#Lake Parade
greenbagjosh · 1 year
Saturday 2 August 2003 - Lake Parade along the northeast bank - quick stop in Gaillard, France - lunch at Jardin Anglais - fun watching the mobiles - supper in Martigny VS
Saturday 2 August 2003
Good morning!  Today I will go to Geneva for the Lake Parade, but first I want to see a bit of Gaillard in France, accessible with the line 16 tram at Moillesullaz, and also go to Meyrin, close to the Geneva airport, by trolleybus.  At the end, about 7 PM, I will eventually take the train to Martigny and eat supper, then return to the hostel.  It will be quite a nice Saturday.
Guten Morgen! Heute fahre ich zur Lake Parade nach Genf, aber zuerst möchte ich ein bisschen Gaillard in Frankreich sehen, erreichbar mit der Straßenbahnlinie 16 in Moillesullaz, und außerdem mit dem Trolleybus nach Meyrin in der Nähe des Genfer Flughafens fahren. Am Ende, gegen 19 Uhr, werde ich schließlich mit dem Zug nach Martigny fahren, zu Abend essen und dann zur Herberge zurückkehren. Es wird ein ganz schöner Samstag.
Bonjour! Aujourd'hui j'irai à Genève pour la Lake Parade, mais d'abord je veux voir un peu de Gaillard en France, accessible avec le tram ligne 16 à Moillesullaz, et aussi aller à Meyrin, près de l'aéroport de Genève, en trolleybus. A la fin, vers 19h, je prendrai éventuellement le train pour Martigny et souperai, puis retournerai à l'auberge. Ce sera un bon samedi.
Dobro jutro! Danes bom šel v Ženevo na jezersko parado, a najprej si želim ogledati delček Gaillarda v Franciji, dostopnega s tramvajem na liniji 16 na Moillesullazu, pa tudi v Meyrin, blizu ženevskega letališča, s trolejbusom. Na koncu, okoli 19h, se bom na koncu odpeljal z vlakom do Martignyja in pojedel večerjo, nato pa se bom vrnil v hostel. Prav lepa sobota bo.
Dobro jutro! Danas ću ići u Ženevu na jezersku paradu, ali prvo želim vidjeti malo Gaillarda u Francuskoj, do kojeg se može doći tramvajem na liniji 16 u Moillesullazu, a također želim otići do Meyrina, blizu ženevske zračne luke, trolejbusom. Na kraju, oko 19 sati, eventualno ću sjesti na vlak za Martigny i večerati te se vratiti u hostel. Bit će to jako lijepa subota.
Buongiorno! Oggi andrò a Ginevra per la Lake Parade, ma prima voglio vedere un po' di Gaillard in Francia, raggiungibile con il tram linea 16 a Moillesullaz, e andare anche a Meyrin, vicino all'aeroporto di Ginevra, con il filobus. Alla fine, verso le 19, prenderò il treno per Martigny e cenerò, poi tornerò in ostello. Sarà un bel sabato.
I woke up about 6:30 AM, took a shower, got dressed, and went to breakfast.  The breakfast place was not very crowded.  I was able to find a table, and enjoy my breakfast.  I had coffee, toast, cheese, sliced meat and corn flakes.  After I finished, I went back to the room to brush my teeth, then went on a walk to the Territet rail station.  The day was very nice, so it was possible.  I boarded the westbound REV for Lausanne through Vevey, and connected there for an inter city train to Geneva.  The train did not stop at Renens, Morges or Nyon, but went through it.  It did not stop until Geneva.  Geneva has a couple of exclaves just a little southwest of Nyon, making the town of Céligny, which the train passed through.  Céligny even has a spot on Lac Léman, also known as Lake Geneva.  The last town in Vaud before the actual canton of Geneva is Mies.  Versoix and Genthod are the next towns the train passed before stopping at Geneva.  The first station in Geneva is Sécheron, very close to Parc Mon Repos.  
