for the last list ;)
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levbug · 4 years
𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃'𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐔𝐒 — 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐢.
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#pairings ー pro hero! midoriya izuku x gender neutral! reader (slight izuchaco)
#warnings ー  terrible angst lmao (this is my first lolol). also, did i name this after a meme? y e s
#wc ー 2.1k
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the heels of your formal shoes clicked against the linoleum tiles, echoing softly around the empty hallways. you much rather preferred this peace and quiet as opposed to the loud and energetic home of the wedding goers outside. they were beginning to give you a migraine with all the excitement and happiness that they radiated. that, and the overpowering scent of overpriced perfume and leather shoes.
you hummed quietly to yourself, leisurely making your way down the hall. the bride and groom's rooms were just about here, if you remembered correctly. you chuckled softly as you heard the loud squeals from one of the rooms, presumably from the bride and her bridesmaids, which only confirmed your assumptions.
you were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't hear the faint creaking of the old wooden door, nor the hand that shot out to grab your wrist.
your training at u.a and had given you exceptional strength and reaction time, but whoever had grabbed you was at least ten times stronger. you thrashed and struggled as much as you could, hoping your captor would lose their grasp over you, but to no avail. their grip only tightened.
"calm down, will you?" a soft voice whispered in your ear. a smile formed on your face at the familiar voice, and you immediately stopped trying to land blows on him.
"izuku!" you exclaimed, wrapping your arms around him. the taller boy returned your hug, nuzzling his face into the nape of your neck. you did the same, relishing his familiar cologne and the way his unruly hair, despite it having been gelled, tickling your cheeks gently.
"i missed you." he mumbled, bringing you closer. "i've missed you, too, big guy, but uh—" you wheezed, tapping his shoulder to tell him he was holding you too tight. he let go of immediately, shyly scratching his pink tinted cheeks. his hand was still on your waist, as if he didn't want to let go of you, but you didn't say anything.
"s-so, how are you?" he asked awkwardly, trying to look you in the eye but failing to do so, instead opting to stare at the space behind you.
you smiled at the sudden shift in his demeanor, finding it endearing. even after all these years—even though izuku had grown more confident in himself, he was still that same shy boy you met in middle school all those years ago. it was nice to see that the fame and money hadn't gotten to his head, unlike some other heroes who had let their ego grow too big for their own good.
"i'm doing wonderful, izuku!" half-lie. you could have been doing better, if you were being honest, but now didn't seem like the time to tell him that. "how about you, 'zuku? seems you've gone and gotten yourself a wife!" you took his calloused hand gently from your waist, rubbing your thumb across the scars that had marked him over the years. though he had learned to control his quirk, it seemed that he still went 'plus ultra' at times.
you stared at the man before you, smiling at his flustered state. he was dressed in a suit and tie, since they had decided on a western-themed wedding. he looked extremely attractive, albeit a little uncomfortable in the formal clothing, you had to admit, all with his unruly hair contrasting his pressed clothing.
midoriya cleared his throat, moving his hand away from your waist. you were slightly disappointed, but didn't say anything, nor did you show it. "uh, well, future wife." he corrected, chuckling softly. "though, not that it really matters." midoriya began to mutter. "ochaco's gonna be my wife in a few hours anyway, so there's basically no difference. oh my goodness, i'm going to be a married man in less than a few hours! i don't think i can handle that!would i even be a good husband? i think we should call off the wedding—"
"woah, buddy, calm down." you held the now-hyperventilating midoriya by the shoulders, helping him to sit on one of the nearby couches. the apple of his cheeks were now a bright red, and his chest was rising and falling rapidly with each breath he took. your mouth formed a small slant as you frowned.
"i don't think i can do this, (first name)." he said, tears trailing slowly down his cheek. "i don't think i can carry on with this? what if ochaco suddenly decides she doesn't want to marry me? what if we aren't as perfect for each other as we thought?" he turned to you, green eyes wide and frantic.
as much as it pained you to see midoriya end up with someone else, it hurt you more to hear him doubting himself. midoriya was one of the bravest, kindest, and most considerate people you knew, and to see him in such a vulnerable position just reminded you that even the greatest people had their insecurities.
"oh, 'zuku." you sighed, resting your forehead on his suit clad shoulder. he smelled faintly of aftershave and like flowers, which you hadn't noticed previously. midoriya nuzzled his face into your neck out of habit, the moisture of his tears gathering on your nape.
