blorb-el · 1 year
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out of context, extremely pure panels
wf 240, "how do you kill a superman?" 1976, script bob haney, pencils dick dillin, inks john calnan,
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chernobog13 · 27 days
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ACTION COMICS (vol. 1) #276 (May, 1961). Cover by Curt Swan and Stan Kaye.
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cinnamonanddean · 26 days
Mmm I see that we're drawing parallels with a former friend who turns down a dark path.
I feel like Lex's cause was a bit more just though. Zod is just being selfish.
Oh SHIT Clark just lifting Tess off the ground by her throat!!
Lex is SPINNING IN HIS GRAVE right now. Right in his own office.
Sweetie I'm not sure putting a marker with the shield out in public is the best idea.
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orange-s-mario · 2 years
researching for superman family tree
2 separate sites say that Vol-Don, member of the Kandorian Lookalike Squad is a distant cousin of Superman
The Kandorian Lookalike Squad appear in at least:
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen vol 1 #70
Action Comics vol 1 #309
Superboy vol 1 #118
Superman vol 1 #177
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen vol 1 #83
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen vol 1 #85
Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane vol 1 #60
Superman vol 1 #185
oh also apparently there's a Hap-El but he might be unrelated, seeing as how when Vitar mentions that Don-El looks like Clark, Hap only mentions that Don and Kal are related
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nitpickrider · 6 months
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That is...an excellent point, yes. Only a Kandorian would need a tooth filled because they don't have superpowers 99% of the time. Action Comics 304
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Being Superman is very important to Silver Age Clark Kent.
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Superman #172 "The New Superman!" (1964)
Interesting story- he loses his powers deflecting a meteor that could have struck earth and then holds a contest to find a Kandorian that could replace him. Victory goes to Ar-Val, who lets his ego go to his head and ignore the really important stuff- most notably a scheme with Brainiac and Luthor to kill the now depowered Clark. When he founds out Clark almost died in the attempt to stop them (with temporarily borrowed powers), the guilt causes him to sacrifice his life to restore Superman to full strength.
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what is the Robin timeline in ur headverse? Like what’s the order and where do they end up later in the timeline? (also love ur art its amazing)
okay, stick with me, this is a journey:
Bruce wasn't the first Batman in the headverse, that was an OC named Dr. Aloysius Flying Fox (later just Aloysius Fox). His Robin was John Blake, who's thus first by technicality. Al and John are the headverse's Golden Age Batman and Robin, with a weakened Zod as the Golden Age Superman and Diana back in her role as Golden Age WW since she was born in 1900 as a Century Baby.
Once Bruce becomes Batman, the order of Robins is:
Dick Grayson (adopted as preteen, trains for a year or so and debuts as Robin) who becomes Nightwing around the time he's 18, using a name of Kryptonian animal and a Kandorian bodysuit gifted to him by Clark, giving him a little extra protection even against superhuman foes.
Jason Todd comes on after Dick's moved to San Francisco/Jump City full time with the Titans but before he's Nightwing. He's older than Dick was when he started (so 14-15) and only gets a year or two before Joker kills him. He's revived shortly after by the League of Assassins and trained in the ways of the All-Caste. He returns to Gotham as the Red Hood before completing his training, which causes problems for his Outlaws down the line.
After the incident with Jason, there's a gap where Bruce is mostly operating solo (barring team-ups with other established heroes). Tim, Steph, and Cass all come crashing into his life around the same time after Dick's become Nightwing but before Jason return. Tim is Robin, Steph is Spoiler and Cass is Orphan, but Steph and Cass become a second Robin and Batgirl shortly after coming up the Batman's aegis.
After Jason's return, Tim is Red Robin, Steph and Cass are both Batgirl (barring Cass's time undercover as Kasumi), at which point Damian enters the picture and the whole dynamic blows up. Once everything's kind of settled, Damian is Robin.
Then Crisis Era begins and there's another big shake-up, the functional result of which is the disappearance of the Trinity. This Era is defined by reality breaking apart as a result of various Meta-Cosmic beings (The Hands and The Eyes, Monitors and Looker, Pariah, Old and New Gods, etc) all fighting to survive Perpetua and The King of Tears attempting to resurrect Ultra the Hunter.
Dick and Damian continue on as Batman and Robin for some time. Carrie Kelley is active as Robin as well, but she's from a timeline create and destroyed during the Crisis, so she mostly operates independent of the larger Bat-Family. Jace Fox discovers Aloysius's history as the Lost Batman of Gotham's Golden Age and simultaneously operates as Batman of the Cinderella City (New York).
