amareite · 3 years
Spice at Twilight
Word Count - 3231
Slight Lacewood Shipping
Please enjoy this little one shot. I know it’s been a while, but my plan is to finish the last fic and continue posting. hopefully.
Augustine never enjoyed the late autumn season. It was wet, moist, and unforgivingly chilly. To him, it was that irritating stretch of shifting season before the snow fell. He loved snow dearly, and even though many hated long winters, he adored them with all his heart. The world moved so slowly during the wintertime and once it was dark, he had all the time in the world to complete his work. He was a night owl, and that helped his love of the season. Night was his time, his domain.
Thankfully, today, there was no rain, so the yard and his walkways were dry. With his lab coat under his arm, Augustine sat down on the bench in the courtyard facing east, where he could see the baren branches of the trees on Parterre Way. The wooden bench felt nearly frozen on his backside, and he winced a little. Reaching to take out a pack of smokes from his back pocket, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a deep drag as he breathed in to warm himself up from the dimming afternoon. The robust and often unpleasant smell of smoking soothed him just enough to boost his morale for the rest of the day.
The weather had become much frostier sooner, so he was wearing thicker pants, along with a simple navy sweater, with a grey undershirt. Diantha bought him this sweater last year for his birthday. It was unbelievably comfortable, but he kept rolling the sleeves up. Diantha complained he would crease the arms, but he couldn’t help it, it was purely habitual. It had become such a thoughtless routine that even Rowan had scolded him about it in the past. Years had gone by since then. He rested his arm on his hip, allowing the ashes to fall listlessly to the ground, only to be carried away by the wind.
Today was a stressful day filled with deadlines, new data to compute, and a whole new thesis to begin. This was the first smoke break he’d taken in months, and by Arceus, he needed it. The summer had been busy, but it wasn’t mentally taxing. With Dexio and Sina gone to Alola, he found himself struggling to be motivated and on task. Days would go by as he was increasingly distracted by absurd and insignificant details on projects. Sophie at least tried to keep him on track.
Even worse, they had to delay the impending birth of new baby Pokémon. The summer had proved to be a little too busy, with the previous starters still playing in the greenhouse, meaning he was over his limit. There weren’t any aspiring trainers last season, and he had no chance to scout for new students. He hadn’t expected that set back. So, the last set of starters weren’t born on time, and now there wouldn’t be any new trainers under his tutelage until next spring. He was drowning in interruptions and delays.
When had everything changed so much? He used to be able to juggle dozens of projects at once. In one year he’d written four theses, continued expanding his lab, his staff and added more starters for the exclusive study of Mega Evolution. Now, everything was a struggle. Taking care of the starters, finding new topics for research papers, striving for substance; yet he found himself spiraling into irrelevance daily, and he wasn’t sure if it was because he was feeling lonely, or because he oversold himself all these years.
Augustine took another drag as he watched the wind blow coloured leaves across his courtyard, the sound of the dead foliage scraping along the stone ground calmed him, reminded him of a simpler time, of a time in childhood that was so wholly uncomplicated that he admired the naïveté of it all. For just a moment, he recalled rolling around in the yard with his father’s Pokémon, burrowing in mounds of leaves only to burst out and make a mess of the lawn that was freshly raked. He took a drag again.
With a great exhale, and running a hand over his face, Augustine put the thoughts of children and happy memories away. He was just so anxious and tired. He missed having company. The fall season was best enjoyed with friends, and family, and he found himself sorely missing them all. He mindlessly brought the cigarette to his lips to breathe in, this time allowing the smoke to swirl around in him before breathing out through his nose. Somehow, even with the sun setting and painting the sky with beautiful hues of orange and pink, the days were feeling longer than ever before, and taking his optimism with it.
Perhaps the biggest sin following his poor performance was that he had no time for his own Pokémon. Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise were all asleep in their Poké balls, rarely seen outside of them. He couldn’t wake them up too early in the morning, and he got off work too late. The best course of action was his least favourite. There was also Garchomp, Gogoat, and Sylveon who he generally left out of their Poké balls, but he had no time to see them. Caring for them was the responsibility of any assistant nearest the greenhouse at the time. Never in his life did he consider himself negligent. He’d lived his entire life attentive to his loved ones, his students, and his associates.
What was he going to do?
The sudden clatter of stones nearby pulled his gaze to the edge of the courtyard. Before he even laid eyes on who it was, he felt his shoulders relax and his body ease. A very shy champion pausing sheepishly by a little pile of pebbles, the same pebbles that his Pokémon had piled up the day before while playing. Augustine lit up instantly as his mouth curled into a smile.
Serena waved guiltily by waggling her gloved fingers. She was a vision today. A black beret sat atop her blonde locks, a crimson sweater worn with a tight, black, high waisted, ankle length skirt and brown boots. Simple, elegant, and refined. She was looking more and more beautiful everyday.
“Bonjour, ma chere, it’s good to see you.” Augustine called, flicking the half done cigarette to the stones below and grinding it down with his heel thoughtlessly.
“Hello, professor.” Serena greeted with a little sulk. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your smoke.” She tentatively walked to him, observing the ashes at his feet. She had a clutch gripped in her hands, nervous. Meekness didn’t suit her.
Augustine brushed his hands together, imitating wiping them from dirt. “You didn’t interrupt anything, I was just finishing up.” He lied simply, and before she could argue with him, he changed the topic entirely. “I thought you were in Galar for business? Shauna complained that you’d been gone too long.”
Serena nodded simply, leaning over to sit down with him. “I was. I came back this morning on the early flight.”
“Une seconde.” Augustine interrupted her sitting, putting his lab coat on the chilly bench so she wouldn’t dirty her pretty clothes. Serena offered him a peculiar glance, but he insisted. “The bench is rather cold, and I wouldn’t like it if you dirtied your skirt.”
There was uncertainty in her eyes as she asked. “Are you sure?” and as he nodded his head and gestured to his coat, she conceded. “Thank you, professor.” As she sat beside him, she tensed slightly, looking down at the bench in surprise and then to him. “Oh, that’s actually really cold.” As a bonus, she gave him a once over and added. “Shouldn’t you be wearing this?”
