#Law of Retribution
effervescentdragon · 7 months
i think a lot of people should google datenschutz/gdpr and how it protects people who bring in a complaint to their workplace/place of study before you start calling for the investigation to be published
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thedreadvampy · 5 months
'it's genocidal to call for an end of Israel where do you want us to go' stay where you are or don't, who gives a shit. you just can't be the only group represented in political authority. you just don't have the right to perform genocide or land capture. you just can't be the boot stamping on everyone else's necks. 🤷‍♀️
the state is not the people. if you don't want to leave Palestine live in Palestine. but Israel does not have a right to exist and you do not have a right to stand above others by the circumstances of your birth. you do not have a right to continue to profit from an ongoing genocide. you do not have a right to supremacy. you do not have a right to gain your comfort at the direct cost of thousands of lives next door. you do not have a right to be colonial overlords. you do not have a right to an ethnostate or a theocracy. you do not have the right to continue to sell on and pass on and profit from land and resources legally gatekept from everyone outside your specific group. you do not have a right to use immigration law to prevent people from returning to their homes while continuing to artificially cultivate a Jewish majority. you do not have a right to displace people to get what you want. you do not have a right to ownership. you have a right to live in safety but you don't have a right to pay in other people's lives for that. and you don't have a right to rule. and Israel does not have a right to exist.
Jews were in Palestine before 1914 and Jews will be in Palestine after Palestine is freed. but as equal citizens not as colonial overlords.
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neon-impressions · 2 years
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I always figured when I got older, God would sorta come into my life somehow.
He didn't.
I don't blame him.
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
For wen!wwx: "you are a fool wei wuxian," Wen Qing hissed angrily. "What of a-yuan? How will you protect him if you are dead?" She asked, violence on her face. "This poison will destroy your jindan, if not outright kill you!" But A-Ying had already made his decision. She can only have faith. They may not be of the same blood, but Wen Zhuliu had taught him all he knew. And there was no one alive or dead who knew more about the jindan than the core melting hand himself.
I'm guessing that this prompt assumes that Wei Wuxian was behind his own poisoning/is preventing his recovery in some way, so here's some more background for the AU.
This wasn't covered in previous asks, but Wei Wuxian has been subtly influencing battles/supply runs in favor of the Sunshot alliance for years, since the obedience seals bound to his life-force prevent him from openly rebelling against Wen Ruohan. Until the year before his poisoning, WWX was ferrying information across the Jiangling battlefront to Yunmeng by way of Yu Zhenhong and Li Shuai; and when he was forcibly retired and sent back to the Nightless City, he could no longer interact with his spies and gather information in person. Furthermore, the safety of his household depends on how well he serves Wen Ruohan, which means that Wei Wuxian has to be more useful to WRH as a wounded battle strategist than he was as a general on the front lines.
Wei Wuxian would much rather have found a cure and gone back to the Hejian (Qinghe) battlefront, but Wen Qing couldn't find a remedy for his core-poisoning in time—which is unsurprising, because the poison was developed in Gusu Lan as a last recourse in case of siege, and never tested on a single human victim prior to Wei Wuxian.
Re: the poisoned arrow, Jingyi was the archer who shot Wei Wuxian. He switched places with one of Nie Mingjue's disciples and sneaked in as part of his dad's first regiment; and when he actually got to the front lines, he panicked and shot WWX. :/
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP HC - The Right to Retribution
This is based on the idea that an ecto-formic ghost's killer continuing to live & commit crimes is deeply traumatizing to the ghost in question.
As such, most civilized ghost societies have a law called the Right of Retribution where a ghost is allowed to do whatever they deem necessary in order to stop their killer, even if that means killing them.
It is even considered an inalienable right in a lot of places.
It's completely possible for a ghost to move on without doing this of course, but it makes it very difficult for a ghost to get to a place, psychologically, where they can do so.
It's similar to how a ghost can move on from not having a grave, but it's difficult on a personal, emotional, & psychological level.