Dick eventually leaves the mantle, Damian becomes the Outsider, and Jace and his sister Tam operate as Batman and Robin. Cass is the new Batwoman, with Vivian Vale (oc) as Batgirl and Cheyenne Fremont as Nightwing. Steph is Oracle with assists from Barbara. Tim survives being captured by Joker and then splits his costumed adventures between the Black Ace Joker and the Batman Who Laughs.
From there is a jump to the Beyond Era and the emergence of Terrence McGinnis, unknowingly a result of Waller's work to create a reliable Batman of her own, who then bonds with an abandoned picotech symbio-suit being maintained by an older Jace.
Duke's present through the timeline, but as a Monitor-level metahuman, he's sort of on his own trajectory. Harper is concurrent with Steph, Cass, and Tim, all of whom are involved with a Talon using the pseudonym "Turner Hayes" before being revealed as an undead Dexter Dent. Dex is briefly Robin under James Gordon Jr, Waller's first attempt at having a Batman of her own.
Maps Mizoguchi is in here somewhere, probably concurrent with Damian and Carrie during the Crisis. She eventually becomes Meridian (uh, current BoP spoilers I guess).
Jenny Wren claims to be the First Robin but she's just one of Aloysius and John's rogues who became a Talon but got her memory scrambled.
I think I originally had a young Helena Bertinelli as Robin concurrent with Dick to retroactively justify Helena Wayne being named after her, but idk if I'm keeping that or it really makes sense. Otherwise she's Kate Kate's Robin before becoming Huntress. Helena Wayne follows a similar trajectory, but becomes Batman between Cass and Jace but before Terri and Elaina (Dick's daughter with [redacted] and briefly one of the Red X's).
I...think that's everyone?
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paullovescomics · 3 days
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Superman has temporarily relocated his Fortress of Solitude closer to Metropolis, so that people can take tours of it, with the proceeds going to charity. Supes knows this is an opportunity for his enemies to mess up his fortress, so he has his super robots scanning entrants with their x-ray vision. However, two clever crooks sneak in separate parts of an explosive, which they only mix together after they get inside.
Meanwhile, Superman answers questions about the various displays in his fortress. There are a couple that he doesn't want to talk about. These prompt him to remember the stories behind them, and we get to see what happened. These vignettes fulfill the cover's premise about previous locations for the Fortress of Solitude.
In the first one, Superman has built his fortress inside an asteroid out in space. While Supes is chilling there, an evil cloud-creature phases through the wall and declares that, because it hates all life, it's going to kill Superman. To do this, it brings to life the wax statues of Kal-el's friends, and gives them superpowers equal to his. To make a short story shorter, Superman uses a sun to burn up the gas creature. I guess he didn't want to tell the tourists that story because he totally killed a sentient being, with no remorse whatsoever.
In the second one, he moves the Fortress deep within the Earth, only to be attacked by people made out of fire. They eventually figure out that he's not there to invade their turf, but Supes decides it's not the kind of place he wants to visit regularly.
As we all know, the bottled city of Kandor is in the Fortress of Solitude. Luckily for everybody, the Kandorian security forces saw the bad guys plant the bomb. (This bomb is nuclear, by the way. How you make a nuclear bomb by mixing liquids, IDK, but that's what it is.) They try to radio Superman to tell him about it, but a new trophy is causing interference with their signal. A total coincidence eventually cancels it out, and Superman saves the day.
And now we know that the Fortress of Solitude was situated in at least two other locations before it was settled at the Arctic.
I read this story in Showcase Presents Superman, volume 2. The actual issue apparently also contained a Supergirl story, and another one about Congo Bill. 1960 was still in the "all comics are anthologies" era.
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chainsawcorazon · 1 month
kandorians can never catch a fuckin break, im so sorry, gang 😭
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four-color-words · 7 months
Was talking with Dad about old Superman comics today (happy birthday Clark, btw) and now I've got my Kandorian OC on my mind... Liora/Claire/Lisa/Child of So Many Names I love you...
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cantsayidont · 9 months
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November 1981. Embiggenable family tree for the pre-Crisis Superman, from SUPERMAN: THE KRYPTON CHRONICLES #3. Here's a breakdown:
Superman's paternal grandparents were Jor-El I and Nimda An-Dor.
