#Leap day!!! wooooo
nadastic · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Nanashi!!
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awkwardlyfangirly · 2 years
I read the father Donnie fic and I loved your writing! Do you think we could get a father fic for Leo? I saw some of your ideas for him in Donnie’s and it was adorable!
WOOOOO your patience has PAID OFF timberreader HERE IS YOUR FIC
also an anon said:
yo your fics are literally so well-written, but some of them make me so sad-
but yeah keep up the good work :)
sorry y'all i know it's been Ages and Ages and Ages i am begging forgiveness
and I'm sorry i know it's short and maybe not great but. i just needed to write and finish Something, ya feel :')
rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles fanfiction ~ Leo as a dad!
He was fast asleep, peaceful and dreaming, his fingers twitching around his pillow.
And a child took this as a personal offense.
One simple leap into the air. One simple little body aimed directly at the center of his solar plexus. And Leo’s day started with him choking and begging for oxygen on his own precious bed.
He rolled onto his side and gasped as the air chugged back into him.
“Oh my gosh,” he said, rolling back over, grabbing the child in his arms and squeezing them tight against his plastron. They squealed and squirmed, and he held them tighter. “Is that any way to greet your old man first thing in the morning?”
“Let me goooo,” they whined, and giggled, and screeched.
“Absolutely not,” Leo declared, solemnly. “Criminals must be punished.”
The offender was subjected to a merciless tickling.
“Please,” they shrieked. “Please! Ahhh!”
Finally Leo got tired, and stopped the tickling. His kid gasped for breath, and beat against his plastron. “Dad! Let me go! I’m sorry I jumped straight on your chest and knocked all your air out!!”
“Apology accepted,” Leo wheezed. Dang, he was getting old. And tickling took a lot more energy than he remembered.
“I am bored,” the kid said, squirming out of Leo’s grasp and plopping to the floor. “I’m hungry.”
“Hi, hungry. I’m Dad.” Leo shut his eyes. It would be so easy to fall back asleep. To just let himself drift off and --
“Dadddd.” The kid was tugging at his arm, trying to pull his giant turtle body to the ground. “C’mon. Make me breakfast!!”
“You know where the Pop-Tarts are!”
“Please?? Please??? Please?????? Please make the pancakes shaped like Mickey Mouse?? And like a turtle? And -”
“Fine, fine.” Leo sat up, stretched his arms wide, grabbed the kid absentmindedly as he stood up. “Well, well. Guess I’ll head to the kitchen.”
He slung his child upside-down over his shoulder. They screamed and thumped his shell with their hands.
He made sure to twist and turn as he walked, swinging the kid to and fro; they wiggled and squealed until he lifted them back up into the air and dumped them unceremoniously on the couch.
They scurried over to the kitchen and watched as Leo tied his apron around himself - a lovely blue floral print - and started on the pancake mix.
“Can I help?”
Leo glanced up; his kid was staring at him with wide open eyes; so tiny, so precious. His little mini Leo.
He grinned and beckoned them over, reaching into the drawer for a measuring cup. “Sure, kid. Come here.”
It took a little longer than usual - the kid dropped the bowl at one point, trying to make some space on the counter when Leo’s back was turned. Wet, sticky batter splattered across the floor. The kid froze, and started to cry; Leo comforted them with one hand, and got the necessary cleaning supplies out with the other.
They restarted the pancake mix, together.
Eventually the pancakes were sizzling on the skillet, and Leo was showing his kid how to tell when they were ready to flip. He had his hand over theirs, solid on the spatula’s handle, eyes trained on the pancakes. The kid’s forehead wrinkled in concentration.
They finished a decent-sized stack of pancakes, and Leo let the kid carry it to the table. They held it up triumphantly, beaming and giggling. The pancakes wobbled as they slid it onto the tabletop. Leo brought over the pancake toppings, and undid his apron.
They sat down together, and filled up their plates. They were silent as they chewed. The sunlight streamed through the window; the kid dripped syrup down their shirt.
They cleaned up the kitchen together; and afterwards, the kid fell asleep on Leo’s chest in front of the TV. He stroked their hair and listened to them snore.
“You did a good job with the pancakes,” he whispered. (They didn’t hear him or respond, being asleep.) “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat another pancake again.” He ran his fingers over the kid’s forehead; they stirred and mumbled.
“I love you,” Leo whispered, feeling his child breathe against him.
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rosedottmblr · 2 years
A Leap of Faith
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“Oh my fucking god-”
My heart is pounding like crazy while I pace back and forth on the edge. Below me a drop of roughly 200 meters. The inwards curve of the building would allow me to not get pushed into the wall by the wind generated from drag, yet every cell in my body tells me not to do it.
Why am I scared? Before all this I used to jump from roof to roof no problem…difference is, the drop was significantly smaller in those cases. What if I’m not ready? I’ve had these powers for only a few days and here I am standing on a skyscraper in some skin tight suit.
I slowly lean over the edge to take another look down. People and cars, illuminated by the streetlights, cars and whatever stores may be open at this time. I know they saw me, I can sense the people in the elevator coming for me. It’s now or never. I have to jump.
No, I’m not ready-
What if I die?!
But I have to- I’ve gotten this far, might as well pull through. I cannot let the people who believed in me down, not now. Not after everything they’ve done for me. If not for them or for me, then Ernie. He’s in danger and I’m one of the few people who can help him…but not if I don’t even have control of myself.
They’re getting closer.
Jump Luke, you have to.
They’re going to get you if you don’t.
I walk back, away from the edge, again. The sound of rubber making contact with the concrete floor is getting louder.
Maybe I won’t know I’m ready…I remember what a professor told me. ‘Life works in strange ways. You’ll never know what’s coming, no matter how much you plan. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. That’s all it is, a leap of faith.”
I take a deep breath. One more time I turn around.
Clunk, first step, cluck, second step, up the pace, clunk, third step, getting up to speed. My metal feet tap against the wood faster and faster until I reach the edge and jump up, over the railing. I spread out my arms while I hear the inaudible yells from the men behind me.
I can feel the suit ripple on my back as the wind pushes against my body. I raise my hand and flick my wrist, letting the organic rope find it’s contact point.
Why is it taking so long?
I’m gonna fall
I’m sorry everyone, I failed you.
Then my arm tenses up. Something is pulling on it. Gravity. Slowly I watch my downwards momentum turn into forward and slowly into upwards momentum. I finally open my eyes completely and for a moment I feel completely weightless. I can’t help but to cheer as I web another building, becoming a human pendulum.
I’m alive! I’m free. I feel like I’m flying. I can do this. I AM Ice-Spider and I WILL save my friend.
wooooo another one, except here they're testing their abilities for the first time for real. it's an old fic so not everything may be correct, but i still wanted to share it lol
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liviavanrouge · 2 years
Livia: WOOOOO! *Laughs, leaping into the ocean, several jaguar beastmen her age following*
Leafy: It's so cold hahaha!
Livia: *Dives under the surface and grabs onto one of the mythical orcas saddles, grinning as it took off into the air*
Livia: *Leaps off the orca, diving back into the water, a whale with black spikes swimming past her, her eyes sparkling*
Ambert: Come eat, cubs!!
Livia: *Surfaces and swims over* What's to eat!
Ambert: Elephant meat, dig on in!
Livia: *Smiles, catching a chunk of the cook meat tossed at her*
Ambert: How you liking being a jaguar, can't believe Lilia didn't teach you about your other half
Livia: Yeah, I grew up only knowing the fae side of me...but being a jaguar is so cool..
Ambert: You're welcomed to stay
Ambert: Haha! Of course! You can stay in the palace with me!
Livia: WOWIE!!
Ambert: *Picks Livia up, placing her in his lap* You have your mother's eyes
Livia: Papa....
Lilia: Get over here, we're going bome....
Livia: *Stands up* Dad, what's the matter....
Lilia: I told you NOT TO COME HERE! Do you know how worried we've all been! WHY MUST YOU DISOBEY US!!
Ambert: Controlling...never expected that from you, old friend
Livia: I'm staying here...
Lilia: Livia, what about the others, our swarm
Ambert: Hey now, calm down cub...
Livia: *Runs away, vanishing into the greenery*
Ambert: *Grins at Lilia, flicking his tail* Wow, it's only been a day and I've already managed to turn your daughter against you, I wonder how much longer until she attacks you old friend...
Lilia: What
Ambert: Hey cub, wait up!
Lilia: *Looks down stunned*
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🌸 Ask box open WOOOOO, could I ask for Beidou, Diluc and others of your choice, with someone who is exceptionally gifted with animals, and loves nerding out about them🌸
Warning -> SFW (Beidou - long hair mentioned) 
Character X GN Reader | anthology 
Includes: Beidou, Diluc, Ganyu
She’s already so impressed with you - how could she not be considering how the two of you met
When she saw you fighting a group of smugglers on the docks of Liyue, your hands gripping onto the cages of the animals they were trying to take with them - not caring for your safety in the slightest and taking hit after hit in a desperate attempt to shield the animals inside 
At that moment, she became your shield - your barrier between the harsh reality of the world and promised to keep you safe 
That bright smile behind bruises and cuts as you watched the small creatures find their freedom once again was enough information for her to know what kind of person you were 
Now, every time she returned to Liyue, she was excited to see your face or the sanctuary you had built from the ground up -- you were a human she wished to see more of 
“Y/N? You in here?” She called out to you, her hand pushing past the beads which separated the outside from the in. Animals ran around her feet and, as carefully as she could, she stepped through them. 
“A!H! Beidou??” Your voice called out to her, a crash sounding somewhere in the distance and a small curse following right after. When she found you, the state of your hair - frazzled and half-hazardly placed on top of your head - the long coat you liked to wear pooling beneath your feet as you worked to pick up the items that had fallen, and the reassuring expression you gave to the startled animals around you made her head swim and mouth stretch. 
“Little friends, hold on. That was rather frightful, wasn’t it?” The tone you used was sweet and kind and she watched as a small fox stepped toward you before pressing its nose carefully against yours. “That’s right, see nothing to be worried about.” 
When you caught sight of her, the grin that plastered across your face reached all the way into your eyes. “Need some assistance?” Beidou asked, extending her hand out toward you. 
“I’ll always take some help from my favorite captain.” 
Beidou would often bring you lost or injured animals - it was like you had a knack for helping them recuperate and on the days when she was around to see you release them back into the wild, well the energy that radiated off of you was stronger than a swing of her claymore 
The knowledge that you had about them shocked her, enlightened her, and made her understood why they were so calm when near you -- to have that level of love and compassion for the creatures of the world meant your heart must be as pure as gold 
Just like you, Ganyu has a high affinity to care for the creatures of this world. She has vowed to protect them just as much as you have, and her spirit feels kindred to your own -- like two wandering souls who found each other in a chaotic world 
It was after a ‘not so eventful’ sparring match with the adeptis Xiao that she found you - quickly, she made her way to offer you assistance and when she found you holding onto an injured animal with tears in your eyes … she wanted to know more, so much more about you 
The two of you raced off to get some aid, the small creatures shook the whole time in your arms, it scratched and bit at you - she could easily see the marks on your skin - but you continued to reassure it of its safety, never once did you react violently or alarmed at its behavior, and after some time it calmed down … it found a home with you and from that point on never left your side 
The apartment which you decorated in the themes of the animals which you took in, or who visited you on a regular day, felt more like home than anything she’d ever seen -- the open windows, the coming and going of beings whose freedom was all their own, and the space you created for them was everything to her kind heart
The items in her hands were getting heavy, but she continued her way over the bridge knowing that the strain would soon be alleviated. The walk to your home was long, but not challenging and soon she found herself strutting down the path only to find you standing outside in the sunlight. 
You were sitting on a small bench, one that you’d find tossed out by some store owner and had worked hard to bring home. Birds flocked to you, some resting on your head, others bouncing around your feet or over your thighs. They were eagerly eating up the crumbs of food that fell to the ground in even intervals. 
“You must have flown so far to reach me.” The way your voice sounded brought comfort to all who heard it. A kind finger brushed against the chest of a bird who had settled onto your shoulder and when you pulled away it preened its feathers and made a soft chirping sound. 
The birds took flight as Ganyu approached, their upset screams sounding as they settled onto the roof of your home. “Pleasant greetings.” Ganyu bowed, her head dipping slightly before returning to its normal place. 
“Hiya!” You leaped from your spot and made your way toward her with unbound energy. “I didn’t expect you.” 
“I uh - I brought you some things from the market.” 
“Oh wow! How generous, thank you.” You reached for the extended back and let the straps rest over your arm. “Are you busy?” 
“N-no, I have the day ---!” With gusto, you grabbed her hand and lead her toward the house. When you looked back at her it was like looking into the brightest star and Ganyu wondered how she got so lucky to have met you on that fateful day. 
She learned much from you - like an endless wealth of knowledge you shared with her fact after fact and no matter how unique the animal, you still knew so much about it 
There were many days where the two of you would just sit out on your porch and chat about the world outside 
Nature and all its creations were so fascinating to you that it seemed you had lived much longer than one lifetime 
It's not that he … hated animals it was more that they never seemed to get along well with him. He couldn’t understand how someone could be so well-liked by the creatures that seemed to despise his very existence 
“Just … If you’d only just leave, then we both wouldn’t be in this situation.” He called to the stray cat that had lodged itself in the corner of his bar. How it managed to get onto the upper shelves he would never understand, all that he knew was it wasn’t proper to have a cat as a patron. 
He reached up to grab it but pulled his hands away when it hissed violently at him. “I can handle abyss mages, drunkards, and all manner of situations … yet it seems I am bested by a simple cat.” He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he contemplated his next steps. 
There was a ringing at the front entrance and he turned toward the sound only to catch sight of you illuminated by the sunlight. “Hey there.” You smiled at him but he was much too irritated to return the gesture. “Your face is .. worse than normal.” 
“I have a problem I cannot solve.” 
“What is it?” You settled into the barstool, your arms crossing about your chest as you eyed him curiously. 
“There is an unwanted guest here today, I and cannot get them to leave.” Your expression turned to confusion until you tracked the pointed finger to the corner of the bar. 
“OH! A kitty!” Exclaiming, you immediately ran around to his side, not caring in the slightest of the sign that said ‘employee’s only.’ Grabbing the stool under the counter, you carefully stepped your way onto it and extended your hand to the trembling little one. 
“Be careful, it’s quite viole --” In a matter of seconds, the cat had leaped into your arms and was softly purring away. Its face was in utter bliss as you gave it scratches under its chin. Diluc was stunned, nearly gobsmacked at the quickness of its trust toward you. 
“Animals just like me.” 
“So it would seem …” 
There are people in this world that have an unnatural ability to create trust in seconds and you were one of them -- something about the aura you gave off, the energy that spilled from every fiber of your being told those around you there was no need to be distrustful of you -- and Diluc learned that early on 
Not only were you able to tame the animals around you, but you tamed his unsteady heart --- he felt … comfortable, more like himself when you were around and was often drawn to your side when he didn’t expect it 
The only problem was that you also drew animals to you - and most of them were quite protective of the space at your side, if he wanted to stay there, he was going to have to learn to relax a bit 
Though it’s quite fun so see how tense he gets when they land on him … at least he always had you and his trust hawk to keep him company (if he could manage those relationships, he could manage a few more) 
tag list: 
@star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @pepperoncinipizza @handswritteeen @lucifucker @beelsdessert @odafashioned @coolcats09 @ninqat @musekala @sufzku @mooshymello  @heavenlyang @plenilunegazes @glazelilyy @justyoureverydayqueer @idunkar @solowmomo @twokissesforamelia @the-mermaid-of-mondstadt @fuwon @goat-mama-breezie @angelmelt @lucacandy @shesleire @mariana @zentoruu @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @nitorious-ghost @mguerra11 @maiiikoo @actstfbla @youaskedfurret @nonniechan @evolcahra @tempehlust @zenith-impact @plumpkie @jaggedsi @salty-salty @onlyhereforinteractivestories @gultonluvv @shy-specter @liebestraumss @jaemjenjam @softlybeloved @anatthesavage
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 292: You Say Jeans
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “well anyway here’s that Touya reveal I foreshadowed like a million years ago, viva la 2020.” Dabi was all “hello world, I’ve killed 30 people and today I’m going to explain to you all why” before he proceeded to explain ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but everyone was so distracted by his tale of child abuse and hero conspiracies that they didn’t much seem to notice. Can’t Ya See-Kun’s Shark Friend was all “IS THIS THE END OF HERO SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IT”, and Horikoshi was all “STAY TUNED”, and then Dabi set himself on fire and leaped off of Machia’s back like the chaotic evil, I-just-bleached-all-my-brain-cells weird little fire man he is, ready to burn everyone to crispy bits before they could even react properly to his whole big revenge speech. Fortunately he did not succeed on account of THE RETURN OF THE JING, THE JOAT, BEST FUCKING JEANIST, back from the dead by popular demand in what critics are calling “the best fucking comeback since Jesus himself.”
Today on BnHA: Best Jeanist snatches up Machia and the rest of the League with his fiber steel cables before you can say “more like BEAST JEANIST amirite.” Dabi gets all worked up and lights Hadou on fire which is a real JERK MOVE, and is all “THIS RIGHT HERE IS ALSO ENDEAVOR’S FAULT”, which, NOT SUPER CONVINCED ON THAT, BUT OKAY. Anyway so then he burns up all the cables holding him which is crazeballs btw, and then he and Shouto start fighting, and so basically the whole thing is a literal hot mess and we’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile Tomura wakes up and summons some Noumus, and poor Jeanist has to deal with those on top of the still-attempting-to-rampage Gigantomachia, and everyone else is all “we can’t help you on account of we’re all half dead”, and so it’s looking really bad. And then -- and I can’t stress enough how much I don’t even have the faintest idea how to segue into this next part -- the chapter ends with Mirio!?! just sort of POPPING UP OUT OF THE GROUND all, “SURPRISE, BITCH”, and it literally was so surprising that I am still just kind of speechless. WELL-PLAYED, I GUESS, lol wtf.
lol okay so the first page in the RHA scan is just the “three musketeers” movie promo image that we all already saw a few days ago. but it does confirm that (a) it is indeed a movie, and (b) that it’s set for a summer 2021 release! how exciting
okay so now back to our special Dabi edition of Making a Murderer
“ray of hope” oh hell yes. SAVE US MR. JEANIST
I guess he had a TV in his private hero jet or something?
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gotta say, “dammit Dabi” does not even remotely sound like Authentic Best Jeanist Dialogue to me though. gonna need Caleb to see to this. well but what do you guys think? does Best Jeanist curse?? I personally feel like he’s one of those guys who NEVER EVER swears no matter what, except under the most hilariously trifling circumstances. like he’s eating an avocado one day and he accidentally stains the cuffs of his beloved jostume green and he’s all “FUCK”
btw how fucking rich is Best Jeanist though that he has his own fucking plane? the thought just suddenly occurred to me, you know? like even Endeavor, whose agency has its own on-site luxury apartment suites for all of his interns, still drives around in a dinky little car that Bakugou has declared to be too small. which, I guess we know why he felt that way now, seeing as the guy he previously interned with apparently gets around in Jeans Force One
anyway so back to the part where Jeanist shows up to save the day!! YEAH JEANIST WOOOOO
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lmao we just saw Gigantomachia take out like a hundred guys not ten chapters ago. and Best Jeanist shows up and takes him down in like two seconds. HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES LEAGUE OF VILLAINS. BET YOU’RE WISHING YOU’D TAKEN HIS QUIRK NOW, AFO. GET FUCKED YOU OLD SPUD
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I legit almost thought that was Tomura for a second. you two look so alike now with the white hair and the crazy eyes
meanwhile, Shouto is still crying and it’s a lot to take, you guys. lotta feels
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ffff come on Jeanist you better do something awesome again here, the mood of the chapter is starting to slip now
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ffff now Spinner is trying to wake Tomura back up. nah, how’s about we not do that
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fucking son of a... fffkfkff... someone please reassure me that fire isn’t Hadou’s weakness. someone. anyone. also could someone please dial an ambulance and send them to Horikoshi’s house. but not just yet. first I’m gonna need you to wait about fifteen minutes or so while I take care of some things
well all right then, Dabi. so you wanna go on then and explain to us all how this, too, is somehow Endeavor’s fault?
oh I see, you’ve decided that since he’s responsible for “creating” you, everyone you hurt and kill is in truth really being hurt and killed by him! well now, that sure is convenient as fuck I guess
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(ETA: that’s a nice effect with the panel sides getting all warped by Dabi’s quirk though, just noticed that.)
amazing how quickly you used up that sympathy card my guy. Shouto please kick his ass, I’m fucking done lol, you can all sort out the rest in therapy later
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“if the number one suffers a total loss here, this country will fall to pieces” well okay, real talk though, I think the “country falling to pieces” part is pretty much unavoidable at this juncture. you all are just gonna have to try your best to pick up those pieces after the fact and see what you can do with them. if I were you I’d be less worried about the number one’s reputation and more concerned with the half-dozen child soldier interns who are still on the field and very much at risk of being burned to death should you suffer that “total loss.” please try to keep it together here for them
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I really thought RockLockRock was gonna come into play here. USE YOUR QUIRK TO LOCK THE ROPES IN PLACE YOU DIP!! if he seriously just sits there and does nothing when his quirk could be the deciding factor I am cancelling his useless ass cute kid or no cute kid shfkjdls
(ETA: is he even there?? did he and Manual just hightail it out of there?? “well good luck, children.”)
also, we’ll put this aside for now to perhaps speculate about later, but what’s with Tomura remembering his dad’s house yet again in that far right panel?? and being itchy again?? I still have yet to fully work out the psychological mechanisms at work as far as his itchiness goes, so I’ll admit this is intriguing to me. it seemed like it was connected to his decay quirk, but then why is it acting up again now. what is this lol
yuh oh
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forgot about these guys. looks like these heroes aren’t having such a fun time
oh fucksticks
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excuse me ma’am but I don’t like this. you do know that my kids are all there, right. all burnt and impaled and broken-boned and the like. well except for Iida. he’s fine still. BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN I FEEL LIKE WATCHING HIM GET TORN APART BY FOUR HIGH ENDS, WTF
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god fucking... okay look. Horikoshi. you win, okay!? congratulations, you win, this is your show and we’re all just sitting here at your mercy. fine. go ahead and just kill off everyone ever, then!! what am I even gonna do about it. stop reading?? fuck
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this whole thing really went from zero to fucked before I could even blink huh. I really thought this was gonna be a turning point chapter for the heroes. shows what I know I guess??
meanwhile this motherfucker is just SCREAMING
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ngl, if I wasn’t currently terrified on account of things suddenly taking such a drastic turn for the worse, this would be the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Jeanist my man, I hype you up like it’s my job because you are the greatest fucking meme character in the history of time, but make no mistake, you are also highkey WORTH ALL THE HYPE AND THEN SOME
seriously, though. don’t fucking mind him you guys, he’s just standing here in the coolest pose of all time taking on Gigantomachia all alone with one fucking lung because the substance pumping through his veins is COLD-BLOODED LIQUID DENIM, and DENIM FEELS NO FEAR
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Best Jeanist really needs to get his own theme song. -- oh my god I just finally thought of a title for this post. lmao and it’s the dumbest thing. omg
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which one do you think is the Mario and which is the Luigi. well, but I mean, Dabi clearly thinks that he’s the Luigi though and that’s why he’s so mad. nobody wants to be Luigi. what a life
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BUT OF COURSE. THAT WOULD MAKE IT ALL WORTHWHILE, holy shit. okay I’m just gonna go ahead and say it, Dabi is a piece of work. I really thought this arc would make him more sympathetic at long last, but it seems like it’s doing just the opposite?? this is like an anti-redemption arc. I don’t relish the thought of venturing into the fandom tags once I finish reading this lol
(ETA: well folks, I’ve done it. and actually it was pretty interesting because there are apparently like ten different things that people are mad about, and so it’s like. each post is a new adventure lmao.)
so Shouto is all “BRUH HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST IT” and Dabi is all “YES”, basically? like, he says he’s completely lost his feeling for anything. omg. but you were so sweet. how does that even happen
“finally I can kill you” okay for real what the heck is your damage bro?? can we not. I like Shouto just the way he is, un-killed
oh shit and now the Noumus are here
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cue Bakugou diving in to save his mentor, STAB WOUNDS BE DAMNED!! actually it would make more sense for it to be Iida, but if Kacchan is really fixin’ to go full Shounen Dumbass here then he might as well go all out, y’know
-- unless of course, Deku decides to activate another quirk??