Augustine responded by crossing his arms and resting back on the bench, mostly unbothered by the cold because of his thicker clothing and his sudden resistance to shivering, it had something to do with warmth taking over his body, but he tried not to dwell on it. “I’m not the one wearing a skirt, I’m fine.”
Serena giggled at his sureness “Such a gentleman,” She praised simply, gazing deeply into his eyes. To his utter dismay, he was captivated by her laugh and smile, so bright and genuine that he was entirely and completely enraptured by her ethereal glow before she shifted into concern. “Are you alright? I heard that you’re pretty much alone in the lab now.”
At her sudden laser guided question, he tore his gaze away to look at the branches off in the distance, not wanting to expose the profound melancholy he’d been feeling for over a week, perhaps longer if he was honest with himself. “Not exactly, I have the other floors working…” He trailed off softly, the other floors weren’t the problem, he was the problem.
A gentle touch on his arm tugged his attention back to her. “I mean you, specifically.” Her soothing words circled him like a delicate aroma, something soft and sweet. He swore he could breathe her in, he could feel her words linger in his chest as an intense warmth blossomed inside him. That was when he realized he could smell her, her perfume at least. Something sweet and light, perhaps even fruity. There was a part of him that swore that she did this to him on purpose.
The only thing he could do was tear his gaze from her, shutting his eyes and shaking his head rapidly, almost as if to fan away the bouquet of fragrances rapidly surrounding him. That melancholy that gripped him before was disappearing at an alarming rate. “It’s a little difficult. I haven’t needed a smoke break in some time.” He answered her while still keeping his gaze locked on the coloured horizon.
She shrunk back in guilt. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
Seeing her downcast made him snap back up to attention, the only thing in his mind was to immediately rectify her gloomy expression. “I’m happy you did, I would have smoked more, and that’s no good.”
“I get that, but Diantha’s been worrying about you.”
He blinked, “She was?” he asked dumbly, until his brain connected the dots. “She is? How do you know?” Augustine knew they were friendly to wards each other, but if Diantha was confiding in Serena about him, they were much closer than he thought, and he wondered what that meant for him.
Serena smiled while popping her clutch open. “We managed to catch each other at the airport for coffee, and we chatted for a little before she had to leave for Fiore.” She pulled out a small white envelope adorned with stylised lilies and gold trim. “She gave me this to give to you.”
Taking the envelope from her, he could only manage to blankly stare at it for a moment. A handwritten letter was just Diantha’s style, and it seemed she’d written this out previously as it was her personal stationary. At his hesitance, Serena turned and covered her eyes with her fingers. “I’m not looking!” She called to him from behind her hands.
Laughter bubbled out of him, finding her reaction adorable. “It’s fine, I don’t mind if you see. Diantha trusts you.”
His only reply was a muffled, “If you say so.” As she peaked through her fingers to look towards him, which made him huff a little in laughter.
The feel of the quality envelope was almost nostalgic to him. For the passed decade, every celebration, birthday, anniversary, and holiday that came by since he was a child, he’d received one of her letters, all in varying sizes. Still, they meant so much to him. Slipping his thumb underneath the seal, he opened the envelope and pulled out the little card inside.
“Mon chere Auggy, I know the last two weeks have been difficult for you and it breaks my heart to hear you’ve been struggling while I’m gone, so I’m sending an angel to brighten up your day, and maybe bring you a smile. We’ll all be with you again, soon. I send you all my adoration and I can’t wait to see you. Love, Dee.”
Augustine ran his thumb lightly over the card, feeling the roughness of the stock and found it brought him comfort, and smiled. The edge of the card decorated in whimsical golden designs, his eyes following Diantha’s loops and swirls of her impeccable signature and cursive. He almost swore his throat was smoldering from the cold.
The warmth of Serena’s hand coming down to gently rest on his nearly startled him. He flinched lightly, hardly discernable, but he froze, not wanting to panic out of some instinctive reflex, but as she gingerly squeezed his hand for encouragement, or perhaps sympathy, Augustine found himself deeply comforted. As their eyes met, she lightly tilted her head to him, trying to get a better look at his face that was obscured by his hair. “You okay?” She questioned softly.
Seeing her cute head tilt, along with her hopeful smile that he was feeling better, he couldn’t help but give her an almost hazy smile in return. There was something about the love he was given so readily that made him feel something akin to delight in his heart. He turned back to the card. “I will be.”
In the silence of the fall evening, they enjoyed each others company for a while longer. They leaned in close, just barely touching shoulders as they watched the sunset lower, painting the sky a mix of bright oranges, light pinks, and deep purples. Just as he was getting comfortable, an icy wind blew by, much colder than before, and it was then he realized Serena’s hand was still resting on his.  
There was a beat as they stared at their touching hands, but before he could ask about it, say anything to her, Serena seemed to grasp the situation and yanked her hand away, her mouth pursed in slight embarrassment. The silence didn’t last much longer as she composed herself and spoke. “Can I help you with anything?” She blurted out suddenly. “I’m free, I can clean up your papers, or your spread sheets, I could help take care of the babies...”
Her willfulness was almost contagious, he thought about what she could help with, and started cataloging his laundry list of chores. “Well, I’m not far enough in my research to have a complete first draft, nor do I have data to clean up, the new Pokémon haven’t hatched yet, and the babies are playing alone in the greenhouse, so…” Even though he had nothing of significance, he wanted her to stay just a little longer. “Would you please keep them company?” He finally conceded.
Serena jumped off the bench in excitement. “Of course, I’d love to!”
Appreciating her energy, he applauded her. “Thank you, ma chere.” He joined her as he rose from the bench, and as he picked up his lab coat, he almost flinched back again when Serena suddenly grabbed his wrist. He was astonished at her boldness today.
“Come on!” She cheered to him with a radiating smile, she tugged on his hand, leading him towards the side entrance to his lab. “Just tell me what you’d like me to do, I’ll do anything.”
