#Legend of Zelda fic
lunarobyn22 · 7 months
Here's the fic for those of you who want to read it on Tumblr instead of AO3! (I'm tired so this is my peace offering in place of today's Faebruary post 🙃) Check out @cloudninetonine 's "A Player's Aid" au, it'll give context for this!
Legend Gets What (He Thought) He Wanted
Threats of Violence, no y/n, Reader-Insert, Mention of making murder look like suicide, no one actually wants to die so don't worry, The others are there briefly, reader gender not specified, Kinda death threats but not exactly, Legend Needs a Hug, Reader Also Needs a Hug, They both get one tho don't worry, Resolved ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Legend is convinced that modern!reader is a traitor and a danger to the chain. He wants to get rid of the threat...Reader just really wanted to use the bathroom, but they somehow end up at sword point.
You all sat by the campfire after yet another long day of long walks punctuated by not long breaks and long fights. You were exhausted, from both the physical toll taken by the day as well as from dealing with Legend’s near constant attempts to make everyone hate you. Heck, you were almost starting to hate yourself because of him. You had to forcibly remind yourself that he’s likely only lashing out because your knowledge of everyone’s adventures probably made him feel vulnerable. You yawned and turned your focus to other things.
Your mind relaxed as you looked around. Your head was leaned to the right on Wild’s shoulder, and Hyrule sat curled up in front of you with his head in your lap. Wind had finally tired of regaling the chain with yet another tall tale, and thus had retired to intently watching Sky as he worked on a new carving. Twilight, Time, and Warriors were conversing in a relaxed manner, laughing at stories of Time’s shenanigans in the War of Eras as “Mask.” They told some embarrassing stories, and Time held a near perpetual blush in his ears and a fake annoyed expression thinly veiling his amusement. Four was quietly polishing his various weapons, making sure they were well-maintained for any future skirmishes. And finally, there was the chain’s resident salt shaker, the Veteran. Legend sat a few feet to your left, not-so-subtly eyeing you with jealousy and what you might label “loathing,” probably because Hyrule had chosen you as his pillow instead of his predecessor. He pretended to sort through his myriad of magical jewelry, but you knew better. You also knew better than to call him out at the moment.
Everyone (mostly) was at peace, full from a good supper provided by Wild, happy from the stories Wind had told, and now content to do as they pleased until it was time for the first watch to start. By your guess, each of the three watches lasted three hours, 9 PM - 12 AM, 12 AM - 3 AM, and 3AM - 6 AM, or just after sunrise, depending on the season. It was about 8:30, and your eyes had been drooping for an hour already. You let your mind wander as you stared into the fire, pondering where the tips of the flames disappeared to as they peaked and vanished, dipping back to the firewood just to jump up once more a second later.
All too soon Wild was nudging you and Rulie back to your own bedrolls as Sky set up for his watch period. You hazily recalled meaning to clean the mud and blood off your shoes as you took them off, but decided to just do it in the morning before you all set off again. It’s not like the stains were going anywhere while you slept. You were out almost as soon as you pulled up your blanket to your chin. You didn’t even hear Wild’s small chuckle as he tucked you in before he walked away to his own sleeping spot.
Your faint dreams of red eyes haunting the dark corners of endless mazes were interrupted by a twig snapping by your face. You inhaled sharply as your eyes flew open to assess the situation, but relaxed once you saw that it was just Sky going to wake Legend up for his shift on watch. He glanced down to you and offered a sleepy smile of apology, which you returned in kind, before nuzzling deeper into your pillow (which was unfortunately rather thin and small, but you figured that even if you had brought a full-size memory foam pillow from home, it wouldn’t stand a chance of fitting into your bag, no matter how enhanced it might be).
You faintly heard the Vet bemoan his fate as second watchman before his blanket rustled and he walked to the fire. You’re pretty sure he intentionally stepped on the same twig as Sky had when he passed by you, but you didn’t give him the satisfaction of a flinch. Through half-lidded eyes you could vaguely see the grouch circle the camp before sitting on a log before the fire and facing the woods that surrounded your camp. He was even more grumpy tonight, because not only was he designated for the worst shift ever, but he didn’t even have a choice as Time forced it upon him due to a particularly scathing remark he’d made towards you earlier in the day.
You tried not to focus on his insults and apparent hatred, you really did, but recently it was getting harder to ignore. His questioning of Hyrule’s sudden loyalty to you turned to questioning everyone’s desire to not kick you out or abandon you to the next monster camp they found. He seemed convinced you were either an evil witch who forced Hyrule and Wild to love you, a monster disguised to destroy them, or even a direct agent of Dark Link (who you’d not-so-affectionately dubbed “Dink”) and planned to betray them all any day now. You, in turn, had stopped vehemently insisting you were harmless, and eventually resigned yourself to simply not rise to the bait of his stinging statements of distrust. You knew he’d been through a lot of pain and loss through his many journeys, but that didn’t excuse his treatment of you. Only your mother’s advice kept you somewhat sane — “bullies only prosper when you give them a reaction. If you don’t react, they have less reason to target you.” And yet, Legend’s berating only continued.
You silently huffed a sigh and turned around to lay on your other side, facing away from the fire. You didn’t really love the idea of turning your back to the one person who very clearly wanted you to cease existing, but you knew he had enough sense not to literally stab you in the back when you were both surrounded by witnesses who would decidedly not appreciate such a thing. Plus, the fire was too bright for your sleepy eyes anyway. You started a breathing exercise, prayed you’d assumed correctly about not getting murdered by your upset comrade tonight, and closed your eyes again.
