#Labour and a betrayal of values
artificial-absinthe · 6 months
I finished the first season of Arcane. It's impressive, so artistic and strong in narrative telling. Every character has a marked personality conveyed through their every feature including their looks and body language. Highest pinnacle aesthetics, the scenery is captivating.
That being said, every transformers fan that watches it, perhaps, can't but notice the striking parallels with the Aligned and Idw1 lore. Actually... the background plot is quite the same.
The major problematic arises because there's a dramatic split of social hierarchy.
In Transformers, it exists the caste system and functionism. In Arcane, society is divided in high and low classes as well. Low castes are heavy work labourers, such as miners, gladiators, etc. They are rude, often violent, and outcasts. They suffer scarcities and unjustice from a government who despises them or is oblivious to their strife. The same for low classes in Arcane. (Save for existing gladiators)
High and mid castes are government, scientists, military, artists, not brute workers such as archivists. The same for Arcane.(save for archivists)
The different castes/classes are split in separate places. Low castes/classes are not allowed into the wealthy cities.
The low castes in Transformers and low classes in Arcane live in cities polluted by the vapors of factories and such, or that seem darkened somehow. The sick, the addicted and the mentally ill are common. Crime is not in short supply. Criminals are exiled or seek shelter there because there their activities are unnoticed.
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Kaon (Transformers)
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Zaun (Arcane)
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Iacon (Transformers)
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Piltover (Arcane)
The ruling entity is conformed by an association of a number of characters called the Council in both cases. (In Transformers there's also a Prime, which has no analog in Arcane)
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The High Council and the Hall of justice. (Transformers)
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The Council and their Tower. (Arcane)
There are also enforcers.
The antagonist is a menacing character, witty, terrifying and sexy arrogant as hell who has no qualms on use whatever means to get his way. They come from mines, they want freedom and autonomy to their kind but also crave power and know no boundaries. They value loyalty in a high degree and demand it, –the consequences of betrayal are dire. They endorse violence as way of change and are cruel and remorseless. They both have deep streaks of scars on their faces creasing their lips and share a liking for purple, dubious substances.
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Megatron and Dark energon
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Silco and the shimmer.
Also, they used to have an ally whom they referred to as brother, but who parted ways with them because of the virulent and dangerous, radical tendencies of the turned antagonist. These ally is/was noble, strong but kind and knows/learned that violence should be the last resort.
They both have as well subordinates that would follow them through hell because they, among other reasons, see in them that which any other. And these subordinates are feared and their own way of creepy.
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Frag, it's Soundwave!
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Oh, no, it's Jinx...!
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And Sevika
Overal, the running story and focus is obviously very different, with various elements of their own, but honestly, the background plot and various parallels sometimes caused the fleeting feeling that I was watching a prewar tfp human steampunk version. Don't take me wrong, I loved Arcane and am very interested in the next season.
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widthofmytongue · 2 years
The other night, ahead of Purim, I had some drinks with colleagues. Later in the evening, a conversation with one of them turned to politics. Obviously. I asked her why she’s not a member of a union, and she said pretty bluntly ‘well, I’m a lot more right wing than you’. In the spirit of the mitzvah to drink until unable to distinguish between Mordechai and Haman, friend and foe, I decided to hold back my impulse to hiss, and simply asked her ‘in what ways?’
In truth, she and I agreed on most basic political points. The Tories are abusive, selfish pricks; Labour is wet and stands for nothing; privatisation has all but destroyed Britain; everyone deserves basic necessities like food, housing, even education; we have more in common with each other and with the homeless than we ever will with either Charles III or our bosses. She was also very supportive (far more so than most Brits I meet) of my experiences of antisemitism and transphobia.
Here’s where her right leanings shone through:
1) She obviously believes in meritocracy; those who are best suited to specific tasks deserve recognition. But then this is hardly an alien sentiment on the left, is it?
2) She believes hierarchies are necessary for systems to function; certain people are required to take responsibility for the group, and they supposedly must therefore be above the others. This directly contradicted something she said earlier, that we should all take more responsibility for our shared situation, with which I agreed, but she considered a right wing view. I also gave peer-review as an example of a fully functional non-hierarchical system, which she essentially ignored. An odd response given we work at a university.
3) She believes ‘socialism has never worked’. When I responded to this by saying ‘it’s working right now’ and pointed out that Cuba is thriving and has passed the most progressive LGBT and family rights legislation to date, and that China is the most populace country on earth with the highest GPD and a sitting communist party, she said she’s not informed enough about either of those, ‘but Nordic countries...’ which I interrupted, and we agreed that Nordic countries are not socialist, nor especially good examples of capitalism. We also agreed that capitalism isn’t very viable in the long term, and I made the point that any criticisms of socialism can be made tenfold of capitalism, plus dozens more condemnable. So I think this is just about a fundamental misunderstanding of what ‘socialism’ even refers to, resultant of hegemonic propaganda?
4) She believes issues like transphobia and antisemitism (etc.) are problems on ‘both sides’. Now, I agree with this, but what I said was, the difference is that such prejudice or hate is a betrayal of leftist principles, whereas the same prejudice and hate actually props up many - if not all - right wing values.
One of our main talking points was my assertion that things like the NHS or Right To Buy council housing or tuition fees or whatever are really a question of priorities. I said that there are some things everyone deserves: healthcare, housing, food, power, education, transport, and we should prioritise them, especially as it’s entirely within our (or the state’s) capacity to provide these things. She agreed. However, she seemed stuck on the idea that the government should be expected to provide food. I am entirely unclear on why, but when I mentioned that supermarkets throw away enormous quantities of food she agreed it was despicable. I suggested that such food waste could be legislated against and/or wasted food could be claimed by local authorities to redistribute to those in need, but she seemed dubious. She did agree that local food programmes would be possible, though, yet she called this��‘traditional conservatism’, relating it to some imagined precept of charity. Now I don’t know what kind of topsy-turvy Bizarro world conservatism invests in practical charitable measures (rather than e.g. laundering the money of the rich), but I did assert: ‘when the Black Panthers were doing it, I don’t think anyone called it conservative’.
Anyway, my point about priorities was that strengthening the NHS or ensuring people are housed and fed are simply more important to me than the military, for example, so I suggested we could defund the military in order to re-allocate funding to more important services. Her response to this was, I kid you not, ‘well we can’t just tax the rich and assume that will solve all our problems’. I replied ‘well we could actually, and it would certainly go toward solving some problems, but my suggestion was to defund the military, not tax the rich.’
Now what can we learn from all this? As I said, I actually agree that we should all take more responsibility for our shared plight. The crucial difference, in my mind, is that the reason for doing that is so that we can all lessen one another’s loads, make things easier and more comfortable and even enjoyable for one another. C'est assez, languir en tutelle; l'égalité veut d'autres lois! But the conservative psyche has no desire to make things easier. Perhaps this is obvious from the constant overcomplication of adding obstacles in the form of strawmen. ‘Socialism has never worked!’ It has and it does, but who mentioned socialism? ‘We can’t just tax the rich!’ Yes we can, but who mentioned taxing the rich? ‘The money necessary to keep the NHS going is more than we have available!’ How much is being spent on the Coronation, and where is that money coming from? (spoiler: not ‘the rich’) ‘Helping the needy is a conservative value!’ Okay seriously WTF dude, but also, why then do conservatives stop leftists from doing it every time we try?
These aren’t just rehearsed talking points. These are symptoms of targeted hegemonic misinformation. No one is born conservative, one is made conservative, perhaps even by force. But to be conservative is also at odds with the fundamental experience of social beings; caring for one another, empathy. Part of right wing psychology is the desire to impose one’s own trauma on others, because after all one’s own experience, however brutal, must be the natural order.
Of course, dialectical materialism illuminates precisely the opposite. My experience and hers and indeed yours are not the same, and yet they are all true, even if they are at odds. The difference is that where the right wing practices an ongoing separation into ever smaller in-groups, our immortal science teaches us to understand, to reach out, to gather together and to unite. The revolutionary personality is driven by love, a desire to confront injustice, to heal the world. This is the final struggle, so let each stand in our place...
And tomorrow the International union shall be the human race!
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When Labour took office, far from regarding MI5 as any sort of threat, they saw the agency as ‘an important instrument of government’ and ‘fully appreciated MI5’s value’. The ‘Zinoviev Letter’ was very much in the past as far as Attlee and his colleagues were concerned. Indeed, the extent to which Attlee was personally comfortable with MI5 and its activities is perhaps best shown by the fact that he was the first Prime Minister to visit MI5 headquarters and actually wrote a ‘Preface’ to the memoirs, Cloak without Dagger, of MI5’s Director-General, Percy Sillitoe. Once in office, Attlee relied on MI5 to spy on those Labour MPs suspected of being ‘crypto-Communists’ as well as on CP activities in the trade unions. In November 1947, he was particularly worried about supposedly Communist-instigated strikes disrupting the Royal wedding and was considerably reassured when told that MI5 ‘had quite a number of agents in the Communist Party who were well placed’. By 1949, Attlee had been convinced by MI5 that the Communists were behind the increasing industrial unrest that the Labour government’s ‘Austerity’ regime was provoking and that they were trying ‘to overturn social democracy’. In July of that year, a general lockout on the London docks where dockers were refusing to unload two Canadian ships crewed by scabs saw the government send in over 12,000 troops to try and break this tremendous display of international solidarity which was predictably condemned as Communist-inspired. Bevan, of all people, condemned the dockers’ action as ‘a betrayal of the labour movement’ and the Transport and General Workers Union subsequently expelled or suspended the dockers’ unofficial leaders from the union.
John Newsinger, Hope Lies in the Proles: George Orwell and the Left
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galene-gothic · 4 months
Hi, following up on my previous ask, I wonder what SM's feelings/emotions are towards me? Over the course of the years, i have started to have feelings for this person. I believe your insights could give me more clarity:) My intials are VA. Thank you so much for reading this and making time for this! <3 take care!
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ What are SM’s current feelings for you?
You make them feel positive feelings but they’re not interested in a committed relationship with you. They feel like you respect them and they’re aware that you care about them even if they’re not sure of the kind of love that you possess. They seem to know that if they choose to come forward to you, you’ll actually reciprocate. They feel supported by you but I’m picking up on some kind of one sidedness here. On some level, they’re planning on keeping up appearances so that they can continue taking your services. You make them feel validated more than anything. I’m not really getting the positive feelings being present because they actually have your good interests at heart but because you have their good interests at heart and they know it. They don’t want to be with you but they do not necessarily mind spending time with you. However, they still want to receive your emotions and favours while simply just going with the flow and not committing. I would shift my focus to myself if I was you because they don’t mind being open and vulnerable with you, using your emotional labour but they aren’t interested in having a committed relationship with you because they’re fine with you getting away but as long as you don’t, they don’t mind having you around. It’s funny because for as long as possible, they do want you to themself 💀. They think that they can do better than you, on an inner level, that’s what it is but that’s not true at all. It’s just that this person doesn’t see your value because you’re down to earth and don’t treat them like crap. You deserve so much better, I swear to god. They’re feeling and acting very selfishly, I wouldn’t try to pursue this but if you do feel ready to, you could ask them what their intentions of your connection are. ALSO, YOU SEEM TO BE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEM ON EVERY LEVEL SO I’M NOT SURE WHY THEY ARE BEING SO DELUSIONAL. Due to how upsetting this reading is, I’m giving you a brief overview on yourself and SM as individuals. Let’s just say, even at your worst, you’re still better than them but the problem with you is that you’re a doormat for those who you seem to care about. You’ve experienced painful stuff and especially endings. There’s an energy of outright betrayal that you have experienced at some point. Right now, you seem to be sorta exhausted because of that. It makes sense why someone like you would be interested in someone like them right now, you’ve hit your lowest and aren’t thinking straight.
You’re supposed to let go of past endings and work on healing by not being a doormat. You’ll get there little by little, don’t forget that practice makes perfect. You don’t have the strongest self esteem right now so you aren’t being honest about what you want because there’s no way someone could genuinely want this person. You’re not acting out of integrity and that’s okay, you’ve just experienced a lot. You’ve been driven to insanity. Despite this, you’ve still not lost your true passionate self yet. You’re still very charming, charismatic and warm in the way you interact with people. You have a lot of mental capacity and are really intelligent. You also possess a natural curiosity. You’re too exhausted to even be your true self though. You have great communication and observation skills. You have certain values that you’ve still not deviated from despite being done dirty and hurt. Even right now, your true self is screaming out to be heard and acted out by you. You are a bit mentally restless due to your mental capacity and need for mental stimulation. You’re being too harsh on yourself. You deserve the best, don’t settle for beimg treated poorly. EVER! SM on the other hand is really full of themself. I feel like they are likely attractive to a certain extent but they’re attractive in a way where the more you get to know them, the more you don’t want anything to do with them. They keep on repeating negative patterns only adding onto them. On the surface, they act like they’re getting along well with people and respect them but on the inside, that’s not the case because they don’t even respect themself. They are really full of themself for someone who is this insecure. The reason I’m making this reading lengthy is so that you can figure out if it’s truly for you. You might have been acquainted with them because they seem to lack support in their life. I am picking up on a wounded saviour or unpaid therapist dynamic here. They’re the type to bury their own feelings leaving them unresolved and are carrying a lot of trauma. They’re the type who believes they have terrible luck and that everyone uses them but when someone with good intentions comes in, they use that person and treat them like shit because they get too comfortable. For some reason, they believe that you would always be there for them. I feel bad for them because they are just insecure and immature. Also, another thing, they’re going to guaranteed regret missing out on you in the future if you do choose to get away.
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🩰 Thank you for participating in my event, I would truly appreciate your feedback someday. Much love and take care 🐇
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todaygwenlearned · 2 years
Podcast: Audible Anarchist: Alexander Berkman: What is Communist Anarchism? Chapter 4: How the System Works.
In this chapter Berkman describes how capitalism is the greatest source of misery in the world today.
Why aren't we happy? We should be happy. Through the power of science our brilliance has harnessed the forces of nature and bent them to our benefit. We can produce everything we need and more, we can send messages across the world instantaneously and ship goods anywhere on Earth and yet poverty and crime are rampant. Disease, war, and mental illness are rampant. Why so much strife in the face of Earth's bountiful plenty?
The church says it's God's will. The lawmakers say it's because people are bad. And the fool believes them. We all want to make the most of this one life we each have, a life filled with joy and laughter, but we're slaves.
So what are people like? From an early age we are taught to make money because money buys security and comfort. Our value as people gets tied to the size of our bank accounts. And while the poor scramble every day to get their basic needs met the rich can never stop accumulating wealth because they're in constant competition with other rich people. They all want their security and comfort as well but they must be vigilant and accumulate ever more. We sacrifice virtues like kindness, justice, honour, manhood, compassion, and sympathy. "Each for themselves and the devil take the hindmost."
How much wrong is done for money? How many live with impoverished souls and diseased bodies because their lives are naught but toil?
So is humanity bad? Does this not demonstrate that humanity is evil? No, because we have no choice. It's the system that compels us to make decisions we know are wrong. When we can afford it we want to be kind and generous to those around us. All human beings are the same in some respects: We all want security, comfort, and joy for ourselves, our families, and our friends. But the system forces us to put aside these desires. People betray and exploit one another to get ahead because if you're not moving up, if you're not growing your wealth, you're stagnating and you're going to lose.
Competition is the soul of capitalism, and we are all in competition with one another. But the law protects the winners. If a poor person gets ahead through cheating, robbery, or betrayal, it's almost certain that the law will punish them.
The poor, rightly, come to hate their poverty and so look around for ways to escape it. This often comes in the form of exploiting others, through cheating, lying, and crime. But these people are merely leveraging what mechanisms are within their reach for escaping their plight. The law, the system, creates the conditions that lead to these outcomes. The law creates crime.
The wage system, itself a form of robbery, is upheld by the law, which perpetuates poverty, which leads to crime. The commodities trader sells wheat at a profit, raising the cost of bread, which leads to people stealing bread when they cannot afford it. It is not the wrongs and crimes punishable by law that create the greatest evils in society, it's the ones the law protects that cause the most misery.
The columns of the daily press are filled with reports of crime and petty theft. But what of the crimes of capitalism? The waves of depression and suicide following factory closures? The women and girls who prostitute their bodies to supplement their meagre wages? The reserve armies of the unemployed that must be maintained to be called into service at a moment's notice for new undertakings or to break strikes? That unemployment is because of capitalism? How workers minds and bodies are sacrificed to the benefit of the lords of industry? How labour and lives are wasted in stupid competition and plan-less production? We are told about the badness and evil of individuals but not the incalculable misery of the system - capitalism.
