#Lena Lesbian Luthor
thecasualqueer · 7 months
Lena Luthor (PhD): *puts glasses on and looks in the mirror* Ahhh!!!! Who the fuck is that???
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rizzyun · 1 year
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Surprise ship :p 
Supergirl by me Lena by my @rachasakawa Photo by @ronaldoichiphotography
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plAtOnIC oR rOMaNtIC yOu dECiDe
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sprqpointintern · 1 year
Kara: If we ever got lost at sea and I didn't have my powers, I'd just hold on to you.
Lena: Aww Kara, that's so sweet.
Kara: It's also the smart choice. We'd never stop floating.
Lena: What do you mean?
Kara: I'm just saying, you've got two giant flotation devices sitting right there on your chest.
Lena: You mean my breasts?
Kara: Yeah. Your buoyant, bouncy, beautiful boobies...
Lena: You're terrible, you know that right?
Kara: I'm just being pragmatic here.
Lena: Well how about we put that pragmatism to the test right now.
Kara: You just read my mind!
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drackerkwke · 1 year
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nimrism · 1 year
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i was staring at this gif and it occurred to me that lena's blatant mistreatment of her hair when she's stressed might eventually (accidentally) be directed towards her daughter and this is the product of that thought process :)
Lena's staring out the window at the waking city below, but her mind is elsewhere. Today is her first human test trial, she'll finally get to see the Harun-El in action, and the inside of her brain is akin to a nightclub if it was set on fire and everyone inside was screaming as ten different speakers malfunctioned and played ten different songs while top-shelf scotch rained down from the ceiling that was quickly caving in. She shakes it off in favor of watching civilians begin to fill the streets below, off to do whatever mundane, normal-people tasks they did every single day. She sometimes wonders, if she weren't a Luthor, would she be content just waking up every day and going to the same 9-5 job until she retired? Her position at L-Corp gave her incredible opportunities to make a difference, to better the world. This project was no different.
It's still pretty early; she's the first at the office, as usual. Her hair is down and her heels are off, and there isn't anyone there to see her, but she still feels exposed. She hears her mother's voice at the back of her mind, critiquing her outfit, commenting on her hair, on her posture. She sets her jaw and pulls out a hair tie.
Running a hand through the dark locks atop her head, she turns back to the window, unseeing. She's too busy considering the possible outcomes of today's trial. She pushes her hair away from her shoulders and lets her head fall back as she gathers the loose strands of hair, making sure none of it stays on her neck. She's quick, and she's efficient, running long fingers through dark tresses, taking out any tangles, and pulling her hair higher. She swallows as she gathers every last strand of raven black hair into a fist – a little too aggressively, mind you, but her head was used to the forceful tugging by now – and she wrapped the hair tie around them, securing them in a tight ponytail on top of her head.
She finally pulls her heels on and straightens her back. Business mode. And just in time, because Eve comes strutting in, announcing the arrival of the test subject.
It wasn't something she wasn't used to – pulling her hair up into a tight ponytail or bun that threatened to rip her scalp clean off – she did it on an almost daily basis. It made her look professional. Strong. Intimidating. Jess had voiced her concern for Lena's hair follicles, warning that she would look like her brother soon if she kept at it, but the CEO had paid it no mind. She didn't even feel it anymore.
It wasn't until Kara came waltzing into her life that Lena had dialed down the tight hairstyles, going for more relaxed ponytails and sometimes even keeping it down. If her hair could speak, she knew it would worship Kara for saving it.
The blonde complimented Lena on her hair – and everything else – especially when she wore it down, and so it wasn't like Lena lacked incentive to do it. Kara loved it. And Lena loved Kara's compliments, so the brunette's hair began to enjoy longer periods of freedom.
Six years later
Kara's busy with something that came up at the DEO, and Lena's glued to her laptop, working from home to keep an eye on their little girl. Lori wasn't so little anymore, she was five now, she didn't necessarily require the amount of supervision she did when they'd first had her, but she had insisted her mother stay with her, and Lena could never say no to that adorable little pout.
An email from a particularly misogynistic business partner makes Lena want to pull her hair up in a bun, pull on some heels, break into his house, cross her arms and glare at the man until he surrendered and fell at her feet. They all do, she thought to herself as she began to type out a reeling reply.
