#Lee!Cherry Cookie
Made more!
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Butter Pretzel: hehehehehe Chegegsss Cahake
Cheesecake: Oh~ You're going to look so pretty with that smile!
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14 notes · View notes
amelee23 · 4 months
Natural | Lee Minho
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Genre: FLUFFFFFF fluff fluff, romance
Pairing: Lee know x gender neutral reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: going on a forest vacay to escape society, SUPER sappy cheesy stuff, SOFT, walks at 6 am, kisses and hugs and everything nice, a chokehold as a joke, humour, metaphors galore, he's cat dad, reader gets called kitten once, I love lino very much, promises for the future 🤭
Summary: You and Minho go on a vacation to a forest cabin. As he wakes you up at 6 am for a walk, you can't help but get sappy and admire him alongside the landscape. Your love for him makes Minho say something that might change your perspective of the future.
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You were gently shaken awake a little too early for comfort. First thing you felt was the heft of your eyelids and a subtle throbbing in your forehead; but the first thing you remembered, though, was the way you have probably fallen asleep having extremely soft conversations with your lover, about how far the both of you have come, the things you've accomplished, how proud you feel of each other and also of your friends who you grew up with.
"The sun's not even awake yet." You grumble to him, and he gives you a silly smile.
"But I am!" You can't help but snort, still pushing your nose further into the pillows. You didn't want to get out of bed, really. "C'mon, get up. Go on a walk with me."
"At this hour? Ugh, you're so random sometimes." You say, grumbling, but you start moving out of the bed.
It probably wasn't random at all. If you were to make a guess, it was probably premeditated and he had some sort of intention for taking a walk in the woods at 6 in the morning.
Well, he hoped it would be 6 in the morning but your drowsiness didn't allow for it. He had to be patient, make you coffee and a light breakfast, or else you'd turn blue like the cookie monster and eat him alive without food and caffeine in your system.
You looked out the window as the two of you were silently enjoying breakfast. It was such a beautiful sight, and if you just allowed it, the cherry chirp of the birds in the morning was enough to block the demons inside your head.
Although he had woken you up at ungodly hours, this was the vacation you both dreamt of. You rented out a cabin in the forest, and it was, for once, just you and him. The last people you've seen were in a different cabin 10 minutes down the road, and the center rental establishment that had groceries and necessities was 20 minutes away. Of course, it could prove to be a pain in the ass if you didn't prepare well, but you made sure you had everything you needed - so that you could truly disconnect from the world and let yourselves be swallowed up by nature.
You should have guessed Minho was always planning to go on this walk, considering how serious he seemed about it. While you were eating and trying to awaken your brain cells, he got dressed in a cozy shirt, loose pants and a backwards cap and he was already arranging a small backpack with water bottles and his Polaroid camera. He went as far as packing an external phone battery, too. Then he sat down next to you and waited.
You've gotten to know his array of expressions so well, you thought. He was looking at you, and to an outsider his expression would tell them close to nothing. But no, his expression looked gentle, kind, patient, impatient, exasperated and excited all at once. You could see how eager he was to move, almost as if his body was half-way already bolting out the door. Still, he was trying to maintain his calm, since there was no point to the outside views that awaited him if you weren't seeing them with him.
Your eyes met as you were admiring him, and almost like a kitten pawing for attention, he gently pulled at the sleeve of your pyjama shirt.
You were so in love with him, it wasn't even funny.
He began your little nature adventure by holding your hand and guiding you to the forest path, but as soon as you could hear the crunch of pebbles and branches under your feet, Minho was gone. He walked far ahead of you, as if he was caught in a trance. It was so weird, because in reality all you could see was his slumped back, his sluggish figure trudging through the forest, but in your mind he was running, he was twirling, he was opening his arms large to welcome the sun into an embrace. If only he would let the freedom that guides his soul be seen, without the fear of being judged or the weight of society pressing down on him.
You weren't mad he left you behind. In fact, you were having a blast just watching him: trip over a rock when he was too occupied looking at the height of the pine trees, taking pictures with his phone of every and any flower he deemed pretty or interesting, whispering "squirrel" and "hello little buddy" whenever he saw a critter.
He would turn around and look at you once in a while to reassure himself you're there and that you're safe. (And weren't stolen by some forest goblin.) Whenever he'd make a pit stop to take pictures you'd catch up with him and he'd ask you if you're okay, if you're bored or if you want him to slow down his pace. You'd tell him no, you'd tell him he's so endearing being in his natural element. And he'd smile, but it wouldn't be the kind of smile that shows a collection of pearly whites or spreads from one ear to the other. Not even his bunny teeth would show; it would be a closed-lipped, subtle smile, that you found was the most meaningful of them all when it came to Minho. It was the smile of "I feel content", it was the smile of "I feel at peace". Put in simple words, it was the smile of "I'm happy." His happiness was quiet, that was what you observed. And this smile, the truest of them all, showed in various situations: when he was taking walks in nature, when he was preparing a meal, when he was playing with his feline babies, and when he was spending time with you. You were part of his silent happiness, and you were perhaps, one of the only ones who knew what it meant.
And understanding one's personality, one's inner workings is not exactly an easy feat. Just how it took millennia for humanity to understand the laws of the universe, Minho thought it would take decades for someone to understand him. That is, if someone ever did.
But when you arrived, it was as if you were an enforcer fighting for the preservation of nature. A flower is most beautiful when it is on the field that it belongs to, rather than being plucked and put into a bouquet, forced to look beautiful for someone else. You preserved the flower where it was. You didn't uproot it. You gave him water, nourishment and talked to him in such a loving manner, that now he blooms so beautifully.
He's become much more beautiful than a human being should ever be.
Minho stopped one more time to take a picture of the path, and the shadows the trees were casting on the ground. A ray of light sneakily made its way through them, casting itself on a ladybug that was climbing up the tree bark. Minho took a picture of the ladybug, then turned towards the stray light and offered his hand to it. He played with the light between his fingers, let it roll along his palm, and then he put his hand down. He looked up, towards the sky, more golden strands of the sun dancing along his face, and he took a deep breath. When he exhaled, his chest looked lighter, and he seemed to begin to shine, a light sparkle dusting the skin of his arms, as if he was really becoming one with the sun.
He was breathtaking.
Having finally caught up with him, your arms circled his waist and you embraced him tightly, cheek smushing into his shoulder blades. It was an urge, an instinct, to do so.
He seemed a little startled, but he didn't complain. He patted your hands gently and then he took a picture of your hands woven so tightly around his torso, without catching his or your face in the picture. You knew that because it became his lockscreen after that day.
As softly as he could muster, as if to not scare you off, Minho held your hand and spun around to face you, his eyes sparkly and curious.
"Everything okay?"