For more on ghost psychology, go here:
& here:
I was so sure that I'd already made a post on this before or a reboot with it or something & that there was something about this mentioned in a DPxDC post regarding Jason Tood & him having been killed by the Joker, but I can't find either of them anywhere! If you know where they are, please tell me?
What I find interesting is that Vlad could logically make an argument that he has every right to kill Jack as he was the one responsible for his death.
The problem comes when you realize that Jack had never intended to kill Vlad. Which is key. Because in several ghostly civilizations, malicious intent is necessary for it to actually be declared retribution. As such, in societies where retribution must be justified, there is often an investigation to determine whether it is or not. Not just to figure out if the individual actually murdered said ghost, but in some, to also uncover whether or not the individual has changed & are legitimately trying to make amends.
Like, there are ectomantic spells that only the best & most magically skilled of Retributive Investigators have, that allows them to go to a place where something happened, use a bit of a ghost's ecto & a piece of the accused murderer, & it'll create an illusion of what all happened in an area & it's just one part of their job to search through the provided scenes. Upon locating said scene, they must examine it thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb. Literally, it's a magically imbued comb that allows the investogator to focus in on a fuzzy area of the illusion by combing through the fuzziness.
If it's possible that there might be someone else involved, it is their duty to locate their DNA & use that to create an even fuller picture.
When the correct & fullest version of the scenes are found, they can then be bottled to show to a committee who will end up being the ones to vote & decide whether a kill is justified.
Of course, even with such magic, it's still possible for corrupt investigators or anyone knowledgeable enough on how the magic works, to tamper with the bottles & edit the scenes inside.
Interestingly, there is no clearance needed for a ghost simply looking to help the living police to catch their killer. So long as they remain invisible & only draw the police's attention to the truth, then no ghostly lawmakers would have a problem. But things like killing or crippling do require clearance.
So, it's possible that either Vlad doesn't know that it was an accident, doesn't believe it was an accident, or he forged evidence to make it look like it was murder & it'd only take a cursory look to see that Jack has some pretty damn speciesist ideas of ghosts.
I can see him rubbing the fact that he has clearance to murder Jack in Danny's face as he could technically argue that Danny is trying to obstruct his right to enact retributive measures upon the man who killed him & depending on the laws pertaining to the area in the IR that corresponds with where Vlad's initial accident took place/where he died/where he intends to kill Jack, it's entirely possible that Jack's death wouldn't need to be justified, just proven that he was responsible at least in part.
This could lead to Danny becoming wanted by ghost law in-general & not just by Walker. As there's a difference between rules made by a ghost who's Obsession is with rules as a ghost is able to inforce said rules to a degree within their own territory; & actual laws that ghostly societies have as being documented laws.
At the same time, the investigation would be for the right to deliver justice upon the accused. They're trying to figure out if it'd be legal for Vlad to want Jack dead.
If so, then it means that they can't stop Vlad from killing Jack himself or from asking someone else to do it for him.
They're not gonna execute Jack themselves as that's not the purpose of the law. That would only happen if it was discovered during said investigation that Jack was a threat to ghosts as a whole & that he's committed crimes against ghosts who were ghosts at the time of said crime.
That would be when the Observants would get involved because then it's no longer just a question of Vlad's right to retribution, but the safety of ghosts in-general.
Generally, ghostly politics don't get directly involved with living matters unless it concerns ghostly society as a whole.
The investigation is just to confirm whether Jack was responsible for Vlad's death &, depending on the laws of the area in the IR that is most applicable (area corresponding to the place where the crime that resulted in Vlad's death was committed, area corresponding to where Vlad actually died, area corresponding to where Vlad plans to kill him, ect), whether or not killing Jack would be justified, further depending on whether or not he's killed someone again since.