Jor-El I had a sister, Kalya Var-El, who married Nim-Zee, a member of the Kandorian Science Council, and a brother, Zim-El, who married Byma Ruth-Ar.
Nim-Zee and Kalya Var-El had two sons: Gem-Zee, whose daughter Thara Gem-Zee later married Ak-Var (Jimmy Olsen's successor as Flamebird), and Van-Zee, who later married the Earthwoman Sylvia DeWitt (and for a while succeeded Superman as Nightwing, hero of Kandor). Van-Zee and Sylvia have two kids, twins Lyle-Zee and Lili Van-Zee.
Zim-El and Byma Ruth-Ar's son Kru-El (Jor-El's cousin) was sent to the Phantom Zone for creating forbidden weapons.
Jor-El I and Nimda An-Dor had three sons: Jor-El II, his twin brother Nim-El, and their younger brother Zor-El.
Nim-El married Dondra Klu-Ta; their son Don-El later became the police chief of Kandor.
Jor-El II married Lara Lor-Van; their son, Kal-El, became Superman.
Kal-El's maternal grandparents (Lara's parents) were Lor-Van and Lara Rok-Var.
Zor-El married Alura In-Ze in Argo City after the destruction of Krypton. Their daughter, Kara Zor-El, born some years later, became Supergirl.
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nitewrighter · 4 months
Favorite silly/joke character in comics or comics related media? Mine is Music Meister. Just a silly little guy here so they can do musical episodes.
I mean it's tough to really gauge that because like, depending on the era of comics, some campiness is played completely straight, and then of course you have characters that started out very jokey and then later on became edgy--like, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow isn't as famous/infamous in comics as The Killing Joke but Alan Moore pulled something very similar with Mr. Mxysptlk (EVEN IN THE FRAMEWORK OF SILVER AGE SUPERMAN) that he pulled with the Joker. But while The Killing Joke was basically a deep dive into the whole "One Bad Day/Folie a Deux" aspects of the Joker, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow took a look at Mxy and said, "Oh. Hey. This is a godlike being that doesn't perceive time or physics or morality in any way close to what we can recognize, and that can be terrifying, actually." Like it wasn't an edgy, "Oh it's stupid that Mxy basically uses cartoon physics to fuck with Superman" it was more like "...okay but what's going to happen when Mxy gets bored of just pulling silly shenanigans." So like... I feel like between the comics I've read and MAWS I'm enjoying Mxy a lot more than I used to.
Oh--also he's not that silly of a villain but I've come to have a soft spot for the Flash's Pied Piper. He started out obviously as a silly and campy villain of the week, but over time, he developed a friendship with Wally West's Flash and came out as gay in 1991, also just had a really fascinating run in Countdown and Final Crisis.
Also shout out to Tupperneep. Literally doesn't contribute that much to the plot besides being a background henchman to this Kandorian/Daxamite dude Cil Gand, but I really dig her character design.
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I had these screenshots saved just because I loved her goofy little design that much but I honestly couldn't think of when to post them so thanks for sending this ask!
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tbowaut · 7 months
Shattering Mirror Ch 12 Sneak peek
Tim/Kon - that moment when you commit a B&E as a bonding activity. Ya know, just to cheer up your friend.
AO3 link
“Superboy,” Red calls, from where they stand at a small table, “have you seen the city of Kandor yet?” 
Shaking his head Kon floats over to come see what they’re talking about, when he gets closer he sees what they’re looking at. It’s a city in a bottle, what catches his attention is the fact that the city is populated. On the table there are some notes clearly taken by Superman that Red is skimming, they don’t seem very happy and Kon understands why as soon as he gets a good look at them; they’re in Kryptonian.
“What does it say?” They demand flipping to the page with yesterday's date.
“Uh, December 29th.” Kon reads out, putting on his best posh-Superman impression he can, “The citizens of Kandor are celebrating a holiday they call Woksnansh. Its origins and purpose are lost on me but they’ve made food that smells different than usual and are burning it. I suspect it has religious origins from this fact alone.”
“He’s studying them to learn about Kryptonian culture.” Red hums flipping through notes they can’t read. “Interesting…”
They inspect the notes for a few moments before looking at the city closely. Kon can hear the bustling of the city now that he’s not tuning out the noise of the world in his mind. The bustling streets are filled with people talking and it’s… Kryptonian. They’re all speaking in Kryptonian!