She's halfway through spelling out a sincerely nasty word when she feels a little finger nudge her arm.
"Mommy?" The child has Kara's eyes, a deep blue so painfully beautiful you'd sell your heart and soul just to stare into it.
Not even her daughter can take Lena out of her mood, but she sets her laptop aside and looks at her. "What is it, darling?"
"Mommy, my ponytail fell," the kid pouts. She resembles Kara so much it actually physically hurts.
Lena's ready to shut her laptop and spend the rest of the day with the literal sunshine that is her daughter, but another email arrives from the same misogynistic asshole.
Lena bites her lip as she glares at the screen as if, out of sheer force of will, it would shatter and send a shard of glass straight through the man's heart.
"Mommy?" The pout still hasn't left her face.
"Come here, baby," Lena shoves her laptop onto the coffee table and hoists the little girl onto her lap.
She takes the hair tie from her chubby little hand and begins to gather her hair together, gentle at first, then she catches a phrase from the email out of the corner of her eye and her jaw is working again, her grip tightening in the child's hair.
She quickly runs her fingers through it, flattening the curls at the top, then she tugs at it with one fist, intent on pulling it up and securing it with the hair tie in her hand.
Kara zooms in through the open window, taking in the sight of Lena with their daughter on her lap, immediately recognizing one of Lena's worst habits.
She superspeeds to the couch, gently prying Lena's hands away from the small child's hair, who immediately throws her arms around Kara's neck.
"Lena," Kara gently whispers as she picks her daughter up and sits down next to her wife. "First of all, stop grinding your teeth. I could hear it from the DEO."
"Shit, I'm sorry," Lena relaxes only the slightest bit. "I'm sorry, darling, did I hurt you?" She cups her daughter's cheek apologetically.
"Not really. I just felt my hair follicles being ripped out." the little girl mumbled.
"Hey! Where'd you learn that?" Lena narrows her eyes at Kara, who's suddenly found great interest in the ceiling lamp.
"I haven't said that in a while! Last time we talked about your hair, it was about how it was finally gaining volume because you stopped pulling it!" The blonde raises her hands, palms facing Lena, a perfect picture of innocence. Lori is giggling in her lap.
Kara shoots Lena a blinding smile, mirrored by her daughter's own, and it's enough to make whatever anger Lena had been harboring dissipate. Hell, it was enough to end wars, as far as she was concerned.
Her rage turned into laughter that bubbled up her throat as she tackled Kara, making sure her daughter was safe before bombarding her two girls with kisses. Misogynistic asshole #968796 would have to wait.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Keep Her From Falling
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〖Notes: Thanks to @goldenempyrean for helping to pull me out of my writing rut with this idea! ALSO. This is a sort of slow burn supercorp, there will be a part two which is in the works.〗
〖Summary: When Kara shows up soaking wet to an interview with Lena the brunette knows she has to do something.〗
〖Word Count: 1.3k〗
〖Pairing: Supercorp technically〗
Lena sighed and listened to the rain pattering outside, letting the sound quell her anxiety about the upcoming interview with her favorite blonde reporter. The young genius did a wonderful job of disguising her true feelings, hiding her constant nerves behind a quick wit and confident demeanor but in reality, she was sort of a mess. 
A mess who may or may not have been in love with a certain reporter who was now running five minutes late. Lena checked her watch for the fifth time in the last ten minutes, concern beginning to overcome her jitters. Kara was never late. Every other time she had come for an interview she was at least fifteen minutes early and brought coffee or doughnuts. 
Now, Lena was well aware of her best friend’s “secret” identity, it had become pretty clear upon one of their first meetings in which Kara had claimed to have flown to her office on a bus. That was the beginning, then the dots had been pretty easy to connect. Glasses didn’t do much to hide one’s identity, especially after it had become clear. 
It was a quiet understanding between them, Kara knew that Lena knew her secret but neither pushed the issue. Eventually, they’d need to have that conversation, but for now, the silence let them live in harmony. 
The brunette sighed and glanced at her watch again, wondering if she should contact Alex to see where the woman was. She was getting legitimately worried. 