This would all just allow clearance for Vlad to do so should he choose. It is entirely within his rights to instead decide to just have Jack arrested in the living realms or even crippled to the point where he can never hurt anyone again. Not that Vlad would choose those routes, but the fact is that he'd have those options & it'd be perfectly legal. In such a case as simply sending the man to jail, the investigation would only need to prove that Jack was responsible & possibly that there was a danger for it happening again. Not whether it was justified.
So, yes; legally, both Maddie & Sam would be subject to this as well, but Sam's part would only come up in an investigation for Danny specifically & we both know that he'd never ask for such an investigation as he doesn't blame anyone but himself for his death. Which is also completely within his right to retribution as well.
The same could also be said of Maddie in the cases of both Vlad & Danny, who was, in fact, partially responsible as well.
Jack, though, would be ska-rewed as he was also somewhat responsible for Danny's death even if it wasn't intentional.
It's also important to note that serial negligence is also a factor in these cases. Normally, Jack & Maddie could've been pardoned in some areas of the IR since the first time was an accident. Until it's discovered that it happened again, to their own son, at which point, even though that time was also an accident, it qualifies as criminally negligent homicide & it could feasibly be argued that they are liable to commit said crime in negligence again.
At the same time, if Vlad gets clearance to kill Jack, he'll also get clearance to kill Maddie too, which could end up blindsiding him as it's unknown whether he knew that Maddie was partially responsible for his death or if he was trying to deny that to himself. This might force him to confront said truth.
For all we know, it could utterly change his plans & it's undetermined as to how.
So, yes! There is a lot of factors that go into this sort of thing & it can be a headache!
Then, there are cases where a ghost's killer had died & became an ecto-formic ghost themselves. Or even if a ghost killed a human without just cause.
In such situations, it can become an entire court case. Though, the ability to call upon the victim does tend to expedite things a bit provided they remain truthful.
There's still an investigation though, as all angles are supposed to be explored to uncover the whole truth of the situation in case either party isn't saying something, forgot something, or simply doesn't know something.
If it's determined that the death was done maliciously or in negligence & it's liable to happen again or had happened before, then depending on what the victim wants to happen & what they are given clearance for, the victim can have their killer jailed, an ectomantic spell cast to have their killer artificially experience the very death that they brought upon the victim, however depending on the laws in place for the corresponding area of death, the victim is either allowed to obliterate the killer with their own hands or they can be entirely barred from doing so. Again depending on the relevant laws in place.
Most civilized ghost societies actually don't allow the victims to do as such & will instead jail the murderer if the victim wishes their existence ceased, then said murderer will be put on end row (the ghost equivalent to death row), but it is still important to establish that some societies do allow the victim to do it themselves.
It's also possible, that if the victim is actually given clearance to kill their murderer, if they don't have the stomach to perform the job, they can then request someone else do the deed, whether it be performed as part of end row or an outright assassination. If they are given that clearance, then neither the judicial system of the IR nor anyone else would have any right to interfere. Sure, someone is more than allowed to change the victim's mind, but they can't outright interfere.
However, there is definitely a different precedence when it comes to ghost on ghost forced cessation (called ectocide) which is treated much more strictly. It is generally conducted much more similarly to living world court.
In the case of Plasmius vs Phantom, Ellie specifically, practically an entirely new precedence would need to be created as not only are both halfas, but in my hc, Vlad did technically kill her, if just briefly, even though she was already half-ghost herself at the time. While one could compare her situation to having been resuscitated after being killed, to Ghosts, if all your bodily functions cease, even temporarily, then you died, if only briefly. As, you see, death leaves a sort of residue that ghosts can sense.
Vlad could easily get charged with outright murder (which would mean that he'd also be charged with attempted murder because, logically, if you managed to kill someone intentionally, then at some point you had attempted to kill them).
Because the case would be so complicated, it would require a lot of investigation, which would turn up the fact that Vlad had stolen Danny's dna, created Ellie via cloning without the boy's expressed permission, had used her, then when she refused to put herself & Danny in danger, he turned on her, chased her all over the world, & eventually melted her down resulting in a temporary cessation of all bodily functions.