"Mhm." You respond, holding him by the waist as if to show you didn't want him going anywhere. Minho loved the warmth that enveloped him. "You just looked so natural, so genuine." You smile at him, and he instantly knows by your grin you were having a poetic, sappy moment. "You always look like you belong right in nature. Had to touch you to make sure you're real." You emphasize your words by squeezing a little bit at his hips and the skin above his ribs, and he lets out a cat-like yelp that makes you giggle.
You become an entanglement of limbs when Minho decides to cup both sides of your face as you're holding him. Your face slightly mushed together, he angles your eyes to look into his, and none of you would win the competition of who's more enamoured than the other.
"Sometimes I really can't help but wonder... what are those pretty eyes of yours seeing when you look at me?" He asks in the softest way possible, and you're suddenly caught in a trance. His eyes pull you closer, his skin continues to sparkle, and a gentle warm breeze seems to circle the two of you.
"Magic." You answer, promptly, with certainty, still bewitched by the portrait of him among the trees. He lets out a puff of hair as he chuckles, but he doesn't mock you. He caressed your face with his thumb and you too feel warm.
"It's like the magic of nature is coursing through you..." You begin to rant, but figure out finding the right words is quite a challenge. But Minho was patient. "It's hard to explain. It's like you're out of this world ... and yet the most human I've ever seen someone be... The most natural." Minho has heard this song and dance before. Countless of times you've called him a forest fairy, a fae, a nymph...but to him the most fascinating part of it was how you were able to tell. You could see where he belonged, where he shone the brightest. You allowed him to realize when he was happy and not be scared of that happiness; therefore, there was only one thought forming at the back of his mind. A thought, that was of course, completely random and not something he's thought about hundreds of times before while you were sound asleep.
"Marry me." He blurts out, and you blink at him, awaiting a grin, a laugh, a smirk, a signal of a joke. But there was none. He was solemn and focused as he watched the slight panic in your gaze.
"Do you really mean it?"
"Yes. I mean, not now. Someday." He answers in a split of a second. But then, he backs out as if burnt. Maybe, just maybe, he let his impulses get the better of him. "Why, do you not feel the same? It's okay, you can tell me if I'm being too pushy-" He's panicking, and panic doesn't fit his handsome features. So you grab him by the shoulders and kiss him with passion.
Kissing Minho was addicting.
"You're the first person I've ever liked kissing this much." You confess to him after you break apart. Then, you wrap your arms around him yet again and rest your head on his chest, your ear prying in to listen to the alarmed pace of his heart. You squeeze him tight, so very tight, almost like he was a teddy bear. "The first person I've liked holding so much." His heart continued to drum, for he was confused about what you were saying. Was he getting an answer to his question or was this your subtle way of switching the subject, saying that you weren't ready yet? Minho tries to calm down in order to focus on what you were saying. "The only one for which romance made sense." You begin to explain, your cheek still tightly pressed into his chest. You're calm and you speak in what is almost a whisper. "Feelings aren't supposed to be logical, I know, but... being with you is. It's logical... it just makes sense, being in love with you. I can never blame myself for it, never hold myself accountable. Because falling in love with you ...came to me as naturally as breathing; like it was always part of my DNA."
There is a nature in all of us. Cells, stardust, but mostimportantly, love. To love is human nature, fact discovered ever since medieval times. Whether you loved God like Dante, or loved humans like Boccaccio, it is destined for all of us to love.
"Because I'm nature...?"
He was human, he was nature, and towards him you felt only that which is most natural.
"Because you're nature. And I love nature." You pull back to look at him and are startled to see the ocean of his eyes, the reflection of stars in the sea. He was trying not to cry, and looking at you with the fondness of a thousand families.
"Nature loves you too, kitten." Once more he holds your face close, but this time around he leans down to kiss you on the forehead. It is a long kiss. It is a warm kiss. It is a meaningful kiss. "The whole world does. And I do even more." Words like these touched chords inside your heart you didn't even know could be touched. Minho always told you so, that you weren't just worthy of his love, but the love of every single person on this planet.
"Yeah, I bet the world loves me if they gave me you." You say, and Minho thinks you are joking. You weren't, but there was perhaps a limit of how sappy a moment can be until it gets truly too much.
"Ew." He jokes back, scrunching his nose to fake disgust. A grin appears on his face, which you mimic.
And that's all you do for a while. Like a movie panorama, you stay there to look at each other. The clouds, the trees, something must have moved with the wind since the sun starts to line both of your faces. One of your eyes starts to squint because of the light, and suddenly it hits you.
"So, are we married now? Where's my ring?"
Minho didn't expect that, and there were a number of reasons why you were sure of it; one, because he starts to blabber and two, because his ears turned red.
"Well, I uh, I uh, don't- I said someday... Not this exact moment! Uhm...Hold on." It's a good thing Minho was a boy scout when he was young, although he would have never thought his skills would come in handy in a situation like this.
You're confused about what he was planning, but you let him do his thing. He squats down next to a group of small, white flowers and plucks them out from the ground in such a manner that their stems remain very long. Then, he picks a strand of grass and takes your hand in his to measure your finger with it. After he has your measurements, he begins to wrap the flower stems around the grass strand with such craftsmanship, almost as if it hasn't been 15 years since he last made a ring out of flowers.
When he is done, he gingerly slides it up your ring finger and he's proud like a child. The ring is cute, tiny and light, and it tickles your finger softly. It's not gold or diamonds, but it is a promise, and it is so much more natural than forged metals and stolen minerals. So much more Minho.
"There you go." He beams proudly. Truth be told, he is flabbergasted he managed to make the ring actually hold without falling apart. "Now we share all of our assets and you are legally obligated to feed my cats when I'm not at home and clean out their litters." He speaks matter of factly, and you slap him on the chest.
"You only want me so I can do your chores! Tsk, I think our marriage is already falling apart." You joke, pretending to turn around and pout. Minho finds you hilarious, especially as he envelops you from the back and holds you in a pretend chokehold.
"The only thing falling apart is gonna be my wallet when I buy you that ring." You don't know if it's the light of the sun or you're blushing, but your face grows hot. Getting married was, of course, the natural order of progressing things in a relationship. But a part of you has always wondered if you are someone to deem worthy of marriage; if that's something that would ever happen to you. Now that such reality was approaching, it did really feel like magic.
Minho released you from the tight hold and decided to walk with your hand in his instead. He was looking at your finger, at the hand-made flower ring, and his quiet, peaceful smile came back to his face.
"I promise I'll get you a real ring soon. You'll have it on your finger by the time we come here again." He speaks softly, in a murmur, but you hear him. You stay quiet, but he sees you nod. You acknowledge his promise, and a completely harmless anxiety mixes in with the excitement that comes with thinking of that day.
"Does that mean we're not gonna have a vacation here for the next 5 years?" Minho rolls his eyes at your question, and the sappiness finally seems to come to an end; you're back to your lighthearted vacation.
"Or perhaps I'll make you live in the wild with me for the next five years. If we never leave we can't come back." He wiggles his eyebrows at you, gives you his trademark serial killer look, and there was never a moment when you've loved him more. Never a moment when you've loved him more naturally.