Just as Lena was pulling out her phone to text both the blonde in question and her sister, the door cracked open and a sopping wet miserable-looking reporter poked her head in, water dripping from her hair onto her face and then onto her sopping clothes. 
“H-hi Lena, s-s-sorry I’m late.” Kara practically whispered, her voice little more than a hoarse croak. Lena felt her jaw drop at the sight, but her shock was quickly replaced by a sense of urgency. She stood and walked to the blonde’s side, taking her best friend's freezing hands in hers. 
“Oh Kara, what happened?” She asked gently, trying to decide what exactly she was going to do about the soaking, shivering woman. 
“Got c-caught in the r-rain.” The blonde tried for a chuckle, but it came out as a chesty cough that seemed to take a lot of energy out of her. Those beautiful crystal blue eyes were dull and confused, her chapped nose running slightly. The poor thing looked awful. 
“Yeah, I can see that. Come here, sit down. Let me get you some dry clothes.” She guided Kara over to the couch and sat her down, ignoring the woman’s protests that she was fine. Once she had the reporter sitting, Lena went back to her desk and pulled out a change of clothes and a towel, things she kept in her office just in case she was forced to stay the night on the couch. She was the first person to tell you that sleeping in a pencil skirt was not comfortable. 
“Okay, go dry off and get changed. Then I’m taking you home,” she said, gesturing towards the bathroom branching off of her office. It was a very nice bathroom, complete with a shower which didn’t get used very often. She would have offered to let Kara use it but the likelihood that the woman would accept was so low she figured that it would be better just not to bother. 
“Lena, the i-interview,” Kara replied, her brow furrowing as she talked. That notorious ‘crinkle’ emerged and Lena almost smiled, she probably would have if not for her worry for her friend. 
“No. You’re sick, you’re going to change and I’m taking you home.” Lena replied, not letting her get any further. Of course, the blonde was stubborn. It wasn’t going to be quite so easy. 
Kara wrinkled her nose and crossed her arms over her chest, getting to her feet. The CEO went rigid, waiting for the woman to fall as she prepared to drop the clothes and catch her. Thankfully, although the blonde’s face when stark white, well, whiter than it already was, she remained on her feet. 
“I’m fine.” Lena reached over and touched her forehead, astonished at the heat waves being thrown from the woman’s skin. All logic would say that she should be cold as ice after being out for so long in the rain. 
"No, you're not fine. You're burning up.” She argued, tucking a piece of her dripping blonde hair behind her ear. The alien shivered a bit but didn’t move, not willing to back down. 
“Everyone gets colds, I-I’ll live,” Kara said, sounding unsure. There was a glint in her eyes that screamed panic but they both knew that she wasn’t going to say anything. 
Lena tilted her head to the side slightly, squinting at her friend as she tried to decide how best to approach this situation. She decided that for now, a blunt approach would be best. 
“Okay. We both know that isn’t true, you don’t get sick unless you solar flare and this is worse than a cold. Go get changed, when we get back to your place you can shower to warm up a little, but this will have to do for now.” 
Kara looked a bit stunned as she realized that Lena knew about the Supergirl thing. The brunette sort of brushed it off as if it was nothing and took a step forward to grab one of the ill woman’s hands. They would have to discuss everything later when Kara was feeling better. 
“Come on, please Kara. If you can get sick you can get hypothermia. You’re shivering. I’ll even dry your hair if you want.” Her tone was softer now, her posture radiating loving concern. She watched as Kara’s walls broke down and she hunched in on herself, sneezing towards her chest. It was followed by another fit of lung-rattling coughs that made Lena worry about bronchitis, or worse, pneumonia. 
“But Snapper…” She trailed off, running out of arguments. Being home and warm with Lena to take care of her sounded so nice, she was wondering if the brunette would be willing to cuddle. She needed a hug. 
“I’ll deal with him. Go.”
 Kara begrudgingly took the clothes and walked into the bathroom which, if she wasn’t so sick, she would have had to admire. It was a nice bathroom. She set the clothes on the toilet lid and began to dry her hair and body, sneezing twice before she was finished. 