I wonder what Berkman meant by manhood when he listed it among the virtues we sacrifice in the name of profits. Why is manhood a virtue? How is it distinct from other genders (or womanhood as he probably would have put it)?
Whenever I think that times have moved on since Berkman's time and that we no longer spend our lives in the drudgery of repetitive manual labour I remember that I am a (more or less) middle class white woman living in Canada and there are certainly people all over the world who toil in the most tedious and toxic of workplaces and women who engage in survival sex work.
"The waves of depression and suicide following factory closures" almost seems quaint to me now. I know Berkman was describing a real phenomenon but now there's an epidemic of depression and suicide cause by, I think, our alienation from one another, soulless commodity fetishism, and the commodification of every aspect of our lives.
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kylietanie1-blog · 8 years
Martin Clunes gets hero's welcome on Doc Martin-mad Pacific island
Martin Clunes gets hero's welcome on Doc Martin-mad Pacific island
The tribal inhabitants of one of Norfolk Island could probably be forgiven for not knowing who Martin Clunes is.
But when the actor, 55, visited the tiny Pacific land – almost 1,500 miles off the coast of Australia and around the size of Swindon – it transpired they are huge Doc Marin fans.
He was visiting for his new documentary, Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia, which airs on ITV on…
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readingbookelf · 4 years
My Protector - Alec Volturi
Summary: Your sister, Bella, is willing to put you in front of the newborn army so the Volturi will intervene. Before she can do that, you run away into the arms of your true love.
Requested: yes
Pairing: Swan!human!fem!reader x Alec Volturi
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You met Alec when you went to Volterra with your sister because Edward needed saving. When you were there, you learned that you were Alec’s mate. While the others were waiting in a room until they could leave, he gave you a tour of the castle. Ever since that day, he tried to visit as frequently as he could wanting to build a real relationship with you. He even got a cellphone so he would be able to contact you easily.
You’re aware that Alec and the other guards are in town because of Victoria’s newborn army. Alec has visited you a couple of times or left a gift for you to find when you come home. You didn’t tell anyone because you knew the Cullens are waiting for the Volturi to step in. They would only get more agitated. Whenever you and Alec get together, it’s about the two of you, not the Cullens, not the Volturi. You like it that way.
You’d heard them talking when you passed your sister’s bedroom. “We have to use your sister’s connection to Alec. When we put her in front of the newborn army, they won’t hesitate to intervene,” Edward said. 
You couldn’t believe that there wasn’t any protest coming from your sister. Your own sister was going to use you to keep herself and her boyfriend’s family safe. Apparently, it didn’t matter if it would work or not.
Your ears are still ringing with this newfound information as you rush out of the house. It’s obvious you can’t take your car because they would notice and who knows what they would do. You quickly dial Alec’s phone, hoping he didn’t forget to charge it.
“Yes, my love,” his sweet angel-like voice answers you.
Your answer came out laboured: “Where…are…you?” Talking and running isn’t really your thing. That much is clear now.
Alec immediately realises something’s wrong. “Come to the diner from yesterday. We’ll be waiting for you.”
When you finally reach the diner, you see four figures looming in the shadows. You almost collapse right then, relieve flooding through you. Tears start falling when you’re safely in Alec’s arms. Alec keeps wiping them away while asking: “What happened, my love?”
“They were…They were going to put me in front of the newborn army Victoria has created. They wanted to use me so you guys would interfere.”
Every single one of them, wears an angry expression. They’d gotten protective of you after seeing you spend time with Alec and how well the two of worked together. On some days, you would just hang out with Demetri, Jane or Felix. You wanted to have friends. Even though they didn’t always get along, they still meant a great deal to Alec.
“Let’s get out of here,” Felix mumbles and before you know it, you’re at one of the motels in Forks.
When you walk in the room, you let out a shaky breath. You still couldn’t believe what they were going to do. Your own sister. It felt like a betrayal.
“Love?” You meet Alec’s eyes, the worry and anger clearly shines through.
“You’ll protect me, right?”
He sits down next to you and takes you in his arms. “Always, love. Don’t you worry. No one will harm you.” He squeezes you tight. 
Overwhelmed by all the emotions cursing through your body, you fall asleep in his arms, but not before mumbling: “My protector.”
You accompany them to the clearing where the fight with Victoria’s army took place. You’re standing in between Alec and Demetri, holding Alec’s hand. Jane does most of the talking, but you don’t really pay attention. You flinch when Felix takes the life of the innocent girl. It’s their way to show that the Volturi is powerful and in control.
Alec’s voice pulls you from your thoughts, he’s addressing the Cullens. “Y/n will stay with us in Volterra. You plans to use her have shown us that you don’t value her life. We won’t leave her in your uncapable hands.”
A gasp escapes your lips. He could’ve spoken to you about this. Sure, he made a point, but Bella’s still your sister. And what about your dad? Deep down you knew that this would happen. There was no way, you would ever feel safe again in your home. Your life isn’t as valuable as Bella’s. If they were ready to sacrifice you now, what would stop them from doing it again?
“You can’t do that,” you hear your sister say.
Ignoring her, you and the four guards turn around, ready to go home. Alec throws his arm around your shoulder and pulls you close while kissing your forehead.
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mylifeisadeceit · 3 years
I'm sorry everyone but I'm still thinking about Silco.
Everything wiwth this character was done right.
They gave him weakness and made them strengths, they gave him strengths and made them weakness which is absolutely the good stuff.
Let's start with
Charismatic? 100%
"what's the downfall with being charismatic" you may ask, and the answer is right there. When you know how to talk your way out and get what you want, you tend to get manipulatetive.
Fr, I've many good friends that are very charismatic but had a history of being manipulative, which is something you usually work on once you have someone else that helps you realise it.
That happens both with real people and with characters.
So yeah, charisma is an essential part of his reign and his character AND THEY TWISTED IT.
This basic part of his character, this Virtue with the capital letter led him to hurt what he valued the most.
Combined with his abbandonament issues, it made him manipulate Jinx, convincing her that Vi didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore, and that she was only using Jinx for the gem.
"Us against the world"
"Everyone betrayes us"
That's not ok, even if it all came from a place of pain and love and wanting to protect her.
Like everything from his character, it comes from a good place; wanting freedom for his people, protecting jinx and all of those thing.
But like everything from his character it becomes wrong. He uses child labour, he has his fear of jinx leaving or her being left by someone else that he makes her believe she's isolated, even if he gives her all the support and love in the world, that isn't enough.
And again, his high charisma makes him hide emotions. Because that's a thing with charismatic characters. It's not so rare to have a interpersonal genius and an intrapersonal idiot.
Yeah yeah in this case the reason is obvious, he's a crime lord for fuck sake.
But while he thinks that's the right thing for him, it immensely hurt Jinx, because despite their multiple similarities she's so well different.
That's the trait that makes him reach the highest ranks from nothing and also what led to his downfall.
They used every part of his character perfectly
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celticcrossanon · 4 years
BRF Spread - Anon Question - 12th of March, 2021
This is speculation only.
12th of March, 2021
Question: Why was Archie not allowed to use the title of the Earl of Dumbarton?
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Interpretation: Archie is not allowed to use the title of the Earl of Dumbarton because there are major doubts about his legitimacy for the purpose of inheriting a title, i.e. if he was born from a surrogate and/or adopted, he is not able to inherit the title and so has no right to use it. 
Underlying Energy: The Sun
The god pictured on the card of the Sun is Apollo, who among other things is the god of truth. He stands on green grass in front of a blue sky. Everything in the background is on display; there is nothing shrouded in the shadows. This card is the sun at midday, beaming down upon the earth and revealing everything with its light. There is no place to hide under the noon sun.
The sun sounds the same as the son, and here the son in the question is Archie. Is everything out in the open about Archie? No. His carrying and his birth was shrouded in secrecy/darkness and not carried out in the open/in the light. This lack of truthfulness around the birth of Archie is the underlying theme of this reading. 
It is important because adopted children and children born from surrogacy can not inherit a peerage title under English law. This was proven in a case a few years back, when a peer challenged the law to include his surrogate-born child as an heir to his title, and he failed. So if Archie is adopted and/or born from a surrogate, he can not use the title the Earl of Dumbarton. Questions about his birth throw doubt on the legitimacy of his claim to the title.
The Sun is a major arcana card. Questions about Harry’s son and the lack of light around his birth are a major reason that Archie does not use the title of the Earl of Dumbarton. 
First Card: The Hanged Man
This is the card of sacrifice and the card of The Traitor. 
Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods, is chained upside down to a rock by his ankle. This tells me that someone has committed treachery against powerful people (the gods). In the context of this reading, the people with power are the British Royal Family, so someone is betraying them. 
It is not a one and done betrayal, either. The eagle comes every day to tear out Prometheus’s liver, so they live with the result of their treachery every day. As a result of his act of treachery, Prometheus is chained, so the traitor could be literally or figuratively chained to something or someone as a result of his or her act of treachery.
This is a major arcana card, so like the Sun card, this treachery is a major reason as to why Archie does not use a courtesy title from his father.
Second Card: The Ten of Cups
This is the card of emotional fulfilment. It is the card of happy ever after, total commitment, all your wishes coming true. Whatever the act of treachery was, the traitor is committed to it and happy about it. 
The card itself shows the marriage of Psyche (soul) and Eros (love). It is a lavish wedding, on Mount Olympus in front of the gods (powerful people, here the BRF). Prince Harry and Meghan had just such a wedding, costing more than the wedding of the direct heir to the throne (Prince William) several years earlier. 
A colloquial way of referring to your wife is as the “ball and chain”. marriage is also seen by some as a loss of freedom. Taken together with the first card, where the traitor is chained to the rock as a result of his act of betrayal, this means that the traitor is either Harry or Meghan (or both), as they were ‘chained” together at their wedding. 
Coming straight after the traitor card, this card shows what the betrayal was about/why it occurred, so the wedding was either the reason for the initial betrayal or the act of betrayal.  Some sort of treachery was necessary for the wedding of Meghan and Harry to occur and/or the wedding itself was an act of treachery. Whatever that treachery was, the person who performed it was very happy with the outcome. 
Third Card: The Seven of Swords
Like the first card, this is another card of betrayal, this time betrayal by stealth. On the card we see Orestes sneaking in the palace of Argos under the cover of night, on his way to kill his mother for murdering his father. This tells me that this act of treachery was done in secret/under the cover of darkness, the exact opposite of the Sun card as the underlying energy of this thread. It was done by someone who had snuck into the palace somehow, i.e. not a member of the BRF (who have a legitimate reason to be at the palace), but by one of the married-ins. As this question is about Archie, and the married in involved in his birth is Meghan Markle, this act of treachery was performed by Meghan.
The other clue as to the nature of this act in in Orestes’s motive - he is going to kill his mother, Clytemnestra, the Queen of Argos. Harry’s mother is dead, but he does have a grandmother who is the Queen of a country. This is an act of treachery perpetuated by Meghan Markle against HM the Queen. 
The only act of treachery that Meghan could commit against the Queen that concerns her son, is if Archie is not born from her physical body but was carried by a surrogate or is adopted. Either situation would make Archie ineligible not just for the use of the title of Earl of Dumbarton, but also for a place in the line of succession, as heirs to the throne must be born from the body of their royal mothers. 
Tampering with the line of succession is not just an act of treachery, it is treason, and as such is written down in law, the same way as plotting to kill a monarch is an act of treason under the law. If Meghan passed off a surrogate or adopted child as one born from her body, that would be an act of treachery and an act of treason against the Queen, just as Orestes is sneaking into the palace to commit an act of treason by killing the monarch (his mother).
Fourth Card: The King of Pentacles
This card represents a mature earth sign person, specifically a Taurus, and the values of stability and wealth. It is a King, the highest of the court cards. The person who fits this card is HM the Queen, a sun sign Taurus who is literally the highest ranked person in the UK. 
If we look at the third and fourth cards together we can see that the figure with the swords (Orestes) is moving towards the King of Pentacles (HM the Queen), and not away from them.  The act of treachery of the third card is an act committed against the Queen.
The act of treachery is not only committed against the Queen, but also against the stability and wealth that the King of Pentacles represents. It is an act designed to disrupt the stability of the UK and the stability of the line of succession in order to gain wealth that would otherwise be unavailable to the perpetrator, Meghan (for example, if she divorced without kids she would get less money than if she divorced with kids).
Fifth Card: The Three of Wands
This card shows Jason holding three torches in his hands while a man kneels at his feet, offering him a crown. This is a card of the initial success of a venture.
 Meghan’s deception about the birth of Archie appears to be initially successful.  Archie was placed in the line of succession by newspapers with no correction from the BRF. For all intents and purposes, Archie had been offered his crown. Meghan holds the torches, providing light, as she controlled the amount of light surrounding Archie’s birth. This was not a lot, the birth was shrouded in secrecy. Even when Archie was presented to the press (and so to the general public) it was a tightly controlled affair, with limited press access, and the press had to ask for Archie’s face to be visible enough that they could take a picture of him. It seemed that her plan had succeeded.
However, it was announced that Archie would be known as Master Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor instead of the Earl of Dumbarton, as per the wishes of his parents. The aristocrats picked up on this as a signal that something was wrong (Lady Colin Campbell explains this in one of her videos). Archie was still in the line of succession, but he did not gain the use of the title the Earl of Dumbarton. The seeds of doubt were sown in the upper classes. Meghan has a lot of work ahead to bring her plan to a successful conclusion, hence her current insistence that Archie deserves a title.
Acts of treachery and deception around both the wedding of Meghan and Harry and the birth of Archie mean that there are doubts about Archie’s eligibility to be known as the Earl of Dumbarton. These acts of treachery were committed against HM the Queen and the stability of her throne (the line of succession).
The Carrying and Birth of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor
His mother, Meghan had several characteristics that are not consistent with carrying a child, including a bump that changed size seemingly at will (e.g. increasing to triple its size while walking from the car to an event), and being able to perform acts no other pregnant woman could (e.g. kneeling with legs together). This cast doubt on the pregnancy from the start.
His mother, Meghan, refused the services of the royal doctors to choose her own birthing team, but we were never told who they were. 
Archie’s birth was supposed to take place at Portland hospital, but no-one saw the Harkles enter or leave the hospital. Two messages were given to the press, one that Meghan was in labour, and one less than an hour later that the baby had been born. Both messages were later shown to have been sent after the birth had taken place.
Archie was supposed to have been delivered by Doctor Penelope Law, the Countess of Bradford, but both the countess and her husband have positively denied this.
Archie was not shown to the press on the hospital steps after his birth, a tradition carried out by Sarah, the Duchess of York at Portland Hospital with both of her children, Beatrice and Eugenie, who at the time of their births were 5th and 6th in line to the throne respectively.
No doctors signed off on the birth announcement for Archie that was posted on an easel in front of Buckingham Palace.
On the same birth announcement, the wording begins “The Queen and the Royal Family are delighted at the news that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a son today...’, and not “Her Royal Highness the <title> of <name> was safely delivered of a son/daughter...”, which has been the format for every other royal birth in the family. This states very plainly that the Royal Family was only told about the birth; they have no witnesses that it actually occurred (as the royal doctors stand witness to the other royal births).
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mortal-kuddles · 4 years
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Kuai Liang would make a good father, but genuinely doubts he will ever get the chance. As grandmaster he's too busy to find a partner. He'll always consider his students to be his children to some extent, even if he can't bring himself to say so. Many of his students have lost their families, so he feels like claiming something so personal would be overstepping but they’re all still in his heart. It's part of what makes Frost's betrayal so bitter. 
Over all though, he tends to value children and the innocence that comes with that phase of life. He and Bi-Han were denied their innocence, something Kuai doesn't really regret in his own case, but he does work to try and shield the next generation until they're ready. 
Ice always melts eventually after all.
He is, in a word, remarkably stressed if he ever becomes a father in his own right. Be it his partner expecting or they end up adopting. Once it sets in that he's a father, that he has a kid and this is now his life until he dies Kuai Liang finds himself overwhelmed. He needs a moment to catch his breath, emotional revelations are hard, but it's a change he embraces.  
His partner can expect some hovering tho, Artika is not exactly the safest place for a defenceless baby. The division of labour is surprisingly even between him and his lover despite all the duties that come wth being grandmaster. Kuai Liang insists that their child never be alone but doesn’t expect his partner to become a house spouse if they don’t want to. If need be he will teach with their child in a wrap. In an ideal world, both Tomas and Cyrax would be around to lend a hand, being some of the few Kuai Liang would trust.