For his part, he let her lead him passively, not resisting at all. “Don’t let me take advantage of you.” The words left his mouth unthinkingly, and she stopped just passed the threshold of the lab. Her hand left his.
Those words hung in the air, an excruciatingly long time to wait for a reply. He watched as her lips parted slightly, a sharpness in her eyes, a playful wickedness replaced her usual innocent features and a thrum passed through his chest. Her reply seemed almost telepathic, the words “I wish you would” droned in his mind, slowly circulating through his brain like an electric marquee, rotating and buzzing in bright neon colours. It was her eyes, they were shining, sparkling with mischief.
The pause continued until she answered him. “As if you could.” She answered carefully. There was so much deliberation in her voice that he knew she would have answered differently if only they had been… closer. His eyes flickered to the quirk on the corner of her pink lips before finding her eyes again. He smiled, genuinely, openly.
“You’re too quick for me.” He answered softly, and she smiled brightly at his response.  “The greenhouse.” He pointed just behind her, gesturing to the glass paneling.
“What about it?” She asked sweetly without even bothering to turn around.
He shrugged his shoulders as he replied. “They miss you.”
Serena turned to the wall of windows and saw all six starter Pokémon playing in the grass, hopping around, trying to get her attention. She let out a small squeal, rushing to the glass to wave at them and pull the door open.
Augustine watched her walk into the greenhouse with her arms open. The Pokémon bounded to her, excited to have a playmate. It was then he felt his whole body relax as he watched her, so open and free and loving. She was a good friend to him, and he found himself wanting more, even though he already had so much. He watched as she knelt on the grass, and scoffed to himself, he didn’t want her to dirty her skirt, but he let her play with his starters.
Fennekin, Charmander, Chespin, Bulbasaur, along with Froakie and Squirtle all started trying to vie for her attention. Doing tricks, posing, and cuddling up to her. Seeing them from a distance made him think perhaps he did spoil the starters too much, but when he saw how happy they were… He couldn’t find a part of him that wanted to stop. His starters always grew strong, and happy. In the end, that was all he wanted for them.
For a little while longer, he watched as Serena expertly handled playing with all six Pokémon by herself, and a renaissance surged inside of him. He’d been too hard on himself. Spending too much time dividing all of his attention and energy in every direction possible and then berating himself for his poor performance. It would seem that the only thing he needed was a visit from a dear friend to ground himself again. He walked to the elevator with a renewed sense of purpose, with focus, and with determination to look at his projects with a disciplined eye and trim the edges of all the excess he’d been holding onto.
Augustine briefly wondered if Diantha knew about his struggles, the loneliness, and the hopelessness he felt at times, or even if she knew about his feelings about the sitting Champion. There was a chance she did, but there was also a chance she was just cheering him up in her own way. Besides, he couldn’t even be upset. It worked splendidly. He was excited to work, if only because he’d have something to show Serena at the end of the night.
There was a chance, though, that there was more to it than just excitement, that it had more to do with the woman herself, being near him, and encouraging him. There was the faintest whisper in the back of his mind that there might be a chance, and that consoled him.
A little bit more than he cared to admit.
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verysmolnerd · 3 years
Found a lacewood fanfic on qoutev
Thought I should share
Author: TheDailyWonder on Quotev
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villy-woodturning · 4 years
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New pen 🖊 with new wood species some lacewood and stabilizing maple burl. And Osage orange #woodturning #woodpen #stylo #pen #lacewood #mapleburl #burl #osageorange #penturning https://www.instagram.com/p/CCD5XgKpOQu/?igshid=h6z6xhuibl60
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theexpressoutlet · 4 years
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LACEWOOD – So What If I Miss You – Official Music Video Download the single for FREE at "So What If I Miss You" The Debut Single from LACEWOOD Produced by Robb Medwid. Camera - Robb Medwid & Devin Deuville source
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dakotairishie · 5 years
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Have you seen our lacewood dice trays? 🥺😤 Sooo pretty. . . . #dicetray #dicebox #dnd #lacewood #dice #dungeonmaster #dungeonsanddragons5e #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e #dndshop #dndcrafts #dndgifts #wyrmwood #elderwoodacademy #dogmight #dakotairish https://www.instagram.com/p/B5cjsINB_On/?igshid=1ruc6qasqobku
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These psychedelic swirls come courtesy of a London plane plank, quartersawn to reveal it's bold medullary rays. Not sure yet what this plank will become, but I'll happily spend time admiring it in the meanwhile. . . . . . #growninbritain #londonplane #lacewood #quartersawn #lovewood #woodporn #woodgeek #woodgrain https://www.instagram.com/p/B3eE3KngHhD/?igshid=19wazfg1tgzx9
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David Wittels -Savage Dragon – Illustrator - Lacewood Productions
David Wittels -Savage Dragon – Lacewood Productions
Lacewood Productions was a Canadian animation studio based in Ottawa, Ontario. It produced a television series, Katie and Orbie, as well as specials based on For Better or For Worse, and the 1990 feature The Nutcracker Prince. In 1997, Paragon Entertainment Corporation took over the studio due to debt reasons. Paragon eventually folded, with most of Lacewood’s library and former assets being acquired by Amberwood Entertainment in 2000.
Lacewood was the successor to Hinton Animation Studios, a company created by Sheldon Wiseman, which closed down due to debt problems.The very first productions made by the studio were The Railway Dragon and its sequel The Birthday Dragon. Lacewood has also done animation services on the first season of The Ren and Stimpy Show. Lacewood has also done animation production in partnership with Universal Cartoon Studios on season 2 of Problem Child, Monster Force and 1995 episodes of The Savage Dragon.
David Wittels, Savage Dragon, Barbie & the Diamond Castle, Staff   Manager. David  Wittels is a professional illustrator from Vista,   California. He has  been nationally recognized by his sports   illustrations & outdoor photography. He loves to travel with his   wife and children Brooklyn,  Montana, & Jefferson.  