An hour or so later you quietly groaned and sat up. Not only could you not fall asleep, but your bladder was beginning to rebel against the idea of waiting until morning to relieve yourself. The chain had made camp just a ways off from a wide yet shallow creek, and you decided that since you were already awake, you might as well go ahead and rinse your shoes off, too. That way they’d be dry in the morning and you wouldn’t have to worry about walking around in shoes that made your socks cold and wet. You shuddered at the thought and slowly stood, stretching your arms above your head and popping your back, then bending down to pick up your shoes and a bar of soap you’d bought in the town you all just passed through.
Legend spared you a calculating glance from his seat, saying nothing. You simply waved with your free hand and then signed “toilet” before walking away to take care of business. You didn’t have to look over your shoulder to know that he was staring holes into the back of your head; you could practically feel him doing so anyway. You sighed, choosing to instead focus on the foliage you passed on your walk, faintly illuminated by the fire back at camp and the dim glow from a bracelet Wild had given you. He said he’d used a brightbloom seed to make it, and you had been sure to express your gratitude. It was much easier than having to carry a torch, which was not only difficult if your hands were full, but was also very bright to your still-asleep eyes. That, and you’d almost started a forest fire last time you’d been entrusted to carry a torch when you weren’t yet fully awake (once the crisis had been averted, Legend of course claimed that you had done it on purpose, but you were so tired that you just gave him a deadpan stare with a raised eyebrow and plopped back onto your bedroll to resume sleeping).
After answering nature’s call and washing your hands, you sat criss-cross by the creek, took off your dirtied shoes, and started splashing them in the frigid water. It was colder than you’d expected, but everything barring your hands was still warm enough, and it helped shock you to be more awake and aware. You used some more of your soap to aid your struggle against the grossness crusted onto your shoes, thankful that they were made from something like leather, so it wouldn’t be too difficult to clean once you actually got started. As you washed, you listened to the sounds of the world around you, now returned since you were no longer disrupting their peace.
A sound like cricket chirps mixed with owl coos set the backdrop for the soundscape, while the occasional breeze played with leaves and stuck them in your hair. If you listened closely enough and stopped your washing, you swore you could almost hear the life within the flowers and greenery by your feet, the very soul of the land of Hyrule, its perseverance, growth, progress and patience, all poured with a parent’s care into each and every living thing it supported, down to the smallest weed by the creek bed where you sat.
The water before you seemed to whisper, not in the way the Sheikah technology would, but more like it was a living feeling, as if it wanted to impart to you the knowledge it had picked up on its journey to this place. You had heard a story, once, that water could hold memories; that every molecule of water in the world has existed since creation, for it cannot be created or destroyed by those who need it to survive. Every single drop had a story to tell, an event it had witnessed, a place it had once called home. Perhaps some of the water burbling and giggling before you was the same way — some of it might have seen the rise and fall of entire civilizations, the existence of every single hero, princess, and villain up to that very moment — and it would continue to amass these secrets, both big and small, every detail it would pass by, and no one would ever fully decipher its stories, its warnings, its wisdom and playfulness. And even so, it would continue to exist and endure, trickling on through the ages and epochs.
You were somewhat prone to these random philosophical trains of thought, and had thus been unknowingly sitting, unmoving, almost unblinking, in the same place for the past twenty minutes. If anyone were with you, they might have thought you to be having a memory episode akin to the ones Wild sometimes had. Indeed, you were so lost in the wanderings and ramblings of your own mind that you had no idea you were being watched. You had no clue until a sound was made that caused you to spring to your feet with a gasp and reach for the dagger you’d sheathed at your hip.
Legend stood at the tree line a few feet away, posture tense and, dare you say, predatory, unsettling stare boring into your own wide, surprised eyes. “What are you waiting for? Or should I say, who are you waiting for?” You blinked away the black spots at the edges of your vision from standing up too quickly, and relaxed the hand that held your knife as your brain worked to understand the situation.
“What?” you tried to be quiet, still recovering from being shaken out of your reverie. “Why would I be waiting for someone? They’re all asleep last I checked. Ooh shoot, did I wake someone up? I’m so sor-”
“Cut the crap, [Name],” he stood up even straighter, the line of his shoulders taught with anger. “I know you’re waiting for someone to give all your collected information to. Don’t pretend you’re all so goody-goody. I’ve seen the way you ask too many questions, always looking for more details to collect, more ways you can betray us, betray them. I knew you were a snitch, and I don’t know how you bewitched them all to trust you, but they’re all too blind to see it. But I’m not. I see right through you, I have from the start.”
He had stalked closer during his speech, his voice dropping to a threatening whisper you had only ever heard in movies. His approach had caused you to back up until your still bare feet felt the water’s lapping edge. You had dropped your boots, you weren’t exactly sure where, but that was only a vague thought in the very back of your mind. Your eyebrows scrunched together as your mouth opened and closed, trying and failing to come up with a good enough response. You weren’t spying, you were trying to find answers! You came from a completely different world, of course you had questions! He of all people should understand that, and yet he still accuses you? This finally snapped your patience, and you decided to just spell it out him:
“Look, I know you hate me, but this is too far, Legend. I am not some evil being to be defeated like in your adventures, I am not planning to cause trouble for you all, and I sure as anything would never betray you guys, especially not after the trust that has been extended to me by some of you. This group took me in, saved my life, helped me learn to defend myself, protected me time and time again, and I’ve only ever tried to help you, or at the very least not get in your way. I get that I’m not some ‘chosen hero’ with crazy butt-kicking skills, I know that I’m only okay-ish at fighting, not nearly as good as any of you, and I understand that my extensive knowledge of your adventures puts you on edge, but I swear on everything that I’m not a traitor, and the main thing that I just really don’t know is why you despise me when I’ve never even given you a single reason to do so!”