The blonde then quickly pulled on the fresh set of clothes, taking a moment to bury her face in the soft, nice-smelling fabric. She was grateful that her nose wasn’t too stuffy to smell Lena’s clean perfume, the smell bringing her a sense of comfort. 
She padded out of the bathroom in just socks, surprised to see her best friend waiting with a pair of booths and a large raincoat. 
“My driver is waiting right outside; we shouldn’t be in the rain for too long. Put this stuff on and we’ll get you home.” Kara obeyed wordlessly, too tired to argue or even thank the CEO. That didn’t bother Lena at all, she was just relieved to see that the blonde was accepting her help. 
Once Kara was bundled up in the knee-length raincoat and what could’ve passed as snow boots the younger woman pulled on her coat before doing one final mental sweep of the office. Nothing needed to be done, everything was ready. 
“Shall we?” she asked, holding out a hand for Kara to take. The blonde accepted and allowed herself to be half dragged from the building, stumbling over her feet in her dizzy haze. Even though she was slightly off balance, she wasn’t worried about it. Lena would keep her from falling. 
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @juststuckhereforever, @fayhar, @chairhere, @canvascoloredin, @iliketozoneout, @goldenempyrean, @rantingsofahopelessromantic
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matixv · 2 years
Mommy Lena Luthor x girl reader
Summary: Lena has been your mommy for a couple of years now, you have always behaved like a good girl, but work had been stressing you out recently and you find yourself taking out your anger on her by accident. She doesn’t want to punish you, but discipline is important and she wants to be sure you’ll learn how to communicate properly. After and during the punishment you start to regress and she notices it.
Warnings: she/her pronouns, smut, mommy kink, light spanking, scolding, discipline, slight exhibitionism kink, punishments, corner time, caning, reader goes non-verbal after the punishment, age play (pacifiers, diapers mention and breastfeeding mention), pet names (baby, little one, darling, sweetheart), everything is safe and consensual.
Words count: 2.6 k
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You were about to leave your office when your boss called you back grotesquely, almost like he was talking to an animal. That day you had worked more hours than expected, and you had not been able to rest even a minute; everything had contributed to make your day worse, but above all, to make you lose any communication skills that were not railing against the ones who were talking to you.
You had tried every possible method during those exhausting fifteen hours of work surrounded by misogynistic and careless men: camomiles, relaxing music and other coping techniques to avoid throwing fists left and right, but nothing had worked.
The company you worked for was a major addition to the company that your fiancée, Lena, ran. Everything that was discussed or decided, then passed through the office of the one who had complete control over you. Everyone knew about your relationship, so they were especially strict and mean to you, but you never dared to tell Lena the truth, as much as you could, you wanted to keep your humble role in the company and if she knew how they treated you, she would have forced you to stay home.
The job consisted in finding new ideas to advertise and promote the company in the United States and abroad, this also required long periods away from home, but you were always chosen to accompany the boss on her travels.
“Y/N come here!” the dirty and mean man called you from his black chair placed in the middle of the office.
You stopped in your steps, and taking a deep breath, you walked down the marble corridor, your heels making clicking noises at every step. Your voice was about to break from the stress and tears you had been holding back all afternoon, but you forced yourself to talk anyway. "Yes? How can I help you, Sir?" you asked nicely, placing your hand on the solid wood door frame.
“You look adorable in that little pink dress of yours”. He said smirking in such a pervert way your stomach almost turned upside down. It wasn’t your first time he harassed you, but you decided to ignore it. You muttered a “thank you” and left the office in tears, running for dear life towards the car waiting for you outside the building.
As soon as you got to the ground floor and then outside the building, the driver opened the door and closed it as soon as he knew you were inside. The driver was a trusted man who had worked for the Luthors for many years, so he knew he didn’t have to ask questions about the state you were in. All he asked you for was confirmation of where you were going: the building where Lena worked.
In the back of the car, you tried to fix your makeup to the best of your ability, and to calm down before facing everyone you would meet in the next few minutes. You looked at the phone, but the messages you had sent to your girlfriend previously, still had to be seen. It was probably a busy day for her too. You couldn’t wait to spend a nice evening with her... and maybe... regress to enjoy your mommy all night.