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quickchangeartist · 5 years
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Scrap bins are so dangerous. I love finding all the wild and unexpected species in amongst the more usual types-- how often do you find grass tree wood? No idea what I'll do with some of it, but surely they'll all be quite beautiful. . . . . . . . . . . posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2Hlakzh
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bookjunkiez · 5 years
Summer Book Blast
WELCOME TO THE Summer Book Blast BLAST!    Click on any of the below book covers to be taken to the page that has more information on the novel as well as the Buy Links!   Before you leave, don’t forget to enter the Giveaway!  
                a Rafflecopter giveaway
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kayelleallen · 5 years
Read the new Lacewood by Jessica James @jessicajames #RLFblog #NewRelease #womensfiction
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jenniferfaye34 · 5 years
#Giveaway + Excerpt ~ Lacewood by Jessica James... #books #historicalromance #bookblogger
This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jessica James will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
Thrust together by chance. Bound together by destiny. A disillusioned socialite and a special operations veteran find a way to save a small town while healing themselves. A haunting read about the journey to restore an abandoned 200-year-old mansion and the secrets it reveals about a long-lost love.
Read an Excerpt Walking carefully along the overgrown path, Katie stepped to the side to touch the bark of one of the colossal trees towering over the front yard. “I’ve seen these trees before, but I don’t know what they are.” She threw her head back to see how the snowy white arms stretched toward the blue sky, catching and reflecting the amber rays. The sheriff stopped and followed her gaze. . “They’re sycamores. See how the bark forms a lacy pattern at the bottom? Back in the old days they called it lacewood.” He turned and bounded up the steps while Katie ran her fingertips over the intricate design. “It’s beautiful,” she said, under her breath. “Lacewood.” “Of course, another name for the tree is ghostwood,” the sheriff quipped over his shoulder. “But that wouldn’t make a very good name for a house, now would it?” Katie lifted her eyes from the multi-colored bark at the bottom to the white limbs overhead. Even in broad daylight the trees appeared ghostly, with skeletal-like branches reaching out like bony fingers. Turning back to the house, Katie focused on the long-forgotten grandeur of the bygone days it represented. The outward signs might have worn off with age, but the dignity of the place remained intact as far as she was concerned. Despite the decades of dirt and decay, she felt a welcoming presence here, a warm and friendly vibe. The peace of the house and its timeless beauty unlocked something in Katie, causing a prickly sensation to race up her spine. There were stories here. Long-forgotten and hidden just out of her reach. Were they to be lost forever? About the Author:
Jessica James believes in honor, duty, and true love—and that’s what she writes about in her award-winning novels that span the ages from the Revolutionary War to modern day. She is a two-time winner of the John Esten Cooke Award for Southern Fiction, and has won more than a dozen other literary awards, including a Readers' Favorite International Book Award and a Gold Medal from the Military Writers Society of America. Her novels have been used in schools and are available in hundreds of libraries including Harvard and the U.S. Naval Academy. James is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Historical Novel Society, and the Independent Book Publishers Association. Website: https://www.jessicajamesbooks.com Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001IYTXOG BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jessica-james Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/southernromance/ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/586216.Jessica_James Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RomanticHistoricalFiction Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/southernromance/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorjessicajames/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jessicajames Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lacewood-Novel-Place-Jessica-James-ebook/dp/B07PW8BQJ4 BN: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lacewood-jessica-james/1129617849 a Rafflecopter giveaway
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irisblobel · 5 years
#NewRelease "Lacewood" by Jessica James
#NewRelease “Lacewood” by Jessica James
Lacewood by Jessica James Release price is $3.99. Will be $8.99
BUY LINKS: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PW8BQJ4 Apple Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1447749646 Universal Link https://books2read.com/u/mYoj2P
Jessica James believes in honor, duty, and true love—and that’s what she writes about in her award-winning novels that span the ages from the…
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wenbochenphoto · 5 years
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A juvenile lacewood (Pseudopanax crassifolius) in Nelson Lakes National Parks South Island NZ. It can stay like this for up to 20 years, then branches out and shortens its leaves, meanwhile loses the teeth on leaf margin as well. There are theories to explain this, one of them is to avoid to be eaten by moa, the prehistoric giant bird in NZ. 
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dakotairishie · 5 years
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Looking forward to making beautiful #dnd stuff with these. A very successful wood sourcing excursion today if I do say so myself. Look at that gorgeous Irish yew! 😍 And finally, after nearly a year, I've got Zebrawood again. #irishyew #lacewood #mahogany #blackwalnut #zebrawood https://www.instagram.com/p/ByuqAPUIyhp/?igshid=16pq9arbiyrv8
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Halfway writing lacewood
About nearly finished with my first prompt request, keep them coming!
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amareite · 6 years
The Whisper of Christmas 2/?
Part 1
Word Count - 5.2k
Warnings - NSFW. Sexy times. 
I’m not sure I should even bother if posting on Tumblr but I’ll consider this my last act of rebellion against this hellsite. Also had to repost because it looks like the initial post got repressed. Isn’t that great?
The walk back to the lab was filled only with their drunken giggles from their stupor of love and Augustine couldn’t have been happier to enter the foyer of his lab. Serena had been so elated and she was so determined to hold his hands he could only find it endearing. They stumbled into the elevator together and Augustine hit every single button on the elevator panel as he dragged his hand over it trying to hit the button for the fourth floor. He was distracted, receiving kisses and giving kisses.
When Augustine brought her to the top floor and unlocked the door to his loft, Serena had seemed to finally register where she was and she beheld him in a whole new light all of a sudden, but the professor only took off his coat and his suit jacket and laid them on the nearby hook. He outstretched his hand to Serena and like she was charmed under a spell, she walked forward and removed her small purse from her shoulder and handed it to him, which he hung on the wall hook beside his jacket. He motioned for them both to remove their shoes.
The only light illuminating them was the simple fixture above his entry way. The rest of the flat was shrouded in darkness and he was rather thankful, he couldn’t remember if he cleaned up. Serena unbuckled her jacket, but Augustine snuck his fingers past the collar of her coat and pushed the article off of her shoulders. Serena reached up and kissed the professor again. This one exuded want. Lust. Desire. Hunger. He knew it deep in his core.
