#Lawyer vs Advocate
pigeonpeach · 9 months
Who knew Dragons were competitive?
Navia VS Neuvillete!
The prize: you!
Cw: fem reader. Reader is implied to have some killer knockers, boobs. Short
Oh you were such a delicate little sight. You worked closely with Navia. You listened for intel and kept track of gossip. You were a pair of ears for her. But also a pretty sight to look at. It wasn’t uncommon she’d spend a entire conversation just looking at your body or eyeing you down. You didn’t really mind either. Besides Navia is a good choice for a partner, with her influence no one would dare to mess with you. You we’re studying to become a lawyer so working with her was good practice and looked good on your resume! You two were closer than some might expect. You two went shopping for clothes and often helped with makeup and wardrobe issues.
But apparently you had also gained the attention of the Iudex Neuvillete. When you successfully defended a client apparently word is he spent he trail gazing upon your… body? You didn’t trust such sources. But you did recieve a invite to discuss things with him. Apparently he wanted to talk to you about something? It didn’t seem to make much sense, but hey, its good for your reputation if Neuvillete himself is requesting your attendance.
The entire conversation was mostly just a simple talk though. You couldn’t help but notice him occasionally looking down at your knockers. Clearing his throat repeatedly and often requesting more water. He offered you a position at the Palais Memorial and you said you would go over your options.
Although now both your current employer and possibly future one seem to be in some bitter rivalry. Navia often takes you out more requesting your presence and doubling our pay. You were quite surprised but not against it. She seemed to show you off almost, linking your arm with hers. Even sitting you in her lap at one point. Meanwhile you constantly get letters from Neuvillete often asking you out to… lunch? A casual meal? His treat? You can’t say no.
Its pretty clear now they’re competing for your love but your still debating which is the best option. Navia the woman willing to do anything possible and would advocate for you on anything! Rules or not. Or the mysterious Iudex who’s adopted an entire race and is very cordial? Oh a difficult choice indeed. You just wanted to make alot of money too! But now your life and hand in marriage is in of itself a show many seemed interested in. With Melus and Silver also trying to sway you to pick Navia, the Melusines always praising Neuvillete to you, and Furina who is just living for the drama.
Perhaps you’ll need to hire a lawyer for yourself before they end up having a custody battle over you!
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Elizabeth "Lizzy" Beaufort is the Dockworker Union's resident lawyer. A staunch advocate for the union, she poses as a tired local gardener in order to keep an eye out on the scabbing workers.
Lilienne's Twins are the five year old twin boys of Lilienne Carter and older brothers of Lily Carter. They are distinguished solely as Lilienne's Twin and Lilienne's Other Twin.
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 2)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Under Age Drinking, Violence and being alone with a dangerous man. If I missed one just tell me.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.6K
Summary: Y/N isn’t much of a partier, but the promise of books gets her out of her room. What happens when a dangerous guest feels to make his presence known?
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Parties are not Y/N’s definition of fun. They are noisy, crowded, sweaty, smelly and if her brother is the host for the evening, then she always manages to get roped into helping with the disastrous clean the next morning. The only time you could only ever find her at a party is if Lacey and Mason have bribed her with the offer of a free book.  
This is one of the times where the promise of a book spree has led Y/N to be in the car waiting for her brother at the liquor store on the Cut that doesn’t card people. She honestly isn’t even sure the store has a license. Marvin and Cassie Y/L/N are away for their yearly couples getaway that they have been going on since the twins were old enough to stay home alone. This year they are in Bali. Marvin is a corporate lawyer and Cassie is a successful author, so it is nice to get some time together, away from all responsibilities. Y/N doesn’t mind being on the Cut side of the island. She is not one to particularly care about the Pogues vs Kooks war. 
Mason makes his way back towards the car carrying multiple different bags. He puts them in the trunk and hops back into the driver’s seat. “Did you at least get me some hard kombucha or some sort of seltzer?” Y/N questions. The car starts moving and Mason glances towards his sister, “Of course, dude. I know you. Plus, I feel better knowing that your drinks are in a can. Less chances of someone tampering with it.” “You know, Mace, you are kinda sweet when you are all big brothery,” Y/N teases as she gives her brother a light punch to the arm. Mason smiles at his sister and the car falls quiet for a few minutes with the only sound coming from the radio. 
“You know Rafe really is trying to be more friendly to you,” Mason begins to break the silence but regrets it as soon as he sees the disapproving look on Y/N’s face, “Okay well he is kinda trying.” Y/N pauses the conversation to think about how she is going to answer. “Well, he’s doing a horrible job at it. It’s not that I despise him. I just hate the whiplash he gives me with the two personalities he has when he is around me,” she explains. Mason's face turns to confusion, “What do you mean?” “I mean that one minute he is annoying the shit out of me and then the next he does something nice for me. Like the other day with my phone or when we met or when he stole my cookie. For as long as I’ve known him, he has either been caring or a nuisance. Never just simply one or the other. Plus, I don’t love how he treats the pogues,” Y/N complains. “Right,” Mason agrees dully. All he wants is for his best friend and sister to get along. 
“It’s also his constant flirting with any female that so much as looks in his direction. Like I get that he’s hot but he doesn’t need to act like he is god’s gift to humankind,” Y/N continues. Mason completely understands what his sister means by that because Rafe is the stereotypical playboy, “Yeah, I get that. Dude, it’s not like I’m asking you to marry him. I don’t even want you guys to be in a romantic relationship, anyways. It would just be nice to not have to play advocate for you guys.”
Y/N is getting ready in her room while the boys get the alcohol prepared in the kitchen. “So your sister is coming tonight too, right?” Rafe asks Mason. Although he loves to tease Y/N, Rafe had an ‘only I can mess with her’ type of view. Also, Mason and Rafe had an unspoken agreement that Rafe would always keep an eye on Y/N whenever Mason couldn’t. It is important to both boys that she is safe and Rafe would rather cut off his left leg than let anything happen to his unconscious love. “Yeah. I’m going to be out, like, $200 because of the book spree I promised her but she agreed. “Okay, cool,” Rafe says and even though he tries to sound nonchalant about it, Mason could see the flash of excitement that went through Rafe’s eyes. 