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(ETA: okay look, all the love in the world to the brave scanlators who take time out of their lives to translate the leaks every week just so we can read the chapter a couple of days early like the addicts we are. that said, translating Mirio’s signature “POWER!!” -- which was already written in English in the original scan -- to “POG-CHAMP” is just a whole new level of wtfuckery from them lmao. is the Lida person back at it again?? amazing.)
hot damn. Tintin really saw the writing on the wall with the impending Dabi Discourse and was all “NOT SO FAST” lmao. “HERE’S A BRAND NEW THING FOR YOU ALL TO DISCOURSE ABOUT” MIRIO YOU WILD CHILD. YOU GLORIOUS THUG
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the road not taken looks real good now
We’re halfway there, wooooo! Please enjoy chapter 3, in which Robin has the worst friends and there’s a little cuddling at the end, as a treat. 
Read the whole thing on AO3. Or just keep reading down below!
Chapter 3: Todd agreed with your dad?
Robin just can’t deal with her friends sometimes. 
She’s tucked into the corner of the ancient couch in the Byers’ basement, Billy’s feet in her lap. He’s stretched out on the couch while Nancy and Jonathan cuddle in the loveseat. Normally, Billy’s head would be in Steve’s lap right now, but Steve is currently suffering through a second straight evening at home with his parents and Todd. Billy, predictably, has feelings about it. 
“This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me,” he announces, taking another long sip of his beer.   
“You remember that you died once, right? At the mall?” Robin asks, both amused and exasperated. 
“You grew up with Neil,” Jonathan adds quietly, taking a long sip of Nancy’s cocktail and then handing it back to her.
“Yeah,” Billy says like it’s obvious, “I counted those.” Robin sighs.
“You almost banged my mom that one time,” Nancy offers, wrinkling her nose. Billy narrows his eyes. Robin sees the spark of mischief in them and knows what’s coming. She lunges across the couch, trying to get a hand over Billy’s mouth, but he evades her easily. 
“Is that what happened?” he asks, “Or did—“ Robin cuts him off, a last-ditch effort to prevent this. 
“We are having a nice, chill time,” she says evenly. “Do not start this.” She glares at him, but it’s futile. He smiles at her, and it’s all teeth. 
“I didn’t start anything, then or now” he says innocently. “It’s not my fault Nancy’s mom is a sexual predator, and it’s not my fault Nancy brought it up.” Nancy bristles immediately, the way she always does, but Robin can see the sparkle in her eyes as well. Robin sags back against the couch and Jonathan sighs heavily. Nancy and Billy have the weirdest fucking friendship. 
“You know she’s doing a lot better now,” Nancy snaps. 
“Wow, I’m super glad the aggressor in that situation is thriving,” Billy says sarcastically. Robin tunes them out, only catching snatches of their conversation as they continue to snipe at each other. 
“…divorce and therapy…try it sometime…” 
“…great choices…definitely follow her fucking lead…”
Robin wonders how Steve is doing with round two of family time with his boyfriend. Steve’s gained a lot of confidence since he moved to Chicago with her and found something he both loved and was good at, but his dad still has the ability to take that right out from under him. It’s exponentially worse in person. And Todd, unsurprisingly, doesn’t seem to be helping. Billy had a whole rant about it earlier, how he got home late last night and found Steve an exhausted mess on the couch. 
“…concerned about you…”
“…exactly the wrong kind of attention…”
Robin’s not truly worried about Steve. Not yet. She and Billy have both seen Steve in some bad places over the last few years, and if Billy genuinely believed that the last few days were pushing Steve too far back that direction, he’d be at Steve’s house right now, going toe-to-toe with John Harrington or smothering Todd with a pillow. She and Billy and the nerds have put Steve back together in the wake of his parents’ bullshit many times, although it’s been a while since they had to manage the fallout of an in-person visit. Still, she fully expects that they’ll all leap into action as soon as Steve’s parents leave. 
“…take some responsibility for your own choices…” 
“…prey on a troubled teenager….” 
They’ll work around Todd if they have to. If he turns out to be a bigger problem than she thinks he is, well. It’s clear that Todd considers himself kind of a dick, a cutthroat future lawyer who will do whatever it takes to get ahead, but Billy Hargrove can reach levels of viciousness that Todd could only dream of. Billy’s the biggest asshole Robin has ever met, and she usually means that as a compliment. She’d bet good money that he could have Todd crying into his stupid Oxford shirts in under six minutes without laying a hand on him, if he really tried. She’s pretty sure the only reason it hasn’t happened already is that Billy knows it would make Steve sad, and he no longer does things that might make Steve sad.  
“Fucking bullshit!” Nancy yells, catching Robin’s attention. Nancy stands up from the loveseat. “You literally just said that Steve bringing his douchebag boyfriend home is the worst thing that has ever happened to you, and now you want me to feel bad about all of your ‘trauma’?” Nancy even includes sarcastic finger quotes around ‘trauma.’ Robin is never going to understand these two, but she’s glad they’re having fun. Billy lunges off the couch and takes a step toward Nancy. 
“Oh, fuck you, Wheeler,” Billy shoots back, raising his voice. “What, you’ve never heard of hyperbole? I get it, it’s a tough word.” Robin’s a little impressed at how condescending Billy can sound.  
“You are the fucking worst,” Nancy hisses. “I swear to God, I don’t know why Steve gives you the time of day!”
“Oh, we both know that Steve gives me a lot more than that, sweetheart,” Billy says with a leer.
“Augh, no!” Robin yells, covering her ears too late. She has a standing rule that she never wants to hear about Steve’s sex life. He overshares enough on his own. 
That appears to be Nancy’s breaking point. She dissolves into giggles, and then Billy starts laughing too, and then they’re both laughing so hard they can hardly stand up. 
“I mean, it is a lot,” Jonathan murmurs, twisting the knife, and Robin flops back, her hands over her face. She groans. 
“I hate all of you,” she announces. 
Billy comes back to the couch and swings his feet back up into Robin’s lap. A lot of the tension has drained out of him, and Robin shakes her head. Seriously, the weirdest fucking friendship. 
“You know Todd isn’t actually your problem, right?” Robin asks. Billy glares at her, but there’s no real heat in it. 
“I would argue that he is very much my problem right now.”
“He’s all of our problem right now,” Nancy says, taking her drink back from Jonathan again. “Billy’s a fucking disaster when he’s not getting—“
“No!” Robin cuts in, leveling a finger at Nancy. Nancy just smiles at her. Seriously, her friends are all the worst. She turns back to Billy. “Todd’s not going to last,” she says firmly. “I’ll be shocked if they’re still together by New Year’s Eve. But at some point, Steve’s going to meet someone who does want to stick around.” She pauses. “Unless…” she trails off significantly, and Billy narrows his eyes at her. 
“No. We are not having this conversation again,” he says. 
“You started it,” she shoots back, “with all your whining about Todd.”
“I do not whine,” he insists. 
“Oh, you absolutely do,” she says sweetly, and Nancy snorts a laugh. Billy turns his glare on her, but she ignores him. 
“I’m just saying—“ Robin starts, but Nancy cuts in. 
“Oh my God, just ask him the fuck out,” she says. “Put us all out of our misery.”
“Oh, you mean like you asked Jonathan the fuck out, while you were still with Steve?” Billy replies, the sharp edge back in his tone. He sits up straight, dropping his feet to the floor. Robin rolls her eyes. 
“That was a complicated situation,” Nancy says, voice rising. “We were all under a lot of stress, and—“
“Jesus, they’re doing this again?” murmurs a voice in Robin’s ear, and she turns to see Steve leaning over the back of the couch. He apparently managed to slip down the basement stairs unnoticed while Billy and Nancy were sniping at each other. She stares hard at him for a second, wondering how much he heard. He looks tired and a little brittle, but good. She knows better than to assume that means he’s actually fine, though.  
“Yeah,” she says with a sigh, “they’re really going at it tonight.” 
“Oh my god, grow up,” Steve says loudly as he vaults over the back of the couch and settles between Billy and Robin. Billy and Nancy both turn to look at him. Nancy smiles at him, but Billy’s face fucking lights up. Robin wonders briefly how the hell Steve hasn’t noticed yet, but she knows how—he doesn’t think it’s possible, so he isn’t looking for it. Still. It’s so obvious. Billy’s a good friend to all of them—a fact that has never stopped surprising her, a little—but none of the rest of them get the version of him that Steve does, all soft and caring and concerned.   
“What are you doing here, Bambi? Where’s Troy?” Billy asks with a shit-eating grin. Steve’s glare is halfhearted. 
“Yeah, how is Tom?” Nancy asks, hiding a smile behind another sip of her drink. 
“Haven’t seen you and Ted much the last couple of days,” adds Jonathan, completely deadpan. Steve rolls his eyes. 
“You are all the worst,” he says with a sigh.
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Robin cuts in. 
“And Todd,” Steve goes on, “is having a nightcap with my dad in his office.”
“Wait, what?” Billy asks, sounding genuinely surprised. He probably is. He probably can’t imagine a scenario where anyone would voluntarily spend time with Steve’s dad. The one time they met, it didn’t go well. 
“And you didn’t want to stay for that?” Robin asks, mock surprised. 
“God no,” Steve says, making a face. “If I had to listen to my dad say one more patronizing thing while my boyfriend nodded along and occasionally shot me apologetic looks, I was going to scream.”
“Todd agreed with your dad?” Billy asks, in the same tone of voice he might use to say “Todd shot your dog?” Steve sighs. 
“It’s not his fault. He doesn’t know any better,” Steve says, but it isn’t very convincing. Jonathan snorts from his spot on the loveseat. Steve groans and scrubs his hands over his face. “We haven’t been dating that long. We haven’t made it to the part of the relationship where I talk about how much my family sucks.” Billy stares, disbelief clear on his face. 
“Pretty boy, I knew your family sucked about five minutes after I met you,” he says, far more gently than the words themselves would warrant. 
“It takes one to know one?” Steve says, but it comes out as a question. 
“Oh dingus,” Robin laughs, “if Todd didn’t have his very own boatload of daddy issues, he wouldn’t be cozied up with your dad right now instead of you.”
“Exactly,” Nancy says, raising her glass toward Robin. “Robin gets it.” 
“Okay, all of you shut up,” Steve demands, sitting up straighter on the couch. “We’re done talking about me. Tell me what you guys have been up to.” There’s a brief pause, and then Nancy jumps in with a story about Mike falling during ice skating earlier that day. Billy follows that up with a story about Max and El, and the conversation flows easily from there. Robin doesn’t get another chance to talk to Billy until he’s dropping her off at home before heading back to Steve’s house. 
Most of the drive passes in a comfortable silence. Robin stares out the window at the cheerful lights on the passing houses, and the dim white glow of the snow under the moonlight. She doesn’t say anything until Billy pulls up in front of her house.
“I’m not wrong, you know,” she says quietly. Billy sighs and turns the engine off.
“You usually aren’t,” he says drily. “What aren’t you wrong about this time?” She gives him a look. 
“You know there are some great Masters programs for education in Southern California, right?” she asks. 
“What—I, what?” he replies, like he hasn’t ever thought about it. She stares at him levelly. “Yeah,” he finally admits, “I know.”
“Well,” Robin says, “there are some good schools that are still taking applications until the end of January. If you’re planning to act on that information, you should do it soon.” Billy shakes his head. 
“I can’t just—“ 
“You can,” Robin says, cutting him off. “And you should,” she adds after a pause. She leans over to give him a quick hug goodbye and then she gets out of the car, leaving him staring after her, brow furrowed. She said what she wanted to say. Now she just has to hope that they can get their shit together enough to figure out the rest on their own.   
Billy is still thinking about Robin’s advice hours later, staring up at the ceiling of his room instead of sleeping. She made it sound so easy. But he can’t just invite Steve to California. He hurt Steve three years ago, he knows that he did. He walked into Steve’s kitchen and Steve was finally back there, real and so close after months of being off in Chicago, and Billy moved before he could stop himself. He backed Steve into the kitchen counter and kissed him with every bit of longing he’d been suppressing since Steve left. Steve kissed him back, matching his intensity, and it escalated from there. It was perfect. Right up until Billy panicked. 
They were panting side by side on Steve’s bed afterwards, spent and satisfied, and Steve turned to him, his expression unreadable. Billy knew for sure he couldn’t take it if that expression was regret, if Steve was about to say that he regretted what they’d done, so he spoke before Steve could. This doesn’t have to be a whole thing. Nothing has to change. He knew it was the wrong thing to say the minute he said it, even before Steve’s face shut down, but he didn’t know how to take it back.  
Billy’s been hurting Steve ever since, continuing to pretend that any of this is casual. Pretending that he doesn’t want anything to change. He’s been telling himself that he has to fix this for three years, and he’s been too much of a coward to ever do it. He has no idea how to apologize for that, much less how to begin to make up for it. He’s not even sure he can make up for it. He’s contemplating that depressing reality when he hears a gasp from Steve’s room. 
For a brief, heart-stopping moment, he thinks it might be a sound of pleasure, that he might have to hear Todd and Steve together. He’s not at all sure he could make it through that without breaking something. Or someone. But then Steve cries out, and it’s full of pain and fear, and Billy is out of bed and in the hallway seconds later. He’s trying to be quiet—Steve’s refusal to sleep a couple nights ago made it clear he’s worried about someone hearing his nightmares, and Billy’s pretty sure it isn’t him—but he still hears a door open down the hall.
He turns to see Todd leaning out of the guest room door, frowning. He holds Todd’s gaze for a long moment, keeping his own expression neutral. He really doesn’t give a fuck what Todd wants to do here, but it better not take very long. Steve cries out again and Todd’s frown deepens. He stares at Billy for another long moment and then he throws his hands up and sighs heavily, muttering something under his breath before he disappears back into the guest room, closing the door behind him. Billy shakes his head and turns back to Steve’s room.   
His door is closed, which Steve normally hates, and Billy adds it to the pile of shit he’s angry about. Billy has managed to be polite to both Todd and the Harringtons so far, but they’re treading on some thin fucking ice. It’s only been a couple of days, but he’s not sure he has much more patience for watching Steve try to make himself smaller in a futile effort to make those assholes happy. 
Billy closes the door behind himself and crosses to the bed, where Steve is thrashing and whimpering in his sleep. He sits down and reaches out to stroke a fingertip gently down Steve’s arm. He’s learned over time that grabbing Steve just makes the panic worse, but a light touch helps.   
“Hey,” he murmurs, “you’re safe. You’re in your bed at your parents’ house, and you’re safe.” Steve tenses up and then freezes.
“Billy?” he murmurs sleepily. 
“Yeah, right here princess.” Steve huffs and rolls toward him, tugging him down to lie on the bed. 
“Hate that nickname,” he says, voice blurred with sleep. He’s nowhere near fully awake. 
“No you don’t,” Billy says softly. He maneuvers Steve until they’re in their usual position, Steve wrapped in Billy’s arms, his back to Billy’s chest and his head tucked under Billy’s chin. 
“Mmhmm,” Steve argues, most of the way asleep again already. Billy feels a flare of fierce pride that he can do this, that he can ease the nightmares so quickly and completely. Tucked up against Steve’s back, nose buried in Steve’s soft, messy hair, Billy thinks that maybe Robin was right. Maybe he can fix this, and maybe it can be easy. Or maybe he’s just finally more afraid of losing this for good than he is of admitting what an asshole he’s been and dealing with the consequences. 
He sighs and pulls Steve closer to his chest, careful to keep his hands on the outside of Steve’s shirt instead of slipping them under like he usually does. Steve does, after all, still have an awful boyfriend. One that isn’t going to last much longer, according to Robin, and she’s usually right. Billy really, really hopes she’s right this time.   
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stardancerluv · 5 years
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Roman’s Rough Day
This was written specifically for @theblackmaskclub Enjoy!
One shot here.
Warning: Smut. Semi exhibitionism, regular sex, breath!play, teasing, Roman gets shot, Language.
Gazing, into the mirror you were making sure your hair and make-up was just right. Despite, your concern from not hearing from Roman all day, you still had to preform tonight. You were on edge. He had not called you back or even sent a text message. That was unlike him, especially when he had an important meeting.
When, all of a sudden Zsasz came into your dressing room.
“Zsasz, excuse you.” Turning, you were taken a back. You leaned against your dressing table arms crossed. Annoyance, running through you. “This is my private dressing room, you of all should know that.”
He rolled his eyes, “Listen, Songbird.”
“I have a name. Only Roman can call me Songbird.”
He gave you a look.
“Alright, what?” You and Zsasz had always been politely distant to each other. He thought you made “boss” weak and he was not afraid to let know that.
“Roman, got shot.” He said flatly.
“What?” You felt as if one of his knives struck you in the heart. You stood up, uncrossing your arms. “Is he ok? Where is he?”
“He’s ok. It was a mere flesh wound.”
“I, he didn’t want you to practically pounce him when you see him.”
Now, you were the only who rolled your eyes. “I am not a child, if I see that something is wrong with Roman, I can curb myself.”
“Alright. Well, he’ll be down shortly.” He eyed you. “The show must go on.”
You took a deep breath. “Yes.”
He opened the door, he made a wide sweeping gesture. “After you.”
“I’m not...oh never mind.” You walked past him. You were shook to the core knowing something happened to Roman. You tried to see if you could see him in the crowd, but be was nowhere to be seen.
After making your way to the stage, you briefly spoke with the piano player and discussed the line up. You’d sing songs you knew Roman liked.
As you walked up to the microphone, you inhaled deeply. A hush came over the club then the spotlights illuminated you as you grabbed the microphone.
Resting his elbow on the door of the Bentley, Roman was confident that he did not like this guy. He was never fond of this part of Gotham. It was dirty and it smelled worse then his territory on the docks.
It was slaughterhouse row. All the meat that fed Gotham and Metropolis for that matter was slaughtered there.
Even with the windows closed he could already smell the putrid smells that filled the area. He took out his handkerchief and held it to his nose. He smiled.
He was remembering this morning, he had watched a smile spread across your face as he had come over to you. He had tilted your face up to press a kiss against your soft lips. He promised you, lhe would be back at the club before you sang tonight.
Perhaps, he’d stop and get you flowers or something, you had dropped enough hints that sometimes boyfriends gave their girlfriends something simple like that. He didn’t like things simple but if you liked it, he would try.
“Boss, you ready?” Zsasz asked.
Just then he realized they had arrived. “Yeah! As much as I am going to be.” He tucked the handkerchief back into his suit-jacket’s breast pocket.
He took his gun out, he made sure all the parts were working and that it was loaded made sure it was loaded. This kind of meeting that guns were needed. He liked meetings on his own terms, this one wasn’t.
Zsasz, sounding incredibly bored, reminded him of what was going to happen. “It’s supposed to be just one of Harvey’s lower level men.”
“Zsasz , I know....Blah, blah...”
“....who had thought we could talk about getting protection for this.”
“Blah, blah...” He rolled his eyes. “This better go fucking smoothly.”
“We’ll handle them either way.” Zsasz commented confidently.
“Harvey, knows better then to fuck with me, you.”
Zsasz then got out of the car, Roman waited till be gave the all clear. He grimaced. There was not a soul around.
“Are we supposed to go in there?” He pointed to the door.
The double metal doors slid open. A figure came into view. “Roman Sionis?” Hollered the person.
“Is that Sammy the Fly.” Roman asked Zsasz quietly. He had been in no mood to have this meeting.
“Sammy! How good to see you!” Roman shouted back.
A bullet whizzed by his head and hit the pavement. “What the fuck!” He screamed. He pulled out his gun and ducked down. Seeing someone finally, he shot at them.
“We’re going to take you out Sionis!”
“Not today!”
He lined up Sammy the Fly, and pulled the trigger. He went down. Opening the car door, he looked around. “Get the fuck down and stay down.” He screamed at his driver.
Turning back to , “we gotta clear fucking building.” Zsasz, remarked. “The intel tells us there are ten of them.” He saw, as he took down two more men. He crept from behind the car door, and got a few more of himself. “We’re getting these assholes.”
That’s when he was slammed to the ground, a scream was torn from his lips. An image of you flashed before his eyes.
Zsass, got two more then, everything grew silent. From the ground, he looked around.
“What the fuck?” He finally screamed. Zsass, was immediately helping him up. As he sat up, he saw that blood came from a slice on his upper arm. “One of them got me!”