Time he gets to spend alone with his partner and child is treasured, but also where his cracks begin to show. If his lover is perceptive they’ll notice the trepidation in his actions, still worried he’ll slip up somewhere. In his own words, Kuai Liang has too much to lose. Mistakes are unacceptable. 
He’ll benefit from reassurances and if his lover is persistent enough he will learn to relax and simply enjoy their private moments. One of his favourite pastimes is cradling his partner in his lap, with their babe cocooned in their joint embrace. Easy conversation breaking up the comfortable silence from time to time. Aside from sleep and other bed bound activities these shared moments are one of the few times Kuai Liang relaxes and simply enjoys the moment.
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Astrology of Sasuke, Itachi and Naruto: a semi-comprehensive analysis
I’ve been wasting away months of my life on this task and I’m finally reaching relatively passable results. This is the fruit of my labour thus far.
I really tried to be as unbiased as possible and keep several different interpretations of the characters in mind but I can’t guarantee that my personal feelings and opinions didn’t seep through to some extent (specially with regards to that whole genocide thing). I also don’t like some of these characters as “people” so I’ll warn you beforehand, I ended up bad-mouthing Naruto and Itachi a bit.
This post is broken up into four sections. 
Section one is a quick run up of the planets (only the ones I’ve been working on), houses and aspects. 
Section two is about the signs I’ve chosen for the characters, how I’ve chosen the degrees, and natal aspects. 
Section three is focused on degree interpretations. 
Finally, we will have a quick look at synastry and composite.
I’ve used equal temperament house system and cross check with placidus though because I don’t have Konoha’s longitude and latitude I’ve used Japan’s ones. Also, in this post we are assuming that Naruto’s planet is earth and their moon (and other planets) functions the same way as ours.
The degree interpretations are supposedly translations of La Volasfera published by Sepharia in 1898 (the translations. La Volasfera is older), Walter Henson’s interpretations and Kozminsky’s interpretation in that order. Keep in mind that they lived in different times and some of the things they say reaaallly reflects that.
For aspect and midpoint calculations, I couldn’t be bothered to calculate everything by hand so I wrote a short program for it; however, I didn’t debug much. It should work fine but just in case something slips by, I’m giving a warning. I also didn’t proof read so please excuse any mistakes.
This is a long post. Any additional comments, opinions, ... are welcome.  
Section one: Planets, houses, aspects and additional notes
sun: ego, the father, vitality, stamina, core personality, the self, takes around a day to move a degree, ...
moon: the emotional mind, the mother, comforts, instinct, habits, moods, need, takes a couple of hours to move a degree, ...
mercury: the logical mind, petty daily habits, communication, rationality, learning style, ... 
venus: values, things we like, wants, love style, sensuality, takes around a day to move a degree, ...
mars: our drive, how we get and go after things, aggression, passion, takes a little more than a day to move a degree, ...
saturn: restrictions, the mentor, the somber and sober, constraint, structure, the serious things, takes around 8 days to 2 weeks to move a degree, ...
neptune: the collective unconscious, allusion and disillusionment, spirituality, the veil, deception, intuition, takes around 6 weeks to move a degree, ...
pluto: control, power, transformation, magnetism, fears, death, rebirth, takes around 8 weeks to move a degree, ... 
first (the cusp is the ascendant): shallow identity, our first impression, temperament and constitution, presentation, ...
second: self-esteem, tangible values, possessions, material gains, ...
third: communication, siblings, the everyday things, short distance travel ...
fourth: roots, family, the mother, home, comfort zone, ...
fifth: fun, children, light-hearted romance, hobbies, creativity, ...
sixth: health, coworkers, servitude, pets, work, routine, ...
seventh (the cusp is the descendant): interpersonal relationships, ideal partner, open enemies, part of ourselves that we have a hard time integrating or accepting, partnerships, aesthetic preference, ...
eighth: death, crisis, what we hide, other peoples stuff that we want, taxes, death and rebirth, occult, fears, intimacy, painful transformation, ...
ninth: travel, philosophy, higher education, wisdom, expansion, world view, ...
tenth: public perception, career, reputation, ambition, greater community, admiration, delayed gratification, ...
eleventh: friendship, aspirations and wishes, where we are more accepting, humanity, how we relate to society, liquid income, ...
twelfth: what is hidden from us, the unconscious, spiritual things, the vague and boundaryless, idealization, escapism, ...
square (90): tension, dynamic, needs adjustment, major, ...
opposition (180): polarized, projection, can be tense but less than square, dynamic, major, ...
conjunction (0): blending, can be dynamic, major, ...
trine (120): comes naturally, can be taken for granted, harmonious, major, ...
sextile (60): similar to trine but slightly weaker and more moving (a fun spark sort of energy but not dynamic), major.
inconjunction (150): awkward, can’t be compromised, has to be tolerated, minor, ...
semi-sextile (30): similar to inconjunction, some say it’s more workable, minor, ...
semi-square (45): like square but weaker, minor, ...
quintile and biQuintile (72 and 144): creative, dynamic but compatible and comfortable, minor, ...
sesquiquadrate (135): making a mountain out of a molehill, acting energetically without understanding consequences, putting a lot of energy but the more you try the less you get results but when you don’t try they work really well, minor, ...
Additional notes:
on a full moon sun opposite moon occurs. The moon would be 180-225 degrees away from the sun. 
during the last quarter phase, the moon is 270-315 degrees ahead of the sun (Sasuke was born on this phase). 
mercury is up to 28 degrees away from the sun and venus is up to 48 degrees away from the sun.
aspect between sun and moon could denote how you perceive the relationships between your father figure and mother figure.
neptune retrograde happens every year when neptune is opposite sun.
plutonian relationships tend to be controlling, obsessive, disrespectful, painful and manipulative but can be transformative and life-changing.
neptunian relationships and about falling for an idealized image and not seeing things for what they are, rose coloured glasses, a feeling of betrayal and disillusionment once those glasses are shattered, forgiving easily, lack of boundaries in both good and bad ways, worshiping someone and putting them on a pedestal and never seeing them for what they are (humans), overlooking vices that shouldn’t be over looked, ...
both neptunian and plutonian relationships can manifest in nice ways but generally they tend to not do that as both people involved would have to be quite “evolved”, mature and level-headed for that among other things.
Section Two: natal signs and aspects
We will start this section with Sasuke, then we will have a look at Itachi and then Naruto. I’ve checked to make sure that it is mathematically possible (though I didn’t get into retrograde cycles much) for the characters to have these placements both on their own and relative to each-other. 
I put a picture of each character’s natal aspects and wrote which degree I used. If it is between several possible degrees I wrote it in orange, otherwise, it's green. I didn’t discuss the aspect interpretations much because this post would become far too long if I did. I also used pretty wide orbs because the exact degrees weren’t certain but the overall range was extremely likely.
Sasuke’s planets and house placements:
Ascendant: Capricorn 21-22 or 23-34 degrees
Sun: Leo 0-1 degrees (7th)
Moon: Taurus 22-23 degrees (4th) 
Mercury: Leo 12-13 degrees (7th)
Venus: Cancer 15 degrees (6th)
Mars: Scorpio 12 degrees (10th)
Saturn: Cancer 28-29 degrees (7th)
Neptune: Libra 4-5 or 5-6 degrees (8th)
Pluto: Aquarius 10-11, 13-14, 15-16 or 18-19 degrees (1st)
His sun was decided by the author and fits him quite well so there is no need for speculation. Sun in the 7th seems iffy but he does only go for people he respects, deems as reliable/competent and all that (that sun-saturn conjunction in the 7th house) and some of his identity is based on his interpersonal relationships. He also has that passive, non-confrontational way about him where people intrude on his personal space and disregard his boundaries all the time and he really doesn’t react as strongly as one would expect.
There seems to be a common consensus about his Ascendant in the anime astrology community. It is also worth noting that capricorn ascendants are often mistaken as scorpios for some reason. He is driven, comes across as standoffish and serious, has a slight aloof way about him, it puts his mars in the 10th and his moon in the 4th which is perfectly him, ... (I actually considered cancer ascendant for him at first because he had those doe eyes, soft features, youngish face, paler than his brother/father, family oriented, ... but I was torn between that and capricorn and everyone said capricorn so capricorn it is.) 
With regards to his moon, as I’ve already mentioned in my previous posts, I saw how Naruto was born on a full-moon and how the relationship between his parents had that masculine-feminine polarization and some other things and decided to put his moon in aries and if we were to calculate Sasuke’s moon with consideration to the moon’s average speed and the time between his birth-date and Naruto’s, we get moon in taurus (3rd decan, in his 4th house), and the degree will be explained in the third section but the house placement is apparent, given that Sasuke’s heart and comfort has always been with family, home and roots (clan). The cancer one also works because, again, heart with family and an innate gentleness and the 6th house can bring a need to be of use and good organization skills and an attention to order, efficiency and good dietary habits which he certainly does posses. 
Mercury in Leo is self explanatory. It’s either this or cancer and his style of communication is blunt, straightforward, sarcastic, confident, direct and to the point, dramatic, ... and his learning style matches leo more than cancer.
Venus in cancer is one that I doubted quite a good deal and there isn’t a common consensus about it either. The options are gemini, cancer, leo and virgo. I’ve heard mostly leo and virgo but I personally think Cancer in the 6th house makes more sense than in Virgo in the eight. This is based on his aesthetic sense, my understanding of his values and his love style with the only person whom I’m 100% sure he loves (his brother). He really needed quality time to feel loved, he valued competence (6th house) and family (cancer), he cared about receiving compassion from loved ones more than many of the other characters, he expressed affection mostly through acts of service (6th house), he was verbally expressive and hugged his brother and all that so he wasn’t that distant or somber in his approach to expressing affection in general (cancer), he got sulky when his brother refused to spend time with him and pouted and blushed a lot (cancer), ...
Mars in scorpio is another thing where everyone is of the same opinion and it falling into the 10th house makes it even more fitting as he will be very driven and hyper focused on one thing and he can also spend a very long time not having anything to do with fun or sex or any of that. The 10th house is disciplined, it delays, it makes thing serious and it has much to do with self-restraint. This placement is very action oriented and Sasuke is exactly that (he doesn’t spend time just thinking about doing things or just talking about them, he does them).
Saturn in cancer aspecting both his sun and venus. He was only expressive and affectionate with people he was comfortable with and his relationship with his father and authority figures and his general demeanor practically scream saturn in hard aspect to sun. Misfortune in the home and family life and a rigid upbringing (military parents) which saturn in cancer can bring are also there.
Pluto is a generational planet but I’m convinced that it falls into Sasuke’s first house. He constantly attracts plutonic people, he has a mildly plutonic energy himself and if it’s there, it aspects a ton of his planets which would mean that in his relationships with people of his own generation, he would have a pluto heavy synastry (composite is a different matter). 
The aspects didn’t quite turn out how I wanted but they do make sense in my opinion and he has that grand cross with pluto, moon, mars and mercury which is just perfect. His heart, his head, and his drive are all in conflict and there is quite a bit of intensity, issues related to power and control, ... involved.
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Itachi’s planets and house placements:
Ascendant: Virgo 20-21 or 26-27 degrees
Sun: Gemini 17-18 degrees (9th)
Moon: Scorpio 20-21, 21-22, 24-25 or 26-27 degrees (3rd) 
Mercury: Cancer 6-7 or 11-12 degrees (10th)
Venus: Taurus 6-7 or 8-9 degrees (8th)
Mars: Taurus 1-2, 3-4, 14-15, 16-17, 18-19, 24-25 or 28-29 degrees (8th)
Saturn: Taurus 24-25 degrees (9th)
Neptune: Virgo 23-24 degrees (1st)
Pluto: Aquarius 2-3 (I chose this but It still isn’t concrete enough, the last one also works), 5-6, 7-8 or 10-11 degrees (5th)
Again, his sun is canon and very fitting. Sun in the 9th house of philosophy and all that also fits his interests (this doesn't say anything about his competence). 
He is very into that whole “I’ve plan everything” and he talked waaay too much about perfection and all that for him to not have some sort of strong virgo/6th house. His ascendant in virgo puts the house cusps in nice places too. I’ll copy this part from my previous post on the subject. 
I considered virgo rising for him (but I’m not particularly attached to this idea)  since that would put scorpio as his 3rd house (intense relationship with siblings) capricorn (ruled by saturn which is restrictions and stuff) on his 5th (fun, children and all that), gemini on 10th (can easily change their persona and know by the general public as intelligent), taurus on 9th (likes philosophy and all that, tends to have different beliefs from what he was raised with (likely by family) and can be very stubborn about beliefs and once he finds them, is very unlikely to change them) and some other stuff.
Moon in Scorpio because I calculated and given the distance between his birthdate and Sasuke’s (if they are 5 years apart) his moon would either fall in sagittarius or scorpio and honestly, I think scorpio fits him more. 
Mercury in cancer because he’s somewhat verbally non-confrontational (would rather deflect and run away, in his case he does that with lies and that stuff) and passive-aggressive and speaks in a vague way instead of just getting to the point and being clear and concise and he’s good at emotional talk in a sense (although that doesn’t necessarily mean he is comfortable with it).
venus in taurus because when he isn’t busy being genocidal or dishonest, he likes some pretty taurusian things like hanging out at traditional coffee shops and getting some sweets. He’s also aesthetically very close to his root (traditional japanese stuff) in terms of preference and taurus likes the familiar. 
I calculated his mars and saturn sign after deciding Sasuke’s mars and saturn. It does match him in a way though. He has a taurusian feel in a way and he really seems to adore the look of security and stability (even when it’s not really there). Venus and mars in 8th because of his fascination and acceptance of the morbid, death and human nature. Also he has an inclination towards extremism in both his actions and adorations (that isn’t the same as being showy though).
Neptune in first because he obviously would have neptune in first. Those acting skills, a habit of dishonesty, being extremely inconsistent and unknowable, weak constitution, slow and lethargic movements, ... He has one of the worst manifestations of neptune in first in my opinion. And he should have more Than one planet in virgo.
Pluto in aqua in 5th solely because of sasuke and calculations, not because of what it says about him (though I also took synastry into account).
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Naruto’s planets and house placements:
Ascendant: Leo 1-2, 3-4 or 5-6 degrees
Sun: Libra 17-18 degrees (3rd)
Moon: Aries 12-13, 13-14, 16-17, 17-18 or 20-21 (9th or 10th depending on house system)  or taurus 24 or 28 (10th)
Mercury:  it’s between virgo (2nd), libra (3rd) and scorpio (4th)
Venus: Libra 23-24 or 26-27 degrees (3rd)
Mars: sag 24-25, 25-26 or 29 degrees (5th)
Saturn: Leo 8-9 degrees (1st)
Neptune: Libra 6-7 or 7-8 degrees (3rd)
Pluto: same as sasuke since pluto is a generational planet and their birthdays aren’t that far apart (7th)
His sun is also canon.
His ascendant in leo makes sense because he was born late at night on the 10th of October and he has that leoish persona. There really isn’t much to say here, he embodies it. He has big movements, flamboyance, an outgoing “sunshine”y demeanour, ego-driven, loves to make everything about himself, ...
Moon in the 10th because his emotional security and self-worth and all that are very tied to what the general public thinks of him and he tries to achieve that through his career. Moon in aries and moon in taurus both fit him and the anime astrology community is also divided on this.
For mercury I have no clue. 
His venus could be in virgo, libra, leo, scorpio or sagittarius. I calculated venus in libra from Sasuke’s venus in cancer and then I looked at the degrees and plenty of them fit Naruto and he does have the power of charm so I just left it at that. I eventually narrowed the degrees a bit and found a range I’m comfortable with (in terms of both aspects and degree interpretations).
I used to think his mars makes harsh aspects to both his moon and pluto but it could be just one of them, in the end it ended up being neither of them. I calculated his mars sign from Sasuke’s mars and sag in the 5th seemed pretty fitting specially since his hobby was pranking people and he is a bit of a trickster, his earlier battles also had some creativity.  I used to think his mars is in taurus but it didn’t work out. And honestly he talks about working hard more than he actually works so mars in the 10th was kind of off either way.
Saturn was also calculated based on Sasuke but saturn in leo works pretty well. He got reprimanded for his “fun” and he has a lot of self-esteem issues and simultaneously has a bloated ego and a pretty low opinion of himself. He was so insecure that he had no problem taking credit for other peoples work so there is that. Saturn conjunct ascendant can cause people to have a hard time expressing their true self, often receiving criticism for the way they present themselves/the way they are, they can also often feel like no one will every truly love/like them (as people).