He may not like to admit it, but Mason knows Rafe has an interest in his twin sister. However, he wasn’t sure if it was just lust or something deeper and more romantic than that. Either way, Mason is not going to risk his sister’s heart just in case it is the former. With what he saw from his best friend’s dating history, Rafe could never be the right person for Y/N because he has never taken any of his relationships past the friends-with-benefits/hook-up stage. 
Yet, Mason couldn’t possibly know what is passing through Rafe’s mind at that exact moment. What is the best way to keep an eye on Y/N without making her feel uncomfortable? How could he make sure that no boys make unwanted advanced toward her? Is there anything he could do to make her safer? Would she wear the carpenter pants that she loves because of all the pockets it has? Or would she wear the new dress she got last week that she was so excited about showing Mason when she got back home? How many different places could he hide her book if she brought one down with her? Could he trick her into drinking beer, which he knows she doesn’t like the bitter taste of? Rafe shakes his head as he tries to get himself out of the rabbit hole he’s gotten himself into. 
The Y/L/N residence is filled to the brim with Kooks and Tourons lucky enough to be invited by an island native. Music pounds into Y/N's head as she hands out drinks to anyone that asks. She finds it easier to stay in the kitchen and play host than actually try to engage in meaningless conversations. 
Her train of thought is interrupted by someone making their presence known to her from behind, “So, Y/L/N, is this your playlist that’s playing because I swear every song just sounds the same and is about breakups.” Y/N ignores the statement made by the taller boy and continues to hand the beer over to the person in front of her. She must be a Touron because Y/N has never seen her before. Y/N feels Rafe approach her as she hands the next boy in line a beer as well. 
Before the boy can grab the drink, Rafe reaches over her shoulder and grabs the can out of her hand. “Seriously, Rafe. What are you, four?” Y/N criticizes as she reaches for the drink, “You really aren’t very original you know.” Rafe could’ve sworn he saw, just for a millisecond, a playful look in Y/N’s eyes before it is replaced again with a serious and unamused look. After a few seconds of no luck, Y/N just reaches down for another can of beer and hands it to the intended recipient. 
Once the other boy is gone, Rafe finally sets the can down and goes in closer to her so that he is just on the edge of invading her personal space. “So, what books are you going to milk dry from your brother?” he asks as he goes to play with the bottom of her hair but thinks against it. He isn’t sure if it would make her uncomfortable. Little did Rafe know, Y/N thought of a way to get back at him for the teasing. She places her hand behind her back on the counter and grabs the beer Rafe just placed down. She quickly brings her hand back around and shakes the can, then opens it. The fizz dirties both of them, but the look of shock and slight annoyance on Rafe’s face makes it worth it. “Really, Y/L/N,” he complains as he shakes the drink off of his hands. Y/N giggles as she walks out of the kitchen to go change, “Maybe you should start keeping clothes in a drawer in Mason’s room. Like his girlfriend would do.” Before she is completely out of hearing range, Rafe shouts, “I’d much rather the drawer be in your room.” 
Y/N decides that she isn’t going to return to the party after she finished changing, so she makes her way to the hidden gazebo in the backyard. The music from the party is drowned out and the twinkle of the fairy lights brings her a feeling of calm. She sits in the dangling basket chair put up by her father for her to read and starts to read her book. 
She is so entranced by the book that she didn’t notice that Owen Taleman has made his way out to the gazebo as well. His golden brown hair is slicked back and his green eyes hold a dark look. It does not surprise her that he is wearing a full suit to a house party because the uptight man is rarely seen without one. While Rafe typically teases Y/N in a manner that hints at lovingness and playfulness, Owen’s teasing is laced with cruelty and mockery. No one is safe from the entitled prick; not even little children. Y/N is positive she once heard him insult a toddler’s shoes. “Of course, the little bitch reader is hiding out from the party,” Owen mocks as he struts his way toward her. 
Y/N may have been a reader and quieter than Mason, Lacey or Rafe, but she is not afraid to stand up for herself or defend herself. “At least I’m not an asshole who can't get my head out of my ass,” Y/N retorts. Owen’s face easily turns red and he gets right into Y/N’s face. The boy towers over her with a menacing look on his face. Y/N normally wouldn’t be nervous, but the fact that she is alone makes her understand the danger of the situation. 
Rafe’s eyes flicker through the crowd as he looks for Y/N. He didn’t see her leave her room and when he knocked, she didn’t answer. He begins to get worried as he has a bad feeling in his stomach. He spots Mason going up towards his room with a Touron girl. Rafe threads his way through the people quickly, “Yo, have you seen Y/N?” Even though Mason normally keeps an eye out for his sister, he made sure to give her her space. However, the look of worry on Rafe’s face instantly clues Mason in that something is wrong. Both boys abandon the unknown girl in search of Y/N. 
They searched everywhere in the house and concluded that she must have gone somewhere outside. The sight they are met with makes their blood boil. Owen’s face is close to Y/N’s and his hand is curled in a fist, ready to throw a punch. “Dude, you better back away from my sister before I make you,” Mason threatens as he advances toward the pair with Rafe going ahead of him. Owen distances himself a little from Y/N and turns towards the newcomers, “Oh look, it’s Tweedledee and Tweedledum. I’m surprised you both don’t have your tongues shoved down some whores mouth.” Owen didn’t realize that insulting her brother would anger Y/N into aggression, but he soon would. 
Upon hearing his words, Y/N taps Owen’s shoulder and punches him once he is facing her. When he comes back up, Owen’s nose is bleeding profusely and an embarrassed look is on his face. He is definitely the type of person to throw a fit about losing to a girl. “You’ll be hearing from my lawyers for this,” Owen yells as he stomps off of the Y/L/N property. “Go ahead, try! I promise mine are scarier!” Y/N retorts. 
Owen is out of sight when Y/N finally starts to process what could’ve happened if Mason and Rafe hadn’t come looking for her. Owen is a known hothead. Some could say even worse than Rafe. She goes to get comfort from the closest body to her, which happens to be Rafe. She tucks her head into his neck and wraps her arms tightly around his waist, “I think the adrenaline wore off. I was so scared when no one else was around. I didn’t know what to do.”
Rafe quickly wraps his arm around her shoulders and buries his face into her hair. The smell of her lavender shampoo hits his nose. “You’re okay. We’ve got you,” he soothes as he notices that Y/N began sniffling. He gently runs his fingers through her hair and shifts his weight from one leg to the other to rock the both of them. 