Zsass practically grabbed, pulled him into the car. “Get us to the fucking doctor.”
“There is going to be fucking blood for this.” He promised.
Roman, glared at the floor before him. “Hey! Stop tugging that hard, it fucking hurts.” He snapped as the doctor, who sewed him up. He turned to Zsasz, “You break it to Y/N when we get back to the club. I am changing out of this fucking suit before I come downstairs.”
“Sure boss.”
“No one can see me like this. I can’t appear weak.”
He barked a laugh when he saw that Harvey had left him a voicemail. He held it to his ear.
He pulled it way. He smirked. “Looks like Harvey wants to talk.” He chuckled. Scrolling he saw your messages and swallowed he had hated not calling you back but you were a good girl you would understand.
You let the piano’s melody run through you and let your voice work it’s magic. Despite being filled with concerned, you were putting on a fantastic performance.
“Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away...If you can use some exotic booze...There's a bar in far Bombay...Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away....”
You almost stopped right there when you saw Roman walking over to the stage. Your heart skipped a beat.
“Come fly with me, let's float down to Peru...In llama-land there's a one-man band...And he'll toot his flute for you..Come fly with me, let's take off in the blue...”
He drew closer and closer still as you sang. You began to sing solely to him.
“Once I get you up there...Where the air is rarefied...We'll just glide...Starry-eyed...Once I get you up there....I'll be holding you so near...You may hear...Angels cheer, 'cause we're together....”
You could distinctly see a wide smile spread across his face. He looked at you over the top of his tinted shades at you.
“Weather-wise, it's such a lovely day...Just say the words and we'll beat the bird...Down to Acapulco Bay...It is perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say...Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away...”
If only you two could disappear. You needed to know what happened. Your mind clouded with worry. Your heart raced looking at him. Though you would finish the final hour.
“Once I get you up there...Where the air is rarefied...We'll just glide...Starry-eyed...Once I get you up there...I'll be holding you so near...You may hear...Angels cheer, 'cause we're together...”
You watched as his lips curled into a smirk. It made you wonder what he had up his sleeve.
“Weather-wise, it's such a lovely day...You just say the words and we'll beat the birds...Down to Acapulco Bay...It's perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say...Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly...Pack up let's fly away....”
People were cheering and clapping as you finished the song. You sang to not feel the anguish at the idea of him being wounded. You watched as Roman turned to the people in the club. They all grew silent.
“Wooooo...” He gave a call of excitement. He started clapping. ”Let’s hear it again for my little song bird tonight!” People cheered and clapped. He turned back to you, offering a hand. You happily took it and climbed down from the stage. “Tonight, our song bird will be taking flight early but she will be back in a few days time.” He addressed the club.
More cheers filled the club. With a twirl of his finger, you could hear him groan softly as he did and the piano began playing a lively tune.
Holding your hand, people moved so the two of you could easily make it to wherever, you walked. “We’re going up to the penthouse.” He told you, in a determined tone so only you heard it. He pushed the button, and you waited. Since Roman, yourself and Zsasz were the only ones who used it, you didn’t have to wait long.
It dinged and your heart practically felt like it would leap out of your chest as you both walked in. That’s when you saw a fairly large bouquet waiting in there. You gasped and looked at Roman. “Roman!” You exclaimed.
He smiled and unbuttoned his suit jacket. He sighed and leaned against the wall beside the buttons in elevator. You scooped up the bouquet. “Do you like baby?” He looked pale now that you were away from the lights in the club.
“I love them.” You inhaled deeply. “They are amazing.” The doors, swung open and you followed him out. He went and sunk into his chair that sat near a very large table. He took off his tinted glasses.
The sight of the table still gave you butterflies when you would look at it. That first night neither of you could wait to get to his bed. You shifted onto it and he had climbed over you.
You hopped onto the edge of said table, placing the bouquet beside you. Crossing your legs, you let your leg swing a little as the worry you had been filled with was draining away. “Roman...”
His blue eyes met yours as he held a finger up. “Baby, I’m ok.” He paused. “Just fucking hurts.”
“Good.” You would let him tell you what he wanted you to know.
“We handled it too.”
“I’m glad.”
“Damn,” He shifted in his seat so he faced you more. “Look at you.”
You took a demure pose. “I always try to look good for you.” You tell him simply.
“You look very good.” Bracing himself on the arm rest with his good arm he stood. He then came over to you. “That’s awfully long I can’t even see you.”
“Far too long in some cases.” You agreed. Bending over, you grabbed the hem of the dress. You raised it till it sat on your thighs.
“Much better, your legs were hiding.” Without him saying a word you uncrossed your legs and opened them. He came closer till was between your legs.
He rested a hand on one of your thighs, he gave a soft squeeze. “One has to demure and alluring while preforming for you.”
“Exactly. I can’t let anyone get any ideas about my girl.” He chuckled. “You do belong to me after-all.”
His hand went from your thigh to your throat. “Right, baby?” He gave a soft squeeze. Excitement blossomed in the pit of your stomach, that was your Roman. The glint that always made your breathless was in his eyes. “I belong to you.” He kissed you then.
You let yourself melt into it, all the worry and frustration just disappeared. Beside the taste that was uniquely him, you could distantly taste a martini he must have had before coming down to the club.
He broke the kiss slowly, his lips lingering with yours before he spoke again. “Do you remember what we have done on this table?” His eyes mischievous.
“I’ll never forget.” You swallowed. “Do you remember what I under this table?”
You saw him press his lips together. You had felt ignored that day. He had taken one phone call after another. Promising the next and the next one would be the last but it didn’t happen. You decided to get his attention.
You had crawled under the table, something he had failed to notice. You had deftly crawled over to him and began undoing the button then lowering the zipper of his slacks. He had tried to shoo you, your hands away but was unsuccessful.
In the end, he enjoyed you blowing him while he was on the phone. Of course at that moment, you had no idea what he’d have in store for you. But you still ache deliciously from the memories of what he did. He licked his lips then. “I do.”
His hand dragged from your throat, down the front of your body till he reached the now very wet apex between your legs. “Roman.” you breathed. You grew wetter as his hand was there just holding you “Yes, baby.”
The elevator must have dinged and the door must have opened but none of those sounds touched your ears. To be honest, you were only focused on him.
“Oh damn, it sorry boss.” You heard Zsasz mutter.
Roman didn’t move his hand and you barely looked in his direction. You became flustered when you heard his voice.
“Zsasz, I fucking told you I am taking the rest of the night off.”
“I..I..I..fuck never mind. I will swing by tomorrow.” What you did hear was what sounded as if someone racing away.
Roman, evilly smirked at you. “Do you think he knew I was holding you, that I felt as you got wetter upon being exposed?”
“I hope not. Though I’m sure he hears.” Zsasz, lived a floor below. Why have a bodyguard if be wasn’t close by.
“Damn.” Roman, muttered mostly under his breath. He took a step away. “Scoot to the edge.” He demanded. The reaching for your panties he tugged at them, you shift so they’d come off. He tugged once more and then they fell off your legs and fell to floor.
The thin straps of your dress fell half way down your upper arm revealing how you had not needed a bra to look that amazing under your dress. “Free your arms.”
“Ok.” And soon you did, the dress was a mass of fabric scrunched up at your waist.
He came over, licking teasing your breasts. As he stood there. He looked at you and shook his head. “Take the rest of that dress off.” You did as you were told.
All you had on now was your heals and he was still completely clothed, there was something about that excited you further.
“Watch me.” He demanded. You did. He undid his belt, then the button then he lowered the zipper. He made a soft sound and then he took himself out. He was incredibly hard and magnificent, you mouth missed the feel of him there.
“Lay back, baby.”
You did but propped yourself up on your elbows as you watched him come over, you opened yourself wider. You moaned as he entered you.
“Oh Roman.” You wrapped your legs around him as he moved in and out of you. “You feel so good.”
He ran his hands up you body. You arched as you felt his touch. Moving, you came up to him moaning louder as he entered you deeper. You two kissed, your tongues meeting passionately.
The two of you began to move faster. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer. “Roman,” you breathed, you tossed your head back. One of his hands caressed and gently squeezed your throat. You loved how he’s exert his dominance over you. Made your pleasure heighten, as all you could do was moan and writhe under him.
“Are you going to cum for me baby?”
You met his eyes. “Yes.” He slowed his movements.
“Y/N, mmm I want you to cum for me.”
You felt your release came so close. “So close. So....oh Roman.” Then you called out.
“That’s my girl.” He moved into hard and faster within you.
You moaned, it felt so good. “Y/N,” he moaned out your name.
Sometime later the you two had gone to lay, recline in his bed. Finding one of his t-shirts, you slipped it on. Sighing, they were very soft and large on you. Laying on your stomach, with an arm draped over him, you looked up at him and his bandaged arm. You listened to how he told you about getting grazed by that bullet.
His slender fingers played with your hair as he spoke. It was unspoken but both of you were relieved to be where you two were. Alone and safe in his bedroom. Though in the back of his mind he slowly plotted his revenge. No one would shoot at Roman Sionis and get away with it.
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the-headbop-wraith · 4 years
2_37 Restoration
The vines catch at his ankles as he charges full tilt, sharp branches slap at his brow.  He can’t fend them all from his skin, yet there are no trees surrounding him, just branches. Hundreds of branches, low hanging tree limbs, gnarled and sharp twigs starved of leaves – all clutter his vision. Candle light flashed faster and faster along high wall paper, shades of magenta and fuchsia crashing against his eyes. Red, blue, red, blue – his bare feet slap at the carpeted floor, the panicked rhythm hastens the wild pitch of his heart until he feels like his chest is ready to explode.  Somewhere out there a mild thumping dips into a steady pace, while his legs whirl under him.  Soon, he’s aware that thumping sound is getting closer and closer, no matter how fast his legs beat at the floor under him.
Arthur snapped his eyes open and stares at the other side of the wall, through the opaque plastic window of the small stand in shower.  He tries to make sense of the blurry wall, struggles with the truth of the wall rather his hazy memory from an elsewhere.  The door was open and the cold air kneaded into his skin, helped clear his mind. It was stale air, not icy, not depressing and icy air.  The walls closed around him were as bleached and sterile as the surface of the moon. He shuddered and tightened his arm around his legs and tried to bar in the little bit of warmth bubbled against his stiff sides.
The bathroom that connected to the guest bedroom was functional and comfortable.  It had two doors, one that accessed the guest room and the other door across from it which opened into the front hall of the home.  It had the bare essentials, a toilet and sink on one side of the room, and a small shower in the fourth corner.  Arthur currently sat in the dry pan of the shower, staring at the bulbous shapes morphing through the distorted plastic.  He hated doing anything in a haunted home, especially sleeping.  His eyes shut again, it felt so good sometimes to just close your eyes and listen to the empty air around your head.
His eyes popped open to the gentle rapping on the door. A groggy voice blundered through the wood panel that separated him from the guest room.  “Art?”  It was Vivi, voice muffled by drowsiness and door.  “You in there?”
“Mm.  Yeah,” Arthur called back.  “I’ll be out in a sec.”  He wobbled something bad as he pushed himself up by one arm, and staggered out of the small shower closet stiffly.  He stepped over to the single standing sink and turned on the water.  He put away the portable medical kit, and managed to dig out a clean shirt without much problem getting it by the abundance of used ointment packets and bandage wrappers.  He slipped the clean shirt on carefully, shut off the water, and collected up the remainder of his gear before unlocking the door.  “Sorry ‘bout that,” he choked, as he pushed the door open a crack.
“It’s fine,” Vivi yawned.  She stretched her arms behind her head and scratched at her frazzled head, glasses gone and still dressed for yesterday.  “I was just getting worried, and I needed to get in an hour ago.”
As Arthur stepped out of the way, he finally noted the windows in the furthest corner of the room.  Bright sunlight poured through, golden and fluffy through the mild tint of fog and clouds.  It had to be early, shy of noon, the fog hadn’t burned off yet.  The last time he looked outside, it was very dark.
The door shut, and Arthur was left to gather his bearings.  He coughed a bit on the warm air, it was probably time for another pill.  Later then, he didn’t want to fool with his bag and risk drawing attention to himself.  
Since Arthur’s disappearance, Mystery had relocated himself from what was once warm blankets on the couch, to the warm bed and was on his back snoring with his paws bent over his chest.  Arthur stared at the happily snoozing dog bundled in his warm nest.  Arthur sighed.  “I could really go for coffee.”  Arthur set his bag down and flopped sideways onto the couch.  He curled up on his good side and slipped the blanket over his lower half. “Lewis isn’t back yet,” he noted.  At least, as far as he could tell.
It wouldn’t take Vivi long to get spruced up and ready to tackle the days task.  A blessing and a… downer.  Five more minutes.  Two more seconds.  If he just rest his eyes, he’d be good.
Mystery was up.  He didn’t see when the dog had moved to his feet, but he was standing up on the bed and staring at the side of the room, fully focused on the door.  Arthur worked to get himself pushed up and over to see where Mystery’s attention was.  Arthur wasn’t alert enough to anticipate Lewis’ sudden appearance.
There was no Lewis.  However, Mystery hopped off the bed and padded over to the door, head down and ears high.  “Wassup?” Arthur mumbled.  Mystery arfed, as he neared the door.  “Whatever you say, buddy.”  Arthur spun over onto his back—
The door flew open and a pair of white bulbous bodies withered in, moaning and bellowing their arms.  They screamed, “Leave our house!” and “Be gone trespassers!” as they raced at Arthur.  Mystery kicked back on his rears legs, fell over, his claws scrabbled at the carpet until he found traction and bolted for the space under the bed.  “You will REGRET!”
“Holy—”  Arthur threw himself backwards, crawled over the side of the couch and away from the invading sheets.  As he tried to stand upright, his feet got tangled up in the blanket and his body went straight to the floor.  “Ow….”
“Ooh,” one of the ghosts groaned, wincing.  It pried off the white sheet revealing Tyler’s matted hair.  “Hey, you okay?”
“We’re ghosts!”  The other ghost declared, waving its arms.  “OOoooohhhhh!”  She stopped when Tyler slapped her in the stomach.  “Ow!  I’m telling mom.”
Arthur rolled over and sat up.  “Geez, what is wrong with you two?” he spat.  Whatever fatigue had flattened his brain on the hot pavement, it was gone, obliterated.  “You’d give someone a heart attack.”
“Were we scary?” Savannah asked.  Her hair stood up in all directions when she slid the sheet off.  “Your eyes went all white, it was crazy!”
At least he was clothed.  Arthur raised an arm to his side, where he had fallen.  He must’ve hit his bad nerve, that whole side of his ribs was buzzing.  “I could call you a few things,” he muttered under his breath.  All three turned their heads up when the bathroom door WHAMMED against the wall.
Vivi emerged from the mist in the door, hair soaked and slicked to her skull, damp cloths clinging to her body.  Whatever the teens said about scary, it paled in comparison to the look in Vivi’s eyes.  Arthur felt himself shrinking into himself, and he was far from the target of her fury this time.
“What in FLYING FUCKS are you two doing in OUR ROOM!” The house shook on its foundation around her voice.  Elephants stampeded, waves crashed, a certain dog in a room enjoyed hamburgers for the rest of its life.  “Do YOU have ANY MANNERS?  DON’T ANSWER THAT!”  Savanah shut her mouth.
“This is our house!” Tyler rebuts.  He rolled the sheet up against his chest, clearly unsettled but much too proud (or stupid) to admit anything redeeming.  “And you should be paying us rent or something while you’re here.”  Tyler glanced around, and turns his attention back to his sister but she clearly didn’t want to get involved in this.
Vivi was marching forward, head down, eyes flashing. Arthur threw himself into her path. “No, Vi, Vi!” he stammered.  “I wasn’t hurt!  They’re just kids!”  He tries to grab her by the wrist or snag her shoulder, but this is difficult to do when you have one less arm, and he’s backing up struggling to snap her attention onto him.  “VIV-VI!”
“The doors gone.”  Savanah had looked back and inspiration struck.  The door that was once open, was now not there at all. “Um….”
Vivi’s hostile advance had ceased, and Arthur hung on her shaking.  It was getting harder to see.  Now the windows had ceased to be, there were no longer exits present at all in the room. The apprehension thickened, the once soft pastel colors of the surrounding walls crack and darken, the harsh introverted coloration spreads down and down, burning away pale hues. Was it a trick of perception, the loss of light, or the tones of red and purple that were quickly gaining area, but the whole room seemed to be getting larger?  The walls extending but minutely, as the light faded.  Vivi helped Arthur stay on his feet, though he was moving away from the lush red carpet as it sizzled under foot; as if there was fire snapping at his feet.  
Mystery wriggled out from under the bed and hopped up onto the mattress.  The dog’s gaze followed the gradual progress of the carpet and walls until the two alterations met at the edge of the wall.  Mystery twisted around and gave Vivi his attention, one ear bent down at a loss.
“Lew?” Vivi whispered.  “Is this you?”  Savanah and Tyler ambled around whining, shooting startled eyes along the walls as the room contorted around them.  “You’re going too far with this.  Do you hear me?  You have to stop.”  She whips around when Arthur leaps onto the couch, one of the few areas of the room unaltered.
“He’s gonna kill me!” Arthur squealed.  He heaved the blanket from the floor up over his head and buried down into the cushions.  Mystery wasn’t far behind Arthur’s escape, and hops up into the thin wedge between the chairs arm and Arthur’s quivering body.  “He’s promised!  He swore, oh god!  This is it! Dead!  I’m dead- I’m dead!”  Mystery looped his paws over Arthur’s back and huddled down, he looked to Vivi.
“Pull yourself together!”  Vivi stooped beside Arthur and put an arm over a clear space on his spine.  Arthur shook something bad and tensed at her touch, whimpering incomprehensive words muffled by the blanket tangled about him.  “Pull yourself together!  Art!  Nothing’s happened so far!  Listen to me!  You—” All at once what little light had remained throughout the rooms metamorphosis dimmed, though blessedly not total darkness.  Vivi could still see Arthur and Mystery clearly, she could see across the room the distant walls.  “Lewis.”
A panicked shriek comes from the other side as Savanah and Tyler threw themselves to the wall, where once stood a strong and proud door. “It was here!” Tyler yelped.  He slapped his palms to the door and felt around. “We came from here!”
“Where is it?  Mom! Mom!”  Savanah screamed.  They hit the wall, screamed for aid, begged whatever force listened.  “We didn’t mean anything!  It was just a game!”
“She made me do it,” Tyler bawled.  “I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!” He twisted around to a low hissing-pop at his back, and shield his eyes from a flash of light.  “S-Savanah.”  His sister ceased pawing at the wall, and turned as Tyler tugged her arm.
On the floor lay the Ouija board with four candles burning by each corner, a vibrant flame that bounced and swayed, beckoning fuchsia light.  The glossy board with artistic rendition of sun and moon did nothing, but sat there on the foreign carpet and bathed in the otherworldly light.  In the center of the Ouija board was a black mare that resembled a burn.
This… it was beginning to make sense to Vivi, but she felt grossly uninformed.  She wanted to scream at Lewis to cease this nonsense, it had gone too far.  But she didn’t.  She could almost sense his presence strongly in the room pacing around, smell the fine kindling of his hot smoke as he waited.  If there was anything she had come to learn on her own of Lewis, it was that he was ruthlessly patient.
As if to answer her doubts over the nature of the scene, Vivi felt something brush into her leg.  She looked down.  One of the tool bags, a few of the incense sticks poked out from the top flap oddly, tips aflame.  Mystery gave a low sound, a hum, as Vivi reached down and plucked out the burning sticks.  She blew out the flames and kept the wicks held in front of her, the sweet scented fumes trail off as she shifts her footing on the carpet.
Somewhere at the wall Tyler and Savanah had huddled down and sniffled into their arms.  Vivi began to approach the teens slowly, it was difficult to see and the carpet had begun to resemble the ripped rug of a certain foyer.  The darkness that had been sewn into the walls of the room now constricted its prisoners, wound down and deep; barely recoiled from the four candles that huddled around the blemished Ouija board. When Vivi turned and checked her progress from the couch, she could see neither Arthur or the rooms furnishings, nor were Mystery’s soft coos audible.
With a breath from the sweet aroma of the sticks, Vivi leans over the board and fans the smoke.  “Spirit,” she commands.  “Be gone.”
Rather vanquish the hostility the Ouija board begins to spins between the candles.  The board whirls so fast it becomes a blurred disk, but the flames upon the wicks never sway at its dictation.  Okay.
“You two played with this,” she accuses.  “This is yours.”
“No, no,” Tyler pleads.  He tries to grab ahold of his sister, but Savanah just shoves him away and holds herself.  “I promise. It’s… realy, it’s her’s.”
“Shut up,” Savanah hissed.
The Ouija board spins faster and faster.  If it were not held down by the force that commanded it, it might’ve flown off into the great beyond that swelled around them. Still, Tyler and Savanah continue to deny every seeing it, buying it, all the way down to denying knowledge of what the cursed thing actually was.  The more they beseeched and whined, the faster the board twirled on the floor; the longer the Ouija board spun, the darkness all around them thickened and loomed; closing in, tightening over the bright flames of the candles, until neither of the three could see anything but the individual candle wicks between them. Savanah and Tyler clung to the wall paper behind them unwilling to risk seeking safety in the alien light, even when they could no longer see who it was that sat beside them.  Until finally—
“Yes!” Savanah barked.  “YES!  I got it from a friend!  I didn’t know!  We just wanted to know if our house— We WANTED a haunted house!”
And like that the Ouija board halts mid gyration, the darkness recedes, but not completely.  The nearest walls become visible, but not the rest of the room.
Vivi’s hair was starting to dry and little lone strands begin to stick up whichever way they wanted.  She was cold too, though the air felt very warm.  Her clothing had been practically soaked through.  “Okay,” she said.  “What needs to be done is… a closing prayer!  Have either of you done a closing prayer before?”  The unanimous mumble was ‘huh?’  “That’s a problem,” she continues, shaking her head.  Arthur was coughing, choking.  She felt better knowing he was out there somewhere, at least she knew where he was more or less.  “A closing prayer sort of frees spirits from the board, and also protects those that use it.  Only those apart of the session can close a session, it won’t work unless all members are present.”  She gave them a critical eye and raised the incense sticks near her face.  “Did anyone else help you with your session?” Savanah shook her head.  
“You sure?  This is kind of important.”
Again, she pushed Tyler away.  “No.  Just us,” she said.
