#Lava gives all the hugs and deserves them too
luxshine · 1 year
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If you liked #RRR, then you owe it to yourself to watch #Jailavakusa. It's an amazing rollercoaster of emotions, and #NTRjr steals the show as the triplets, Jai, Lava and Kusa. And of course, I just had to draw them as the angels they are. (yes, even Jai). #fanart #Tollywood #luxshineart
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@beef-fajitas promoting this and commenting about it. so normally. first of all lava shippers read this fiction if you want some precious cole and kai time...
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skyland2703 · 1 year
Now that I have access to good quality pictures of The Coinless #1, I believe I can give it a proper review~
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I'm gonna start with saying the art here was fucking gorgeous. And I’m not gonna cover the basic points, too many people already have. Just lil things that held MY attention, knowing all the plot twists and spoilers~
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Does this mean Drakkon DID have public executions in the street??
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Bulk/Kim crumbs!!! Bulk is such a Simp man. OHHH
and and and— he tells Skull everything. Every part of his day. And I think skull hears, Skull understands.
This might get a little out of order now, but
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It’s so sad the way she sits here bundled up like this. It also melts my heart. And she misses Zack So MUCH. And the guilt is swallowing her whole.
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You know what I’d be up to kill him too if I were in this world.
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Bro deserved this shot ngl.
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…now why do you have this stowed away like this, huh jason? Are we keeping the trauma like a trophy?? Are you going to wear that when you leave your little recluse’s hut???
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Untreated PTSD made worse by more incoming trauma. This guy got so fucked up and yet he finds a way for ME to be annoyed at HIM.
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Baby. Baby. Babyyyyyyy. Ultimate himbo Simp. BBY!!
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These women are in LOVE by the way. For the record. Just so you know. And every single scene they had deserved a post of its own because HHHHH
But this one in particular. They’re SOFT but they’re pretending to be so tough. They just need a HUG. That’ll fix like 99.9% problems.
Also does anyone remember what did happen to the scorpina of that universe??
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This is so funny to me and I don’t even know why
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Iconic shot. Could hear the BONK noise in the background.
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Glad finster got this moment. Even if it was short lived~
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Zack what are. You. Trying. To. Achieve. Why does he keep calling her out like this?? Like he's ridiculing her for what happened to HIM?! WHAT. IS. THIS.
Also does this mean we get lava zombie kim???
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oh he betrayed them.
oH buLk is hurt.
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Like i said, the art was GORGEOUS. Drakkon was annoying as fuck. I needed to punch him in every single shot he was in.
This feels like a potential redemption arc for him, and I don’t LIKE IT. I don’t like redemption arcs. 99.9% of them. They’re almost never done right.
Obviously, this COULD be something really good, but I feel like
Also the fact that all of the characters not explicitly mentioned are all zombies now saddens me beyond explanation. It somehow kills scope for fanfiction to me?
But on the bright side, Bulk’s development is some of the best of the BEST. He’s the glue that’s holding the team together, he’s also the guy who thought he’d never get this, the underdog, the guy who thinks he doesn’t deserve any of this, and yet, and yet in every interaction of the team, he shines through. He’s the one who’s holding them all together, even though his own world— aka skull— is collapsing.
and i hope we get more development for him.
And please please PLEASE can we have everyone turn back to normal when this shit ends?! These people need a goddamn break.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok im playing more zelda!! i feel awful this is literally all i can do rn
you know i miss the match over bell from botw. it was so good
i fucking hate this place btw. rauru's settlement or whatever. i hate bottomless bogs
i guess in regards to gameplay it's not that different than lava - more forgiving, even! lava kills you instantly and sometimes you can fight your way out of a bog! - but it FEELS worse. it's uglier for one thing
i'm really close to the lost woods so i'm gonna see if i can navigate it without a torch! since i can see the wind blowing. i have so many korok seeds to trade in lol
took me one false start but i made it! i just had to walk veeery slowly lol
MAXED OUT my weapon storage already. damn.
going to check out a tiny chasm i've been eyeballing forever. i deserve a break
i used to feel so nervous being this close to hyrule castle in botw...the hills between it and the lost woods...it's not as bad in totk although i am still hugging the water. i don't want the music to play lol
fucking korok seed i was supposed to get by starting a fire and using a pinecone to go straight up. it was raining. i had to make the most convoluted structure out of dead trees it took FOREVERRR
how exciting!! after awhile away from the depths i land right on top of a yiga camp AND i can see an easy lightroot from here. a gentle reintroduction
ooh, this book talks about lights that appear and then vanish....that's fucking spooky. i hope they dont mean hands lol
ive been wanting to try "hoverbikes" that ive heard about and theres some fans here, so
ok my bike died but for a test run that was NOT bad
this area is all explored except this one dark spot that i've just now lit up...i'll grab a few poes and go somewhere else
i'm gonna go to goron city and buy my stupid fire helmet. i swear if i don't kill that gleeok on lake hylia i'll die
oh! i found the goron brothers house! kabetta's diary...
uh oh, it's his marbled rock roast descent
ooh, i found the sidequest to get a boulder breaker!!
where tf do i get a cobble crusher these days i wonder...
god i forgot how fun minecarts are. i saw one of the oldstyle ones on my way by...
kilton's balloon! or um. whoever he is lol <3 i have TOOOONS of gems to trade
it's not the same here without the lava, but at least there's lava in the caves...
these mine cart tracks were RIDICLOUS. i got SO STUCK lol
i see dinraAl but im too close to the ground 😭
OOOOHHHHH maybe i can use a hoverbike.....i gotta finish this fight first lol
GOT A COBBLE CRUSHER.....oh man i almost LEFT these guys to go chase dinraal!!!
ok ok gotta hurry
so, this bike doesn't control as well as i';'d like...maybe i need practice...and of course i wish it was faster...but it's still REALLY cool
my battery keeps dying/my bike keeps falling :( i give up
ugh i have so much anxiety about dragon parts.
oh my god...i didnt even have this in botw, i dont have the amiibo card....................
aw i found some monster forces guys. of COURSE im gonna help them
OH we still get the bell after monster forces battles...good
i didnt get all my loot yet!! no one to help me when they come back!! im gonna die!!!
im not leaving w/o my Loot. i'll just have to do it on my own. thank god i have muddlebuds
GEEZ i did it. double loot
i can see the edge of the map! that sort of thing always did fascinate me...some of the textures are warped here lol that's creepy
ok, i looked it up and apparently i made my hoverbike wrong. im gonna try again w proper instruction!!
ok, new bike got me up to the top of gut check rock...it still has too much forward momentum for me, but i've seen a couple of different designs i wanna experiment with when i have more fans (currently only have 2 left in inventory)
i miss the goron blood brothers :( i mean it's so depressing that there's nothing up here but a korok seed...
ok fine that wasnt that bad. STILL
bike is LOTS harder to control with a korok on the back. i like of like the counterweight though to help with too much momentum...
the bike lists to one side! i definitely just need to improve my fan placement
woke up the horse god. JUST as unsettling as i remember.
omg the yiga hideouts REFILL after long enough. rip!
decided to fight the pirates while i was here. "monster forces"...hope i'm not supposed to be teaming up with anyone for this lol
i accidentally hit my bike during combat and it went over the side of the boat 😭 i can make another and i was gonna fast travel after this anyway but STILL......
AUGH it's dinraal again and once again i can't chase her...i know how to do the bike now but i don't have it and also i'm busy!!!!! ugh
248 korok seeds!! officially time for bed - when i started today i was somewhere in the mid 100s lol
i thought i wouldn't play enough tonight to need to make multiple posts but i guess i should have broken this one up, huh? whoops!
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wyverewings · 2 years
Wyvere Reviews All the Monster Hunter Monsters (Assorted Monsters)
So, you might be confused by this title here. Well, some of the classes in Monster Hunter are given a pitiful amount of monsters compared to others. Which forces me to shove them all into one post rather than dedicate multiple posts to them. Anyway, let's give these classes the love they deserve!
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Our first class today will be the Wingdrakes. From my understanding, they're classified by being small, pterosaur-like wyverns. Barnos is our first of the five, and they're pretty decent as far as dragons go. The wings have some... interesting anatomy, though. 6.5/10
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Cortos have a wonderful snakey vibe with their faces, and overall are probably my favorites of the Wingdrakes (though it's not like they have a lot of competition). 7.5/10
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Mernos remind me almost of some Bird Wyvern designs with their weird hammer shaped heads. I kinda theorize that they are related to some of the monsters there, but are classified as Wingdrakes since they're comparatively small. 7/10
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Oof, Noios are... unpleasant to look at. I know it might have been the intention, but the birds they were probably based on, turkeys and vultures, look pleasant compared to them! Also, that is some awful anatomy with the chest. 3/10
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At least we have the absolutely adorable Raphinos! These parrot-like monsters are also included in the monsters I want to hug. 7/10
Piscine Wyverns
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The Piscine Wyverns are wyverns that resemble bony fish, though Cephadrome also has a cool Diplocaulus head with their fins and fin-like wings. 7/10
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Plesioth is also pretty cool, with an almost shark-like head to go with the traits of bony fish. 7/10
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But Lavasioth is even cooler (not literally), with some lava coating on their scales and a coelacanth-esque design! Coelacanths are wildly underused as monster designs in media, and a lava coelacanth is just such a cool concept. 7.5/10
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Delex have traits of dolphins, but also some lovely gharial faces! Gharials are so cool, they need more love... 7/10
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Gajau aren't as weird, but still cool, as they're catfish with traits of sturgeons. Catfish are pretty aggressive in real life, so this is pretty accurate. 7/10
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Jyuratodus is another coelacanth, this time associated with mud. Unfortunately, they aren't exactly the most nice on the eyes, and compared to a lava coelacanth, a mud coelacanth is kinda boring. 6/10
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Beotodus is pretty cool (literally)! They also have some coelacanth traits, and on top of that, they have a naga-esque nose horn! A weird, but fun combination, 7.5/10!
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Next up are the Amphibians, which there are... only three species of. That's way too little! I love dragons, don't get me wrong, but we need more frog monsters, damn it! Tetsucabra is probably the froggiest of the frogs, but they still have giant tusks and traits from Dunkleosteus! A super cool frog, 7.5/10.
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"Wait, isn't Gobul a Leviathan?" you may be asking if you play Monster Hunter. "Why are they here?" Well, partially because they look more like a frog, and partially because there are a ton more Leviathans than several of these classes combined, so I needed to pad this out. Gobul works better as an Amphibian too, and is a pretty cool design overall. We need more deepsea monsters too! An Elder Dragon based on a deep sea fish would be cool... 7.5/10
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Zamtrios is a shark frog that can cover themselves in ice. Both nakey Zamtrios and armored Zamtrios are cool, so I got renders for both. They can also inflate themselves like a balloon, for some reason. A pretty weird monster, but also a pretty cool one. 7.5/10
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Tetranadon is a platypus frog, and sadly, our last Amphibian. At least they're a pretty cool monster, though! They even have some traits of the mythological Kappa, with the turtle shell on their back and moss growing on their body like hair! I still wish we had more amphibians, though... 7.5/10
Snake Wyverns
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If the Amphibians were done dirty with only three major species plus some subspecies (and a Leviathan I have included with them), the Snake Wyverns were done goddamn tarnished, with a measly two species and one subspecies! That is way, way too little! When the next Monster Hunter game hits, I demand we get more snakes! ...Anyway, the Remobra are pretty neat, with nice snakey faces and slender bodies. 7/10
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Najarala, however, is one of the coolest damn monsters in the series, with some really unique looking ans awesome scales, which kinda remind me of Quetzalcoatl with how they look almost like feathers. Again, why there are so few Snake Wyverns when they can be this awesome, I have no clue. 8.5/10
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aajjks · 7 months
mommy issues!JK
you’re in disbelief at the truth jungkook shared with. his ex-fiancée, nara, would hurt him too and just as your mother said, he kept it under wraps just like you had to. you wrap your arms around jungkook’s small waist and squeeze pull him closer to you for a hug. not only is he comforting you but you’re comforting him too.
you are both two soul who have been hurt by those they’ve loved and you want nothing more than to help jungkook heal but how can you when you’re trying to heal yourself?
now that that golden tint has been erased, you weren’t sure jungkook found you ‘attractive’ or ‘desirable’ anymore yet here he is still admitting to being in love with you, if not more. you let your walls down because you trust him and despite all the shit you’ve been through, you still have a heart of gold.
but it still hurts to know that these people have physically and emotionally hurt you. he wants to hurt them for you and when he mentions having the desire to kill your father and ex-boyfriend, you take it as playful banter.