Mason is not an idiot. He may have believed his friend wasn’t capable of holding true romantic feelings for someone, but as he watches the domestic scene in front of him, there is no denying the two have some sort of chemistry. Mason could see the concern and love that are in Rafe’s eyes. Mason listens to the soft reassurances Rafe whispers in her ear and sees his sister slowly start to calm down. This is a side of Rafe that Mason has never seen before. 
Rafe’s eyes make contact with Mason’s and an unspoken conversation happens between the two. Mason goes back into the house, turns off the music and turns all the lights on, “Dudes! Party is over so get the fuck out of my house! You don’t have to go home, but you have to get out!” Disappointment can be heard throughout the crowd, but they quickly start filing out of the house because what one of the Kook princes wanted, they got. 
Y/N and Rafe watch from outside as people start to file out of the house. Most of the people are out of the house by the time Rafe leads Y/N back inside and into her room. He stands outside of her door like a bodyguard while he waits for her to change. She opens the door wearing an oversized shirt and some shorts. The shirt looks familiar and Rafe realizes that it is his Led Zeppelin shirt. She must have taken it from Mason because Rafe and Mason borrowed each others’ clothes enough times that they practically shared their closets. 
Rafe feels butterflies in his stomach as he realizes just how much he likes the idea of her wearing one of his shirts. “You know that’s my shirt right,” he smirks as he gets closer to the girl. She scrunches her nose in confusion and shakes her head, “Oh, I found it in Mason’s laundry. And it’s mine now. So you aren’t getting it back anytime soon. It’s comfy.” She wraps her hand around her waist protectively. Rafe slowly makes his way closer to Y/N as if he is approaching a fawn. He gently wraps his arms around her and smiles when she lets him. “I wasn’t asking for it back. You look good in it.” She feels a blush form on her cheeks and turns away from him. She leads him into her room and lies down on her bed. He follows her and waits for her to tell him what she wants him to do. “Can you stay until I fall asleep? I don’t feel like being alone right now,” she whispers as if she is scared of what he is going to say. 
Rafe nods his head and pulls her desk chair closer to the bed. He knows Y/N hates it when people wear outside clothes on her bed. She reaches her hand out for his and he takes it. And they just stay there looking at each other while she falls asleep. Rafe traces patterns onto her hand with his thumb. Once he sees she is asleep, he quietly gets up from the chair and goes downstairs to find Mason starting to clean up already.
Rafe starts to help with the cleanup by picking up the solo cups littering the floors. “So you do love her.” He hears from behind him. Mason stands at the doorway of the living room, leaning on the door frame. “Yeah, I do. I know it’s cheesy and unoriginal and probably wrong to say but I think I couldn’t commit to anyone else because my heart knows she’s the only one that can truly make it want to beat faster and stop at the same time. When I’m with her, time goes by so fast but I just want time to stop,” he confides to his best friend. “Right, and what is it about her that makes you like her?” Mason questions still wanting to make sure his friend’s feelings are genuine. 
The smile on Rafe’s face says it all, “I don’t think I could really pinpoint what it is. But she makes me happy and I love how she doesn’t treat me any differently because of who I am. She’s not afraid to stand up for herself and she’s the most caring and protective person I know. I mean she literally just punched Owen for me just to stand up for me and she doesn’t even like me.” Mason nods in understanding and resumes cleaning up. “Dude, I’m going to try to set you up with my sister. Now that I know how you truly feel, I trust that you will not hurt her feelings. But if she refuses to go out with you, then you have to promise to leave it at that and stop bothering her okay.” 
Rafe gives Mason an unsure look as he thinks the other boy is joking. “Are you sure? I mean I’ll totally back off if she says no once I get the courage to ask. Thank you so much,” he gives his appreciation to his friend. Rafe drops the garbage bag in his hand and runs to hug Mason. “Okay, so the first thing we can do to get you on Y/N/N's good side is finish cleaning the house before she wakes up. Cleaning messes after a party is literally one of her least favourite things when I throw a party. The boys spent a good three hours cleaning the house before they are finally ready to settle down for the night. 
Y/N expects the sun from the window to wake her up this morning but instead, she is woken up by the soft sound of music coming from downstairs. She quickly hops out of bed and completes her morning routine before pulling Mason’s swim team hoodie over her head. She thought she would see a complete mess as she makes her way to the source; however, she is delightfully surprised to see the house spotless. The girl finds the source of the music in the kitchen.
Rafe and Mason are in the kitchen making breakfast. “Good morning, Y/L/N. We wanted to make you your fave eggs benedict recipe of Lacey’s but we couldn’t figure out how to poach the eggs. So rather, we went with making waffles instead,” Rafe informs her then points towards Mason with a spatula, “Mason cut the strawberries. If you want bananas, then he is getting it ready right now. I also went out to get the fresh whipped cream and hot chocolate you like from that fancy grocery store.” She smiles at the boys and sits at the kitchen island, “Thank you! It smells so good and it was sweet of you to go to the store. Also, thanks for cleaning the house.” Rafe beams at the girl as he slides the cup of hot chocolate toward the girl. He knows he hasn’t done much to get on her good side yet, but he found it amazing that she is always polite, even to people she isn’t a big fan of. He takes the last waffle out of the waffle maker and sets it on her plate. He adds the fruits and whipped cream then gets cutlery for everyone. Once everything is ready for breakfast, everyone sits down and starts to eat. 
Throughout breakfast, Y/N kept thinking that Rafe would find some way to tease her. Whether it was about the amount of whipped cream she put on her waffle or the way she let out a satisfied sigh whenever she would take a sip out of her hot chocolate, she prepared herself for the worst. She is proven wrong though. Y/N and Rafe are actually able to have a conversation without fighting. Everyone finishes their breakfast and since the boys cooked, Y/N cleans up for them. “Hey Y/L/N, Mace and I are going to head to the pool to get some training in. Do you wanna come?” Rafe asks her. He is hopeful that she will say yes, except he knows she doesn’t particularly enjoy swimming laps. She looks over her shoulder to him, “No, I’m going to go to the beach. We can meet up for lunch though if you want.” Upon hearing her offer to make plans with him later, Rafe becomes overjoyed at the fact that she wants to spend more time with him. But he doesn’t know Y/N spending time on the beach alone leads to an encounter that will rid him of his happiness and hope. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog
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roxineedstosleep · 1 year
Custody Battle
Funny things that anyone who has seen Avatar The Way of the Water has noticed or likes to believe.