Vivi nods.  She lowers herself to the floor before the board, the incense held beside her. “Come closer.  You have to help me with this, or none of us will leave.” Neither of the two teens would leave the wall.  “You can stay there for as long as you like, but there won’t be a way out till you fix this.”  She held out a stick of incense.  “This will… protect you.”  She glanced aside and tried not to roll her eyes.
Reluctantly, Savanah shuffled forward, Tyler followed her lead.  The two faced the board where it had stopped, the images and symbols facing them.  Vivi handed them each a stick of incense.
Savanah sniffed.  “Is that blueberry?”
“Uh-huh.  It purifies the air, and it’s good for a séance,” Vivi chirped.  At a thought, she turns and calls into the dark. “Art?  You wanna help?”  A muffled whine came, and a separate bark from Mystery.  “I’ll take that as a no.”  
When the two siblings lowered to their knees, Vivi began fanning the remaining sticks she held over the Ouija board.  “Now, we’ll thank the spirit for sharing their energy with us,” Vivi explained.  “You’ll repeat after me:  ‘Thank you for sharing this sacred time with me.’”  Tyler and Savanah followed without a hitch, and aimlessly trailed their sticks above the now placid board, in a similar manner to that of Vivi’s antics. “‘We appreciate the flow of energy we have experienced, and we will use it for our highest good.’”  When they finished with that portion of the prayer, Vivi indicated the candles at the Ouija board’s corner.  “Start blowing the candles out—”
“Blowing the candles out,” Tyler blurted.  Savanah nudged him in the side and he winced.
“It will be fine,” Vivi assured.  “Do it slowly, not fast.  Be respectful.”  She waited as the two teens took a candle each to blow out.  “Say now:  ‘As we blow out these candles,’” Savanah and Tyler begin to repeat, between snuffing out the candle light.  The bright halo around their epicenter dims but doesn’t black out the transparent illumination completely.  “‘We close the sacred space, and ask that your protection surrounds us wherever we go today.’”  Vivi dips her head.  “Thank you two, that was very good.”  
“It’s dark,” Tyler’s voice whimpered.  There was a crackling sound, and Tyler was groaning again.
“Is not, the lights coming back on,” Savanah said. And Vivi saw it was true, the air and walls about them was brightening and Vivi could see Savanah pointing up. “Look!  The light’s working again.”
The light in the low ceiling gradually brightened, revealing a room restored, a small comfortable room with beige carpet and soft pastel walls.  And doors.
Once the two saw that the door was returned, they tore away from the abandoned Ouija board and smoking candles on the floor.  The two fought to reach the doorknob, and spent more time fighting over the door that it took a full minute before one of them, Vivi wasn’t sure who precisely, had ripped the door wide open and they tumbled out into the hall.  Their rapid footfalls clambered down the hall and soon the room was again subdued and quiet, and preferable.
Coughing, Arthur pokes his head up from the blanket and looked around.  “Vi. Vi.  You okay?”  She doesn’t answer Arthur, she’s watching where the two had barged out from.
As the door swung back towards its frame, Lewis is revealed leaning back into the wall behind the panel.  He reached a hand over to shut the entry the rest of the way, and holds up his hands as Vivi jumps to her feet.  “Don’t get those near me,” he says.
Vivi was about to argue, but forfeits that and just dumps the incense on the Ouija board.  “Did you do a session with them, without my permission?” she pried, as she… she tries to fix her damp pants.  It was a hopeless measure.  “Don’t tell me you’re gonna be giving those two good vibes for the rest of the day.”
Lewis smirked and shook his head.  “No.  It wasn’t my session you helped them close.”  He raised his arms anticipating an embrace as Vivi hurries at him, but instead sets her hands over his.
“I gather you have some things you need to tell us later,” she says.  “But first things first, we still don’t have a solution for our current problems.  We don’t know the first thing about these spirits, and scaring those two did not help.”  She stopped talking, when Lewis set a finger gently to her lips.
“Mi dulce arándano,” Lewis hummed.  “You saved those kids, and in the process got rid of those ‘spirits.’”  
Wait, no, that wasn’t what she was trying to do. Vivi took a step back from Lewis, conflicted by the whole ordeal and the repercussions undoubtedly unleashed.  She hadn’t done anything, hadn’t tried.  Not yet, she didn’t.  She gazed at him and squinted her eyes.  “Lew?  What did you do?”
Lewis frowns, and motions a hand to the neglected Ouija board behind Vivi.  “A candle for each spirit,” is all he’d say.
The hall clicked with the sharp footfalls of Beatrice Hirstein’s swift, calculated strides.  The words of her young teens boiled her blood, fueled the contorted fury that navigated her course of action.  She was a rational woman but she had limits, and they would NOT be tested.
When she reached the door of the guest room she brought her quick stride to an abrupt halt and reached out, her knuckles tapped gently on the door.  “Excuse me in there,” her voice projected.  She paused and listened, there was no response, no voices, but she could hear the muffled movement behind the door.  “Hello! I need to speak with you!”  She reached out and pounded on the door this time.
The panel heaved back from Brea’s fist and the blue manager of the investigative group stood before her.  Vivi blinked at the raised fist and focused past it, to the other woman. “Er… yes?  Oh, your kids.”  Vivi cast a backwards glance as she stepped forward and into the hall with Brea, she jerked the door shut behind her.  
“Yes, my kids!”  Brea harped.  She stiffened, squared her shoulders tightly as her face contorted as if struggling to compress the string of words that had backed up into her stewing rampant.  She finally found her words, and spat, “WHAT happened in there?  Your group is supposed to be protecting my family!  Your meddling has caused nothing but trouble, and you – YOU have taken no action to remedy our plight!  I am attacked in my own kitchen, we hear voices all day and all night, then THIS! What am I even paying you for?!”
Vivi had her hands up in no large effort to calm the screaming woman, she could only wait until Brea had spent her breath and was ready for some feeble explanation (if she would allow it).  Once the woman had wheezed out her final sentence, Vivi offered a moment and ensured that no sudden surge of accusation would spring forth from the parched well.  The children in question were nowhere in sight.
“It was an experience,” Vivi starts.  Brea looked as if she was about ready to burst again.  “But harmless, I… promise.  The situation was under control, and dealt with accordingly.” The door popped open a crack at Vivi’s back and she twists around.  The marred Ouija board is shoved through the small opening from the side, when Vivi accepts the board from the opening, the door clicks shut.
“And this here,” Vivi announced, holding the board across to Brea.  “This might be the cause of your problems.”
Brea took the board and flipped it over, she spotted the burn mark on the center immediately and touched the edge of the black melted surface.  “What is this?”
Vivi weaved her fingers together and raised her elbows at her sides, in a kind of shrug.  “Whether you believe in it or not, these ‘game’ boards can be dangerous.” For the first time Brea noticed that Vivi was not dressed at all for the day, and her hair was very messy and stuck up in odd clumps.  Vivi resumed, nonchalant.  “I can’t confirm, and I doubt that your kids would admit it, but sometimes playing with tools such as this can awaken spirits from dormancy, or invite them in. Particularly, when the board is not closed properly.  I assure you, Mrs. Hersh— er, Hirsetin, that we have performed our required task and your poltergeist problem has been eliminated, as per your request.”
The door again snapped open, but this time there was additional shuffling and bumbling about.  Mystery dropped to his four legs and padded by the two, one of the provision bags carried in his teeth.  Brea returns her attention to the door as the yellow clad figure totters out, a few bags carried in one hand, a metal arm pinned in one of the bags slung over his only feasible shoulder.
“I told you not to pack up on your own,” Vivi protested, as she brushed by Brea in pursuit of Arthur.
Arthur shrugged the straps over his shoulder as he walked.  “No sweat, we didn’t nab everything.  Excuse me, Mr. Hirstein.”
Coming in from his morning walk, Mr. Hirstein held the door open for Arthur and Mystery as the two slipped out.  “Good afternoon,” he said to the visitors.  Mr. Hirstein was not very tall, not very young, and was hardly ever present during their investigation.  “Leaving already?”
“Probably?” Vivi uttered, as she and Brea caught up.
“Really?” Brea challenged.  She moved over to stand (tower) beside her husband, the offending Ouija board was placed upon a bookshelf beside the large front door.  “I want some proof that our home has been cleansed.  Don’t you laugh at me.”  Mr. Hirstein shields the side of his face with a hand as he shuts the front door behind Arthur and the dog.  He had to have a chuckle at his wife once in a while.
“And I want concrete proof about the paranormal being more than smoke and mirrors,” Vivi retorts.  “Our contacts will be in touch with you for a follow up within two to five weeks.  There’s an emergency contact, if you absolutely cannot wait.  Truthfully, I don’t think you’ll have any more problems with the house, now that this has been taken care of.”  Vivi nodded towards the Ouija board behind Brea.
“This is highly unorthodox,” Brea huffed.  “You can’t just abandon a family in need of your services.”  Mr. Hirstein shook his head as he walked away, leaving his wife to handle the matter.
“The paranormal is anything but a perfect science,” Vivi elaborates.  She wanted this done, before Arthur made efforts to load up all on his own.  “The cleansing ritual was as complete as we could manage, and the spirit seems to have departed for good.”  Vivi mentally rolled her eyes. “Listen, I have a small ritual you can follow that can help while we’re gone, but as you can see,” Vivi motioned her current state. “You sorta caught us at a bad time.”
At first Beatrice was reluctant to allow the exchange to end there, and was rearing up for another reason why these matters needed to be attended to, and NOW.  But as Vivi pointed out, she was not ready for the day, and this in Mrs. Hirstein’s book screamed the lack of discipline these people practiced.  She gave them their space, allowed them to work unimpeded, yet here they were smack dab on noon and neither of them looked ready for anything short of disappointing their parents, which wouldn’t surprise Brea.  For now Beatrice was willing to let Vivi off, in favor of attending to her kids and learning more from their side of the matter.
One quick shower later and Vivi was ready to tackle summary discussion.  Arthur saw her right on that task, in a hurry to get them off the hook as fast as she could manage.  He was helping in the way she forbade him to, but he really needed something to do while she renewed the ancient battle with Mrs. Hirstein.
“And what if I don’t?” Brea threatened.  She was at the end of the hall near the dining room doors, Vivi held out what he knew to be the clipboard with the dismissal form, and something else; not a pin.
Vivi’s voice was laced with irritation, Arthur could almost envision Lewis looming over her glaring hot holes into Mrs. Hirstein’s head. “I’ve already told you, this is standard procedure,” Vivi went on, teeth gritted.  “If your problems persist, then your case will be reopened and another group can handle it.  This is the extent of paranormal intervention, the same procedure would follow….” Vivi continued, saying whatever could be said to get Beatrice Hirstein to sign that damn form.  Arthur could tell Vivi was insincere about most of what she was saying, and wholly relied on the account that Lewis had offered to slip them on out of this place.  Lewis had seemed pretty shaken when Vivi had threatened to knock his skull clean off his shoulders, if they so much as got wind that the Hirstein’s were still having problems.  However, Lewis saving grave may have been former association with the overall nature of the Hirstein’s.
Mystery followed Arthur the whole time.  He frolicked through the snow on their way out to the open van, and pranced along with Arthur when he returned to the warm interior of the home.  The warmth was only a temporary relief.  Young Tyler had been seated on the lowest step for some time watching as Arthur and Mystery struggled in and out of the door with the few bags of supplies.
“You don’t even have a film crew,” Tyler said. Yeah, Arthur was very much ready for those long nights on the open road.
Conversation prickled forth from the dining room, most likely moved there when the setting of the current subject had.  Arthur stuck his hand in his pocket as he walked, Mystery padded along beside him with a slow stride.  Vivi was still at it, trying to chip through the mile deep of impervious empathy.
“Burn the sage by the food,” Vivi was saying.  “It doesn’t need to be exclusive breakfast, it can even be something simple.  A bowl of soup.”  
“Is this all even necessary for the… process?” Beatrice sounded disgusted by the idea of leaving food out to sit for any length of time.  “Won’t it draw them back?”
“That’s never happened,” Vivi said, voice flat.  “It’s only meant to be a courtesy to the spirit, something about subsiding energies and offering a sort of peace.  It’s a custom that’s been handed down through the centuries, and though we still don’t understand its origins it’s still practiced.” Vivi looked back as Arthur and Mystery entered the dining room, the clipboard was held behind her back as she spoke.  By the dining table across from Vivi’s posture stood Brea, a plate with a sage bundle on it sat at the table’s center.
“Try leaving out a bhut jolokia,” Arthur mentioned, as he stepped through the double doors.  “That’d do the tick.”  Vivi gave him this vacant stare for s splint second, before she turned back to Brea. As she looked away Arthur stumbled forward, nearly falling to the floor.  Mystery yelped and ducked aside, possibly making ready to duck under Arthur if he fell the whole way.
“You okay?” Vivi yelped.  She sprang over to Arthur as he regained his balance, Arthur flashed his wide eyes around the room as Vivi caught him by the shoulders.  “Art?  Look at me.”
“Was he pushed?” Beatrice hollered, from where she stood.  She hadn’t moved an inch.
Arthur gently pushed Vivi away.  He raised his foot to the floor and tapped his toe behind him.  “Naw. I just… old shoes.”  He put his hand on his shoulder and gave Vivi a thin smile.  “I’m about ready for some brunch.”
To top it all off the van wouldn’t start.  The day just overall sucked.
Arthur hummed to himself as he tried to crank the engine over, yet again.  It was just on the edge, he could feel it, but it just wouldn’t ignite.  He slid out from the driver side and checked the cable connections on the battery in the cab, checked the cables on the spare battery that was sitting upon a dirty work towel placed on the road.  Maybe it was the spare, he hadn’t tested it to see if it had power before he brought it over.  He doubted it in the first place and considered just disconnecting the spare, either way, it was work but he had some hope that there would be enough charge to kick the van engine up.    
Mystery hopped out of the middle seat when Arthur returned, in the back Vivi shuffled around organizing the supplies Arthur and him had dumped in.  Arthur had been in too much of a hurry to do that sort of detail work, but Vivi didn’t really do it either until….  Anyway, he figured he’d be occupied with the battery for a bit.  The engine ‘rrred’ at him as he tried the key again, and Arthur hummed a little louder to himself.
Branches wound their gnarled fingers up the and down the walls, the chipped wallpaper was splint over the deformed knots.  The deeper he ran through the gloomy halls, the snugger the walls wound about him.  It felt like the tangles of branches were closing in over his head, Arthur stooped forward as he ran in a breathless panic, seeking the smallest chip in the twilight that would deliver him from the suffocation.  Heat burned up his lungs and through his chest, his eyes watered. He wanted to scream for help, call out for his friends.  The only sound he could manage was a thick gurgle as he spiraled down and down.
Arthur felt his hand trembling at the steering wheel. He couldn’t feel his arm.  It was a hellish sensation, too familiar.  He coughed a bit on the soreness and leaned back into the car seat.  The seat beside him was empty, there had been something like comfort in the vacant space. Then it was filled up with a dark shape, colors, the sudden contrast slammed into the white backdrop of the snow filled lawn.  Arthur jerked in his seat and scooted away.
“Jeez, Lew,” Arthur gasped.  He brought his hand to his eyes and rubbed away the spots.  “I’m gonna tie a bell to you, I swear.”  The radio crackled with sounds, one of the stations they had been listening to before Arthur had to shut it off.  He could have changed the radio station, but that hadn’t occurred to him when they had been driving.  He just wanted the noise gone.
Lewis began to say something, at least that distorted rattle had arisen like a living person taking a short breath before words came. Vivi cut him off with a sharp cry, “Did you shove him!”  Lewis winced and jerked about in his seat, what little of his living appearance he had dragged on quickly rolled off like beads of water on a hot skillet.  Lewis had already begun to tuck down more toward the floorboard of the van, his skull dipped into the top edge of his suit collar. As for Vivi, she towered over the seats back and glowered down her nose onto the shrinking ghost below.  “You be honest with me!  I won’t tolerate this!”
“Vi!” Lewis squealed.  “You’re taking this the—”
“Don’t bullshit me, Lewis!”
“Would you not?” Arthur snapped.  He twisted around in his seat to more or less face Vivi down, or tried, for all Arthur’s crippling intimidation could manage.  “I tripped, I told you!  That iz what happened.  What, you think I’m lying?  WHY?  Why don’t you believe me?”  He couldn’t keep their eyes locked, Arthur had to spin away and go back at the engine. “Accidents happen,” he sputtered, as he fumbled around the steering wheels base. “And you can’t always just blame someone.  Hold on, gimmie a sec.” He tried the key again, gave it a little twist of his wrist and the engine blared to life, strong and proud, a guttural snarl of fossil fuels surging through its pipes.  “See! There, got it!”  Arthur slung out of his seat and hurried to the vans front, nearly slipping on the ice as he went.
Vivi sighed.  She watched Arthur’s shape flash out of sight beyond the raised hood of the van. Lewis remained pinned where he was at the floorboard, his dark eye sockets stare up at her imploringly.  “Tell me why,” Vivi murmurs.
The faint lights in Lewis’ skull flash.  “I… didn’t.  He— he’ll need help with that battery.”  Vivi pushed him down by his shoulder when Lewis tried to rise up, and used Lewis as leverage to swing over the bench seat.
“They’re probably watching,” she snarled.  This was probably more than true.  “Just stay here and out of trouble.”  She aimed a hard stare and a finger back at Lewis’, as she backpedaled around the front of the van to join Arthur.  
The hood cracked down, the whole van shaking with the force and Vivi talking over the sound of the engines rumble.  She was grumbling about Arthur doing too much, overworking himself or something and an arm.  While it was all clear Lewis pulled himself up over the backseat and lowered into the vans back.  Mystery was there, paws on his ears and eyes perked up toward Lewis as the ghost settled down.
“Um…” Lewis began, skull raising an inch out of his suit collar.  “I’ll just… wait over here.”  Mystery didn’t question it.  Simultaneously, the two look to the vans back when the doors tore open.
“You’re just gonna rest a’while and I’ll drive first! Move Mystery,” Vivi shot.  She waved a hand Mystery’s way, and the dog relocated himself to corner of the van opposite to Lewis’ current occupation.  “Thank you.”  Vivi fumbled one handed for the floor latch imbedded in the carpet, and heaved up the hidden panel in the floor.  “No!  I don’t need your help.  You’ve done enough helping!  You’ve helped enough to cover for the next five thousand years!”
Lewis slinked back into his corner and shared a glance with Mystery.  While Vivi loaded in the heavy battery, Arthur climbed up into the van on the driver side.
“I am capable of driving,” Arthur mumbled.  “For the first few—”
“I don’t wanna hear it!” Vivi cut in.  She punctuated with the slamming of the floor compartment, and the shutting of the back doors.  Her voice continued, as it tracked along the side of the van towards the driver side.  “I need something to get my mind of this insult to our trade, or I might just… UGH! Lemme get inside!  Scoot!  Scoot over!” Arthur complied, fearful of the tone in Vivi’s voice.  He shut the passenger door and Vivi hauled the driver side door shut.  The engine still grumbled its moody hum, and fog spewed along the side of the windshield.  Vivi gave a shrill cry and beat at the steering wheel with her fists.
Lewis raised his head up and exchanged a fearful look with Arthur.  Poor-poor Arthur, pinned by the passenger door, unable to work door handles when he was in a state of panic.  Lewis almost felt sorry for him.
“Are… you okay?” Arthur mumbled.
“Those… PEOPLE!” Vivi fumed, still smacking at that poor steering wheel.  Arthur wanted to remind her that he had barely gotten the engine started, but he wasn’t ready to become the next target of her wrath.  If he remained small and helpless, Arthur would be safe. In theory, that is.  
Mystery pulled himself up on his front paws and looked Arthur’s way, but the dog seemed to snicker at the scene instead.
“I take it after all that heart-to-heart, you two never saw eye-to-eye?” Arthur chanced, barely above a whisper.  He regretted it immediately when he spoke, and hoped Vivi didn’t hear that.
She heard.
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smilingformoney · 5 years
Platinum Diamond Scene: Shore Thing
You: After being cooped up for so long, I deserve to let loose! Zadie: Glad to see it’s a perfect fit. Although I did the measurements, so… Avery: You look heavenly, Cadence. Raleigh: Yeah, swim over my way, won’t you? A few minutes later, while Zadie lies out in a beach chair to sunbathe and Hank keeps an eye out from the pier, you race to the edge of the dock with Avery and Raleigh. You: Wooooo! You all leap into the water. Avery does a swan dive. Raleigh pulls a chaotic cannonball. You: The water’s so refreshing. It’s the perfect day for this! Raleigh: C’mon. Let’s play with Avery’s new toys. Avery: Definitely! Let’s hop on!
JET SKI -Whoa, nice!
Who do you race against? -Avery
Avery: Alright, you’re on! You both hop onto your jet skis and don life vests. Raleigh plays referee, raising their arm up. Raleigh: Finish line is the small island on the other side! Ready… set… go!
Follow the direction on screen
As you head out into the open water, you see a buoy floating in your path.
Follow the direction on screen
Avery: C’mon, Cadence! You see the small island coming up ahead of the two of you, slightly to the right.
Follow the direction on screen
Eventually, you pull up beside the small island. You: I did it! Your opponent pulls up beside you a few second later. Avery: Alright, I know when to admit defeat. You splash water at each other playfully.
Raleigh: Sure… if you think you can beat this. You both hop onto your jet skis and don life vests. Avery plays referee, raising their arm up. Avery: Finish line is the small island on the other side! Ready… set… go!
Follow the direction on screen
As you head out into the open water, you see a buoy floating in your path.
Follow the direction on screen
You see the small island coming up ahead of the two of you, slightly to the right.
Follow the direction on screen
Eventually, you pull up beside the small island. You: I did it! Your opponent pulls up beside you a few second later. Raleigh: Fine… but it was a close game. You: Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that. You splash water at each other playfully.
Later that day, you’re floating on the lake in a rented sailboat with everyone, Mai Tai in hand.
MAI TAI -Sip your refreshing drink!
You: Ahhhhh. Now this is the life! Raleigh: Seconded. Can I get a top-up on this Mai Tai? Zadie: What Raleigh said. This is way more my speed too. You: So I guess you’re the indoorsy type. Zadie: You guess correctly. Last time I spent this much time outside was Yeezy Season 4. Hank: I prefer indoors as well. Less variables to monitor.
