#Last Daughter of Kandor
four-color-words · 1 year
Sleepy 1:30 am OC ramble tiiiiiiime
I've got a group of super powered teenagers because I wanted to explore the dynamics of baby superhero teams and what happens when the former teen heroes grow up and realize there's a new generation of loud spunky twerps who want to help
And I set them up about 20-25 in-story years ahead of what I think of as the present in comics (my baseline is... 20-30ish irl years ago bc I'm still playing catch-up here) because I felt like that would put them far enough ahead to not mess with the timeline, but also not so far ahead that they interrupted canon. Nice little window of ambiguity
Anyway, the three of them I can talk about without a lot of context:
🛡️🟥 [???] | Liora of Kandor - A young girl who spent sixteenish years living in the infamous Bottled City. As part of the Labor Guild, she had a clear window into the city's infrastructure and resource management. She knows they can't live in the bottle forever, and the longer they try to stay and wait for Kal to find a solution, the more strain will be placed on the city and the people. They're already losing biodiversity. Unrest is growing. Something has to be done, or they won't last another two generations. So, after getting kicked out by her father and a protest-turned-riot, Liora leaves the bottle. She vows she won't return until she's found a solution.
🟦🤸 Madcap | Blythe [???] - Blythe is the daughter of supervillains, though I haven't settled on who yet. But part of the deal for their pardon was that they live ordinary civilian lives. Blythe -- genius, engineering prodigy, talented acrobat, sweetheart with more empathy than sense -- decided there was a loophole. She did not exist at the time of this deal, and she had sworn no such oaths. Therefore she was able to do what her parents could not, and decided to start making amends for her family's more criminal actions. She's not ashamed of her family by any means, but she has to keep these two parts of her life separate, or they all go to jail.
🟩⚡ Trent [???] | Kickstart - Three years ago, he was a normal teenage boy who chased after his baby sister, Audra, when the little girl tried to run off. As soon as they were out of their parents sight, unfortunately, both children were kidnapped. They were subjected to experiments that Trent couldn't understand, even if he hadn't spent most of those three years in an anesthetic haze. But the experiments gave both of them abilities beyond human capabilities -- Trent became a speedster, and Audra unlocked phenomenal aerokinetic abilities. When Trent was finally awake, his advanced metabolism burning through the anesthesia... There wasn't much left of the lab when the storm was finally over. He grabbed Audra and the two found their way home -- only to discover their parents had moved away in the time they were gone. Now Trent doesn't really know what to do -- he's got no money, nowhere to go, and a little sister to take care of. Also they have superpowers. And he's seventeen.
...it is now. 2:35. I have been typing this for an hour. I should proooooobably sleep now, huh?
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bisupergirl · 6 months
Thank you for answering. Your answer is so interesting! If you don't mind me expanding a bit, how do you think Kara believing her uncle and fighting the council would affect her relationship with her parents (if they had their New Krypton arc personalities)? Would they try to fight the council's decision to send their daughter to the Phantom Zone (i mean, probably) and how much are they willing to stick their own necks out for her (especially Alura given that they do tend to be at odds +) (1/2)
(2/2) (+ but in her final moments she pushed Kara to safety at the end of the New Krypton arc if I remember correctly). How long would Kara spend in the Phantom Zone and how would she escape? How old would be Kal when they finally meet and would she even know she had a cousin? And finally, how would this whole ordeal changer her personality and the way she is? P.S. English is not my first langue so sorry if some stuff are said weirdly or don't make sense.
since they supported jor el and his findings about krypton's upcoming destruction, i'm sure zor el and alura would also support kara standing up against the council and trying to warn and save whoever she can. i do think they would try and somehow prevent kara from being put into the zone, but they might also see it as the only surefire way to know that she'll survive krypton's destruction. i think this was only canon in the most recent world of krypton series, but zor el did help his brother in his research on the phantom zone, so i could see him thinking that he and alura could construct their own phantom zone projector in the aftermath to get her out (even though they probably wouldn't have the resources to do so).
i'm fully thinking about this within the context of the last son and new krypton arcs, so i would have kara escape along with the other phantom zone criminals when they discovered how to break open the zone by using chris, which would make her spend like. thirty-plus years in the zone as a phantom (sorry girl). and she would definitely know about kal since he was born before krypton exploded. i think that watching him live and thrive on earth would be the only thing to keep her sane while having to exist as an intangible and completely senseless phantom for decades. especially since from within the zone, she still would have witnessed not only krypton's destruction but also what is left of argo city be ravaged by brainiac.
in terms of how this would change her, i think it would make her somewhat more sympathetic toward humans than she usually is when she lands on earth for the first time. usually, she arrives on earth having just watched everything she’s ever known get destroyed and then has to try and find a place for herself on a planet full of people who immediately distrust her for being an alien, but in this scenario, she—from within the phantom zone—would have seen clark be loved and accepted by a lot of different humans, and she’d see the love that clark has for humanity in return. so again, thinking about this in the context of new krypton, i think she would be more fiercely loyal to the surviving kryptonians (the ones preserved in kandor by brainiac) yet still endeared by humanity and sympathetic to her little cousin.
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Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 18: The Caemlyn Road
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If you don't want spoilers, go away. Spoilers include the chapter icon: It's a doozy! Specifically, it's a triptych: the central panel is a Trolloc skull, the left is a trident, the right a gauntlet or clawed hand held in a fist. When this chapter icon shows up, it means Trollocs are in our heroes' future.
“Flatwort tea and andilay root,” Nynaeve was saying to Moiraine, “are best for fatigue. They clear the head and dim the burn in tired muscles.” “I am sure they do,” the Aes Sedai murmured, giving Nynaeve a sidelong glance.
Now, we all know that Moiraine balefired any chance of her and Nynaeve being besties way back in Emond's Field, but both of them are doing a fine job ensuring they won't even be neutral associates. Nynaeve is giving unsolicited advice in a tense and exhausting situation and Moiraine is ignoring Nynaeve's expertise.
“No tea!” Lan said sharply to Egwene.
That said, the real "We'll never like each other" pair goes mostly under the radar, but Lan's snapping at Egwene for wanting tea is of course because he still resents her being there and is also exhausted.
“Have you seen a farm this morning?” Lan asked. “Or even the smoke from a chimney? You haven’t, because it’s all wilderness from Baerlon to Whitebridge, and Whitebridge is where we must cross the Arinelle. That is the only bridge spanning the Arinelle south of Maradon, in Saldaea.”
Elayne should have been ecstatic at the chance to trade off the Two Rivers while getting Caemlyn. Whitebridge would have been on her side of the border, and as it would be one of the only three roads leading east out of Perrin's kingdom that don't lead into Seanchan Altara (the other two going out of Maradon to Kandor and to Tar Valon), the bridge tolls she could enact would pay for the whole rest of the kingdom.
Thom snorted and blew out his mustaches. “What is to stop them from having someone, something, at Whitebridge already?”
Last Lord of the Seven Towers, she had called [Lan]. He wondered what that meant. He had not thought anyone besides himself had heard, but Thom was chewing the ends of his mustaches, and he had a speculative frown on his face. The gleeman seemed to know a great many things.
Funny that Rand doesn't remember Min's words from just a couple days ago, but I guess he has been more sleep deprived than usual lately.
Meanwhile Thom is just going, "What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?" and wondering if he can trust the farm kids to not be royalty or Rand's going to announce he's really the son of an Aiel clan chief and Egwene or Nynaeve is going to proclaim themselves firstborn daughter of Tigraine and rightful ruler of Andor. The idea that Rand might have both these heritages won't occur to him though.
“He was not seen.” Nynaeve drew herself up as everyone looked at her. “I have followed his trail, remember.”
Nynaeve will not tolerate your Lan slander, Egwene.
Half to herself, the Aes Sedai said, “If they had that many before, why were they not used at Emond’s Field? If they did not, how did they come here since?”
It's the Ways, Moiraine! One wonders where the nearest Waygate is though.
“There is a place the Trollocs will not go,” Lan said, but Moiraine’s head whipped around sharply. “No!” She motioned to the Warder, and he put his head close to hers so their talk could not be overheard.
I've seen people complain that in the show, Shadar Logoth is all Lan's fault to give Moiraine a glow-up because she's played by a producer, but it's his idea in the books first and Moiraine still doesn't approve. Also not too sure that Moiraine not being able to make decisions at this point because she's passed out is really the character beatification some think it is.
Scattered stands of evergreens provided the only real cover, but Rand tried to peer in every direction at once, his imagination turning gray tree trunks caught out of the corner of his eye into Trollocs. The horns were closer, too. And directly behind them. He was sure of it. Behind and coming closer.
I really enjoy the sense of terror that this whole chapter conveys, with the group well aware that the Trollocs gaining on them are probably only scouts and that even if they survive that there's way more to worry about.
But Mat shouted, “Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!”
So this ends up being something of a case of early book weirdness because once Mat's memories get weird, this pretty much disappears. That said, I don't think it's entirely incompatible with the mechanics of the series as a whole. We know from Rand that past life memories are buried but can bleed through under the right circumstances, so I'm going to argue that that's what's happening to Mat here. His being so heavily inbred means that a past life from Manetheren bleeds through the easiest, probably King Aemon himself, who was also a master strategist leading the Band of the Red Hand. When he lost his memories, I think it wasn't just memories from this life but a damage so severe it changed how Aemon's influence on him manifested (it's not completely gone; he slips into the Old Tongue without realizing it even while meeting the Finn for the first time) and this too was made more subtle by all the memories that the Finn gave him, which would have filled over this subconscious damage as well.
The only flaw I can think of with this theory is that it means that Mat was once Egwene's husband-warder and that doesn't seem their style. Of course, once she becomes something like royalty, he does get hella pissed that no one's respecting her...
Digging his heels in ruthlessly, Rand forced the gray on regardless, swinging his sword with little of the skill Lan had tried to impart, hacking as if hewing wood. Egwene! Desperately he searched for her as he kicked the gray onward, slashing a path through the hairy bodies as though chopping undergrowth.
Unlike some of Rand's later obsessions with protecting women, this isn't unmerited. Only weapon she has - Nynaeve too, thanks for caring Rand - is a knife. I'm surprised Lan didn't get her something - anything - in Baerlon when he had a chance to shop. Even just a wood-cutting axe would be more helpful for letting her have reach. Egwene really needs more channeling lessons from Moiraine, but I guess it's unfair to ask her to add that to her grueling schedule.
Cloud swung around; for an instant Rand saw Perrin, half out of his saddle, struggling to wrest his axe away from three Trollocs. They had him by one arm and both legs. 
Of course, axes aren't everything. Miracle none of them died.
Around the humans Trollocs fell writhing to the ground, tearing at their hair, clawing their own faces. All of the Trollocs. Biting at the ground, snapping at nothing, howling, howling, howling. Then Rand saw the Myrddraal. Still upright in the saddle of its madly dancing horse, black sword still flailing, it had no head.
And by "miracle", I mean "Lan hit the weak point for massive damage". I already mentioned how deeply disturbing the Shadow's answer to how to integrate channelers into society manages to be, but here we can see it in action. I almost feel bad for the Trollocs.
The ground trembled beneath Cloud’s hooves. This was Aes Sedai work like the stories told about; Rand wished he were a hundred miles away. The tremble became a shaking that set the trees around them quivering. The gray stumbled and nearly fell. Even Mandarb and riderless Aldieb staggered as if drunk, and those who rode had to cling to reins and manes, to anything, to keep their seats.
It's interesting how this event - Aes Sedai work like the stories - ends up a pale imitation of the sheer hellscapes that damane and asha'man will weave with the power later. Like yeah it's terrifying to be in, but despite this being a feat that probably hasn't been accomplished on this continent in hundreds of years it's going to be a footnote.
Again, the Problem of Channelers is really important and it's a shame we have no idea what approach the Black Tower is going to take to prevent sane but evil dudes from attempting another Breaking to seize power, or what women freed from the Oath Rod by retirement might attempt to show they're capable of. Nynaeve can't beat everyone with sticks forever.
Moiraine lifted her staff, and the earth stilled, but she was not done. She pointed to the hollow between the hills, and flame gouted from the ground, a fountain twenty feet high.
Speaking of comparing Moiraine to asha'man, let's all point and laugh at Androl for his whole "oh we can't possibly use lava unless there are portals all the way to Dragonmount's interior involved!" schtick when Moiraine is perfectly happy to just get the rock out of her way to kill some Shadowspawn.
“Blood and ashes,” Mat said faintly. Rand nodded numbly.
Sorry boys, but women are allowed to commit war crimes too! You'll get your turns.
Nynaeve rode foward beside the Aes Sedai, steadying her with a hand. For a time as the party went on across the hills the two women whispered, then the Wisdom delved into her cloak and handed a small packet to Moiraine. Moiraine unfolded it and swallowed the contents.
Thank you, Moiraine. I'm sure you're only accepting medicine from Nynaeve now that you are positive she understands that poisoning you is a mistake, but it's important that you're using every tool at your disposal.
“And we have a right,” Perrin added thoughtfully. “Moiraine says we’re all descended from those Manetheren people. They fought the Dark One, and we’re fighting the Dark One. That gives us a right.” Egwene sniffed as if to show what she thought of that. “I wasn’t talking about that. What . . . what was it you were shouting, Mat?”
Egwene: It was honestly so embarrassing that I didn't even notice.
“Carai an Caldazar,” Moiraine said. They all twisted to stare at her. “Carai an Ellisande. Al Ellisande. For the honor of the Red Eagle. For the honor of the Rose of the Sun. The Rose of the Sun. The ancient warcry of Manetheren, and the warcry of its last king. Eldrene was called the Rose of the Sun.” Moiraine’s smile took in Egwene and Mat both, though her gaze may have rested a moment longer on him than on her.
See, the subtext is very clear that Moiraine agrees with my reincarnation theories.
“They have passed the fire,” Lan said calmly. He turned to Moiraine. “You are not strong enough for what you intend, not yet, not without rest. And neither Myrddraal nor Trolloc will enter that place.” Moiraine raised a hand as if to cut him off, then sighed and let it fall instead. “Very well,” she said irritably. “You are right, I suppose, but I would rather there was any other choice.”
Again, it's part of the record that book Moiraine would not have gone to Shadar Logoth if there had been any other option. Show Moiraine was just a little extra miffed about it because she was unconscious for the "there's no choice" part.
Moiraine made a clicking sound. “I have told you, child, things do not have power. The One Power comes from the True Source, and only a living mind can wield it. This is not even an angreal,merely an aid to concentration.”
And after this book, no Aes Sedai would be caught dead using a concentration aid. Shame that, it would be cool if they all had cool staffs for waving around and beating idiots over the head with.
“And without any people,” Perrin said. When they looked at him, he pointed to the wall. “Would people let vines grow over everything like that? You know how creepers can tear down a wall. Look how it’s fallen.”
Rand and Mat are staring at Perrin because they never made this connection (nor listened when Lan said that no one lives between Baerlon and Whitebridge) and are momentarily confused as they reorient themselves. Everyone else is staring at Perrin because they're surprised that someone they've written off as an idiot is making a good, if slightly obvious, point.
Moiraine answered as they rode into the city. “Shadar Logoth,” she said. “It is called Shadar Logoth.”
Shadow's Waiting - and so are you, for the next chapter, which comes tomorrow! Or the next day even, from my perspective. See ya!
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rebelthree · 1 year
her entire world had once been uprooted in horrific fashion. sent away in the final days of a planet upon the precipice of destruction. it hadn’t simply been the product of brainiac’s extraction of kandor which had destabilized some of the planet, but also the actions of it’s own people. resources being depleted and arrogance. she understands that now even if kara hadn’t been able to then. krypton’s fate was perhaps the only thing her father and uncle had agreed on for even when she visited her aunt as lara helped kara prepare for her next trials, some topic would arise from jor-el if her father was present. they were not a perfect family, perhaps some set in their ways while also defying convention in others. her father had supported her own view against gene-matching when her mother pushed it and jor-el had sought a natural birth for his son. the house of el had always been party to innovations and rose up in challenge when needed-- like sul-el sounding the alarm of the vrangs to usk-mar or her grandfather setting a new course for the unranked. but jor-el and zor-el had come together to save their children, creating ships for them. she knows kal-el would not remember, he was but a baby, but she does. she remembers everything about those last days. she remembers when she’d been told she had to say goodbye to kal-el. she remembers general zod attacking the law council. she remembers her uncle's death. she remembers the earthquakes and being forced to leave her parents despite her wanting to remain with them. 
it had all come back to kara as zod’s voice had emitted from the television, her watching with bruce after they’d returned from dealing with an incident in the narrows. gotham was still recovering after the flood, a new and idealistic mayor at the helm of the city. there had been hope in the air, air that had been taken away from kara with one message. general zod had come to earth and kal-el was still alive. furthermore zod was searching for him which meant that her cousin had been on earth this entire time while she lived her life in a mansion in gotham believing him to have been lost to her forever. she had failed in the one directive her parents had given her, to find kal-el. she should have looked for kal, should have begged thomas to use his resources to find him like he’d discovered her. but there had been so much anger and pain within her then– there still was at times, the child she had been barely able to contain her powers or understand this world or language let alone search for a baby cousin. and then her earthly parents had been taken just as her birth ones had. in brutal fashion. it felt as if it was a lifetime ago and yet, contrarywise, as if it had been a moment ago. she’d known she had to find him. a dangerous level of trustful conviction within her that had challenged everything bruce had taught her. the automatic way kara suddenly determined to seek to trust another when she had not seen them since they were a baby-- as if a switch had been flicked between kara wayne and kara the kryptonian, kara the cousin because kal-el did not know the true risk that embodied zod, not like she did and kara had felt and almost primal instinct to protect.