Quaritch and Jake having a custody battle over Spider.
I'm just saying, they both have their motives, but, let's make it pure comedy (I need comedy in life).
The whole RDA VS Pandora war is put on pause because Spider wants to spend that month's weekend with Quaritch and watch human cartoons at the military base with his Uncle Lyle. You know, something casual that allows Spider to connect with his human side.
But! Jake is totally offended as he had booked that date so Spider could travel with Jake and play Toruk Makto. And he tells him he can't go and all that. Plus the tablets make him hyper and won't let him sleep.
Well, what happens?
Something very simple.
Quaritch takes Jake to court over Spider's custody.
Jake then claims he wants Spider's alimony, and now that Quaritch is alive he can pay him child support.
Quaritch refuses and asks for more time and so on until no one knows how 35 international and interplanetary laws are being reformed just because Jake didn't want Spider to become enthralled with a digital screen and because Quaritch wanted him and Lyle to watch Bluey with Spider.
Spider doesn't know what the heck is going on, Lyle discovers his second bite at the legal chops as Quaritch's advocate, and Tonowari has discovered that he likes playing lawyer to Jake.
If you've got any women who can play judge, it'd be great to see their proposals.
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darkmaga-retard · 7 days
Technocracy is a system pitted against all others, including capitalism, Marxism, and outright Fascism. However, it will use those other systems to achieve its goals of Scientific Dictatorship. The Trilateral Commission kickstarted modern Technocracy in 1973 and devised a policy of using mass immigration as a tool to break down Western society. Peter Sutherland did it in Europe. Anthony Blinken is doing it in the U.S.
No other continent suffers from an immigration crisis. Not China. Not Asia. Not South America. Not Africa. Not India or Russia. What Trilateral policy did in Europe is working on America, with similar results.
Wade though this thoughtful paper and consider the author’s conclusions:
“The oligarchs that wish to see Technocracy established can capitalize on the ramblings of the real far-right minority by framing all dissent against the emerging Technate as “extremism.”
Perhaps more crucially, by perpetuating the left-right paradigm, pitting the identitarian movement against the advocates of identity politics, populations can be mired in pointless debates. This irrelevant distraction, embodied by the vacuum of party politics, leaves the global public-private partnership free to push ahead with the rollout of Technocracy while the people engage in counter-productive arguments and continually fail to recognize their real enemy: the oligarchs. ⁃ Patrick Wood, TN Editor.
In the UK, the so-called far-right‘s stance on immigration is said to be driven by “the Great Replacement conspiracy theory.” According to the influential global think tank the Institute for Strategic Studies (ISD):
“The Great Replacement” theory was first coined by French writer Renaud Camus. Identitarian movements across Europe (including in Austria, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany) have used the theory to recruit others to their cause, claiming their countries and national “identities” are under threat due to increasing immigrant populations.
It is true, in part, that Camus made this argument. Some elements of his philosophy are racist and do offer apparent rationales for religious bigotry. It is also true that Camus has been influential in the rise of the identitarian movement, which is perceived as “right-wing.” Identitarianism broadly stands in opposition to identitiy politics, considered progressive or “left-wing.”
While the identitarian movement generally opposes multiculturalism and defends ethno-culturalism, identity politics largely holds that states foist structural inequality of opportunity upon people based on their personal characteristics—such as their ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and disability, etc. Those who oppose multiculturalism perceive identity politics as a deliberate attempt to dilute or even eradicate their culture.
These sociopolitical and philosophical concepts have a massive “influence” on our polity, public discourse and society. The right vs left paradigm is thereby created and perpetuated through the constantly reported clash between the identitarian movement and identity politics.
Those who espouse the Great Replacement theory often cite the comments of Peter Sutherland (1946 – 2018) as evidence that there is a cohesive “plan” to replace European culture. Sutherland was “influential” in guiding the development of the EU and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). He was a banker, business man, lawyer and politician. Sutherland sat on the Bilderberg steering committee, he was chairman of Trilateral Commission European division and the European Round Table movement.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
[Now I'm imagining a Judge Judy or Maury-esque trial over the custody/parentage of Sun Luzhen and the other SWKs vs their universes' respective Nuwa, Houtu and Fuxi.]
Goodness, that guy has to earn a LOT of overtime to deal with SWKs and the fams nonsense. Hope they invite him to family events too X)
[Reborn SWK/Smokey is the most furious since he has a whole complex over not having parents.]
I wanna write something funny, but all I can make up is the image of Reborn Nuwa shoving as much money and stuff as possible as Hush Money so that their connection stays a secret. I feel like that would make Smokey super-duper mad.
[Plum, realising that he probably shouldn't have said that: "The... the supreme goddess of the moon?" (o_o;) Other LEMs: "THE WHO?!?"]
Plum, poking head into the room with the SWKs: Sorry about that, but I think I broke your partners.
Damn, so Mac's also royalty! Although, how well known was that if he worked as PIFs attendant in the Celestial Realm?
...now I am curious how Babs and Gibs came to be...what's their lineage? And do they know of it?
[Different SWKs reactions ahoy!]
Hmm...how do the LEM's (and rest of the Pilgrims if they are around) feel about Luzhen? He has to quite literally rock their world with the revelations.
[He's used to sudden children by now.]
Peach, hearing Dasheng's footsteps in the house: Hey, bud, what's ahhh... *Sees that Dasheng has 10 kids, all hanging from his limbs...* Umm...
Dasheng: I walked by an orphanage...
Peach: Wow, your dad vibes are over 9000, huh?
Dasheng: What does that even mean?!
[heck yeah, I'm dad, not our neglectful creators.]
I am picturing Dasheng looking at either of the gods in question and going, "Oh look at that, the deadbeats are here. Have you brought the child support or do I have to boot you off my mountain again?"
[it's not his fault another him got made! And whats more he's furious at their creators for "allowing" another Stone Monkey to be born to face the same crisis/trials he did.]
You know, I once read that we grow up to be the person our younger selves would have felt the safest with. Paraphrased a bit, but the idea is there. They are two different people, but, maybe he can help heal his inner child in this way.
[His cub now, their creators can screw off!]