“if you don’t mind me asking, which one of your parents are alive and where is your sister? And when was the last time you saw your ex?” jungkook asks while caressing your shoulders as your head rests on his shoulder.
“both of my parents are alive but we don’t talk. my sister lives somewhere in ilsan and my ex? i don’t know where he is. when i left gwangju and came to busan, i deleted and blocked his number. he could be in hell for all i care”
when you finish talking, you pick your head up to look directly at jungkook and say “i’ve never told anyone about this and i just want to thank you for listening to me. also, next time i see that nara-girl i’m gonna punch her in the face for ever hurting you”
you can’t believe you really shared your truth with jungkook and you feel a little bit better for sharing it with someone. when jungkook asks, (begs) for you to put something on your stomach you stand up on your feet and head to your bedroom “i’ll eat something, let me clean my face up first. i probably look a mess” you say.
you head into your bathroom, take off your heels, and proceed to wash off all the makeup on your face. when you return, you take a seat next to jungkook but seem a lot more relaxed.
“jungkook, you seriously have no idea how thankful i am for this” you say and when he least expects it, you move closer to him and pull him in a hug.
When you surprise him with physical affection, he is not sure how to react because his mind shuts off immediately, your scent is like opium, it’s addictive, and it’s calming him down, the lava of anger, he was feeling when you confessed to being physically abused by those you loved.
You’re so precious and he’s not sure how could anyone ever hurt someone like you. He is so glad that you opened up to him and now he can finally say that you guys are making some progress for real this time and it’s OK if you won’t answer his question about letting him in so he can love you, right now.
you need time and he’s willing to give it to you because the truth is that he’ll always wait for you. “Listen yn.. I know you cannot give me a definite answer right now, but if you don’t mind, can I take you out on a date? I mean I would love to earn your love….” he says, still hugging you and his arms tighten around your waist because it’s just an instinct he has.
“I swear it won’t be awkward— just one chance and if you want, I’ll be completely professional with you when we’re at school.” He assures you.
“how about tomorrow?” Because it is a Sunday and maybe you could go out with Seol? He does deserve to go out, and he would freak out if he got to know that you would be coming.
Please give him a chance because he will do anything for you. Jungkook reluctantly breaks the hug this time is he wants to look at your face and try to you, but you’ve always been really hard for him to read.
And honestly, he cannot wait for Monday to come so he can brag about kissing you to chaeyoung… if she would decides to bother him again.
He cannot wait to tell just how well this night went to eunwoo. He knows he’s going to be so happy. He’s like your number one shipper. “and I won’t accept the offer. I’m gonna stay here because I don’t want to be away from you and Seol cannot deal with separation right now yn.” he looks into your eyes and he watches as you munch away on your food.
You make him so happy, “yn… well I better get going you need to sleep and maybe Seol is still awake waiting for me.” oh, he really doesn’t want to leave but….
“have a good night.. I’ll wait for your text about the date… it’s OK if you don’t want to go I will just think of another way to woo you.”
“also did I mention that how much of a good kisser you are? The best kiss I ever ever had in my life…. I hope I’ll get to experience them quite often.”
He winks at you.
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wolftails-funkin-arts · 9 months
Infinity was walking around a city when he noticed a missing poster of Boyfriend Girlfriend and Pico
Infinity:What the-
Infinity walks to it and notices the number of Girlfriend's parents on it
Infinity calls the number
Infinity:No……but I saw your poster….maybe I can help
Dearest:I don't know you sound really young
Infinity smirks:I mean im technically young….but trust me I'm way older than you think
Dearest:Okay…….okay……….look……were really desperate for our daughter…..I'll send you her address
Dearest sends Infinity the address and he walks in and its seemingly normal
Infinity notices the NES
Infinity:What the heck-
A arm grabs him and pulls him in
Infinity falls on the ground and quickly gets back up
finity:Woah……were am I?
Infinity notices Mario
Infinity:Mario?He turns around
M:Im not Mario….call me M
Infinity:So…….let me guess……your the reason why Girlfriend and Boyfriend and Pico are missing…were are they?
M:Hmmm…….you wanna know? Well then…..John
John flies and drops Boyfriend and Girlfriends corpses infront of him
M:Same thing im gonna do to you
Infinity raises a brow:Wait weres Pico?
M:Unfortunately thst idiot Mr.L allowed him to escape but you won't
Infinity:What did they do to deserve this?
M:Her father trapped me in here
Infinity:So let me get this right? Your mad at Dearest for trapping you here?.....So you trapped three people who had nothing to do with your beef with him?
M seems a bit suprised at the point he made:Oh.....uuuuum
Infinity:Look I know how this gonna end. Just give them two one ups and get us out of here
M:OH your challenging me? Your just a kid
Infinity:A kid with powers
M is laughing
M:That's idiot Girlfriend tried using her powers and it didn't work....your powers don't wor-
Infinity lifts him up telekinetically and throws him on the ground
Infinity:Hm maybe because my magic is much more powerful then hers.....you wanna continue?
M stands up and pulls out his knife:Yes....I'll get you next time
M runs and Infinity teleprots behind him
Infinity shoots him with a powerful blast and damages him
M seems genuinely horrified:Who are you?
Infinity:Worse then Dearest....now let us go..or el-
A tongue wraps around him
M smiles wickedly:There's others you know
Infinity notices Yoshi.exe
Infinity just casually pulls out the tongue and whips him with him sending him flying away
Infinity:.........Warned you
Infinity notices the other opponents
Omega tries stomping but Infinity lift shin with his pointer finger
Infinity points and Omega falls squishing Wario Apparition
Yosh,LG and W4R run at him but he shoots the puppet projectile and turns them to puppets
Infinity lifts them up and throws them at John breaking them all
MX runs and trues to stomp but he mysteriously disappeared
Infinity is giant and squishes him
Infinity turns back to normal size:Anyone else want me?
Mr.L I'll redeem myself
Mr.L grabs Infinity
Infinity breaks out and punches him and he splatters against a wall
Infinity:Okay now I'm just getting annoyed
Pico:Boyfriend Girlfriend no?
Infinity notices Pico hugging the corpses of his pals
Infinity:Don't worry I'll revive them after we're out of this mess
Pico is angry:You've gone too far
M cackled
Turnmoil appears behind Pico and shoots his tongue at him
Infinity stops it telekinetically and wraps Turnmoil within his own tongue and throws him to the side
Coronation Peach flies ar Infinity but Infinity stops her
Coronation Peach looks shocked
Infinity:Tag your it
Infinity pokes her and she flies Sinton a wall like Mr.L
Infinity lifts him up with his hand
Infinity:Ask you the same question
Infinity throws him back into the lava
Bad Mario kicks a shell but Infinity reversed it and he throws back at his face knocking him clean out
Infinity hears some weird noise and sees M transformed into Ultra M
Infinity non scared:Uh oh
Pico:Kid we need to run
Infinity:Trust me I'm fine...you just get them out of here
Infinity uses his multiversal traveler wrist and summons a portal
Pico grabs the two and it closes
Infinity:There now ju-
Infinity gets stabbed through the chest and dies like Boyfriend
M laughing hysterically:I did it
M turns back to normal and grabs Infinitys corpse
M:You really think that you could win? I'm just gonna go back and take the-
Infinitys head rises up and he does the eye shadow thing:.....................I'm player one now
Back in the real world Pico is sobbing hysterically
Pico:No.....I was too late
A portal opens and Infinity walks out clutching his chest with this weird space white like liquid pouring on his hand holding to one ups
Pico:K-kid you okay?
Infinity throws him the two mushrooms and Pico feeds it to them
In a magical moment Boyfriend and Girlfriend come back to life and jolt up sweating and panting
Girlfriend:Are-we back the-
Pico hugs the two
Both their eyes start watering and they hug I'm back and their eyes are shut closed
Infinity limps away bleeding from his chest
The three look back at him and feel really worried
Boyfriend:I hope their okay
Girlfriend:I don't think so
Infinity walks back in:Wait
Infinity pulls the NES to him and he limps back out
The next day
At the house Pico,Boyfriend and Girlfriend are wrapped in a blanket hugging eachother snd looking traumatized and eyes puffy red a little while some of their pals are there comforting them
Skid:Im so sorry you three went through that
Nene:Yeah you should've called us dude
Pico sighs:I didn't know how severe it was
Lila:Well we have therapists to help you three
Carol:Yeah Whitty goes there
Whitty rolls her eyes
Sunday:It's true
Girlfriend:I'm worried about the kid though he seemed really injured
Pico:Yeah...hope he's okay
Theres a knock on the door
Pump opens it and sees Infinity
Pump raising a brow:Who.....are you?
Infinity:Names Infinity..........so.....uuum...how are the three doing?
Pump:Why do you seem to care?
Boyfriend notices Infinity:T-thats.....the.....its...you
Whitty:Wait *points to Infinity* That's the kid?
The three nod
Whitty:So you got save dby a minion?
Whitty is laughing
Carol:Whitty *growls*
Infinity pulls him close to him telekinetically and does the eye thing
Infinity:Wow you must think your sooo funny.....you know....it's really funny that you laugh at me for helping them...when you didn't even do anything....and p.s I'm not a minion.....I'm on an entirely new level.....so why don't you shut your mouth before either use your head as a Bowling ball
Whitty is sweating:Okay
Infinity slams him on the ceiling with his pointer and he falls down
Infinity:So how are you three doing?
Pico:You were bleeding and limping......and now your at 100%?
Infinity:Yeah got pierced through the chest
Boyfriend:L-like I did.......
Infinity:Yeah and unfortunately I have to wear these
Infinity is wearing black pajama pants with yellow ducks and a white hoody
Infinity:But I do like the look
Carol:..........You got pierced.....right through the chest............HOW ARE YOU ALIVE? Or not on like critical condition?
Infinity:We can survive just about anything
Nene:Ooo may I check that out?
Infinity does the eye thing:You'll be dead in a second if you even think about it
Nene:Never mind
Darnell:So....what are you exactly?
Infinity:It's hard to explain exactly what my species is....but we're all essentially what you guys would call.....GOD'S
Carol:.....................I work for God..wh-what.....-
Infinity:Yeah my dad is probably on level with him
Carol is shaking
Pump:Hm interesting
Pico:Um.....thanks for saving our life's....uuum
Infinity:Names Infinity and your welcome it was really easy
Girlfriend:Uuum so we noticed you took the NES....what did you do with it?
Infinity:Just told my dad and gave it to Jim
Whitty:What about those things in there?
Infinity:My dad is probably doing stuff to them way worse then thst NES did to them
Girlfriend:Oh......so what about M?
Infinity:He's almost certainly getting tortured way worse than down there
Carol:A punishment worse then h e double hockey sticks
Infinity:WAY.......way worse
Whitty gulps
Pico:Im sorry I would've helped you but I had no ammo-
Infinity:Nah it's fine
Infinity pulls his hoody down a bit revealing a bandaid were the sharp object impaled him
Infinity:Yeesh it pierced my heart a bit but it should heal up fully in a day or week
Their eyes all widen
Anne:DUDE.....your freaking........powerful
Infinity:Dude......I'm basically still a newborn for my species. So like we get even powerful. Heck we consider our ruler our God......