That's not even getting into the fact that Elle qualifies as a baby ghost & thus is considered very precious in ghostly society.
In this case, it'd be something of a mix of ectocide & right of retribution.
By ghost law, even if someone is resuscitated, if they were medically considered dead for any amount of time, then it is still considered murder to them. The reason being that, in ghost terms, even a medically temporary cessation of life gives one a certain, albeit small, connection to death. A residue as mentioned before. And the longer that one is dead, the larger that connection will steadily become.
Even though in human terms, true death is only a thing if the person never comes back, ghosts know that there is more to it than that.
In this case, halfas are beings who die, develop a core, then are revived with that core still inside them, thus making them both alive & ghosts. In order to become a ghost & form a core, you have to have truly died. Cessation may have been temporary, but death is still death.
Which is another important thing here, the acknowledgement that a cessation took place & one's own part in it. In the case of Plasmius VS Fenton. This would very explicitly come up as not only would the Drs. Fenton be forced to acknowledge the fact that their negligence killed their son, but Danny would also be forced to acknowledge it as well. It wouldn't matter if he refused to enact his right upon them, facts are facts & the facts are that his parent's obsession killed him. And it'd be a hard pill to swallow.
Furthermore, during the investigation of Jack, it is very highly likely that the case would be brought to a higher court due to the danger that both he & Maddie are to ghostly society because of their ectocidal tendencies.
Because of this & the fact that they directly hunt/torture ghosts, there'd be no need to try & hide, & instead the pair would both be taken in & tried in the high court.
While they'd likely think it was all rediculous, it'd become quickly apparent that ghosts had a full & in-tact judicial system.
Both Danny & Vlad would be required to appear in court & testify under a Pheonix Song Oath to tell the truth.
It'd surprise both Vlad & Danny very deeply. Vlad due to Maddie being tried too & Danny because, despite what he keeps telling himself, when the truth of what happened comes pouring from his lips & deep inside, he knows that none of it was a lie.
Then, the confusion & horror on both of the parents' faces when Vlad & Danny are forced to reveal their secrets to the pair.
The 2 would react very differently. Maddie in abject denial & Jack with horror bordering on sickness as everything comes crashing down around him.
It's also important to note that sane & insane means little to nothing in ghost law, especially in the face of actions.
The biggest issue holding most cases back is time. Remember, the Realms are literally infinite & there are only so many Retributive Investigators & committees to go around. So, it can take time to get through them all. Cases related to serial killers & mass murderers tend to get handled the quickest as the many victims tend to gather together & make sort of petitions. The more victims, the more attention it draws & the more committees will notice.
So, if Jason Todd had become a ghost during his brief time dead, he & other Joker victims could've signed up for Retributive Measures & the high profile would've pushed the case through & gotten it investigated incredibly quickly. The investigators wouldn't have even needed to try too hard, Jokers crimes, mass murdering tendencies, disregard for life, his unapology, his wanton destruction, it would've insured a very rapid, very decisive guilty verdict.
Therefore, every victim would've been given full clearance to do whatever they saw as being just. The problem? Batman prevents their success at every turn.
Like, it'd be one thing if Arkham actually kept the bastard there & treated him. But they don't. Arkham is practically a revolving door for the criminally insane. Which, among retributive committees would disqualify it as a proper place to keep the Joker. Hell, it'd even be one thing if the Joker was actually effing receptive to help, but he isn't. And if there's one thing that such old committee members know from direct experience, it's where to spot someone who will never change because they don't want to. Not to mention how to identify a sane person who's just grifting in order to keep from ending up in actual jail & off death row.
Every instance in which Joker has come close to dying or even outright died? At least one of his victims were behind it.