“I want you.” Serena whispered ardently to him.
If there was a way to kill him with words, she was nearly there, those simple words lit him up, his very soul trembled at her touch. “Serena…” he began, dragging his lips across her jaw and was suddenly struck by the fact that he didn’t have condoms. Anywhere. At all.
He breathed and pulled suddenly, working his mouth through extreme disappointment. “I don’t think I have protection.”
Serena pulled him back effortlessly as she kissed him again with same hungry lust. “I have that covered.” He hadn’t planned for Serena to be so eager. They had danced around each other for so long this was entirely inevitable. He wasn’t going to push her away now. There was no reason.
“Such perfection.” He praised thickly.
Serena pressed her lips into his jaw in a sweet kiss and Augustine relished the feeling of her lips and the way she explored his body enthusiastically with her hands. He was noticeably less bold but that was merely so he wouldn’t frighten her if he rushed, instead he savoured her touch on his skin and the sighs pressed into his collar.
Augustine chuckled a little and pressed her against the wall by his lofts front door. His hands roaming over her body, sneaking into the bottom of her dress and squeezing lightly and brushing sensitive spots through the beautiful azure fabric. Serena was a complete moaning mess by this point and the professor would appreciate it as much as he could.
Augustine trailed his lips from the top of her breasts all the way up her neck and to her mouth. The young champion was responsive, sighing and reciprocating in kind. “Come, I know a place a little more comfortable.” He purred sweetly to her. Serena giggled and followed him unsteadily into his bedroom. He turned the light on low, filling the room with a deep orange glow.
Serena giggled again. “How romantic.” She stared at the king sized bed in the center of the room, with dark argyle patterns decorating the duvet on it. There were pillows, a lot of big, fluffy pillows that Serena knew were for when the Pokémon decided to take over his bed. She knew Augustine, he took good care of the Pokémon and frequently went out of his way to make sure they were comfortable.
She didn’t get a chance to look around much more as Augustine slowly peeled off his shirt and Serena blushed so bright she could have illuminated the room. In response, he kissed her shoulder and deftly unzipped her dress and walked past to sit at the edge of his bed in anticipation. He left it to Serena to remove her dress as a way for her to get comfortable.
The dress fell off her form gradually, revealing the black lace lingerie she had chosen for the occasion, he approved of her attire but wondered how confident she was in ending up with him tonight that she wore something so racy. From here, Augustine could see the tan lines on her skin from her trip in Alola and felt a little more aroused by the beauty before him.
Serena though, embarrassed by the exposure, cautiously stepped out of the fabric pooling on the floor and walked to his bed, straddling the professor’s lap as she settled. The professor snuck his fingers in through the lace of her panties to caress her butt. Serena tensed a little and gasped, causing the professor removed his hands.
“Am I moving too fast?” Augustine urged in concern but Serena quickly shook her head, taking his hands and returning them to her underwear.
“No!” she forced breathlessly. “No, I want this. I’m just a little nervous.”
Augustine kissed her jaw softly. “Don’t be.” He said and continued kissing her but halted when she answered him.
“It’s my first time.” Serena confessed quietly, almost ashamed. The professor felt himself freeze completely seeing the unsure look in her eyes.
“Serena…” he began to say but was cut off when Serena ducked her head slightly to look away.
“Is that bad?” She asked apprehensive of her state but Augustine quelled her fears by tipping her chin up and snuck his tongue into their kiss and Serena couldn’t stop the moan that bubbled forth from her throat.
“Non. C’est parfait. I’m very happy actually.” Augustine pulled her in for softer kisses and she still rolled her hips in his lap, her little moans were the sweetest sounds he ever heard.
His hands roamed up from her butt and to her shoulders, leisurely savouring the smoothness of her skin, she grinded into his lap. Serena dropped her head into his shoulder, a little overwhelmed as she breathed in and panted quietly. It was very sudden when his hand slipped over her bra clasped and the article slipped off of her shoulders and the straps fell down her arms, exposing her breasts. He tossed the bra somewhere across the room, hoping it landed near her dress.
Her breasts were a little larger than he expected. Supple. They rounded fully and the nipples were perked up. All in all her breasts were adorable. He traced the curve of her chest with his fingers, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin underneath.
Augustine kissed her shoulder sweetly. “You’re very beautiful, ma belle.” He murmured into her skin, his adoration pouring from his mouth freely. Serena rose her head off of his shoulder to kiss his cheek shyly. Serena pulled back to gaze at him with hazy and lustful eyes.
“Really?” she gulped as she stared at him and stammered a response. “I…” Serena began slowly, arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him in for a soft kiss. “You’re so amazing.” She managed while grinding her hips desperately into him. “I think you’re so gorgeous.” She whined out breathlessly.
Serena tried to find more words but Augustine hushed her lightly with more kisses. “I don’t deserve such praise.” He smiled kindly but his heart nearly shattered as the heat of pride and then embarrassment pervaded his body at her sweet words. He truly didn’t deserve them.
Augustine picked Serena up off of his lap and lifted her onto the bed, pushing her back into the mattress. On her back, Augustine slowly starting removing her lingerie. First a stocking, then the other. His hands stroking and petting over her newly exposed skin. The champion was red in the face, blushing so intensely that her chest was pink. Oh dear, it seemed it he was teasing her too much.
She was unsurprisingly even better than how he fantasized. Her body was lean. Her legs, arms and stomach all toned from the excursions of Pokémon hunting and all the work for mega evolution. She was even more perfect than his imagination. Augustine dipped low and kissed her breast. Once, twice, he moved and lapped at her nipple. Serena moaned quietly.
Gently, he palmed her breasts and kneaded them tenderly, they were firm and fit nicely in the palm of his hand. Serena seemed desperate for more contact as she pushed her own hand on top of his to press more weight down, wanting more, begging for it silently and Augustine delved down again to take a mound in his mouth, this time using his mouth to tease her, suddenly fulfilling fantasies he had for months about her.