I have this image: One of the parents in question coming in hot to claim parental rights or something, only for Cherry, handling his Luzhen off to somebody to keep safe, to launch an attack so brutal and bloody Buddha took one look at the carnage and noped out of there, going like "Not even I am willing to fuck with that. Nope."
[They do have a little brain itch of what this could mean for them tho.]
Not the brain itch you or Shihou were having, but mine is itching with the question of...how would SWK and/or LEM handle a child with cognitive disabilities - like serious ones at that?
[Meanwhile Mac is just like; "He's a toddler. They all want to fight heaven."]
Well, he's not wrong. I am told as a small child I advocated for burning the government whenever the adults complained about something relating to politics. I was quite the anarchist.
[albeit one thats technically his uncle(?) he's not gonna worry about that part.]
I did one read a book where the middle-school-aged-MC had a two-year-old Baby Aunt. I also thought it was odd - but also one hell of a way to find out your parents/grandparents are still getting it on.
Gonna have to be my replies under Read more soon cus gotdang you really give me a lot to talk about! /positive :D
[Goodness, that guy has to earn a LOT of overtime to deal with SWKs and the fams nonsense. Hope they invite him to family events too X)]
SWK's lawyer def gets a yearly holiday card, and invites to family events. He's practically family after the first couple of scandals.
[I wanna write something funny, but all I can make up is the image of Reborn Nuwa shoving as much money and stuff as possible as Hush Money so that their connection stays a secret. I feel like that would make Smokey super-duper mad.]
F in chat to poor Smokey; who wanted a meaningful relationship/an apology from his creators and now only has worthless hush money, and a small son/brother(?) to take care of.
[Damn, so Mac's also royalty! Although, how well known was that if he worked as PIFs attendant in the Celestial Realm?]
The Celestial Realm recognised LMK!Mac as *belonging* to the supreme Mood Deity, but were unsure exactly how. He's a monkey after all, and Taiying is human (they think). Maybe he's her pet? Alchemy experiment gone wrong? Either way, he was a calming influence on the young and frustrated Princess Tieshan, so he was at least treated with the same respect as a lady-in-waiting - although not as much as humanoid celestial would be.
If the Celestial Realm knew the Six Eared Macaque was the child of the Supreme Moon Deity, then he might have had some weight to throw around the court - if Lady Taiying recognised him as such. Otherwise its another aspect they would have mocked him for - whats more to them than another illegitimate noble?
Also; Plum accidentally breaking all the other LEMs cus he didn't realise that they didn't know about their origins. XD
[…now I am curious how Babs and Gibs came to be…what's their lineage? And do they know of it?]
Odds are those two were created by separate star entities long before the modern earth even existed. Earth is were they spent their teenage/college years essentially before they retired to space. If they know of their origins, they don't care much.
Rest of replies under Read More!
[Hmm…how do the LEM's (and rest of the Pilgrims if they are around) feel about Luzhen?]
Most of the LEMs are shocked silent for the most part.
Plum/LMK!Mac: in particular a little annoyed but adoring that a tiny copy of Wukong has been dropped onto his lap. But hey, free baby is free baby. Will kill anything that dares to inflict any of SWK's trauma onto Luzhen.
Zhanshi/HiB!LEM: immediately goes full mom-mode on the infant monkey. Little guy needs a stable home after all! Hunting down his primordial in-laws for answers can wait... for now.
Liang/Reborn!LEM: is a little faster to accept Luzhen as their responsibility than Smokey, and helps to be the "softer" parent of the two. They def agree that the gods can screw off tho.
Olive/Netflix!LEM: is initially so freaked out that they don't want anything to do with Luzhen. But the moment the little guy reaches out for a hug... who is Olive to deny him? A bit colder, but is warming up fast. Is the one who holds Luzhen while Cherry fights the gods - like the infamous "Get his ass baby, I got your flower" except flower is baby.
Joker/NewGods!LEM: is already bouncing the kid on his knee. Its a shock but hey, its like how they got their MK. Little guy is stinking adorable too. Is also very mad at the gods for being so irresponsible. Probably gets really defensive when people ask if him and Ace are Luzhen's grandparents tho.
Spice/2000s!LEM: is scared. So very scared. Mostly out of worry. He's just coming to terms with his own creation/identity, and now there's a bonus Wukong?! What if the gods take Luzhen away!? He needs to sit down a bit. Takes him a while to see Luzhen as more than a extension of SWK, afterwards its more mentor and tudi vibes.
Meihouwang Mihou: is... still in shock. He reacted badly enough to Shihou's arrival, and now an entire infant version of Shihou needs food and parents to take care of him. Its overwhelming. And then Shihou approaches him for advice? On how to raise Luzhen? Oh gosh, maybe this was a sign from the gods. His ears are flooded with the sounds of wedding bells and laughing infants. This oz his and Shihou's baby now. Still asks the Elder monkeys for help tho, since he barely knows what to do more than Shihou does.
Lilac/Smash!LEM: is hesistant to get close. They feel that they can't just drop everything to raise a whole kid, not with their career quicky on the rise. Their Wukong is such a good caretaker tho, and Lilac feels a little guilty when they can't join in on family time. Def dedicates a song about "little falling stars" to Luzhen, and has frequent video calls when he's away. Vows to spoil the kid anytime they're together to make up for any time lost.
The other pilgrims are having bluescreen errors every time they try thinking about the ramifictions of multiple earth/creation gods pulling up to drop lore like that.
The Tripitakas are torn between "Oh its a blessing!" and "Oh sweet Buddha, theres two of them now." HiB!Liuer has already claimed his Luzhen as his little brother/fellow tudi.
You know the Zhu Bajie's are laughing their butts off once the shock wears off. Lots of child support jokes. Declares themselves the different Luzhens' uncles.
Sha Wujing is a little more... unsettled. Why did a bunch of gods just show up- oh sweet buddha they're Older Brother Sun's creators?! And theres' a little Sun now!? Reborn!SWJ def has a small breathing-into-a-paper-bag anixety attack. Afterwards though they feel a greater kinship, with their Luzhens and SWKs. After all, they feel "discarded" by the gods also.
[I am picturing Dasheng looking at either of the gods in question and going, "Oh look at that, the deadbeats are here. Have you brought the child support or do I have to boot you off my mountain again?"]
The idea of Dasheng looking the earth gods in the eye and calling them "deadbeats" is the most perfectly in-character thing for him ever. I love it.