©amelee23 do not copy, repost or translate.
Please consider leaving feedback after you read!
Hope you enjoyed!
Visit my Kofi page if you would like to tip me for my work 😁
Have an amazing day!
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yeritheloml · 2 years
skz fic recos
all of these fics are 18+. minors please stay out. read at your own risks.
genres: all of there are smut
fics under the cut
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##. bangchan !!
03:16 am - @stay-corner
11:44 - @chans-starlight
22:35 - @lix-ables
Lights Down Low - @thevampywolf
Overtime - @hanjisungs-bigtittyg0thgf
Boyfriend!BangChan - @mingiswow (f)
Afterschool - @corruption-skz
hatefuck with chan - @ballelino
All Mine - @green-orangeade
“Can you pin me up against the wall?” - @lixhues
jealous-chan - @pastelracha
“Can you pin me up against the wall?” [drabble] - @dreamescapeswriting
use me - @wnterwnderlxnd
call me yours - @lix-ables
hard thought (no name yet) - @lix-ables
Three of a Kind - @seospicybin​ (chan x hyunjin x f!reader) PARTS 1, 2, 3
Wreck Havoc - @matryosika​ (dom!chan and hard dom!minho x reader)
Experimental Brattiness - @sparkystraynger​ (chan x f!reader + bratty hyunjin) PARTS 1, 2
Untitled - @linoguistics​ (chan x gn!reader x lee know)
good for us - @wnterwnderlxnd​ (3racha x f!reader)
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##. minho !!
2:22 AM - @planetdreaming​ (hyunjin x minho x f!reader)
10:12 PM - @planetdream (minho x f!reader x changbin)
1:10 AM - @matryosika
Vacation - @corruption-skz
twisted fate - @/strayed-quokka
Friends? With Benefits - @strawberry-felix
afterhours - @matryosika
inexperienced with minho - @ballelino
impatient with minho - @ballelino
All for me - @chvnsser
Wreck Havoc - @matryosika (dom!chan and hard dom!minho x reader)
Untitled - @linoguistics (chan x gn!reader x lee know)
Cute little pain slut - @sparkystraynger (felix x fem!reader x minho)
Unrequited - @jl-micasea-fics (Self-insert, female reader x Lee Know | Self-insert, female reader x Hyunjin)                                                              Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V • Part VI • Part VII
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##. changbin !!
10:12 PM - @planetdream​ (minho x f!reader x changbin)
Car sex with changbin - @chvnssecret​
Good for us - **@wnterwnderlxnd​ (3racha x f!reader)
Boss’ Girl - @seohotbinnie​ (changbin x f!reader x ma dongseok)
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##. hyunjin !!
2:22 AM - @planetdream (hyunjin x minho x f!reader)
23:39 - @seongyeonsart
12:​37 AM - @chvnssecret​
Cherry Flavored - @matryosika
pick up the phone - @i4lixie
snapdragon - @skzmix
I’m Going Crazy Now, Out Of Control - @straykidsreactionsandscenarios
unspoken - @mimgis
after hours - @idyllicallycharming
burning sensation - @matryosika
Poolside Fucking - @youn9racha
hatefuck - @ballelino
prove it - @fairlylino
the project - @hyunvom PARTS 1 • 2
The Unexpected Counter - @ch4nb4ng​
Reflections - @wnterwnderlxnd​
Look at me - @chvnssecret​
it counts - @​feelylix
snapdragon - @skzmix​
Three of a Kind - @seospicybin (chan x hyunjin x f!reader) PARTS 1 • 2 • 3
Housewarming - @etherealinowrites​ (hyunjin, han, felix x f!reader)
Home Alone - @corruption-skz​ (hyunjin x felix x f!reader)
into the mirror - @strayed-quokka​ (hyunjin x fem!reader x slight lino)
Experimental Brattiness, Executing Bratiness (part 2) - @sparkystraynger (chan x f!reader + bratty hyunjin)                                                      
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##. jisung !!
timestamps: none yet
Untitled - @chansleftpinkytoe​
Housewarming - @etherealinowrites​ (hyunjin, han, felix x f!reader)
Movie Marathon - @corruption-skz​ (jisung x seungmin x f!reader)
good for us - @wnterwnderlxnd��​ (3racha x f!reader)
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##. felix !!
timestamps: none yet
Movie Night - @shhhhhimthinking
Untitled #6 - @matryosika
Special Firsts - @lalal-99​
Teach Me - @corruption-skz​
Laundry Room - @strawberry-felix​
Milk & Cookies - @cinnaminhoroll
some kind of sleepover - @​​feelylix
Housewarming - @etherealinowrites​ (hyunjin, han, felix x f!reader)
Home Alone - @corruption-skz​ (hyunjin x felix x f!reader)
Cute little pain slut - @sparkystraynger​ (felix x fem!reader x minho)
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##. seungmin !!
timestamps: none yet
Short Skirts - @corruption-skz​
Waves - @chvnnie​
Gentleman - @​starryychansfw
Movie Marathon - @corruption-skz​ (jisung x seungmin x f!reader)
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##. jeongin !!
timestamps: none yet
Adulthood - @multihoe-net PARTS 1 • 2
Baby Boy - @corruption-skz
Working it Out - @spilledtee
Drivers License - @leeknowstoy
i saw you and i knew - @etherealinowrites
Change Your Mind - @hwavsg4ch4n
I’m Ready - @hwavsg4ch4n
Heat of the Moment - @bugeater101
teaser - @minzx
dean’s list - @gyuphorias
training wheels - @/bngchnsi
untitled - @leeknowstoy
Gap - @seospicybin PARTS 1 • 2 • 3 • 4
love-hate with jeongin - @ballelino
first time with jeongin - @ballelino
Open wider - @chvnssecret​
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##. OT8 !!
share you with the boys - @sparkystraynger​ (OT8 x f!reader) PARTS 1 • 2 • 3
Lessons - @kpop-hive​ (Series)
Lesson 1: Orgasms (Chan x Jeongin x reader)
Lesson 2: Foreplay (Chan x Seungmin x Reader)
enjoy reading besties! 