Your voice had steadily increased in volume, not quite to the point of shouting, but certainly not whispering any more. He seemed a bit surprised by your willingness to defend yourself, but he hid it quickly with a scowl and what sounded almost like a growl. You noticed dully that the forest had fallen tensely quiet.
“Oh drop the act, turncoat ,” he spat, “you have never been one of us, and the only reason I didn’t drop you off a bridge yet is because Hyrule would have my hide and Wild would poison my food. But don’t mistake my inaction for acceptance or ignorance. You’re no better than any of the enemies we fight on a daily basis. You’re actually worse, because you’ve wormed your way into my group, my allies, my brothers. You think you’re something special just because you got some of them to trust you?? You’re a parasite, a threat, and tonight is all the proof I need. I knew I should’ve spoken up more from the moment you oh-so-conveniently happened to stumble into our lives. You’re going to regret ever messing with us, and Dark Link will soon know without a doubt that he cannot ever send his agents into my family without dire consequences.”
His expression twisted to a hateful snarl, showing some of his teeth in an almost animalistic display of animosity. Your face, on the other hand, was flickering through countless expressions too quickly for even you to comprehend. You knew some of what you felt, pain, sadness, anger, guilt (even though you had no reason for that one), confusion, denial, and eventually a sort of raging, spiraling emptiness that screamed inside your chest. Your breathing quickened to an almost hyperventilating speed, and your eyes grew blurry with tears you’d been suppressing for weeks. Your hurt, misty eyes locked with a pair of violet, violent, volatile ones, and you realized that he was waiting for your response. His next actions could depend solely upon your response; your very life could depend upon whatever words next left your mouth.
You had tried so hard to be friendly to the group of Links, to not aggravate Legend too awful much. You had tried to help out wherever you could, to not be a burden, to not slow them down. You tried to let the pain of rejection roll off of you like water, to not let it get under your skin. You had tried so, so hard to be one of them; but you weren’t. It was at this point you realized what he’d said without actually saying it — he was afraid . Afraid of losing the only family he had left. He’d already lost his uncle, Marin, the whole island of Koholint, and almost all the people of his Hyrule viewed him with disdain at best and outright hatred at worst. He’d had to leave Ravio and Fable back in his Hyrule, and he never knew when (if) he’d ever see them again. You realized on an even deeper level the true message behind his words — ‘you are a threat to those I love. You are dangerous. You bring pain and that is all you’ll ever do. You are not worthy of any trust, comfort, protection, or love from anyone, least of all my brothers. You would be better off never having met us, having never existed.
You would be
better off
You had tried so hard, and yet… You had never actually brought anything to the group but problems. You thought through your interactions with them all, but all you could see is the many ways you’d caused them worry, stress, or even anger. You were another mouth to feed, another bed to pay for at inns, another liability in fights, another person to slow down for as they walked. You were a burden. No, worse: you were a danger. What if they were so busy looking out for you that they didn’t see an enemy until too late? What if you slowed them down to the point where they couldn’t get where they were going in time? What if you drained their food or rupee supplies too fast? What if you got hurt again and caused stress and tension to rise, causing fights and even divisions to break out. You were a problem. Not a traitor, no, and not intentionally endangering, but they couldn’t afford to have you around any longer. And you couldn’t just leave, you’d die within a day if Dink didn’t find and torture you, but Legend wouldn’t be satisfied until he knew for a fact that you were out of their way. Permanently. He didn’t just want you to disappear; he wanted you gone. And finally, with a sinking heart, you realized just how right he was.
 At this final revelation, a tear finally did slip past your lashes down to meet your quivering chin. You felt your thoughts scatter like startled deer, your heart thundering in its cage, pounding in your ears, scaring away the life in the forest around you. And you decided. You were a danger. You had no power here.
“I - I’m so sorry , I - I never meant to drive you apart, I -” you paused to hiccup and take a breath. You knew you were breaking, your composure deteriorating, but it was too late to stop. “Legen- Link. If you truly see me as a threat, if you truly believe that I will bring nothing but harm to you, to my-your friends, if…if you think that - that I should - I should never have met you, that I should never have…existed, I…I know I can’t force you to change what you so deeply believe, I -” You gasped a little shuddering inhale, and you made your final decision, the choice that you knew would be your last. You steeled yourself, and spoke. “If you honestly believe that you would all be better off - be safer - if I was gone, if you believe I’m a threat, that I would hurt you, that I - harbor ill intent, then…” you swallowed, still taking short, stuttering breaths. Then you turned around, held your hands palm-outward and arms open to the sides, and bowed your head; you left your entire back and neck, your spine, completely exposed to the man who wanted you dead. You leveled your voice, and accepted your fate. After all, he was an experienced hero, while you were just an inexperienced nobody. He would know what he’s talking about, what would be safest and best; you wouldn’t. He was not prone to emotional decisions; you were. If that was the case, then he was right. You were a threat to your friends.
“If you truly think that I should die for the good of the group, for their safety and happiness, then…then I… I trust you to do what’s right for your family. I would never willingly hurt any of them, I never wished any of you ill but…maybe I do just bring bad luck. Maybe I truly am a curse, a threat, a liability. If that’s the case, maybe - I know I can’t just leave, since Dink is after me and I know too much so - maybe I really am better off dead.”