At the time, tracks 7 and 8 were still used for the SNCF trains, coming from France.  In 2003, Switzerland was not yet in Schengen, so there was a passport check at the station, for tracks 7 and 8 before accessing the rest of the station.  There is also an RER line to La Plaine, close to the border with France.  
I exited the train at Geneva.  I bought a day pass for the bus and tram lines.  The first place I went was to Meyrin to buy some soft drinks.  I took the trolleybus line 10 to Centre Balexert.  It is on the city limits of Geneva and Meyrin.  At some stage in February 2012, I had stayed in a hotel along the way towards the airport, along Avenue Louis Casai.  Once I bought my soft drinks at the Pick Pay grocery store, I took another tram to the rail station and took line 12 to Plainpalais where I could see the Monument des Reformateurs.  I took another tram, not sure which line, to connect to the one that was supposed to go to Moillesullaz, however it terminated at Gare des Eaux Vives, generally in the right direction but not exactly where I wanted to go.
I had to walk from Gare des Eaux Vives back to Route de Chêne and wait on line 16.  The train went through Thônex, and ended at Moillesullaz.  That was the terminus at the time, before crossing into France.  Anyone who wanted to go to France, would have to walk across the border.  I walked eastward along Rue de Genève up to the SPAR grocery store, where I bought some lunchmeat and cheese, as well as some bread rolls.  Also I bought a bottle of my favorite shampoo, the Pétrole Hahn for oily hair.  I was ready to eat lunch after I paid for everything.  It is worthwhile to mention, that the SPAR grocery store is located next to the tram stop Gaillard-Libération, which was built in the late 2010s, as an extension to Annemasse SNCF station.  In December 2016, I noticed that there were initial steps being made to create the extension, and I noticed this when I visited there.
I walked back across the Swiss border at Moillesullaz.  It was about 12 PM, and I wanted to be at Parc Mon Repos by 2 PM, prior to the start of the Lake Parade.  I took the tram to Place Molard, and walked to the Horloge Fleurie and found a bench in the Jardin Anglais to eat.  I watched the Jet d'Eau pump its water high into the air.  Jet d'Eau operates all day long during the summer, but is shut off for much of the winter.        
After I finished lunch, I put away my unused soft drink bottles, and walked back to Molard to catch the tram to Gare CFF, and transfer to the line 1 bus to Parc Mon Repos.  It was about 1:30 when I arrived.  This would be the start of the parade.  There was supposed to be about 20 or 30 mobiles with people dancing to loud techno music and many other similar styles.  Some mobiles were rented for local dance clubs.  While I was waiting for the parade to start, I was listening to One FM with my radio.  I had a cassette in it, so I could record the music.  I also had my microphone so I could hear the live music as well.  
There were so many people in costume.  It resembled the Love Parade in Berlin and Street Parade in Zürich that I had remembered.  I remember one young lady dressed as a leopard with face paint.  I also remember seeing a few nurses, a few equestriennes, a few cowgirls, many more.  
The parade started a little past 2 PM.  It went south along Quai Wilson and eventually Quai du Mont Blanc.  On the parade, it is better to try to remain in one spot, as the mobiles can take up much space, and there is a crowd that can be difficult to go around.  Crossing the road will sometimes be faced with resistance, as others might want to cross.  This is also true for the Zürich Street Parade.  The parade made its way across Pont du Mont Blanc and Jardin Anglais.  I was watching the mobiles most of the time.  
About 6 PM I decided I had had enough, as I was getting tired walking the parade route.  I had to go to Rue du Stand and catch the tram to Gare CFF, and take a train.  I found one that went to Martigny, in the Canton of Valais.  I had been to Valais in April 2001 and November 2002, but did not spend time in Martigny.  The canton Valais is separated from Vaud, mainly by the Rhône at the far east of Lac Léman / Lake Geneva, up to about Saint-Maurice.  Saint-Maurice is the first station in Valais that the train arrives in.  Valais has a short section right next to France that has a coastline on Lac Léman / Lake Geneva.  