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2K notes · View notes
jnnul · 10 months
your love is my favorite color (enhypen)
a/n: so...this was kinda based off of my synesthesia...i don't rlly have any explanation for this or anything otherwise. hope u guys like it!
genre: pure fluff, just different types of love in different types of ways, idk man it's cute it's sweet it's a word vomit that's all i got for u tw: mentions of arguments, and once again, emotional constipation w sunghoon sorry
word count: 1.3k
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gif creds: @jeonwonwoo
jungwon is orange
his love is quiet, but dynamic in a juxtaposition that only he can make work
he's the space between the moon and the sun when they recede in the sky because loving jungwon is loving in limbo
he's the vibrant ocher of dusk, when golden hour is making your skin glow and jungwon swears up and down he's never seen a prettier sight
he's the languid peachy rays of dawn, when he's sending you good morning texts before starting his busy day
he's the amber of his eyes when he's trying to memorize every single detail of your face when you fall asleep on call
he's the ginger of the cookies you bake him when you know he's been having a tough time
he's the cinnamon of your perfume when he seeks the comfort of your arms after spending so much time apart on tour
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gif creds: @simleez
heeseung is yellow
his love is the simplest way that he understands the world, much like the simplest color of them all; through your heart and yellow
he's the color of the tuscan sun on a vacation that he's had to spend months planning in secret because that's the way he loves you
he's the butterscotch of the flowers that he sends you when he's on tour
his love is the marigold of the sweater that you wear to his concert, hidden in the crowd but heeseung can recognize you from a mile away
he is the lemon color of the childish bracelets the two of you make together in the safety of his dorm
he is the gold of the necklace you buy him for your anniversary that he keeps in his pocket no matter where he goes
his love is the honey that seems to drip from his eyes every time he looks at you because sometimes, he can't believe how lucky he is
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gif creds: @hooned
jay is purple
loving him is a regal, almost noble act that is the same color as the once coveted hue of the kings and queens of the world
he is the sangria that stains your lips when the two of you go wine tasting as your first date
he is the periwinkle that dangles in front of your eyes when he shows you the earrings he had spent hours crafting for you
his love is the violet blanket that you sob into when he leaves you for the first time on tour and that's the only thing in your home that still smells like him weeks later
he is the mulberry of his favorite dress on you because he knows how hard you worked to feel good wearing it
he is the amethyst that you decorate his dorm room with to make him think of you when you're not with him
his love is the mauve of the paper he uses to write you love letters because he's a hopeless romantic and you're his muse
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gif creds: @jjsungie
jake is red
falling in love with him is a whirlwind passion hidden within two hearts, covered in the color of passion and romance
he is the cherry of the lipstick that's printed on his collar after a night of possessive love
his love is the blush that rises in his cheeks when you tell him you love him for the first time because he's never known what it's like to be loved in this way
he is the crimson of the neon lights around you in this downtown, while he's holding your hand tight - as if you would disappear if he let go
he is the rose of the flowers that he gives you on your one year anniversary, the adrenaline rush of youth finally starting to fade into something else
his love is the garnet of his sweater when you're tucked into his chest at home on a friday night, instead of clubbing because he realizes he's okay being anywhere as long as it's with you
jake is the scarlet of the dress you wear when you hold his hand and walk into the company building to declare that you were going to take the next step of your relationship
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gif creds: @jaeyxns
sunghoon is blue
loving him is like loving a tsunami of a man; harsh at times, but the rain always give way to the sunshine
he is the navy of his blazer that he's wearing the first time he meets you, not sparing a second glance when he bumps into you
sunghoon is the azure of the napkins on the table the second time he meets you - and this time, he can't take his eyes off of you
he is the denim of your skirt when he tells you that he can't be with you because...because he's not sure he deserves you
his love is the sapphire of the keychain you gave him on his bag that makes his heart thump against his chest when he remembers the look in your eyes when he left you
he is the cobalt of the wall that he kisses you senseless against as he tries to make up for lost time. to convince you that he's still worth your time.
he is the ocean blue of the waves you're running into, watching you with a smile and a heart so content, he's ready to give it all up for you
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gif creds: @get-lit
sunoo is green
his love is perhaps the easiest thing in the world; loving him is easy and comfortable. like breathing a breath of fresh air.
he is the pistachio of the couch that you insist looks good in the living room of the apartment you've just moved into with him (he begs to differ)
he is the basil of the sofa you actually decided on, pressing an excited kiss to sunoo's cheek when he agrees
he is the seafoam of the mugs that you had bought for the two of you; the same mugs that you swat away from jungwon when he accidentally tries to take it
his love is the emerald of the necklace that rises and falls with every breath you take in your sleep and he can't believe that he gets to wake up to this every day for the rest of his life
he is the lime of the box of tissues you've been continuously pulling out of after a particularly bad argument. he wordlessly replenishes the box.
sunoo is the mint of the ice cream smoothie the two of you share as you reminisce on how far you've come and just how far you'll go together
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gif creds: @heeseunq
riki is pink
falling in love with him is stumbling into big emotions with naïve minds but not minding a thing because who would you rather learn with than him?
he is the lotus of the notebook that you slide across the table to him, asking him to help you study for a test
his love is the bubblegum blanket that he covers you with when you fall asleep in the middle of studying, confusing himself when he realizes just how much he wants to stay here with you
he is the rouge that stains his cheeks late at night when he searches up how he feels when he's around you (the results say he has a crush on you)
he is the watermelon of your chapstick when you kiss him for the first time, blinking hurriedly. eyes still closed, almost instinctively, his lips chase yours.
he is the hot pink of the sweater you buy for him, not having the heart to tell you it's horrendous when you're looking at him with those puppy eyes
his love is the peach shaped sticky note that he presses into your hand with a messy scrawl on just how proud of you he is when you ace your test
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mewtwoandme · 9 months
O_O Human Lee looks like the sort of person who would scare off people harassing human Amber and bring her a lunch he attempted to make. Lee shows up and scares the perves with his presence: "What'cha doing? Harassing my lady or someth'in?" The humans bothering Amber feel intimidated: "n-nothing! Ju-just asking about the weather..." Lee: "The forecast looks like I'm about to kick your a$$. Beat it, losers." Humans: Flee in fright after make a lame retort. Human Amber with her arms folded across her chest: "What are YOU doing here, Lee?" Lee holds out a fabric wrapped bento box he made: "You forgot your lunch. Well... not that you could forget something you didn't know I made... Anyways, here, take it." The Bento: It's a poorly arranged bento box where the lid won't close properly due to items being too big to fit. Inside is 2 chicken drumsticks, a drink can of hot coffee, an apple (with a small bite taken out of it for some reason), a stick of celery with a cherry tomato, a handful of goldfish magikarp crackers, and 2 chocolate chip cookies. Lee: :3 "It's a chicken salad with cracker croutons and some dessert. I couldn't fit the fries in there. Got them in my jacket if you want some."
That's so him tho XD
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Horror Villains and: What They Would Put in the Hat
(The 7 Minutes in Heaven hat)
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This was pretty much inspired by This post by @your-mxnd-is-mxne ! ^^
Warnings: Cursing and gore (As in limbs being put in the hat)
Animal the Cannibal: A potato peeler. BE CAREFUL.
Baby Firefly: A cute scrunchie. Put it in your hair!! She thinks you'll look so cute ^^ If you don't have hair/its too short, you can put it in hers! ^^ (So basically you win everything)
Billy Loomis: A folded up poster for the local cinema's horror night. They're playing Psycho, The Birds and then Psycho 2 Back-To-Back.