Pluto in the 7th house is extremely fitting for him, in fact, I would go so far as to say that I can’t imagine it anywhere else. He’s controlling, he’s manipulative, he’s possessive, obsessive, he’s all about taking what he wants/needs from relationships while not giving an iota of care to what the other party wants or needs, he’s stalkerish, ... he manifests pluto in the 7th house in one of the worst possible ways. 
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Section Three: degree interpretations
Like the previous section, we will start with Sasuke and make our way to Itachi and then Naruto. 
edit: these need to be updated
Moon: 22-23
It signifies one who will suffer misfortune in the height of his career and whose fall will be dangerous in proportion to the height he has attained. The native will be too apt to depend on his own powers and will essay feats which will be beyond his natural powers. Ambition will lead him into dangerous positions, and at a weak moment he will fall. Let this be taken as equally affecting his physical, moral, and social welfare. It is a degree of COLLAPSE.
Doctors; art; projecting and the arts; medical fields; painting; homicidal tendency; alcoholism; has some unique quality (affected, may be an abnormal trait); an enthusiast who can inspire others with his plans, but thy may not always be successful; teeth.
Denotes one with strength of purpose and ability to sustain trials. The Dragon is lust, corruption, end the cold moistures of the earth. St. Michael is the life, solar energy, conqueror of decay; the black rain the evil which corruption draws. So when the native realizes his soul force he becomes a veritable victor over the monster into whose jaws so many unwarned and unguarded fall. It is a symbol of Victory.
Venus: 15-16
It indicates a person of much tenacity and strength of purpose; who by dint of extreme power, whether physical or mental, will overcome his greatest and most terrible enemies. The native will have much to contend with in life, and will encounter many dangers; but, as indicated, will finally overcome them. Together with this native strength, there may be blended a softness and gentleness of manner, which may induce others to attempt an advantage over him; but those Philistine who may have this Samson out (shorn and eyeless though he be) to make sport with him will rue the day. It is a degree of CONQUEST.
Business; music; good at mathematics, writing, or making money; a fortunate degree; taciturn; blindness or defective eyesight; gastric nerves.
Denotes one who is entrusted with a high mission and who is deeply inspired, having a spirituality entirely serene. To him has the mandate “Co forth and teach the people” been echoed from the heavens. He will be granted power and influence, so that the people will hear him call. The evidences of this peculiar mission are made manifest in his twelfth year and mature between the twenty-fourth and thirty-sixth years. It is the symbol of the Inspired.
Saturn: 28-29
It indicates a person of docile and tractable nature, combined with a certain subtlety of mind and high order of intelligence. One who will be held in restraint by others, or whose freedom will be taken by the hand of Fate and the force of circumstances. Although thus held in check, the native will be subject to dangers of an unknown character from secret enemies and jealous foes, and will be in peril of an untimely end. It is a degree of forced RESTRAINT.
An interesting person but sometimes unreliable and uncertain, conscious awareness of hair, often acts on inspiration or impulse; spleen.
Denotes one liable to be bound soul and body, who will be restricted in action and desire. But even so he may yet release his true self and meet the force flowing from the fountain head. Thus, though one side may frown and obstruct him, the other will smile and release him. It is a symbol of Obstruction.
Sun: 0-1
It denotes a person of extreme dignity of character, with much self-reliance, fearlessness, nobility and freedom of nature; an ambitious person and somewhat jealous of honor, being much subject to praise and flattery. The native will be apt in the government of others, and equally so in self-control; but unless the heart be kind, the native will be a mere pompous tyrant. It is a degree at DIGNITY.
Magnetic, brusque, and forceful; homicidal tendency; often seems to know things without taking the trouble to learn; left coronary artery.
Denotes one who will be enabled to grant or to refuse to grant the wishes of others. He will reach a position of importance and will receive many honors, and benefits will accrue to him. The demand is for an understanding of the use, not the abuse, of power. It is a symbol of Authority.
Mercury: 12-13
It indicates a person of firm and steadfast character; one who will resolutely hold to his own beliefs and principles, though it be to his disadvantage. In some ways the mind will be precocious and there will he some degree of self assertion shown; but, whatever the native may determine upon as the right thing to do will assuredly be done if within the compass of resolute striving. It is a degree of CONSTANCY.
Music, a degree of beauty; strong beliefs and disbeliefs; fortunate but restless; intentions are good; may be an orphan or may care for a parent or other relative; usually has special talent for some work where a well-trained eye and hand, plus his idealism and artistic tastes, enable him to excel al others; right heart chamber.
Denotes one of rugged, conservative, and patriotic nature who will be blessed with the goods of the world and who will use his blessings well. His position in life will be distinguished and his sincerity will command respect even from his enemies. He carries about him a fine and pure aura which benefits all who come within its radiations. It is a symbol of Exaltation.
Mars: 12-13
It shows one of a powerful and independent nature, relying on his own counsel and capable of standing alone. A degree of taciturnity and reserve will add to the general inscrutability of the mind of this person, and dispose him to command the respect and regard of others. His position will be elevated, his success in life will be assured by his own innate strength, and his fortunes will remain untouched by the hand of change. It is a degree of’ STADILITY.
Business: degree of attraction and repulsion; electricians; independent and self-reliant; stability; magnetic healing; dignity; artistic sensibilities; inclined to poetry; may be either mystical or unfeeling
Denotes one whose work is destined to live and influence men long after he has left the earth, one of an intensely psychic nature, sensitive, and mediumistic. He will have many earthly struggles and will find many sharp rocks in the way of his progress. He suffers more from his absolute lack of sympathy with earth matters as they are at present. His wanderings in the summer lands, however, bring him infinite peace and joy in the midst of pain. It is a symbol of Reveries.
It indicates a person of high intelligence and lofty aspirations but very prone to the use of force instead of persuasion. A man who is always getting in front of himself, so to speak, losing his temper against his desire, and letting his energies run away with his reason. He will be in danger of hurt by the sword or by fire. He must be careful of the martial element. It Is a degree of IMPULSE.
Fastidious, intellectual, optimistic, and sagacious; some women with this are dreamy and apt to have unsatisfactory love affairs; fear; honor, congeniality, order, and a lovable nature; benefics here a true friend and home lover, malefices here denote energy but sometimes misdirected. Oriental philosophies and painting; surgeons, sharp edges or clearly defined edges, martial arts (straight lines); sharp, incisive gestures, placing things side by side in deep contrast; goiter. Malpighi’s pyramids.
Denotes one who attains influence and a degree of power through aggression, forcefulness, and fighting. He is of an adventurous nature and endures a wound for the glory of getting it and the honor it gains him, and he will have many wounds. It is a symbol of Encroachment.
It denotes one very unfortunate, who will be constrained to severe and hard work for a certain period of his life. The native is patient, enduring, and capable of much self-government. In the end he will assuredly reap the reward of his labors, It is a degree of LABOUR.
Comparison; cruelty; homicidal tendency, sometimes a critical or top heavy mentality; apt to be fickle and indecisive; works hard for a living; degree of fear; pubis.
Denotes one of an artistic nature and a plodding but powerful disposition who is called to do work of a pioneering nature. He is an advocate of force, and the discipline with which he has been bended he would use on others. It is a symbol Pioneering.
This symbol belongs to one that is capable of arduous and protracted labors. His inherent force of character will carry him through all difficulties and beyond all obstacles. He is endowed with much definition of purpose, determination and incisiveness, so that he will make headway against all obstructions and cut out a line in life for himself. He will in all probability find the recompense of his labor in association with agricultural projects, and in the utilization of old and waste materials, it is a degree of DETERMINATION.
A scholarly degree; active mind; persistent in his efforts; studies the past to guide him in his future; usually has more than one hobby; music; muscle endings.
Denotes one whose power is directed to the uplifting and advancement of his race—a stayer of war and strife, of plague and riot. He looks directly ahead, far ahead into the years to come when the new sun will illuminate the glory of a new age of gold. It is a symbol of Renewing.
This denotes a steadfast and capable person, whose life will be orderly and useful, whose mind will be open to the reception of truth and knowledge and whose passions will be well regulated. He will display a frank and even blunt nature, being free from all craftiness and subtlety; and his mind will have a sincere regard for all that is simple and natural in human nature, and a rooted distrust of the non-transparent. It is likely that he will be disposed to seek his livelihood in the vineyard or hostel, but in the highest capacity he can be will aspire to become a teacher and purveyor of spiritual truths. In any case, he is a man of the common walk and his sympathies are with the people. It Is a degree of SINCERITY.
A blunt, steadfast, and militant person; music; gastric ulcer; from upper to lower legs.
Denotes one who will escape three great dangers by reason of a faith which draws to him the protection of the higher Powers. The most threatening is the third danger, but his faith is proof against this also. He will have moments of intense feeling and will not permit others to usurp his position nor rob him of the fruits of his toil. He is a peculiar child of destiny, and destiny does not design him for a low position in earth life. It is a symbol of Favor.
This symbol is related to one in whose nature there is more force and energy than power of direction and self-restraint, and who in consequence will be continually running into dangers which to him will be wholly unforeseen though obvious enough to others. He will rely upon his strength and pushfulness to overcome his enemies, but it will be shown to him that there is nothing so insignificant as the strength of a man. Since he cannot overcome Nature let him learn to use her forces with discretion and moderation or he will be wounded in the conflict of life, and unseen dangers will lurk within the hour of exultation as snakes beneath the flowers. It is a degree of FORCEFULNESS.
Fame, leadership and skill at handling men when tact and courtesy are required; can smooth out difficult and antagonistic relationships; when inspired by an ideal; these people have tremendous power; where the cause is great; his work may have its effect on future generations; right crural band.
Denotes one of gifted mind and exceptional qualities, a singer of songs and a bearer of light, whose works gain for him respect and dignity, and whose name will be remembered long after his form has left this earth. Beautiful thoughts will cling to him as the ivy clings to the garden wall, and pleasant minds will come to him as the flowers which entwine the scepter. It is a symbol of Taste.
This symbol is related to the one who will show considerable aspiration in things of a spiritual nature and will be instrumental in awakening in the breast of man a belief in things supernormal, by fanning the spark of intelligent faith into a flame of conviction and consuming desire. His profession will be allied to the useful arts and his walk in life, although simple and devoid of ostentation, will nevertheless be of singular service to humanity. Great in soul and of immense aspiration, he will prove a veritable Vulcan. It is a degree of INSPIRATION.
Oil producing, literature; appreciation of the beautiful; the artist; often prominent in charts of those who have achieved literary eminence; judicial with good mentality and mathematical ability; fond of sports, music or reading; usually suited to law, finance, statistics, or literary work; lymph vessel of left lower leg.
Denotes one of a trusting spiritual nature who will have trials in life threatening and bitter, and who will often be storm-driven and held in the grip of hard circumstances. Now and then there are breaks in the storms of life which bring relief, no matter how small. But he must go on; his way is difficult and the night is dark, but in the morning light will come. It is a symbol of Experience.
This is the symbol of one whose life will be beset with unforeseen dangers, and who should therefore go warily and with much circumspection into the narrow walks of competitive life. About the middle of his life there will be a great catastrophe, by which he will either lose the use of a limb, or will suffer a total collapse of his affairs. He will then be in danger of liquidation and may become involved in serious trouble. Almost from his boyhood he will have to be self- supporting, and while he is sure to be of considerable service to others, and may even be author of much wise counsel, he will himself stand in need of help and sustenance ere his days are half completed. His future thereafter is in the keeping of Heaven. It is a degree of COLLAPSE.
Literature; idealism; music; “Jack of all trades”; apt to be a child of fate; fortune may push him up or down in unexpected ways; appreciation of the beautiful; degree of an artist; versatile ability; rheumatic fever; rheumatism; artery of left lower leg (fibula).
Denotes one who strives to do more than he can accomplish, who has “ too many irons in the fire,” and, while thinking to accomplish much, does but little. He may be two-sided or have two philosophies obtruding themselves at the same time. The life is restless, anxious, and over it hangs a threatening hand. Peace comes from the cultivation of the higher and the rejection of the lower. It is a symbol of Difficulties.
This symbol is related to one in whose life some great catastrophe will occur at a time when providentially there will be a friend at hand to rescue him from his danger. It indicates that a deficiency of tact and skill is liable to reader him subject to adversity of fortune, and he will suffer financial disaster and even peril of death. But there will be raised up to him a friend capable of sustaining him in his extremity, and he will not therefore sink into the depths. This will be in response to his great faith. The nature, although daring, is lacking in tact and strength. All his troubles will arise from failing to admit his own incompetence. He will travel afar. It is a degree of INSECURITY.
Musical ability; medical fields gain and recognition in any field; good intellect; well adapted to literary work. Bright’s disease; nervous system of the spinal cord.
Denotes one who has a graceful method of expressing his thoughts and who will reach his place when life’s midway has passed. He will accomplish much, and his words will ring so that many will stop to listen. His actions harmonize with his beliefs, and his soul is serene. It is a symbol of Proclaiming.
Saturn: 24-25
It indicates a powerful and haughty nature; one who is disposed to justify himself by force of arms rather than by intrinsic merit. Such a person will make many his servants but few his friends and in the end his state will be a pitiable as that of a dying lion. It is a degree of PRIDE.
Sometimes have theories and ideas of doubtful value; homicidal tendency; alcoholism; men with planets here are careful with their money; lower jaw.
Denotes one of natural talent who will be beset with difficulties in gaining recognition, but whose mental strength will be the more determined because of them. When his time comes his power will be felt. He will force acknowledgment by sheer ability and energy. It is a symbol of Premeditation.
Sun: 17-18
It indicates a person of lofty aspirations, keen mental powers, penetration and executive ability, one who will cut out his own line in life and excite attention, but who may, by his destiny, fail in achieving the result aimed at. It is a degree of EXECUTION.
Good imagination; cordial but caustic; energetic, enthusiastic, and intellectual; a dual personality - men may sometimes have feminine traits; homicidal tendency; Bright’s disease (kidneys); second rib.
Denotes one of great bravery who, feeling himself unconquerable, becomes a mark for the attacks of his enemies, who, thinking to smite him at the point of his weakness, raise about themselves the power which arises from his pain. It is a symbol of Invulnerability.
Neptune: 23-24
It denotes a person of misanthropic spirit and unsociable disposition, who will be estranged from his kindred and may be exiled or outcast from his country. In addition, the native will be short-sighted or have some moral obliquity. so, that be will incur severe troubles through this defect in various ways. It is a degree of LONELINESS.
Painters; “a ship at full sail”; a hard worker who has many ups and downs; sometimes hard to understand because he is not a good mixer and t other times he does not understand himself; benefics are favorable here, but other planets here may denote a lack of chastity; spine; tendons of liver.
Denotes one who may become vain of his earthly power and may use it for purposes which can be of no real benefit to him and no real gratification. Suffering may force him to hold himself in check and to understand that” he who conquers himself is greater than he who conquers a kingdom.” It is a symbol of Violence.
The native will be of a penurious~ acquisitive, and mercenary nature; always counting the cost of all he does, and looking well to it that whatever be performs shall first be remunerative; then, if possible (though this is not important), just. He will acquire wealth by easy means, and will indulge in some very notable speculations. It is a degree of COVETOUSNESS.
Talent for mimicry; has the soul of a poet, but necessity often compels him to work along more prosaic lines; interested in diets, health, and laws of nature; gall bladder duct.
Denotes one of resourcefulness and determination who can be trusted to protect and safeguard his vital interests. Others, perhaps even amongst his own kinsmen, may interfere or attempt to interfere with the liberty of the native and prevent his free actions, and he may have to use craft to protect his rights and himself. It is a symbol of Finesse.
It denotes a person of a peculiarly incapable nature, unhappy disposition, and a certain awkwardness in his bearing. He will suffer ills through want of practical ness and executive power, and by reason of his backwardness will be liable to be victimized and deceived by the more active and wary. It is a degree of BLUNTNESS.
One of the strongest literary degrees. yet, unless the rest of the chart favors writing, Mercury here merely denotes interest, and Venus a love of literature, painting, good philosophy and honest bluntness along with artistic taste; combative but beneficent; strength of character; alert and aspiring; suicide; denotes art and literary ability; intelligence; honor, and riches in disgrace; hip veins.
Denotes one of a quick and critical mind who is gifted with powers of observation and discrimination He is able to turn points to his advantage, and does not hesitate to push forward with energy and activity to gain his desires. It is a symbol of Keenness.
It is the symbol of a bold, independent and forceful nature, that knows either restraint nor law, and that will suffer great privations in order to maintain the semblance of freedom. It is a degree of INDEPENDENCE.