Sunday:A God of Gods?.............Holy.......sh-
Infinity:Yeah good thing he's neutral
Dearest runs in:OH sweety your-
Everyone besides Boyfriend Girlfriend and Pico look at him with looks of anger/disgust
Infinity:You have the nerve to come here when your responsible for the mess
Infinity:Yeah got the freaking job done. So how was thar for sounding young? Now go away
Dearest:Excuse you?
Whitty:Leave NOW
Infinity:Or else
Dearest walks up to Infinity and pulls him up to his face
Dearest:Or what?
Infinity lifts up his hand and he starts floating up
Dearest:AH what the-
Infinity:I'll be back
Th two dissappear
Infinity reappeared without Dearest
Sunday:Were did he-
News reporter:This just in Daddy Dearest was found in a ditch with every bone in his body broken or snapped in half
Everyone looks at Infinity
Infinity:Look we all know he deserved it. Besides my species could've done way worse. Comparing at what I did was essentially punching him in the eye compared to what my species would do
Whitty smirks:Good job Infinity
Infinity smirks back
Pico:Uuuuum.......so exactly how old are you?
Infinity:In human aging and physically 15 but in actuality I'm fifteen trillion
Everyones eyes widen
Carol:Your older than the entire universe
Infinity:Well for this one there's like an infinite number of other universes
Infinity:Anyway I'm thirsty
Infinity summons a pure aqua black cherry and starts drinking it
Infinity stops and puts the cap on
Infinity sits on a recliner:Soooo tell me about yourselves
Whitty:Uuuum.......maybe no
Infinity:Okay okay
Boyfriend:Pico.....im sorry you had to see us like that
Pico:It's fine I'm just glad your okay.....and sorry for failing to save-
Girlfriend:It's okay it's okay
The three smile
Whitty:Yeah I'm sorry thst Dearest made you three suffer from that *turns to Infinity*Same with you
Infinity:Nah that didn't even faze me like dude I got impaled through the chest
Infinity stands on the ceiling
Infinity:But yet here I am. That was like if I tripped and scraped my knee
Skid:Oooooo you remind me of a vampire
Infinity:Yeah but vampires can't access our blood.....it's nearly impossible M just somehow got lucky......he's probably wishing he didn't drag us into it
Nene:Yeah he is
Infinity:Gave that stupid plumber and his weird little minions or whatever a chance now their all suffering
Infinity:OH and FYI your souls are back in your body too....sooo your not like soulless humans
Pico:So what happened while you died?
Boyfriend:Our souls were chained up by our wrists hanging from a wall....
Pico:You poor souls....I moving in with you two
The two smile
Infinity:Yeah that sounds wise
Eternal calls him
Eternal:Hey so.........your mom and I decided to fry that NES and permanently trap them in their were they can never harm someone.....although they did take a few of our collected but we got them out
Infinity:Were called Collector's and we collect other mortal species so they don't go extinct
Eternal:How's your chest?
Infinity:Feels perfectly fine like I never got impaled
Eternal:Good...but your sibling's are having a chat with M..then after that were torturing him forever
Eternal hangs up
Infinity:Yeah that's what he gets
Girlfriend:So you weren't traumatized?
Infinity:I've seen way worse I don't even vividly remember what they looked like
Boyfriend:Uuuuum Pico....Girlfriend I wanna confess something....I kinda wanna date you both at the same time
The two look surprised
Boyfriend:Pico went through all that to save our lives and I figured it's the least I can do
Girlfriend looks at Pico:You have my approval
Pico:Same here
Infinity presses a that was easy button
Everyone laughs and they spend the day getting to know Infinity better
M panting:Please stop
Nova:Stop? *laughs*You must be stupid you impaled our baby brother
Cosmo:Who had nothing to do with your "tragedy" and that's a sin unforgivable your lucky he wsnt traumatized
M:No please......stop no
Sirius:Never............I guess you could say it's a:
Atlas:Game over
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itsfeckinwimdy · 3 years
Daisy Chain - Part One
Pairings: Dsmp characters x reader (Separate) (Romantic + Platonic)
Included: c!Awesamdude, c!Badboyhalo, c!Dreamwastaken, c!DreamXD c!Foolish Gamers, c!GeorgeNotFound, and c!Karl Jacobs.
Reader pronouns: n/a (They/Them).
Summary: How Mcyt's/dsmp characters would react to you giving them a flower crown/daisy chain or vice versa.
Word count: 1.4k (1498 words)
Warnings: A child (aka, baby sapnap), soulmate mention (Dream XD), Dreamland/Dreamworld thing (George), Implied character death (George).
DSMP Masterlist
Published: 07/10/2021
A/n - Please note that I am not excusing anything that character!Dream has done. I believe that his character deserves to be punished for his actions against others especially character!Tommy. However, I don't necessarily agree that Dream should be tortured by Quackity and kept in self-isolation. (if anyone wants, I can share more of my opinion on c!Dream.) Just to clarify I am a c!Dream enthusiast, not an apologist or a sympathiser. He has done bad things and nothing excuses his actions.
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He took a day off from the prison, well, was more like forced by you and Bad to do so.
This led to you taking him, and Fran, to the flower fields near his house.
He let himself lay in the grass and the sun shine down on him. He closed his eyes and let himself attempt to relax.
About an hour later, he felt you prod his shoulder causing him to peek open one eye before he pushed himself up, leaning back on his arms.
You raised the flower crown you had weaved together before raising it and slotting it on his head in the midst of his green hair as a soft blush appeared on his cheeks, him thanking you and placing a kiss on your forehead.
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The flowery fields near your home were the blaze-borns favourite place. This meant many afternoons were spent there with your son and your partner.
Sapnap had decided he was going to try and collect all of the different colour flowers he could see, leading to him holding onto your hand and taking you to see all of the powers.
Now your significant other, Bad, was sat watching you and pandas with a smile on his face. His hands were sat threading and tying flowers to each other.
As Sap lead you back to his father, both of your arms, well mainly yours, were full of flowers.
Bad smiled up at you as you sat down and helped Sapnap place the flowers down and attempt to hand them to his father.
Sapnap climbed onto Bad, the demon placing the smaller of the two flower crowns on the pyromantics' head, his little horns sticking out, before leaning forward and placing a larger one onto yours, causing a smile to break out on both of your faces.
He nuzzled his nose against yours, giving you an eskimo kiss as you laughed at his antics.
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It was a pain trying to bargain with Sam. Even before he became the warden of the prison you thought he was too uptight, too controlling and far too strict.
But in the end, and a small payment of two netherite ingots, you managed to get the warden to let you take the flower crown you made for Dream into the prison with you.
By the time you made it to the walkway before Dream’s cell, the flower crown had undergone some damage from Sam’s careless handling of it and his ‘thorough’ checking of it ensure it didn’t hold anything that could help your significant other escape.
As you walked across the bridge seeing Dream perk up at seeing you, you reminded yourself why he was here. Yes, he deserved to be punished for manipulating minors and blowing up multiple countries, but total isolation with only a few visitors? Maybe it was karma for how he treated Tommy.
Anyway, as you arrived at his cell and the bridge retracted, the barrier between the two of you descended. You took a step forward away from the lava behind you before Dream pulled you into his arms in a bone-crushing hug.
After a few minutes of him latching onto you, he pulled back letting his eyes check over you as one of his hands rested on your cheek.
Raising your hands up you placed the flower crown on his head, a smile appearing on his face as he leant forwards and rested his forehead against yours, overjoyed with the small amount of kindness you showed him.
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The god never understood human traditions or any traditions that weren't god-like.
That also meant that he wouldn't necessarily understand any other customs, such as gift-giving. Whether that was for a reason or not, the god didn't exactly understand the meaning or desire by giving another person something fully.
He was infatuated with you, but not in a stalker-like way, but more so a soulmate sort of way, which he had offhandedly mentioned to you in the past, never really explaining it to you.
XD would take you to the magical enchanted forest as you had dubbed it.
It was his own little slice of the world that mortals couldn't get to. He had protected it for centuries and had only shared it with you.
After finding that the flowers would always replenish themselves, you began to feel less bad for picking them.
As you weaved the flowers together, you were hit with the nostalgia of when Niki taught you how to do this back in the days of L'Manberg.
Tucking the last few strands in, you held up your masterpiece, catching the attention of the deity who was sat guard near you, watching his surroundings so that he could protect you.
You leant towards him, placing the flower crown on his head, him ducking down so you could reach better.
A blush coated the god's cheeks as he realised this was a way of you showing your affection to him.
He leant his forehead against yours before pulling you into his lap and against his chest, thanking you for the gift you gave him.
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Foolish Gamers:
The downside of living in a desert was the lack of greenery.
You didn't mind the heat of the sand, but you did miss the green plains by your old home.
Foolish knew of your love for flowers and for flower crowns, you have taught him different ways to make them.
He spent the day collecting materials and visiting his mother, Puffy, before stopping and stealing a bunch of daisies from her garden, her not even being surprised by his behaviour.
Foolish then spent his journey home threading the daisies together, connecting them into a simple chain.
And as he dashed through the portal, accidentally barreling into you, (yourself heading to come and find your lover as the sun began to set) he held up the makeshift daisy chain, a small blush coating his face before he placed it lopsided on your head.
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George took a sharp intake of breath, sitting up and feeling out of it. His vision was slightly fuzzy causing him to blink repeatedly and rub his eyes from under his glasses before he was able to focus on his surrounding.
The trees surrounding the small clearing were swaying in the breeze that he couldn't feel, as the pollen from the spore blossoms flew around occasionally sticking to the glow berries that were hanging down.
Laughter came from in front of him, his gaze snapping towards it as his eyes locked on you.
A soft smile broke out on his face as he looked at you, a collection of flowers sat on your lap as more kept blooming around you.
Lifting up the finished crown, you knelt next to him, pushing the mushroom hat from his head and onto the ground next to him before placing it on his head.
Placing a kiss onto his forehead, George pulled you into a hug, his arms tight around you, as he buried his face into your neck hiding his blush.
He was holding onto any time he got to spend with you, a thought in the back of his mind screaming to never let go of you before he began to feel drowsy and darkness overtook him.
And as his eyes opened, George remembered. The spot in the bed to him was cold, the memories he had of you being the only thing he had left. Tears started to well up in his eyes as he rolled onto his side, him still grieving for his lost love.
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Karl Jacobs:
Karl tended to forget things and then also worry that he would forget things. This would lead to him feeling down a lost, and that everything was out of his control.
Hence, him curling up in his frog hoodie in your arms.
You were sat out in the garden of your home when your boyfriend came and found you, him immediately slotting himself onto your lap causing you to stop reading. He zipped up the hood of the frog hoodie before leaning into you, your arms wrapping around him.
Knowing that you weren't going to be able to read or focus on your book for longer, you decide to occupy yourself with something else.
Noticing the abundance of daisies growing around you, you started to pick them and thread them together by creating a small slit near the end and putting the next daisy through it, thus creating a daisy chain.
"Hey," you whispered, unzipping the face on the frog hoodie, causing Karl to lift his head from your shoulder, him looking at you. You pushed the hood off his head, running a hand through his hair, his nose scrunching up in retaliation.
You lifted the flimsy chain up and placed it on his head, Karl giggling at you and blushing.
He covered his face with his sweater paws before moving them and kissing you in response before leaning his head against your shoulder again, a love-filled smiled on his face.
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starsandsciss0rs · 2 years
enderred fic :)
"ENDIE!!" Red screamed in horror at the image in front of him.
King. Fucking. Orange... stabbing the enderman violently in the chest without leaving any rest of life in the mob's body.
The yellow headband he wore on his head fell away from it, falling a little further away.
Endie fell from a considerably high height... Dead, Skelly covered Spider's multiple eyes, he already felt tears running down his eyes.. and the anger increased as the skeleton stared at the orange stickman with murderous thoughts.