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kara hadn’t found him before he’d given himself over to the military and then zod and that had granted her time to reevaluate. to allow herself to reign her emotions in, to consider that she did not know kal-el anymore, that she needed to have some level of vigilance. bruce had been a voice of reason to make her see that. and then all hell had broken loose upon them. there had been no time to speak, her introduction to kal-el thrust upon them by zod’s deduction of who she was when she’d entered the fray. kara zor-el. daughter of zor-el, niece of jor-el. she’d fought against zod’s sagitari as kal-el engaged with zod and helped as many innocent bystanders as she could as the battle raged. the hit to wayne enterprises had been an astronomical weight upon her, a weight she had to push down in the moment. she hadn’t been able to save those in the building, but she had been able to save lex @everythingheard even if she knew not what the ramifications of his discovery of who she really was would be. 
batgirl had gotten to the train station in those last moments of zod’s life and kara had felt the loss of what his end brought forth. she had understood his purpose, understood him, in a way perhaps no others of earth could. she understood the compulsion of one’s purpose, how their guild was a part of them, drove them and their actions for many. his purpose had always been to protect kryptonese interests, even if his extreme views had gone far askew just as her aunt astra’s had. he wanted to save their people and she had wanted that too. but she could not sacrifice an entire planet’s lives in the process. kal-el couldn’t either. and, that is perhaps what drives kara’s initial opinion of him. when faced with the impossible, he chose to save the innocent. he embodied their house more than he perhaps realized. it’s this kara considers as her feet touch the ground later that day-- eye mask in place, a few feet from him and away from the destruction, the military, from listening ears. she’d told him a location and he’d come to meet her. “rao-- you look so much like your parents, kal-el.” strange that that’s the first real thing she says to him outside of what was passed between them in the middle of the chaos. and yet, perhaps, it’s the most fitting thing of all for her to point out. 
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Superman and Frank Miller--Some Thoughts
I like Superman. A lot of people do. He can be inspiration or aspirational. Some see him as a savior, but I see him as a kid from Kansas who's just trying to do right.
Some people don't like Superman. That's fine; they're entitled to their opinion. They have a plethora of reasons why they don't like him, and I'm willing to just let them have their way.
And then there's Frank Miller's depiction of Superman in his Dark Knight Trilogy.
(Yes, there's a trilogy: The Dark Knight Returns, The Dark Knight Strikes Back, and The Master Race. Most people have read the first series. A great many people have read the second series and have regretted it. Fewer people have read the last series and generally liked it.)
Now, thoughts and spoilers below the cut. TL;DR: Frank Miller went from "deconstruct" to "let's go wild" to "OK, let's reconstruct Big Blue again."
In The Dark Knight Returns, Superman was depicted as a government stooge. He's a "yes sir, yes sir, three bags full" kind of obedience to the President. It's in obeying orders that he gets hit with an atomic bomb that nearly kills him. He's barely recovered when he's ordered to kill Batman.
In a fight that many Batman fans (and more than a few Superman haters) have latched on to, Batman defeats a weakened Superman with cunning, kryptonite, and the knowledge that Superman is holding back, unwilling to kill. The battle strains Batman's heart to the breaking point, and he apparently dies.
(Bruce isn't dead, of course. He's near death when he's buried, thanks to some pharmacological trickery.)
Clark hears Bruce's heartbeat and winks knowingly to Bruce's accomplice, Cassie, aka Robin. This shows that even though Bruce and Clark came to blows, they both consider each other friends.
(Again, a lot of Superman haters latched on to the fight and went "hur hur, Superman is a wimp. Batman rocks. There's a bit more nuance, but hey.)
In The Dark Knight Strikes Back, we find that Superman was coerced into becoming a government pawn. I won't go into too much detail here, but honestly, the story is a bit of a train wreck. We're introduced to Lara, his daughter by Wonder Woman (Lois apparently died some time ago).
One of the disturbing images I remember when I skimmed this book is that of Superman and Lara looking down at the Earth. It's disturbing in that Superman sounds more alien and detached while talking to Lara.
In The Dark Knight: The Master Race, a group of Kryptonians are freed from the bottle city of Kandor by the Atom. Unfortunately, this group isn't on humanity's side. They dispose of those remaining in the bottle and the Atom (or so they believe).
Lara, feeling that she doesn't belong on Earth, goes with these zealots, believing that they represent Krypton. And because they now have powers, the Kryptonians give Earth an ultimatum: Surrender or die.
Superman goes to intercept them, but Lara brutally beats him. He refuses to raise a hand against her (unlike her mother, Diana--but then, Amazons are very hands-on with their training). Superman is imprisoned in dark matter until Cassie (now Batgirl) frees him.
During the time he was trapped, centuries passed by. Whatever doubts and misgivings he may have had are settled. He knows what he has to do.
Which leads to this sequence where Superman deals with the rogue Kryptonians:
Beware the wrath of a gentle man, indeed. And in the end, when the threat is over, Lara agrees to learn the value of humanity from him as Clark Kent.
(Yes, I am leaving out a lot of plot details. I apologize, but this is pretty long already.)
I can't say that I like a lot of Frank Miller's work--especially when he decides to cut loose. But I do respect that, in the end, he reconstructed what he tore down. He left things on a hopeful note.
Thoughts? Questions?
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random-movie-ideas · 1 year
Supergirl (Movie Outline)
This movie is part of the same series as the Superman trilogy I laid out earlier, thus part of the same cinematic universe, and would fall shortly after Superman: Son of Krypton, after Superman and Supergirl defeated Brainiac and freed the citizens of Kandor.
The story would open with an "old folklore"-like telling of the Tragedy of Siobhan MacDougal, otherwise known as the Silver Banshee, an evil spirit that haunts an old manor in Scotland. The tale tells that the manor was once owned by a cruel and ruthless baron who had two children, Siobhan and Bevan, both as nasty and mean-spirited as their father. As they grew, Siobhan, being the oldest, believed she would inherit ownership, but her father, a traditional man, chose to give it to her brother instead. Siobhan turned to dark magic for answers, and planned to cast a spell to destroy her father and brother and take the manor for herself. Her father and brother tried to stop her in the deed, but she succeeded in killing her father, turning him to dust with a deathly screech. Her brother, by sheer dumb luck, managed to move one candle out of place and threw off her spell. The demon she had been drawing power from grew angry, and so dragged Siobhan's soul down to hell.
Bevan, believing he had seen the last of his sister, carried on with his life. He married, and had children, and lived in the moor into old age. Then one night, the spirit of his sister returned, bathed in silvery light, proclaiming vengeance upon him and all of his descendants, decreeing that every first born of his line would die a cruel death at the age of twenty, unless they sacrificed their mortal body to her so that she might live on the Earth once more. This happened first with Bevan's daughter, who refused to sacrifice her body and was thus found emaciated in a pond nearby on the day of her twentieth birthday.
In the present day, Kara Zor-El is living both in Metropolis and on board Brainiac's former vessel, where the citizens of Kandor live while they search for a home. Kara has come to love the Earth, as Clark does, and wants her family and friends to stay with her, but many are not so eager, some fearing the intense powers Earth's sun gives them, while others see the rampant prejudices on Earth, and feel they will always be viewed as outsiders. Kara pleads with the city council, and the council gives her an ultimatum. Find them a place where Kandor can be placed, with a dome of protection from the Earth's sun so that the citizens can live normal lives if they so choose, and they may decide to stay.
Kara becomes determined by this and sets out to seek a place, Clark helping her a bit by getting her in contact with people like Amanda Waller, Batman, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman to see if they know any place. It ends up being more complicated than she thought, and she ends up returning to Metropolis and stewing in the park for a little while.
While there, a teenager sits down beside her and offers her a smoke. Kara turns her down, but introduces herself as Supergirl. The teen already knows her: "One of those friendly Kryptonians, right?" The teen introduced herself as Linda Danvers, and the pair become friends. Kara talks with Linda about her concerns, about finding a place for her people. Linda makes a suggestion.
Linda tells Kara how she had an aunt that died at a young age, and left her a manor up in Scotland, with a fairly sizable plot of land that nobody wanted to touch. Linda says she has no interest in it, but if Kara and her people were interested . . .
Kara takes her up on her offer. Inviting a couple of her friends from Kandor, she and Linda travel out to this manor in Scotland, a huge run-down castle with lush fields and forests and lakes all around it, just big enough for at least some of the people of Kandor to live. Kara feels excited enough to almost say she'll take it, but almost immediately, she feels a chill down her back, like an intense presence is watching her.
We get some standard horror movie stuff throughout the middle of the movie, she and her friends staying there a few nights, while strange and mysterious things happen here and there, even one scene where one of Kara's friends is scared so badly she loses control of her powers and does a lot of damage to the grounds. Linda is evasive every time Kara tries to talk to her about any of it, and a lot of the staff and local villagers seem to be watching them. During this, we also do see Kara bond with Linda, Linda mentioning she'll soon turn twenty.
After a recurring nightmare of a silvery skeletal woman, and a couple more incidents occur, Kara and her friends go searching the grounds for answers. They come across an ancient tomb with an underground chamber that they can see with their x-ray vision and go down inside it, discovering a circle drawn on the floor, a strange book apparently of magic, and a scroll written by Bevan MacDougal, detailing the history of his sister and the curse she laid on their family.
As they read, Kara and her friends find themselves surrounded by Linda and the staff and villagers, dressed in robes. As Kara tries to escape, the villagers reveal little amulets made of green Kryptonite and force them onto the Kryptonians, knocking them out.
Kara comes to, strapped to an altar, in the middle of a large room with the kryptonite amulet around her neck. Linda stands over her, looking genuinely apologetic. Kara shouts at her for her betrayal, but Linda says its the only way. The Banshee has never been able to last long, inhabiting a human body, and the hosts that have sacrificed themselves to her have withered and died after only ten years or so. But the cult believes that a Kryptonian body like Kara's just might be able to hold the Banshee's power and allow her to live again on Earth.
Linda walks away, and the ceremony begins. The cultists chant, summoning the Banshee. Siobhan looks over Kara, admiring her body and saying she's heard of her and her Kryptonian kind, admitting to lusting after the power that she holds. Siobhan reaches out to touch Kara and take her soul, when one of her friends breaks free, their amulet having come loose somehow. The friend breaks the others free, including Kara, and takes out the cultists. Siobhan turns on them, unable to be hurt by their powers. She casts a spell at them and ends up striking Kara, hurting her badly. Both the Banshee and the Kryptonians are surprised to learn that Kryptonians are weak to magic.
Encouraged, the Banshee throws spell after spell of dark magic. She ends up grabbing one of Kara's friends, nearly draining the life out of them completely, when Kara chooses to make the sacrifice, telling her she'll let her take her body. Siobhan smiles, and reaches out with her finger to touch Kara's chest. She immediately erupts in flames, howling in pain, kryptonian power turning out to be a bit too much for her soul. She screams something about "That stupid girl!" and bursts, disappearing back to hell.
Their one friend badly wounded, Kara lowers her head as her friends all agree that they won't be staying here, and will go with the rest of Kandor to the small planet far away the Green Lantern Corps has located. Kara confronts Linda, who says nothing, but hands back Kara's things, all packed up, and apologizes for being a bad friend.
Kara returns to Brainiac's ship, where she is comforted by her father and mother. In her bag, she finds a letter from Linda, explaining that, hoping to save her own life, she had struck a deal with the Banshee, offering to find her a body that would last her more than ten years. Naturally, she had selected the Kryptonians. However, when it came down to it, Linda had come to care for Kara and couldn't bring herself to go through with it, cutting the amulet from Kara's friend's neck. Kara remembers details about how Linda's aunt had died at a young age, and how Linda had been about to turn twenty. In fact, she realizes that Linda's birthday was that very night.
Kara races back to Scotland, to the manor, where she finds Linda in the ritual chamber about to be sacrificed to the Banshee. She knocks out the cultists, and breaks Linda free. Linda is confused, but Kara says she wouldn't abandon a friend to die. It is too late, however, as the Banshee rises again, going after Linda's soul. Linda says that it's hopeless, but Kara asks her if there's anything in the spell book that can get rid of her forever. Linda says she can't do magic though. Kara tells her she needs to try, or else she's dead tonight or ten years from now.
We see Kara do battle with the Banshee, doing her best to avoid her magical attacks while keeping her away from Linda. After her first experience, the Banshee is hesitant to touch Kara, so this helps a bit. Just as Kara takes a serious hit and is about to be killed by Siobhan, Linda finds the strength within herself and casts powerful magic (momentarily showing her with angel wings as a reference). This ends up blowing Siobhan back and subduing her. Siobhan lashes out at them impotently, enraged. She reveals that she is in constant agony, as her original demise left her in a state of limbo, tethered to both worlds. Kara and Linda choose to take pity on her and Linda finds a spell to free her soul, letting her finally rest.
After the battle, Linda apologizes again to Kara, saying that she just didn't want to die. She tells her that the land should be curse-free now, and the land belongs to her people, if they want it. Though many choose not to, and leave to the other planet, including two of Kara's friends, enough do choose to stay, convincing the council to let her place half of Kandor there. Kara brings down the bottle, opens it, and the city is restored to its full state, taking up the lands of the manor with the castle in the center.
A post credits scene shows a little imp looking through a small looking glass at Kandor, giggling to himself that Kryptonians are weak to magic of all things, stating that he'll have such fun with them.
What do you think? Next time, Kara finds herself in an alternate universe, courtesy of a little imp.
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thehiddenfolders · 3 years
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Героические иконки-Супергёрл
Супергёрл — это имя нескольких вымышленных супергероинь, появляющихся в американских комиксах, издаваемых DC Comics. Первоначальная, нынешняя и самая известная Супергёрл — Кара Зор-Эл, двоюродная сестра супергероя Супермена. Персонаж впервые появился в Action Comics # 252 (май 1959 г.) и был создан Отто Биндером и Элом Пластино.
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krinsbez · 3 years
The DC Identity-Swap AU: A World/Storybuilding Fanfic Project (that needs a better name)
What follows is what has been come up with for a DC Universe where many heroes and villains ended up with different identities, initially conceived of by comradepitrovsky and expanded on by me and others.
In some cases, the said heroes ended up with different supporting cast members, in others not.
Let us begin, with the founding members of the Justice League: -Superwoman: Diana Kent, the Last Daughter of Paradise. For…reasons, Themyiskara had to go to another dimension, but baby Diana couldn’t come, so at Hippolyta’s request, the Olympians sent her to a Patriarch’s World couple who would raise her right, namely Jonathan and Martha. She’s dating Lois Lane and her archenemy is Lex Luthor, with whom, I want to be clear, there is ZERO Foe Yay, because she’s disgusted by him, and he’s intimidated by her. -Green Lantern: Kal-El of Krypton, who the Guardians appointed to lead the Corps through the transition to running itself. Came to Earth because he needed a break, stuck around because sweet RAO this planet needs help. He managed to keep Sinestro from going off the deep end, so he’s part of the Council Kal set-up to help him run the Corps, along with Kilowog, Mogo, Abin Sure and…not sure. -Zatara: Bruce Wayne. After his parent’s deaths, Bruce was adopted by their close friend John Zatara, who realized the kid was tied to the demon Barbatos, and they figgered out a way for him to use that power for good. -Captain Marvel: Barry Allen, while studying Forensic Science in college, took some classes, and became friends, with Archeology Student C. C. Batson (there is considerable overlap between the two fields, right?). When Batson and his wife were murdered during a dig in Egypt, Barry offered to help with the investigation, and ended up becoming SHAZAM’s champion. -The Flash: Hal Jordan, test pilot for Ferris Aircraft, was struck by lightning whilst flying their latest prototype, and ended up tied to the Speed Force. (Note, like Johnny and Jessie Quick, can fly) -Hawkman and Hawkgirl: Arthur Curry and Dinah Lance. The former encountered the wreck of a Thanagarian spaceship whilst exploring underwater and ended up with the soul of Prince Khufu. Dinah was hanging around her Uncle Carter's place and had something similar happen with the soul of Chay-Ara. -Martian Manhunter. J'onn is exactly the same. Other thoughts, somewhat random, in no particular order: -Ollie was zeta beam'd from The Island to Rann instead of Adam Strange. -Adam is instead Metamorpho. -Eel managed to drag himself to Slaughter Swamp before succumbing to his wounds and so ended up becoming Swamp Thing. -Owing to…complicated feelings WRT to her adopted brother, Zatanna ended up hanging around with her dad’s colleague Thaddeus Brown, and took up his mantle instead, becoming Madame Miracle, Magical Escape Artist! -T. O. Morrow built Red Torpedo first, she got possessed by a water elemental somehow, rebelled against his programming, and ended up traveling to Atlantis, overthrew the tyrant Orm, was acclaimed Queen, married Mera, and now fights crime on the surface as Aquawoman. (I’m gonna say she sometimes wears a human disguise that looks Aquawoman-11, because I fancy her and will use almost any excuse to get her into one of these things) -Ray Palmer and Ralph Dibny became Firestorm. -Instead of becoming Cheetah, Barbara-Ann seized the power of Teth-Adam and became Captain Marvel’s archenemy. -Pam became the Cheetah instead, and is an enemy of The Flash, with no small amount of Foe Yay. -In addition to that, Hal is also in a Love Triangle with Carol and Lady Blackhawk, who came to work for Ferris after arriving in the 21st Century due to time travel shenanigans. Arguably a Love Quadrangle, since he's competing with his alter ego. -Selina and Helena are both Star Sapphires and both of them are pursuing Kal-El, who is receptive to both. -Barry is still with Linda, Wally is Capt. Marvel, Jr. -The Batson Twins became Superboy and Supergirl, but I haven't come up with specifics. Help please? -Bruce adopted Raven and Garth. Suggestions for codenames? -In an effort to gain the power to defeat Superwoman, Lex made a deal with Ares, confident that he could handle the God of War. He is now possessed by Ares, but has no idea, assuming that the ideas Ares puts in his head are entirely his own, because he’s too arrogant to believe anyone else can control or manipulate him. It helps that Ares largely approves of Lex’s ideas and doesn’t need to do much. As a side-eeffect, Lex’s power armor has a distinctly Ares-y feel to it. -Klarion is in Bruce’s Rogue’s Gallery. Said Rogue's Gallery also includes the Sivana family. Which means that yes, Bruce is dating Beautia. -Bruce's archnemesis is the man who in the normal reality became Black Manta, who I've always headcanoned as choosing to torment Arthur purely by random chance, and obviously picked differently here. Since there's no need for a nautical theme, he uses a different codename; Black Bat. -The first thing Kal-El did after completing training was rescue Kandor. Brainiac swore vengeance, and upon escaping from the Sciencells, discovered how to harness the Yellow Light of Fear. In addition to using it himself, he also unleashed a number of Phantom Zone criminals, took over their minds, and equipped his enslaved army with Yellow Rings.