As soon as you got to the company, you’d be on the top floor in Lena’s office. You knew that by now you would definitely have found the door open and could get comfortable on the chair or sofa if she wasn’t in her office. Normally at this time she was checking the daily work of the company, so with a nice sigh, you sat in the comfortable and fresh leather chair, your head was pulsating more and more and you seemed to be able to become small at any moment.
“Look at my baby girl!” You heard her happily screaming as soon as she landed foot in her office. The happy brunette entered her office with great joy, her black outfit giving a great contrast with her voice. “It’s so nice to see you! How was work today? Any good or bad news?”
And there she was, a Lena too happy and loud for your taste. Your eyes crossed for a few seconds and then looked back at each other. Her enthusiasm almost got on your nerves: you had spent all day receiving harassment and insults while she enjoyed the good life sitting at her shiny desk, life was unfair. You raised your eyes, immediately drawing her attention. “It was fine… as usual” you huffed denying her of a smile or even a look.
Lena was good at understanding your feelings, that was her role, especially when you were so small that you couldn’t communicate in any way. But at that precise moment, she made the wrong choice: to encourage you to smile and propose plans for the evening.
“Okay! So, I have planned a wonderful time for tonight! dinner in our favorite restaurant, the Italian one, and then how about a drink in the bar where we first met? would be a great idea to spend the evening in company and you know... remember how beautiful was our first night together"
“You are joking? Right?” You subtly laughed resting your head in your hands, your anger about to come out on the only one person you wouldn’t want for it to come out. “Tell me you are fucking joking”
“Baby, are you fin-“
“Do I look fine?” Your fists clenched and landed on her pristine desk, cracking the glass right in the middle of it. Lena didn’t even finch, she was used to rage outbursts, just not… yours. “Do I look like I want to enjoy a nice evening” you said the last two words mocking her voice. “I can’t stand anymore voices, anymore plans! I’m fed up with everything, and you are here making plans!? What kind of a fucking girlfriend are you?” Tears sliding down your flushed cheeks.
You looked down at the broken desk, not daring to lift your head. You know how dangerous her silence could be. You were now standing, having difficulty deciding your next move. You decided to stay silent and wait for her response.
You heard the sound of her heels coming closer and closer to you, your hands trembling, but you were afraid to hint at any movement. From the beginning of the dynamic, Lena had always shown that she was a sympathetic Mommy, who empathized with every whim of yours and helped you to be better, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t strict in giving discipline, and this was the first time you ever spoke to her like that.
You expected her to match your anger, to yank your hair back and make you kneel at her feet, but instead, her voice was calm… dangerously calm. “Remove your dress and heels, place them on the chair and then bend over the desk, I’ll be removing you panties myself once you are in position”
You knew better than to disobey further, tears already wetting your hands and neck. “Yes Mommy, I-I’m sorry” you tried to apologize.
“Every word I didn’t ask you to pronounce will worth a smack with the cane on your thighs, so choose wisely what to do” her voice stern, advising you on your next moves.
You did as she asked: Your dress and your heels were laid on the chair, your breasts felt the cold of the office, and your nipples soon hardened. When you turned to assume the position, you noticed the open door at the end of the room, and for the first time since your words left your mouth, your looks met. She quickly understood what you wanted to ask. “The door will remain open, I don’t care if someone sees me giving you the discipline you deserve”
You nodded, remembering how much she liked humiliating you in front of her work team. You stood up, bent over the frosty glass of your desk with only your cotton panties on. You knew this was a decision of the both of you, you could have stopped everything with a single word, but it was important for you to be able to vent like this.
You had never been punished like this: they were usually just a couple of spanks on her knees, never standing or bent like this. You had never used objects other than her brush, and that was enough, but you both decided what was a limit and what wasn’t, and you knew that she would waste the opportunity to use one of the tools that you were least waiting to try: the cane.
You trembled and whimpered, fear making you jump at whatever noise. “Color?” She asked placing a soothing hand on your lower back.
“Green” you whispered. A sharp and merciless smack landed on your sitting spot, making you joint forward, your nipples brushing on the broken glass. You forced yourself to silently look straight, not wanting everyone to hear your whimpers.