Thing is, if Jason were to ever remember this, if he could get his hands on proof of his death from both living realm & Infinite Realms, thus proving his Infinite Realms Citizenship, register Gotham as his official haunt & even lair with the Spirit of Gotham's support, as well as an official copy of his Legal Clearance for Retributive Measures (LCRM), he could prove that he has a legal right to kill Joker & by Batman trying to stop him it makes him liable to at least a hundred years jail time in the Ghost Zone for interfering with a ghost's right to seek peace & recover mental health.
Making it clear that ghosts don't possess the same psychological structure as humans. For one, a ghost's mental state is directly connected with their physical state. That while revenge does corrupt ghosts much like it does humans, retribution does not because it is fueled by righteous fury & justified anger. By not allowing Jason to fulfill his need for retribution, he is causing many of Joker's victims to spiral ever deeper into mental & medical torment as a ghost's killer is a highly traumatic subject for them. That the killer's continued ability to keep performing such acts causes their victims ghosts to suffer more in a physical manner.
That since Jason is an Ecto-Liminal whose experienced death & thus part of both the Living & Infinite Realms at once, that means that he is allowed to take retribution directly & without restraint.
That because Gotham herself has given him permission to call Gotham his official haunt, that means that the laws of the Infinite Realms extends here & with just a few negotiations between the mayor of Gotham & the Beating-Heart Boyking, Jason will be given temporary leave of humanity so that human law will not apply to him so long as the Joker remained alive. And until that fucker is dead for good, it'll be clown season & nothing Bruce does would be able to stop him.
Either way, when a ghost's killer is dealt with, the ghost word for it roughly translates to "freeing."
For more, go to my full Ghost Zone Masterlist.
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philosophybitmaps · 11 months
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
The conviction of Hunter Biden has ironically undercut one of Donald Trump's main (and false) narratives. It's now more difficult for Trump to claim that Joe Biden controls the entire justice system in the US and somehow masterminded the conviction of Trump on all 34 felony counts in the Stormy Daniels hush money trial.
The survival of the rule of law in America and untainted justice may depend on the choice voters make in November. The country’s divergent possible paths under President Joe Biden or presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump were highlighted in the way both men, their families and their political operations reacted to the twin trials and verdicts. Biden made no effort to interfere in the prosecution of his son Hunter with either his executive authority or with the media megaphone of his office. He allowed his own Justice Department to secure a guilty verdict Tuesday that could result in jail time for the recovering addict and hurt his own 2024 campaign. “I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal,” the president said after the jury found his son guilty oflying on a federal background check form and possessing a gun while addicted to, or using, illegal drugs. He has already said he won’t pardon his son. In his first reaction to the verdict, Hunter Biden didn’t attack the judge or prosecutors, simply saying he was grateful for the love and support of his family and blessed to be clean again. The Bidens’ comportment contrasted with Trump’s reaction to his own trial and conviction nearly two weeks ago in his hush money case. The ex-president lashed out at witnesses, prosecutors, jurors and the judge. He claimed that “this was done by (the) Biden administration in order to wound or hurt a political opponent.” He blasted “a rigged decision,” despite the fact the Justice Department was not involved in the case brought by the Manhattan district attorney. Since then, Trump has been warning he’d use presidential powers to punish his political opponents and bend the legal system to his will. “Sometimes revenge can be justified,” Trump told TV psychologist Phil McGraw last week. “I have to be honest. You know, sometimes it can.” The former president told Fox News last week, “I would have every right to go after them,” referring to the Bidens. Throughout his trial in Manhattan, his former hometown, Trump, insisted he couldn’t get a fair verdict in a city that votes mostly Democratic. But Delaware is a blue state — and a jury there just convicted the president’s son. One juror told CNN Tuesday that politics never came up in the deliberations. Jurors in Trump’s trial have yet to speak, perhaps because of fears they could be identified following the ex-president’s intimidation tactics.
If you want the justice system to still exist in the United States after the election, vote for Biden. If you prefer an incoherent dictator using the courts to get "revenge" and "retribution" from perceived opponents, then vote for Trump or some useless turd party candidate with no chance of winning (same thing).