There was a moment of silence, and then you heard him unsheathe his sword. The back of your neck prickled with danger, but you didn’t dare look over your shoulder. You counted the seconds as they passed, and you realized you had made it to thirty and nothing had happened yet. Why the hesitation? You assumed you’d be dying by now. Perhaps…perhaps Legend feared taking the blame for your death? Causing more division within the chain? Well, you shouldn’t let that stop him if your friends’ lives and safety were at stake. You would do anything to protect them, no matter what. Legend was right, and this had to happen. He had to do this. So why hadn’t he yet? You decided to offer some support, try to speed it along. You were never one for fearing the future but you really wanted this to be over, since you could feel the dread clawing up your throat, numbing your words and preventing any cohesive thought, forcing you to stand still and hear your blood thundering through your ears.
“You could, uh, you could make it look accidental, if you want?” You suggested. “Maybe - maybe I slipped, hit my head on a rock in the creek, maybe I drowned after I fainted or something, maybe I was playing with my knife and - and accidentally hit an artery.” At this point you started to hyperventilate again, desperate, but unsure as to why. “Maybe I was surprised by an enemy, a - a stalfos! - and I was too slow,” you continued, “or - or maybe I was kidnapped, maybe I was gutted by an enemy, maybe I - I just hit my head on something, maybe I had a - a - a hidden injury,” you were nearing hysterics now, “maybe, maybe I just — maybe I did it myself? Maybe I just couldn’t go on? Maybe, maybe I, I just - what if - I,” you lost your sense of words for a moment, “I can’t, I - what about if I just - just - You don’t have to take the blame, you know? You - you could cover it up! Maybe you just were doing your final rounds at the end of your watch and just found me - m-my body, maybe -”
“[Name] are you serious?” He cut through your rambling and you guessed he thought you sounded rather impertinent. You were trying to tell him how to do his job, and you’d kept on repeating what he likely had already worked through in his own mind.
Your mouth clicked closed so quickly your teeth almost clipped your tongue. Perhaps he wanted you to die quietly. You realize you were panicking and might’ve been too loud. Oh no, what if you woke someone up? Then Legend would get caught, and you would be the cause for even more trouble for everyone, and things would get even more tense, and if they were more distracted then they’d be in more danger, then…
You were still alive for some reason, although if you hadn’t been breathing so heavily you would have heard someone else’s suspiciously loud breathing behind you. As it was, you continued to hold still, arms sore from being held out, but you didn’t dare move. Even you knew better than to rob a predator of his prey, especially when he is so close to the killing blow. You were no fool, you knew he’d likely planned this for a while, and you knew better than to irritate him further. You just wanted to say one more thing, one final reassurance.
“I only want what’s best for them…best for you. I don’t hate you, contrary to what you probably think. I’m so sorry for any pain I’ve caused you, I truly am…I - I only ask that you make it quick, not for my sake, but if I was too loud a second ago and it woke anyone up and they found you kil-” your breath hitched, “killing me, it — it might make things worse for you all, and the last thing I wanna do is make things harder for all of you guys, I love you all and I—”
“Just SHUT UP!” Legend’s voice crashed through your pleading, and you stopped. And through the suddenly deafening silence, you realized something. Had his voice cracked? You listened more intently. He was breathing unevenly, almost gasping, almost…no, no your soon-to-be-killer couldn’t possibly…
He inhaled deeply and hoarsely whispered, “ Why? How, how could you just, just…” And in his struggle for words you heard something you would never have considered possible.
You had offered to die, just like he wanted, and
Legend —
Link —
was crying .
The man who wanted you dead, who planned to watch the light leave your eyes, was crying.
Perhaps he was just so happy you’d stopped resisting? Or perhaps he simply disliked the idea of causing someone pain? Yes, that was likely the reason; you were still a person, after all, and you knew that the Veteran, despite his callousness, did in fact have a heart (however guarded it might be).
“…It’s ok, Link,” you whispered reassuringly, “I’ll probably hardly even feel it, and if you’re right, and I’m sure you are, then…I deserve it anyway, and…I trust you to do what’s right, because…well, you’re a hero. You’re Link. I’m just… I’m nobody , nothing, so…It’s okay…” You stopped there, you knew he didn’t want you to talk, but darn it you always had a weak spot for people who cried, and you just had to try to reassure them, even if this particular person was planning to send you to meet your Maker a bit earlier than you’d thought you would.
But…there was still no sudden pain, no sword through your chest or severing your head, no sudden hit to the skull, nor were there hands forcing your face into the water until the bubbles stopped, nor any cutting, no slitting your throat, just…quiet sobbing?
Your mind froze for a second, and you held your breath to see whether the crying was actually from you. And it wasn’t. So, you waited. What else could make Legend wait? He was a hero, right? Maybe he just needed to psych himself up? It couldn’t be easy, you figured, literally stabbing someone in the back —
OH! Maybe that was actually the problem? Maybe he wanted to be at least a little more honorable and kill you face-to-face? After all, back-stabbing has a rather negative connotation attached to it. Facing forward and watching your killer do the job wasn’t really what you’d prefer, but it’s not like you had much choice in the matter. After all, he was the one with the sword.
In order to solve this newfound problem you slowly turned around and faced your whole body towards him, eyes closed, arms still out in a sign of surrender, tense muscles still ready for whatever method he would choose to end you. Maybe it would be kind? Likely not, seeing as you were a threat to his family. 
Tentatively you opened your mouth and quietly reassured him, “If you want to do it head-on and not with my back to you, that’s…cool too? I-”
“Oh goddesses,” he practically choked on the words, “you…you actually are serious…?” His voice was rough with…emotion? Confusion? But why? You were giving him what he wanted, right? You were keeping your frien- his family safe…right?
And then you cautiously cracked open your eyes a little bit, and then opened them all the way, and you lifted your gaze and actually looked at him, rather than just listening.