When I was in Martigny, I found a place to eat.  It was the L'Ambroise restaurant, located at the Garni Forclaz Touring hotel, across the street from the rail station.  I was wanting some pasta and beer.  It was on the menu for a cheap price, so I picked the carbonara and Feldschlösschen half liter.  Was excellent.  The meal cost under CHF 25.00 even with tip.
I took the train back to Territet, and the sun was starting to set.  I enjoyed the quick visit to the canton of Valais.  When I arrived at Territet, I walked along the street to the hostel.  There was not much traffic.  As soon as I got to bed, I went to sleep.  The next two days would involve long travels, much of it during the night of the 3rd to the morning of the 4th.  
Please join me on my next journey to Lausanne, Fribourg, Düdingen, Zürich and a night in the night train through Tirol and Kärnten.  In the morning we will pass through Slovenia and end up in Ljubljana.  Hoping the weather will be cooperative there.  Good night!
Bitte begleiten Sie mich auf meiner nächsten Reise nach Lausanne, Freiburg, Düdingen, Zürich und einer Nacht im Nachtzug durch Tirol und Kärnten. Am Morgen durchqueren wir Slowenien und landen in Ljubljana. Ich hoffe, dass das Wetter dort mitspielt. Gute Nacht!
Veuillez me rejoindre lors de mon prochain voyage à Lausanne, Fribourg, Düdingen, Zürich et une nuit dans le train de nuit à travers le Tyrol et Kärnten. Dans la matinée, nous traverserons la Slovénie et finirons à Ljubljana. En espérant que le temps sera coopératif là-bas. Bonne nuit!
Prosim, da se mi pridružite na mojem naslednjem potovanju v Lausanne, Fribourg, Düdingen, Zürich in noč v nočnem vlaku skozi Tirolsko in Kärnten. Zjutraj bomo prečkali Slovenijo in končali v Ljubljani. Upam, da bo vreme tam sodelovalo. Lahko noč!
Molim vas da mi se pridružite na mom sljedećem putovanju u Lausannu, Fribourg, Düdingen, Zürich i jednu noć u noćnom vlaku kroz Tirol i Kärnten. Ujutro ćemo proći kroz Sloveniju i završiti u Ljubljani. Nadajući se da će vrijeme tamo biti naklonjeno. Laku noć!
Per favore, unisciti a me nel mio prossimo viaggio a Losanna, Friburgo, Düdingen, Zurigo e una notte nel treno notturno attraverso il Tirolo e la Carinzia. Al mattino attraverseremo la Slovenia e finiremo a Lubiana. Sperando che il tempo sarà collaborativo lì. Buona notte!
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atlas-affogato · 4 months
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Salt Lake City Pride, 2024
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liquial · 2 years
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牧場物語わくわくアニマルマーチ Harvest Moon: Animal Parade (2008)
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emdapaladima · 1 month
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Some(not all) of Padmè's headdresses as featured in the limited edition of Dressing a Galaxy
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tutyayilmazz · 11 months
🚨 from january 1st 2024, russian and belarussian gymnasts will be able to complete if they are authorized according to these criteria
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very intrigued how they will evaluate the criteria
surely this must have been in motion before but announcing this now is very much like oh we don't wanna ban israelis WHICH ARE ACTIVELY MILITARY PERSONEL so maybe some russians can compete lmao
full pdf stating that they must wear light blue, music must not contain references to their country, etc. is here
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chickensoupleg · 1 year
2 random aus since I got in a mood.