"i know you may not see it yourself, but you're truly wonderful, izuku. ochaco's one lucky gal to have snatched you up." you chuckled softly, ignoring the bitter taste in your mouth. "i don't understand how you can doubt yourself, 'zuku. you're so brave, and kindhearted, and you've always put others before yourself. you're literally made of hubby material." you felt the low rumbling of midoriya chuckling against your collarbone, the sound alone bringing a small smile to your face. "and if you seriously think that ochaco would leave you, bakugou might have hit you harder than necessary."
midoriya had begun laughing now, removing his face from your neck. his previously sorrowful and anxious eyes were now twinkling with amusement. you smiled at the sight, glad to have been of service.
"thanks, (nickname), i really appreciate that." he chuckled breathlessly, holding your hand between his. you felt your cheeks warm at the way your hand seemed to mold perfectly in his, as if the world was mocking you, saying 'this man could have been yours.' you two sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company.
"you know," midoriya spoke after a while. "i used to have the biggest crush on you." he admitted with a light blush on his cheeks. you cocked your head to the side, slightly confused. midoriya continued. "to be honest, i only ever accepted ochaco's confession because i thought i never had a chance with you, as bad as it sounds."
if you didn't the universe was playing with your feelings before, you were sure that it was now. "o-oh?" you choked out. "why'd you think that you didn't have a chance with me?"
ever since you had met midoriya on your first day at u.a, you had been attracted to him instantly. his shy yet determined personality just drew you in, like a moth to a flame. for years you had desperately hoped that he would one day confess that he returned your feelings, and even went as far to wait for him even after your graduation. but it never came.
until today, it seems. on his wedding day.
the irony of it all pained your heart. here was the moment you'd been fantasizing of since you were a first year at u.a, but it didn't go as you had expected. you didn't feel the butterflies that you had expected to feel. you didn't hear the birds singing. you didn't feel sickeningly in love. you just felt sick.
"i don't know," midoriya sighed, leaning back in his seat. he ran a hand through his curly green hair, mussing it up even more. "i guess i just thought you were always too good for me." inwardly, you screamed at your past selves for being the densest humans on earth. "that, and whenever i came near you, bakugou would always stare daggers at me." he chuckled awkwardly.
you disregarded his last comment, sitting rigidly beside midoriya. your eyes burned with tears that couldn't seem to fall, and your heart was beating irregularly slow in your chest. there was a weight on your shoulders that made you feel like you were carrying the entire world's burdens on your shoulders, alone.
"(first name)?" midoriya placed a hand on your knee, looking at you with concern. he stared at you with those damned green eyes. the same green eyes that you had fallen in love with. the same green eyes that you had spent nights thinking of. the same green eyes that stared back at you as if he hadn't just confessed his past feelings for you. "are you okay? you're looking a little pale."
"i-i'm fine." you tried to smile, but you couldn't find it in you. it was so selfish of you, to be honest. this was another woman's groom, and here you were about to cry because he had returned the feelings that you had assumed were unrequited? 'that's real shallow.' you reprimanded yourself.
"are you sure?" he tilted his head innocently to the side, looking like a cute puppy. you stood abruptly, unable to handle to pain in your chest. unfortunately, you were feeling a bit woozy and swayed a little as you rose to your feet. "hey, why don't you sit down? i can go get you some water—"
"i said i'm fine!" you snapped, pushing his hand away from you. the hurt look that flashed across midoriya's face made guilt envelope your entire being. "i'm sorry. i suddenly got very dizzy, is all." you lied.
midoriya pursed his lips into a thin line. he knew you well enough to know that you were lying. still, he didn't say anything, knowing it would get you nowhere if he forced you to tell him the problem. "are you sure? can i get you water, at least?”
you shook your head, eyes not meeting his. "it's alright, izuku. we've got to go now anyways, it's almost time for your wedding." you said with a small smile. it didn't quite seem right, though, midoriya noted. it didn't seem to reach your eyes.
"o-oh, right!" he scratched the back of his head, checking the time on his watch. he noticed your stiff movements as you hastily scrambled out of the room, muttering a small, "good luck, izuku." on your way out. he could only call out for your name as you stepped out of the door, not knowing why you had suddenly gotten so strange. was it something he had said?