The red stickman weakly crawled towards the shattered body, when his sight received a rather annoying orange foot in his path.
"oh how cute..." his voice was sick, sharp. "you really care about this waste of air, and he cares about you.. too much, because i was going to stab YOU" His staff flashed, and the enderman's body rose up, right next to the king. Red recognized what was he doing.
"LE—LET HIM GO!! PLEASE!!" Red cried.
"Oh, you want him?" Mango had no expression, but still, the malice behind him was noticeable. "THEN GET HIM!"
Suddenly, the king threw the enderman's body into the lower lava, then ran away laughing at his achievement. Second, Green, Yellow, Purple and the remaining mobs went after the bastard to give him what he deserved, while Red screamed and dove to catch the body.
"RED!!" Blue, the only stickman who didn't go after Mango, quickly tried to help Red from being burned alive. "Think Blue think... GODDAMIT".
The animal lover quickly reached out and wrapped the body in his arms, letting tears block his view, only clinging to the body waiting for an inexplicable burning pain to consume him.
But all he got was a thread quickly wrapping around them both, saving them from a pretty painful death, at least on Red's part.
Blue from above tried with all her might to keep them in the air, but she couldn't, Endie was already heavy, very heavy, actually Red almost slipped him and now he was holding the enderman by the hand.
"I can't hold it any more!!" blue screamed. "Red! You need to drop him!"
"WHAT!? NO!!" .
"PLEASE! I—IT'S THE ONLY WAY, GAAH". The farmer tried to back up to pick them up, but his legs slipped and his arms screamed in pain. "PLEASE!!"
There wasn't much time to think about it, he had to make a decision right away, he really thought there should be another way, but the situation was too risky and no one could help Blue, everyone was too busy facing King...
Red looked down, the lifeless body of Endie, he didn't deserved it.. deep down, he was a good guy, a very creative, artistic guy, poor Endie, poor Skelly and Spider too..
Oh boy, he's gonna regret this.
"I hope you can forgive me".
The image of the falling enderman would be one that would stay in his mind for a long time.
The distance between them intensifying, Red let go of the mob, letting it go to be slowly consumed by the lava, thanks to the reduced weight, Blue was finally able to pick Red up and put him down safely, at least physically.
Quickly the farmer hugged his friend repeating many times the word "sorry" while crying, but Red didn't listen, he could only stare at the spot where the body was burned, shattered, wounded, he couldn't even say a proper farewell to him because the body was now gone.
Blue kept hugging him, but it still felt like he wasn't feeling anything.
He slowly looked down, catching the yellow headband Endie once wore.
That yellow ribbon would be the only physical proof of the existence of a wonderful and creative enderman, now reduced to ashes.
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im-a-gaymess · 3 years
How do I tell him?
Young!Tom Riddle x Male Reader.
7th Year.
Angsty Fluff? Contains suggestive/smut scenes.
Slight mention of violence (Just Tom wanting to punch the stupid out of people).
Summary: You and Tom are in love with each other, always were, though you only realize it after ending a pretty toxic relationship.
Word Count: 1786
A/N: I thought of this while listening to Strawberries & Cigarettes thought I'd share
[1:42 AM]
"Look, I'm not saying that I want their attention 24/7, it's just that, well, they don't ever try to make time for me. Even when I need them, they're never here. But I'm expected to be there for them at all times. I'm just so tired of it. I don't know what to do anymore." You sighed, lowering your head as your eyes wander around the ground.
You've lost sense of time, place even. Only once you stopped to take a breath did you note how late it became. As you raised your head you saw how dark it really was there. The clouds over the stars making their light nearly non existent, and the moon half hidden behind some trees.
And as your eyes travel all over the quiet, dark yet beautiful sky, Tom's attention is strictly fixed on you.
If only you knew how much that man felt at the moment. Really, he was almost overwhelmed with the amount of different emotions.
For one, how badly he wanted to punch your partner for how deeply they hurt you. He knew, from your previous vents, that there was so much more than them just having no time that bothered you. He wanted to make them cry out apologies with regret guilt for how they made you feel.
But also, he couldn't help but feel the need to hold you, keep you close to him, tell you how everything's going to be alright. How all he wants to do is protect you from all of the world's evil, to keep you from anything that could cause you harm.
Without you even noticing, Tom gently put his hand over yours, rubbing circles with his thumb on your hand. How can someone be so,, so endearing,, so loveable and be treated this way? How could someone ever look at him and want to use him? he thought, not brave enough to bring himself to tell you what he truly thinks of you.
"You know you deserve better, right, my love?" he asked, and you, all too familiar with the pet name reply with a little smile. "Would you be surprised if I said yes?" you chuckled, turning to face him, the sight of the boy in front of you making your smile grow a little bigger, causing the other to look at you with loving eyes.
"I still love them, though, I don't even know why, but I do. I still hope they're going to change, even when I know they won't" you continued, a short, awkward laugh leaving your lips.
"Believe me, sweetheart, I know exactly how that feels." he smiled at you, gently stroking your face with his free hand as the two of you continued to talk about everything, and anything, enjoying the company you gave each other.
[Following day, 4:27 PM]
Who knew that drawing in the library's restricted section would be so relaxing? Sketching animals, book covers, objects and even some random fellow housemates. It wasn't so bad, right?
But let's be honest, you were only using it as a means of distraction, trying to get yourself to forget about the fact that you're going to break up with your s/o. You don't even know how Tom managed to convince you.
Of course, it's for the best, you know that. Doesn't change the fact that you feel so damn guilty about it. I mean, why do you even? It's not like they value you, it's not like they won't have other people lined up to take their bullshit right the moment you decide to leave.
Okay, that's it. You're doing it, you're definitely doing it. You mumbled to yourself. After, of course, another art session in your little distraction place.
[5:54 PM]
What's the worst that can happen if I confess? I mean, it's not like the world would end, not like the world would explode and I'd be buried underneath layers of rock and lava.
You had him feeling something he's never even imagined he'd feel; he was nervous. His forehead full of sweat, causing his hair to stick on to him. What are you putting him through?
Friendship...That's all I am to him. I'm just a friend to [Y/N]. He only sees me as a friend. Nothing more than that. Maybe I shouldn't. I probably shouldn't.
[6:11 PM]
To his surprise, Tom heard a knock on his door. He most definitely wasn't in the mood to see, yet even talk to anyone.
"Tommy? My love, are you in there?" You questioned quite loudly, making sure to be heard from across the wall.
That petname, you have no idea what it made him want to do. Did he want to have you underneath him, touch every little bit of your body? Did he want to show you that you're his? Hear you whine and beg for him to kiss you; and so, so much more than you could imagine.
It's not the time to get lost in such sinister thoughts, Tom, he mumbled to himself, finally walking over the room to let you in.
"Hello, darli―" before he could finish, you rushed into his arms. Wrapping your hands around your friend's waist as your head rested under his own. "I missed you all day, dummie" you spoke quietly, finally happy to spend time with him.
He was quite surprised to say the least, you weren't the type to enjoy going for any type of physical affection of any type, unless it was under certain circumstances. Especially the hug being so long.
He wasn't complaining, he adored it, but he couldn't help but worry. Was something wrong? Were you hurt?
"Love, as much as I enjoy moments like this, is there anything you need to tell me? Should I kick anyone's arse?" he raised his brow, looking down at you.
You shook your head, never letting go of the taller man, a smile appearing on your face. How cute he is when he's worried, you thought.
That's pretty much how the rest of the day night went. The two of you in each other's embrace, spending it in utter silence, just glad to be in your own little world together.
You told him, before going back to your dorm, about how you finally broke up with that douchebag, and was your man proud.
The couple next days, weeks even, went by quickly. You and Tom would hang by the library after classes to complete and give help with what the other might have been stuck on.
Tom walks towards you, so dangerously close, you can practically feel his lips on yours. A hand's glued on the wall next to you, right above your head. Your body pressed against a door, his knee right in between your legs, brushing against your crotch. His other hand pulling you closer by your waist, soon planting kisses all over your jaw and neck. You can't help but melt into his touch, his lips- you just want more, more of him.
You gasp, practically jumping up your bed. It was only a dream, wasn't it you thought, sighed in slight disappointment. You wouldn't like to admit it to yourself, but you've been thinking about Tom in a certain way lately.
That only made things worse for you. Because according to you, he would never see you that way. Because the way you saw it, Tom only ever thought of you as a friend.
And so thought he. He was just as disappointed every time he'd dream of the two of you being intimate, romantically, sexually, it didn't matter. He was just as devastated when he woke up. Always went back to sleep hoping those wonderful dreams would go on.
Both of you had a few dreams like those. Some were a whole lot sweeter. Dates together, just the two of you softly making out with the sound of classical music in the background. All of this causing the two of you a bittersweet feeling, thinking that all of this was just hopeless dreams, impossible to come true.
Starry night, you and him, the lake, the full moon shining bright. There's nothing that could ruin this delightful night. It feels like a dream, so much that you even question the reality of what's going on.
"Is this...real?" you ask Tom, not taking your eyes off the sky you so dearly loved. He raised a brow at you, looking at you in a clearly confused expression.
"If it wasn't, we'd be doing more than just stargazing, love" he chuckled, really hoping you'd take it as a joke.
"What would we be doing then, darling?" you question once again, mocking the way he calls you petnames while at it, a visibly evil smile painted on your face.
Tom takes his bottom lip in between his teeth, turning to face his pretty boy. "Do you really want to know, [Y/N]?"
The usage of your name kind of, just a little bit, frightened you. Not in a necessarily bad way, more like in a 'I have no idea what to expect next' way.
"What would you do if I kissed you?" he smirked at you, feeling oddly confident, though your silence and shocked face slowly faded. He was about to mutter apologies 'till you let out a mumble. "I'd like that" you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
"What was that, my prince? Would you kindly repeat that for me?" he told you with a straight face, making you wonder if he truly didn't hear you. If only you knew the amount of pride he felt at that moment, barely four words and his mind wandering to so, so many things he knew the both of you would like.
The shade of your cheeks changed a bit, was it from embarrassment? Or from the idea that he may actually like you back. Either way, you did repeat what you had told him, blushing even harder as there was an ever-growing smile on your face.
Soon enough, Tom sat up, leaned against a tree nearby. Motioning on his lap, he asked you to sit there, and happily you did.
You've never seen him smile like that. He looked at you like you're the only person in the world. His hands firmly on your cheeks, slowly pulling you in.
Your arms instinctively went around his neck, tilting your head to the side in order to deepen the kiss.
Once you pulled away to take a breath, his hands rested on your lower waist, his eyes staring at you lovingly as they always did.
"You know I'm no good with words." you looked at him exactly the way he was looking at you; you were truly each other's everything. "I know, my prince" his hand wandered around his loverboy's hair, soon pulling him in yet another kiss.
He knew he loved you, and now he was sure you loved him too. Only thing is, he wasn't sure how to ask you to take over the world with him, but for now, he was happy with what you had, and so were you.
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An Angel and A Demon ~ Pyramid Head x Reader
Update 2: My laptop restarted when I was in the middle of writing this, and trust me when I say it, I am positively pissed off, and I want to end my days, that's how bad of a day this was.
And I didn't leave the house.
That says a lot about today...
Update 1: But, without further ado, I was half-way writing this story, and I received this ask, and let me tell you...
helloooo, i absolutely adored the fanfics you wrote about kazan and danny🥺 could i request one where pyramid head is just really whipped for and in love with the survivor! reader but he doesnt know how to announce it to them so he brings her random ,,gifts" in and outside the trials and protecting her bc well, im pretty sure he cant speak so he doesnt really have any other options on how to express his feelings??
I live for it.
Bless you for sending me this, it's the reason I'm still sane right now.
I love you, baby-cakes.
Update 3: I want to kill myself so bad. Just smash my head on a wall until it explodes or sth. I was so happy with how this imagine turned out, only fuck fucking tumblr to just fucking delete EVERYTHING just as I was about to put the last gif and hit POST NOW.