-The Olympians left Diana some magic thingummy that allowed her to be trained in Amazon combat techniques, etc. in her dreams or something, because she needs something to make up for the lack of super-senses, but if she has the Lasso, I'm not sure how Lex can be a problem for her?
-Dick was adopted by the Dibnys, got himself the Gingold Extract, and fights crime as Firestorm’s sidekick, Elastic Lad.
-Mister Mind is one of Diana’s Rogues.
-Dr. Psycho is in Hal's Rogue's Gallery. Presumably, wossname the guy who framed him so he could steal his fiancee Mavra didn't do quite as good a job gaslighting her, she found out the truth, and he murdered her to cover it up. He is therefore unable to blame her for the plot in a feeble and cowardly attempt to save himself when Psycho comes after him. This leads to misogyny being a less prominent aspect of Psycho's particular psychosis, with his primary targets instead being "Alpha Male"-types like the man who ruined his life. And hey, here's Hal Jordan....
-Gen. Eiling as Reverse-Flash, Y/N? -Thawne become Sabbac, Y/N? -I think I'm gonna say Pam still has her canon powerset in addition to being the Cheetah. -Since one of the best things about Hal is how he hates being told what to do, but is most comfortable in jobs where he's in a disciplined hierarchy...Zinda recruits him to create a new version of the Blackhawks. Not sure who else is in it; I can think of a bunch of ace pilots in the DCu, but they’re all American, and the Blackhawks should be an international operation. Possibility; the same temporal shenaniganry that dropped Zinda in the modern-day also spat-out Hans Von Hammer, the Enemy Ace. -I'm adding Captain Nazi to Hal's Rogue's Gallery. Since Hal is Ambiguously Jewish, his sidekick is Inuit, and in this 'verse he's part of a team that's a legacy of an group founded to fight the Nazis, I feel like it works. Also, Hal's other villains thus far are a bisexual woman, a dwarf, and a US Air Force General, people who are naturally inclined to have beef with him and vice versa. -Abra-Kadabra being one of Bruce's villains, Y/N?
-Circe is one of Bruce’s Rogues and they have UST.
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gokinjeespot · 4 years
off the rack #1316
Monday, March 8, 2021
 Coming up on a year since the pandemic started. I hope you're all healthy and safe. I am hopeful that vaccines will be deployed widely and help us all feel less anxious. I am fortunate enough to be one of those people who is happy as a bug snug in a rug while self isolating. I do really miss my dear friends and family but hugs can wait until we're all vaccinated.
 My thanks to Doug for lending me these comic books to read.
 Batman Annual #5 - James Tynion IV (writer) James Stokoe (art) Clayton Cowles (letters). It's the origin of Clownhunter and it's not very original. If I had to pay $4.99 US I would have passed on this and lived with leaving a hole in my Batman collection. If you're not familiar with this new vigilante, he's an Asian teenager named Bao who decides he's going to kill the Joker and all of the villain's sycophants. The reason he becomes Clownhunter (and killer) is very mundane. I wish they could have come up with a new motivator. Maybe the philosophical discussion about what to do about the Joker might interest some fans but I found this story quite tedious. I also didn't like the way Bao and his parents were portrayed. Did they really have an Asian saying "Ah, so"? Yes they did on page 8. Shades of Charlie Chan, Batman. I was not offended, just disappointed.
 Batman/Catwoman #3 - Tom King (writer) Clay Mann (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). I was thrilled to see the town of Port Orange, Florida mentioned on the first page. My pal Al lives there. It's also where Selina finally catches up with the Joker and does what Batman never did. I love this Black Label book taking familiar characters and treating them in a new and interesting way. Here's a future where Selina has survived her husband Bruce's death and their daughter Helena is the new Batwoman. Now I wait to see how mother and daughter deal with the Angel of Death.
 And now, more Future State books.
 Future State: Robin Eternal #2 - Meghan Fitzmartin (writer) Eddy Barrows (pencils) Eber Ferreira (inks) Adriano Lucas (colours) Pat Brosseau (letters). The consequence of Tim Drake/Robin being dunked in Lazarus resin is that now he's immortal. Whoop-dee-doo. Not only is this a boring Robin beats up bad guys issue but the art lacked any logical perspective. This issue takes place on a train but you would think it's in a huge building based on the art. I know it's comic books but I hate when one doesn't make visual sense. I think that's just laziness.
 Future State: Kara Zor-El Superwoman #1 & #2 - Marguerite Bennett (writer) Marguerite Sauvage (art) Wes Abbott (letters). This 2-issue fairy tale was not meant for old farts like me and Doug. With it's soft pastel colours these books should have included glitter and bubblegum flavoured lip gloss. Maybe young tween girls will like this. The moral of this story is "no one is born wise".
 Future State: Dark Detective #3 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Dan Mora (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Aditya Bidikar (letters). There are not one but two Batmans in this issue. You've got Bruce in his new capeless costume but here he's wearing a trench coat to give that fluttering effect, and then there's the new guy in the Bat suit, cape and all. The "uh-oh" point of the story hits here when the bad guys discover where Bruce is hiding out. The Matthew Rosenberg (writer) Carmine Di Giandomenico (art) Antonio Fabela (colours) & AndWorld Design (letters) Grifter story concludes here too with a double cross and a whole lot more of Helena/Huntress. This is my favourite Future State book so far.
 Future State: Superman of Metropolis #1 & #2 - Sean Lewis (writer) John Timms (art) Gabe Eltaeb (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). If you're wondering how a grown up Jonathan Kent takes over for his dad as Metropolis's protector then these two $5.99 US books will satisfy your curiosity. The villain of the story is an evolved Brainiac who is a big multi-mouthed ball now. Metropolis is shrunk ala the bottle city of Kandor, the citizens go nuts but Jon returns things back to normal in the end with the help of Kara/Supergirl. I don't know why Kara's a girl in this story and a woman elsewhere. Each issue has two back-ups so you get your money's worth. One features Mister Miracle and the other the Guardian. They are both dealing with bad things inside the bottled Metropolis. You won't miss much if you don't read them. The Mister Miracle story "The Metropolis Menagerie" is done my Brandon Easton (writer) Valentine De Landro (art) Marissa Louise (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). The Guardian story is brought to you by Sean Lewis (writer) Cully Hamner & Michael Avon Oeming (art) Laura Martin (colours) AndWorld Design (letters). This one got me excited because a villain wants to throw Jimmy Olsen off of the Daily Planet building.
 Future State: Catwoman #2 - Ram V (writer) Otto Schmidt (art) Tom Napolitano (letters). Read this to find out if Catwoman saves the lives of the people on the train. You will also find out if Bruce is freed from the bad guys. Talia Al-Ghul appearing is the deus ex machina in this story. I like the new Cheshire and Onomatopoeia is always fun.
 Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #2 - Phillip Kennedy Johnson (writer) Mikel Janin (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) & Dave Sharpe (letters). In "The Many Deaths of Superman" the Man of Steel fights in the arena of Warworld where Mongul resurrects him after every death match. It's the typical brutal battle scenes and super villain gloating. What's more compelling is an old newspaper story that Clark Kent wrote that inspired a young woman who travels to Smallville. I was totally confused by the three back-up stories featuring Mister Miracle, Midnighter and the Black Racer because they were not very good. I am a completist and have to finish what I start. I could have stopped reading after the $3.99 US main story in this bloated $7.99 US comic book  but my obsessive compulsive nature wouldn't let me. It's a character flaw I wish I could change.
 Future State: The Next Batman #1 - John Ridley (writer) Nick Derington (art) Tamra Bonvillain (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). All the teasers for this book hyped the fact that this Batman is black. You won't get the secret identity in this first issue but there are a bunch of likely candidates. Lucas Fox is a possibility but it's confusing because he's a bad guy in another Future State book. This is another $7.99 US book with back-ups. These are more coherent than the ones in Future State: Superman: Worlds of War.
Future State: Outsiders by Brandon Thomas (writer) Sumit Kumar (pencils) Sumit Kumar & Raul Fernandez (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) & Steve Wands (letters) gathers together some old Batman associates helping Gotham City citizens escape persecution by the Magistrates outside Gotham City's borders. Get it? It was nice seeing Katana in action.
Future State: Arkham Knights by Paul Jenkins (writer) Jack Herbert (art) Gabe Eltaeb (colours) & Rob Leigh (letters) gathers together some of Batman's rogues gallery to fight the oppressive Magistrate. Two-Face, Mr. Zsasz, Dr. Phosphorus, Killer Croc and other ex-inmates of Arkham Asylum are being lead by an armoured Astrid Arkham. It's super villains being super heroes.
 Future State: The Next Batman #2 - John Ridley (writer) Nick Derington (breakdowns) Laura Braga (art) Arif Prianto (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). We learn the secret identity of the new caped Batman in this issue. It's Lucas Fox's brother. He has a brother? This also has three new back-up stories.
"Batgirls" is by Vita Ayala (writer) Aneke (art) Trish Mulvihill (colours) & Becca Carey (letters). Batgirl/Orphan Cassandra Cain gets locked up in the Magistrate Detention Facility where both good guys/white hats and bad guys/black coats are incarcerated. She got caught on purpose because her mission is to find Oracle and Batman and free them. She gets help from Spoiler who is queen of the inmates. In this reality Cass is way more articulate than she used to be. I didn't like that. I also didn't like that in the other Future State stories the Magistrate foot soldiers have a shoot to kill order for any masks that they encounter. Why are all of these masks alive? Anyways, this part ends with the white hats and black coats forming an alliance so Cass can get on with her mission.
"Gotham City Sirens: Ladies' Night Out" is by Paula Sevenbergen (writer) Rob Haynes (breakdowns) Emanuela Lupacchino (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger (inks) John Kalisz (colours) Becca Carey (letters). Catwoman and Poison Ivy spring a domestic droid named Dee Dee (get it?) from servitude and they have a night on the town at a bar. The bar is run by Sam Bradley and both super heroes and villains can imbibe in peace. Fans of Sex and the City may like this. Not a lot of drama until the last page when the joint is raided by Magistrate goons and major characters are shot.
 Future State: The Next Batman #3 - John Ridley (writer) Nick Derington (breakdowns) Laura Braga (art) Arif Prianto (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). This is the "uh-oh" moment in the story where the hero is felled by the villain. A wounded Batman is attacked by the murderer he's trying to bring to justice. I saw that coming.
I like the change with Black Lightning in the Outsiders back-up.
I like the art in the Arkham Knights back-up even though the dialogue is eye roll inducing.
 Future State: The Next Batman #4 - Jace/Batman lives, as if that was in any doubt. This story would have been a lot more interesting if Bruce/Batman was really dead. Even if the Future State line of comics dies out this Next Batman is a cop out. The Batgirls story ends with Cassandra/Orphan saving Barbara/Oracle and the Resistance gaining ground on the Magistrates. The Gotham City Sirens story ends with Catwoman and Poison Ivy helping the Resistance get an advantage in their war with the Cybers thanks to Dee Dee.
 I admit that I was sucked in by the hype for this mini. The Next Batman being black intrigued me. The story itself was meh and I would not have missed anything by not reading it. I was not engaged as a mature reader but I think someone in their teens might like all the stories in these four issues.
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storyiicharacter · 5 years
fanfiction mashup: its not you its my enemies + marriage of convenience :D
Strategic. That’s what Lillian had called it. An alliance born of mutual need, cemented by the union of two royal daughters. 
A marriage by name only. Lena had made as much clear to Kara Zor-El the first day they met- had kept her chin aloft, her heart disinterested. She’d been prepared from a young age for this reality, had determined that it didn’t matter who the suitor was- she would smile and play the part at events and gatherings- so long as she were allowed to continue her research uninhibited. Play-acting for the nobles was a fair trade for spending her days apprenticing in the infirmary, the forge, the gardens- her mind free to soak in as much as it could. 
The Kryptonian had agreed- not that she had much choice. Her people were in desperate need of this alliance after the devastation of Kandor, the mountain’s ash still choking the land, their crops tainted, their forests barren. Lena allowed herself to bristle at the resignation in those blue eyes, to interpret it as disdain, to add Kara Zor-El to the long, long list of people who saw Lena only for her name- a name with they feared and envied, hated and desired in equal parts. 
She did not allow herself to see a kindred spirit in the taller woman- to recognize the familiar weight of grief and expectation on those broad shoulders. 
She didn’t.
It would not do to try and force the union into a shape it is not. Love had never been part of the equation within the Luthor family- her own parents were evidence enough of that. And to expect anything other than a dutiful political partner would merely be foolish, a heaping serving of disappointment she would rightly deserve. 
And so it was agreed. An alliance. Nothing more.
Kara is true to her word- in public she is a brilliant actress, the picture of grace and contentment, embodying the strong alliance between their people. And careful- despite the image they needed to maintain, so, so careful not to cross Lena’s boundaries, not to make her uncomfortable. When the occasion calls for it, she would reach for Lena- always stopping just before contact, allowing Lena to close the distance to grasp Kara’s hand, to step into her side. 
The rest of the time, she leaves Lena alone, just as Lena had asked. 
It is, surprisingly, everything Lena had hoped for. The best case scenario, given that a partner chosen for love was not an option. And so Lena settles back into her routine, much as it had been, her duty to marry complete, the Kryptonian heir tucked away in the recesses of her mind as she was the lonely corridors of her wing of the castle, barely an afterthought.
Weeks turn to months, and as Lena’s work load lessens (she and the head healer having finally perfected their latest poultice), she comes to the slow realization that Kara hasn’t been making herself scarce. 
Rather, she’s everywhere. 
One day she’s assisting the servants in the hall outside their wing, blonde hair braided back, sharp pants tucked into tall leather boots, her easy grin matched by the girl and boy wielding mops beside her.
A few days later she spots Kara in the kitchen, covered in flour, sleeves rolled to reveal corded forearms that shift and flex with each press and roll of a large mound of dough. 
The head chef- notorious for his iron grip upon said kitchen and all happenings within it- bustles about the far end of the massive room, stirring and chopping, as languid as Lena’s ever seen him.
With her view from the balcony Lena can’t be certain, but she would still swear that the lithe form moving gracefully through the morning fog, staff cracking against the wooden sword held by one of the soldiers, is not another of their knights, but rather the lone Kryptionian in their court.
One day she finds Kara by accident, in the library- her gaze drawn upward by the rustle of fabric. She’s shocked to see Kara perched atop one of the soaring bookcases, back pressed to the wall, book in hand and one leg dangling, unperturbed by the height. Lena watches light glint off golden hair and thinks perhaps it’s not a coincidence that Kara’s is the one spot still lit by the sinking afternoon sun.
And when Lena finally goes to spend some much-neglected time with her mare, she finds that Kara has taken over the grooming duties in her stead- Neville’s normal ornery demeanor nowhere to be found as the blonde woman strokes a brush through his coat, soft words murmured in a language Lena doesn’t understand. Kara apologizes profusely when Lena arrives, and by her blush it’s clear the other woman would’ve preferred that Lena continue believing the stable hands were to credit for the meticulous work done maintaining Neville’s care. 
Lena’s thank you is met with a soft smile and a ducked head, Kara quickly making her leave- though not before stopping to stroke the chestnut’s nose one last time.
Her ears and eyes now tuned to it, Lena discovers more and more about the character of the woman to whom she is married. 
Where Lena had drawn boundaries- her personal rooms, her lab- there is no sign of Kara to be found. But now that she’s looking, Lena spies signs of Kara’s touch everywhere else: extra blankets on the lounge and a fully-stocked bin of firewood beside the hearth in the common room. Notes left on scraps of parchment, thanking the servants. Fresh flowers in the vase outside Lena’s rooms. 
It would also seem that Kara Zor-El is unfailingly kind, and deeply loved by the people serving within the castle walls. 
Where Lena is greeted with respectful nods, straightened backs and averted eyes, Kara’s presence is followed by enthusiastic greetings, broad smiles, the press of hands or bodies or arms clasped together. 
Lena stumbles upon such a scene one evening- a late-night gathering in the kitchen, with mead passed and stories told and laughter shared. The open affection displayed shakes her deeply- mind spinning as she realizes her own interactions with these people were based on the example of her parents and the other nobles. She’d been fair, respectful, never unkind, certainly- but this? 
It had never occurred to her to befriend the staff. 
Clever blue eyes spot Lena just outside the room, and assess- not with judgement, just hopeful curiosity. And when Kara’s hand is extended- calloused fingers held in invitation, yet without expectation- 
Against her better judgment, against every instinct honed under Lillian’s watchful gaze- Lena steps forward to close the gap. 
Kara’s brilliant smile outshines the awkward pause of voices, of breaths held, and as Kara introduces her around to tentative smiles and gentle greetings, Lena feels her world shift.
Weeks turn to months and it’s in the middle of a cold autumn night that Lena realizes she’s made an unforgivable mistake. 
She’s come to care for Kara Zor-El.
This, in and of itself, is not such a terrible thing. And truly, once she had seen who Kara is- kind & thoughtful, brilliant but humble, strong and beautiful and true- there was no stopping it, no going back.
Her mistake was letting anyone else know.
And as she pulls against the arm around her throat, struggling to keep her feet on the rain-slicked floor of her room, she remembers. 
It is not safe to be close to a Luthor.
Luthors are known for their ruthlessness, their cold calculation- it makes them extremely powerful, and such power will always draw those that seek to take it.