A fond smile forms on Kon’s face. Suddenly another noise gains his attention: the sound of someone landing in the snow outside.
His eyes snap to the door in fear. 
Superman was coming.
He turns to tell Red, when they cover his mouth with their hand. Their face full of understanding, like he doesn’t have to say it; they got it from his body language alone. Glancing around, Red quickly makes a decision and ducks under the table with the Kandor city on it; dragging Kon with them. 
It’s cramped, but they both fit and he watches on as Red fixes the blue table cloth to where it had been before they ducked under the table. 
Kon can hear the rumble of the door and he can barely breathe. God this was so stupid. What were they thinking? Breaking into the fortress of solitude? Superman could hear them, he had X-ray vision, he could probably smell them if he wanted to. 
Kon’s eyes follow Superman around the room, looking through the table cloth with his own infrared vision. The man bustles around grabbing something off one of the shelves before turning and beginning to head their way. Red isn’t breathing as Superman approaches the table they’re under and Kon follows their lead.
He stands right in front of them, the toe of his shoe poking under the table cloth and Kon hears the scratching of a pen on paper. Red and him press further together so as not to touch the man’s shoe, because there really isn’t any room under this dumb table.
Seeming done, Superman takes whatever it was on the shelf and flies out the door. He and Red stay where they are for a few seconds, just to be sure they’re out of hearing range. 
Slowly Red crawls out from under the table and Kon follows, letting out a sigh of relief. Seeming to agree, Red lets out a similar sigh and meets Kons eyes under their domino. They stare at each other in disbelief for a second before they both double over in breathless laughter. 
Here they were: In Superman’s base, sneaking around and hiding under tables like little kids at a party.
“Mon Dieu, that was close,” Sighs Red, 
“Why the table?” Kon snorts,
“Because, if we made noise he’d probably think it was just one of the Kandorians.” They shrug, turning back to the city. “Super senses means it’s best to hide in a crowd.”
“Good to know that’s where you’ll be when I look for you.” laughs Kon, striding back over to the shelves, there's an empty space but he doesn’t remember what was there. 
They spend another few minutes exploring before Red tells him they should get going before Superman gets back to return whatever he took out of the fortress. Agreeing, Kon takes one last look around, quickly whips out his phone to capture the moment and curses himself for not doing so earlier. 
He finds a warped crystal as they walk out of the hall, it gives his reflection giant shoulders and a tiny head. He snaps a picture merrily. It only gets better when Red comes to remind him they need to leave, and ends up with large bug-like eyes. He takes a picture of the both of them, cackling as Red all but shoves him out the door. He’s pretty sure they were smiling.
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jasminedragonart · 1 year
You ever think about how people refuse to flesh out krypton. Even when I was watching Krypton the show, a whole show dedicated to this planet, the most they did was show the different guilds within their societal structure.
What about the places? The culture? The language. I really want to know about these things. Why, on their wiki, does it say that Kandor used to be the Capitol of Krypton? Why does krypton have just 1 Capitol. That's like saying Paris is the capital of the world. Krypton had to have had countries, that, or only one part of it is inhabitable now what with the end of days. But that would still mean there used to be other countries. Like I tried looking it up and the most I found wre some scenic spots and maybe 2 more cities, one of which was Kryptonopolis.
Then there is the language. Does Kal speak Kandorian? Does he speak something else? What are the dialects of krypton? We know that, obviously, he speaks what the computers and Kara teaches him, but what language of krypton is that? Is it like in fantasy worlds where they have the 'common language' like just 1 that all krptonians know but don't necessarily use unless with people from different countries? This would make sense on krypton since they were a very evolved species, but it's never said.
Then there is the culture? What there is different to here on earth? What touches are common? How do they have sex?
Yes, it's a bit prying, but you have to understand, krypton has a reproductive system that has evolved beyond the need for carrying children. They have science and dna combination things to make their kids (that at least was shown). Which makes it all the more weird that they would still have sex. And have sex the way humans do. Give them alien customs. Make some part of the body weird for them. They're not going to 100% resemble humans, they can't, they're not from earth, they didn't grow up in the same environment. It was similar, but not the same. Give them sensitive cheeks, give them weird ways of kissing or hugging.
I need a fleshed out krypton and I feel cheated that we don't have one by now.
Even their animals aren't fleshed out. The environment they live in, the houses they live in. Just someone please flesh this place out.