And you saw that he was an absolute wreck.
Rarely seen tears now freely flowed from his violet eyes, and he had to sniff to keep his nose from running too much. His chin quivered slightly and his adam’s apple bobbed as he tried to find words without openly sobbing. He dropped his sword as his posture went slack, a hand raising to cover his mouth, his watering eyes wide with disbelief and something remarkably akin to grief. Your confusion turned to concern for the man before you. Why was he crying? Was he hurt somewhere? Surely that was the case, for no one could change their mind as abruptly as he seemed to, right? 
He finally whispered hoarsely, “You…do you really…you’re actually willing to just…let me kill you?” He seemed shocked at your actions, but you didn’t know why. Unless…oh gosh, had you misread the situation?? You weren’t sure how you could have, but what if you did? What if you were the one to make him cry? How awful of a person could you be?
“I — I’m sorry, I — yeah, I meant it, really. I mean, I still do, but — I-I’m sorry if I misunderstood, I really am, I just wanted what was right, and I — I just figured you’d know better than me, that you’re right, but I didn’t mean to upset you, I swear, I’m sorry for making you cry, I never wanted that, I just wanted to keep them — keep you all — safe, but if I—”
“Just…stop… please .”
And you froze. Because Legend…he’d said please . He had never said please in the entire time you’d known him, and certainly not while addressing you of all people. So, you stopped. Your arms were in pain, however, and you risked slowly lowering them so they could lose their pins and needles. He didn’t react. He just brought his fist to his eyes in an attempt to get rid of the tears. He was no longer actively crying, so you counted that as a win. You continued to look at him, confused, but not trying to talk any more. You figured he would decide what to do in a minute. Maybe, you thought, he was crying with relief that he could finally stop fighting you.
And then he finally spoke again, in a very small, very subdued, almost unbelieving voice. “You’re telling the truth, aren’t you?” He seemed to hardly believe it.
No, you denied the small spark of hope trying to take root in the void of your chest. There’s no way. It’s too late. He’s going to kill me. He can’t have been wrong. I’m supposed to die, right?
He raised his eyes to meet yours once more, and it was all you could do to nod in agreement. After all, you had never tried to deceive any of them. You’d only ever endeavored to tell the truth, and you weren’t going to stop now of all times.
“You’re not…a witch?” He seemed to almost be thinking aloud, not actually talking to you anymore, but you nodded along anyway, just in case. “You’re not actually a traitor, are you?” He murmured, “You’re…goddesses, you’re not even evil, are you? An enemy would never turn their back to me, Dark Link would never surrender, but…that means you…you’re just a person…just…” Then, in an even smaller voice and with an emotion you couldn’t quite place, “You’re…just you? Was I about to — to kill — an innocent?”
And at that moment you recognized his emotion: horror.
Link was mortified, absolutely horrified that he, a hero of courage, one of Hylia’s chosen, a bearer of the triforce, savior of realms and countries, Link, was about to kill you, a person who had never actually harmed him or his brothers, someone he’d been so set on not trusting that he’d tried to twist you into something that you’d never been. You had tried so hard to protect them where you could, to ease their burdens, to not cause problems, to bond with them, to ignore his acidic hatred, and you’d been through so much pain and loss, and been targeted by Dark himself, and he still had tried to make everyone reject you. You were traumatized, hunted, injured, afraid, and he still hadn’t held back. Your questions had never been any sort of interrogation, but simply confusion. The trust you gained from the others was simply friendship, not any sort of witchcraft or manipulation.
And, with mounting terror, he finally, deeply, truly realized that he had somehow even convinced you — sweet, innocent, confused, traumatized, eager-to-help, optimistic [Name] — that you actually were the problem, that you should — 
Oh goddesses, he’d convinced you that you were better off dead, that you should want to die — that you should just let him kill you. And for some heartbreaking reason, you had not only agreed, but then you’d exposed your most vulnerable points, without any sort of armor or protection, dropped your weapon, lowered your guard, closed your eyes, and told him to do what he believed was right…
You thought he was going to kill the person he should have been protecting this entire time. And you endorsed it only because of ignorant trust in someone who was supposed to be a hero.
And when he panicked, you’d tried to help him kill you .
He looked at you and saw your pain, your sadness, your survival, your resignation, your scars, your desperation to help others, he saw YOU, and not a trace of what he’d so firmly believed you to be. He was planning your death, and you’d tried to comfort him.
And Legend broke.
He did something neither of you expected; Legend, the one who had tried so hard to hate you, vaulted over the small distance between you, wrapped his arms around you, and held on so tightly he thought he might never let go. You had stiffened at first, halfway expecting a knife in your back, but when that didn’t happen you relaxed, almost dizzy with relief and swirling emotions, and you hugged him back just as fiercely. His face was on your shoulder, head bowed so that the fabric of your shirt muffled his increasingly panicked sobs and hiccups. And through those noises you could hear him apologizing relentlessly,
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, goddesses I’m so sorry, [Name] I — I’m so — so sorry, I’m sorry, I was so blind , I’m sorry, I was wrong, I was so, so, so — wrong, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” and so he continued.
You finally breathed for what felt like the first time since he’d snuck up behind you. Your heart was pounding and, now that you held Legend in your arms, you could feel his heart thundering just as quickly as your own. You gently lowered the two of you to the ground, trying to comfort him even as you worked through your own dissolving panic. You held him as if he were a child, gently rocking back and forth as you tried to imbue him with a sense of safe-secure-trust-okay.
“Shhh sh sh shh,” you whispered, “it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re okay, I’m okay, shh shh shhh, it’s okay, I…
I forgive you, Link.”