Eddie living near a lake that had rumours of mermaids living in there. The lake being huge and deep, so deep that Eddie would joke it's just a mini ocean in his own backyard. He and his uncle Wayne would go fishing there all the time, and so it was a very comforting place. Especially with the mermaid rumours. Eddie even would put the 'mermaid lake' into some of his campaigns, just for fun. Sometimes it was an important feature, where he would encourage his players to visit it, or maybe even have the big bad appear there. Then suddenly the rumours come true, when he's just writing and playing songs by the lake and hears singing coming from it. He would look out to the lake and see eyes staring back at him before disappearing into the deep. Of course, nobody believes him, because sure. The rumours are popular, but it doesn't mean people actually believe anyone would actually see them. Eddie is persistent though and keeps visiting. Even if he doesn't see whatever he saw that day, he gets to be by the lake, which is just added perk. Then he sees the mermaid for real, and turns out mermaids know English. He also learns that mermaids can be dudes, even if it's far more popular for them to be female. His mermaid friend finds it hilarious, because if mermaids were only girls than how would they procreate? Like bacteria? Which, when he puts it like that, does sound kind of stupid. Anyways, he learns the mermaid is named Billy, and that he's not actually from here at all. Which, obviously, sounds insane to Eddie, because where else would he have come from? It's a lake, and as far as Eddie is aware, not connected to the ocean in the slightest. It is a sole standing body of water as far as he's aware. Billy, the prick, laughs at him. Apparently it is connected to other bodies of water, it's just not feasible by human standards. There's a hidden underground tunnel apparently, and Billy just sort of... migrated there. Accidentally. The tunnel is somehow a powerful current, and only works one way. So he's been stuck there for years. There are a handful of other mermaids in the lake, but they don't come up since they can breathe underwater just fine despite appearing human. Ergo, they never interact with humans much either. The only reason Billy even showed up was because he liked the music Eddie was playing. Which launches Eddie into a whole plethora of questions, because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Billy only answers some of them freely, and makes Eddie work to get other answers. They grow close, and since then Eddie makes it his mission to continually visit his new friend. Billy isn't much of a nerd as Eddie is, but they connect with their shared appreciation for the metal genre, even if Eddie has to be the one to supply it. In return, Billy gives him cool shells and rocks he finds. And a crab once. Which was weird, because Eddie didn't know the lake had crabs. They get close, and maybe even a little affectionate. Who knows.
Basically just centaur Harringroveson AU. Steve is a cervitaur, Eddie is a centaur, and Billy is a bariaur. They're just vibing honestly. Maybe Eddie gets the fun time of watching Steve and Billy fight by antler/horns. And then help them because they got stuck to each other. Which happens a lot, because something in their hindbrains wants to just slam their antlers/horns against each other. Dominance, or whatever it is supposed to be. Eddie certainly isn't up for the task. Fun times when Steve casually shed his antlers. Or shed his velvet, where Eddie has to go hide because it is a gory sight. He finds it metal, but also his stomach can only take so much. Billy finds it equally as gross, but his stomach is much stronger for this. Eddie is probably like... a black thoroughbred horse. Or a mustang. Just... a runner of a guy. Steve is either a common white-tailed deer or a red deer. Just for the idea of the red deer being huge and the whole King Steve kind of idea. Billy is a rambouillet ram or a rocky mountain bighorn. Just... stocky but also has a sort of glamour to him. Of course just to make it fair everyone gets the fun perk of being centaur hybrid things. Maybe El can be a unicorn centaur, as a psychic treat. (Oh my gosh unicorn Vecna.... Dark crispy unicorn Vecna.... Flesh monster...) Also I don't think cars exist in this universe, because it would be very awkward trying to fit in one, unless they were very specifically built and long to accommodate the rest of them. Oh they'd be so long. So either it is long cars, or everyone walks everywhere. Alternatively, wagons for passengers. Just for extra fun (mostly just for me) Robin is also a cervitaur, and she jokes that she stole Steve's antlers when hers come in when Steve's falls off. She'd be a reindeer, which is why it works. It also means they can put trinkets on their antlers year round. When Steve's falls off they go right on Robin's. Fun fact, sheeps can swim. Billy is not banned from his water. However, sheep can also sink because wool is a thing. Billy has to shave. Extra treat: Demotaurs. Why not.