[You know, I once read that we grow up to be the person our younger selves would have felt the safest with. Paraphrased a bit, but the idea is there. They are two different people, but, maybe he can help heal his inner child in this way.]
That is literally the most sweetest and heartbreaking thing. Smokey considers himself "broken", but Luzhen as "still good enough" to help. By being a good protector and influence, he secretly hopes to heal the scared child he once was. :']
Meanwhile, Netflix!SWK/Cherry is fighting any gods that dare threaten to take his mini-me away.
[how would SWK and/or LEM handle a child with cognitive disabilities - like serious ones at that?]
Honestly? Pretty ok. They know that people can be born "different" and have different hurdles to overcome. In the wild, macaques are known to pay extra attention to troop members with disabilities, and treat them kindly.
I hc MK as having adhd, which really affects his attention and short term memory, so Shadowpeach have been working with that for a long time. Wukong and Macaque themselves are very autistic-coded (which makes my autistic butt very happy), and would have a lot of insight to how the kid might be feeling.
If one of their kids has another serious cognitive impairment, like being non-verbal, they'll find a way to adapt to it. SWK 100% has learned both forms of CSL over the years, and does a refresher in prep for MK's arrival. Helps a lot when the more monkey-ish side of the kids means that they don't verbalize for a long time compared to human kids.
[one hell of a way to find out your parents/grandparents are still getting it on.]
MK had that crisis at age 19 when the Lunar Nodelets were on the way. Like when he found out it was at a high-stress moment so he barely had time ot process it; "We had just saved the world from the Lady Bone Demon and you two were...?! Ugh! I need to wash my brain out."
Nezha had a more firey reaction when he learned of the Eclipse Twins years prior. He didn't even know the monkeys did that stuff. He was uber-grossed out in an almost cooties sort of way, but also in a "please for the love of buddha, don't fill the celestial realm with your spawn"-kind of way.
Tysm for sending so many cool questions in! You really rock my create brain <3
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milkboydotnet · 5 months
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From May 17-18, 2024, an urgent International People’s Tribunal (IPT) will take place. The tribunal is jointly convened by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS). The theme and title of the tribunal will be:
Katarungan: The Filipino People vs US Government, and the Marcos and Duterte regimes (An International War Crimes Tribunal on the US-directed Counterinsurgency in the Philippines)
The purposes of the IPT will be to heighten international condemnation and isolation against the US-Duterte and US-Marcos regimes for their widespread violations of International Humanitarian Law, to underscore the repressive character and role of US imperialism in the Government of the Republic of the Philippines’ (GRP’s) counterinsurgency war against the Filipino people, to educate the international community on the just cause and legitimacy of the Filipino people’s struggle for national liberation, and to broaden international support for the cause of a just and lasting peace in the Philippines as led by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).
In order to make this event happen, we need your help! We are raising funds to cover the airfare and travel costs of witnesses who have seen the war crimes of the Duterte and Marcos regimes up close, as well as lawyers and other human rights advocates. We are also raising funds to cover the costs of publication for the findings of the tribunal. Will you support our efforts, and in doing so, support the Filipino people’s struggle for a just and lasting peace?
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sayyourprayers · 1 year
ooooh, please elaborate on lawyer mike? 👀📝
He is smart. In the lateral thinking kind of way. Which is ONE HUNDRED PER CENT an asset to have as ANY kind of lawyer.
He loves to argue and get the last word in. And I'm not being mean here but basically he likes to get the argument through to the end no matter the circumstances. (Defending regular coke was more important than El going into the void without interruption. I can semi-relate.) So lawyers do need that attitude if they wanna successfully represent the persons they're representing. (not talking abt wins and losses here)
He is rich. He will get into a good law school with a partial scholarship and some financing from the Bank of Ted. Nancy will help write his SOP. (😝😝😝)
Now strictly speaking about the field of practice: not company/contract/family/tax.
I say civil/tort/criminal cuz well there's some good guy vs bad guy typa justice here. And I feel after having gone through all of THAT he'd wanna make a more direct difference. So that may also entail being a public defender. Tort law about wrongful deaths and stuff for when the criminal case didn't go in favour or straight up defence lawyer. Or other areas of civil/criminal law maybe writs for public interest and/or defendant rights etc.
Retires early from the hustle and then takes stray cases here and there to help out people or some social service lab pro bono.
Yes he makes money but not mad BANK necessarily.
Is a guest lecturer.
Occasional contributor to papers in matters of the law.
Advocated and worked extensively for legalisation of same sex marriage and other LGBT+ rights in his personal time thru journals, mocks, all the other related stuff'
That's all I guess.
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burningtheroots · 1 year
JK Rowling is not a flawless feminist, but she does more good than those who attack her
I myself criticized JK Rowling because the Harry Potter book series is very male-centric and sometimes struggles to get certain messages across. I won’t elaborate further because, either way, her story and writing are still excellent and her success was well-deserved. And most of the people who now tear her apart wouldn’t do it if she hadn’t been "transphobic".
And I also know that JK Rowling isn’t a flawless feminist, but I want to ask you in return: WHO IS?
JK Rowling has expressed sympathy, respect and love for the trans community and only wants to ensure women‘s sex-based (!) rights and protections. Women are a socioeconomic and political class due to their biological reality, whereas gender is a social construct. It‘s not hateful or bigotry to discuss the experiences of being female.
She has received rape and death threats, repeatedly, got her achievements torn apart and is regularly encountered with misogynistic slurs. Trans rights activists (TRAs) want to silence and intimidate her by any means. And TRAs already do the same with women who don’t have access to the protections JK Rowling can afford — which she also acknowledged, and which is also why she doesn‘t back down.
If violence and misogyny are the "solution", then the "problem" is that what she says is true.
And regardless of what you think of the endless TRA vs. 'TERF' debate, what matters more is what JK Rowling has actually done for women & girls in real life.
✖️ While TRAs invalidate women‘s sex-based rights and oppression, and even forced the cancellation/postponing of the symposium backing Iranian and Afghan women because there was a woman present who has gender critical views (https://reduxx.info/france-violent-trans-activists-force-cancellation-of-symposium-supporting-afghan-and-iranian-women/) although Iranian and Afghan women have nothing to do with it and are in extreme danger and exposed to massive human rights violations, JK Rowling has advocated for Iranian & Afghan women and also donated thousands of dollars to support female lawyers and their families who face death in Afghanistan.