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For the 5th time writing this :
Hell - What was that place, anyway?
Some would describe it as an infinite ocean of flames and lava, where it's eternally melting-hot, and a bunch of hooved, horned, tailed red demons torture you with acid, with their red pitch forks, or boil you alive in their cauldron for soup. Or maybe you just get tortured by Stalin, who knows?
But never would have anyone thought that 'Hell' could look so...Normal. Well, normal in a very demolished, desolate, ravished way, but still...Normal, by human standards. Albeit, the never-ending loop of madness, anguish, agony and desperation of getting killed in different gruesome ways or fleeing for their lives and feeling a myriad of emotions pumping adrenaline through their veins so badly that their anxiety-meter skyrocketed to abnormal levels.
All this darkness, this hatred, this...Everything...It changed all the survivors. They became selfish, stubborn, rude, some even went as far as to sacrifice their fellow survivors in trials, just so they could survive. It was a complete mayhem that defied all kinds of reason, normality, morality or even ethics. Everyone became devoid of any laws that used to bind them to their humane sides, and now, you weren't sure if the killers were saner than the survivors or not.
But even in this abyss where you couldn't even see your hand in front of your very eyes, there was a little star - A beautiful angel radiating brightness and warmth, someone who was somehow able to guide everyone's straying souls with her benevolence.
In reality, she was merely a survivor, not the little lantern from an angler fish's head, but she treated everyone with such an untainted kindness...It was beautiful, and yet, unrequited for most parts. Everyone was still putting their own lives above all - And who could condemn them? - Perhaps their cowardice, for the girl preferred to save her fellow survivors as much as possible, even if that oftentimes assured her place on the hook, to be a sacrificial lamb for the Entity.
On the other hand, she rarely ended up on the hook - Most killers prefer to kill her themselves, instead of letting her become pray for the horrible Entity who tortured so many of them for refusing to cooperate - The Trapper, Evan MacMillan - He knew the best, with those hooks digging into his flesh, impossible to extract. He was the first to protect this girl. It wasn't much, but if he had to, he'd rather give her a swift, painless death, than seeing her without that serene, angelic smile on her face, as the Entity feeds on the last bits of her soul's beauty, the last parts of her humanity.
The other Killers were confused at the Trapper's actions, but little by little, they began to understand why this girl was so precious and special - And this domino effect hit Rin Yamaoka next, with Y/N stopping in the middle of a chase and taking off her jacket, just as Rin was about to butcher her with her katana, and she smiled, extending it to her. 'You must be cold' she said, realising that the Spirit was merely wearing a few bandages, not even her school uniform, or her kimono.
The ghost girl was shaken up by this, and told the others at the killer camp, but they just shrugged it off - Rin was a little girl who faced close to no kindness, they weren't surprised she was so taken aback by such a feat. That is, until Adiris, in a particularly terrible day, when everyone at the camp was staying away from her, as her profane censer wasn't able to cover the stench of rotting flesh - Y/N came over, taking out a small yet elegant glass bottle with pink liquid on it, spraying some on her - And now, The Plague smelled of roses and vanilla - 'You can come to me for perfume whenever you want, I always carry some with me!' she grinned at the Babylonian High Priestess, before leaving back to the survivor's camp site, leaving the ancient God symbol to stare with her mouth agape at the girl.
These words began to spread, and it was no surprise when the killers saw Susie clinging and begging her Legion friends to spare Y/N, for she was there to hug away her worries more than once, to tell her sweet words, to play with her hair and play the guitar whatever songs she wanted to hear, to get reminded of her home - She was so home sick that she freaked out, but now she was better, thanks to Y/N - 'I know you miss home, but sometimes, home is where your best friends are, and all three of them are here!' she tried to encourage the cute pink-haired girl who could only squeal and hug her new friend.
Even Ghostface wasn't exempt from falling to her charms, and they would often take silly selfies and mess around, making fun of the old horror movie tropes and doing lots of puns and pranks - So much that she even got his trust to be told about the Danny/Jed thing, and how he began his killer profession - 'You're a very talented photographer, Danny! You deserved all that recognition you got, both as a journalist, and as a killer!'
And very soon, Y/N found herself in the crushing arms of an overprotective Anna, humming her mother's lullaby together with walking through the forest, Y/N making flower crows for all the female killers at the camp site, and little by little, she somehow managed to worm her way under everyone's skins.
Y/N was the survivor with the highest survivability percentage, and maybe the Entity sometimes got pissed off, but at least she still got killed sometimes, so who cares? Well, that was soon to change as soon as a new Killer was added to this sick game - Pyramid Head, the terror of Silent Hill, as Cheryl, the new Survivor, called him - or The Executioner, as he was known now. He was ruthless, merciless, grotesque - He had his own criteria of killing, his own moral compass, ethics, conscience and understanding of the concept of life and death. Nothing that could compare to the visions of humans, clearly - Everything was gravitating around Divine Retribution and Justice, but the from the outside, he was nothing but a killing machine.
He would kill everyone and anyone that crosses his path, without fail.
Y/N felt like her fortune ended completely the second she found herself in the new, overly cramped map, with Pyramid Head as the killer - She couldn't help but run around like a spazzic meerkat, trying to find and fix as many generators as possible, without having to get face to face with the walking hazard...
Only to run past a stuck Pyramid Head.
Slowly backtracing her steps, she saw the mountain of a man with his metal pyramid stuck in the frames a low window which he tried to walk over. He was trashing like a raged bull trying to attack a matador, but it was clear he was getting nowhere with this.
"H-Hey, u-uhm...Need some help?" she asked in a soft, careful voice, almost like a meek cat trying to test the waters, but in return, he started groaning even louder from the wrath he wanted to unleash upon the whole world. "Okay, uhm...I think I saw a can of vaseline in one of the chests around. I'll go fetch it and I'll come back for you. Don't move." she said, only to then realise how horrible that sounded, considering the situation, and it only seemed to anger the killer. "...I'm sorry, ignore me, I'm an idiot." she slapped herself pretty harshly before bolting out of there trying to find the chest.
However, Y/N cursed herself for not having perfectly memorised the whole map by heart already, since she found the vaseline can after the 3rd chest, and then, it took quite a while to find the bloody window that got the killer stuck - And by the time she got there, she was dead tired. "Okay, I'm here, I found the vaseline! Let's try to get you out of here." Y/N muttered as she put her feet on the low window pane to get to his level. "If it's not too much trouble, could you please hold onto me? I can't balance myself with both hands occupied, and I'd rather not fall." she explained as she opened the vaseline can, only to shiver as she felt two big, strong hands getting a firm grip on her hips. It was almost...Endearing, were she not too busy trying to get the killer unstuck. She kept massaging the metal edge, trying to push and pull, also praying to whatever deity that existed in her human world that she had her tetanus shot done on time - Until finally, she was able to get hear a loud screech, like a pop, and the killer got unstuck, and in the process, he stumbled backwards, while Y/N fell down on her butt.
"Ouchie..." she muttered, rubbing her back and sides to take away the pain surging through her body. "Are you okay?" she asked, almost intuitively, without realising it at first, until she heart a low grunt that brought her back to reality. "O-Oh...! You have glass shards stuck in your side! And you're bleeding too! Hold up, let me help." she hurried to his side, while the killer merely stiffened, feeling her delicate, slender fingers tracing his body, while he heaved and slouched his shoulders from the repressed wrath. "It may sting a bit, and I'm really sorry, but I promise it will be better soon." her voice was so motherly and warm, which also resonated in her actions, as she gingerly took a water bottle and imbued some tissues with it, to wipe away the blood smearing down his skin as she extracted the glass shards, and then..."This is grandma's marigold ointment. It's really good, and it smells nice." she explained as she carefully smeared a thick layer of the yellow ointment on the biggest wounds, while the little ones were covered by smiley-flower patterned plasters. They were cute, and colourful, and they never failed to make her smile. "Okay, there we go, all better! I hope you'll feel better very soon!" her voice got a tiny bit more cheerful and upbeat.
It made the Killer think about a trillion things, as he stepped in front of her, towering over her like the Empire states building next to a smiling pomeranian. What was with this girl? Why did she help a killer? And why did he feel so...Warm inside? He could sense a foreign kind of luminosity, a naivite and innocence that he only witnessed in children and animals. This woman in front of him was untainted by the darkness and evil of the world.
It didn't matter how many hardships she's been through, or how much sadness she had to endure - Her soul remained as pure as any snowdrop, as the first snow of winter, as the fleece of a baby lamb who let out its first 'meeeeh' to its mamma sheep.
He couldn't allow this human to be maimed in any way - Not by the world, not by the Entity, and certainly not by him. - Screw the Entity, Pyramind Head kills by his own rules, and now, he was blessed to be faced with a human who bore no real hatred for her peers, or for the world, despite the horrible situation she was thrown into.
He didn't understand, obviously, especially as he remembered the myriad of abominations that lurked through Silent Hill, all of them created by the torment of humans - The very torment that distorted their own reality, which resulted in him needing to solve the purpose as The Executioner - Eradicating the world of all evil.
"Th-This sword is so heavy...H-How can you carry this around like that...?! Your muscles must be so strained and sore...Y-You really need a massage, I'm sure." she stuttered as she tried to lift the much taller and heavier sword from the ground, only for the brute to simply bend and pick it up with extreme ease, putting the girl to shame with her complete lack of strength. "Hehe...You're really strong. I'm embarrassed now." she chuckled softly, scratching the back of her neck.
Before she could leave or do anything else, Pyramid Head picked her up by the throat, careful not to hurt her or restrict her air intake - I mean, how else was he supposed to carry her so he wouldn't hurt her with his metal head or sword? - and it was pretty clear she didn't feel any malevolence from him, as she clinged on his forearm, trying to keep herself up, only to be dumped on top of the hatch, as the killer pointed towards it, so she would leave.
"O-Oh...! Thank you so much! You're really kind! I really appreciate this...I-I know it probably doesn't matter much to you, since you'll be doing this over and over again with all the survivors...But I really appreciate you for your kind gesture, and I appreciate you for being so nice with me. Thank you. Take care!" her dazzling smile lit the whole place up, but he couldn't talk, nor could he tell her how he should be the one thanking her for showing him that, despite the hundreds and thousands of years he had to roam the 'Earth' and execute the injust, miracles still existed.
As soon as she reached the survivor's camp, everyone cheered for her, asking how in the world could she have escaped the wrath of the butcher. "Oh, but he wasn't that bad. In fact, he's much more humane than I anticipated! I think he has a beautiful, blooming heart!" okay, she's lost it - the other survivors thought - but even so, she's always been a bit...Out of it, so who cares?
It took quite a while for the other three survivors to reach the camp, all bloody, in fact, like the new killer, who dragged himself with the same menace to the Killers' camp. "How the hell did you manage to survive?!" they yelled at her in utter shock, seeing that she got out of there unscratched. "Oh, you see...I found the hatch." she shrugged simply, not wanting to give away that the person who massacred those three was a soft one and he basically threw her down the hatch to her safety.
As she took a twig to roast a marshmallows, she noticed how Pyramid Head was standing much farther away from the rest of the killers - She knew that silent killers were bound to stay away from the more obnoxious one, remembering how Michael Myers almost killed Ghostface and The Legion at least a dozen times - But this time...He seemed kinda...Lonely? So Y/N took the matters into her own hands, roasted another marshmallow in another twig, and when it was done, she went to the killer's camp, calling out the lonely one's name - She has no idea why, but he actually followed her, pushing her further deep into the forest, until he was sure nobody was going to hear, see or interrupt them...
"Hey. You seemed pretty lonely out there...I thought you could use a friend. Thank you again for what you did at the trial...Here, this is a marshmallow. I don't think you've had many before...Cheryl told me of that horrible place you had to live in...So I hope this will make your day a bit better!" Y/N extended one of her hands towards him, so he could take the marshmallow - And a long, black tongue erupted from underneath the pyramid, snatching away the fluffy marshmallow and gulping it in one go.