By whatever means necessary.
Kara is thrashing against the hold of the other men- three masked attackers who had dragged Kara, hands bound, into Lena’s room shortly after Lena had been yanked from her own sleep by the sound of breaking glass, pulled bodily from the bed by gloved hands. 
Red is pooling beneath Kara’s knees- whether from skin meeting the scattered shards of Lena’s window or the garish streaks of blood sliding down Kara’s cheek and dripping off her chin, Lena doesn’t know- 
But this is her fault.
“You’ll do it, or your wife is dead.” The voice in her ear is silken and smooth and terrifying in its surety.
There hasn’t been an attempt on the royal family in generations.
When everyone knows power comes before all else, the leverage simply isn’t there.
Wasn’t there.
Kara takes another blow, this one doubling her over with a grunt. Lena’s scream is stuck in her throat, piling against all the words she would take back, if only to stop this- all the ones she desperately needs to say, now that they’re here.
Kara is slow to straighten, but when she does steady blue eyes find Lena’s, permission and acceptance and something that looks an awful lot like love held within them.
“Protect our people.” 
And Lena sees- sees that she was a fool to have not seen this coming. To have not counted the cost of her affection. To have not heeded her mother’s warnings. 
“You are strong and good and-“ Kara is cut off by a fist that snaps her head to the side. A sharp keening escapes Lena’s lungs, fingers digging into the arms clamped around her.
Kara spits a mouthful of blood, defiant even as she sags in the grip of her captors.
“The best of them,” she whispers fiercely, finding Lena’s gaze again, eyes bright with unshed tears.
Thunder claps, a gavel cracking, the judgement made, their fate set.
Lena knows then. 
That Kara would’ve been a queen unlike any other.
That together they could have changed everything.
That theirs would’ve been a love story that shook the foundations of the earth.
With a shuddering breath, Lena nods. She holds Kara’s eyes, sees the agreement, the forgiveness in them.
She cannot give in. 
“Go to hell,” Lena bites out. 
Rough hands whip her around until she’s facing into that dark mask and the sinister eyes within. They search her face but Lena’s features are locked into the cool, stony indifference her family is so known for, and she simply raises an eyebrow.
Kara’s heart swells with pride as Lena stands firm. 
She straightens as much as she can, determined to draw her last breath with a defiance worthy of their people.
Lena’s captor’s composure finally slips as he scans Lena’s face, a snarl of frustration ripping out from beneath his mask.
He draws a breath, leveling a glare at Kara, ready to bark the order. “Kill-“
He collapses, revealing a frying pan held aloft in the enormous hands of Chef Victor. “Now!” Victor shouts.
The bedroom door slams open with a bang, bodies pouring in- stable hands and errand boys and Lena’s handmaiden leading the charge with an unearthly howl, fire poker held aloft. 
The other men whirl in surprise and Kara takes advantage of the chaos. She pulls a short sword from the belt of one of the men, slashing his leg and smashing the hilt into his face when he doubles over in pain. She rolls forward, narrowly avoiding a sword strike that cracks into the stone and losing her own weapon in the process.
The other two attackers are occupied fending off pans and broomsticks but the third charges after Kara with a roar. 
She scrambles backward, hands still bound, slipping on the blood-slick floor, too slow-
His sword clangs to a stop against the hilt of the short sword- now held in Lena’s hands. 
“That’s my wife!” Lena snarls. Blades locked, she pushes forward until her hilt slams into his, forcing him back a step. She then grins and promptly knees him in the groin.
Heart soaring, Kara can’t help the shout of joy that escapes. She staggers to her feet despite the pounding in her head, looking for another weapon, ready to join in the fray- only to find she isn’t needed.
The leader hasn’t moved. The one she slashed in the leg is down, Victor and the others are herding the second man back toward the broken balcony doors, and the third-
He’s curled on the floor, down for the count. Lena slides his blade to one of the stablehands and the final man drops his sword in surrender just as the palace guards spill into the room.
Lena lowers her sword as the guards take the men into custody, turning to find-
She is leaning heavily against the dresser across the room, but she’s smiling, a proud grin setting her face alight, and hope and relief and wonder war for space within Lena’s chest. 
She wordlessly hands her sword away, striding through the now-crowded room to Kara’s side.
Kara tries to step forward to meet Lena but stumbles, wincing. Lena rushes forward, catching Kara’s weight just as her legs give out, sliding them both to the floor beside the dresser as gently as she can. 
Kara’s head rolls heavily toward her chest and Lena gently cups her face, checking her injuries. “Kara, darling, try to stay away for me, alright?” 
Kara forces her eyes open unevenly. “Yes, dear.” She grins despite the exhaustion and the pain trying to drag her into slumber and Lena’s heart trips within her chest as it swells with affection. 
Victor appears at her side, bushy brows drawn in concern, the others crowding in behind him. “What can we do?”
“Send a runner for the healer, and if one of you would please bring a damp cloth from the wash room?” She’s handed one moments later, presses it to the worst of the cuts along Kara’s face. 
Kara releases a deep sigh, leaning into Lena’s hand. 
Lena smiles. “She’s going to be alright.” 
She looks at the many faces around them- at the love and care and protectiveness there- and the gratitude wells until tears prick behind her eyes. “We both are. Thanks to all of you.”
Victor lays a comforting hand on her shoulder, his own eyes glimmering. “Aw Ms. Luthor, don’t go getting soft on us now.”
Lena chuckles along with the others, sniffing as she shakes her head. 
Kara peeks an eye open and smirks at Victor. “Told you.” The gaze she turns on Lena is unmistakable, even bruised and bloody, and something essential slots into place in Lena’s chest. 
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cyclone-rachel · 4 years
Pay the Asking Price
chapter 19
previous chapters: 1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// 9// 10// 11// 12// 13// 14// 15// 16// 17// 18
Kara could smell it from her bedroom.
It was at times like these when she was partially grateful for her super-senses, but… also, they frustrated her right then, since by the time she got out of bed and walked into the living room of her loft (turning on the news, just in case there was anything Supergirl was needed for), expecting said scents to be coming from her kitchen, there was nothing there.
Instead, their source was on the other side of her door, and she opened it to find Brainy, wearing a light brown sweater over a black polo shirt, with black slacks and the glasses she’d given him, and holding a tray of breakfast foods.
“I… apologize, Kara.” He said. “First and foremost, for what I did, and said- and did not say, or do, in some cases. And I know this does not make up for it at all, but…”
“You made me breakfast.” Kara answered, face falling as she noticed his upset expression, still holding out the tray to her- though she couldn’t be too upset, looking at all of it. “Hash browns… cereal, orange juice, coffee, biscuits- I’m not sharing any of this with you, you know.”
“I am aware.” Querl answered. “You did tell Barry we were going to talk.”
“Yeah. But… after I eat all of this.” She said, not being able to resist starting in on it already as he still held the tray- though he soon let her take it from him, as he wanted her to. “I didn’t know you could cook.”
“I learned how to.” He said. “Quickly, as you’d expect.”
“Well, it paid off.” Kara answered, through a mouthful of food. “This bacon is perfect- and I can’t believe you actually made poached eggs, it took me so long to learn how to poach.”
Almost a good thing that I’m not working right now, she thought. I can take my time with eating all of this food.
Querl hesitated, glancing over at her kitchen.
“I, um… got the instructions from one of your books.” He said. “I had a lot of free time, and I… eventually wanted to be able to make breakfast in bed, for you. As a surprise- and a gesture of love.”
And now I completely ruined it.
Kara sighed, taking the tray inside, and setting it down on her table.
“I am so sorry.” He said, still standing at her doorway, as he hadn’t been invited in- and didn’t think he was going to be. “My intention had been to fill your life with joy, while we were together. But it seems that I have only caused you sorrow, just like some of my other relatives have.”
Kara’s eyes widened as she swallowed a piece of biscuit that she’d started eating while walking back to her doorway, and once she had, she set a hand on Querl’s arm.
“No…” she started. “Querl, you’re nothing like them. I promise.”
He looked at her, miserably.
“I lied to you.” He said. “I didn’t allow you to prepare for their arrival- the odds of their taking over National City are now… in actuality I do not know what they are planning, and I would not say that if it wasn’t the truth. I did not even expect for them to let me leave, after I conversed with them on their ship.”
Kara stared.
“You talked to them again?”
“I did- and you also spoke with my mother, without my presence. But… they are Brainiacs, and twelfth-level intellects, for a reason. There are countless things they could do.”
“Yeah, I know.” She said, thinking back to her history lessons about Kandor. She was always taught she was lucky to live in Argo, given what had happened to that city, but luck didn’t save her own city from being destroyed with the rest of Krypton, and it certainly didn’t save her from being trapped in the Phantom Zone.
“Please tell me they’re not going to put National City in a bottle.”
Querl shook his head.
“In my initial sweep of the ship, I did not detect such technology.” He said. “But they could have hidden it from me- regardless, we should still be vigilant.”
Kara nodded. “Constant vigilance- I’ll keep that in mind.”
She glanced over at the clock behind her on the wall.
“I guess you don’t need a ride to Catco.” She said. “It’s almost time for you to clock in.”
“I am aware.” Querl answered. “I can transport myself.”
Kara looked down at the Legion ring, which he was still wearing- not surprising, but she still liked looking at it, how it reflected the morning sunlight.
“You sure can.” She said, gaze going from the ring up to his eyes. “Just be careful- wouldn’t want you to be abducted by any aliens on the way to work.”
“Right. Even though I myself am an alien, and only look human at the moment.”
Kara gently patted his arm again, reminded of her own confusion when she’d watched movies where that came up, at the beginning of what would become a still-ongoing tradition with Alex.
“Be safe, Querl. That was what I was going for.” She said. “And… well, you don’t need reminding to be vigilant about your own parents, either.”
“Certainly not.” Querl answered. “Although I did observe on the way here that they are merely hovering in orbit above the city. Is that what you might call helicopter parenting?”
Kara laughed.
“Not exactly-“ she started to say, but she was distracted by a news report playing.
“Laser eyepatch. That is new.”
Kara shrugged.
“Well, duty calls- for both of us.” She said. “You get to work, tell James I miss him, I’ll take care of this.”
And in no time at all, she was in her Supergirl uniform, and out of her window, as he too left Kara’s apartment, wishing he’d made a better breakfast for himself- though not daring to take any of hers.
“Remember that alien you fought this morning?” J’onn asked Kara as they walked into the DEO together, later that day.
“The one with the laser-shooting eyepatch? Yeah, rings a bell.”
“Yeah, he wasn’t just any rogue alien.” Winn said, as Brainy pulled up the information on the DEO’s monitors.
“He’s from a race of alien bounty hunters called Amalaks.”
Bounty hunters. Specifically targeting Kara…
It was hard not to jump to conclusions, especially when, as J’onn had confirmed to him after speaking with the President herself, that the Coluan ship was in low orbit, doing nothing. This could be their way of taking action, of getting the attention of Supergirl and her compatriots again- convincing them to make the first move.
Querl knew that, with any number of bounty hunters, Kara could handle herself. But against those who were sending them, and if this was only their first move, if Kara was not their true target or their only target…
“Yep. When the DEO was intaking your new monocular best friend, they found this.” Winn said, placing a small device on the table, that showed a very familiar hologram.
“Hey, that’s me!” Kara pointed at it, her enthusiasm seemingly not dampened by knowing what it was used for.
“What is it?”
“It’s an interplanetary messaging device.” J’onn said.
“It accesses some kind of alien darknet for all your shady space needs.” Winn continued.
“And there’s a message.” Querl said, mentally connecting to the device and activating it, as an automated voice read out:
Name. Supergirl.
The last daughter of Krypton.
Location. National City, California, USA, Planet Earth.
Three hundred quartz crowns upon proof of death.
Winn turned the device off, sure all who were there got the message.
“Someone put a bounty on your head.” Said J’onn.
“How much is three hundred quartz crowns?”
“In your terms, a lot. Enough to buy a planet.” Querl answered.
Winn, for his part, seemed to take this news more casually, although that was to be expected of him.
“Oh. Like, we're talking like, a planet in a good neighborhood? Or like, a hipster, up-and-coming kind of vibe?”
“…Yes.” Querl said, aware that he wasn’t completely answering the question but that such an amount of money covered both of those possibilities.
“For that kind of bounty, every low-life killer in the universe will be headed this way to take their shot.” J’onn said, looking across the table at Kara.
“Oh, that's fine. I'll just take them out. One by one.” Kara stated, turning around and heading out of the DEO, presumably to do just that. But Alex stopped her before she could go anywhere.
“Hey, hey. No, no, no. Wait. Okay. Not that I doubt you, okay? But a series of battles with interstellar bounty hunters doesn't seem like a good way to ensure public safety.”
“Alex is right. I want you staying out of sight until we can figure out who is behind this.” J’onn said, standing beside Alex.
“Wait a second. You want me to hide?” Kara asked.
“Sometimes hiding is a strategic necessity.” Alex confirmed.
Querl, knowing how much she might not have wanted to hear his opinion on the matter, stayed silent.
You are your own person, and you are stronger than anyone I know. But… I still do not want to lose you again, he might’ve said. Especially not to my parents.
“I’m not going to hide.” Kara said defiantly, looking at each of the others- Brainy, especially- as she spoke. “I’m… I’m the Girl of Steel! I don’t bend, I don’t break, I don’t stand down for anyone.”
“I know none of us can stop you if you choose to go out there.” J’onn said. “But please, as the people who care about you… Give us a day to try and get ahead of this thing.”
Kara sighed.
She really did want to make sure people were safe, especially when she was fighting villains in public, and as much as she might’ve felt like they were protecting her too much… Alex and J’onn, and the rest of the DEO did know what they were doing. She could trust them, even though right then it didn’t seem like they trusted her as much as the other way around.
“…Fine.” She said. “Okay. I’ll lay low for 24 hours.”
“Thank you.” J’onn said. “Agent Schott? See if you can find a way to locate more of those things. Brainiac 5, help him- and keep an eye on the Coluan ship. Anything happening up there, I want to know about it- and maybe you can get a more accurate reading on it than our devices.”
“Maybe we can stop those bounty hunters before they strike. Agent Danvers, run a database search for other species who might be using this network.”
“Absolutely.” Alex said. “Well, I had plans, but I will cancel.”
Kara reacted immediately to that.
“No! No, don’t cancel your plans just to search databases, that’s ridiculous.”
“These databases won’t search themselves.”
“Then I will search them.” Querl answered. “I happen to be excellent at multitasking, and that way Winn does not have to expend himself any further than he already is- and indeed, he is already straining against his limits at the present time.”
Winn stared over at him, looking indignant.
“Hey, what do you know about my limits?”
“…I cannot say any more.”
Winn rolled his eyes.
“Of course you can’t.”
“Let’s get out of here.” Kara said, as she and Alex left.
Fabala and Kajz Dox, meanwhile, had decided to leave their ship- and were currently walking through Al’s Bar, not trying to disguise themselves by any means.
“So this is how the organic beings indulge themselves on this planet.” Fabala commented.
Not just organics, Mother, Querl thought as he met them there.
“Mother. Father.” He said.
“We were… glad when we received your message.” Kajz answered. “Do you work here?”
“No.” Querl answered. “I… actually work as an intern, at a multimedia company. It is a respected profession.”
Fabala scoffed.
“So you’re a servant to humans.” She said. “Working with primitive technology to do nothing important. Don’t you realize that you mean nothing to them? That you could be doing so much more?”
I could be living up to my potential even more, if Father hadn’t inhibited me, he thought. But then again, they had the courtesy to visit him here. Even though they looked down on him, and his job, he should at least be polite.
“I know it was you.” He answered, changing the subject, after he sat down across from them at a table.
Fabala, looked surprised.
“You know what was us?”
“You placed the bounty on Kara’s life.” Querl said. He spoke slowly, even though that wasn’t entirely necessary, and his parents reacted with blank looks. “Did you really think that if you had her killed that I was just going to change my mind and come back with you?”
Kajz laughed.
“You've become quite imaginative in your time here.” He answered.
“Is that so? Who else wants her dead and has 300 quartz crowns?”
“Does she seem like a person who has any shortage of enemies? I can assure you we have nothing to do with this.” Fabala tried to assure him.
“Okay, so, if it's not you, why are you still on Earth?”
“Because we're hoping you'll come to your senses.”
“Do you know how long we've been searching for you? Years. Spent looking through the timeline for the faintest hint of your survival."
“We thought we were lost. That we would be the last generation of Coluans. But for your mother's strength, despair would have overwhelmed us.” Kajz said, holding onto Fabala’s arm.
The last generation. Yes, Querl had heard all about their claims- of Brainiac infecting the planet, destroying any artificial intelligence aside from members of the Brainiac line.
He still didn’t believe them. As far as he was concerned, they were only trying to gain sympathy for themselves, using that perceived weakness to convince their son into returning to their present day, rebuilding Colu until it was no longer a dead world.
Which he wanted to do, if they weren’t lying- but he knew, if that was indeed true, that they didn’t just want to rebuild their world.
“When you were a child, you used to grab my leg with both arms every time I tried to leave the room. I would have to peel you off of me like some... gangly little magnet. And it broke my heart. Until we heard your beacon, I thought we'd lost you forever. And now... I would rather die than leave Earth without you.” Fabala said, sounding more emotional than she ever had before. Something already suspicious, knowing her.
“You have to trust that all we want is for you to come home. We wish no harm on your friend.” Kajz continued, as the two of them stood up.
“Remember, we're your parents. When you call, we come. Even to places that disagree with us.” Fabala said.
They left together, and Querl was left watching them, just as concerned as before.
“-National City needs Supergirl.” Kara was saying as Querl arrived, carrying a large bottle of soda and an equally-large bag of popcorn.
Winn and James were also there, sitting at Kara’s table, and they seemed to be in the middle of some kind of game.
But the news was also on, and Querl could sense that whatever was going on, Kara was anxious to leave her confinement, worried that people could get hurt without her help.