Bo Sinclair: Little plyers. he never leaves home without them, so you better give them back! Play nice and he may use them on you *cough*
Bubba Sawyer: A pig femur... its not clean...
Candyman: A little leather bound journal with his poetry in it. If he likes you, maybe he'll read you some!!
Captain Spaulding: A pamphlet for his shop! He'd just fucken love to show you around.
Carrie White: A pencil. She wasn't sure and she didn't have a whole lot on her! she hopes that's okay ^^
Chop Top Sawyer: His sunnies! Not his wig, that's special. But you got his glasses! He even wants to see you put them on.
Chucky Lee Ray: He put his whole damn shoe in there. I mean, he's a doll. Why not? // If he's in his human form, though, maybe... a... condom...
BONUS for @your-mxnd-is-mxne because its their idea in the first place ^^ Daddy Hall- *cough* I mean Doc Halloran!: Bullet casing. Its, oddly enough, the only thing that was in his pockets?? 😅 After all he is only here to hunt Leslie- see if you can distract him, though.
Dr Suave: A pack of tooth floss from his pocket. He's a dentist, what do you expect from him?
Drayton Sawyer: The keys to the chilly van (Its all he had on him). He's gonna want them back.
Freddy Krueger: A scrap oh his sweater and it turns to dirty brown dust as soon as you see what it is.
Granny Boone: Buckman's initialed handkerchief.
Harper Alexander: A twig that's been widdled a whole bunch. It may snap in your hand- don't you worry, he don't mind ^^
Inkubus: Ripped piece of paper with a backwards K scribbled into it. You get ink stains on your fingers.
Jack Dante: An action figure! Probably He-Man or something. You can play with it for now but you're gonna give it back when he goes home.
Jason Voorhees: A chunk of moss. Its squishy and fresh.
Jedidiah Sawyer: A tie! He's a well dressed man and always brings an extra XD
Jennifer Check: Cherry Coke Chapstick! You know she's that super cool person who had all the branded soda flavours. And she may even apply some to you~
Jerry Dandridge: His scarf. And its cold- why don't you wear it for a while?~ He's very charming. And this is the man you're gonna get stuck in a closet alone with for nearly 10 minutes! Goodluck-
Leslie Vernon: His mask. He's gotta spread the word!! Make sure people know who he is! This felt like a marketing opportunity.
Lester Sinclair: That grizzly lookin' knife of his. Listen to him chat about it and he'll love you forever.
Luda Mae Hewitt: Wooden spoon. Her logic? If she goes in there with someone iffy she can beat them with it.
Max Grief: Cassette tape out of his car. He wasnt sure what to really put in, so, *shrug*
Mayor Buckman: Boone's initialed handkerchief (Yeahhhh, they're cute like that XD).
Mental Manny: Straw twisted and bent into the shape of some satanic symbol. You feel uncomfortable holding it. But oh, he wants you to have it now~~ A gift.
Michael Myers: Someone's ear.
Mickey Altieri: A snack. Like a cookie from a vending machine or a pack of 2 minute noodles. You can have it, no worries.
Midnight Man: The page with the names on it. ... wanna play a game?
Miss Quinn: Her hand mirror. Come on now, sweetheart!!~ We'll make you look pretty.
Monty Hewitt: A screwdriver. You got anything he can fix up rela quick? He doesn't mind, if it means he can get away from Hoyt for a bit.
Otis B. Driftwood: You don't wanna know. I'm not telling you. Put it down.
Pamela Voorhees: Her drivers licence. She was looking in her wallet and thought it was logical- plus she sure as hell wasn't putting in her polaroid of Jason.
Patrick Bateman: His card, of course. Its so damn crisp- you get a paper cut.
Pennywise: A horn! Honk honk!
Rocco the Clown: Some poor bastard's kneecap. Yes. A kneecap. And I still won't tell you what Otis put in the hat.
Roman Bridger: A very fancy pen. The kind thats like 50 dollars for one. It's for signing contracts but he likes to show off that he has it.
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt Jr: 'His' sheriff's badge! He wants you to comment on it, too- call him Sheriff Hoyt- stroke his ego. That's all he wants.
Stu Macher: A lollipop! You can have it, he's already sucking one. You two can have matching blue tongues!
Stuart Lloyd: Someone forced him to chuck in the USB that his little movie is on- he's terribly anxious about it and hope that you'll just give it right back and don't play it. Its not done...
DBD! The Clown: A little travel bottle with a suspicious liquid inside. He suggests that you drink it... I suggest you do not. Unless, you know, you're into it-
DBD! The Deathslinger: A wrench. He's a handy man and never leaves the house without his handy wrench!
The Djinn: ... the jewel...
DBD! The Huntress: A bunny ear from a bunny doll. She can do it herself but if you sew it back onto her dolly then you have a friend for life.
The Man (Hush): A switchblade. He's gonna want it back but (; you can keep it while you're in the closet with him if it makes you feel safer.
Taxidermist: Some kind taxidermists tool. Maybe a fleshing cone or a necker knife.
Thomas Hewitt: A pretty rock. 🪨
Vincent Sinclair: A notepad so he can talk to you if you don't know sign language ^^
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane: A crushed can of coke. He doesn't carry shit around with him and he sure as fuck is not handing over his knife.
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fan-girly-things · 1 year
Omega Naruto boy scents
Naruto: his scent is fruity and tropical. He doesn’t have the best scent control so luckily, he’s in a positive mood most of the time and his scent is generally well liked. When he’s feeling unhappy the scent takes on a sour note.
Sasuke: Uchiha’s typically have woody/peppery scents. As an omega, Sasuke’s scent is cherry sweet and tart; there’s the distinctive Uchiha muskiness that levels the sweetness out. It’s not overpowering, which is especially appealing to those with sensitive noses.
Itachi: Very similar to Sasuke’s, almost indistinguishable to the untrained nose. Itachi’s scent is powderier than Sasuke’s, with the hint of something floral. The fruity note comes out more when he’s excited or happy, though he does have incredible control over his scent. Most of the time he keeps the scent minimal and manages to smell like the forest and a hint of something sweet.
Neji: smells very clean. Like fresh linen and lavender. Very powdery and feminine notes. When upset his scent can start to smell bleach-like.
Shikamaru: his scent is like a meadow. Fresh grass and flowers. Maybe it’s why the deer love Nara’s so much. His scent feels like taking a nap in a sunny field. When he’s upset however, I’d imagine it smells more like dirt and wood.
Chouji: He’d smell like cookies. Sweet, warm, and inviting. The pups in the village love his scent and tend to gravitate to him. He’s very rarely mad enough for his scent to change drastically, but in that scenario, it would smell more like burnt sugar.
Lee: Fruity and citrus like. Very fresh and pleasant to others, but not the easiest to blend into the forest. For this reason, Lee becomes very good at controlling his scent.
Haku: smells like dew drops on a flower garden in the morning. Very light and feminine scent, especially attractive to alphas. Starts to smell like an oncoming storm when he’s upset though.