I know, I know, it's gone and part of the mystery is that we're not supposed to know what krypton was like. But we've had tv shows and comics and all sorts where parts of krypton are shown or even mentioned. We should have more than we do by now.
Also, for the sex thing, the reason it doesn't make sense is that they're supposed to be this highly evolved species. I sincerely doubt they would use sex for procreation once those birthing chambers were made. Which sparks up the debate on the merits of physical sex in comparison to some other way a being of their intellect could spend their time. Or at least they would maybe find a less messy way to find pleasure, which, again, leads them down a route away from human procreation and into alien procreation.
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orange-s-mario · 5 months
thinking about how the superman family (like the ones related to him) dynamics would be if I put them all together. hmmm a few of these are slightly changed to either make more conflict or to make a character have more character (looking at you Dik-Zee) also splitting kon into kon & conner simply because I can
Gregor would be a dust phantom in these which informs how he interacts with some characters. He and Chris are the only ones who can directly converse with Mon whenever. Gregor would still have an edge to him and have the whole complex he had in the original story - amplified by the fact that he is currently in some half-dead half alive state due to his powers
Johny would be jealous of other people still having their powers. Johny and Gregor would argue the most out of all his siblings but he's closest to Gregor
Cir would mostly be how she acted in the original run. No Mia though since they were somehow able to split apart so Cir tries out different secret identities but she's not very good at it despite everyone's help. She's probably the most positive one here
Jon Lane. he's mostly the same, still has some edge after development, Cir and Jon Lane found themselves in the same plane of non-existence and were somehow brought back idk. Anyways he mostly keeps to himself since he feels guilty about his past
N52 Kon: i haven't read n52 kon
Tommy; he visits occasionally. he's just kinda there
Jimmy Olsen: he's Jimmy Olsen. In this the whole sun/son thing happens right before all the Hal Rand thinking he's Mark Olsen stuff. but he's basically same jimmy as always. Family friend status. also mark and hal are married in this continuity. knows a lot about Cadmus stuff
Secundus: give him all of Kon & Jonathan's insecurities multiplied by 10. Since he's kind of a combination of both AND there's plenty of other people who'd accept being Superman
Chris Kent: he still has abandonment issues. Due to Nightwing powers he can directly talk to phantom zoners without the phantom zone viewer.
Jonathan Samuel Kent: feels a bit awkward about all this. The Ultraman thing happened so he has trauma from that. the others don't understand why he went with Jor in the first place. Jealous of the twins the most
Otho & Osul: still have Warworld trauma. still a bit worried about the old god thing. they tend to get along with everyone well, but all their siblings have hangups with how Clark handled being a parent or how Clark wasn't able to be a parent to them, which leaves them a bit confused on how to feel about their siblings
Conner Kent: an adaptation of YJTV conner, so he's a bit quicker to anger
Clark's kryptonian relatives (cousins & their kids)
Van-Zee; looks up to Clark, has a close bond to Ak-Var
Sylvia DeWitt, trained a bit in Klurkor; has powers under a yellow sun due to Van-Zee's serum. She's more reserved than Lois
Lyle-Zee and Lili Van-Zee: absolute menaces, drive their parents a bit mad.
Dik-Zee: generally a chill dude but a bit of a slacker, but it doesn't really affect his job much due to the thought type writers. he's a bit of a romantic as well. Generally wears a superman suit whenever though because of Van's twins
Ak-Var, married into the family. Happy that most of them accept him since the red K incident.