Doctors: music (variations of pitch); not as strong as most Scorpio degrees; alcoholism; violence; homicidal tendency; has little respect for rules and conventions but usually abides by them. Often so reserved that few people understand him.
Denotes one who conceives the dualistic nature of man. He holds that the connexion of spirit and matter is the initial force from which all other forces are brought into being. He admits no intermediate force, pressing home his beliefs with all the certainty of proven facts and with all the vehemence his powerful nature is capable of. It is a symbol of Forcing.
It is the index of a nature that is impelled by force of circumstances to precipitate and hazardous projects. A restless and impulsive mind, defective in foresight and never aware of danger till it is encountered. The life will be narrowed and confined, and so largely determined by the force of circumstances that it will be in danger of falling from one level to another until it is lost in obscurity and swallowed up in the sands of time. It is degree of COMPULSION.
Doctors; alcoholism; now; homicidal tendency; often found in charts of painters, poets, and astrologers, impulsive and restless yet loves home, solitude, and contemplation; (Unukalhai) immorality, accidents, danger of poison; ethmoid bone and ligaments.
Denotes one who is forced by circumstances to undertake duties which are not always of a pleasant nature. His destiny is to adjust and to demand, and the necessities of his life are opposed to investigations of an ideal or psychic character. It is a symbol of Gathering.
It is the indication of a predatory and adventurous spirit, a mind that is avaricious and cunning, quick to perceive and enforce its owl advantage, but slow to cultivate the more useful and sociable habits of life. Such will lead a distressful and contentious life, and will not long enjoy the benefit of his conquests. He will snatch an advantage and will be forced to surrender it to others; and because of his selfishness his own friends will berail him. It is a degree of SEIZURE.
Alcoholism; homicidal tendencies; strong desire to gain wealth or power, a malefic here usually denotes trouble with the opposite sex; some connection with magicians; ovarian ducts; coccyx.
Denotes one who is lost in the maze of worldly gain and whose sole happiness is in his ever- increasing wealth. His nature is hard and his estimate of his fellow-creatures is judged by his own standard. His motto is: Treat every man as a rogue until you find him out to be honest, and when you find him out to be honest, think again before you trust him. It is a symbol of Hardness.
It denotes one who has a forceful and yet pliant mind, a persuasive tongue and a brave spirit. Such an one will lead others by the power of authority which is vested in reason and sustained by the ability of expression. From such a man an appeal is equivalent to a command, and an exhortation equal to a rebuke. He will undertake high duties and grave responsibilities in life and will largely be moved by a power that is within him, unrecognized but potent. It is a degree of PERSUASION.
Usually seems well-balanced, genial, sympathetic, and philosophical, may be placed in positions of trust only to meet personal misfortune.
Denotes one capable of lofty thoughts and high mental flights. There is a subtle, strong diplomacy about this native which cannot be easily gauged by others, but he knows himself, his own ambitious spirit, and his ever-growing faith—a faith which never wavers, no matter if he basks in favors or shields himself from frowns. It is a symbol of Distinction.
This symbol is related to one whose life is liable to many and severe shocks of misfortune, the severing of ties and the disappointment of hopes. Nevertheless, he will show a spirit of steadfast resignation to the will of Heaven and therein will find consolation for his grief’s and sorrows. The task which he will have to perform in life will be honorable but unprofitable, and many will be the difficulties which encumber his upward path. He is nevertheless equipped for a long and arduous journey, and being endowed with a patient and firm will, he must eventually attain his goal. Only in the interval he will have to surrender all that he holds most dear in life. It is a degree of PERSEVERANCE.
Inquisitiveness; obesity; brings strange events into one’s life; women are much loved; men are natural leaders and follow some unusual line of work; right fibula.
Denotes one of a truly religious mind whose career will be as full of incident as the many pieces which go to make a mosaic pavement are full of color. Material life is not without its dangers— moral and physical—but the native is not born under the heel of fear. He sees beyond his times and bears his cross. It is a symbol of Faithfulness.
This symbol is indicative of a nature that is strong forceful and independent, loving freedom above all things and desiring death by hunger rather than servitude or restraint. Such a one will prove himself to be of greater service to the race when left to his own resources and given full freedom of action than when bound to a narrow or restricted walk in life. Nevertheless, he is liable to captivity or imprisonment, whether it be as a prisoner of State or as the victim of a hard and unrelenting Fate, and this will be entailed by his inordinate love of freedom. He will, suffer and will serve, and thus gain both wisdom and freedom for all time. It is a degree of ESCAPEMENT.
Hearing; anemia; may be especially good or clever at some particular thing; afflicted; an extremist; hitting at truth of life (something universal); vein of lower left leg.
Denotes one of a vital, vigorous, and martial disposition who endeavors to cut his way by mind or sword. Danger in early childhood may be overcome according to the power of the horoscope, but danger is never absent from him, and he is liable to be constrained or oppressed with enemies of his own making or he may be a dangerous enemy to himself. To pass through a barred window self- conquest alone knows the way. It is a symbol of Limitation.
This symbol is related to one who has considerable faculty for teaching (prophecy), and skill in manual crafts. As a director of thought, an exponent of religious teachings, as traveler, lecturer, even handicraftsman, he will show himself capable and will meet with distinction. He will be ambitious and will have a mind set upon things that are remote from his environment. Careful in his methods, and ambitious in his designs, he will have to travel far, nevertheless, for the results of his actions, and of him it may be said that what is remote from the sense is ever more attractive than things corporeal, and that which is afar than which is near. It is a degree of APPERCEPTION.
Medical; healing airmen (avoid air travel if Jupiter is afflicted); if prominent; it warns against accidents when traveling especially by air; inventive, unconventional, loves new and experimental schemes; interest in Oriental philosophies smoothness - silk, peace; singers, chanting, nerve of left fibula.
Denotes one on whom Fame smiles and who is fitted to receive her favor. For this native there is dignity and honor, which follows a degree of struggle, disappointment, and comparative obscurity. He is moved by many and varied feelings and is blessed with a vivid and fine imagination. He is cultured, neat in style, and artistic, with considerable psychic ability and occult understanding. It is a symbol of Ascending.
This symbol is related to one in whose nature there is more force and energy than power of direction and self-restraint, and who in consequence will be continually running into dangers which to him will be wholly unforeseen though obvious enough to others. He will rely upon his strength and pushfulness to overcome his enemies, but it will be shown to him that there is nothing so insignificant as the strength of a man. Since he cannot overcome Nature let him learn to use her forces with discretion and moderation or he will be wounded in the conflict of life, and unseen dangers will lurk within the hour of exultation as snakes beneath the flowers. It is a degree of FORCEFULNESS.
Fame, leadership and skill at handling men when tact and courtesy are required; can smooth out difficult and antagonistic relationships; when inspired by an ideal; these people have tremendous power; where the cause is great; his work may have its effect on future generations; right crural band.
Denotes one of gifted mind and exceptional qualities, a singer of songs and a bearer of light, whose works gain for him respect and dignity, and whose name will be remembered long after his form has left this earth. Beautiful thoughts will cling to him as the ivy clings to the garden wall, and pleasant minds will come to him as the flowers which entwine the scepter. It is a symbol of Taste.
It indicates a person of strong personality, but of a tyrannous nature, who, by force of arms and aggression, generally will press forward regardless of the merits of others and insensible of their feelings. His hand, though strong, is frequently unjust and cruel in its action, impelled by the motive that might is right; and, when opposed, is capable of extreme cruelty and selfishness. In certain natures, the influence of this degree generates the common-place bully. It is a degree of SELF-ASSERTION.
Not always diplomatic but appreciates diplomacy in others; physically fearless but sometimes emotionally vulnerable; well aspected, discipline; afflicted, sometimes denotes a bad habit; thoracic canal.
Denotes one who will by his own skill and ability receive and profit by impressions and reach a position which gains him the recognition due to him. To such, perseverance and faith are the essentials, and if he regards the meaning of these two words apart from the words themselves he will crown his labors with success. It is a symbol of Fame.
It denotes one of fatal tendencies, destructive to a degree; inclined to cruelty and oppression. This person will need to hold his passions in strong check or some fatality will surely come upon him. The nature is melancholy and taciturn; yet silently discerning, and capable of keen feelings. “It makes not, but it mars; and with the hollow eyes of death looks back with secret self-condemnation upon its unfruitful work.’ The end of life is tragic. It is a degree of UNDOING.
History; can work in solitude; degree of retentive memory; usually prudent, bright, and charming; magnetic personality; poison, possibly in working with chemicals; alcoholism; Bright’s disease; cancer; highly occult (the owl, dark subjects, collects owls, night owls); religious; large gastric curvature.
Denotes one of brave and generous disposition who is an earnest and sincere champion of the oppressed and who is one of that great band who cannot be deaf to the moans of the suffering many. He is a militant, generous force, and in his philosophy “charity covereth a multitude of sins.” It is a symbol of Humanity.
It indicates a person of strong personality, but of a tyrannous nature, who, by force of arms and aggression, generally will press forward regardless of the merits of others and insensible of their feelings. His hand, though strong, is frequently unjust and cruel in its action, impelled by the motive that might is right; and, when opposed, is capable of extreme cruelty and selfishness. In certain natures the influence of this degree generates the common-place bully. It is a degree of SELF-ASSERTION.
Not always diplomatic but appreciates diplomacy in others; physically fearless but sometimes emotionally vulnerable; well aspected, discipline; afflicted, sometimes denotes a bad habit; thoracic canal.
Denotes one who strives to stand erect. Time does not cast him down, for grandeur and beauty are his companions; but beauty, however sublime, is never without a flaw, for the flaw intensifies the beauty. The erect column indicates strength, the crumbling at the base fear, which alone can destroy if permitted to infect the whole. Where faith is, then fear will be never. True faith is knowledge absolute, and what knowledge so perfect as the consciousness in man of his own strength? It is a symbol of Gracefulness.
It denotes a man whose chief interest will be in his home, and in the care of his children; one who is attractive to young persons, and whose mind is pacific and benevolent; one who has the ability to inspire confidence and faith in other; whose footsteps will be followed in security and whose life goes by easy way to a peaceful end. It is a degree of MINISTRATION.
A born teacher and scientist; hearing (afflicted - may in - cline to deafness); inordinately fond of food; afflicted - gluttons; if the will is weak, may become a drunkard; a tendency to be contrary and stubborn, especially with planets in 27 degree Aries-Pisces; frequently their own worst enemies; has much to do with healing; cervical vein.
Denotes one who acquires much by work and application, but who lacks the faculty of watchfulness in protecting his gains from the greed of others. He has an easygoing tendency, but gains come from labor, craft, and the management of his own affairs. He may be the victim of deceit or treachery, and should never put himself in the hands of others when his own well-being is concerned. He should avoid things and circumstances he does not understand. It is a symbol of Misleading.
It denotes one for whom life will be a severe lesson; whose ambition is likely to outstrip his power; one who will attempt great his discomfiture; whose efforts will prove futile, and whose hopes a will vanish as the clouds. It is a degree of SELF-PRESERVATION.
Magic; a pleasing personality; a person who is above petty things; loyal and serious-minded; some interest in occultism; magnanimous; opening of throat.
Denotes one capable of immense sacrifices who surrenders self, expecting no reward. The life will be often lonely, but ever threatened by storms. In the end wisdom and worth will triumph and the second half of life brings good promise. It is a symbol of Devotion.
3-4 (likely)
It denotes a person in whose life much sedition will prevail, whose affairs will be marred by his own violence, and whose house will be dismembered through strife, in whom wrath will affect great evils, and whose force will be turned against himself. If is a degree of DISINTEGRATION.
Literature (skill in working out plots); writers of detective stories; one accustomed to the exercise of authority; favors playwrights; military men. organizers who work to uphold the law; degree of plot; planning, tact, and scheming bodily injuries; destruction by fire, war or earth-quake; unscrupulous defeat; throat or larynx.
Denotes one whose destiny it is to come before the public in some professional capacity. The native will be impulsive, bold, and brave, and will be gifted with controlling and magnetic force. He will travel and move about a great deal, and will be exposed to danger with little or no hurt. It is a symbol of Intrepidity.
16-17 (this is also linked with explosions so I think Dei is likely to have something here)
This symbolizes a life of toil without much fruits; the misdirection of effort through ignorance of natural laws; a straining after that which Nature has not designed, and consequent failure in life. The native will be unpopular, moving against the stream, and by much exertion, hurting himself alone. It is a degree of FUTILITY.
Painting; business; musical ability (variations of pitch); singers; oratory; a powerful degree for men; color; and original person who has much influence on his sphere of society; ideas or popularity may grow by spurts, but unexpected falls sometimes follow too; homicidal tendency; abscesses of neck if with 25 degree Leo-Aquarius or 21 degree Aries-Libra; associated with explosions (of nuclear plants or bombings); often a tall person; tonsils.
Denotes one free as air, brave, spiritual, restless, and unfitted for the regular routine of daily life. Care in infancy is essential. He is of a wandering disposition and frequent changes are for him. It is a symbol of Wandering.
14-15 (likely)
It denotes a studious and intuitive nature, whose mental vision will see where others arc in the darkness; one devoted to the inner meaning of Nature’s workings, and acting from obscure motives; one of much self-reliance, inclined to solitariness, and yet always surrounded by friends; one who will be sought after while himself seeking none. It is a degree of MYSTERY.
Business; singers; a degree of exchange and barter; some times traveling salesmen or financiers; may live or die in foreign lands; circulation of blood as well as ideas and propaganda; causes disease, disgrace, ruin injury from beasts, sickness, and loss of fortune; epiglottis.
Denotes a person whose tastes and desires are directed to the understanding of the secrets which rest beneath the veil. He has brought to earth from other sources the knowledge which enables him to find the entrance to the cavern of hidden jewels, but it is doubtful if he can enter, for the gateway is guarded by sublime and intense colors caused by more excessive vibrations than can be endured by the human body. The light vapor approaching the “Ultra” stage is more powerful and effective than dragons of fire. It is a symbol of Initiation.
It denotes a gentle, inoffensive but weak nature, inclined to indolence or hopelessness, and thus while Nature is luxurious and fertile, and all around speaks of wealth gained by industry, the native remains in a poor condition for want of determination. It is a degree of INCOMPETENCE.
Music ( a trumpet); a person who rises from a humble birth place to a great renown through a process of unfoldment; hair; leader of party; often a tall person; maxillary artery.
Denotes one who is unable to estimate his abilities and who attempts things foolhardy and useless. There is a tendency to irritability and aggressiveness and lack of self-restraint. Thus he will court unpopularity and will suffer from his own actions. It is a symbol of Futility.
It indicates a powerful and haughty nature; one who is disposed to justify himself by force of arms rather than by intrinsic merit. Such a person will make many his servants but few his friends and in the end his state will be a pitiable as that of a dying lion. It is a degree of PRIDE.
Sometimes have theories and ideas of doubtful value; homicidal tendency; alcoholism; women with planets here are usually intuitive, poetic, lively, and flirtatious; men careful with their money; lower jaw.
Denotes one whose life is harassed by other people, and who will be held to a position to his disadvantage from which he will free himself and go where better conditions prevail, and where he will have better opportunities for employing his skill for his own good. Consult the horoscope. It is a symbol of Restraining.
28-29 (honestly, now that I think about it, this is Tobs through and through)
It signifies a tyrant, who takes delight in power apart from its uses, and whose opinions are bigoted and selfish. To rule, without regard to qualifications, is the passing ambition of one born under this degree. Death, which frees the slave, will bind the hands of a tyrant in irons forged from his own heart. It is a degree of DESPOTISM.
Good organizing ability; strong will; usually magnetic, proud and stoical; heavy drinking; suicide; a degree giving “something to cry about”; Trapizius.
Denotes one who is continually beset with difficulties and who finds it hard at all times to decide his course of action. He is ever between forces of opposite natures, and is quite as likely to do the right thing as the wrong one. These conditions must be subdued by the steady cultivation of the will. It is a symbol of Embarrassment.
Sun: 17-18
It denotes a person of hospitable and homely nature, ever ready with the best of fare to entertain friends and acquaintances. The native will grow to be much beloved for his open handed ness and sincerity of feeling. He will be both prosperous and happy, and will rejoice in the company of his friends. It is a degree of HOSPITALITY. 
Electricians; a romantic degree; rules poets; oratorical ability; violence; a person who will get considerable publicity; has many friends; ambitious to be the greatest; kidney illness; liked with sexual problems; subtle mind, shamelessness, and loss through friends and company, fatty capsule of kidneys.