A feeling, to be sure, that he understood.
“Brainy.” James said. “I’m very happy you’re here. Could you stand in the way of Kara and her super-suit?”
“As I understand it, I am on probation for game night.” Querl answered. “So I am attempting not to be removed from such a tradition again.”
“Where were you?” Kara asked him, as he placed what he was carrying on the table, and returned to face her.
“I was just… questioning some suspects.”
“My parents.”
“So you think your parents ordered the bounty on me.”
“Well, they say they didn’t, but… you know what they think about you. So I am not so sure.” Querl said.
“Yeah, they should meet my dad.” Winn commented. “I bet they’d become fast friends.”
“From what you said about it, I’m certain that’s true.”
Querl would have said more- but right then, as Winn was raising his beer bottle to him, and Querl had just gotten another bottle to do the same, he heard a ringing in his ears.
His body seized up, as he was unable to fight whatever had come over him, and the bottle fell to the ground, shattering.
“I’m- I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened.” Querl said, the ringing subsiding for a moment. He tried to pick up the pieces, but once he had bent over, the ringing returned.
“Are you okay?” Kara asked.
I am very much not, he wanted to say. But the ringing now felt like static, and when he looked up, it was as though he was seeing through a filter- whoever or whatever had taken over him now had control of his eyes, too.
“I can’t move.” He said. “I am serious.”
He was wrenched upwards, to a standing position, and though he wasn’t moving his own muscles, he felt himself surge towards Kara and grab her around the waist, as both of them hurtled out of the window.
He flew, with Kara, through the city, and managed to position himself so he would land on his back- which he did, on a rooftop. He got up, and found himself looking at Kara, who still seemed confused as to what was happening.
“What are you doing?” she asked him.
“I don’t know. It’s not me!” he insisted, as he and Kara fought- he threw punches, she dodged them, and all the while he felt and heard the static in his mind, as the executive section of his brain was suppressed and whatever was controlling him- as expected- seemed to have it out for Kara. “I’m not in control of my body!”
He kicked at her, and she dodged that too, but after she dodged a few more punches, she blocked one of his, and sent him stumbling backwards with another.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she said, as he felt the impact.
“I had that coming.” He answered, just to make her feel better about it.
Their fight continued, and soon she had him in a headlock.
“Can you control it?” she asked.
“I should- my Legion ring usually protects- against these things. But… I can’t.”
She released him, and he moved away from her.
“I just feel what you would call pins and needles all over.” He continued.
Kara stared at him, unsure of what to say.
“It’s no good, you have to run.” He said, as he continued to punch at her, and she did her best to avoid him. “I’m much too dangerous.”
Then again, that is the source of all of my problems.
“I’m not giving up on you.” Kara answered. “Just focus, and try to fight it. I know you can.”
“I can’t!” he said, throwing her against a car. But seeing her lying there, not getting up… it wasn’t pleasant to see, and it was enough to get him to stop moving, fighting against everything that was controlling him.
“Oh no. I’m so sorry.”
“Me too.” Guardian said, and attempted to catch Querl’s hand with some kind of rope weapon in his gauntlet- but the force controlling Querl made him twist around, and use it to throw James into another car.
Kara got up, then, as Querl was facing her, and though he attempted to resist the force that continued to control him, his hand still curled into a fist, and he still punched at her, as she dodged his attempts to do so.
Then, all of a sudden, he felt himself let go, and shook himself off, as Kara’s fist connected with his face. He fell, and she stood still for a moment, looking down on him.
“It’s me this time.” He said. “I… that hurt.”
Although I admit, I did deserve that.
“Oh!” Kara immediately exclaimed, now looking worried and remorseful. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
She held out a hand to him, and he took it, as she helped him up.
“So, Creepy McGee here got inside Brainy’s…brain, and thought he could use him to kill Supergirl.” Winn summarized, standing in front of the cell that now held the second captive bounty hunter.
“Rude.” Querl commented.
“Who put the bounty out on me?” Kara asked. She was still wearing her civilian clothes inside the DEO, that she’d had on during the game night that Querl had interrupted- a light pink leather jacket, a gray shirt, and black pants- but she looked just as beautiful as she always did.
The prisoner, meanwhile, stayed silent.
“He knows. You can tell he knows.” Alex said, after studying him for a moment.
“I'm the most powerful telepath in the Alcorian system. I know more than you can imagine.”
“And as a twelfth-level intellect, I know exponentially more than you could even begin to fathom.” Querl answered, stepping forward before he caught the stares of those around him, and then stepped back.
“Oh, yeah, except for the difference between a gun and a stapler.” Winn pointed out.
“You'll never get me to talk. You humans are too moral to do what's necessary to penetrate my mind.”
“Winn, get me a wrench.” Alex answered, making direct eye contact with the prisoner as she, too, stepped forward.
“Alex! Stand down.” J’onn said. He approached the prisoner then, and began to probe his mind for answers.
The prisoner, in response, only looked amused.
“Come at me, bro.” he said, and J’onn did, as the two seemed to be locked in a psychic battle for a few minutes before the prisoner stumbled back, yelling in pain.
“It was the Coluans! Fabala Dox placed the bounty...”
“You know, for a second there, I actually almost believed them.” Querl said, as the group returned to the DEO command center. “I mean, you're not safe.”
“We'll figure this out.��� Kara insisted.
“I mean, how? I know them. In their minds, they honestly believe that if they get rid of you, then I'm just going to go back home.”
Even though Colu was always far from a home for me.
“We need to retaliate.” Alex said. “I mean, if we strike back, we could force them to pull the bounty and leave Earth.”
“Uh, listen, I like revenge just as much as the next geek but need I remind you that they have an impenetrable warship?”
That, and on the extremely unlikely chance that they do leave Earth, with their technology they could just as easily take over any other planet they deem expendable. Which could be any of them.
“Well, Winn, you can find a way in.”
“No, he can't.”
“I mean; I might be able to. Maybe not according to Brainy, but you, J’onn, I thought you had faith in me.” Winn answered.
“We can't take any action against the Coluan ship whatsoever. I have orders from President Marsdin.” J’onn clarified.
“Attacking them could spark an intergalactic war.”
“They attacked us.”
“I'll brief the President and wait for her instructions. Until then, our only mission is to keep Supergirl safe.” J’onn finished.
When Kara next saw Querl, he was at her door with a broom in his hand.
She opened the door for him, and together, they began to clean up the broken glass that now was showered all over the floor of her apartment, after the bounty hunter had taken over Querl’s body and led to Kara’s window being broken in the first place.
“So, I have been thinking about a solution to our problem.” Querl started.
“Yeah. Me too.” Kara said, stopping the sweeping she’d been doing to turn around and face him, holding on tight to her broom.
“There's only one thing we can do.” Kara said. “Talk to your mother.”
At the same time, Querl answered, “Kill her”, and Kara stared at him, taking a step backwards.
“Wait, what?”
“I… am serious, Kara.” He said. “I would usually never say this. I do not kill- the Legion does not kill.”
“Me neither.” Kara answered, gripping the broom handle so tightly that it started to break in her hands. “Not even the worst of the worst, if I can help it.”
“I am aware. In fact, we- the Legionnaires- modeled our code of conduct on you and Superman, and what you would have done. We took an oath to preserve all that is good and to never harm the innocent. But she is far from innocent. Ending her life will save countless others.”
“Brainy… we can’t do that.” She said. “And if you do… won’t people see you as the same kind of person as she is?”
“Perhaps.” Querl admitted. “But making sure that she never causes anyone pain again, never feels pleasure in causing pain… such would be worth the risk.”
He reached out to take Kara’s hand, but she only moved away from him again.
“Besides, I already ran from her, and my father, once before. I could do so again- we could find a habitable planet, yellow sun and all… but that would only mean endangering this one. And you… you don’t know my parents. They want you dead, they want me to return home, to be put under their control-“
Even more than they already have done so.
“…and they will not stop until they achieve that goal. I refuse to run anymore.”
“I won’t run either.” Kara said.
“I know. It’s one of the things I most admire about you.”
Kara smiled at that, before her face grew serious again.
“But there has to be another way to fight her. Between us… I’m sure we can figure something out, right?”
“It is a possibility.” Querl relented, as Kara put the broom aside.
“That’s why we have to start with talking to your mother.”
“J’onn said we can’t engage with them.” Querl pointed out.
“No, he didn’t say that. He said we can’t attack them. We can still talk to her. Then you can get her to realize all she really wants is for you to be happy. And then she'll… realize that Earth is the best place for you. Your mother can change. You just have to talk to her.”
“I changed.” Querl answered. “I was… far from heroic, at first, as you know. I did a lot of bad things- both while under the influence of one of my other relatives, and otherwise. But I was offered a chance, and I took it. I do not see my mother accepting redemption in the same way I did.”
“Well, you are incredible.” Kara said. “And even if you don’t think there are good odds for it, you could still give her a chance, right? Or your father?”
“Do you really think I’m incredible?”
“Yes. And I hope your parents see you the same way.” Kara answered.
“…Alright. I will contact the ship. It is, as you say, worth a shot.”
Kara smiled, and he knew that if the two of them were still a couple, she would’ve kissed his nose right about then, or something else romantic. But he didn’t deserve such gestures, so instead he got up, and they continued cleaning Kara’s apartment in silence, until the broken glass was gone.
Querl glanced over at the Legion ring on display in the Fortress of Solitude- Clark’s ring, the one he’d presented Clark with along with his Legion belt- before he and Kara met Fabala there, as she teleported in from the Coluan ship.
“Krypton on Earth? And I thought the location of our last meeting was vile.” She commented.
“I-“ Kara took a breath, folding her hands together before she answered. “This place is sacred, to my cousin and I. I thought it was the only place on Earth worthy to entertain you, Brainiac 4.”
“The Kryptonians were never very good at entertaining.”
Kara looked over at Querl, and he answered his mother.
“We know it was you.” He said, as he stepped toward her. “One of your bounty hunters gave you up.”
He paused, and when she didn’t respond, he spoke again.
“I… am aware that you love me.” He said.
Enough to bottle a planet for me, just because you saw how much I loved the snow.
“And I know that you think you want what’s best for me. But can you not see that being on Earth, whether in this time, with Kara, or the thirty-first century makes me happy? Call off your bounty, and maybe you and I can still have a relationship.”
Fabala, in turn, stepped closer to him as well.
“I am your mother.” She said. “You do not dictate the terms of our relationship.”
Kara took hold of Querl’s arm, as she too moved forward to face Fabala.
“Your son has found a second home here.” She said. “He has… friends! A life! He’s happy, just like he must’ve been in the future. Don’t take that away from him.”
She now stood in between Querl and Fabala, and if Querl did not already know at that time that she was braver than he ever knew, the bravest person he’d ever met in fact, then he would then.
“I know our worlds have had their differences.” She continued. “Which is all the more reason that we need to fight to make peace. When Brainy- when Querl- first landed here, we didn't understand each other. But we found a connection. Through the kindness in our hearts. And that comes from somewhere. You have kindness in your heart. Please just try to understand that letting him stay here is the right thing to do.”
She was persistent, and sounded so persuasive that Querl almost thought Fabala would agree, as she was watching Kara and considering her words. But of course, he knew her too well for that, and so he was not at all surprised by what she said next.
“Whatever connection you think you've found with my son during this… tryst, is a lie.” She answered. Kara looked like she was about to faint again, after that.
“Are you alright?”
Fabala watched her again, with those cold eyes, and Kara only grew more uncomfortable.
“I don’t feel so-“
His mother revealed her weapons- a pair of Kryptonite sai- and struck out at Kara, as Querl moved to her side.
“Should’ve handled this myself from the beginning.” Fabala said.
“Where did you get Kryptonite?” Kara asked.
“In this century, it is easy enough to find.” She said. Querl stood up as Fabala tried to strike at Kara again, and he blocked her attempt, only for her to knock him through an ice column.
Kara got up as well, and threw a punch at her- but Fabala stabbed her instead in the leg, and Kara staggered back, before falling, sitting on the ground and clutching her wound.
“I went through a disruption in time and crossed an ocean of stars looking for my son.” Fabala said, leaning over her. “I refuse to let you get in my way now. Your family awaits you.”
“No!” Querl shouted as she prepared to deliver the final blow, and managed to hold her back.
Kara has such a bright future ahead of her. I refuse to let this be her last moment.
I refuse to be responsible for it.
“Wait. I’ll go with you.”
“Brainy- you said you wouldn’t.” Kara said, voice still pained.
“I’ll- I’ll go back to Colu, I’ll be a part of your organization, you can do whatever you want to my personality inhibitors- please, just… stop hurting her.” He answered.
“I have your word?” Fabala asked. “No tricks, no resistance?”
“You have my word.”
Kara stood up, and Querl moved to say goodbye to her.
“I’m sorry, Kara, this is the only way.” He said.
They hugged one last time, and he still held her as they pulled away from one another.
“As long as you’re safe.” He continued.
“Be smart.” Kara answered. “Then again, you always are. I trust you.”
“That is good to know.” Querl said. “And I trust you too.”
Fabala grabbed his arm, then, and pulled him away, as Querl felt the tugging of the teleportation beam, sending him and his mother back to the Coluan ship.
All he could focus on was the devastation on Kara’s face.
They arrived back on the ship together, and Kajz immediately turned around to greet them.
“Son! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to see you here.” He said.
“Querl, why don’t you clean up so we can prepare for departure?” Fabala asked. But Querl knew, if this went as he’d planned, there wouldn’t be a departure at all.
“Call off the bounty on Kara, now.” He said.
Fabala looked like she was about to sigh, but called over one of her soldiers, that was holding the messaging device Querl had seen in the DEO. She deactivated it, and turned back to her son.
“It’s done.” She said.
Querl nodded, and went to stand by the window, looking out at the Earth for what could have been the last time- in either of the centuries he called home.
But he didn’t go so far away as to not hear his parents’ conversation.
“It was you.” His father said. “You issued the bounty.”
“I did what I had to do, to get back my son.” His mother answered, before she walked away.
Kara landed on the DEO balcony, and almost immediately stumbled- only for J’onn and Alex to meet her there.
“What did she do to you?” J’onn asked, as he held her up.
“She had Kryptonite.”
“We need to get you under a yellow sun lamp.” Alex answered, looking like she was ready to do just that.
“No, Fabala was about to kill me and Brainy sacrificed everything to save my life. Now we have to save his.”
Even though he lied… despite all he kept from us, he is still a good person. And I know how horrible his parents are. I refuse to let him be hurt by them again.
“I can’t let you do that.”
“No, I'm okay.”
“It's not that. We're under strict orders not to engage. I'm sorry.”
“This is Brainy’s life. Please.”
“I cannot disobey the President of the United States. I know it's… easy to let emotions get involved, but there's a protocol. I'm not the one calling the shots right now.”
Still, Kara shook her head, unable to agree with them.
“I know how much you care for Brainy. But this is too dangerous.” Alex insisted.
“I have to save him. I know you understand.” Kara said first, to Alex. Then, she turned to J’onn. “Once that ship leaves he's gone forever.”
“He's made his choice. He's with his people, Kara.”
“Brainy did not choose this. This is not like M'gann- you of all people know how terrible the Brainiacs besides him are, who knows what they could do to him once he’s gone? And if we wait for President's orders, Brainy and his parents could be light-years away. We need to go now.” Kara took a breath, as J’onn looked at her, contemplative.
“I'm the one that convinced him to do this.” She continued. “To try to reason with his mother. He's up there because of me. Please. J'onn, I can't lose him.”
Querl was still looking out at the Earth, as his father approached him.
“I want you to know that… Kara Zor-El will be safe.” He said.
“What about the Legion?” Querl asked. “The last time we met, you were willing to wipe out an entire planet just to get rid of us. Just so Mother would feel the emotional satisfaction of causing me pain.”
“That was before we became endangered.” Kajz said. “Before we realized that you could be an asset to us- that together, we could change our family’s reputation.”
“By stopping the plague another of us caused.”
“Still doing good, in the process.” Kajz answered, undeterred. “And in time, you will see that coming home was the right thing to do.”
“I already know it was right.”
And that’s not even getting into the question of if you’re telling the truth about this supposed plague, or if it’s just a ploy to get me back and capture me while attempting to gain my sympathy for you.
“If I didn’t come back, Mother would’ve killed the woman I love.” Querl finished.
Kajz sighed.
“You know; your life will always be Fabala’s responsibility.”
“If it really was, she wouldn’t have abandoned me when I was born- and only come back when she realized she had a Brainiac heir she could mold in her image.”
Querl was looking away from his father, but imagined he didn’t look pleased with him for a moment, before he grew eerily calm again.
“You belong with your people.” He said. “It means so much to them to have you back.”
“What makes you think they won’t be afraid of us?” Querl asked. “That, if this plague really does exist, the name Brainiac will be stained beyond repair, and that nobody will accept our help? I know you may not think it, but if there was a crisis on any planet, even Colu… the Legion would assist in any way possible. I would help. They- we- would not require you.”
“That is absurd. None of them have our intellectual capacity. Whatever cure they might come up with would be nothing compared to ours.”
“If we even need one.” Querl answered. “And you’re one to talk about intellectual capacity, when you continue to hinder mine.”
“You’re the one who is too afraid of yourself to remove those.” Kajz shot back.
“Who do you think made me so afraid in the first place? Who was the reason for that fear?”
“Enough!” Fabala shouted, striding up to Querl and slapping him across the face. “It will take days to reach the thirty-first century. Maybe, if you spend that time in a cell, you’ll be cured of these misconceptions.”
Two of the soldiers on the ship appeared then, and took Querl away. As he was forced out of the room, he could only look back- at his parents, and at the window.
Please come soon, Kara.
“You just don’t know when to let go, do you?” Fabala asked, as Kara arrived on the ship- coming through the transmat portal from Slaver’s Moon, repaired by Winn. Without his coordinates for the ship, she could’ve been sent into the vacuum of space- but she wasn’t, so she was even more grateful for him in turn, and would definitely be thanking him once she and Brainy returned.