“Louder” she commanded. “You weren’t so shy to talk just a few minutes ago, you seem to have a pretty good loud voice” she teased rubbing the spot she just hit. She knew how to push your weaknesses, your guilt of misbehaving to the one and only person you trusted with your life. “Come on, louder” she encouraged with a lighter smack.
“Green, Momm-Mistress” you corrected yourself, not sure on how she’d like to be called during such a punishment. Sniffles started leaving your throat and nose, scared you wouldn’t be mommy’s good girl anymore.
“I’m still your Mommy, this punishment doesn’t change anything between us. I’m teaching you that the way you just communicated with me was not right nor respectful, understood?”.
You could only nod, thinking of your luck for finding such a sympathetic girlfriend even in the most delicate moments. She continued to spank you several times, until your ass turned crimson, which also seemed highly painful to the one who was administering the punishment. "Now I’m going to lower your panties to your knees, you’ll take ten spanks with the cane, and I want to hear you count every single one" she recommended lowering the only garment that protected your skin from direct contact with the upcoming object.
“Yes, Mommy” you gently approved of her next move.
It didn’t take that long until the instrument was in her hands. Your whole body was shaking and you had no idea how much more it could hold on. Lena spent a few minutes getting you used to the texture and feeling of the object on your skin, sliding it up and down your back and thighs. Once lifted, you prepared for the impact, closing your eyes and contracting your muscles. This only increased the pain you felt immediately afterwards, a cry of pain left your mouth, now oblivious to who might be at the other end of the door.
After some seconds, Lena was still waiting for the number to be said. She gave a gentle pat over the bruised area, but you were slipping in a deeper headspace to quickly to answer. She ignored your pain and lifted the cane once again, hitting the exact same point.
Your eyes blurred at the pain, tears flooding and pooling next to your hands. You didn’t even think you were able to count to five, you didn’t know numbers in little space. Lena knew she couldn’t use the cane anymore, not while you weren’t in the right space to tell her your color.
You heard her sigh, and throughout the window reflection, you saw her massaging her forehead gently, doubting on what to do with you and with your behavior. You decided to close your eyes and just let your emotions out. “I- can’t-stressed-work-tired-please” you sobbed, leaning your forehead to seek some cool from the desk.
You felt soft hands placing your undergarment where it belonged, and helping you up standing straight once again. She didn’t force you to apologize or to look at her, she knew you to well. She just limited herself in petting your hair. “Ten minutes in the corner, Little one”
You nodded and headed to the corner dedicated to your time-outs, face facing the wall.
You heard her putting some papers away and placing her cane back in the little storage under the library. You also heard her dialing some numbers on the phone placed on the coffee table next to her couch. “Miss Luthor here, I wanted to purchase a new desk, Yes, wooden this time”. You felt her eyes on you, and guilt started running deeply into your veins. “That model is fine, I want it here in my office by the end of the week, thank you.”
Loud cries filled the room, your hands flying to pull your own hair from the guilt you were feeling. Lena rushed to your side, turning you around. “Nothing of that, sweet girl, we don’t want to hurt ourselves, don’t we?” She soothed with her beautiful soft mommy voice.
You were too small to answer and just threw yourself in her embrace. You mumbled an apology while buried in her neck, but she quickly hushed you. “It’s okay, stress can be hard to deal with for little one’s like you, Mommy should have checked on you better before making plans, Mommy is sorry too, my sweet angel baby” she cooed lifting you up.
You let her help you wearing your clothes, and she tried to ground you a little by snuggling you in her dark suit jacket. Before heading outside, she searched in her purse and pulled out a small pink pacifier for you to suck on until you reached your safe house and could latch to her breasts.
By now the building was empty, but even with thousands of people, she wasn’t ashamed to pick you up in her arms and cradle you until she could buckle you in your car seat. As soon as she sat you down, you complained about the pain with a sharp whine, doing grabby hands towards her.
She soothed you with head pats for a couple of minutes, until you settled calmly. “As soon as we are home, Mommy’s gonna give you a hot bath and a little massage on your sore bum, then I’ll change you into a diaper and feed you, kay?”
You just nodded, too tired to say anything else.