#stranger things#stranger things 4#steve harrington#robin buckley#eddie munson#billy hargrove#platonic with a capital p#harringroveson#mungrove#eddie parades around with steve's old antlers for fun#eddie's internet history: is it weird to hang up my boyfriends antlers on the wall like a prize#sad idea: billy was polled as a kid because his dad decided he didn't need them (and therefore couldn't protect himself)#this version he gets to keep them because it makes him 'manly' which billy's fine with#eddie feeds billy fish scraps every time he fishes because hey why not#one year there was a fishing competition in the lake and billy helped eddie cheat#he would swim around and catch a decent sized fish and after a reasonable amount of time passed he'd hook the fish and tug on the line#once jason thought he saw eddie mingling with a strange man in the lake and tried to say eddie was fraternizing with the devil#which frankly was weird because what if that was just a regular man jason#jason is just generally off-put by eddie in general though especially with his music taste#eddie introduces chrissy to billy and they hit it off immediately#and then billy introduces her to heather (fellow mermaid) and now they're all besties#centaurs come in all shapes and forms like cats/rhinos/dogs/cows/goats/etc. they got four legs? use them#a guy can be a frog centaur... as a treat#the possibilities are endless#weird thought: if billy produces wool does that mean people can use it#because theoretically its usable like any sheep wool would be#so does that mean people can... make yarn out of billy#steve has a pillow stuffed with billy's wool and its a comfort object when he's away#max being another horned/antlered centaur and she and billy literally butt heads#eddie teasingly calls billy 'billy goat' even though he's not a goat
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boydyker · 2 months
o how I wish nothing had changed …… o how I hope everything will ‼️
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
Meanwhile, after quite the Convocation weekend in Clear Lake ...
(Which, it will be recalled, was timed to coincide with the 4th of July celebrations in Clear Lake, Iowa, whence this missive originateth.)
Admittedly, the high water mark, as it were, of the whole was on July 4th proper: The parade, more than anything, mixing in many of us legendary Funtastics as part of floats or marching units ... as well as in walkabout, such being the case with such perennial parade favourites, the Hair Bear Bunch. Such a route, mind you, chosen over their storied Invisible Motorcycle, and out of deference to safety. And it seems there must have been more like 500 selfie/autograph requests among the madcap ursine trio, just back from the throes of mating season and feeling somewhat relaxed for some reason. It just seems lovemaking does that to everybody.
And you won't believe how the crowd reacted when Captain Caveman marched alongside the Slag Brothers, who turn out to be his cousins most unlikely, Cavey taking the center position.
And thankfully, the rotten produce which, in an earlier time, would have been projected upon the storied Cherry Sisters, five such from Marion (that's near Cedar Rapids) notorious for their awful singing voices and their routine, was spared The Banana Splits during their parade presence; methinks the parade crowd must've realised just how far that awful horror flick invoking their name strayed from canon. Especially considering that the Splits "themselves" would be doing a performance impromptu along Clear Lake (though thankfully nowhere near the Surf Ballroom) before the fireworks display that evening.
And speaking of the Surf Ballroom ... yours truly ran across the Cattanooga Cats between the parade and the evening sideshow and, with no less than Huckleberry Hound and a few curious fans, decided to relive some memories of a rather amusing little performance there some years back, pre-pandemic even. And how the final act, in homage to Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J. P. Richardson ("The Big Bopper"), as perished in that airplane crash on that blizzard-strewn February night in 1959 after their concert, turned out being oh so fascinating, especially how the Cats finished out the tribute segment with Buddy Holly's "True Love Ways" before concluding with a coda of "Come and Play With the Cattanooga Cats." Followed by our signing our names on the autograph walls in the back ... still proudly there. Especially sticking out: That of Scoots, and how cyoot could it get with the two O's in the middle forming eyes, beneath them being whiskers and quite the smile as well!
Kitty Jo, you sure looked rather exceptional, even if some were bound to mistake you for "Danger Prone" Daphne Blake from Scooby-Doo's crew ... but at least Kitty Jo prefers go-go boots to Daphne's stiletto heels, and we can't blame her for that. Or can we?