“I was gonna say the same thing about you.”
Fabala summoned her soldiers forth to fight Kara- but she handled them with relative ease, using her strength to push all of them away when they were about to force her to the ground.
She stood and faced Fabala, who once again revealed her sai.
“Round two.” She said, as the two of them faced off once more.
Meanwhile, Querl sat in his cell, waiting for the ship to take off- or not, he hoped.
Perhaps that hope wasn’t so far-fetched, as a familiar face appeared, and one of his friends stepped out of the transmat portal.
“Oh, thank God I am not in space.” Winn said.
“You are in space.” Querl pointed out.
“I- I meant floating around, in space, dying.” Winn answered. “Anyway! I’m here to rescue you! Hi!”
“Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?”
Winn’s face lit up, and Querl knew he’d said the right thing.
“You finally saw Star Wars.” Winn answered, and it was enough to make Querl smile too.
By the time Querl and Winn had gotten out, and Winn had hacked into the ship’s security system, pulling a feed of what was happening on the bridge of the ship, there was already a fight there.
They watched as Kara and J’onn fought off Fabala and Kajz, and their soldiers, and as Querl watched, his heart ached for Kara.
“We’ve got to help. Come on.” He said, and without hesitation, he left, as Winn followed him.
“All we want is for our family to be together!” a now-disheveled-looking Kajz shouted, as he and J’onn fought.
“That’s what we want too.” J’onn said, as beside them, Fabala still fought Kara, wielding weapons that could end her life at any moment.
But Kara held her off, and now held Fabala’s hands in place, keeping one of her sai at arm’s length.
“All your talk about change, Kryptonian- but you never change.” She said, changing her position so she now held one sai over Kara’s head, and one pointed at her midsection. Kara held her back with what felt like all of her strength, as she felt the poison like nails stabbing into her veins. “You take what you want, without a care for our world.”
Querl picked up one of the fallen soldiers’ weapons, and fired a precise shot at the window of the ship. Just enough to break it, to disrupt his parents as he and Winn ran for cover, but Kara and J’onn, as they were able to fly, could avoid the force pulling them into space.
They held on, as the sai and several soldiers were forced out instead- but Kajz managed to shut the window, as the gravity in the ship returned.
“Enough, enough!” Kajz said, as Fabala grabbed his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
Querl got to his feet, as did Winn.
“He has made his decision.” Kajz answered. “It is a foolish one, but it appears that he believes these people are his family.”
There was still an atmosphere of tension in the throne room, as everyone exchanged looks with one another- but Querl and Kara met each other in the middle of the room, and collided in a hug.
“I knew you would come after me.” He said.
“Every time.” Kara said, holding him tight.
Fabala stood watching them.
“Krypton has taken many things from my family, my people.” She said, voice emotionless. “And now you take my son.”
“I’m glad you’re both alive.” Querl admitted, as tumultuous as his emotions regarding his family were. “But if I am fortunate, this is the last time we’ll ever see each other. I hope one day you’ll understand.”
“Alex, we’re ready now.” Kara said quietly, as Querl faced his parents. They looked upset- but Querl did not believe that.
The transmat portal activated, and he looked at them one last time as Kara, J’onn, and Winn went through, before leaving Kajz and Fabala behind for good.
Afterwards, Querl sat beside Kara on her couch, with blankets covering each of them and a large bowl of what Kara referred to as kettle corn- which seemed to be sweet popcorn, as he discovered after he tried it at her insistence- between them.
“I just want all of these sugary- what?” Kara asked, looking up and noticing that he was still looking at her.
“Nothing. I am… thankful, that you saved me.” He said.
Kara reached out and held his hand.
“I’m glad I was able to.” She answered.
“Even despite the fact that I lied to you?”
Kara nodded.
“You saved my life too.” She said. “And even though we were fighting, I still would’ve never left you behind.”
“Thank you.” Querl said, squeezing her hand as well.
I still do not deserve your care. But… I am grateful for it all the same.
“And I’m sorry I forced you to talk to your mom.” Kara continued. “I should’ve listened to you.”
“Yes, but this doesn’t mean we should kill her.” Querl said. “Even with her, violence should be a last resort- we can find another way.”
“We will.” Kara said, with the unspoken agreement that his parents weren’t going quietly, back into space and into the future. “And what about your father? He looked like he was going to change.”
“He… thought he knew what was best for me. He tried to protect me, from her- from what she could’ve made me into. But…” Querl trailed off. “That is another story. I still do not understand why he is now working with my mother, though.”
“I don’t know your parents as well as you do.” Kara answered. “But maybe he was still trying to do that, and that was why he let you go.”
“You are so hopeful.” Querl said, not looking into her eyes as he leaned on the couch. “I think we could all stand to be a little more like you. More optimistic, and brave-“
“You were pretty brave.” Kara answered, eating another piece of popcorn.
“No, I just did what you would have done.”
As I always have.
“I admire you so much, Kara.”
Kara smiled.
“You’re pretty admirable yourself.” She said.
“So, we saved each other today.”
“That we did.” Kara answered, before smiling at him again, and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Fabala approached Kajz, as once more he stood in front of their ship’s window, after it had been repaired.
“He is really gone, isn’t he?”
“He made his decision, Fabala. On Colu, we value logic. It appears that he no longer understands that- so it stands to reason that we should no longer consider him ours.”
“…We used to be so in-sync, you and I.” Fabala started, quietly. “But things changed, once he started to get older- you started taking his side, over mine. I heard how you talked about me- but, once you asked me if you could help get our son back, I thought it would be different.”
“This is different.” Kajz insisted.
“No, it isn’t. You ruined that today.” She said.
Kajz looked genuinely sorry, then, holding his wife’s arms.
“I am still by your side.” He answered.
He drew her into a hug, but she didn’t embrace him in return.
“We will move on.” He said. “We will make another plan.”
“No…” Fabala started, as Kajz felt the impact of the knife she held, falling against her before she pulled it out of his body and he slumped to the floor at her feet, his wound staining his clothes with green blood. “We won’t.”
He looked up at her again, without a word, before he fell knowing nothing more.
“You betrayed me, my love.” Fabala said. “This was long overdue.”
She rose, and advanced to the platform where the window was, standing there and looking out over the planet that had taken her son from her in two time periods.
She’d tried to turn the Earth’s sun red, once- but that hadn’t worked. He had remained distant from her, and had chosen to run away.
Now, he wasn’t running any more, and neither was she.
“I’m not done with this world.”
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inalienablerights · 5 years
CHARACTER SHEET repost. do not reblog.
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.    Kara Zor-El NICKNAME / ALIAS.     Kara Danvers, Kara Kent, Supergirl, Flamebird that one time on Kandor, Karanizu (Kryptonian dimunitive), Sunshine, Sparky, Girl of Steel, Last Daughter of Krypton GENDER.     cis woman HEIGHT.     5′4″ AGE.   26 ZODIAC.     aries LANGUAGES.    Kryptonian, English, some Martian, limited Thanagarian and Russian
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.     honey blonde EYE COLOR.     inhuman cerulean, dulled to a soft human blue with lead-impregnated glasses SKIN TONE.       warm golden brown BODY TYPE.     petite and stacked!!! biceps!!! thighs!!!! ACCENT.     affected Kansas regional Midwestern, but with undercurrents of what someone born on Earth might identify as Mongolic (actually Kryptonian). sometimes she forgets contractions exist. sometimes she uses only contractions. it’s a Struggle. VOICE.     soft and warm mezzo, but easily becomes commanding as needed DOMINANT HAND.     right. POSTURE.    as mild-mannered reporter Kara Danvers, she’s a bit diminished. she folds in on herself, keeps her shoulders rounded and head down. as Supergirl, its eighties-power-stance 24/7-- chin up, eye contact, shoulders back, ready for action! SCARS.    two surgical scars, one to the right of her belly button and one on her ribcage, just over the seventh intercostal space. they’re faint enough that you’d need to be only a few inches away or have super-vision to notice them. TATTOOS.    a Kryptonian holy symbol across her back, done in red ink. the script translates to hope in English. BIRTHMARKS.      nothing notable MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).    her eyes, when she’s not wearing her glasses, and her thighs all of the time
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.    argo city, krypton HOMETOWN.     midvale, kansas BIRTH WEIGHT.     kryptonian to earth measurement conversion unavailable BIRTH HEIGHT.     unavailable MANNER OF BIRTH. kryptonian birthing matrix FIRST WORDS.     unknown, not recorded in any surviving kryptonian records SIBLINGS.        no birth siblings, adopted brother Kon-El and adopted sister Alex Danvers PARENTS.       born to Zor-El and Alura In-Ze and raised by them until the age of twelve, then adopted by Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.      on krypton, parental involvement was often formal, as dictated by their rank as a noble House, although Zor-El did involve Kara in several scientific experiments. on Earth, Kara had a relatively normal upbringing; both parents were present and caring
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.      reporter by day, superhero by-- whenever she can get away! CURRENT RESIDENCE.          national city, ca CLOSE FRIENDS.          barbara gordon, siobhan smythe, jason todd, z’ndr kol, krypto, streaky RELATIONSHIP STATUS.             in canon: single / blog canon: uhhh who knows!!! verse-dependent. FINANCIAL STATUS.               comfortable salary from her job as a reporter, slightly more comfortable salary from the D.E.O. DRIVER’S LICENSE.               valid and up-to-date CRIMINAL RECORD.              none VICES.              rough sex, garbage diet
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.               bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.               bi PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.         submissive |  dominant | switch. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.             submissive  |  dominant | switch. LIBIDO.               healthy, but after a fight she’s rarin’ for it TURN ONS.                for a woman who could destroy her physically or intellectually? always on. rough-around-the-edges guy with a heart of gold (or at least pyrite)? you bet. dirty talk, hair pulling, hand around the throat, getting ordered around, feeling like she’s under the power of someone else, trust, mutual respect. TURN OFFS.          feeling powerless, hitting, actual choking, betrayals of trust LOVE LANGUAGE.               touch, acts of service, gift-giving. she craves physical intimacy like hugs and hand-holding, and tends to care for people by feeding them and making sure they’re safe, warm, and happy RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.              Shitty, shitty boyfriends. Slightly less shitty girlfriends. The healthiest relationship she’s ever had is being fwb with jason todd.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.    fob’s last of the real ones HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.               baking, stress baking, reading classic children’s literature MENTAL ILLNESSES.             ptsd, anxiety/depression, anger issues related to repeated physical and psychological trauma PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.         none, Earth’s yellow sun keeps the girl of steel in tip-top shape! LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.          mostly left-brained PHOBIAS.          loss of loved ones or her planet, failure to protect people SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.          high and well-deserved, with a constant lowkey (highkey) undercurrent of anxiety and resentment that she’s not good enough VULNERABILITIES.          kryptonite. obviously. magic, abandonment, her own anger, the loss of her entire species and planet, her loved ones, her reckless tendency toward martyrdom, her kindness
TAGGED BY.  @hoodedmenace how dare you keep me up till 1am filling this shit out TAGGING.  @atlantisking, @vspertilian, @thanagrian (gonna make you do BOTH), @cadmusreject, @deivll, @guardianled, @hawkeyedinc, @kryptoncropcircles, @truthveined
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elvisomar · 5 years
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@elodiedreams tagged me for the triple-threat: Lock Screen, Home Screen & last song listened to. Above are the shots from my iPhone 5S (you may wish to click to embiggen).
I’m convinced that “Braniac’s Daughter” is the only song in history to make reference to the tiny bottled city of Kandor.
I don’t typically tag others, because some people want to, others don’t. Show us yours, if you’re in the mood to play. 
The Dukes of Stratosphear  |  Braniac’s Daughter  |  Psonic Psunspot (1987) a.k.a. XTC
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x5red · 5 years
Sixty fun & fascinating facts about the classic Supergirl (3 / 4)
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Welcome to the third part of this series presenting sixty fascinating facts to celebrate the sixty years since the debut of the classic Supergirl in DC Comics. Ahead are another fun-filled fifteen snippets of trivia about the original intrepid Argo City teen who leapt from that crumpled Midvale rocket ship. Covering her original Silver and Bronze Age incarnation, in comics and on screen, each factoid is calculated to intrigue and delight – hopefully even seasoned Kara fans will find a few morsels of trivia that had previously escaped their attention.
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31. You can actually visit, in real life, the building where she once lived.
While Superman has rarely strayed beyond his fictional base of Metropolis, Supergirl’s adventures have seen her relocate far-and-wide many times. Some of her homes have been fictional, like Midvale and Stanhope, while others have been real-life, like San Francisco and Chicago. But shockingly, not only has the Girl of Steel lived in real locations, but she has even inhabited real addresses.
A panel in Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #4 (Feb 1983) exposes Linda Danvers’ home address as 1537 West Fargo Ave, Chicago – surprisingly, this turns out to be a genuine address. A later issue, #7 (May 1983), reveals that Linda’s apartment number is 12A. The building that’s currently at that location doesn’t correspond with the one drawn by Carmine Infantino, but if you happen to be passing you might want to check if one of the occupants is listed a “Ms. L. Danvers”.
32. The first theatrically released Supergirl movie was in 1973, not 1984.
As outlined in factoid #2 there was an abundant supply of superheroine movies in non-English speaking markets before Helen Slater’s Supergirl. Indeed so incredibly popular are superpowered females in some corners of the globe that, amazingly, there was even an unofficial Girl or Steel movie over a decade before the authorised Salkind-produced one. The film in question starred Pinky Montilla in the main role and was entitled simply Supergirl. Released on 23rd September 1973 into the Filipino market, the movie featured the Maid of Might’s early 70s costume but changed her origin story. Pinky would also play Bat Girl in 1973′s Fight! Batman, Fight! – and we can assume that the producers probably didn’t ask DC for permission to use the Dominoed Daredoll either.
33. She hated her time in Midvale Orphanage.
The Silver Age always presented Kara’s adventures with a naive sense of wonder and amazement; rarely did it seriously address the pain she must have felt at leaving her parents behind to die in Argo City. But comics changed a lot in the two decades after Kara was introduced, and by the time Supergirl’s origin was retold in Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1(Nov 1982) a very different spin was put on things. As Kara travels to begin a new life in Chicago, she reflects back on her tragic beginnings as a superhero, including the painful loss of her parents and her feelings of starting over in Midvale: “I was a real stranger in a very strange land! With nowhere else to go, Superman had no choice but to place me in Midvale Orphanage under the name Linda Lee.”, she recalls, before concluding solemnly, “I hated it!”
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34. She was a reluctant hero, often feeling out of place on Earth.
One theme that reoccurred during the Bronze Age adventures of Supergirl is how Kara felt at odds with her career as a superhero, and out-of-place on Earth. A story in Superman Family #168 (Dec 1974) demonstrates this more than most, as it brings together three troubled women with extraordinary powers. Supergirl joins her friend Lena Luthor (who has ESP) in an attempt to help Jan Thurston (who has telepathy) come to terms with her unusual powers.
After rescuing a suicidal Jan, Supergirl wins her trust by recounting her own sad journey from Argo City to Earth, explaining that at first she enjoyed the novelty of her superpowers, but quickly came to see them as a barrier. “I’m the mightiest girl on Earth -- and the loneliest!”, she laments, “There’s not a guy on the planet who can keep up with me... Not a single girl can get close enough to be my friend! Sometimes I think I’d much rather have stayed on Argo City!” But Kara goes on to outline how she overcame those feelings: “People like us aren’t different!”, she explains, “We’re just... special!”
35. She planned to start a family, until Kal-El intervened.
In the Bronze Age, DC writers clearly felt free to explore introspective ideas with Kara that likely weren’t possible with her famous cousin. One short story, tucked in the back of Superman Vol. 1 #282 (Dec 1974), demonstrated this more than any other. Kal-El travels to Florida, Kara’s then home, to confront her about suggestions that she may give up her superhero career. “This life of a super-heroine takes up too much of my time... Sets me apart from everyone else!”, she explains. “I want an ordinary life -- with a husband and children some day... Free to do what I choose!”
Naturally her straight-laced cousin isn’t too keen on this idea. He spins Kara a yarn from ancient Krypton folklore, the moral of the story being that she should be careful what she wishes for. “So you see, Kara”, he explains, “sometimes, when we get the things we think we want most... they turn out to be a curse rather than a blessing!” In light of this, Kara reconsiders her plans.
36. Wonder Woman designed one of her costumes.
As most fans know one of the few weaknesses the Man and Girl or Steel share is a vulnerability to magic; so when Adventure Comics #397 (Sep 1970) saw Kara go up against a powerful black magic cult, it was perhaps no surprised to find her badly beaten and her costume shredded. Luckily Wonder Woman was in her mod Emma Peel phase at the time, posing (in-between bouts of super heroics) as the owner of a fashion boutique. Reaching into the racks of clothes at her shop, Diana produces a completely redesigned Supergirl outfit befitting the fashions of the period, which Kara eagerly adopts. (Readers were left wondering whether Diana had redesigns of other hero costumes at the ready, or was Supergirl a special case?)
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37. Her mom(s) designed two of her costumes.
Every Supergirl fan knows that Kara’s original costume was designed by her mother, Alura, so that the teenager would be recognised immediately by the Man of Steel when she arrived on Earth. But few may remember that her mid-80s costume, the headband affair she wore going into Crisis on Infinite Earths, was also designed by her mother -- her other mother. Kara’s 80s costume was design by Edna Danvers, her adopted mother on Earth, who (it seemed) was in the habit of whiling away the long dark evenings in Midvale by sketching possible costume designs for her superhero daughter.