Kiba: First notable scent is that he smells like pine and dirt, so he can disappear into the forest easily. However, upon close inspection there’s notes of a scent akin to butterscotch.
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can-of-pringles · 4 months
Assign ice cream flavors to your OCs?
Oh ok!
Arline Lanes: Chocolate peanut butter. (Probably a real thing?)
Fox: Cherry chocolate chunk.
Carina Shepherd: Vanilla.
Dannie Karim: Cookie dough.
Silas Petersson: Rocky road?
Pigeon: Birthday cake.
Arith: Mint chocolate chip.
Iriel: Carmel chocolate crunch.
Kaia: Neapolitan.
Odel: Bubblegum.
Eliška Hasek: Chocolate.
Marigold Rosales: Coffee?
Rosie Rosales-Maximoff: Very berry strawberry.
Allison Dahir: Blue raspberry sherbet.
Lee Quinn: Cotton candy.
Jelaa Latka: Rainbow sherbet.
Van Kahl: Cookies and cream.
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
valentines themed this or that’s 🥰💗❤️
it’s my favorite holiday and i wanted to do something fun so please feel free to join in! maybe some of these will spark some v-day fic ideas - i know they did for me 🤭
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pink or red // flowers or chocolate // strawberries or cherries // date night in or date night out // roses or mixed bouquet // jewelry or lingerie // heart shaped frosted brownies or valentines sprinkled cookies // love or money // earrings or necklace // stuffed animal or cards // diamonds or pearls // lace or silk // love songs or love poems // hand written letters or “this made me think of you” gifts // romcom or romantic drama // movie at home or movie theater // conversation hearts or cinnamon hearts // kisses or hugs // dark chocolate or milk chocolate // restaurant or meal at home // movie or play // pink or purple // secret admirer or dating // unrequited love or brief fling // friends to lovers or enemies to lovers // accidental collision or stolen glances // pen pals or neighbors // forbidden love or arranged marriage // masquerade party or formal ball //
blank version:
pink or red // flowers or chocolate // strawberries or cherries // date night in or date night out // roses or mixed bouquet // jewelry or lingerie // heart shaped frosted brownies or valentines sprinkled cookies // love or money // earrings or necklace // stuffed animal or cards // diamonds or pearls // lace or silk // love songs or love poems // hand written letters or “this made me think of you” gifts // romcom or romantic drama // movie at home or movie theater // conversation hearts or cinnamon hearts // kisses or hugs // dark chocolate or milk chocolate // restaurant or meal at home // movie or play // pink or purple // secret admirer or dating // unrequited love or brief fling // friends to lovers or enemies to lovers // accidental collision or stolen glances // pen pals or neighbors // forbidden love or arranged marriage // masquerade party or formal ball //
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fandom specific would you rather’s:
ss and ce characters: andy barber, bucky barnes, charles blackwood, lee bodecker, lloyd hansen, nick fowler, ransom drysdale, steve kemp, and steve rogers
i just put this together for fun, so tags are completely open! anyone and everyone is welcome and encouraged to reblog with your own answers. feel free to add on to this or to change/add/remove character options 🥰💗
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🕯️ candlelit dinner with: steve rogers or andy barber
💗 lingerie shopping with: charles blackwood or nick fowler
🖤 flowers left on your kitchen counter from your secret admirer (stalker): bucky barnes or lee bodecker
🥰 romantic picnic with: steve kemp or charles blackwood
💋 trip to paris with: ransom drysdale or andy barber
🥞 breakfast in bed with: steve rogers or bucky barnes
🌷 scenic drive with: charles blackwood or lee bodecker
💍 surprise proposal by: nick fowler or steve rogers
🍝 make dinner together with: lee bodecker or steve kemp
🌹 coming home to find a trail of rose petals leading you in your shared bedroom right to an awaiting: lloyd hansen or bucky barnes
🥀 have a romantic night in (seeing how you aren’t allowed out) with: steve rogers or steve kemp
(don’t worry they still have some gifts for you 😌)
🥂ending the night with champagne, chocolate fondue, and cuddles that may or may not lead to more with: ransom drysdale or lloyd hansen
blank version (easier to copy format):
🕯️ candlelit dinner with: steve rogers or andy barber 💗 lingerie shopping with: charles blackwood or nick fowler 🖤 flowers left on your kitchen counter from your secret admirer (stalker): bucky barnes or lee bodecker 🥰 romantic picnic with: steve kemp or charles blackwood 💋 trip to paris with: ransom drysdale or andy barber 💍 surprise proposal by: nick fowler or steve rogers 🌹 coming home to find a trail of rose petals leading you in your shared bedroom right to an awaiting: lloyd hansen or bucky barnes 🥀 have a romantic night in (seeing how you aren’t allowed out) with: steve rogers or steve kemp (don’t worry they still have some gifts for you 😌) 🥂ending the night with champagne, chocolate fondue, and cuddles that may or may not lead to more with: ransom drysdale or lloyd hansen 🍝 make dinner together with: lee bodecker or steve kemp 🥞 breakfast in bed with: steve rogers or bucky barnes 🌷 scenic drive with: charles blackwood or lee bodecker
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lgcmanager · 7 months
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halloween celebrations are now long behind. legacy hope that you all enjoyed the celebrations!
after reviewing the footage from the gingerbread village cameras, PASSION5 has decided to offer contracts to various legacy talents. the company was looking for individual who interacted well with their brands (positive use of product during threads/solos), had availabilities (no other contracts or contracts with rival companies), talent and some public recognition (minimum 25 notoriety, 25 acting and 50 modeling). furthermore, to match the right people with the right product, they also consulted directly with LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT (modeling portfolios done for those eligible at the time of the event). thus, the chosen models have been divided in 4 groups: 
congratulations to all of you! the selected models have been privately notified that their current fees are 12 MILLION WON ( $10,000 USD ) per CF for a contract of 6 months ( meaning that from the filming of the CF to the removal of them on broadcast, there will be a total of 6 months ). due to their contract split, they will each be paid 6 MILLION WON ( $5,000 USD ).
( important note: please note that the modeling tab will be updated in the next few days. )
with the holidays right at our step, now is the best time of the year to GIVE. throughout the months of november, passion5 has invited their clients to sign up for a chance to win a special prize for their school, work or loved ones. from DECEMBER 11 to JANUARY 7 the models in BREAD, CAKE and GIFT groups will be delivering the prizes:
BREAD: either ALONE or in PAIRS, models of this group will be bringing varieties of breads and pastries to COMPANY WORKERS (one company per muse/pair, if the company has over 15 employees, the winners will be only a single team within that company)
CAKE: either ALONE or in PAIRS, models of this group will be bringing cakes to STUDENTS (one class or club/organization in either middle school, high school or university)
GIFT: either ALONE or in PAIRS, models of this group will be bringing cookies and chocolate assortments to ELDERLY people (can be retirement communities, clubs attended by elderly people, ect.)