Who do you check in with? -Zadie
You: So Zadie, how are things going with your parents? Zadie: Honestly? It’s been amazing. I feel like the weight of the world rolled off my shoulders. Zadie: I spent so long waiting for them to come around, and get it… You: And feeling responsible for them not getting it, I bet. Zadie: Yep. And I don’t have to feel guilty anymore. I just get to… exist. It’s pretty sweet. Besides, I’m so busy prepping for Indio. My Pinboard has been full of inspo. You: I’m glad to hear that. I know it hasn’t been easy. Zadie: Thanks, Cadence. Now pipe down while I get some beauty sleep. Zadie shoots you a thumbs up as she yanks her hat all the way over her head, reclining in her chair.
You: How have you been, Hank? Enjoying your mini vacation? Hank: This isn’t a vacation! I’m standing guard. I’m at full attention. You: Okay, but you can still do that with a Mai Tail in your hand. Hank grins down at the drink you give him. Hank: Good thinking, Cadence. Now we look more like we’re dressed in plainclothes attire.
-If you got Hank and Fiona together
You: So... how are you and Fiona doing? Hank beams at you. Hank: What an admirable woman she is. You: Gimme the juicy details! Hank winks. Hank: You know I couldn't compromise the mission like that.
-If you didn't get Hank and Fiona together
You: I’ve always admired your dedication to your job, Hank. You take such good care of us. We don’t deserve you.
Avery: Everyone, how about an underwater breath-holding competition? Cadence, are you in? You: Oh, I’m in. Let’s do this. Hank: I’m remain above the waterline and keep time. You, Avery, and Raleigh drop b elow the surface of the water, bubbles trailing up above you.
You stare around, determined, daring Raleigh and Avery to break first. You hold your breath. And keep holding it… Soon, the only people left below the waterline are you and…
Who’s left underwater with you? -Avery
Avery: … Avery waves to you, beckoning you over. Okay, your lungs are serious about to give up, but you know what that look means…
You: (I should…) -Stay here and kiss.
You swim over to Avery, plating a delicate kiss on their lips. You: … Their hand clips into yours, and you kick together, floating together gracefully, as your lips meet again. Their arms wrap around you, pulling you close, making you feel buoyant. Then, they pull away, grinning, and flutters away for the surface. You: (Victory is mine.) With a smug grin, you swim to the surface and pull in a long breath of sweet, sweet air. Hank: And we have a winner! You: Thanks for the last-minute motivation. Avery winks at you. Cute. Super cute. Then, they take your hand in theirs.
-Head to the surface.
You burst through the surface, taking in huge gulps of sweet, sweet air. Moments later, Avery shoots through the surface, sporting a smug grin. Hank: All right! We have our winner! You: I could have had that, you know. If you hadn’t tried to distract me. Avery: Oh, I don’t doubt it.
Raleigh: … Raleigh waves to you, beckoning you over. Okay, your lungs are serious about to give up, but you know what that look means…
You: (I should…) -Stay here and kiss.
You swim over to Raleigh, and they pull you in, pressing their mouth against yours. You: … Their arms entangle around you, pulling you close. Her hands wander down your sides, then your lips meet again, craving more. They pull away from the hot, passionate kiss, and kick their way up to the surface. You: (Victory is mine.) With a smug grin, you swim to the surface and pull in a long breath of sweet, sweet air. Hank: And we have a winner! You: Thanks for the last-minute motivation. Raleigh winks at you. Cute. Super cute. Then, they take your hand in theirs.
-Head to the surface.
You burst through the surface, taking in huge gulps of sweet, sweet air. Moments later, Raleigh shoots through the surface, sporting a smug grin. Hank: All right! We have our winner! You: I could have had that, you know. If you hadn’t tried to distract me. Raleigh: Sure, Cadence.
You gather at the steps to climb back onto the sailboat. Avery: I hope you got the release you wanted today. You: I did. Thanks so much for coming out all this way to visit me. Avery: Of course, Cadence. We’ll always be there for you. Raleigh swims up to the two of you. Raleigh: Alright, less conspiratorial whispering, more water sports!
A few hours later, you all lounge around Avery’s new luxurious lake house, utterly spent. Hank: So how are you feeling, kid? Any better? You: Honestly? Yeah. Better than I have in a long, long time…
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ships-allday-errday · 6 years
Clean Laundry
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Characters: Sangyeon x Reader
Synopsis: When you win a bet and Sangyeon has to do all your chores for a month. He figures out a way to escape the punishment.
Words: 442
“Go! Go! Go!” You screamed egging on your character as they passed Sangyeon’s own character at the last second. “Wooooo!!!!” You screeched loudly as Sangyeon’s head hung low. “Ha that’s one whole month of doing my chores,” You gloated to which he just nodded, mumbling “yeah, yeah.” With the end of your victory dance you collected all the dishes and handed them to him, “thanks for offering to do the dishes, you’re the best,” you said giving him a light peck on the cheek. He shared a dry smile before nodding and heading off to the kitchen to start your dishes. “This is going to be fun,” you said with a mischievous grin. And it was fun. You fully enjoyed not doing any chores, but that joy lasted only about a week. —- You had just arrived home from work and you left the spare key for Sangyeon to enter while you were out. You opened the door and poked your head in the living room. Not seeing Sangyeon anywhere you moseyed around your house and as you walked about, you froze outside your doorway, spotting him in front of a pile of clothing that lay on your bed. “What are you doing?” You questioned stepping into the room. He grabbed one of your shirts and folded it, “folding your laundry. I’m doing your chores remember,” he stated as a fact. You watched as he reached down and to your horror he picked up a clothing of item  that made you blush a dark crimson color. You leaped toward him, and he swung around holding the item higher. “Put that down Sangyeon,” you screeched somehow turning an even darker shade of red. You leaped for it again and he swung out of your reach. “I’m not joking Sangyeon.” You tried once more but this time you threw your body into it and as he spun around you lost your balance and almost fell to the floor. Luckily Sangyeon grabbed your waist and swung you close. He looked down at you and smirked, “I can’t give it back I have to finish your laundry. Unless...” you looked at him questioningly, “unless you want to end the bet, here and now,” he suggests. You scoffed and looked at him, then you looked up at the clothing that he held high in the air. Embarrassed you hung your head and agreed, “Okay, okay no more chores!” You yelled and he released you and lowered his hand, “thank you,” he said smugly. You ripped the item from his hands and hid it behind your back, before you watched him saunter out of the room in triumph.
I feel like I haven’t written for Sangyeon in eons XDXDXD Thanks for reading I hope you have a great day/night!!!!
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shipmistress9 · 6 years
FTLOAP: Chapter 10: Now Here We Stand, Unafraid Of The Future
Prologue; Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9
Alpha/Co-author: @athingofvikings
. o O o .
THE TRAILER! WOOOOO! I CAN'T! xD I'm so excited! Just good this chapter was finished yesterday already, not sure I could have done anything after watching the trailer. I'm still not over it, so cool! And the beard! I love the beard! xD
Okay, back to normal... I'll try...*deep breathe*
This chapter became ridiculously long... again! It was only meant as a short opening scene for the last chapter of part 1, but... oh well... It became this long on its own, without the other part. As I said, ridiculous. I simply can't help myself... Not sorry! :)
. o O o .
Hiccup recognised the voices easily. He’d spend enough time with Eret to know his laughter, and Prince Daniel’s was easy to identify as well. But if those two were here, did that mean…?
Frozen like a deer hearing a twig break, his heart racing, he stood in the middle of the corridor between the two rows of stalls and stared at the closed entrance door.
All Gods in Valhalla, please…
The smaller door within the gate opened, and, as he’d hoped, it was Astrid who entered first. The moment he saw her, he felt as if some invisible weight got lifted off his shoulders. She was here. She was here, and simply seeing her was enough to soothe him and make his heart leap in joy at the same time.
When her eyes fell on him though, she visibly tensed. He thought he saw something of the joy he felt in her eyes too, but it quickly got overshadowed by something darker, worries and a cool determination.
She’d paused in the doorway when she’d spotted him. But when the voices behind her became louder, she hastily stepped inside to make space for Eret and her brother. Her face gave nothing away as she gave him a polite nod, and Hiccup fought hard to equally school his expression, even though it felt neigh on impossible to do so. What had happened to make her act reserved like this again? Surely, she could at least have given him a small smile?
But she hadn’t. She just quickly walked past him. He could hear how she cooed and murmured at the horses, and then opened the door to one of the stalls, probably Markor’s. He didn’t dare to turn and make sure.
Both Daniel and Eret gazed after her, wide grins on their faces, before they turned their attention to Hiccup. “Good morning, Hiccup,” the Prince greeted him, amusement turning into a concerned smile. “I hope your…  accommodations are… well… tolerable?”
Glad over this distraction, Hiccup focused all his attention on the Prince – away from his sister and her odd behaviour. “Yes, Milord, they are,” he said truthfully. “It’s dry and sheltered from the wind, and warm enough too, with all the horses here. Straw is remarkably comfortable and I’m alone here. That’s definitely is a bonus, too.” He paused and averted his eyes, but then added without really intending to do so, “I’ve had much worse.” Glancing up, he looked into two concerned faces and scolded himself for letting those words slip. He hadn’t meant to sound so pathetic.
“That’s… good to hear,” the Prince finally broke the awkward silence.
Eret, however, simply snorted. “I told you, he’s fine here. It’s not like he hasn’t slept in some stables before. And it’s so much warmer down here, it’s ridiculous what you call winter.” He walked past Daniel and clapped Hiccup on the shoulder in greeting. Then he lifted a basket he was holding in his other hand. “I know you said you’re fine with living on apples, but I still brought you something more substantial. Father would never forgive me if I let you turn into that skinny fishbone of a man again.”
“Thank you, Sir,” he replied as Eret walked over to the side to place the basket onto one of the straw bales.
“Oh, stop that,” he sighed, rolling his eyes at Hiccup. “You’re not some lowly servant, okay? You don’t have to bow and scrape all the time, especially if there’s nobody around to act for. Not when it’s just us.”
“If you say so,” Hiccup mumbled. He stared at the ground, not meeting anyone’s eyes. He wanted to be a part of this group, more than anything else. But the simple truth was that he wasn’t. Not yet… There was a moment of awkward silence, a tension in the air that hadn’t been there the night before. Last night, the proverbial ice had been broken, but today, they seemed to have started anew.
“Right,” Daniel said after a few uncomfortable moments, changing the topic as he turned to Eret. “Which ones are the horses you said might be suitable? Not the mare or Astrid’s gelding, obviously, but I see you have five stallions here.”
He let his eyes wander along the row of stalls, and Hiccup made way to let the two men walk past him. These horses were Eret’s pride and joy, and it therefore was his privilege to show them to the Prince. There was no need for him to step in and take this work from his master. And then, there also was another advantage to them being occupied otherwise...
The moment Eret and Daniel turned away from him, he couldn’t keep his eyes from flickering to where Astrid stood in Markor’s stall. She was humming quietly under her breath, petting and scratching the big horse affectionately. Just like yesterday, the sight was mesmerising. He gazed in wonder, hoping to catch her attention. But she wasn’t looking, seemed completely lost in some blissful bubble of her own, and didn’t pay any attention to anyone but her horse. Certainly not to him. Swallowing, Hiccup forced himself not to stare at her, and focused back on the two men and the horses again as Eret began to introduce them.
“This one is Hunter,” Eret nodded toward the black beast in the first stall. “He belongs to Father. And that one next to him is my Crusher. You saw them both yesterday, remember?” The Prince nodded, and went past those two and the empty stall next to them. “And this is Chomp. He would be suitable, but I actually would recommend either Squish or Trample. Not that Chomp isn’t a great horse, but he’s a little thick-headed sometimes.”
“Chomp, Squish, and Trample?” Daniel inquired, snorting quietly. “Who came up with these names?” With calm steps he walked along the stalls, inspecting the horses within.
“Well, they kind of named themselves with their antics,” Eret replied dryly, rubbing his left arm where Chomp had bitten him once when he’d been little more than a colt, as Hiccup had been told. Eret was lucky to not have lost the arm, and the scar was pretty fierce. “But, of course, those aren’t their real names. Chomp, this sorrel here, is actually formally named Firewind Hookfang in the breeding register. But as I said, I wouldn’t recommend him. Not when you have a choice.” He walked next to Daniel past the stalls.
“Then we have this buckskin, Squish. Or Blazing Thunderstrike, as it says on the paper. And then there’s this black rascal, Trample. Or Twilight Shadowwalker. Fitting for his hide, don’t you think?” He gave his friend a sidelong grin. “Anyway, these two are the ones I would recommend to you. They, too, have a bit of a temperament, but you wouldn’t want a war stallion without that anyway.”
Daniel had listened with a raised eyebrow, but now shook his head, laughing quietly. “These names are hardly better... Let me guess, your sisters choose them again? Honestly, don’t they have other things to do than come up with those ridiculous names?” Eret smirked at that, but didn’t say anything as Daniel took a minute to give both stallions measuring looks. But it wasn’t much of a choice. Even over the small distance, Hiccup could see how there seemed to be an immediate connection between Daniel and Trample. With the usual noises to calm the beast, the Prince made a cautious step toward the black horse, and Trample let him pet his head without any trouble.
“Well, I guess that’s settled then,” Eret stated in an amused voice. “Let’s get him ready, and you can make a first test ride on the riding ring outside.” He made attempts to walk toward the tack room that lay behind a door at the side of the main stable room, but Hiccup beat him to it. Eret reacted with a heavy sigh, and, rolling his eyes, he said, “Hiccup, you don’t have to do this. You–”
“Yes, I do,” Hiccup interjected quietly. “I am your squire. And readying a horse for you is certainly part of my duties.”
Eret gave him a flat look, snorted, and shook his head. ”All right. If that’s how you see it. But don’t expect me to treat you any different.”
Hiccup gave his cousin a small smile before ducking into the tack room to look for where they’d placed Trample’s bridle and saddle the day before.
. o O o .
Astrid enjoyed the peaceful moments she was able to spend in Markor’s stall, she really did. Caring for him yesterday had been wonderful, partially because she’d been allowed to do so for once. But simply enjoying the horse’s company right now was great, too. She was leaning against the broad neck, her bare fingers scratching his hide as she’d pulled off her gloves the instant she’d entered the stall. Quietly humming to herself, she enjoyed being able to let her mind wander without anyone interrupting her… Yes, all in all, it was very enjoyable.
Or it would have been.
Usually, she was quite able to pay no mind to everything around her when she was around horses. But, of course, today nothing was ‘as usual’. All the time, she had to fight the urge to let her eyes flicker over to Hiccup where he stood a few steps away from Eret and her brother, attentive as he was supposed to be.
In a way, it was even worse than it had been last night. Last night, everything had been so confusing. And even after their shared minutes and their kisses, after their souls had melted together and everything had started to make sense, she hadn’t fully grasped it all. But now, she understood that her life was connected to his. And no matter how much she wanted to throw herself into his embrace, she couldn’t do anything to risk his life.
Sure, Ruff had probably been right. Daniel wouldn’t want to punish him. Not after how well they’d gotten along last night and the bits he and Eret had talked about earlier. But still, she had no doubts that, if her brother would ever learn about what had happened, he wouldn’t hesitate to have Hiccup killed. Daniel wasn’t brutal or sadistic... but she had noticed that the years on the battlefield were already starting to harden him. He’d developed a taste for expedient justice, and his law against touching her was only one example. Admittedly, he only executed said justice when guilt was obvious... but if he caught them together like they’d been yesterday... that would be pretty obvious.
She chewed at her lip at the thought. She wanted nothing more than to be with Hiccup, to feel his warmth, his touch, and get to know him. But she would need to be exceedingly careful. Daniel might be oblivious to romantic matters of any sort, but Eret surely was not. His teasing earlier might have been just a joke, but he’d been awfully close. And when it came down to choosing between her and Daniel, his loyalty surely lay with his future King.
Trying to keep her thoughts from wandering to dangerous territory, she listened as the men talked about the war stallions House Jag’r had brought. Unsurprisingly, Daniel decided on the black stallion as he had a preference for those, and equally unsurprisingly, Eret suggested to directly go for a test ride on the riding ring outside. She had expected as much, had counted on that, in fact. If only the rest of the day also went as she hoped. She would still need to keep up her act and come up with a believable excuse, but–
“Hey, You all right in there?” Eret’s cheerful voice came suddenly through the stall door.
She looked up to see him poking his head through the opening at the front of the stall. “Yes, I’m fine,” she replied, smiling, and ran her hand down Markor’s neck. “He really is amazing, and I can’t thank you enough.” And not only for the horse you brought, she added mentally.
“I’m really glad you like him,” he said, winking good-humouredly. “But I’m sorry that I had no chance to get his saddle so far. I promise to somehow get it here as soon as possible.”
“Oh, that’s fine. I don’t mind,” she stated happily as his words sparked an idea. “But what about you? Aren’t you and Daniel supposed to get his stallion ready?”
Eret snorted. “Yeah, well, the perks of having an overly eager squire… Makes me feel useless.” He paused, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. “But what about I show you the ‘pretty’ saddle we brought while we wait? Apparently, I have nothing else to do anyway, and it really is worth a look. You’ll love it.”
Astrid doubted that, but agreed nonetheless. She left Markor’s stall and followed Eret toward the attached tack room, but paused again when Daniel beckoned him over.
“Heh, Eret? A moment to take a look at this?” He didn’t call out loudly – mindful of the horses – but sounded serious nonetheless, concerned even.
Eret looked up with a frown, nodded, and turned back to Astrid. “I’ll see what he wants.You just go ahead and I’ll be there in a minute,” he said lightly, and left her standing.
She followed him with her eyes as he went toward the stall where Daniel stood near his new stallion. For a moment, she watched them as they inspected something on the horse’s leg, but then she shrugged to herself and entered the small and dusty room...
To run directly into Hiccup.
She gasped in surprise, a noise he mirrored. He dropped what he was holding, and she barely registered the clattering thud of metal and leather hitting the ground as she abruptly found herself in his arms.
Astrid froze as she felt his hands on her waist, her own hands bracing against his chest to steady herself. Dumbfounded, she gazed up into his beautiful face, his eyes wide and lips parted in surprise. Oh, how she’d yearned for his embrace! Their sudden closeness made her heart race, her breathing quickening. She could feel his breath brushing over her skin, his warmth soaking into her where she could feel him through their clothes.
For a few precious heartbeats, they held each other. She felt her heart with the piece of his soul glowing with joy, their connection thrumming at the unexpected closeness. It was wonderful, amazing, everything she’d wished for – and extremely dangerous!
His eyes glazed over, becoming more intense as he slightly bent his head, and for the fraction of a second she thought – hoped, and feared – he might kiss her.
The clicking of heavy boots on stone was the only warning.
Astrid pushed Hiccup away from her in an instant. She made a hasty step backwards and saw how he stumbled, a confused look on his face. But there was no time to explain anything. When Eret opened the door a second later, she stood frozen in place, unimaginably grateful for the lack of proper illumination that hopefully hid her blush and her frightened expression. Hiccup had hastily dropped to his knees, maybe to hide his face.
“And here I am again. Sorry you had to wait,” Eret said cheerfully, then frowned at Hiccup crouching on the ground.
“Is everything all right with Daniel’s stallion?” Astrid asked, after rummaging through her memories to come up with something reasonable to say.
“Yeah, nothing to worry. Daniel just noticed a scratch on Trample’s upper leg, but it’s nothing serious. You already took care of that, as I saw?”
The last words were obviously meant for Hiccup, who had just straightened up again. He was a little breathless, but otherwise seemed unperturbed, the dropped bridle back in his hand. “Yes, I applied the healing salve directly when I noticed it earlier,” came Hiccup’s sober affirmation.
“Good man. Not that I regret your decision, but you would have made a great stable master. Ah well, that’s how it is. Anyway, you can get started with rubbing Trample down right away, I’ll bring the saddle once we’re done here.”
“As you wish, Sir,” Hiccup replied, the teasing tone in his voice not hidden to Astrid.
Eret, however, sounded more exasperated. “Hiccup, I swear. If you don’t…” He trailed off, groaning, as Hiccup chuckled and then quickly walked toward the exit.
As he passed her, he politely bowed his head in her direction and murmured a short “Milady,” in greeting. This formal form of address sounded so wrong coming from him. But, of course, it was the only sensible one. Astrid secretly saluted Hiccup for how quickly he’d caught himself, for how easily he’d acted as if nothing had happened. Because all she was able to do in response to him was nod mutely. Hiccup left the small room, and Astrid let out the breath she hadn’t even noticed she’d been holding. Freya, she needed to do better than this. Sighing, she turned back to Eret – who gave her a scrutinizing look.
“Is everything all right?” he asked seriously. Frigga, why had he to be so good at reading her?
“Sure, why not?” she nonetheless tried to ward off his concern. But he wasn’t buying it.
“You seem… tense somehow. Especially around Hiccup. And… well, I understand, you know? Last night, Daniel told me all that happened. Why he thought this... this law to be necessary and all, and I see his point. But Hiccup isn’t like that. I promise. He’s a decent guy, and would never… You don’t need to be afraid of him. And… well, I’m sorry to pull you two in on this, but he really could use some friends right now. He’s been through a lot.”
Astrid stared at him, not sure whether to laugh or to cry. He was asking her to befriend Hiccup? Because he was a decent guy, and surely would never touch her? Gods, the irony was incredible. What could she possibly say to this?
“Okay? That’s all?” Eret, who seemed to have expected a stronger reaction, blinked in confusion.
“Well, what else should I say?” she replied lightly. “I’m not afraid of Hiccup, if that’s what concerns you. It’s just… weird, I think. Maybe because I don’t know him at all, not like I know you or the others. But I’ll try to put in some effort to change that, all right?” It was nothing but the truth.
Eret hesitated, but then nodded and gave her a broad smile. “Thanks, Swanja. That means a lot to me,” he said sincerely. Then he beckoned her to follow him. “Anyway, that’s not why we came here. Come, what I wanted to show you is over there.” He went ahead to the far corner of the room where a narrow beam of sunlight fell through a small window and provided better illumination. With mischievously gleaming eyes, he gestured toward what could be called a saddle, except…
“What in Loki’s name!?” she sputtered, disbelievingly. What hung on the saddle rack in front of her was… hilarious!