38. She’s a fan of recycling her clothes.
The Maid of Might has had many costumes over the years -- or rather, she’s had one costume that she’s recycled over and over since the early 70s. In Adventure Comics #407 (June 1971) a new invulnerable costume was given to Kara by the folks in the Bottle City of Kandor after her original Argo City outfit had been destroyed some months before. A dedicated follower of fashion, over the coming months Kara went through a succession of wild and wacky outfits, some lasting only one issue, before finally settling on her famous hot pants attire for the majority of the 1970s. One might have assumed that somewhere in the Fortress of Solitude there was a wardrobe packed full of retired red and blue super-duds, but Supergirl Vol. 2 #13 (Nov 1983) revealed Kara’s secret -- when it comes time to upgrade her outfit, Kara unravels her old costume at super-speed and and re-weaves the resulting ball of thread into the new design.
39. Demi Moore was the director’s first choice to play Lucy Lane in the Supergirl movie.
The casting net for the title role in 1984′s Supergirl was spread far-and-wide. Director Jeannot Szwarc asked casting agent Lynn Stalmaster to search the whole globe for candidates who could not only act, but withstand the physically and mentally pressure of training for the demanding stunts and wire work. One candidate, apparently, was Demi Moore, who didn’t get the Girl of Steel role but was considered perfect for Kara’s best friend, Lucy Lane. Director Jeannot Szwarc recalled in a 1999 interview, “I met tons of girls. I remember one of the girls was Demi Moore. She was very young and had a great voice. I wanted to use her for the room mate.” But it seems fate had other plans for Ms Moore, as Szwarc explained, “She would have been [perfect], but she was going to Brazil to do a movie with Michael Caine.“ (Moore played Caine’s daughter in Stanley Donen’s rom-com, Blame It on Rio.)
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40. One of her rarest appearances is from 1981, only a couple of pages long, but sells for $75+.
If there was a competition to find the rarest publication with an original Supergirl story, Danger on Parade / Le Danger Guette would surely be hot favourite for top place. This tiny comic, just eighteen panels long, was given away inside packets of breakfast cereals in Canada. It features an abbreviated adventure pitting Supergirl against Winslow Schott, aka the Toyman, in the pair’s only pre-Crisis encounter. Runner-up in the rarity stakes would likely go to the Super A and Super B booklet sets produced by Warner Books in 1977 for use in classrooms. The sets didn’t feature original stories however, but reprints with simplified speech balloons designed to teach reading skills.
41. She first met Kal-El years before she landed on Earth.
Gimmick story lines were the order of the day for Silver Age DC, and what better way to create an attention-grabbing dime-baiting cover than to arrange a bizarre crossover -- such was the case with Action Comics #358 (Jan 1968), which saw a very youthful Kara Zor-El in Argo City meet Superboy. The story is predictable fare: in deep space Superboy is scooped-up by one of Zor-El’s science probes, which brings him back to Argo City. Naturally Kara is the first one to discover the probe’s accidental passenger, and (naturally!) Kal-El has suffered memory loss that blots out his life on Earth. Kal and Kara become firm friends over the coming days, until (naturally!) the plot contrives to wipe her memory of him, and restore his memory of Earth.
42. Lena Luthor was the only friend who knew her secret identity.
In the 2015 Supergirl tv show, famously, everyone seems to know (or have known at some point) Supergirl’s secret identity... except Lena Luthor. Bronze Age DC Comics, however, were very very different: Lena first met Kara in Action Comics #295 (Dec 1962), using the name Lena Thorul to hide her connections to brother Lex. Instantly she became firm friends with both Supergirl and Linda Danvers, requiring Kara to work extra hard to stop Lena from realising they are one in the same. The deception finally ended in Superman Family #211 (Oct 1981) when Lena confessed to Kara that she’d worked out her dual identity. This made Lena the only ever friend of Linda Danvers who shared her secret. Sadly it didn’t last long, as by Superman Family #214 (Jan 1982) Lena had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage which affected her memory.
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43. She didn’t put the “Kara” into Karaoke.
Over the years Supergirl has exhibited some remarkable super skills, including super ventriloquism, incredible memory, and even the ability to read minds, but one skill that she seemingly lacks is any kind of musical aptitude. Despite the modern day tv Supergirl claiming to put the Kara into Karaoke, her comic strip counterpart didn’t ever appear to sing (not even in the shower!) What’s more, as she confesses in the pages of Adventure Comics #409 (Aug 1971), she doesn’t play any musical instruments either.
44. She’s was no stranger to tragedy even before she left Argo City.
Very few Silver or Bronze Age stories dealt with Kara’s life in Argo City, but one story that gave some idea of how she filled her time appeared in the pages of Action Comics #371 (Jan 1969), when a very young Kara is shown witnessing the cruel death of her best friend, Morina. The pair are innocently playing the game Zoomron, involving the throwing a Frisbee-like disc (the Zoomron) at a target. Chasing an erratic disc Morina tumbles into a crevice filled with Kryptonite, and a tearful Kara can only stand and watch as her friend succumbed to the deadly rays.
45. The Supergirl movie was almost entirely filmed in the UK.
Most fans know that Superman I and II owe a lot to Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, northwest of London, so it is no surprise that 1984′s Supergirl returned to use the same studio complex. But while Superman complimented its studio shots with exteriors filmed in New York (Metropolis) and Alberta, Canada (Smallville), Supergirl’s production stayed firmly within the UK. Locations included the banks of Loch Moidart on the west coast of highland Scotland, the Royal Masonic School for Girls in Hertfordshire, and Black Park Lake near the Pinewood soundstage in Buckinghamshire. Shockingly, even downtown Midvale was actually a huge sprawl of street facades constructed as a backlot set at Pinewood -- the 22 days it took to shoot the tractor rescue sequence was allegedly due to the notoriously fickle British weather.
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That’s all for part three. The final part, with even more extra-juicy Kara Zor-El trivia, will be available soon.
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fernwehbookworm · 6 years
Knight of Kandor- Chapter 22
It took three days of planning. We used the wagons we had brought up from Cadmium and took the covers off of them. Two separate teams went to nearby farms and bought as much trade goods as they could to load the wagons. Also, the teams acquired enough clothing for the DEO, John, Lex, Lena, and six of Lex's men to dress the part of traveling tradesmen just looking to sell their goods. The rest of the men Lex had brought with him stayed in camp with Donovan in command and Lady Jessica staying behind.
Both carts rumble slowly across the bridge. We huddle low with hunched shoulders of working people, Lena already secured to me by a safety line beneath our cloaks. We are stopped as expected just before the gate for the men to search our carts. The cart behind us has the rear hatch opened. That's when we move. Boxes of produce and several casks of wine spill out onto the ground, shattering and causing the deep red liquid to go everywhere. The men Lex brought begin shouting at the guards for destroying their wares. Voices are raised and catch the attention of everyone around. I open the secret hatch to let out the men going to take our places as well as a couple from the other cart quickly switching over. It isn't the exact same amount but it will help with the shock of so many people disappearing. As the scene grows more intense, I hook my climbing rope onto the cart before helping Lena slowly over the side. We dangle freely for a brief moment before a shift our weight and swing towards the cliff beneath the bridge. After a few tense moments with Lena clinging tightly to me, I manage to grasp the bars and find footing on the jagged rock face.
The nine others do the same. A brief whistle and the lines to safety are cut as we stand clinging to the bars of the spillway. It is still wide enough for Maggie to work in the middle. She had brought with her a powder that Felicity and Caitlin created that burns hot and fast. Hot enough to melt the iron. She spits on the upper part of the bars so the powder will stick and carefully spreads it around the lower part that sinks into the rocks.
"All right, get as far back as possible and close your eyes," Maggie commands.
The rest of us shuffle to either side of the entrance, feet squeezing between bars one at a time as we switch our handholds. Alex stays by Maggie, supporting her as she uses both hands for the flint and steel to send sparks flying. The commotion above has stopped, replaced by the sound of dozens of people entering and exiting the city at once. I squeeze my eyes shut as one of the sparks grows brighter and hear the sizzling of the various elements working against each other. Maggie repeats the process until each of the five bars she picked has fallen into the water far below us. then she and Alex is pulling each of us into the new opening. I pull out a torch from my pack and Alex does the same. I lead the way through the tunnels as my sister takes up the rear.
Luckily it is fairly easy to navigate and dry because the spring rains had yet to come. The main tunnel is the only one we have to stick to because it is the one that leads directly to the castle. It's faster than taking the crowded streets and passing through the gates, in a few short hours we are standing where Winn and I had determined the castle gardens would be. Not the royal ones, but the ones used for parties or enjoyed by staff and advisors. There is a ladder here for maintenance purposes, I climb up and slowly lift the cover to peer out. It is in a corner, blocked by view from high hedges. I sigh out my relief and snuff out the torch on the stone ceiling before climbing out and gesturing for the others to follow. I look at the faces crouched around me. The Deo all have the hoods of their robes pulled up, we had worn our uniforms under the cloaks and discarded them at the mouth of the tunnel. We had also gone as far as to wear light leather armor under our tunics for the fight that was inevitably coming, I just prayed we would not be alone. I nod to the determined faces and look around. The garden is empty for now, it was still too early for nobles to think about being out of bed, let alone strolling through the gardens, and too late for servants to still be attending chores here. I allow Lex to take the lead. He may not have been at court much, but every soldier new the Commander of the Royal Army. Servants naturally avoided the attention of royals and made themselves scarce. Several times soldiers half-heartedly tried to stop them before realizing who they were talking to and bowed deeply to the man who ignored them and brushed past.
Lex was headed straight to the throne room. I don't know why he thinks his mother would be there but surely word of the prince arriving in the castle moves fast. Lena is still wearing a hooded robe, covering her dark hair and bright green eyes. She strode in Lex's shadow, protected on all sides from the unknown of this mission. Lex stops outside the throne room. The guards usually posted there are gone.
"Rao, Protect us," He whispers before pulling hard on the large oaken doors.
Our meager band is met with easily a hundred palace guard, standing rank and file, and heavily armed. Silence fills the hall except for our boots striking the polished marble as Lex Leads us to the first Line of armed soldiers, who stop his path. On the other side of the small army, Queen Lillian lounges on the throne with a smirk on her face that causes my blood to boil in rage.
"Alexander, my dear boy! Welcome home!" She says with mock cheer and excitement.
"What is this mother? Is this how you greet your son? With armed men?" He asks in a calm and authoritative tone.
"I had to increase the guards around me after your sister was kidnapped."
"You mean after you sold her to Cadmium to be married off like a common girl!" Lex calls to his mother. She gasps.
"I did no such thing, dear boy. I am trying very hard to negotiate for her freedom."
"Are you now, Mother?" Lena says with ice in her voice, stepping out from behind her brother and pulling down the hood.
"You really should have made sure that Queen Rhea wouldn't tell me your entire plan. Then I wouldn't have known you were lying." The color noticeably drains out of the queens face at the sight of her scorned daughter.
"No, you can't be. Im-Imposter!" The queen shouts. Confusion ripples through the palace guard in front of us.
"Seize them!" The queen seems to be panicking.
"Stand down, soldiers. The woman on the throne has betrayed Krypton and tried to kill the rightful heir to the throne." Lex commands. The men shuffle, looking back and forth between the two Queens. Lena steps forward.
"Queen Lillian is no Luthor. She is no longer fit to sit where King Lionel sat and where his children should rule. She has clung to the power for far too long that is not rightfully hers. She attempted to be rid of me because in just a few short weeks she will be removed from the throne for me, the rightful heir, to take my fathers place. If you men had any love for my father, any love for Krypton, then you will seize that woman who had me kidnapped and taken to Cadmium to be forced to marry their future king." Power carries Lena's voice easily over the men. I watch a mixture of emotions play across Queen Lillian's face as men slowly look at each other, still unsure. Those closest to the queen must be her personal guard because they draw swords and look ready to fight any who come near her.
"Seize them!" Queen Lillian cries.
That stirs most of the men to action, turning one way or another as they pick a side. John strikes down a man close to us as he charges in alone. Chaos erupts as the men in the ranks turn against each other, though it seems most have turned away from us and a fighting the queen's personal guard. Three of those guards push the queen out the door behind the thrones and disappear.
"John, protect her. Protect our Queen." I say to him. He nods.
"Alex!" I call, she throws a knife at a man who managed to slip through in the chaos and run towards us.
She sees where I watched the queen disappears and nods. We run around the main mob of bodies, occasionally cutting down a man stupid enough to try and stop us. We sprint into the corridor, I quickly think of possible ways for the queen to escape. She couldn't stay in the castle, most the men had already sided with Lena. the stables, she would try and flee Kandor.
"Follow me," I say and take off down the corridor. Running on a flat surface was easy compared to roofs. My muscles rejoice at the movement after days of planning and sparring. Two of the guards that had escaped with the queen stand at the door leading to the courtyard. I throw a knife and it sinks into one's throat as Alex leaps on the other. I hear her hidden blade sink into flesh as my speed carries me out the door. The last man had pulled horses from a stable boy and was trying to calm them enough for the queen still running down the steps towards him. With a final leap, I knock the queen to the ground and pull back my hood. The guard cries out as Alex's own throwing knife sinks into his chest.
"Who are you?" The queen asks, dazed from hitting her head after I toppled her to the ground.
"Kara Zorel Ward. Better known as Kal to you."
"You should have died in the fighting pits."
"No, I survived. You should have killed me yourself if you wanted that."
"I wanted to rule in peace."
"You wanted power. And to kill the bastard of your husband. You are selfish and you have no right to rule."
"I was going to change the world."
"You did, by scorning Lena you made her strong enough to rule and to find the peace you tried to sell her to get. She will change the world."
"I..." Whatever the queen was about to say as I flex my wrist and the blade sinks into her throat.
"Rao binds us to those we love. He gives us strength when we have none. In the darkest place, He guides us. Rao, protect us so that we might protect others. And we shall rise, a fire in His hearth, burning and free." Kara murmurs as the queen takes one last, wet breath. She falls limp as blood pours out of the wound.
Armored men stampede towards us. I hear swords being drawn and look up into the determined eyes of James. Fire burns there because someone dared to kill his queen, to infiltrate his castle. I could see it. I could see the commitment to killing me and Alex harden in his eyes. I could see no recognition of who I was.
"Halt!" Lena cries from the top of the stairs. Conflict appears with the determination but then James seems to recognize his Queen-in-waiting.
"My Lady, they killed your mother," he says, not looking away from me, sword still poised to strike.
"Sir James, I know. Kara was acting under my command. My mother acted on treason."
"Kara..." James says slowly, realization coming to his face.
"Kara! You're alive!" he exclaims.
"Listen to me! Queen Lillian is dead. She died for several acts of Treason against me and against Krypton. Those who still support her are being arrested as we speak. Kara Danvers acted on mine and Prince Alexander's orders. Return to your posts while we deal with the betrayers." Lena commands over the growing crowd.
"Kara!" I hear Winn shout from a servant's entrance, obviously drawn in by the commotion. He runs to me before stopping before the body of the queen. Quickly he sidesteps it and embraces me.
Lena descends much more slowly and orders two guards to take the Queen's body away. Her mask is in place, much like when I first met her, but pain and conflict creep out through her eyes when she looks from her mother's form to me.
"Kara and Alex Danvers, come with me. James, you and Winn also."
Bells tolled for the death of a monarch. Lena cried in my arms as she sorted through emotions she didn't know it was possible for her to have. The woman who raised her was dead. The woman who stole her from her mother and also had her kidnapped was dead. Lex disappeared for three days. Heralds were sent out all around Krypton to announce Queen's Lillian's death and her crimes against the crown. They also announced Lena's coronation, still planned for her birthday. Today was the funeral. The queen could not be buried in the Royal Crypt due to her crimes, but her marriage meant she could not be buried anywhere else. The solution was a funeral pyre.
James had returned my armor to me yesterday. I stood dressed in it next to Lena, overlooking the burning flames that had long ago engulfed the body. We were to stand vigil until only coals remained. She wore all black and her face was ashen. Lady Jessica stood on the other side, returned to the castle after a messenger was sent to Lex's remaining army in the woods. Smoke hung heavy in the air as the clouds turned to gray. I could smell the rain. In a few hours, it would come down, snuffing out the dying embers and ending this hellish of a nightmare. Queen Lillian had ruined my life and Lena's. It was she who called for the children of hundreds of families to be killed. It was her fault I became Kal and was put in the army when the fighting was at a peak. The last of my old life burned away with the late Queen.
Lena established me as a knight once more, officially in the records. My place was next to her again. This time as who I really was, this time as a woman. Lena had already started moving for the law to allow women into the army. It would be a slow process, but the door was open now. When the rain started and the embers died in fits and spurts, we went inside and ate in the great hall. It was a somber affair. The real celebration would happen with the coronation. Lex reappeared and sat next to Lena while I stood behind with John. Lex held himself proudly, but the pain of being an orphan was evident in his shoulders. Before he left he put a hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you, for doing what I could not and for loving my sister enough to do it." Tears formed in his eyes but he left before I could respond.
Lena left soon after that. I followed her to her room and lingered by the door. She turned and gave me a curious look when she realized I had not followed her inside.
"What's wrong?"
"I know I have stayed here the past couple of nights, but shouldn't Lady Jessica return? I mean this is her room too, right?"
"No, she's been staying with Donovan. Kara, come here. We have been together almost every night since you found me. Why would that change now?"
"Because you are my queen and I am a knight again. Lena, what would the people say if they knew I warmed your bed every night? If you didn't marry because of me?" Lena comes over to me as I stubbornly stay in the doorway.
"Haven't we been over this? I don't give a shit what they think. I want you. I have already talked to Lex about his future children taking the throne. He agrees. Now come to bed, I miss you." I furrow my brow at the last statement.
"You miss me? We have hardly been apart." Lena leans up and whispers in my ear.
"Not like that love. I miss you, naked and squirming under me." I swallow hard.
"Oh." Is all I manage before nimble finger begins working the straps of my armor. Quickly I begin to help Lena, fumbling a little at not having to do this for almost a year now.