At this statement he began to sob even more heavily, and your own tears soaked his tunic as surely as his did your own.
“NO! No, you shouldn’t! You — you — I almost killed you!!” He pulled back and looked at you without letting go. “I would have killed you, [Name]! You — you can’t just forgive me! I — I’m so sorry, I can’t ever explain, I — I was so sure you weren’t trustworthy, I didn’t even give you a chance, I — gosh I basically just tried to freaking kill you, and you just…you can’t just — just —” he fell into hysteric hiccups once again, allowing you to interrupt.
“Well then, it’s a good thing you don’t decide what I can and can’t do, isn’t it?” You released your hug to hold his face in both hands, using a thumb to brush his tear-stained cheeks. “I’ll admit…I was, for a moment, scared, but,” you cut off his heartbroken and shattered gasp, “I get it. I don’t excuse what you’ve done, but I do somewhat understand and I forgive you, Legend. I choose to forgive you, Link.”
His world stopped in that moment. He stared into your eyes, so open, brimming with tears that he had caused. You shouldn’t forgive him. He was going to murder you, literally stab you in the back, in cold blood, right outside the safety of camp where his own brothers, who trusted both him and you, slept peacefully, placing full faith in him to keep the monsters at bay. And yet here he was, more of a monster than any of their Ganons or Ganondorfs could have ever hoped to be. He was despicable.
And then you even went so far as to offer him a watery smile that tugged gently on the Sheikah scars adorning your face, the scars of what you’d endured and survived. Oh goddesses, you were trying to comfort him — him — instead of yourself. You opened your arms and offered him another hug, and he was suddenly so thankful you were alive, that you were there with him, and that he hadn’t killed you. And he finally, fully, completely collapsed, releasing the pain he’d hidden away for so long from so much betrayal, distrust, and loss, burying his face into your shoulder once more. His stuttering breaths and hiccups prevented him from speaking, from begging you to hate him back, from telling you to strike him down then and there as surely as he planned to do to you, from screaming until his voice gave out simply because of his pure loathing toward himself, toward this monster he had let himself become.
You gently nudged him back toward camp, all the while holding him and tracing pointless patterns along his back, caressing his hair and whispering forgiveness in his ears. You fell asleep trying to keep watch for him by the fire, both of you tangled up in the other’s embrace, resting in the safety of someone you loved.
You both slept soundly and without nightmares for the first time in weeks.
And as the two of you sat there after crying your souls out to each other, having realized how much you actually cared for one another, the sounds of the forest slowly filtered back, joining with your sobs in a beautiful melody of mourning and life, shame and forgiveness. Your rivers of tears mingled together and joined the small creek, the whispers of your pain, relief, salvation, and reconciliation joining the water’s ever-increasing library of whispered memories and silent emotions. And it would never tell a soul, for no one could know what it knew; and you would never, ever know just how happy it was to gain your streams of tears and joy instead of the rivers of your life-blood. 
And if the third watchman woke to find the two most bitter of enemies curled up together asleep by the fire, tear tracks on their red-splotched faces, hair unkempt and, in your case, feet bare, and if he simply draped a blanket over you both and almost cried himself, well…who needs to know?
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iti-iskuna · 2 months
The Wisdom to Know the Difference
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Category: F/M
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
Word Count: 3,968
The frigid winds of Mount Lanayru howled like an injured dog. A high-pitched, aching whine echoed off the permafrost with every bluster, as if Nayru herself were wailing from the ice-capped peak. Any snow that had fallen and settled was thrust into the air with each gust, twirling in a delicate dance before gently drifting to the ground, waiting to be kicked up once again. Even in the warmest summers, this mountain showed no mercy to its pilgrims, an unkindly hostess to all who dared to visit her. Under the cold and disinterested gaze of the Hyrulean stars, Lady Zelda stood upon the mountain with her back turned and listened.
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bunnyscar · 5 months
Do You Love Me?
“Zelda, what is love?” Link suddenly asked. Zelda looked up at him in surprise. They had been studying together in the library, doing research for their science project. She failed to see how bacteria and love were connected, however.
“Well, love cares about another person,” Zelda answered slowly. “It puts another person’s needs before your own and seeks their wellbeing. And if you really love someone, you’ll show it by your actions. Love isn’t just an emotion that passes or words spoken in the heat of a moment; it’s something that lasts, that forms a bond between people, whether that be love between family, friends, or lovers. Though it looks a little different depending on the relationship. I guess most often it’s used in the romantic sense, but even friends love each other. Why do you ask?”
“Someone once told me he loved me….At first I believed him, but I’ve long since realized that was a lie. I suppose I just wondered what it would be like to actually love someone.” Link fell silent, and Zelda started to assume that he had returned to reading about bacterial infections, when he spoke again. “Do you love me?”
Zelda sat speechless for a moment, her mind going blank at the unexpected question. Then a smile broke over her face. “Yes, I do love you Link. I love you as my friend.”
Link studied her a moment, then for the second time since meeting him, Zelda saw him smile. It was still timid and small, but it was genuine and hopeful. “I would like to learn how to love you too. I’ve...never had a friend before,” he murmured.
Friend. A warm happiness settled in Zelda’s chest at the word, joy filling her at finally being called a friend by someone who had become quite important to her. A friend...though perhaps in the future it might become something else, a friend was all she and Link wanted right now.
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itsamepatches · 1 year
With a whopping 18K words, here's the second/final chapter of the time reset/"Outset Neighbor Ganondorf AU" ganonbeck fic :B
I might do a one-shot involving this AU, but I do have another Ganonbeck fic in the works, so...see you then!