And to accompany such impressive pyrotechnica, not to mention satiate Groove's legendary appetite for barbecue, some rather substantial pulled smoked pork sandwiches, barbecue sauce on the side. As well as some wet towelettes lest the juices and/or sauce drip on our fur when a particular display of pyrotechnica got too excitable so that the crowd had to stand just to appreciate its beauty. (Not to mention running into that Hungry Hungry Hippo from The King's crew, Big H, tearing into at least three oversized wraps of barbecued beef brisket, chicken and pork.)
There's more where this came from next time in this space, folks.
@warnerbrosentertainment @iheartgod175 @multi-fandom-girl-451 @groovybribri @jellystone-enjoyer @artistic-octopus @archive-archives @screamingtoosoftly @hanna-barberians @themineralyoucrave @thebigdingle @hanna-barbera-land @thylordshipofbutts @warnerbros-blog1 @aquablock68 @theweekenddigest @indigo-corvus @zodiacfan32 @warnerbrosent-blog
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The amount of times I have had a thought to send to my sister and remembered she will never get it 😭
#kee speaks#we went to the funeral home yesterday and it felt so surreal#mom shared the note my sister left with me and my brother so we know what her mindset was like and her reasoning#but it hurts that she never voiced it to us when we could've reassured her#she parked her truck in one of our farming fields behind a row of thick bushes so the truck wasn't visible from the road#you wouldn't know a truck could make it there unless you've been in that field before like we have#but it's right next to a dammed lake and that's where my brother in law proposed to her and only four days before their wedding anniversary#and then he was the one who found her#none of my family made it over there to be there with him#my dad tried but he blew the engine on his truck just a few miles from the farm; not even a quarter of the way to the field#i think that was a sign that he shouldn't have been there#but my brother in laws family all made it over there so he had his immediate family with him and my family was together at the farm#when the cops were done talking to him over there him and his family came to the farm#from Friday afternoon until Sunday night it was just a continuous parade of people coming and going from the farm#even yesterday evening a bunch of people stopped by#i don't think i have ever received so many hugs in a 72 hour period before#we've definitely deduced that my parents church will not be big enough for everyone if all that showed up at the farm plus more will be ther#we picked a day almost two weeks away for the funeral so that people can make arrangements to come#im so exhausted though#i keep crying over things that feel stupid to cry over#like she was the one who convinced me to read the Murderbot Diaries and the next book comes out in the next couple months#i wont get to talk to her about it#i was going to lend her my PS5 so she could play Jedi Survivor#on Saturday i kept crying over a pin that has been sitting on my mug shelf in the cupboard that was meant for her#i convinced myself to wait until Christmas and put it in her stocking#and now I feel bad that i didnt give it to her when i bought it cause maybe it would've brought her some joy
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Flag Day 
America’s Flag Day marks the Second Continental Congress’s adoption of the first U.S. national flag on June 14, 1777.  The first flag featured the same 13 red and white stripes we see today.  However, the number and arrangement of stars have changed as the number of states has increased over the centuries. The current flag has remained the same since 1960. Will we ever go from 50 to 51? Read on for a look at some possible statehood candidates. And consider this a warmup for Independence Day — in just 20 days.
Flag Day timeline
1776–1777 First American Flag Created
Continental Congressman Francis Hopkinson designs a United States flag and a flag for the U.S. Navy, however, Hopkinson's naval flag becomes the preferred National flag and the Continental Marine Committee sponsors the U.S. Flag Resolution on June 14, 1777.
1916 President Woodrow Wilson Recognizes Flag Day
Celebrating the selection of the first American flag back in 1777, President Wilson signs off on establishing June 14 of each year as Flag Day.
July 4, 1960 The Current U.S. Flag is Completed
The 50th star, representing Hawaii (not Alaska), completes the flag flown in the U.S. today.