(Smut Warning, Skip to Chapter Break)
As the last piece falls away, I tug at her dress, loosening the corset and undoing the buttons. We hadn't been together since leaving Cadmium and every fiber of my being yearned to be close with her again. Lena tugs at my under tunic and unties my pants. The shirt is discarded as she slips out of the dress and climbs on the bed in her small clothes. My lips meet hers, hot and passionate, pulling her towards me as I straddle her waist. Lena leans back and settles into the bed while I trail kisses down her neck, she arches up into me. I remove her underwear while trailing from her clavicle to a breast. One hand rolls a nipple while my tongue swirls around the other one. Lena is making heavenly noises above me, noises I had missed so much.
The future queen pulls me back up to kiss her and rolls us over so she can straddle me. I look up at her beautiful naked form and suddenly I am so glad for all the events that led to this. Rao had blessed me in the end with this wonderful woman. It made it all worth it.
Lena kisses me again and wipes my mind clean of all thought. She is all I can think about. How her tongue moves against mine before leaving my mouth and taking in a nipple. I gasp at the sudden transition and grip her thighs harder. Lena pulls my hands off her legs to tangle her fingers in mine as she moves lower, placing hot, open-mouthed, kisses every couple of inches. My fingers squeeze hers when her tongue dips into my lower lips and circles around my clit. Lena was making good on her promise of having me squirm under her. She didn't even enter me and after a few minutes of careful tongue play, I was calling her name.
"Guess... we... have to build my stamina... back up." I pant out when I can manage it.
"You have the best stamina of anyone I know." Lena teases tracing patterns on my skin with a finger.
"You're right. I think I just missed you too much."
"How much?" I grin at her question.
"I'll show you."
Bells rang out across the city in a much more celebratory way as the Queen was seated on her throne. Queen Lena Luthor was where she belonged. Her brother stood next to her throne as the ceremony ended. Soon he would return to fighting an unending war, but, for now, he was proud of his sister. I could see it on his face. The council was still in serious debate over women in the army but I knew now with Lena officially queen, the opposers would loose. Winn was drafting new laws for Lena, including one where we could marry.
Cat Grant had cornered me to tell me that I better marry that woman or she would make my life hell. I believed her, not that I had any reason not to marry Lena. For now, though, we sat at the high table and danced late into the night. The DEO had left yesterday to return to Cadmium. It was tearful for Alex and me, the others too, but mostly Alex. I really did feel like she was the sister I always wanted. This wasn't the end though. The fight isn't over. It won't be over until there is peace and Cadmium has rulers who rule for the people, not over them. Kara Danvers story was just beginning. And I couldn't wait to find out the end.
                                                       The End
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chibinightowl · 6 years
The Adventures of Sir Timothy Drake
Link to Chapter Five
Chapter Six: Current Events
To say that Tim was in shock was putting it mildly. He blinked rapidly as he tried to absorb the news. “But I’m alive,” he tried to argue. “I’ve barely been gone two months, almost three. For someone to be declared legally dead, without a body, it’s supposed to be five years.” Kori should know this. She was the magistrate.
“I know, Tim,” Kori replied soothingly. “But under extenuating circumstances, that rule can change. They sent you off to fight a dragon. Despite what the stories say, that’s not something someone comes back from. Dick and your friend Kon spent the better part of a month researching this while waiting for your parents to arrive in Gotham for the inquiry.”
Tim took a step back and brushed against Jason’s strong chest. “Wait a minute. Kon is here?”
Kori sighed and shook her head. “Sit down and I’ll explain what’s happened since you left.”
“Please,” Tim said faintly and let Jason guide him to the sofa. The dragon was hovering, but trying not to be obvious about it. Mar’i climbed up next to him and snuggled close. “I smell like horse,” he chided, but she made a face at him.
“So do I.”
Jason took a seat next to him and Mar’i peered cautiously at him from her spot under Tim’s arm. Tim suddenly remembered his manners. Sucking in a deep breath, he spoke. “Kori, Mar’i, this is Jason. He’s my fiancé.” Considering the circumstances, he could be excused for omitting titles.
Kori’s already large green eyes widened in surprise. “Tim, you know I will support you in whatever choices you make for your own happiness, but you do know that he’s not…”
“Human?” Jason finished with a sharp smirk. “Oh, he’s well aware I’m not.”
“What are you?” Mar’i asked in that plain manner of speech only a child can get away with. Her green eyes gleam, just like her mother’s. “I see horns.”
Jason dropped his glamor, the light shimmering before settling into his real human-like form. There wasn’t a point in wearing it when the lady of the house could see right through it, just as her daughter could. Tim had warned Jason that they probably would, considering Kori’s lineage. Tamaraneans were more fae than human but never once had Tim seen Kori have an issue with iron or steel.
“I’m the dragon Tim was supposed to kill.”
Tim raised his hand immediately as both Kori and Mar’i clamored for the story to calm them down and glared at Jason. “I’ll tell my story soon enough. My parents, please,” he asked in an authoritative tone. Drama wasn’t what he needed right now. He needed facts.
Kori sat down in a chair across from them and rested her hands on her knees. It was a stance Tim had seen many times from her as she chose her words. This language was not her native one and in times of stress or excitement, she’d lapse back into her own. “I expect nothing less,” she finally said. “Here is what occurred after you left us…”
Dick took the news of Tim’s quest hard, even worse than he’d originally expected. The very same morning Tim left Grayson House on his journey westward, he was on the road to Gotham, with Kori and Mar’i all but shoving out the door. The vow Tim had extracted from him said nothing about going there. He’d made it in less than a week, pushing himself and his horses hard.
The king was not pleased when he heard the news. Dick was one of Bruce’s most trusted allies in the murky world of Gotham politics, viewing the knight almost like a son. His words carried a lot of weight, especially against a powerful member of the king’s court as the Duke of Drake. The fact that Bruce had placed a ban on such pointless quests amongst the younger knights in their attempts to curry favor and claim such feats of valor and bravery helped.
“More like stupidity,” Jason muttered quietly.
Tim elbowed him in the ribs almost absently, focused as he was on Kori’s story. “Hush.”
Regular tournaments weeded out the brash and foolish, but Tim wasn’t someone who needed to prove his worth in such a way. He was a war hero and a skilled diplomat in his own right, having trained under Lord Marshal Gordon. When he was present in Gotham, people took notice and even older members of Bruce’s circle of advisors listened when Tim spoke.
To see him sent on such quest to supposedly prove his worth as the heir of a powerful duchy when he’d already more than proven himself in his own right was downright stupid.
“Those were apparently Selina’s words when Dick spoke to her and Bruce,” Kori explained.
Tim snorted, trying to hold back his laugh. He knew his queen. “I doubt they were quite that clean.”
Kori chuckled and shook her head. She and Selina were friends of a sort; their bond more of mutual respect than anything else. “They weren’t but Dick asked that I not swear in front of Mar’i anymore.”
“I don’t mind, Mommy,” the little girl piped up. “I know I’m not supposed to repeat it in front of Daddy."
Beside him, Tim could feel Jason suppressing his own laughter. He knew right then and there that once this mess was straightened out, he’d probably teach Mar’i how to swear in at least half a dozen languages just because he could. Dick was going to love that. Tim made a mental note to be in another room when that clash occurred. Perhaps outside the house altogether.
“I know, my darling,” Kori said, smiling fondly at her daughter. “Your father has such archaic ways of thinking sometimes. Women have been swearing as long as men have.”
Tim shoved his elbow into Jason’s quavering ribs again. He was impossible.
Kori continued with her story.
Using the violation of the frivolous quests ban as his excuse, Bruce summoned Jack and Janet Drake to Gotham for questioning. During the time it took for them to arrive, Dick sent a message to Kandor to inform Prince Kon-el of what happened to his best friend. It didn’t take long for Kon to arrive. In fact, he managed to before the Drakes did, all righteous fury and demanding that Bruce let him challenge the Duke to a dual, even though they’d been outlawed in both Kandor and Gotham.
Kon could be a bit of a hothead at times, something Tim knew all too well.
When the Drakes learned they were facing an inquiry into their son’s whereabouts, Jack was the first to speak privately with Bruce. He stated that while he of course knew that Tim was on a quest, he’d been under the impression it was one that his son wanted to take, that he felt the need to challenge himself. What Jack didn’t know was that his only heir was off to kill a dragon. The news nearly caused him to relapse back into one of his fits.
Tim shook his head slowly, remembering the last time he saw his father. “Father and I barely spoke before I left. He was ill at the time, recovering from his last bout of the falling sickness. I only told him that I’d be gone for a while and would see him soon.” He hadn’t wanted to worry him, not with the recent fit he was recovering from. It was a condition his father had suffered from for years, ever since he routed a group of bandits from their lands and fell when his horse was shot out from under him. His head injuries had been severe.  
“That’s what he told Bruce too,” Kori stated gently. “He wasn’t entirely certain of the circumstances behind your decision, but he said you were always trying to prove your worth to him and your mother. He also said you didn’t have to. That you’ve always been worthy because you’re his son.”
Tim was standing before he even realized it, his throat closing as he forced down a sob. His father…Jack Drake never spoke about how he felt. He was of the belief that actions spoke louder than words, but even then, those actions were never directed at him. Only at his mother. Dick knew this, and by extension Kori did too. They wouldn’t lie about something so important to him. If his father said this to Bruce, then it had to be true.
“It was all Mother, then?” he said quietly, fists clenched.
Kori stood and nodded, wrapping her arms around him to hold him close. “She’d been speaking with a number of other ladies at court. They were singing the praises of their children’s recent accomplishments. You’ve been holed up in Bristol for a couple years now, so she felt she needed to come up with a story to top them all.”
“Holed up in Bristol?” Tim bit out each word and pushed himself away from his friend. “I was there because they never were! Who else is supposed to run an entire duchy? The other heir they have tucked away somewhere?” He sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm down.
“I know,” Kori replied, reaching out and running her fingers calmingly through his hair. She was as tactile as Dick. “Things have gotten out of control. But you’re home now, you’re in one piece, and you have a fire breathing dragon to guard your back against whatever else Janet comes up with.”
Said fire breathing dragon was also on his feet, a solid wall of support and warmth at his shoulder. Tim sighed heavily and leaned back, Jason’s arms wrapping around him instantly. “I do have a dragon in my pocket, don’t I?” He glanced up at him.
Jason smirked roguishly and flashed his fangs. “It’s called leverage, Tim. I bet all those old biddies will wet themselves in more ways than one when I come strolling in on your arm.”
Behind them, Mar’i laughed and Tim groaned. He really hoped she didn’t understand the other part of what Jason had said because Dick would kill him. “Kori, I’m announcing here and now that I am in no way responsible for whatever Jason happens to teach your daughter.”
“Noted,” she replied with a grin of her own.
Mar’i and Jason both laughed at him. It wasn’t fair, they were already in cahoots and they hadn’t even known each other an hour yet. Life wasn’t going to be boring with Jason around, that much was certain.
Tim tried to steer them back on topic. “You said Father spoke with Bruce. Did Mother?”
Kori nodded and sat back down, Tim and Jason following suit. Mar’i cuddled in close again and Tim tucked her under his arm. “Yes. From what Dick wrote, it was quite the row because she didn’t believe she’d done anything wrong. Said it was your choice to leave on such a quest. The most she would admit to was planting the idea in your head.”
That was not how Tim remembered the conversation going. Not at all. “There were quite a few other words spoken between us,” he stated flatly. “Many involving duty, glory, and for the pride of our house.” None of this was news to Kori. She’d been there along with Dick when he came riding up on his way west to inform them of what occurred. He had few secrets from his friends.
“Dick already shared that information with Bruce,” Kori replied, folding her hands over her upraised knee. She never was much on formality in front of those she considered family. “But of course, it’s his word and mine, against that of a duchess.”
“And we both know how the courts in this land will lean unless Bruce takes a direct hand. The fact that you’re a monarch of equal standing means nothing with what they consider your eccentricities.” Tim huffed a long breath, silently cursing how backwards the nobility could be. “I assume Bruce has stepped in if my parents are already up on murder charges?”
“More like manslaughter,” Kori said. “Involuntary, at that, which is the best Dick and Kon could come up with since they don’t have a body. We knew you headed west when you left us, so scouts were sent to try and find you. There’s some neglect charges as well, but I doubt those will stick as the duchy is still running smoothly. Your father was nice enough to leave me in charge when he and Janet were summoned to Gotham.”
At least his father did one smart thing. Tim nodded approvingly. “It can stay that way until I return from Gotham. But why aren’t you in Bristol?”
“I was actually planning to leave tomorrow to start preparations for harvest.”
“Then we’ll be going with you.” Tim glanced over at Jason. “And from there, we’ll head to Gotham.”
Dinner was a quiet affair, a fact for which Tim was grateful as he was preoccupied, turning over Kori’s tale and methodically tearing it to pieces as he ate. She’d tried to deliver it factually, but all the information had come from Dick, so they both knew how biased it was already. It was something Lord Gordon had taught him. In order to be objective, one could only look at the facts. Kori was particularly skilled at it, which surprised many considering her passionate nature.
But this wasn’t a diplomatic mission. Tim tried to turn his attention back on the roasted fowl and delicately sauced vegetables on his plate and simply couldn’t, for all that he recognized the food as his favorites. He’d thought being brought up on current events would relieve the itch in the back of his mind, but it hadn’t. It was still there, persistently gnawing at him.
He listened as Jason regaled Kori and Mar’i, and by extension the staff who huddled close to the door, with the story over how they met and the bargain they struck. The plate in front of the dragon was mostly untouched, but he’d made a token attempt at eating the fowl, even if it did include the bones, much to Mar’i’s delight as she clapped her hands in glee. The child was no shrinking violet, and just as bold as both her parents. It was a trait they both encouraged in their daughter and she had a sharp mind to back it up. Heaven help the person she ended up marrying; they’d have to be nigh on impossible themselves.
After the meal was over, Tim excused himself and made his way outside. The early evening was still warm, but it would cool down pleasantly enough now that the sun was barely under the horizon. He walked aimlessly, trying to make sense of the strong emotions coursing through his veins.
His relationship with his parents wasn’t the greatest, but how could his mother do this to him? She sent him on a fool’s errand all for the sake of the glory it would bestow upon her if he not only returned alive, but successful in his quest. Tim was well aware of how selfish she was; it was about the only thing he and his father agreed on when it came to her, but for all that, she was still his mother. A term he’d learned from elvish book came to mind. Narcissist. It fit her well and explained so much. Perhaps when he had some time, he’d translate the book to share with the medical community.
Still, Tim couldn’t deny that his own desire to watch her face crumble when he arrived in Gotham with a fiancé had grown stronger. Even more so, her realization that the man at his back was no man at all, but a dragon. Same sex partners were rare in this kingdom, but were not unheard of, even if they were frowned upon. The general mindset was it was something the young did in private before the onset of adult responsibilities. His relationship with Jason was something he refused to hide behind closed doors. Their marriage would set the precedence for others of its kind.  
Even though it was a loveless one. It was something Tim had reconciled himself to, despite his own feelings. Jason enjoyed his company, he knew this without a doubt. They both were strongly attracted to each other, another benefit to be sure. But the dragon considered him to be part of his hoard, which also meant Jason thought of him as a possession. It was a cute conceit, however inaccurate it was because Tim was a person, not an object, and couldn’t be stored neatly on a shelf.
He shoved those thoughts from his mind. They were ones he’d rehashed many times over the course of their journey home. There was business here to be addressed first.
Tim found himself alongside the fence of the massive paddock the horses were kept in. He rested his arms across the top of the wooden rail and watched them settle in. It promised to be a mild night, so leaving them outdoors wouldn’t do them any harm. One of the horses made their way towards him, and Tim smiled softly when Robin nickered in greeting.
He rubbed her velvety nose as she tried to nibble at his sleeve. “I don’t have any treats, pretty lady. Think you’ve got one more day in you? We’ll be home tomorrow and you can have a good rest.”
“I always catch you talking to her. I’m wondering if I should be jealous?” Jason leaned against the fence next to him, his back to the horses. His eyes shone brightly in the fading light.
Tim chuckled as Robin huffed and pointedly ignored the dragon as she so often did. He should have known Jason wouldn’t let him out of sight for long. “If you’re so worried, you’ll be happy to know I’ll be riding a different horse to Gotham. This lady deserves a break.”
“So do you,” Jason chided. “There’s no need to rush into anything. Lady Kori already said the lawyers for both sides are preparing their case to present before the king.”
That was one thing Tim was glad of. King Bruce was a stickler for law and order while many other monarchs would simply be off with their heads and wash their hands of the matter. His parents were under house arrest, confined to their rooms in the palace, something his mother undoubtedly railed against every day. It was as good a situation as any Tim could hope for. Once he arrived in Gotham, this would become his problem, not the king’s.
“I know,” he agreed quietly. “But that itch I’ve been feeling hasn’t gone away at all. I thought it might when I caught up with events; if anything, it’s stronger than it was before.”
“Yours is a patriarchal kingdom, right?” Jason asked, crossing his arms as his brow furrowed in thought. “The line of inheritance typically is through the male line?”
Tim nodded in agreement. “Yes, unless there is no male heir. Then it falls to the eldest eligible female. House Wayne comes to mind. Helena is the crown princess.” He wasn’t sure where Jason was going with this.
“Your ties to the land come through your father then, right?”
“I would assume so,” Tim said slowly. “The Drakes have ruled these lands for almost three centuries. Mother’s family is from the south.”
Jason shifted and fixed his gaze on Tim. After weeks of seeing his human eyes, it was something of a relief to see the solid blue glow, broken only by the slit of his pupil. “I wonder if something’s happened to your father,” he finally said. “You’ve been feeling this way for what, almost ten days now? He’s bound to have some connection to the land, even if he’s not present. It knows.”
Tim groaned and let go of Robin’s bridle, belatedly realizing he’d been holding it tightly as the dragon spoke. There was a certain amount of logic to what he said and his words painted a very clear picture for him, especially with his father’s ongoing illness. “Dammit, Jason. Now how the hell am I supposed to sleep tonight?”
The dragon tapped the tip of Tim’s nose with a long, dark claw. “The same way you do every night, Tim. With me wrapped around you. I’ll make sure you get some rest. Something tells me tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day.”
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