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yeonban · 3 months
You ask about Tobias' favorite fictional books and they're either about the flaws/stupidity of humankind, about mirror punishment or about a mix of both (i.e: Orwell's Animal Farm, Golding's Lord of the Flies, Burgess' A Clockwork Orange, Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, Tolstoy's The Devil, Camus' The Stranger, Dostoevsky's The Gambler, Negruzzi's Alexandru Lăpușneanu etc), you ask about his favorite nonfiction books and they're about the same thing (i.e: Cicero's De Legibus, Babylonia's Code of Hammurabi etc) and then you glance at what he's studied at Wammy's House (criminal psychology, penology, criminology) and at his life prior to Wammy's House (torturous abuse at the hands of his parents that was never punished nor repaid in kind until he did it himself) and then suddenly Everything Makes Sense
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gamerhamlet · 1 year
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biting, chomping, etc etc
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1introvertedsage · 1 year
The rich man is a criminal under Divine Law as long as he allows suffering to go unrelieved and as long as he enforces a social system of struggling competition fortified by monopoly which compels suffering, while the people's land, the people's roads and the people's money are monopolized.
~Prof. J.R. Buchanan M.D.~
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dutybcrne · 1 year
Can’t remember if I saw on TikTok or the Twitter, but on here it is v canon to me in my heart that regardless of how the man regards him, Kaeya can and WILL sic Diluc on any creeps he notices giving any gals in Mond trouble
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theheadlessgroom · 2 years
Randall’s breath was held tight in his throat as he nervously awaited Emily’s response, pulse pounding as he searched her face, trying to pick up on any sign of how she was to react to this-he was relieved when she finally replied, exhaling softly as she gave her response. Behind the mask, he’d raised an eyebrow at her comment about beauty being only skin deep (it was a phrase he’d heard before, just never in regards to himself...), her elaboration on how, no matter how attraction Don Juan was, no matter how women he had hanging off his arm, he would always be alone.
And that was true! Don Juan dropped these women as soon as he was done with them, leaving him empty and alone at the end (even if such a thing was never shown to bother him)…but what did that mean for Randall himself, he wondered? Did she mean to say that, despite his accursed ugliness, he wouldn’t be nearly as lonely as Don Juan was? He supposed that was true, now that he had Emily in his life, but still...did it mean that, maybe one day, he too could be loved, surrounded by good company?
He wasn’t quite sure of what to make of that, but he could see what Emily was getting, and despite that skepticism, he put on a smile for her, saying, “Th-Thank you, my dear, I...I’ve thought about that, how people still love Don Juan, despite what he does...even we in the audience are entranced by him, and we see all he does on the stage! But him being alone, despite all that...I-I hadn’t quite thought about that!”