Denotes one of a simple nature who is gifted with a strong spirit of self-sacrifice and endowed with inherent bravery. His way in life will be tangled at times, and he will need his energy to set it right again. He is a helper of himself and of others, and he does not count his own needs first. It is a symbol of Self-sacrifice.
It denotes one who through suffering, pain and hard work, will at the close of life rise to much dignity and receive many honors. This degree is capable, of lifting, the native from obscurity to prominence as the reward of enduring effort. It is a degree of REWARD.
A degree of movement; medical fields - doctors (along with 23-24 deg Leo, Aquarius); sportsmen or athletes (with fixed signs); electricians; wrestlers (with fixed signs); lawyers (along with 23-24 Leo, Aquarius); hair, spiritual intuition; if afflicted - may start many things he will never finish; corpus callosum (band of nerve fibers).
Denotes bravery, love, and sincerity. Honor will come to this native, his thoughts and ambitions lead him upwards. By Love’s guidance he passes over obstacles and pursues an honorable course. His nature is somewhat proud, but he is generous and noble-minded. Influence and favor come to him. It is a symbol of Light.
It denotes loneliness and indigence in life; one who will lead a strange and outcast life, with few friends and those either unwilling or unable to help him. It. seems to contain the idea of much traveling, perhaps exile, and finally a lonely grave. It is a degree of ISOLATION.
Bakers; dietetics - food and drink; music (the beautiful); love of words; often found in charts of those who compete in games or sports, especially tennis; the physicians; gluttony; independence; freedom, love of wealth and honor, and keen intellect; gives a sixth sense. One cannot tell them a lie because they see through others. They are seldom mistaken in their judgment of others; rheumatic fever; rheumatism; frontal lobes .
Denotes one who reaches a position of responsibility, power, and influence, and seeks to find in man the spark which being agitated blazes forth in glory, guiding by its perfect light. Here we have the teacher who strives to lead men from the valley of darkness into the light of understanding, but who himself is threatened by Error and Hate, which if he permits to influence him will drag him from his throne. But if he join his own great soul to Truth and Love, what wonders may he not perform! It is a symbol of Intercession.
This is a degree indicating one of a speculative nature, selfish, and luxurious; one whose heart is divided between pleasure and wealth, but who knows not the true use of either. Such would gain wealth by. speculation, but waste it in extravagance. “The fool and his money are soon parted.” So here. It Is a degree of EARTHINESS. 
Music (a trumpet); electricians; interest in occultism, spiritualism, metaphysics or magic; persuasive oratory; public life; spinal cord canal.
Denotes a lotus-eater, a lover of pleasure, who delights in ease and the sweets of life. The fortunes are favored, but the native makes no personal effort to increase them. The mind is romantic and art- loving, and the form graceful. It ii a symbol of Luxury.
This denotes a person of an amiable and pleasant disposition, friendly to all, and beloved of his kinsmen. One who desires peace and concord, and who will meet with success through the intervention of some female friend. It is a degree of AMITY.
Oratorical ability; electricians; poets; children; a romantic degree; with Virgo-Pisces novelists; with Leo-Aquarius or Gemini-Sagittarius poets; often connected with tragedies of violence in either the chart of the attacker or the victim. Associated with divorce and separations; sexual emotionalism; linked with sexual problems; nerve connections.
Denotes sympathy. Many times will the native stumble and fall by the way, but ever will there be a bright light before him to dispel the darkness of the night and to dissipate his fears. The mind is aspiring, but to reach its ideal, pain and struggle are involved. The native must not falter, for very nigh unto him is his hope—a little sacrifice and endeavor will unite him to it. It is a symbol of Upraising.
It denotes a generous and hospitable nature; one that will succeed through good and worthy actions, yet has some sense of his own merits and powers, and is desirous of recognition. A steadfast and sincere man, who will make many friends and be held by them in respect. It is a degree of CONSCIOUS MERIT.
Electricians; active and adventurous; a degree of supreme sacrifice; abscesses; accidents; a traveler who makes plans and lives them; preparedness, steadiness, determination, and final success; a fortunate degree; eye muscle.
Denotes one who will be assailed by secret and open enemies, who will be liable to troubles and false accusations. In his dealings he should always exercise great care, and should not rely on word- of-mouth agreements. He will not be without devoted friends, who will not neglect him in the hour of his greatest need. His intense feelings will cause him trouble, danger, illness, and regret, and he will have to strive with the dark serpent. Let him unite himself with noble and good-living people, and put away from himself votaries of evil. It is a symbol of Contention.
It indicates a powerful and haughty nature; one who is disposed to justify himself by force of arms rather than by intrinsic merit. Such a person will make many his servants but few his friends and in the end his state will be a pitiable as that of a dying lion. It is a degree of PRIDE.
Sometimes have theories and ideas of doubtful value; homicidal tendency; alcoholism; women with planets here are usually intuitive, poetic, lively, and flirtatious; men careful with their money; lower jaw.
Denotes one of natural talent who will be beset with difficulties in gaining recognition, but whose mental strength will be the more determined because of them. When his time comes his power will be felt. He will force acknowledgment by sheer ability and energy. It is a symbol of Premeditation.
It signifies a tyrant, who takes delight in power apart from its uses, and whose opinions are bigoted and selfish. To rule, without regard to qualifications, is the passing ambition of one born under this degree. Death, which frees the slave, will bind the hands of a tyrant in irons forged from his own heart. It is a degree of DESPOTISM.
Good organizing ability; strong will; usually magnetic, proud and stoical; heavy drinking; suicide; a degree giving “something to cry about”; Trapizius.
Denotes one who is continually beset with difficulties and who finds it hard at all times to decide his course of action. He is ever between forces of opposite natures, and is quite as likely to do the right thing as the wrong one. These conditions must be subdued by the steady cultivation of the will. It is a symbol of Embarrassment.
It denotes a person of an extremely vacillating and uncertain disposition; weak. minded, and subject to be driven about from one opinion to another; generally moved by consent to prevailing sentiment, and incapable of any firm and independent decision. The native will be liable to experience strange caprices of fortune; and will wander, with many a change of object, from one place to another, but little permanence for good will be assured to him. At times exceedingly hopeful, and anon depressed and nervous, the native will make little headway or progress. It is a degree of WEAKNESS.
Have a way of making themselves pleasing to the opposite sex but often seem monotonous to those of their own sex; prodigal sometimes vacillating; apt to use the other fellow’s ideas because he lacks confidence in his own; sometimes not dependable and apt to wander from place to place; aorta.
Denotes one whose early life is threatened and who in later years will gain possession of material secrets discovered by another which he has long sought to obtain. Having obtained them, he claims the discoveries as his own, gaining thus further professional advancement and reputation. His triumph may last till he breathes his last breath, then he will learn what in spite of all his learning he does not know, and his action of yesterday brings remorse on the morrow. It is a symbol of Artifice.
It denotes a person of the most prudent, circumspect, and patient mind; capable of sustaining great fatigue in the accomplishment of his desires; a mind gifted with much diplomacy, suavity, self-restraint, and watchfulness; keen in observing but slow to draw conclusions; capable when aroused, of much malice, but not of open anger. Firm in his attachments, a fast friend and unrelenting enemy. The native will succeed in life by dint of caution and perseverance. It is a degree of CURCUMSPECTION.
A benefic there or any planet well aspected there inclines too honesty and integrity; anarchism (not going with any thing); an active person; not easy to anger but capable of malice when aroused; usually sensitive and often hurt by lack of harmony in the home; a critical analyst, but sincere with good intentions; left carotid artery.
Denotes one who may be deceived by smiles and promises. He should be especially careful of those in power, and should be wary lest in negotiations he betrays his plans and aspirations to keen and subtle adversaries. Wisdom is in silence. It is a symbol of Treachery.
It denotes a person of a proud, martial nature, with considerable tastes for athletics, deeds of daring and prowess, contests, feats of arms, and the like. Somewhat given to argument and contention. ever ready to rush into disputes regardless of danger. The native will succeed as a soldier, or in active service requiring courage and strength; but will be liable to some reverses of fortune following upon undue self-assertion. It is a degree of PROWESS. 
A medical or healing degree; hair; a martial nature with a liking for athletics; a leader, usually in some physical or military way; usually well-liked by inferiors; a person of great energy who may drive himself to ruin unless he controls his passions; entrance of pulmonary artery.
Denotes one who will be compelled to fight and struggle during a great part of his life and who will often have to use his ingenuity to release himself from entanglements and troubles. He may have financial difficulties or difficulties over property or estates. In the end—perhaps even in the midst of worry—his star rises and he triumphs over enemies and evil conditions. It is a symbol of Strategy.
Saturn:  (honestly these both sound kind of off)
It denotes a person of tasteful, but luxurious habits; one who will spend much upon mere show, and will depend much upon appearances to the neglect of more desirable uses. Together with these characteristics, there is a great deal of pride, which in the uneducated may run to ostentation and snobbishness. Yet, in any sphere of life the native will be fortunate among his compeers. It is a degree of DISPLAY.
Sense of hearing; anemia; skin; afflictions to planets here; love of solitude; generosity; travel in connection with business; talkative but incapable of pettiness; often misunderstood because they do not fully understand themselves, looks at things from positive standpoint; knows that even his troubles are of his own making; care and responsibility; a charitable and fostering nature; afflicted brings danger of a violent death, serious accidents or burns; the eyes; vena cava.
Denotes one fortunate, but somewhat vain, whose desire it is “to make a good appearance’ and who expends much money for this purpose. But the glories which shine forth from a great soul glitter more than the choicest diamond in the daintiest setting, giving a lasting beauty which age cannot change nor time obliterate. There are two sides to this symbol, and both reflect, for it is a symbol of Reflection.
It denotes one whose chief ambitions will not come to completion; but, either through disaster or untimely death, ‘will be prematurely brought to naught. To whomsoever this degree may appertain, the warning goes forth :—build not for the future, but for eternity, for it is very nigh; and if thou sowest aught, make no count of the harvest, for the seasons are not to thy hand; yet both sow and build for the greater good, and work in hope! In character the native will be versatile, somewhat morose and despondent, but strong in trial; and giving shelter even to the worthless out of pure goodwill. It is a degree of PERIL.
Alcoholism; army and navy; versatile, fearless, firm and sure but sometimes morose; often interested in the mystic secrets of life and death; sudden friendships and estrangements; bladder afflictions; jugular vein.
Denotes one of brave, fearless, and noble disposition whose natural greatness of soul is moved by the necessities of others, and who always puts the well-being of another before his own comforts. Envy is directed against him and malice turns her evil eyes on him. He will be exposed to many and grave dangers, for duty to him is ever the first thought. It is a symbol of Daring.
It denotes a person of much independence of spirit, self-confidence, pride, and no little love of distinction. The native will suffer on account of his isolated feelings, and will be in danger of betrayal by the machinations of perfidious enemies. At a time when he has reached a height of isolated distinction, he will fall under the jealous hand of his enemies. It is a degree of PRIDE.
Often associated with homosexuality (depending on aspects); gives success, renown, and riches; a love of arts and sciences; adversely aspected; unscrupulousness, unfaithfulness, and injustice to innocence; “sweetest star of the heavens”; “star of the artists” and promises honor and fame; prefers to work and plan in privacy, but his work may achieve great renown; vascular circulation of the renal cortex.
Denotes one who will suffer from an overconfident nature that neglects those details which, insignificant as they may appear, are as necessary for the safeguarding of his interests as water is to earth. His mentality is good, and he is capable of useful mental work, but he may lose the results of his labor. and suffer thereby in many ways. It is a symbol of Entrapping.
It indicates a nature that is attuned to works of benevolence and homely simplicity, careful in the affairs of daily life, solicitous of peace and comfort, and ever ready to shelter, befriend and succor the wayside traveler without neglect of those within his doors. It is a degree of BENEVOLENCE.
Detectives; artistic and sensitive; a lover of children; sympathies often on the unpopular side; peculiar mental quirks such as a mind that can do only one thing at a time; a cool courage; lack of moral and physical suppleness; slow-witted and slowly aroused; vascular system of the skin.
Denotes one who if saved from malefic planetary action is contented with little and is pleasant and kind to men and animals. His nature is devotional and sensitive, and is capable of obtaining knowledge from astral sources and atmospheric conditions. He influences others for good, spreading content in the halls of inharmony. It is a symbol of Harmony.
It indicates a person of susceptible and weak nature, easily led away, and liable to be drawn to his destruction by the agency of the opposite sex. The native may attain to a high position in life, but whatever his position, he is in danger of an untimely fall. Let him take heed against the allurement. of the world. It is a degree of FALLING.
Aviation; birds; a child of fate; strange things happen to them; often psychic or intuitive; dancers, love of danger; goiter; nervous system.
Denotes one with a great message who will travel everywhere and whose thoughts and feelings are expanded and uplifted thereby. His wanderings are often directed beyond this earth to the heavenly fields and, to the lands dosed to those held in material bodies. He is capable of performing many good acts for others and is ever ready to resist actions unworthy of a true man, holding meanness in contempt. It is a symbol of Movement.
It denotes one of a melancholy and retiring nature, very sensitive, and of keen sympathies. The native will be in danger of early bereavement, and will at an early age be left devoid of family ties and friends. It is a degree of EFFACEMENT.
Rules animal life, usually loquacious; given to speculation; paint, perfume, or chemicals may play a part in the vocation; sudden death, dancers, love of danger, jaundice of the renal pelvis.
Denotes one who will have need to exercise very great caution as to the safe keeping of his worldly possessions. Such a one should keep away from speculations, ventures, and crafty people, and undertake nothing of a nature involving risk. It is a symbol of Forfeiting.
It indicates a person of quick, impetuous, quarrelsome, and aggressive nature, who will cause many disputes in life on account of his Irascible disposition, and will make many enemies. The native will be in danger of losing his life while engaged in sonic affray or quarrel, and should know bow to forefend himself by self-command, which Is the greatest of all conquests. It is a degree of FIGHTING.
Publicity or scandal (if Venus here, over a love affair or divorce); often causes one to become a widow; immorality; courage, talent for science, literature, or leadership; aggressiveness; linked with sexual problems; jaundice of the kidney and renal pelvis.
Denotes one who should avoid law and disputes. Inharmony is to him a state of evil which forces him into a groove of fate and holds him in bondage. He should endeavor by the power of his soul to keep the scales even and do nothing to prejudice his peace. It is a symbol of Unevenness.
It is the index of a mind that is given to excessive indulgence and undue enthusiasm in matters of a spiritual and mental nature; one who will follow out his projects regardless of consequence, impelled as it were by a species of mental intoxication. The substance and form of this symbol is allied to the higher nature, but should the carnal appetites gain an ascendancy over him, he will in all probability degenerate into a debauchee. Moderation should be his watchword even in spiritual things. It is a degree of EXCESS. 
Usually quick perception; remarkable memory; good imagination; condyle of right femur.
Denotes one of romantic mind, loving and leaning to the philosophy and thought of other days, in which he is a master. The forces play around him and attempts from the two worlds will be made to draw him from his deeper thoughts to the frivolity, folly, and transitory joys of earth. Many times will he be shaken, but his power is too great for sensual over comings. Instead he throws to the world the wine of life that those who are able may drink. It is a symbol of Spiritual Struggles.
This is the sign of one to whom appearances are apt to count or much, but who will nevertheless be possessed of a really deep and sympathetic nature. Fidelity and friendship will be prominent characteristics of his nature. Fidelity will be dexterous in the use of arms, apt in the imitation of mannerisms, and would make a capable actor,. being gifted with powers of dramatic. representation. Of a kind and sympathetic nature, he will readily attract friends, and yet few will know him for what he really is. It is a degree of IMITATION. 
Anarchism; literature; better for benefics than for malefics, which bring trouble through the opposite sex; associated with nervous troubles, especially in his speech, if afflicted by Mercury or Uranus, sometimes due to a glandular deficiency; tyrannical disposition; love of liberty; good mentality; inventive, intutive, and emotional; gout; neurasthenia; if conjunct or opposition an afflicted luminary or its afflicting planet; impaired eyesight, perhaps blindness.
Denotes one who is attracted to the sport and gaieties of life, and to whom physical pleasures constitute the essence of existence. The native may indulge in extravagances and will feel the ups and downs of life. His philosophy favors the pursuit of happiness, and his mental gifts will be directed to the furtherance of his thoughts. It is a symbol of Pleasure.