Covered in dark blue satin, the saddle was indeed a gorgeous piece of horse-riding tack. Or it would have been if that had been all. The scenery of swans swimming on a lake – embroidered with silver and gold threads – surely was beautiful and detailed, but seemed a bit... excessive on a saddle skirt, to say the least. And the additional embellishments of brocade and stitched-on glass beads around the dual pommels was assuredly, absolutely too much. The tassels hanging from the cantle were tasteful, at least, and were done in a way that managed to suggest a swan’s tail-feathers. And the leather of the fender, stirrup and straps had been neatly tooled with more waterfowl. It was a gorgeous piece of art...
That would be ruined the instant Markor went anywhere there was a hint of dirt or mud.  And while the stitching holding the seat to the saddle skirt was – yep, she checked – silver bullion wire, a ridiculous extravagance, it was at least flush with the leather. Even the seat had been embossed with a swan in flight, which just made her shake her head. And they’d clearly gone a little too enthusiastic on the decoration for the pommels; while the parts that would be touching her thighs directly were smooth leather, the rest of the pommels were embellished to the point of absurdity.
How long Astrid stared at the ludicrous, ridiculous piece of riding equipment, she didn’t know.  It looked so entirely out of place in the dusty, practical tack-room, as if it had been misplaced by some absent-minded dvergr. Her expression must have been gloriously bewildered, as  Eret clearly reached a point where he couldn’t control himself anymore and burst out laughing. “Yes, that’s the face I expected,” he guffawed. “Seriously Swanja, I wish you could see your expression right now.”
“How in all Gods’ names did this happen?” she asked incredulously. “I mean… Your father said your sisters did this, but… but don’t they know what a saddle is for? How is this… this thing supposed to survive even one ride?”
Eret shook his head, still grinning. “It’s not.”
“Just look at this!” she went on in disbelief, not reacting to his comment in any way. “Even ignoring the fact that whatever dress I wear is going to completely cover this saddle; as soon as I go anything above a trot, the skirt will wrap around the pommels and get ripped to shreds by the beading and embroidery!”
“So don’t go above a trot, then,” Eret said with a smirk.  
This time, she gave him a sour look. “I’ll simply wear my practical and thick riding leathers beneath some discarded linen dress, thank you. That way, at least my legs will survive this saddle and none of my usual outfits gets destroyed.”
“Oh, please do! Just imagine the scandal,” Eret said with teasing glee and held up a hand as he leaned over, as if visualizing something off in the distance. “The refined Princess Astrid, riding her gift horse and fine gift-saddle from House Jag’r... while wearing a pair of worn and dirty leather riding trousers beneath rags.”
She groaned.  
“Sorry to burst your bubble,” he didn’t sound very sorry, “but you’re probably going to have to use it at least once for some formal ride somewhere. Wearing a skirt. At a trot that’s so slow that you’re going to want to scream, knowing that you could be flying instead.”
Astrid groaned at the image he painted with his words. She’d been a part of such formal processions before, and they were deadly boring. But she would at least take Eret down with her...“If that’s actually going to happen one day, then I’ll make sure you’re a part of it, too. Riding somewhere behind me, just as slowly.”
“No, don’t do that! Have me locked in with my grandfather for a weekend instead!” Eret protested in mock desperation.
“What, and let you off easy?” she fired back. “Nope. Sentence is spoken. It’s that or possibly being pecked to death by swans. I can take you over to the pond and throw you in right now. Your choice.”
“Well, I suppose that might be the more pleasant choice. But then you’d have to explain things to my father, Hiccup, and Dagur,” Eret said with a grin.
Astrid snorted, making Eret chuckle. “All right, you get to live, this time,” she said, deadly serious… before she burst out laughing as well.
Laughing like this was liberating, even with the sting of her secret between them. It felt natural, normal. She knew that, once she left this small room, she would need to keep her every action in check again to not reveal how Hiccup’s mere presence affected her, to not endanger him. But when she pressed her hand to her chest, presumably to catch her breath, she knew that it was worth it. He was worth it.
Once they’d calmed down again, she continued to examine the details of the saddle’s stitchings. It truly was completely mental. There had to be a small fortune of silver thread stitched into the thing...
“You’re a sadist, and I know that you encouraged this, didn’t you?” she said after a while, shaking her head at the sheer lunacy of this thing.
“Who, me?” Eret said innocently, and then chuckled. “Don’t worry too much, we all knew you probably won’t ever actually use it. It’s more of an alibi, for you and for my sisters alike. Believe me, these days they are eagerly grasping for every excuse to claim being busy to avert any unwanted attention.”
Astrid raised an eyebrow at his words, looking up from inspecting the equally ridiculously embellished bridle. “Unwanted attention?”
“Yeah, well…” Eret scratched his neck sheepishly. “There’s been a surge in young noblemen who all came up with the same idea: marry a daughter from one of the higher Houses for the alliance and maybe a bit more power. I mean, they’re probably right. And I easily admit that this is a far more pleasant way to seek power than simply killing your rivals, especially as most seem to put honest effort into courting the girls to win their hearts and hands. But it’s become a lot more intense lately, and my sisters are grasping for every opportunity to flee their suitors.”
Astrid contemplated his words with a slight frown. “But… last time I checked your sisters were younger than I am. Isn’t it a bit… early for them to think about marriage?” She was aware of the irony for her to say these words after she’d been thinking a lot about marriage since yesterday, but still.
But Eret simply shrugged. “It’s not like Father would marry them off right away. But contracts can already be made and sealed, even if the wedding only takes place in a couple of years. Besides… waiting to get married until the bride is twenty is not a law. It’s just a custom, one you’re far more fond of down here in the south then we’re anyway. And if it serves to settle some dispute between Father’s vessels, then I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to concur – as long as whichever of my sisters isn’t totally against it.”
Astrid nodded in understanding. It wasn’t that much of an uncommon practice after all.
“Anyway,“ went Eret on. “It’s not like it’s that likely to actually happen anytime soon. I think Father mentioned something about how he wanted to talk with your father about other ways to calm those disputes or something. And it’s not that bad so far, for us, at least. There are just a dozen or so young men around the stud farm practically every day, hoping to talk to one of the girls. Or to impress them or Father or sometimes even me with their skills in caring for the horses, trying to convince us of their suitability. Frankly, it’s quite entertaining, from my point of view, at least. The stables are cleaner than they’ve been in years.”
“You’re horrible,” Astrid chuckled as they turned to leave the room.
“Of course, I am,” he agreed cheerfully, took a black saddle from one of the racks, and added with a wink, “And here I thought you of all people knew that already.”
. o O o .
With a strained grunt, Hiccup lifted the heavy saddle up and onto Trample’s broad back. It was difficult, but he had to get used to this. House Jag’r’s horses were so much bigger compared to those he was used to. Or… had been used to… His jaw tightened at the dull ache that accompanied this thought.
Once again, his eyes flickered to Astrid for a scant second to chase away the hurtful memories. When she’d left the tack room a few minutes before, she’d been in an exceedingly good mood, laughing about some comment Eret must have made. Then she’d returned to Markor’s stall, and was now humming quietly to herself. All he could see of her were occasional glimpses of her golden hair.
And she hadn’t even looked at him again.
But that was probably just because she was cautious. Yes, that had to be it. Despite the animated discussion he and Daniel had had last night and the friendly smile from this morning, Hiccup vividly remembered the warning he’d been given. Surely, it was just because she was trying to be careful. No need to panic...
“Okay, he’s ready,” Hiccup announced once the saddle was tightly attached to Trample. Eret and Daniel, who’d stood to the side, talking quietly, looked up and came over. “I’ve left the halter on as I guess you want to lunge first. But I can quickly bridle him, as soon as–”
“That’s alright, we can do that ourselves,” Eret said decidedly, and took the bridle out of Hiccup’s hand to lay it aside for later use. “But yes, we’ll do some lungeing first. Are you coming, Daniel? Lots to do today.”
Daniel hesitated and threw a questioning look over at his sister. “Aren't you coming, Astrid?” he asked, head cocked to the side as she made no move to leave Markor’s stall and follow them. Hiccup perked up his head to look at her, just like Eret did.
“No, I’ll stay here,” she replied absentmindedly, head leaned against the horse's neck and apparently entirely caught up in her thoughts.
His heartbeat quickened at the prospect of them staying behind – alone – but he also caught the worried expression on the Prince’s face. He seemed as if he wanted to object when Eret placed a hand on his friend’s arm.
“Hey, it’s all right,” he said quietly, his voice easily carrying toward where Hiccup stood. “I get that you’re worried for her after what you told me last night. But look at her. Does she look scared or anything? She’s fine. There’s no need to soothe any fears when there are none.”
“Maybe,” the Prince replied, murmuring. “It’s just…” Hiccup practically felt how piercing blue eyes rested on him for a moment, and he tried hard to act as if he was just lounging around and not listening in.
“Listen,” Eret interjected, even quieter than before. “There’s no need to worry about him. He’s not like that creep Thuggory or that other man. I promise – no, I vouch for him. She’s safe with him. Besides,” he added more cheerfully. “You do remember the scared swan, right? She can take care of herself.”
The Prince sighed, and from the corner of his eye, Hiccup saw how he nodded. “You’re right, I guess. Okay. Let’s get started.”
They left the stables and Hiccup gazed after them, thoughtfully. Eret’s words had hit him on many levels, and he wasn’t sure about which to think first. Why should Astrid be scared of him? He hadn’t given her any reason for that… had he? No, surely not. But what had he meant by creep? It didn’t make much sense to him. And what had that been about a scared swan? It had sounded… meaningful somehow, like there was a story behind that phrase. It at least seemed to have been important enough to convince the Prince in the end. He wondered what that had meant.
But aside from those confusing comments, there had been something else that bothered him even more. Eret had vouched for him… He’d promised that Astrid would be safe with Hiccup. Gulping, he fought to calm down the troubled emotions that started to boil up inside him.
Of course, Astrid was safe with him! The mere thought something could ever happen to her made his heart cramp painfully, and in that moment, he knew that he would do anything to ensure her safety. But that probably hadn’t been what Eret had meant.
No, the Prince wasn’t worried about something dangerous that could happen to her, some outer threat she needed protection from. And why would he be? There was not much that could actually happen to her here at the capitol. There were no Malarian raiders who could penetrate this far into the kingdom, and the only other real threat, the dragons, barely ever came this far south. No, what the Prince was worried about were some creeps, men who simply lusted after her body. And now, they’d left her alone with him, despite that fear. Because Eret had vouched for him.
Hiccup took a deep shuddering breath and closed his eyes. He’s right!, he thought to himself. He wasn’t like that, wasn’t forbiddenly lusting after some random girls like some men did. This was something different. Eret was right to leave her with him. The Prince probably would disagree if he knew about Hiccup’s feelings for her, but it was true nonetheless. She was safe with him. He would never…
As the stable door finally closed, he looked up at where she still stood inside the stall. She seemed lost in thoughts, so he felt free to gaze at her. Eret was right. When it came down to the points Daniel probably was concerned about, then she was safe with him. He would never do anything she wouldn’t want him to do. He wouldn’t venture where he was explicitly forbidden. He would never take what wasn’t rightfully his. But all Gods above, if the Prince knew about how they’d kissed last night, and how he wanted to kiss and hold her again right now, he would probably kill him on the spot.
And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to stay away from her. Not when they were finally alone.
He took a deep breath, grimacing as his leg tingled from standing still. Suddenly, he was nervous. He wasn’t sure how to approach her. Should he simply go to her, enter the stall and take her into his arms as he longed to? Simply being near her again? Somehow it felt weird to do so when she was so completely engrossed in enjoying her time with Markor.
He made a few hesitant steps in her direction, wondering why she wasn’t even looking at him. Hadn’t she noticed how Eret and her brother had left? That they were alone? Surely, she must have…
As he took another hesitant step in her direction, the stable door opened again, and Eret came in, his demeanour satisfied, and walked over to the hay bale with the basket. He snagged a pastry, took a bite, and then seemed to notice that Hiccup was sheepishly standing in the middle of the corridor.
“Why are you just standing there?” he asked, throwing Hiccup a confused look. “If you have nothing else to do, you can take a break and eat something.” He motioned to the basket. “This is for all of us, after all.”
“Erm… okay,” Hiccup said. He walked over to where Eret was standing and leaned against the straw bale as if to settle there, the basket in arm’s reach.
“How’s it going?”
Surprised at the suddenness of hearing Astrid, Hiccup turned to look; she’d poked her head out of the stall’s small opening, looking cheerful, her gaze entirely fixed on Eret, but Hiccup thought he could also see a certain tenseness in her.
“Perfectly, as expected,” Eret replied. “Daniel is leading him around so they get used to each other. But he won’t have any problems with this one.”
“That’s good to hear. I just hope he can keep him for a while this time.”
“Me too,” Eret sighed. “But the Malarians aren’t stupid. They know that, without the horses, our men are far less effective. It would be stupid of them not to target their attacks at them.”
“I know,” came Astrid’s despondent reply. “I just… I just wish all this pointless killing would stop at some point.”
“You’re not alone there,” snorted Eret, then waved and left the stables after grabbing a few more pastries on his way out.
Hiccup waited until the door was closed again, then stood up to walk over to her. Obviously, she wasn’t that lost in her thoughts, judging by her short conversation with Eret just now. Sure, she’d gone back to humming and scratching by now, but still...
He had almost reached the stall when she suddenly looked up after all. It was nothing but a quick glance, her stern blue eyes finding his without a moment’s doubt. She just looked, her expression unreadable, and then turned away again, her entire attention back on Markor.
Hiccup frowned but paused in his steps, confused. Why was she still acting like this when they were alone? Or did she genuinely want to spend time with her horse? That was something he couldn’t really begrudge her, considering how much she loved horses, according to Eret.
Indecisively, he paused in his steps, then turned and returned to the food basket. If that was what she wanted then he wouldn’t impose on her. Surely, they would get another chance… eventually…
Unsure what to do now, he reached into the basket and pulled out one of the pastries. He hadn’t paid attention to what he pulled out of the basket, instead just picking out something absently and taking a bite. But when the sweet taste of honey and nuts filled his mouth, his eyes closed on their own accord, savouring the divine taste. His thoughts drifted back to the night before, when he’d picked one of these by coincidence – the same one Astrid had reached for. It had felt like yet another string added to their connection, a tiny piece of knowledge about her, in that they had similar tastes in food.
Right… They were connected now. That was irrevocable. But that didn’t mean they would have to give up everything else. If she didn’t want to talk right now, if she wanted to enjoy her gift instead, well, that was okay. They still each had their own lives. Even though it felt to Hiccup as if his entire life was about her now.
Not wanting to sit around and feeling superfluous, Hiccup stood up and got the broom that was leaning against a wall. There were things he could do, something other than just oogle her all day if she was busy otherwise.
“Heh. I thought you wanted to eat,” came Eret’s teasing remark as he came inside again a few minutes later.
“Yes, and that’s what I did,” Hiccup replied, quickly searching his mind for more to say. “But sitting still isn’t all that comfortable on the long run. So I… I thought I could sweep the floor. You know, after grooming Trample...”
Eret gave him a strange look, but then simply shrugged. “Never try to make sense of a Tribesman,” he mumbled. Apparently, this was a common saying, but one Hiccup had never heard before two years ago. Eret walked past him to get the bridle from where it hung next to Tramples stall.
“Are you already done with lunging?”
Both Eret and Hiccup looked up at Astrid’s surprised remark. Again, she’d poked her head through the small opening and nodded at the bridle in Eret’s hand. Apparently, she was paying more attention to her surroundings then Hiccup had thought. She just didn’t seem to be interested in him.
“Yes, it works really well. A few rounds around the ring and that should be it,” Eret replied, and left the stables again.
Hiccup looked at the door through which his cousin had just left and then to where Astrid had retreated back into the stall, further avoiding even the tiniest contact. Not even a quick glance...
Had something happened to change her mind? He didn’t really believe that, didn’t want to believe that, but… seeing how she kept ignoring him didn’t exactly help to make him feel confident. Had she learned something or heard something and now didn’t want anything to do with him anymore? She probably couldn’t end this connection between them, but she surely could ignore it. Was that what she was doing? Ignoring him and move on?
A part of him wasn’t even surprised. Ever since he remembered, people had looked at him with disdain and contempt. For not being strong, for not being a fighter. For not being who they thought he would be. Was it really that surprising that Astrid, the beautiful Princess who could probably choose from a dozen or more handsome and rich Dukes didn’t want to be associated with a failure like himself?
He remembered how they’d collided in the tack room earlier. How she’d looked at him, not really happy, and how she’d pushed him away, hard enough for him to stumble to the ground. He’d thought she’d done it just because of the approaching footsteps, but now he wondered.
He looked down at his hand around the broom and snorted harshly. Of course, she didn’t want him. In the end, he was nothing. Nothing but a lowly servant, good for nothing but shovelling horse shit.
But that seemed to be the theme of his life. He hadn’t minded taking care of his father’s animals in his youth; he’d been far better at it than at fighting anyway. And he hadn’t minded doing so for his uncle during the past months, as it was his only means by which to pay him back for his kindness. He wouldn’t have minded doing it for the rest of his life if he’d chosen to become a stablemaster. He didn’t mind doing it while they were at the castle as it provided a perfect excuse for him not to be around noblemen who potentially might recognise him after all. And he didn’t mind doing it in the future as Eret’s squire either.
This was his life now, the life he had chosen. Granted, he’d chosen it to be with her. But even if she didn’t want him now anymore, then this was still his life. He would get used to it. Would have to...
His thoughts kept running in circles as he mechanically swept the floor. In Markor’s stall, she was humming a low tune to herself, sounding happy and content, and entirely ignorant of his misery. It was mind-jarring. Every now and then over the next hour or so, Eret or sometimes Daniel came inside, getting food or something to drink, or getting rid of their jackets as the sun rose higher. They gave friendly comments and Astrid happily chatted with them, but Hiccup wasn’t paying much attention.
Was that really it? One night of happiness, of dreaming about a life with her? A few hours of finally looking forward to the future? He gulped, and turned once more to look at her. In his mind’s eye, she seemed to radiate, to glow. She was joy and warmth and everything he wanted. And he wouldn’t simply give up like that!
He decided to approach her after all, taking the risk of her rejecting him against the uncertainty. He just had to try. Whatever it was that had changed her mind... maybe someone had told her something. Something that wasn’t true and he could set right. Or at least something he could explain. Reaching up to that burning spot on his chest to gather his courage, he went to Markor’s stall and was about to open the gate – when the front door opened again.
With brightly gleaming eyes, the Prince stepped inside. He directly went to the basket with the food and served himself, before he came over.
“These Jag’r-horses really are quite something,” he stated cheerily and threw a bit of cheese into his mouth. “The difference to the normal horses I had to ride during the last few weeks is almost ridiculous.” He shook his head in wonder.
Astrid looked up at him without a pause and threw him an amused smirk. “You’re aware of the fact that you say that every time? Shouldn’t you be used to that by now?”
Hiccup stood to the side, watching the exchange with trepidation and a rapidly beating heart. Had this been another sign? That he was to stay away? He felt numb. Maybe the rush of their weird connection had clouded her mind last night, and the light of day had made her see clear again. Maybe she simply didn’t want anything to do with him after all. If she decided to ignore their bond… Hiccup wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to cope then.
Astrid’s quiet but true laughter caught his attention again, and he put in some effort to concentrate on the here and now again. “You want to go on a ride? Through the countryside? Why am I not surprised?” she asked, amused.
Eret returned, too, leading Trample back inside. “It was inevitable, wasn’t it?” he dryly replied to her question, and tied the stallion to a ring mounted in his stall’s front. “But then, that’s why we’re all wearing riding gear, right? I’ll prepare Crusher, and Hiccup can help you with Markor once Cassie is ready. These two are far calmer, after all, that should go quickly. And–”
“I’m not going with you,” Astrid snorted, interrupting him. Three heads turned in her direction, all with equally surprised expressions on their faces. She didn’t want to go for a ride after she’d spent all morning cuddling her new horse? That didn’t really make sense. Surely, there was an explanation, but Hiccup wasn’t able to think right now. As if through a haze, he watched the back and forth around him, his numb mind trying to process.
“You’re not?” Daniel asked, bewildered. “Why? I thought you’d love to go for a ride with your new favourite man.” He chuckled, and Astrid threw him a dark glare.
“I would,” she admitted, a little miffed. “But as I recall, the proper saddle is still in the servants’ quarters. I surely won’t go for a ride on that hilarious torture device of a saddle.” She gestured toward the tack room, grimacing.
‘Ah, that makes sense,’ Hiccup thought numbly.
Eret and Daniel shared a concerned look. “I… didn’t think of that,” Eret admitted sheepishly.
Daniel grimaced, but then shrugged. “Ah, well... We can go on a ride on another day then. It’s not like we have much else to do during the next weeks until the Midwinter festivities.”
“No, don’t delay that ride,” Astrid said cheerily, turning back to pet Markor’s neck. “I can see how much you two are looking forward to it, and I don’t mind staying behind.”
“Seriously?” Eret gave her a sceptical look. “We’ll be gone for a couple of hours, I think. That could become quite boring.”
At that, she giggled. “I doubt that. You know me, I never notice much when I’m around horses. Surely not the passing of time.”
Despite himself, the increasingly pained thought in the back of Hiccup’s head commented, ‘Yeah, I noticed… not time... and not me.’
“True enough,” Eret shrugged.
“But you’d be all on your own,” Daniel threw in, worried. “I don’t think…”
“Oh, for Odin’s sake, I’ll be fine, Daniel,” she exclaimed. “Nobody ever comes here anyway.”
Daniel didn’t seem convinced.
“Hiccup could keep her company, if that makes you feel better,” Eret suggested, clearly eager to go for this fun ride they’d planned.
Daniel looked up at Hiccup, scrutinising him. But then his features cleared and he nodded. “Would that be all right for you, Astrid?” he asked.
She shrugged. “Sure, why not? If that makes you feel better.”
“You don’t mind babysitting my sister, right?” he asked, turning toward Hiccup with an amused twinkle in his eyes now. “She can be stubborn, but usually is good company.”
Hiccup swallowed, his gaze shifting from Daniel, who looked at him expectantly, to Astrid, who had all her attention on Markor again, and back again. “Of course, Milord. I don’t mind,” he said, as he thought ‘It can’t get any worse anyway.’
“Okay, then that’s settled,” Eret said, relieved.
Daniel stayed with Trample as Hiccup helped Eret preparing Crusher. They worked quickly; the past months had made them quite efficient, and shortly, Eret and the Prince led their horses back outside.
“Until later then. Don’t eat all the food, okay?” Eret called in parting.