What the hell was he turning into?
A towering man built of pure muscle, wrath and divine justice, with a pyramid representing the evil of humanity burdening his body, and a sword taller and heavier than the average human being constantly dragged in one of his hand...He now was a slave to a cute, innocent girl who was putting flower plasters on his minuscule wounds that would heal in a heartbeat regardless - He saved this girl who was now offering his these soft, squishy things that tasted overly sugarly, just like her upbeat and cheerful personality - If he could eat her, he was sure she would taste even sweeter than this - A sickish kind of sweet, that is.
She was indeed a beautiful angel in this tragic hell. But he didn't wait to snatch the second marshmallow either.
"Ah...! You liked it, didn't you? Well...Next time, I promise I'll give you more!" she grinned at him the same way a princess would to her chivalrous knight who saved her. The since he couldn't talk, silence took over them - It wasn't an uncomfortable one, per se, but it made it feel as if the conversation was over. "W-Well...I'll guess I'll see you around! Take care and I hope to see you again soon!" she waved cutely, trying to turn around back to her camp, only to feel a rough hand on her shoulder, turning her around and urging her to stop and wait for him and he went deep into the forest, leaving her alone and undefended by the potential malevolent forces of the forest.
When he returned, however, he stepped right in front of her, creating the perfect shade as he towered over her - Then he kneeled in front of her, so he would reach her eye sight, then he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and put a beautiful pink flower - As pink as the blush that started creeping on her face - He wanted to see her luminous face better, to highlight her dazzling smile and her glimmering eyes as the warm, silver light of the mother moon caressed her face.
Y/N felt her heart picking up the pace - It was beating so much faster than ever before - But this time, it wasn't out of fear or anything negative...It was something good. Something she never felt in her life, especially with her human acquaintances from back home. None was as chivalrous and gentle with her as this butcher of tormented souls - The bringer of justice, the merciless Executioner who was supposed to end the life of every living being that would cross his path.
It was insane how every Yin finds its Yang, even if that comes in the form of a little lamb of a small, frail girl, and a huge abomination of a brute man who knows nothing but death, bloodshed and carnage. It was truly crazy how opposites attract, and here she was, holding the killers large hands and gingerly putting them on her face, leaning into his touch - She felt safer now than ever in her life - Now, in the arms of an ancient killer.
An Angel and A Demon brought together in a perfect union.
As she leaned down, she touched the metal of the pyramid where she anticipated his forehead would be with her own forehead, and closing her eyes, she finally felt herself calming down. There was no need for words, actions spoke louder than anything, and she appreciated it...She appreciated him.
"Thank you." she whispered to him, knowing that yes, even though nobody else would hear it anyway, it was much more intimate than anything she ever experienced.
She was hooked.
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Hope you liked my completely shameless pun, I couldn't stop it, especially after the pain I went through trying to write this...3 freaking times.
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honeybunnybeez · 4 years
Did you even...? (ANGST)
♡ Prisoner!c!Dream x GN!Reader, (Mention of past poly!dream team x reader)
♡ Summary: You pay an old friend a visit. You just need to get something off your chest.
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This place seemed to be even creepier on the inside than on the outside and stepping foot into the prison gave you immediate chills. You look over to Sam, who strides through the hall with no issue at all. Well, that does make sense, he did build the place after all. He knew the prison like the back of his hand.
He gives you a quick glance before breaking the silence and asking,
"You sure you wanna do this?"
"If I don't do it now, I'll never do it. Might as well take advantage of the situation while it's safe, right?"
He doesn't say anything in response, and while it does leave a slightly awkward tension in the air, you think it's for the best.
After going through the countless safety measures, you finally make it to the bridge.
"Stand back, let the lava wall fall first."
You nod, feeling your chest starting to tighten up from how nervous you're feeling. As the wall falls, you can see a cell in the distance, and in that cell, a very familiar figure.
You start to feel hesitant when you see him and soon you start to rethink your decision as well.
"Last chance, (Y/n). Do you want to do this?" Sam asks, his voice now firmer than before. "I won't be able to follow you, but just know that he won't be able to harm you in there."
You take a deep breath and remind yourself once again, now or never. Do it while he can't properly hurt you, while he can't manipulate you, while you still want to give him a piece of your mind. If you don't let it out now you'll regret never taking this chance.
"Y-yeah, I want this. I have to do this."
Sam doesn't say anything else and turns his attention to the many switches on the wall. "Stand on the bridge and hold onto the railings tight. The moment the bridge connects to the cell hop off quick."
You nod and step onto the bridge.
Upon seeing that it truly is you, Dream is quick to walk towards you but the netherite wall stops him from getting too close too soon. You were here, actually here, visiting him. He hasn't see you in ages, not since he left you three and you still look so-
...you still look so lovely.
Despite his blank look, he seems dead tired and for the first time in a long while, you actually feel sympathetic towards him, but that doesn't mean you were going to go easy on him. No, it's going to take a while before you find yourself comforting him. Though, despite what you tell yourself you still have to hold back from holding him like you used to do.
As the lava falls back down, along with the netherite wall, you let yourself step over that line, approaching closer towards him and he does the same too.
You let out a sigh, a hand covering your face as you try to get your emotions in check. So many things to say but the dull ache you feel is a reminder that you have so little time, but you do know what to start off with. With a deep breath you finally say what you've been dying to tell him,
"You absolute fucking asshole."
You can't help the venom that seep into your voice as you utter those words and Dream can feel his heart break a little as you use that tone with him. This wasn't your usual teasing insults anymore, you were furious and your voice more than shows it.
"All of this, and for what, Dream?" You ask him.
'For power, for absolute control,' a part of him thinks to himself, but he can't find the courage to say it to you. He can't make things worse than it already is.
"I'm sure Sapnap told you, he never could keep his feelings to himself," the way he so casually says it makes you want to slap his mask right off. If only he was there to hear Sapnap claim that Dream never cared about them, how devastating it was to hear those words.
"You're a selfish prick,"
He is, isn't he?
"Such a greedy motherfucker,"
He's come to terms with that a long time ago.
"...An absolute heartbreaking bitch."
...He didn't expect to fall this hard, (Y/n), he didn't know he'd fall in love too.
Tears start to fall as everything grows to be too much from all the sorror and frustration you're letting out with each word you say. You try your best to wipe them away but it's no use. It just hurts. You wish George and Sapnap were here to comfort you, to hug you, but they weren't and you aren't going to simply hug the monster in front of you no matter how much you want to. As much as it hurts you can't find it in you to stop talking just yet though.
"Was what we all had just a joke to you?" You manage to sob out.
He stiffens a bit as his thoughts race. Inside he's begging you to stop, to please don't ask him that question.
"Was it fun? Y'know- stringing me, Sapnap and George along, saying such loving words. Sharing all those gentle kisses and late night giggles. Were those moments just fake to you?"
(Y/n) please.
What can he say, what do you want him to say? Please, (Y/n) he doesn't know what to say-
"Did you even fucking love us?"
'Yes,' something inside of him screams, the part inside of him that he tried desperately to ignore ever since he left you three. He wants to shout out his answer, wants to hold you close and never let go, but he can't, because he knows damn well he doesn't deserve it and it kills him everytime he thinks about it. He doesn't deserve you and them.
His silence and blank stare breaks your heart, but at the same time, it also... relieves you, to know that you don't have to cling to any false hope. To know that you can just let go knowing nothing between you four were ever real to him.
You let out a hiccup and a shuddering sigh. Unclenching the fists you never knew you were clenching to begin with. You have so much to say, but you think you've finally reached your limit, so you focus on calming yourself, starting to feel foolish for losing it in front of him.
Silence between you two filled the room, with you looking down at the floor refusing to even glance at him and Dream not moving from where he stands, his thoughts fighting with one another as he thinks about what he should do or say.
Before Dream can open his mouth he sees you starting to sway a little bit. You feel yourself starting to grow weaker as your sobbing slowly stops and the dull ache from before is becoming unbearable, and that's when you realize the potion was still in effect. Your time was running out, you have to leave soon.
You accept whats coming, you said your piece, and even though you still feel like shit, a slight weight has been lifted off your chest . You got to meet him, and finally got to say what you wanted, face to face. You feel satisfied, at least for now.
"(Y/n)," his voice starts to sound like a distant echo as your head starts to throb.
"Don't... please don't say anything...," you feel the room start to spin and you're slowly losing your balance.
"(Y/n), please listen-"
"...I can't Dream. I can't-," and with that, you feel your heart stop and see the world around you turn black for just a moment before you wake up on the bed Sam had told you to set your spawn at. Your head is in a daze as you look around to check your surroundings. At that moment, it all felt so surreal, but you knew better than to think it was fake.
"...Fuck," you literally can't find anything else to say, feeling speechless and a little emotional.
"Feel better?" Sam asks as he walks over to check you over.
"Yeah, I think so..." a ping can be heard as your communicator goes off and it's from Sapnap.
You told him you'd be visiting the prison a few hours before but you weren't expecting him to come and pick you up, he even brought Quackity and Karl with him too. It's a pleasant surprise after that whole situation at least.
"Best not to keep them waiting, (Y/n)."
You let out a final hiccup before laughing softly, wiping away the remaining tears from your face.
"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Sam."
Before your souless body can hit the floor, Dream is quick to catch it and hold it as it starts to slowly fade. He starts to feel some of the tears he's been holding back fall and he doesn't bother to stop them. Instead, he just hugs your body closer to him. It doesn't feel the same with how cold and light it feels, but it's better than nothing.
As your body slowly starts to dissapear, he can't help but whisper out a string of apologies to it, pretending like you three can hear his voice.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."
But no matter how hard he pleads, no voices answer back, only the soft flowing of lava and his screaming throughts return to be his only company.
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Notes: Hello! Thank you so much for reading this if you did! I haven't written fanfic in ages so I may be hella hecking rusty. I'm also really sorry if this is beyond ooc and dramatic! I'll try to get better as time goes on!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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No please continue talking about Ranbob and the Fishermen
I’m intrigued
So Ranbob tries to kill the fishermen right? Well what if. Emotions
This man hasn't had anyone in his city beyond possibly a hallucination of Dream here and there and the weird voices in his head that are just. Quiet most of the time. So now there's not just one stray traveller looking to loot the city, but four people who have no idea what they're doing there aside from a weird book telling them to be there, and these people are nice! They listen to his rambles and don't mind his forgetfulness, and they're just there to explore, and they're fascinated with every new thing they find, and Ranbob sees himself finding these things in the way they all react, and for the first time in a long while, his smile is real.
So when the whispers tell him it's time for them to go, he's hesitant. He sets the tree alight because he thinks it'll be easier than facing someone like that with his sword. But he chickens out(and this is where canon diverges)- he thinks the sight and feeling of the tree he practically raised, burning at his hands, was too much for him and he put it all out with the few water buckets he had, sustaining water burns kn the process but he doesn't care, he's panicking and he just- He can't do this. Burning the tree was a bad idea and that's how he rationalizes letting Cleetus live after pushing him to the ground.(the man sustained a couple broken bones and Ranbob can't find an explanation for why he gave him a healing potion.)
(more beneath the cut because this shit got LONG)
Then Benjamin tried to do the parkour over the lava, and Ranbob doesn't know why because that's dangerous and since when did he start caring- And either way he pulls him up instead of pushing him when he gets to the top. Ranbob hasn't said a word since the tree and doesn't assist Banjamin in getting back down. He thinks he'll keep doing the wrong thing but what is the wrong thing? He sees Dream standing among the group while they're looking over the new treasure they got, hoping it'll give them a clue on how to get out, and when that mask turns to look at him, the particles start fizzling. And Dream dissipates and suddenly Ranbob is on his feet and stumbling to a stop where Dream used to be. He was hallucinating again. And the fishermen actually show concern for him, even if Cleetus thinks he's crazy and Isaac is more than a little wary of him after the words crawling out of his mouth on the tree. And of course he says he's fine, he just doesn't teleport a lot, it makes him a little dizzy, and while it's not a lie it's not the complete truth either.