#((i do too! if you enjoy that one; there's its sister film 'vault of horror' which also takes inspiration from ec comics like 'tales' does))#((as well as 'from beyond the grave' and 'dr. terror's house of horrors'; both of which i love-especially 'dr. terror'!))#((that one also has peter cushing in it alongside his best friend christopher lee; and it's just a whole lotta fun!))#((and of course moving a little more into contemporary horror anthologies there's the orginal 'creepshow'))#((which isn't quite as gory as the hbo tales but is a little bloodier than the '72 tales))#((but no less fun! it works HARD to emulate those lurid 50's comic book panels and it does it REALLY well; i highly recommend it as well!))#((and i absolutely think you're right-randall and emily AREN'T killers! despite the fact that nicholas killed them))#((and they'd be MORE than justified in getting that retribution they just won't! as tarzan told clayton: 'i'm not a man like you!'))#((and so randall and emily wouldn't stoop that low! in the case of 'you'll be in my heart' i think that was also that 'law of the jungle'))#((coming in to save the day; mother nature kinda comes in to put an end to nicholas; leaving randall and emily's hands clean in turn!))#((and i could see them be similarly guilt-free in 'death of a bachelor'! i'm thinking similarly to 'phantasm'))#((something will frighten nicholas and cause a chain reaction that leads to his demise!))#outofhatboxes#beatingheart-bride#V:Phantasm of the Mansion
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hermitthrush · 2 years
Indeed, the scaffold, when it is there, set up and ready, has a profoundly hallucinatory effect.  We may be indifferent to the death penalty and not declare ourselves either way so long as we have not seen a guillotine with our own eyes.  But when we do, the shock is violent, and we are compelled to choose sides, for or against.  Some, like Le Maistre, admire it; others, like Beccaria, execrate it.  The guillotine is the law made concrete; it is called the Avenger.  It is not neutral and does not permit you to remain neutral.  All social problems set up their question mark around that blade.  The scaffold is vision.  The scaffold is not a mere frame, the scaffold is not an inert mechanism made of wood, iron, and ropes.  It seems like a creature with some dark origin we cannot fathom, it is as though the framework sees and hears, the mechanism understands, as though the wood and iron and ropes have their own will.  In the hideous nightmare it projects across the soul, the awful apparition of the scaffold fuses with its terrible work.  The scaffold becomes the accomplice of the executioner; it devours, eats flesh, and drinks blood.  The scaffold is a sort of monster created by judge and carpenter, a specter that seems to live with an unspeakable vitality, drawn from all the death it has brought.
Victor Hugo, Les Miserables (1862) | FANTINE, Book One, IV. “Works to Match Words”. The presence and sentience of a mortal apparatus reminds of Kafka’s Penal Colony.  Also, the guillotine foreshadows Javert, I do believe.  And there are a host of current social issues where people should have their eyes held to the fire of knowledge like Monsiegneur Myriel in this scene. 
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
is it possible to read green lanterns as a cult like group?
kinda? as always it depends on the writers and what they want to do with the story, the parallax arc was going in that direction with the guardians being very strict with hal and ordering him around without giving anything to help him, using him for their cause, and there are several stories that follow the guardians hiding a lot and using the lanterns to protect them, or with hal and ollie's story showing a more controlling side to the glc, or in the early GL 1990 where they force hal for a year in space, even john and guy being told to do the job after hal or the whole crisis thing with guy
but for the most part of what i've read of the green lantern 1960 (which isn't everything), it doesn't really veer into the extreme, that comes later on. the guardians do somewhat overview them but they're given a lot of freedom to do whatever they want, they offer the ring but don't force it on people, they do offer teaching and guidance when asked to but the lanterns remain relatively free of their actions. that's why i use spiritual rather than religious because the guardians aren't seen as gods or prophets of a religion, they're old so they're wise and thus of good advice but they don't interfere that much with the lanterns or force beliefs on them, they just pick people who want to do good and who will gravitate toward similar morals. i mean, sinestro was allowed to go full totalitarian rule on korugar without the guardian noticing, and he said things and acted in ways that clashed with a lot of lanterns when he was still in
i'd argue that it's more cult-like in their current copaganda era (post rebirth, what a surprise) where any questions regarding the guardians' actions are seen as an offense and to be corrected, something that shouldn't happen, having blind faith in them and doing whatever they're told to do is rewarded, when they're being sent in situations to act out the guardians' authority instead of going there willingly as the early comics and choosing their actions themselves
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craigtowens · 24 days
An Eye For An Eye
An important principle in biblical interpretation is learning the context of a statement. From Moses to Jesus, what is the context of the phrase, “An eye for an eye”?
Listen to the podcast of this post by clicking on the player below, and you can also subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or Audible.  https://craigtowens.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/an-eye-for-an-eye.mp3 We have to be very attentive when we hear anyone say something that they claim is a word from God. The first question we need to ask is, “Is that in the Bible?” If it is, then the next question is,…
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philosophybitmaps · 2 years
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