“Have fun,” Astrid called back, and waved absentmindedly after them.
Hiccup followed them outside to hold the two black stallions in place until their riders sat in their saddles. Then he gazed after them as they rode past the paddock and finally disappeared behind a hill. He didn’t really want to go back inside, and dreaded the idea of spending hours with Astrid ignoring him like she’d done all day. But he had not much choice in that matter. He had agreed to keep her company, after all…
Those would be some long hours indeed.
But when he entered the stables and closed the door behind him, he suddenly found himself with an unexpected armful of Princess. Out of reflex, his arms closed around her, holding her, before his mind even had the slightest chance to understand what had happened.
“I thought they’d never leave,” she mumbled against his chest, her hands on his back clutching him tightly.
“W-What?” he stammered, disoriented by the sudden change in her behaviour. His arms around her were trembling.
“I knew they would want to go for a ride,” she explained, chuckling weakly. “They always do. I just had to convince them that they could leave me – leave us here without worrying.”
And then he understood. She’d acted so indifferent on purpose, so neither Daniel or Eret would think anything about leaving them alone? Because she’d known that would give them the chance to actually be alone? Gods…
Relief washed through him like a tangible warm wave, brushing away his tension and anxiety in a heartbeat. His arms around her tightened and he clutched her to his chest, chuckling shakily at his own stupidity. With her in his arms now and the already so familiar mayweed scent in his nose, he saw how pointless his worries had been. Of course she wouldn’t ignore their bond. Of course not…
“Eret was right,” he said, voice trembling slightly as he recalled something his cousin had said regularly. “Your mood swings really are dangerous.”
In his arms, she laughed lightly, the sweet sound making his heart swell. “Only if you don’t see them coming,” she replied, grinning up at him.
Despite her obviously good mood, her words dampened his own noticeably. “Guess I don’t know you well enough, then,” he replied throatily, grimacing as that fact hit him once again.
At his despondent tone, Astrid retreated to look up at him. She raised one hand and let her fingers glide over his face, as if to smooth out the lines that had formed there. Exhaling slowly, he leaned into her touch, warm and soft like sunshine.
“Well, we have a couple of hours to change that,” she said lightly, eyes soft as he looked at her. “What would you want to know?”
. o O o .
Okay... you knew the angst would come, right? I mean... it's me! Just a tiny droplet though... more to come in later chapters ;)
So, one chapter to go until the hiatus. Two warnings though: 1. Sticky-sweet, teeth-rotting fluff to come... xD 2. I sincerely hope the next chapter will be on time... But it's my birthday this Sunday, and usually, things always get a bit hectic. I'll do my best, though :)
Comments are always welcome :)
Next Chapter
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: Purge Akuma
An RP me and @pika-ace did relating to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU, where an Akuma brings The Purge to life.
(The Akuma flies above the city, he smirks and casts a spell upon the city) Akuma: Time for the real life Purge to begin! >:) (A couple of seconds later, everyone jolts up from their beds, hearing the sound of a loud siren)
Jeremy: God, why are all akuma’s like this?!?
(Suddenly, an announcement echoed throughout the city, talking about something called "The Purge")
Michael: Wait...no...NO we are NOT in that god awful movie!!
(As soon as the word "Purge" was heard by Jane, she immediately bolted out of her room and started dragging every precious thing she can think of into her room. Joe
walks out of his room and sees Jane dragging the shelf that once contained the Miraculouses)
Joe: ...I’m assuming you know what this purge means?
Jane: YES I FUCKING DO! It's when every crime in the nation becomes legal MEANING that during the Purge, it's A OK to break into someone's house! So i'm NOT gonna let
ANY Miraculous related thing you own get stolen by some freak!!
Joe: O_O
Jane: So yeah, gotta put every single precious thing in the house in my room!
(Joe nods and pulls out his phone for a group text, telling everyone to meet up and to be extra careful)
Eric: *text* Alright, meet you there!
(Joe nods and closes the text and looks up to see Jane running back to her room but carrying Kirsty) Joe: How did you...? Jane: ADRENALINE. Kirsty: Janey, I know my parents are out of town but you didn’t have to break me out of my own house... Jane: I DONT CARE! EVERYTHING PRECIOUS STAYS CLOSE TO ME
(Jane puts Kirsty in her room and runs out only to get Mittie)
(She then sits in her pile of stashed objects, holding Kirsty and Mittie close) Joe: ...Alright then I’ll...be back soon...
Jane: Wait Dad, stay! I know you're a Miraculous Holder but i don't want to loose you in whatever hellstorm is gonna brew up out there! D:
Joe: Jane, an akuma is causing this, and I’m not letting my children fight this without me!
Jane: I've SEEN clips and trailers for the Purge movies! I learned the basics of how this goes! Even if an Akuma is doing this, i don't want you getting killed by some
maniac! *she lets go of Mittie and Kirsty, then she holds onto Joe's arm* You're just as precious to me as everything and everyone else i care about!
Joe: Jane...what kind of father would I be if I hid while the rest of my children risk their lives out there? I have to do this to protect them, and you.
Jane: *looks at Joe for a few seconds and squeezes Joe's hand* If you're gonna do this...just please...PLEASE...be careful...i...i don't know...what i'll do...if i
loose you, Dad... *starts tearing up*
Joe: I will, darling. You be brave and stay safe, and keep these two out of trouble. *winks at Kirsty and Mittie*
Kirsty: We’ll be okay! (Joe gives a little kiss on Jane’s forehead) Jane: Please be okay, Dad...
Joe: I will... (He transforms and flies off)
(Jane holds onto Kirsty and Mittie, as Owl leaves the house)
(Owl flies to a roof where the other holders are waiting)
Leo: There you are Owl Dad!
Owl: Did everyone arrive safely?
Hound: Yep!
Owl: Good; hopefully this won’t be like Party Maniac Where we get separated and captured. Tiger: Knock on wood. Owl: So we have to find the akuma
Timber: Yeah, and once we do, we beat the crap out of him! Like we usually do.
Coral: I still can’t believe we’re living this stupid movie...
Owl: How is this "stupid"? From what i heard from Jane, it actually sounds terrifying having a day where every crime in the nation be legal.
Leo: Yeah, but they never explain WHY or HOW it works and causes World Peace! Pacific: I hear the other movies are better since it’s really just a ploy from the government to kill off all the poor people
Owl: O_O Well, i have to disagree with the fact this “Purge” causes World Peace. Peace cannot be achieved through death and destruction, and using it to eliminate the
poor is just sick and wr- Cyber: Can we talk about those films AFTER we deal with the Akuma?!
Atlantic: PLEASE
Owl: Fine...
(They start looking for the akuma)
(As they search for the Akuma, they look and see that a couple of people have taken advantage of the Purge, such as people breaking into stores and stealing whatever
they want)
Swan: It looks like no ones stooped to murdering yet
Timber: Yeah... (Suddenly, Timber’s ears perked up, hearing the sound of a dog crying)
Timber: Oh HELL no...! (He immediately jumps away from the group towards the noise) Cyber: Jordan?!
(Timber follows the noise until he sees a man cornering a dog, shaking and crying in fear) (The man raises a gun near the dog with a wicked grin on his face)
Man: No more howling at 2am for you! Finally I can get some sleep!
(Timber glares at the man and leaps down towards the dog)
(He knocks the gun away just as it fires, making it fire into the air) Timber: Hey now, what kind of prick goes around shooting innocent dogs for fun? >:(
Man: The ones who want some FUCKING sleep! >:(
Timber: It’s a STRAY! It doesn’t know any better!
Man: Who cares?! It’s been keeping me awake every single night! About time I shut that little fucker’s face for good! >:(
Timber: Okay then... (He sucker punches the man and knocks him out)
Timber: That’ll teach ya! >:( (He looks at the stray dog, who’s tail was wagging at Timber)
Timber: Okay, buddy, head back to where ya came from and stay outta trouble, okay?
(The dog barks and walks away)
(Timber smiles as the dog walks away, then he jumps up and runs to reunite with the group)
Cyber: Jordan! What on earth was that about, you scared me to death!
Timber: I saved a stray from a psycho, that’s what I did.
Hound: Awwwww dad!! Looking out for my army :Dc
Timber: Yep! No dog’s gonna get killed tonight or ever! >:(
Atlantic: There are some real scumbags out there...
Leo: Yeah...
(They keep looking)
(After a few minutes, they hear a car explosion followed by gunshots)
Frill: Okay, NOW it sounds like we’re in a Purge movie!
(They look and see two large groups of people having an all out war with each other)
Timber: *listens to the yelling* Oh... -_- (The other strong listeners listen in too) Hound: Well... Tiger: I’m not THAT shocked...
(The non-strong listeners look at them with a confused look) Cyber: What? What are they yelling about?!
Scarlet: Sports!
Cyber: ...They're having an all out war...over sports? -_-
Pacific: Oh...that makes sense...sports fans are bloodthirsty...
Dasher: They pull off all kinds of crazy shit all because their team lost or something... -_-
Timber: And judging by this...this could get ugly...
Leo: Yeah, let's get out of here before things get worse... O_O
(They Head off and keep looking)
(As they keep going, more noises and sounds can be heard, like car crashes, more gunshots, screams, and at one point, every screeched to a halt as they saw a whole
bunch of big fireworks go off)
Jade: Goodness...! O_O
The dude that lighted up the fireworks: YEAH BABY! LIGHT UP THE SKY!! WOOOOO!!!! >:D
Maiden: *shudders remembering Party Maniac* Whew! Bad memories...
Cloudy: Yeah! (In the corner of Dasher’s eye, he sees someone walking out with a bunch of DVDs labeled “Hamilton Bootleg”) Dasher: *GASP* >:O
Timber: *takes his shoulder* Pick your battles Speedy...
Dasher: B-B-But THAT asshole has bootlegs of MY SHOW!! >:(((
Papillion: Bootlegs aren’t THAT bad you know...it lets people see shows that they can’t afford... Hound: Plus it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get tickets to YOUR shows
Dasher: True...but seeing those bootlegs doesn't have the same magic as seeing them live... :(
Natura: Trust me, we know Papillion: If anything, bootlegs make us want to see them live even MORE
Dasher: Wait, really?! O_O
Hound: You think we LIKE watching shows with shitty visuals and audio?! It sucks!! But it’s the best we got so we suck it up
Dasher: *crosses his arms* Even though that kind of stuff is pretty much illegal to make, i...can see why you're all willing to do that... :/
Atlantic: Can we please discuss all these illegal things AFTER shit isn’t blowing up??
Dasher: Oh! Right! Man, we are getting off-topic tonight, aren't we? XD
Leo: Yeah XD (They head off)
(They keep going, hearing and seeing all the things people are doing in the Purge, until they see where the Akuma's "lair" is. The Akuma settled himself in City Hall,
walls painted in blood red paint and a large army of mind controlled soldiers with guns and masks on their faces stand in front of city hall)
Leo: Of course -_-
Tiger: Sooo...do we fight the army of soldiers or do we just simply break in? :/c
Inferno: I think we'd all prefer to break in and get out of this with as little blood as possible XS
Cyber: Yeah, the last thing we need is a little bloodshed *looks at Timber* Especially you, Jordan.
Timber: Then don't put yourself in a position to get hurt. *passive aggressive stares*
Cyber: I won't, hopefully...
Ursa: Maybe you should stop being a human shield for once. Timber: Maybe you should mind your goddamn business. >:(
Ursa: Oh, i'm sorry! Didn't mean to OFFEND the living shield for ONE man who literally has the power to defend himself if he activates it! >:(
Timber: Adrenaline makes you do stupid shit, Matt! And for your information, Silver Claws DOESN'T make me invincible, I'd STILL get stabbed or shot! >:(
Ursa: Even so, your HUSBAND, as Cyber Shock, can defend himself! He can use electricity for whatever he wants! Hell, he could electrocute a foe if he wanted to! With
that kind of power in his hands, he doesn't NEED a living shield defending him! >:(
Hound: To be fair, this usually happens when Cyber has no time to defend himself or shock away the problem...
Ursa: So? Even in those kind of scenarios, you SHOULDN'T be risking your own life just so Eric could live! >:(
Atlantic: GUYS!!! Akuma now, controversial romantic bullshit later!! >:(
Timber: ...Fine *glares at Ursa*
(They sneak above the army and break into the building)
(Once they got into the building, they see a large group of mind controlled soldiers, standing there and ready to fire at them)
Tiger: ...Fuck. Frill: *jumps in front with Coral* IMMUNE SHIELD!! (Everyone ducks behind Coral and Frill as the soldiers open fire, hitting the shield and Coral's shell)
Leo: Jesus Christ!! O_O
Pacific: Thank god for shields!!!
Tiger: Yeah!!
(Eventually the bullets run out)
(The soldiers immediately throw the guns away and pull out knifes, bats, and other weapons)
Dasher: Okay, close combat! Much better! (They fight)
(The soldiers and the Armada fight each other, the Soldiers wanting to deal heavy blows on them. During the fight, while Timber was busy trying to beat up a soldier,
another soldier sneaked attacked Cyber and used a sharp knife to make a deep cut on Cyber's arm)
(Cyber screams and clutches his arm before shocking him)
(Timber hears Cyber's scream)
Timber: Will?! Cyber: I'm okay...!
(They keep fighting for a while, eventually, they manage to beat all the soldiers. However, the whole Armada had bloody cuts, stab wounds, and bruises all over their
bodies, Atlantic and Timber being the only ones to have bloody broken noses)
(They all stand together, breathing heavily)
Owl: Thank the heavens...we all...miraculously...survived...
Hound: Pun...intended...?
Owl: No...it's...a miracle...we lived...through this...brutal brawl...
Tiger: Dude...it's a joke...we're 'Miraculous' holders...and...we did something...MIRACULOUS...
Owl: Oh...forgive me...that fight...really messed with my mind...so i wasn't thinking straight...
Leo: Let's just...get the akuma...
Timber: Yeah...let's...go...
(They make it to the main office)
(They see the Akuma, sitting in the office chair like a throne. He looks at the Armada and smirks widely)
Akuma: You all made it, bravo
Akuma: And look at all of you! I'm surprised you all survived my soldier defense squad! >:)
Tiger: Don't...fuck with us...
Akuma: Well *gets up from the chair* now i'm gonna fuck you all up more! >:)
Atlantic: Great...fuck you...
(The Akuma leaps towards them and they start fighting)
(The holders shakily fight, still exhausted from the soldiers)
(The akuma takes advantage of this by grabbing the chair and throwing it at Cyber, and it hits)
(The chair hits Cyber and he falls down and struggles to get up)
Timber: WILL...!!
(Cyber tries to shock him, but the akuma stomps on his chest and pulls out a knife) Akuma: Say goodbye! (Right when he's about to stab, Timber steps in and blocks it with his claws)
Akuma: What the?!
Timber: You keep away from him!! *pushes the akuma off Cyber*
Akuma: AH! *stumbles as Timber pushes him away*
Cyber: Jordan...
Timber: Will!
(Timber helps him up) Timber: You okay? Cyber: Yeah...and look at that, you saved me in a way that didn’t involve you getting hurt ;)
Timber: Heh, yeah! :)
Timber: But let’s not get our hopes too high while it’s still chaos
Cyber: Yeah...
Akuma: *growls at Timber* So...tough guy, huh? Swooping in to save the damsel?
Timber: Yes, that's what i do if Will's in danger! >:(
Akuma: How touching...
Akuma: Well, if you're willing to save HIM *he quickly grabs Leo and Hound and lifts them up by the neck* Will you save them? >:)
Cyber and Timber: HEY!!
(The Akuma tightens his grip on Leo and Hound, waiting for Cyber and Timber to act)
(Cyber then shoots lightning at the akuma at rapid speed, making him let go of the boys)
Akuma: GAH!
(The boys run to their dads)
Leo and Hound: DAD!
(They push the boys behind them) Timber: Stay behind us, boys.
Hound: Alright...!
(Cyber and Timber glare at the akuma)
(The Akuma glares back at them)
Akuma: Well, what a nice little family we have here
Akuma: Even so, you’re all in a pretty bad shape to do anything! I like to see you all try taking me down! >:)
Timber: Yeah...but at least there's 29 of us...and only one of you...
Dasher: Even if your little army fucked us up, we can still fuck YOU up! >:(
(The fight continues)
(The Holders try the best the can to give it their all against the Akuma, inspite their injuries.)
(The akuma manages to keep up with all of them due to them being tired and slightly injured)
Timber: Come on...!! (They keep fighting)
Akuma: God this is annoying...do you know how hard it is to pick a hostage with this many heroes? >:(
Timber: Wait, what?!
Akuma: I didn't want to do this, but I had to think outside the box if I wanted to keep you down...so I did. >:) (He opens a cabinet, revealing Jane curled up inside, looking a bit ruffled from being taken; she looks up at the holders, but doesn't move or speak) Akuma: Don't worry about that; she knows that if she makes a peep or a move then her little girlfriend's done for. >:)
Owl: JANE!!
(Jane tears up, but doesn't speak as she stares at him)
(Owl glares at the Akuma, anger building up)
Jade: What did you do with Kirsty?! Akuma: The runt? Oh she's somewhere else in this building, but all I have to do is press a button *holds up a remote* And she's done for. (Jane squeezes her eyes shut and hugs her knees in despair)
(Owl fumes with anger upon seeing Jane hugging her knees in despair)
Owl: You're a monster...!
Akuma: Of course i am! I'm an Akuma after all! >:)
(The holders glare at him) Leo: *softly* now what?!
(Cyber looks at Owl, who's shaking in anger)
Cyber: *softly* We need to find Kirsty, or at least get that remote away from him...
Timber: *softly* Yeah...
Karma: *softly* Leave that to me... Camouflage...!
(Karma turns invisible)
(He sneaks around to the akuma, eyes on the remote)
(Once he got close to the Akuma, he snatches the remote out of the Akuma's hands)
Akuma: What the-?! (Owl then storms forwards and punches the akuma’s face, HARD)
(The Akuma gets knocked down to the ground and Owl pins him down by the neck, glaring and growling at the Akuma in rage)
Owl: You have CROSSED THE LINE!!
Owl: No one shall EVER harm MY DAUGHTER AND HER GIRLFRIEND!! >:(((((
Owl: Now where did you put Kirsty?!
Akuma: Erk...i'm not...telling...! >:(
Dasher: I’ll scour the building; gimme ten, fifteen seconds tops >:(
Owl: Do it as fast as you can, Dasher! Dasher: Yes sir! *runs off*
(Ten seconds later, he comes back) Dasher: I found her! Jade: ...And? Dasher: ...And we’re gonna need some special treatment to get her out in one piece...
The Trinity: WHAT?!
Dasher: Yeeeah theres shit involving a guillotine and I think I saw some fireworks and trip wires down there, guy spared no expense...
Owl: *glares at the akuma* ...You were going to ANNIHILATE Kirsty?!?! >:((( *tightens his hold on the akuma*
Akuma: Erk...!! (Leo and Hound get Jane out of the cabinet and comfort her)
(Jane holds onto Leo and Hound tightly, letting out a few sobs)
Hound: It’s okay, we’ll get Kirsty back... (The kids gather around them for extra comfort)
Timber: Alright...how are we gonna get Kirsty out of there in one piece?
Cyber: Dasher, lead us to where she is; Timber, Atlantic, Jade, Scarlet, with me, the rest of you make sure the akuma doesn’t get away...
Ursa: *nods* Alright.
(They follow Dasher and they lead him down to the basement of the building)
(Once they got to the basement, they see Kirsty and everything else around her)
(She’s tied up and her head is under a guillotine; the whole room is packed full of explosives and tons of trip wires are set up that one wrong move would either set
off the explosives or the guillotine)
Scarlet: Oh god, baby sis...!!
Kirsty: *crying* Help....
Jade: D-Don't worry...! We'll get you out Little Sister! Somehow...
Cyber: Oh boy...
Timber: Yeah, we gotta think of some way to get her out of there without triggering anything... :/c
Cyber: Quantum Analysis!
Dasher: Oh! Kinda forgot you could do that! (A visor appears in front of Cyber’s face, observing and analyzing the area)
(He gathers the data) Cyber: Oh boy... Timber: What? Cyber: There’s a solution but...there’s a VERY small window for error... Scarlet: How small? Cyber: Microscopic Atlantic: So...If we mess up ONE little thing- Cyber: Kirsty won’t make it...
Scarlet: Ooooooh... O_O
(Everyone looks uneasily at the set up)
Timber: So if we want Kirsty alive...we gotta do this PERFECTLY. No mess-ups, no mistakes.
Cyber: Yes...okay, I think I got this...this should work...
Timber: So what's the plan, Peach?
(Cyber directs everyone to their proper positions)
Dasher: Alright, let’s do this!
(They execute the plan, and the trinity slowly make their way to Kirsty, but at the very end, right when Jade is seconds from disarming the guillotine...) Tiger: *opens the door* Guys!! You down here! (Everyone jumps and Jade knocks into one of the wires holding up the blade and it breaks, the blade falling towards Kirsty's neck)
Atlantic: OH FUCK!!
(Everyone screams in horror) Scarlet: NOOOOOOOOO!!! (Scarlet leaps up right between Kirsty and the blade and stops it between his hands, milimeters from his own face)
Dasher: Holy shit! O_O
(Cyber just about collapses to his knees from shock) Timber: DAMN kid!! Good reflexes!!
Scarlet: Erk...thanks...!
(Jade quickly jumps down and removes the blade and pulls Kirsty out while Scarlet collapses in relief)
Scarlet: Thank god...!
(Jade unties Kirsty who clings to him tightly)
Jade: You're safe now, little sister...thank god we saved you...
Kirsty: Y-Yeah...
(Kirsty keeps clinging onto Jade tightly)
Cyber: My god...that tiny window for failure shouldn't have been possible to fix...but Scarlet did it...!
Timber: Yeah, holy damn...! O_O
Scarlet: Never again...
Atlantic: Yeah...that was too close...
Dasher: Let's just get out of here, get the akuma and restore the damage before we all die of heart attacks...
Cyber: Y-Yeah...let's go...
(Jade carries Kirsty and they leap over the explosives to the stairs and they all hurry out of the basement)
(They run down the hall and towards the main office)
(They burst into the room, hearts still pounding from what happened) Leo: Whoa, you okay? Cyber: Yes, just...had a very close call...but we're okay... (He steps aside, revealing Jade carrying Kirsty)
Jade: And...she's okay...thank god...