It is the symbol of mind that is capable of sustaining great and arduous work, one to whom some of the dark secrets of Nature will be revealed. He may show some taste for agriculture culture or may follow the fortunes of some great mining industry or archaeological research, and in such he will be a discoverer. Whatever his walk in life, his work will be difficult and protracted, but success will ultimately crown his labors. Endowed with a sharp, incisive mind and strong purpose, he will ignore the advice of friends and rely wholly on is own efforts. It is a degree of DISCOVERY. 
Clairvoyance; imitators; aptitude for studying human nature; angina pectoris; large or peculiar teeth; especially if on the Ascendant; wants to be the “head man” unless a benefic is here; good intellect; sometimes art ability but better suited to commercial enterprises; gives an immoral; mean; slovenly nature; pear-shaped muscle.
Denotes one of active mental power who is indispensable to his friends and a thorn to his enemies. He is capable of seeing events far in advance of their materialization and counts the years of human progress in its pendulum-like motion. He has in him a strong spirit of fight and a feeling of naught else but victory. It is a symbol of Supremacy.
Pluto : Same as Sasuke.
Section Four: Synastry and composite
Based on the degrees I used for natals, I drew up a composite chart and a synastry chart for sasuke and itachi as well as for sasuke and naruto but I wont be providing interpretations since that would make this post far too long. Note that some of these aspects might be wrong as not all degrees are certain.
Before we get started let me just clarify the difference between synastry and composite. 
Synastry is conversations between different parts of people. An example would be if my mercury and your moon are in a nice harmonious aspect, I say something in my style of communication based on my thinking process, now you get what I’m saying at an emotional level because you feel the same way, your feeling process and my thinking process are similar, the way you express your emotions and the way I express my thoughts are close, so I get how you feel on a logical level and you get what I think on an emotional level. 
Composite is the overall, combined energy of the relationship. Lets say you have a very rational and to the point way of communicating but then you meet this person and with them, for some reason, as soon as you meet both of you seem to communicate in an emotional, passive-aggressive way (strongly aspected composite mercury in cancer). Or if you have tons of things in common with someone, you communicate in a similar way, you like the same things, but you just can’t seem to think of a single thing to say to them. You meet and your mind goes blank, there should be a world of things to talk about but literally nothing comes to mind, the conversation is dry and an absolute chore and then you look at that composite and there’s a tight saturn (restriction, block) conjunct mercury (communication) and everything makes sense. It also says things like why you got together (composite sun), how people perceive your relationship (composite ascendant), ...
So lets go see how these characters relate to each-other on a cosmic level.
edit: I removed the composite to natals part because they require extremely tight orbs so it’s kind of risky for something so uncertain.
Sasuke-Itachi synastry:
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I forgot to erase that sun-sun semi-square (it’s out of orb) so just ignore it. Lots of harmonious saturn could lend itself to commitment and respect, lots of harmonious aspects to sasuke’s venus along with itachi’s sun in his 5th shows how fun and loving this relationship was for him (sasuke). Both their moons are getting lots of close aspects too. Those moon ascendant aspects and quick comfort and easy relating, an immediate emotional connection, Itachi’s mars aspecting Sasuke’s moon, ...
Sasuke-Itachi composite:
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So this composite sun (purpose, nature of the relationship) in cancer (family) is perfect. I wonder if this was a coincidence or if Kishi really looked this up. Ascendant in scorpio is pretty nice as well. Plenty of neptune, lots of pluto, ... 
Composite sun in the eight very much paints their relationship, intense, obsessive, transformative and full of death (both metaphorical and literal). Composite moon in the third, communication is important to the health of their relationship and emotional security regarding it, ... There is plenty of stuff to unpack here so I’m not going get into it, specially since we don’t know much for certain.
Sasuke-Naruto synastry:
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An interesting point here is that naruto’s moon would be in sasuke’s 4th house of family so that explains why he sees his family in him. Also, like I mentioned, plenty of harsh pluto, harsh mars-pluto giving lots of energy which if directed well, can contribute to good teamwork against outside forces and if not will lead to petty yet emotionally volatile arguments and controlling behaviour.
I put the ascendant opposition aspect there even though it’s out of orb because kishi went out of his way to make them opposites in the way they present/carry themselves and their aesthetic so this aspect would probably exist.
Sasuke-Naruto composite:
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There are two extremely important personal planets missing here (jupiter and mercury) so the picture isn’t complete but based on what we have, we can tell quite a bit of the story.
Venus conjunct sun is a very good aspect which means the relationship makes the people involved in it feel good, have fun, ... Sun trine moon and venus trine moon are also great aspects to have so that’s nice. Mars trine saturn could make them more organized and better at acting together in a systematic way. Neptune trine mars could mean that they understand each other’s actions and drive (in a physical/tangible sense, not necessarily the reasons behind them) intuitively.
Sun square mars is similar to my previous point, lots of energy which will at best lead to working effectively together against outside forces and at worst will lead to violence, unhealthy rivalry/arguments and constant irritation. 
Mars-neptune, not seeing the nature of the relationship properly, delusion, illusion, escapism, an unwillingness to see the relationship for what it is, ... neptune-saturn and lack of proper boundaries. 
Ascendant in aries and the rival look, sun in virgo (coworkers, a work relationship), composite sun in the 5th, a fun, dramatic and creative relationship, composite moon in the first, projecting feelings about the relationship all over the place, it just can’t be hidden and the outside world sees you as emotionally tied together, perhaps more so than you actually are unless there are other strong moon aspects to personal planets, ...
One thing that is oddly not here is major pluto aspects, however, if lack of aspects to a planet in a composite chart is similar to a natal chart then it could make that planet’s themes more prominent because the energy has no proper outlet so it pops up everywhere.
Thank you for your time, any input is appreciated :))
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comparatist · 3 years
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6.2 as a course to discuss modern indian literature has 'silence! the court is in session' and 'nagamandalam' written by vijay tendulkar and girish karnad in the syllabus. the following lecture notes first questions the way of studying indian literature through a comparative lense. it studies the idea of colonisation, the spread of western education and the literary protests of the indians in response to the demeaning of the indian literary connotations by claiming, it lacks a sense of superiority and the poems are blunt arrangements of words. the talking back of the colonised to the coloniser through the literary sign is recognised as a modern or pregressive moment. it must be kept in mind that it concerns the people inhabiting the literary moment at that certain time to identify a progressive move, eg. 19th century renaissance literature in bengal in response of the british oppressive ways. it also includes imbibing parts of western ways and keeping intact certain traditional values.
Post Colonial Era:
idea of post colonisation ingraned in the idea of neo colonisation where power structures have changed hands in india post-independence but there is almost no hope of changing material conditions of the country as the power now has been usurped by the already privileged upper class, upper caste, cisgender, heterosexual men for whom the idea of freedom is just a change in the central power.
a section of people who were associated with the struggle for independence realised the betrayal happening with them as the current change of power can never solve their problem.
a certain notion of patriotism, staying loyal to the country, serving the state as serving the motherland became popular, because every nation generates and perpetuates an emotional template which the citizens are expected to subscribe and this template hinges itself to the social behavioural patterns and socially accepted customs. a state always wishes to homogenize in order to administer better and as a result imposes a certain idea of unity without looking at the actual circumstances that were affecting the lives.
Women's Treatment:
how did the women survive the post colonial india? state uses gender for it's own benefit. according to the state policies, the understanding of gender extends to the idea of family which is a unit of retaining the national power. in order to preserve this unit, the post colonial nation state allows the practices of gender roles in very stringent heteronormative ways. it works on the idea of procreational sex over recreational sex. the 'utility' of women as per the state starts to be considered through sexual gratification, taking care of family and contributing to the country's cause by providing babies to serve the labour force in the capitalist economy. the extramarital affairs were tabooed, so were the relations outside heteronormative understanding. the babies produced, have to be the coorect children of the state, for the state, by the legally(cultural values introduced) sanctioned matrimony, to serve the state and children born otherwise were considered a hindrance in retaining the nation power lying in the base of a heteronormative familial understanding.
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uneducatorsalliance · 3 years
Death by Capitalism: The Alienated Life of Troy Maxson
Erik Meier, on “Fences” by August Wilson
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     In “Fences”, August Wilson illustrates the life and times of Troy Maxson in the stories and experiences he references in his children’s upbringing. They include oppression, abuse, corruption and abandonment from his caretakers and society. Marxist Theory outlines the structure of capitalist society which operates on the foundation of mode of production. This structure highlights the social ideology that manipulates and displaces Troy from his labor, his children and himself. Troy’s experiences become the foundation for the morals and lessons he misconstrues and elicits in his children. His false providence blinds him to the emotional, physical and monetary labors and debts cast on his father’s generation, by society, and cast onto him. This conflict is suspended in the balance of liberation for his family and oppression he casts in the process, operating in this society. He fails to witness the values of his labor, the true purpose of his life and place in the world. This leads to the repetitive cycle of abandonment and displacement that continue to contribute to their capitalist society.   
     In “Marx’s Use of “Class””, Bertel Ollman refers to two categories Marx considered to make up the structure of a developed capitalist society. The first category is the capitalist (owner of the means of social production) and the proletarian (employers of wage labor). The capitalist owns the means of production, therefore owning the means of labor and distribution of them (Ollman, 2).  Troy and his boss Mr. Rand, for example, may both be considered wage laborers, however the commissioner would be considered a capitalist, as would the contributors who hold stock in the ownership of their company. He determines the distribution of labor and prices set on their respective wages. Mr. Rand is white, and Troy is Black. The construct of racism is an extension of the social ideology of class separation. This construct works to benefit the social structure of this society, exploiting the labor of black individuals by devaluing them while profiting off of their labor. This determines Troy’s individual and labor as a lesser value based on the color of his skin and places him in a lower-class bracket. Mr. Rand, however, is white and offered access to the position that offers a higher wage. Troy recognizes his ability to play baseball just as well as the white men in his league and athletic cohort, despite being denied the opportunities to do so. He challenges this again to Mr. Rand and the commissioner when representing himself and his abilities to drive a truck and earn a better wage based on his skill. Regardless of skill and race, their wages are driven by and delivered to those in the ruling class of landowners (a third class category of capitalist society), described in “Marx’s Uses of Class” (Ollman 6).
      The foundation for Troy’s will to live a pursue a life of independence after his father abandons him, exists in the needs to sustain it. These needs include food, shelter access to labor and the income to provide them. The ideological barriers set by his society separate him from earning wages to sufficiently meet these needs and he seeks them by shamefully robbing from those who have excess or access to them. The means to his family’s housing, needs can be considered commodities, as they are met and provided by the income that grants access to them. This income is exchanged for the time Troy gives in the form of his labor, to his company in exchange for income. Marx refers to this exchange as commodification, or the monetary value placed on that time reserved for labor (output). This operates under what Marx referred to as the ‘mode production’, and is elaborated in Geert Reuten’s writings on The Capitalist Economy in which the ruling class seizes profit by owning the means of production that distributes access to goods and services to people as well as the labor and wages to produce them. Under the ‘capitalist mode of production’ highlighted in the book “The Unity of Capitalist Economy and State” Reuten says, “Along with this commodification and the wage income deriving from it, the households’ acquirement of production outputs of enterprises takes the form of commodified ‘consumption’” (Reuten 52). The pride that Troy demonstrates for his abilities to provide for his family is displaced. Though it is opposite his father’s shame (for not providing them) he still recycles and demonstrates the tensions, want and dominant control for quality life. When he discusses his hatred for his father, Troy struggles to define the trap his father is in. It is not the guilt of abandoning of his family that traps him, or the responsibility to stay. It is the societal barriers that keep him locked into his labor, void of anything beyond that, including freedom, love or care. This anchors him to a family he cannot provide for and does not wish to. 
TROY How he gonna leave with eleven kids? And where he gonna go? He ain't knew how to do nothing but farm. No, he was trapped and I think he knew it. But I'll say this for him . . . he felt a responsibility toward us. Maybe he ain't treated us the way I felt he should have . . . but without that responsibility he could have walked off and left us . . . made his own way. (Wilson 1.3.37-38)
     Though Troy is able to recognize the loyalty modeled for him by his father, it is coupled with abuse, betrayal and abandonment from his parents. The internalized hatred, anger and pain displayed in Troy and his father are reflective byproducts of the dehumanization and segregation placed on them by their society. This shapes their conflict which results in abandonment, consequently contributing to and demonstrating the same capitalist societal model. 
     Despite the ideological barriers set by society and recognized by Troy, he capitalizes on the inheritance from his brother’s military compensation as well as his own labor income. He now controls the means to his own family’s needs, and the distributions of them, including money, housing, food and protection. In an article featured in “The Black Scholar”, released post-civil rights movement, Alfonso Pinkney discusses methods of liberation attempted by Black Americans who remain segregated, oppressed and obstructed in white European American dominated capitalist society. He says, 
     “...and because the very notion of assimilation as defined by white                       Americans is racist in that it demands that they share and adopt middle-             class white cultural standards, that assimilation at the present time is neither       likely nor desirable” (Pinkney 37). 
     Troy’s capitalization is coupled with his assimilation and previous sacrifices to survive and provide as a Black man in America, Consequently, they have made him bitter and self-righteous. This is revealed in the disdain and conditional relationships he has with his children. Lyons is attuned to the disparities his father faces, who is undervalued and underutilized at his job. He wants no part in contributing to the society his father remains submissive to. Lyons would rather seek value in the labor that liberates him spiritually and serves him purpose and meaning. Despite his lack of wage labor experience, Cory is aware of his talents and the opportunities that follow. This includes access to education and the potential for an independent life, afforded to him by his passions. This secures value in himself but is quickly met with disapproval, from Troy and his authority from his experience with racial oppression in sports. 
TROY. I don’t care where he coming from. The white man ain’t gonna let you get nowhere with that football noway. (Wilson I.3.37-38) The same sentiment is shared when Lyons returns home to ask Troy for a loan while his wife Bonnie works to meet their financial needs. Lyons doesn’t seem ashamed that his wife is bringing in the income for their family, nor does he ask for any more than he knows they need to get by. Lyons and Cory can understand the value of their father’s labor and the liberties it has afforded them, though Troy feels owed for these efforts. 
    Troy’s monetary and material expectations for his children through labor and hard work are mixed with his desires for liberation from the society they must exist in. His demands for unquestioned respect and compliance adhere to this system which blind him from the values his children see in themselves and their father. The tragic theme in August Wilson’s drama is what Karl Marx referred to as Alienation. Mike Healy elaborates in Marx and Digital Machines:   
     “Marx argues that capitalism, in which labour itself becomes a commodity,          continues yet contorts this process to create a contradictory, conflictual              and universal alienated condition in which all relations under capitalism are        alienated relations” (Healy 8).
     In Marx’s third type of alienation is The Alienation of Species. The ‘Species being’ refers to the nature and spirit attached to, recognized and utilized by the individual self. This comes with autonomy, agency and will to serve the values of the self, allowing the self to connect with others. The alienation of nature and spirit (species-being) is the abandonment or failure to connect with the self. This is consequential, following what Marx’s described as the alienation of labor (the act of production) to the self which is replaced by the worker (Healy 10). Consequently, Troy no longer recognizes or seeks meaning and purpose in his own life and therefore cannot see the value in the lives around them.
     The societal conditioning that shaped Troy’s father has been internalized by Troy and attempted on Lyons and Cory. Cory breaks the tension and cycle of generational abuse in this revelation and last interaction with his father. 
TROY You got to get by where? This is my house. Bought and paid for. In full. Took me fifteen years. And if you wanna go in my house and I'm sitting on the steps . . . you say excuse me. Like your mama taught you. (Wilson 2.4.86-87)
CORY You ain’t never done nothing but hold me back. Afraid I was gonna be better than you. All you ever did was try and make me scared of you. (Wilson 2.4.88-89)
CORY It ain't your yard. You took Uncle Gabe's money he got from the army to buy this house and then you put him out.  (Wilson 2.4.89-90)
     Cory has just been stripped of his own opportunity for a future he wanted, leaving him to join the ranks of the same military that permanently disabled his uncle. Troy’s final effort to assert dominance is to threaten to abandon Cory and take away his needs and means for survival. This is quickly challenged as Cory resorts to an attempt on Troy’s life. In his physical defeat, Cory has exposed the travesty of his father’s entitlement and abuse, becoming the last person to abandon Troy. In this unveiling of Troy’s corrupt act of survival, his alienation is fully revealed to him, moments before his inevitable death. The labor, time and wages he contributes to his family, along with his brother’s stolen inheritance, act as the means of control and distributions he holds over them. These means also support and contribute to the liberty for his sons, to choose direction in their lives. This freedom acts as the resistance to the control and dominance Troy attempts to assert on them in this process of capitalist production. He realizes his life has no value as long as he fails to see beyond the monetary gain and labor capacity attached to it. This capacity and gain are the means that replace any vision of the role he plays in his family or to himself. Death now approaches to remind him of this and takes the liberty of relinquishing Troy Maxson from the shackles of his racist capitalist dominant society and his own imprisonment.