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you watched with tear filled eyes as uraraka slowly made her way down the aisle, the ever present blush on her cheeks made more prominent as she made eye contact with her groom. she was dressed in an elegant white gown, her short brown hair styled flatteringly around her face.
you snuck a glance at the groom, who had glassy eyes as he watched the love of his life make her way towards him. a small pang of hurt echoed in your chest as you watched him take her hand in his, just as he hand done with you just a few minutes previously. you bit your lip to suppress the low cry that threatened to escape.
the rest of the ceremony went by in a blur for you. the words of the officiant barely registering in your brain. you were too busy imagining that it was you standing with midoriya at the altar. that instead of uraraka, you were the one holding his scarred hands, staring into his eyes lovingly and giving small shy smiles if you would catch the eye of some of the guests that you had invited.
but you were launched back into reality as the officiant called out for any objections. you were tempted to raise your hand and profess your love for the green haired pro-hero, but held out, knowing you'd not only ruin your friendship with him, but also your friendship with uraraka, who was beaming with joy as everyone stayed silent. you loved midoriya, but you treasured uraraka just as much.
your tears seemed to finally be able to flow freely as you watched midoriya cup uraraka's cheek gently, as if she were the most fragile thing in the world and one wrong move could destroy her. you looked around to see that you weren't the only one crying. though, you were sure you were the only one crying for your own selfish reason, as opposed to the other guests who were crying from the sweetness of the now-married couple.
a lump was caught in your throat as the two newlyweds descended down the aisle, the green haired man catching your eye briefly. the only thing that echoed in your mind as he looked away was the reminder that it could have been you walking with him.
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dazaily · 4 years
karasuno first years using pick-up lines on their s/o
soo.. i’ve been wanting to write a karasuno head canon for ages, and i gonna write a hc which turned into a short fic that i’ll probably never finish... so this is the replacement. enjoy!!
description: so the the karasuno boiz were playing truth and dare in their changing room. and tanaka and nishinoya had dared your bf to use a pick-up line on you. 
warnings: implied nsfw. gender neutral reader. fluffy but sprinkled with swears. i was stressed writing this. long af. not proofread. 
. ⋆   *  .  ·    ✫     ⋆
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hinata shoyo
i’m sorry but, did u rlly expect our lil cinnamoroll to know what’s a pick up line?
he babie 🥺❤️
n e ways, it was finally his turn on their little game of truth and dare and nishinoya had dared him to use a pick up line on you.
“a pickup line??? what’s that? will it improve my volleyball skills??”
like i said a bABIE!!
nishinoya and tanaka needs to stop tainting my bbys mind.
“udk whats a pickup line??? how did u even end up with y/n.”
nishinoya is in shock.
and then the plan commenced.
their lil game of truth and dare ended up as a lil plan on getting u hinata to use a pick up line on you.
that night, u were walking home w hinata after club activities ended.
with noya, tanaka and kageyama trailing you, but we pretend they don’t exist.
“soo,, y/n”
“sup? y u acting all weird for? ur usually rambling abt volleyball by now.. u okay?”
“hoW DO THEY KNOW?? WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW?? THEY TOLD ME TO SOUND NATURAL BUT THEY ALR KNOWS!! uGh my senpais are watching me, i gotta do them proUD!”
hinatas mind ran at 1,000km/h, it was insane. especially for someone who doesn’t usually use their brain.
that was the only thing u felt at the moment.
i mean u were alr infront of ur house, what’s the point of holding smt when u were leaving??
conveniently, during ur moment of confusion, the only word u could form was “what”.
“m-m-mm-mY HAND!!”
hinata screeched at ur face
silence. whilst noya and tanaka facepalms in the bg
it took a moment, but ur brain finally computes what ur bf just said
ur first instinct was to release the phatest snort/wheeze. shane dawson is jealous. 
“y/nnnnnn~~ stop laughinggggggg”
hinata was now suffering from crippling embarrassment, as u wouldn't stop laughing no matter how much he pleaded.
omg imagine him all blushy and shiz akdkkoaw-- ok lets not get off topic
“ok,, okay, first of all, u could've just held my hand without asking? we’re dating? you don't need my permission to do smth we do everyday?? and, more importantly, who taught u that line u just used???”
u said half wheezing, half talking, struggling to convey wtv ur trying to say to ur bf.
lucky for u, he was strangely able to understand what u were saying, and he replies with a lengthy explanation of the entire situation. 