Jane: KIRSTY!!! (She runs up and takes her from Jade)
(Jane hugs Kirsty tightly)
(Jane peppers her with kisses) Jane: Oh my god, Kirsty...!!
Kirsty: Janey...!!
Jane: God I was so scared...
Kirsty: Me too...!
(Owl sighs in relief and yanks the akuma off)
(He crushes the Akuma and a black bird flies out)
(Cyber purifies it) Owl: Time to end this nightmare. Cyber: *nods* Restore the Damage!
(A ring of electricity flies out and restores all the damage)
(Everything is fixed and everyone is returned home) Hound: Oh thank god...
Coral: Let's get out of here, these late night akumas always fuck up by beauty sleep schedule...
Owl: Yes, but... *looks at the injuries that were given to the soldiers earlier* We're all pretty beaten up from those soldiers...
Tiger: Nothing a few bandages can't fix, no need to spend the night in a stiff hospital bed Pacific: Yeah; can everyone still walk in a straight line?
(Everyone raises their hand, however Cyber glares at Pacific, gesturing the deep cut wound on his arm)
Pacific: Okay yeah, but you can still walk with that. Tiger: More like we know your hubby's gonna carry you everywhere >;3
(Before Cyber could say anything, Timber immediately scoops him up and carries him in his arms) Timber: You red my mind! XD
Cyber: God why... Tiger: Dude, you're married and love dovey now, no need to be embarrassed
Timber: Yeah, come on Peach, you know that by now! XD
Owl: *picks up Jane and Kirsty* I'll escort these two home; I imagine Kirsty doesn't want to be alone tonight. (Kirsty frantically shakes her head and keeps clinging to Jane)
Jane: Of course not...
Timber: *to Cyber* Think you can teach me how to make a good arm cast? ;)
Cyber: ...Sure...
Leo: That's probably a good call, if people hurt each other during this, hospitals are gonna be SUPER crowded
Hound: Yeah and no room for us! XS
(They all leave and head back home)
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etherealblasphemy · 6 years
The Unwanted One
heyheyhey I actually did some writing today!! I’m sorry that my brain only writes angst, but please take my offering for the sci-fi Sanders Sides au I’m hoping sounds cool.
Anywho, here’s some of Cal’s origin story because I have nothing to offer.
TW for violence, blood, bullying, general assholes being assholes
   On good days, they loved stars for their beautiful brilliance, coloring an otherwise dark void with the tiniest bit of light, the tiniest bit of hope. On bad days, they loved stars because they could study the constellations dotting the sky instead of the bruises dotting their skin. They could see Calypso, the Lia and the Jahde, even the Requiem, all dancing across a purple and navy sky. They would whisper their stories, the ones they remembered their parents telling them. They remembered little else.
   Today happened to a bad day. The little bastard Drisine, Cato, had given them a bloody nose and a bit more than an aching bruise or two. Their head pounded as they curled up in their hideaway, rocking back and forth as they desperately whispered the myth of Calypso and her army, their voice breaking as they turned the wrong way and was faced with excruciating pain. They bit their lip harshly, knowing a whimper could alert the other children, who were certainly prowling about nearby, to their location. So silent came their tears.
   It was Cato’s fault, but the Headmx blamed them. Ze had called out the names of the children who would finally leave the wretched place- the ones who were wanted. Zir eyes had landed on them, the only child to stay more than three years, so full of pity, and called their name, saying, “It’s alright. Someone will want you eventually.” Their heart, so broken already from failed attempts to make someone love them, had shattered at that simple phrase. And, of course, Cato had just had to make it worse.
   “No-one could ever want you!” he taunted, dancing around them with his friends as soon as the Headmx had left. “How could they want someone as normal as you, when they could have someone like me?” To emphasize his point, the Drisine transformed into a shimmering bird, his multicolored feathers brushing the floor as he hovered in midair. They bowed their head towards the floor, tears threatening to spill from their eyes. Cato has grabbed their chin in an effort to make them look at him, having turned back into his usual form.
   But in that moment, their eyes saw death, and they panicked. With a terrified screech, they leaped away from the shapeshifter into the body behind them, sending both tumbling to the ground. Another young Drisine was beneath them, his bright blue eyes alight with worry, as if he had simply been caught into the unfolding tension. He squirmed beneath their weight as they rolled off of the child, clutching their wrist, which was twisted painfully in a direction that definitely was not anatomically correct. Cato let out a harsh, jarring laugh as he watched on.
   “Who would ever want you?” he asked again. “No-one. You’re never going to be loved, never going to be wanted, never going to know friendship. You should throw yourself into space, and stop wasting our oxygen, you worthless orphan” he hissed as he stalked towards them, his eyes narrowing into slits. In the blink of an eye, Cato was a huge, looming, scaled beast. They froze, and in their eyes, they saw a reality of another universe.
   A bigger scaled beast stood before them, swaying back and forth as it slid closer to them. It spoke, though they heard no words emitted from its fanged mouth. The beast stared them down, almost as if gazing into their soul. Without warning, it pulled back, prepared to strike them. It lunged forward, and-
    -And suddenly they were back to their body, their reality. The scaled beast stood before them, and without thinking, they leapt at the deadly creature with a blood-curdling screech as their fists began flying, pummeling the beast, who slowly morphed back into Cato. He was crying, screaming at them to get off him and to stop hitting him, but they couldn’t. Their fists were acting of their accord, only trying to make sure that deadly beast that wanted something from them would never strike them. Something wet dripped down their face and they realized they were crying, too. From there it was all a blur. They vaguely recognized the sound of the Headmx’s nasal voice, someone tugging them off of Cato, and being thrown into solitary.
   Its dark and cramped quarters painted a feeling of misery in their mind. They hated solitary. Albeit, it was the only place they were truly safe, where they could curl up in a ball and scream until their lungs gave out, it was lonely. At least in the Commons, they could feel the gazes of the others. They could feel their touches, feel their attention. In solitary, they craved it. In solitary, they went half insane, almost unable to fit their fist inside their mouth to keep from screaming loud enough to shatter the stars. In solitary, they knew just how lonely they really were.
   When they were let out, they found Cato and two of his friends waiting for them. They were quick, one holding them, one keeping them silent, and Cato having the honor of punishing them. Silent as they were, their eyes held all of the screams they could not voice, all of the anger and fear and confusion and longing for someone to tell them why they kept having these visions.
   The entire time, Cato kept calling them the “Unwanted One.”
   He punched them hard enough for them to cough up blood, their eyes watering at the immense pain. He laughed out of the corner of his mouth because cackling like he normally did was not only too painful at the state they put him in, but the Headmx would hear him. He yanked their chin up to peer into their eyes.
   “Tell me, how could anyone want you? You can’t even hold your own in a fight,” he teased.
   Biting the hand of the one who covered their mouth, they were able to spit out, “Funny, because they same could be said of you earlier,” before Cato’s eyes filled with anger and he whacked his arm across their face so hard they saw stars. They felt cold blood run from their nose, spilling across their lips and onto the floor. Cato judged them worthy of mercy and motioning to his partners in crime to let them go. They fell limp to the ground, barely catching themselves before Cato yanked them back up by the hem of their white tunic, now stained by their unsightly blood.
   Burning inside them was fear, pain, anger- and something foreign, yet familiar all the same. Their mouth began to move, began to form words which became sentences which became verses which became truth. They muttered the myth of Calypso as Cato continued to bludgeon them with his fists, blind to their tears and their fragileness.
   “And the holy woman breathed fire upon the land, ravaging the fallen with the purity of her soul. She screamed, ‘Begone, wretched creature of darkness! Leave the goodness of this world, retire to your universe and be content to rule over those who have strayed.’” A punch landed on their hip. “The beast, which stood as tall as the heavens themselves, only laughed. Its voice shook the very ground, and all but Calypso fell.” Their stomach. “She alone stood fast against the mighty but terrible creature before her, and she alone had the strength to stop it.” The right of their jaw. “From the depths of her heart she brought out a strange, glittering stone. The monster tilted its head, its eyes locking on the mineral.” The left of their head. “‘Is this what you seek, traveler of the corrupted worlds?’ she asked. The beast hissed, transforming into one familiar to the valiant warriors. It slid closer, speaking from its mind to all those concerned.” Cato’s knee landed in their vital region. “‘Give me the Stone, darling, and you can end this. You can save your people, your friends, and yourself. Wouldn’t you like to play hero?’ It said.” His knee landed in their bruised stomach, and they spit out blood again. “The silver eyes of the goddess-woman lit up in anger. ‘The only true way to save the ones I love is by protecting the Gazer Stone.’ The creature snarled, whipping its tail towards nearby bystanders. In an instant, they fell to the ground, to rise back up no longer. Calypso shrieked as the beast turned its gaze back towards her. Swallowing, she made her decision and asked, ‘You want this?’ The creature nodded, sliding ever so closer.” Cato’s fist struck their head once more, and all at once, their world began to go black.
   “‘Then come and get it.’”
   When they had woken, they hid here, tending to their physical wounds, hoping their emotional ones wouldn’t hurt as much tomorrow. Looking at the stars, they prayed for the first time in their life. They prayed they would remember their ever elusive memories of the past. They prayed that tomorrow, perhaps they wouldn’t have to talk to Cato or his stupid friends. They prayed that the stars would take them away from this awful place, heal them, and make them someone worthy of life, worthy of love. Most of all, they prayed that someone would want them.
WOOOOO HOW ABOUT THAT AnGsT? As much as I wanted to write something with the Sides, Cal’s past/origin is SUPER important to the overall story I’m slowly flushing out to its glory. So is the myth of Calypso ;)
I hope you like the word vomit so far :D Thanks for all the lovely comments and encouragement!! :D:D:D:D:D
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fawcettfotos · 5 years
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The Early Mornings At the Office... zzzzzzzzzzz Leap Year Picture A Day Edition! wooooo #pictureaday #picaday2020 #pictureaday2020 #instagram2020 #2020instagram  #pictureofday2020 #insta2020 #instagram #2020 #pictureofaday2020 #picoftheday #picoftheday2020 60/365 #60of365 #2020Vision #2020Pictures #1picaday https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LOKLDpvQW/?igshid=thnoma1zjt48
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northwest-cryptid · 7 years
Let me tell you a story summary of our Dark Heresy campaign so far, the story of Gene a stupid anime character, Durm the walking callous, Flynn the guy who likes grenades a little too much and dislikes Psyker’s just a tad too much, and Hyrum the master hacker who can pretty much use force lightning at this point.
So basically you’ve got two fuckers who somehow survived an assassination attempt gone wrong (Gene and Flynn), one fucker who was so much of a force to be reckoned with that the inquisition basically straight up recruited him (Durm), and a fucker who was the lone survivor on a ship (Hyrum). If I recall correctly at least, it’s been a long time since we’ve actually discussed the backstories in depth. Regardless these four fuckos met up with a guy named Aristarchus well more like this guy is the Inquisitor’s right hand man and was sent to mentor and guide these 4 acolytes on their first proper mission. Little did he expect the shit-show that was this fucking team. I’ll be skipping around the plot a lot but just to explain the basics, these 4 assholes land on this planet where there will soon be a cathedral christening, their job is to protect the place and make sure nothing bad happens to the abbot, the cathedral, or basically any of the surrounding town. So they wander about following the guide of Aristarchus in attempts to get to this town in question, though at one point Flynn decides to question some of the locals while the rest get cut off in an alley-way by some of the natives of this planet. They don’t seem too friendly either. Durm and Hyrum do the most of the job grabbing these ashlings, shooting them, pretty much a proper fight. Meanwhile Gene is attempting... and failing, to climb a wall. Though he eventually gets his act together and shoots one of the ashling trying to run (or rather limp, because Durm broke his other leg) away, in the leg. Along with Durm breaking the ashlings other leg, this guy isn’t going anywhere. However this would all be too perfect, too clean, if nothing bad happened yeah? Flynn finally arrives at the scene and quickly puts on a disguise. His plan is to shoot at, and miss Durm in an attempt to get in good with the ashlings, he figures information is worth letting them live. However he ends up instead, shooting Durm... because that’s a good idea, let’s shoot the guy with the giant hammer good job Flynn you’ve really done us a solid here... Gene, being the only one who actually knows about Flynn’s disguise from their early days working together, quickly rushes to stop the now charging Durm from demolishing their fellow acolyte, after the encounter the group sets off in search once more of the town they were told to protect. Eventually they find their way to a small settlement and stop in to buy supplies before taking the truck to the cathedral. It’s a long drive and they best stock up in advance... which would be fine if not for the fact both Durm and Gene somehow fell under some Jedi mind-tricks and had a compulsive need to buy a coin and a pen, worthless junk but they really wanted it. Thankfully the nature of these... fine gentlemen... resulted in them merely taking the items by force, and when the shop keep was found a heretic it was all the easier for Durm to justify literally smashing him in half with a hammer. So long shop keep, thanks for the worthless junk. At this point Aristarchus is putting up with a lot of shenanigans, mostly... if not exclusively from Gene and Flynn. So much so that he suspects them of heresy. Hyrum being the master of technology that he is, is more than able to fix up their truck, so thankfully Aristarchus will have to spend at least one less day in a small truck with these idiots. 
Then there was a road trip intermission WOOOOO~ ROAD TRIP~!
Well what happened during this drive you ask?
A spooky scary Zombie showed up scaring Durm and Gene so bad that they shit one another’s pants, shit teleportation is truly a feat only accomplished through sheer terror!
Durm slammed on the brakes to throw (nearly) everyone out of the truck in an attempt to get back at Flynn for shooting him, Durm never forgets, Durm never forgives... except for when he evens the score then it’s okay.
Flynn tried to lie to Aristarchus and succeeded, Gene very nearly called him out on it... only because the lie basically put Gene in a bad spot, that’s when Durm slammed on the brakes.
So what happened during this night of drinking you ask?
Gene spent way too much money buying Brother Lemark enough drinks that he’d be willing to talk about shit.
Durm tried to get a discount on drinks... and failed.
Durm tried to get a discount on drinks again... in the exact same way... with the exact same results.
Flynn questioned some people.
Durm got bored and started a bar fight!
Flynn started to bet on it!
This all woke up Gene who instantly ran down stairs to get in on the betting!
Hyrum... slept real good.
They made lots of money off the betting.
So now these guys know about these lights in the hills, they’re aware this cathedral was built on unholy ground, they know something is up and they intend to get to the bottom of it. They split up and begin to buy supplies, gather information, and prep however they can to go stake out whatever is causing the lights in the fields, they want to know why people are going missing. All of this information could help them protect the cathedral from whatever odd demons wish to destroy it! However the result of their actions while searching for information gains them some unwanted attention...
While they meet up once more at the inn/bar some BLOODY HERETICS show up to stab Hyrum in the back! *dramatic gasp* Hyrum turns his body to face the coward who’d slash his back, and shoots fucking lightning from his hands at point blank. The heretic doesn’t much care for this as his buddies enter from the front door he turns to run after Flynn who had fled to the top of the stairs, however as he turns Gene attempts to stop him by stabbing him in the leg, it’s just not enough to pull his attention away from Flynn however. Meanwhile Durm turns to those standing in the door and lets them in on the fight with a welcoming Molotov to the face. One of the men puts themselves out and rushes up to Durm as Durm pulls out his shotgun and shatters their arm off with enough force to kill them. Hyrum assists from under the table taking shots at the men whenever he can. The other man finally having put himself out and regaining what composure he had he takes a shot at Durm, blasting him in the neck... Durm casually shrugs it off. Mind you this shot would have downed just about anyone else on the team. Flashing back to Flynn he shouts for Aristarchus claiming there’s heretics afoot! (I’m also pretty damn sure that Flynn shot him because that heretic wasn’t in such great shape, he was at I believe -6 critical state at the time) Though that lazy bastard takes his sweet time getting out there, and when he does show up he whiffs a las pistol shot against the backstabbing coward. Have no fear however, Gene’s got you covered, he rolls for anime bullshit and using the nearby bar stool he leaps into the air getting himself enough height to throw his knife over the railing of the stairway. The knife finds its way to the heretic and cuts his stomach open, I’ll spare you the more detailed explanation of the outcome but that heretic had to use his hand that was now fused together from being shot and burnt to hold his insides well... inside. Aristarchus witnessing this from the stairway remarks “Sugoi...” and we all learned he was a weeb. However the fight was over and the group had some downtime on their hands. With everyone distracted by the chaos that had just ensued, Flynn ran to Aristarchus’ room (all sneaky like) and stole his data-slate. Here he read emails between Aristarchus and his higher ups stating his belief of Gene and Flynn being heretics. He also found some weird orc porn that Hyrum accidentally came across and bookmarked for Gene and Gene accidentally emailed to Aristarchus... but uh, that’s not important! MOVING ON! The group’s objective now was to find out what was up in those hills, they needed to identify the lights and find out why these people were going missing... 
So the group set up an elaborate trap system, and make a dummy camp before sitting in the truck and waiting... and waiting... and then, what seemed like a whole week later because Gene had to go home early one night a shambling undead creature wandered towards them, a large cat like beast with no eyes and obvious malformation leaped up and clawed at Flynn VERY NEARLY KILLING HIM. As he crawled under the truck Gene passed him a vial of stim in hopes that he’d have a last resort if he needed it, meanwhile Durm broke his shotgun fighting back the beast as Hyrum assisted with shooting lightning from his hands. Gene darts out from the truck and grabs a small log from the fire using it as a torch in attempts to get the attention away from the others. Upon seeing the beast however he faints. Gene is a god damn coward, and is very nearly insane! Believe it or not the same happens to Durm, really these two aren’t cut out for this job they’re both really scared of the walking undead. Thankfully Hyrum is able to fell the beast and drag Gene back to the truck, with everyone loaded on Flynn drives them back to their camp where they run into Brother Lemark once more. This time he joins them on their outing and they run into even more shambling undead! These are simple humanoid undead and are easy dispatched by the group. Though they’re still not quite sure what’s going on they plan to get to the bottom of it. Returning to town Gene and Hyrum tell Durm about a room in the Cathedral with a locked door, as Flynn decides to get some rest for the night.
Flynn instead of going to bed decides to get a few drinks, and does so just fine, in fact if I recall correctly he downs five drinks without any problem. He thanks the bar keep saying “you know... there’s something I’ve been thinking about doing for a while now, and I think tonight’s the night.” (or something along those lines) MEANWHILE! Our three other ...heroes? Ha not remotely, they’re just assholes, but they’re our assholes, anyways they find themselves breaking into the door at the Cathedral, inside they find all sorts of odd texts and writing. However the Abbot himself catches them in the act. He is furious and explains that he has already called for Aristarchus... however Aristarchus didn’t answer... back to the inn for a moment, Flynn gets up and begins to walk down the hall to his room. However instead of turning in for the night he pulls a grenade from his pouch, (I genuinely wish I could remember the exact speech! It was so fucking good) with an anime speech about how he very nearly died, and he doesn’t want to die with regrets he went on to explain how Aristarchus, the psyker of our group, was the most heretical thing in his mind, Flynn throws a grenade into Aristarchus’ room without any hesitation. Back in the Cathedral the Abbot turns and begins to take his leave, Hyrum leaves it up to the other two to handle the Abbot and proceeds to copy the documents they’ve been coming across in the room, Durm and Gene know they can’t just let the Abbot get away, Gene takes aim outside the door with his rifle, Durm however books it down the hall past the Abbot and readies the last shot of his shotgun. With a sudden blast Durm turns the Abbot to dust. In the distance a grenade can be heard exploding, as Flynn is doing his best to put distance between himself and Aristarchus’ room. Both Flynn and Aristarchus are now hanging on by 1 HP, and Flynn hears Aristarchus shouting as he raises from his bed and charges out taking a shot at Flynn and missing. Flynn has now come face to face with a Psyker, not only the thing he hates most, but the thing I’d argue he fears most. Flynn isn’t about to give him any time to cast some Psyker mind-bullshit though, he readies another grenade and throws it without hesitation, the inn/bar is falling apart around them as the second grenade detonates and Flynn follows up with a Molotov for good measure. The now burning corpse of Aristarchus rests at the bar below his room as Flynn tosses another grenade behind the bar counter to kill any witnesses before passing out in the street. Durm worried about how he’s going to cover up killing the Abbot, the very man we were sent to protect rushes out of the Cathedral to find Flynn, Flynn’s the type of guy who can get you out of a mess like this after-all. Meanwhile Hyrum has finished copying down notes and taking pictures of the odd texts as the Cathedral begins to collapse around them. Gene and Hyrum make a break for the door as they hear a voice echoing through the halls, a voice they’ve never heard shouting “YOU’VE RUINED EVERYTHING!” This pushes Gene to begin going insane. What’s this? Gene Steeler has leveled up +1 Insanity he now has a fear of Death, and some serious PTSD. Oh yeah, also his name is Gene Steeler... so that’s a thing. Moving on! They escape the Cathedral, now a mountain of debris and rubble the town is in a state of panic, Durm and Flynn now stand in the street in front of a burning inn/bar as Gene and Hyrum find themselves in front of the ruins of the very Cathedral they were suppose to protect... The four make their way to the truck as Brother Lemark finds them and insists on joining them on their journey, he knows things are getting bad and he doesn’t want to be left out of the escape plans. The five speed out of town faster than Takumi on the Akina Downhill and that’s where the story has left off.
Keep in mind this hardly covers everything, Hyrum is a very active character but isn’t mentioned as much because he’s not likely to get into bullshit shenanigans as the rest of the game, the gang has bonded over many many minor story points and there was a lot of a focus on Aristarchus, his tarot cards, the crow father, the native ashlings, and even the bar keeper who we all basically befriended. Though this is merely a summary of the events because if you don’t at least know this much of the backstory it’s hard to really explain the impact of everything that went down in the last part. Mind you that none of the players behind these characters had any idea any of this was going to happen. Hyrum and Durm’s players knew about Flynn’s eventual want to kill Aristarchus but they weren’t aware of how or when, our run in with the Abbot and our methods of “handling it” were completely unrelated and not planned out. So basically we all became heretical in the last 15 minutes of our last session for just doing what we thought was the right thing to do. Fun fact: During the entire segment after the first grenade was thrown into Aristarchus’ room we switched our background music to the Cowboy Bebop OST, because Tank! is literally too fitting as a theme for stupid shenanigans and chases. I can’t even emphasize the fact enough, that Flynn had a 1 v 1 sudden deathmatch with the one person he possibly feared most out of everyone. It was 100% a cliche anime moment and I loved every second of it. 
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