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marisasgirl · 4 years
Cold Little Heart
Now complete - (read chapters 1 and 2 on AO3)    
- spoilers for s2e7 -
Chapter 3: Losing You (One Day at a Time)
Moonlight flooded the room where Mrs. Coulter and her daughter sat, illuminating the young girl’s pale face against the surrounding darkness. Her large, dark eyes stared into nothing, as war raged just beneath the veil. The mother caressed her child’s skin with more care than even the white light reflecting off the moon of Cittàgazze. “What did the alethiometer tell you? What did you ask?” Her voice was as sweet and melodic as one might use to soothe an infant, coax them into listening, to obey.
Mrs. Coulter watched Lyra unblinkingly, staring at the girl as though she might disappear at any moment. The child swallowed heavily, faintly audible in the stillness of an abandoned city, and shook her head. “I asked it if you mean to hurt me. The alethiometer said no. You don’t want to hurt me.” The beautiful, wide smile that brightened the child’s expression sent a shockwave straight through to Marisa’s heart so forcibly that she refused to question the authenticity of it, nor acknowledge the fear she recognised only from gazing into the mirror as a child herself.
“That’s right.” As her chest danced with a feeling so rare to a woman who found hiding her humanity as easy as breathing, she cupped her daughter’s cheeks as gently as she would her most valuable possession. Her smile reached her eyes, which twinkled whilst she gazed upon the girl’s sweet face. “It’s just as I told you. I only want to protect you.”
“I know…”
Was that a twinge of sadness hidden within the child’s tone? Again, overlooked. Discarded. For the first time since she knew of their relation, Marisa’s child was smiling at her. Nothing else mattered. “Good.”
For a long, peaceful moment, the mother lost herself in her daughter's eyes, petting her hair, her face, adjusting the blanket draped around the girl’s shoulders and rubbing her hands up and down because wasn’t that what mothers did? Did they not ensure their child’s absolute comfort?
“Yes?” Was she dreaming? The Golden Monkey cooed gently and approached Pantalaimon, moving behind Mrs. Coulter and Lyra to the foot of the bed. His human-like hand reached out to trace a feather-light stroke down the ermine’s nose, a rusty show of affection that he seemed quite unsure about.
“Why didn’t you tell me the truth when I asked you who my mother was?” Lyra’s question was delivered as bluntly as ever, whilst her hands came to rest over her mother’s larger, slender ones, pulling them away from her face as her expression settled into a serious, sorrowful stare.
As though Lyra's skin was made of flames, Mrs. Coulter broke the connection briskly, ripping her hands free from Lyra’s grip and placing them, folded in her lap. All too formally for an evening with her young daughter, her back straightened, rigid. She opened her mouth to speak, however, sucked in a sharp breath, which burned within her lungs. With a half-shake of her head, she scoffed. “What does that matter? You know now.”
“It matters to me! I wanna know why you didn’t tell me. Were you ashamed of me? ‘Cause I came from your affair?”
“What? No!” Bending down towards the child, Marisa’s fingers wrapped around her shoulder bone, squeezing firmly. “Of course not! Lyra, you are very important to me.” As she looked deep into the brown orbs that had once, many years ago gazed so innocently up at her and had been filled with the unconditional love and trust of a newborn baby, she felt the weight of all she had missed, all she had irreversibly broken. “Lyra, I know I have failed you in the past, but I promise you, never again. Never again.” Gritting her teeth once the whispered words, difficult for the pride-filled woman to speak, had flown free, she leant closer. Unsure quite how to express the motherly affection she felt, that she had underestimated the strength of, she placed what she hoped was a loving kiss upon Lyra’s smooth forehead. Relaxing her jaw into a hopeful smile, she pulled back, rubbing tender circles into the apple of her daughter’s cheek. It was then that she noticed fat tears welling in the corners of the girl’s eyes. Before she could brush away fresh tear tracks with the pad of her thumb, Lyra launched at her, not to attack but to fall into her arms, leaving her breathless. Astonished. Within a second, Marisa could see nothing, for her eyes were overflowing with moisture, droplets rolling down dry cheeks. “Lyra,” she breathed shakily, arms wrapping around her child, her lifeline.
The Golden Monkey whimpered as Pan sniffed cautiously at his open paw before pressing his whole furry face against it, allowing the other daemon to pet him. Mrs. Coulter’s chest was bursting with warmth, and she wondered whether her child could feel the love she held for her. If only she knew how she would voice it aloud for her to hear. Though, Lyra was not one for believing her words. Instead, she tightened her hold and pressed a lingering kiss against her daughter’s hairline, breathing in her scent.
All too soon, she felt the girl stir in her arms. Hiding her disappointment, she forced herself to loosen her grip, expecting Lyra to slip from her grasp as she had time and time again. To her amazement, the child simply shifted, resting her temple against her mother’s chest as Pan settled against the prickling fur of The Golden Monkey. Was this part of another ploy to deceive her? Bring her to her most vulnerable before sticking the knife in? Mrs. Coulter wanted nothing more than to believe Lyra had forgiven her, that she truly trusted her, that she would stay willingly after all her doubts, without pushing her towards more drastic actions. A low growl sounded from her mute daemon’s throat and she peered at him over the fly-away mess of hair on top of her child’s head. They met each other’s hard stares. Marisa’s throat tightened, her breathing growing laboured as she reined in her frustration. Yes, she and Lyra had made their way around an unsteady board, each rolling their own dice twice when the other had their head turned. A game of two skilful liars who dodged rules. However, resting in the moonlight with her beloved child curled, half in her lap, half out of it, she wanted nothing more than to believe in Lyra, to trust in her devious daughter. Her monkey disagreed, snarling silently at her, bearing sharp teeth that would bite, had bitten many times when out of sight of others, just as she would quite readily have sent her boot into his stomach had Lyra not been an obstacle to that urge.
Deciding to enjoy the moment she had craved for months, slim fingers ran through the dark mop of her child’s shoulder-length hair, untangling, smoothing, twirling a strand around her finger. She began to wonder whether Lyra would suit a neat braid and made a mental note to try it on her the following morning. It had been a lost fantasy of hers, the ability to style her daughter’s hair. Her hair had grown, as had she in height, blossoming into a beautiful young woman. Marisa oozed with barely-contained pride, temporarily free from thoughts of sin and dust and focusing only on what truly mattered; her child.
The newly-appointed title sounded much sweeter to her ears when her daughter was speaking it freely, out of any danger. “Yes, darling?” she brushed the greasy hair from the girl’s face as Lyra tilted her head upwards.
“I’m tired. I think I’ll go wash for bed. We’ve got a standing-up-bath here. My hair is filthy. I’ll take the clothes you found me to change? And … you can stay here. You can stay with me until I fall asleep if you wanna?”
“I would like that very much.” Marisa allowed for her child to slide from her arms, The Golden Monkey’s fingers closing around thin air as Pantalaimon scurried after her. With this simple action, she handed Lyra the one thing she had promised herself she would not; her genuine trust. Leaning back against the wall, a long, contented sigh was drawn out through her parted lips, which were lifted in a dream-like smile. Closing her eyes, the woman felt her daemon press his warm body against her lap, right where Lyra had sat moments ago, in an attempt to fill the void that the child had left.
It was quiet, too quiet; a silence without the rush of water from the standing-up-bath that Marisa had attempted to figure out that morning as her head pounded from the many bottles of wine she had consumed the night before.
The Golden Monkey sensed it first, through his innate ability to track down betrayal and deceit where Marisa was presently blinded by love for her child.
Since when had Lyra valued personal hygiene?
Continue reading on AO3
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So, the idea there is, then: that power itself is pathological. To hold power is to inherently be oppressive, therefore it’s better to be wounded; it’s better to be the wounded, the abject, because you’re not actually holding power, which is oppressive. This becomes the name for a kind of impossible desire in lots of ways. Who are these appeals aimed at? What is a political project which doesn’t aim at capturing power or building power in some way? I think we can recognise the ways in which this form of desire has shaped a lot of left-wing politics recently. Brown’s essay is highly profound; both of those: “Wounded Attachments” and the one on left melancholia, which builds on  Benjamin’s discussion of left melancholia.
So, in a way, in the place of a positive political project, we have a moralistic project of condemnation. We condemn those in power:
Fearing implication with those in power, we become attached to guarding and demonstrating our purity rather than mucking around in everyday politics. Those who engage in such work may find themselves accused of betraying their values, sleeping with the enemy, bargaining with the devil — all manner of transgressions and betrayals.
It’s interesting how that accusation comes from two angles, you could say — one is from this position of the wounded, who say you should never truck with existing power, and also comes from the position of those who would have ultimate power, like Leninists. They would make the same criticism as well. Don’t be tempted by any attempt to engage with the currently existing political structures or structures of power because you’ll be compromised by that.
And then they... I mean, I like their analysis but the films [they reference] are awful, aren’t they? (Laughter.) I doubt anyone who’s not British will have seen Brassed Off, but you’ve probably seen The Full Monty — have you? Yeah? Yeah! It’s incredible how they literally say they’re ecstatic about the film. Those films: I can’t say I like ’em... (Laughter.) I’ve sort of gone against my aesthetic preferences, I think, in including them. (Laughs.) But it’s the analysis I think, then... I think they write something similar with Brassed Off... I don’t think you’ve seen that film, but you feel like you know what it’s about... You know, brass band and colliery... It’s all there, this kind of left melancholia... Detached political nostalgia for these older forms of masculine labour... You know, this fixation on... I think that part of the problem is this fixation on resistance action, which is part of this kind of reactive model — capital does stuff, we resist it. I think they rightly identify the impasses of this “modernist class politics”, as they call it, in something like Brassed Off, which exemplifies a lot of their critique. Mark Fisher, “Postcapitalist Desire.”
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stonecoldsilly · 4 years
Home Comforts
(Or How Kaer Morhen Got Its Famed Hot Springs)
Kaer Morhen had always been a stern, proud old castle, form valued over function. There was little elegance or decadence to it, even in its prime, when the halls were filled with clattering footsteps and the yard rang with the clash of silver and steel. Even now, it had its own grandeur, and the four of them did their best to maintain it, along with whoever else showed up that year, but it was an endless labour of love.
Geralt was running drills in the courtyard when the first stirrings of trouble began. There was an almighty rumble from somewhere beneath his feet, and he snapped his head around to try and spot the beginnings of the avalanche, but the mountains around them remained blessedly still. His medallion remained silent, and he ran into the keep sword in hand just in case.
Now that he thought about it, Lambert had been quiet for far too long.
He could hear water rushing, and as he listened it seemed to go from a trickle to a flood, somewhere down below. He took the stairs down to the cellars four at a time, Lambert’s whoops echoing up the steps.
He stopped when he reached the old alchemy rooms and yelled ‘Lambert you prick!’
The whooping stopped.
‘What have you done you daft bastard?’
Lambert splashed into view, clothes askew and smoke still wisping from what little remained of his hair, mostly burned away save for a hilarious looking tuft on one side. There was water absolutely everywhere, ankle deep and rising. It was hideously sulphurous, a foul stench of hot rotten egg suffusing the bowels of the castle.
‘Geralt!’ He shouted, grinning like a madman. ‘Look!’
Geralt hmmed and put his sword aside, satisfied that there was nothing to fight except Lambert’s idiocy, and he looked like he’d had enough blows to the head already.
He squelched into the water, intending to at least cuff his ear, and yelped instead. ‘Fuck, that’s hot!’
Lambert fell apart laughing, and Geralt flung Aard at him until he was flat on his back and giggling. He splashed happily, kicking up huge waves, and Geralt braved the heat of the water again to dunk him under until he looked like a drowned rat, gasping for air and stifling snorts of laughter.
‘What the hell,’ Geralt said, water now up to his knees.
‘I was adjusting-‘
‘You were experimenting again, weren’t you?’
‘I was adjusting the Grapeshot. And I’m telling you some of the powder down there is older than Vesemir. Shocking really, keeping expired ingredients where anyone could find them, it’s honestly a surprise this hasn’t happened sooner.’
Geralt gave him a little shake, which in hindsight was probably the wrong thing to do with a concussion.
‘Boom!’ He said happily, obviously still cracked from his bump on the head, and Geralt sighed.
Geralt left him to it, wading down to the door and peering through. There was a huge crater where the chemicals cupboard had once been, only a black pool of water bubbling up from some underground spring, showing no signs of stopping or slowing down at all.
The water was up to his stomach now and had probably reached neck deep in the next room, where there was a little set of steps down and the floor was set lower. He stood there, staring in disbelief, and Lambert swam past lazily, demonstrating a rather impressive breaststroke.
‘Vesemir’s going to kill you,’ he sang mockingly.
‘Nope,’ said Lambert, remarkably unconcerned for someone who was about to be tossed off the roof.
‘What do you mean, no? Look at the place, you’ve singlehandedly managed to submerge Kaer Morhen.’
‘Two words.’
‘You’re dead?’
‘Ha. Ever been to Novigrad?’ And the bastard floated past smugly.
‘Well… fuck.’ He had a point. Geralt shrugged and paddled over to the stairs. He peeled his wet clothes off, resigned to the madness. A grin started to break out on his face, and he backed up to the landing and slid down the banister, managing to land close enough to Lambert to dunk him again.
It soon devolved into splashing and wrestling in the water, Geralt chasing Lambert round and pelting him with the sodden remains of the alchemy cupboards. Lambert cried mercy and got out quickly to strip off as well, admiring his new haircut. He paused in trying to feel how much was left, and said, ‘Hang on, where’s Eskel?’
Geralt frowned as well. ‘He was meditating. Somewhere he wouldn’t be disturbed by your noise, he said.’
In a display of his usual excellent timing, Geralt and Lambert turned to the last room of the cellars just as Eskel floated in slowly like a particularly stately barge. He was on his back, eyes closed, meditation clearly undisturbed by Lambert’s spontaneous renovations.
They splashed over to him and looked down at his peaceful face.
‘I’d have thought he’d sink rather than float, all that extra padding.’ remarked Geralt.
‘Do you think he’s dreaming he pissed himself?’ said Lambert, and they grinned, and in perfect unison, as only younger siblings can be, bent and yelled ‘Eskel!’ in his ears.
Eskel’s eyes slammed open and he sank like a stone, spluttering.
‘Wha-?’ He managed, ‘What the hell?’
Geralt and Lambert both grinned at him and said ‘Hot springs.’
Once Eskel had been persuaded to get out of his sodden clothes and join them properly, he was coming round to the idea. He inspected the spring, as Geralt had, and looked around to make sure the walls were holding the water down in the cellars, and that no further leaks seemed to be appearing.
‘Pretty stable now, I reckon. Still stinks something rotten.’ He said, lining up to follow after Geralt on their hastily sourced diving board, which had previously been a table.
‘Air it out, crack the windows a bit.’ Lambert said, waving a hand idly from the corner where he was soaking, content with his own success.
‘How are we going to drain it?’ Eskel added, after trying to beat Geralt’s somersault and belly-flopping miserably.
Geralt and Lambert turned on him instantly, ready to whelp him until he recanted his betrayal.
‘I meant, it’s still coming, isn’t it? The water’s not stopping. It’ll come out the front door if we don’t keep it level.’
‘Easy.’ Said Lambert, and before either of them could reach him he’d twisted his hand into Aard and blown a hole in the side of the keep.
They had to dunk him again then, but through sheer dumb luck he’d managed to hit at just the right height to send the excess water out while keeping the level up to their chests.
‘Bloody miracle you didn’t bring it down on top of us. Idiot.’ Said Eskel, peevishly.
‘Worked, didn’t it?’ said Lambert, smug grin firmly affixed to his face.
‘We’re supposed to keep Kaer Morhen fit for habitation, not blow massive fucking holes anywhere we like.’ said Eskel, sitting primly at the top of the slide Geralt had cobbled together while Eskel was busy tanning Lambert's hide.
‘Downright luxurious now, I’d say.’ Lambert crowed, and Geralt had to agree with him.
When Vesemir arrived back from his hunt, he found a huge hole in the side of the castle with a waterfall’s worth of water streaming from it, a destroyed alchemy cellar, and a sheepish Lambert, being pointed at by his brothers.
He sighed and went to fetch his towel.
more amusing larks and japes on ao3
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