July 20, 1969 The U.S. Flag Sees the Moon
There are now six U.S. flags present on the moon, but the first was placed by Neil Armstrong in 1969.
Flag Day Activities
Plan a costume contest as part of a BBQ
Teach your kids or less informed friends a history lesson
Make a healthy patriotic snack
The stars and stripes aren't just for flags anymore. Take the opportunity on Flag Day to sport the red, white, and blue on socks, bathing suits, and hairstyles. It's a perfect day to celebrate your patriotism with a fun twist.
An American flag trivia game is a quick and easy way to learn a few tidbits. Most people know that each star represents a state, but do they know that a new star only appears on July 4 following a state's admission to the Union? Trivia - bam!
Strawberries, blueberries, marshmallows, OH MY! Some of our favorite fruits lend themselves very well to creating flag-themed cakes, so roll with it. Fine, marshmallows aren't a fruit, but they're basically a summer necessity, so we'll let it slide.
5 American Flags — By The Numbers
50 — and counting
We've been at 50 for nearly 60 years. Possible candidates for the 51st star? Puerto Rico, Guam, and Washington, DC.
Seven times seven? A perfect square.  There's just so much luck in this flag, we need to thank Alaska (January 1959) for joining us. This one had a short reign. Hawaii (August 1959) would soon make it 50.
It featured such beautiful symmetry with the addition of New Mexico and Arizona in 1912 and flew proudly for 47 years.
The number 31 doesn't easily lend itself to neat patterns. If we didn't actually love California (added in 1850) so much, we'd probably have made it secede after seeing the lack of symmetry. (This flag lasted seven years!)
America's original flag, it's the only one that dared defy the straight line pattern of all its successors.  If you ask us, the 13 stars in a circle better represent the unity of the, uhhhh, union.
Why We Love Flag Day
A chance to show patriotism
It reminds us summer is near
It's easy to get so caught up in our day-to-day lives that we sometimes forget to be thankful for the bigger picture.  Flag Day reminds us that we are one country — united — despite our disagreements.
Americans love to have parades for many events and holidays. Mid-June is the perfect time to set up that camping chair on the street corner and watch the local firefighters, school bands and dance troupes strut their stuff.
The weather is starting to behave, kids are wrapping up school, and BBQ season is upon us. Flag Day gives us another reason to celebrate outside and enjoy the sunshine.
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liquial · 1 year
牧場物語わくわくアニマルマーチ Harvest Moon: Animal Parade (2008)
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emdapaladima · 1 month
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godsporncollection · 1 year
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Did I see anyone at the parade?
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kahin · 1 year
u guys are so annoying saying slurs doesnt make u more politically correct or less conservative shut the fuck up
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FROM :  icarfish  -  SNAKE couple’s love parade
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therealgamble · 1 year
A long line of boats decorated with red, white, and blue banners and lights  slowly made their way around the lake as the sun set. They earned cheers and clapping from other boats and the people partying on the docks as they passed. The air was filled with the smell of burgers and hot dogs on the grill, and hummed with mosquitos and the crackling of bug zappers. Music spilled out from various directions, people singing drunkenly with their favorite songs, dancing in small groups next to the picnic tables, while others still splashed in the water, washing away the sweat of the hot day.
After circling a few times the boat parade headed back into the marina, blasting patriotic or dance music as they passed the revelers, some even tossing jello shots into the crowd. As they returned to their slips people ran up the long dock to help them, ensuring they got in safely and then offering a drink or food to those returning to the party.
Fireworks could be seen in the distance, another reason to jump or yell in appreciation of the bright beautiful colors while a round of shots was poured. The dancing, singing, and general merriment continued but slowly faded as people drifted in their own directions, finding their beds or a friendly boat to wind down on.
Eventually the last radio was turned off, the last loud conversation silenced, and peace reigned at the lake, broken only by the gentle lapping of waves against boat hulls and shorelines, and occasional bird calls in the darkness.
Happy 4th of July from my little piece of heaven. 
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