He keeps them all away from Dream’s room at all costs, knowing that he'll kill them with no more qualms if they do, and since when did he care about not killing someone? Maybe it's because these people aren't raiders of the city. Maybe it's because they indulged in all his available knowledge. Maybe it's because they've shown him kindness and care? And it's been so long since he's felt any of that... and he wants them to leave. The rule was absolute. They don't deserve to be down here. It's the one thing he's sworn to live by. Stuck here with him. They should go back. The rule was absolute. The rule is absolute.
Ranbob leads them back to the entrance. He knows there's a way to open it from inside, and he does and ushers all of them out. Cleetus crawls back up without hesitation, Benjamin gives Ranbob a quick hug before going and it short-circuits him for a moment, enough to miss Charles's mock salute from halfway up the ladder, but he does catch Isaac's reluctance to go up.
The voices start to whisper at him again. He can't understand them today, but he gets what they want him to do.
He tells Isaac to go back up. Isaac asks him if he wants to come with them, and he freezes. The rule is absolute. The rule is absolute. The rule is absolute. He can't leave. He'd be abandoning everything. His one tie to the other people in this city, the one rule everyone obeyed. He can't just leave it behind. He can't break that rule. He still has things to do down here. What things? He has to stay. He doesn't think he's breathing. Isaac is trying to get his attention. Charles is peeking in from upstairs. Cleetus is shouting. There are eyes on him and they're concerned, they're questioning, they're everything at once. His ears twitch- he can hear every shuffle and the voices up above, when did these people start to throw him into too much? Isaac takes his hand and his body rips it away. There's blood on his claws. The voices are crowding in, he can't think. The room is becoming pink and purple with particles. The people are talking and he can't understand them. Somehow Cleetus got down here and he's hauling Isaac back up with him. Ranbob doesn't want to be alone, but he just steps back. And the eyes leave. And suddenly he's all alone again. And the voices silence. The particles fade away but his panic doesn't. It's not a sense of betrayal anymore, just anxiety and he doesn't know why. The silence is loud. It keeps getting faster. Ranbob goes to sit in a corner again to wait the weeks or months or years for someone else to come.
The fishermen come back the next day, minus Cleetus. And they just. Talk to him, from up above. Ranbob doesn't respond save for a couple taps on the open ladder. His voice is too tired today- he talked a lot yesterday. But they understand. They fish and have a picnic up above, asking if he wants to join them. He prefers to stay downstairs so they hand him a little portion of their food. He doesn't realize the hunger he's been ignoring was so much. He got tired of the crops. His stock is far too high, he's only been gardening because it was something to do.
They come back every week and have a picnic with new things they got from the marketplace. Ranbob remembers when the trading center in the city was alive and bustling. He decides not to think of it, but when the fishermen talk about the outside, he can't help but imagine his city.
When Ranbob can talk again, he asks questions about their world. He asks for new seeds and plants them, and Isaac and Benjamin come down to look at his special little plot, untouched by the poison that permeates the rest of the soil. The voices don't tell him to hurt them this time, just whisper about how nice it is to show off to someone again. He missed this. He thinks he had siblings once, or maybe they were just friends, that he showed his now overgrown plot to.
They continue having the picnics for a few months. Sometimes the menagerie is different. Sometimes they bring pets- Charles especially has a few cats and dogs and birds and a rabbit as well? He tells Ranbob he can hold them if he comes up. Ranbob does not want to come up yet. One of Charles's cats always yells at him to bring her with, he says, and every time he does she's watching out for Ranbob. If they pass the entrance to the city, she meows until he docks there. She's the one that always rubs up on Ranbob's face. He thinks he loves her. Sometimes Cleetus comes, and begrudgingly he has forgiven Ranbob for the tree incident. It makes Ranbob go silent again and he misses next week's picnic by accident, tending to that tree and helping it regrow.
Someone gives him a camera and a few rolls of film so he can take pictures of the city and remember everything. Ranbob finds a couple pens and starts labeling the pictures they already have- he thinks maybe they gave him some used film on accident. It was not an accident, and now he has pictures of the fishermen.
It takes months before Ranbob even starts climbing a few rungs on the ladder, but once he starts he doesn't stop. He goes higher every time until his head is poking past the top, and eventually he does get to hold Charles's animals because he's out enough to see them and rest his arms on the ground up above. It's still a little too nerve-wracking to leave the city completely, but he's getting there. Bit by bit, and the fishermen are proud of him.
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jilliannotfound · 4 years
Dream x F!Reader (in-game)
Summary: Y/N finally visits Dream in prison
Warnings: Angst, slight language, I think that’s it :)
A/N: Ahhh yay my first fic is finally here! Sorry it took so long, school is kind of kicking my ass rn. I’m not really used to writing in this style and this definitely isn’t the best thing I’ve ever written so any thoughts/criticisms are welcome and appreciated. I hope you enjoy!
As Y/N approached the large blackstone building, her stomach practically dropped to her feet. She was going to face her anxieties and finally visit Dream in prison.
She walked into the entrance of the prison and pressed the button on the wall, jumping slightly when Sam’s voice came over the speaker and the wall opened to reveal a portal.
“Go through the portal please.” Sam said and she complied.
The purple entryway brought her to a small room but before she had a chance to figure out where she was Sam told her to go back through.
This time when she exited the portal she was greeted by Sam standing behind a desk on the other side of the large room.
“Welcome. Please come up to this lectern and read over this book then sign it.” He greeted.
She walked up, grabbing the book and skimming over it before signing her name at the bottom and handing it over to Sam.
“Okay, Y/N, I have a few questions to ask you and then we can begin our journey to the prisoner, okay?”
“Okay.” She replied shakily.
“Where is your place of residence?”
“Dream’s house. In the Dream SMP.”
“I want you to move in with me.”
The request came seemingly out of nowhere.
They had just finished eating dinner, her standing at the sink washing all of the dishes and handing them to him to dry and put away.
“What?” She asked, staring at him shocked.
“I mean, you already spend all of your time here. Why not make it officially your home? Our home.”
“Dream I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.”
“I’m dead serious, babe.” He said, setting the plate and towel in his hands down on the counter so he could use his now free hands to rest on her waist, turning her to face him.
A wide grin settled on her face as her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him into a hug.
“Do you think the prisoner is deserving of being in the prison?”
“He’s a child Dream!” She shouted.
“A child who’s done terrible things, Y/N. He needs to be punished for them.”
“I'm not saying he doesn’t, but exile?! Really? He’s sixteen and you’re just going to send him off on his own to some strange land?”
“It’s what he deserves.”
“No! It’s cruel! You’re cruel!”
“What are your prior relationships with the prisoner?”
The question made her nauseous.
“I’m his girlfriend.” She croaked out. “Ex-girlfriend.”
“What happened to you, Dream? You used to care about me, about your friends, your family. Now all you care about are a couple of stupid discs… it just doesn’t make sense.”
“I never cared about you, Y/N. I never cared about anyone. It’s always been about the discs and the power they give me.”
“Dream, you don’t mean that. I know you don’t.” She whispered.
“God, you’re so stupid! Of course, I mean it!”
“I don’t believe you.”
He walked towards her as she backed up until she hit the wall and his face was barely an inch away from hers.
“Oh Y/N, so naive, blinded by love. How couldn’t you see that all I’ve ever wanted was power? I don’t give a fuck about you.”
“Dream, you’re scaring me.” She cried.
“Good.” His voice was emotionless as he backed away, grabbing his mask from the table and fastening it to his face before walking out of the house.
“Okay.” He turned around, flipping a switch on the wall causing a door on their left to open. “Go ahead into this room and put all of your belongings in the chest then press the button on the wall.”
Once her items were stored safely and the key was hidden away in an ender chest, Sam led her through the prison passing many checkpoints to ensure that she would remain safe and the prisoner would stay locked up.
When they reached the final bit, Y/N felt like her heart was about to stop. Staring at the lava waiting for it to slowly fall and reveal her lover standing on the other side.
Sam noticed the tension and let his serious warden facade down for just a moment to try and ease her worry.
“It’s going to be okay, Y/N, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. The second you’re ready to leave call for me and I’ll have you back here instantly, okay?”
She took a deep breath and nodded her head.
Sam pressed a button on the wall and began speaking into an intercom on the wall.
“Dream, you have a visitor. Please stand behind the barrier so I can let them in.”
The lava started lowering and just before he was in eyeshot, she heard his voice.
“Tommy?! Is it you?”
“No.” She responded just as the lava emptied and they were able to see each other. The bridge she was standing on slowly inched toward his cell.
She stepped onto the platform as the bridge returned to where it came from and the lava rose around them. The barrier between her and Dream disappeared and she took a step forward, staring him in the eyes.
Even through the dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep and minor wounds on his face from fighting with Tommy and Tubbo, he was still gorgeous and she hated it.
They stood in silence, just staring at each other, taking in each other's presence.
“Y/N.” He whispered after a while. “I didn’t think you’d ever come.”
“Neither did I.”
“I fucked up, Y/N. Does everyone hate me?” He asked, his tear-filled eyes never leaving hers.
She just nodded.
“George and Sapnap too?”
He knew the answer, it was obvious after what he’d done.
“I want to.” She choked out. “I want to hate you so badly that it hurts, but even after everything you did to me, to my friends, I can’t.”
They remained silent for a few more moments.
“Did you mean what you said that night?” She asked.
He didn’t answer, looking at the floor to avoid her gaze.
“You know I still live in our house? I wake up in our bed every morning hoping that this was all a nightmare, that you’ll be there to hug me and remind me it was all made up because the Dream I fell in love with would never say such hurtful words, do such horrible things.” The tears that had been welled up in her eyes finally falling as she spoke.
“I can’t be that Dream for you anymore, that’s not me.”
“No, this isn’t you. You can tell me you never loved me a million more times but I won’t believe you because I know it's not true. I know you better than I know myself, Dream. I know that with every tear I shed your heart cracks just a little more at not being able to wipe it away. So you can keep pretending, but it’s pointless.”
That's when he broke. Tears spilling down his face as his legs collapsed and his body hit the ground.
She watched as he cried, her own tears still falling and hitting the obsidian floor.
When he looked up at her, eyes glossy and face stained with clear salty trails, she saw the pain he’d been hiding and wanted nothing more than to hold him close and make it go away.
“Hurting you was the worst thing I’ve ever done.” He said.
“That's debatable, Dream. You’ve done a lot worse than breaking my heart.”
He shook his head. “All of the things I did were terrible, but in some sick and twisted way, I don’t regret doing any of them. Hurting you, though? I regret it every second of every day and I will for the rest of my life.”
He stood up slowly and as soon as he was on his feet she stepped forward wrapping her arms around his waist, hugging him.
He wrapped his arms around her pulling her impossibly closer as he buried his head into her hair inhaling her familiar scent.
They stood there for what felt like hours, just embracing each other.
Sam’s voice came over the intercom scaring both of them. “Visiting hours are over. Y/N, I’m going to need you to stand near the lava so I can raise the barrier and send the bridge to retrieve you.”
Their bodies fully untangled and she looked up at him with a small smile as she stepped backward and the barrier came up.
No words were spoken between the two of them, just a warm kiss pressed to her forehead before she stepped on the moving bridge and the lava rose, separating them permanently.
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berylgrace · 3 years
prompt: use a taylor swift lyric in a drabble
i have a confession... i do not remotely stan tswift, pls don't attack me lmaooo
however just for you i used one i heard on tiktok mwah ur welcome my darling <3
this is set some time around tlt? vaguely tlt timeline
It just didn’t make sense to Percy. He couldn’t help it, it had never been his way. Gabe was the biggest piece of shit imaginable, and even his presence - and his smell - wasn’t enough to keep Percy from going home. He would tolerate a million Gabes, a cologne made entirely of days-old pizza and underwear and beer, if it meant a few moments with his mom. Family was everything, wasn’t it?