PASSION5 puts a lot of pride in their passion for baking. therefore, their representatives handpicked individuals who had a particular interest or talent in BAKING and/or FOOD in general. the selected models will be participating in a special campain where, either ALONE or in PAIRS, they will be baking either a BREAD, PASTRY or CAKE of their choosing. the bakers of passion5 will be there to assist them in making their product as TASTY and visually PLEASING as possible. a video highlight of their work and the recipe will then be posted on their various social media platforms starting JANUARY 1.
write a 300+ word solo or 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread about either delivering the prizes (bread, cake and gift groups) or filming the baking video (making group) for +5 SKILL POINTS IN MODELING and +7 NOTORIETY.
** please note that any given muse can only do this event ONCE ic, so multiple threads aren't allowed **
you have until JANUARY 20, 2024 to complete this event. use the hashtag lgc:gig022 to tag any posts or solo related to the opportunity. make sure to submit your points before JANUARY 20, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to the lgcpoints blog:
those who did the gingerbread but didn’t qualify one way or another, do not fret; we haven’t forgotten you! you receive instead +5 HOSTING.
a tally of what has been received follows right under. for points reference, please link this post to your points sheet.
ahn jaehwa: modeling contract
ahn yein: modeling contract
baek byeongkwan: modeling contract
baek seona: +5 hosting
cha hyoseop: modeling contract
cha sori:  modeling contract
chen maylin: +5 hosting
cho iseul: +5 hosting
cho minkyu: modeling contract
choi junkyu: +5 hosting
choi kai: modeling contract
gong hyejoo: +5 hosting
han hyunhee: modeling contract
han jisoo: +5 hosting
han keeho: modeling contract
han noeul: modeling contract
han rowon: +5 hosting
han seunghyun: modeling contract
hirawa emi: +5 hosting
jeon haru: modeling contract
jo eunwoo: +5 hosting
kang maximilian: +5 hosting
kang minjun: modeling contract
kang yoojoon: modeling contract
kim cherry: modeling contract
kim jinseo: modeling contract
kim jinyoung: modeling contract
kim nayoung: modeling contract
kim seyoon: +5 hosting
kim yubin: +5 hosting
kim yujin: +5 hosting
kuramoto misaki: +5 hosting
kurosawa akio: modeling contract
kwon baekhyun: +5 hosting
kwon hyuntae: +5 hosting
kwon sena: +5 hosting
lee hyunsoo: modeling contract
lee jiho: modeling contract
lee minji: +5 hosting
lee yushin: modeling contract
lim sanghyun: modeling contract
liu yuxi: +5 hosting
mae jasper: +5 hosting
min soyoun: modeling contract
moon hayoung: modeling contract
moon jiah: +5 hosting
moon jino: modeling contract
moon somin: modeling contract
nam gyuri: modeling contract
noh areum: +5 hosting
oh eunhye: modeling contract
pak jihan: +5 hosting
park chaekyung:+ 5 hosting
park hyukjae: +5 hosting
park jaekyung: modeling contract
park seojin: modeling contract
park sujin: +5 hosting
park taeha: modeling contract
seo minseo: +5 hosting
seo nina: modeling contract
seo yura: +5 hosting
shin jieun: modeling contract
son nabi: modeling contract
su parker: modeling contract
sung haneul: modeling contract
takanashi asami: +5 hosting
watanabe miyu: modeling contract
won yeonwoo: modeling contract
xue yichen: +5 hosting
yamashita ichika: modeling contract
yang aeri: modeling contract
yeon jihwan: +5 hosting
yoo haemin: +5 hosting
yoo hyun: +5 hosting
yoon minjae: modeling contract
yu milan: modeling contract
zheng amelia: +5 hosting
zheng leo: modeling contract
zheng oliver: +5 hosting
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pinknredbracket · 1 year
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THIS TOURNAMENT WILL HAVE 6 ROUNDS IF I COUNTED CORRECTLY!! Round 2 Part 2 will begin April 15th at 6PM EST!! there will be 4 Parts to Round 1, mostly for my sanity, then 2 parts for Round 2, and then the next rounds will all be one part each. Most of these match ups were random, but I switched them around as I saw fit. 
Matchups and links to the rounds under the cut!
Dirk Strider and Dave Strider VS Roxy Lalonde and Dave Strider
Amy Rose and Knuckles VS Sonia and Knuckles
Diona and Diluc VS Diona and Klee
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Kagami Tsurugi VS Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Tikki
Kirby and King Dedede VS Kirby and Kirby’s Shoes
Princess Bubblegum and Marceline VS Princess Bubblegum and Peppermint Butler
Ty Lee and Mai VS Ty Lee and Azula
Kairi and Sora VS Kairi and Axel/Lea
Princess Peach and Mario VS Toadette and Toad
Feferi Peixes and Aradia Megido VS Dirk Strider and Dave Strider
Kouyou Ozaki and Chuuya Nakahara VS Teruko Ōkura and Tachihara Michizou
Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos VS Neo and Cinder
Ochaco Uraraka and Katsuki Bakugou VS Mina Ashido and Ejiro Kirishima
Olivia and Sully VS Mae and Celica
Hilda and Silvain VS Lapis and Diamant
Ryan and Stephanie VS Ella and Sammy
Cure Dream and Cure Rouge VS Cure Peach and Cure Passion VS Cure Heart and Regina
Kirby and His Shoes VS Mettaton and Papyrus
Princess Peach and Mario VS Kirby and King Dedede
Pinky and Blinky VS Tohru Honda and Kyo Sohma
Susie Campbell and Audrey Drew VS Waka and Amaterasu
Zane and KAI VS Knuckles and Amy Rose
Valentines Heart Candy VS Pig and Mooshroom
Utena Tenjou and Anthy Himeyama VS Aerith Gainsborough and Tifa Lockhart
Mangle and Foxy VS Cure Heart and Regina
Kouyou Ozaki and Chuuya Nakahara VS Diona and Klee
Draculaura and Kieran Valentine VS Angel Dust and Alastor
Ella and Sammy VS Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos
Haru Okumura and Ann Takamaki VS Megaera and Zagreus
Pink and Red Rangers VS Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz
Bandage Girl and Meat Boy VS Isaac and Willis
Danganronpa Blood and Blood VS Pink and Red Amonguses
Emily and Clifford VS Doremi Harukaze and Pop Harukaze
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Kagami Tsurugi VS Gwen Stacy and Miles Morales
Part 3
Dirk Strider and Dave Strider VS Paula and Ness
Cherry Cookie and Cherry Blossom Cookie VS Kujo Tenn and Nanasa Riku
Ty Lee and Mai VS Mina Ashido and Eijiro Kirishima
Liu Mingyan and Sha Hualing VS Kusuo Saiki and Kineshi Hairo
My Melody and Hello Kitty VS Alvin and Brittany
Kirby and His Shoes VS Coco Atarashi and Tsugumi Matsune
Minnie and Mickey VS Diavolo and King Crimson
Rose and Jake Long VS Candy and Dave the Barbarian
Part 4
PB & Marcy VS Isabella & Phineas
Shellsea & Bea VS Webby & Huey
Blossom & Brick VS Lela & Butchy
Nene & Tokiwa VS Nana & Cooro
Bocchi & Kita VS Ashley Williams & Commander Shepard
Olivia & Sully VS Hilda & Silvain
Nico & Maki VS Kairi & Axel/Lea
Chika & Kaguya VS Madoka & Kyoko
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Oooo.... How about Pretty Petals guys and flavors of ice cream??