Once you regained your communication skills the next day, you told Lena the cause of your anger, not omitting a single detail. After telling her about the harassment that you went through and the abuses that every day you had to endure, you were ready to spend the rest of your life at home, but this did not happen... indeed.
The next day at work, you found a particular name written on the office where your “boss” was just a couple of days ago. Your name.
You quickly discovered that Lena had fired every single man who disturbed you, and you were now the boss of the floor. On the desk there was a little note from her. “I know sweet girl, some days are harder than other and we might fail at communicating, but you know Mommy doesn’t like to punish you. Please, behave like a little good girl and do your best, Mommy will always wait for you at home. I love you my Angel Baby”
You wiped a tear and snapped a picture of the note, sending it to her with the answer: “I love you too, Mommy”
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your-dad-the-fag · 2 years
I want like a Fic we’re kara is infected by red k but it literally does nothing but gives thoughts and shit to her like venom does while also being able to control a part of her subconscious and her body if red k tries hard enough
kara obviously doesn’t know about her feelings for Lena but red k does and red k is very willing to kill a guy because he was bothering Lena and I want it to go like this
Some random guy bothering Lena:
Lena(absolutely disgusted):
Red k (In Kara’s head): murder him for talking to our lover
Kara(surprised): our WHAT
Red k(annoyed): our lover you idiot some man is annoying her and now he must die
Kara (flustered): I don’t like Lena like that
Red k(actually about to take control of Kara’s body and commit man slaughter because the dude touched Lena): Doent matter that you haven’t worked out you feelings yet .. SOME BITCH ASS MAN TOUCHED LENA, MURDER HIM
Kara(actually agreeing with red k): i won’t murder him but I will break his jaw for touching her
And then kara happily taps on the guy who touched Lena and punched him in the face then kara works out her feeling kisses Lena everybody but red k is happy (red k obviously not happy because kara didn’t murder the dude)
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crime-wives · 1 year
the L in L-Corp stands for lesbian, not luthor.
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pendrcgonsluthcrs · 2 years
Lena: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life Alex: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Lena: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Kara: edible
made from this generator.
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thecasualqueer · 6 months
Kara (very nervous): So, we've been on a few dates now, and I was just wondering if you would like to make this official, will you be my girlfriend?
Lena: Kara we've been dating for six months.
Lena: We live together.
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benwvatt · 2 years
Supercorptober 2022 day 1: summer
1100 words, read on AO3
Chapter 1 is a diner AU! In which Kara is a waitress working a summer job, and Lena is a grad student who recently cut ties with her family.
On late nights washing the tables, she’d taken the floral arrangements and plucked the petals off of leftover black-eyed Susans (she loves me, loves me not; she loves me, maybe she loves me? I don’t know, I’d have to ask-)
Kara snapped out of her reverie.
This was a summer job. The night dragged on. Everyone else at Noonan’s had gone home, and Kara was left with the keys to lock the doors. She and Lena liked to stay late and talk over drinks sometimes.
Kara set down an iced coffee and a straw. She wasn’t supposed to sit while she was on the clock, but she wasn’t even on shift in the first place. Lena grinned and tapped her finger at the menu. “You named a sandwich after me?”
And how could Kara not sit down to answer a question like that?
Kara set her many-layered questions aside, and the red vinyl squeaked beneath her legs. She moved closer and her shadow became part of Lena’s in the booth by the corner
“It’s your favorite. Of course we put it on the menu.” The Lena was an order of asiago with ham on ciabatta bread. (Avocado or melon on the side, naturally. Lena couldn’t go a day without avocado.)
Maybe she would ask Lena out to dinner next week. Next month. Sometime.
Kara was happy to ignore the fact that she’d wanted to ask out Lena last week, too, and had conveniently put it off until now.
Read more! AO3 link
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joann-morningstar · 1 year
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Tarde demasiado en dibujarla y espero y les guste no soy profesional pero con mi esfuerzos puedo mejorar y lo disfrute demasíado ❤️❤️✨✨
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drackerkwke · 1 year
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ioveagron · 1 year
nvm about my other post lmfao, i posted a supergirl chat fic on ao3, go read! 🫶
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