✖️ She lost her billionaire status long ago because she prioritized charities, including charities for women (which is something celebrities quite often overlook).
✖️ She founded a clinic for a neurological condition (M.S.) which is more common in women than men which her own mother died of, while most people don’t even acknowledge that female healthcare is constantly neglected.
✖️ She set up a charitable trust which has been supporting the funding of women‘s and children‘s causes since the year 2000, which is one of the most feminist things you can do.
✖️ Only a little while back she started a centre for female rape victims.
So, perhaps everyone should get off the high horse and focus on doing something meaningful instead of sending pointless violent messages.
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literaticat · 11 months
Jenn, I wanted to ask about signing an agreement with an agent or a contract with a publisher (if you don't have an agent). Let's say you got a well-known writer's advocate/expert to review it and they suggested 3-5 things to be added or amended. How do you approach the agent or publisher to ask them to do this? What do you say? Should you be firm or questioning? And who do you tell them reviewed the contract (if you can't name them)? Could this end up with them pulling the offer? Thank you!
Well, I think there's a difference between how I'd approach an agency agreement vs a publishing contract.
For an agency agreement, it depends on what the problem is? I'd approach this more like "can you explain XYZ" if you have a question about it. For example, our agency agreement is quite short (under two pages), and it's really non-negotiable, because there's nothing to negotiate! It is basically just a memo of understanding explaining that we represent your work, what our commission is, how the agreement can be terminated, etc. There might be *slight* things to tweak by author (like, if you have a different rep for Adult work, we might say that we represent only your Children's work, or some such) -- but we aren't going to change our commission for individual authors, and it is already (imo) pretty clear and just... normal. I have zero problem answering or explaining anything in the agreement and I stand by all of it -- so it would be quite odd if an author came back to me with a redline from a lawyer, and I'd likely decline to make those changes.
For a publishing contract, which is generally much more complicated, I think it's fine to respond with questions/comments. I don't think you need to name whoever gave you the advice -- plenty of people get advice from their friends, or from the Author's Guild, or whatever. It IS important that you actually understand what it is you are asking for and why, though, so you know how important it is to you, what to let go of and what is a deal-breaker.
I'd just send them an email that says "Thanks so much for this! I have the following questions / comments:" and then list them. Some will be small -- typos, or whatever -- no-brainer changes. Some will be big. "Can we strike this part?" "Can we change this to 60 days?" etc.
They may or may not make all the changes you ask for, but if you don't ask, you don't get, so... worth a shot. And if they pulled an offer because you ask questions about the contract ... that's a major red flag, and it seems to me like you dodged a bullet.
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Soona Luukanen-Kilde is the former lead programmer of game development studio Fortress Accident. After the studio collapsed, she moved a radiocomputer into the old church to study the Pale inside.
Elizabeth "Lizzy" Beaufort is the Dockworker Union's resident lawyer. A staunch advocate for the union, she poses as a tired local gardener in order to keep an eye out on the scabbing workers.
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eurekavalley · 2 years
I keep thinking about lawyering as a replacement for something else. like the prostitution/desperate for love angle with Jimmy is explicit and talked about obviously, but Howard had to go corporate because his father told him to, Kim wants to prove to herself and everyone that she matters and isn't the tired little girl in Red Cloud anymore, Chuck wants to be believed and respected. It's all very juicy.
Sometimes I wonder why there isn't more done with au settings and bcs but maybe it's because there is already this much room to play? There is something like... inherently dualistic/two-faced about being a lawyer and being someone else's advocate, but always having your own agenda/motivations too.
(Jimmy and the prostitution angle also bring to mind the degree to which he is exploited by clients vs. his own agency in it and his hint of pride about that at the trial.)
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Who is the worst founding father? Round 2: Robert Livingston vs George Mason
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Robert Robert Livingston (November 27, 1746 (Old Style November 16) – February 26, 1813) was an American lawyer, politician, and diplomat from New York, as well as a Founding Father of the United States. He was known as "The Chancellor" after the high New York state legal office he held for 25 years. He was a member of the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration of Independence, along with Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Roger Sherman. Livingston administered the oath of office to George Washington when he assumed the presidency April 30, 1789. Livingston was also elected as a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1801.
Livingston, a member of a large and prominent family, was known for continually quarreling with his relatives.
In 1789, Livingston joined the Jeffersonian Republicans (later known as the Democratic-Republicans), forming an uneasy alliance with his previous rival George Clinton and Aaron Burr, then a political newcomer. Livingston opposed the Jay Treaty and other initiatives of the Federalist Party, founded and led by his former colleagues Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. He ran for governor of New York as a Democratic-Republican, unsuccessfully challenging incumbent governor John Jay in the 1798 election.
George Mason (December 11, 1725 [O.S. November 30, 1725] – October 7, 1792) was an American planter, politician, Founding Father, and delegate to the U.S. Constitutional Convention of 1787, one of three delegates present who refused to sign the Constitution. His writings, including substantial portions of the Fairfax Resolves of 1774, the Virginia Declaration of Rights of 1776, and his Objections to this Constitution of Government (1787) opposing ratification, have exercised a significant influence on American political thought and events. The Virginia Declaration of Rights, which Mason principally authored, served as a basis for the United States Bill of Rights, of which he has been deemed a father.
Mason prepared the first draft of the Virginia Declaration of Rights in 1776, and his words formed much of the text adopted by the final Revolutionary Virginia Convention. He also wrote a constitution for the state; Thomas Jefferson and others sought to have the convention adopt their ideas, but they found that Mason's version could not be stopped. During the American Revolutionary War, Mason was a member of the powerful House of Delegates of the Virginia General Assembly, but to the irritation of Washington and others, he refused to serve in the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, citing health and family commitments.
Mason routinely spoke out against slavery, even before America's independence. In 1773, he wrote that slavery was "that slow Poison, which is daily contaminating the Minds & Morals of our People. Every Gentlemen here is born a petty Tyrant." In 1774, he advocated ending the international slave trade.
However, Mason owned many slaves. In Fairfax County, only George Washington owned more, and Mason is not known to have freed any, even in his March 1773 will ultimately transcribed into the Fairfax County probate records in October 1792 (the original was then lost).