Annabeth’s family were garbage, he knew that. They had neglected her when she needed them most, and Percy would never forgive them for that. But he couldn’t help it - a part of him wondered if Frederick was secretly battling with the same guilt Sally had, sending him away to different boarding schools. She had done it for his safety, and hated every second of it. Maybe his treatment, though cruel, had been misguided and out of love?
Wasn’t it worth giving family a chance?
“I just think you should give it a shot, that’s all. It’s been years,” He told her, immediately regretting it as her expression grew cold. Annabeth was like that - his friend right up until she wasn’t, her walls back up as soon as he broached anything that might be sensitive. Percy had no idea how to actually communicate with her, in all honesty.
He liked Annabeth, but she was so confusing.
Her voice was stony, flat. “Why should I? After everything I went through? I deserve better.”
Percy frowned. “Is this better?”
He thought about camp. Sure, it was quickly becoming his favourite place in the world, but that didn’t mean it didn’t have its downsides. Constant companionship from friends and siblings was great until you wanted a moment alone in your cabin. The lava wall, the archery range, the training ground - as exciting as they were, the injuries were enough to dilute the novelty of it. And once everyone left for the summer, with only a handful of year-rounders, home-schooled by Chiron - surely it would get dull?
Annabeth looked dangerous - she was probably going to kick his ass. “Than my family? Absolutely it is.”
He pushed on regardless. “What, never getting away from Clarisse? No privacy? Getting scraped and burnt and scarred?”
“You mean, respect? Acknowledgement? Freedom?” She scoffed, giving him that look that girls were so good at, the one that read you don’t know what you’re talking about, stupid boy.
Maybe he didn’t. But it just made Percy sad to think about her giving up on something that maybe, one day, could be good.
“What freedom?” He watched as her grey eyes flashed, a sure sign he was overstepping. “You can’t leave camp, you’re literally confined here.”
“I just have to ask, that’s all,” Annabeth told him through gritted teeth. He opened his mouth to respond, but she cut him off, her voice growing louder. “I can go anywhere I want! Just… not home.”
Percy thought about never being able to go home. The freedom to roam the entirety of New York, to do anything he wanted except for setting foot in Sally Jackson’s home, to eat her food, to hug her. It was overwhelming enough just thinking about it that he almost teared up, forcing it back at the last second. No wonder Annabeth was so guarded about it; it was heartbreaking. That was no kind of freedom at all, really.
“I’m sorry,” He murmured, slightly feeling that it was too little, too late given that he had already upset her. “I just… my mom-”
“I know, Percy.” She looked sad. “Not all of us are so lucky. You’re her pride and joy. Me… I’m the one that spoils the family picture.”
“Nu uh,” He swore, shaking his head. “You would improve every picture.”
Then he blushed. That was a weird thing to say.
Annabeth’s ears were red. “Thanks. I just don’t exist, not in that house. I ruin the image they have, the kid from the previous relationship, the one with all the learning difficulties who causes weird, dangerous things to happen. It sucks that I don’t get to watch the boys grow up but at least if I’m not there I’m not resenting them for getting what I never will.”
Percy hated that she had a point. The universe had dealt him a pretty rubbish hand, but Annabeth’s was just as bad. His life had an abundance of love despite everything, more than enough to share.
“Well, uh… you’re always welcome at mine. I mean, you don’t have to or anything, and it’s not very big or super nice or whatever, but uh, if you want to like, hang out… you can.” He stumbled over his words, suddenly embarrassed that she would laugh and refuse. “My mom works at a candy store, we could go there and say hi, buy some stuff… you could stay for dinner sometime if you wanted?”
He was rambling, but thankfully, Annabeth cracked a smile. She was pretty when she smiled.
“That sounds nice, Percy. I’ll hold you to that.”
“Please do.” He grinned, glad she’d cheered up. “Just write. Or, um, email. Whenever you’re free.”
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yourlmanburg · 4 years
and i'll be here, my love // c!dream x gn!reader
word count: 1,781
summary: you finally cave in to your emotions and visit your boyfriend in prison
request?: thank you anon!! i really enjoyed this one :D
this fic takes place after dream kills/revives tommy but before quackity's visit!! also i proofread like half of it pls forgive any mistakes
You thought you were ready, you thought you could handle seeing him again. You really did.
Turns out you were very, very wrong.
When you turned up to Sam's place in tears, begging to be allowed to see your partner in the prison that he was in charge of, he was shocked to say the least - but even so he found himself without a reason to deny your desperate request. And so today was the day; you were going to see Dream for the first time in two months.
A lot had happened since the last time you saw him. You'd always worked alongside Dream and everybody knew that, yet he was the one who faced the severe consequences. You didn't care about the fact that he killed Tommy. In fact, you were happy about it! He deserved it. Annoying little bastard. But there was something that just didn't feel right about the thought of visiting him and it stopped you for this long, but you refused to let the thoughts get in the way any longer.
You made your way through the Nether Portal on Sam's command, shaking like a delicate autumn leaf on a windy day. You gave the creeper hybrid a forced smile as you approached him, your heart racing faster than ever and your palms clammy.
“Hi.” you greeted, and Sam smiled back sympathetically.
“Hello,” he replied, his voice plain. This is what must be known as his Warden State. “I just have a few questions to ask before we get started, is that okay?” you simply nodded in response, expecting the worst as per usual. “Alright, when was the last time you visited the prison?”
“This is my first time.”
“Where is your place of residence located?”
“I don’t, uh, I don’t really live anywhere.” you admitted with a pink tint to your face, you’d been so caught up in what was going on that you just didn’t think to build yourself a house. It’s not like you needed one, anyways.
“Mhm, okay. Do you believe the prisoner is deserving of being locked up?” well shit. How the fuck were you mean to answer this? Of course Dream didn’t deserve this! You weren’t stupid; you’d noticed how tense Sam had been around you, especially after you completely revealed yourself to be not only on Dream’s side, but his significant other, too.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” you lied. “Despite the feelings I hold towards him, the things he did are truly unforgivable and that’s why I’m here today; I need to talk things through with him.” probably the best to add that in for good measure. Sam nodded and you could see his shoulders sink a little, great - you were beginning to get on his good side, you hoped at least.
Look, it’s not like you were oblivious to the fact that you were a bad guy. If anything, you loved it, and you loved Dream! You two were a pair, and there was nothing that could come between you, not even what he did… you struggled to admit to yourself that what he did was going a little bit too far. But this must be part of some greater plan that you didn’t know of yet, it must be! Surely he wouldn’t do these things for nothing?
“And what are all your prior relations with the prisoner?”
“A friend then a lover. Perhaps an enemy - we’ll see how this goes.”
“Right. Are you willing to submit to any and all physical exams?” you nodded your head once again, aching to be in the arms of your lover once more. Even if it meant living a lie, telling everyone you’d moved on and you never wanted to speak to him again, you’d do it. For him. “Do you acknowledge that you may not bring anything into the prison with you?” “I do.”
“And do you recognise that I, Awesamdude, am the ultimate authority on the grounds and what I say goes?”
“I do.”
“Okay,” he said, dragging out the “o” as he finished scribbling down your answers in his book. He then placed another book on the lectern in front of you, asking you to read through the waiver out loud and then to sign it, which you did. Once the waiver was signed and you were ready to go, Sam instructed you to place all of your belongings in the locker to your left and you complied, trying to be as fast as possible so you could see Dream a little bit sooner.
You were then faced with many aforementioned physical examinations to make sure you were not a threat to the safety of anyone (which you weren’t) and it was finally, finally time to lower the bubbling lava surrounding the main holding cell. The cell that he was in.
You couldn’t lie, you were absolutely shitting yourself. It had been two months since you and Dream had last seen each other, and as far as you were aware he didn’t know you were visiting today. What if he was mad at you for leaving it this long? What if he’d fallen out of love with you? What if-
“Make sure you move with the bridge, okay?” your spiralling panic was thankfully interrupted by Sam and you looked up from the spot on the floor which you zoned out on, to see an awfully familiar green hoodie paired with ripped blue jeans, to see him.
And funnily enough, the segment of the stone floor you were standing on began to move. You wobbled a bit at first which panicked Sam a little, he couldn’t stand being responsible for a second death, but you regained your balance and felt the nerves rise up as you neared the cell. He was there. He was waiting.
You stepped off the platform once it reached the obsidian, waiting for the barrier to be lowered.
“Y/n?” was all he said, his eyes filling up with tears as the lava was lowered once more.
“Dream!” you exclaimed in glee, hopping over the barrier to be engulfed in his warm hug. You could feel his bones through the ripped green hoodie he was wearing and his mask was in anything but a good state, his dirty blond hair had grown out a lot and the bags beneath his eyes were more prominent than ever. You decided not to mention any of the alarming things you noticed though, taking note of the very little space and furniture he’d been living with. To think this is what he’d been dealing with while you had no idea… you felt terrible. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been okay, I’ve been okay. Decided to do a little experiment on Tommy, did you hear about it?” he asked excitedly, a genuine grin painted across his face.
“Have I? It’s been the talk of the town! Everyone fucking hates you for that, you know.” “Everyone?” “Almost everyone. The Eggpire celebrated the news and Puffy was livid about it, and acting as if I cared was more exhausting than it sounds. You did a good deed honey, you really did.” you said with an honest smile, properly looking Dream in the eyes for the first time in a long time.
His green irises stood out as always, piercing through your own e/c eyes. There was a hint of desperation in them, it was as if they were screaming at you to let him out of this absolute hellhole of a place. You couldn’t blame him, really - what did he have? A cauldron of water, a chest and a lectern with an empty book placed on it. Your heart ached for the man who stood before you, you wanted nothing more than to get him out of this horrid place.
“Great!” he said with enthusiasm in his voice - but something was off, it was more than obvious.
“Dream, love,” your eyes softened as you spoke, taking his hand in your own and gently rubbing your thumb along his knuckles. You adjusted his mask so you could see his face properly with your other hand before tracing it across a fresh scar that reached right from his eyebrow to his chin, but that was a topic for another conversation. “Tell me the truth now, how are you holding up in here?” the smile he held faltered as he looked towards the floor, the grip you had on his hand tightening ever so slightly.
“It’s not too bad, I guess. Just tiring, y’know? All I have to eat is raw potatoes and that’s the only reason Sam ever comes to visit me. I used to have a clock, too, multiple actually, I’d always throw them in the lava so he’d come and give me a new one and he’d be forced to visit me, but I’m not allowed another one now. Tommy’s come to see me a few times, but you already know that, and Sapnap’s been and he said he’d kill me and Bad’s also been and he was the only person who’s been nice to me, besides you of course, and Sam hates me and everything’s just been a mess and-”
“Shhh,” you ever so gently placed a tender finger over his lips, stopping him from spiralling. “Breathe with me, okay? You’re panicking again.” you took Dream through a few deep breaths in and out, in and out. He began to calm down and after pulling his mask over his face to hide his tears, he pulled you into the tightest hug yet. You felt him shaking beneath your touch, and you felt absolutely terrible for him.
“Say, how about I come and visit you every day? I can whip up some lame excuse so Sam doesn’t suspect anything. I’ll come here and I’ll talk to you, I’ll keep you company and we can talk through things, because I think we can agree there’s a lot we need to go through in regards to recent events. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, that sounds great. I’m so glad I get to see you again my darling.” he cupped your cheek in his hand and you placed your own palm above his hand, clasping it and placing a soft kiss on his lips beneath his broken, white mask.
“I love you, Dream, never forget that.”
You hugged one last time before calling for Sam, assuring him that you’d be back tomorrow. And you were, and again the next day, and the day after that, and so on and so forth. The love you had for Dream was endless and you were forever grateful that he trusted you enough to see him like that.
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