Rating: General/Teens Series: Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass/Wind Waker Pairing: Ganondorf/Linebeck Chapters: 1 (here) / 2 (you are here)
❤️ Summary:      In a bold move, Linebeck took a step towards Ganondorf and shoved his hands into his pockets, shooting a cat-like grin up at him. “You want the full tour around Outset? I’ll give it to you, every nook and cranny...if you can keep up.” Ganondorf was amused by his recovery, and so, with a smirk, he replied, “Then please, lead the way, captain.”
It's a brand new day in Outset Village, and Link, Aryll, and Linebeck are sent to Ganondorf's house, bearing a gift (it's Granny's special stew!), but when Link and Aryll ditch Linebeck so they can get to know each other which leads to Linebeck giving him the official Outset Island tour! Houses, shops, milk bar, and a mysterious forest at the top of the island galore! What could be in store for the two men? And is Ganondorf ready to let go of the past and start his life anew?
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michpat6 · 1 year
“I’m heading into town to buy food,” he tells her, welcoming the chill of the air, “I won’t be long.”
“All right,” she says, covering the safflina seeds with soil, “Do you need more?”
More? Link looks down at himself, confused. More what?
Link finds extra money in his wallet every month, something he chalks up to him being bad at math. Unbeknownst to him, Zelda thinks he's her landlord.
i uploaded this yesterday and forgot to make a tumblr post OOPS-
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absent-enigma · 1 year
Oh hey look I finally posted a different fandom like my blog description said I might do eventually (it’s Legend of Zelda) amid all my undertale aus (so the fic is under a pseud for organization purposes).
I needed some more angst and Zelda 1st pov because I feel like I don’t see enough of her pov in fanfics (or haven’t come across them). Spoilers for the game, because I like to go with the angst ridden areas of story and try to make them sadder if the game didn’t make them tragic enough. Tags and notes of the fic warn of spoilers, even if I divert away now and again. Hence canon divergence.
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greyennui · 2 years
GreyEnnui AO3 Works List
Don't Commit
BotW Link/Sheik (Sheik's POV) Status: Ongoing Rating: Explicit Summary: Sheik lies in wait for the Hero of Legend, ready to fulfill his duty to the clan and take out the one person who could stop Lord Ganon. But this kid isn't a Hero. He's weak, unskilled, and knows nothing. Unable to bring himself to do the deed just yet, he instead follows the scrawny blond to Kakariko, determined to learn more. But he finds more than he's bargained for in the village of his enemies, and, against his wishes, his life is turned upside down.
Anger is but Passion Borne of Love (co-writer: @waterho-writes)
Bowuigi Regency Romance Status: Ongoing Rating: Explicit Summary: A Regency-period retelling of Beauty and the Beast, featuring Luigi and Human!Bowser.
A New Companion
BotW Link & Wolf Link (Wolf Link's POV) Status: Hiatus Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Summary: The Hero of Twilight finds himself in a different Hyrule, facing a different Hero, and wearing a different body. Communication is a bit difficult, but they manage.
Gan Doesn't Die at the End
10,000 years before BotW Link/Ganondorf (Link's POV) Status: Ongoing Rating: Explicit Summary: It's ten thousand years before the events of Breath of the Wild, and Princess Zelda and the Sheikah monks are scrambling to prepare for the prophesied coming of the Calamity. When Link—a gifted battle mage from the Zonai tribe—draws the Master Sword, he's thrust into a destiny he doesn't want—one that conflicts with the plans of his new lover, the Gerudo King Ganondorf. Link knows he has to face fate head-on to save Hyrule, but at what cost?
The Hero's Sword
Pre-BotW Link One-Shot (Link's POV) Status: Completed Summary: A twelve-year-old prodigy swordsman has recently arrived at Hyrule's Military Training Camp, where he hears a strange voice calling him into the forest. Link answers the call, against his better judgment.
No Small Thing
Pre-Calamity Link/Zelda One-Shot (Link's POV) Status: Completed Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Summary: Link isn't supposed to have feelings for the princess. He isn't supposed to want to touch her, especially not behind closed doors. Zelda has other plans, and she doesn't hesitate to put them in motion.
Did She Know?
Post-Calamity Link/Zelda One-Shot (Link's POV) Status: Completed Rating: Mature Summary: Link and Zelda get a little closer on a chilly night.
Post-Calamity Link & Zelda One-Shot (Link's POV) Status: Completed Rating: General Audiences Summary: Link and Zelda finally have some peace after defeating the Calamity, and they talk about their feelings.
My Hero, My God
Pre-Skyward Sword Link & Hylia One-Shot (Link's POV) Status: Completed Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Summary: This is how I imagine the Fierce Deity came to be, and what that was like for him.
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hopelessbluebird · 1 year
Tell me why I decided to make the entire great plateau the first chapter
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musical-chan · 9 months
Starfall Wishes
I created a holiday for a discord prompt! Welcome to the winter holiday of Starfall. Every winter, thousands of stars fall from the sky. The people of Hyrule believe these are blessings from the Golden Goddesses and celebrate the occasion with food, decorations and festivals. Set in the era of post-OOT/MM and written in my Father of Time AU, join Link as he discovers what Starfall is for the first time.
I'm honestly very happy with this holiday I created. I think it has a very Zelda-Universe flair and I hope to use it again in other fanfics. I hope other people enjoy it as well!