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fardell24b · 10 days
Church notes - 15th September 2024
15th Psalm 93
John 16:5 - 16
vs 13 The Spirit will guide us into all truth.
How do you forget that?
vs 7 Para beside Clatos called or sent
John 14:16, 17
Jesus was with the Disciples as the Spirit is in us now.
Para Clatos Gr. Advicatus Lat.
Advocate - Roman lawyer
A purpose The purpose vs 18
Judgement Day will come
We can get caught up in daily life and lose perspective on Eternity.
What is good and right vs what is our thoughts and attitudes.
The ideas the Holy Spirit implants in our heart are as important as the Scripture is. (But need to be tested against Scripture)
Jeremiah 31:31 - 34 The Holy Spirit is personal
Wesleyans called 'Enthusiasts' as a derogatory term.
A personal relationship with God.
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ironxprince · 2 months
Expert Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Advice
Houston personal injury lawyers offer crucial support to individuals who have sustained injuries from accidents or negligent actions. These legal professionals assist with a wide range of cases, including slip and falls, product liability, and wrongful death claims. They meticulously evaluate each case, gather necessary evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies to secure fair settlements. Additionally, they provide representation in court when needed, advocating fiercely for their clients' rights and interests.
Houston Personal Injury Lawyer: Case Evaluation Tips
Case evaluation is a critical step where a Houston personal injury lawyer assesses the merits of your case. They will review evidence, medical records, and other relevant information to determine the best course of action, ensuring you have a strong foundation for your claim.
Navigating Legal Jargon with a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer
A Houston personal injury lawyer can help you navigate complex legal jargon. They will explain terms and processes in simple language, ensuring you understand your case thoroughly. This clarity is crucial for making informed decisions throughout your legal journey.
Houston Personal Injury Lawyer for Car Accident Cases
Specializing in car accident cases, a Houston personal injury lawyer can help you secure compensation for damages and injuries. They have the experience to handle insurance claims and litigation, ensuring you receive fair treatment and adequate compensation.
Why Experience Matters in a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer?
Experience is crucial when choosing a Houston personal injury lawyer. An experienced lawyer has the knowledge and skills to handle complex cases, negotiate effectively, and present a strong case in court. This expertise significantly impacts the success of your claim.
Houston Personal Injury Lawyer for Workplace Injuries
For workplace injuries, a Houston personal injury lawyer can guide you through the workers' compensation process and pursue additional claims if necessary. Their expertise ensures you receive appropriate compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs.
Tips for Working with Your Houston Personal Injury Lawyer
To work effectively with your Houston personal injury lawyer, maintain open communication, provide all necessary documentation, and follow their advice. This collaboration enhances your case's strength and helps your lawyer advocate more effectively on your behalf.
Houston Personal Injury Lawyer: Settlements vs. Trials
A Houston personal injury lawyer will discuss the pros and cons of settlements versus trials. While settlements offer quicker resolutions, trials may result in higher compensation. Your lawyer will advise you on the best strategy based on your case's specifics.
Hiring a Houston personal injury lawyer is vital for navigating the complexities of personal injury law. Their comprehensive support and legal expertise ensure that clients receive the compensation needed to recover and move forward with their lives.
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accidentattorneyfirms · 3 months
Local vs. National Distracted Driving Accident Attorney Firms
When faced with the aftermath of a distracted driving accident, choosing the right legal representation is crucial for achieving a favorable outcome. One decision victims often face is whether to hire a local or a national lawyer for distracted driving accidents. Both options offer distinct advantages, and understanding the differences can help individuals make an informed choice based on their specific needs and circumstances.
Local law firms specializing in distracted driving accidents are deeply rooted in their communities. They have a strong understanding of local traffic laws, court procedures, and judges' preferences. This local knowledge can be advantageous when navigating the legal system and advocating for clients effectively. Additionally, local firms often have established relationships with local law enforcement agencies, which can facilitate access to critical accident reports and evidence.
Personalized attention is another significant benefit of hiring a local lawyer for distracted driving accidents. These attorneys typically handle fewer cases than their national counterparts, allowing them to provide more individualized care and attention to each client. They take the time to understand the unique circumstances of the accident, gather relevant evidence, and develop a tailored legal strategy. This personal approach can foster a stronger attorney-client relationship and instill confidence in the legal process.
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Local law firms also offer accessibility and convenience for clients. Meetings with attorneys can be arranged more easily, and clients may have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with their legal team. This direct communication can enhance transparency and ensure that clients are informed and involved throughout the duration of their case. For many individuals, having a local attorney who is readily accessible provides peace of mind during a challenging time.
On the other hand, national law firms specializing in distracted driving accidents offer distinct advantages as well. These firms often have extensive resources, including legal expertise, financial backing, and access to cutting-edge technology. They may have a broader network of professionals, such as accident reconstruction specialists and medical experts, who can strengthen a client's case with specialized knowledge and testimony.
National firms also have the advantage of handling cases across multiple jurisdictions and states. This experience can be beneficial for clients involved in accidents that cross state lines or involve complex legal issues. National lawyers for distracted driving accidents may have a deeper understanding of federal regulations and interstate commerce laws that can impact the outcome of a case. Their ability to navigate diverse legal landscapes can be particularly advantageous in complex litigation.
Additionally, national law firms often have a reputation for handling high-profile cases and achieving significant settlements or verdicts. This track record can provide reassurance to clients seeking robust legal representation and maximum compensation for their injuries and damages. The resources and expertise of a national firm can level the playing field against large corporations and insurance companies, ensuring that clients receive fair treatment and compensation.
Choosing between a local and national lawyer for distracted driving accidents ultimately depends on the specifics of the case and the preferences of the client. Factors to consider include the complexity of the case, the level of personal attention desired, and the firm's track record of success in similar cases. Some clients may prioritize the familiarity and personalized service offered by a local firm, while others may opt for the extensive resources and nationwide experience of a national firm.
In conclusion, both local and national law firms specializing in distracted driving accidents offer unique advantages to clients seeking legal representation. Local firms provide deep community ties, personalized attention, and accessibility, while national firms offer extensive resources, nationwide experience, and a strong reputation for achieving favorable outcomes. The decision between a local and national lawyer for distracted driving accidents should be based on careful consideration of the specific circumstances and goals of the case, ensuring that clients receive the best possible representation and advocacy.
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