Ransom - french vanilla
Steve - cookies and cream
Bucky - chunky monkey
Loki - pistachio
Lloyd - double chocolate fudge with peanut butter cups
Andy - cherry chip
Curtis - earl grey
Lee - butterscotch ripple
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keymeadoww · 8 months
Who Will I write for?
A list of people and fandoms I will be willing to write for! This is both platonic and romantic (and nsfw- ONLY for characters, NO real people! [ex. I could write a C! Hermitcraft x reader nsfw, but i would NOT write a regular hermitcraft one, yknow??]), if it has a STAR beside their name, then they are ONLY PLATONIC
Famous People/Youtubers
James Marriot
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock
Kris Collins*
Celina Spookyboo*
Marauders Era
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
Fabian Prewett
Gideon Prewett
Molly Prewett
Marlene McKinnon
Lily Evans
Dorcas Meadows
Frank Longbottom
Regulus Black
Barty Crouch
Evan Rosier
Severus Snape
Lucius Malfoy
Amos Diggory
Arthur Weasley
Fear Street 1994
Kate Schmidt
Samantha Fraser
Helluva Boss
Millie/Moxxie (if romance, poly only)
Verosika Mayday
Hazbin Hotel
Sir Pentious
Cherri Bomb
Hermitcraft (the people I regularly watch)
BdoubleO (Bdubs)
Julie and the Phantoms
Guy Diamond*
Tiny Diamond*
Delta Dawn
John Dory
Doctor Who *Current hyperfixation*
The Master
The Mistress (Missy)
Rose Tyler
Jack Harkness
Donna Noble
Martha Jones
Amelia Pond
Rory Williams
Clara Oswald
Bill Potts
Ryan Sinclair
Graham O'Brien*
Yasmin Khan
Dan Lewis*
Ruby Sunday
Dorian Stories
Shark Bait by Rose Magpie
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little-svt · 1 year
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Wc: 620
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Surprise Party
It was nearly Chan’s birthday and you were so excited to celebrate with him. He always made the effort to make sure your own birthday was fun and you wanted to return the favour. You wanted to make sure your daddy knew just how special he was on his special day.
With the help of his hyungs, you had decided to throw him a surprise party. Even Seungcheol helped you pick out the perfect gift.
The day before his birthday, you were sitting in the living room at the coffee table. You were surrounded by the many colouring pens Chan had given you, happily colouring away in your animal colouring book.
“… and then uncle cheolie took me to the mall! It was so big and dere was soooo many people!”
Chan looked up from his phone, a wide smile on his face.
“Really? Did uncle Cheol take care of you?” He asked, reaching over to move some hair out of your face.
“Uh huh! He made sure I didn’t get lost.”
“Well that’s good, what did you do?” Chan asked. You put the lid back on your pen and turn to him, an excited smile on your face.
“We went to soooo many shops, Appa! We got balloons and banners and those things you pull and they go pop! They have the colourful thingies in…” You trailed off, trying to think of the word. Chan couldn’t help but tilt his head in confusion. Balloons? Banners?
They were throwing him a party. He decided to not say anything, not wanting to upset you.
“You mean confetti baby?” He offered. You clap your hands and nodded as you rocked back and forth.
“Yes ‘fetti! It was so pwetty! And then we went to get some cookies cause we saw pwetty ones with cherry blossoms! I know it’s your favourite!” You exclaimed. Chan chuckled softly at your excitement and shook his head playfully.
“You know me so well baby.”
“Then uncle Cheolie took me to get you your present but I can’t tell you cause it’s a supwise….” You said, going quiet. Oh no! No, no, no, no! You weren’t supposed to tell him any of this! A pout began to form on your face and you could feel the tears start to pool in your eyes. “… I wuined it…”
Chan couldn’t help but chuckle at that and he shook his head. He moved off the couch to sit in front of you on the floor and he took your face in both of his hands. He gently wiped away your fallen tears and mimicked the pout you were sporting.
“Hey, you didn’t ruin anything silly. You just got a little excited and wanted to tell me about your fun day!” He said, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.
“Jus’ wanted it to be special…” You said with a sigh. Chan smiled and he could feel his heart swell at your words.
“It will still be special baby because you and the boys planned it. And I know that you would have put sooo much effort into making it amazing because you have the biggest heart.” He told you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Don’t be so hard on yourself baby.”
You sniffed and moved to sit on your appa’s lap. “Pwomise you’re not mad?” You asked quietly. Chan gasped and placed a hand on his chest dramatically.
“Me…? Be mad at you? Never!” He replied, tickling your sides gently. You squirmed in his lap and giggled softly, pushing at his hands.
“Appa! Stop!” You giggled. “Will you pwomise me one more thing?”
“What is it?” He asked.
“Pwomise you’ll still pretend to be surprised?”
“I promise baby.”
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🧸Endnote: Happy Birthday to our future of Kpop maknae Lee Chan! Gosh this man makes me so happy and giggly and I wish him the happiest birthday ever. He is the sweetest boy and never wants to see his baby sad or pouty. Eeeee I love Channie so much! 🥰🥰🥰 ~ 👑🐰💛
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chloenotfound404 · 10 months
~ My Master List & Fandoms ~
Fandoms I write for:
Ghost - all ghouls and Papas
COD - Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Alejandro
BG3 - ALL origin characters + Raphael, Halsin, Minthara
More to come!!
Here is the Masterlist of all my writing! There are prompt lists, Headcannons, Fics and drabbles all sectioned <3 (Reminder there will be SFW and NSFW writing which will be tagged as such)
Sweet as Candy - Dew x Reader (NSFW)
Stage Shenanigans - Lee!Swiss Ler!Phantom
Cherry Cookies - Rain X Reader
Baby Doll - Copia X Reader (NSFW) (WIP)
Loud thoughts, small mind -Terzo x Non-verbal reader (WIP)
Summer Class - Felix x Reader (NSFW) (WIP)
Fic Series~
These moments- part 1; Copia X Fiancée!Reader
These moments- part 2; Copia X Fiancée!Reader
These moments- part 3; Copia X Fiancée!Reader (WIP)
How the Papas help you relax
Copia Cuddles
Lee!Ghouls (Males!)
Lee!Ghouls (Females!) (WIP)
Ghost prompts (WIP)
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