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walkie-taco · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda), Link & Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Characters: Link (Legend of Zelda), Zelda (Legend of Zelda), Telma (Legend of Zelda), Great Deku Tree (Legend of Zelda), Mayor Bo (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - Actors, Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF, disaster link, your honor they are in love, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, it's an au so there's lots of characters, not gonna tag everyone Summary:
“Basically, we’d begin with ‘leaking’ a picture of you two off-set, close to each other, having a personal moment. Nothing definitive, just enough to get people’s imaginations active. After certifying that our targeted parties have seen the picture, we’d have one of our sleeper fan accounts suggest that you two had grown close during the filming of the first season. More than close.” Mr. Masters’ eyebrows flared meaningfully. Mr. Green swallowed pointedly, a small artificial smile on his face, and now Link was certain the man was uncomfortable. Link took a few seconds to process what Mr. Masters had said. He glanced at Zelda, who avoided his gaze. “Wait…” he began. “So you’d be… starting a rumor…that we’re… dating?
AKA the actors/fake dating au no one asked for (but we all needed.)
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iti-iskuna · 2 months
To Sow You Back Up Like a Garden
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Category: F/M
Rating: Mature (Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Word Count: 3,520
“Well,” Zelda sighed, “I supposed we have some time to…” Her voice trailed off as she turned around to face Link. She had barely caught it, the smallest crack of his invisible armor, but she saw it nonetheless: a slight grimace as his torso twisted away from the door, his left hand—his offhand—trailing on the doorknob. “Link?” Zelda stepped toward him cautiously. “Are you alright?” Her silent knight remained true to his reputation. As he nodded stiffly in response, she could see a flash of pain flicker in his bright blue eyes. His bottom lip puckered ever so slightly, as if he trapped the inner flesh of it between his teeth. “Link.” Zelda closed the distance between them, her jaw set and her breath quickening. “Show me.”
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The Great Hero. Link, hero of the Wild.
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Yiga slashed, their blades cutting through the air like it was nothing more then paper. Guards yelled, some fought against the horde of ninjas, despertely protecting their princess.
Zelda watched in horror at the sight of the solidrrs fighting. A gentle hand came to her shoulder, shoving her back as a yiga suddenly appeared in front of her. She glanced up, seeing Link drawing his sword and slashing at the yiga.
Zelda gasped as the yiga cut across the hero, leaving blood staining through his clothes. He slashed the yiga down, and the yiga disappeared in a puff of smoke. Leaving behind a handful of rupees and bananas in their wake. Link bent down, offering his hand to her and Zelda took it.
Zelda offered to help support Link, but he refused. She stared at the castle as the yiga swarmed it, as she and Link ran.
Collasping, she stared at the ground in front of her, glancing up, she stared at Link sorrowfully. She could feel sobs forming in her throat. They were painful and raw.
“Do not worry.” Link said, his voice confident as he clasped his hands between hers. “Why?”
“Because I am here.” Link whispered quietly. Holding Zelda tightly in his grasp.
Wisps of malice floated through the air and faded. The bow of light felt heavy in the hero’s hands. His sword and hylian sheild clung to his back. He heard his horse huff, her white coat shimmering in the rising sun.
Zelda breathed in quietly, and together they stood up. Both, together again. They rose, and held each other tightly.
After all, its been 100 years.
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itsamepatches · 1 year
hey-a there, guess what. This Ganonbeck fic is actually a 2-chapter story, so I hope this is okay until the next bit is up! :B Please enjoy
Rating: General/Teens Series: Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass/Wind Waker Pairing: Ganondorf/Linebeck Chapters: 1 (here) / 2 (soon)
❤️ Summary: “…” Standing at the end of the dock, staring ahead at the sunset, he lifted a hand and spread his fingers, allowing the wind to wisp through the openings. The wind, it felt so...bittersweet, and Goddesses knew why that could’ve been, because Ganondorf had yet to figure out why the faint sensation of air playing with his hair, his jacket, and even his shirt’s collar, gave him déjà vu. Had he wanted to feel such a cool, caring sensation before? But why? Ever since he arrived to this village to live out his life independently, he’s been coming out here or the beach to feel the wind. The wind continued to play with Ganondorf’s hand, even as he felt himself mumble, “I coveted the wind, I suppose.”
In a little village with a population around 30 people or so, it's quite easy to spot a new face in Outset, and the latest addition is no exception. A man by the name of "Ganondorf" recently moved here, and slowly, Link and Linebeck realize that he isn't an ordinary man. Much to the annoyance and slight uneasiness of himself, Linebeck is assigned with getting to know the man better, and to see what he's truly like. Who is he? And why does he seem to enjoy Linebeck's company?
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russeliarat · 2 years
I FINALLY GOT THE DAMN CHAPTER OUT!! It took like a month coz of exams and illness but it’s whatever because it’s out now. Go wild, go free, it’s Chapter 14!
Chapter Summary: Stealth gone wrogn
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michpat6 · 2 years
“It’s just one step,” Link coaxes, holding out his hands, the blades of his skates somehow still on the ice, his body solid and his legs unshakeable, “I have you.”
It’s what he said to her after the Yiga ambush in the desert and she couldn’t breathe through her tears, caught in the idea that she was going to die. He broke every single protocol that was drilled into him by their fathers and curled around her in the sand, holding her in his arms until the knot in her chest loosened and she could tell him to let go.
I have you, he had whispered in her ear, speaking more than a word to her for the first time since the day of his assignment, You’re okay. I have you.
“Just one step,” she echoes, and takes it, stepping out onto the ice and slipping her hands into his.
Before, Link teaches Zelda how to ice skate. After, Zelda returns the favor.
i wrote a fic for @softpromise in a gift exchange!
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thezoraprince · 2 years
requests are open
i haven't written tloz content in a while, and i would LOVE to get back into it! (my computer is filled with legends arceus fics)
request s are not limited to just sidon. feel free to send in other characters if you wish <3
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