“ooo, so that's why noya, tanaka and kageyama have been following us,,”
as u left to go in ur house, he stops u by holding ur hand and gives u a peck on ur forehead. 
as he separates from u, he had the biggest smile plastered on his face, brightening the entire neighbourhood.
“goodnight y/n! i love you!”
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kageyama tobio
erm, lbr this man would have 0 ideas in the field of flirting.
knowing this, our lovely 2nd year duo, decide its time for them to step in and help their junior in his dating life
despite it flowing extremely smoothly w/out their intervention
n e ways, so they forced the 1st years to play truth and dare w them.
when it finally came to tobio’s turn, the unfortunate child unknowingly picks dare which causes nishinoya to spring up.
“i have the perfect dare for you.”
commencing plan...
so nishinoya dares kageyama to say a pickup line to you, but since kageyamas a big baby in disguise, he dk any pickup lines.
bet he didn't even know any pickup lines, but that's not the point. 
so, being the mastermind he is, nishinoya told kageyama a perverted pickup line.
being the clueless innocent baby he is, kageyama decides to recite the pickup line he received from noya to u outside ur class.
“hey y/n,”
“do you like dragons?”
“eh? why the sudden question? i guess so?”
“cuz i can see me dragon my balls on ur face.”
what the fuck.
it was like god hit the pause button on earth, like literally everyone just paused for a literal second, turning their head towards kageyama, trying to figure out who tf was the brave soul who said that. 
while still in shock, kageyama just stood there confused, as he was suddenly placed in the centre of attention for no reason. o there's a reason honey, a very good one.
“why's everyone looking at me,”
with that one sentence, the world went back to normal as if someone had hit the play button all of the sudden, leaving u to deal with the weirdly awkward situation u found urself in. 
“ummm... tobio.. do u have any idea what u just said.”
“uhh yeah, a pickup line.” 
at that moment, when he said that, it hit u.
“what did they do.”
“huh, what are u talking about??”
*insert confused kags*
“nishinoya and tanaka told u to do something right?”
“r u a psychic???”
despite being amazed at ur ‘psychic powers’, he immediately explains the situation, causing u to face palm so much ur face may be concave.
there are times where u appreciate ur dumbass bf being a ignorant qt, but times like this makes u wish he was a tad bit smarter.. 
debating ur options, u decided to explain the meaning of the pickup line he just used on u in public.
once hearing and understanding the meaning of the pickup line he used on u, his face lit up like a matchstick, shining bright red, stuttering madly, struggling to get even a word out.
“oh, um, well, im sorry for saying smtg so indecent to u in public, um ill make it up to u somehow,”
understanding him was a struggle due to the severe stuttering he was suffering from, but u managed somehow.
“nahhh, its cool, i should go lecture nishinoya for corrupting my precious baby though~~”
“hehe, yes ur my baby <3″
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tsukishima kei
ugh this salty ass mfcker
honestly can't imagine him being forced into using a pickup line on his s/o
cuz, despite hw much we try to deny it, he is one smart mfcker,,,
but i think he would be curious how his s/o will react, so he would do it on his own will anyways.
umm, so this is how the situation went down.
it was another boring day, and the 2nd year duo was having none of that and decided too ensue a game of truth and dare with the 1st years.
this was how the c h a o s started.
he was trying to leave the game discreetly before he had to sell his soul to the devil. 
unfortunately for him, lady luck was not on his side, as he was chosen to do the next dare. 
“but wait a fucking minute, when the fuck did this become a game of dare or dare, when tf did freedom of choice decide to fuck off like that?”
plot convenience
so he was forced into a dare. 
the moment of dread came when tanaka stood up shouting he had a brilliant idea. and it all went downhill from there.
so tanaka dared tsukki to use a pickup line on his s/o. and his first reaction was no. 
“o come on, u never do anything romantic, i bet u haven't even held hands, sometimes i wonder how y/n’s still with u.”
“says the person who has never dated.”
tanaka shut ups. 
so somehow, he managed to get himself out of the situation. 
later that night, he couldn't stop thinking about pickup lines. he almost spent the whole night thinking about ur reaction. cuz volleyball is just a club, am i right..
he decided to use a pickup line on u tmrw, just to see ur reaction, not like he wants to use one, lmao that's lame, haha. a fucking tsundere.
the next day, during lunch, he left yams with the 1st year duo to go find u.
when he saw u, he immediately calls u. 
“hey, where's yams, u didn't tell me u wanted to eat with me today,”
“nah, i just had something to tell u.”
at this moment, tsukishimas heart was beating faster than ushijimas spikes.