Thara Gem-Zee; likes learning about Kryptonian history, which is why she likes talking to Ak-Var who lived on Krypton before it blew up
Don-El; he's more serious and tries always being professional. Unfortunately he's also the first to suspect Ak if there's any a slightest chance of Ak-Var becoming a criminal again, which is unfortunate for Ak-Var
Rad-Zee; generally keeps to himself in a lab. doesn't like Van's twins because of their shenanigans
Kara Zor-El: more brash than Clark. Due to having both sets of parents alive and being in a different city, she doesn't visit often. More likely to be seen in Kandorian or Kryptonian celebrations than Earth ones though sometimes her whole family visits Clark's on Earth holidays
Judy/Equila gained her powers back and her grandparents started living on Earth as well. They take care of Judy while Kara is busy since Judy likes being with Kara
Clark's siblings (& their kids):
Cory Renwald; since he's a government agent, he's usually busy. Doesn't know Clark is Superman, but knows they have a connection. Trusts Clark's judgement on things, but feels Clark's too much of a goody two shoes. Doesn't really visit due to being busy but he'll try if he has time
Kral of Titan: succeeded in his revolution on Titan, which feels awkward for him since he feels guilty about thinking of betraying superboy (clark). Since everyone's a telepath on titan, everyone there knows this, but they built a statues to honor him anyways. Also learned that the temperature control gene is recessive (this is to connect it better to losh). Tries visiting often to escape the awkward situation he put himself in, but has to deal with making sure things don't go back to how it was during Clark's Smallville days
Kathy Warren; busy with Cadmus work usually. Doesn't feel like she has to hide her super intelligence anymore and feels like Cadmus has people she can relate to that don't alienate her
Kon-El; tries to be his own man, still has some of the complexes he's had before but he's getting better at handling them. Specifically remembers the Kents being alive so it's weird that he finds that in this continuity they're dead
Martha: time travel brings a future version of the baby that Kon was co-parenting on gemworld. She feels like Kon abandoned her. Kon can't really argue against that
Mighto/Tim Tate: Blames Clark/Kal for the death of his parents. Generally unpleasant to be around. More reserved on the Kents' death day (most of Clark's siblings meet up at their graves), Mighto does not attack on that day, despite all his flaws, Tim loved the Kents
Varl Quoz: Sometimes either he or the Kents/Els travel to Xenon though they make sure they always have enough fuel and spare parts to travel to and from it. The former weakling world is also used for people to live on. Varl and Kal get along well but due to Clark's privacy, the rest of the family is unsure of the whole situation (Varl explains later during their second or third vacation there)
Mon: he's still stuck in the phantom zone. Sometimes he makes asides, or attempts to help the family. Gregor and Chris are closest to him due to actually being able to talk whenever with him. Mon is grateful for this since this means he has more to do than absolutely nothing
Halk Kar: a bit insecure due to having lesser powers than Superman and thinking he was stronger when he thought he was Superman's brother. Is usually space traveling so he only visits on rare occasions
Mae: generally the same, except she lives with Linda. also in this continuity she's made by this universe's Lex (he was using an alternate identity) & Kathy while they were both working at Cadmus
Linda: generally the same except she keeps the Earth Angel powersTwilight: lives with Linda and Mae. uses her darkness powers similarly to how the Earth Angels use their powers (wings and blasts)
Blithe & Comet: live with Linda & Mae
Ariella: raised mainly by Linda and Mae. she's worse than Van's twins in how much chaos she can cause, which is, at least one of, the reasons why the others live with Linda and Mae
H'El: hates clones. has super op powers. Respects Jor so he doesn't attack on days that Jor-El discovered something which luckily is a lot of days. nobody likes him which makes him even mopier. Sometimes he crashes on someone else's couch just to angst about it and complain about everything. everyone else here finds him annoying
Rogol Zaar: everyone else here hates him - including Mighto and H'El. it's because he's the only one that doesn't care for Jor or the Kents (Mighto thinks you should respect your parents; despite H'El's breakdown he still is kryptonian and respects Jor). He is never invited
Lois: rash and more bold. Takes charge
Sam: war criminal
Lucy: somehow a combination of post-IC, Pre-crisis & Post-crisis Lucy. I'll figure it out. Anyways she has supernaturally white hair due to some jimmy olsen stuff that happened. In the end she married Ron and has a son with him
Sam Troupe: friends with the super kids, most notably john and chris. Is really confused about everything since john and chris are suddenly older than him, so he hangs out with the super-twins now
Leonardo: has a bit of a rivalry with Cory. Cory tries to ignore it
Legion stuff:
Laurel Kent manhunter and Laurel Kent real person coexist. the manhunter decides to be an antihero and later hangs out with Dev-Em
Kent Shakespeare: generally how he acts in 5YLXTC and Jonathan Samuel Kent cousins that bicker; idk I'd have to think more about it
Laurel Gand: distantly related to Mon-El, takes more after 5YL Laurel
Sensor Girl 2: Kara(?) (it's unclear)'s descendant who only has the super senses (super vision, microscopic vision, super hearing, super shouting, super ventriloquism that type of powers). Unsure if she should be legion age, little legion age, or between them hmmmm...anyways sometimes some of the Kents or Els visit the other time period other then their native one
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nitpickrider · 1 month
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Your trust is appreciated Ray but considering you're a Leaguer, there's probably some things in your head that the Kandorians shouldn't be allowed to just have Action Comics 455
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