Augustine slowly kissed his way down from her breasts to her ribs then to her stomach, her pelvis and ending on the fabric of her black lacy underwear. He kissed lower, gently pressing his lips just above her most sacred place through the cloth and slowly snuck his fingers over the band of her panties and leisurely pulled them off, lifting her legs up to remove them easier. He trailed kissed from her thighs and all the up to her calves, all the while Serena watched him in a lust filled fog.
He pulled her to the edge of the bed. Serena was still flat on her back but her knees were up. She shuddered. Augustine ran his fingers over her core, she twitched forcefully. “Ca va, I wish to please you.” Augustine whispered as he leveled himself with her entrance. When Serena didn’t reply, Augustine tested her reaction by placing a small kiss on her clit. Serena’s hips shook in surprise and a small yelp escaped her. Slowly, Augustine kissed around her womanhood. He gently latched onto her pussy and lapped.
The room was quiet save for Serena’s stifled moans. Augustine gently licked up and down her slit. He spoke to her in a language he knew well. Physical pleasure. He’d always been a physical creature, he loved hugs and kisses. He became physical at an early age.
Augustine was also an indulgent being but for the first time in his life, he had kept away from the object of his desire only to be turned on his head as she had been longing for him. He wanted to devour her entirely, from navel to neck, from her toes to her fingers. He wanted her very being.  
They intertwined hands, Serena wailing and shaking as he went a little harder, sucking and licking audibly. He loved the sounds she was making, the way she gripped his hand, the way she ran her hand through his hair to keep him locked down on her pussy. He brought his hand to her entrance and stuck two fingers inside and curled them to pet her from the inside. It was sudden when Serena pulled herself away with a pained cry from him as she came, trembling from the orgasm.
Augustine was on the bed beside her instantly. He stroked her hip sympathetically in concern. “I’m sorry, was that too much?” Serena seemed out of sorts but still managed to reply.
“A little, but it felt amazing.” Her hazy gaze locked on him and she reached out to press the palm of her hand into his clothed crotch as she pulled herself over to him. Augustine gently moved her hand away and Serena pouted. “Why do you still have your pants on?”
Augustine chuckled. “I wouldn’t worry about me.” Came his admission to distract her but Serena calmed herself enough to push up off the bed and kiss him ardently on the lips. Augustine couldn’t quell the fire burning in his stomach, she was so pure to him. He reciprocated in kind and his hands roamed her body once again. Serena reached down again to his crotch.
“Please, Augustine. I want to.” Her soft voice fluttered around his ear. He pulled back to study her face and all he could see was her pleading and wanting gaze glowing in the soft orange light of his room.
He couldn’t say no. “Don’t force yourself.” He murmured to her while unzipping his pants and freeing himself from his boxers. Serena gingerly took his member in her hand and gazed up to him in longing, asking questions she couldn’t voice. Augustine placed his hand over hers and helped her stroke him. “Just touch me, I trust you.” Serena’s fingers added a little pressure, she must’ve been frightened of hurting him because she tensed her fingers as she rubbed him.
She pulled him close for a sweet kiss. He returned it slowly, her fingers, even led by his own hand, felt incredible. In between the kiss, Augustine pulled back to huff in pleasure. His brow was furrowed, relishing the sensations she brought to him.
Unexpectedly, it seemed Serena felt very daring as removed the professor’s hand from on top of her own. She tilted her head and planted her lips on his jaw, then his neck, then his collar and so on. She trailed kisses downward and Augustine panted as she moved below his abdomen and lips brushed the base of his cock.
She looked up to him with such honest eyes he had no words, he moved her bangs out of her face as she gazed up to his intently. She was on her knees, bent over and her body looked amazing from where he was on haunches, he wondered how he got so lucky. Serena very gently ran her tongue over his tip and Augustine tried not to hiss at her touch. A shuddered breath came out. It was just enough to encourage Serena as she engulfed him in her mouth.
It was a remarkable feeling. Serena was obviously unsure but was so willing to please him. Her tongue ran up and down his shaft along with her sweet lips, her head bobbing over his length and she turned her eyes up to him, asking him and begging him to ensure she was pleasuring him. His mind wandered to just how long it had been since he was with someone he loved and how much he loved the woman before him and when he locked his eyes with hers as she serviced him, he could feel how much she adored him.
Serena wasn’t the type of girl to show affection openly or freely as he had learned but he did feel that she was so willing to give anything to him. A groan escaped his mouth, if this continued, it would be over before it started. Gently, he pulled her off of him and Serena seemed anxious but before she could ask him Augustine gave a pained, rueful smile. “Ma belle.” He began shakily. “If you keep that up, this night will not last much longer.”
A bright blush was the only reply he received to his statement. Augustine laughed softly at her reaction and pushed her back onto the bed. She fell back with a yelp into the mass of pillows the professor piled up. Augustine slid off the side of the bed and finally removed his dress pants and boxers. Serena whined from the mound of pillows.
“Well, it’s about time.” She huffed out, seemingly annoyed. Augustine climbed in beside her and palmed her breast and she giggled. She brought her hand on top of his and gripped it. “It couldn’t have been very comfortable.” Serena moaned out a little breathless.
He scoffed as he brought his mouth to her other breast and she moaned again. “Believe me, mon ange, I needed a little discomfort.” Serena huffed and brought her hand to the back of his head and pressed him down, he smiled as his hands and mouth roamed her body.
Her hands pulled him to be face to face with her and she kissed him, her hands trembled slightly. “Augustine…” Serena whispered longingly. “I’m ready, please.” Augustine felt the words pool in the pit of his stomach over how innocent she was but he managed a small smile, recognising how apprehensive her tone was.
“How can I say no when you ask me like that?” He pulled back and Serena propped herself up a little more on the pillows and spread her legs. Her knees were up and as Serena braced herself on her elbows, fully exposed, she regarded the professor shyly.