“you know if u think about it we never stop tasting our tongues.”
“hmm, now that u said it ye--”
“how bout i taste urs for a change.”
since it was so unexpected, u had no idea how to react. 
as u returned to reality, u notice a slight pink on his cheeks.
u were gonna come back with a snarky comment, since it was rare he was so vulnerable(?) 
but ur plans were ruined when he glanced at u making eye contact, to check ur reaction. 
ur face bursts into the brightest red, hes ever seen. 
seeing ur extremely delayed reaction, he lets out a laugh, but immediately recollects himself. 
“it was a dare from tanaka.”
you were still bright red, but u felt the blush on ur face reducing after hearing the reasoning behind the line. 
“oh, haha, i was wondering what's up”
u said slightly dejectedly. 
he felt like he was just punched in the gut by guilt. 
“i was also curious about ur reaction, and i am satisfied to say the least.”
he leans down to ur height to whisper in ur ear, before initiating the kiss. 
ur blush returns almost immediately as u returned the kiss.
since yall were in school, he separed from the kiss after a few seconds. this is a place for knowledge, y'all nasties.
“welp, bye loser,”
after the kiss, he immediately return to yamaguchi, leaving u alone with ur thoughts. trying to escape from embarrassment.
he may be equal to the condiment on ur kitchen cupboard, but he still tries to make u happy, so appreaciate him and his efforts <3
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yamaguchi tadashi
a babie uwuwuwu
pickup line what's that? hehe omf he's so cute
so how this about to go down. 
so truth and dare bla bla bla... ive written this exact thing 3 times please excuse my behaviour.
since he was bored, yamaguchi forced tsukki to join in on the fun together, a decision he would regret. 
soon it became yamaguchi’s turn, and everyone turned quiet due to the lack of dares they had or yamaguchi.
that was until the one and only nishinoya stood up. 
“hEY, u have a s/o right, how about u use a cheesy pickup line on her!!” *eyebrow raise*
while processing what nishinoya just said, yamaguchi’s face morphed into one of dread and fear, as he turns his head to tsukishima for help.
“u dragged us into this mess, i aint helping u.”
and there goes his only help, well it was his fault in the first place dragging him and his best friend into this mess. tsukishima u tsundere.
yamaguchi was on the verge of tears, thinking of excuses and ways he could get out of the god forbidden situation he brought upon himself. 
but the only thing he could think of was the worst case scenario, which was u breaking up with him.
looking at his senpais, he slowly faces the fact that there's no escape and accepts his fate. 
if this is the cause of the end of ur relationship together, it just means the gods don't want y'all together.
“idk any pickup lines....” 
this was his last attempt of escaping as he bids ur relationship farewell, already aware it was not gonna work. 
“thiS IS WHERE I COME IN, don't worry yamaguchi i am the encyclopaedia of pickup lines.”
ofc his senpais would know the cheesiest lines on the surface of this earth. despite insisting the earth is flat.
and so the dreadful event began. 
after school ended, otw to his club, he met up with u. with his senpais trailing behind stalking y'all, to see ur reaction.
“ugh out of all the pickup lines, they had to make me use the most overused one... im gonna cry,,, y/n i hope u don't leave me after this.”
well here goes nothing...
“hey y/n,,” extreme stutters that im too lazy to type out.
“k-k-kiss me if im wrong,,, b-but dinosaurs still exist right?”
before he could even cringe at himself, u gave him a peck on his lips while smirking afterwards. 
yamaguchi proceeds to poof into redness after processing what had just happen, as u laugh maniacally in the background.
“u could've just asked for one, and tsukishima already told me everything so u don't need to explain,"
yamaguchi did not have the brain power to comprehend the situation at hand, as he was still affected from the kiss from earlier.
“i can't believe u think i would breakup with u because of something so trivial.. im kinda upset..”
finally coming back to reality, yamaguchi finally realises the situation he's in. 
“o-oh, i didn't mean to make it seem like i didn't believe in our relationship, its just that w--”
he gets cut off by u kissing him again.
when u separate, u began to laugh again. 
“hAHAHHA, ikik, i was just joking around, don't worry ill love u no matter what, now off u go to ur club ill see u tmrw.”
not knowing what to do or how to react, yamaguchi felt the need to do smtg before u left. 
“i love u, ill call u later tonight!”
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