The professor leaned down kissed her clit, Serena shuddered but said nothing. On his haunches, he positioned himself before her, his dick brushing her entranced, which was incredibly slick with arousal. Serena gazed to him pleadingly, desperately and he wondered if he was going to survive actually having sex considering how hard his heart was pounding in his chest.
He slid inside. It was a slow burn and Augustine could feel her entrance opening up to him, Serena moaned very quietly, her eyes closing as she felt him inside her finally. To his great surprise, there was little resistance, and he slid in all the way, fitting perfectly inside the young woman. He relished the sensation that he was inside her and he wasn’t hurting her. It didn’t seem too tight for the beauty writhing underneath him as she moaned out pleasure. “Ca va, ma seriene?” Augustine didn’t even realize he’d reverted back to Kalosian but Serena replied regardless as she nodded her head.
Serena took it in stride, though her response was stuttered. “Yeah, oh Augustine, are you all in?”
“Oui, I’m all the way in.” Serena rolled her hips enthusiastically. Wriggling a little beneath him.
“You feel so good.” Came her high pitched whimper. He groaned at her actions but smiled. He pulled out and admired the way she whined at him, but then pushed all the way in and watched as Serena’s face glow as she felt him inside. Slowly he picked up speed. Pumping in and out faster and faster. Serena’s breathing hitched as every little nerve within her move to meet with him.
Serena had her head down, eyes closed and her hand covering her mouth. Unacceptable, he thought to himself. He reached his hand out to push hers away from her face and gently cupped her cheek. Serena finally gazed up to him, her gasps melodious and adorable. She pressed his hand into her cheek and turned her head to kiss his palm sweetly. She stared at him with such unguarded eyes and even though she was in his room, naked, exposed, giving all of herself to him, she was still giving him things he never dreamed he could have.
The love she showered him with at times was unbearable because he didn’t know if he deserved it, even before tonight, her touches, her hugs, her time, she gave them to him without a second thought. That concern didn’t matter, she was with him, in his room. He loved her so much he wondered why he’d been so determined to stay at arm’s length. Serena deserved better than that.
Augustine pulled out for a moment and repositioned himself, grabbing Serena by the hips and dragging her towards him forcefully so she was flat on her back, off of the pillows. Before she could even think to question about what he was doing, he was inside her again, bearing down over her as he kissed her fervently and embraced her close. He could try to return her love the same way.
He gazed down lovingly to the woman in his arms as she gasped with every thrust, her legs wrapped around him in an effort to keep him close. “P-plus fort…” Serena crooned quietly. “S’il vous plait.” She gasped out and Augustine screwed his eyes shut but slowed his rhythm. If she started talking to him like that…
“Comme ça?” Augustine whispered huskily into her ear as his thrust slowed but each one made her breasts bounce with the force, Serena’s shuddered moans were everything to him in that moment.
“Ohhh, oui, comme ça, Augustine.” Her hands were at his shoulders but Serena dragged them down to his hips, gripping the taunt muscles in a mighty need. Augustine couldn’t bother to attempt to hide the smirk that appeared on his lips in mischievous thrill.
When he thrusted again, he didn’t pull back out, instead he grinded into her and Serena quivered, her eyes wide as she gasped out. “Ce te plait?” Augustine purred sweetly, his voice strained, Serena nodded her head fervently.
“J’aime ca.” Augustine groaned as the heat in is belly pooled with a thousand other sensations, this was unreal. He couldn’t believe how good she felt, or how sweet she was. Serena’s gasps and groans were choked and desperate after a moment.
Augustine slowed his pace. “Moins fort?” Augustine asked softly.
Serena shook her head desperately. “Non, n’arrete pas!” Serene begged him pulling him down in a hug, keeping him close. “Plus fort.” Serena repeated softly into his ear and Augustine, surrounded by her words and her scent, began the rhythm again except this time he picked up speed along with the force of thrusts. Serena was once again a moaning mess in his arms.
Serena came undone. Her back arching, her hands gripping both him and the duvet, her hips trembled with the force of her orgasm. Augustine took her hands and pressed them both down into the mattress above her head and thrusted laboriously into the young woman.
Augustine nearly groaned in pain from how she completed beneath him, flushed cheeks, dazed expression, unfocused eyes, an essential picture of true pleasure was in his arms and he admired everything about this moment, willing to commit every inch of her to memory so he could have this, just this.
He was so close and she felt so lovely. “Oh, oh, August- oh, please, please, please, please…” Serena began to ramble, completely helpless underneath him. He came inside of her, huffing through a few moans and pressing so desperately into her that he curled around her frame. The release was so intense that his world went white and he dropped his head onto Serena’s neck. A long suffering groan escaped him as he trembled in ecstasy.
His bearings were gone, all he knew were the young woman beneath him that was placing small, sweet and unsteady kisses to his temple. He loved her so, so much. Any tension or anxiety he felt leading up to tonight had vanished, only to become a distant, otherworldly memory.
They were heaving. Sweating. For the second time tonight he thought ruefully. His hands were still intertwined with Serena’s. He was still inside her and Serena’s legs wrapped around his middle. Augustine slowly began kissing her languidly from her neck to her jaw. He lifted his head to look at Serena and admired the expression as she stared back to him. The sweet flush of her skin, her swollen lips and the love just soaked into him from her countenance. Augustine swallowed. “Est-ce que tu vas bien?” He murmured to her.
Serena nodded slowly while gulping down a breath. “C’etait excellent.” She replied quietly, her face softly beaming as she sighed in contentment. Augustine nodded slowly, a soft smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
She tilted her head up, indicating she wanted a kiss from him and he obliged readily as small, sweet kisses were shared between them. “Augustine?” Serena began unsurely between his lips. He hummed in response, gazing at her lovely face while she seemed to struggle with something but her eyes were so bright. “I love you.” Serena murmured ardently to him, her lips wobbled slightly and her eyes seemed to shine all that much more for an instant and Augustine knew that was the exact moment he could have died and gone straight to heaven from how amazing it was to hear those words from her mouth.
A laugh escaped him as he smiled and dropped his head back down to her neck. “Mon amour.” He groaned out desperately into her skin while she giggled airily at his reaction. Augustine rose his head back up and rested his forehead on Serena’s. “Je t’aime, aussi… Je t’aime de tout mon coeur.” He sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the day, weeks, months and year disappear. This was perfection.
After a few more moments of self-collection, Augustine finally let go of her hands, and Serena untangled her legs and as Augustine rose off of the young woman, his dick slid out with ease and so did his cum. Serena moaned softly and dropped her hand to her slit, stopping the flow before it reached the comforter. “I should go clean up.” Serena mumbled and slowly turned to get out of bed. Augustine reached out gently assisted her off the edge of the mattress.
“Can you walk? I’m afraid I was little too rough.” He held her arm gently but Serena turned to him with a hazy grin and rested her head on his chest lightly.
“No, you were perfect.” She kissed his cheek as she steadily shuffled off the bed and she walked into the adjoining washroom but didn’t close the door fully. Augustine sat on the bed, still gathering his wits. Today far exceeded his expectations and for Serena to be with him, it was a dream, a fantasy. One that he never properly indulged in for fear of more thoughts that led to places he couldn’t be a part of.
He was afraid of being corny or cliché but he felt so complete for the first time in years. He had lost a part of himself some time ago, he refused to see reality for what it was and decided instead to exist in his tiny bubble of research and Pokémon and he refused to leave it because he feared getting hurt again. And the worst part was not being with Serena hurt the most.
Augustine heard the champion groan loudly from the washroom and pushed himself off the bed to see what was wrong. Serena looked at him horrified. “What is it?” Augustine pressed, concern etched into his features.
“I forgot my duffel at the hotel.” Serena supplied mournfully, bringing her hand to her face dejectedly. “Oh, there’s no way I’ll be able to get it now.” Augustine’s face lit up in recognition. That’s right, she checked her bag as well as her coat. All Serena had was the small purse she had carried to the gala.
“We’ll get it back, what do you need right now?” Augustine questioned tenderly.
Serena locked her eyes on the floor and replied quietly. “Pyjamas, a toothbrush, spare clothes…” And that was when the professor realized she was becoming self-conscious of her naked body as she weakly crossed her arms to cover her breasts. He held back a smile, noting her shyness and decided to rectify that first.
“Just a moment.” He declared while leaving the washroom.
Augustine walked out to his dresser and picked out the loosest and coziest sweater he could find, which was a thick, beige, woolen sweater he loved wearing on his day off.  He strolled back into the washroom and handed the sweater to her. “Hopefully, this will be acceptable for now.” He offered and then pulled drawer open from under the sink and pulled out a plastic wrapped toothbrush. “You may use anything in here. We’ll do what we can tomorrow about spare clothes. Is this alright?”
Serena held the sweater the professor gave her to her face and nodded. “This is perfect, professor. I’ll be right out.” Augustine wanted to laugh at her use of his title but she must have been so dazed that she didn’t realize.
He nodded, caressing her cheek in sympathy, and left the washroom. Closing the door just enough that light still pooled out. He decided to pick up their clothing. It could wait until morning but if he laid in bed, he would sleep and he wanted Serena with him in bed before then. He would be so disappointed himself for missing the chance to have Serena fall asleep in his arms for the first time. Augustine grabbed a pair of fresh boxer shorts from his dresser and slowly put them on.
A quick scan of the room for where he tossed Serena’s panties took a little bit as he found them hanging off the vanity at the end of the room by the door, he didn’t even remember throwing them that far. Still, he walked over and picked them up and turned the light switch all the way down, leaving the room dark and lit up with all of the luminesce of the streetlights that shone through the window.
When Serena exited the washroom, the light from inside illuminated her beautifully. She tugged the front of the sweater down and Augustine admired her from the side of the bedroom. He had already begun envisioning her in his bed again, with his sweaters, shirts, with the same want and pleading gaze that she had shown him tonight and he never felt so at peace seeing Serena saunter up to him shyly. Augustine held the wayward panties to Serena. “Maybe this will help complete the set?” He whispered jokingly and Serena took the garment and regarded them in mild disbelief.
To his unending surprise. She bent over and slowly put her panties back on in front of him. Serena lifted the sweater to place them on properly and admired what it looked like. It was cute. “I’ll be right back, it’s my turn.” Augustine murmured and moved to go to the washroom but Serena wrapped her fingers around his wrist. He turned and saw her pleading gaze directed at him.
“Will you be long?” His heart nearly jumped out of his chest, she was so adorable.
“Non, just a few minutes.” He answered and Serena nodded shyly.
“Okay, I’m going to wait for you.” Came her soft whisper and Augustine couldn’t help but lean down and place a kiss on her brow. Wordlessly she let go and he walked into the washroom, he didn’t shut the door completely, either.
He managed to clean himself, wash his face and brush his teeth before his own eyes started dipping hard, he was so exhausted. The rest could wait until morning. He closed the bathroom light and found even in his dark bedroom, faintly bathed with the fairy lights in the street, he saw the most beautiful vision of love as Serena was dimly colored by the soft pastels and hues from outside seated on his bed. She was dazzling and had he bothered to ask Serena what she had seemed amazed by, she would have answered something similar.
Serena slowly got off the bed and hugged him, he chuckled softly as he dropped his lips to her hair. “To bed with the both of us.” With her approval, he led her back to his bed and slowly, they both crawled in. Finally, she was in his arms again. “I know I already said this, but Merry Christmas.” Augustine managed quietly with half lidded eyes. He was so tired but so overjoyed at the same time. Serena nodded against his chest.
“Oh, Merry Christmas…” Serena’s voice had faded off and she was asleep in his arms nearly the moment she settled and Augustine relished the calmness of her sleep and her smell. He hugged her close and she had nestled into him unconsciously. This was a dream, an actual fantasy that he had indulged in on his loneliest nights. To have her in his arms, on a night like tonight, it was truly extraordinary. The stars had aligned for the both of them it seemed and it appeared that Serena had missed him as much as he missed her. It was comforting.
“Je t’aime tellement, Serena. Sleep well.”
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